Sven Hoexter: New TLDs and Automatic link detection was a bad idea
Update: Seems this is a Firefox specific bug in the Slack Webapplication,
it works in Chrome and the Slack Electron Application as it should.
Tested with Firefox ESR on Debian/buster and Firefox 74 on OS X.
Ah I like it that we now have so many TLDs and matching on those
seems to go bad more often now. Last occassion is Slack (which
I think is a pile of shit written by morons, but that is a different
story) which somehow does not properly match on
Now I'm not sure if someone enocountered the same issue, or people just registered
random domains just because they could. I found registrations for
Leading to this auto linking:

- ( woud've been really cute)
files in /etc
which could be interesting in an IT environment, but for the sake of playing with
it I registered
at godaddy. I do not want to endorse them in
anyway, but for the first year it's only 13.08EUR right now, which is okay to
pay for a stupid demo. So if you feel like it, you can probably register something stupid for yourself to play around with. I do not intent to renew this domain next year, so
be aware of what happens then with the next owner.