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17 May 2015

Lunar: Reproducible builds: week 3 in Stretch cycle

What happened about the reproducible builds effort for this week: Toolchain fixes Tomasz Buchert submitted a patch to fix the currently overzealous package-contains-timestamped-gzip warning. Daniel Kahn Gillmor identified #588746 as a source of unreproducibility for packages using python-support. Packages fixed The following 57 packages became reproducible due to changes in their build dependencies: antlr-maven-plugin, aspectj-maven-plugin, build-helper-maven-plugin, clirr-maven-plugin, clojure-maven-plugin, cobertura-maven-plugin, coinor-ipopt, disruptor, doxia-maven-plugin, exec-maven-plugin, gcc-arm-none-eabi, greekocr4gamera, haskell-swish, jarjar-maven-plugin, javacc-maven-plugin, jetty8, latexml, libcgi-application-perl, libnet-ssleay-perl, libtest-yaml-valid-perl, libwiki-toolkit-perl, libwww-csrf-perl, mate-menu, maven-antrun-extended-plugin, maven-antrun-plugin, maven-archiver, maven-bundle-plugin, maven-clean-plugin, maven-compiler-plugin, maven-ear-plugin, maven-install-plugin, maven-invoker-plugin, maven-jar-plugin, maven-javadoc-plugin, maven-processor-plugin, maven-project-info-reports-plugin, maven-replacer-plugin, maven-resources-plugin, maven-shade-plugin, maven-site-plugin, maven-source-plugin, maven-stapler-plugin, modello-maven-plugin1.4, modello-maven-plugin, munge-maven-plugin, ocaml-bitstring, ocr4gamera, plexus-maven-plugin, properties-maven-plugin, ruby-magic, ruby-mocha, sisu-maven-plugin, syncache, vdk2, wvstreams, xml-maven-plugin, xmlbeans-maven-plugin. The following packages became reproducible after getting fixed: Some uploads fixed some reproducibility issues but not all of them: Ben Hutchings also improved and merged several changes submitted by Lunar to linux. Currently untested because in contrib:
Thanks to the reproducible-build team for running a buildd from hell. gregor herrmann
Mattia Rizzolo modified the script added last week to reschedule a package from Alioth, a reason can now be optionally specified. Holger Levsen splitted the package sets page so each set now has its own page. He also added new sets for Java packages, Haskell packages, Ruby packages, debian-installer packages, Go packages, and OCaml packages. Reiner Herrmann added locales-all to the set of packages installed in the build environment as its needed to properly identify variations due to the current locale. Holger Levsen improved the scheduling so new uploads get tested sooner. He also changed the .json output that is used by to lists FTBFS issues again but only for issues unrelated to the toolchain or our test setup. Amongst many other small fixes and additions, the graph colors should now be more friendly to red-colorblind people. The fix for pbuilder given in #677666 by Tim Landscheidt is now used. This fixed several FTBFS for OCaml packages. Work on rebuilding with different CPU has continued, a kvm-on-kvm build host has been set been set up for this purpose. debbindiff development Version 19 of debbindiff included a fix for a regression when handling info files. Version 20 fixes a bug when diffing files with many differences toward a last line with no newlines. It also now uses the proper encoding when writing the text output to a pipe, and detects info files better. Documentation update Thanks to Santiago Vila, the unneeded -depth option used with find when fixing mtimes has been removed from the examples. Package reviews 113 obsolete reviews have been removed this week while 77 has been added.

Lunar: Reproducible builds: week 2 in Stretch cycle

What happened about the reproducible builds effort for this week: Media coverage Debian's effort on reproducible builds has been covered in the June 2015 issue of Linux Magazin in Germany. Cover of Linux Magazin June 2015 Article about reproducible builds in Linux Magazin June 2015 Toolchain fixes josch rebased the experimental version of debhelper on 9.20150507. Packages fixed The following 515 packages became reproducible due to changes of their build dependencies: airport-utils, airspy-host, all-in-one-sidebar, ampache, aptfs, arpack, asciio, aspell-kk, asused, balance, batmand, binutils-avr, bioperl, bpm-tools, c2050, cakephp-instaweb, carton, cbp2make, checkbot, checksecurity, chemeq, chronicle, cube2-data, cucumber, darkstat, debci, desktop-file-utils, dh-linktree, django-pagination, dosbox, eekboek, emboss-explorer, encfs, exabgp, fbasics, fife, fonts-lexi-saebom, gdnsd, glances, gnome-clocks, gunicorn, haproxy, haskell-aws, haskell-base-unicode-symbols, haskell-base64-bytestring, haskell-basic-prelude, haskell-binary-shared, haskell-binary, haskell-bitarray, haskell-bool-extras, haskell-boolean, haskell-boomerang, haskell-bytestring-lexing, haskell-bytestring-mmap, haskell-config-value, haskell-mueval, haskell-tasty-kat, itk3, jnr-constants, jshon, kalternatives, kdepim-runtime, kdevplatform, kwalletcli, lemonldap-ng, libalgorithm-combinatorics-perl, libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl, libany-uri-escape-perl, libanyevent-http-scopedclient-perl, libanyevent-perl, libanyevent-processor-perl, libapache-session-wrapper-perl, libapache-sessionx-perl, libapp-options-perl, libarch-perl, libarchive-peek-perl, libaudio-flac-header-perl, libaudio-wav-perl, libaudio-wma-perl, libauth-yubikey-decrypter-perl, libauthen-krb5-simple-perl, libauthen-simple-perl, libautobox-dump-perl, libb-keywords-perl, libbarcode-code128-perl, libbio-das-lite-perl, libbio-mage-perl, libbrowser-open-perl, libbusiness-creditcard-perl, libbusiness-edifact-interchange-perl, libbusiness-isbn-data-perl, libbusiness-tax-vat-validation-perl, libcache-historical-perl, libcache-memcached-perl, libcairo-gobject-perl, libcarp-always-perl, libcarp-fix-1-25-perl, libcatalyst-action-serialize-data-serializer-perl, libcatalyst-controller-formbuilder-perl, libcatalyst-dispatchtype-regex-perl, libcatalyst-plugin-authentication-perl, libcatalyst-plugin-authorization-acl-perl, libcatalyst-plugin-session-store-cache-perl, libcatalyst-plugin-session-store-fastmmap-perl, libcatalyst-plugin-static-simple-perl, libcatalyst-view-gd-perl, libcgi-application-dispatch-perl, libcgi-application-plugin-authentication-perl, libcgi-application-plugin-logdispatch-perl, libcgi-application-plugin-session-perl, libcgi-application-server-perl, libcgi-compile-perl, libcgi-xmlform-perl, libclass-accessor-classy-perl, libclass-accessor-lvalue-perl, libclass-accessor-perl, libclass-c3-adopt-next-perl, libclass-dbi-plugin-type-perl, libclass-field-perl, libclass-handle-perl, libclass-load-perl, libclass-ooorno-perl, libclass-prototyped-perl, libclass-returnvalue-perl, libclass-singleton-perl, libclass-std-fast-perl, libclone-perl, libconfig-auto-perl, libconfig-jfdi-perl, libconfig-simple-perl, libconvert-basen-perl, libconvert-ber-perl, libcpan-checksums-perl, libcpanplus-dist-build-perl, libcriticism-perl, libcrypt-cracklib-perl, libcrypt-dh-gmp-perl, libcrypt-mysql-perl, libcrypt-passwdmd5-perl, libcrypt-simple-perl, libcss-packer-perl, libcss-tiny-perl, libcurses-widgets-perl, libdaemon-control-perl, libdancer-plugin-database-perl, libdancer-session-cookie-perl, libdancer2-plugin-database-perl, libdata-format-html-perl, libdata-uuid-libuuid-perl, libdata-validate-domain-perl, libdate-jd-perl, libdate-simple-perl, libdatetime-astro-sunrise-perl, libdatetime-event-cron-perl, libdatetime-format-dbi-perl, libdatetime-format-epoch-perl, libdatetime-format-mail-perl, libdatetime-tiny-perl, libdatrie, libdb-file-lock-perl, libdbd-firebird-perl, libdbix-abstract-perl, libdbix-class-datetime-epoch-perl, libdbix-class-dynamicdefault-perl, libdbix-class-introspectablem2m-perl, libdbix-class-timestamp-perl, libdbix-connector-perl, libdbix-oo-perl, libdbix-searchbuilder-perl, libdbix-xml-rdb-perl, libdevel-stacktrace-ashtml-perl, libdigest-hmac-perl, libdist-zilla-plugin-emailnotify-perl, libemail-date-format-perl, libemail-mime-perl, libemail-received-perl, libemail-sender-perl, libemail-simple-perl, libencode-detect-perl, libexporter-tidy-perl, libextutils-cchecker-perl, libextutils-installpaths-perl, libextutils-libbuilder-perl, libextutils-makemaker-cpanfile-perl, libextutils-typemap-perl, libfile-counterfile-perl, libfile-pushd-perl, libfile-read-perl, libfile-touch-perl, libfile-type-perl, libfinance-bank-ie-permanenttsb-perl, libfont-freetype-perl, libfrontier-rpc-perl, libgd-securityimage-perl, libgeo-coordinates-utm-perl, libgit-pureperl-perl, libgnome2-canvas-perl, libgnome2-wnck-perl, libgraph-readwrite-perl, libgraphics-colornames-www-perl, libgssapi-perl, libgtk2-appindicator-perl, libgtk2-gladexml-simple-perl, libgtk2-notify-perl, libhash-asobject-perl, libhash-moreutils-perl, libhtml-calendarmonthsimple-perl, libhtml-display-perl, libhtml-fillinform-perl, libhtml-form-perl, libhtml-formhandler-model-dbic-perl, libhtml-html5-entities-perl, libhtml-linkextractor-perl, libhtml-tableextract-perl, libhtml-widget-perl, libhtml-widgets-selectlayers-perl, libhtml-wikiconverter-mediawiki-perl, libhttp-async-perl, libhttp-body-perl, libhttp-date-perl, libimage-imlib2-perl, libimdb-film-perl, libimport-into-perl, libindirect-perl, libio-bufferedselect-perl, libio-compress-lzma-perl, libio-compress-perl, libio-handle-util-perl, libio-interface-perl, libio-multiplex-perl, libio-socket-inet6-perl, libipc-system-simple-perl, libiptables-chainmgr-perl, libjoda-time-java, libjsr305-java, libkiokudb-perl, liblemonldap-ng-cli-perl, liblexical-var-perl, liblingua-en-fathom-perl, liblinux-dvb-perl, liblocales-perl, liblog-dispatch-configurator-any-perl, liblog-log4perl-perl, liblog-report-lexicon-perl, liblwp-mediatypes-perl, liblwp-protocol-https-perl, liblwpx-paranoidagent-perl, libmail-sendeasy-perl, libmarc-xml-perl, libmason-plugin-routersimple-perl, libmasonx-processdir-perl, libmath-base85-perl, libmath-basecalc-perl, libmath-basecnv-perl, libmath-bigint-perl, libmath-convexhull-perl, libmath-gmp-perl, libmath-gradient-perl, libmath-random-isaac-perl, libmath-random-oo-perl, libmath-random-tt800-perl, libmath-tamuanova-perl, libmemoize-expirelru-perl, libmemoize-memcached-perl, libmime-base32-perl, libmime-lite-tt-perl, libmixin-extrafields-param-perl, libmock-quick-perl, libmodule-cpanfile-perl, libmodule-load-conditional-perl, libmodule-starter-pbp-perl, libmodule-util-perl, libmodule-versions-report-perl, libmongodbx-class-perl, libmoo-perl, libmoosex-app-cmd-perl, libmoosex-attributehelpers-perl, libmoosex-blessed-reconstruct-perl, libmoosex-insideout-perl, libmoosex-relatedclassroles-perl, libmoosex-role-timer-perl, libmoosex-role-withoverloading-perl, libmoosex-storage-perl, libmoosex-types-common-perl, libmoosex-types-uri-perl, libmoox-singleton-perl, libmoox-types-mooselike-numeric-perl, libmousex-foreign-perl, libmp3-tag-perl, libmysql-diff-perl, libnamespace-clean-perl, libnet-bonjour-perl, libnet-cli-interact-perl, libnet-daap-dmap-perl, libnet-dbus-glib-perl, libnet-dns-perl, libnet-frame-perl, libnet-google-authsub-perl, libnet-https-any-perl, libnet-https-nb-perl, libnet-idn-encode-perl, libnet-idn-nameprep-perl, libnet-imap-client-perl, libnet-irc-perl, libnet-mac-vendor-perl, libnet-openid-server-perl, libnet-smtp-ssl-perl, libnet-smtp-tls-perl, libnet-smtpauth-perl, libnet-snpp-perl, libnet-sslglue-perl, libnet-telnet-perl, libnhgri-blastall-perl, libnumber-range-perl, libobject-signature-perl, libogg-vorbis-header-pureperl-perl, libopenoffice-oodoc-perl, libparse-cpan-packages-perl, libparse-debian-packages-perl, libparse-fixedlength-perl, libparse-syslog-perl, libparse-win32registry-perl, libpdf-create-perl, libpdf-report-perl, libperl-destruct-level-perl, libperl-metrics-simple-perl, libperl-minimumversion-perl, libperl6-slurp-perl, libpgobject-simple-perl, libplack-middleware-fixmissingbodyinredirect-perl, libplack-test-externalserver-perl, libplucene-perl, libpod-tests-perl, libpoe-component-client-ping-perl, libpoe-component-jabber-perl, libpoe-component-resolver-perl, libpoe-component-server-soap-perl, libpoe-component-syndicator-perl, libposix-strftime-compiler-perl, libposix-strptime-perl, libpostscript-simple-perl, libproc-processtable-perl, libprotocol-osc-perl, librcs-perl, libreadonly-xs-perl, libreturn-multilevel-perl, librivescript-perl, librouter-simple-perl, librrd-simple-perl, libsafe-isa-perl, libscope-guard-perl, libsemver-perl, libset-tiny-perl, libsharyanto-file-util-perl, libshell-command-perl, libsnmp-info-perl, libsoap-lite-perl, libstat-lsmode-perl, libstatistics-online-perl, libstring-compare-constanttime-perl, libstring-format-perl, libstring-toidentifier-en-perl, libstring-tt-perl, libsub-recursive-perl, libsvg-tt-graph-perl, libsvn-notify-perl, libswish-api-common-perl, libtap-formatter-junit-perl, libtap-harness-archive-perl, libtemplate-plugin-number-format-perl, libtemplate-plugin-yaml-perl, libtemplate-tiny-perl, libtenjin-perl, libterm-visual-perl, libtest-block-perl, libtest-carp-perl, libtest-classapi-perl, libtest-cmd-perl, libtest-consistentversion-perl, libtest-data-perl, libtest-databaserow-perl, libtest-differences-perl, libtest-file-sharedir-perl, libtest-hasversion-perl, libtest-kwalitee-perl, libtest-lectrotest-perl, libtest-module-used-perl, libtest-object-perl, libtest-perl-critic-perl, libtest-pod-coverage-perl, libtest-script-perl, libtest-script-run-perl, libtest-spelling-perl, libtest-strict-perl, libtest-synopsis-perl, libtest-trap-perl, libtest-unit-perl, libtest-utf8-perl, libtest-without-module-perl, libtest-www-selenium-perl, libtest-xml-simple-perl, libtest-yaml-perl, libtex-encode-perl, libtext-bibtex-perl, libtext-csv-encoded-perl, libtext-csv-perl, libtext-dhcpleases-perl, libtext-diff-perl, libtext-quoted-perl, libtext-trac-perl, libtext-vfile-asdata-perl, libthai, libthread-conveyor-perl, libthread-sigmask-perl, libtie-cphash-perl, libtie-ical-perl, libtime-stopwatch-perl, libtk-dirselect-perl, libtk-pod-perl, libtorrent, libturpial, libunicode-japanese-perl, libunicode-maputf8-perl, libunicode-stringprep-perl, libuniversal-isa-perl, libuniversal-moniker-perl, liburi-encode-perl, libvi-quickfix-perl, libvideo-capture-v4l-perl, libvideo-fourcc-info-perl, libwiki-toolkit-plugin-rss-reader-perl, libwww-mechanize-formfiller-perl, libwww-mechanize-gzip-perl, libwww-mechanize-perl, libwww-opensearch-perl, libx11-freedesktop-desktopentry-perl, libxc, libxml-dtdparser-perl, libxml-easy-perl, libxml-handler-trees-perl, libxml-libxml-iterator-perl, libxml-libxslt-perl, libxml-rss-perl, libxml-validator-schema-perl, libxml-xpathengine-perl, libxml-xql-perl, llvm-py, madbomber, makefs, mdpress, media-player-info, meta-kde-telepathy, metamonger, mmm-mode, mupen64plus-audio-sdl, mupen64plus-rsp-hle, mupen64plus-ui-console, mupen64plus-video-z64, mussort, newpid, node-formidable, node-github-url-from-git, node-transformers, nsnake, odin, otcl, parsley, pax, pcsc-perl, pd-purepd, pen, prank, proj, proot, puppet-module-puppetlabs-postgresql, python-async, python-pysnmp4, qrencode, r-bioc-graph, r-bioc-hypergraph, r-bioc-iranges, r-bioc-xvector, r-cran-pscl, rbenv, rlinetd, rs, ruby-ascii85, ruby-cutest, ruby-ejs, ruby-factory-girl, ruby-hdfeos5, ruby-kpeg, ruby-libxml, ruby-password, ruby-zip-zip, sdl-sound1.2, stterm, systemd, taktuk, tcc, tryton-modules-account-invoice, ttf-summersby, tupi, tuxpuck, unknown-horizons, unsafe-mock, vcheck, versiontools, vim-addon-manager, vlfeat, vsearch, xacobeo, xen-tools, yubikey-personalization-gui, yubikey-personalization. The following packages became reproducible after getting fixed: Some uploads fixed some reproducibility issues but not all of them: Patches submitted which did not make their way to the archive yet: Alioth now hosts a script that can be used to redo builds and test for a package. This was preliminary done manually through requests over the IRC channel. This should reduce the number of interruptions for jenkins' maintainers The graph of the oldest build per day has been fixed. Maintainance scripts will not error out when they are no files to remove. Holger Levsen started work on being able to test variations of CPU features and build date (as in build in another month of 1984) by using virtual machines. debbindiff development Version 18 has been released. It will uses proper comparators for pk3 and info files. Tar member names are now assumed to be UTF-8 encoded. The limit for the maximum number of different lines has been removed. Let's see on how it goes for pathological cases. It's now possible to specify both --html and --text output. When neither of them is specified, the default will be to print a text report on the standard output (thanks to Paul Wise for the suggestion). Documentation update Nicolas Boulenguez investigated Ada libraries. Package reviews 451 obsolete reviews have been removed and 156 added this week. New identified issues: running kernel version getting captured, random filenames in GHC debug symbols, and timestamps in headers generated by qdbusxml2cpp. Misc. Holger Levsen went to re:publica and talked about reproducible builds to developers and users there. Holger also had a chance to meet FreeBSD developers and discuss the status of FreeBSD. Investigations have started on how it could be made part of our current test system. Laurent Guerby gave Lunar access to systems in the GCC Compile Farm. Hopefully access to these powerful machines will help to fix packages for GCC, Iceweasel, and similar packages requiring long build times.

4 May 2015

Lunar: Reproducible builds: first week in Stretch cycle

Debian Jessie has been released on April 25th, 2015. This has opened the Stretch development cycle. Reactions to the idea of making Debian build reproducibly have been pretty enthusiastic. As the pace is now likely to be even faster, let's see if we can keep everyone up-to-date on the developments. Before the release of Jessie The story goes back a long way but a formal announcement to the project has only been sent in February 2015. Since then, too much work has happened to make a complete report, but to give some highlights: Lunar did a pretty improvised lightning talk during the Mini-DebConf in Lyon. This past week It seems changes were pilling behind the curtains given the amount of activity that happened in just one week. Toolchain fixes We also rebased the experimental version of debhelper twice to merge the latest set of changes. Lunar submitted a patch to add a -creation-date to genisoimage. Reiner Herrmann opened #783938 to request making -notimestamp the default behavior for javadoc. Juan Picca submitted a patch to add a --use-date flag to texi2html. Packages fixed The following packages became reproducible due to changes of their build dependencies: apport, batctl, cil, commons-math3, devscripts, disruptor, ehcache, ftphs, gtk2hs-buildtools, haskell-abstract-deque, haskell-abstract-par, haskell-acid-state, haskell-adjunctions, haskell-aeson, haskell-aeson-pretty, haskell-alut, haskell-ansi-terminal, haskell-async, haskell-attoparsec, haskell-augeas, haskell-auto-update, haskell-binary-conduit, haskell-hscurses, jsch, ledgersmb, libapache2-mod-auth-mellon, libarchive-tar-wrapper-perl, libbusiness-onlinepayment-payflowpro-perl, libcapture-tiny-perl, libchi-perl, libcommons-codec-java, libconfig-model-itself-perl, libconfig-model-tester-perl, libcpan-perl-releases-perl, libcrypt-unixcrypt-perl, libdatetime-timezone-perl, libdbd-firebird-perl, libdbix-class-resultset-recursiveupdate-perl, libdbix-profile-perl, libdevel-cover-perl, libdevel-ptkdb-perl, libfile-tail-perl, libfinance-quote-perl, libformat-human-bytes-perl, libgtk2-perl, libhibernate-validator-java, libimage-exiftool-perl, libjson-perl, liblinux-prctl-perl, liblog-any-perl, libmail-imapclient-perl, libmocked-perl, libmodule-build-xsutil-perl, libmodule-extractuse-perl, libmodule-signature-perl, libmoosex-simpleconfig-perl, libmoox-handlesvia-perl, libnet-frame-layer-ipv6-perl, libnet-openssh-perl, libnumber-format-perl, libobject-id-perl, libpackage-pkg-perl, libpdf-fdf-simple-perl, libpod-webserver-perl, libpoe-component-pubsub-perl, libregexp-grammars-perl, libreply-perl, libscalar-defer-perl, libsereal-encoder-perl, libspreadsheet-read-perl, libspring-java, libsql-abstract-more-perl, libsvn-class-perl, libtemplate-plugin-gravatar-perl, libterm-progressbar-perl, libterm-shellui-perl, libtest-dir-perl, libtest-log4perl-perl, libtext-context-eitherside-perl, libtime-warp-perl, libtree-simple-perl, libwww-shorten-simple-perl, libwx-perl-processstream-perl, libxml-filter-xslt-perl, libxml-writer-string-perl, libyaml-tiny-perl, mupen64plus-core, nmap, openssl, pkg-perl-tools, quodlibet, r-cran-rjags, r-cran-rjson, r-cran-sn, r-cran-statmod, ruby-nokogiri, sezpoz, skksearch, slurm-llnl, stellarium. The following packages became reproducible after getting fixed: Some uploads fixed some reproducibility issues but not all of them: Patches submitted which did not make their way to the archive yet: Improvements to Mattia Rizzolo has been working on compressing logs using gzip to save disk space. The web server would uncompress them on-the-fly for clients which does not accept gzip content. Mattia Rizzolo worked on a new page listing various breakage: missing or bad debbindiff output, missing build logs, unavailable build dependencies. Holger Levsen added a new execution environment to run debbindiff using dependencies from testing. This is required for packages built with GHC as the compiler only understands interfaces built by the same version. debbindiff development Version 17 has been uploaded to unstable. It now supports comparing ISO9660 images, dictzip files and should compare identical files much faster. Documentation update Various small updates and fixes to the pages about PDF produced by LaTeX, DVI produced by LaTeX, static libraries, Javadoc, PE binaries, and Epydoc. Package reviews Known issues have been tagged when known to be deterministic as some might unfortunately not show up on every single build. For example, two new issues have been identified by building with one timezone in April and one in May. RD and help2man add current month and year to the documentation they are producing. 1162 packages have been removed and 774 have been added in the past week. Most of them are the work of proper automated investigation done by Chris West. Summer of code Finally, we learned that both akira and Dhole were accepted for this Google Summer of Code. Let's welcome them! They have until May 25th before coding officialy begins. Now is the good time to help them feel more comfortable by sharing all these little bits of knowledge on how Debian works.

12 March 2015

Jonathan Dowland: R.I.P. Terry Pratchett

Pratchett and I, around 1998 Pratchett and I, around 1998
Terry Pratchett dies, aged 66. It looks like his last novel will be The Long Utopia, the fourth book in the Long Earth series, co-written with Stephen Baxter.

28 December 2014

Russ Allbery: Review: Some Remarks

Review: Some Remarks, by Neal Stephenson
Publisher: William Morrow
Copyright: June 2013
ISBN: 0-06-202444-2
Format: Trade paperback
Pages: 336
This is going to be another weird review, since I read this essay collection about three months ago, and I borrowed it from a friend. So this is both from fading memory and without a handy reference other than Internet searches. Apologies in advance for any important details that I miss. The advantage is that you'll see what parts of this collection stuck in my memory. Some Remarks is, as you might guess from the title, a rather random collection of material. There's one long essay that for me was the heart of the book (more on that in a moment), two other longer essays, two short stories, and thirteen other bits of miscellaneous writing of varying lengths. I found most of the short essays unremarkable. Stephenson uses a walking desk because sitting is bad for you that sentence contains basically all of the interesting content of one of the essays. I think it takes a large topic and some running room before Stephenson can get up to speed and produce something that's more satisfying than technological boosterism. That means the most interesting parts of this book are the three longer works. "In the Kingdom of Mao Bell" was previously published in Wired and is still available. Some Remarks contains only excerpts; Stephenson says that some of the original essay is no longer that interesting. I had mixed feelings about this one. Some of the sense of place he creates was fun to read, but Stephenson can't seem to quite believe that the Chinese don't care about "freedom" according to his definitions in the same way and therefore don't have the same political reaction to hacker culture that he does. This could have been an opportunity for him to question assumptions, but instead it's mostly an exercise in dubious, sweeping cultural evaluation, such as "the country has a long history of coming up with technologies before anyone else and then not doing a lot with them." A reminder that the detail with which Stephenson crams his writing is not always... true. Stronger is "Atoms of Cognition: Metaphysics in the Royal Society 1715 2010," which covers material familiar to readers of Stephenson's Baroque Cycle. The story of Newton, Leibniz, their rivalry, and the competing approaches to thinking about mathematics and science was my favorite part of that series, and in some ways the non-fiction treatment is better than the fictional one. If you liked the Baroque Cycle, this is worth reading. But the highlight of the book for me was "Mother Earth Mother Board." This is a long essay (50,000 words, practically a small book and the largest part of this collection) about the laying of undersea fiber-optic cables. Those who have read Cryptonomicon will recognize some of the themes here, but there's way more to this essay than there was to the bits about undersea cables in Cryptonomicon. It's mostly about technology, rather than people, which puts Stephenson on firmer ground. The bit about people reads more like a travelogue, full of Stephenson's whole-hearted admiration of people who build things and make things work. There's a bit of politics, a bit of history, a bit of tourism, and a lot of neat trivia about a part of the technological world that I'd not known much about before. I would say this is worth the price of the collection, but it too was previously published in Wired, so you can just read it online. Those reading this review on my web site will notice that I filed it in non-fiction. There are a couple of stories, but they're entirely forgettable (in fact, I had entirely forgotten them, and had to skim them again). But, for the record, here are short reviews of those: "Spew": This originally appeared in Wired and can still be read on-line. The protagonist takes a job as a sort of Internet marketing inspector who looks for deviations from expected profiles. While tracing down an anomaly, though, he finds another use of the Internet that's outside of the marketing framework he's using. It's unlikely that anyone who's been online for long will find much new in this story. Some of that is because it was originally published in 1994, but most of it is just that this isn't a very good story. Stephenson seems to have turned up his normal manic infodump to 11 to satisfy the early Wired aesthetic, and the result is a train wreck of jargon, bad slang, and superficial social observation. (3) "The Great Simoleon Caper": Originally published in TIME, this story too is still available online. It's primarily interesting because it's a story about Bitcoin (basically), written in 1995. And it's irritating for exactly the same reason that Bitcoin enthusiasm often tends to be irritating: the assumption that cryptocurrency is somehow a revolutionary attack on government-run currency systems. I'm not going to get into the ways in which this doesn't make sense given how money is used socially (David Graeber's Debt is the book to read if you want more information); just know that the story follows that path and doesn't engage with any of the social reasons why that outcome is highly unlikely. Indeed, the lengths to which the government tries to go to discredit cryptocurrency in this story are rather silly. Apart from that, this is typical early Stephenson writing. It's very in love with ideas, not as much with characterization, and consists mostly of people explaining things to each other. Sometimes this is fun, but when focused on topics about which considerably more information has become available, it doesn't age very well. (5) Overall, there was one great essay and a few interesting bits, but I wouldn't have felt I was missing much if I'd never read this collection. I borrowed Some Remarks from a friend, and I think that's about the right level of effort. If it falls into your hands, or you see it in a library, some of the essays, particularly "Mother Earth Mother Board," are worth reading, but given that the best parts are available on-line for free, I don't think it's worth a purchase. Rating: 6 out of 10

28 July 2014

Daniel Pocock: Secure that Dictaphone

2014 has been a big year for dictaphones so far. First, it was France and the secret recordings made by Patrick Buisson during the reign of President Sarkozy. Then, a US court ordered the release of the confidential Boston College tapes, part of an oral history project. Originally, each participant had agreed their recording would only be released after their death. Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams was arrested and questioned over a period of 100 hours and released without charge. Now Australia is taking its turn. In #dictagate down under, a senior political correspondent from a respected newspaper recorded (most likely with consent) some off-the-record comments of former conservative leader Ted Baillieu. Unfortunately, this journalist misplaced the dictaphone at the state conference of Baillieu's arch-rivals, the ALP. A scandal quickly errupted. Secure recording technology There is no question that electronic voice recordings can be helpful for people, including journalists, researchers, call centers and many other purposes. However, the ease with which they can now be distributed is only dawning on people. Twenty years ago, you would need to get the assistance of a radio or TV producer to disseminate such recordings so widely. Today there is email and social media. The Baillieu tapes were emailed directly to 400 people in a matter of minutes. Just as technology brings new problems, it also brings solutions. Encryption is one of them. Is encryption worthwhile? Coverage of the Snowden revelations has revealed that many popular security technologies are not one hundred percent safe. In each of these dictaphone cases, however, NSA-level expertise was not a factor. Even the most simplistic encryption would have caused endless frustration to the offenders who distributed the Baillieu tape. How can anybody be sure encryption is reliable? Part of the problem is education. Everybody using the technology needs to be aware of the basic concepts, for example, public key cryptography. Another big question mark is back doors. There is ongoing criticism of Apple iPhone/iPod devices and the many ways that their encryption can be easily disabled by Apple engineers and presumably many former staff, security personnel and others. The message is clear: proprietary, closed-source solutions should be avoided. Free and open source technologies are the alternative. If a company does not give you the source code, how can anybody independently audit their code for security? With encryption software, what use is it if nobody has verified it? What are the options? However, given that the majority of people don't have a PhD in computer science or mathematics, are there convenient ways to get started with encryption? Reading is a good start. The Code Book by Simon Singh (author of other popular science books like Fermat's Last Theorem) is very accessible, not classified and assumes no formal training in mathematics. Even for people who do know these topics inside out, it is a good book to share with friends and family. The Guardian Project (no connection with Guardian Media of Edward Snowden fame) aims to provide a secure and easy to use selection of apps for pocket devices. This project has practical applications in business, journalism and politics alike. How should a secure dictaphone app work? Dictaphone users typically need to take their dictaphones in the field, so there is a risk of losing it or having it stolen. A strong security solution in this situation may involve creating an RSA key pair on a home/office computer, keeping the private key on the home computer and putting the public key on the dictaphone device. Configured this way, the dictaphone will not be able to play back any of the recordings itself - the user will always have to copy them to the computer for decryption.

21 March 2014

Jo Shields: Stephenson s Rocket the new name for Ye Olde SteamOSe

I ve made a new release of my curiously popular SteamOS derivative, and given it a new name: Stephenson s Rocket. Stephenson's Rocket You can download the new release from here. Release highlights:

6 February 2014

Andrew Pollock: [life] Day 10, Playgroup again

I was bracing myself for a rough night, but Zoe slept through until almost 6am. Today was playgroup again, so we just took a slow start to the day and headed out on the bike a bit after 9am. There was a mix of new faces and people from last week. I packed a lunchbox this time instead of relying on the snack collection in my "Dad Bag" backpack. We worked on trying to approach other girls to get them to play. Unfortunately they're all that little bit younger and more shy, so we haven't had a huge success. Zoe's been pretty happy just playing with the various toys and playing with me. Parachute time was a big hit again. I think there were about 25 adults there (I was the only Dad this week), with many with multiple children. The youngest baby I saw was a 7 week old. Zoe had been asking me what a honeydew was, so after Playgroup we dropped by the Hawthorne Garage and grabbed half a honeydew and a couple of tomatoes and I made some fritters for lunch with leftover corned beef from dinner the other night. Zoe wasn't too impressed with them. I think she didn't like the diced tomato. She declared that the honeydew was just like rockmelon. We read a story in the hammock and she went down pretty easily for nap after that. I'd just started doing the dishes when my mate Steve gave me a call. He was in the area, and he dropped in. That worked out well, because I'd been meaning to pick his brain about my little electronics project. We geeked it up for a bit. Zoe's mini lab coat arrived in the mail, and when she finally woke up after 3pm, I asked her if she wanted to go out to Bunnings to get a pair of kids-sized safety glasses, but she said she wanted to do something "fun" instead. When I asked her what she wanted to do, she initially wanted to go to Wet and Wild, but that's an all day outing and we're going next Wednesday, so she settled on going to Colmslie pool again instead. So we quickly got organised and jumped on the bike and biked over to the pool. We started out in the kid's play area, which had a couple of small slides and some fountains and whatnot, and then we gravitated over to the 50 metre pool, where Zoe practised her diving for a bit and generally quite confidently navigated the 1.5m deep end of the pool. It was good, because at least I could just stand up instead of tread water while she practised diving in off the blocks. We had a post-swim ice cream and biked home, and then I whipped up dinner and it was bathtime and bedtime. I'm going to have to start tracking my weekly kilometres with Zoe on the bike, because I think it'll be a reasonable distance.

9 January 2014

MJ Ray: Request for West Norfolk to Complete the PCC Consultation

Please excuse the intrusion to your usual software and co-op news items but vine seems broken and as part of my community and democratic interests, I d like to share this short clip quoting Norfolk s Deputy Police Commissioner Jenny McKibben about why Commissioner Stephen Bett believes it s important to get views from the west of the county about next year s police budget: Personally, with a King s Lynn + West Norfolk Bike Users Group hat on, I d like it if people supported a 2% ( 4/year average) tax increase to reduce the police s funding cut (the grant from is being cut by 4%) so that we re less likely to have future cuts to traffic policing. The consultation details and response form are on the PCC website.

5 January 2014

Jon Dowland: 2013 In Fiction

I read a lot this year - I'll write more about that and reflections on goodreads in another post - but most of the things I read weren't published in 2013. (I should also write a bit about my thoughts on e-readers). However, it seems I have enough to write about 2013's novels to make a round-up post worthwhile, so here we go.
The Cuckoos Calling UK cover
This year, crime author Robert Galbraith published his first novel The Cuckoo's Calling. I'd never have heard of it if Galbraith was not outed as an alias for Joanne "JK" Rowling. Clues that Rowling was working on a detective story exist as early as a Guardian preview article in 2012 for her last novel, The Casual Vacancy. Further hints, for me, that this was no first-time author were the taglines from Ian Rankin and Val McDermid on the cover, writers of a calibre I'd be surprised a new author could attract. However I don't know whether they were on the pre-unveiling cover or not. Rowling was upset be outed, having enjoyed the freedom to write without the baggage of expectation that she is subject to. I hope she's pleased: prior to her unmasking the novel was warmly received by the (admittedly relatively small) number of people who read it. And a very good novel it is too. It starts with a genre clich of a grizzled, meloncholy detective, Mr. Cormoran Strike, in an upstairs office with a neon light flickering through the window, but fleshes the story out both forwards - a client, a mysterious death - and backwards - how did Mr. Strike end up in that upstairs office - living out of it, no less? As is traditional for the genre there's a very clever twist. What I really enjoyed about Cormoran Strike was Galbraith/Rowling moving quickly from Chandler-esque everyman to a well fleshed-out, complex protagonist, intertwining the development of the character with the unfolding of the wider plot. I'm looking forward to the sequel, expected in 2014.
The Shining Girls UK cover
A second surprise favourite this year was Lauren Beukes' time-tripping crime story The Shining Girls. A monsterous murder of women somehow finds a room in Chicago that lets him travel through time (or perhaps the room finds him). He uses this facility to stalk and murder a set of Shining Girls: women who, for one reason or another, literally 'shine' in his perception of them. One such woman survives his first attack and decides to try and find out who attacked her, and why. The crimes are described in a brutal fashion which - from a distance - resemble the sometimes glorified violence for which crime fiction is sometimes criticised, but the focus of the story is very much on the victims: they are fully fleshed out characters and each death is felt by the reader as a genuine tragedy. I discovered Beukes when her earlier novel Zoo City was included in a Humble eBook bundle. On reading The Shining Girls I felt that the novel deserved to be more widely known than I would expect it to be trapped in the ghetto of genre fiction, so I was pleased to discover that the very mainstream Richard and Judy Book Club discovered it. In established author news, Terry Pratchett, having adopted speech recognition for writing (to combat his debilitating Alzheimer's) has seemingly managed to accelerate his rate of production and squeezed out at least two this year: The Long War with Stephen Baxter is the sequel to 2012's The Long Earth which I very much enjoyed, but it really felt like "difficult second novel" to me. Hopefully there'll be a third. Raising Steam, the 40th Discworld novel, was an enjoyable romp around the concept of steam trains, featuring the relatively new Moist von Lipwig who has managed to become one of my favourite Discworld characters. I can't think of much more to say about the novel, really. It's a Discworld novel, probably not the best introduction to the series for a new reader, but will give a reader familiar with the franchise everything they expect, and possibly no more. Iain Banks sadly died this year, shortly after the publication of his last novel, The Quarry. It's sat on my hardback shelf for the time being. I couldn't bring myself to read it in 2013. I did read his last SF offering from the year prior, The Hydrogen Sonata. Sadly, yet coincidentally, both of these books examine the nature of living and dying, The Quarry in particular from the point of view of a terminal cancer sufferer. I have a small backlog of unread Banks fiction which I want to take my time over with. Finally, whilst not really a book, I thoroughly enjoyed the BBC's 2013 adaptation of Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere. Natalie Dormer wrote a piece on the making of the drama which should serve as a good introduction. At the time of writing, most of the programmes have disappeared from iPlayer, but I would be surprised if this wasn't released commercially at some point.

1 January 2014

Russ Allbery: 2013 Book Reading in Review

What a strange year. 2013 was marked by a whole sequence of entirely unexpected events, including multiple major work upheavals. For large chunks of the year, I had very little time or emotional energy for personal reading goals, and particularly for writing reviews. I declared personal amnesty on most of my intentions halfway through the year, and all the totals will reflect that. On the plus side (although not for reading and reviews), it was a great year for video games. Next year, there will be no specific goals. Between continuing work fallout, a very busy project schedule, my intent to keep playing a lot of video games, and various other personal goals I want to take on, I'm going to take the pressure off of reading. Things will be read and reviews will be written (and I'm going to make more of an effort to write reviews shortly after reading books), but I'm not going to worry about how many. The below statistics are confined to the books I reviewed in 2013. I read six more books that I've not yet reviewed, due to the chaos at the end of the year. Those will be counted in 2014. There were no 10 out of 10 books this year, partly due to the much lower reading totals and partly due to my tendency this year to turn to safe comfort reading, which is reliably good but unlikely to be exceptional. There were, however, several near-misses that were worth calling out. My favorite book of the year was Neal Stephenson's Anathem, which narrowly missed a 10 for me due to some fundamental problems with the plot premise. But this is still an excellent book: the best novel about the practice of science and philosophy that I've ever read. Also deserving mention are K.E. Lane's And Playing the Role of Herself, lovely and intelligent lesbian romance that's likely to appeal even to people who would not normally try that genre, and Guy Gavriel Kay's River of Stars. The latter isn't quite at the level of Kay's earlier Under Heaven, but it's still an excellent work of alternate historical fiction in a memorable setting. A special honorable mention goes to Lisa O'Donnell's The Death of Bees. It requires a lot of warnings for very dark subject matter and a rather abrupt ending, but it's been a long time since I've cared that much about the characters of a book. My favorite non-fiction book of the year was Gary J. Hudson's They Had to Go Out, a meticulously researched account of a tragic Coast Guard mission. The writing is choppy, the editing could have been better, and it's clear that the author is not a professional writer, but it's the sort of detailed non-fiction account that can only be written by someone who's been there and lived through similar experiences. Also worth mentioning is Mark Jason Dominus's Higher Order Perl, which was the best technical book I read all year and which I found quite inspiring for my own programming. The full analysis includes some additional personal reading statistics, probably only of interest to me.

18 November 2013

Russ Allbery: Review: Anathem

Review: Anathem, by Neal Stephenson
Publisher: William Morrow
Copyright: 2008
ISBN: 0-06-147409-6
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 935
Fraa Erasmas is a little less than twenty years old and is an avout of the decade math of the Concent of Saunt Edhar. As Anathem opens, he's approaching his first apert. All of those words are left for the reader to puzzle out for themselves, unless you cheat and read the glossary (which I would recommend doing only with caution, but more on that in a moment), since Erasmas, the first-person narrator of this story, writes (mostly) as if the reader is familiar with the mathic world and its concepts. Translated into English, it means that Erasmas was brought into something akin to a scientific monastery (the "math") at around the age of nine and has been there for ten years, since his math is a decade math and therefore remains closed to all outside (s cular) ideas and contact for periods of ten years at a time. He is still a student there, not yet declaring allegiance to one of the chapters. That's something that he will be expected to do after the first apert. Every ten years, the decade math opens its doors to the outside world for a period of ten days (apert), and the fraas and suurs can leave the math and travel through the outside world as they wish. The start of Anathem is an exercise in alienation and reorientation. Stephenson has constructed a complex society with a long history and its own specific technical jargon and throws the reader into it with a minimum of orientation. Despite being familiar with SF novels that use this technique, I did read the preface and recommend that other readers do as well unless they particularly love piecing together a world from hints and clues. The timeline, in particular, was invaluable and something I referred to throughout the story. But even with the preface, you should expect to read the first part of Anathem interpolating meanings from context or just letting things slip past until you later come to understand them. A lot of people bounce off of Anathem here, and it's one of the reasons why I'd been postponing reading it (the other being that it's a substantial doorstop and I wanted to give it my undivided attention). But it's really not as bad as I feared. One gets a feel for the terms fairly quickly, and the more difficult ones Stephenson defines as he goes with excerpts from a dictionary of the mathic world. I found it slightly disorienting for a chapter or two, and then it started growing on me. The terminology is sometimes different just for the sake of being different (jeejahs are indistinguishable from smartphones for all practical purposes), but usually the invented words provide either important links to the past of the constructed world of Arbre or are technical terms that add precision and clarity once you know their meanings. It can be a little bit frustrating to remember the mapping of famous theories and theorems to the Orth names, but only mildly. (And Diax's Rake is so useful of a name for something that English doesn't name that I may start using it myself.) This is also why I recommend against reading the glossary. The definitions of terms are linked to important parts of history, which are, in turn, linked to important parts of the plot, and the glossary therefore risks spoilers. I liked having the term introduced by the frequent dictionary excerpts scattered through the chapters, and enjoyed the feeling of the terminology unfolding with the plot. The glossary is there if you really get lost, but I think the experienced SF reader (particularly if you have enough history background to pick up on the obvious parallels and start mapping bits to Greece, Rome, the Catholic Church, etc.) will be able to navigate the language without that much difficulty. I also stopped caring about the terminology because the story is so engrossing that it pulled me right into the book, closed over me, and made Erasmas's world feel real, precious, and fascinating. Whether that's going to be true of other people is a surprisingly difficult question, and one that I'll try to tackle as part of this review. But I will say up-front that I think this is the best book that Stephenson has ever written, even better than Snow Crash, despite some undeniable flab and one extremely irritating choice. Anathem is, at its heart, a novel about the scientific method. I think it's the first book by Stephenson that elegantly mingles his tendencies (and obsessions) as a writer with the interests (and obsessions) of the characters and makes the whole novel feel coherent. All of Stephenson's books are prone to discursive infodumps, but they've usually had to be shoehorned in around the characters. Even with the Baroque Cycle, a series full of natural philosophers, the digressions are jammed in around the plot like the filling of an over-packed box and frequently stick out at odd angles or dribble out on the floor. With Anathem, Stephenson has populated a book full of characters who have completely believable and engrossing reasons to digress into scientific debate and analysis, can put them into dialogue and thereby avoid some of the strain of the infodump, and (most importantly) largely restrains himself from narrative digressions via first-person narration and careful attention to when the characters themselves would follow the same digression. In short, this is a book full of very smart and very well-educated people who figure things out from first principles using agreed-upon theory, thrown into an unknown and dangerous situation that requires a great deal of deep thinking, science, engineering, and philosophy. All of Stephenson's quirks are still here, on prominent display, but rarely have I ever seen a better match of writer, characters, plot, and world background than this book. I would go so far as to say that, if you don't like this book, you're unlikely to like any long Stephenson. I haven't said a lot about the plot. Erasmas's apert is only the first part, and barely touches on any significant plot elements. It's mostly there to set some groundwork, introduce characters, and get the reader oriented. I'm not going to say much more, since the way the novel transitions from routine to unusual to emergency, and the resulting scramble to understand the emergency, is the heart and soul of this book and should not be spoiled. (I spoiled myself slightly by reading some analysis that I shouldn't have and regretted it, although it wasn't too much of a problem.) This is one of Stephenson's best-plotted novels. It develops slowly enough for the reader (and the characters) to think hard about it and make some good and bad guesses, but fast enough to stay engrossing. Most of it is very well-paced provided that you find the background of science and philosophy of science interesting. (If you don't, this is probably not a book you're going to enjoy.) I say "most of it" because, as mentioned earlier, this book is a bit flabby. There are a couple of sections where the theory and analysis are pushed aside by exigent circumstances and more action-oriented plot elements, both of which reminded me that Stephenson is very bad at writing action sequences and both of which I wished were shorter. And there are a couple of sections where Erasmas is getting oriented to a new situation or working up the courage to do something where I wished he'd get on with it already. But for a novel of nearly 1,000 pages, the amount of tension and reader interest Stephenson maintained for me was quite impressive. But as good as the plot is, the best part of this book is its full-bore, no-apologies embrace of understanding things. This is a book about making sense of the world, and about what it means to make sense of the world, and how you go about it, and what preconditions are required to do so. It is not, contrary to so much science fiction, a book about knowing things. The people who are already experts appear in this book, but generally only in the context of figuring out new things they've not previously been exposed to. Rather, it's a book about learning things, the thrill that comes from applying theory to understand something new, and the satisfaction of working through something from first principles or previously-established theory, arriving at testable predictions, and then testing them. It's the first novel I've read that captures some of the joy and delight that I got from reading George Gamow's One Two Three... Infinity as a child. Stephenson novels have always been about showing the reader neat things he learned, but I think previous books relied on the reader to bring their own enthusiasm. Anathem, at least for me, goes a step farther and uses the passion and approach of its characters to create that enthusiasm. It's one of those books that I not only enjoyed but went away from feeling like it made me a better person in some subtle but detectable way. Sadly, this is also where the irritating part comes in. I'm going to be very careful and indirect here, since the details are all extremely significant spoilers. You may want to skip to the last paragraph of this review if you want to avoid any knowledge about the end of Anathem. Stephenson pulls several rabbits out of the hat in this book, but most of them are well-defended and nicely handled bits of misdirection. There are a few where I thought the science or engineering was dubious, but even those are usually backed with enough hand-waving about Arbre technology that I could swallow it enough for the purposes of this book. (The timeline here is very helpful in allowing one to write off a few things as unknown technology.) But he puts, at the core of the plot, one of the most scientifically dubious bits of the whole book, and there's simply no avoiding that by the end of the story. Now, this doesn't mean that he just expects the reader to swallow it. Much of Anathem is a carefully-constructed defense of the bits he uses for the plot, and the defense is not half-bad within his fictional world. There are substantial in-book justifications for believing these techniques will work on Arbre even if they wouldn't in our scientific domain. So it's not so much the plausibility that bothered me; the idea is at least as plausible as some of the FTL drive concepts that I've swallowed without complaint. I do hold Anathem to a higher standard because the book is about science in a way that most science fiction isn't, but even with that, I think Stephenson mostly managed to dance across the thin ice he built. The problem is more subtle but more serious: if taken seriously on its own terms, the approach Stephenson takes to the plot destroys science in his universe. I can't really say more than that, since all of the details are huge spoilers, but the more I thought about it, the more irritated and annoyed I got. Anathem is otherwise a brilliant defense of the scientific method, and it felt like Stephenson injected a poison pill in the center of it, leading necessarily to a world where the scientific method no longer works. This does not happen on camera, or even between the pages of the book; you have to think about the implications for a while before you realize that's what happened. But once you do, it's a bitter pill to swallow, and it's hard to escape the feeling that it fundamentally undermines Stephenson's whole project here. And, to make it worse (although also oddly better in a way), I think it was unnecessary. He would have had to reconstruct the ending, but I can't shake the feeling that there were ways to write the ending, even maintaining the same character strengths, without having to pull that particular rabbit out of the hat. Because I think it's, in the end, unnecessary, I was still able to enjoy the whole book, including the ending, despite this, but while the rest of Anathem is a wholehearted 10, that choice knocked a full point off my impression of the book. It's profoundly irritating precisely because Stephenson did such an excellent job with the rest of it. But, that said, this book is still exceptional. I think it's the book that Stephenson was meant to write. Not only did he get the overall construction nearly perfect, he gets so many of the details right, from the history (which for a while I thought was merely clever, once I started seeing the correspondences that moved it out of the realm of pure invention, but which transitioned back to profound with later revelations in the book) to the language to the way that he excerpted some theoretic digressions into very well-done appendices. If you've ever thought of a theory as beautiful, or like reading about smart people debating the nature of understanding and knowledge, I cannot recommend this book too highly. Despite the highly irritating flaw at its center, and despite a few sections that show Stephenson is not a well-rounded writer, I think it's brilliant. Rating: 9 out of 10

17 September 2013

Vincent Sanders: Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.

I seem to be adhering to Beckett's approach recently but for some reason, after my previous stool attempts, despite having a functioning design I felt I had to do just one more iteration.

Five legged stoolGoing back to a previous concept of having five legs instead of three while this did not improve the rotational problems with the 12mm thick material, it did make the design more stable overall and less prone to tipping.

The five legged solution realised in 18mm plywood resulted in my final design for this concept. As my friend Stephen demonstrates the design is pretty solid even for those of us with a more ample frame. There are now a couple of them in use at the space alongside the three legged earlier versions.

I was finally satisfied with the result and thought I was done with furniture making for a while. My adorable wife then came up with a challenge, she wanted a practical foldable chair her requirements were:
A frame folding chair, image from wikimedia
Things for individual humans to sit on raised off the floor, or chairs as we call them, have been around for a long time. My previous research for the stool indicated that chairs have a long history with examples still surviving from the ancient egyptians. From this I assumed there would be nothing novel in this project and to quote the song it's all been done before
Given this perspective my research started with an image search for "folding chair". The results immediately showed there were two common shapes. Either the chair base was formed with a pair of linked X shapes with the seat across the top, or an A frame style where the seat is across the centre.

My initial thoughts were to replicate the IKEA style A frame design until I noticed that some designs were made from a single sheet of timber with a small number of profile cuts. I searched for pre-existing design files but found none, perhaps I had found something novel to do after all.

A frame chair  1 - Front  2 - Rear  3- seat
Some quick measurements of chairs in shops (and more weird looks, mainly from my family) suggested 900mm is generally the highest a chair ought to stand. I selected a popliteal height of 420mm as a general use compromise which is a bit less than the 430mm of most mass produced chairs. I also decided there should be a front to rear drop across the seat which ought to improve comfort a little.

Material selection was based upon what I had to hand which consisted of a couple of sheets of structural plywood (1220x606x18mm temperate softwood - probably spruce although not specified) which had not become stools yet. Allowing for edge wastage and tool width this gave me a working area from a sheet of 1196x582mm.

I sketched the side view of the chair numbering the three parts. I decided part 1 would be 1000mm total height with top and bottom cross braces 80mm high, assuming the 900mm tall target, the A frame apex would be at 820mm height.

If we assert that the apex is immediately below the top cross brace on part 1 this gives 920mm at which point we have two sides of a right angled triangle (820 and 920) from which we can calculate the top angle is 26 . This also means part 2 will be 840mm long with the same 820 height this gives an angle of 10 .

I did the maths for the seat triangle using the 36 angle and 420mm popliteal height. Having experienced how flexible 18mm plywood was in the face dimension I decided to make the frame sides 50mm wide leaving, after 6mm tool path widths, enough space for a 358mm wide seat .

Once the dimensions were decided the design went pretty quickly producing something that looked similar to the designs I had seen earlier.

CNC routers can go wrong, spot the fail
Generating toolpaths for this design proved challenging with the CAM software we had available, mainly because arranging multiple "inner" and "outer" cuts along the same path and having the tabs line up was obviously not an anticipated feature.

Things had been going far too well for me and during the routing operation our machine decided to follow an uncommanded toolpath excursion mid job (it cut a dirty great hole through the middle of my workpiece where I did not want it) ruining the sheet of material.

Fortunately, once factory reset and reconfigured, the machine ran the job correctly the second time although we still do not know why it went wrong. The parts were cut free of their tabs and hinges fitted.

The resulting design worked with a couple of problems:
Folding chair in 24mm plywood with edges rounded off
So time for a second iteration, this time I selected a thicker plywood to reduce the bend under large loads (OK already, I mean me). After shopping around for several days I discovered that unlike 12mm and 18mm thick plywood 24mm thick is much harder to find at a sensible price especially if you want it cut into 1220x606 sheets from the full 1220x2440.

I eventually physically went to Ridgeons and looked at what they actually had in the warehouse and got a price on a sheet of brazilian elliotis pine structural plywood for 43.96 which they cut for me while I waited. Being physically present also gave me the opportunity to pick a "less bad" sheet from the stack much to the annoyance of the Ridgeons employee for not just taking the top one.

This time I reduced the apex height by 30mm, the length of part 1 by 80mm. I also reduced the frame width by 10mm relying on the increased thickness of the plywood to maintain the strength. In area terms it is actually an increase in material (50mm*17.7mm = 885 against 40mm*22.80 = 912). I also included rebates for the top hinges within the design allowing them to be mounted flush within the sheet width.

The new design was cut (without incident this time) and the edges rounded off. I also added some simple catches to keep the seat and back inline while being transported.

While this version worked I had made a couple of mistakes again. The first was simply a radius versus diameter error on the handles which meant too much material was removed from a high stress area causing increased bending.

Third version of folding chair ready for finishing
The second error was a stupid mistake that where I had worked the latch holes in the seat to the wrong side of my measure line meaning the apex angle was 35.5 not the expected 33.6 which meant the backrest felt "too far forward"

The third version rectified those two errors and improved the seat front curve a little to further reduce the unneeded material in the back rest.

The fabrication of this design was double sided allowing for the seat hinge to be fully rebated and become flush and also adding some text similar to the stools.

Alex sat on version 3 folding chair
This version still suffers from a backrest that is a bit too far forward and my sons complain it makes them sit up too straight. The problem is that the angle of the front face (23.6 ) means that to move the rest back 20mm means the piece needs to extend another 50mm beyond the frame apex which would probably make the chair feel tall again.

I guess this is a compromise that would take another iteration or two to solve, alas my wife has declared a moratorium on more chairs unless I find somewhere to put the failed prototypes other than her conservatory.

One other addition would be a better form of catch for transport. The ones in version 2 work but are ugly, magnets inset into the frame have been suggested but not actually implemented yet.

Folding chairs versions 1 to 3 and TERJE for comparison
In conclusion I think I succeeded with the original brief and am pretty pleased with the result. A neatly folding chair that can be stacked simply by having a pile of them and are easy to move and setup.

The price per chair is a little higher than I would like at 22 ( 11 for timber, 5 for hinges and screws , 5 for varnish and 1 for tool wear) plus about 2 hours labour (two sided routing plus roundover takes ages)

As previously the design files are available on github and there are plenty more images in the flikr set.

5 September 2013

Daniel Pocock: Will Baby Boomers strangle Australia's Internet?

When Labor's Communications Minister Stephen Conroy won the title Internet villain of the year most educated people realised it wasn't something to celebrate. So it might be surprising for some that the title could potentially be returning to Australia so soon... Australia's main opposition party, the deceptively named Liberals (who actually lurk at the Marine Le Pen grade of conservatism) have just announced plans to resurrect the plan by implanting filtering technology in all modems, routers and smartphones. Whether they do or don't, there are serious concerns that they have described Australia's still-under-construction national broadband network as a wasteful project (which is potentially true) but failed to provide any credible alternative: who really thinks the conservative's proposed 25MBps will be a serious technology when they finish deploying it in 2019?. It is interesting to look at the bigger picture to see where this stupidity comes from. A political poll released early this week gives us half the story: Big bad baby boomers It is obvious that older voters prefer the conservative "coalition" parties, 57% of over-55s in particular. It is a huge jump from the 44% of voters in the age group below them. What this table doesn't tell us is that Australia's population is top-heavy with Baby Boomers. In other words, there are actually quite a lot of those over-55-year-old voters. In fact, it is estimated that close to 1 in 3 Australians will be in this category within the next 10 years. People who want the world to be the way it was in the 60s: many have already paid off a mortgage on a home in the suburbs with no access to things like public transport. They grew up under the white Australia policy and are frustrated at the presence of educated hard working foreigners from countries like India and China. Retired, no longer working, expecting the state to provide roads to their poorly located McMansions and free health care but little concern for broadband or anything that smells new. As they are no longer working, many have no commercial demand for broadband but will happily vote for a policy to censor it even if they don't use it themselves, simply because they want to see a Government that is blocking change. Sadly, they are shooting themselves in the foot: younger generations of Australians need to work and pay tax if there is to be any hope of keeping the dream alive for older Australians. However, with the conservatives cutting education to fund an over-dramatised response to immigration that costs billions of dollars every year, cutting corners and dumbing-down essential technology like the Internet, it seems that working-age Australians will struggle to compete in the global marketplace.

3 September 2013

Clint Adams: Apropos of nothing

I might switch to a FirefoxOS phone on Wednesday.

22 July 2013

Daniel Pocock: Winning at any cost

It's not every day that a student messing around with keystroke loggers comes to fame through slashdot. Nonetheless, systematically rigging an election and getting sentenced to 12 months in a dorm with bars has helped raise 22 year old Matthew Weaver's profile well above that of the average script kiddie. Now let's stop and reflect on poor Weaver's future. You may be thinking that with an exchange program like this on his academic record he won't be so popular with employers. Given that he was busted by campus security rather than the FBI he won't even attract the interest of those companies who hire ex-hackers. So where could he go? How is it done in Australia? Not too long ago, when I was a student myself, one of our prominent universities was subjected to a very similar scam. Four members of the Tin Tin for NUS ticket at La Trobe University were implicated in stuffing the ballot the old fashioned way. The incidents even share the characteristics of chronic stupidity: just as Weaver had been caught voting for himself 259 times from the same IP address in a campus computer lab, team Tin Tin had tried to hand their bag of manipulated postal votes directly to the deputy returning officer rather than discretely posting them through the internal mail. According to an official report by the Deputy Returning Officer, Karsten Haley, all four candidates were charged with Dishonest Conduct and Interfering with Ballot Papers. Unfortunately, the report notes that
La Trobe University SRC Electoral Regulations do not empower the Returning Officer or Deputy to enforce charges or disciplinary procedures and the charges were never faced by the accused.
Given the seriousness of the matter, Haley did not give up his attempts to hold them to account. He escalated it to the Dean of the college and then to the University Secretary. He reports that "their disinterest was extraordinary" and that nobody would involve the police. Young Labor suspended Just over a year later, in 1997, the ALP's youth division for the state of Victoria, Young Labor, was suspended after attempts to rig the ballot to elect the Young Labor leadership team. The guilty parties were never publicly named. Nobody was formally suspended or expelled and this simply left them with more time on their hands to invest their energy in other elections. The suspension of Victorian Young Labor remained in effect for a number of years. The specific allegations about the Young Labor ballot suggest that those people particularly keen to win had printed fake student cards and given them to stooges who would impersonate other Young Labor members who had not attended to vote in person. Where are they now? It is no co-incidence that these students were (and still are) members of Labor Unity, a powerful faction within Australia's ruling Labor Party, the ALP. Most political organisations would presumably express concern about these allegations. The ALP does things differently. One of the students who withdrew his nomination in La Trobe, Mr Larocca, subsequently became Mayor in the City of Moreland, one of the ALP's strongholds. Even more remarkably from an outsider's viewpoint, another of these figures, Stephen Donnelly, is currently employed as the Assistant State Secretary of the ALP in Victoria. Communications like this newsletter reveal that he is one of the key figures in the party's pre-selection process. He has recently been appointed to direct the ALP's 2013 federal election campaign for the state of Victoria. Another co-incidence On the same weekend that Weaver was in the news for his antics, Donnelly's latest employer, the ALP's Victorian branch, was conducting pre-selection ballots to choose candidates for the upcoming federal election. So it's no surprise that Monday's newspaper headlines report fresh allegations of voting irregularities. Sadly, I've seen some of Labor Unity's bad behavior first hand. About 10 years ago I was living in South Melbourne, which is in the federal electoral district of Melbourne Ports. A young female friend of mine, a member of the local Elwood branch of the ALP, had spent election day handing out brochures for an ALP candidate in a marginal seat rather than assisting the controversial local ALP candidate, Michael Danby. A few days later I was witness to an incident where Danby aggressively confronted this young woman and demanded to know why he hadn't seen her handing out his own leaflets on polling day. He stood within centimeters of her and was literally looking down on her as he demanded some kind of apology to sooth his bruised ego. She looked terrified and barely responded. Within moments one of his handlers approached and physically moved Danby away from this young woman, I dare to think where things would have gone otherwise. Eye for talent Remarkably, at the same time, the infamous Stephen Donnelly had started shadowing Danby in his movements about the district. Fresh out of university, his talents had been recognised by Danby and he was employed in Danby's office, enabling him to continue honing his skills on a full-time basis with a tax-payer funded salary. What a remarkable contrast to the story of Weaver. Can anybody imagine a US congressman collecting Weaver from the prison gates and deploying him to an office on Capitol Hill? The biggest bankruptcy in student history Around the same time, Donnelly's Student Unity, the student arm of Labor Unity were successful in taking over the student union of my own campus, the University of Melbourne. Not long after I graduated I heard that they had been accused of skimming off $1 million from catering providers and a high-risk $46 million property transaction that put the organisation into liquidation. Unlike Mr Weaver, who's scheme at Cal State barely got off the ground, none of those involved in the Melbourne University incident has faced criminal proceedings. One ALP figure, Andrew Landeryou, spent several months in Costa Rica while wanted for questioning in the Supreme Court. His wife has just been endorsed for a seat in the Senate with support from various Labor Unity figures including Danby. The Gillard questions In 1996, around the same time that Donnelly & Co. were romping around student unions learning the tricks of the political trade, a lawyer quietly departed from the firm Slater and Gorden after an internal investigation into a property transaction linked to a union slush fund. Like Donnelly, this lawyer's next move was to take employment in the office of a Labor Party MP. More recently she was backed by Labor Unity to become Prime Minister. The union slush fund remains under investigation, frustrated by the disappearance of documents. The $60 million heist Recently I blogged about Gillard and Abbott, leaders of the two main political parties in Australia, agreeing to take $60 million of taxpayer money to fund their parties' campaigns in the upcoming federal election, giving themselves an obscenely unfair unadvantage over all other contestants. Where would that money end up? In the case of the ALP, does it appear likely that figures like the Victorian ALP's federal campaign director, Mr Donnelly, would be involved in the expenditure? National shame With this background, it becomes easier to understand the quality (or lack of it) in Australia's national leadership. When you consider that the generation responsible for the La Trobe incident, the Young Labor suspension and the MUSU bankruptcy are now growing into positions of greater responsibility in the ALP it leaves me feeling the quality of leadership is only going to get a lot worse before it starts getting better. For example, the recent incident where coloured people were fed to the sharks has nothing to do with the worldwide refugee crisis and everything to do with maintaining the dumbed-down level of political discourse that Labor Unity thugs and their followers can cope with. Real issues like climate change and energy policy, for example, appear to be beyond the pay grade of Australia's political class Ranjini - coloured, indefinite detention It is startling that up to her own recent demise, Gillard herself had repeatedly begged the public to stop asking questions about her own past and remember that Labor politicians are innocent until proven guilty - yet she had a pregnant coloured woman thrown into a concentration camp on unfounded fears about "national security". No evidence has ever been presented that poor Ranjini committed a crime, but the houses bought with money from trade unions, transactions handled through Gillard's own office, seem to be as solid as bricks and mortar. If only poor Matthew Weaver had been an Australian, how much further would his star have risen? Update: please sign the petition at asking La Trobe university to re-examine the report and refer it formally to the police. If you are concerned about the plight of poor Ranjini and other people subject to Australia's domestic rendition program, please take a moment to see Letters for Ranjini

26 June 2013

Daniel Pocock: The irrational fear of the Internet, foreign hackers and blue ties

In recent times, many people around the world have come to appreciate the fears of Australians. Fear of the Internet drove our communications minister to pursue a policy of Internet censorship that has been compared to countries like North Korea. Senator Stephen Conroy's policies achieved the global ridicule that they deserve when he was awarded the title of 2009 Internet Villain of the year. Today, a change of leadership has censored him out of a job and his scare campaign will hopefully disappear with him. Fear of people who work surfaced more recently. Our Prime Minister spent much of this year lashing out at highly skilled workers, especially IT workers she disrespectfully accused of "stealing jobs". Promoting a fear of men in blue ties took her into uncharted territory. In London, the omniprescent security theatre constantly reminds people to fear suspicious packages. But is Australia really to be concerned about blue ties? Blue ties get their revenge As always in politics, it is a story of hyopcrisy. Gillard herself was born in the UK and has no right to be criticising other hard working, highly skilled professionals because they have a foreign background. As for that pesky bunch of bloggers running wild on the Internet her communications minister aspired to suppress: when the Prime Minister did a widely derided photo shoot for a women's magazine, the bloggers lit up the web like a Christmas tree. Within 24 hours, a petition was circulating within her party to sack her Remarkably, while accusing foreigners of "stealing" jobs, it has been a subject of some debate that she only obtained her own job by taking it from another member of her own party in the middle of the night. Today, that same man came to work in a blue tie and took the job back. Hopefully Gillard's fears will leave with her.

19 June 2013

Daniel Pocock: Australia's war on brains (and immigration)

Some weeks ago, our Prime Minister was slashdotted when she suspended her usual racist attacks on refugees to attack foreign IT workers and the companies that employ them with absurd accusations of "rorts" and "stealing" jobs. Today, she's introduced new laws in the parliament aiming to further bastardization of intelligent, skilled and educated workers and anybody who associates with them, including Australian employers. Unwarranted attention on a minority of IT workers This is not just some random bill before the parliament. There are just two weeks left before the parliament concludes and an election campaign begins. It is clear that what we are seeing now is the Real Julia coming though, choosing to make the small minority of foreign workers in our country at the center of people's thoughts as they go to vote in September. A debt of gratitude to foreign workers These verses from our national anthem, Advance Australia Fair say a lot about how Australia became what it is today:
For those who've come across the seas

We've boundless plains to share;

With courage let us all combine

To Advance Australia Fair.
The last 200 years of Australia's history has been a story of immigration. It is not something to be afraid of: our forefathers celebrated it. Foreign workers: why Australia needs you Australia has had some appalling flops in IT and engineering: There is no doubt in my mind that additional foreign workers would have made a positive contribution to all of these problems or can do so in the future. The sun never sets on IT Every day, I collaborate with dozens of IT specialists all over the world through the virtual workplace that is the Internet, particularly in the free and open source software community. Many of these people, I've never even met and in most cases I don't even know where they are, where they were born or what is the colour of their skin. Those details wouldn't make any difference to the way that we work in IT today. How many IT managers have time to waste dealing with more real world bureaucracy when they've experienced online, global productivity? How many IT workers feel demotivated by having to explain trivial details about their personal life to a Government bureaucrat who doesn't understand their skills and just looks at their colour? If you think about it, any immigration officer who really understands IT wouldn't be an immigration officer. They would be working in IT themselves. Immigration officers, who don't understand IT, are now going to be further empowered to bully companies away from employing some talented workers on the basis of race or nationality. Hiring managers will be intimidated into these prejudiced and biased decisions by delays, processing fees and invasive demands for sensitive documents about business planning and recruitment strategies. Australia's immigration system already has a horrendous reputation. Any visa application seems to take more than a year: no small company can keep a job position vacant that long. Families can't plan their children's schooling. Other life events come and go. There are exhorbitant fees, 1000% higher than in other western countries. Fewer and fewer self-respecting skilled workers are willing to put their spouses and children through the degrading medical examinations. Judging the impact of poor immigration policy While the economic impact of this immigration mess on industry is hard to quantify with an exact figure, we can take some insight from the education system. As the visa system has been hijacked by racists over the last 10 years, there has been a dramatic fall in participation (and revenues) from foreign students. In one year, enrolments (and revenue) fell 30%. This is not just bad for the balance sheets of the universities, it also means that in a future where commerce is global, Australians are more and more isolated and inexperienced culturally. IT workers and their employers have plenty of choices: Australia's close neighbor, Singapore, is one of them. Visas are granted in 2 weeks, no degrading medical exam required, low taxes and tropical sunshine all year round. Many companies that find it impractical to deal with Australia's bureaucracy end up moving their best Australian workers to places like Singapore to be part of a global team. This can't be good for the workforce that is left behind without jobs. The training delusion Government officials continue to rant and rave about companies failing to train Australian workers. The new laws supposedly force companies to "fix" this problem and train Australian workers. This, too, is a delusion: employers are not to blame. Some of the best Australian workers are already long gone to places like Singapore, London and the US. With talented foreign workers denied the opportunity to come and fill the void, there is less opportunity for skills to be acquired by more junior workers in Australian workplaces. It is also extremely difficult for more junior workers to get a foot in the door in the international job market and the primary reason for this is the Australian Government's failure to fund university programs beyond a bachelor's degree. Compare this to Europe and the US where all competent graduates are funded through to a Masters or PhD program. The bottom line is that more junior workers are denied the opportunity to get the best training either at home or abroad and in both cases it's not the foreign workers that can be blamed: it's the Government's own fault. Why do we need skilled foreign workers when Australians can win Nobel Prizes? The Australian press recently went into a frenzy when an Australian won the Nobel Prize for physics. There was a catch though: he's a migrant from the United States (just don't tell the Prime Minister). Dr. Schmidt migrated to Australia 20 years ago when the immigration system was not the same as today. Today, future Nobel Prize winners are being shown a brick wall - maybe we even have one of them rotting away in our death camps or left in the sea for sharks to eat. The BBC recently revealed that Britain's successor to Stephen Hawking may be a young girl who migrated from India - it is chilling to imagine where a child like this may be hidden away under Australia's immigration system. Bureaucracy leads to fraud and exploitation It's been clearly demonstrated that wherever you have elaborate, artificial systems of bureaucracy it leads to inefficiency, it suppresses innovation and in the worst cases it enables fraud and exploitation. The typical examples usually involve police in some third-world African nation setting up road blocks and collecting fees from travellers who want to pass the queues. This type of opportunism has also been found in Australia's immigration system, with one Federal politician already directly implicated and jailed for his role in a visa racket. Gillard's own bullet man A Queensland pensioner made international headlines recently when he was caught sending bullets in the mail to the Prime Minister. His demands were clear: stop immigration. While most world leaders refuse to let nutcases like this dictate their actions, Gillard appears to have been transcribing his racist letters directly into these newest immigration laws. It is a sad reality that Australian politics regularly seeks to appeal to the worst instincts in people like bullet man. The ultimate political failure When politicians stoop to the level of demonizing immigrants it is usually a clue that the politicians themselves are past their use-by dates and out of fresh policy ideas. When former French president Sarkozy tried to play the racist card in his campaign for re-election, it bit him in the bum and he was swept from power by the socialists. As always in politics, there is an element of hypocrisy at work: neither our Head of Government (the Prime Minister) nor our Head of State (the Queen) was born in Australia. Gillard was born in Wales and migrated to Australia as a child. If Australians don't vote for her in September, will she be given 28 days notice to pack her bags and go back home'? From the frying pan and into the fire Tony Abbott, Australia's would-be Prime Minister contemplating his colleague's statements on bestiality The scariest thing is that if Australians see through this racist charade and refuse to vote for it, we could end up with something equally obnoxious: the other major political party is now gaining worldwide attention for their campaign linking gay marriage and homosexuals to bestiality. Which prejudice is the lesser evil: racism or homophobia?

11 June 2013

Daniel Pocock: Interrupt-free computing

On debian-devel, there has been a discussion about the security issues of "spontaneously" appearing popups demanding the root password to make immediate security updates. There is a much more general issue related to this: computing without interruptions. Most of us have probably seen some friend or acquaintance with a (usually non-Linux) PC that is constantly beeping and flashing with chat notifications, new email popups, Adobe update this, Java update that, etc. In one recent case I came across somebody who had experienced a dramatic drop in his productivity as a consequence - giving him a laptop with a freshly installed copy of Linux made a dramatic difference to his work. I can already hear people insisting that security trumps everything (which isn't an original argument either) and that popups can't be avoided. A search on the web for "computing without interruptions" reveals users have a particular distaste for these things appearing while watching a video. Websites responding to that complaint fill the search results. With many types of interactive real-time content (video, WebRTC phone/video calls and so on) deployed within browsers, it is even more important for UI designers to contemplate when it is not appropriate to interrupt a user and to do everything possible to avoid interrupting the user. Preparing for disaster On the other hand, just ignoring security updates and not telling the user their disk is filling until 0 bytes remain available could only shift the problem down the road (from constant annoyance to periodic crisis). That said, sometimes you can still fill the disk very suddenly (especially with fast SSDs) and rather than relying on popups to keep users away from the precipice, applications (particularly the core desktop and daemon processes) could be tested more regularly to ensure they remain resilient in full disk situations. Managing information overload Popups are just part of a wider problem of information overload. There are emails too: some applications, such as Drupal, will send daily or weekly emails to a user if their system is not up to date. For many virtual-hosted sites, this starts to resemble a small flood. There is a flaw in this design: applications are competing for attention by sending more and more emails and popups or making them more annoying (e.g. the security updates in Debian 6 were ignorable popups in the top right-hand corner of the screen, Debian 7's Gnome Classic mode displays a big password prompt in the middle of the screen). The solution would be to develop a mechanism for unifying, de-duplicating and then prioritising these information/event flows. Some fault alerting systems already do this for their own events - these are niche solutions that aren't always applicable to the average PC-owner, although the principles are well tested. Some email organisation tools have similar features, but only for email. I'm not currently aware of any solution that synthesizes such an experience for all possible information sources. Setting priorities One well-read work on this subject in the business world is The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Stephen R. Covey, 1989). Of particular interest for the problem at hand is the priority matrix (borrowed from the Eisenhower Method): The left column, Urgent items, typically must be executed by a certain date (e.g. buying a gift before a birthday or installing a new SSL certificate before the old one expires). A security update or Acrobat reader update does not have this same characteristic. Under this model:
Urgent Non-urgent
Important Replace SSL certificate
Buy birthday gift
Security update
Run backup job
Not important Register for conference before deadline for free gift Non-security update for Acrobat reader
Covey even released an Outlook plugin, Plan Plus to help people organise their tasks (and their lives) using his methodology. Unfortunately it is closed-source software with a terrible set of ratings on Amazon - this review from a customer stands out: "My take is that Franklin does not consider robust software nor customer support to be either Urgent or Important." Could this be replicated more successfully with an open-source plugin for Mozilla Lightning or a similar productivity tool, and could the concept be extended across the range of data sources, including email, calendar items, system notifications and more to provide a unified approach to both the computing platform and general productivity (real-life) time management? Would this help solve the same problem in a more effective manner? In other words, would such an effort to help users integrate the demands of technology with the other demands of life make them more likely to keep their systems up to date? The wider community experience Going beyond the desktop/user experience, could this model be extended to automatically integrate external tasks, such as handling bug reports, moderating mailing lists and other slightly tedious things that have to be given regular attention to keep the free-software world moving along smoothly? Managing down-time For people who work in computing, there is almost no down-time any more. Even when on holiday, checking in for a flight might involve navigating through a buggy wifi access control system and an annoying set of advertisements from your low-cost airline as you try to print a boarding pass. These things often trigger thoughts about similar issues on client projects. Glancing at your email to find the booking number could awaken thoughts of a whole lot of projects you had tried to put out of your mind for a week. This is another area where excessive popups and emails can only compound the problem. Who really wants to download and install security updates while on holiday using an intermittent wifi connection? Managing all these events through a common mechanism may also finally make it possible to have an "ordinary user" experience with your PC. In practice, this might mean being able to view information/events through a time-of-day filter or "holiday mode" - and only on demand. A worthy design goal? Would any free software operating system make it a design goal to give their users a 100% interrupt-free experience? Of course there would still be things like chat notifications - but those would only be possible when a user has signed-in to a chat application. The distinction for the interrupt-free experience would only need to apply to default system behavior and not to every application.

16 May 2013

Russ Allbery: Review: Asimov's, July 2011

Review: Asimov's Science Fiction, July 2011
Editor: Sheila Williams
Issue: Volume 35, No. 7
ISSN: 1065-2698
Pages: 112
Williams's editorial is a mildly interesting piece about story titles. Silverberg's column is a more interesting (and rather convincing) rebuttal of the joke that fiction authors are "professional liars," combined with an examination of a fake and fantastic 14th travelogue that (at least in Silverberg's telling) was widely believed at the time. The precis of Silverberg's argument is that lying requires an intent to deceive, which is a property of deceptive memoir writers but not of fiction authors. Di Filippo's review column, as usual, is devoted almost entirely to esoterica, although I was moderately interested to hear of Stableford's continued work on translating early French SF. None of it seems compelling enough to go buy, but good translations of early works seem like a good thing to have in the world. "Day 29" by Chris Beckett: The conceit of this novelette is an interstellar travel system akin to a transporter that allows near-instantaneous travel between worlds. The drawback is that all memories from somewhere between 40 and 29 days before transit up until transit are wiped. The progatonist is a data analyst who is about to travel, and therefore by agency rule is required to stop doing work on day 40 before transmission since he can't be held legally liable for anything he has no recollection of doing. (I would like to say that I find this implausible, since one could always keep records, but it's exactly the sort of ass-covering regulation that a human resources department would come up with.) The premise is quite interesting: what do you do during that period that you're going to forget? Beckett wisely mixes Stephen's current waiting period on the colony world with his diary of his original waiting period on Earth the first time he went through the transmission process, and the latter adds greatly to the reader's appreciation of the weirdness of the forgotten interval. Unfortunately, this is a story more about psychological exploration than about plot, and Stephen just isn't very interesting. The telepathic but possibly nonsentient aliens add weirdness but not much else, and the ending of the story provided little sense of closure or conclusion for me. A good idea, but not the execution I wanted. (5) "Pug" by Theodora Goss: Since I grew up with a pug, I have a soft spot for a story featuring one; sadly, though, this story has insufficient pug in it. This is a quiet fantasy (Asimov's calls it SF, presumably on the basis of parallel worlds and a hypothesized scientific explanation, but it reads like fantasy to me) featuring Victorian girls, including one with a bad heart. They discover a hidden door to other versions of their world and do some minor exploration. There's little or nothing in the way of plot; the story is more of an attempt to capture a mood. It's mildly diverting, but I wish it had gone somewhere more substantial. (5) "Dunyon" by Kristine Kathryn Rusch: A Rusch story is often the highlight of an issue, and this is no exception. The protagonist is the owner of a bar in a space station that's become a combination of a refugee camp and a slum. War and chaos have created desperate people, most of whom are attempting to find some way to resources and get out of the bottom of society. The story is about a rumor: a mythical system named Dunyon that's safe and far away. And it's about how people react to that rumor. There's nothing particularly surprising about the direction the story goes (it's fairly short), but Rusch is always a good storyteller. (7) "The Music of the Sphere" by Norman Spinrad: I've had mixed feelings about Spinrad's fiction (and some of his essays), but I liked this story, despite its implausibility. It's set in the near future, featuring an expert in cetaceans and dolphin perception and a composer obsessed with both loud music and classical musical style. Just from that description, you can probably predict much of the story, but I thought it had some neat ideas about dolphins, whales, and alternate perception and aesthetics. (Note: neat, not necessarily biologically plausible.) Enjoyable. (6) "Bring on the Rain" by Josh Roseman: In a change of pace from the rest of the issue, this is a post-apocalyptic story of caravans of wheeled ships traversing a scorched and ruined landscape in search of weather systems and rain. The feel is of an inverted Waterworld, but with more emphasis on military tactics and cooperating fleets. The transposition of fleet maneuvers to huge ground vehicles adds some extra fun. The plot has little to do with the background and is a fairly stock military adventure scenario, but it's reasonably well-told. The story feels like an excerpt from a larger military-SF-inspired adventure, but the length keeps the quantity of tactics and maneuvering below the threshold where I would get bored. (6) "Twelvers" by Leah Cypess: This is a sharp and occasionally mean story of adolescent cruelty and alienation. Darla is a "twelver," a child who was carried an extra three months in the womb using newly-invented medical technology because of a belief in the advantages this would bring in later life. Unfortunately for all those who used this technique, what it also brought was a preternatural calm and an unusual reaction to emotions. Darla finds it almost impossible to get upset at anything, and that, of course, prompts the cruelty and abuse of other children. Most of the story is a description of that abuse, leading up to Darla stumbling into a nasty solution to her immediate problem. It's all very believable (well, apart from the motivating biology), but I didn't enjoy reading about it, and I'm certainly not convinced that the ending will lead to anything good. (5) "The Messenger" by Bruce McAllister: This is a very short time travel story, where time travel is used to try to unwind old family pain. This world follows the unalterable history model: no changes to the past are possible, and anything you do in the past has already happened. The mechanics are mostly avoided. Instead, McAllister concentrates on his mother, his father, and their complex relationship. I would have needed a bit more background on the characters to care enough about them for the story to be fully effective, but while the heartstring-pulling is kind of obvious, it's still a solid story. (6) "The Copenhagen Interpretation" by Paul Cornell: This is the most ingenious of the stories in this issue. It's set in a future world that extends what seemed to me to be pre-World-War-I great power politics, although there may be a hint of the Cold War. Great nations have reached a careful balance of power, and spies and secret services work to sustain that balance. The progatonist is one of those agents, making use of advanced technology like space folds in the service of a cause that he doesn't entirely believe in. Cornell mixes in mental conditioning, artificial people, space travel, and even aliens (maybe) in a taut thriller plot that, for me, gained a great deal from the unexplained strangeness of its background. If you like diving into the deep end and following a fast-moving plot against a background of strangeness, this is the sort of SF you'll enjoy. (7) Rating: 6 out of 10

