Search Results: "radu"

8 August 2020

Jelmer Vernooij: Improvements to Merge Proposals by the Janitor

The Debian Janitor is an automated system that commits fixes for (minor) issues in Debian packages that can be fixed by software. It gradually started proposing merges in early December. The first set of changes sent out ran lintian-brush on sid packages maintained in Git. This post is part of a series about the progress of the Janitor. Since the original post, merge proposals created by the janitor now include the debdiff between a build with and without the changes (showing the impact to the binary packages), in addition to the merge proposal diff (which shows the impact to the source package). New merge proposals also include a link to the diffoscope diff between a vanilla build and the build with changes. Unfortunately these can be a bit noisy for packages that are not reproducible yet, due to the difference in build environment between the two builds. This is part of the effort to keep the changes from the janitor high-quality. The rollout surfaced some bugs in lintian-brush; these have been either fixed or mitigated (e.g. by disabling specified fixers).

For more information about the Janitor's lintian-fixes efforts, see the landing page

29 July 2020

Dirk Eddelbuettel: Installing and Running Ubuntu on a 2015-ish MacBook Air

So a few months ago kiddo one dropped an apparently fairly large cup of coffee onto her one and only trusted computer. With a few months (then) to graduation (which by now happened), and with the apparent genuis bar verdict of it s a goner a new one was ordered. As it turns out this supposedly dead one coped well enough with the coffee so that after a few weeks of drying it booted again. But give the newer one, its apparent age and whatnot, it was deemed surplus. So I poked around a little on the interwebs and conclude that yes, this could work. Fast forward a few months and I finally got hold of it, and had some time to play with it. First, a bootable usbstick was prepared, and the machine s content was really (really, and check again: really) no longer needed, I got hold of it for good. tl;dr It works just fine. It is a little heavier than I thought (and isn t air supposed to be weightless?) The ergonomics seem quite nice. The keyboard is decent. Screen-resolution on this pre-retina simple Air is so-so at 1440 pixels. But battery live seems ok and e.g. the camera is way better than what I have in my trusted Lenovo X1 or at my desktop. So just as a zoom client it may make a lot of sense; otherwise just walking around with it as a quick portable machine seems perfect (especially as my Lenovo X1 still (ahem) suffers from one broken key I really need to fix ). Below are some lightly edited notes from the installation. Initial steps were quick: maybe an hour or less? Customizing a machine takes longer than I remembered, this took a few minutes here and there quite a few times, but always incremental.

Initial Steps
  • Download of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS image: took a few moments, even on broadband, feels slower than normal (fast!) Ubuntu package updates, maybe lesser CDN or bad luck
  • Startup Disk Creator using a so-far unused 8gb usb drive
  • Plug into USB, recycle power, press Option on macOS keyboard: voila
  • After a quick hunch no to live/test only and yes to install, whole disk
  • install easy, very few questions, somehow skips wifi
  • so activate wifi manually and everythings pretty much works

  • First deal with fn and ctrl key swap. Install git and followed this github repo which worked just fine. Yay. First (manual) Linux kernel module build needed need in half a decade? Longer?
  • Fire up firefox, go to download chrome , install chrome. Sign in. Turn on syncing. Sign into Pushbullet and Momentum.
  • syncthing which is excellent. Initially via apt, later from their PPA. Spend some time remembering how to set up the mutual handshakes between devices. Now syncing desktop/server, lenovo x1 laptop, android phone and this new laptop
  • keepassx via apt and set up using Sync/ folder. Now all (encrypted) passwords synced.
  • Discovered synergy now longer really free, so after a quick search found and installed barrier (via apt) to have one keyboard/mouse from desktop reach laptop.
  • Added emacs via apt, so far empty , so config files yet
  • Added ssh via apt, need to propagate keys to github and gitlab
  • Added R via add-apt-repository --yes "ppa:marutter/rrutter4.0" and add-apt-repository --yes "". Added littler and then RStudio
  • Added wajig (apt frontend) and byobu, both via apt
  • Created ssh key, shipped it to server and github + gitlab
  • Cloned (not-public) dotfiles repo and linked some dotfiles in
  • Cloned git repo for nord-theme for gnome terminal and installed it; also added it to RStudio via this repo
  • Emacs installed, activated dotfiles, then incrementally install a few elpa-* packages and a few M-x package-install including nord-theme, of course
  • Installed JetBrains Mono font from my own local package; activated for Gnome Terminal and Emacs
  • Install gnome-tweak-tool via apt, adjusted a few settings
  • Ran gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences focus-mode 'sloppy'
  • Set up camera following this useful GH repo
  • At some point also added slack and zoom, because, well, it is 2020
    • docker
    • bother with email setup?,
    • maybe atom/code/ ?

12 July 2020

Antoine Beaupr : On contact tracing apps

I have strong doubts about the efficiency of any tracing app of the sort, and even less in the context where it is unlikely that a majority of the population will use it. There's also the problem that this app would need to work on Apple phones, or be incompatible with them, and cause significant "fracture" between those who have access to technology, and those who haven't. See this text for more details. Such an app would be a security and privacy liability at no benefit to public health. There are better options, see for this research on hardware tokens. But I doubt any contact tracing app or hardware will actually work anyways. I am a computer engineer with more than 20 years of experience in the domain, and I have been following this question closely. Please don't do this.
I wrote the above in a response to the Qu bec government's survey about a possible tracing app. Update: a previous version of this article was titled plainly "on contact tracing". In case that was not obvious, I definitely do not object to contact tracing per se. I believe it's a fundamental, critical, and important part of fighting the epidemic and I think we should do it. I do not believe any engineer has found a proper way of doing it with "apps" so far, but I do not deny the utility and importance of "contact tracing" itself. Apologies for the confusion.

Pour une raison que je m'explique mal, le sondage m' t envoy en anglais, et j'ai donc crit ma r ponse dans la langue de Shakespeare au lieu de celle de moli re... Je serai heureux de fournir une traduction fran aise ceux ou celles qui en ont besoin...

7 July 2020

Noah Meyerhans: Setting environment variables for gnome-session

Am I missing something obvious? When did this get so hard? In the old days, you configured your desktop session on a Linux system by editing the .xsession file in your home directory. The display manager (login screen) would invoke the system-wide xsession script, which would either defer to your personal .xsession script or set up a standard desktop environment. You could put whatever you want in the .xsession script, and it would be executed. If you wanted a specific window manager, you d run it from .xsession. Start emacs or a browser or an xterm or two? .xsession. It was pretty easy, and super flexible. For the past 25 years or so, I ve used X with an environment started via .xsession. Early on it was fvwm with some programs, then I replaced fvwm with Window Maker (before that was even its name!), then switched to KDE. More recently (OK, like 10 years ago) I gradually replaced KDE with awesome and various custom widgets. Pretty much everything was based on a .xsession script, and that was fine. One particularly nice thing about it was that I could keep .xsession and any related helper programs in a git repository and manage changes over time. More recently I decided to give Wayland and GNOME an honest look. This has mostly been fine, but everything I ve been doing in .xsession is suddenly useless. OK, fine, progress is good. I ll just use whatever new mechanisms exist. How hard can it be? OK, so here we go. I am running GNOME. This isn t so bad. Alt+F2 brings up the Run Command dialog. It s a different keystroke than what I m used to, but I can adapt. (Obviously I can reconfigure the key binding, and maybe someday I will, but that s not the point here.) I have some executables in ~/bin. Oops, the run command dialog can t find them. No problem, I just need to update the PATH variable that it sees. Hmmm So how does one do that, anyway? GNOME has a help system, but searching that doesn t doesn t reveal anything. But that s fine, maybe it s inherited from the parent process. But there s no xsession script equivalent, since this isn t X anymore at all. The familiar stuff in /etc/X11/Xsession is no longer used. What s the equivalent in Wayland? Turns out, there isn t a shell script at all anymore, at least not in how Wayland and GNOME interact in Debian s configuration, which seems fairly similar to how anybody else would set this up. The GNOME session runs from a systemd-managed user session. Digging in to some web search results suggests that systemd provides a mechanism for setting some environment variables for services started by the user instance of the system. OK, so let s create some files in ~/.config/environment.d and we should be good. Except no, this isn t working. I can set some variables, but something is overriding PATH. I can create this file:
$ cat ~/.config/environment.d/01_path.conf
PATH=$ HOME /bin:$ HOME /go/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
After logging in, the Run a command dialog still doesn t see my PATH. So I use Alt+F2 and sh -c "env > /tmp/env" to capture the environment, and this is what I see:
So, my environment.d file is there, and it s getting looked at, but something else is clobbering my PATH later in the startup process. But what? Where? Why? The systemd docs don t indicate that there s anything special about PATH, and nothing in /lib/systemd/user-environment-generators/ seems to treat it specially. The string PATH doesn t appear in /lib/systemd/user/ either. Looking for the specific value that s getting assigned to PATH in /etc shows the only occurrence of it being in /etc/zsh/zshenv, so maybe that s where it s coming from? But that should only get set there if it s otherwise unset or otherwise very minimally set. So I still have no idea where it s coming from. OK, so ignoring where my custom value is getting overridden, maybe what s configured in /lib/systemd/user will point me in the right direction. systemd --user status suggests that the interesting part of my session is coming from gnome-shell-wayland.service. Can we use a standard systemd drop-in as documented in systemd.unit(5)? It turns out that we can. This file sets things up the way I want:
$ cat .config/systemd/user/gnome-shell-wayland.service.d/path.conf
Is that right? It really doesn t feel ideal to me. Systemd s Environment directive can t reference existing environment variables, and I can t use conditionals to do things like add a directory to the PATH only if it exists, so it s still a functional regression from what we had before. But at least it s a text file, edited by hand, trackable in git, so that s not too bad. There are some people out there who hate systemd, and will cite this as an illustration of why. However, I m not one of those people, and I very much like systemd as an init system. I d be happy to throw away sysvinit scripts forever, but I m not quite so happy with the state of .xsession s replacements. Despite the similarities, I don t think .xsession is entirely the same as SysV-style init scripts. The services running on a system are vastly more important than my personal .xsession, and systemd is far better at managing them than the pile of shell scripts used to set things up under sysvinit. Further, systemd the init system maintains compatibility with init scripts, so if you really want to keep using them, you can. As far as I can tell, though, systemd the user session manager does not seem to maintain compatibility with .xsession scripts, and that s unfortunate. I still haven t figured out what was overriding the ~/.config/environment.d/ setting. Any ideas?

17 June 2020

Ulrike Uhlig: On Language

Language is a tool of power In school, we read the philologist diary of Victor Klemperer about the changes in the German language during the Third Reich, LTI - Lingua Tertii Imperii, a book which makes it clear that the use of language is political, creates realities, and has reverse repercussions on concepts of an entire society. Language was one of the tools that supported Nazism in insiduously pervading all parts of society. Language shapes our concepts of society Around the same time, a friend of mine proposed to read Egalia's daughters by Gerd Brantenberg, a book in which gendered words were reversed: so that human becomes huwim, for example. This book made me take notice of gendered concepts that often go unnoticed. Language shapes the way we think and feel I spent a large part of my adult life in France, which confronted me with the realization that a language provides its speakers with certain concepts. If a concept does not exist in a language, people cannot easily feel or imagine this concept either. Back then (roughly 20 years ago), even though I was aware of gender inequality, I hated using gender neutral language because in German and French it felt unnatural, and, or so I thought, we were all alike. One day, at a party, we played a game that consisted in guessing people's professions by asking them Yes/No questions. Turns out that we were unable to guess that the woman we were talking with was a doctor, because we could simply not imagine this profession for a young woman. In French, docteur is male and almost nobody would use the word doctoresse, ou femme docteur. Unimaginable are also the concepts of words in German that have no equivalent in French or vice versa: Or, to make all this a bit less serious, Italian has the word gattara (female) or gattaro (male), which one could translate to English roughly as cat person, most often designating old women who feed stray cats. But really, the way language shapes our concepts and ideas goes much further, as well explained by Lera Boroditsky in a talk in which she explains how language influences concepts of space, time, and blame, among other things. Building new models This quote by Buckminster Fuller is pinned on the wall over my desk:
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.
A change in language is such a new model: it can make oppression and inequalities visible. Words do not only describe our world, they are a vehicle of ideas, and utopias. Analyzing and criticizing our use of language means paving the way for ideas and concepts of inclusion, equality, and unity. You might be guessing at where am I getting at with this Right: I am in favor of acknowledging past mistakes, and replacing oppressive metaphors in computing. As noted in the IETF draft about Terminology, Power and Oppressive Language, by Niels Ten Oever and Mallory Knodel, the metaphors "master/slave" and "blacklist/whitelist" associate "white with good and black with evil [which] is known as the 'bad is black effect'", all the while being technically inaccurate. I acknowledge that this will take time. There is a lot of work to do.

1 June 2020

Paul Wise: FLOSS Activities May 2020

Focus This month I didn't have any particular focus. I just worked on issues in my info bubble.




  • nsntrace: talk to upstream about collaborative maintenance
  • Debian: deploy changes, debug issue with GPS markers file generation, migrate bls/DUCK from alioth-archive to salsa
  • Debian website: ran map cron job, synced mirrors
  • Debian wiki: approve accounts, ping folks with bouncing email


Sponsors The apt-offline work and the libfile-libmagic-perl backports were sponsored. All other work was done on a volunteer basis.

15 May 2020

Dirk Eddelbuettel: Let s celebrate Anna!

Today is graduation at Washington University, and just like many other places, the ceremonies are a lot more virtual and surreal that in other years. For Anna today marks the graduation from Biomedical Engineering with a BSc. The McKelvey School of Engineering put a Zoom meeting together yesterday which was nice, and there is something more virtual here. Hopefully a real-life commencenment can take place in a year the May 30, 2021, date has been set. The university also sent out a little commencement site/video which was cute. But at end of the day online-only still falls short of the real deal as we all know too well by now. During those years, just about the only thing really I ever tweeted about appears to be soccer related. As it should because ball is life, as we all know. Here is one from 1 1/2 years ago when her Club Team three-peated in their NIRSA division: And that opens what may be the best venue for mocking Anna: this year, which her a senior and co-captain, the team actually managed to loose a league game (a shocking first in these years) and to drop the final. I presume they anticipated that all we would all talk about around now is The Last Dance and three-peats, and left it at that. Probably wise. Now just this week, and hence days before graduating with her B.Sc., also marks the first time Anna was addressed as Dr Eddelbuettel. A little prematurely I may say, but not too shabby to be in print already! But on the topic of gratulations and what comes next, this tweet was very sweet: As was this, which marked another impressive score: So big thanks from all of us to WashU for being such a superb environment for Anna for those four years, and especially everybody at the Pappu Lab for giving Anna a home and base to start a research career. And deepest and most sincere congratulations to Anna before the next adventure starts .

9 May 2020

Andrew Cater: CD image testing for Buster release 4 - 202005091950 - Most install images checking out well

Lots of hard work going on. schweer has just validated all of the Debian Edu images. Most of the normal install images have gone through tests with only a few minor hitches. Now moving on to the Live images. These take longer to download and test but we're working through them gradually.

As ever: a point release doesn't mean that the Debian you have is now obsolete - an apt-get / aptitude update will bring you up to the latest release very quickly. If you are updating regularly, you will have most of these files anyway. One small thing: the tools may report that the release version has changed. This is quite normal - base files have changed to reflect the new point release and this causes the notification. The notification is a small warning so that you are not taken by complete surprise but it is quite normal in the circumstances of a Debian point release.

Thanks to the other folk doing the hard work: 10+ hours and continuing.

29 April 2020

Ian Jackson: subdirmk 1.0 - ergonomic preprocessing assistant for non-recursive make

I have made the 1.0 release of subdirmk. subdirmk is a tool to help with writing build systems in make, without use of recursive make. Why Peter Miller's 1997 essay Recursive Make Considered Harmful persuasively argues that it is better to arrange to have a single make invocation with the project's complete dependency tree, rather than the conventional $(MAKE) -C subdirectory approach. This has become much more relevant with modern projects which tend to be large and have deep directory trees. Invoking make separately for each of these subdirectories can be very slow. Nowadays everyone needs to run a parallel build, but with the recursive make approach great discipline is needed to avoid introducing races which cause the build to sometimes fail. There are various new systems which aim to replace make. My general impression of these is that they mostly threw away the good parts of make (often, they discard the flexibility, and the use of the shell command as the basic unit of execution, making them hard to extend), or make other unfortunate assumptions. And there are a lot of programming-language-specific systems - a very unsatisfactory development. Having said all that, I admit I haven't properly evaluated every make competitor. Other reasons for staying with make including that it is widely available, relatively widely understood, and has a model relatively free of high-level abstract concepts. (I like my languages with high-level concepts, but not my build systems.) But, with make, I found that actually writing a project's build system in non-recursive make was not very ergonomic. So with some help and prompting from Mark Wooding, I have made a tool to help. What subdirmk is a makefile preprocessor and aggregator, typically run from autoconf. subdirmk provides convenience syntaxes for references to per-directory variables and pathnames. It also helps by providing a little syntactic sugar for GNU make's macro facilities, which are awkward to use in raw make. subdirmk's features are triggered by the sigil &. The syntax is carefully designed to avoid getting in the way of makefile programming (and programming of shell commands in make rules). subdirmk is fully documented in the README. There is a demo in the example directory (which also serves as part of the test suite). What's new The version number. I have not felt the need to make any changes since releasing 0.4 in mid-February. The last non-docs change was a (backwards-compatible) extension, in late January, to pass through unaltered GNU make's new grouped multiple targets syntax. Advantages and disadvantages of subdirmk Compared to recursive make, subdirmk is easier and simpler, although you do have to decorate a lot of your variables and filenames with & to indicate that they are directory-local. It is much easier to avoid writing parallel make bugs. You naturally get properly working per-subdirectory targets. subdirmk-based nonrecursive make is much, much faster than recursive make. Compared to many other recent build system tools, subdirmk retains all the flexibility and extensibility of make, and operates at a fairly low level of abstraction. subdirmk-based makefiles can easily invoke other build systems. make knows it's not the only thing in the universe. You can adopt subdirmk incrementally or partially, gradually bringing your recursive submakefiles into the unified build. The build system code in subdirmk's files will be readily navigable by most readers; much will be familiar. Because subdirmk is a small collection of (fairly simple) scripting and makefile code, there is no need to build it; you can simply ship it with your project using git-subtree. For an autoconf-based project, there need be no change to how your users and downstreams invoke your build. On the other hand the price you (continue to) pay is make's punctation soup, which subdirmk adds a new sigil to. subdirmk-based makefiles are terse and help you use make's facilities to abstract away repetition, but that can make them dense. The new & sigil will faze some readers. Currently, the provided mechanism for incorporating subdirmk into your project assumes you are using autoconf but not automake. It would be possible to use subdirmk with autoconf-less projects, or with automake-based ones, but I haven't done the glue work to make that easy. subdirmk does require GNU make and it assumes you have perl installed. But GNU make is very portable, and perl is very widely available. (The perl used is very conservative.) The make competitors are, themselves, even less standard build tools. I don't think a build-dependency on GNU make, or perl, is a significant barrier nowadays, for most projects. Note about comment moderation I have deliberately been vague about other build systems and avoided specific criticisms or references. I don't want the comments to become a build system advocacy debate. Comments may be screened and moderated accordingly. Pointers to other obscure build system tools are very welcome. If you want to write a survey of build tools, or a critique of subdirmk, please do so on your own blog; I would be happy to consider linking to it.

comment count unavailable comments

26 April 2020

Enrico Zini: Some Italian women

Artemisia Gentileschi - Wikipedia
art history people
Artemisia Lomi or Artemisia Gentileschi (US: / d nt l ski, -ti -/, Italian: [arte mi zja d enti leski]; July 8, 1593 c. 1656) was an Italian Baroque painter, now considered one of the most accomplished seventeenth-century artists working in the dramatic style of Caravaggio. In an era when women had few opportunities to pursue artistic training or work as professional artists, Artemisia was the first woman to become a member of the Accademia di Arte del Disegno in Florence and had an international clientele.
Maria Pellegrina Amoretti (1756 1787), was an Italian lawyer. She is referred to as the first woman to graduate in law in Italy, and the third woman to earn a degree.
Laura Maria Caterina Bassi (October 1711 20 February 1778) was an Italian physicist and academic. She received a doctoral degree in Philosophy from the University of Bologna in May 1732. She was the first woman to earn a professorship in physics at a university. She is recognized as the first woman in the world to be appointed a university chair in a scientific field of studies. Bassi contributed immensely to the field of science while also helping to spread the study of Newtonian mechanics through Italy.
Maria Gaetana Agnesi (UK: / n je zi/ an-YAY-zee,[1] US: / n -/ ahn-,[2][3] Italian: [ma ri a ae ta na a zi, - e z-];[4] 16 May 1718 9 January 1799) was an Italian mathematician, philosopher, theologian, and humanitarian. She was the first woman to write a mathematics handbook and the first woman appointed as a mathematics professor at a university.[5]
Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia (US: /k r n ro p sko pi /,[4] Italian: [ lena lu kr ttsja kor na ro pi sk pja]) or Elena Lucrezia Corner (Italian: [kor n r]; 5 June 1646 26 July 1684), also known in English as Helen Cornaro, was a Venetian philosopher of noble descent who in 1678 became one of the first women to receive an academic degree from a university, and the first to receive a Doctor of Philosophy degree.
Maria Tecla Artemisia Montessori (/ m nt s ri/ MON-tiss-OR-ee, Italian: [ma ri a montes s ri]; August 31, 1870 May 6, 1952) was an Italian physician and educator best known for the philosophy of education that bears her name, and her writing on scientific pedagogy. At an early age, Montessori broke gender barriers and expectations when she enrolled in classes at an all-boys technical school, with hopes of becoming an engineer. She soon had a change of heart and began medical school at the Sapienza University of Rome, where she graduated with honors in 1896. Her educational method is still in use today in many public and private schools throughout the world.
Rita Levi-Montalcini OMRI OMCA (US: / le vi mo nt l t i ni, l v-, li vi m nt l -/, Italian: [ ri ta l vi montal t i ni]; 22 April 1909 30 December 2012) was an Italian Nobel laureate, honored for her work in neurobiology. She was awarded the 1986 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine jointly with colleague Stanley Cohen for the discovery of nerve growth factor (NGF). From 2001 until her death, she also served in the Italian Senate as a Senator for Life. This honor was given due to her significant scientific contributions. On 22 April 2009, she became the first Nobel laureate ever to reach the age of 100, and the event was feted with a party at Rome's City Hall. At the time of her death, she was the oldest living Nobel laureate.
Margherita Hack Knight Grand Cross OMRI (Italian: [mar e ri ta (h)ak]; 12 June 1922 29 June 2013) was an Italian astrophysicist and scientific disseminator. The asteroid 8558 Hack, discovered in 1995, was named in her honour.
Samantha Cristoforetti (Italian pronunciation: [sa manta kristofo retti]; born 26 April 1977, in Milan) is an Italian European Space Agency astronaut, former Italian Air Force pilot and engineer. She holds the record for the longest uninterrupted spaceflight by a European astronaut (199 days, 16 hours), and until June 2017 held the record for the longest single space flight by a woman until this was broken by Peggy Whitson and later by Christina Koch. She is also the first Italian woman in space. Samantha Cristoforetti is also known as the first person who brewed an espresso in space.

17 November 2017

Renata Scheibler: Hello, world!

Renata's picture, a white woman profile. She touches her chin with her left hand fingertips About me Hello, world! For those who are meeting me for the first time, I am a 31 year old History teacher from Porto Alegre, Brazil. Some people might know me from the Python community, because I have been leading PyLadies Porto Alegre and helping organize Django Girls workshops in my state since 2016. If you don't, that's okay. Either way, it's nice to have you here. Ever since I learned about Rails Girls Summer of Code, during the International Free Software Forum - FISL 16, I have been wanting to get into a tech internship program. Google Summer of Code made into my radar as well, but I didn't really feel like I knew enough to try and get into those programs... until I found Outreachy. From their site:
Outreachy is an organization that provides three-month internships for people from groups traditionally underrepresented in tech. Interns work remotely with mentors from Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) communities on projects ranging from programming, user experience, documentation, illustration and graphical design, to data science.
There were many good projects to choose from on this round, a lot of them with few requirements - and most with requirements that I believed I could fullfill, such as some knowledge of HTML, CSS, Python or Django. I ought to say that I am not an expert in any of those. And, since you're reading this, I'm going to be completely honest. Coding is hard. Coding is hard to learn, it takes a lot of studying and a lot of practice. Even though I have been messing around computers pretty much since I was a kid, because I was a girl lucky enough to have a father who owned a computer store, I hadn't began learning how to program until mid-2015 - and I am still learning. I think I became such an autodidact because I had to (and, of course, because I was given the conditions to be, such as having spare time to study when I wasn't at school). I had to get any and all information from my surroundings and turn into knowledge that I could use to achieve my goals. In a time when I could only get new computer games through a CD-ROM and the computer I was allowed to use didn't have a CD-ROM drive, I had to try and learn how to open a computer cabinet and connect/disconnect hardware properly, so I could use my brother's CD-ROM drive on the computer I was allowed to and install the games without anyone noticing. When, back in 1998, I couldn't connect to the internet because the computer I was allowed to use didn't have a modem, I had to learn about networks to figure out how to do it from my brother's computer on the LAN (local network). I would go to the community public library and read books and any tech magazines I could get my hands into (libraries didn't usually have computers to be used by the public back then). It was about 2002 when I learned how to create HTML sites by studying at the source code from pages I had saved to read offline in one of the very, very few times I was allowed to access the internet and browse the web. Of course, the site I created back then never saw the light of the day, because I didn't have really have internet access at home. So, how come it is that only now, 14 years later, I am trying to get into tech? Because when I finished high school in 2003, I was still a minor and my family didn't allow me to go to Vocational School and take an IT course. (Never mind that my own oldest brother had graduated in IT and working with for almost a decade.) I ended up going to study... teacher training in History as an undergrad course. A lot has happened since then. I took the exam to become a public school teacher and more than two years had passed without being called to work. I spent 3 years in odd-jobs that paid barely enough to pay rent (and, sometimes, not even that). Since the IT is the new thing and all jobs are in IT, finally, finally it seemed okay for me to take that Vocational School training in a public school - and so I did. I gotta say, I thought that while I studied, I would be able to get some sort of job or internship to help with my learning. After all, I had seen it easily happening with people I met before getting into the course. And by "people", of course, I mean white men. For me, it took a whole year of searching, trying and interviewing for me to get an internship related to the field - tech support in a school computer lab, running GNU/Linux. And, in that very same week, I was hired as a public school teacher. There is a lot more... actually, there is so much more to this story, but I think I have told enough for now. Enough to know where I came from and who I am, as of now. I hope you stick around. I am bound to write here every two weeks, so I guess I will see you then! o/

9 October 2017

Gunnar Wolf: Achievement unlocked - Made with Creative Commons translated to Spanish! (Thanks, @xattack!)

I am very, very, very happy to report this And I cannot believe we have achieved this so fast: Back in June, I announced I'd start working on the translation of the Made with Creative Commons book into Spanish. Over the following few weeks, I worked out the most viable infrastructure, gathered input and commitments for help from a couple of friends, submitted my project for inclusion in the Hosted Weblate translations site (and got it approved!) Then, we quietly and slowly started working. Then, as it usually happens in late August, early September... The rush of the semester caught me in full, and I left this translation project for later For the next semester, perhaps... Today, I received a mail that surprised me. That stunned me. 99% of translated strings! Of course, it does not look as neat as "100%" would, but there are several strings not to be translated. So, yay for collaborative work! Oh, and FWIW Thanks to everybody who helped. And really, really, really, hats off to Luis Enrique Amaya, a friend whom I see way less than I should. A LIDSOL graduate, and a nice guy all around. Why to him specially? Well... This has several wrinkles to iron out, but, by number of translated lines: ...Need I say more? Luis, I hope you enjoyed reading the book :-] There is still a lot of work to do, and I'm asking the rest of the team some days so I can get my act together. From the mail I just sent, I need to:
  1. Review the Pandoc conversion process, to get the strings formatted again into a book; I had got this working somewhere in the process, but last I checked it broke. I expect this not to be too much of a hurdle, and it will help all other translations.
  2. Start the editorial process at my Institute. Once the book builds, I'll have to start again the stylistic correction process so the Institute agrees to print it out under its seal. This time, we have the hurdle that our correctors will probably hate us due to part of the work being done before we had actually agreed on some important Spanish language issues... which are different between Mexico, Argentina and Costa Rica (where translators are from). Anyway This sets the mood for a great start of the week. Yay!
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17 August 2017

Sean Whitton: I went all the way to Montr al for DebConf17, and all I got was a new MUA

This year s group photo (by Aigars Mahinovs). I really like the tagline
On Sunday night I got back from Montr al, where I attended both DebCamp17 and DebConf17. It was a wonderful two weeks. All I really did was work on Debian for roughly eight hours per day, interspersed with getting to know both people I ve been working with since I first began contributing to Debian in late 2015, and people I didn t yet know. But this was all I really needed to be doing. There was no need to engage in distracting myself. I enjoyed the first week more. There were sufficiently few people present that you could know at least all of their faces, and interesting-sounding talks didn t interrupt making progress on one s own work or unblocking other people s work. In the second week it was great to meet people who were only present for the second week, but it felt more like regular Debian, in that I was often waiting on other people or they were waiting on me. While I spent one morning actually writing fresh code, and I did a fair amount of pure packaging work, the majority of my time was poured into (i) Debian Policy; (ii) discussions within the Emacs team; and (iii) discussions about dgit. This was as I expected. During DebConf, it s not that useful to seclude oneself and sufficiently reacquaint oneself with a codebase that one can start producing patches, because that can be done anywhere in the world, without everyone else around. It s far more useful to bring different people together to get projects unblocked. I did some of that for my own work, and also tried to help other people s, including those who weren t able to attend the conference. In my ordinary life, taking a step back from the methods by which I protect my PGP keys and other personal data, I can appear to myself as a paranoid extremist, or some kind of data hoarder. It was comforting to find at DebConf plenty of people who go way further than me: multiple user accounts on their laptop, with separate X servers, for tasks of different security levels; PGP keys on smartcards; refusal to sign my PGP key based on government-issued ID alone; use of Qubes OS. One thing that did surprise me was to find myself in a minority for using the GNOME desktop; I had previously assumed that most people deep in Debian development didn t bother with tiling window managers. Turns out they are enthusiastic to talk about the trade-offs between window managers while riding the subway train back to our accommodation at midnight who knew such people existed? I was pleased to find them. One evening, I received a tag-teamed live tutorial in using i3 s core keybindings, and the next morning GNOME seemed deeply inelegant. The insinuation began, but I was immediately embroiled in inner struggle over the fact that i3 is a very popular tiling window manager, so it wouldn t be very cool if I were to start using it. This difficulty was compounded when I learned that the Haskell team lead still uses xmonad. The struggle continues. I hope that I ve been influenced by the highly non-judgemental and tolerant attitudes of the attendees of the conference. While most people at the conference were pretty ordinary aside from wanting to talk about the details of Debian packaging and processes! there were several people who rather visibly rejected social norms about how to present themselves. Around these people there was nothing of the usual tension. Further, in contrast with my environment as a graduate student, everyone was extremely relaxed about how everyone was spending their time. People drinking beer in the evenings were sitting at tables where other people were continuing to silently work on Debian. It is nice to have my experience in Montr al as a reference to check my own judgemental tendencies. I came away with a lot more than a new MUA: a certainty that I want to try to get to next year s conference; friends; a real life community behind what was hitherto mostly a hobby; a long list of tasks and the belief that I can accomplish them; a list of PGP fingerprints to sign; a new perspective on the arguments that occur on Debian mailing lists; an awareness of the risk of unconsciously manipulating other community members into getting work done. With regard to the MUA, I should say that I did not waste a lot of DebConf time messing with its configuration. I had actually worked out a notmuch configuration some months ago, but couldn t use it because I couldn t figure out how to incorporate my old mail archives into its index. Fortunately notmuch s maintainer is also on the Emacs team he was able to confirm that the crazy solution I d come up with was not likely to break notmuch s operating assumptions, and so I was able to spend about half an hour copying and pasting the configuration and scripts I d previously developed into my homedir, and then start using notmuch for the remainder of the conference. The main reason for wanting to use notmuch was to handle Debian mailing list volume more effectively than I m able to with mutt, so I was very happy to have the opportunity to pester David with newbie questions. Many, many thanks to all the volunteers whose efforts made DebCamp17 and DebConf17 possible.

8 August 2017

Jonathan Dowland: libraries

Cover for The Rise Of The Meritocracy Cover for The Rise Of The Meritocracy
At some point during my Undergraduate years I lost the habit of using Libraries. On reflection this is probably Amazon's fault. In recent years I've tried to get back into the habit of using them. Using libraries is a great idea if you are trying to lead a more minimalist life. I am registered to use Libraries in two counties: North Tyneside, where I live, and Newcastle, where I work. The union of the two counties' catalogues is pretty extensive. Perhaps surprisingly I have found North Tyneside to offer both better customer service and a more interesting selection of books. Sometimes there are still things that are hard to get ahold of. After listening to BBC Radio 4's documentary The Rise and Fall of Meritocracy, presented by Toby Young, I became interested in reading The Rise of the Meritocracy: an alarmist, speculative essay that coined the term meritocracy, written by Toby's father, Michael Young. The book was not on either catalogue. It is out of print, with the price of second hand copies fluctuating but generally higher than I am prepared to pay. I finally managed to find a copy in Newcastle University's Library. As an associate of the School of Computing I have access to the Library services. It's an interesting read, and I think if it were framed more as a novel than as an essay it might be remembered in the same bracket as Brave New World or 1984.

15 May 2017

Gunnar Wolf: Starting a project on private and anonymous network usage

I am starting a work with the students of LIDSOL (Laboratorio de Investigaci n y Desarrollo de Software Libre, Free Software Research and Development Laboratory) of the Engineering Faculty of UNAM:

We want to dig into the technical and social implications of mechanisms that provide for anonymous, private usage of the network. We will have our first formal work session this Wednesday, for which we have invited several interesting people to join the discussion and help provide a path for our oncoming work. Our invited and confirmed guests are, in alphabetical order:

9 May 2017

Benjamin Mako Hill: Surviving an Eternal September: How an Online Community Managed a Surge of Newcomers

Attracting newcomers is among the most widely studied problems in online community research. However, with all the attention paid to challenge of getting new users, much less research has studied the flip side of that coin: large influxes of newcomers can pose major problems as well! The most widely known example of problems caused by an influx of newcomers into an online community occurred in Usenet. Every September, new university students connecting to the Internet for the first time would wreak havoc in the Usenet discussion forums. When AOL connected its users to the Usenet in 1994, it disrupted the community for so long that it became widely known as The September that never ended . Our study considered a similar influx in NoSleep an online community within Reddit where writers share original horror stories and readers comment and vote on them. With strict rules requiring that all members of the community suspend disbelief, NoSleep thrives off the fact that readers experience an immersive storytelling environment. Breaking the rules is as easy as questioning the truth of someone s story. Socializing newcomers represents a major challenge for NoSleep.
Number of subscribers and moderators on /r/NoSleep over time.
On May 7th, 2014, NoSleep became a default subreddit i.e., every new user to Reddit automatically joined NoSleep. After gradually accumulating roughly 240,000 members from 2010 to 2014, the NoSleep community grew to over 2 million subscribers in a year. That said, NoSleep appeared to largely hold things together. This reflects the major question that motivated our study: How did NoSleep withstand such a massive influx of newcomers without enduring their own Eternal September? To answer this question, we interviewed a number of NoSleep participants, writers, moderators, and admins. After transcribing, coding, and analyzing the results, we proposed that NoSleep survived because of three inter-connected systems that helped protect the community s norms and overall immersive environment. First, there was a strong and organized team of moderators who enforced the rules no matter what. They recruited new moderators knowing the community s population was going to surge. They utilized a private subreddit for NoSleep s staff. They were able to socialize and educate new moderators effectively. Although issuing sanctions against community members was often difficult, our interviewees explained that NoSleep s moderators were deeply committed and largely uncompromising. That commitment resonates within the second system that protected NoSleep: regulation by normal community members. From our interviews, we found that the participants felt a shared sense of community that motivated them both to socialize newcomers themselves as well as to report inappropriate comments and downvote people who violate the community s norms. Finally, we found that the technological systems protected the community as well. For instance, post-throttling was instituted to limit the frequency at which a writer could post their stories. Additionally, Reddit s Automoderator , a programmable AI bot, was used to issue sanctions against obvious norm violators while running in the background. Participants also pointed to the tools available to them the report feature and voting system in particular to explain how easy it was for them to report and regulate the community s disruptors.

This blog post was written with Charlie Kiene. The paper and work this post describes is collaborative work with Charlie Kiene and Andr s Monroy-Hern ndez. The paper was published in the Proceedings of CHI 2016 and is released as open access so anyone can read the entire paper here. A version of this post was published on the Community Data Science Collective blog.

19 April 2017

Steve Kemp: 3d-Printing is cool

I've heard about 3d-printing a lot in the past, although the hype seems to have mostly died down. My view has always been "That seems cool", coupled with "Everybody says making the models is very hard", and "the process itself is fiddly & time-consuming". I've been sporadically working on a project for a few months now which displays tram-departure times, this is part of my drive to "hardware" things with Arduino/ESP8266 devices . Most visitors to our flat have commented on it, at least once, and over time it has become gradually more and more user-friendly. Initially it was just a toy-project for myself, so everything was hard-coded in the source but over time that changed - which I mentioned here, (specifically the Access-point setup): I've now wired up an input-button to the device too, experimenting with the different ways that a single button can carry out multiple actions: Anyway the software is neat, and I can't think of anything obvious to change. So lets move onto the real topic of this post: 3D Printing. I randomly remembered that I'd heard about an online site holding 3D-models, and on a whim I searched for "4x20 LCD". That lead me to this design, which is exactly what I was looking for. Just like open-source software we're now living in a world where you can get open-source hardware! How cool is that? I had to trust the dimensions of the model, and obviously I was going to mount my new button into the box, rather than the knob shown. But having a model was great. I could download it, for free, and I could view it online at But with a model obtained the next step was getting it printed. I found a bunch of commercial companies, here in Europe, who would print a model, and ship it to me, but when I uploaded the model they priced it at 90+. Too much. I'd almost lost interest when I stumbled across a site which provides a gateway into a series of individual/companies who will print things for you, on-demand: 3dhubs. Once again I uploaded my model, and this time I was able to select a guy in the same city as me. He printed my model for 1/3-1/4 of the price of the companies I'd found, and sent me fun pictures of the object while it was in the process of being printed. To recap I started like this:
Then I boxed it in cardboard which looked better than nothing, but still not terribly great:
Now I've found an online case-design for free, got it printed cheaply by a volunteer (feels like the wrong word, after-all I did pay him), and I have something which look significantly more professional:
Inside it looks as neat as you would expect:
Of course the case still cost 5 times as much as the actual hardware involved (button: 0.05, processor-board 2.00 and LCD I2C display 3.00). But I've gone from being somebody who had zero experience with hardware-based projects 4 months ago, to somebody who has built a project which is functional and "pretty". The internet really is a glorious thing. Using it for learning, and coding is good, using it for building actual physical parts too? That's something I never could have predicted a few years ago and I can see myself doing it more in the future. Sure the case is a little rough around the edges, but I suspect it is now only a matter of time until I learn how to design my own models. An obvious extension is to add a status-LED above the switch, for example. How hard can it be to add a new hole to a model? (Hell I could just drill it!)

16 April 2017

Antoine Beaupr : Montreal Bug Squashing Party report

Un sommaire de cet article est galement traduit vers le fran ais, merci!
Last friday, a group of Debian users, developers and enthusiasts met at offices for a bug squashing party. We were about a dozen people of various levels: developers, hackers and users. I gave a quick overview of Debian packaging using my quick development guide, which proved to be pretty useful. I made a link ( for people to be able to easily find the guide on their computers. Then I started going through a list of different programs used to do Debian packaging, to try and see the level of the people attending: So mostly skilled Debian users (they know apt-get source) but not used to packaging (they don't know about dpkg-buildpackage). So I went through the list again and explained how they all fit together and could be used to work on Debian packages in the context of a Debian release bug squashing party. This was the fastest crash course in Debian packaging I have ever given (and probably the first too) - going through those tools in about 30 minutes. I was happy to have the guide that people could refer to later in the back. The first question after the presentation was "how do we find bugs"? which led me to add links to the UDD bugs page and release-critical bugs page. I also explained the key links on top of the UDD page to find specific sets of bugs, and explained the useful "patch" filter that allows to select bugs with our without patch. I guess that maybe half of the people were able to learn new, or improve their skills to make significant contributions or test actual patches. Other learned how to hunt and triage bugs in the BTS. Update: sorry for the wording: all contributions were really useful, thanks and apologies to bug hunters!! I myself learned how to use sbuild thanks to the excellent sbuild wiki page which I improved upon. A friend was able to pick up sbuild very quickly and use it to build a package for stretch, which I find encouraging: my first experience with pbuilder was definitely not as good. I have therefore starting the process of switching my build chroots to sbuild, which didn't go so well on Jessie because I use a backported kernel, and had to use the backported sbuild as well. That required a lot of poking around, so I ended up just using pbuilder for now, but I will definitely switch on my home machine, and I updated the sbuild wiki page to give out more explanations on how to setup pbuilder. We worked on a bunch of bugs, and learned how to tag them as part of the BSP, which was documented in the BSP wiki page. It seems we have worked on about 11 different bugs which is a better average than the last BSP that I organized, so I'm pretty happy with that. More importantly, we got Debian people together to meet and talk, over delicious pizza, thanks to a sponsorship granted by the DPL. Some people got involved in the next DebConf which is also great. On top of fixing bugs and getting people involved in Debian, my third goal was to have fun, and fun we certainly had. I didn't work on as many bugs as I expected myself, achieving only one upload in the end, but since I was answering so many questions left and right, I felt useful and that is certainly gratifying. Organization was simple enough: just get a place, send invites and get food, and the rest is just sharing knowledge and answering questions. Thanks everyone for coming, and let's do this again soon!

12 April 2017

Daniel Pocock: What is the risk of using proprietary software for people who prefer not to?

Jonas berg has recently blogged about Using Proprietary Software for Freedom. He argues that it can be acceptable to use proprietary software to further free and open source software ambitions if that is indeed the purpose. Jonas' blog suggests that each time proprietary software is used, the relative risk and reward should be considered and there may be situations where the reward is big enough and the risk low enough that proprietary software can be used. A question of leadership Many of the free software users and developers I've spoken to express frustration about how difficult it is to communicate to their family and friends about the risks of proprietary software. A typical example is explaining to family members why you would never install Skype. Imagine a doctor who gives a talk to school children about the dangers of smoking and is then spotted having a fag at the bus stop. After a month, if you ask the children what they remember about that doctor, is it more likely to be what he said or what he did? When contemplating Jonas' words, it is important to consider this leadership factor as a significant risk every time proprietary software or services are used. Getting busted with just one piece of proprietary software undermines your own credibility and posture now and well into the future. Research has shown that when communicating with people, what they see and how you communicate is ninety three percent of the impression you make. What you actually say to them is only seven percent. When giving a talk at a conference or a demo to a client, or communicating with family members in our everyday lives, using a proprietary application or a product or service that is obviously proprietary like an iPhone or Facebook will have far more impact than the words you say. It is not only a question of what you are seen doing in public: somebody who lives happily and comfortably without using proprietary software sounds a lot more credible than somebody who tries to explain freedom without living it. The many faces of proprietary software One of the first things to consider is that even for those developers who have a completely free operating system, there may well be some proprietary code lurking in their BIOS or other parts of their hardware. Their mobile phone, their car, their oven and even their alarm clock are all likely to contain some proprietary code too. The risks associated with these technologies may well be quite minimal, at least until that alarm clock becomes part of the Internet of Things and can be hacked by the bored teenager next door. Accessing most web sites these days inevitably involves some interaction with proprietary software, even if it is not running on your own computer. There is no need to give up Some people may consider this state of affairs and simply give up, using whatever appears to be the easiest solution for each problem at hand without thinking too much about whether it is proprietary or not. I don't think Jonas' blog intended to sanction this level of complacency. Every time you come across a piece of software, it is worth considering whether a free alternative exists and whether the software is really needed at all. An orderly migration to free software In our professional context, most software developers come across proprietary software every day in the networks operated by our employers and their clients. Sometimes we have the opportunity to influence the future of these systems. There are many cases where telling the client to go cold-turkey on their proprietary software would simply lead to the client choosing to get advice from somebody else. The free software engineer who looks at the situation strategically may find that it is possible to continue using the proprietary software as part of a staged migration, gradually helping the user to reduce their exposure over a period of months or even a few years. This may be one of the scenarios where Jonas is sanctioning the use of proprietary software. On a technical level, it may be possible to show the client that we are concerned about the dangers but that we also want to ensure the continuity of their business. We may propose a solution that involves sandboxing the proprietary software in a virtual machine or a DMZ to prevent it from compromising other systems or "calling home" to the vendor. As well as technical concerns about a sudden migration, promoters of free software frequently encounter political issues as well. For example, the IT manager in a company may be five years from retirement and is not concerned about his employer's long term ability to extricate itself from a web of Microsoft licenses after he or she has the freedom to go fishing every day. The free software professional may need to invest significant time winning the trust of senior management before he is able to work around a belligerant IT manager like this. No deal is better than a bad deal People in the UK have probably encountered the expression "No deal is better than a bad deal" many times already in the last few weeks. Please excuse me for borrowing it. If there is no free software alternative to a particular piece of proprietary software, maybe it is better to simply do without it. Facebook is a great example of this principle: life without social media is great and rather than trying to find or create a free alternative, why not just do something in the real world, like riding motorcycles, reading books or getting a cat or dog? Burning bridges behind you For those who are keen to be the visionaries and leaders in a world where free software is the dominant paradigm, would you really feel satisfied if you got there on the back of proprietary solutions? Or are you concerned that taking such shortcuts is only going to put that vision further out of reach? Each time you solve a problem with free software, whether it is small or large, in your personal life or in your business, the process you went through strengthens you to solve bigger problems the same way. Each time you solve a problem using a proprietary solution, not only do you miss out on that process of discovery but you also risk conditioning yourself to be dependent in future. For those who hope to build a successful startup company or be part of one, how would you feel if you reach your goal and then the rug is pulled out underneath you when a proprietary software vendor or cloud service you depend on changes the rules? Personally, in my own life, I prefer to avoid and weed out proprietary solutions wherever I can and force myself to either make free solutions work or do without them. Using proprietary software and services is living your life like a rat in a maze, where the oligarchs in Silicon Valley can move the walls around as they see fit.

3 April 2017

Sean Whitton: A different reason there are so few tenure-track jobs in philosophy

Recently I heard a different reason suggested as to why there are fewer and fewer tenure-track jobs in philosophy. University administrators are taking control of the tenure review process; previously departments made decisions and the administrators rubber-stamped them. The result of this is that it is easier to get tenure. This is because university administrators grant tenure based on quantitively-measurable achievements, rather than a qualitative assessment of the candidate qua philosopher. If a department thought that someone shouldn t get tenure, the administration might turn around and say that they are going to grant it because the candidate has fulfilled such-and-such requirements. Since it is easier to get tenure, hiring someone at the assistant professor level is much riskier for a philosophy department: they have to assume the candidate will get tenure. So the pre-tenure phase is no longer a probationary period. That is being pushed onto post-docs and graduate students. This results in the intellectual maturity of published work going down. There are various assumptions in the above that could be questioned, but what s interesting is that it takes a lot of the blame for the current situation off the shoulders of faculty members (there have been accusations that they are not doing enough). If tenure-track hires are a bigger risk for the quality of the academic philosophers who end up with permanent jobs, it is good that they are averse to that risk.

