Search Results: "tach"

10 January 2025

Sergio Talens-Oliag: Testing New User Tools

On recent weeks I ve had some time to scratch my own itch on matters related to tools I use daily on my computer, namely the desktop / window manager and my text editor of choice. This post is a summary of what I tried, how it worked out and my short and medium-term plans related to them.

Desktop / WMOn the desktop / window manager front I ve been using Cinnamon on Debian and Ubuntu systems since Gnome 3 was published (I never liked version 3, so I decided to move to something similar to Gnome 2, including the keyboard shortcuts). In fact I ve never been a fan of Desktop environments, before Gnome I used OpenBox and IceWM because they where a lot faster than desktop systems on my hardware at the time and I was using them only to place one or two windows on multiple workspaces using mainly the keyboard for my interactions (well, except for the web browsers and the image manipulation programs). Although I was comfortable using Cinnamon, some years ago I tried to move to i3, a tilling window manager for X11 that looked like a good choice for me, but I didn t have much time to play with it and never used it enough to make me productive with it (I didn t prepare a complete configuration nor had enough time to learn the new shortcuts, so I went back to Cinnamon and never tried again). Anyway, some weeks ago I updated my work machine OS (it was using Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and I updated it to the 24.04 LTS version) and the Cinnamon systray applet stopped working as it used to do (in fact I still have to restart Cinnamon after starting a session to make it work) and, as I had some time, I decided to try a tilling window manager again, but now I decided to go for SwayWM, as it uses Wayland instead of X11.

Sway configurationOn my ~/.config/sway/config I tuned some things:
  • Set fuzzel as the application launcher.
  • Installed manually the shikane application and created a configuration to be executed always when sway is started / reloaded (I adjusted my configuration with wdisplays and used shikanectl to save it).
  • Added support for running the xdg-desktop-portal-wlr service.
  • Enabled the swayidle command to lock the screen after some time of inactivity.
  • Adjusted the keyboard to use the es key map
  • Added some keybindings to make my life easier, including the use of grimm and swappy to take screenshots
  • Configured waybar as the environment bar.
  • Added a shell script to start applications when sway is started (it uses swaymsg to execute background commands and the i3toolwait script to wait for the
    CHROMIUM_LOCAL_STATE="$HOME/.config/google-chrome/Local State"
    # Functions
      jq -r ".profile.info_cache to_entries map( ( .key ) add .\"$1\" // \"\"" "$CHROMIUM_LOCAL_STATE"
    # MAIN
    IGZ_PROFILE_DIR="$(chromium_profile_dir "")"
    OURO_PROFILE_DIR="$(chromium_profile_dir "")"
    PERSONAL_PROFILE_DIR="$(chromium_profile_dir "")"
    # Common programs
    swaymsg "exec nextcloud --background"
    swaymsg "exec nm-applet"
    # Run spotify on the first workspace (it is mapped to the laptop screen)
    swaymsg -q "workspace 1"
    $ I3_TOOLWAIT  "spotify"
    # Run tmux on the
    swaymsg -q "workspace 2"
    $ I3_TOOLWAIT  -- foot tmux a -dt sto
    if [ "$OURO_PROFILE_DIR" ]; then
      swaymsg -q "workspace $wp_num"
      $ I3_TOOLWAIT  -m ouro-browser -- google-chrome --profile-directory="$OURO_PROFILE_DIR"
    if [ "$IGZ_PROFILE_DIR" ]; then
      swaymsg -q "workspace $wp_num"
      $ I3_TOOLWAIT  -m igz-browser -- google-chrome --profile-directory="$IGZ_PROFILE_DIR"
    if [ "$PERSONAL_PROFILE_DIR" ]; then
      swaymsg -q "workspace $wp_num"
      $ I3_TOOLWAIT  -m personal-browser -- google-chrome --profile-directory="$PERSONAL_PROFILE_DIR"
    # Open the browser without setting the profile directory if none was found
    if [ "$wp_num" = "3" ]; then
      swaymsg -q "workspace $wp_num"
      $ I3_TOOLWAIT  google-chrome
    swaymsg -q "workspace $wp_num"
    $ I3_TOOLWAIT  evolution
    swaymsg -q "workspace $wp_num"
    $ I3_TOOLWAIT  slack
    # Open a private browser and a console in the last workspace
    swaymsg -q "workspace $wp_num"
    $ I3_TOOLWAIT  -- google-chrome --incognito
    $ I3_TOOLWAIT  foot
    # Go back to the second workspace for keepassxc
    swaymsg "workspace 2"
    $ I3_TOOLWAIT  keepassxc

ConclusionAfter using Sway for some days I can confirm that it is a good choice for me, but some of the components needed to make it work as I want are too new and not available on the Ubuntu 24.04 LTS repositories, so I decided to go back to Cinnamon and try Sway again in the future, although I added more workspaces to my setup (now they are only available on the main monitor, the laptop screen is fixed while there is a big monitor connected), added some additional keyboard shortcuts and installed or updated some applets.

Text editorWhen I started using Linux many years ago I used vi/vim and emacs as my text editors (vi for plain text and emacs for programming and editing HTML/XML), but eventually I moved to vim as my main text editor and I ve been using it since (well, I moved to neovim some time ago, although I kept my old vim configuration). To be fair I m not as expert as I could be with vim, but I m productive with it and it has many plugins that make my life easier on my machines, while keeping my ability to edit text and configurations on any system that has a vi compatible editor installed. For work reasons I tried to use Visual Studio Code last year, but I ve never really liked it and almost everything I do with it I can do with neovim (i. e. I even use copilot with it). Besides, I m a heavy terminal user (I use tmux locally and via ssh) and I like to be able to use my text editor on my shell sessions, and code does not work like that. The only annoying thing about vim/neovim is its configuration (well, the problem is that I have a very old one and probably should spend some time fixing and updating it), but, as I said, it s been working well for me for a long time, so I never really had the motivation to do it. Anyway, after finishing my desktop tests I saw that I had the Helix editor installed for some time but I never tried it, so I decided to give it a try and see if it could be a good replacement for neovim on my environments (the only drawback is that as it is not vi compatible, I would need to switch back to vi mode when working on remote systems, but I guess I could live with that). I ran the helix tutorial and I liked it, so I decided to configure and install the Language Servers I can probably take advantage of on my daily work on my personal and work machines and see how it works.

Language server installationsA lot of manual installations are needed to get the language servers working what I did on my machines is more or less the following:
sudo npm i -g 'awk-language-server@>=0.5.2'
sudo apt-get install shellcheck shfmt
sudo npm i -g bash-language-server
# C/C++
sudo apt-get install clangd
sudo npm i -g vscode-langservers-extracted
# Docker
sudo npm install -g dockerfile-language-server-nodejs
# Docker compose
sudo npm install -g @microsoft/compose-language-service
# Helm
  curl -s  
    jq -r ".assets[]   select(.name == \"$app\")   .browser_download_url"
curl -L "$url" --output /tmp/helm_ls
sudo install /tmp/helm_ls /usr/local/bin
rm /tmp/helm_ls
# Markdown
  curl -s  
    jq -r ".assets[]   select(.name == \"$app\")   .browser_download_url"
curl -L "$url" --output /tmp/marksman
sudo install /tmp/marksman /usr/local/bin
rm /tmp/marksman
# Python
sudo npm i -g pyright
# Rust
rustup component add rust-analyzer
sudo npm i -g sql-language-server
# Terraform
sudo apt-get install terraform-ls
cargo install taplo-cli --locked --features lsp
sudo npm install --global yaml-language-server
# JavaScript, TypeScript
sudo npm install -g typescript-language-server typescript
sudo npm install -g --save-dev --save-exact @biomejs/biome

Helix configurationThe helix configuration is done on a couple of toml files that are placed on the ~/.config/helix directory, the config.toml file I used is this one:
theme = "solarized_light"
line-number = "relative"
mouse = false
left = ["mode", "spinner"]
center = ["file-name"]
right = ["diagnostics", "selections", "position", "file-encoding", "file-line-ending", "file-type"]
separator = " "
mode.normal = "NORMAL"
mode.insert = "INSERT" = "SELECT"
insert = "bar"
normal = "block"
select = "underline"
hidden = false
render = "all"
render = true
character = " " # Some characters that work well: " ", " ", " ", " "
skip-levels = 1
And to configure the language servers I used the following language-servers.toml file:
name = "go"
auto-format = true
formatter =   command = "goimports"  
name = "javascript"
language-servers = [
  "typescript-language-server", # optional
command = "clippy"
command = "sql-language-server"
args = ["up", "--method", "stdio"]
name = "sql"
language-servers = [ "sql-language-server" ]
name = "hcl"
language-servers = [ "terraform-ls" ]
language-id = "terraform"
name = "tfvars"
language-servers = [ "terraform-ls" ]
language-id = "terraform-vars"
command = "terraform-ls"
args = ["serve"]
name = "toml"
formatter =   command = "taplo", args = ["fmt", "-"]  
name = "typescript"
language-servers = [

Neovim configurationAfter a little while I noticed that I was going to need some time to get used to helix and the most interesting thing for me was the easy configuration and the language server integrations, but as I am already comfortable with neovim and just had installed the language server support tools on my machines I just need to configure them for neovim and I can keep using it for a while. As I said my configuration is old, to configure neovim I have the following init.vim file on my ~/.config/nvim folder:
set runtimepath^=~/.vim runtimepath+=~/.vim/after
let &packpath=&runtimepath
source ~/.vim/vimrc
" load lua configuration
lua require('config')
With that configuration I keep my old vimrc (it is a little bit messy, but it works) and I use a lua configuration file for the language servers and some additional neovim plugins on the ~/.config/nvim/lua/config.lua file:
-- -----------------------
-- BEG: LSP Configurations
-- -----------------------
-- AWS (awk_ls)
-- Bash (bashls)
-- C/C++ (clangd)
-- CSS (cssls)
-- Docker (dockerls)
-- Docker Compose
-- Golang (gopls)
-- Helm (helm_ls)
-- Markdown
-- Python (pyright)
-- Rust (rust-analyzer)
-- SQL (sqlls)
-- Terraform (terraformls)
-- TOML (taplo)
-- Typescript (ts_ls)
-- YAML (yamlls)
  settings =  
    yaml =  
      customTags =   "!reference sequence"  
-- -----------------------
-- END: LSP Configurations
-- -----------------------
-- ---------------------------------
-- BEG: Autocompletion configuration
-- ---------------------------------
-- Ref:
-- Pre requisites:
--   # Packer
--   git clone --depth 1 \
--      ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim
--   # Start nvim and run :PackerSync or :PackerUpdate
-- ---------------------------------
local use = require('packer').use
  use 'wbthomason/packer.nvim' -- Packer, useful to avoid removing it with PackerSync / PackerUpdate
  use 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig' -- Collection of configurations for built-in LSP client
  use 'hrsh7th/nvim-cmp' -- Autocompletion plugin
  use 'hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp' -- LSP source for nvim-cmp
  use 'saadparwaiz1/cmp_luasnip' -- Snippets source for nvim-cmp
  use 'L3MON4D3/LuaSnip' -- Snippets plugin
-- Add additional capabilities supported by nvim-cmp
local capabilities = require("cmp_nvim_lsp").default_capabilities()
local lspconfig = require('lspconfig')
-- Enable some language servers with the additional completion capabilities offered by nvim-cmp
local servers =   'clangd', 'rust_analyzer', 'pyright', 'ts_ls'  
for _, lsp in ipairs(servers) do
    -- on_attach = my_custom_on_attach,
    capabilities = capabilities,
-- luasnip setup
local luasnip = require 'luasnip'
-- nvim-cmp setup
local cmp = require 'cmp'
  snippet =  
    expand = function(args)
  mapping = cmp.mapping.preset.insert( 
    ['<C-u>'] = cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(-4), -- Up
    ['<C-d>'] = cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(4), -- Down
    -- C-b (back) C-f (forward) for snippet placeholder navigation.
    ['<C-Space>'] = cmp.mapping.complete(),
    ['<CR>'] = cmp.mapping.confirm  
      behavior = cmp.ConfirmBehavior.Replace,
      select = true,
    ['<Tab>'] = cmp.mapping(function(fallback)
      if cmp.visible() then
      elseif luasnip.expand_or_jumpable() then
    end,   'i', 's'  ),
    ['<S-Tab>'] = cmp.mapping(function(fallback)
      if cmp.visible() then
      elseif luasnip.jumpable(-1) then
    end,   'i', 's'  ),
  sources =  
      name = 'nvim_lsp'  ,
      name = 'luasnip'  ,
-- ---------------------------------
-- END: Autocompletion configuration
-- ---------------------------------

ConclusionI guess I ll keep helix installed and try it again on some of my personal projects to see if I can get used to it, but for now I ll stay with neovim as my main text editor and learn the shortcuts to use it with the language servers.

1 January 2025

Guido G nther: Free Software Activities December 2024

Another short status update of what happened on my side last month. The larger blocks are the Phosh 0.44 release and landing the initial Cell Broadcast support in phosh. The rest is all just small bits of bug, fallout/regression fixing here and there. phosh phoc phosh-mobile-settings libphosh-rs phosh-osk-stub phosh-tour pfs xdg-desktop-portal-phosh phog Debian git-buildpackage wlr-randr python-dbusmock livi Chatty feedbackd libadwaita phosh-ev Reviews This is not code by me but reviews on other peoples code. The list is incomplete, but I hope to improve on this in the upcoming months. Thanks for the contributions! Help Development Thanks a lot to all the those who supported my work on this in 2024. Happy new year! If you want to support my work see donations. Comments? Join the Fediverse thread

30 December 2024

Russ Allbery: Review: House in Hiding

Review: House in Hiding, by Jenny Schwartz
Series: Uncertain Sanctuary #2
Publisher: Jenny Schwartz
Copyright: October 2020
Printing: September 2024
Format: Kindle
Pages: 196
House in Hiding is the second book of a self-published space fantasy trilogy that started with The House That Walked Between Worlds. I read it as part of the Uncertain Sanctuary omnibus, which is reflected in the sidebar metadata. At the end of the previous book, Kira had gathered a motley crew for her house and discovered that she had drawn the attention of some rather significant galactic powers. Now, with the help of her new (hopefully) friends, she has to decide what role she's going to play in the galaxy. Or she can dither a lot, ruminate repeatedly on the same topics, and flail about randomly. That's also an option. This is slightly unfair. By the second half of the book, the series plot is beginning to cohere around two major problems: what is happening to the magic flows in the universe, and who killed Kira's parents. But apparently there was a limit on my enjoyment for the chaos in Kira's chaotic decisiveness I praised in my review of the last book, and I hit that limit around the middle of this book. I am interested in the questions of ethics, responsibility, and public image that this series is raising. I'm just not convinced that Schwartz is going to provide satisfying answers. One thing I do appreciate about this book is that it acknowledges that politics exist and that taking powerful people at face value is a bad idea. You would think that this would be a low bar, and yet it's depressing how many fantasy novels signal the trustworthiness of a character via some variation of "I looked into his eyes and shook his hand," or at least expect readers to be surprised by the inevitable betrayals. Schwartz does not make that mistake; after getting a call from a powerful player in galactic politics, the characters take apart everything that was said while assuming it could be attempted manipulation, which is the correct initial response. My problem comes after that. I like reading about competent characters with a plan, and these are absurdly powerful but very naive characters with no plan. This is realistic for the situation Kira has been thrust into, but it's not that entertaining to read about. I think the root of my problem is that there are some fundamental storytelling problems here that Schwartz is struggling to fix. The basic theory of story says that you need a protagonist, a setting, a conflict, and a plot. Schwartz has a good protagonist, one great supporting character and several adequate ones, and an enjoyably weird setting. I think she's working her way up to having a plot, although usually it's best for the plot to show up before the middle book of the series. What she doesn't have is a meaningful conflict. It's not entirely clear to either the reader or to Kira why Kira cares about what's happening. You would not think this would be a problem given that Kira's parents were murdered before the start of the first book. That's a classic conflict that's driven more books than I think anyone could count. It's not what Kira has cared about up to this point, however; she got away from Earth and has shown no sign of wanting to go back or identify the people who killed her parents, perhaps because she mostly blames herself. Instead, she's stumbling across other problems in the universe that other people would like her to care about. She occasionally feels like she ought to care about them because they involve her new friends or because she wants to be a good person, but they have very little dramatic oomph. "I'm a sorcerer and vaguely want the universe to be a better place" turns out to not work that well as a source of dramatic tension. This lack of conflict is somewhat fascinating because it's so different than most fantasy novels. If Schwartz were more aware of how oddly disconnected her protagonist is from the story conflict, I think there could be a thoughtful, if odd, psychological novel in here about one's ethical responsibilities if one suddenly had vast power and no strong attachments to the world. Kira does gesture occasionally in that direction, but there's no real meat to her musings. Instead, her lack of motivation is solved through one of the hoariest tropes in fiction: children in danger. I really want to like this series, and I still love the House, but this book was not good. The romance that I was delighted to not be subjected to in the first book appears to be starting (sigh), the political maneuvering that happens here is only mildly interesting and not believably competent, and the book concludes in Kira making an egregiously and blatantly stupid mistake that should have resulted in one of her friends asking her what the hell she was doing. Some setup happens, and it seems likely that the final book will have a clear conflict and plot, but this middle book was a disappointing mess. These books are fast to read and lightly entertaining between other things, and the House still has me invested enough in this universe that I'll read the last book in the omnibus. Be warned, though, that the middle book is more a collection of anecdotes than a story, and there's only so much of Kira showing off her power I can take without a conflict and a plot. Followed by The House That Fought. Rating: 5 out of 10

29 December 2024

Emmanuel Kasper: Accessing Atari ST disk images on Linux

This post leverages support for Atari Hard Disk Interface Partition (AHDI) partition tables in the Linux kernel, activated by default in Debian, and in the parted partition editor. Accessing the content of a partition using a user mounted loop device This is the easiest procedure and should be tried to first. Depending if your Linux kernel has support for AHDI partition tables, and the size of the FAT system on the partition, this procedure might not work. In that case, try the procedure using mtools further below. Attach a disk image called hd80mb.image to a loop device:
$ udisksctl loop-setup --file hd80mb.image
Mapped file hd80mb.image as /dev/loop0
Notice how the kernel detected the partition table:
$ dmesg   grep loop0
[160892.151941] loop0: detected capacity change from 0 to 164138
[160892.171061]  loop0: AHDI p1 p2 p3 p4
Inspect the block devices created for each partition:
$ lsblk   grep loop0
If the partitions are not already mounted by udisks2 under /media/, mount them manually:
$ sudo mount /dev/loop0p1 /mnt/
$ ls /mnt/
When you are finished copying data, unmount the partition, and detach the loop device.
$ sudo umount /mnt
$ udisksctl loop-delete --block-device /dev/loop0
Accessing the content of a partition using mtools and parted This procedure uses the mtools package and the support for the AHDI partition scheme in the parted partition editor. Display the partition table, with partitions offsets in bytes:
$ parted st_mint-1.5.img -- unit B print
Partition Table: atari
Disk Flags: 
Number  Start       End         Size        Type     File system  Flags
 1      1024B       133170175B  133169152B  primary               boot
 2      133170176B  266339327B  133169152B  primary
 3      266339328B  399508479B  133169152B  primary
 4      399508480B  532676607B  133168128B  primary
Set some Atari-friendly mtools options:
$ export MTOOLS_NO_VFAT=1
List the content of the partition, passing as parameter the offset in bytes of the partition: For instance here we are interested in the second partition, and the parted output above indicates that this partition starts at byte offset 133170176 in the disk image.
$ mdir -s -i st_mint-1.5.img@@133170176
 Volume in drive : has no label
Directory for ::/
demodata          2024-08-27  11:43 
        1 file                    0 bytes
Directory for ::/demodata
We can also use the command mcopy with a similar syntax to copy data from and to the disk image. For instance we copy a file named to the root directory of the second partition:
$ mcopy -s -i st_mint-1.5.img@@133170176 ::
Recompiling mtools to access large partitions With disk images having large AHDI partitions (well considered large in 1992 ), you might encounter the error
mdir -s -i cecile-falcon-singlepart-1GB.img@@1024
init: sector size too big
Cannot initialize '::'
This error is caused by the non-standard large logical sectors that the TOS uses for large FAT partitions (see the Atari Hard Disk Filesystem reference on page 41, TOS partitions size) We can inspect the logical sector size using fsck tools:
$ udiskctl loop-setup --file cecile-falcon-singlepart-1GB.img
$ sudo fsck.fat -Anv /dev/loop0p1
fsck.fat 4.2 (2021-01-31)
Media byte 0xf8 (hard disk)
16384 bytes per logical sector
To access the partition, you need to patch mtools, so that it supports a logical sector size of 16384 bytes. For this you need to change the MAX_SECTOR macro from 8192 to 16384 in msdos.h in the mtools distribution and recompile. A rebuilt mtools is then able to access the partition:
$ /usr/local/bin/mdir -s -i cecile-falcon-singlepart-1GB.img@@1024
 Volume in drive : has no label
Directory for ::/
CECILE   SYS      8462 1998-03-27  22:42 
NEWDESK  INF       804 2024-09-09   9:23 
        2 files               9 266 bytes
                      1 072 463 872 bytes free

20 December 2024

Noah Meyerhans: Local Development VM Management

A coworker asked recently about how people use VMs locally for dev work, so I figured I d take a few minutes to write up a bit about what I do. There are many use cases for local virtual machines in software development and testing. They re self-contained, meaning you can make a mess of them without impacting your day-to-day computing environment. They can run different distributions, kernels, and even entirely different operating systems from the one you use regularly. Etc. They re also cheaper than cloud services and provide finer grained control over the resources. I figured I d share a little bit about how I manage different virtual machines in case anybody finds this useful. This is what works for me, but it won t necessarily work for you, or maybe you ve already got something better. I ve found it to be easy to work with, light weight, and is easy to evolve my needs change.

Use short-lived VMs Rather than keep a long-lived development VM around that you customize over time, I recommend automating the common customizations and provisioning new VMs regularly. If I m working on reproducing a bug or testing a change prior to submitting it upstream, I ll do this work in a VM and delete the VM when when I m done. When provisioning VMs this frequently, though, walking through the installation process for every new VM is tedious and a waste of time. Since most of my work is done in Debian, so I start with images generated daily by the cloud team. These images are available for multiple releases and architectures. The nocloud variant boots to a root prompt and can be useful directly, or the generic images can be used for cloud-init based customization.

Automating image preparation This makefile lets me do something like make image and get a new qcow2 image with the latest build of a given Debian release (sid by default, with others available by specifying DIST).
DATESTAMP=$(shell date +"%Y-%m-%d")
ARCH?=$(shell dpkg --print-architecture)
ifeq ($(DIST),trixie)
ifeq ($(DIST),bookworm)
ifeq ($(DIST),bullseye)
curl --fail --connect-timeout 20 -LO \
$(DIST)-$(FLAVOR)-$(DATESTAMP).qcow2: debian-$(RELEASE)-$(FLAVOR)-$(ARCH)-daily.tar.xz
tar xvf debian-$(RELEASE)-$(FLAVOR)-$(ARCH)-daily.tar.xz
qemu-img convert -O qcow2 disk.raw $@
rm -f disk.raw
qemu-img resize $@ 20g
qemu-img snapshot -c untouched $@
image: $(DIST)-$(FLAVOR)-$(DATESTAMP).qcow2
.PHONY: image

Customize the VM environment with cloud-init While the nocloud images can be useful, I typically find that I want to apply the same modifications to each new VM I launch, and they don t provide facilities for automating this. The generic images, on the other hand, run cloud-init by default. Using cloud-init, I can create my user account, point apt at local mirrors, install my preferred tools, ensure the root filesystem is resized to make full use of the backing storage, etc. The cloud-init configuration on the generic images will read from a local config drive, which can contain an ISO9660 (cdrom) filesystem image. This image can be generated from a subdirectory containing the various cloud-init input files using the following make syntax:
IMDS_FILES=$(shell find seedconfig -path '*/.git/*' \
-prune -o -type f -name '*.in.json' -print) \
seed.iso: $(IMDS_FILES)
genisoimage -V config-2 -o $@ -J -R -m '*~' -m '.git' seedconfig
With the image in place, the VM can be created with
 qemu-system-x86_64 -machine q35,accel=kvm
-cpu host -m 4g -drive file=$ img ,index=0,if=virtio,media=disk
-drive file=seed.iso,media=cdrom,format=raw,index=2,if=virtio
-nic user -nographic
This invokes qemu with the root volume and ISO image attached as disks, uses an emulated q35 machine with the host s CPU and KVM acceleration, the userspace network stack, and a serial console. The first time the VM boots, cloud-init will apply the configuration from the cloud-config available in the ISO9660 filesystem.

Alternatives to cloud-init virt-customize is another tool accomplishing the same type of customization. I use cloud-init because it works directly with cloud providers in addition to local VM images. You could also use something like ansible.

Variations I have a variant of this that uses a bridged network, which I ll write more about later. The bridge is nice because it s more featureful, with full support for IPv6, etc, but it needs a bit more infrastructure in place. It also can be helpful to use 9p or virtfs to share filesystem state between the host the VM. I don t tend to rely on these, and will instead use rsync or TRAMP for moving files around. Containers are also useful, of course, and there are plenty of times when the full isolation of a VM is not worth the overhead.

1 December 2024

Sandro Knau : QML Dependency tracking in Debian

Tracking library dependencies work in Debian to resolve from symbols usage to a library and add this to the list of dependencies. That is working for years now. The KDE community nowadays create more and more QML based applications. Unfortunately QML is a interpreted language, this means missing QML dependencies will only be an issue at runtime. To fix this I created dh_qmldeps, that searches for QML dependencies at build time and will fail if it can't resolve the QML dependency. Me didn't create an own QML interpreter, just using qmlimportscanner behind the scenes and process the output further to resolve the QML modules to Debian packages. The workflow is like follows: The package compiles normally and split to the binary packages. Than dh_qmldeps scans through the package content to find QML content ( .qml files, or qmldirfor QML modules). All founded files will be scanned by qmlimportscanner, the output is a list of depended QML modules. As QML modules have a standardized file path, we can ask the Debian system, which packages ship this file path. We end up with a list of Debian packages in the variable $ qml6:Depends . This variable can be attached to the list of dependencies of the scanned package. A maintainer can also lower some dependencies to Recommends or Suggest, if needed. You can find the source code on salsa and usage documentation you can find on The last weeks I now enabled dh_qmldeps for newly every package, that creates a QML6 module package. So the first bugs are solved and it should be usable for more packages. By scanning with qmlimportscanner trough all code, I found several non-existing QML modules: YEAH - the first milestone is reached. We are able to simply handle QML modules. But QML applications there is still room for improvement. In apps the QML files are inside the executable. Additionally applications create internal QML modules, that are shipped directly in the same executable. I still search for a good way to analyse an executable to get a list of internal QML modules and a list of included QML files. Any ideas are welcomed :) As workaround dh_qmldeps scans currently all QML files inside the application source code.

19 November 2024

Melissa Wen: Display/KMS Meeting at XDC 2024: Detailed Report

XDC 2024 in Montreal was another fantastic gathering for the Linux Graphics community. It was again a great time to immerse in the world of graphics development, engage in stimulating conversations, and learn from inspiring developers. Many Igalia colleagues and I participated in the conference again, delivering multiple talks about our work on the Linux Graphics stack and also organizing the Display/KMS meeting. This blog post is a detailed report on the Display/KMS meeting held during this XDC edition. Short on Time?
  1. Catch the lightning talk summarizing the meeting here (you can even speed up 2x):
  1. For a quick written summary, scroll down to the TL;DR section.

TL;DR This meeting took 3 hours and tackled a variety of topics related to DRM/KMS (Linux/DRM Kernel Modesetting):
  • Sharing Drivers Between V4L2 and KMS: Brainstorming solutions for using a single driver for devices used in both camera capture and display pipelines.
  • Real-Time Scheduling: Addressing issues with non-blocking page flips encountering sigkills under real-time scheduling.
  • HDR/Color Management: Agreement on merging the current proposal, with NVIDIA implementing its special cases on VKMS and adding missing parts on top of Harry Wentland s (AMD) changes.
  • Display Mux: Collaborative design discussions focusing on compositor control and cross-sync considerations.
  • Better Commit Failure Feedback: Exploring ways to equip compositors with more detailed information for failure analysis.

Bringing together Linux display developers in the XDC 2024 While I didn t present a talk this year, I co-organized a Display/KMS meeting (with Rodrigo Siqueira of AMD) to build upon the momentum from the 2024 Linux Display Next hackfest. The meeting was attended by around 30 people in person and 4 remote participants. Speakers: Melissa Wen (Igalia) and Rodrigo Siqueira (AMD) Link: Topics: Similar to the hackfest, the meeting agenda was built over the first two days of the conference and mixed talks follow-up with new ideas and ongoing community efforts. The final agenda covered five topics in the scheduled order:
  1. How to share drivers between V4L2 and DRM for bridge-like components (new topic);
  2. Real-time Scheduling (problems encountered after the Display Next hackfest);
  3. HDR/Color Management (ofc);
  4. Display Mux (from Display hackfest and XDC 2024 talk, bringing AMD and NVIDIA together);
  5. (Better) Commit Failure Feedback (continuing the last minute topic of the Display Next hackfest).

Unpacking the Topics Similar to the hackfest, the meeting agenda evolved over the conference. During the 3 hours of meeting, I coordinated the room and discussion rounds, and Rodrigo Siqueira took notes and also contacted key developers to provide a detailed report of the many topics discussed. From his notes, let s dive into the key discussions!

How to share drivers between V4L2 and KMS for bridge-like components. Led by Laurent Pinchart, we delved into the challenge of creating a unified driver for hardware devices (like scalers) that are used in both camera capture pipelines and display pipelines.
  • Problem Statement: How can we design a single kernel driver to handle devices that serve dual purposes in both V4L2 and DRM subsystems?
  • Potential Solutions:
    1. Multiple Compatible Strings: We could assign different compatible strings to the device tree node based on its usage in either the camera or display pipeline. However, this approach might raise concerns from device tree maintainers as it could be seen as a layer violation.
    2. Separate Abstractions: A single driver could expose the device to both DRM and V4L2 through separate abstractions: drm-bridge for DRM and V4L2 subdev for video. While simple, this approach requires maintaining two different abstractions for the same underlying device.
    3. Unified Kernel Abstraction: We could create a new, unified kernel abstraction that combines the best aspects of drm-bridge and V4L2 subdev. This approach offers a more elegant solution but requires significant design effort and potential migration challenges for existing hardware.

Real-Time Scheduling Challenges We have discussed real-time scheduling during this year Linux Display Next hackfest and, during the XDC 2024, Jonas Adahl brought up issues uncovered while progressing on this front.
  • Context: Non-blocking page-flips can, on rare occasions, take a long time and, for that reason, get a sigkill if the thread doing the atomic commit is a real-time schedule.
  • Action items:
    • Explore alternative backtraces during the busy wait (e.g., ftrace).
    • Investigate the maximum thread time in busy wait to reproduce issues faced by compositors. Tools like RTKit (mutter) can be used for better control (Michel D nzer can help with this setup).

HDR/Color Management This is a well-known topic with ongoing effort on all layers of the Linux Display stack and has been discussed online and in-person in conferences and meetings over the last years. Here s a breakdown of the key points raised at this meeting:
  • Talk: Color operations for Linux color pipeline on AMD devices: In the previous day, Alex Hung (AMD) presented the implementation of this API on AMD display driver.
  • NVIDIA Integration: While they agree with the overall proposal, NVIDIA needs to add some missing parts. Importantly, they will implement these on top of Harry Wentland s (AMD) proposal. Their specific requirements will be implemented on VKMS (Virtual Kernel Mode Setting driver) for further discussion. This VKMS implementation can benefit compositor developers by providing insights into NVIDIA s specific needs.
  • Other vendors: There is a version of the KMS API applied on Intel color pipeline. Apart from that, other vendors appear to be comfortable with the current proposal but lacks the bandwidth to implement it right now.
  • Upstream Patches: The relevant upstream patches were can be found here. [As humorously notes, this series is eagerly awaiting your Acked-by (approval)]
  • Compositor Side: The compositor developers have also made significant progress.
    • KDE has already implemented and validated the API through an experimental implementation in Kwin.
    • Gamescope currently uses a driver-specific implementation but has a draft that utilizes the generic version. However, some work is still required to fully transition away from the driver-specific approach. AP: work on porting gamescope to KMS generic API
    • Weston has also begun exploring implementation, and we might see something from them by the end of the year.
  • Kernel and Testing: The kernel API proposal is well-refined and meets the DRM subsystem requirements. Thanks to Harry Wentland effort, we already have the API attached to two hardware vendors and IGT tests, and, thanks to Xaver Hugl, a compositor implementation in place.
Finally, there was a strong sense of agreement that the current proposal for HDR/Color Management is ready to be merged. In simpler terms, everything seems to be working well on the technical side - all signs point to merging and shipping the DRM/KMS plane color management API!

Display Mux During the meeting, Daniel Dadap led a brainstorming session on the design of the display mux switching sequence, in which the compositor would arm the switch via sysfs, then send a modeset to the outgoing driver, followed by a modeset to the incoming driver.
  • Context:
  • Key Considerations:
    • HPD Handling: There was a general consensus that disabling HPD can be part of the sequence for internal panels and we don t need to focus on it here.
    • Cross-Sync: Ensuring synchronization between the compositor and the drivers is crucial. The compositor should act as the drm-master to coordinate the entire sequence, but how can this be ensured?
    • Future-Proofing: The design should not assume the presence of a mux. In future scenarios, direct sharing over DP might be possible.
  • Action points:
    • Sharing DP AUX: Explore the idea of sharing DP AUX and its implications.
    • Backlight: The backlight definition represents a problem in the mux switch context, so we should explore some of the current specs available for that.

Towards Better Commit Failure Feedback In the last part of the meeting, Xaver Hugl asked for better commit failure feedback.
  • Problem description: Compositors currently face challenges in collecting detailed information from the kernel about commit failures. This lack of granular data hinders their ability to understand and address the root causes of these failures.
To address this issue, we discussed several potential improvements:
  • Direct Kernel Log Access: One idea is to directly load relevant kernel logs into the compositor. This would provide more detailed information about the failure and potentially aid in debugging.
  • Finer-Grained Failure Reporting: We also explored the possibility of separating atomic failures into more specific categories. Not all failures are critical, and understanding the nature of the failure can help compositors take appropriate action.
  • Enhanced Logging: Currently, the dmesg log doesn t provide enough information for user-space validation. Raising the log level to capture more detailed information during failures could be a viable solution.
By implementing these improvements, we aim to equip compositors with the necessary tools to better understand and resolve commit failures, leading to a more robust and stable display system.

A Big Thank You! Huge thanks to Rodrigo Siqueira for these detailed meeting notes. Also, Laurent Pinchart, Jonas Adahl, Daniel Dadap, Xaver Hugl, and Harry Wentland for bringing up interesting topics and leading discussions. Finally, thanks to all the participants who enriched the discussions with their experience, ideas, and inputs, especially Alex Goins, Antonino Maniscalco, Austin Shafer, Daniel Stone, Demi Obenour, Jessica Zhang, Joan Torres, Leo Li, Liviu Dudau, Mario Limonciello, Michel D nzer, Rob Clark, Simon Ser and Teddy Li. This collaborative effort will undoubtedly contribute to the continued development of the Linux display stack. Stay tuned for future updates!

12 November 2024

Paul Tagliamonte: Complex for Whom?

In basically every engineering organization I ve ever regarded as particularly high functioning, I ve sat through one specific recurring conversation which is not a conversation about complexity . Things are good or bad because they are or aren t complex, architectures needs to be redone because it s too complex some refactor of whatever it is won t work because it s too complex. You may have even been a part of some of these conversations or even been the one advocating for simple light-weight solutions. I ve done it. Many times. Rarely, if ever, do we talk about complexity within its rightful context complexity for whom. Is a solution complex because it s complex for the end user? Is it complex if it s complex for an API consumer? Is it complex if it s complex for the person maintaining the API service? Is it complex if it s complex for someone outside the team maintaining it to understand? Complexity within a problem domain I ve come to believe, is fairly zero-sum there s a fixed amount of complexity in the problem to be solved, and you can choose to either solve it, or leave it for those downstream of you to solve that problem on their own. That being said, while I believe there is a lower bound in complexity to contend with for a problem, I do not believe there is an upper bound to the complexity of solutions possible. It is always possible, and in fact, very likely that teams create problems for themselves while trying to solve a problem. The rest of this post is talking to the lower bound. When getting feedback on an early draft of this blog post, I ve been informed that Fred Brooks coined a term for what I call lower bound complexity Essential Complexity , in the paper No Silver Bullet Essence and Accident in Software Engineering , which is a better term and can be used interchangeably.

Complexity Culture In a large enough organization, where the team is high functioning enough to have and maintain trust amongst peers, members of the team will specialize. People will begin to engage with subsets of the work to be done, and begin to have their efficacy measured against that part of the organization s problems. Incentives shift, and over time it becomes increasingly likely that two engineers may have two very different priorities when working on the same system together. Someone accountable for uptime and tasked with responding to outages will begin to resist changes. Someone accountable for rapidly delivering features will resist gates between them and their users. Companies (either wittingly or unwittingly) will deal with this by tasking engineers with both production (feature development) and operational tasks (maintenance), so the difference in incentives isn t usually as bad as it could be. When we get a bunch of folks from far-flung corners of an organization in a room, fire up a slide deck and throw up some aspirational to-be architecture diagram in order to get a sign-off to solve some problem (be it someone needs a credible promotion packet, new feature needs to get delivered, or the system has begun to fail and needs fixing), the initial reaction will, more often than I d like, start to devolve into a discussion of how this is going to introduce a bunch of complexity, going to be hard to maintain, why can t you make it less complex? Right around here is when I start to try and contextualize the conversation happening around me understand what complexity is that being discussed, and understand who is taking on that burden. Think about who should be owning that problem, and work through the tradeoffs involved. Is it best solved here, or left to consumers (be them other systems, developers, or users). Should something become an API call s optional param, taking on all the edge-cases and on, or should users have to implement the logic using the data you return (leaving everyone else to take on all the edge-cases and maintenance)? Should you process the data, or require the user to preprocess it for you? Frequently it s right to make an active and explicit decision to simplify and leave problems to be solved downstream, since they may not actually need to be solved or perhaps you expect consumers will want to own the specifics of how the problem is solved, in which case you leave lots of documentation and examples. Many other times, especially when it s something downstream consumers are likely to hit, it s best solved internal to the system, since the only thing that can come of leaving it unsolved are bugs, frustration and half-correct solutions. This is a grey-space of tradeoffs, not a clear decision tree. No one wants the software manifestation of a katamari ball or a junk drawer, nor does anyone want a half-baked service unable to handle the simplest use-case.

Head-in-sand as a Service Popoffs about how complex something is, are, to a first approximation, best understood as meaning complicated for the person making comments . A lot of the #thoughtleadership believe that an AWS hosted EKS k8s cluster running images built by CI talking to an AWS hosted PostgreSQL RDS is not complex. They re right. Mostly right. This is less complex less complex for them. It s not, however, without complexity and its own tradeoffs it s just complexity that they do not have to deal with. Now they don t have to maintain machines that have pesky operating systems or hard drive failures. They don t have to deal with updating the version of k8s, nor ensuring the backups work. No one has to push some artifact to prod manually. Deployments happen unattended. You click a button and get a cluster. On the other hand, developers outside the ops function need to deal with troubleshooting CI, debugging access control rules encoded in turing complete YAML, permissions issues inside the cluster due to whatever the fuck a service mesh is, everyone needs to learn how to use some k8s tools they only actually use during a bad day, likely while doing some x.509 troubleshooting to connect to the cluster (an internal only endpoint; just port forward it) not to mention all sorts of rules to route packets to their project (a single repo s binary being run in 3 containers on a single vm host). Beyond that, there s the invisible complexity complexity on the interior of a service you depend on. I think about the dozens of teams maintaining the EKS service (which is either run on EC2 instances, or alternately, EC2 instances in a trench coat, moustache and even more shell scripts), the RDS service (also EC2 and shell scripts, but this time accounting for redundancy, backups, availability zones), scores of hypervisors pulled off the shelf (xen, kvm) smashed together with the ones built in-house (firecracker, nitro, etc) running on hardware that has to be refreshed and maintained continuously. Every request processed by network ACL rules, AWS IAM rules, security group rules, using IP space announced to the internet wired through IXPs directly into ISPs. I don t even want to begin to think about the complexity inherent in how those switches are designed. Shitloads of complexity to solve problems you may or may not have, or even know you had. What s more complex? An app running in an in-house 4u server racked in the office s telco closet in the back running off the office Verizon line, or an app running four hypervisors deep in an AWS datacenter? Which is more complex to you? What about to your organization? In total? Which is more prone to failure? Which is more secure? Is the complexity good or bad? What type of Complexity can you manage effectively? Which threaten the system? Which threaten your users?

COMPLEXIVIBES This extends beyond Engineering. Decisions regarding what tools are we able to use be them existing contracts with cloud providers, CIO mandated SaaS products, a list of the only permissible open source projects will incur costs in terms of expressed complexity . Pinning open source projects to a fixed set makes SBOM production less complex . Using only one SaaS provider s product suite (even if its terrible, because it has all the types of tools you need) makes accreditation less complex . If all you have is a contract with Pauly T s lowest price technically acceptable artisinal cloudary and haberdashery, the way you pay for your compute is less complex for the CIO shop, though you will find yourself building your own hosted database template, mechanism to spin up a k8s cluster, and all the operational and technical burden that comes with it. Or you won t and make it everyone else s problem in the organization. Nothing you can do will solve for the fact that you must now deal with this problem somewhere because it was less complicated for the business to put the workloads on the existing contract with a cut-rate vendor. Suddenly, the decision to reduce complexity because of an existing contract vehicle has resulted in a huge amount of technical risk and maintenance burden being onboarded. Complexity you would otherwise externalize has now been taken on internally. With a large enough organizations (specifically, in this case, i m talking about you, bureaucracies), this is largely ignored or accepted as normal since the personnel cost is understood to be free to everyone involved. Doing it this way is more expensive, more work, less reliable and less maintainable, and yet, somehow, is, in a lot of ways, less complex to the organization. It s particularly bad with bureaucracies, since screwing up a contract will get you into much more trouble than delivering a broken product, leaving basically no reason for anyone to care to fix this. I can t shake the feeling that for every story of technical mandates gone awry, somewhere just out of sight there s a decisionmaker optimizing for what they believe to be the least amount of complexity least hassle, fewest unique cases, most consistency as they can. They freely offload complexity from their accreditation and risk acceptance functions through mandates. They will never have to deal with it. That does not change the fact that someone does.

TC;DR (TOO COMPLEX; DIDN T REVIEW) We wish to rid ourselves of systemic Complexity after all, complexity is bad, simplicity is good. Removing upper-bound own-goal complexity ( accidental complexity in Brooks s terms) is important, but once you hit the lower bound complexity, the tradeoffs become zero-sum. Removing complexity from one part of the system means that somewhere else maybe outside your organization or in a non-engineering function must grow it back. Sometimes, the opposite is the case, such as when a previously manual business processes is automated. Maybe that s a good idea. Maybe it s not. All I know is that what doesn t help the situation is conflating complexity with everything we don t like legacy code, maintenance burden or toil, cost, delivery velocity.
  • Complexity is not the same as proclivity to failure. The most reliable systems I ve interacted with are unimaginably complex, with layers of internal protection to prevent complete failure. This has its own set of costs which other people have written about extensively.
  • Complexity is not cost. Sometimes the cost of taking all the complexity in-house is less, for whatever value of cost you choose to use.
  • Complexity is not absolute. Something simple from one perspective may be wildly complex from another. The impulse to burn down complex sections of code is helpful to have generally, but sometimes things are complicated for a reason, even if that reason exists outside your codebase or organization.
  • Complexity is not something you can remove without introducing complexity elsewhere. Just as not making a decision is a decision itself; choosing to require someone else to deal with a problem rather than dealing with it internally is a choice that needs to be considered in its full context.
Next time you re sitting through a discussion and someone starts to talk about all the complexity about to be introduced, I want to pop up in the back of your head, politely asking what does complex mean in this context? Is it lower bound complexity? Is this complexity desirable? Is what they re saying mean something along the lines of I don t understand the problems being solved, or does it mean something along the lines of this problem should be solved elsewhere? Do they believe this will result in more work for them in a way that you don t see? Should this not solved at all by changing the bounds of what we should accept or redefine the understood limits of this system? Is the perceived complexity a result of a decision elsewhere? Who s taking this complexity on, or more to the point, is failing to address complexity required by the problem leaving it to others? Does it impact others? How specifically? What are you not seeing? What can change? What should change?

3 November 2024

Guido G nther: Free Software Activities October 2024

Another short status update of what happened on my side last month. Besides a phosh bugfix release improving text input and selection was a prevalent pattern again resulting in improvements in the compositor, the OSK and some apps. phosh phoc phosh-mobile-settings libphosh-rs phosh-osk-stub phosh-osk-data xdg-desktop-portal-phosh Debian ModemManager Calls GTK feedbackd Chatty libcmatrix phosh-ev git-buildpackage Unified push specification swipeGuess wlr-clients iotas (Note taking app) Flare (Signal app) xdg-desktop-portal Reviews This is not code by me but reviews on other peoples code. The list is fairly incomplete, hope to improve on this in the upcoming months: Help Development If you want to support my work see donations. This includes a list of hardware we want to improve support for. Thanks a lot to all current and past donors.

2 November 2024

Russell Coker: Moving Between Devices

I previously wrote about the possibility of transferring work between devices as an alternative to convergence (using a phone or tablet as a desktop) [1]. This idea has been implemented in some commercial products already. MrWhosTheBoss made a good YouTube video reviewing recent Huawei products [2]. At 2:50 in that video he shows how you can link a phone and tablet, control one from the other, drag and drop of running apps and files between phone and tablet, mirror the screen between devices, etc. He describes playing a video on one device and having it appear on the other, I hope that it actually launches a new instance of the player app as the Google Chromecast failed in the market due to remote display being laggy. At 7:30 in that video he starts talking about the features that are available when you have multiple Huawei devices, starting with the ability to move a Bluetooth pairing for earphones to a different device. At 16:25 he shows what Huawei is doing to get apps going including allowing apk files to be downloaded and creating what they call Quick Apps which are instances of a web browser configured to just use one web site and make it look like a discrete app, we need something like this for FOSS phone distributions does anyone know of a browser that s good for it? Another thing that we need is to have an easy way of transferring open web pages between systems. Chrome allows sending pages between systems but it s proprietary, limited to Chrome only, and also takes an unreasonable amount of time. KDEConnect allows sharing clipboard contents which can be used to send URLs that can then be pasted into a browser, but the process of copy URL, send via KDEConnect, and paste into other device is unreasonably slow. The design of Chrome with a Send to your devices menu option from the tab bar is OK. But ideally we need a Send to device for all tabs of a window as well, we need it to run from free software and support using your own server not someone else s server (AKA the cloud ). Some of the KDEConnect functionality but using a server rather than direct connection over the same Wifi network (or LAN if bridged to Wifi) would be good. What else do we need?

24 October 2024

Emmanuel Kasper: back to blogging and running a feed reader as a containerized systemd service

After reading about Jonathan McDowell feed reader install and the back to blogging initiative, I decided to install a feed reader to follow all those nice blog posts. With a feed reader you can compose your own feed of news based on blog posts, websites, mastodon toots. And then you are independant from ad oriented ranking algorithms of social networks. Since Jonathan used FreshRSS as a feed reader, I started with the same software. On a quick glance on its github page, it sounded like a good project:
  • active contributions
  • different channels for stable and latest version of the software
  • container images pointing to the stable release
  • support multiple databases for storage, including PostgreSQL
  • correct documentation mentioning security caveats
I prefer to do the container image installation using podman since:
  • upgrades from FreshRSS are easy to do and can be done separately from operating system upgrades
  • I do not mess my based operating system with php (subjective) and in case of a compromized freshrss, the freshrss/apache install would be still restrained to its own Linux namespaces, separated from the rest of the system.
Podman is image compatible with Docker as they both implement the OCI runtime specification, and have a nearly identical command line interface. This installation will be done on a Debian server, but should work too on any Linux distribution. Initial setup
  • start a container image based on the start command provided by the FreshRSS project. The podman command line is nearly identical to the docker command line, excepts that podman expects the fully qualified domain name associated with the container image, and I chose to run the freshrss container on the localhost interface only. I also use a defined version tag, because using the latest tag makes it complicated to track which exact ersion I have installed.
# podman pull
# podman run --detach --restart unless-stopped --log-opt max-size=10m \
  --publish \
  --env TZ=Europe/Paris \
  --env 'CRON_MIN=1,31' \
  --volume freshrss_data:/var/www/FreshRSS/data \
  --volume freshrss_extensions:/var/www/FreshRSS/extensions \
  --name freshrss \
  • verify where the podman volumes have been created. This is where the user data of freshrss will be stored.
# podman volume ls
# podman volume inspect freshrss_data
  • now that freshrss is installed, you can start its configuration wizard at localhost:8081. You should keep the default sqlite choice
  • finally after running the wizard, you can login again and add some feeds
  • verify that your config has been stored outside the container, and inside the volume (so that it will not be erased in case of upgrages)
# ls -l /var/lib/containers/storage/volumes/freshrss_data/_data/users/
  • verify the state of sqlite database
echo '.tables'  sqlite3  /var/lib/containers/storage/volumes/freshrss_data/_data/users/<your freshrss user>/db.sqlite 
category  entry     entrytag  entrytmp  feed      tag
Going with FreshRSS in Production Podman has this very nice feature that it can generate a systemd unit from a running container, and use systemd to start a container on boot. This is in contrary to docker where the docker daemon does the stop/start of containers on boot. I prefer the systemd approach as it treats containers the same way as other system services. Once the freshrss container is running we can generate a systemd unit of it with:
# podman generate systemd --new --name freshrss   tee /etc/systemd/system/container-freshrss.service
Let s stop the container we started previously, and use systemd to manage it:
# podman stop freshrss
# systemctl enable --now container-freshrss.service
We can verify that we have a listening socket on the localhost interface, on the source port 8081
# systemctl status container-freshrss.service
# ss --listening --numeric --process '( sport = 8081 )'
Netid         State           Recv-Q          Send-Q                   Local Address:Port                   Peer Address:Port         Process         
tcp           LISTEN          0               4096                             *             users:(("conmon",pid=4464,fd=5))
Nota Bene: conmon (8) is the process managing the network namespace in which fresh-rss is running, hence it is displayed as the process owning the listening socket Exposing FreshRSS to the external world We have now a running service, but we need to make it reachable from the internet. The simplest, classical way, is to create a subdomain and a VirtualHost configured as a reverse proxy to access the service at Fortunately the FreshRSS authors have documented this setup in and those steps are no different from a standard application behind a web reverse proxy. Upgrading freshrss container to a newer version A documentation showing how to install a piece of software is nothing when it does not show how to upgrade that said software. Installing is easy, upgrading is where the challenge is. Fortunately to the good stateless design of freshrss (everything is in the sqlite database, which is backed by a non-epheremal volume in our setup), switchting versions is a peace of cake.
# podman pull
# systemctl stop container-freshrss.service
# sed -i 's,,,' /etc/systemd/system/container-freshrss.service
# systemctl daemon-reload
# systemctl start container-freshrss.service
If you need to rollback, you just need to revert version numbers in the instruction above. Enjoy your own reader feed ! I will add the following feeds of blogs I like, let us see if I follow them better with a feed reader !

23 October 2024

Jonathan Dowland: Why hardware synths?

Russell wrote a great comment on my last post (thanks!):
What benefits do these things offer when a general purpose computer can do so many things nowadays? Is there a USB keyboard that you can connect to a laptop or phone to do these things? I presume that all recent phones have the compute power to do all the synthesis you need if you have the right software. Is it just a lack of software and infrastructure for doing it on laptops/phones that makes synthesisers still viable?
I've decided to turn my response into a post of its own. The issue is definitely not compute power. You can indeed attach a USB keyboard to a computer and use a plethora of software synthesisers, including very faithful emulations of all the popular classics. The raw compute power of modern hardware synths is comparatively small: I ve been told the modern Korg digital synths are on a par with a raspberry pi. I ve seen some DSPs which are 32 bit ARMs, and other tools which are roughly equivalent to arduinos. I can think of four reasons hardware synths remain popular with some despite the above:
  1. As I touched on in my original synth post, computing dominates my life outside of music already. I really wanted something separate from that to keep mental distance from work.
  2. Synths have hard real-time requirements. They don't have raw power in compute terms, but they absolutely have to do their job within microseconds of being instructed to, with no exceptions. Linux still has a long way to go for hard real-time.
  3. The Linux audio ecosystem is complex. Dealing with pipewire, pulseaudio, jack, alsa, oss, and anything else I've forgotten, as well as their failure modes, is too time consuming.
  4. The last point is to do with creativity and inspiration. A good synth is more than the sum of its parts: it's an instrument, carefully designed and its components integrated by musically-minded people who have set out to create something to inspire. There are plenty of synths which aren't good instruments, but have loads of features: they re boxes of "stuff". Good synths can't do it all: they often have limitations which you have to respond to, work around or with, creatively. This was expressed better than I could by Trent Reznor in the video archetype of a synthesiser:

Michael Ablassmeier: qmpbackup 0.33

In the last weeks qmpbackup has seen a bit more improvements. Ive been running it lately to backup Virtual machines on proxmox systems, where the proxmox backup server is not an option.

21 October 2024

Russ Allbery: California general election

As usual with these every-two-year posts, probably of direct interest only to California residents. Maybe the more obscure things we're voting on will be a minor curiosity to people elsewhere. I'm a bit late this year, although not as late as last year, so a lot of people may have already voted, but I've been doing this for a while and wanted to keep it up. This post will only be about the ballot propositions. I don't have anything useful to say about the candidates that isn't hyper-local. I doubt anyone who has read my posts will be surprised by which candidates I'm voting for. As always with Calfornia ballot propositions, it's worth paying close attention to which propositions were put on the ballot by the legislature, usually because there's some state law requirement (often that I disagree with) that they be voted on by the public, and propositions that were put on the ballot by voter petition. The latter are often poorly written and have hidden problems. As a general rule of thumb, I tend to default to voting against propositions added by petition. This year, one can conveniently distinguish by number: the single-digit propositions were added by the legislature, and the two-digit ones were added by petition. Proposition 2: YES. Issue $10 billion in bonds for public school infrastructure improvements. I generally vote in favor of spending measures like this unless they have some obvious problem. The opposition argument is a deranged rant against immigrants and government debt and fails to point out actual problems. The opposition argument also claims this will result in higher property taxes and, seriously, if only that were true. That would make me even more strongly in favor of it. Proposition 3: YES. Enshrines the right to marriage without regard to sex or race into the California state constitution. This is already the law given US Supreme Court decisions, but fixing California state law is a long-overdue and obvious cleanup step. One of the quixotic things I would do if I were ever in government, which I will never be, would be to try to clean up the laws to make them match reality, repealing all of the dead clauses that were overturned by court decisions or are never enforced. I am in favor of all measures in this direction even when I don't agree with the direction of the change; here, as a bonus, I also strongly agree with the change. Proposition 4: YES. Issue $10 billion in bonds for infrastructure improvements to mitigate climate risk. This is basically the same argument as Proposition 2. The one drawback of this measure is that it's kind of a mixed grab bag of stuff and probably some of it should be supported out of the general budget rather than bonds, but I consider this a minor problem. We definitely need to ramp up climate risk mitigation efforts. Proposition 5: YES. Reduces the required super-majority to pass local bond measures for affordable housing from 67% to 55%. The fact that this requires a supermajority at all is absurd, California desperately needs to build more housing of any kind however we can, and publicly funded housing is an excellent idea. Proposition 6: YES. Eliminates "involuntary servitude" (in other words, "temporary" slavery) as a legally permissible punishment for crimes in the state of California. I'm one of the people who think the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution shouldn't have an exception for punishment for crimes, so obviously I'm in favor of this. This is one very, very tiny step towards improving the absolutely atrocious prison conditions in the state. Proposition 32: YES. Raises the minimum wage to $18 per hour from the current $16 per hour, over two years, and ties it to inflation. This is one of the rare petition-based propositions that I will vote in favor of because it's very straightforward, we clearly should be raising the minimum wage, and living in California is absurdly expensive because we refuse to build more housing (see Propositions 5 and 33). The opposition argument is the standard lie that a higher minimum wage will increase unemployment, which we know from numerous other natural experiments is simply not true. Proposition 33: NO. Repeals Costa-Hawkins, which prohibits local municipalities from enacting rent control on properties built after 1995. This one is going to split the progressive vote rather badly, I suspect. California has a housing crisis caused by not enough housing supply. It is not due to vacant housing, as much as some people would like you to believe that; the numbers just don't add up. There are way more people living here and wanting to live here than there is housing, so we need to build more housing. Rent control serves a valuable social function of providing stability to people who already have housing, but it doesn't help, and can hurt, the project of meeting actual housing demand. Rent control alone creates a two-tier system where people who have housing are protected but people who don't have housing have an even harder time getting housing than they do today. It's therefore quite consistent with the general NIMBY playbook of trying to protect the people who already have housing by making life harder for the people who do not, while keeping the housing supply essentially static. I am in favor of rent control in conjunction with real measures to increase the housing supply. I am therefore opposed to this proposition, which allows rent control without any effort to increase housing supply. I am quite certain that, if this passes, some municipalities will use it to make constructing new high-density housing incredibly difficult by requiring it all be rent-controlled low-income housing, thus cutting off the supply of multi-tenant market-rate housing entirely. This is already a common political goal in the part of California where I live. Local neighborhood groups advocate for exactly this routinely in local political fights. Give me a mandate for new construction that breaks local zoning obstructionism, including new market-rate housing to maintain a healthy lifecycle of housing aging into affordable housing as wealthy people move into new market-rate housing, and I will gladly support rent control measures as part of that package. But rent control on its own just allocates winners and losers without addressing the underlying problem. Proposition 34: NO. This is an excellent example of why I vote against petition propositions by default. This is a law designed to affect exactly one organization in the state of California: the AIDS Healthcare Foundation. The reason for this targeting is disputed; one side claims it's because of the AHF support for Proposition 33, and another side claims it's because AHF is a slumlord abusing California state funding. I have no idea which side of this is true. I also don't care, because I am fundamentally opposed to writing laws this way. Laws should establish general, fair principles that are broadly applicable, not be written with bizarrely specific conditions (health care providers that operate multifamily housing) that will only be met by a single organization. This kind of nonsense creates bad legal codes and the legal equivalent of technical debt. Just don't do this. Proposition 35: YES. I am, reluctantly, voting in favor of this even though it is a petition proposition because it looks like a useful simplification and cleanup of state health care funding, makes an expiring tax permanent, and is supported by a very wide range of organizations that I generally trust to know what they're talking about. No opposition argument was filed, which I think is telling. Proposition 36: NO. I am resigned to voting down attempts to start new "war on drugs" nonsense for the rest of my life because the people who believe in this crap will never, ever, ever stop. This one has bonus shoplifting fear-mongering attached, something that touches on nasty local politics that have included large retail chains manipulating crime report statistics to give the impression that shoplifting is up dramatically. It's yet another round of the truly horrific California "three strikes" criminal penalty obsession, which completely misunderstands both the causes of crime and the (almost nonexistent) effectiveness of harsh punishment as deterrence.

16 September 2024

Russ Allbery: Review: The Wings Upon Her Back

Review: The Wings Upon Her Back, by Samantha Mills
Publisher: Tachyon
Copyright: 2024
ISBN: 1-61696-415-4
Format: Kindle
Pages: 394
The Wings Upon Her Back is a political steampunk science fantasy novel. If the author's name sounds familiar, it may be because Samantha Mills's short story "Rabbit Test" won Nebula, Locus, Hugo, and Sturgeon awards. This is her first novel. Winged Zemolai is a soldier of the mecha god and the protege of Mecha Vodaya, the Voice. She has served the city-state of Radezhda by defending it against all enemies, foreign and domestic, for twenty-six years. Despite that, it takes only a moment of errant mercy for her entire life to come crashing down. On a whim, she spares a kitchen worker who was concealing a statue of the scholar god, meaning that he was only pretending to worship the worker god like all workers should. Vodaya is unforgiving and uncompromising, as is the sleeping mecha god. Zemolai's wings are ripped from her back and crushed in the hand of the god, and she's left on the ground to die of mechalin withdrawal. The Wings Upon Her Back is told in two alternating timelines. The main one follows Zemolai after her exile as she is rescued by a young group of revolutionaries who think she may be useful in their plans. The other thread starts with Zemolai's childhood and shows the reader how she became Winged Zemolai: her scholar family, her obsession with flying, her true devotion to the mecha god, and the critical early years when she became Vodaya's protege. Mills maintains the separate timelines through the book and wraps them up in a rather neat piece of symbolic parallelism in the epilogue. I picked up this book on a recommendation from C.L. Clark, and yes, indeed, I can see why she liked this book. It's a story about a political awakening, in which Zemolai slowly realizes that she has been manipulated and lied to and that she may, in fact, be one of the baddies. The Wings Upon Her Back is more personal than some other books with that theme, since Zemolai was specifically (and abusively) groomed for her role by Vodaya. Much of the book is Zemolai trying to pull out the hooks that Vodaya put in her or, in the flashback timeline, the reader watching Vodaya install those hooks. The flashback timeline is difficult reading. I don't think Mills could have left it out, but she says in the afterword that it was the hardest part of the book to write and it was also the hardest part of the book to read. It fills in some interesting bits of world-building and backstory, and Mills does a great job pacing the story revelations so that both threads contribute equally, but mostly it's a story of manipulative abuse. We know from the main storyline that Vodaya's tactics work, which gives those scenes the feel of a slow-motion train wreck. You know what's going to happen, you know it will be bad, and yet you can't look away. It occurred to me while reading this that Emily Tesh's Some Desperate Glory told a similar type of story without the flashback structure, which eliminates the stifling feeling of inevitability. I don't think that would not have worked for this story. If you simply rearranged the chapters of The Wings Upon Her Back into a linear narrative, I would have bailed on the book. Watching Zemolai being manipulated would have been too depressing and awful for me to make it to the payoff without the forward-looking hope of the main timeline. It gave me new appreciation for the difficulty of what Tesh pulled off. Mills uses this interwoven structure well, though. At about 90% through this book I had no idea how it could end in the space remaining, but it reaches a surprising and satisfying conclusion. Mills uses a type of ending that normally bothers me, but she does it by handling the psychological impact so well that I couldn't help but admire it. I'm avoiding specifics because I think it worked better when I wasn't expecting it, but it ties beautifully into the thematic point of the book. I do have one structural objection, though. It's one of those problems I didn't notice while reading, but that started bothering me when I thought back through the story from a political lens. The Wings Upon Her Back is Zemolai's story, her redemption arc, and that means she drives the plot. The band of revolutionaries are great characters (particularly Galiana), but they're supporting characters. Zemolai is older, more experienced, and knows critical information they don't have, and she uses it to effectively take over. As setup for her character arc, I see why Mills did this. As political praxis, I have issues. There is a tendency in politics to believe that political skill is portable and repurposable. Converting opposing operatives to the cause is welcomed not only because they indicate added support, but also because they can use their political skill to help you win instead. To an extent this is not wrong, and is probably the most true of combat skills (which Zemolai has in abundance). But there's an underlying assumption that politics is symmetric, and a critical reason why I hold many of the political positions that I do hold is that I don't think politics is symmetric. If someone has been successfully stoking resentment and xenophobia in support of authoritarians, converts to an anti-authoritarian cause, and then produces propaganda stoking resentment and xenophobia against authoritarians, this is in some sense an improvement. But if one believes that resentment and xenophobia are inherently wrong, if one's politics are aimed at reducing the resentment and xenophobia in the world, then in a way this person has not truly converted. Worse, because this is an effective manipulation tactic, there is a strong tendency to put this type of political convert into a leadership position, where they will, intentionally or not, start turning the anti-authoritarian movement into a copy of the authoritarian movement they left. They haven't actually changed their politics because they haven't understood (or simply don't believe in) the fundamental asymmetry in the positions. It's the same criticism that I have of realpolitik: the ends do not justify the means because the means corrupt the ends. Nothing that happens in this book is as egregious as my example, but the more I thought about the plot structure, the more it bothered me that Zemolai never listens to the revolutionaries she joins long enough to wrestle with why she became an agent of an authoritarian state and they didn't. They got something fundamentally right that she got wrong, and perhaps that should have been reflected in who got to make future decisions. Zemolai made very poor choices and yet continues to be the sole main character of the story, the one whose decisions and actions truly matter. Maybe being wrong about everything should be disqualifying for being the main character, at least for a while, even if you think you've understood why you were wrong. That problem aside, I enjoyed this. Both timelines were compelling and quite difficult to put down, even when they got rather dark. I could have done with less body horror and a few fewer fight scenes, but I'm glad I read it. Science fiction readers should be warned that the world-building, despite having an intricate and fascinating surface, is mostly vibes. I started the book wondering how people with giant metal wings on their back can literally fly, and thought the mentions of neural ports, high-tech materials, and immune-suppressing drugs might mean that we'd get some sort of explanation. We do not: heavier-than-air flight works because it looks really cool and serves some thematic purposes. There are enough hints of technology indistinguishable from magic that you could make up your own explanations if you wanted to, but that's not something this book is interested in. There's not a thing wrong with that, but don't get caught by surprise if you were in the mood for a neat scientific explanation of apparent magic. Recommended if you like somewhat-harrowing character development with a heavy political lens and steampunk vibes, although it's not the sort of book that I'd press into the hands of everyone I know. The Wings Upon Her Back is a complete story in a single novel. Content warning: the main character is a victim of physical and emotional abuse, so some of that is a lot. Also surgical gore, some torture, and genocide. Rating: 7 out of 10

14 September 2024

Evgeni Golov: Fixing the volume control in an Alesis M1Active 330 USB Speaker System

I've a set of Alesis M1Active 330 USB on my desk to listen to music. They were relatively inexpensive (~100 ), have USB and sound pretty good for their size/price. They were also sitting on my desk unused for a while, because the left speaker didn't produce any sound. Well, almost any. If you'd move the volume knob long enough you might have found a position where the left speaker would work a bit, but it'd be quieter than the right one and stop working again after some time. Pretty unacceptable when you want to listen to music. Given the right speaker was working just fine and the left would work a bit when the volume knob is moved, I was quite certain which part was to blame: the potentiometer. So just open the right speaker (it contains all the logic boards, power supply, etc), take out the broken potentiometer, buy a new one, replace, done. Sounds easy? Well, to open the speaker you gotta loosen 8 (!) screws on the back. At least it's not glued, right? Once the screws are removed you can pull out the back plate, which will bring the power supply, USB controller, sound amplifier and cables, lots of cables: two pairs of thick cables, one to each driver, one thin pair for the power switch and two sets of "WTF is this, I am not going to trace pinouts today", one with a 6 pin plug, one with a 5 pin one. Unplug all of these! Yes, they are plugged, nice. Nope, still no friggin' idea how to get to the potentiometer. If you trace the "thin pair" and "WTF1" cables, you see they go inside a small wooden box structure. So we have to pull the thing from the front? Okay, let's remove the plastic part of the knob Right, this looks like a potentiometer. Unscrew it. No, no need for a Makita wrench, I just didn't have anything else in the right size (10mm). right Alesis M1Active 330 USB speaker with a Makita wrench where the volume knob is Still, no movement. Let's look again from the inside! Oh ffs, there are six more screws inside, holding the front. Away with them! Just need a very long PH1 screwdriver. Now you can slowly remove the part of the front where the potentiometer is. Be careful, the top tweeter is mounted to the front, not the main case and so is the headphone jack, without an obvious way to detach it. But you can move away the front far enough to remove the small PCB with the potentiometer and the LED. right Alesis M1Active 330 USB speaker open Great, this was the easy part! The only thing printed on the potentiometer is "A10K". 10K is easy -- 10kOhm. A?! Wikipedia says "A" means "logarithmic", but only if made in the US or Asia. In Europe that'd be "linear". "B" in US/Asia means "linear", in Europe "logarithmic". Do I need to tap the sign again? (The sign is a print of XKCD#927.) My multimeter says in this case it's something like logarithmic. On the right channel anyway, the left one is more like a chopping board. And what's this green box at the end? Oh right, this thing also turns the power on and off. So it's a power switch. Where the fuck do I get a logarithmic 10kOhm stereo potentiometer with a power switch? And then in the exact right size too?! Of course not at any of the big German electronics pharmacies. But AliExpress saves the day, again. It's even the same color! Soldering without pulling out the cable out of the case was a bit challenging, but I've managed it and now have stereo sound again. Yay! PS: Don't operate this thing open to try it out. 230V are dangerous!

11 August 2024

Ravi Dwivedi: My Austrian Visa Refusal Story

Vienna - the capital of Austria - is one of the most visited cities in the world, popular for its rich history, gardens, and cafes, along with well-known artists like Beethoven, Mozart, G del, and Freud. It has also been consistently ranked as the most livable city in the world. For these reasons, I was elated when my friend Snehal invited me last year to visit Vienna for a few days. We included Christmas and New Year s Eve in my itinerary due to the city s popular Christmas markets and lively events. The festive season also ensured that Snehal had some days off for sightseeing. Indians require a visa to visit Austria. Since the travel dates were near, I rushed to book an appointment online with VFS Global in Delhi, and quickly arranged the required documents. However, at VFS, I found out that I had applied in the wrong appointment category (tourist), which depends on the purpose of the visit, and that my travel dates do not allow enough time for visa authorities to make a decision. Apparently, even if you plan to stay only for a part of the trip with the host, you need to apply under the category Visiting Friends and Family . Thus, I had to book another appointment under this category, and took the opportunity to shift my travel dates to allow at least 15 business days for the visa application to be processed, removing Christmas and New Year s Eve from my itinerary. The process went smoothly, and my visa application was submitted by VFS. For reference, here s a list of documents I submitted - The following charges were collected from me.
Service Description Amount (Indian Rupees)
Cash Handling Charge - SAC Code: (SAC:998599) 0
VFS Fee - India - SAC Code: (SAC:998599) 1,820
VISA Fee - India - SAC Code: 7,280
Convenience Fee - SAC Code: (SAC:998599) 182
Courier Service - SAC Code: (SAC:998599) 728
Courier Assurance - SAC Code: (SAC:998599) 182
Total 10,192
I later learned that the courier charges (728 INR) and the courier assurance charges (182 INR) mentioned above were optional. However, VFS didn t ask whether I wanted to include them. When the emabssy is done processing your application, it will send your passport back to VFS, from where you can either collect it yourself or get it couriered back home, which requires you to pay courier charges. However, courier assurance charges do not add any value as VFS cannot assure anything about courier and I suggest you get them removed. My visa application was submitted on the 21st of December 2023. A few days later, on the 29th of December 2023, I received an email from the Austrian embassy asking me to submit an additional document -
Subject: AUSTRIAN VISA APPLICATION - AMENDMENT REQUEST: Ravi Dwivedi VIS 4331 Dear Applicant, On 22.12.2023 your application for Visa C was registered at the Embassy. You are requested to kindly send the scanned copies of the following documents via email to the Embassy or submit the documents at the nearest VFS centre, for further processing of your application:
  • Kindly submit Electronic letter of guarantee EVE- Elektronische Verpflichtungserkl rung obtained from the Fremdenpolizeibeh rde of the sponsor s district in Austria. Once your host company/inviting company has obtained the EVE, please share the reference number (starting from DEL_____) received from the authorities, with the Embassy.
Kindly Note: It is in your own interest to fulfil the requirements as indicated above and submit the missing documents within 14 days of the receipt of this email. Otherwise a decision will be taken based on the documentation available. Sie werden in Ihrem Interesse ersucht, die gekennzeichneten M ngel so schnell wie m glich zu beheben bzw. fehlende Unterlagen umgehend nachzureichen, um die weitere Bearbeitung des Antrages zu erm glichen. Sollten Sie innerhalb 14 Tagen die gekennzeichneten M ngel nicht beheben bzw. die fehlenden Unterlagen nicht nachreichen, wird ber den vorliegenden Antrag ohne diese Unterlagen bzw. M ngelbehebung entschieden. Austrian Embassy New Delhi R.J/ Consular Section +91 11 2419 2700 EP-13, Chandragupta Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110 021, India [refocus1][Signatur_V+30][Logo_AT_IN_22px]
I misunderstood the required document (the EVE) to be a scanned copy of the letter of guarantee form signed by Snehal, and responded by attaching it. Upon researching, Snehal determined that the document is an electronic letter of guarantee, and is supposed to be obtained at a local police station in Vienna. He visited a police station the next day and had a hard time conversing due to the language barrier (German is the common language in Austria, whereas Snehal speaks English). That day was a weekend, so he took an appointment for Monday, but in the meantime the embassy had finished processing my visa. My visa was denied, and the refusal letter stated:
The Austrian embassy in Delhi examined your application; the visa has been refused. The decision is based on the following reason(s):
  • The information submitted regarding the justification for the purpose and conditions of the intended stay was not reliable.
  • There are reasonable doubts as to your intention to leave the territory of the Member States before the expiry of the visa.
Other remarks: You have been given an amendment request, which you have failed to fulfil, or have only fulfilled inadequately, within the deadline set. You are a first-time traveller. The social and economic roots with the home country are not evident. The return from Schengen territory does therefore not seem to be certain.
I could have reapplied after obtaining the EVE, but I didn t because I found the following line
The social and economic roots with the home country are not evident.
offensive for someone who was born and raised in India, got the impression that the absence of electronic guarantee letter was not the only reason behind the refusal, had already wasted 12,000 INR on this application, and my friend s stay in Austria was uncertain after January. In fact, my friend soon returned to India. To summarize -
  1. If you are visiting a host, then the category of appointment at VFS must be Visiting Friends and Family rather than Tourist .
  2. VFS charged me for courier assurance, which is an optional service. Make sure to get these removed from your bill.
  3. Neither my travel agent nor the VFS application center mentioned the EVE.
  4. While the required documents list from the VFS website does mention it in point 6, it leads to a dead link.
  5. Snehal informed me that a mere two months ago, his wife s visa was approved without an EVE. This hints at inconsistency in processing of applications, even those under identical categories.
Such incidents are a waste of time and money for applicants, and an embarrassment to VFS and the Austrian visa authorities. I suggest that the Austrian visa authorities fix that URL, and provide instructions for hosts to obtain the EVE. Credits to Snehal and Contrapunctus for editing, Badri for proofreading.

10 August 2024

Bits from Debian: DebConf24 closes in Busan and DebConf25 dates announced

DebConf24 group photo - click to enlarge On Saturday 3 August 2024, the annual Debian Developers and Contributors Conference came to a close. Over 339 attendees representing 48 countries from around the world came together for a combined 108 events made up of more than 50 Talks and Discussions, 37 Birds of a Feather (BoF informal meeting between developers and users) sessions, 12 workshops, and activities in support of furthering our distribution and free software (25 patches submitted to the Linux kernel), learning from our mentors and peers, building our community, and having a bit of fun. The conference was preceded by the annual DebCamp hacking session held July 21st through July 27th where Debian Developers and Contributors convened to focus on their Individual Debian-related projects or work in team sprints geared toward in-person collaboration in developing Debian. This year featured a BootCamp that was held for newcomers with a GPG Workshop and a focus on Introduction to creating .deb files (Debian packaging) staged by a team of dedicated mentors who shared hands-on experience in Debian and offered a deeper understanding of how to work in and contribute to the community. The actual Debian Developers Conference started on Sunday July 28 2024. In addition to the traditional 'Bits from the DPL' talk, the continuous key-signing party, lightning talks and the announcement of next year's DebConf25, there were several update sessions shared by internal projects and teams. Many of the hosted discussion sessions were presented by our technical core teams with the usual and useful meet the Technical Committee and the ftpteam and a set of BoFs about packaging policy and Debian infrastructure, including talk about APT and Debian Installer and an overview about the first eleven years of Reproducible Builds. Internationalization and localization have been subject of several talks. The Python, Perl, Ruby, and Go programming language teams, as well as Med team, also shared updates on their work and efforts. More than fifteen BoFs and talks about community, diversity and local outreach highlighted the work of various team involved in the social aspect of our community. This year again, Debian Brazil shared strategy and action to attract and retain new contributors and members and opportunities both in Debian and F/OSS. The schedule was updated each day with planned and ad-hoc activities introduced by attendees over the course of the conference. Several traditional activities took place: a job fair, a poetry performance, the traditional Cheese and Wine party, the group photos and the Day Trips. For those who were not able to attend, most of the talks and sessions were broadcast live and recorded and the videos made available through a link in their summary in the schedule. Almost all of the sessions facilitated remote participation via IRC messaging apps or online collaborative text documents which allowed remote attendees to 'be in the room' to ask questions or share comments with the speaker or assembled audience. DebConf24 saw over 6.8 TiB (4.3 TiB in 2023) of data streamed, 91.25 hours (55 in 2023) of scheduled talks, 20 network access points, 1.6 km fibers (1 broken fiber...) and 2.2 km UTP cable deployed, more than 20 country Geoip viewers, 354 T-shirts, 3 day trips, and up to 200 meals planned per day. All of these events, activities, conversations, and streams coupled with our love, interest, and participation in Debian and F/OSS certainly made this conference an overall success both here in Busan, South Korea and online around the world. The DebConf24 website will remain active for archival purposes and will continue to offer links to the presentations and videos of talks and events. Next year, DebConf25 will be held in Brest, France, from Monday, July 7 to Monday, July 21, 2025. As tradition follows before the next DebConf the local organizers in France will start the conference activities with DebCamp with particular focus on individual and team work towards improving the distribution. DebConf is committed to a safe and welcome environment for all participants. See the web page about the Code of Conduct in DebConf24 website for more details on this. Debian thanks the commitment of numerous sponsors to support DebConf24, particularly our Platinum Sponsors: Infomaniak, Proxmox, and Wind River. We also wish to thank our Video and Infrastructure teams, the DebConf24 and DebConf committees, our host nation of South Korea, and each and every person who helped contribute to this event and to Debian overall. Thank you all for your work in helping Debian continue to be "The Universal Operating System". See you next year! About Debian The Debian Project was founded in 1993 by Ian Murdock to be a truly free community project. Since then the project has grown to be one of the largest and most influential open source projects. Thousands of volunteers from all over the world work together to create and maintain Debian software. Available in 70 languages, and supporting a huge range of computer types, Debian calls itself the universal operating system. About DebConf DebConf is the Debian Project's developer conference. In addition to a full schedule of technical, social and policy talks, DebConf provides an opportunity for developers, contributors and other interested people to meet in person and work together more closely. It has taken place annually since 2000 in locations as varied as Scotland, Argentina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and India. More information about DebConf is available from About Infomaniak Infomaniak is an independent cloud service provider recognized throughout Europe for its commitment to privacy, the local economy and the environment. Recording growth of 18% in 2023, the company is developing a suite of online collaborative tools and cloud hosting, streaming, marketing and events solutions. Infomaniak uses exclusively renewable energy, builds its own data centers and develops its solutions in Switzerland, without relocating. The company powers the website of the Belgian radio and TV service (RTBF) and provides streaming for more than 3,000 TV and radio stations in Europe. About Proxmox Proxmox provides powerful and user-friendly Open Source server software. Enterprises of all sizes and industries use Proxmox solutions to deploy efficient and simplified IT infrastructures, minimize total cost of ownership, and avoid vendor lock-in. Proxmox also offers commercial support, training services, and an extensive partner ecosystem to ensure business continuity for its customers. Proxmox Server Solutions GmbH was established in 2005 and is headquartered in Vienna, Austria. Proxmox builds its product offerings on top of the Debian operating system. About Wind River Wind River For nearly 20 years, Wind River has led in commercial Open Source Linux solutions for mission-critical enterprise edge computing. With expertise across aerospace, automotive, industrial, telecom, and more, the company is committed to Open Source through initiatives like eLxr, Yocto, Zephyr, and StarlingX. Contact Information For further information, please visit the DebConf24 web page at or send mail to

8 August 2024

Jonathan Carter: DebConf24 Busan, South Korea

I m finishing typing up this blog entry hours before my last 13 hour leg back home, after I spent 2 weeks in Busan, South Korea for DebCamp24 and DebCamp24. I had a rough year and decided to take it easy this DebConf. So this is the first DebConf in a long time where I didn t give any talks. I mostly caught up on a bit of packaging, worked on DebConf video stuff, attended a few BoFs and talked to people. Overall it was a very good DebConf, which also turned out to be more productive than I expeced it would. In the welcome session on the first day of DebConf, Nicolas Dandrimont mentioned that a benefit of DebConf is that it provides a sort of caffeine for your Debian motivation. I could certainly feel that affect swell as the days went past, and it s nice to be excited about some ideas again that would otherwise be fading.

Recovering DPL It s a bit of a gear shift being DPL for 4 years, and DebConf Committee for nearly 5 years before that, and then being at DebConf while some issue arise (as it always does during a conference). At first I jump into high alert mode, but then I have to remind myself it s not your problem anymore and let others deal with it. It was nice spending a little in-person time with Andreas Tille, our new DPL, we did some more handover and discussed some current issues. I still have a few dozen emails in my DPL inbox that I need to collate and forward to Andreas, I hope to finish all that up by the end of August. During the Bits from the DPL talk, the usual question came up whether Andreas will consider running for DPL again, to which he just responded in a slide Maybe . I think it s a good idea for a DPL to do at least two terms if it all works out for everyone, since it takes a while to get up to speed on everything. Also, having been DPL for four years, I have a lot to say about it, and I think there s a lot we can fix in the role, or at least discuss it. If I had the bandwidth for it I would have scheduled a BoF for it, but I ll very likely do that for the next DebConf instead!

Video team I set up the standby loop for the video streaming setup. We call it loopy, it s a bunch of OBS scenes that provide announcements, shows sponsors, the schedule and some social content. I wrote about it back in 2020, but it s evolved quite a bit since then, so I m probably due to write another blog post with a bunch of updates on it. I hope to organise a video team sprint in Cape Town in the first half of next year, so I ll summarize everything before then.

It would ve been great if we could have some displays in social areas that could show talks, the loop and other content, but we were just too pressed for time for that. This year s DebConf had a very compressed timeline, and there was just too much that had to be done and that had to be figured out on the last minute. This put quite a lot of strain on the organisers, but I was glad to see how, for the most part, most attendees were very sympathetic to some rough edges (but I digress ). I added more of the OBS machine setup to the videoteam s ansible repository, so as of now it just needs an ansible setup and the OBS data and it s good to go. The loopy data is already in the videoteam git repository, so I could probably just add a git pull and create some symlinks in ansible and then that machine can be installed from 0% to 100% by just installing via debian-installer with our ansible hooks. This DebConf I volunteered quite a bit for actual video roles during the conference, something I didn t have much time for in recent DebConfs, and it s been fun, especially in a session or two where nearly none of the other volunteers showed up. Sometimes chaos is just fun :-)
Baekyongee is the university mascot, who s visible throughout the university. So of course we included this four legged whale creature on the loop too!

Packaging I was hoping to do more packaging during DebCamp, but at least it was a non-zero amount:
  • Uploaded gdisk 1.0.10-2 to unstable (previously tested effects of adding dh-sequence-movetousr) (Closes: #1073679).
  • Worked a bit on bcachefs-tools (updating git to 1.9.4), but has a build failure that I need to look into (we might need a newer bindgen) update: I m probably going to ROM this package soon, it doesn t seem suitable for packaging in Debian.
  • Calamares: Tested a fix for encrypted installs, and uploaded it.
  • Calamares: Uploaded (3.3.8-1) to backports (at the time of writing it s still in backports-NEW).
  • Backport obs-gradient-source for bookworm.
  • Did some initial packaging on Cambalache, I ll upload to unstable once wlroots (0.18) hits unstable.
  • Pixelorama 1.0 I did some initial packaging for Pixelorama back when we did the MiniDebConf Gaming Edition, but it had a few stoppers back then. Version 1.0 seems to fix all of that, but it depends on Godot 4.2 and we re still on the 3 series in Debian, so I ll upload this once Godot 4.2 hits at least experimental. Godot software/games is otherwise quite easy to run, it s basically just source code / data that is installed and then run via godot-runner (godot3-runner package in Debian).

BoFs Python Team BoF Link to the etherpad / pad archive link and video can be found on the talk page: The session ended up being extended to a second part, since all the issues didn t fit into the first session. I was distracted by too many thing during the Python 3.12 transition (to the point where I thought that 3.11 was still new in Debian), so it was very useful listening to the retrospective of that transition. There was a discussion whether Python 3.13 could still make it to testing in time for freeze, and it seems that there is consensus that it can, although, likely with new experimental features like disabling the global interpreter lock and the just in time compiler disabled. I learned for the first time about the dead batteries project, PEP-0594, which removes ancient modules that have mostly been superseded, from the Python standard library. There was some talk about the process for changing team policy, and a policy discussion on whether we should require autopkgtests as a SHOULD or a MUST for migration to testing. As with many things, the devil is in the details and in my opinion you could go either way and achieve a similar result (the original MUST proposal allowed exceptions which imho made it the same as the SHOULD proposal). There s an idea to do some ongoing remote sprints, like having co-ordinated days for bug squashing / working on stuff together. This is a nice idea and probably a good way to energise the team and also to gain some interest from potential newcomers. Louis-Philipe V ronneau was added as a new team admin and there was some discussion on various Sphinx issues and which Lintian tags might be needed for Python 3.13. If you want to know more, you probably have to watch the videos / read the notes :) BoF Link to the etherpad / pad archive link can be found on the talk page: Debian Developers can set up services on subdomains on, but a big problem we ve had before was that developers were on their own for hosting those services. This meant that they either hosted it on their DSL/fiber connection at home, paid for the hosting themselves, or hosted it at different services which became an accounting nightmare to claim back the used funds. So, a few of us started the hosting project (sometimes we just call it, this is probably a bit of a bug) so that Debian has accounts with cloud providers, and as admins we can create instances there that gets billed directly to Debian. We had an initial rush of services, but requests have slowed down since (not really a bad thing, we don t want lots of spurious requests). Last year we did a census, to check which of the instances were still used, whether they received system updates and to ask whether they are performing backups. It went well and some issues were found along the way, so we ll be doing that again. We also gained two potential volunteers to help run things, which is great. Debian Social BoF Link to the etherpad / pad archive link can be found on the talk page: We discussed the services we run, you can view the current state of things at: Pleroma has shown some cracks over the last year or so, and there are some forks that seem promising. At the same time, it might be worth while considering Mastodon too. So we ll do some comparison of features and maintenance and find a way forward. At the time when Pleroma was installed, it was way ahead in terms of moderation features. Pixelfed is doing well and chugging along nicely, we should probably promote it more. Peertube is working well, although we learned that we still don t have all the recent DebConf videos on there. A bunch of other issues should be fixed once we move it to a new machine that we plan to set up. We re removing writefreely and plume. Nice concepts, but it didn t get much traction yet, and no one who signed up for these actually used it, which is fine, some experimentation with services is good and sometimes they prove to be very popular and other times not. The WordPress multisite instance has some mild use, otherwise haven t had any issues. Matrix ended up to be much, much bigger than we thought, both in usage and in its requirements. It s very stateful and remembers discussions for as long as you let it, so it s Postgres database is continuously expanding, this will also be a lot easier to manage once we have this on the new host. Jitsi is also quite popular, but it could probably be on instead (we created this on during the initial height of COVID-19 where we didn t have the hosting yet), although in practice it doesn t really matter where it lives. Most of our current challenges will be solved by moving everything to a new big machine that has a few public IPs available for some VMs, so we ll be doing that shortly. Debian Foundation Discussion BoF This was some brainstorming about the future structure of Debian, and what steps might be needed to get there. It s way too big a problem to take on in a BoF, but we made some progress in figuring out some smaller pieces of the larger puzzle. The DPL is going to get in touch with some legal advisors and our trusted organisations so that we can aim to formalise our relationships a bit more by the time it s DebConf again. I also introduced my intention to join the Debian Partners delegation. When I was DPL, I enjoyed talking with external organisations who wanted to help Debian, but helping external organisations help Debian turned out to be too much additional load on the usual DPL roles, so I m pursuing this with the Debian Partners team, more on that some other time. This session wasn t recorded, but if you feel like you missed something, don t worry, all intentions will be communicated and discussed with project members before anything moves forward. There was a strong agreement in the room though that we should push forward on this, and not reach another DebConf where we didn t make progress on formalising Debian s structure more.

    Social Conference Dinner
    Conference Dinner Photo from Santiago
    The conference dinner took place in the university gymnasium. I hope not many people do sports there in the summer, because it got HOT. There was also some interesting observations on the thermodynamics of the attempted cooling solutions, which was amusing. On the plus side, the food was great, the company was good, and the speeches were kept to a minimum, so it was a great conference dinner, even though it was probably cut a bit short due to the heat. Cheese and Wine Cheese and Wine happened on 1 August, which happens to be the date I became a DD at DebConf17 in Montr al seven years before, so this was a nice accidental celebration of my Debiversary :) Since I m running out of time, I ll add some more photos to this post some time after publishing it :P Group Photo As per DebConf tradition, Aigars took the group photo. You can find the high resolution version on Debian s GitLab instance.
    Debian annual conference Debconf 24, Busan, South Korea
    Photography: Aigars Mahinovs
    License: CC-BYv3+ or GPLv2+
    Talking Ah yes, talking to people is a big part of DebConf, but I didn t keep track of it very well.
    • I mostly listened to Alper a bit about his ideas for his talk about debian installer.
    • I talked to Rhonda a bit about ActivityPub and MQTT and whether they could be useful for publicising Debian activity.
    • Listened to Gunnar and Julian have a discussion about GPG and APT which was interesting.
    • I learned that you can learn Hangul, the Korean alphabet, in about an hour or so (I wish I knew that in all my years of playing StarCraft II).
    • We had the usual continuous keysigning party. Besides it s intended function, this is always a good ice breaker and a way to for shy people to meet other shy people.
    • and many other fly-by discussions.

    Stuff that didn t happen this DebConf
    • A simple Python script that could eventually replace the obs-advanced-scene-switcher sequencer in OBS. It would also be extremely useful if we d ever replace OBS for loopy. I was hoping to have some time to hack on this, and try to recreate the current loopy in, but didn t have the time.
    • toetally This year videoteam had to scramble to get a bunch of resistors to assemble some tally light. Even when assembled, they were a bit troublesome. It would ve been nice to hack on toetally and get something ready for testing, but it mostly relies on having something like a rasbperry pi zero with an attached screen in order to work on further. I ll try to have something ready for the next mini conf though.
    • extrepo on debian live I think we should have extrepo installed by default on desktop systems, I meant to start a discussion on this, but perhaps it s just time I go ahead and do it and announce it.
    • Live stream to peertube server It would ve been nice to live stream DebConf to PeerTube, but the dependency tree to get this going got a bit too huge. Following our plans discussed in the Debian Social BoF, we should have this safely ready before the next MiniDebConf and should be able to test it there.
    • Desktop Egg there was this idea to get a stand-in theme for Debian testing/unstable until the artwork for the next release is finalized (Debian bug: #1038660), I have an idea that I meant to implement months ago, but too many things got in the way. It s based on Juliette Taka s Homeworld theme, and basically transforms the homeworld into an egg. Get it? Something that hasn t hatched yet? I also only recently noticed that we never used the actual homeworld graphics (featuring the world image) in the final bullseye release. lol.
    So, another DebConf and another new plush animal. Last but not least, thanks to PKNU for being such a generous and fantastic host to us! See you again at DebConf25 in Brest, France next year!

      21 July 2024

      Mike Gabriel: Polis - a FLOSS Tool for Civic Participation -- Issues extending Polis and adjusting our Goals

      Here comes the 3rd article of the 5-episode blog post series on Polis, written by Guido Berh rster, member of staff at my company Fre(i)e Software GmbH. Enjoy also this read on Guido's work on Polis,
      Table of Contents of the Blog Post Series
      1. Introduction
      2. Initial evaluation and adaptation
      3. Issues extending Polis and adjusting our goals (this article)
      4. Creating (a) new frontend(s) for Polis
      5. Current status and roadmap
      Polis - Issues extending Polis and adjusting our Goals After the initial implementation of limited branding support, user feedback and the involvement of an UX designer lead to the conclusion that we needed more far-reaching changes to the user interface in order to reduce visual clutter, rearrange and improve UI elements, and provide better integration with the websites in which conversations are embedded. Challenges when visualizing Data in Polis Polis visualizes groups using a spatial projection of users based on similarities in voting behavior and places them in two to five groups using a clustering algorithm. During our testing and evaluation users were rarely able to interpret the visualization and often intuitively made incorrect assumptions e.g. by associating the filled area of a group with its significance or size. After consultation with a member of the Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) Group at the University of Groningen we chose to temporarily replace the visualization offered by Polis with simple bar charts representing agreement or disagreement with statements of a group or the majority. We intend to revisit this and explore different forms of visualization at a later point in time. The different factors playing into the weight attached to statements which determine the pseuodo-random order in which they are presented for voting ( comment routing ) proved difficult to explain to stakeholders and users and the admission of the ad-hoc and heuristic nature of the used algorithm1 by Polis authors lead to the decision to temporarily remove this feature. Instead, statements should be placed into three groups, namely
      1. metadata questions,
      2. seed statements,
      3. and participant statements
      Statements should then be sorted by group but in a fully randomized order within the group so that metadata questions would be presented before seed statements which would be presented before participant s statements. This simpler method was deemed sufficient for the scale of our pilot projects, however we intend to revisit this decision and explore different methods of comment routing in cooperation with our scientific partners at a later point in time. An evaluation of the requirements for implementing mandatory authentication and adding support for additional authentication methods to Polis showed that significant changes to both the administration and participation frontend were needed due to a lack of an abstraction layer or extension mechanism and the current authentication providers being hardcoded in many parts of the code base. A New Frontend is born: Particiapp Based on the implementation details of the participation frontend, the invasive nature of the changes required, and the overhead of keeping up with active upstream development it became clear that a different, more flexible approach to development was needed. This ultimately lead to the creation of Particiapp, a new Open Source project providing the building blocks and necessary abstraction layers for rapid protoyping and experimentation with different fontends which are compatible with but independent from Polis.
      1. Small, Christopher T., Bjorkegren, Michael, Erkkil , Timo, Shaw, Lynette and Megill, Colin (2021). Polis: Scaling deliberation by mapping high dimensional opinion spaces. Recerca. Revista de Pensament i An lisi, 26(2), pp. 1-26.
