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10 March 2020

Enrico Zini: COVID-19 links

COVID-19 #CoronaVirus Infographic Datapack Information is Beautiful
chart covid19 health
COVID-19 Infographic Datapack, Regularly updated
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control infographics
COVID-19 Italia - Monitoraggio situazione
Real-time tracking of pathogen evolution
Community sharing resources, verified information, and support initiatives, on COVID-19
Live world statistics on population, government and economics, society and media, environment, food, water, energy and health.
Your friends and colleagues are talking about something called Bayes s Theorem or Bayes s Rule, or something called Bayesian reasoning. They sound really enthusiastic about it, too, so you google and find a web page about Bayes s Theorem and... It s this equation. That s all. Just one equation. The page you found gives a definition of it, but it doesn t say what it is, or why it s useful, or why your friends would be interested in it. It looks like this random statistics thing. Why does a mathematical concept generate this strange enthusiasm in its students? What is the so-called Bayesian Revolution now sweeping through the sciences, which claims to subsume even the experimental method itself as a special case? What is the secret that the adherents of Bayes know? What is the light that they have seen? Soon you will know. Soon you will be one of us. While there are a few existing online explanations of Bayes s Theorem, my experience with trying to introduce people to Bayesian reasoning is that the existing online explanations are too abstract. Bayesian reasoning is very counterintuitive. People do not employ Bayesian reasoning intuitively, find it very difficult to learn Bayesian reasoning when tutored, and rapidly forget Bayesian methods once the tutoring is over. This holds equally true for novice students and highly trained professionals in a field. Bayesian reasoning is apparently one of those things which, like quantum mechanics or the Wason Selection Test, is inherently difficult for humans to grasp with our built-in mental faculties. Or so they claim. Here you will find an attempt to offer an intuitive explanation of Bayesian reasoning an excruciatingly gentle introduction that invokes all the human ways of grasping numbers, from natural frequencies to spatial visualization. The intent is to convey, not abstract rules for manipulating numbers, but what the numbers mean, and why the rules are what they are (and cannot possibly be anything else). When you are finished reading this, you will see Bayesian problems in your dreams.
Continuiamo a lavorare, studiare, socializzare grazie a Jitsi Meet

4 March 2016

Antonio Terceiro: Debian Ruby Sprint 2016 - day 4: Steady Progress, Deferred Spring Cleaning, and Capital Sins

As the day 4 of the Debian Ruby team sprint in Curitiba unfolded, we have now fixed a total of more than 70 build failure bugs, managed to almost finish the Ruby 2.3 transition to be good to migrate into testing, and bootstrapped some documentation that will help new contributors get up to speed with Ruby packaging faster. We have also requested the removal of several packages that are either severely outdated, abandoned upstream, beyond repair, utterly wrong, or in some cases, all of the above. The full list of work items finished yesterday is: We also managed to flirt with 2 capital sins. For those who care about these things, which I don t (but I still care about you), I guess 2 out of 7 still means we are good? :-) I few people that I will not name complained that they hadn t had enough steak on the previous night, so we set out to visit a traditional all-you-can-eat Brazilian steakhouse ( churrascaria ). I made a reservation at Jardins Grill and there you have gluttony. I am pretty sure that not enough steak wasn t an issue last night. You can see how happy, despite being full to almost the point of being sick, everyone was. A disjunct set of people, who I will also not name, were very disappointed to find out that the ruby-tinder package has absolutely nothing to do with Tinder but were still very active on the later. Maybe Friday night we will have to split the group into a lust-free family party and a Tinder party.

2 September 2014

Antonio Terceiro: DebConf 14: Community, Debian CI, Ruby, Redmine, and Noosfero

This time, for personal reasons I wasn t able to attend the full DebConf, which started on the Saturday August 22nd. I arrived at Portland on the Tuesday the 26th by noon, at the 4th of the conference. Even though I would like to arrive earlier, the loss was alleviated by the work of the amazing DebConf video team. I was able to follow remotely most of the sessions I would like to attend if I were there already. As I will say to everyone, DebConf is for sure the best conference I have ever attended. The technical and philosophical discussions that take place in talks, BoF sessions or even unplanned ad-hoc gathering are deep. The hacking moments where you have a chance to pair with fellow developers, with whom you usually only have contact remotely via IRC or email, are precious. That is all great. But definitively, catching up with old friends, and making new ones, is what makes DebConf so special. Your old friends are your old friends, and meeting them again after so much time is always a pleasure. New friendships will already start with a powerful bond, which is being part of the Debian community. Being only 4 hours behind my home time zone, jetlag wasn t a big problem during the day. However, I was waking up too early in the morning and consequently getting tired very early at night, so I mostly didn t go out after hacklabs were closed at 10PM. Despite all of the discussion, being in the audience for several talks, other social interactions and whatnot, during this DebConf I have managed to do quite some useful work. debci and the Debian Continuous Integration project I gave a talk where I discussed past, present, and future of debci and the Debian Continuous Integration project. The slides are available, as well as the video recording. One thing I want you to take away is that there is a difference between debci and the Debian Continuous Integration project: A few days before DebConf, C dric Boutillier managed to extract gem2deb-test-runner from gem2deb, so that autopkgtest tests can be run against any Ruby package that has tests by running gem2deb-test-runner --autopkgtest. gem2deb-test-runner will do the right thing, make sure that the tests don t use code from the source package, but instead run them against the installed package. Then, right after my talk I was glad to discover that the Perl team is also working on a similar tool that will automate running tests for their packages against the installed package. We agreed that they will send me a whitelist of packages in which we could just call that tool and have it do The Right Thing. We might be talking here about getting autopkgtest support (and consequentially continuous integration) for free for almost 2000 4000 packages. The missing bits for this to happen are: During a few days I have mentored Lucas Kanashiro, who also attended DebConf, on writing a patch to add support for email notifications in debci so maintainers can be pro-actively notified of status changes (pass/fail, fail/pass) in their packages. I have also started hacking on the support for distributed workers, based on the initial work by Martin Pitt: Ruby I had some discusion with Christian about making Rubygems install to $HOME by default when the user is not root. We discussed a few implementation options, and while I don t have a solution yet, we have a better understanding of the potential pitfalls. The Ruby BoF session on Friday produced a few interesting discussions. Some take away point include, but are not limited to: Redmine I was able to make Redmine work with the Rails 4 stack we currently have in unstable/testing. This required using a snapshot of the still unreleased version 3.0 based on the rails-4.1 branch in the upstream Subversion repository as source. I am a little nervous about using a upstream snapshot, though. According to the "roadmap of the project ": the only purpose of the 3.0 release will be to upgrade to Rails 4, but before that happens there should be a 2.6.0 release that is also not released yet. 3.0 should be equivalent to that 2.6.0 version both feature-wise and, specially, bug-wise. The only problem is that we don t know what that 2.6.0 looks like yet. According to the roadmap it seems there is not much left in term of features for 2.6.0, though. The updated package is not in unstable yet, but will be soon. It needs more testing, and a good update to the documentation. Those interested in helping to test Redmine on jessie before the freeze please get in touch with me. Noosfero I gave a lighting talk on Noosfero, a platform for social networking websites I am upstream for. It is a Rails appplication licensed under the AGPLv3, and there are packages for wheezy. You can checkout the slides I used. Video recording is not available yet, but should be soon. That s it. I am looking forward to DebConf 15 at Heidelberg. :-)

21 November 2012

Axel Beckert: Suggestions for the GNOME Team

Thanks to Erich Schubert s blog posting on Planet Debian I became aware of the 2012 GNOME User Survey at Phoronix. Like back in 2006 I still use some GNOME applications, so I do consider myself as GNOME user in the widest sense and hence I filled out that survey. Additionally I have to live with GNOME 3 as a system administrator of workstations, and that s some kind of usage, too. ;-) The last question in the survey was Do you have any comments or suggestions for the GNOME team? Sure I have. And since I tried to give constructive feedback instead of only ranting, here s my answer to that question as I submitted it in the survey, too, just spiced up with some hyperlinks and highlighting:
Don t try to change the users. Give the users more possibilities to change GNOME if they don t agree with your own preferences and decisions. (The trend to castrate the user was already starting with GNOME 2 and GNOME 3 made that worse IMHO.) If you really think that you need less configurability because some non-power-users are confused or challenged by too many choices, then please give the other users at least the chance to enable more configuration options. A very good example in that hindsight was Kazehakase (RIP) who offered several user interfaces (novice, intermediate and power user or such). The popular text-mode web browser Lynx does the same, too, btw. GNOME lost me mostly with the change to GNOME 2. The switch from Galeon 1.2 to 1.3/2.0 was horrible and the later switch to Epiphany made things even worse on the browser side. My short trip to GNOME as desktop environment ended with moving back to FVWM (configurable without tons of clicking, especially after moving to some other computer) and for the browser I moved on to Kazehakase back then. Nowadays I m living very well with Awesome and Ratpoison as window managers, Conkeror as web browser (which are all very configurable) and a few selected GNOME applications like Liferea (luckily still quite configurable despite I miss Gecko s about:config since the switch to WebKit), GUCharmap and Gnumeric. For people switching from Windows I nowadays recommend XFCE or maybe LXDE on low-end computers. I likely would recommend GNOME 2, too, if it still would exist. With regards to MATE I m skeptical about its persistance and future, but I m glad it exists as it solves a lot of problems and brings in just a few new ones. Cinnamon as well as SolusOS are based on the current GNOME libraries and are very likely the more persistent projects, but also very likely have the very same multi-head issues we re all barfing about at work with Ubuntu Precise. (Heck, am I glad that I use Awesome at work, too, and all four screens work perfectly as they did with FVWM before.)
Thanks to Dirk Deimeke for his (German written) pointer to Marcus Moeller s interview with Ikey Doherty (in German, too) about his Debian-/GNOME-based distribution SolusOS.

4 February 2010

Mike Hommey: xulrunner diff stats

As part of preparing xulrunner 1.9.2 (which would lead to Iceweasel 3.6), I have gone through all the patches currently applied to the latest xulrunner release, to keep track of what should be upstreamed, what needed feedback, what patches I needed to update in upstream bugzilla, etc. As I have talked about our differences with upstream on a few occasions already, and as I was doing this grunt work anyway, I thought it would be nice to make the results public. First, a few reference numbers (excluding changes to generated configure files): A few observations on the above data: The latter used to be true, but is not anymore: xulrunner added a lot of changes and is now up to: 98 files changed, 1107 insertions(+), 517 deletions(-). What happened ? will you ask me. A lot happened: the test suite, attempts at correctly installing C++ headers and IDL files, bug fixes. Work has also been done such that make clean/distclean doesn t leave stuff around and that xulrunner can be properly built twice in a row. Differences between and look like this: 31 files changed, 341 insertions(+), 167 deletions(-). Some were stolen from bugzilla (13 files changed, 162 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)): Many others were sent: A few others were filed without a patch, as I felt a proper upstreamable patch needed discussion (3 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)): A few changes are related to the way we build and how we run the test suite (5 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)): Finally, a few were related to the Debian changes history (2 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)): Going through the rest of the changes between upstream and the latest Debian release, we can split in 5 categories of changes:
Those that were picked from upstream, or sent and eventually applied in 1.9.2 or trunk (12 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)): Those that were picked from bugzilla or sent there, but are not applied upstream for various reasons (29 files changed, 138 insertions(+), 209 deletions(-)): Those that were reported but for which I wanted feedback for a proper fix, yet a patch was applied in Debian because this was necessary (6 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)): Those that are yet to be sent to bugzilla (15 files changed, 111 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)): And finally, the changes that are either Debian specific or not deemed upstreamable (30 files changed, 460 insertions(+), 77 deletions(-) ; this can sound huge, but see the details below): Note, the numbers in the various diff stats obviously don t add up, since some changes overlap. All that information doesn t account the few additional components added in debian/filemonitor and debian/extra-stuff, that account for nearly 600 lines (excluding licensing boilerplate), but I ll talk about these in another post. This analysis also helped spotting another harmless merge error (the first one was spotted a few weeks ago and just left the enable-system-lcms around, without any effect): a variable replacement in a Makefile that doesn t have any effect, since the 2 variables have the same value. Only a pointless 1 line change.

16 April 2009

Peter Eisentraut: Web browsers vs. debtags

So I wanted to see what web browsers are available in Debian. The first stop was Going to the page of one browser package and clicking on "Browser" in the tags area only gives you the explanation of the tag, but not the list of other packages with that tag. Is that available somewhere?

So next try maybe grep-dctrl ... oh, grep-debtags appears to be the ticket.

$ grep-debtags -n -sPackage web::browser

How many of those are actually web browsers? Probably about half of them. (Example: caudium (not listed) is a web server, caudium-dev is its development package, not very close to a web browser.)

This would actually be quite a useful interface if the tags had any relationship to reality. I was in fact looking for a lightweight graphical browser, so this is a plausible command:

$ grep-debtags -n -d -sPackage web::browser -a interface::x11 -a -! suite::gnome -a -! suite::kde

which gives me 15 hits, of which 8 or 9 are actual web browsers.

Well, my search for a lightweight browser stopped here:

lightweight web browser based on Mozilla

Yeah! ;-)

19 January 2009

Axel Beckert: How I use my virtual desktops

Many months ago I stumbled upon this German written meme about how users use their virtual desktops. I use virtual desktops since my very early Unix times (tvtwm on Sun Sparc SLC/ELC/IPX with greyscale screens running SunOS 4.x), so in the meanwhile I use them nearly everywhere the same way. Short Summary 3x5, no overlapping windows, either tiling or fullscreen, keyboard navigation, xterms, yeahconsole, FVWM, panel for systray. Window Manager of Choice My window manager of choice is FVWM since more than a decade. I tried others like Sawfish, Metacity and Compiz, but I couldn t get them behave like the FVWM I got used to, so I always came back. Since I hate overlapping windows, I use FVWM a lot like a tiling window manager. FVWM has this nice function to maximize windows so that they occupy as much space as available, but do not overlap other windows. This function was also often missing when I tried other window managers. I though do not want to use real tiling window managers since I have a few sticky windows around (e.g. the panner with the virtual desktops and xosview) and they shouldn t be overlapped either. Virtual Desktops Switching between virtual desktops is done with the keyboard only with Ctrl-Shift as modifier and the cursor keys. The cursor keys are usually pressed with thumb, ring and small finger of the right hand. Which hand presses Ctrl and Shift depend on the situation and keyboard layout, but it s usually either ring and small finger of the left hand, or pointer and middle finger of the right hand. So I m able to switch the virtual desktop with only one hand. I have always three rows of virtual desktops and usually four or five columns. The top row is usually occupied with xterms. It s my work space. The top left workspace usually contains at least one xterms with a shell and one with mutt, my favourite e-mail client since nearly a decade. At home the second left virtual desktop in the top row usually contains a full-screen Liferea (my preferred feed reader) while at work it contains the GNU Emacs main window besides two xterms. Emacs and the emacs server are automatically started at login. This also means that I switch the virtual desktops when I switch between mutt and Emacs for typing the content of an e-mail. Did this already during my studies. (At home mutt runs inside a screen, so there I just switch the virtual terminal with Ctrl-A Ctrl-A instead of the virtual desktop. Not that big difference ;-) The other virtual desktops of the the top row get filled with xterms as needed. Usually one virtual desktop per task. The middle row is for web browsers. One full screen browser (usually Conkeror or Opera) per virtual desktop, often opened with many tabs (tabs in Opera, buffers in Conkeror) related to the task I m accomplishing in the xterms in the virtual deskop directly above. The third row usually contains root shells for maintenance tasks, either permanently open ones on machines I need an administrate often (e.g. daily updates of Debian testing or Debian unstable machines), or for temporary mass administration (Linux workstations on the job, all Xen DomUs of one Xen server, etc.) using pconsole. yeahconsole Additionally I have a sticky yeahconsole running, an xterm which slides down from the top like the console in Quake. (It s the only overlapping thing I use. :-) My yeahconsole can be activated on every virtual desktop by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Z (with QWERTY layout, Ctrl-Alt-Y with QWERTZ layout). It s the terminal for those one-line jobs then and when, e.g. calling ccal, translate, wget or clive. Changes over time Of course the desktop usage changes from time to time: At work I have more than one monitor, so in the meanwhile the second row with the web browsers moved to the second screen with independent virtual desktops (multiple X servers, no Xinerama). The second row on the main screen at work is now used the same way as the third row with a slight preference for the permanently open shells while the third row is more used for mass administration with pconsole. At home I used XMMS respective Audacious for a long time (my FVWM panner and xosview are exactly as wide as WinAmp2/XMMS/Audacious, guess why:-) which usually was sticky the same way as the panner and xosview are. But when I started using recently, I moved to Rhythmbox (after testing some other music players like e.g. Amarok) which I use in fullscreen as I do with web browsers and the feed reader. So it occupies a complete virtual desktop, usually the second one in the middle row below the feed reader because I don t need a corresponding web browser for the feed reader. (Just found out that there is a player for text-mode, so maybe that will change again. :-) Another thing which changed my virtual desktop usage was the switch from a classical tabbed web browser (Galeon, Kazehakase, Opera) to the buffer oriented Conkeror. With a tabbed web browser I have either no overview over all open tabs (one row tab bar or truncated tab menu) or they occupy too much space of the browser window. That was another reason for more than one browser window and therefore more than one virtual desktop with fullscreen web browser windows. With Conkeror tabs are optional (and not even enabled by default), Conkeror uses buffer like Emacs and if you want to switch to another buffer, you press C-x b and then start typing parts of the buffer s name (e.g. parts of the URL or the web page title) to narrow down the list of buffers until only one is left or until you have spotted the wanted buffer in the list and choose it with the cursor keys. So the need for more than one browser window is gone. For a long time I didn t need any task/menu/start/whatever bar on my desktop. But since neither NetworkManager nor wicd have a comand-line interface (yet) and bluetooth seems also easier handled from the system tray my laptops also use either gnome-panel (big screen, long sessions with FVWM) or lxpanel (formerly used trayer; use it on small screen, short sessions with ratpoison or matchbox) on my laptops. It s sticky and always visible. (No overlapping, remember? ;-) The panel is usually at the bottom on the screen as by default with Windows or KDE, not at top as with GNOME and MacOS. Only on the OpenMoko, I have the panel at the top to be close to what I m used from Nokia mobile phones. Things I tried but didn t survive in my setup: Systems without Virtual Desktops Anyway, there are systems where I don t use virtual desktops at all. On systems with a screen resolution so small that there s not enough space for two non-overlapping, fixed font 80x25 xterms on the screen (e.g. on my MicroClient with 8 touch screen, the 7 EeePC or the OpenMoko) I do not use virtual desktops at all. On such systems I use all applications in fullscreen, so switching between applications is like switching virtual desktops anyway. My window managers of choice for such systems are ratpoison for systems with keyboard and matchbox for system without keyboard. With ratpoison you treat windows like terminals in GNU screen, so there are no new keybindings to learn if you re already used to screen (which I use nearly daily since more than a decade).

1 July 2008

Axel Beckert: Conkeror in the Debian NEW queue

I already mentioned a few times in the blog that I’m working on a Debian package of the Conkeror web browser. And now, after a lot of fine-tuning (and I still further new ideas how to improve the package ;-) Conkeror is finally in the NEW queue and hopefully will hit unstable in a few days. (Update Thursday, 03-Jul-2008, 18:13 CEST: The package has been accepted by Jörg and should be included on most architectures in tonight’s updates.) Those who could hardly await it can fetch Conkeror .debs from The conkeror package itself is a non-architecture specific package (but needs xulrunner-1.9 to be available), and its small C-written helper program spawn-process-helper is available as package conkeror-spawn-process-helper for i386, amd64, sparc, alpha, powerpc, kfreebsd-i386 and kfreebsd-amd64. There are no backported packages for Etch available, though, since I don’t know of anyone yet, who has successfully backported xulrunner-1.9 to Etch. Interestingly the interest in Conkeror seems to have risen in the Debian community independently of its Debian packaging. Luca Capello, who sponsored the upload of my Conkeror package, pointed me to two blog post on Planet Debian, written by people being fed up with Firefox 3 already and are looking for a more lean, but still Gecko based web browser: Decklin Foster is fed up with Firefox’ -eh- Iceweasel’s arrogance and MJ Ray is fed up with Firefox 3 and its SSL problems. Since my previously favourited Gecko based web browser Kazehakase never became really stable but instead became slow and leaking memory (and therefore not much better than Firefox 2), I can imagine that it’s no more an candidate for people seaking for a lean and fast web browser. Conkeror has some “strange” concepts of which the primary one is that it looks and feels like Emacs: Footnotes *) I just noticed that there is now also muttator, making Thunderbird look and behave like vim (and probably also mutt), too. Wonder into which e-mail client the Emacs community will convert Thunderbird. GNUS? RMAIL? VM? Wanderslust? What will it be called? Wunderbird? Thunderslust? (SCNRE ;-)

27 June 2008

Mike Hommey: Firefox and the untrusted SSL warning , even more to it

There seem to be some heat about the new Firefox feature that only allows you to open https urls with untrusted certificate after 5 clicks. The situation is actually worse than what is depicted. Why? Because not only did they put crap to their users, and actually, if they want to, that’s their problem, but they also imposed their crap on embedders. Yes, this means applications such as epiphany, kazehakase, galeon, and others *must* use this crap. I know, there is a browser.xul.error_pages.enabled to disable the error page (note it also disables standard network connection error messages). But, the alternative is not any better: It opens a dialog, with raw HTML in it, allowing to… do nothing. That’s it, you can only acknowledge you’ve been denied access to the so-called untrusted site. The best part is that these applications can’t (or maybe they can, but in several months nobody found how) make the exception dialog work properly: the user will have to enter, himself, the url to add the exception for. And before even reaching the state where you can get the dialog to open from the error page, or even get the buttons to be displayed in the error page itself, you have to add clutter to your application code. For those still wondering what happened to the Gecko platform or whatever you call it (xulrunner, libxul, mozilla-embed, etc.), here is your answer: Gecko evolves with what Firefox needs. If your application needs something else, well, too bad for you. Firefox developers obviously have a big problem taking embedders into consideration when they change the Gecko API, and while it can be fixed afterwards, it’s not a good thing to “tag” a Gecko milestone at the same time as a Firefox release under such conditions. Anyways, what I did in the xulrunner-1.9 package is to forward-port the old interfaces (nsIBadCertListener) allowing embedders to have their own UI for this. While it was certainly far from perfect (and displaying as many dialogs as different errors on a certificate is definitely not something nice), it is still better than something not working at all.

23 May 2008

Axel Beckert: Favourite Linux Desktop Applications

foosel tagged me, whatever that means. Perhaps it’s the English word for “Stöckchen” (German for “small stick”) of which I always wondered how the English blogging part of the blogosphere is calling that kind of coercing blog posts… ;-) So these are the rules:
  1. blog a list with your favorite desktop Linux software (as many or few you want)
  2. add links to the software project’s websites
  3. post these rules
  4. tag three other Linux using bloggers
Interestingly splitbrain, who started the thing just calls it “Meme”, but to me memes are the same thing just without duress. ;-) So you want to know about what Linux desktop software I like and use, hmm? Desktop means GUI, doesn’t it? There are only a few GUI application I really use often since, as you probably know, X is primarily a terminal multiplexer and screen resolutions are compared by how many 80×25 xterms with fixed font you can get on one screen without overlapping. ;-) But to be honest: Although I’m more the command line guy hacking cryptic lines into windows with small fonts, there are a few thing where I don’t want to miss X and the GUI applications: For all things web – that means web browser, feed reader, etc. But then there is also a bunch of GUI software I use occasionally or as alternative tool to some text mode or command line software. WebX / Desktop Environment
  • xtrlock – the simplest tool to lock you desktop: The mouse turns into a lock and it only goes away if you enter the right password. No screen saver included though and everyone can see what’s on your desk. I like it though. Use it on low-end machines.
  • XScreenSaver and Really Slick Screensavers (GLX Port) – Configurable and command controllable screen saver daemon. Favourite modes: GLMatrix and Substrate from XScreenSaver and Lattice Sky Rocket and Hufo’s Smoke from RSS GLX.
  • xosview – my favourite system monitor since more than a decade.
  • TerminalsAudio and VideoEditing and DevelopingGraphicsChatOther ToolsGamesNon-Desktop Applications In case someone wonders about my mail client, Jabber client, IRC client, ICQ client, file manager, notes taking application, shell and versioning system – they’re all command line or text-mode applications: Who’s next? That’s difficult: Hmmm, I think I have to look in a different corner of my circle of friends. Hmm. Ah, now I know: And no, I don’t expect posts as comprehensive as mine. :-)

    4 July 2007

    Mike Hommey: Contest for the most stupid user agent string

    After Camino and Seamonkey, Epiphany is joining the let’s have a dumb UA club. Instead of actually fixing the problem at its root by forcing stupid people not to try to match Firefox, by totally removing Firefox in Firefox’s UA, which would definitely have had a good result, they go the opposite direction. If I see that crap coming in Debian in either epiphany, galeon or kazehakase, or any other browser based on libxul, I promise I’ll hack the thing that puts the user-agent together so that it suppresses all occurrences of Firefox from it. If only people at mozilla were as thoughtful as Robert Kaiser

    2 May 2007

    Axel Beckert: VCFe talk online / bijou vs Etch

    With a few days lag, the slides to my VCFe 8.0 talk Aktuelle, freie Software auf alter Hardware (“Up to date, free software on old hardware”, held in German using Kazehakase and S5) are now online. In comparision to my former talks on that subject (held at some DebianDays), this talk was not Debian focused but focused more on not so well known, but resource-friendly free software as well as focused on an audience which has more knowledge of old hardware than of current software. :-) Additionally, I updated my old blog post about X on my ThinkPad 760ED named bijou so that now also my current XF86Config-4 for Sarge on that box is linked in there. Apropos bijou: I couldn’t recommend Debian 4.0 Etch that much for old computers with not so much memory since especially aptitude has grown much in regards of it’s memory and performance needs. Regarding my experiences with Etch, any computer with less than 50 MB of RAM will start to swap if aptitude is only started on such a box. I’ve looked throough the aptitude documentation, but I haven’t found a way to switch of some of the tables it generates internally. E.g. I have no need for the tag database it always generates. I really would be happy, if someone knows a way to turn even only that feature off. Then I may dist-upgrade bijou to Etch, since I found that dselect is no real alternative to aptitude anymore. Oh yeah, and I of course bought new old hardware at the VCFe: A 386SX Thin Client named Flytech Carry-I 9300 from 1991 with about 200 MB of harddisk and 10 MB of RAM.

    25 April 2007

    Axel Beckert: The days of my last running Woody are numbered...

    As many of the Planet Debian readers know, I bemoan Galeon 1.2 and therefore Woody. For a long time I haven’t found an appropriate browser replacement for Galeon 1.2 in Sarge, so I never switched my home workstation called “gsa” (Pentium II, 400 MHz, 572 MB RAM) to Sarge, since Woody was rockstable and just worked. Though, after a few Galeon 1.3/2.0 rants, someone pointed me to Kazehakase, which indeed is a fine Galeon 1.2 replacement. But I noticed that Kazehakase in Sarge was in an early stage and the Kazehakase from testing (now Etch) were already much more matured. So in comparison to Sarge with Etch I won’t have the problem of not having a mature and sage web browser in main. And due to security support for Woody ceased a few months ago and Etch is now declared stable, it’s time to reinstall my last Woody box with Etch. For that, a repartioning of it’s two hard disks (8 GB and 40 GB) sounds like a good idea and so I had look, what’s on all those partitions where I once had a shot on quite a few Linux distributions and other unix-like operating systems. (Although I was already a big fan of Debian at that time, I wanted to look over my own nose and ordered a few CDs of free operating system at So here’s what I found, never really used and will throw away quite soon: That should give enough space for an Etch installation without touching the Woody installation first. Thanks to Venty, I’ve got a DVD drive for that box, so I can install from DVD. And for toying around with all those other neat and free operating systems nowadays, I’ve got my MicroClient Jr. named “c2”.

    Axel Beckert: Surfing on two screens?

    At work, I’ve got two screens on my Sarge workstation “snitch”. Since I want to switch virtual desktops independently on both screens, I don’t have a Xinerama setup but a Dual Screen setup. So my left and right screen do have different $DISPLAY (“:0.0” and “:0.1”) set. This is neither a problem for FVWM nor xlock nor XScreenSaver. But it is a problem for nearly every modern web browser available which checks, if there’s already an instance of it running. So if you try to start a new instance of a web browser on the other screen, most graphical web browsers make more or less problems: The only graphical web browsers which simply just work on a Dual Screen setup are Konqueror, Links2 (called with the -g option for a GUI), Chimera 2, Amaya and of course Dillo. Unfortunately I’m neither a fan of KDE nor of Konqueror and I do want a web browser with CSS and tab support… And Amaya is, well, only a reference implementation… (Chimera 2 from Sarge btw. segfaulted on two of the four pages I tested it with. Seems to have problems with PNG images.) So my current setup is to have Kazehakase as my main work web browser (with all the local web applications I need) on the right screen while I have Opera on the left screen for surfing, looking up documentation, testing web pages and other things. BTW: I don’t use Gecko based browsers for surfing on that box at the moment, since there are some web pages (the spammer vandalised Kazehakase wiki for example, at least a few months ago) which manage to be rendered in such an ugly way by Gecko so that XFree86 with the binary Nvidia (at least the last five or six versions I tried) just crashes away — either at once or when you try to switch to a text console by pressing e.g. Ctrl-Alt-F1 while such a page is displayed.

    10 April 2007

    Mike Hommey: Browser detection

    Erich, the Gecko version number is pretty meaningless. With mozilla releases, the date reflects when the build was done. Which means if you build Firefox 1.5 today, it will get a Gecko/20070410 string. With Debian releases (except icedove), the date reflects the date for the in the source tarball, which is one of the last file upstream touches before a release. This helps having the same date for all 11 architectures (even after a binNMU) and is somehow more significant, but still not that much. There are, at the moment, 3 main branches for Gecko-based code: MOZILLA_1_8_0_BRANCH, MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH and HEAD. The latter currently contains Gecko 1.9 alpha, Firefox 3.0 alpha, etc., and will eventually be branched to a MOZILLA_1_9_BRANCH or something similar when going in beta. The other branches are respectively for Gecko 1.8.0.x (Firefox 1.5.0.x, Thunderbird 1.5.0.x, Seamonkey 1.0.y, Xulrunner 1.8.0.x) and Gecko 1.8.1.x (Firefox 2.0.0.x, Thunderbird 2.0.0.x (not yet released), Xulrunner 1.8.1.x). [ In Debian Etch, we have Iceweasel (Gecko, Iceape 1.0.8 (originally Gecko but patched at version, Icedove (Gecko ; changes from version didn’t make it, but they don’t affect the mailer code), and Xulrunner (Gecko The latter is used by kazehakase, galeon and epiphany. ] Whenever a new security release for Firefox 1.5.0.x and other products from the Gecko 1.8.0.x branch are done, the Gecko date obviously changes, and doesn’t reflect the fact that it’s an older Gecko than that of Firefox 2.0.0.x… Now if you take a closer look to the user agent string, you’ll see something that is actually more significant than the Gecko date, i.e. the Gecko revision, such as “rv:″ in “Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; ja_JP; rv: Gecko/20070324″

    4 September 2006

    Fumitoshi Ukai: kazehakase 0.3.1-2 uploaded

    Hidetaka Iwai made new package to follow mozilla upgrades to 1.7.12.

    Fumitoshi Ukai: kazehakase 0.3.1-1 uploaded

    New upstream version of kazehakase has been released on day of Niku (29) and Hidetaka Iwai packaged it. It now be built with GNU TLS so that it depends on libgnutls-dev. But when I built his package in my environment, it failed because of gnutls_session_t was not defined. This is because I had installed libgnutls11-dev that provides libgnutls-dev, so it satisfied build-dependency. However, latest (or actual) libgnutls-dev is development package for libgnutls12 and this is what kazehakase should build-depends on. I wonder kazehakase should build-depends on libgnutls-dev (>= 1.2.6) or build-conflicts libgnutls11-dev. Probably, it wouldn't appear FTBFS bug on buildd, because buildd will try to install libgnutls-dev....

    28 August 2006

    Axel Beckert: Goodbye Woody, Welcome Sarge (Penultimate Part)

    Since security support for Woody ceased recently, and with Kazehakase I’ve found a reasonable successor in Sarge for Galeon 1.2.x, I’ve dist-upgraded my 10 years old Pentium I ThinkPad bijou to Sarge this weekend. Even the XFree86 4, which made so much hassles in Woody by not regcognising nor configuring the graphics card correctly, worked fine from scratch. Well, at least after installing xfonts-base and xfonts-75dpi — the -transcoded versions somehow gave only the error message “default font ‘fixed’ not found”. So goodbye Galeon, goodbye GNU Emacs 20, goodbye XFree86 3.3. I hope, I won’t miss you. Only my desktop gsa at home still runs Woody, but will be dist-upgraded soon, too. What though still stayed on my laptop from Woody is Siag Office, since there is no adequate replacement for such a nice office suite with such a low resource footprint. But it has also an impact on the talks I hold. I held all talks with a patched version of lynx (e.g. with LSS support) as presentation tool on that laptop because initially I didn’t get X running on that box. What started as a makeshift became my hallmark… But I didn’t manage to get Sarge’s lynx patched so that it gives me the same output as my old version did. So either I would have to reoptimise the layout of my talks for a new lynx version or just start with something new. Madduck recently showed me python-docutils, which he uses for presentations. Maybe I’ll use that although I have a severe aversion against Python. So it may also be that I’ll stick with WML, but get some new ideas from python-docutils how to use HTML for presentations. Update: Found out that the interesting part of his presentation technic wasn’t python-docutils but S5: A Simple Standards-Based Slide Show System which in entirely written in XHTML, CSS and JavaScript. S5 is really cool stuff, one of the first cases of useful use of JavaScript, and will surely be used for my next presentation — with Debian Sarge and Kazehakase on a Pentium I ThinkPad. ;-)

    30 July 2006

    Alexander Sack: new kazehakase package fixes grave bug in sarge

    I uploaded a new maintenance release for kazehakase (0.2.7-2.sarge2) which is ment to address a top-crasher bug posted in #345905 to my p.d.o. security archive. Once there has been positive feedback, I will upload this to proposed-updates. This makes we wonder … do package maintainers actually care about sarge? I understand that running sarge is not as much fun as working on your bleeding edge unstable/experimental mix. But that does not mean that you can leave grave bugs in sarge untouched for half a year, right?

    8 February 2006

    Mike Hommey: xulrunner

    You know, nothing can be perfect from the first time, so I had to fix a few issues in a new upload. Well, for you, it makes no difference, since never reached the archive, but these changes were needed so that epiphany and friends could properly build against xulrunner. I also started filing wishlist bugs with patches to build some packages against xulrunner as soon as it gets into the archive. Galeon is undergoing. Next one might be kazehakase. Stay tuned. Update: Patches for galeon, kazehakase, and devhelp sent.
