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11 July 2023

Matthew Garrett: Roots of Trust are difficult

The phrase "Root of Trust" turns up at various points in discussions about verified boot and measured boot, and to a first approximation nobody is able to give you a coherent explanation of what it means[1]. The Trusted Computing Group has a fairly wordy definition, but (a) it's a lot of words and (b) I don't like it, so instead I'm going to start by defining a root of trust as "A thing that has to be trustworthy for anything else on your computer to be trustworthy".

(An aside: when I say "trustworthy", it is very easy to interpret this in a cynical manner and assume that "trust" means "trusted by someone I do not necessarily trust to act in my best interest". I want to be absolutely clear that when I say "trustworthy" I mean "trusted by the owner of the computer", and that as far as I'm concerned selling devices that do not allow the owner to define what's trusted is an extremely bad thing in the general case)

Let's take an example. In verified boot, a cryptographic signature of a component is verified before it's allowed to boot. A straightforward implementation of a verified boot implementation has the firmware verify the signature on the bootloader or kernel before executing it. In this scenario, the firmware is the root of trust - it's the first thing that makes a determination about whether something should be allowed to run or not[2]. As long as the firmware behaves correctly, and as long as there aren't any vulnerabilities in our boot chain, we know that we booted an OS that was signed with a key we trust.

But what guarantees that the firmware behaves correctly? What if someone replaces our firmware with firmware that trusts different keys, or hot-patches the OS as it's booting it? We can't just ask the firmware whether it's trustworthy - trustworthy firmware will say yes, but the thing about malicious firmware is that it can just lie to us (either directly, or by modifying the OS components it boots to lie instead). This is probably not sufficiently trustworthy!

Ok, so let's have the firmware be verified before it's executed. On Intel this is "Boot Guard", on AMD this is "Platform Secure Boot", everywhere else it's just "Secure Boot". Code on the CPU (either in ROM or signed with a key controlled by the CPU vendor) verifies the firmware[3] before executing it. Now the CPU itself is the root of trust, and, well, that seems reasonable - we have to place trust in the CPU, otherwise we can't actually do computing. We can now say with a reasonable degree of confidence (again, in the absence of vulnerabilities) that we booted an OS that we trusted. Hurrah!

Except. How do we know that the CPU actually did that verification? CPUs are generally manufactured without verification being enabled - different system vendors use different signing keys, so those keys can't be installed in the CPU at CPU manufacture time, and vendors need to do code development without signing everything so you can't require that keys be installed before a CPU will work. So, out of the box, a new CPU will boot anything without doing verification[4], and development units will frequently have no verification.

As a device owner, how do you tell whether or not your CPU has this verification enabled? Well, you could ask the CPU, but if you're doing that on a device that booted a compromised OS then maybe it's just hotpatching your OS so when you do that you just get RET_TRUST_ME_BRO even if the CPU is desperately waving its arms around trying to warn you it's a trap. This is, unfortunately, a problem that's basically impossible to solve using verified boot alone - if any component in the chain fails to enforce verification, the trust you're placing in the chain is misplaced and you are going to have a bad day.

So how do we solve it? The answer is that we can't simply ask the OS, we need a mechanism to query the root of trust itself. There's a few ways to do that, but fundamentally they depend on the ability of the root of trust to provide proof of what happened. This requires that the root of trust be able to sign (or cause to be signed) an "attestation" of the system state, a cryptographically verifiable representation of the security-critical configuration and code. The most common form of this is called "measured boot" or "trusted boot", and involves generating a "measurement" of each boot component or configuration (generally a cryptographic hash of it), and storing that measurement somewhere. The important thing is that it must not be possible for the running OS (or any pre-OS component) to arbitrarily modify these measurements, since otherwise a compromised environment could simply go back and rewrite history. One frequently used solution to this is to segregate the storage of the measurements (and the attestation of them) into a separate hardware component that can't be directly manipulated by the OS, such as a Trusted Platform Module. Each part of the boot chain measures relevant security configuration and the next component before executing it and sends that measurement to the TPM, and later the TPM can provide a signed attestation of the measurements it was given. So, an SoC that implements verified boot should create a measurement telling us whether verification is enabled - and, critically, should also create a measurement if it isn't. This is important because failing to measure the disabled state leaves us with the same problem as before; someone can replace the mutable firmware code with code that creates a fake measurement asserting that verified boot was enabled, and if we trust that we're going to have a bad time.

(Of course, simply measuring the fact that verified boot was enabled isn't enough - what if someone replaces the CPU with one that has verified boot enabled, but trusts keys under their control? We also need to measure the keys that were used in order to ensure that the device trusted only the keys we expected, otherwise again we're going to have a bad time)

So, an effective root of trust needs to:

1) Create a measurement of its verified boot policy before running any mutable code
2) Include the trusted signing key in that measurement
3) Actually perform that verification before executing any mutable code

and from then on we're in the hands of the verified code actually being trustworthy, and it's probably written in C so that's almost certainly false, but let's not try to solve every problem today.

Does anything do this today? As far as I can tell, Intel's Boot Guard implementation does. Based on publicly available documentation I can't find any evidence that AMD's Platform Secure Boot does (it does the verification, but it doesn't measure the policy beforehand, so it seems spoofable), but I could be wrong there. I haven't found any general purpose non-x86 parts that do, but this is in the realm of things that SoC vendors seem to believe is some sort of value-add that can only be documented under NDAs, so please do prove me wrong. And then there are add-on solutions like Titan, where we delegate the initial measurement and validation to a separate piece of hardware that measures the firmware as the CPU reads it, rather than requiring that the CPU do it.

But, overall, the situation isn't great. On many platforms there's simply no way to prove that you booted the code you expected to boot. People have designed elaborate security implementations that can be bypassed in a number of ways.

[1] In this respect it is extremely similar to "Zero Trust"
[2] This is a bit of an oversimplification - once we get into dynamic roots of trust like Intel's TXT this story gets more complicated, but let's stick to the simple case today
[3] I'm kind of using "firmware" in an x86ish manner here, so for embedded devices just think of "firmware" as "the first code executed out of flash and signed by someone other than the SoC vendor"
[4] In the Intel case this isn't strictly true, since the keys are stored in the motherboard chipset rather than the CPU, and so taking a board with Boot Guard enabled and swapping out the CPU won't disable Boot Guard because the CPU reads the configuration from the chipset. But many mobile Intel parts have the chipset in the same package as the CPU, so in theory swapping out that entire package would disable Boot Guard. I am not good enough at soldering to demonstrate that.

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1 June 2023

Jamie McClelland: Enough about the AI Apocalypse Already

After watching Democracy Now s segment on artificial intelligence I started to wonder - am I out of step on this topic? When people claim artificial intelligence will surpass human intelligence and thus threaten humanity with extinction, they seem to be referring specifically to advances made with large language models. As I understand them, large language models are probability machines that have ingested massive amounts of text scraped from the Internet. They answer questions based on the probability of one series of words (their answer) following another series of words (the question). It seems like a stretch to call this intelligence, but if we accept that definition then it follows that this kind of intelligence is nothing remotely like human intelligence, which makes the claim that it will surpass human intelligence confusing. Hasn t this kind of machine learning surpassed us decades ago? Or when we say surpass does that simply refer to fooling people into thinking an AI machine is a human via conversation? That is an important milestone, but I m not ready to accept the turing test as proof of equal intelligence. Furthermore, large language models hallucinate and also reflect the biases of their training data. The word hallucinate seems like a euphemism, as if it could be corrected with the right medication when in fact it seems hard to avoid when your strategy is to correlate words based on probability. But even if you could solve the here is a completely wrong answer presented with sociopathic confidence problem, reflecting the biases of your data sources seems fairly intractable. In what world would a system with built-in bias be considered on the brink of surpassing human intelligence? The danger from LLMs seems to be their ability to convince people that their answers are correct, including their patently wrong and/or biased answers. Why do people think they are giving correct answers? Oh right terrifying right wing billionaires (with terrifying agendas have been claiming AI will exceed human intelligence and threaten humanity and every time they sign a hyperbolic statement they get front page mainstream coverage. And even progressive news outlets are spreading this narrative with minimal space for contrary opinions (thank you Tawana Petty from the Algorithmic Justice League for providing the only glimpse of reason in the segment). The belief that artificial intelligence is or will soon become omnipotent has real world harms today: specifically it creates the misperception that current LLMs are accurate, which paves the way for greater adoption among police forces, social service agencies, medical facilities and other places where racial and economic biases have life and death consequences. When the CEO of OpenAI calls the technology dangerous and in need of regulation, he gets both free advertising promoting the power and supposed accuracy of his product and the possibility of freezing further developments in the field that might challenge OpenAI s current dominance. The real threat to humanity is not AI, it s massive inequality and the use of tactics ranging from mundane bureaucracy to deadly force and incarceration to segregate the affluent from the growing number of people unable to make ends meet. We have spent decades training bureaucrats, judges and cops to robotically follow biased laws to maintain this order without compassion or empathy. Replacing them with AI would be make things worse and should be stopped. But, let s be clear, the narrative that AI is poised to surpass human intelligence and make humanity extinct is a dangerous distraction that runs counter to a much more important story about the very real and very present exploitative practices of the [companies building AI], who are rapidly centralizing power and increasing social inequities. . Maybe we should talk about that instead?

30 December 2022

Chris Lamb: Favourite books of 2022: Non-fiction

In my three most recent posts, I went over the memoirs and biographies, classics and fiction books that I enjoyed the most in 2022. But in the last of my book-related posts for 2022, I'll be going over my favourite works of non-fiction. Books that just missed the cut here include Adam Hochschild's King Leopold's Ghost (1998) on the role of Leopold II of Belgium in the Congo Free State, Johann Hari's Stolen Focus (2022) (a personal memoir on relating to how technology is increasingly fragmenting our attention), Amia Srinivasan's The Right to Sex (2021) (a misleadingly named set of philosophic essays on feminism), Dana Heller et al.'s The Selling of 9/11: How a National Tragedy Became a Commodity (2005), John Berger's mindbending Ways of Seeing (1972) and Louise Richardson's What Terrorists Want (2006).

The Great War and Modern Memory (1975)
Wartime: Understanding and Behavior in the Second World War (1989) Paul Fussell Rather than describe the battles, weapons, geopolitics or big personalities of the two World Wars, Paul Fussell's The Great War and Modern Memory & Wartime are focused instead on how the two wars have been remembered by their everyday participants. Drawing on the memoirs and memories of soldiers and civilians along with a brief comparison with the actual events that shaped them, Fussell's two books are a compassionate, insightful and moving piece of analysis. Fussell primarily sets himself against the admixture of nostalgia and trauma that obscures the origins and unimaginable experience of participating in these wars; two wars that were, in his view, a "perceptual and rhetorical scandal from which total recovery is unlikely." He takes particular aim at the dishonesty of hindsight:
For the past fifty years, the Allied war has been sanitised and romanticised almost beyond recognition by the sentimental, the loony patriotic, the ignorant and the bloodthirsty. I have tried to balance the scales. [And] in unbombed America especially, the meaning of the war [seems] inaccessible.
The author does not engage in any of the customary rose-tinted view of war, yet he remains understanding and compassionate towards those who try to locate a reason within what was quite often senseless barbarism. If anything, his despondency and pessimism about the Second World War (the war that Fussell himself fought in) shines through quite acutely, and this is especially the case in what he chooses to quote from others:
"It was common [ ] throughout the [Okinawa] campaign for replacements to get hit before we even knew their names. They came up confused, frightened, and hopeful, got wounded or killed, and went right back to the rear on the route by which they had come, shocked, bleeding, or stiff. They were forlorn figures coming up to the meat grinder and going right back out of it like homeless waifs, unknown and faceless to us, like unread books on a shelf."
It would take a rather heartless reader to fail to be sobered by this final simile, and an even colder one to view Fussell's citation of such an emotive anecdote to be manipulative. Still, stories and cruel ironies like this one infuse this often-angry book, but it is not without astute and shrewd analysis as well, especially on the many qualitative differences between the two conflicts that simply cannot be captured by facts and figures alone. For example:
A measure of the psychological distance of the Second [World] War from the First is the rarity, in 1914 1918, of drinking and drunkenness poems.
Indeed so. In fact, what makes Fussell's project so compelling and perhaps even unique is that he uses these non-quantitive measures to try and take stock of what happened. After all, this was a war conducted by humans, not the abstract school of statistics. And what is the value of a list of armaments destroyed by such-and-such a regiment when compared with truly consequential insights into both how the war affected, say, the psychology of postwar literature ("Prolonged trench warfare, whether enacted or remembered, fosters paranoid melodrama, which I take to be a primary mode in modern writing."), the specific words adopted by combatants ("It is a truism of military propaganda that monosyllabic enemies are easier to despise than others") as well as the very grammar of interaction:
The Field Service Post Card [in WW1] has the honour of being the first widespread exemplary of that kind of document which uniquely characterises the modern world: the "Form". [And] as the first widely known example of dehumanised, automated communication, the post card popularised a mode of rhetoric indispensable to the conduct of later wars fought by great faceless conscripted armies.
And this wouldn't be a book review without argument-ending observations that:
Indicative of the German wartime conception [of victory] would be Hitler and Speer's elaborate plans for the ultimate reconstruction of Berlin, which made no provision for a library.
Our myths about the two world wars possess an undisputed power, in part because they contain an essential truth the atrocities committed by Germany and its allies were not merely extreme or revolting, but their full dimensions (embodied in the Holocaust and the Holodomor) remain essentially inaccessible within our current ideological framework. Yet the two wars are better understood as an abyss in which we were all dragged into the depths of moral depravity, rather than a battle pitched by the forces of light against the forces of darkness. Fussell is one of the few observers that can truly accept and understand this truth and is still able to speak to us cogently on the topic from the vantage point of experience. The Second World War which looms so large in our contemporary understanding of the modern world (see below) may have been necessary and unavoidable, but Fussell convinces his reader that it was morally complicated "beyond the power of any literary or philosophic analysis to suggest," and that the only way to maintain a na ve belief in the myth that these wars were a Manichaean fight between good and evil is to overlook reality. There are many texts on the two World Wars that can either stir the intellect or move the emotions, but Fussell's two books do both. A uniquely perceptive and intelligent commentary; outstanding.

Longitude (1995) Dava Sobel Since Man first decided to sail the oceans, knowing one's location has always been critical. Yet doing so reliably used to be a serious problem if you didn't know where you were, you are far more likely to die and/or lose your valuable cargo. But whilst finding one's latitude (ie. your north south position) had effectively been solved by the beginning of the 17th century, finding one's (east west) longitude was far from trustworthy in comparison. This book first published in 1995 is therefore something of an anachronism. As in, we readily use the GPS facilities of our phones today without hesitation, so we find it difficult to imagine a reality in which knowing something fundamental like your own location is essentially unthinkable. It became clear in the 18th century, though, that in order to accurately determine one's longitude, what you actually needed was an accurate clock. In Longitude, therefore, we read of the remarkable story of John Harrison and his quest to create a timepiece that would not only keep time during a long sea voyage but would survive the rough ocean conditions as well. Self-educated and a carpenter by trade, Harrison made a number of important breakthroughs in keeping accurate time at sea, and Longitude describes his novel breakthroughs in a way that is both engaging and without talking down to the reader. Still, this book covers much more than that, including the development of accurate longitude going hand-in-hand with advancements in cartography as well as in scientific experiments to determine the speed of light: experiments that led to the formulation of quantum mechanics. It also outlines the work being done by Harrison's competitors. 'Competitors' is indeed the correct word here, as Parliament offered a huge prize to whoever could create such a device, and the ramifications of this tremendous financial incentive are an essential part of this story. For the most part, though, Longitude sticks to the story of Harrison and his evolving obsession with his creating the perfect timepiece. Indeed, one reason that Longitude is so resonant with readers is that many of the tropes of the archetypical 'English inventor' are embedded within Harrison himself. That is to say, here is a self-made man pushing against the establishment of the time, with his groundbreaking ideas being underappreciated in his life, or dishonestly purloined by his intellectual inferiors. At the level of allegory, then, I am minded to interpret this portrait of Harrison as a symbolic distillation of postwar Britain a nation acutely embarrassed by the loss of the Empire that is now repositioning itself as a resourceful but plucky underdog; a country that, with a combination of the brains of boffins and a healthy dose of charisma and PR, can still keep up with the big boys. (It is this same search for postimperial meaning I find in the fiction of John le Carr , and, far more famously, in the James Bond franchise.) All of this is left to the reader, of course, as what makes Longitute singularly compelling is its gentle manner and tone. Indeed, at times it was as if the doyenne of sci-fi Ursula K. LeGuin had a sideline in popular non-fiction. I realise it's a mark of critical distinction to downgrade the importance of popular science in favour of erudite academic texts, but Latitude is ample evidence that so-called 'pop' science need not be patronising or reductive at all.

Closed Chambers: The Rise, Fall, and Future of the Modern Supreme Court (1998) Edward Lazarus After the landmark decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in *Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization that ended the Constitutional right to abortion conferred by Roe v Wade, I prioritised a few books in the queue about the judicial branch of the United States. One of these books was Closed Chambers, which attempts to assay, according to its subtitle, "The Rise, Fall and Future of the Modern Supreme Court". This book is not merely simply a learned guide to the history and functioning of the Court (although it is completely creditable in this respect); it's actually an 'insider' view of the workings of the institution as Lazurus was a clerk for Justice Harry Blackmun during the October term of 1988. Lazarus has therefore combined his experience as a clerk and his personal reflections (along with a substantial body of subsequent research) in order to communicate the collapse in comity between the Justices. Part of this book is therefore a pure history of the Court, detailing its important nineteenth-century judgements (such as Dred Scott which ruled that the Constitution did not consider Blacks to be citizens; and Plessy v. Ferguson which failed to find protection in the Constitution against racial segregation laws), as well as many twentieth-century cases that touch on the rather technical principle of substantive due process. Other layers of Lazurus' book are explicitly opinionated, however, and they capture the author's assessment of the Court's actions in the past and present [1998] day. Given the role in which he served at the Court, particular attention is given by Lazarus to the function of its clerks. These are revealed as being far more than the mere amanuenses they were hitherto believed to be. Indeed, the book is potentially unique in its the claim that the clerks have played a pivotal role in the deliberations, machinations and eventual rulings of the Court. By implication, then, the clerks have plaedy a crucial role in the internal controversies that surround many of the high-profile Supreme Court decisions decisions that, to the outsider at least, are presented as disinterested interpretations of Constitution of the United States. This is of especial importance given that, to Lazarus, "for all the attention we now pay to it, the Court remains shrouded in confusion and misunderstanding." Throughout his book, Lazarus complicates the commonplace view that the Court is divided into two simple right vs. left political factions, and instead documents an ever-evolving series of loosely held but strongly felt series of cabals, quid pro quo exchanges, outright equivocation and pure personal prejudices. (The age and concomitant illnesses of the Justices also appears to have a not insignificant effect on the Court's rulings as well.) In other words, Closed Chambers is not a book that will be read in a typical civics class in America, and the only time the book resorts to the customary breathless rhetoric about the US federal government is in its opening chapter:
The Court itself, a Greek-style temple commanding the crest of Capitol Hill, loomed above them in the dim light of the storm. Set atop a broad marble plaza and thirty-six steps, the Court stands in splendid isolation appropriate to its place at the pinnacle of the national judiciary, one of the three independent and "coequal" branches of American government. Once dubbed the Ivory Tower by architecture critics, the Court has a Corinthian colonnade and massive twenty-foot-high bronze doors that guard the single most powerful judicial institution in the Western world. Lights still shone in several offices to the right of the Court's entrance, and [ ]
Et cetera, et cetera. But, of course, this encomium to the inherent 'nobility' of the Supreme Court is quickly revealed to be a narrative foil, as Lazarus soon razes this dangerously na ve conception to the ground:
[The] institution is [now] broken into unyielding factions that have largely given up on a meaningful exchange of their respective views or, for that matter, a meaningful explication or defense of their own views. It is of Justices who in many important cases resort to transparently deceitful and hypocritical arguments and factual distortions as they discard judicial philosophy and consistent interpretation in favor of bottom-line results. This is a Court so badly splintered, yet so intent on lawmaking, that shifting 5-4 majorities, or even mere pluralities, rewrite whole swaths of constitutional law on the authority of a single, often idiosyncratic vote. It is also a Court where Justices yield great and excessive power to immature, ideologically driven clerks, who in turn use that power to manipulate their bosses and the institution they ostensibly serve.
Lazurus does not put forward a single, overarching thesis, but in the final chapters, he does suggest a potential future for the Court:
In the short run, the cure for what ails the Court lies solely with the Justices. It is their duty, under the shield of life tenure, to recognize the pathologies affecting their work and to restore the vitality of American constitutionalism. Ultimately, though, the long-term health of the Court depends on our own resolve on whom [we] select to join that institution.
Back in 1998, Lazurus might have had room for this qualified optimism. But from the vantage point of 2022, it appears that the "resolve" of the United States citizenry was not muscular enough to meet his challenge. After all, Lazurus was writing before Bush v. Gore in 2000, which arrogated to the judicial branch the ability to decide a presidential election; the disillusionment of Barack Obama's failure to nominate a replacement for Scalia; and many other missteps in the Court as well. All of which have now been compounded by the Trump administration's appointment of three Republican-friendly justices to the Court, including hypocritically appointing Justice Barrett a mere 38 days before the 2020 election. And, of course, the leaking and ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson, the true extent of which has not been yet. Not of a bit of this is Lazarus' fault, of course, but the Court's recent decisions (as well as the liberal hagiographies of 'RBG') most perforce affect one's reading of the concluding chapters. The other slight defect of Closed Chambers is that, whilst it often implies the importance of the federal and state courts within the judiciary, it only briefly positions the Supreme Court's decisions in relation to what was happening in the House, Senate and White House at the time. This seems to be increasingly relevant as time goes on: after all, it seems fairly clear even to this Brit that relying on an activist Supreme Court to enact progressive laws must be interpreted as a failure of the legislative branch to overcome the perennial problems of the filibuster, culture wars and partisan bickering. Nevertheless, Lazarus' book is in equal parts ambitious, opinionated, scholarly and dare I admit it? wonderfully gossipy. By juxtaposing history, memoir, and analysis, Closed Chambers combines an exacting evaluation of the Court's decisions with a lively portrait of the intellectual and emotional intensity that has grown within the Supreme Court's pseudo-monastic environment all while it struggles with the most impactful legal issues of the day. This book is an excellent and well-written achievement that will likely never be repeated, and a must-read for anyone interested in this ever-increasingly important branch of the US government.

Crashed: How a Decade of Financial Crises Changed the World (2018)
Shutdown: How Covid Shook the World's Economy (2021) Adam Tooze The economic historian Adam Tooze has often been labelled as an unlikely celebrity, but in the fourteen years since the global financial crisis of 2008, a growing audience has been looking for answers about the various failures of the modern economy. Tooze, a professor of history at New York's Columbia University, has written much that is penetrative and thought-provoking on this topic, and as a result, he has generated something of a cult following amongst economists, historians and the online left. I actually read two Tooze books this year. The first, Crashed (2018), catalogues the scale of government intervention required to prop up global finance after the 2008 financial crisis, and it characterises the different ways that countries around the world failed to live up to the situation, such as doing far too little, or taking action far too late. The connections between the high-risk subprime loans, credit default swaps and the resulting liquidity crisis in the US in late 2008 is fairly well known today in part thanks to films such as Adam McKay's 2015 The Big Short and much improved economic literacy in media reportage. But Crashed makes the implicit claim that, whilst the specific and structural origins of the 2008 crisis are worth scrutinising in exacting detail, it is the reaction of states in the months and years after the crash that has been overlooked as a result. After all, this is a reaction that has not only shaped a new economic order, it has created one that does not fit any conventional idea about the way the world 'ought' to be run. Tooze connects the original American banking crisis to the (multiple) European debt crises with a larger crisis of liberalism. Indeed, Tooze somehow manages to cover all these topics and more, weaving in Trump, Brexit and Russia's 2014 annexation of Crimea, as well as the evolving role of China in the post-2008 economic order. Where Crashed focused on the constellation of consequences that followed the events of 2008, Shutdown is a clear and comprehensive account of the way the world responded to the economic impact of Covid-19. The figures are often jaw-dropping: soon after the disease spread around the world, 95% of the world's economies contracted simultaneously, and at one point, the global economy shrunk by approximately 20%. Tooze's keen and sobering analysis of what happened is made all the more remarkable by the fact that it came out whilst the pandemic was still unfolding. In fact, this leads quickly to one of the book's few flaws: by being published so quickly, Shutdown prematurely over-praises China's 'zero Covid' policy, and these remarks will make a reader today squirm in their chair. Still, despite the regularity of these references (after all, mentioning China is very useful when one is directly comparing economic figures in early 2021, for examples), these are actually minor blemishes on the book's overall thesis. That is to say, Crashed is not merely a retelling of what happened in such-and-such a country during the pandemic; it offers in effect a prediction about what might be coming next. Whilst the economic responses to Covid averted what could easily have been another Great Depression (and thus showed it had learned some lessons from 2008), it had only done so by truly discarding the economic rule book. The by-product of inverting this set of written and unwritten conventions that have governed the world for the past 50 years, this 'Washington consensus' if you well, has yet to be fully felt. Of course, there are many parallels between these two books by Tooze. Both the liquidity crisis outlined in Crashed and the economic response to Covid in Shutdown exposed the fact that one of the central tenets of the modern economy ie. that financial markets can be trusted to regulate themselves was entirely untrue, and likely was false from the very beginning. And whilst Adam Tooze does not offer a singular piercing insight (conveying a sense of rigorous mastery instead), he may as well be asking whether we're simply going to lurch along from one crisis to the next, relying on the technocrats in power to fix problems when everything blows up again. The answer may very well be yes.

Looking for the Good War: American Amnesia and the Violent Pursuit of Happiness (2021) Elizabeth D. Samet Elizabeth D. Samet's Looking for the Good War answers the following question what would be the result if you asked a professor of English to disentangle the complex mythology we have about WW2 in the context of the recent US exit of Afghanistan? Samet's book acts as a twenty-first-century update of a kind to Paul Fussell's two books (reviewed above), as well as a deeper meditation on the idea that each new war is seen through the lens of the previous one. Indeed, like The Great War and Modern Memory (1975) and Wartime (1989), Samet's book is a perceptive work of demystification, but whilst Fussell seems to have been inspired by his own traumatic war experience, Samet is not only informed by her teaching West Point military cadets but by the physical and ontological wars that have occurred during her own life as well. A more scholarly and dispassionate text is the result of Samet's relative distance from armed combat, but it doesn't mean Looking for the Good War lacks energy or inspiration. Samet shares John Adams' belief that no political project can entirely shed the innate corruptions of power and ambition and so it is crucial to analyse and re-analyse the role of WW2 in contemporary American life. She is surely correct that the Second World War has been universally elevated as a special, 'good' war. Even those with exceptionally giddy minds seem to treat WW2 as hallowed:
It is nevertheless telling that one of the few occasions to which Trump responded with any kind of restraint while he was in office was the 75th anniversary of D-Day in 2019.
What is the source of this restraint, and what has nurtured its growth in the eight decades since WW2 began? Samet posits several reasons for this, including the fact that almost all of the media about the Second World War is not only suffused with symbolism and nostalgia but, less obviously, it has been made by people who have no experience of the events that they depict. Take Stephen Ambrose, author of Steven Spielberg's Band of Brothers miniseries: "I was 10 years old when the war ended," Samet quotes of Ambrose. "I thought the returning veterans were giants who had saved the world from barbarism. I still think so. I remain a hero worshiper." If Looking for the Good War has a primary thesis, then, it is that childhood hero worship is no basis for a system of government, let alone a crusading foreign policy. There is a straight line (to quote this book's subtitle) from the "American Amnesia" that obscures the reality of war to the "Violent Pursuit of Happiness." Samet's book doesn't merely just provide a modern appendix to Fussell's two works, however, as it adds further layers and dimensions he overlooked. For example, Samet provides some excellent insight on the role of Western, gangster and superhero movies, and she is especially good when looking at noir films as a kind of kaleidoscopic response to the Second World War:
Noir is a world ruled by bad decisions but also by bad timing. Chance, which plays such a pivotal role in war, bleeds into this world, too.
Samet rightfully weaves the role of women into the narrative as well. Women in film noir are often celebrated as 'independent' and sassy, correctly reflecting their newly-found independence gained during WW2. But these 'liberated' roles are not exactly a ringing endorsement of this independence: the 'femme fatale' and the 'tart', etc., reflect a kind of conditional freedom permitted to women by a post-War culture which is still wedded to an outmoded honour culture. In effect, far from being novel and subversive, these roles for women actually underwrote the ambient cultural disapproval of women's presence in the workforce. Samet later connects this highly-conditional independence with the liberation of Afghan women, which:
is inarguably one of the more palatable outcomes of our invasion, and the protection of women's rights has been invoked on the right and the left as an argument for staying the course in Afghanistan. How easily consequence is becoming justification. How flattering it will be one day to reimagine it as original objective.
Samet has ensured her book has a predominantly US angle as well, for she ends her book with a chapter on the pseudohistorical Lost Cause of the Civil War. The legacy of the Civil War is still visible in the physical phenomena of Confederate statues, but it also exists in deep-rooted racial injustice that has been shrouded in euphemism and other psychological devices for over 150 years. Samet believes that a key part of what drives the American mythology about the Second World War is the way in which it subconsciously cleanses the horrors of brother-on-brother murder that were seen in the Civil War. This is a book that is not only of interest to historians of the Second World War; it is a work for anyone who wishes to understand almost any American historical event, social issue, politician or movie that has appeared since the end of WW2. That is for better or worse everyone on earth.

31 October 2022

Alastair McKinstry: An Bord Plean la conceded that the N6 Galway City Ring Road was in ...

An Bord Plean la conceded that the N6 Galway City Ring Road was in contravention with the National Climate Action plan.
In planning for how we adapt to and mitigate climate change, the UN IPCC AR6 report summarised the state of research globally and modelled nearly 3000 scenarios. The scenarios that kept us below 2 degrees of warming (our Paris agreement commitments) overwhelmingly depended on a move away from car-dependent societies and relied on car-free cities. This report was signed off by every world government. All EU and national modelling agrees. Accordingly our national Climate Action plan prepares for this global move from cars. It involves a reduction in car traffic, heavy investment in public transport and active travel (walking and cycling). This is essential as the research shows this works, and takes up to 84% less energy for transport in cities. The N6GCRR plan ignored this, and assumed an increase in car traffic of up to 49%. It in practice would have locked in car dependency when we don t expect there to be enough materials (lithium, etc for batteries) or energy to support that number of cars.
Across Europe and the world we have seen how to move from cars in cities: rail, reliable bus services with dedicated bus corridors; safe, segregated cycle lanes, public space design that enables walking, cycling by keeping distances short the 15 minute city concept of having schools, shops, transport hubs less than 15 minutes from your door. From Paris, removing 40% of cars from the city, now removing a lane from the Peripherique (its ring road), to Korea where expressways in cities have been removed to improve traffic as part of its better design. In Ireland, Dublin has seen a 49% drop in peak-time traffic over recent decades with improved public transport and cycling. But in Galway we ve ignored all this: not a kilometre of segregated cycle lane added, as there has been an over 80% drop in pupils cycling to school since the 1980s, amplifying traffic as parents commute to drop them to school, making roads more dangerous. No bus route passes over the Quincentennial bridge. Rather than fix the traffic in Galway, a ring road would induce more traffic as the existing Bothar na dTreabh / Quincintennial bridge did; the current road opened up Knocknacarra for development; a new motorway to Barna would open up Barna for more development. This is zombie planning: a roads plan from the 1990s lives on, while our County Development Plan has moved the focus to creating new satellite towns in Ardaun and Garraun instead. When all new business wants to be on the East, the new developments need to be near them; new schools are being built on the East, not the West. Rail is being double-tracked to Oranmore (and on to Athenry) to provide commuter rail to Renmore and the growing towns. This reduces the demand for cross-city commuting. Active travel and public transport development in the city has been stalled awaiting the ring road. This needs to be implemented as quickly as possible. The bus corridor from Salthill (via the schools) to Oranmore (via the businesses at Ballybrit, Parkmore) needs to be completed; this will involve a bus lane on the bridge. The N6GCRR said this was impossible without a new bridge for cars; Dublin s experience with the quays shows otherwise. If we get a fraction of the drop Dublin has seen, the traffic problem will be solved, as shown when the schools are out for holidays. The NTA and Galway councils have been stuck in thinking from 30 years ago. They assume that traffic cannot be reduced, only added; the ABP inspector agreed, despite overwhelming evidence elsewhere. We need to implement what has been shown to work elsewhere as quickly as possible; the funding is in place but the will and vision to do so has been lacking.

22 April 2022

Andrej Shadura: To England by train (part 1)

This post was written in August 2021. Just as I was going to publish it, I received an email from BB stating that due to a railway strike in Germany my night train would be cancelled. Since the rest of the trip has already been booked well in advance, I had to take a plane to Charleroi and a bus to Brussels to catch my Eurostar. Ultimately, I ended up publishing it in April 2022, just as I m about to leave for a fully train-powered trip to the UK once again. Before the pandemic started, I planned to use the last months of my then-expiring UK visa and go to England by train. I ve completed two train long journeys by that time already, to Brussels and to Belarus and Ukraine, but this would be something quite different, as I wanted to have multiple stops on my way, use night trains where it made sense, and to go through the Channel Tunnel. The Channel Tunnel fascinated me since my childhood; I first read about it in the Soviet Science and Life magazine ( ) when I was seven. I ve never had the chance to use it though, since to board any train going though it I d first need to get to France, Belgium or the Netherlands, making it significantly more expensive than the cheap 30 Ryanair flights to Stansted. As the coronavirus spread across the world, all of my travel plans along with plans for a sabbatical had to be cancelled. During 2020, I only managed to go on two weekend trips to Prague and Budapest, followed by a two-weeks holiday on Crete (we returned just a couple of weeks before the infection numbers rose and lockdowns started). I do realise that a lot of people couldn t even have this much because the situation in their countries was much worse we were lucky to have had at least some travel. Fast forward to August 2021, I m fully vaccinated, I once again have a UK visa for five years, and the UK finally recognises the EU vaccination passports yay! I can finally go to Devon to see my mother and sister again. By train, of course. Compared to my original plan, this journey will be different: about the same or even more expensive than I originally planned, but shorter and with fewer stops on the way. My original plan would be to take multiple trains from Bratislava to France or Belgium and complete this segment of the trip in about three days, enjoying my stay in a couple of cities on the way. Instead, I m taking a direct NightJet from Vienna to Brussels, not stopping anywhere on the way.
Map: train route from Bratislava to BrusselsTrain route from Bratislava to Brussels
Since I was booking my trip just two weeks ahead, the price of the ticket is not that I hoped for, but much higher: 109 for the ticket itself and 60 for the berth (advance bookings could be about twice as cheap). Next, to London! Eurostar is still on a very much reduced schedule, running one train only from Amsterdam through Brussels and Lille to London each day. This means, of course, higher ticket prices (I paid about 100 for the ticket) and longer waiting time in Brussels my sleeper arrives about 10 am, but the Eurostar train is scheduled to depart at 3 pm.
Map: train route from Brussels to LondonTrain route from Brussels to London
The train makes a stop in Lille, which I initially suspected to be risky as at the time when I booked my tickets, as at the time France was on the amber plus list for the UK, requiring a quarantine upon arrival. However, Eurostar announced that they will assign travellers from Lille to a different carriage to avoid other passengers having to go to quarantine, but recently France was taken off the amber plus list. The train fare system in the UK is something I don t quite understand, as sometimes split tickets are cheaper, sometimes they re expensive, sometimes prices for the same service at different times can be vastly different, off-peak tickets don t say what exactly off-peak means (very few people in the UK are asked were able to tell me when exactly off-peak hours are). Curiously, transfers between train stations using London Underground services can be included into railway tickets, but some last mile connection like Exeter to Honiton cannot (but this used to be possible). Both and TrainLine refused to sell me a single ticket from London to Honiton through Exeter, insisting I split the ticket at Exeter St Davids or take the slower South Western train to Honiton via Salisbury and Yeovil. I ended up buying a 57 ticket from Paddington to Exeter St Davids with the first segment being the London Underground from St Pancras, and a separate 7.70 ticket to Honiton.
Map: arrival at St Pancras, the underground, departure from PaddingtonChange of trains in London
Map: arrival at Exeter St Davids, change to a South Western train, arrival at HonitonChange of trains in Exeter
Date Station Arrival Departure Train
12.8 Bratislava-Petr alka 18:15 REX 7756
Wien Hbf 19:15 19:53 NJ 50490
13.8 Bruxelles-Midi 9:55 15:06 EST 9145
London St Pancras 16:03 16:34 TfL
London Paddington 16:49 17:04 GWR 59231
Exeter St Davids 19:19 19:25 SWR 52706
Honiton 19:54
Unfortunately, due to the price of the tickets, I m taking a 15 Ryanair flight back Update after the journey Since I flew to Charleroi instead of comfortably sleeping in a night train, I had to put up with inconveniences of airports, including cumbersome connections to the nearby cities. The only reasonable way of getting from Charleroi to Brussels is an overcrowded bus which takes almost an hour to arrive. I used to take this bus when I tried to save money on my way to FOSDEM, and I must admit it s not something I missed. Boarding the Eurostar train went fine, my vaccination passport and Covid test wasn t really checked, just glanced at. The waiting room was a bit of a disappointment, with bars closed and vending machines broken. Since it was underground, I couldn t even see the trains until the very last moment when we were finally allowed on the platform. The train itself, while comfortable, disappointed me with the bistro carriage: standing only, instant coffee, poor selection of food and drinks. I m glad I bought some food at Carrefour at the Midi station! When I arrived in Exeter, I soon found out why the system refused to sell me a through ticket: 6 minutes is not enough to change trains at Exeter St Davids! Or, it might have been if I took the right footbridge but I took the one which led into a very talkative (and slow!) lift. I ended up running to the train just as it closed the doors and departed, leaving me tin Exeter for an hour until. I used this chance and walked to Exeter Central, and had a pint in a conveniently located pub around the corner. P.S. The maps in this and other posts were created using uMap; the map data come from OpenStreetMap. The train route visualisation was generated with help of the OSRM instance.

1 January 2022

Utkarsh Gupta: FOSS Activites in December 2021

Here s my (twenty-seventh) monthly but brief update about the activities I ve done in the F/L/OSS world.

This was my 36th month of actively contributing to Debian. I became a DM in late March 2019 and a DD on Christmas 19! \o/ Just churning through the backlog again this month. Ugh. Anyway, I did the following stuff in Debian:

Uploads and bug fixes:
  • ruby2.7 (2.7.5-1) - New upstream version fixing 3 new CVEs.

Other $things:
  • Mentoring for newcomers.
  • Moderation of -project mailing list.

This was my 11th month of actively contributing to Ubuntu. Now that I ve joined Canonical to work on Ubuntu full-time, there s a bunch of things I do! \o/ I mostly worked on different things, I guess. I was too lazy to maintain a list of things I worked on so there s no concrete list atm. Maybe I ll get back to this section later or will start to list stuff from next year onward, as I was doing before. :D

Debian (E)LTS
Debian Long Term Support (LTS) is a project to extend the lifetime of all Debian stable releases to (at least) 5 years. Debian LTS is not handled by the Debian security team, but by a separate group of volunteers and companies interested in making it a success. And Debian Extended LTS (ELTS) is its sister project, extending support to the Jessie release (+2 years after LTS support). This was my twenty-seventh month as a Debian LTS and eighteenth month as a Debian ELTS paid contributor.
I was assigned 40.00 hours for LTS and 60.00 hours for ELTS and worked on the following things:
(since I had a 3-week vacation, I wanted to wrap things up that were pending and so I worked for 20h more for LTS, which I ll compensate the next month!)

LTS CVE Fixes and Announcements:

ELTS CVE Fixes and Announcements:
  • Issued ELA 525-2, fixing CVE-2021-43527, for nss.
    For Debian 8 jessie, these problems have been fixed in version 2:3.26-1+debu8u15.
  • Issued ELA 530-1, for systemd.
    For Debian 8 jessie, these problems have been fixed in version 215-17+deb8u14.
  • Issued ELA 531-1, fixing CVE-2021-41817 and CVE-2021-41819, for ruby2.1.
    For Debian 8 jessie, these problems have been fixed in version 2.1.5-2+deb8u13.
  • Issued ELA 533-1, fixing CVE-2018-12020, for python-gnupg.
    For Debian 8 jessie, these problems have been fixed in version 0.3.6-1+deb8u2.
  • Issued ELA 536-1, fixing CVE-2021-43818, for lxml.
    For Debian 8 jessie, these problems have been fixed in version Prior to version 4.6.5, the HTML Cleaner in lxml.html lets certain.
  • Started working on src:samba for CVE-2020-25717 to CVE-2020-25722 and CVE-2021-23192 for jessie and stretch, both.
    The version difference b/w the suites are a bit too much for the patch(es) to be easily backported. I ve talked to Anton to work something out. \o/
  • Found the problem w/ libjdom1-java. Will have to roll the regression upload.
    I ve prepared the patch but needs some testing to be finally rolled out. Same for stretch.

Other (E)LTS Work:
  • Front-desk duty from 29-11 to 05-12 and 20-12 to 26-12 for both LTS and ELTS.
  • Triaged ffmpeg, git, gpac, inetutils, mc, modsecurity-crs, node-object-path, php-pear, systemd-cron, node-tar, ruby2.3, gst-plugins-bad0.10, npm, nltk, request-tracker4, ros-ros-comm, mediawiki, ruby2.1, ckeditor, ntfs-3g, tiff, wordpress, and jsoup, udisks2, libgit2, python3.5, python3.4, and openssh.
  • Mark CVE-2021-38171/ffmpeg as postponed for stretch.
  • Mark CVE-2021-40330/git as no-dsa for stretch and jessie.
  • Mark CVE-2020-19481/gpac as ignored for stretch.
  • Mark CVE-2021-40491/inetutils as no-dsa for stretch.
  • Mark CVE-2021-36370/mc as no-dsa for stretch and jessie.
  • Mark CVE-2021-35368/modsecurity-crs as no-dsa for stretch.
  • Mark CVE-2021-23434/node-object-path as end-of-life for stretch.
  • Mark CVE-2021-32610/php-pear as no-dsa for stretch.
  • Mark CVE-2017-9525/systemd-cron as no-dsa for stretch.
  • Mark CVE-2021-37701/node-tar as end-of-life for stretch.
  • Mark CVE-2021-37712/node-tar as end-of-life in stretch.
  • Mark CVE-2021-39201/wordpress as not-affected for jessie.
  • Mark CVE-2020-19143/tiff as not-affected for stretch and jessie.
  • Mark CVE-2021-38562/request-tracker4 as no-dsa for stretch.
  • Mark CVE-2021-37146/ros-ros-comm as no-dsa for stretch.
  • Mark CVE-2021-28965/ruby2.1 as ignored for jessie.
  • Mark CVE-2021-37714/jsoup as ignored for jessie.
  • Mark CVE-2021-41617/openssh as no-dsa for jessie.
  • Auto EOL ed ardour, nltk, request-tracker4, python-scrapy, webkit2gtk, and linux for jessie.
  • Attended monthly Debian LTS meeting.
  • Answered questions (& discussions) on IRC (#debian-lts and #debian-elts).
  • General and other discussions on LTS private and public mailing list.

Debian LTS Survey I ve spent 5 hours on the LTS survey on the following bits:
  • Went through the old content on the previous survey.
  • Reviewed the new content - still more work to do.
  • Discussed the survey bits in the team meeting.
  • Partly reviewing the questions of the survey.
  • Walking through the instance to find the doability of the tasks discussed in the meeting.
  • Segregating and staging questions. More work to do here.

Until next time.
:wq for today.

21 June 2017

Vincent Bernat: IPv4 route lookup on Linux

TL;DR: With its implementation of IPv4 routing tables using LPC-tries, Linux offers good lookup performance (50 ns for a full view) and low memory usage (64 MiB for a full view).
During the lifetime of an IPv4 datagram inside the Linux kernel, one important step is the route lookup for the destination address through the fib_lookup() function. From essential information about the datagram (source and destination IP addresses, interfaces, firewall mark, ), this function should quickly provide a decision. Some possible options are: Since 2.6.39, Linux stores routes into a compressed prefix tree (commit 3630b7c050d9). In the past, a route cache was maintained but it has been removed1 in Linux 3.6.

Route lookup in a trie Looking up a route in a routing table is to find the most specific prefix matching the requested destination. Let s assume the following routing table:
$ ip route show scope global table 100
default via dev out2
        nexthop via  dev out3 weight 1
        nexthop via  dev out4 weight 1 via dev out1 via dev out1 via dev out1 via dev out1
Here are some examples of lookups and the associated results:
Destination IP Next hop via out1 via out1 via out3 or via out4 (ECMP) via out2
A common structure for route lookup is the trie, a tree structure where each node has its parent as prefix.

Lookup with a simple trie The following trie encodes the previous routing table: Simple routing trie For each node, the prefix is known by its path from the root node and the prefix length is the current depth. A lookup in such a trie is quite simple: at each step, fetch the nth bit of the IP address, where n is the current depth. If it is 0, continue with the first child. Otherwise, continue with the second. If a child is missing, backtrack until a routing entry is found. For example, when looking for, we will find the result in the corresponding leaf (at depth 32). However for, we will reach but there is no second child. Therefore, we backtrack until the routing entry. Adding and removing routes is quite easy. From a performance point of view, the lookup is done in constant time relative to the number of routes (due to maximum depth being capped to 32). Quagga is an example of routing software still using this simple approach.

Lookup with a path-compressed trie In the previous example, most nodes only have one child. This leads to a lot of unneeded bitwise comparisons and memory is also wasted on many nodes. To overcome this problem, we can use path compression: each node with only one child is removed (except if it also contains a routing entry). Each remaining node gets a new property telling how many input bits should be skipped. Such a trie is also known as a Patricia trie or a radix tree. Here is the path-compressed version of the previous trie: Patricia trie Since some bits have been ignored, on a match, a final check is executed to ensure all bits from the found entry are matching the input IP address. If not, we must act as if the entry wasn t found (and backtrack to find a matching prefix). The following figure shows two IP addresses matching the same leaf: Lookup in a Patricia trie The reduction on the average depth of the tree compensates the necessity to handle those false positives. The insertion and deletion of a routing entry is still easy enough. Many routing systems are using Patricia trees:

Lookup with a level-compressed trie In addition to path compression, level compression2 detects parts of the trie that are densily populated and replace them with a single node and an associated vector of 2k children. This node will handle k input bits instead of just one. For example, here is a level-compressed version our previous trie: Level-compressed trie Such a trie is called LC-trie or LPC-trie and offers higher lookup performances compared to a radix tree. An heuristic is used to decide how many bits a node should handle. On Linux, if the ratio of non-empty children to all children would be above 50% when the node handles an additional bit, the node gets this additional bit. On the other hand, if the current ratio is below 25%, the node loses the responsibility of one bit. Those values are not tunable. Insertion and deletion becomes more complex but lookup times are also improved.

Implementation in Linux The implementation for IPv4 in Linux exists since 2.6.13 (commit 19baf839ff4a) and is enabled by default since 2.6.39 (commit 3630b7c050d9). Here is the representation of our example routing table in memory3: Memory representation of a trie There are several structures involved: The trie can be retrieved through /proc/net/fib_trie:
$ cat /proc/net/fib_trie
Id 100:
  +-- 2 0 2
        /0 universe UNICAST
     +-- 2 0 1
           /25 universe UNICAST
           /32 universe UNICAST
        +-- 2 0 1
              /32 universe UNICAST
              /32 universe UNICAST
              /32 universe UNICAST
For internal nodes, the numbers after the prefix are:
  1. the number of bits handled by the node,
  2. the number of full children (they only handle one bit),
  3. the number of empty children.
Moreover, if the kernel was compiled with CONFIG_IP_FIB_TRIE_STATS, some interesting statistics are available in /proc/net/fib_triestat4:
$ cat /proc/net/fib_triestat
Basic info: size of leaf: 48 bytes, size of tnode: 40 bytes.
Id 100:
        Aver depth:     2.33
        Max depth:      3
        Leaves:         6
        Prefixes:       6
        Internal nodes: 3
          2: 3
        Pointers: 12
Null ptrs: 4
Total size: 1  kB
When a routing table is very dense, a node can handle many bits. For example, a densily populated routing table with 1 million entries packed in a /12 can have one internal node handling 20 bits. In this case, route lookup is essentially reduced to a lookup in a vector. The following graph shows the number of internal nodes used relative to the number of routes for different scenarios (routes extracted from an Internet full view, /32 routes spreaded over 4 different subnets with various densities). When routes are densily packed, the number of internal nodes are quite limited. Internal nodes and null pointers

Performance So how performant is a route lookup? The maximum depth stays low (about 6 for a full view), so a lookup should be quite fast. With the help of a small kernel module, we can accurately benchmark5 the fib_lookup() function: Maximum depth and lookup time The lookup time is loosely tied to the maximum depth. When the routing table is densily populated, the maximum depth is low and the lookup times are fast. When forwarding at 10 Gbps, the time budget for a packet would be about 50 ns. Since this is also the time needed for the route lookup alone in some cases, we wouldn t be able to forward at line rate with only one core. Nonetheless, the results are pretty good and they are expected to scale linearly with the number of cores. The measurements are done with a Linux kernel 4.11 from Debian unstable. I have gathered performance metrics accross kernel versions in Performance progression of IPv4 route lookup on Linux . Another interesting figure is the time it takes to insert all those routes into the kernel. Linux is also quite efficient in this area since you can insert 2 million routes in less than 10 seconds: Insertion time

Memory usage The memory usage is available directly in /proc/net/fib_triestat. The statistic provided doesn t account for the fib_info structures, but you should only have a handful of them (one for each possible next-hop). As you can see on the graph below, the memory use is linear with the number of routes inserted, whatever the shape of the routes is. Memory usage The results are quite good. With only 256 MiB, about 2 million routes can be stored!

Routing rules Unless configured without CONFIG_IP_MULTIPLE_TABLES, Linux supports several routing tables and has a system of configurable rules to select the table to use. These rules can be configured with ip rule. By default, there are three of them:
$ ip rule show
0:      from all lookup local
32766:  from all lookup main
32767:  from all lookup default
Linux will first lookup for a match in the local table. If it doesn t find one, it will lookup in the main table and at last resort, the default table.

Builtin tables The local table contains routes for local delivery:
$ ip route show table local
broadcast dev lo proto kernel scope link src
local dev lo proto kernel scope host src
local dev lo proto kernel scope host src
broadcast dev lo proto kernel scope link src
broadcast dev eno1 proto kernel scope link src
local dev eno1 proto kernel scope host src
broadcast dev eno1 proto kernel scope link src
This table is populated automatically by the kernel when addresses are configured. Let s look at the three last lines. When the IP address was configured on the eno1 interface, the kernel automatically added the appropriate routes:
  • a route for for local unicast delivery to the IP address,
  • a route for for broadcast delivery to the broadcast address,
  • a route for for broadcast delivery to the network address.
When was configured on the loopback interface, the same kind of routes were added to the local table. However, a loopback address receives a special treatment and the kernel also adds the whole subnet to the local table. As a result, you can ping any IP in
$ ping -c1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.039 ms
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.039/0.039/0.039/0.000 ms
The main table usually contains all the other routes:
$ ip route show table main
default via dev eno1 proto static metric 100 dev eno1 proto kernel scope link src metric 100
The default route has been configured by some DHCP daemon. The connected route (scope link) has been automatically added by the kernel (proto kernel) when configuring an IP address on the eno1 interface. The default table is empty and has little use. It has been kept when the current incarnation of advanced routing has been introduced in Linux 2.1.68 after a first tentative using classes in Linux 2.1.156.

Performance Since Linux 4.1 (commit 0ddcf43d5d4a), when the set of rules is left unmodified, the main and local tables are merged and the lookup is done with this single table (and the default table if not empty). Moreover, since Linux 3.0 (commit f4530fa574df), without specific rules, there is no performance hit when enabling the support for multiple routing tables. However, as soon as you add new rules, some CPU cycles will be spent for each datagram to evaluate them. Here is a couple of graphs demonstrating the impact of routing rules on lookup times: Routing rules impact on performance For some reason, the relation is linear when the number of rules is between 1 and 100 but the slope increases noticeably past this threshold. The second graph highlights the negative impact of the first rule (about 30 ns). A common use of rules is to create virtual routers: interfaces are segregated into domains and when a datagram enters through an interface from domain A, it should use routing table A:
# ip rule add iif vlan457 table 10
# ip rule add iif vlan457 blackhole
# ip rule add iif vlan458 table 20
# ip rule add iif vlan458 blackhole
The blackhole rules may be removed if you are sure there is a default route in each routing table. For example, we add a blackhole default with a high metric to not override a regular default route:
# ip route add blackhole default metric 9999 table 10
# ip route add blackhole default metric 9999 table 20
# ip rule add iif vlan457 table 10
# ip rule add iif vlan458 table 20
To reduce the impact on performance when many interface-specific rules are used, interfaces can be attached to VRF instances and a single rule can be used to select the appropriate table:
# ip link add vrf-A type vrf table 10
# ip link set dev vrf-A up
# ip link add vrf-B type vrf table 20
# ip link set dev vrf-B up
# ip link set dev vlan457 master vrf-A
# ip link set dev vlan458 master vrf-B
# ip rule show
0:      from all lookup local
1000:   from all lookup [l3mdev-table]
32766:  from all lookup main
32767:  from all lookup default
The special l3mdev-table rule was automatically added when configuring the first VRF interface. This rule will select the routing table associated to the VRF owning the input (or output) interface. VRF was introduced in Linux 4.3 (commit 193125dbd8eb), the performance was greatly enhanced in Linux 4.8 (commit 7889681f4a6c) and the special routing rule was also introduced in Linux 4.8 (commit 96c63fa7393d, commit 1aa6c4f6b8cd). You can find more details about it in the kernel documentation.

Conclusion The takeaways from this article are:
  • route lookup times hardly increase with the number of routes,
  • densily packed /32 routes lead to amazingly fast route lookups,
  • memory use is low (128 MiB par million routes),
  • no optimization is done on routing rules.

  1. The routing cache was subject to reasonably easy to launch denial of service attacks. It was also believed to not be efficient for high volume sites like Google but I have first-hand experience it was not the case for moderately high volume sites.
  2. IP-address lookup using LC-tries , IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 17(6):1083-1092, June 1999.
  3. For internal nodes, the key_vector structure is embedded into a tnode structure. This structure contains information rarely used during lookup, notably the reference to the parent that is usually not needed for backtracking as Linux keeps the nearest candidate in a variable.
  4. One leaf can contain several routes (struct fib_alias is a list). The number of prefixes can therefore be greater than the number of leaves. The system also keeps statistics about the distribution of the internal nodes relative to the number of bits they handle. In our example, all the three internal nodes are handling 2 bits.
  5. The measurements are done in a virtual machine with one vCPU. The host is an Intel Core i5-4670K running at 3.7 GHz during the experiment (CPU governor was set to performance). The benchmark is single-threaded. It runs a warm-up phase, then executes about 100,000 timed iterations and keeps the median. Timings of individual runs are computed from the TSC.
  6. Fun fact: the documentation of this first tentative of more flexible routing is still available in today s kernel tree and explains the usage of the default class .

13 April 2017

Antoine Beaupr : New approaches to network fast paths

With the speed of network hardware now reaching 100 Gbps and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks going in the Tbps range, Linux kernel developers are scrambling to optimize key network paths in the kernel to keep up. Many efforts are actually geared toward getting traffic out of the costly Linux TCP stack. We have already covered the XDP (eXpress Data Path) patch set, but two new ideas surfaced during the Netconf and Netdev conferences held in Toronto and Montreal in early April 2017. One is a patch set called af_packet, which aims at extracting raw packets from the kernel as fast as possible; the other is the idea of implementing in-kernel layer-7 proxying. There are also user-space network stacks like Netmap, DPDK, or Snabb (which we previously covered). This article aims at clarifying what all those components do and to provide a short status update for the tools we have already covered. We will focus on in-kernel solutions for now. Indeed, user-space tools have a fundamental limitation: if they need to re-inject packets onto the network, they must again pay the expensive cost of crossing the kernel barrier. User-space performance is effectively bounded by that fundamental design. So we'll focus on kernel solutions here. We will start from the lowest part of the stack, the af_packet patch set, and work our way up the stack all the way up to layer-7 and in-kernel proxying.

af_packet v4 John Fastabend presented a new version of a patch set that was first published in January regarding the af_packet protocol family, which is currently used by tcpdump to extract packets from network interfaces. The goal of this change is to allow zero-copy transfers between user-space applications and the NIC (network interface card) transmit and receive ring buffers. Such optimizations are useful for telecommunications companies, which may use it for deep packet inspection or running exotic protocols in user space. Another use case is running a high-performance intrusion detection system that needs to watch large traffic streams in realtime to catch certain types of attacks. Fastabend presented his work during the Netdev network-performance workshop, but also brought the patch set up for discussion during Netconf. There, he said he could achieve line-rate extraction (and injection) of packets, with packet rates as high as 30Mpps. This performance gain is possible because user-space pages are directly DMA-mapped to the NIC, which is also a security concern. The other downside of this approach is that a complete pair of ring buffers needs to be dedicated for this purpose; whereas before packets were copied to user space, now they are memory-mapped, so the user-space side needs to process those packets quickly otherwise they are simply dropped. Furthermore, it's an "all or nothing" approach; while NIC-level classifiers could be used to steer part of the traffic to a specific queue, once traffic hits that queue, it is only accessible through the af_packet interface and not the rest of the regular stack. If done correctly, however, this could actually improve the way user-space stacks access those packets, providing projects like DPDK a safer way to share pages with the NIC, because it is well defined and kernel-controlled. According to Jesper Dangaard Brouer (during review of this article):
This proposal will be a safer way to share raw packet data between user space and kernel space than what DPDK is doing, [by providing] a cleaner separation as we keep driver code in the kernel where it belongs.
During the Netdev network-performance workshop, Fastabend asked if there was a better data structure to use for such a purpose. The goal here is to provide a consistent interface to user space regardless of the driver or hardware used to extract packets from the wire. af_packet currently defines its own packet format that abstracts away the NIC-specific details, but there are other possible formats. For example, someone in the audience proposed the virtio packet format. Alexei Starovoitov rejected this idea because af_packet is a kernel-specific facility while virtio has its own separate specification with its own requirements. The next step for af_packet is the posting of the new "v4" patch set, although Miller warned that this wouldn't get merged until proper XDP support lands in the Intel drivers. The concern, of course, is that the kernel would have multiple incomplete bypass solutions available at once. Hopefully, Fastabend will present the (by then) merged patch set at the next Netdev conference in November.

XDP updates Higher up in the networking stack sits XDP. The af_packet feature differs from XDP in that it does not perform any sort of analysis or mangling of packets; its objective is purely to get the data into and out of the kernel as fast as possible, completely bypassing the regular kernel networking stack. XDP also sits before the networking stack except that, according to Brouer, it is "focused on cooperating with the existing network stack infrastructure, and on use-cases where the packet doesn't necessarily need to leave kernel space (like routing and bridging, or skipping complex code-paths)." XDP has evolved quite a bit since we last covered it in LWN. It seems that most of the controversy surrounding the introduction of XDP in the Linux kernel has died down in public discussions, under the leadership of David Miller, who heralded XDP as the right solution for a long-term architecture in the kernel. He presented XDP as a fast, flexible, and safe solution. Indeed, one of the controversies surrounding XDP was the question of the inherent security challenges with introducing user-provided programs directly into the Linux kernel to mangle packets at such a low level. Miller argued that whatever protections are expected for user-space programs also apply to XDP programs, comparing the virtual memory protections to the eBPF (extended BPF) verifier applied to XDP programs. Those programs are actually eBPF that have an interesting set of restrictions:
  • they have a limited size
  • they cannot jump backward (and thus cannot loop), so they execute in predictable time
  • they do only static allocation, so they are also limited in memory
XDP is not a one-size-fits-all solution: netfilter, the TC traffic shaper, and other normal Linux utilities still have their place. There is, however, a clear use case for a solution like XDP in the kernel. For example, Facebook and Cloudflare have both started testing XDP and, in Facebook's case, deploying XDP in production. Martin Kafai Lau, from Facebook, presented the tool set the company is using to construct a DDoS-resilience solution and a level-4 load balancer (L4LB), which got a ten-times performance improvement over the previous IPVS-based solution. Facebook rolled out its own user-space solution called "Droplet" to detect hostile traffic and deploy blocking rules in the form of eBPF programs loaded in XDP. Lau demonstrated the way Facebook deploys a three-part chained eBPF program: the first part allows debugging and dumping of packets, the second is Droplet itself, which drops undesirable traffic, and the last segment is the load balancer, which mangles the packets to tweak their destination according to internal rules. Droplet can drop DDoS attacks at line rate while keeping the architecture flexible, which were two key design requirements. Gilberto Bertin, from Cloudflare, presented a similar approach: Cloudflare has a tool that processes sFlow data generated from iptables in order to generate cBPF (classic BPF) mitigation rules that are then deployed on edge routers. Those rules are created with a tool called bpfgen, part of Cloudflare's BSD-licensed bpftools suite. For example, it could create a cBPF bytecode blob that would match DNS queries to any domain with something like:
    bpfgen dns *
Originally, Cloudflare would deploy those rules to plain iptables firewalls with the xt_bpf module, but this led to performance issues. It then deployed a proprietary user-space solution based on Solarflare hardware, but this has the performance limitations of user-space applications getting packets back onto the wire involves the cost of re-injecting packets back into the kernel. This is why Cloudflare is experimenting with XDP, which was partly developed in response to the company's problems, to deploy those BPF programs. A concern that Bertin identified was the lack of visibility into dropped packets. Cloudflare currently samples some of the dropped traffic to analyze attacks; this is not currently possible with XDP unless you pass the packets down the stack, which is expensive. Miller agreed that the lack of monitoring for XDP programs is a large issue that needs to be resolved, and suggested creating a way to mark packets for extraction to allow analysis. Cloudflare is currently in a testing phase with XDP and it is unclear if its whole XDP tool chain will be publicly available. While those two companies are starting to use XDP as-is, there is more work needed to complete the XDP project. As mentioned above and in our previous coverage, massive statistics extraction is still limited in the Linux kernel and introspection is difficult. Furthermore, while the existing actions (XDP_DROP and XDP_TX, see the documentation for more information) are well implemented and used, another action may be introduced, called XDP_REDIRECT, which would allow redirecting packets to different network interfaces. Such an action could also be used to accelerate bridges as packets could be "switched" based on the MAC address table. XDP also requires network driver support, which is currently limited. For example, the Intel drivers still do not support XDP, although that should come pretty soon. Miller, in his Netdev keynote, focused on XDP and presented it as the standard solution that is safe, fast, and usable. He identified the next steps of XDP development to be the addition of debugging mechanisms, better sampling tools for statistics and analysis, and user-space consistency. Miller foresees a future for XDP similar to the popularization of the Arduino chips: a simple set of tools that anyone, not just developers, can use. He gave the example of an Arduino tutorial that he followed where he could just look up a part number and get easy-to-use instructions on how to program it. Similar components should be available for XDP. For this purpose, the conference saw the creation of a new mailing list called xdp-newbies where people can learn how to create XDP build environments and how to write XDP programs.

In-kernel layer-7 proxying The third approach that struck me as innovative is the idea of doing layer-7 (application) proxying directly in the kernel. This comes from the idea that, traditionally, we build firewalls to segregate traffic and apply controls, but as most services move to HTTP, those policies become ineffective. Thomas Graf, presented this idea during Netconf using a Star Wars allegory: what if the Death Star were a server with an API? You would have endpoints like /dock or /comms that would allow you to dock a ship or communicate with the Death Star. Those API endpoints should obviously be public, but then there is this /exhaust-port endpoint that should never be publicly available. In order for a firewall to protect such a system, it must be able to inspect traffic at a higher level than the traditional address-port pairs. Graf presented a design where the kernel would create an in-kernel socket that would negotiate TCP connections on behalf of user space and then be able to apply arbitrary eBPF rules in the kernel. Graf's design of in-kernel proxying In this scenario, instead of doing the traditional transfer from Netfilter's TPROXY to user space, the kernel directly decapsulates the HTTP traffic and passes it to BPF rules that can make decisions without doing expensive context switches or memory copies in the case of simply wanting to refuse traffic (e.g. issue an HTTP 403 error). This, of course, requires the inclusion of kTLS to process HTTPS connections. HTTP2 support may also prove problematic, as it multiplexes connections and is harder to decapsulate. This design was described as a "pure pre-accept() hook". Starovoitov also compared the design to the kernel connection multiplexer (KCM). Tom Herbert, KCM's author, agreed that it could be extended to support this, but would require some extensions in user space to provide an interface between regular socket-based applications and the KCM layer. In any case, if the application does TLS (and lots of them do), kTLS gets tricky because it breaks the end-to-end nature of TLS, in effect becoming a man in the middle between the client and the application. Eric Dumazet argued that HA-Proxy already does things like this: it uses splice() to avoid copying too much data around, but it still does a context switch to hand over processing to user space, something that could be fixed in the general case. Another similar project that was presented at Netdev is the Tempesta firewall and reverse-proxy. The speaker, Alex Krizhanovsky, explained the Tempesta developers have taken one person month to port the mbed TLS stack to the Linux kernel to allow an in-kernel TLS handshake. Tempesta also implements rate limiting, cookies, and JavaScript challenges to mitigate DDoS attacks. The argument behind the project is that "it's easier to move TLS to the kernel than it is to move the TCP/IP stack to user space". Graf explained that he is familiar with Krizhanovsky's work and he is hoping to collaborate. In effect, the design Graf is working on would serve as a foundation for Krizhanovsky's in-kernel HTTP server (kHTTP). In a private email, Graf explained that:
The main differences in the implementation are currently that we foresee to use BPF for protocol parsing to avoid having to implement every single application protocol natively in the kernel. Tempesta likely sees this less of an issue as they are probably only targeting HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 and to some [extent] JavaScript.
Neither project is really ready for production yet. There didn't seem to be any significant pushback from key network developers against the idea, which surprised some people, so it is likely we will see more and more layer-7 intelligence move into the kernel sooner rather than later.

Conclusion All of this work aims at replacing a rag-tag bunch of proprietary solutions that recently came up to bypass the Linux kernel TCP/IP stack and improve performance for firewalls, proxies, and other key edge network elements. The idea is that, unless the kernel improves its performance, or at least provides a way to bypass its more complex code paths, people will work around it. With this set of solutions in place, engineers will now be able to use standard APIs to hook high-performance systems into the Linux kernel.
The author would like to thank the Netdev and Netconf organizers for travel assistance, Thomas Graf for a review of the in-kernel proxying section of this article, and Jesper Dangaard Brouer for review of the af_packet and XDP sections. Note: this article first appeared in the Linux Weekly News.

3 October 2016

Kees Cook: security things in Linux v4.7

Previously: v4.6. Onward to security things I found interesting in Linux v4.7: KASLR text base offset for MIPS Matt Redfearn added text base address KASLR to MIPS, similar to what s available on x86 and arm64. As done with x86, MIPS attempts to gather entropy from various build-time, run-time, and CPU locations in an effort to find reasonable sources during early-boot. MIPS doesn t yet have anything as strong as x86 s RDRAND (though most have an instruction counter like x86 s RDTSC), but it does have the benefit of being able to use Device Tree (i.e. the /chosen/kaslr-seed property) like arm64 does. By my understanding, even without Device Tree, MIPS KASLR entropy should be as strong as pre-RDRAND x86 entropy, which is more than sufficient for what is, similar to x86, not a huge KASLR range anyway: default 8 bits (a span of 16MB with 64KB alignment), though CONFIG_RANDOMIZE_BASE_MAX_OFFSET can be tuned to the device s memory, giving a maximum of 11 bits on 32-bit, and 15 bits on EVA or 64-bit. SLAB freelist ASLR Thomas Garnier added CONFIG_SLAB_FREELIST_RANDOM to make slab allocation layouts less deterministic with a per-boot randomized freelist order. This raises the bar for successful kernel slab attacks. Attackers will need to either find additional bugs to help leak slab layout information or will need to perform more complex grooming during an attack. Thomas wrote a post describing the feature in more detail here: Randomizing the Linux kernel heap freelists. (SLAB is done in v4.7, and SLUB in v4.8.) eBPF JIT constant blinding Daniel Borkmann implemented constant blinding in the eBPF JIT subsystem. With strong kernel memory protections (CONFIG_DEBUG_RODATA) in place, and with the segregation of user-space memory execution from kernel (i.e SMEP, PXN, CONFIG_CPU_SW_DOMAIN_PAN), having a place where user-space can inject content into an executable area of kernel memory becomes very high-value to an attacker. The eBPF JIT was exactly such a thing: the use of BPF constants could result in the JIT producing instruction flows that could include attacker-controlled instructions (e.g. by directing execution into the middle of an instruction with a constant that would be interpreted as a native instruction). The eBPF JIT already uses a number of other defensive tricks (e.g. random starting position), but this added randomized blinding to any BPF constants, which makes building a malicious execution path in the eBPF JIT memory much more difficult (and helps block attempts at JIT spraying to bypass other protections). Elena Reshetova updated a 2012 proof-of-concept attack to succeed against modern kernels to help provide a working example of what needed fixing in the JIT. This serves as a thorough regression test for the protection. The cBPF JITs that exist in ARM, MIPS, PowerPC, and Sparc still need to be updated to eBPF, but when they do, they ll gain all these protections immediatley. Bottom line is that if you enable the (disabled-by-default) bpf_jit_enable sysctl, be sure to set the bpf_jit_harden sysctl to 2 (to perform blinding even for root). fix brk ASLR weakness on arm64 compat There have been a few ASLR fixes recently (e.g. ET_DYN, x86 32-bit unlimited stack), and while reviewing some suggested fixes to arm64 brk ASLR code from Jon Medhurst, I noticed that arm64 s brk ASLR entropy was slightly too low (less than 1 bit) for 64-bit and noticeably lower (by 2 bits) for 32-bit compat processes when compared to native 32-bit arm. I simplified the code by using literals for the entropy. Maybe we can add a sysctl some day to control brk ASLR entropy like was done for mmap ASLR entropy. LoadPin LSM LSM stacking is well-defined since v4.2, so I finally upstreamed a small LSM that implements a protection I wrote for Chrome OS several years back. On systems with a static root of trust that extends to the filesystem level (e.g. Chrome OS s coreboot+depthcharge boot firmware chaining to dm-verity, or a system booting from read-only media), it s redundant to sign kernel modules (you ve already got the modules on read-only media: they can t change). The kernel just needs to know they re all coming from the correct location. (And this solves loading known-good firmware too, since there is no convention for signed firmware in the kernel yet.) LoadPin requires that all modules, firmware, etc come from the same mount (and assumes that the first loaded file defines which mount is correct , hence load pinning ). That s it for v4.7. Prepare yourself for v4.8 next!

2016, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License.
Creative Commons License

26 September 2016

Kees Cook: security things in Linux v4.3

When I gave my State of the Kernel Self-Protection Project presentation at the 2016 Linux Security Summit, I included some slides covering some quick bullet points on things I found of interest in recent Linux kernel releases. Since there wasn t a lot of time to talk about them all, I figured I d make some short blog posts here about the stuff I was paying attention to, along with links to more information. This certainly isn t everything security-related or generally of interest, but they re the things I thought needed to be pointed out. If there s something security-related you think I should cover from v4.3, please mention it in the comments. I m sure I haven t caught everything. :) A note on timing and context: the momentum for starting the Kernel Self Protection Project got rolling well before it was officially announced on November 5th last year. To that end, I included stuff from v4.3 (which was developed in the months leading up to November) under the umbrella of the project, since the goals of KSPP aren t unique to the project nor must the goals be met by people that are explicitly participating in it. Additionally, not everything I think worth mentioning here technically falls under the kernel self-protection ideal anyway some things are just really interesting userspace-facing features. So, to that end, here are things I found interesting in v4.3: CONFIG_CPU_SW_DOMAIN_PAN Russell King implemented this feature for ARM which provides emulated segregation of user-space memory when running in kernel mode, by using the ARM Domain access control feature. This is similar to a combination of Privileged eXecute Never (PXN, in later ARMv7 CPUs) and Privileged Access Never (PAN, coming in future ARMv8.1 CPUs): the kernel cannot execute user-space memory, and cannot read/write user-space memory unless it was explicitly prepared to do so. This stops a huge set of common kernel exploitation methods, where either a malicious executable payload has been built in user-space memory and the kernel was redirected to run it, or where malicious data structures have been built in user-space memory and the kernel was tricked into dereferencing the memory, ultimately leading to a redirection of execution flow. This raises the bar for attackers since they can no longer trivially build code or structures in user-space where they control the memory layout, locations, etc. Instead, an attacker must find areas in kernel memory that are writable (and in the case of code, executable), where they can discover the location as well. For an attacker, there are vastly fewer places where this is possible in kernel memory as opposed to user-space memory. And as we continue to reduce the attack surface of the kernel, these opportunities will continue to shrink. While hardware support for this kind of segregation exists in s390 (natively separate memory spaces), ARM (PXN and PAN as mentioned above), and very recent x86 (SMEP since Ivy-Bridge, SMAP since Skylake), ARM is the first upstream architecture to provide this emulation for existing hardware. Everyone running ARMv7 CPUs with this kernel feature enabled suddenly gains the protection. Similar emulation protections (PAX_MEMORY_UDEREF) have been available in PaX/Grsecurity for a while, and I m delighted to see a form of this land in upstream finally. To test this kernel protection, the ACCESS_USERSPACE and EXEC_USERSPACE triggers for lkdtm have existed since Linux v3.13, when they were introduced in anticipation of the x86 SMEP and SMAP features. Ambient Capabilities Andy Lutomirski (with Christoph Lameter and Serge Hallyn) implemented a way for processes to pass capabilities across exec() in a sensible manner. Until Ambient Capabilities, any capabilities available to a process would only be passed to a child process if the new executable was correctly marked with filesystem capability bits. This turns out to be a real headache for anyone trying to build an even marginally complex least privilege execution environment. The case that Chrome OS ran into was having a network service daemon responsible for calling out to helper tools that would perform various networking operations. Keeping the daemon not running as root and retaining the needed capabilities in children required conflicting or crazy filesystem capabilities organized across all the binaries in the expected tree of privileged processes. (For example you may need to set filesystem capabilities on bash!) By being able to explicitly pass capabilities at runtime (instead of based on filesystem markings), this becomes much easier. For more details, the commit message is well-written, almost twice as long as than the code changes, and contains a test case. If that isn t enough, there is a self-test available in tools/testing/selftests/capabilities/ too. PowerPC and Tile support for seccomp filter Michael Ellerman added support for seccomp to PowerPC, and Chris Metcalf added support to Tile. As the seccomp maintainer, I get excited when an architecture adds support, so here we are with two. Also included were updates to the seccomp self-tests (in tools/testing/selftests/seccomp), to help make sure everything continues working correctly. That s it for v4.3. If I missed stuff you found interesting, please let me know! I m going to try to get more per-version posts out in time to catch up to v4.8, which appears to be tentatively scheduled for release this coming weekend.

2016, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License.
Creative Commons License

20 September 2016

Vincent Sanders: If I see an ending, I can work backward.

Now while I am sure Arthur Miller was referring to writing a play when he said those words they have an oddly appropriate resonance for my topic.

In the early nineties Lou Montulli applied the idea of magic cookies to HTTP to make the web stateful, I imagine he had no idea of the issues he was going to introduce for the future. Like most of the web technology it was a solution to an immediate problem which it has never been possible to subsequently improve.

Chocolate chip cookie are much tastier than HTTP cookiesThe HTTP cookie is simply a way for a website to identify a connecting browser session so that state can be kept between retrieving pages. Due to shortcomings in the design of cookies and implementation details in browsers this has lead to a selection of unwanted side effects. The specific issue that I am talking about here is the supercookie where the super prefix in this context has similar connotations as to when applied to the word villain.

Whenever the browser requests a resource (web page, image, etc.) the server may return a cookie along with the resource that your browser remembers. The cookie has a domain name associated with it and when your browser requests additional resources if the cookie domain matches the requested resources domain name the cookie is sent along with the request.

As an example the first time you visit a page on you might receive a cookie with the domain so next time you visit a page on your browser will send the cookie along. Indeed it will also send it along for any page on

A supercookies is simply one where instead of being limited to one sub-domain ( the cookie is set for a top level domain (foo.invalid) so visiting any such domain (I used the invalid name in my examples but one could substitute com or your web browser gives out the cookie. Hackers would love to be able to set up such cookies and potentially control and hijack many sites at a time.

This problem was noted early on and browsers were not allowed to set cookie domains with fewer than two parts so example.invalid or were allowed but invalid or com on their own were not. This works fine for top level domains like .com, .org and .mil but not for countries where the domain registrar had rules about second levels like the uk domain (uk domains must have a second level like

 NetSurf cookie manager showing a supercookieThere is no way to generate the correct set of top level domains with an algorithm so a database is required and is called the Public Suffix List (PSL). This database is a simple text formatted list with wildcard and inversion syntax and is at time of writing around 180Kb of text including comments which compresses down to 60Kb or so with deflate.

A few years ago with ICANN allowing the great expansion of top level domains the existing NetSurf supercookie handling was found to be wanting and I decided to implement a solution using the PSL. At this point in time the database was only 100Kb source or 40Kb compressed.

I started by looking at limited existing libraries. In fact only the regdom library was adequate but used 150Kb of heap to load the pre-processed list. This would have had the drawback of increasing NetSurf heap usage significantly (we still have users on 8Mb systems). Because of this and the need to run PHP script to generate the pre-processed input it was decided the library was not suitable.

Lacking other choices I came up with my own implementation which used a perl script to construct a tree of domains from the PSL in a static array with the label strings in a separate table. At the time my implementation added 70Kb of read only data which I thought reasonable and allowed for direct lookup of answers from the database.

This solution still required a pre-processing step to generate the C source code but perl is much more readily available, is a language already used by our tooling and we could always simply ship the generated file. As long as the generated file was updated at release time as we already do for our fallback SSL certificate root set this would be acceptable.

wireshark session shown NetSurf sending a supercookie to
I put the solution into NetSurf, was pleased no-one seemed to notice and moved on to other issues. Recently while fixing a completely unrelated issue in the display of session cookies in the management interface and I realised I had some test supercookies present in the display. After the initial "thats odd" I realised with horror there might be a deeper issue.

It quickly became evident the PSL generation was broken and had been for a long time, even worse somewhere along the line the "redundant" empty generated source file had been removed and the ancient fallback code path was all that had been used.

This issue had escalated somewhat from a trivial display problem. I took a moment to asses the situation a bit more broadly and came to the conclusion there were a number of interconnected causes, centered around the lack of automated testing, which could be solved by extracting the PSL handling into a "support" library.

NetSurf has several of these support libraries which could be used separately to the main browser project but are principally oriented towards it. These libraries are shipped and built in releases alongside the main browser codebase and mainly serve to make API more obvious and modular. In this case my main aim was to have the functionality segregated into a separate module which could be tested, updated and monitored directly by our CI system meaning the embarrassing failure I had found can never occur again.

Before creating my own library I did consider a library called libpsl had been created since I wrote my original implementation. Initially I was very interested in using this library given it managed a data representation within a mere 32Kb.

Unfortunately the library integrates a great deal of IDN and punycode handling which was not required in this use case. NetSurf already has to handle IDN and punycode translations and uses punycode encoded domain names internally only translating to unicode representations for display so duplicating this functionality using other libraries requires a great deal of resource above the raw data representation.

I put the library together based on the existing code generator Perl program and integrated the test set that comes along with the PSL. I was a little alarmed to discover that the PSL had almost doubled in size since the implementation was originally written and now the trivial test program of the library was weighing in at a hefty 120Kb.

This stemmed from two main causes:
  1. there were now many more domain label strings to be stored
  2. there now being many, many more nodes in the tree.
To address the first cause the length of the domain label strings was moved into the unused padding space within each tree node removing a byte from each domain label saving 6Kb. Next it occurred to me that while building the domain label string table that if the label to be added already existed as a substring within the table it could be elided.

The domain labels were sorted from longest to shortest and added in order searching for substring matches as the table was built this saved another 6Kb. I am sure there are ways to reduce this further I have missed (if you see them let me know!) but a 25% saving (47Kb to 35Kb) was a good start.

The second cause was a little harder to address. The structure representing nodes in the tree I started with was at first look reasonable.

struct pnode  
uint16_t label_index; /* index into string table of label */
uint16_t label_length; /* length of label */
uint16_t child_node_index; /* index of first child node */
uint16_t child_node_count; /* number of child nodes */

I examined the generated table and observed that the majority of nodes were leaf nodes (had no children) which makes sense given the type of data being represented. By allowing two types of node one for labels and a second for the child node information this would halve the node size in most cases and requiring only a modest change to the tree traversal code.

The only issue with this would be that a way to indicate a node has child information. It was realised that the domain labels can have a maximum length of 63 characters meaning their length can be represented in six bits so a uint16_t was excessive. The space was split into two uint8_t parts one for the length and one for a flag to indicate child data node followed.

union pnode  
uint16_t index; /* index into string table of label */
uint8_t length; /* length of label */
uint8_t has_children; /* the next table entry is a child node */
uint16_t node_index; /* index of first child node */
uint16_t node_count; /* number of child nodes */

static const union pnode pnodes[8580] =
/* root entry */
.label = 0, 0, 1 , .child = 2, 1553 ,
/* entries 2 to 1794 */
.label = 37, 2, 1 , .child = 1795, 6 ,


/* entries 8577 to 8578 */
.label = 31820, 6, 1 , .child = 8579, 1 ,
/* entry 8579 */
.label = 0, 1, 0 ,


This change reduced the node array size from 63Kb to 33Kb almost a 50% saving. I considered using bitfields to try and reduce the label length and has_children flag into a single byte but such packing will not reduce the length of a node below 32bits because it is unioned with the child structure.

A possibility of using the spare uint8_t derived by bitfield packing to store an additional label node in three other nodes was considered but added a great deal of complexity to node lookup and table construction for saving around 4Kb so was not incorporated.

With the changes incorporated the test program was a much more acceptable 75Kb reasonably close to the size of the compressed source but with the benefits of direct lookup. Integrating the libraries single API call into NetSurf was straightforward and resulted in correct operation when tested.

This episode just reminded me of the dangers of code that can fail silently. It exposed our users to a security problem that we thought had been addressed almost six years ago and squandered the limited resources of the project. Hopefully a lesson we will not have to learn again any time soon. If there is a positive to take away it is that the new implementation is more space efficient, automatically built and importantly tested

18 August 2016

Zlatan Todori : DebConf16 - new age in Debian community gathering

DebConf16 Finally got some time to write this blog post. DebConf for me is always something special, a family gathering of weird combination of geeks (or is weird a default geek state?). To be honest, I finally can compare Debian as hacker conference to other so-called hacker conferences. With that hat on, I can say that Debian is by far the most organized and highest quality conference. Maybe I am biased, but I don't care too much about that. I simply love Debian and that is no secret. So lets dive into my view on DebConf16 which was held in Cape Town, South Africa. Cape Town This was the first time we had conference on African continent (and I now see for the first time DebConf bid for Asia, which leaves only Australia and beautiful Pacific islands to start a bid). Cape Town by itself, is pretty much Europe-like city. That was kinda a bum for me on first day, especially as we were hosted at University of Cape Town (which is quite beautiful uni) and the surrounding neighborhood was very European. Almost right after the first day I was fine because I started exploring the huge city. Cape Town is really huge, it has by stats ~4mil people, and unofficially it has ~6mil. Certainly a lot to explore and I hope one day to be back there (I actually hope as soon as possible). The good, bad and ugly I will start with bad and ugly as I want to finish with good notes. Racism down there is still HUGE. You don't have signs on the road saying that, but there is clearly separation between white and black people. The houses near uni all had fences on walls (most of them even electrical ones with sharp blades on it) with bars on windows. That just bring tensions and certainly doesn't improve anything. To be honest, if someone wants to break in they still can do easily so the fences maybe need to bring intimidation but they actually only bring tension (my personal view). Also many houses have sign of Armed Force Response (something in those lines) where in case someone would start breaking in, armed forces would come to protect the home. Also compared to workforce, white appear to hold most of profit/big business positions and fields, while black are street workers, bar workers etc etc. On the street you can feel from time to time the tension between people. Going out to bars also showed the separation - they were either almost exclusively white or exclusively black. Very sad state to see. Sharing love and mixing is something that pushes us forward and here I saw clear blockades for such things. The bad part of Cape Town is, and this is not only special to Cape Town but to almost all major cities, is that small crime is on wide scale. Pickpocketing here is something you must pay attention to it. To me, personally, nothing happened but I heard a lot of stories from my friends on whom were such activities attempted (although I am not sure did the criminals succeed). Enough of bad as my blog post will not change this and it is a topic for debate and active involvement which I can't unfortunately do at this moment. THE GOOD! There are so many great local people I met! As I mentioned, I want to visit that city again and again and again. If you don't fear of those bad things, this city has great local cuisine, a lot of great people, awesome art soul and they dance with heart (I guess when you live in rough times, you try to use free time at your best). There were difference between white and black bars/clubs - white were almost like standard European, a lot of drinking and not much dancing, and black were a lot of dancing and not much drinking (maybe the economical power has something to do with it but I certainly felt more love in black bars). Cape Town has awesome mountain, the Table Mountain. I went on hiking with my friends, and I must say (again to myself) - do the damn hiking as much as possible. After every hike I feel so inspired, that I will start thinking that I hate myself for not doing it more often! The view from Table mountain is just majestic (you can even see the Cape of Good Hope). The WOW moments are just firing up in you. Now lets transfer to DebConf itself. As always, organization was on quite high level. I loved the badge design, it had a map and nice amount of information on it. The place we stayed was kinda not that good but if you take it into account that those a old student dorms (in we all were in female student dorm :D ) it is pretty fancy by its own account. Talks were near which is always good. The general layout of talks and front desk position was perfect in my opinion. All in one place basically. Wine and Cheese this year was kinda funny story because of the cheese restrictions but Cheese cabal managed to pull out things. It was actually very well organized. Met some new people during the party/ceremony which always makes me grow as a person. Cultural mix on DebConf is just fantastic. Not only you learn a lot about Debian, hacking on it, but sheer cultural diversity makes this small con such a vibrant place and home to a lot. Debian Dinner happened in Aquarium were I had nice dinner and chat with my old friends. Aquarium by itself is a thing where you can visit and see a lot of strange creatures that live on this third rock from Sun. Speaking of old friends - I love that I Apollo again rejoined us (by missing the DebConf15), seeing Joel again (and he finally visited Banja Luka as aftermath!), mbiebl, ah, moray, Milan, santiago and tons of others. Of course we always miss a few such as zack and vorlon this year (but they had pretty okay-ish reasons I would say). Speaking of new friends, I made few local friends which makes me happy and at least one Indian/Hindu friend. Why did I mention this separately - well we had an accident during Group Photo (btw, where is our Lithuanian, German based nowdays, photographer?!) where 3 laptops of our GSoC students were stolen :( . I was luckily enough to, on behalf of Purism, donate Librem11 prototype to one of them, which ended up being the Indian friend. She is working on real time communications which is of interest also to Purism for our future projects. Regarding Debian Day Trip, Joel and me opted out and we went on our own adventure through Cape Town in pursue of meeting and talking to local people, finding out interesting things which proved to be a great decision. We found about their first Thursday of month festival and we found about Mama Africa restaurant. That restaurant is going into special memories (me playing drums with local band must always be a special memory, right?!). Huh, to be honest writing about DebConf would probably need a book by itself and I always try to keep my posts as short as possible so I will try to stop here (maybe I write few bits in future more about it but hardly). Now the notes. Although I saw the racial segregation, I also saw the hope. These things need time. I come from country that is torn apart in nationalism and religious hate so I understand this issues is hard and deep on so many levels. While the tensions are high, I see people try to talk about it, try to find solution and I feel it is slowly transforming into open society, where we will realize that there is only one race on this planet and it is called - HUMAN RACE. We are all earthlings, and as sooner we realize that, sooner we will be on path to really build society up and not fake things that actually are enslaving our minds. I just want in the end to say thank you DebConf, thank you Debian and everyone could learn from this community as a model (which can be improved!) for future societies.

25 January 2016

Antoine Beaupr : Internet in Cuba

A lot has been written about the Internet in Cuba over the years. I have read a few articles, from New York Times' happy support for Google's invasion of Cuba to RSF's dramatic and fairly outdated report about censorship in Cuba. Having written before about Internet censorship in Tunisia, I was curious to see if I could get a feel of what it is like over there, now that a new Castro is in power and the Obama administration has started restoring diplomatic ties with Cuba. With those political changes coming signifying the end of an embargo that has been called genocidal by the Cuban government, it is surprisingly difficult to get fresh information about the current state of affairs. This article aims to fill that gap in clarifying how the internet works in Cuba, what kind of censorship mechanisms are in place and how to work around them. It also digs more technically into the network architecture and performance. It is published in the hope of providing both Cubans and the rest of the world with a better understanding of their network and, if possible, Cubans ways to access the internet more cheaply or without censorship.

"Censorship" and workarounds Unfortunately, I have been connected to the internet only through the the Varadero airport and the WiFi of a "full included" resort near Jibacoa. I have to come to assume that this network is likely to be on a segregated, uncensored internet while the rest of the country suffers the wrath of the Internet censorship in Cuba I have seen documented elsewhere. Through my research, I couldn't find any sort of direct censorship. The Netalyzr tool couldn't find anything significantly wrong with the connection, other than the obvious performance problems related both to the overloaded uplinks of the Cuban internet. I ran an incomplete OONI probe as well, and it seems there was no obvious censorship detected there as well, at least according to folks in the helpful #ooni IRC channel. Tor also works fine, and could be a great way to avoid the global surveillance system described later in this article. Nevertheless, it still remains to be seen how the internet is censored in the "real" Cuban internet, outside of the tourist designated areas - hopefully future visitors or locals can expand on this using the tools mentioned above, using the regular internet. Usual care should be taken when using any workaround tools, mentioned in this post or not, as different regimes over the world have accused, detained, tortured and killed sometimes for the mere fact of using or distributing circumvention tools. For example, a Russian developer was arrested and detained in 2001 by United States' FBI for exposing vulnerabilities in the Adobe e-books copy protection mechanisms. Similarly, people distributing Tor and other tools have been arrested during the period prior to the revolution in Tunisia.

The Cuban captive portal There is, however, a more pernicious and yet very obvious censorship mechanism at work in Cuba: to get access to the internet, you have to go through what seems to be a state-wide captive portal, which I have seen both at the hotel and the airport. It is presumably deployed at all levels of the internet access points. To get credentials through that portal, you need a username and password which you get by buying a Nauta card. Those cards cost 2$CUC and get you an hour of basically unlimited internet access. That may not seem like a lot for a rich northern hotel party-goer, but for Cubans, it's a lot of money, given that the average monthly salary is around 20$CUC. The system is also pretty annoying to use, because it means you do not get continuous network access: every hour, you need to input a new card, which will obviously make streaming movies and other online activities annoying. It also makes hosting servers basically impossible. So while Cuba does not have, like China or Iran, a "great firewall", there is definitely a big restriction to going online in Cuba. Indeed, it seems to be how the government ensures that Cubans do not foment too much dissent online: keep the internet slow and inaccessible, and you won't get too many Arab spring / blogger revolutions.

Bypassing the Cuban captive portal The good news is that it is perfectly possible for Cubans (or at least for a tourist like me with resources outside of the country) to bypass the captive portal. Like many poorly implemented portals, the portal allows DNS traffic to go through, which makes it possible to access the global network for free by using a tool like iodine which tunnels IP traffic over DNS requests. Of course, the bandwidth and reliability of the connection you get through such a portal is pretty bad. I have regularly seen 80% packet loss and over two minutes of latency:
--- ping statistics ---
163 packets transmitted, 31 received, 80% packet loss, time 162391ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 133.700/2669.535/64188.027/11257.336 ms, pipe 65
Still, it allowed me to login to my home server through SSH using Mosh to workaround the reliability issues. Every once in a while, mosh would get stuck and keep on trying to send packets to probe the server, which would clog the connection even more. So I regularly had to restart the whole stack using these commands:
killall iodine # stop DNS tunnel
nmcli n off # turn off wifi to change MAC address
macchanger -A wlan0 # change MAC address
nmcli n on # turn wifi back on
sleep 3 # wait for wifi to settle
iodine-client-start # restart DNS tunnel
The Koumbit Wiki has good instructions on how to setup a DNS tunnel. I am wondering if such a public service could be of use for Cubans, although I am not sure how it could be deployed only for Cubans, and what kind of traffic it could support... The fact is that iodine does require a server to operate, and that server must be run on the outside of the censored perimeter, something that Cubans may not be able to afford in the first place. Another possible way to save money with the captive portal would be to write something that automates connecting and disconnecting from the portal. You would feed that program a list of credentials and it would connect to the portal only on demand, and disconnect as soon as no traffic goes through. There are details on the implementation of the captive portal below that may help future endeavours in that field.

Private information revealed to the captive portal It should be mentioned, however, that the captive portal has a significant amount of information on clients, which is a direct threat to the online privacy of Cuban internet users. Of course the unique identifiers issued with the Nauta cards can be correlated with your identity, right from the start. For example, I had to give my room number to get a Nauta card issued. Then the central portal also knows which access point you are connected to. For example, the central portal I was connected to Wifi_Memories_Jibacoa which, for anyone that cares to research, will give them a location of about 20 square meters where I was located when connected (there is only one access point in the whole hotel). Finally, the central portal also knows my MAC address, a unique identifier for the computer I am using which also reveals which brand of computer I am using (Mac, Lenovo, etc). While this address can be changed, very few people know that, let alone how. This led me to question whether I would be allowed back in Cuba (or even allowed out!) after publishing this blog post, as it is obvious that I can be easily identified based on the time this article was published, my name and other details. Hopefully the Cuban government will either not notice or not care, but this can be a tricky situation, obviously. I have heard that Cuban prisons are not the best hangout place in Cuba, to say the least...

Network configuration assessment This section is more technical and delves more deeply in the Cuban internet to analyze the quality and topology of the network, along with hints as to which hardware and providers are being used to support the Cuban government.

Line quality The internet is actually not so bad in the hotel. Again, this may be because of the very fact that I am in that hotel, and I get a privileged access to the new fiber line to Venezuela, the ALBA-1 link. The line speed I get is around 1mbps, according to speedtest, which selected a server from LIME in George Town, Cayman Islands:
[1034]anarcat@angela:cuba$ speedtest
Retrieving configuration...
Retrieving server list...
Testing from Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Cuba (
Selecting best server based on latency...
Hosted by LIME (George Town) [391.78 km]: 317.546 ms
Testing download speed........................................
Download: 1.01 Mbits/s
Testing upload speed..................................................
Upload: 1.00 Mbits/s
Latency to the rest of the world is of couse slow:
--- ping statistics ---
122 packets transmitted, 120 received, 1,64% packet loss, time 18731,6ms
rtt min/avg/max/sdev = 127,457/156,097/725,211/94,688 ms
--- ping statistics ---
122 packets transmitted, 121 received, 0,82% packet loss, time 19371,4ms
rtt min/avg/max/sdev = 132,517/160,095/724,971/93,273 ms
--- ping statistics ---
122 packets transmitted, 120 received, 1,64% packet loss, time 40748,6ms
rtt min/avg/max/sdev = 303,035/339,572/965,092/97,503 ms
--- ping statistics ---
122 packets transmitted, 72 received, 40,98% packet loss, time 19560,2ms
rtt min/avg/max/sdev = 244,266/271,670/594,104/61,933 ms
Interestingly, Koumbit is actually the closest host in the above test. It could be that Canadian hosts are less affected by bandwidth problems compared to US hosts because of the embargo.

Network topology The various traceroutes show a fairly odd network topology, but that is typical of what I would described as "colonized internet users", which have layers and layers of NAT and obscure routing that keep them from the real internet. Just like large corporations are implementing NAT in a large scale, Cuba seems to have layers and layers of private RFC 1918 IPv4 space. A typical traceroute starts with:
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1 (  9.724 ms  9.472 ms  9.405 ms
 2 (  16.089 ms  15.612 ms  15.509 ms
 3 (  15.350 ms  15.805 ms  15.358 ms
 4 (  15.286 ms  14.832 ms  14.405 ms
 5 (  13.734 ms  13.685 ms  14.485 ms
 6 (  14.428 ms  11.393 ms  10.977 ms
 7 (  10.738 ms  10.019 ms  10.326 ms
 8 (  108.577 ms  108.449 ms
Let's take this apart line by line:
 1 (  9.724 ms  9.472 ms  9.405 ms
This is my local gateway, probably the hotel's wifi router.
 2 (  16.089 ms  15.612 ms  15.509 ms
This is likely not very far from the local gateway, probably still in Cuba. It in one bit away from the captive portal IP address (see below) so it is very likely related to the captive portal implementation.
 3 (  15.350 ms  15.805 ms  15.358 ms
 4 (  15.286 ms  14.832 ms  14.405 ms
 5 (  13.734 ms  13.685 ms  14.485 ms
All those are withing RFC 1918 space. Interestingly, the Cuban DNS servers resolve one of those private IPs as within Cuban space, on line #4. That line is interesting because it reveals the potential use of MPLS.
 6 (  14.428 ms  11.393 ms  10.977 ms
 7 (  10.738 ms  10.019 ms  10.326 ms
Those two lines are the only ones that actually reveal that the route belongs in Cuba at all. Both IPs are in a tiny (/24, or 256 IP addresses) network allocated to ETECSA, the state telco in Cuba:
inetnum:     200.0.16/24
status:      allocated
aut-num:     N/A
ownerid:     CU-CUBA-LACNIC
responsible: Rafael L pez Guerra
address:     Ave. Independencia y 19 Mayo, s/n,
address:     10600 - La Habana - CH
country:     CU
phone:       +53 7 574242 []
owner-c:     JOQ
tech-c:      JOQ
abuse-c:     JEM52
inetrev:     200.0.16/24
nserver:     NS1.NAP.ETECSA.NET
nsstat:      20160123 AA
nslastaa:    20160123
nserver:     NS2.NAP.ETECSA.NET
nsstat:      20160123 AA
nslastaa:    20160123
created:     20030512
changed:     20140610
Then the last hop:
 8 (  108.577 ms  108.449 ms  108.257 ms
...interestingly, lands directly in Toronto, in this case going later to Koumbit but that is the first hop that varies according to the destination, hops 1-7 being a common trunk to all external communications. It's also interesting that this shoves a good 90 milliseconds extra in latency, showing that a significant distance and number of equipment crossed. Yet a single hop is crossed, not showing the intermediate step of the Venezuelan link or any other links for that matter. Something obscure is going on there... Also interesting to note is the traceroute to the redirection host, which is only one hop away:
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1 (  6.027 ms  5.698 ms  5.596 ms
Even though it is not the gateway:
$ ip route
default via dev wlan0  proto static  metric 1024 dev wlan0  proto kernel  scope link  src dev wlan0  scope link  metric 1000
This means a very close coordination between the different access points and the captive portal system. Finally, note that there seems to be only three peers to the Cuban internet: Teleglobe, formerly Canadian, now owned by the Indian [[!wiki Tata group]], and Telef nica, the Spanish Telco that colonized most of Latin America's internet, all the way down to Argentina. This is confirmed by my traceroutes, which show traffic to Koumbit going through Tata and Google's going through Telef nica.

Captive portal implementation The captive portal is (not accessible outside of Cuba) and uses a self-signed certificate. The domain name resolves to in the hotel. Accessing gives you a status page which allows you to disconnect from the portal. It actually redirects you to That is also a self-signed, but different certificate. That certificate actually reveals the implication of Gemtek which is a "world-leading provider of Wireless Broadband solutions, offering a wide range of solutions from residential to business". It is somewhat unclear if the implication of Gemtek here is deliberate or a misconfiguration on the part of Cuban officials, especially since the certificate is self-signed and was issued in 2002. It could be, however, a trace of the supposed involvement of China in the development of Cuba's networking systems, although Gemtek is based in Taiwan, and not in the China mainland. That IP, in turn, redirects you to the same portal but in a page that shows you the statistics:
Notice how you see the MAC address of the machine in the URL (randomized, this is not my MAC address), along with the remaining time, session time, client IP and the Wifi access point ESSID. There may be some potential in defrauding the session time there, I haven't tested it directly. Hitting Actualizar redirects you back to the IP address, which redirects you to the right URL on the portal. The "real" logout is at:
The login is performed against with a referer of:
Again, notice the information revealed to the central portal.

Equipment and providers I ran Nmap probes against both the captive portal and the redirection host, in the hope of finding out how they were built and if they could reveal the source of the equipment used. The complete nmap probes are available in nmap, but it seems that the captive portal is running some embedded device. It is confusing because the probe for the captive portal responds as if it was the gateway, which blurs even more the distinction between the hotel's gateway and the captive portal. This raises the distinct possibility that all access points are actually captive portal that authenticate to another central server. The nmap traces do show three distinct hosts however:
  • the captive portal (,
  • some redirection host (
  • the hotel's gateway (
They do have distinct signatures so the above may be just me misinterpreting traceroute and nmap results. Your comments may help in clarifying the above. Still, the three devices show up as running Linux, in the two last cases versions between 2.4.21 and 2.4.31. Now, to find out which version of Linux it is running is way more challenging, and it is possible it is just some custom Linux distribution. Indeed, the webserver shows up as G4200.GSI.2.22.0155 and the SSH server is running OpenSSH 3.0.2p1, which is basically prehistoric (2002!) which corroborates the idea that this is some Gemtek embedded device. The fact that those devices are running 14 years old software should be a concern to the people responsible for those networks. There is, for example, a remote root vulnerability that affects that specific version of OpenSSH, among many other vulnerabilities.

A note on Nauta card's security Finally, one can note that it is probably trivial to guess card UIDs. All cards i have here start with the prefix 15100, the following digits being 3576 or 4595, presumably depending on the "batch" that was sent to different hotels, which seems to be batches of 1000 cards. You can also correlate the UID with the date at which the card was issued. For example, 15100357XXX cards are all valid until 19/03/2017, and 151004595XXX cards are all valid until 23/03/2017. Here's the list of UIDs I have seen:
The passwords, on the other hand, do seem fairly random (although my sample size is small). Interestingly, those passwords are also 12 digits long, which is about as strong as a seven-letter password (mixed uppercase and lowercase). If there are no rate-limiting provisions on that captive portal, it could be possible to guess those passwords, since you have free rein on accessing those routers. Depending on the performance of the routers, you could be lucky and find a working password for free...

Conclusion Clearly, Internet access in Cuba needs to be modernized. We can clearly see that Cuba years behind the rest of the Americas, if only through the percentage of the population with internet access, or download speeds. The existence of a centralized captive portal also enables a huge surveillance potential that should be a concern for any Cuban, or for that matter, anyone wishing to live in a free society. The answer, however, lies not in the liberalization of commerce and opening the doors to the US companies and their own systems of surveillance. It should be possible, and even desirable for Cubans to establish their own neutral network, a proposal I have made in the past even for here in Qu bec. This network could be used and improved by Cubans themselves, prioritizing local communities that would establish their own infrastructure according to their own needs. I have been impressed by this article about the El Paquete system - it shows great innovation and initiative from Cubans which are known for engaging in technology in a creative way. This should be leveraged by letting Cubans do what they want with their networks, not telling them what to do. The best the Googles of this world can do to help Cuba is not to colonize Cuba's technological landscape but to cleanup their own and make their own tools more easily accessible and shareable offline. It is something companies can do right now, something I detailed in a previous article.

30 March 2015

Dimitri John Ledkov: Boiling frog, or when did we loose it with /etc ?

$ sudo find /etc -type f wc -l

StatelessWhen was the last time you looked at /etc and thought - "I honestly know what every single file in here is". Or for example had a thought "Each file in here is configuration changes that I made". Or for example do you have confidence that your system will continue to function correctly if any of those files and directories are removed?

Traditionally most *NIX utilities are simple enough utilities, that do not require any configuration files what's so ever. However most have command line arguments, and environment variables to manipulate their behavior. Some of the more complex utilities have configuration files under /etc, sometimes with "layer" configuration from user's home directory (~/). Most of them are generally widely accepted. However, these do not segregate upstream / distribution / site administrator / local administrator / user configuration changes. Most update mechanisms created various ways to deal with merging and maintaining the correct state of those. For example both dpkg & RPM (%config) have elaborate strategies and policies and ways to deal with them. However, even today, still, they cause problems: prompting user for whitespace changes in config files, not preserving user changes, or failing to migrate them.

I can't find exact date, but it has now been something like 12 years since XDG Base directory specification was drafted. It came from Desktop Environment requirements, but one thing it achieves is segregation between upstream / distro / admin / user induced changes. When applications started to implement Base directory specification, I started to feel empowered. Upstream ships sensible configs in /usr, distribution integrators ship their overlay tweaks packaged in /usr, my site admin applies further requirements in /etc, and as I user I am free to improve or brake everything with configs in ~/. One of the best things from this setup - no upgrade prompts, and ease of reverting each layer of those configs (or at least auditing where the settings are coming from).

However, the uptake of XDG Base directory spec is slow / non-existing among the core components of any OS today. And at the same time /etc has grown to be a dumping ground for pretty much everything under the sun:
  • Symlink farms - E.g. /etc/rc*.d/*, /etc/systemd/system/*.wants/*, /etc/ssl/certs/*
  • Cache files - E.g. /etc/
  • Empty (and mandatory) directories
  • Empty (and mandatory) "configuration" files. - E.g. whitespace & comments only
Let's be brutally honest and say that none of the above belongs in /etc. /etc must be for end-user configuration only, made by the end user alone and nobody else (or e.g. an automation tool driven by the end-user, like puppet).

Documentation of available configuration options and syntax to specify those in the config files should be shipped... in the documentation. E.g. man pages, /usr/share/doc, and so on. And not as the system-wide "example" config files. Absence of the files in /etc must not be treated as fatal, but a norm, since most users use default settings (especially for the most obscure options). Lastly compiled-in defaults should be used where possible, or e.g. layer configuration from multiple locations (e.g. /usr, /etc, ~/ where appropriate).

Above observations are not novel, and shared by most developers and users in the wider open source ecosystem. There are many projects and concepts to deal with this problem by using automation (e.g. puppet, chef), by migrating to new layouts (e.g. implementing / supporting XDG base dir spec), using "app bundles" (e.g. mobile apps, docker), or fully enumerating/abstracting everything in a generic manner (e.g. NixOS). Whilst fixing the issue at hand, these solutions do increase the dependency on files in /etc to be available. In other words we grew a de-facto user-space API we must not break, because modifications to the well known files in /etc are expected to take effect by both users and many administrator tools.

Since August last year, I have joined Open Source Technology Center at Intel, and have been working on Clear Linux* Project for Intel Architecture. One of the goals we have set out is to achieve stateless operation - that is to have empty /etc by default, reserved for user modification alone, yet continuing to support all legacy / well-known configuration paths. The premise is that all software can be patched with auto-detection, built-in defaults or support for layered configuration to achieve this. I hope that this work would interest everyone and will be widely adopted.

Whilst the effort to convert everything is still on going, I want to discuss a few examples of any core system.

ShadowThe login(1) command, whilst having built-in default for every single option exits with status 1, if it cannot stat(2) login.defs(5) file.

The passwd(1) command will write out the salted/hashed password in the passwd(5) file, rather than in shadow(5), if it cannot stat the shadow(5) file. There is similar behavior with gshadow. I found it very ironic, that upstream project "shadow" does not use shadow(5) by default.

Similarly, stock files manipulated by passwd/useradd/groupadd utilities are not created, if missing.

Some settings in login.defs(5) are not applicable, when compiled with PAM support, yet present in the default shipped login.defs(5) file.

Patches to resolve above issues are undergoing review on the upstream mailing list.
DBusIn xml based configuration, includedir' elements are mandatory to exist on disk, that is empty directory must be present, if referenced. If these directories are non-existant, the configuration fails to load and the system or session bus are not started.

Similarly, upstream have general agreement with the stateless concept and patches to move all of dbus default configurations from /etc to /usr are being reviewed for inclusion at the bug tracker. I hope this change will make into the 1.10 stable release.

GNU Lib CToday, we live in a dual-stack IPv4 and IPv6 world, where even the localhost has multiple IP addresses. As a slightly ageist time reference, the first VCS I ever used was git. Thus when I read below, I get very confused:
$ cat /etc/host.conf
# The "order" line is only used by old versions of the C library.
order hosts,bind
multi on
Why not simply do this:
--- a/resolv/res_hconf.c
+++ b/resolv/res_hconf.c
@@ -309,6 +309,8 @@ do_init (void)
if (hconf_name == NULL)
hconf_name = _PATH_HOSTCONF;

+ arg_bool (ENV_MULTI, 1, "on", HCONF_FLAG_MULTI);
fp = fopen (hconf_name, "rce");
if (fp)

There are still many other packages that needed fixes similar to above. Stay tuned for further stateless observations about Glibc, OpenSSH, systemd and other well known packages.

In the mean time, you can try out images that implement above and more already. If you want to chat about it more, comment on G+, find myself on irc - xnox @ #clearlinux and join our mailing list to kick the conversation off, if you are interested in making the world more stateless.

I am a professional Linux Distribution developer, currently employed by Intel, however the postings on this site are my own and don't necessarily represent Intel's or any other past/present/future employer positions, strategies, or opinions.

* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others

11 August 2014

Juliana Louback: JSCommunicator - Setup and Architecture

Preface During Google Summer of Code 2014, I got to work on the Debian WebRTC portal under the mentorship of Daniel Pocock. Now I had every intention of meticulously documenting my progress at each step of development in this blog, but I was a bit late in getting the blog up and running. I ll now be publishing a series of posts to recap all I ve done during GSoC. Better late than never. Intro JSCommunicator is a SIP communication tool developed in HTML and JavaScript. The code was designed to make integrating JSCommunicator with a website or web app as simple as possible. It s quite easy, really. However, I do think a more detailed explanation on how to set things up and a guide to the JSCommunicator architecture could be of use, particularly for those wanting to modify the code in any way. Setup To begin, please fork the JSCommunicator repo. If you are new to git, feel free to follow the steps in section Setup and Clone in this post. If you read the README file (which you always should), you ll see that JSCommunicator needs a SIP proxy that supports SIP over Websockets transport. Some options are: I didn t find a tutorial for Kamailio setup, I did find one for repro setup. And bonus, here you have a great tutorial on how to setup and configure your SIP proxy AND your TURN server. In your project s root directory, you ll see a file named config-sample.js. Make a copy of that file named config.js. The config-sample.js file has comments that are very instructive. In sum, the only thing you have to modify is the turn_servers property and the websocket property. In my case, was the domain registered for testing my project, so my config file has:
turn_servers: [
Note that unlike the sample, I didn t set a username and password so SIP credentials will be used. Now fill in the websocket property here we use
    servers: 'wss://',
    connection_recovery_min_interval: 2,
    connection_recovery_max_interval: 30,
I m pretty sure you can set the connection_recovery properties to whatever you like. Everything else is optional. If you set the user property, specifically display_name and uri, that will be used to fill in the Login form and takes preference over any Remember me data. If you also set sip_auth_password, JSCommunicator will automatically log in. All the other properties are for other optional functionalities and are well explained. You ll need some third-party javascript that is not included in the JSCommunicator git repo. Namely jQuery version 1.4 or higher and ArbiterJS version 1.0. Download jQuery here and ArbiterJS here and place the .js files in your project s root directory. Do make sure that you are including the correct filename in your html file. For example, in phone-dev.shtml, a file named jquery.js is included. The file you downloaded will likely have version numbers in it s file name. So rename the downloaded file or change the content of src in your includes. This is uber trivial, but I ve made the mistake several times. You ll also need JsSIP.js which can be downloaded here. Same naming care must be taken as is the case for jQuery and ArbiterJS. The recently added Instant Messaging component and some of the new features need jQuery-UI - so far version 1.11.* is known to work. From the downloaded .zip all you need is the jquery-ui-...js file and the jquery-ui-...css file, also to be placed in the project s root directory. If you ll be using the internationalization support you ll also need To try out JSCommunicator, deploy the website locally by copying your project directory to the apache document root directory (provided you are using apache, which is a good idea.). You ll likely have to restart your server before this works. Now the demo .shtml pages only have a header with all the necessary includes, then a Server Side Include for the body of the page, with all the JSCommunicator html. The html content is in the file You can enable SSI on apache, OR you can simply copy and paste the content of into phone-dev.shmtl. Start up apache, open a browser and navigate to localhost/jscommunicator/phone-dev.shmtl and you should see: jscommunicatorRaw Actually, pending updates to JSCommunicator, you should see a brand new UI! But all the core stuff will be the same. Architecture Disclaimer: I m explaining my view of the JSCommunicator architecture, which currently may not be 100% correct. But so far it s been enough for me to make my modifications and additions to the code, so it could be of use. One I get a JSCommunicator Founding Father s stamp of approval, I ll be sure to confirm the accuracy. Now to explain how the JSCommunicator code interacts, the use of each code item is described, ignoring all the html and css which will vary according to how you choose to use JSCommunicator. I m also not going to explain jQuery which is a dependency but not specific to WebRTC. The core JSCommunicator code is the following: Each of these files will be presented in what I hope is an intuitive order. The next three files could be considered utils : These two are where the magic happens: Now for some extras: Third party code: Here s a diagram of sorts to help you visualize how the code interacts: jscommArch In sum, 1 - JSCommUI.js handles what is displayed in the UI and feeds data to JSCommManager.js; 2 - JSCommManager.js actually does stuff, feeding data to be displayed to JSCommUI.js; 3 - JSCommManager.js calls functions from the three utils , parseuri.js, webrtc-check.js and jssip-helpher.js which organizes the data from config.js; 4 - JSCommManager.js initializes a SIP User Agent based on the implementation in Arbiter.js. When making any changes to JSCommunicator, you will likely only be working with JSCommUI.js and JSCommManager.js.

Juliana Louback: JSCommunicator - Setup and Architecture

Preface During Google Summer of Code 2014, I got to work on the Debian WebRTC portal under the mentorship of Daniel Pocock. Now I had every intention of meticulously documenting my progress at each step of development in this blog, but I was a bit late in getting the blog up and running. I ll now be publishing a series of posts to recap all I ve done during GSoC. Better late than never. Intro JSCommunicator is a SIP communication tool developed in HTML and JavaScript. The code was designed to make integrating JSCommunicator with a website or web app as simple as possible. It s quite easy, really. However, I do think a more detailed explanation on how to set things up and a guide to the JSCommunicator architecture could be of use, particularly for those wanting to modify the code in any way. Setup To begin, please fork the JSCommunicator repo. If you are new to git, feel free to follow the steps in section Setup and Clone in this post. If you read the README file (which you always should), you ll see that JSCommunicator needs a SIP proxy that supports SIP over Websockets transport. Some options are: I didn t find a tutorial for Kamailio setup, I did find one for repro setup. And bonus, here you have a great tutorial on how to setup and configure your SIP proxy AND your TURN server. In your project s root directory, you ll see a file named config-sample.js. Make a copy of that file named config.js. The config-sample.js file has comments that are very instructive. In sum, the only thing you have to modify is the turn_servers property and the websocket property. In my case, was the domain registered for testing my project, so my config file has:
turn_servers: [
Note that unlike the sample, I didn t set a username and password so SIP credentials will be used. Now fill in the websocket property here we use
    servers: 'wss://',
    connection_recovery_min_interval: 2,
    connection_recovery_max_interval: 30,
I m pretty sure you can set the connection_recovery properties to whatever you like. Everything else is optional. If you set the user property, specifically display_name and uri, that will be used to fill in the Login form and takes preference over any Remember me data. If you also set sip_auth_password, JSCommunicator will automatically log in. All the other properties are for other optional functionalities and are well explained. You ll need some third-party javascript that is not included in the JSCommunicator git repo. Namely jQuery version 1.4 or higher and ArbiterJS version 1.0. Download jQuery here and ArbiterJS here and place the .js files in your project s root directory. Do make sure that you are including the correct filename in your html file. For example, in phone-dev.shtml, a file named jquery.js is included. The file you downloaded will likely have version numbers in it s file name. So rename the downloaded file or change the content of src in your includes. This is uber trivial, but I ve made the mistake several times. You ll also need JsSIP.js which can be downloaded here. Same naming care must be taken as is the case for jQuery and ArbiterJS. The recently added Instant Messaging component and some of the new features need jQuery-UI - so far version 1.11.* is known to work. From the downloaded .zip all you need is the jquery-ui-...js file and the jquery-ui-...css file, also to be placed in the project s root directory. If you ll be using the internationalization support you ll also need To try out JSCommunicator, deploy the website locally by copying your project directory to the apache document root directory (provided you are using apache, which is a good idea.). You ll likely have to restart your server before this works. Now the demo .shtml pages only have a header with all the necessary includes, then a Server Side Include for the body of the page, with all the JSCommunicator html. The html content is in the file You can enable SSI on apache, OR you can simply copy and paste the content of into phone-dev.shmtl. Start up apache, open a browser and navigate to localhost/jscommunicator/phone-dev.shmtl and you should see: jscommunicatorRaw Actually, pending updates to JSCommunicator, you should see a brand new UI! But all the core stuff will be the same. Architecture Disclaimer: I m explaining my view of the JSCommunicator architecture, which currently may not be 100% correct. But so far it s been enough for me to make my modifications and additions to the code, so it could be of use. One I get a JSCommunicator Founding Father s stamp of approval, I ll be sure to confirm the accuracy. Now to explain how the JSCommunicator code interacts, the use of each code item is described, ignoring all the html and css which will vary according to how you choose to use JSCommunicator. I m also not going to explain jQuery which is a dependency but not specific to WebRTC. The core JSCommunicator code is the following: Each of these files will be presented in what I hope is an intuitive order. The next three files could be considered utils : These two are where the magic happens: Now for some extras: Third party code: Here s a diagram of sorts to help you visualize how the code interacts: jscommArch In sum, 1 - JSCommUI.js handles what is displayed in the UI and feeds data to JSCommManager.js; 2 - JSCommManager.js actually does stuff, feeding data to be displayed to JSCommUI.js; 3 - JSCommManager.js calls functions from the three utils , parseuri.js, webrtc-check.js and jssip-helpher.js which organizes the data from config.js; 4 - JSCommManager.js initializes a SIP User Agent based on the implementation in Arbiter.js. When making any changes to JSCommunicator, you will likely only be working with JSCommUI.js and JSCommManager.js.

26 June 2014

Russ Allbery: Review: A People's History of the Supreme Court

Review: A People's History of the Supreme Court, by Peter Irons
Publisher: Penguin
Copyright: 1999, 2006
Printing: 2006
ISBN: 0-14-303738-2
Format: Trade paperback
Pages: 553
I first encountered Peter Irons via his Teaching Company course, The History of the Supreme Court. I listened to that and enjoyed it, and would recommend it as an excellent overview. When I later ran across this book, I was excited: I usually prefer books to lectures on topics that can benefit from greater depth, and A People's History of the United States is one of my favorite history books. A book that talked about the Supreme Court from a similar bottom-up approach was appealing. Unfortunately, I think the title oversells this book. It is a history of the Supreme Court, and, as with Zinn's book, it carries its bias openly (if not as forcefully or compellingly as Zinn). It is a legal history concerned with individual rights, and Irons openly expresses his opinions of the merits of certain decisions. But it's not the full-throated cry for justice and for the voice of the general population that Zinn's book was, nor did I think it entirely delivered on the introductory promise to look at the people and situations underlying the case. It does provide more background and biographical sketch of the litigants in famous cases than some other histories, but those sketches are generally brief and focused on the background and relevant facts for the case. This is, in short, a history of the Supreme Court, with some attention paid to the people involved and open comfort with an authorial viewpoint, but without the eye-opening and convention-defying freshness of Zinn's refusal to point the camera at the usual suspects. It also largely duplicates Irons's course for the Teaching Company. That's only really a problem for those, like me, who listened to that course already and came to this book looking for additional material. If you haven't listened to the course, this is a reasonable medium in which to provide the same content, although you do miss the audio recordings of actual Supreme Court argument in some of the most famous cases. But after having listened or read both, I think I prefer the course. It felt a bit more focused; the book is not padded, but the additional material is also not horribly memorable. That said, as a history, I found this a solid book. Irons opens with a surprisingly detailed look at the constitutional convention and the debates over the wording of the US Constitution, focusing on those sections that will become the heart of later controversy. Some of them were known to be controversial at the time and were discussed and argued at great length, such as anything related to slavery and the role of a bill of rights. But others, including many sections at the heart of modern controversies, were barely considered. Despite being a bit off-topic for the book, I found this section very interesting and am now wanting to seek out a good, full history of the convention. Irons's history from there is primarily chronological, although he does shift the order slightly to group some major cases into themes. He doesn't quite provide the biographies of each Supreme Court justice that he discussed in the introduction, but he comes close, along with discussion of the surrounding politics of the nomination and the political climate in which they were sitting. There's a bit of an overview of the types of cases each court saw, although not as much as I would have liked. Most of the history is, as one might expect, focused on more detailed histories of the major cases. Here, I was sometimes left satisfied and sometimes left a bit annoyed. The discussion of the Japanese internment cases is excellent, as you might expect given Irons's personal role in getting them overturned. The discussion of the segregation cases is also excellent; in general, I found Section V the strongest part of this book. Irons also does a good job throughout in showing how clearly political the court was and has always been, and the degree to which many major decisions were pre-decided by politics rather than reasoned legal judgment. Where I think he fails, however, is that much of this book has little sense of narrative arc. This is admittedly difficult in a history of a body that takes on widely varying and almost random cases, but there are some clear narratives that run through judicial thinking, and I don't think Irons does a good enough job telling those stories for the readers. For example, I remembered the evolution of interpretation of the 14th Amendment from freedom of contract to the keystone of application of the Bill of Rights to the states as a compelling and coherent story from his course, and here it felt scattered and less clear. In general, I liked the earlier sections of this book better than the later, with Section V on the Warren court as the best and last strong section. Beyond that point in the history, it felt like Irons was running out of steam, and it was harder and harder to see an underlying structure to the book. He would describe a few cases, in a factual but somewhat dry manner, make a few comments on the merits of the decision that felt more superficial than earlier sections of the book, and then move on to another case that might be largely unrelated. Recent judicial history is fascinating, but I don't think this is the book for that. Irons is much stronger in the 19th and first half of the 20th centuries; beyond that, I prefer Jeffrey Toobin's The Nine, which also has far deeper and more interesting biographies of recent justices. This is not a bad history of the Supreme Court. If you're looking for one, I can recommend it. But if you're flexible about format, I recommend Irons's course more. I think it's less dry, better presented, and flows better, and I don't feel like you'll miss much in the transformation of this book into an 18 hour course. It's also remarkable to hear the actual voices of the lawyers and justices in some of the landmark cases of the middle of the 20th century. But if you specifically want a book, this does the job. Do also read The Nine, though. It's a good complement to Irons's straight history, showing much more of the inner workings, political maneuverings, and day-to-day struggles of the justices. Rating: 7 out of 10

20 April 2014

Russell Coker: Sociological Images 2012

In 2011 I wrote a post that was inspired by the Sociological Images blog [1]. After some delay here I ve written another one. I plan to continue documenting such things. Playground gender segregated playground in 1918 In 2011 I photographed a plaque at Flagstaff Gardens in Melbourne. It shows a picture of the playground in 1918 with segregated boys and girls sections. It s interesting that the only difference between the two sections is that the boys have horizontal bars and a trapeze. Do they still have gender segregated playgrounds anywhere in Australia? If so what is the difference in the sections? Aborigines The Android game Paradise Island [2] has a feature where you are supposed to stop Aborigines from stealing, it plays on the old racist stereotypes about Aborigines which are used to hide the historical record that it s always been white people stealing from the people that they colonise. Angry face icons over AboriginesAborigines described as thieves There is also another picture showing the grass skirts. Nowadays the vast majority of Aborigines don t wear such clothing, the only time they do is when doing some sort of historical presentation for tourists. I took those pictures in 2012, but apparently the game hasn t changed much since then. Lemonade lemonade flavored fizzy drink Is lemonade a drink or a flavour? Most people at the party where I took the above photo regard lemonade as a drink and found the phrase Lemonade Flavoured Soft Drink strange when it was pointed out to them. Incidentally the drink on the right tastes a bit like the US version of lemonade (which is quite different from the Australian version). For US readers, the convention in Australia is that lemonade has no flavor of lemons. Not Sweet maybe gender queer people on bikes In 2012 an apple cider company made a huge advertising campaign featuring people who might be gender queer, above is a picture of a bus stop poster and there were also TV ads. The adverts gave no information at all about what the drink might taste like apart from not being as sweet as you think . So it s basically an advertising campaign with no substance other than a joke about people who don t conform to gender norms. Also it should be noted that some women naturally grow beards and have religious reasons for not shaving [3]. Episode 2 of the TV documentary series Am I Normal has an interesting interview of a woman with a beard. Revolution communist revolution Schweppes drinks A violent political revolution is usually a bad thing, using such revolutions to advertise sugar drinks seems like a bad idea. But it seems particularly interesting to note the different attitudes to such things in various countries. In 2012 Schweppes in Australia ran a marketing campaign based on imagery related to a Communist revolution (the above photo was taken at Southern Cross station in Melbourne), I presume that Schweppes in the US didn t run that campaign. I wonder whether global media will stop such things, presumably that campaign has the potential to do more harm in the US than good in Australia. Racist Penis Size Joke at Southbank racist advert in Southbank paper The above advert was in a free newspaper at Southbank in 2012. Mini Movers thought that this advert was a good idea and so did the management of Southbank who approved the advert for their paper. Australia is so racist that people don t even realise they are being racist.

7 May 2013

Jo Shields: Windows 8: Blood from a Stone

Ordinarily, I m a big believer that it is important to keep up to date with what every piece of software which competes with yours is doing, to remain educated on the latest concepts. Sometimes, there are concepts that get added which are definitely worth ripping off. We ve ripped off plenty of the better design choices from Windows or Mac OS, over the years, for use in the Free Desktop. So, what about Windows 8, the hip new OS on everyone s lips? Well, here s the thing I ve been using it on and off for a few months now for running legacy apps, and I can t for the life of me find anything worth stealing. Let s take the key change Windows 8 has apps built with a new design paradigm which definitely isn t called Metro. Metro apps don t really have windows in the traditional sense they re more modeled on full-screen apps from smartphones or tablets than on Windows 1.0 -> 7. Which is fine, really, if you re running Windows 8 on a tablet or touchscreen device. But what if you re not? What about the normal PC user? As Microsoft themselves ask:

How do you multitask with #windows8? The answer to that is, well, you sorta don t. Metro apps can exist in three states fullscreen, almost fullscreen, or vertical stripe. You re allowed to have two apps at most at the same time one mostly full screen, and one vertical stripe. So what happens if you try to *use* that? Let s take a fairly common thing I do watch a video and play Minesweeper. In this example, the video player is the current replacement for Windows Media Player, and ships by default. The Minesweeper game isn t installed by default, but is the only Minesweeper game in the Windows 8 app store which is gratis and by Microsoft Game Studios. Here s option A:

Unusable Windows 8 option 1 And for contrast, here s option B:

Unusable Windows 8 option 2 Which of these does a better job of letting me play Minesweeper and watch a video at the same time? Oh, here s option C, dumping Microsoft s own software, and using a third-party video player and third party Minesweeper implementation:

Windows 7 flavour It s magical almost as if picking my own window sizes makes the experience better. So, as you can see above, the old OS is still hiding there, in the form of a Windows 8 app called Desktop . Oh, sorry, didn t I say? Metro apps, and non-Metro apps, are segregated. You can run both (the Desktop app can also be almost-fullscreen or a vertical strip), but they get their own lists of apps when multitasking. Compare the list on the left with the list at the bottom:

Needs moar task lists And it s even more fun for apps like Internet Explorer, which can be started in both modes (and you often need both modes). Oh, and notice how the Ribbon interface from Office 2007 has invaded Explorer, filling the view with large buttons to do things you never want to do under normal circumstances. So, that s a short primer on why Windows 8 is terrible. Is there really nothing here worth stealing? Actually, yes, there is! After much research, I have discovered Windows 8 s shining jewel:

win8multitasking-004 The new Task Manager is lovely. I want it on my Linux systems. But that s it.

1 January 2012

Gregor Herrmann: RC bugs 2011/52

a rather lazy bugsquashing week but with a little cheating a managed to get at at least 7 RC bugs:
