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26 January 2025

Otto Kek l inen: 10 habits to help becoming a Debian Maintainer

Featured image of post 10 habits to help becoming a Debian MaintainerBecoming a Debian maintainer is a journey that combines technical expertise, community collaboration, and continuous learning. In this post, I ll share 10 key habits that will both help you navigate the complexities of Debian packaging without getting lost, and also enable you to contribute more effectively to one of the world s largest open source projects.

1. Read and re-read the Debian Policy, the Developer s Reference and the git-buildpackage manual Anyone learning Debian packaging and aspiring to become a Debian maintainer is likely to wade through a lot of documentation, only to realize that much of it is outdated or sometimes outright incorrect. Therefore, it is important to learn right from the start which sources are the most reliable and truly worth reading and re-reading. I recommend these documents, in order of importance:
  • The Debian Policy Manual: Describes the structure of the operating system, the package archive, and requirements for packages to be included in the Debian archive.
  • The Developer s Reference: A collection of best practices and process descriptions Debian packagers are expected to follow while interacting with one another.
  • The git-buildpackage man pages: While the Policy focuses on the end result and is intentionally void of practical instructions on creating or maintaining Debian packages, the Developer s Reference goes into greater detail. However, it too lacks step-by-step instructions. For the exact commands, consult the man pages of git-buildpackage and its subcommands (e.g., gbp clone, gbp import-orig, gbp pq, gbp dch, gbp push). See also my post on Debian source package git branch and tags for an easy to understand diagrams.

2. Make reading man pages a habit In addition to the above, try to make a habit of checking out the man page of every new tool you use to ensure you are using it as intended. The best place to read accurate and up-to-date documentation is The manual pages are maintained alongside the tools by their developers, ensuring greater accuracy than any third-party documentation. If you are using a tool in the way the tool author documented, you can be confident you are doing the right thing, even if it wasn t explicitly mentioned in some third-party guide about Debian packaging best practices.

3. Read and write emails While members of the Debian community have many channels of communication, the mailing lists are by far the most prominent. Asking questions on the appropriate list is a good way to get current advice from other people doing Debian packaging. Staying subscribed to lists of interest is also a good way to read about new developments as they happen. Note that every post is public and archived permanently, so the discussions on the mailing lists also form a body of documentation that can later be searched and referred to. Regularly writing short and well-structured emails on the mailing lists is great practice for improving technical communication skills a useful ability in general. For Debian specifically, being active on mailing lists helps build a reputation that can later attract collaborators and supporters for more complex initiatives.

4. Create and use an OpenPGP key Related to reputation and identity, OpenPGP keys play a central role in the Debian community. OpenPGP is used to various degrees to sign git commits and tags, sign and encrypt email, and most importantly to sign Debian packages so their origin can be verified. The process of becoming a Debian Maintainer and eventually a Debian Developer culminates in getting your OpenPGP key included in the Debian keyring, which is used to control who can upload packages into the Debian archive. The earlier you create a key and start using it to gain reputation for that specific key that is used to sign your work, the better. Note that due to a recent schism in the OpenPGP standards working group, it is safest to create an OpenPGP key using GnuPG version 2.2.x (not 2.4.x), or using Sequoia-PGP.

5. Integrate Salsa CI in all work One reason Debian remains popular, even 30 years after its inception, is due to its culture of maintaining high standards. For a newcomer, learning all the quality assurance tools such as Lintian, Piuparts, Adequate, various build variations, and reproducible builds may be overwhelming. However, these tasks are easier to manage thanks to Salsa CI, the continuous integration pipeline in Debian that runs tests on every commit at The earlier you activate Salsa CI in the package repository you are working on, the faster you will achieve high quality in your package with fewer missteps. You can also further customize a package specific salsa-ci.yml to have more testing coverage. Example Salsa CI pipeline with customizations

6. Fork on Salsa and use draft Merge Requests to solicit feedback All modern Debian packages are hosted on If you want to make a change to any package, it is easy to fork, make an initial attempt at the change, and publish it as a draft Merge Request (MR) on Salsa to solicit feedback. People might have surprising reasons to object to the change you propose, or they might need time to get used to the idea before agreeing to it. Also, some people might object to a vague idea out of suspicion but agree once they see the exact implementation. There may also be a surprising number of people supporting your idea, and if there is an MR, they have a place to show their support at. Don t expect every Merge Request to be accepted. However, proposing an idea as running code in an MR is far more effective than raising the idea on a mailing list or in a bug report. Get into the habit of publishing plenty of merge requests to solicit feedback and drive discussions toward consensus.

7. Use git rebase frequently Linear git history is much easier to read. The ease of reading git log and git blame output is vital in Debian, where packages often have updates from multiple people spanning many years even decades. Debian packagers likely spend more time than the average software developer reading git history. Make sure you master git commands such as gitk --all, git citool --amend, git commit -a --fixup <commit id>, git rebase -i --autosquash <target branch>, git cherry-pick <commit id 1> <id 2> <id 3>, and git pull --rebase. If rebasing is not done on your initiative, rest assured others will ask you to do it. Thus, if the commands above are familiar, rebasing will be quick and easy for you.

8. Reviews: give some, get some In open source, the larger a project becomes, the more it attracts contributions, and the bottleneck for its growth isn t how much code developers can create but how much code submissions can be properly reviewed. At the time of writing, the main Salsa group Debian has over 800 open merge requests pending reviews and approvals. Feel free to read and comment on any merge request you find. You don t have to be a subject matter expert to provide valuable feedback. Even if you don t have specific feedback, your comment as another human acknowledging that you read the MR and found no issues is viewed positively by the author. Besides, if you spend enough time reviewing MRs in a specific domain, you will eventually become an expert in it. Code reviews are not just about providing feedback to the submitter; they are also great learning opportunities for the reviewer. As a rule of thumb, you should review at least twice as many merge requests as you submit yourself.

9. Improve Debian by improving upstream It is common that while packaging software for Debian, bugs are uncovered and patched in Debian. Do not forget to submit the fixes upstream, and add a Forwarded field to the file in debian/patches! As the person building and packaging something in Debian, you automatically become an authority on that software, and the upstream is likely glad to receive your improvements. While submitting patches upstream is a bit of work initially, getting improvements merged upstream eventually saves time for everyone and makes packaging in Debian easier, as there will be fewer patches to maintain with each new upstream release.

10. Don t hold any habits too firmly Last but not least: Once people learn a specific way of working, they tend to stick to it for decades. Learning how to create and maintain Debian packages requires significant effort, and people tend to stop learning once they feel they ve reached a sufficient level. This tendency to get stuck in a local optimum is understandable and natural, but try to resist it. It is likely that better techniques will evolve over time, so stay humble and re-evaluate your beliefs and practices every few years. Mastering these habits takes time, but each small step brings you closer to making a meaningful impact on Debian. By staying curious, collaborative, and adaptable, you can ensure your contributions stand the test of time just like Debian itself. Good luck on your journey toward becoming a Debian Maintainer!

24 December 2024

Russ Allbery: Review: Number Go Up

Review: Number Go Up, by Zeke Faux
Publisher: Crown Currency
Copyright: 2023
Printing: 2024
ISBN: 0-593-44382-9
Format: Kindle
Pages: 373
Number Go Up is a cross between a history and a first-person account of investigative journalism around the cryptocurrency bubble and subsequent collapse in 2022. The edition I read has an afterward from June 2024 that brings the story up to date with Sam Bankman-Fried's trial and a few other events. Zeke Faux is a reporter for Bloomberg News and a fellow of New America. Last year, I read Michael Lewis's Going Infinite, a somewhat-sympathetic book-length profile of Sam Bankman-Fried that made a lot of people angry. One of the common refrains at the time was that people should read Number Go Up instead, and since I'm happy to read more about the absurdities of the cryptocurrency world, I finally got around to reading the other big crypto book of 2023. This is a good book, with some caveats that I am about to explain at absurd length. If you want a skeptical history of the cryptocurrency bubble, you should read it. People who think that it's somehow in competition with Michael Lewis's book or who think the two books disagree (including Faux himself) have profoundly missed the point of Going Infinite. I agree with Matt Levine: Both of these books are worth your time if this is the sort of thing you like reading about. But (much) more on Faux's disagreements with Lewis later. The frame of Number Go Up is Faux's quixotic quest to prove that Tether is a fraud. To review this book, I therefore need to briefly explain what Tether is. This is only the first of many extended digressions. One natural way to buy cryptocurrency would be to follow the same pattern as a stock brokerage account. You would deposit some amount of money into the account (or connect the brokerage account to your bank account), and then exchange money for cryptocurrency or vice versa, using bank transfers to put money in or take it out. However, there are several problems with this. One is that swapping cryptocurrency for money is awkward and sometimes expensive. Another is that holding people's investment money for them is usually highly regulated, partly for customer safety but also to prevent money laundering. These are often called KYC laws (Know Your Customer), and the regulation-hostile world of cryptocurrency didn't want to comply with them. Tether is a stablecoin, which means that the company behind Tether attempts to guarantee that one Tether is always worth exactly one US dollar. It is not a speculative investment like Bitcoin; it's a cryptocurrency substitute for dollars. People exchange dollars for Tether to get their money into the system and then settle all of their subsequent trades in Tether, only converting the Tether back to dollars when they want to take their money out of cryptocurrency entirely. In essence, Tether functions like the cash reserve in a brokerage account: Your Tether holdings are supposedly guaranteed to be equivalent to US dollars, you can withdraw them at any time, and because you can do so, you don't bother, instead leaving your money in the reserve account while you contemplate what new coin you want to buy. As with a bank, this system rests on the assurance that one can always exchange one Tether for one US dollar. The instant people stop believing this is true, people will scramble to get their money out of Tether, creating the equivalent of a bank run. Since Tether is not a regulated bank or broker and has no deposit insurance or strong legal protections, the primary defense against a run on Tether is Tether's promise that they hold enough liquid assets to be able to hand out dollars to everyone who wants to redeem Tether. (A secondary defense that I wish Faux had mentioned is that Tether limits redemptions to registered accounts redeeming more than $100,000, which is a tiny fraction of the people who hold Tether, but for most purposes this doesn't matter because that promise is sufficient to maintain the peg with the dollar.) Faux's firmly-held belief throughout this book is that Tether is lying. He believes they do not have enough money to redeem all existing Tether coins, and that rather than backing every coin with very safe liquid assets, they are using the dollars deposited in the system to make illiquid and risky investments. Faux never finds the evidence that he's looking for, which makes this narrative choice feel strange. His theory was tested when there was a run on Tether following the collapse of the Terra stablecoin. Tether passed without apparent difficulty, redeeming $16B or about 20% of the outstanding Tether coins. This doesn't mean Faux is wrong; being able to redeem 20% of the outstanding tokens is very different from being able to redeem 100%, and Tether has been fined for lying about its reserves. But Tether is clearly more stable than Faux thought it was, which makes the main narrative of the book weirdly unsatisfying. If he admitted he might be wrong, I would give him credit for showing his work even if it didn't lead where he expected, but instead he pivots to focusing on Tether's role in money laundering without acknowledging that his original theory took a serious blow. In Faux's pursuit of Tether, he wanders through most of the other elements of the cryptocurrency bubble, and that's the strength of this book. Rather than write Number Go Up as a traditional history, Faux chooses to closely follow his own thought processes and curiosity. This has the advantage of giving Faux an easy and natural narrative, something that non-fiction books of this type can struggle with, and it lets Faux show how confusing and off-putting the cryptocurrency world is to an outsider. The best parts of this book were the parts unrelated to Tether. Faux provides an excellent summary of the Axie Infinity speculative bubble and even traveled to the Philippines to interview people who were directly affected. He then wandered through the bizarre world of NFTs, and his first-hand account of purchasing one (specifically a Mutant Ape) to get entrance to a party (which sounded like a miserable experience I would pay money to get out of) really drives home how sketchy and weird cryptocurrency-related software and markets can be. He also went to El Salvador to talk to people directly about the country's supposed embrace of Bitcoin, and there's no substitute for that type of reporting to show how exaggerated and dishonest the claims of cryptocurrency adoption are. The disadvantage of this personal focus on Faux himself is that it sometimes feels tedious or sensationalized. I was much less interested in his unsuccessful attempts to interview the founder of Tether than Faux was, and while the digression into forced labor compounds in Cambodia devoted to pig butchering scams was informative (and horrific), I think Faux leaned too heavily on an indirect link to Tether. His argument is that cryptocurrency enables a type of money laundering that is particularly well-suited to supporting scams, but both scams and this type of economic slavery existed before cryptocurrency and will exist afterwards. He did not make a very strong case that Tether was uniquely valuable as a money laundering service, as opposed to a currently useful tool that would be replaced with some other tool should it go away. This part of the book is essentially an argument that money laundering is bad because it enables crime, and sure, to an extent I agree. But if you're going to put this much emphasis on the evils of money laundering, I think you need to at least acknowledge that many people outside the United States do not want to give US government, which is often openly hostile to them, veto power over their financial transactions. Faux does not. The other big complaint I have with this book, and with a lot of other reporting on cryptocurrency, is that Faux is sloppy with the term "Ponzi scheme." This is going to sound like nit-picking, but I think this sloppiness matters because it may obscure an ongoing a shift in cryptocurrency markets. A Ponzi scheme is not any speculative bubble. It is a very specific type of fraud in which investors are promised improbably high returns at very low risk and with safe principal. These returns are paid out, not via investment in some underlying enterprise, but by taking the money from new investments and paying it to earlier investors. Ponzi schemes are doomed because satisfying their promises requires a constantly increasing flow of new investors. Since the population of the world is finite, all Ponzi schemes are mathematically guaranteed to eventually fail, often in a sudden death spiral of ever-increasing promises to lure new investors when the investment stream starts to dry up. There are some Ponzi schemes in cryptocurrency, but most practices that are called Ponzi schemes are not. For example, Faux calls Axie Infinity a Ponzi scheme, but it was missing the critical elements of promised safe returns and fraudulently paying returns from the investments of later investors. It was simply a speculative bubble that people bought into on the assumption that its price would increase, and like any speculative bubble those who sold before the peak made money at the expense of those who bought at the peak. The reason why this matters is that Ponzi schemes are a self-correcting problem. One can decry the damage caused when they collapse, but one can also feel the reassuring certainty that they will inevitably collapse and prove the skeptics correct. The same is not true of speculative assets in general. You may think that the lack of an underlying economic justification for prices means that a speculative bubble is guaranteed to collapse eventually, but in the famous words of Gary Schilling, "markets can remain irrational a lot longer than you and I can remain solvent." One of the people Faux interviews explains this distinction to him directly:
Rong explained that in a true Ponzi scheme, the organizer would have to handle the "fraud money." Instead, he gave the sneakers away and then only took a small cut of each trade. "The users are trading between each other. They are not going through me, right?" Rong said. Essentially, he was arguing that by downloading the Stepn app and walking to earn tokens, crypto bros were Ponzi'ing themselves.
Faux is openly contemptuous of this response, but it is technically correct. Stepn is not a Ponzi scheme; it's a speculative bubble. There are no guaranteed returns being paid out of later investments and no promise that your principal is safe. People are buying in at price that you may consider irrational, but Stepn never promised you would get your money back, let alone make a profit, and therefore it doesn't have the exponential progression of a Ponzi scheme. One can argue that this is a distinction without a moral difference, and personally I would agree, but it matters immensely if one is trying to analyze the future of cryptocurrencies. Schemes as transparently unstable as Stepn (which gives you coins for exercise and then tries to claim those coins have value through some vigorous hand-waving) are nearly as certain as Ponzi schemes to eventually collapse. But it's also possible to create a stable business around allowing large numbers of people to regularly lose money to small numbers of sophisticated players who are collecting all of the winnings. It's called a poker room at a casino, and no one thinks poker rooms are Ponzi schemes or are doomed to collapse, even though nearly everyone who plays poker will lose money. This is the part of the story that I think Faux largely missed, and which Michael Lewis highlights in Going Infinite. FTX was a legitimate business that made money (a lot of money) off of trading fees, in much the same way that a casino makes money off of poker rooms. Lots of people want to bet on cryptocurrencies, similar to how lots of people want to play poker. Some of those people will win; most of those people will lose. The casino doesn't care. Its profit comes from taking a little bit of each pot, regardless of who wins. Bankman-Fried also speculated with customer funds, and therefore FTX collapsed, but there is no inherent reason why the core exchange business cannot be stable if people continue to want to speculate in cryptocurrencies. Perhaps people will get tired of this method of gambling, but poker has been going strong for 200 years. It's also important to note that although trading fees are the most obvious way to be a profitable cryptocurrency casino, they're not the only way. Wall Street firms specialize in finding creative ways to take a cut of every financial transaction, and many of those methods are more sophisticated than fees. They are so good at this that buying and selling stock through trading apps like Robinhood is free. The money to run the brokerage platform comes from companies that are delighted to pay for the opportunity to handle stock trades by day traders with a phone app. This is not, as some conspiracy theories would have you believe, due to some sort of fraudulent price manipulation. It is because the average person with a Robinhood phone app is sufficiently unsophisticated that companies that have invested in complex financial modeling will make a steady profit taking the other side of their trades, mostly because of the spread (the difference between offered buy and sell prices). Faux is so caught up in looking for Ponzi schemes and fraud that I think he misses this aspect of cryptocurrency's transformation. Wall Street trading firms aren't piling into cryptocurrency because they want to do securities fraud. They're entering this market because there seems to be persistent demand for this form of gambling, cryptocurrency markets reward complex financial engineering, and running a legal casino is a profitable business model. Michael Lewis appears as a character in this book, and Faux portrays him quite negatively. The root of this animosity appears to stem from a cryptocurrency conference in the Bahamas that Faux attended. Lewis interviewed Bankman-Fried on stage, and, from Faux's account, his questions were fawning and he praised cryptocurrencies in ways that Faux is certain he knew were untrue. From that point on, Faux treats Lewis as an apologist for the cryptocurrency industry and for Sam Bankman-Fried specifically. I think this is a legitimate criticism of Lewis's methods of getting close to the people he wants to write about, but I think Faux also makes the common mistake of assuming Lewis is a muckraking reporter like himself. This has never been what Lewis is interested in. He writes about people he finds interesting and that he thinks a reader will also find interesting. One can legitimately accuse him of being credulous, but that's partly because he's not even trying to do the same thing Faux is doing. He's not trying to judge; he's trying to understand. This shows when it comes to the parts of this book about Sam Bankman-Fried. Faux's default assumption is that everyone involved in cryptocurrency is knowingly doing fraud, and a lot of his research is looking for evidence to support the conclusion he had already reached. I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with that approach: Faux is largely, although not entirely, correct, and this type of hostile journalism is incredibly valuable for society at large. Upton Sinclair didn't start writing The Jungle with an open mind about the meat-packing industry. But where Faux and Lewis disagree on Bankman-Fried's motivations and intentions, I think Lewis has the much stronger argument. Faux's position is that Bankman-Fried always intended to steal people's money through fraud, perhaps to fund his effective altruism donations, and his protestations that he made mistakes and misplaced funds are obvious lies. This is an appealing narrative if one is looking for a simple villain, but Faux's evidence in support of this is weak. He mostly argues through stereotype: Bankman-Fried was a physics major and a Jane Street trader and therefore could not possibly be the type of person to misplace large amounts of money or miscalculate risk. If he wants to understand how that could be possible, he could read Going Infinite? I find it completely credible that someone with what appears to be uncontrolled, severe ADHD could be adept at trading and calculating probabilities and yet also misplace millions of dollars of assets because he wasn't thinking about them and therefore they stopped existing. Lewis made a lot of people angry by being somewhat sympathetic to someone few people wanted to be sympathetic towards, but Faux (and many others) are also misrepresenting his position. Lewis agrees that Bankman-Fried intentionally intermingled customer funds with his hedge fund and agrees that he lied about doing this. His only contention is that Bankman-Fried didn't do this to steal the money; instead, he invested customer money in risky bets that he thought would pay off. In support of this, Lewis made a prediction that was widely scoffed at, namely that much less of FTX's money was missing than was claimed, and that likely most or all of it would be found. And, well, Lewis was basically correct? The FTX bankruptcy is now expected to recover considerably more than the amount of money owed to creditors. Faux argues that this is only because the bankruptcy clawed back assets and cryptocurrencies have gone up considerably since the FTX bankruptcy, and therefore that the lost money was just replaced by unexpected windfall profits on other investments, but I don't think this point is as strong as he thinks it is. Bankman-Fried lost money on some of what he did with customer funds, made money on other things, and if he'd been able to freeze withdrawals for the year that the bankruptcy froze them, it does appear most of the money would have been recoverable. This does not make what he did legal or morally right, but no one is arguing that, only that he didn't intentionally steal money for his own personal gain or for effective altruism donations. And on that point, I don't think Faux is giving Lewis's argument enough credit. I have a lot of complaints about this book because I know way too much about this topic than anyone should probably know. I think Faux missed the plot in a couple of places, and I wish someone would write a book about where cryptocurrency markets are currently going. (Matt Levine's Money Stuff newsletter is quite good, but it's about all sorts of things other than cryptocurrency and isn't designed to tell a coherent story.) But if you know less about cryptocurrency and just want to hear the details of the run-up to the 2022 bubble, this is a great book for that. Faux is writing for people who are already skeptical and is not going to convince people who are cryptocurrency true believers, but that's fine. The details are largely correct (and extensively footnoted) and will satisfy most people's curiosity. Lewis's Going Infinite is a better book, though. It's not the same type of book at all, and it will not give you the broader overview of the cryptocurrency world. But if you're curious about what was going through the head of someone at the center of all of this chaos, I think Lewis's analysis is much stronger than Faux's. I'm happy I read both books. Rating: 8 out of 10

9 December 2024

Freexian Collaborators: Debian Contributions: OpenMPI transitions, cPython 3.12.7+ update uploads, Python 3.13 Transition, and more! (by Anupa Ann Joseph, Stefano Rivera)

Debian Contributions: 2024-11 Contributing to Debian is part of Freexian s mission. This article covers the latest achievements of Freexian and their collaborators. All of this is made possible by organizations subscribing to our Long Term Support contracts and consulting services.

Transition management, by Emilio Pozuelo Monfort Emilio has been helping finish the mpi-defaults switch to mpich on 32-bit architectures, and the openmpi transitions. This involves filing bugs for the reverse dependencies, doing NMUs, and requesting removals for outdated (Not Built from Source) binaries on 32-bit architectures where openmpi is no longer available. Those transitions got entangled with a few others, such as the petsc stack, and were blocking many packages from migrating to testing. These transitions were completed in early December.

cPython 3.12.7+ update uploads, by Stefano Rivera Python 3.12 had failed to build on mips64el, due to an obscure dh_strip failure. The mips64el porters never figured it out, but the missing build on mips64el was blocking migration to Debian testing. After waiting a month, enough changes had accumulated in the upstream 3.12 maintenance git branch that we could apply them in the hope of changing the output enough to avoid breaking dh_strip. This worked. Of course there were other things to deal with too. A test started failing due to a Debian-specific patch we carry for python3.x-minimal, and it needed to be reworked. And Stefano forgot to strip the trailing + from PY_VERSION, which confuses some python libraries. This always requires another patch when applying git updates from the maintenance branch. Stefano added a build-time check to catch this mistake in the future. Python 3.12.7 migrated.

Python 3.13 Transition, by Stefano Rivera and Colin Watson During November the Python 3.13-add transition started. This is the first stage of supporting a new version of Python in Debian archive (after preparatory work), adding it as a new supported but non-default version. All packages with compiled Python extensions need to be re-built to add support for the new version. We have covered the lead-up to this transition in the past. Due to preparation, many of the failures we hit were expected and we had patches waiting in the bug tracker. These could be NMUed to get the transition moving. Others had been known about but hadn t been worked on, yet. Some other packages ran into new issues, as we got further into the transition than we d been able to in preparation. The whole Debian Python team has been helping with this work. The rebuild stage of the 3.13-add transition is now over, but many packages need work before britney will let python3-defaults migrate to testing.

Limiting build concurrency based on available RAM, by Helmut Grohne In recent years, the concurrency of CPUs has been increasing as has the demand for RAM by linkers. What has not been increasing as quickly is the RAM supply in typical machines. As a result, we more frequently run into situations where the package builds exhaust memory when building at full concurrency. Helmut initiated a discussion about generalizing an approach to this in Debian packages. Researching existing code that limits concurrency as well as providing possible extensions to debhelper and dpkg to provide concurrency limits based on available system RAM. Thus far there is consensus on the need for a more general solution, but ideas are still being collected for the precise solution.

MiniDebConf Toulouse at Capitole du Libre The whole Freexian Collaborator team attended MiniDebConf Toulouse, part of the Capitole du Libre event. Several members of the team gave talks: Stefano and Anupa worked as part of the video team, streaming and recording the event s talks.

Miscellaneous contributions
  • Stefano looked into packaging the latest upstream python-falcon version in Debian, in support of the Python 3.13 transition. This appeared to break python-hug, which is sadly looking neglected upstream, and the best course of action is probably its removal from Debian.
  • Stefano uploaded videos from various 2024 Debian events to PeerTube and YouTube.
  • Stefano and Santiago visited the site for DebConf 2025 in Brest, after the MiniDebConf in Toulouse, to meet with the local team and scout out the venue. The on-going DebConf 25 organization work of last month also included handling the logo and artwork call for proposals.
  • Stefano helped the press team to edit a post for on OpenStreetMap s migration to Debian.
  • Carles implemented multiple language support on po-debconf-manager and tested it using Portuguese-Brazilian during MiniDebConf Toulouse. The system was also tested and improved by reviewing more than 20 translations to Catalan, creating merge requests for those packages, and providing user support to new users. Additionally, Carles implemented better status transitions, configuration keys management and other small improvements.
  • Helmut sent 32 patches for cross build failures. The wireplumber one was an interactive collaboration with Dylan A ssi.
  • Helmut continued to monitor the /usr-move, sent a patch for lib64readline8 and continued several older patch conversations. lintian now reports some aliasing issues in unstable.
  • Helmut initiated a discussion on the semantics of *-for-host packages. More feedback is welcome.
  • Helmut improved the infrastructure to fail running lintian less often in larger packages.
  • Helmut continued maintaining rebootstrap mostly dropping applied patches and continuing discussions of submitted patches.
  • Helmut prepared a non-maintainer upload of gzip for several long-standing bugs.
  • Colin came up with a plan for resolving the multipart vs. python-multipart name conflict, and began work on converting reverse-dependencies.
  • Colin upgraded 42 Python packages to new upstream versions. Some were complex: python-catalogue had some upstream version confusion, pydantic and rpds-py involved several Rust package upgrades as prerequisites, and python-urllib3 involved first packaging python-quart-trio and then vendoring an unpackaged test-dependency.
  • Colin contributed Incus support to needrestart upstream.
  • Lucas set up a machine to do a rebuild of all ruby reverse dependencies to check what will be broken by adding ruby 3.3 as an alternative interpreter. The tool used for this is mass-rebuild and the initial rebuilds have already started. The ruby interpreter maintainers are planning to experiment with debusine next time.
  • Lucas is organizing a Debian Ruby sprint towards the end of January in Paris. The plan of the team is to finish any missing bits of Ruby 3.3 transition at the time, try to push Rails 7 transition and fix RC bugs affecting the ruby ecosystem in Debian.
  • Anupa attended a Debian Publicity team meeting in-person during MiniDebCamp Toulouse.
  • Anupa moderated and posted in the Debian Administrator group in LinkedIn.

18 November 2024

Dirk Eddelbuettel: RcppArmadillo 14.2.0-1 on CRAN: New Upstream Minor

armadillo image Armadillo is a powerful and expressive C++ template library for linear algebra and scientific computing. It aims towards a good balance between speed and ease of use, has a syntax deliberately close to Matlab, and is useful for algorithm development directly in C++, or quick conversion of research code into production environments. RcppArmadillo integrates this library with the R environment and language and is widely used by (currently) 1191 other packages on CRAN, downloaded 37.2 million times (per the partial logs from the cloud mirrors of CRAN), and the CSDA paper (preprint / vignette) by Conrad and myself has been cited 603 times according to Google Scholar. Conrad released a minor version 14.2.0 a few days ago after we spent about two weeks with several runs of reverse-dependency checks covering corner cases. After a short delay at CRAN due to a false positive on a test, a package failing tests we also failed under the previous version, and some concern over new deprecation warnings _whem using the headers directly as _e.g. mlpack R package does we are now on CRAN. I noticed a missing feature under large 64bit word (for large floating-point matrices) and added an exporter for icube going to double to support the 64-bit integer range (as we already did, of course, for vectors and matrices). Changes since the last CRAN release are summarised below.

Changes in RcppArmadillo version 14.2.0-1 (2024-11-16)
  • Upgraded to Armadillo release 14.2.0 (Smooth Caffeine)
    • Faster handling of symmetric matrices by inv() and rcond()
    • Faster handling of hermitian matrices by inv(), rcond(), cond(), pinv(), rank()
    • Added solve_opts::force_sym option to solve() to force the use of the symmetric solver
    • More efficient handling of compound expressions by solve()
  • Added exporter specialisation for icube for the ARMA_64BIT_WORD case

Courtesy of my CRANberries, there is a diffstat report relative to previous release. More detailed information is on the RcppArmadillo page. Questions, comments etc should go to the rcpp-devel mailing list off the Rcpp R-Forge page. If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can sponsor me at GitHub.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

15 October 2024

Lukas M rdian: Waiting for a Linux system to be online

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What is an online system? Networking is a complex topic, and there is lots of confusion around the definition of an online system. Sometimes the boot process gets delayed up to two minutes, because the system still waits for one or more network interfaces to be ready. Systemd provides the that other service units can rely on, if they are deemed to require network connectivity. But what does online actually mean in this context, is a link-local IP address enough, do we need a routable gateway and how about DNS name resolution? The requirements for an online network interface depend very much on the services using an interface. For some services it might be good enough to reach their local network segment (e.g. to announce Zeroconf services), while others need to reach domain names (e.g. to mount a NFS share) or reach the global internet to run a web server. On the other hand, the implementation of varies, depending on which networking daemon is in use, e.g. systemd-networkd-wait-online.service or NetworkManager-wait-online.service. For Ubuntu, we created a specification that describes what we as a distro expect an online system to be. Having a definition in place, we are able to tackle the network-online-ordering issues that got reported over the years and can work out solutions to avoid delayed boot times on Ubuntu systems. In essence, we want systems to reach the following networking state to be considered online:
  1. Do not wait for optional interfaces to receive network configuration
  2. Have IPv6 and/or IPv4 link-local addresses on every network interface
  3. Have at least one interface with a globally routable connection
  4. Have functional domain name resolution on any routable interface

A common implementation NetworkManager and systemd-networkd are two very common networking daemons used on modern Linux systems. But they originate from different contexts and therefore show different behaviours in certain scenarios, such as wait-online. Luckily, on Ubuntu we already have Netplan as a unification layer on top of those networking daemons, that allows for common network configuration, and can also be used to tweak the wait-online logic. With the recent release of Netplan v1.1 we introduced initial functionality to tweak the behaviour of the systemd-networkd-wait-online.service, as used on Ubuntu Server systems. When Netplan is used to drive the systemd-networkd backend, it will emit an override configuration file in /run/systemd/system/systemd-networkd-wait-online.service.d/10-netplan.conf, listing the specific non-optional interfaces that should receive link-local IP configuration. In parallel to that, it defines a list of network interfaces that Netplan detected to be potential global connections, and waits for any of those interfaces to reach a globally routable state. Such override config file might look like this:

ExecStart=/lib/systemd/systemd-networkd-wait-online -i eth99.43:carrier -i lo:carrier -i eth99.42:carrier -i eth99.44:degraded -i bond0:degraded
ExecStart=/lib/systemd/systemd-networkd-wait-online --any -o routable -i eth99.43 -i eth99.45 -i bond0
In addition to the new features implemented in Netplan, we reached out to upstream systemd, proposing an enhancement to the systemd-networkd-wait-online service, integrating it with systemd-resolved to check for the availability of DNS name resolution. Once this is implemented upstream, we re able to fully control the systemd-networkd backend on Ubuntu Server systems, to behave consistently and according to the definition of an online system that was lined out above.

Future work The story doesn t end there, because Ubuntu Desktop systems are using NetworkManager as their networking backend. This daemon provides its very own nm-online utility, utilized by the NetworkManager-wait-online systemd service. It implements a much higher-level approach, looking at the networking daemon in general instead of the individual network interfaces. By default, it considers a system to be online once every autoconnect profile got activated (or failed to activate), meaning that either a IPv4 or IPv6 address got assigned. There are considerable enhancements to be implemented to this tool, for it to be controllable in a fine-granular way similar to systemd-networkd-wait-online, so that it can be instructed to wait for specific networking states on selected interfaces.

A note of caution Making a service depend on is considered an antipattern in most cases. This is because networking on Linux systems is very dynamic and the systemd target can only ever reflect the networking state at a single point in time. It cannot guarantee this state to be remained over the uptime of your system and has the potentially to delay the boot process considerably. Cables can be unplugged, wireless connectivity can drop, or remote routers can go down at any time, affecting the connectivity state of your local system. Therefore, instead of wondering what to do about, please just fix your program to be friendly to dynamically changing network configuration. [source].

7 October 2024

Reproducible Builds: Reproducible Builds in September 2024

Welcome to the September 2024 report from the Reproducible Builds project! Our reports attempt to outline what we ve been up to over the past month, highlighting news items from elsewhere in tech where they are related. As ever, if you are interested in contributing to the project, please visit our Contribute page on our website. Table of contents:
  1. New binsider tool to analyse ELF binaries
  2. Unreproducibility of GHC Haskell compiler 95% fixed
  3. Mailing list summary
  4. Towards a 100% bit-for-bit reproducible OS
  5. Two new reproducibility-related academic papers
  6. Distribution work
  7. diffoscope
  8. Other software development
  9. Android toolchain core count issue reported
  10. New Gradle plugin for reproducibility
  11. Website updates
  12. Upstream patches
  13. Reproducibility testing framework

New binsider tool to analyse ELF binaries Reproducible Builds developer Orhun Parmaks z has announced a fantastic new tool to analyse the contents of ELF binaries. According to the project s README page:
Binsider can perform static and dynamic analysis, inspect strings, examine linked libraries, and perform hexdumps, all within a user-friendly terminal user interface!
More information about Binsider s features and how it works can be found within Binsider s documentation pages.

Unreproducibility of GHC Haskell compiler 95% fixed A seven-year-old bug about the nondeterminism of object code generated by the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) received a recent update, consisting of Rodrigo Mesquita noting that the issue is:
95% fixed by [merge request] !12680 when -fobject-determinism is enabled. [ ]
The linked merge request has since been merged, and Rodrigo goes on to say that:
After that patch is merged, there are some rarer bugs in both interface file determinism (eg. #25170) and in object determinism (eg. #25269) that need to be taken care of, but the great majority of the work needed to get there should have been merged already. When merged, I think we should close this one in favour of the more specific determinism issues like the two linked above.

Mailing list summary On our mailing list this month:
  • Fay Stegerman let everyone know that she started a thread on the Fediverse about the problems caused by unreproducible zlib/deflate compression in .zip and .apk files and later followed up with the results of her subsequent investigation.
  • Long-time developer kpcyrd wrote that there has been a recent public discussion on the Arch Linux GitLab [instance] about the challenges and possible opportunities for making the Linux kernel package reproducible , all relating to the CONFIG_MODULE_SIG flag. [ ]
  • Bernhard M. Wiedemann followed-up to an in-person conversation at our recent Hamburg 2024 summit on the potential presence for Reproducible Builds in recognised standards. [ ]
  • Fay Stegerman also wrote about her worry about the possible repercussions for RB tooling of Debian migrating from zlib to zlib-ng as reproducibility requires identical compressed data streams. [ ]
  • Martin Monperrus wrote the list announcing the latest release of maven-lockfile that is designed aid building Maven projects with integrity . [ ]
  • Lastly, Bernhard M. Wiedemann wrote about potential role of reproducible builds in combatting silent data corruption, as detailed in a recent Tweet and scholarly paper on faulty CPU cores. [ ]

Towards a 100% bit-for-bit reproducible OS Bernhard M. Wiedemann began writing on journey towards a 100% bit-for-bit reproducible operating system on the openSUSE wiki:
This is a report of Part 1 of my journey: building 100% bit-reproducible packages for every package that makes up [openSUSE s] minimalVM image. This target was chosen as the smallest useful result/artifact. The larger package-sets get, the more disk-space and build-power is required to build/verify all of them.
This work was sponsored by NLnet s NGI Zero fund.

Distribution work In Debian this month, 14 reviews of Debian packages were added, 12 were updated and 20 were removed, all adding to our knowledge about identified issues. A number of issue types were updated as well. [ ][ ] In addition, Holger opened 4 bugs against the debrebuild component of the devscripts suite of tools. In particular:
  • #1081047: Fails to download .dsc file.
  • #1081048: Does not work with a proxy.
  • #1081050: Fails to create a debrebuild.tar.
  • #1081839: Fails with E: mmdebstrap failed to run error.
Last month, an issue was filed to update the Salsa CI pipeline (used by 1,000s of Debian packages) to no longer test for reproducibility with reprotest s build_path variation. Holger Levsen provided a rationale for this change in the issue, which has already been made to the tests being performed by This month, this issue was closed by Santiago R. R., nicely explaining that build path variation is no longer the default, and, if desired, how developers may enable it again. In openSUSE news, Bernhard M. Wiedemann published another report for that distribution.

diffoscope diffoscope is our in-depth and content-aware diff utility that can locate and diagnose reproducibility issues. This month, Chris Lamb made the following changes, including preparing and uploading version 278 to Debian:
  • New features:
    • Add a helpful contextual message to the output if comparing Debian .orig tarballs within .dsc files without the ability to fuzzy-match away the leading directory. [ ]
  • Bug fixes:
    • Drop removal of calculated os.path.basename from GNU readelf output. [ ]
    • Correctly invert X% similar value and do not emit 100% similar . [ ]
  • Misc:
    • Temporarily remove procyon-decompiler from Build-Depends as it was removed from testing (via #1057532). (#1082636)
    • Update copyright years. [ ]
For trydiffoscope, the command-line client for the web-based version of diffoscope, Chris Lamb also:
  • Added an explicit python3-setuptools dependency. (#1080825)
  • Bumped the Standards-Version to 4.7.0. [ ]

Other software development disorderfs is our FUSE-based filesystem that deliberately introduces non-determinism into system calls to reliably flush out reproducibility issues. This month, version 0.5.11-4 was uploaded to Debian unstable by Holger Levsen making the following changes:
  • Replace build-dependency on the obsolete pkg-config package with one on pkgconf, following a Lintian check. [ ]
  • Bump Standards-Version field to 4.7.0, with no related changes needed. [ ]

In addition, reprotest is our tool for building the same source code twice in different environments and then checking the binaries produced by each build for any differences. This month, version 0.7.28 was uploaded to Debian unstable by Holger Levsen including a change by Jelle van der Waa to move away from the pipes Python module to shlex, as the former will be removed in Python version 3.13 [ ].

Android toolchain core count issue reported Fay Stegerman reported an issue with the Android toolchain where a part of the build system generates a different classes.dex file (and thus a different .apk) depending on the number of cores available during the build, thereby breaking Reproducible Builds:
We ve rebuilt [tag v3.6.1] multiple times (each time in a fresh container): with 2, 4, 6, 8, and 16 cores available, respectively:
  • With 2 and 4 cores we always get an unsigned APK with SHA-256 14763d682c9286ef .
  • With 6, 8, and 16 cores we get an unsigned APK with SHA-256 35324ba4c492760 instead.

New Gradle plugin for reproducibility A new plugin for the Gradle build tool for Java has been released. This easily-enabled plugin results in:
reproducibility settings [being] applied to some of Gradle s built-in tasks that should really be the default. Compatible with Java 8 and Gradle 8.3 or later.

Website updates There were a rather substantial number of improvements made to our website this month, including:

Upstream patches The Reproducible Builds project detects, dissects and attempts to fix as many currently-unreproducible packages as possible. We endeavour to send all of our patches upstream where appropriate. This month, we wrote a large number of such patches, including:

Reproducibility testing framework The Reproducible Builds project operates a comprehensive testing framework running primarily at in order to check packages and other artifacts for reproducibility. In September, a number of changes were made by Holger Levsen, including:
  • Debian-related changes:
    • Upgrade the osuosl4 node to Debian trixie in anticipation of running debrebuild and rebuilderd there. [ ][ ][ ]
    • Temporarily mark the osuosl4 node as offline due to ongoing xfs_repair filesystem maintenance. [ ][ ]
    • Do not warn about (very old) broken nodes. [ ]
    • Add the risc64 architecture to the multiarch version skew tests for Debian trixie and sid. [ ][ ][ ]
    • Mark the virt 32,64 b nodes as down. [ ]
  • Misc changes:
    • Add support for powercycling OpenStack instances. [ ]
    • Update the fail2ban to ban hosts for 4 weeks in total [ ][ ] and take care to never ban our own Jenkins instance. [ ]
In addition, Vagrant Cascadian recorded a disk failure for the virt32b and virt64b nodes [ ], performed some maintenance of the cbxi4a node [ ][ ] and marked most armhf architecture systems as being back online.

Finally, If you are interested in contributing to the Reproducible Builds project, please visit our Contribute page on our website. However, you can get in touch with us via:

29 September 2024

Reproducible Builds: Supporter spotlight: Kees Cook on Linux kernel security

The Reproducible Builds project relies on several projects, supporters and sponsors for financial support, but they are also valued as ambassadors who spread the word about our project and the work that we do. This is the eighth installment in a series featuring the projects, companies and individuals who support the Reproducible Builds project. We started this series by featuring the Civil Infrastructure Platform project, and followed this up with a post about the Ford Foundation as well as recent ones about ARDC, the Google Open Source Security Team (GOSST), Bootstrappable Builds, the F-Droid project, David A. Wheeler and Simon Butler. Today, however, we will be talking with Kees Cook, founder of the Kernel Self-Protection Project.

Vagrant Cascadian: Could you tell me a bit about yourself? What sort of things do you work on? Kees Cook: I m a Free Software junkie living in Portland, Oregon, USA. I have been focusing on the upstream Linux kernel s protection of itself. There is a lot of support that the kernel provides userspace to defend itself, but when I first started focusing on this there was not as much attention given to the kernel protecting itself. As userspace got more hardened the kernel itself became a bigger target. Almost 9 years ago I formally announced the Kernel Self-Protection Project because the work necessary was way more than my time and expertise could do alone. So I just try to get people to help as much as possible; people who understand the ARM architecture, people who understand the memory management subsystem to help, people who understand how to make the kernel less buggy.
Vagrant: Could you describe the path that lead you to working on this sort of thing? Kees: I have always been interested in security through the aspect of exploitable flaws. I always thought it was like a magic trick to make a computer do something that it was very much not designed to do and seeing how easy it is to subvert bugs. I wanted to improve that fragility. In 2006, I started working at Canonical on Ubuntu and was mainly focusing on bringing Debian and Ubuntu up to what was the state of the art for Fedora and Gentoo s security hardening efforts. Both had really pioneered a lot of userspace hardening with compiler flags and ELF stuff and many other things for hardened binaries. On the whole, Debian had not really paid attention to it. Debian s packaging building process at the time was sort of a chaotic free-for-all as there wasn t centralized build methodology for defining things. Luckily that did slowly change over the years. In Ubuntu we had the opportunity to apply top down build rules for hardening all the packages. In 2011 Chrome OS was following along and took advantage of a bunch of the security hardening work as they were based on ebuild out of Gentoo and when they looked for someone to help out they reached out to me. We recognized the Linux kernel was pretty much the weakest link in the Chrome OS security posture and I joined them to help solve that. Their userspace was pretty well handled but the kernel had a lot of weaknesses, so focusing on hardening was the next place to go. When I compared notes with other users of the Linux kernel within Google there were a number of common concerns and desires. Chrome OS already had an upstream first requirement, so I tried to consolidate the concerns and solve them upstream. It was challenging to land anything in other kernel team repos at Google, as they (correctly) wanted to minimize their delta from upstream, so I needed to work on any major improvements entirely in upstream and had a lot of support from Google to do that. As such, my focus shifted further from working directly on Chrome OS into being entirely upstream and being more of a consultant to internal teams, helping with integration or sometimes backporting. Since the volume of needed work was so gigantic I needed to find ways to inspire other developers (both inside and outside of Google) to help. Once I had a budget I tried to get folks paid (or hired) to work on these areas when it wasn t already their job.
Vagrant: So my understanding of some of your recent work is basically defining undefined behavior in the language or compiler? Kees: I ve found the term undefined behavior to have a really strict meaning within the compiler community, so I have tried to redefine my goal as eliminating unexpected behavior or ambiguous language constructs . At the end of the day ambiguity leads to bugs, and bugs lead to exploitable security flaws. I ve been taking a four-pronged approach: supporting the work people are doing to get rid of ambiguity, identify new areas where ambiguity needs to be removed, actually removing that ambiguity from the C language, and then dealing with any needed refactoring in the Linux kernel source to adapt to the new constraints. None of this is particularly novel; people have recognized how dangerous some of these language constructs are for decades and decades but I think it is a combination of hard problems and a lot of refactoring that nobody has the interest/resources to do. So, we have been incrementally going after the lowest hanging fruit. One clear example in recent years was the elimination of C s implicit fall-through in switch statements. The language would just fall through between adjacent cases if a break (or other code flow directive) wasn t present. But this is ambiguous: is the code meant to fall-through, or did the author just forget a break statement? By defining the [[fallthrough]] statement, and requiring its use in Linux, all switch statements now have explicit code flow, and the entire class of bugs disappeared. During our refactoring we actually found that 1 in 10 added [[fallthrough]] statements were actually missing break statements. This was an extraordinarily common bug! So getting rid of that ambiguity is where we have been. Another area I ve been spending a bit of time on lately is looking at how defensive security work has challenges associated with metrics. How do you measure your defensive security impact? You can t say because we installed locks on the doors, 20% fewer break-ins have happened. Much of our signal is always secondary or retrospective, which is frustrating: This class of flaw was used X much over the last decade so, and if we have eliminated that class of flaw and will never see it again, what is the impact? Is the impact infinity? Attackers will just move to the next easiest thing. But it means that exploitation gets incrementally more difficult. As attack surfaces are reduced, the expense of exploitation goes up.
Vagrant: So it is hard to identify how effective this is how bad would it be if people just gave up? Kees: I think it would be pretty bad, because as we have seen, using secondary factors, the work we have done in the industry at large, not just the Linux kernel, has had an impact. What we, Microsoft, Apple, and everyone else is doing for their respective software ecosystems, has shown that the price of functional exploits in the black market has gone up. Especially for really egregious stuff like a zero-click remote code execution. If those were cheap then obviously we are not doing something right, and it becomes clear that it s trivial for anyone to attack the infrastructure that our lives depend on. But thankfully we have seen over the last two decades that prices for exploits keep going up and up into millions of dollars. I think it is important to keep working on that because, as a central piece of modern computer infrastructure, the Linux kernel has a giant target painted on it. If we give up, we have to accept that our computers are not doing what they were designed to do, which I can t accept. The safety of my grandparents shouldn t be any different from the safety of journalists, and political activists, and anyone else who might be the target of attacks. We need to be able to trust our devices otherwise why use them at all?
Vagrant: What has been your biggest success in recent years? Kees: I think with all these things I am not the only actor. Almost everything that we have been successful at has been because of a lot of people s work, and one of the big ones that has been coordinated across the ecosystem and across compilers was initializing stack variables to 0 by default. This feature was added in Clang, GCC, and MSVC across the board even though there were a lot of fears about forking the C language. The worry was that developers would come to depend on zero-initialized stack variables, but this hasn t been the case because we still warn about uninitialized variables when the compiler can figure that out. So you still still get the warnings at compile time but now you can count on the contents of your stack at run-time and we drop an entire class of uninitialized variable flaws. While the exploitation of this class has mostly been around memory content exposure, it has also been used for control flow attacks. So that was politically and technically a large challenge: convincing people it was necessary, showing its utility, and implementing it in a way that everyone would be happy with, resulting in the elimination of a large and persistent class of flaws in C.
Vagrant: In a world where things are generally Reproducible do you see ways in which that might affect your work? Kees: One of the questions I frequently get is, What version of the Linux kernel has feature $foo? If I know how things are built, I can answer with just a version number. In a Reproducible Builds scenario I can count on the compiler version, compiler flags, kernel configuration, etc. all those things are known, so I can actually answer definitively that a certain feature exists. So that is an area where Reproducible Builds affects me most directly. Indirectly, it is just being able to trust the binaries you are running are going to behave the same for the same build environment is critical for sane testing.
Vagrant: Have you used diffoscope? Kees: I have! One subset of tree-wide refactoring that we do when getting rid of ambiguous language usage in the kernel is when we have to make source level changes to satisfy some new compiler requirement but where the binary output is not expected to change at all. It is mostly about getting the compiler to understand what is happening, what is intended in the cases where the old ambiguity does actually match the new unambiguous description of what is intended. The binary shouldn t change. We have used diffoscope to compare the before and after binaries to confirm that yep, there is no change in binary .
Vagrant: You cannot just use checksums for that? Kees: For the most part, we need to only compare the text segments. We try to hold as much stable as we can, following the Reproducible Builds documentation for the kernel, but there are macros in the kernel that are sensitive to source line numbers and as a result those will change the layout of the data segment (and sometimes the text segment too). With diffoscope there s flexibility where I can exclude or include different comparisons. Sometimes I just go look at what diffoscope is doing and do that manually, because I can tweak that a little harder, but diffoscope is definitely the default. Diffoscope is awesome!
Vagrant: Where has reproducible builds affected you? Kees: One of the notable wins of reproducible builds lately was dealing with the fallout of the XZ backdoor and just being able to ask the question is my build environment running the expected code? and to be able to compare the output generated from one install that never had a vulnerable XZ and one that did have a vulnerable XZ and compare the results of what you get. That was important for kernel builds because the XZ threat actor was working to expand their influence and capabilities to include Linux kernel builds, but they didn t finish their work before they were noticed. I think what happened with Debian proving the build infrastructure was not affected is an important example of how people would have needed to verify the kernel builds too.
Vagrant: What do you want to see for the near or distant future in security work? Kees: For reproducible builds in the kernel, in the work that has been going on in the ClangBuiltLinux project, one of the driving forces of code and usability quality has been the continuous integration work. As soon as something breaks, on the kernel side, the Clang side, or something in between the two, we get a fast signal and can chase it and fix the bugs quickly. I would like to see someone with funding to maintain a reproducible kernel build CI. There have been places where there are certain architecture configurations or certain build configuration where we lose reproducibility and right now we have sort of a standard open source development feedback loop where those things get fixed but the time in between introduction and fix can be large. Getting a CI for reproducible kernels would give us the opportunity to shorten that time.
Vagrant: Well, thanks for that! Any last closing thoughts? Kees: I am a big fan of reproducible builds, thank you for all your work. The world is a safer place because of it.
Vagrant: Likewise for your work!

For more information about the Reproducible Builds project, please see our website at If you are interested in ensuring the ongoing security of the software that underpins our civilisation and wish to sponsor the Reproducible Builds project, please reach out to the project by emailing

9 September 2024

Ben Hutchings: FOSS activity in July 2024

27 July 2024

Bits from Debian: DebConf24 welcomes its sponsors!

DebConf24 logo DebConf24, the 25th edition of the Debian conference is taking place in Pukyong National University at Busan, Republic of Korea. Thanks to the hard work of its organizers, it again will be an interesting and fruitful event for attendees. We would like to warmly welcome the sponsors of DebConf24, and introduce them to you. We have three Platinum sponsors. Our Gold sponsors are: Our Silver sponsors are: Bronze sponsors: And finally, our Supporter level sponsors: A special thanks to the Pukyong National University, our Venue Partner and our Network Partners KOREN and KREONET! Thanks to all our sponsors for their support! Their contributions make it possible for a large number of Debian contributors from all over the globe to work together, help and learn from each other in DebConf24.

2 July 2024

Bits from Debian: Bits from the DPL

Dear Debian community, Statement on Daniel Pocock The Debian project has successfully taken action to secure its trademarks and interests worldwide, as detailed in our press statement. I would like to personally thank everyone in the community who was involved in this process. I would have loved for you all to have spent your volunteer time on more fruitful things. Debian Boot team might need help I think I've identified the issue that finally motivated me to contact our teams: for a long time, I have had the impression that Debian is driven by several "one-person teams" (to varying extents of individual influence and susceptibility to burnout). As DPL, I see it as my task to find ways to address this issue and provide support. I received private responses from Debian Boot team members, which motivated me to kindly invite volunteers to some prominent and highly visible fields of work that you might find personally challenging. I recommend subscribing to the Debian Boot mailing list to see where you might be able to provide assistance. /usrmerge Helmut Grohne confirmed that the last remaining packages shipping aliased files inside the package set relevant to debootstrap were uploaded. Thanks a lot for Helmut and all contributors that helped to implement DEP17. Contacting more teams I'd like to repeat that I've registered a BoF for DebConf24 in Busan with the following description: This BoF is an attempt to gather as much as possible teams inside Debian to exchange experiences, discuss workflows inside teams, share their ways to attract newcomers etc. Each participant team should prepare a short description of their work and what team roles ( openings ) they have for new contributors. Even for delegated teams (membership is less fluid), it would be good to present the team, explain what it takes to be a team member, and what steps people usually go to end up being invited to participate. Some other teams can easily absorb contributions from salsa MRs, and at some point people get commit access. Anyway, the point is that we work on the idea that the pathway to become a team member becomes more clear from an outsider point-of-view. I'm lagging a bit behind my team contacting schedule and will not manage to contact every team before DebConf. As a (short) summary, I can draw some positive conclusions about my efforts to reach out to teams. I was able to identify some issues that were new to me and which I am now working on. Examples include limitations in Salsa and Salsa CI. I consider both essential parts of our infrastructure and will support both teams in enhancing their services. Some teams confirmed that they are basically using some common infrastructure (Salsa team space, mailing lists, IRC channels) but that the individual members of the team work on their own problems without sharing any common work. I have also not read about convincing strategies to attract newcomers to the team, as we have established, for instance, in the Debian Med team. DebConf attendance The amount of money needed to fly people to South Korea was higher than usual, so the DebConf bursary team had to make some difficult decisions about who could be reimbursed for travel expenses. I extended the budget for diversity and newcomers, which enabled us to invite some additional contributors. We hope that those who were not able to come this year can make it next year to Brest or to MiniDebConf Cambridge or Toulouse tag2upload On June 12, Sean Whitton requested comments on the debian-vote list regarding a General Resolution (GR) about tag2upload. The discussion began with technical details but unfortunately, as often happens in long threads, it drifted into abrasive language, prompting the community team to address the behavior of an opponent of the GR supporters. After 560 emails covering technical details, including a detailed security review by Russ Allbery, Sean finally proposed the GR on June 27, 2024 (two weeks after requesting comments). Firstly, I would like to thank the drivers of this GR and acknowledge the technical work behind it, including the security review. I am positively convinced that Debian can benefit from modernizing its infrastructure, particularly through stronger integration of Git into packaging workflows. Sam Hartman provided some historical context [1], [2], [3], [4], noting that this discussion originally took place five years ago with no results from several similarly lengthy threads. My favorite summary of the entire thread was given by Gregor Herrmann, which reflects the same gut feeling I have and highlights a structural problem within Debian that hinders technical changes. Addressing this issue is definitely a matter for the Debian Project Leader, and I will try to address it during my term. At the time of writing these bits, a proposal from ftpmaster, which is being continuously discussed, might lead to a solution. I was also asked to extend the GR discussion periods which I will do in separate mail. Talk: Debian GNU/Linux for Scientific Research I was invited to have a talk in the Systems-Facing Track of University of British Columbia (who is sponsoring rack space for several Debian servers). I admit it felt a bit strange to me after working more than 20 years for establishing Debian in scientific environments to be invited to such a talk "because I'm DPL". Kind regards Andreas.

6 June 2024

Debian Brasil: MiniDebConf Belo Horizonte 2024 - a brief report

From April 27th to 30th, 2024, MiniDebConf Belo Horizonte 2024 was held at the Pampulha Campus of UFMG - Federal University of Minas Gerais, in Belo Horizonte city. MiniDebConf BH 2024 banners This was the fifth time that a MiniDebConf (as an exclusive in-person event about Debian) took place in Brazil. Previous editions were in Curitiba (2016, 2017, and 2018), and in Bras lia 2023. We had other MiniDebConfs editions held within Free Software events such as FISL and Latinoware, and other online events. See our event history. Parallel to MiniDebConf, on 27th (Saturday) FLISOL - Latin American Free Software Installation Festival took place. It's the largest event in Latin America to promote Free Software, and It has been held since 2005 simultaneously in several cities. MiniDebConf Belo Horizonte 2024 was a success (as were previous editions) thanks to the participation of everyone, regardless of their level of knowledge about Debian. We value the presence of both beginner users who are familiarizing themselves with the system and the official project developers. The spirit of welcome and collaboration was present during all the event. MiniDebConf BH 2024 flisol 2024 edition numbers During the four days of the event, several activities took place for all levels of users and collaborators of the Debian project. The official schedule was composed of: MiniDebConf BH 2024 palestra The final numbers for MiniDebConf Belo Horizonte 2024 show that we had a record number of participants. Of the 224 participants, 15 were official Brazilian contributors, 10 being DDs (Debian Developers) and 05 (Debian Maintainers), in addition to several unofficial contributors. The organization was carried out by 14 people who started working at the end of 2023, including Prof. Lo c Cerf from the Computing Department who made the event possible at UFMG, and 37 volunteers who helped during the event. As MiniDebConf was held at UFMG facilities, we had the help of more than 10 University employees. See the list with the names of people who helped in some way in organizing MiniDebConf Belo Horizonte 2024. The difference between the number of people registered and the number of attendees in the event is probably explained by the fact that there is no registration fee, so if the person decides not to go to the event, they will not suffer financial losses. The 2024 edition of MiniDebconf Belo Horizonte was truly grand and shows the result of the constant efforts made over the last few years to attract more contributors to the Debian community in Brazil. With each edition the numbers only increase, with more attendees, more activities, more rooms, and more sponsors/supporters. MiniDebConf BH 2024 grupo

MiniDebConf BH 2024 grupo Activities The MiniDebConf schedule was intense and diverse. On the 27th, 29th and 30th (Saturday, Monday and Tuesday) we had talks, discussions, workshops and many practical activities. MiniDebConf BH 2024 palestra On the 28th (Sunday), the Day Trip took place, a day dedicated to sightseeing around the city. In the morning we left the hotel and went, on a chartered bus, to the Belo Horizonte Central Market. People took the opportunity to buy various things such as cheeses, sweets, cacha as and souvenirs, as well as tasting some local foods. MiniDebConf BH 2024 mercado After a 2-hour tour of the Market, we got back on the bus and hit the road for lunch at a typical Minas Gerais food restaurant. MiniDebConf BH 2024 palestra With everyone well fed, we returned to Belo Horizonte to visit the city's main tourist attraction: Lagoa da Pampulha and Capela S o Francisco de Assis, better known as Igrejinha da Pampulha. MiniDebConf BH 2024 palestra We went back to the hotel and the day ended in the hacker space that we set up in the events room for people to chat, packaging, and eat pizzas. MiniDebConf BH 2024 palestra Crowdfunding For the third time we ran a crowdfunding campaign and it was incredible how people contributed! The initial goal was to raise the amount equivalent to a gold tier of R$ 3,000.00. When we reached this goal, we defined a new one, equivalent to one gold tier + one silver tier (R$ 5,000.00). And again we achieved this goal. So we proposed as a final goal the value of a gold + silver + bronze tiers, which would be equivalent to R$ 6,000.00. The result was that we raised R$7,239.65 (~ USD 1,400) with the help of more than 100 people! Thank you very much to the people who contributed any amount. As a thank you, we list the names of the people who donated. MiniDebConf BH 2024 doadores Food, accommodation and/or travel grants for participants Each edition of MiniDebConf brought some innovation, or some different benefit for the attendees. In this year's edition in Belo Horizonte, as with DebConfs, we offered bursaries for food, accommodation and/or travel to help those people who would like to come to the event but who would need some kind of help. In the registration form, we included the option for the person to request a food, accommodation and/or travel bursary, but to do so, they would have to identify themselves as a contributor (official or unofficial) to Debian and write a justification for the request. Number of people benefited: The food bursary provided lunch and dinner every day. The lunches included attendees who live in Belo Horizonte and the region. Dinners were paid for attendees who also received accommodation and/or travel. The accommodation was held at the BH Jaragu Hotel. And the travels included airplane or bus tickets, or fuel (for those who came by car or motorbike). Much of the money to fund the bursaries came from the Debian Project, mainly for travels. We sent a budget request to the former Debian leader Jonathan Carter, and He promptly approved our request. In addition to this event budget, the leader also approved individual requests sent by some DDs who preferred to request directly from him. The experience of offering the bursaries was really good because it allowed several people to come from other cities. MiniDebConf BH 2024 grupo Photos and videos You can watch recordings of the talks at the links below: And see the photos taken by several collaborators in the links below: Thanks We would like to thank all the attendees, organizers, volunteers, sponsors and supporters who contributed to the success of MiniDebConf Belo Horizonte 2024. MiniDebConf BH 2024 grupo Sponsors Gold: Silver: Bronze: Supporters Organizers

Paul Wise: FLOSS Activities May 2024

Focus This month I didn't have any particular focus. I just worked on issues in my info bubble.



  • Debian BTS usertags: changes for the month

  • Debian wiki: approve accounts

  • Respond to queries from Debian users and contributors on the mailing lists and IRC

Sponsors All work was done on a volunteer basis.

20 May 2024

Russell Coker: Respect and Children

I attended the school Yarra Valley Grammer (then Yarra Valley Anglican School which I will refer to as YV ) and completed year 12 in 1990. The school is currently in the news for a spreadsheet some boys made rating girls where unrapeable was one of the ratings. The school s PR team are now making claims like Respect for each other is in the DNA of this school . I d like to know when this DNA change allegedly occurred because respect definitely wasn t in the school DNA in 1990! Before I go any further I have to note that if the school threatens legal action against me for this post it will be clear evidence that they don t believe in respect. The actions of that school have wronged me, several of my friends, many people who aren t friends but who I wish they hadn t had to suffer and I hadn t had to witness it, and presumably countless others that I didn t witness. If they have any decency they would not consider legal action but I have learned that as an institution they have no decency so I have to note that they should read the Wikipedia page about the Streisand Effect [1] and keep it in mind before deciding on a course of action. I think it is possible to create a school where most kids enjoy being there and enjoy learning, where hardly any students find it a negative experience and almost no-one finds it traumatic. But it is not possible to do that with the way schools tend to be run. When I was at high school there was a general culture that minor sex crimes committed by boys against boys weren t a problem, this probably applied to all high schools. Things like ripping a boy s pants off (known as dakking ) were considered a big joke. If you accept that ripping the pants off an unwilling boy is a good thing (as was the case when I was at school) then that leads to thinking that describing girls as unrapeable is acceptable. The Wikipedia page for Pantsing [2] has a reference for this issue being raised as a serious problem by the British Secretary of State for Education and Skills Alan Johnson in 2007. So this has continued to be a widespread problem around the world. Has YV become better than other schools in dealing with it or is Dakking and Wedgies as well accepted now as it was when I attended? There is talk about schools preparing kids for the workforce, but grabbing someone s underpants without consent will result in instant dismissal from almost all employment. There should be more tolerance for making mistakes at school than at work, but they shouldn t tolerate what would be serious crimes in other contexts. For work environments there have been significant changes to what is accepted, so it doesn t seem unreasonable to expect that schools can have a similar change in culture. One would hope that spending 6 years wondering who s going to grab your underpants next would teach boys the importance of consent and some sympathy for victims of other forms of sexual assault. But that doesn t seem to happen, apparently it s often the opposite. When I was young Autism wasn t diagnosed for anyone who was capable of having a normal life. Teachers noticed that I wasn t like other kids, some were nice, but some encouraged other boys to attack me as a form of corporal punishment by proxy not a punishment for doing anything wrong (detentions were adequate for that) but for being different. The lesson kids will take from that sort of thing is that if you are in a position of power you can mistreat other people and get away with it. There was a girl in my year level at YV who would probably be diagnosed as Autistic by today s standards, the way I witnessed her being treated was considerably worse than what was described in the recent news reports but it is quite likely that worse things have been done recently which haven t made the news yet. If this issue is declared to be over after 4 boys were expelled then I ll count that as evidence of a cover-up. These things don t happen in a vacuum, there s a culture that permits and encourages it. The word respect has different meanings, it can mean treat a superior as the master or treat someone as a human being . The phrase if you treat me with respect I ll treat you with respect usually means if you treat me as the boss then I ll treat you as a human being . The distinction is very important when discussing respect in schools. If teachers are considered the ultimate bosses whose behaviour can never be questioned then many boys won t need much help from Andrew Tate in developing the belief that they should be the boss of girls in the same way. Do any schools have a process for having students review teachers? Does YV have an ombudsman to take reports of misbehaving teachers in the way that corporations typically have an ombudsman to take reports about bad managers? Any time you have people whose behaviour is beyond scrutiny or oversight you will inevitably have bad people apply for jobs, then bad things will happen and it will create a culture of bad behaviour. If teachers can treat kids badly then kids will treat other kids badly, and this generally ends with girls being treated badly by boys. My experience at YV was that kids barely had the status of people. It seemed that the school operated more as a caretaker of the property of parents than as an organisation that cares for people. The current YV website has a Whistleblower policy [3] that has only one occurrence of the word student and that is about issues that endanger the health or safety of students. Students are the people most vulnerable to reprisal for complaining and not being listed as an eligible whistleblower shows their status. The web site also has a flowchart for complaints and grievances [4] which doesn t describe any policy for a complaint to be initiated by a student. One would hope that parents would advocate for their children but that often isn t the case. When discussing the possibility of boys being bullied at school with parents I ve had them say things like my son wouldn t be so weak that he would be bullied , no boy will tell his parents about being bullied if that s their attitude! I imagine that there are similar but different issues of parents victim-blaming when their daughter is bullied (presumably substituting immoral for weak) but don t have direct knowledge of the topic. The experience of many kids is being disrespected by their parents, the school system, and often siblings too. A school can t solve all the world s problems but can ideally be a refuge for kids who have problems at home. When I was at school the culture in the country and the school was homophobic. One teacher when discussing issues such as how students could tell him if they had psychological problems and no-one else to talk to said some things like the Village People make really good music which was the only time any teacher said anything like It s OK to be gay (the Village People were the gayest pop group at the time). A lot of the bullying at school had a sexual component to it. In addition to the wedgies and dakking (which while not happening often was something you had to constantly be aware of) I routinely avoided PE classes where a shower was necessary because of a thug who hung around by the showers and looked hungrily at my penis, I don t know if he had a particular liking to mine or if he stared at everyone that way. Flashing and perving was quite common in change rooms. Presumably as such boy-boy sexual misbehaviour was so accepted that led to boys mistreating girls. I currently work for a company that is active in telling it s employees about the possibility of free psychological assistance. Any employee can phone a psychologist to discuss problems (whether or not they are work related) free of charge and without their manager or colleagues knowing. The company is billed and is only given a breakdown of the number of people who used the service and roughly what the issue was (work stress, family, friends, grief, etc). When something noteworthy happens employees are given reminders about this such as if you need help after seeing a homeless man try to steal a laptop from the office then feel free to call the assistance program . Do schools offer something similar? With the school fees paid to a school like YV they should be able to afford plenty of psychologist time. Every day I was at YV I saw something considerably worse than laptop theft, most days something was done to me. The problems with schools are part of larger problems with society. About half of the adults in Australia still support the Liberal party in spite of their support of Christian Porter, Cardinal Pell, and Bruce Lehrmann. It s not logical to expect such parents to discourage their sons from mistreating girls or to encourage their daughters to complain when they are mistreated. The Anglican church has recently changed it s policy to suggesting that victims of sexual abuse can contact the police instead of or in addition to the church, previously they had encouraged victims to only contact the church which facilitated cover-ups. One would hope that schools associated with the Anglican church have also changed their practices towards such things. I approve of the respect is in our DNA concept, it s like Google s former slogan of Don t be evil which is something that they can be bound to. Here s a list of questions that could be asked of schools (not just YV but all schools) by journalists when reporting on such things:
  1. Do you have a policy of not trying to silence past students who have been treated badly?
  2. Do you take all sexual assaults seriously including wedgies and dakking?
  3. Do you take all violence at school seriously? Even if there s no blood? Even if the victim says they don t want to make an issue of it?
  4. What are your procedures to deal with misbehaviour from teachers? Do the students all know how to file complaints? Do they know that they can file a complaint if they aren t the victim?
  5. Does the school have policies against homophobia and transphobia and are they enforced?
  6. Does the school offer free psychological assistance to students and staff who need it? NB This only applies to private schools like YV that have huge amounts of money, public schools can t afford that.
  7. Are serious incidents investigated by people who are independent of the school and who don t have a vested interest in keeping things quiet?
  8. Do you encourage students to seek external help from organisations like the ones on the resources list of the Grace Tame Foundation [5]? Having your own list of recommended external organisations would be good too.
Counter Arguments I ve had practice debating such things, here s some responses to common counter arguments. Conclusion I don t think that YV is necessarily worse than other schools, although I m sure that representatives of other private schools are now working to assure parents of students and prospective students that they are. I don t think that all the people who were employed as teachers there when I attended were bad people, some of them were nice people who were competent teachers. But a few good people can t turn around a bad system. I will note that when I attended all the sports teachers were decent people, it was the only department I could say such things about. But sports involves situations that can lead to a bad result, issues started at other times and places can lead to violence or harassment in PE classes regardless of how good the teachers are. Teachers who know that there are problems need to be able to raise issues with the administration. When a teacher quits teaching to join the clergy and another teacher describes it as a loss for the clergy but a gain for YV it raises the question of why the bad teacher in question couldn t have been encouraged to leave earlier. A significant portion of the population will do whatever is permitted. If you say no teacher would ever bully a student so we don t need to look out for that then some teacher will do exactly that. I hope that this will lead to changes both in YV and in other schools. But if they declare this issue as resolved after expelling 4 students then something similar or worse will happen again. At least now students know that when this sort of thing happens they can send evidence to journalists to get some action.

2 May 2024

Paul Wise: FLOSS Activities April 2024

Focus This month I didn't have any particular focus. I just worked on issues in my info bubble.



  • Debian IRC: updated #debian-dpl access list for new DPL
  • Debian wiki: unblock IP addresses, approve accounts


Sponsors The SWH work was sponsored. All other work was done on a volunteer basis.

12 April 2024

NOKUBI Takatsugu: mailman3-web error when upgrading to bookworm

I tried to upgrade bullseye machien to bookworm, so I got the following error:
File /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/django/contrib/auth/ , line 5, in
from django.contrib.auth.views import redirect_to_login
File /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/django/contrib/auth/ , line 20, in
from django.utils.http import (
ImportError: cannot import name url_has_allowed_host_and_scheme from django.utils.http (/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/django/utils/ During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
It is similar to #1000810, but it is already closed. My solution is: I tried to send to the report, but it rerutns 550 Unknown or archived bug

5 April 2024

Paul Wise: FLOSS Activities March 2024

Focus This month I didn't have any particular focus. I just worked on issues in my info bubble.



  • Debian wiki: approve accounts

  • Respond to queries from Debian users and contributors on the mailing lists and IRC

Sponsors The SWH work was sponsored. All other work was done on a volunteer basis.

24 March 2024

Jacob Adams: Regular Reboots

Uptime is often considered a measure of system reliability, an indication that the running software is stable and can be counted on. However, this hides the insidious build-up of state throughout the system as it runs, the slow drift from the expected to the strange. As Nolan Lawson highlights in an excellent post entitled Programmers are bad at managing state, state is the most challenging part of programming. It s why did you try turning it off and on again is a classic tech support response to any problem. In addition to the problem of state, installing regular updates periodically requires a reboot, even if the rest of the process is automated through a tool like unattended-upgrades. For my personal homelab, I manage a handful of different machines running various services. I used to just schedule a day to update and reboot all of them, but that got very tedious very quickly. I then moved the reboot to a cronjob, and then recently to a systemd timer and service. I figure that laying out my path to better management of this might help others, and will almost certainly lead to someone telling me a better way to do this. UPDATE: Turns out there s another option for better systemd cron integration. See systemd-cron below.

Stage One: Reboot Cron The first, and easiest approach, is a simple cron job. Just adding the following line to /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root1 is enough to get your machine to reboot once a month2 on the 6th at 8:00 AM3:
0 8 6 * * reboot
I had this configured for many years and it works well. But you have no indication as to whether it succeeds except for checking your uptime regularly yourself.

Stage Two: Reboot systemd Timer The next evolution of this approach for me was to use a systemd timer. I created a regular-reboot.timer with the following contents:
Description=Reboot on a Regular Basis
This timer will trigger the regular-reboot.service systemd unit when the system reaches one month of uptime. I ve seen some guides to creating timer units recommend adding a Wants=regular-reboot.service to the [Unit] section, but this has the consequence of running that service every time it starts the timer. In this case that will just reboot your system on startup which is not what you want. Care needs to be taken to use the OnBootSec directive instead of OnCalendar or any of the other time specifications, as your system could reboot, discover its still within the expected window and reboot again. With OnBootSec your system will not have that problem. Technically, this same problem could have occurred with the cronjob approach, but in practice it never did, as the systems took long enough to come back up that they were no longer within the expected window for the job. I then added the regular-reboot.service:
Description=Reboot on a Regular Basis
ExecStart=shutdown -r 02:45
You ll note that this service is actually scheduling a specific reboot time via the shutdown command instead of just immediately rebooting. This is a bit of a hack needed because I can t control when the timer runs exactly when using OnBootSec. This way different systems have different reboot times so that everything doesn t just reboot and fail all at once. Were something to fail to come back up I would have some time to fix it, as each machine has a few hours between scheduled reboots. One you have both files in place, you ll simply need to reload configuration and then enable and start the timer unit:
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable --now regular-reboot.timer
You can then check when it will fire next:
# systemctl status regular-reboot.timer
  regular-reboot.timer - Reboot on a Regular Basis
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/regular-reboot.timer; enabled; preset: enabled)
     Active: active (waiting) since Wed 2024-03-13 01:54:52 EDT; 1 week 4 days ago
    Trigger: Fri 2024-04-12 12:24:42 EDT; 2 weeks 4 days left
   Triggers:   regular-reboot.service
Mar 13 01:54:52 dorfl systemd[1]: Started regular-reboot.timer - Reboot on a Regular Basis.

Sidenote: Replacing all Cron Jobs with systemd Timers More generally, I ve now replaced all cronjobs on my personal systems with systemd timer units, mostly because I can now actually track failures via prometheus-node-exporter. There are plenty of ways to hack in cron support to the node exporter, but just moving to systemd units provides both support for tracking failure and logging, both of which make system administration much easier when things inevitably go wrong.

systemd-cron An alternative to converting everything by hand, if you happen to have a lot of cronjobs is systemd-cron. It will make each crontab and /etc/cron.* directory into automatic service and timer units. Thanks to Alexandre Detiste for letting me know about this project. I have few enough cron jobs that I ve already converted, but for anyone looking at a large number of jobs to convert you ll want to check it out!

Stage Three: Monitor that it s working The final step here is confirm that these units actually work, beyond just firing regularly. I now have the following rule in my prometheus-alertmanager rules:
  - alert: UptimeTooHigh
    expr: (time() - node_boot_time_seconds job="node" ) / 86400 > 35
      summary: "Instance  Has Been Up Too Long!"
      description: "Instance  Has Been Up Too Long!"
This will trigger an alert anytime that I have a machine up for more than 35 days. This actually helped me track down one machine that I had forgotten to set up this new unit on4.

Not everything needs to scale Is It Worth The Time One of the most common fallacies programmers fall into is that we will jump to automating a solution before we stop and figure out how much time it would even save. In taking a slow improvement route to solve this problem for myself, I ve managed not to invest too much time5 in worrying about this but also achieved a meaningful improvement beyond my first approach of doing it all by hand.
  1. You could also add a line to /etc/crontab or drop a script into /etc/cron.monthly depending on your system.
  2. Why once a month? Mostly to avoid regular disruptions, but still be reasonably timely on updates.
  3. If you re looking to understand the cron time format I recommend crontab guru.
  4. In the long term I really should set up something like ansible to automatically push fleetwide changes like this but with fewer machines than fingers this seems like overkill.
  5. Of course by now writing about it, I ve probably doubled the amount of time I ve spent thinking about this topic but oh well

9 March 2024

Iustin Pop: Finally learning some Rust - hello photo-backlog-exporter!

After 4? 5? or so years of wanting to learn Rust, over the past 4 or so months I finally bit the bullet and found the motivation to write some Rust. And the subject. And I was, and still am, thoroughly surprised. It s like someone took Haskell, simplified it to some extents, and wrote a systems language out of it. Writing Rust after Haskell seems easy, and pleasant, and you: On the other hand: However, overall, one can clearly see there s more movement in Rust, and the quality of some parts of the toolchain is better (looking at you, rust-analyzer, compared to HLS). So, with that, I ve just tagged photo-backlog-exporter v0.1.0. It s a port of a Python script that was run as a textfile collector, which meant updates every ~15 minutes, since it was a bit slow to start, which I then rewrote in Go (but I don t like Go the language, plus the GC - if I have to deal with a GC, I d rather write Haskell), then finally rewrote in Rust. What does this do? It exports metrics for Prometheus based on the count, age and distribution of files in a directory. These files being, for me, the pictures I still have to sort, cull and process, because I never have enough free time to clear out the backlog. The script is kind of designed to work together with Corydalis, but since it doesn t care about file content, it can also double (easily) as simple file count/age exporter . And to my surprise, writing in Rust is soo pleasant, that the feature list is greater than the original Python script, and - compared to that untested script - I ve rather easily achieved a very high coverage ratio. Rust has multiple types of tests, and the combination allows getting pretty down to details on testing: I had to combine a (large) number of testing crates to get it expressive enough, but it was worth the effort. The last find from yesterday, assert_cmd, is excellent to describe testing/assertion in Rust itself, rather than via a separate, new DSL, like I was using shelltest for, in Haskell. To some extent, I feel like I found the missing arrow in the quiver. Haskell is good, quite very good for some type of workloads, but of course not all, and Rust complements that very nicely, with lots of overlap (as expected). Python can fill in any quick-and-dirty scripting needed. And I just need to learn more frontend, specifically Typescript (the language, not referring to any specific libraries/frameworks), and I ll be ready for AI to take over coding So, for now, I ll need to split my free time coding between all of the above, and keep exercising my skills. But so glad to have found a good new language!

3 March 2024

Paul Wise: FLOSS Activities Feb 2024

Focus This month I didn't have any particular focus. I just worked on issues in my info bubble.



  • Spam: reported 1 Debian bug report
  • Debian BTS usertags: changes for the month

  • Debian BTS: unarchive/reopen/triage bugs for reintroduced packages: ovito, tahoe-lafs, tpm2-tss-engine
  • Debian wiki: produce HTML dump for a user, unblock IP addresses, approve accounts

  • Respond to queries from Debian users and contributors on the mailing lists and IRC

Sponsors The SWH work was sponsored. All other work was done on a volunteer basis.

25 February 2024

Russ Allbery: Review: The Fund

Review: The Fund, by Rob Copeland
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Copyright: 2023
ISBN: 1-250-27694-2
Format: Kindle
Pages: 310
I first became aware of Ray Dalio when either he or his publisher plastered advertisements for The Principles all over the San Francisco 4th and King Caltrain station. If I recall correctly, there were also constant radio commercials; it was a whole thing in 2017. My brain is very good at tuning out advertisements, so my only thought at the time was "some business guy wrote a self-help book." I think I vaguely assumed he was a CEO of some traditional business, since that's usually who writes heavily marketed books like this. I did not connect him with hedge funds or Bridgewater, which I have a bad habit of confusing with Blackwater. The Principles turns out to be more of a laundered cult manual than a self-help book. And therein lies a story. Rob Copeland is currently with The New York Times, but for many years he was the hedge fund reporter for The Wall Street Journal. He covered, among other things, Bridgewater Associates, the enormous hedge fund founded by Ray Dalio. The Fund is a biography of Ray Dalio and a history of Bridgewater from its founding as a vehicle for Dalio's advising business until 2022 when Dalio, after multiple false starts and title shuffles, finally retired from running the company. (Maybe. Based on the history recounted here, it wouldn't surprise me if he was back at the helm by the time you read this.) It is one of the wildest, creepiest, and most abusive business histories that I have ever read. It's probably worth mentioning, as Copeland does explicitly, that Ray Dalio and Bridgewater hate this book and claim it's a pack of lies. Copeland includes some of their denials (and many non-denials that sound as good as confirmations to me) in footnotes that I found increasingly amusing.
A lawyer for Dalio said he "treated all employees equally, giving people at all levels the same respect and extending them the same perks."
Uh-huh. Anyway, I personally know nothing about Bridgewater other than what I learned here and the occasional mention in Matt Levine's newsletter (which is where I got the recommendation for this book). I have no independent information whether anything Copeland describes here is true, but Copeland provides the typical extensive list of notes and sourcing one expects in a book like this, and Levine's comments indicated it's generally consistent with Bridgewater's industry reputation. I think this book is true, but since the clear implication is that the world's largest hedge fund was primarily a deranged cult whose employees mostly spied on and rated each other rather than doing any real investment work, I also have questions, not all of which Copeland answers to my satisfaction. But more on that later. The center of this book are the Principles. These were an ever-changing list of rules and maxims for how people should conduct themselves within Bridgewater. Per Copeland, although Dalio later published a book by that name, the version of the Principles that made it into the book was sanitized and significantly edited down from the version used inside the company. Dalio was constantly adding new ones and sometimes changing them, but the common theme was radical, confrontational "honesty": never being silent about problems, confronting people directly about anything that they did wrong, and telling people all of their faults so that they could "know themselves better." If this sounds like textbook abusive behavior, you have the right idea. This part Dalio admits to openly, describing Bridgewater as a firm that isn't for everyone but that achieves great results because of this culture. But the uncomfortably confrontational vibes are only the tip of the iceberg of dysfunction. Here are just a few of the ways this played out according to Copeland: In one of the common and all-too-disturbing connections between Wall Street finance and the United States' dysfunctional government, James Comey (yes, that James Comey) ran internal security for Bridgewater for three years, meaning that he was the one who pulled evidence from surveillance cameras for Dalio to use to confront employees during his trials. In case the cult vibes weren't strong enough already, Bridgewater developed its own idiosyncratic language worthy of Scientology. The trials were called "probings," firing someone was called "sorting" them, and rating them was called "dotting," among many other Bridgewater-specific terms. Needless to say, no one ever probed Dalio himself. You will also be completely unsurprised to learn that Copeland documents instances of sexual harassment and discrimination at Bridgewater, including some by Dalio himself, although that seems to be a relatively small part of the overall dysfunction. Dalio was happy to publicly humiliate anyone regardless of gender. If you're like me, at this point you're probably wondering how Bridgewater continued operating for so long in this environment. (Per Copeland, since Dalio's retirement in 2022, Bridgewater has drastically reduced the cult-like behaviors, deleted its archive of probings, and de-emphasized the Principles.) It was not actually a religious cult; it was a hedge fund that has to provide investment services to huge, sophisticated clients, and by all accounts it's a very successful one. Why did this bizarre nightmare of a workplace not interfere with Bridgewater's business? This, I think, is the weakest part of this book. Copeland makes a few gestures at answering this question, but none of them are very satisfying. First, it's clear from Copeland's account that almost none of the employees of Bridgewater had any control over Bridgewater's investments. Nearly everyone was working on other parts of the business (sales, investor relations) or on cult-related obsessions. Investment decisions (largely incorporated into algorithms) were made by a tiny core of people and often by Dalio himself. Bridgewater also appears to not trade frequently, unlike some other hedge funds, meaning that they probably stay clear of the more labor-intensive high-frequency parts of the business. Second, Bridgewater took off as a hedge fund just before the hedge fund boom in the 1990s. It transformed from Dalio's personal consulting business and investment newsletter to a hedge fund in 1990 (with an earlier investment from the World Bank in 1987), and the 1990s were a very good decade for hedge funds. Bridgewater, in part due to Dalio's connections and effective marketing via his newsletter, became one of the largest hedge funds in the world, which gave it a sort of institutional momentum. No one was questioned for putting money into Bridgewater even in years when it did poorly compared to its rivals. Third, Dalio used the tried and true method of getting free publicity from the financial press: constantly predict an upcoming downturn, and aggressively take credit whenever you were right. From nearly the start of his career, Dalio predicted economic downturns year after year. Bridgewater did very well in the 2000 to 2003 downturn, and again during the 2008 financial crisis. Dalio aggressively takes credit for predicting both of those downturns and positioning Bridgewater correctly going into them. This is correct; what he avoids mentioning is that he also predicted downturns in every other year, the majority of which never happened. These points together create a bit of an answer, but they don't feel like the whole picture and Copeland doesn't connect the pieces. It seems possible that Dalio may simply be good at investing; he reads obsessively and clearly enjoys thinking about markets, and being an abusive cult leader doesn't take up all of his time. It's also true that to some extent hedge funds are semi-free money machines, in that once you have a sufficient quantity of money and political connections you gain access to investment opportunities and mechanisms that are very likely to make money and that the typical investor simply cannot access. Dalio is clearly good at making personal connections, and invested a lot of effort into forming close ties with tricky clients such as pools of Chinese money. Perhaps the most compelling explanation isn't mentioned directly in this book but instead comes from Matt Levine. Bridgewater touts its algorithmic trading over humans making individual trades, and there is some reason to believe that consistently applying an algorithm without regard to human emotion is a solid trading strategy in at least some investment areas. Levine has asked in his newsletter, tongue firmly in cheek, whether the bizarre cult-like behavior and constant infighting is a strategy to distract all the humans and keep them from messing with the algorithm and thus making bad decisions. Copeland leaves this question unsettled. Instead, one comes away from this book with a clear vision of the most dysfunctional workplace I have ever heard of, and an endless litany of bizarre events each more astonishing than the last. If you like watching train wrecks, this is the book for you. The only drawback is that, unlike other entries in this genre such as Bad Blood or Billion Dollar Loser, Bridgewater is a wildly successful company, so you don't get the schadenfreude of seeing a house of cards collapse. You do, however, get a helpful mental model to apply to the next person who tries to talk to you about "radical honesty" and "idea meritocracy." The flaw in this book is that the existence of an organization like Bridgewater is pointing to systematic flaws in how our society works, which Copeland is largely uninterested in interrogating. "How could this have happened?" is a rather large question to leave unanswered. The sheer outrageousness of Dalio's behavior also gets a bit tiring by the end of the book, when you've seen the patterns and are hearing about the fourth variation. But this is still an astonishing book, and a worthy entry in the genre of capitalism disasters. Rating: 7 out of 10
