Turns out, Valessio has just spent a week staying at my house AndSo with that backdrop I would urge fellow Debianities to take up the slogans LONG LIVE THE DPL ! LONG LIVE POLLITO ! LONG LIVE POLLITO THE DPL ! The first step to make Pollito the DPL is to ensure he has a @debian.org (pollito@debian.org) We also need him to be made a DD because only then can he become a DPL. In solidarity and in peace
in any case, if somebody in Debian knows about Pollito s
childhood That is me. Pollito came to our lives when we went to Congreso Internacional de
Software Libre (CISOL) in Zacatecas city. I was strolling around the
very beautiful city with my wife Regina and our friend Alejandro
Miranda, and at a shop at either Ram n L pez Velarde or Vicente
Guerrero, we found a flock of pollitos. http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/22.77111/-102.57145 Even if this was comparable to a slave market, we bought one from
them, and adopted it as our own. Back then, we were a young couple Well, we were not that young
anymore. I mean, we didn t have children. Anyway, we took Pollito with
us on several road trips, such as the only time I have crossed an
international border driving: We went to Encuentro Centroamericano de
Software Libre at Guatemala city in 2012 (again with Alejandro), and
you can see several Pollito pics at: http://gwolf.org/album/road-trip-ecsl-2012-guatemala-0 Pollito likes travelling. Of course, when we were to Nicaragua for
DebConf, Pollito tagged along. It was his first flight as a passenger
(we never asked about his previous life in slavery; remember, Pollito
trust no one). Pollito felt much welcome with the DebConf crowd. Of course, as
Pollito is a free spirit, we never even thought about forcing him to
come back with us. Pollito went to Switzerland, and we agreed to meet
again every year or two. It s always nice to have a chat with him. Hugs!
scripts and manual BTS clicks.
Usual wondering why there isn't an RFC for MUA spam reporting.
Disturbed by the sudden appearance of an astronautess in the
orga room but placated by a plentiful supply of crisps.
Ask x32 folks about debian-x32.org vs x32 on ports.d.o.
Glad to just avoid the room shuffle dance.
Finish mime support for check-all-the-things.
Disappointed that piz.za does not actually resolve.
Amused by pollito's virtual tour of UTC.
Completely stuffed full of Butleritos.
DebConf15 was an amazing conference, it brought together hundreds of people, some oldtimers as well as plenty of new contributors, and we all had a great time, learning and collaborating with each other,says Margarita Manterola of the organiser team, and continues:
The whole team worked really hard, and we are all very satisfied with the outcome.Another organiser, Martin Krafft adds:
We mainly provided the infrastructure and space. A lot of what happened during the two weeks was thanks to our attendees. And that s what makes DebConf be DebConf.Our organisation was greatly supported by the staff of the conference venue, the Jugendherberge Heidelberg International, who didn t take very long to identify with our diverse group, and who left no wishes untried. The venue itself was wonderfully spacious and never seemed too full as people spread naturally across the various conference rooms, the many open areas, the beergarden, the outside hacklabs and the lawn. The network installed specifically for our conference in collaboration with the nearby university, the neighbouring zoo, and the youth hostel provided us with a 1 Gbps upstream link, which we managed to almost saturate. The connection will stay in place, leaving the youth hostel as one with possibly the fastest Internet connection in the state. And the kitchen catered high-quality food to all attendees and their special requirements. Regional beer and wine, as well as local specialities, were provided at the bistro. DebConf exists to bring people together, which includes paying for travel, food and accomodation for people who could not otherwise attend. We would never have been able to achieve what we did without the support of our generous sponsors, especially our Platinum Sponsor Hewlett-Packard. Thank you very much. See you next year in Cape Town, South Africa!
(from http://lists.debconf.org/lurker/message/20110213.040506.1beb418f.en.html)
To: debconf-video
Subject: [Debconf-video] Announcing debian/watch, the Debian Miro Community Hi all,
With help of dc-video people I've just finished generating RSS feeds from penta data and published all Debconf(5-10) available videos to our new Miro Community page: http://debian.mirocommunity.org/
Soon I'll upload the feeds to dc-video repository. The process had to be semi- automated since I noticed some inconsistencies in penta which I'll point later.
I've written the following description for this channel: http://debian.mirocommunity.org/about/ (english language fixes / suggestions are welcome!)
Other nice Miro Community channels for reference:
http://gnome.mirocommunity.org/ http://ubuntu.mirocommunity.org/ [...]
(from a recent email message to Debian Miro Community admins)
Your Site is Now Running Miro Community 1.2!
We have just migrated http://debian.mirocommunity.org/ to the latest version of Miro Community. From here forward, we're asking our heaviest users to help support ongoing software development and server costs by upgrading to a paid account, which is very easy to do!
This release limits some features you currently use. You will have 2 weeks to upgrade your account or you will no longer be able to use the following features.
* You have more than one administrator. If you choose to remain at the Basic account level, the following administrators will lose admin privileges: valessio tiago
* You have 556 published videos. If you do not upgrade your account, we will unpublish the oldest videos to keep you within the 500 video limit. You can also cull videos you no longer want at http://debian.mirocommunity.org/admin/bulk_edit/ [...]Although I understand Miro Community needs of releasing paid accounts, I think the features are now too restricted for non-premium users.So, at the end I have to thank Valessio for his amazing CSS work on this and Holger for warning me in time to not announce Debian Miro Community as an official channel for Debconf videos.It seems Miro will unpublish 56 videos from our channel in two weeks. I'm thinking about keeping there only Debconf videos, which should then fit on their new quota... At least until we find another place to publish them. Suggestions are very welcome. Debconf and other Debian videos are currently hosted at http://video.debian.net. Debconf videos feeds are available at http://tiagovaz.org/videoteam/ and corresponding thumbnails at http://tiagovaz.org/thumbs/.
The release team announced Squeeze will be released the weekend of the 5th-6th of February.
Join us in the final countdown!
The banner was made by mvd based on Valessio s theme Spacefun.You are welcome to link it from your website.
While you are waiting, you can also update your Lenny systems to 5.0.8.
Be informed early by following me on Identi.ca, Twitter or Facebook.
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Image made by Valessio Brito (sources), with some elements taken from the Open Clip Art Library.
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