Search Results: "phls"

19 December 2024

Gregory Colpart: MiniDebConf Toulouse 2024

After the MiniDebConf Marseille 2019, COVID-19 made it impossible or difficult to organize new MiniDebConfs for a few years. With the gradual resumption of in-person events (like FOSDEM, DebConf, etc.), the idea emerged to host another MiniDebConf in France, but with a lighter organizational load. In 2023, we decided to reach out to the organizers of Capitole du Libre to repeat the experience of 2017: hosting a MiniDebConf alongside their annual event in Toulouse in November. However, our request came too late for 2023. After discussions with Capitole du Libre in November 2023 in Toulouse and again in February 2024 in Brussels, we confirmed that a MiniDebConf Toulouse would take place in November 2024! We then assembled a small organizing team and got to work: a Call for Papers in May 2024, adding a two-day MiniDebCamp, coordinating with the DebConf video team, securing sponsors, creating a logo, ordering T-shirts and stickers, planning the schedule, and managing registrations. Even with lighter logistics (conference rooms, badges, and catering during the weekend were handled by Capitole du Libre), there was still quite a bit of preparation to do. On Thursday, November 14, and Friday, November 15, 2024, about forty developers arrived from around the world (France, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, England, Brazil, Uruguay, India, Brest, Marseille ) to spend two days at the MiniDebCamp in the beautiful collaborative spaces of Artilect in Toulouse city center.
Then, on Saturday, November 16, and Sunday, November 17, 2024, the MiniDebConf took place at ENSEEIHT as part of the Capitole du Libre event. The conference kicked off on Saturday morning with an opening session by J r my Lecour, which included a tribute to Lunar (Nicolas Dandrimont). This was followed by Reproducible Builds Rebuilding What is Distributed from (Holger Levsen) and Discussion on My Research Work on Sustainability of Debian OS (Eda). After lunch at the Capitole du Libre food trucks, the intense afternoon schedule began: What s New in the Linux Kernel (and What s Missing in Debian) (Ben Hutchings), Linux Live Patching in Debian (Santiago Ruano Rinc n), Trixie on Mobile: Are We There Yet? (Arnaud Ferraris), PostgreSQL Container Groups, aka cgroups Down the Road (C dric Villemain), Upgrading a Thousand Debian Hosts in Less Than an Hour (J r my Lecour and myself), and Using Debusine to Automate Your QA (Stefano Rivera & co). Sunday marked the second day, starting with a presentation on DebConf 25 (Benjamin Somers), which will be held in Brest in July 2025. The morning continued with talks: How LTS Goes Beyond LTS (Santiago Ruano Rinc n & Roberto C. S nchez), Cross-Building (Helmut Grohne), and State of JavaScript (Bastien Roucari s). In the afternoon, there were Lightning Talks, PyPI Security: Past, Present & Future (Salvo LtWorf Tomaselli), and the classic Bits from DPL (Andreas Tille), before closing with the final session led by Pierre-Elliott B cue. All talks are available on video (a huge thanks to the amazing DebConf video team), and many thanks to our sponsors (Viridien, Freexian, Evolix, Collabora, and Data Bene). A big thank-you as well to the entire Capitole du Libre team for hosting and supporting us see you in Brest in July 2025! Articles about (or mentioning) MiniDebConf Toulouse:

8 December 2024

Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana: Bits from MiniDebConf Toulouse 2024

Intro I always find it amazing the opportunities I have thanks to my contributions to the Debian Project. I am happy to receive this recognition through the help I receive with travel to attend events in other countries. This year, two MiniDebConfs were scheduled for the second half of the year in Europe: the traditional edition in Cambridge in UK and a new edition in Toulouse in France. After weighing the difficulties and advantages that I would have to attend one of them, I decided to choose Toulouse, mainly because it was cheaper and because it was in November, giving me more time to plan the trip. I contacted the current DPL Andreas Tille explaining my desire to attend the event and he kindly approved my request for Debian to pay for the tickets. Thanks again to Andreas! MiniDebConf Toulouse 2024 was held in November 16th and 17th (Saturday and Sunday) and took place in one of the rooms of a traditional Free Software event in the city named Capitole du Libre. Before MiniDebConf, the team organized a MiniDebCamp in November 14th and 15th at a coworking space. The whole experience promised to be incredible, and it was! From visiting a city in France for the first time, to attending a local Free Software event, and sharing four days with people from the Debian community from various countries.

Travel and the city My plan was to leave Belo Horizonte on Monday, pass through S o Paulo, and arrive in Toulouse on Tuesday night. I was going to spend the whole of Wednesday walking around the city and then participate in the MiniDebCamp on Thursday. But the flight that was supposed to leave S o Paulo in the early hours of Monday to Tuesday was cancelled due to a problem with the airplane and I had spent all Tuesday waiting. I was rebooked on another flight that left in the evening and arrived in Toulouse on Wednesday afternoon. Even though I was very tired from the trip, I still took advantage of the end of the day to walk around the city. But it was a shame to have lost an entire day of sightseeing. On Thursday I left early in the morning to walk around a little more before going to the MiniDebCamp venue. I walked around a lot and saw several tourist attractions. The city is really very beautiful, as they say, especially the houses and buildings made of pink bricks. I was impressed by the narrow and winding streets; at one point it seemed like I was walking through a maze. I arrived to a corner and there would be 5 streets crossing in different directions. The riverbank that runs through the city is very beautiful and people spend their evenings there just hanging out. There was a lot of history around there. I stayed in an airbnb 25 minutes walking from the coworking space and only 10 minutes from the event venue. It was a very spacious apartment that was much cheaper than a hotel. MiniDebConf Toulouse 2024

MiniDebConf Toulouse 2024

MiniDebCamp I arrived at the coworking space where the MiniDebCamp was being held and met up with several friends. I also met some new people, talked about the translation work we do in Brazil, and other topics. We already knew that the organization would pay for lunch for everyone during the two days of MiniDebCamp, and at a certain point they told us that we could go to the room (which was downstairs from the coworking space) to have lunch. They set up a table with quiches, breads, charcuterie and LOTS of cheese :-) There were several types of cheese and they were all very good. I just found it a little strange because I m not used to having cheese for lunch, but the experience was amazing anyway :-) MiniDebConf Toulouse 2024

MiniDebConf Toulouse 2024 In the evening, we went as a group to dinner at a restaurant in front of the Capitolium, the city s main tourist attraction. On the second day, in the morning, I walked around the city a bit more, then went to the coworking space and had another incredible cheese table for lunch.

Video Team One of my ideas for going to Toulouse was to be able to help the video team in setting up the equipment for broadcasting and recording the talks. I wanted to follow this work from the beginning and learn some details, something I can t do before the DebConfs because I always arrive after the people have already set up the infrastructure. And later reproduce this work in the MiniDebConfs in Brazil, such as the one in Macei that is already scheduled for May 1-4, 2025. As I had agreed with the people from the video team that I would help set up the equipment, on Friday night we went to the University and stayed in the room working. I asked several questions about what they were doing, about the equipment, and I was able to clear up several doubts. Over the next two days I was handling one of the cameras during the talks. And on Sunday night I helped put everything away. Thanks to olasd, tumbleweed and ivodd for their guidance and patience. MiniDebConf Toulouse 2024

The event in general There was also a meeting with some members of the publicity team who were there with the DPL. We went to a cafeteria and talked mainly about areas that could be improved in the team. The talks at MiniDebConf were very good and the recordings are also available here. I ended up not watching any of the talks from the general schedule at Capitole du Libre because they were in French. It s always great to see free software events abroad to learn how they are done there and to bring some of those experiences to our events in Brazil. I hope that MiniDebConf in Toulouse will continue to take place every year, or that the French community will hold the next edition in another city and I will be able to join again :-) If everything goes well, in July next year I will return to France to join DebConf25 in Brest. MiniDebConf Toulouse 2024 More photos

28 August 2024

Debian Brasil: Debian Day 2024 em Bel m e Po os de Caldas - Brasil

por Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana (phls) Listamos abaixo os links para os relatos e not cias do Debian Day 2024 realizado em Bel m e Po os de Caldas:

4 March 2024

Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana: Bits from FOSDEM 2023 and 2024

Link para vers o em portugu s

Intro Since 2019, I have traveled to Brussels at the beginning of the year to join FOSDEM, considered the largest and most important Free Software event in Europe. The 2024 edition was the fourth in-person edition in a row that I joined (2021 and 2022 did not happen due to COVID-19) and always with the financial help of Debian, which kindly paid my flight tickets after receiving my request asking for help to travel and approved by the Debian leader. In 2020 I wrote several posts with a very complete report of the days I spent in Brussels. But in 2023 I didn t write anything, and becayse last year and this year I coordinated a room dedicated to translations of Free Software and Open Source projects, I m going to take the opportunity to write about these two years and how it was my experience. After my first trip to FOSDEM, I started to think that I could join in a more active way than just a regular attendee, so I had the desire to propose a talk to one of the rooms. But then I thought that instead of proposing a tal, I could organize a room for talks :-) and with the topic translations which is something that I m very interested in, because it s been a few years since I ve been helping to translate the Debian for Portuguese.

Joining FOSDEM 2023 In the second half of 2022 I did some research and saw that there had never been a room dedicated to translations, so when the FOSDEM organization opened the call to receive room proposals (called DevRoom) for the 2023 edition, I sent a proposal to a translation room and it was accepted! After the room was confirmed, the next step was for me, as room coordinator, to publicize the call for talk proposals. I spent a few weeks hoping to find out if I would receive a good number of proposals or if it would be a failure. But to my happiness, I received eight proposals and I had to select six to schedule the room programming schedule due to time constraints . FOSDEM 2023 took place from February 4th to 5th and the translation devroom was scheduled on the second day in the afternoon. Fosdem 2023 The talks held in the room were these below, and in each of them you can watch the recording video. And on the first day of FOSDEM I was at the Debian stand selling the t-shirts that I had taken from Brazil. People from France were also there selling other products and it was cool to interact with people who visited the booth to buy and/or talk about Debian.
Fosdem 2023

Fosdem 2023

Joining FOSDEM 2024 The 2023 result motivated me to propose the translation devroom again when the FOSDEM 2024 organization opened the call for rooms . I was waiting to find out if the FOSDEM organization would accept a room on this topic for the second year in a row and to my delight, my proposal was accepted again :-) This time I received 11 proposals! And again due to time constraints, I had to select six to schedule the room schedule grid. FOSDEM 2024 took place from February 3rd to 4th and the translation devroom was scheduled for the second day again, but this time in the morning. The talks held in the room were these below, and in each of them you can watch the recording video. This time I didn t help at the Debian stand because I couldn t bring t-shirts to sell from Brazil. So I just stopped by and talked to some people who were there like some DDs. But I volunteered for a few hours to operate the streaming camera in one of the main rooms.
Fosdem 2024

Fosdem 2024

Conclusion The topics of the talks in these two years were quite diverse, and all the lectures were really very good. In the 12 talks we can see how translations happen in some projects such as KDE, PostgreSQL, Debian and Mattermost. We had the presentation of tools such as LibreTranslate, Weblate, scripts, AI, data model. And also reports on the work carried out by communities in Africa, China and Indonesia. The rooms were full for some talks, a little more empty for others, but I was very satisfied with the final result of these two years. I leave my special thanks to Jonathan Carter, Debian Leader who approved my flight tickets requests so that I could join FOSDEM 2023 and 2024. This help was essential to make my trip to Brussels because flight tickets are not cheap at all. I would also like to thank my wife Jandira, who has been my travel partner :-) Bruxelas As there has been an increase in the number of proposals received, I believe that interest in the translations devroom is growing. So I intend to send the devroom proposal to FOSDEM 2025, and if it is accepted, wait for the future Debian Leader to approve helping me with the flight tickets again. We ll see.

9 September 2023

Bits from Debian: DebianDay Celebrations and comments

Debian Celebrates 30 years! We celebrated our birthday this year and we had a great time with new friends, new members welcomed to the community, and the world. We have collected a few comments, videos, and discussions from around the Internet, and some images from some of the DebianDay2023 events. We hope that you enjoyed the day(s) as much as we did! Maqsuel Maqson

"Debian 30 years of collective intelligence" -Maqsuel Maqson Brazil Thiago Pezzo

Pouso Alegre, Brazil Daniel Pimentel

Macei , Brazil Daniel Lenharo

Curitiba, Brazil Daniel Lenharo

The cake is there. :) phls Honorary Debian Developers: Buzz, Jessie, and Woody welcome guests to this amazing party. Carlos Melara Sao Carlos, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil Carlos Melara Stickers, and Fliers, and Laptops, oh my! phls Belo Horizonte, Brazil sergiosacj Bras lia, Brazil sergiosacj Bras lia, Brazil Mexico Jathan 30 a os! Jathan A quick Selfie Jathan We do not encourage beverages on computing hardware, but this one is okay by us. Germany h01ger

30 years of love h01ger

The German Delegation is also looking for this dog who footed the bill for the party, then left mysteriously. h01ger

We took the party outside Stefano Rivera

We brought the party back inside at CCCamp Belgium Stefano Rivera

Cake and Diversity in Belgium El Salvador Gato Barato Canel n Pulgosky

Food and Fellowship in El Salvador South Africa highvoltage

Debian is also very delicious! highvoltage

All smiles waiting to eat the cake Reports Debian Day 30 years in Macei - Brazil Debian Day 30 years in S o Carlos - Brazil Debian Day 30 years in Pouso Alegre - Brazil Debian Day 30 years in Belo Horizonte - Brazil Debian Day 30 years in Curitiba - Brazil Debian Day 30 years in Bras lia - Brazil Debian Day 30 years online in Brazil Articles & Blogs Happy Debian Day - going 30 years strong - Liam Dawe Debian Turns 30 Years Old, Happy Birthday! - Marius Nestor 30 Years of Stability, Security, and Freedom: Celebrating Debian s Birthday - Bobby Borisov Happy 30th Birthday, Debian! - Claudio Kuenzier Debian is 30 and Sgt Pepper Is at Least Ninetysomething - Christine Hall Debian turns 30! -Corbet Thirty years of Debian! - Lennart Hengstmengel Debian marks three decades as 'Universal Operating System' - Sam Varghese Debian Linux Celebrates 30 Years Milestone - Joshua James 30 years on, Debian is at the heart of the world's most successful Linux distros - Liam Proven Looking Back on 30 Years of Debian - Maya Posch Cheers to 30 Years of Debian: A Journey of Open Source Excellence - arindam Discussions and Social Media Debian Celebrates 30 Years - Source: News YCombinator Brand-new Linux release, which I'm calling the Debian ... Source: News YCombinator Comment: Congrats @debian !!! Happy Birthday! Thank you for becoming a cornerstone of the #opensource world. Here's to decades of collaboration, stability & #software #freedom -openSUSELinux via X (formerly Twitter) Comment: Today we #celebrate the 30th birthday of #Debian, one of the largest and most important cornerstones of the #opensourcecommunity. For this we would like to thank you very much and wish you the best for the next 30 years! Source: X (Formerly Twitter -TUXEDOComputers via X (formerly Twitter) Happy Debian Day! - Source: Video The History of Debian The Beginning - Source: Linux User Space Debian Celebrates 30 years -Source: Video Debian At 30 and No More Distro Hopping! - LWDW388 - Source: LinuxGameCast Debian Celebrates 30 years! - Source: Debian User Forums Debian Celebrates 30 years! - Source:

24 August 2023

Debian Brasil: Debian Day 30 years in Belo Horizonte - Brazil

For the first time, the city of Belo Horizonte held a Debian Day to celebrate the anniversary of the Debian Project. The communities Debian Minas Gerais and Free Software Belo Horizonte and Region felt motivated to celebrate this special date due the 30 years of the Debian Project in 2023 and they organized a meeting on August 12nd in UFMG Knowledge Space. The Debian Day organization in Belo Horizonte received the important support from UFMG Computer Science Department to book the room used by the event. It was scheduled three activities: In total, 11 people were present and we took a photo with those who stayed until the end. Presentes no Debian Day 2023 em BH

Debian Brasil: Debian Day 30 anos em Belo Horizonte

Pela primeira vez a cidade de Belo Horizonte realizou um Debian Day para celebrar o anivers rio do Projeto Debian. As comunidades Debian Minas Gerais e Software Livre de BH e Regi o se sentiram motivadas para celebrar esta data especial devido aos 30 anos do Projeto Debian em 2023 e organizou um encontro no dia 12 de agosto dentro Espa o do Conhecimento da UFMG. A organiza o do Debian Day em Belo Horizonte recebeu o importante apoio do Departamento de Ci ncia da Computa o da UFMG para reservar a sala que foi utilizada para o evento. A programa o contou com tr s atividades: No total etiveram presentes 11 pessoas e fizemos uma foto com as que ficaram at o final. Presentes no Debian Day 2023 em BH

1 April 2023

Debian Brasil: Primeira oficina de tradu o em 2023 da equipe pt_BR

The Brazilian translation team debian-l10n-portuguese realizou a primeira oficina de 2023 em fevereiro, com timos resultados: Nosso foco era completar as descri es dos 500 pacotes mais populares (popcon). Apesar de n o termos conseguido chegar 100% do ciclo de tradu o, grande parte dessas descri es est o em andamento e com um pouco mais de trabalho estar o dispon veis comunidade. Agrade o aos( s) participantes pelas contribui es. As oficinas foram bem movimentadas e, muito al m das tradu es em si, conversamos sobre diversas faces da comunidade Debian. Esperamos ter ajudado aos( s) iniciantes a contribuir com o projeto de maneira frequente. Agrade o em especial ao Charles (charles) que ministrou um dos dias da oficina, ao Paulo (phls) que sempre est a dando uma for a, e ao Fred Maranh o pelo seu incans vel trabalho no DDTSS. Equipe de tradu o do portugu s do Brasil

12 November 2022

Debian Brasil: Participa o da comunidade Debian no Latinoware 2022

De 2 a 4 de novembro de 2022 aconteceu a 19 edi o do Latinoware - Congresso Latino-americano de Software Livre e Tecnologias Abertas, em Foz do Igua u. Ap s 2 anos acontecendo de forma online devido a pandemia do COVID-19, o evento voltou a ser presencial e sentimos que a comunidade Debian Brasil deveria estar presente. Nossa ltima participa o no Latinoware foi em 2016 A organiza o do Latinoware cedeu para a comunidade Debian Brasil um estande para que pud ssemos ter contato com as pessoas que visitavam a rea aberta de exposi es e assim divulgarmos o projeto Debian. Durante os 3 dias do evento, o estande foi organizado por mim (Paulo Henrique Santana) como Desenvolvedor Debian, e pelo Leonardo Rodrigues como contribuidor Debian. Infelizmente o Daniel Lenharo teve um imprevisto de ltima hora e n o pode ir para Foz do Igua u (sentimos sua falta l !). Latinoware 2022 estande 1 V rias pessoas visitaram o estande e aquelas mais iniciantes (principalmente estudantes) que n o conheciam o Debian, perguntavam do que se tratava o nosso grupo e a gente explicava v rios conceitos como o que Software Livre, distribui o GNU/Linux e o Debian propriamente dito. Tamb m recebemos pessoas da comunidade de Software Livre brasileira e de outros pa ses da Am rica Latina que j utilizavam uma distribui o GNU/Linux e claro, muitas pessoas que j utilizavam Debian. Tivemos algumas visitas especiais como do Jon maddog Hall, do Desenvolvedor Debian Emeritus Ot vio Salvador, do Desenvolvedor Debian Eriberto Mota, e dos Mantenedores Debian Guilherme de Paula Segundo e Paulo Kretcheu. Latinoware 2022 estande 4 Foto da esquerda pra direita: Leonardo, Paulo, Eriberto e Ot vio. Latinoware 2022 estande 5 Foto da esquerda pra direita: Paulo, Fabian (Argentina) e Leonardo. Al m de conversarmos bastante, distribu mos adesivos do Debian que foram produzidos alguns meses atr s com o patroc nio do Debian para serem distribu dos na DebConf22(e que haviam sobrado), e vendemos v rias camisetas do Debian produzidas pela comunidade Curitiba Livre. Latinoware 2022 estande 2 Latinoware 2022 estande 3 Tamb m tivemos 3 palestras inseridas na programa o oficial do Latinoware. Eu fiz as palestras: como tornar um(a) contribuidor(a) do Debian fazendo tradu es e como os SysAdmins de uma empresa global usam Debian . E o Leonardo fez a palestra: vantagens da telefonia Open Source nas empresas . Latinoware 2022 estande 6 Foto Paulo na palestra. Agradecemos a organiza o do Latinoware por receber mais uma vez a comunidade Debian e gentilmente ceder os espa os para a nossa participa o, e parabenizamos a todas as pessoas envolvidas na organiza o pelo sucesso desse importante evento para a nossa comunidade. Esperamos estar presentes novamente em 2023. Agracemos tamb m ao Jonathan Carter por aprovar o suporte financeiro do Debian para a nossa participa o no Latinoware. Vers o em ingl s

11 November 2022

Debian Brasil: Participa o da comunidade Debian no Latinoware 2022

De 2 a 4 de novembro de 2022 aconteceu a 19 edi o do Latinoware - Congresso Latino-americano de Software Livre e Tecnologias Abertas, em Foz do Igua u. Ap s 2 anos acontecendo de forma online devido a pandemia do COVID-19, o evento voltou a ser presencial e sentimos que a comunidade Debian Brasil deveria estar presente. Nossa ltima participa o no Latinoware foi em 2016 A organiza o do Latinoware cedeu para a comunidade Debian Brasil um estande para que pud ssemos ter contato com as pessoas que visitavam a rea aberta de exposi es e assim divulgarmos o projeto Debian. Durante os 3 dias do evento, o estande foi organizado por mim (Paulo Henrique Santana) como Desenvolvedor Debian, e pelo Leonardo Rodrigues como contribuidor Debian. Infelizmente o Daniel Lenharo teve um imprevisto de ltima hora e n o pode ir para Foz do Igua u (sentimos sua falta l !). Latinoware 2022 estande 1 V rias pessoas visitaram o estande e aquelas mais iniciantes (principalmente estudantes) que n o conheciam o Debian, perguntavam do que se tratava o nosso grupo e a gente explicava v rios conceitos como o que Software Livre, distribui o GNU/Linux e o Debian propriamente dito. Tamb m recebemos pessoas da comunidade de Software Livre brasileira e de outros pa ses da Am rica Latina que j utilizavam uma distribui o GNU/Linux e claro, muitas pessoas que j utilizavam Debian. Tivemos algumas visitas especiais como do Jon maddog Hall, do Desenvolvedor Debian Emeritus Ot vio Salvador, do Desenvolvedor Debian Eriberto Mota, e dos Mantenedores Debian Guilherme de Paula Segundo e Paulo Kretcheu. Latinoware 2022 estande 4 Foto da esquerda pra direita: Leonardo, Paulo, Eriberto e Ot vio. Latinoware 2022 estande 5 Foto da esquerda pra direita: Paulo, Fabian (Argentina) e Leonardo. Al m de conversarmos bastante, distribu mos adesivos do Debian que foram produzidos alguns meses atr s com o patroc nio do Debian para serem distribu dos na DebConf22(e que haviam sobrado), e vendemos v rias camisetas do Debian produzidas pela comunidade Curitiba Livre. Latinoware 2022 estande 2 Latinoware 2022 estande 3 Tamb m tivemos 3 palestras inseridas na programa o oficial do Latinoware. Eu fiz as palestras: como tornar um(a) contribuidor(a) do Debian fazendo tradu es e como os SysAdmins de uma empresa global usam Debian . E o Leonardo fez a palestra: vantagens da telefonia Open Source nas empresas . Latinoware 2022 estande 6 Foto Paulo na palestra. Agradecemos a organiza o do Latinoware por receber mais uma vez a comunidade Debian e gentilmente ceder os espa os para a nossa participa o, e parabenizamos a todas as pessoas envolvidas na organiza o pelo sucesso desse importante evento para a nossa comunidade. Esperamos estar presentes novamente em 2023. Agracemos tamb m ao Jonathan Carter por aprovar o suporte financeiro do Debian para a nossa participa o no Latinoware. Vers o em ingl s

9 November 2022

Debian Brasil: Brasileiros(as) Mantenedores(as) e Desenvolvedores(as) Debian a partir de julho de 2015

Desde de setembro de 2015, o time de publicidade do Projeto Debian passou a publicar a cada dois meses listas com os nomes dos(as) novos(as) Desenvolvedores(as) Debian (DD - do ingl s Debian Developer) e Mantenedores(as) Debian (DM - do ingl s Debian Maintainer). Estamos aproveitando estas listas para publicar abaixo os nomes dos(as) brasileiros(as) que se tornaram Desenvolvedores(as) e Mantenedores(as) Debian a partir de julho de 2015. Desenvolvedores(as) Debian / Debian Developers / DDs: Marcos Talau Fabio Augusto De Muzio Tobich Gabriel F. T. Gomes Thiago Andrade Marques M rcio de Souza Oliveira Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana Samuel Henrique S rgio Durigan J nior Daniel Lenharo de Souza Giovani Augusto Ferreira Adriano Rafael Gomes Breno Leit o Lucas Kanashiro Herbert Parentes Fortes Neto Mantenedores(as) Debian / Debian Maintainers / DMs: Guilherme de Paula Xavier Segundo David da Silva Polverari Paulo Roberto Alves de Oliveira Sergio Almeida Cipriano Junior Francisco Vilmar Cardoso Ruviaro William Grzybowski Tiago Ilieve
Observa es:
  1. Esta lista ser atualizada quando o time de publicidade do Debian publicar novas listas com DMs e DDs e tiver brasileiros.
  2. Para ver a lista completa de Mantenedores(as) e Desenvolvedores(as) Debian, inclusive outros(as) brasileiros(as) antes de julho de 2015 acesse:

Debian Brasil: Brasileiros(as) Mantenedores(as) e Desenvolvedores(as) Debian a partir de julho de 2015

Desde de setembro de 2015, o time de publicidade do Projeto Debian passou a publicar a cada dois meses listas com os nomes dos(as) novos(as) Desenvolvedores(as) Debian (DD - do ingl s Debian Developer) e Mantenedores(as) Debian (DM - do ingl s Debian Maintainer). Estamos aproveitando estas listas para publicar abaixo os nomes dos(as) brasileiros(as) que se tornaram Desenvolvedores(as) e Mantenedores(as) Debian a partir de julho de 2015. Desenvolvedores(as) Debian / Debian Developers / DDs: Marcos Talau Fabio Augusto De Muzio Tobich Gabriel F. T. Gomes Thiago Andrade Marques M rcio de Souza Oliveira Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana Samuel Henrique S rgio Durigan J nior Daniel Lenharo de Souza Giovani Augusto Ferreira Adriano Rafael Gomes Breno Leit o Lucas Kanashiro Herbert Parentes Fortes Neto Mantenedores(as) Debian / Debian Maintainers / DMs: Guilherme de Paula Xavier Segundo David da Silva Polverari Paulo Roberto Alves de Oliveira Sergio Almeida Cipriano Junior Francisco Vilmar Cardoso Ruviaro William Grzybowski Tiago Ilieve
Observa es:
  1. Esta lista ser atualizada quando o time de publicidade do Debian publicar novas listas com DMs e DDs e tiver brasileiros.
  2. Para ver a lista completa de Mantenedores(as) e Desenvolvedores(as) Debian, inclusive outros(as) brasileiros(as) antes de julho de 2015 acesse:

11 August 2021

Bits from Debian: Debian User Forums changes and updates.

DebianUserForums Several issues were brought before the Debian Community team regarding responsiveness, tone, and needed software updates to The question was asked, who s in charge? Over the course of the discussion several Debian Developers volunteered to help by providing a presence on the forums from Debian and to assist with the necessary changes to keep the service up and running. We are happy to announce the following changes to the (NEW!), which have and should address most of the prior concerns with accountability, tone, use, and reliability: Debian Developers: Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana (phls), Felix Lechner (lechner), and Donald Norwood (donald) have been added to the forum's Server and Administration teams. The server instance is now running directly within Debian's infrastructure. The forum software and back-end have been updated to the most recent versions where applicable. DNS resolves for both IPv4 and IPv6. SSL/HTTPS are enabled. (It s 2021!) New Captcha and Anti-spam systems are in place to thwart spammers, bots, and to make it easier for humans to register. New Administrators and Moderation staff were added to provide additional coverage across the hours and to combine years of experience with forum operation and Debian usage. New viewing styles are available for users to choose from, some of which are ideal for mobile/tablet viewing. We inadvertently fixed the time issue that the prior forum had of running 11 minutes fast. :) We have clarified staff roles and staff visibility. Responsiveness to users on the forums has increased. Email addresses for mods/admins have been updated and checked for validity, it has seen direct use and response. The guidelines for forum use by users and staff have been updated. The Debian COC has been made into a Global Announcement as an accompanyist to the newly updated guidelines to give the moderators/administrators an additional rule-set for unruly or unbecoming behavior. Some of the discussion areas have been renamed and refocused, along with the movement of multiple threads to make indexing and searching of the forums easier. Many (New!) features and extensions have been added to the forum for ease of use and modernization, such as a user thanks system and thread hover previews. There are some server administrative tasks that were upgraded as well which don't belong on a public list, but we are backing up regularly and secure. :) We have a few minor details here and there to attend to and the work is ongoing. Many Thanks and Appreciation to the Debian System Administrators (DSA) and Ganneff who took the time to coordinate and assist with the instance, DNS, and network and server administration minutiae, our helpful DPL Jonathan Carter, many thanks to the current and prior forum moderators and administrators: Mez, sunrat, 4D696B65, arochester, and cds60601 for helping with the modifications and transition, and to the forum users who participated in lots of the tweaking. All in all this was a large community task and everyone did a significant part. Thank you!

29 March 2020

Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana: My free software activities in February 2020

My free software activities in february 2020 March is ending but I finally wrote my monthly report about activities in Debian and Free Software in general for February. As I already wrote here, I attended to FOSDEM 2020 on February 1st and 2nd in Brussels. It was a amazing experience. After my return to Curitiba, I felt my energies renewed to start new challenges.

MiniDebConf Macei 2020 I continued helping to organize MiniDebConf and I got positive answers from 4Linux and and they are sponsorsing the event.

FLISOL 2020 I started to talk with Maristela from IEP - Instituto de Engenharia do Paran and after some messages and I joined a meeting with her and other members of C mara T cnica de Eletr nica, Computa o e Ci ncias de Dados. I explained about FLISOL in Curitiba to them and they agreed to host the event at IEP. I asked to use three spaces: Auditorium for FLISOL talks, Sal o Nobre for meetups from WordPress and PostgreSQL Communities, and the hall for Install Fest. Besides FLISOL, they would like to host other events and meetups from Communities in Curitiba as Python, PHP, and so on. At least one per month. I helped to schedule a PHP Paran Community meetup on March.

New job Since 17th I started to work at Rentcars as Infrastructure Analyst. I m very happy to work there because we use a lot of FLOSS and with nice people. Ubuntu LTS is the approved OS for desktops but I could install Debian on my laptop :-)

Misc I signed pgp keys from friends I met in Brussels and I had my pgp key signed by them. Finally my MR to the DebConf20 website fixing some texts was accepted. I have watched v deos from FOSDEM
  1. Until now, I saw these great talks:
  • Growing Sustainable Contributions Through Ambassador Networks
  • Building Ethical Software Under Capitalism
  • Cognitive biases, blindspots and inclusion
  • Building a thriving community in company-led open source projects
  • Building Community for your Company s OSS Projects
  • The Ethics of Open Source
  • Be The Leader You Need in Open Source
  • The next generation of contributors is not on IRC
  • Open Source Won, but Software Freedom Hasn t Yet
  • Open Source Under Attack
  • Lessons Learned from Cultivating Open Source Projects and Communities
That s all folks!

10 November 2017

Paulo Santana: Hello world

I'm Debian Maintainer since january 2017.