As written
earlier, I'm switching build system for one of my projects.
In the end, I decided to roll my own. Yes, another build system out there. The general idea is to combine the strengths of automake and MSBuild, and take them to new extremes by not compromising where they have (that makes my build system a tad inflexible though).
Automake's biggest strength is that it is descriptive, rather than imperative, and while it allows for rules to be entered directly to allow for some flexibility, this is usually the point where the Makefiles that are produced become unportable. But in general, the idea of having a tool deduce what exactly should be done to transform a set of input files into a set of output files is a good one, I think.
From MSBuild, I stole the idea of making an explicit distinction between higher-level integration projects ("solutions" in their lingo) and actual build projects. Build projects only have one (main) output, which usually is a program or a library, and several auxiliary outputs (development files, translation templates, ...), while integration projects coordinate the build process (for example, if one of the build projects builds a tool, all projects using that need to be re-run if the tool is rebuilt, but only then.
Automake's biggest downfall is stuff that is not explicitly supported. One of my projects uses IDL extensively, which leads to quite a lot of explicit rules supporting different ORBs. If I wanted to teach automake about that, I'd have to understand lots of perl code that emits code fragments that, when combined, will do the right thing. In a way, automake is a compiler, but based around the idea that since we start out from a Makefile compatible syntax, just
adding things will magically work. Where it doesn't, special cases are invented, such as for libtool support, but stacking special cases is really difficult.
MSBuild, on the other hand, leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to project-to-project integration. There is no way to tell it "publish these include files under the such-and-such directory for use by other projects", rather, you are expected to have the project using them explicitly reference your project in the include directories. If a project uses includes that reference includes from yet another project, it gets worse.
Milestone 1 is going to be when the main binary can build itself on Windows and Linux.