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16 November 2022

Antoine Beaupr : Wayland: i3 to Sway migration

I started migrating my graphical workstations to Wayland, specifically migrating from i3 to Sway. This is mostly to address serious graphics bugs in the latest Framwork laptop, but also something I felt was inevitable. The current status is that I've been able to convert my i3 configuration to Sway, and adapt my systemd startup sequence to the new environment. Screen sharing only works with Pipewire, so I also did that migration, which basically requires an upgrade to Debian bookworm to get a nice enough Pipewire release. I'm testing Wayland on my laptop, but I'm not using it as a daily driver because I first need to upgrade to Debian bookworm on my main workstation. Most irritants have been solved one way or the other. My main problem with Wayland right now is that I spent a frigging week doing the conversion: it's exciting and new, but it basically sucked the life out of all my other projects and it's distracting, and I want it to stop. The rest of this page documents why I made the switch, how it happened, and what's left to do. Hopefully it will keep you from spending as much time as I did in fixing this. TL;DR: Wayland is mostly ready. Main blockers you might find are that you need to do manual configurations, DisplayLink (multiple monitors on a single cable) doesn't work in Sway, HDR and color management are still in development. I had to install the following packages:
apt install \
    brightnessctl \
    foot \
    gammastep \
    gdm3 \
    grim slurp \
    pipewire-pulse \
    sway \
    swayidle \
    swaylock \
    wdisplays \
    wev \
    wireplumber \
    wlr-randr \
And did some of tweaks in my $HOME, mostly dealing with my esoteric systemd startup sequence, which you won't have to deal with if you are not a fan.

Why switch? I originally held back from migrating to Wayland: it seemed like a complicated endeavor hardly worth the cost. It also didn't seem actually ready. But after reading this blurb on LWN, I decided to at least document the situation here. The actual quote that convinced me it might be worth it was:
It s amazing. I have never experienced gaming on Linux that looked this smooth in my life.
... I'm not a gamer, but I do care about latency. The longer version is worth a read as well. The point here is not to bash one side or the other, or even do a thorough comparison. I start with the premise that Xorg is likely going away in the future and that I will need to adapt some day. In fact, the last major Xorg release (21.1, October 2021) is rumored to be the last ("just like the previous release...", that said, minor releases are still coming out, e.g. 21.1.4). Indeed, it seems even core Xorg people have moved on to developing Wayland, or at least Xwayland, which was spun off it its own source tree. X, or at least Xorg, in in maintenance mode and has been for years. Granted, the X Window System is getting close to forty years old at this point: it got us amazingly far for something that was designed around the time the first graphical interface. Since Mac and (especially?) Windows released theirs, they have rebuilt their graphical backends numerous times, but UNIX derivatives have stuck on Xorg this entire time, which is a testament to the design and reliability of X. (Or our incapacity at developing meaningful architectural change across the entire ecosystem, take your pick I guess.) What pushed me over the edge is that I had some pretty bad driver crashes with Xorg while screen sharing under Firefox, in Debian bookworm (around November 2022). The symptom would be that the UI would completely crash, reverting to a text-only console, while Firefox would keep running, audio and everything still working. People could still see my screen, but I couldn't, of course, let alone interact with it. All processes still running, including Xorg. (And no, sorry, I haven't reported that bug, maybe I should have, and it's actually possible it comes up again in Wayland, of course. But at first, screen sharing didn't work of course, so it's coming a much further way. After making screen sharing work, though, the bug didn't occur again, so I consider this a Xorg-specific problem until further notice.) There were also frustrating glitches in the UI, in general. I actually had to setup a compositor alongside i3 to make things bearable at all. Video playback in a window was laggy, sluggish, and out of sync. Wayland fixed all of this.

Wayland equivalents This section documents each tool I have picked as an alternative to the current Xorg tool I am using for the task at hand. It also touches on other alternatives and how the tool was configured. Note that this list is based on the series of tools I use in desktop. TODO: update desktop with the following when done, possibly moving old configs to a ?xorg archive.

Window manager: i3 sway This seems like kind of a no-brainer. Sway is around, it's feature-complete, and it's in Debian. I'm a bit worried about the "Drew DeVault community", to be honest. There's a certain aggressiveness in the community I don't like so much; at least an open hostility towards more modern UNIX tools like containers and systemd that make it hard to do my work while interacting with that community. I'm also concern about the lack of unit tests and user manual for Sway. The i3 window manager has been designed by a fellow (ex-)Debian developer I have a lot of respect for (Michael Stapelberg), partly because of i3 itself, but also working with him on other projects. Beyond the characters, i3 has a user guide, a code of conduct, and lots more documentation. It has a test suite. Sway has... manual pages, with the homepage just telling users to use man -k sway to find what they need. I don't think we need that kind of elitism in our communities, to put this bluntly. But let's put that aside: Sway is still a no-brainer. It's the easiest thing to migrate to, because it's mostly compatible with i3. I had to immediately fix those resources to get a minimal session going:
i3 Sway note
set_from_resources set no support for X resources, naturally
new_window pixel 1 default_border pixel 1 actually supported in i3 as well
That's it. All of the other changes I had to do (and there were actually a lot) were all Wayland-specific changes, not Sway-specific changes. For example, use brightnessctl instead of xbacklight to change the backlight levels. See a copy of my full sway/config for details. Other options include:
  • dwl: tiling, minimalist, dwm for Wayland, not in Debian
  • Hyprland: tiling, fancy animations, not in Debian
  • Qtile: tiling, extensible, in Python, not in Debian (1015267)
  • river: Zig, stackable, tagging, not in Debian (1006593)
  • velox: inspired by xmonad and dwm, not in Debian
  • vivarium: inspired by xmonad, not in Debian

Status bar: py3status waybar I have invested quite a bit of effort in setting up my status bar with py3status. It supports Sway directly, and did not actually require any change when migrating to Wayland. Unfortunately, I had trouble making nm-applet work. Based on this nm-applet.service, I found that you need to pass --indicator for it to show up at all. In theory, tray icon support was merged in 1.5, but in practice there are still several limitations, like icons not clickable. Also, on startup, nm-applet --indicator triggers this error in the Sway logs:
nov 11 22:34:12 angela sway[298938]: 00:49:42.325 [INFO] [swaybar/tray/host.c:24] Registering Status Notifier Item ':1.47/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/nm_applet'
nov 11 22:34:12 angela sway[298938]: 00:49:42.327 [ERROR] [swaybar/tray/item.c:127] :1.47/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/nm_applet IconPixmap: No such property  IconPixmap 
nov 11 22:34:12 angela sway[298938]: 00:49:42.327 [ERROR] [swaybar/tray/item.c:127] :1.47/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/nm_applet AttentionIconPixmap: No such property  AttentionIconPixmap 
nov 11 22:34:12 angela sway[298938]: 00:49:42.327 [ERROR] [swaybar/tray/item.c:127] :1.47/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/nm_applet ItemIsMenu: No such property  ItemIsMenu 
nov 11 22:36:10 angela sway[313419]: info: fcft.c:838: /usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf: size=24.00pt/32px, dpi=96.00
... but that seems innocuous. The tray icon displays but is not clickable. Note that there is currently (November 2022) a pull request to hook up a "Tray D-Bus Menu" which, according to Reddit might fix this, or at least be somewhat relevant. If you don't see the icon, check the bar.tray_output property in the Sway config, try: tray_output *. The non-working tray was the biggest irritant in my migration. I have used nmtui to connect to new Wifi hotspots or change connection settings, but that doesn't support actions like "turn off WiFi". I eventually fixed this by switching from py3status to waybar, which was another yak horde shaving session, but ultimately, it worked.

Web browser: Firefox Firefox has had support for Wayland for a while now, with the team enabling it by default in nightlies around January 2022. It's actually not easy to figure out the state of the port, the meta bug report is still open and it's huge: it currently (Sept 2022) depends on 76 open bugs, it was opened twelve (2010) years ago, and it's still getting daily updates (mostly linking to other tickets). Firefox 106 presumably shipped with "Better screen sharing for Windows and Linux Wayland users", but I couldn't quite figure out what those were. TL;DR: echo MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 >> ~/.config/environment.d/firefox.conf && apt install xdg-desktop-portal-wlr

How to enable it Firefox depends on this silly variable to start correctly under Wayland (otherwise it starts inside Xwayland and looks fuzzy and fails to screen share):
To make the change permanent, many recipes recommend adding this to an environment startup script:
if [ "$XDG_SESSION_TYPE" == "wayland" ]; then
At least that's the theory. In practice, Sway doesn't actually run any startup shell script, so that can't possibly work. Furthermore, XDG_SESSION_TYPE is not actually set when starting Sway from gdm3 which I find really confusing, and I'm not the only one. So the above trick doesn't actually work, even if the environment (XDG_SESSION_TYPE) is set correctly, because we don't have conditionals in environment.d(5). (Note that systemd.environment-generator(7) do support running arbitrary commands to generate environment, but for some some do not support user-specific configuration files... Even then it may be a solution to have a conditional MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND environment, but I'm not sure it would work because ordering between those two isn't clear: maybe the XDG_SESSION_TYPE wouldn't be set just yet...) At first, I made this ridiculous script to workaround those issues. Really, it seems to me Firefox should just parse the XDG_SESSION_TYPE variable here... but then I realized that Firefox works fine in Xorg when the MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND is set. So now I just set that variable in environment.d and It Just Works :

Screen sharing Out of the box, screen sharing doesn't work until you install xdg-desktop-portal-wlr or similar (e.g. xdg-desktop-portal-gnome on GNOME). I had to reboot for the change to take effect. Without those tools, it shows the usual permission prompt with "Use operating system settings" as the only choice, but when we accept... nothing happens. After installing the portals, it actualyl works, and works well! This was tested in Debian bookworm/testing with Firefox ESR 102 and Firefox 106. Major caveat: we can only share a full screen, we can't currently share just a window. The major upside to that is that, by default, it streams only one output which is actually what I want most of the time! See the screencast compatibility for more information on what is supposed to work. This is actually a huge improvement over the situation in Xorg, where Firefox can only share a window or all monitors, which led me to use Chromium a lot for video-conferencing. With this change, in other words, I will not need Chromium for anything anymore, whoohoo! If slurp, wofi, or bemenu are installed, one of them will be used to pick the monitor to share, which effectively acts as some minimal security measure. See xdg-desktop-portal-wlr(1) for how to configure that.

Side note: Chrome fails to share a full screen I was still using Google Chrome (or, more accurately, Debian's Chromium package) for some videoconferencing. It's mainly because Chromium was the only browser which will allow me to share only one of my two monitors, which is extremely useful. To start chrome with the Wayland backend, you need to use:
chromium  -enable-features=UseOzonePlatform -ozone-platform=wayland
If it shows an ugly gray border, check the Use system title bar and borders setting. It can do some screensharing. Sharing a window and a tab seems to work, but sharing a full screen doesn't: it's all black. Maybe not ready for prime time. And since Firefox can do what I need under Wayland now, I will not need to fight with Chromium to work under Wayland:
apt purge chromium
Note that a similar fix was necessary for Signal Desktop, see this commit. Basically you need to figure out a way to pass those same flags to signal:
--enable-features=WaylandWindowDecorations --ozone-platform-hint=auto

Email: notmuch See Emacs, below.

File manager: thunar Unchanged.

News: feed2exec, gnus See Email, above, or Emacs in Editor, below.

Editor: Emacs okay-ish Emacs is being actively ported to Wayland. According to this LWN article, the first (partial, to Cairo) port was done in 2014 and a working port (to GTK3) was completed in 2021, but wasn't merged until late 2021. That is: after Emacs 28 was released (April 2022). So we'll probably need to wait for Emacs 29 to have native Wayland support in Emacs, which, in turn, is unlikely to arrive in time for the Debian bookworm freeze. There are, however, unofficial builds for both Emacs 28 and 29 provided by spwhitton which may provide native Wayland support. I tested the snapshot packages and they do not quite work well enough. First off, they completely take over the builtin Emacs they hijack the $PATH in /etc! and certain things are simply not working in my setup. For example, this hook never gets ran on startup:
(add-hook 'after-init-hook 'server-start t) 
Still, like many X11 applications, Emacs mostly works fine under Xwayland. The clipboard works as expected, for example. Scaling is a bit of an issue: fonts look fuzzy. I have heard anecdotal evidence of hard lockups with Emacs running under Xwayland as well, but haven't experienced any problem so far. I did experience a Wayland crash with the snapshot version however. TODO: look again at Wayland in Emacs 29.

Backups: borg Mostly irrelevant, as I do not use a GUI.

Color theme: srcery, redshift gammastep I am keeping Srcery as a color theme, in general. Redshift is another story: it has no support for Wayland out of the box, but it's apparently possible to apply a hack on the TTY before starting Wayland, with:
redshift -m drm -PO 3000
This tip is from the arch wiki which also has other suggestions for Wayland-based alternatives. Both KDE and GNOME have their own "red shifters", and for wlroots-based compositors, they (currently, Sept. 2022) list the following alternatives: I configured gammastep with a simple gammastep.service file associated with the

Display manager: lightdm gdm3 Switched because lightdm failed to start sway:
nov 16 16:41:43 angela sway[843121]: 00:00:00.002 [ERROR] [wlr] [libseat] [common/terminal.c:162] Could not open target tty: Permission denied
Possible alternatives:

Terminal: xterm foot One of the biggest question mark in this transition was what to do about Xterm. After writing two articles about terminal emulators as a professional journalist, decades of working on the terminal, and probably using dozens of different terminal emulators, I'm still not happy with any of them. This is such a big topic that I actually have an entire blog post specifically about this. For starters, using xterm under Xwayland works well enough, although the font scaling makes things look a bit too fuzzy. I have also tried foot: it ... just works! Fonts are much crisper than Xterm and Emacs. URLs are not clickable but the URL selector (control-shift-u) is just plain awesome (think "vimperator" for the terminal). There's cool hack to jump between prompts. Copy-paste works. True colors work. The word-wrapping is excellent: it doesn't lose one byte. Emojis are nicely sized and colored. Font resize works. There's even scroll back search (control-shift-r). Foot went from a question mark to being a reason to switch to Wayland, just for this little goodie, which says a lot about the quality of that software. The selection clicks are a not quite what I would expect though. In rxvt and others, you have the following patterns:
  • single click: reset selection, or drag to select
  • double: select word
  • triple: select quotes or line
  • quadruple: select line
I particularly find the "select quotes" bit useful. It seems like foot just supports double and triple clicks, with word and line selected. You can select a rectangle with control,. It correctly extends the selection word-wise with right click if double-click was first used. One major problem with Foot is that it's a new terminal, with its own termcap entry. Support for foot was added to ncurses in the 20210731 release, which was shipped after the current Debian stable release (Debian bullseye, which ships 6.2+20201114-2). A workaround for this problem is to install the foot-terminfo package on the remote host, which is available in Debian stable. This should eventually resolve itself, as Debian bookworm has a newer version. Note that some corrections were also shipped in the 20211113 release, but that is also shipped in Debian bookworm. That said, I am almost certain I will have to revert back to xterm under Xwayland at some point in the future. Back when I was using GNOME Terminal, it would mostly work for everything until I had to use the serial console on a (HP ProCurve) network switch, which have a fancy TUI that was basically unusable there. I fully expect such problems with foot, or any other terminal than xterm, for that matter. The foot wiki has good troubleshooting instructions as well. Update: I did find one tiny thing to improve with foot, and it's the default logging level which I found pretty verbose. After discussing it with the maintainer on IRC, I submitted this patch to tweak it, which I described like this on Mastodon:
today's reason why i will go to hell when i die (TRWIWGTHWID?): a 600-word, 63 lines commit log for a one line change:
It's Friday.

Launcher: rofi rofi?? rofi does not support Wayland. There was a rather disgraceful battle in the pull request that led to the creation of a fork (lbonn/rofi), so it's unclear how that will turn out. Given how relatively trivial problem space is, there is of course a profusion of options:
Tool In Debian Notes
alfred yes general launcher/assistant tool
bemenu yes, bookworm+ inspired by dmenu
cerebro no Javascript ... uh... thing
dmenu-wl no fork of dmenu, straight port to Wayland
Fuzzel ITP 982140 dmenu/drun replacement, app icon overlay
gmenu no drun replacement, with app icons
kickoff no dmenu/run replacement, fuzzy search, "snappy", history, copy-paste, Rust
krunner yes KDE's runner
mauncher no dmenu/drun replacement, math
nwg-launchers no dmenu/drun replacement, JSON config, app icons, nwg-shell project
Onagre no rofi/alfred inspired, multiple plugins, Rust
menu no dmenu/drun rewrite
Rofi (lbonn's fork) no see above
sirula no .desktop based app launcher
Ulauncher ITP 949358 generic launcher like Onagre/rofi/alfred, might be overkill
tofi yes, bookworm+ dmenu/drun replacement, C
wmenu no fork of dmenu-wl, but mostly a rewrite
Wofi yes dmenu/drun replacement, not actively maintained
yofi no dmenu/drun replacement, Rust
The above list comes partly from and awesome-wayland. It is likely incomplete. I have read some good things about bemenu, fuzzel, and wofi. A particularly tricky option is that my rofi password management depends on xdotool for some operations. At first, I thought this was just going to be (thankfully?) impossible, because we actually like the idea that one app cannot send keystrokes to another. But it seems there are actually alternatives to this, like wtype or ydotool, the latter which requires root access. wl-ime-type does that through the input-method-unstable-v2 protocol (sample emoji picker, but is not packaged in Debian. As it turns out, wtype just works as expected, and fixing this was basically a two-line patch. Another alternative, not in Debian, is wofi-pass. The other problem is that I actually heavily modified rofi. I use "modis" which are not actually implemented in wofi or tofi, so I'm left with reinventing those wheels from scratch or using the rofi + wayland fork... It's really too bad that fork isn't being reintegrated... For now, I'm actually still using rofi under Xwayland. The main downside is that fonts are fuzzy, but it otherwise just works. Note that wlogout could be a partial replacement (just for the "power menu").

Image viewers: geeqie ? I'm not very happy with geeqie in the first place, and I suspect the Wayland switch will just make add impossible things on top of the things I already find irritating (Geeqie doesn't support copy-pasting images). In practice, Geeqie doesn't seem to work so well under Wayland. The fonts are fuzzy and the thumbnail preview just doesn't work anymore (filed as Debian bug 1024092). It seems it also has problems with scaling. Alternatives: See also this list and that list for other list of image viewers, not necessarily ported to Wayland. TODO: pick an alternative to geeqie, nomacs would be gorgeous if it wouldn't be basically abandoned upstream (no release since 2020), has an unpatched CVE-2020-23884 since July 2020, does bad vendoring, and is in bad shape in Debian (4 minor releases behind). So for now I'm still grumpily using Geeqie.

Media player: mpv, gmpc / sublime This is basically unchanged. mpv seems to work fine under Wayland, better than Xorg on my new laptop (as mentioned in the introduction), and that before the version which improves Wayland support significantly, by bringing native Pipewire support and DMA-BUF support. gmpc is more of a problem, mainly because it is abandoned. See 2022-08-22-gmpc-alternatives for the full discussion, one of the alternatives there will likely support Wayland. Finally, I might just switch to sublime-music instead... In any case, not many changes here, thankfully.

Screensaver: xsecurelock swaylock I was previously using xss-lock and xsecurelock as a screensaver, with xscreensaver "hacks" as a backend for xsecurelock. The basic screensaver in Sway seems to be built with swayidle and swaylock. It's interesting because it's the same "split" design as xss-lock and xsecurelock. That, unfortunately, does not include the fancy "hacks" provided by xscreensaver, and that is unlikely to be implemented upstream. Other alternatives include gtklock and waylock (zig), which do not solve that problem either. It looks like swaylock-plugin, a swaylock fork, which at least attempts to solve this problem, although not directly using the real xscreensaver hacks. swaylock-effects is another attempt at this, but it only adds more effects, it doesn't delegate the image display. Other than that, maybe it's time to just let go of those funky animations and just let swaylock do it's thing, which is display a static image or just a black screen, which is fine by me. In the end, I am just using swayidle with a configuration based on the systemd integration wiki page but with additional tweaks from this service, see the resulting swayidle.service file. Interestingly, damjan also has a service for swaylock itself, although it's not clear to me what its purpose is...

Screenshot: maim grim, pubpaste I'm a heavy user of maim (and a package uploader in Debian). It looks like the direct replacement to maim (and slop) is grim (and slurp). There's also swappy which goes on top of grim and allows preview/edit of the resulting image, nice touch (not in Debian though). See also awesome-wayland screenshots for other alternatives: there are many, including X11 tools like Flameshot that also support Wayland. One key problem here was that I have my own screenshot / pastebin software which will needed an update for Wayland as well. That, thankfully, meant actually cleaning up a lot of horrible code that involved calling xterm and xmessage for user interaction. Now, pubpaste uses GTK for prompts and looks much better. (And before anyone freaks out, I already had to use GTK for proper clipboard support, so this isn't much of a stretch...)

Screen recorder: simplescreenrecorder wf-recorder In Xorg, I have used both peek or simplescreenrecorder for screen recordings. The former will work in Wayland, but has no sound support. The latter has a fork with Wayland support but it is limited and buggy ("doesn't support recording area selection and has issues with multiple screens"). It looks like wf-recorder will just do everything correctly out of the box, including audio support (with --audio, duh). It's also packaged in Debian. One has to wonder how this works while keeping the "between app security" that Wayland promises, however... Would installing such a program make my system less secure? Many other options are available, see the awesome Wayland screencasting list.

RSI: workrave nothing? Workrave has no support for Wayland. activity watch is a time tracker alternative, but is not a RSI watcher. KDE has rsiwatcher, but that's a bit too much on the heavy side for my taste. SafeEyes looks like an alternative at first, but it has many issues under Wayland (escape doesn't work, idle doesn't work, it just doesn't work really). timekpr-next could be an alternative as well, and has support for Wayland. I am also considering just abandoning workrave, even if I stick with Xorg, because it apparently introduces significant latency in the input pipeline. And besides, I've developed a pretty unhealthy alert fatigue with Workrave. I have used the program for so long that my fingers know exactly where to click to dismiss those warnings very effectively. It makes my work just more irritating, and doesn't fix the fundamental problem I have with computers.

Other apps This is a constantly changing list, of course. There's a bit of a "death by a thousand cuts" in migrating to Wayland because you realize how many things you were using are tightly bound to X.
  • .Xresources - just say goodbye to that old resource system, it was used, in my case, only for rofi, xterm, and ... Xboard!?
  • keyboard layout switcher: built-in to Sway since 2017 (PR 1505, 1.5rc2+), requires a small configuration change, see this answer as well, looks something like this command:
     swaymsg input 0:0:X11_keyboard xkb_layout de
    or using this config:
     input *  
         xkb_layout "ca,us"
         xkb_options "grp:sclk_toggle"
    That works refreshingly well, even better than in Xorg, I must say. swaykbdd is an alternative that supports per-window layouts (in Debian).
  • wallpaper: currently using feh, will need a replacement, TODO: figure out something that does, like feh, a random shuffle. swaybg just loads a single image, duh. oguri might be a solution, but unmaintained, used here, not in Debian. wallutils is another option, also not in Debian. For now I just don't have a wallpaper, the background is a solid gray, which is better than Xorg's default (which is whatever crap was left around a buffer by the previous collection of programs, basically)
  • notifications: currently using dunst in some places, which works well in both Xorg and Wayland, not a blocker, salut a possible alternative (not in Debian), damjan uses mako. TODO: install dunst everywhere
  • notification area: I had trouble making nm-applet work. based on this nm-applet.service, I found that you need to pass --indicator. In theory, tray icon support was merged in 1.5, but in practice there are still several limitations, like icons not clickable. On startup, nm-applet --indicator triggers this error in the Sway logs:
     nov 11 22:34:12 angela sway[298938]: 00:49:42.325 [INFO] [swaybar/tray/host.c:24] Registering Status Notifier Item ':1.47/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/nm_applet'
     nov 11 22:34:12 angela sway[298938]: 00:49:42.327 [ERROR] [swaybar/tray/item.c:127] :1.47/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/nm_applet IconPixmap: No such property  IconPixmap 
     nov 11 22:34:12 angela sway[298938]: 00:49:42.327 [ERROR] [swaybar/tray/item.c:127] :1.47/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/nm_applet AttentionIconPixmap: No such property  AttentionIconPixmap 
     nov 11 22:34:12 angela sway[298938]: 00:49:42.327 [ERROR] [swaybar/tray/item.c:127] :1.47/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/nm_applet ItemIsMenu: No such property  ItemIsMenu 
     nov 11 22:36:10 angela sway[313419]: info: fcft.c:838: /usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf: size=24.00pt/32px, dpi=96.00
    ... but it seems innocuous. The tray icon displays but, as stated above, is not clickable. If you don't see the icon, check the bar.tray_output property in the Sway config, try: tray_output *. Note that there is currently (November 2022) a pull request to hook up a "Tray D-Bus Menu" which, according to Reddit might fix this, or at least be somewhat relevant. This was the biggest irritant in my migration. I have used nmtui to connect to new Wifi hotspots or change connection settings, but that doesn't support actions like "turn off WiFi". I eventually fixed this by switching from py3status to waybar.
  • window switcher: in i3 I was using this bespoke i3-focus script, which doesn't work under Sway, swayr an option, not in Debian. So I put together this other bespoke hack from multiple sources, which works.
  • PDF viewer: currently using atril (which supports Wayland), could also just switch to zatura/mupdf permanently, see also calibre for a discussion on document viewers
See also this list of useful addons and this other list for other app alternatives.

More X11 / Wayland equivalents For all the tools above, it's not exactly clear what options exist in Wayland, or when they do, which one should be used. But for some basic tools, it seems the options are actually quite clear. If that's the case, they should be listed here:
X11 Wayland In Debian
arandr wdisplays yes
autorandr kanshi yes
xdotool wtype yes
xev wev yes
xlsclients swaymsg -t get_tree yes
xrandr wlr-randr yes
lswt is a more direct replacement for xlsclients but is not packaged in Debian. See also: Note that arandr and autorandr are not directly part of X. refers to a few alternatives. We suggest wdisplays and kanshi above (see also this service file) but wallutils can also do the autorandr stuff, apparently, and nwg-displays can do the arandr part. Neither are packaged in Debian yet. So I have tried wdisplays and it Just Works, and well. The UI even looks better and more usable than arandr, so another clean win from Wayland here. TODO: test kanshi as a autorandr replacement

Other issues

systemd integration I've had trouble getting session startup to work. This is partly because I had a kind of funky system to start my session in the first place. I used to have my whole session started from .xsession like this:
. ~/.shenv
systemctl --user import-environment
exec systemctl --user start --wait
But obviously, the is not started by the Sway session. It seems to just start a, which is really not what we want because we want to associate the services directly with the, so that they don't start when logging in over (say) SSH. damjan on #debian-systemd showed me his sway-setup which features systemd integration. It involves starting a different session in a completely new .desktop file. That work was submitted upstream but refused on the grounds that "I'd rather not give a preference to any particular init system." Another PR was abandoned because "restarting sway does not makes sense: that kills everything". The work was therefore moved to the wiki. So. Not a great situation. The upstream wiki systemd integration suggests starting the systemd target from within Sway, which has all sorts of problems:
  • you don't get Sway logs anywhere
  • control groups are all messed up
I have done a lot of work trying to figure this out, but I remember that starting systemd from Sway didn't actually work for me: my previously configured systemd units didn't correctly start, and especially not with the right $PATH and environment. So I went down that rabbit hole and managed to correctly configure Sway to be started from the systemd --user session. I have partly followed the wiki but also picked ideas from damjan's sway-setup and xdbob's sway-services. Another option is uwsm (not in Debian). This is the config I have in .config/systemd/user/: I have also configured those services, but that's somewhat optional: You will also need at least part of my sway/config, which sends the systemd notification (because, no, Sway doesn't support any sort of readiness notification, that would be too easy). And you might like to see my swayidle-config while you're there. Finally, you need to hook this up somehow to the login manager. This is typically done with a desktop file, so drop sway-session.desktop in /usr/share/wayland-sessions and sway-user-service somewhere in your $PATH (typically /usr/bin/sway-user-service). The session then looks something like this:
$ systemd-cgls   head -101
Control group /:
 user.slice (#472)
    user.invocation_id: bc405c6341de4e93a545bde6d7abbeec
    trusted.invocation_id: bc405c6341de4e93a545bde6d7abbeec
   user-1000.slice (#10072)
      user.invocation_id: 08f40f5c4bcd4fd6adfd27bec24e4827
      trusted.invocation_id: 08f40f5c4bcd4fd6adfd27bec24e4827
     user@1000.service   (#10156)
        user.delegate: 1
        trusted.delegate: 1
        user.invocation_id: 76bed72a1ffb41dca9bfda7bb174ef6b
        trusted.invocation_id: 76bed72a1ffb41dca9bfda7bb174ef6b
       session.slice (#10282)
         xdg-document-portal.service (#12248)
           9533 /usr/libexec/xdg-document-portal
           9542 fusermount3 -o rw,nosuid,nodev,fsname=portal,auto_unmount,subt 
         xdg-desktop-portal.service (#12211)
           9529 /usr/libexec/xdg-desktop-portal
         pipewire-pulse.service (#10778)
           6002 /usr/bin/pipewire-pulse
         wireplumber.service (#10519)
           5944 /usr/bin/wireplumber
         gvfs-daemon.service (#10667)
           5960 /usr/libexec/gvfsd
         gvfs-udisks2-volume-monitor.service (#10852)
           6021 /usr/libexec/gvfs-udisks2-volume-monitor
         at-spi-dbus-bus.service (#11481)
           6210 /usr/libexec/at-spi-bus-launcher
           6216 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --config-file=/usr/share/defaults/at-spi2 
           6450 /usr/libexec/at-spi2-registryd --use-gnome-session
         pipewire.service (#10403)
           5940 /usr/bin/pipewire
         dbus.service (#10593)
           5946 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --session --address=systemd: --nofork --n 
       background.slice (#10324)
         tracker-miner-fs-3.service (#10741)
           6001 /usr/libexec/tracker-miner-fs-3
       app.slice (#10240)
         xdg-permission-store.service (#12285)
           9536 /usr/libexec/xdg-permission-store
         gammastep.service (#11370)
           6197 gammastep
         dunst.service (#11958)
           7460 /usr/bin/dunst
         wterminal.service (#13980)
           69100 foot --title pop-up
           69101 /bin/bash
           77660 sudo systemd-cgls
           77661 head -101
           77662 wl-copy
           77663 sudo systemd-cgls
           77664 systemd-cgls
         syncthing.service (#11995)
           7529 /usr/bin/syncthing -no-browser -no-restart -logflags=0 --verbo 
           7537 /usr/bin/syncthing -no-browser -no-restart -logflags=0 --verbo 
         dconf.service (#10704)
           5967 /usr/libexec/dconf-service
         gnome-keyring-daemon.service (#10630)
           5951 /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --foreground --components=pkcs11 
         gcr-ssh-agent.service (#10963)
           6035 /usr/libexec/gcr-ssh-agent /run/user/1000/gcr
         swayidle.service (#11444)
           6199 /usr/bin/swayidle -w
         nm-applet.service (#11407)
           6198 /usr/bin/nm-applet --indicator
         wcolortaillog.service (#11518)
           6226 foot colortaillog
           6228 /bin/sh /home/anarcat/bin/colortaillog
           6230 sudo journalctl -f
           6233 ccze -m ansi
           6235 sudo journalctl -f
           6236 journalctl -f
         afuse.service (#10889)
           6051 /usr/bin/afuse -o mount_template=sshfs -o transform_symlinks - 
         gpg-agent.service (#13547)
           51662 /usr/bin/gpg-agent --supervised
           51719 scdaemon --multi-server
         emacs.service (#10926)
            6034 /usr/bin/emacs --fg-daemon
           33203 /usr/bin/aspell -a -m -d en --encoding=utf-8
         xdg-desktop-portal-gtk.service (#12322)
           9546 /usr/libexec/xdg-desktop-portal-gtk
         xdg-desktop-portal-wlr.service (#12359)
           9555 /usr/libexec/xdg-desktop-portal-wlr
         sway.service (#11037)
           6037 /usr/bin/sway
           6181 swaybar -b bar-0
           6209 py3status
           6309 /usr/bin/i3status -c /tmp/py3status_oy4ntfnq
           6969 Xwayland :0 -rootless -terminate -core -listen 29 -listen 30 - 
       init.scope (#10198)
         5909 /lib/systemd/systemd --user
         5911 (sd-pam)
     session-7.scope (#10440)
       5895 gdm-session-worker [pam/gdm-password]
       6028 /usr/libexec/gdm-wayland-session --register-session sway-user-serv 
I think that's pretty neat.

Environment propagation At first, my terminals and rofi didn't have the right $PATH, which broke a lot of my workflow. It's hard to tell exactly how Wayland gets started or where to inject environment. This discussion suggests a few alternatives and this Debian bug report discusses this issue as well. I eventually picked environment.d(5) since I already manage my user session with systemd, and it fixes a bunch of other problems. I used to have a .shenv that I had to manually source everywhere. The only problem with that approach is that it doesn't support conditionals, but that's something that's rarely needed.

Pipewire This is a whole topic onto itself, but migrating to Wayland also involves using Pipewire if you want screen sharing to work. You can actually keep using Pulseaudio for audio, that said, but that migration is actually something I've wanted to do anyways: Pipewire's design seems much better than Pulseaudio, as it folds in JACK features which allows for pretty neat tricks. (Which I should probably show in a separate post, because this one is getting rather long.) I first tried this migration in Debian bullseye, and it didn't work very well. Ardour would fail to export tracks and I would get into weird situations where streams would just drop mid-way. A particularly funny incident is when I was in a meeting and I couldn't hear my colleagues speak anymore (but they could) and I went on blabbering on my own for a solid 5 minutes until I realized what was going on. By then, people had tried numerous ways of letting me know that something was off, including (apparently) coughing, saying "hello?", chat messages, IRC, and so on, until they just gave up and left. I suspect that was also a Pipewire bug, but it could also have been that I muted the tab by error, as I recently learned that clicking on the little tiny speaker icon on a tab mutes that tab. Since the tab itself can get pretty small when you have lots of them, it's actually quite frequently that I mistakenly mute tabs. Anyways. Point is: I already knew how to make the migration, and I had already documented how to make the change in Puppet. It's basically:
apt install pipewire pipewire-audio-client-libraries pipewire-pulse wireplumber 
Then, as a regular user:
systemctl --user daemon-reload
systemctl --user --now disable pulseaudio.service pulseaudio.socket
systemctl --user --now enable pipewire pipewire-pulse
systemctl --user mask pulseaudio
An optional (but key, IMHO) configuration you should also make is to "switch on connect", which will make your Bluetooth or USB headset automatically be the default route for audio, when connected. In ~/.config/pipewire/pipewire-pulse.conf.d/autoconnect.conf:
context.exec = [
      path = "pactl"        args = "load-module module-always-sink"  
      path = "pactl"        args = "load-module module-switch-on-connect"  
    #  path = "/usr/bin/sh"  args = "~/.config/pipewire/"  
See the excellent as usual Arch wiki page about Pipewire for that trick and more information about Pipewire. Note that you must not put the file in ~/.config/pipewire/pipewire.conf (or pipewire-pulse.conf, maybe) directly, as that will break your setup. If you want to add to that file, first copy the template from /usr/share/pipewire/pipewire-pulse.conf first. So far I'm happy with Pipewire in bookworm, but I've heard mixed reports from it. I have high hopes it will become the standard media server for Linux in the coming months or years, which is great because I've been (rather boldly, I admit) on the record saying I don't like PulseAudio. Rereading this now, I feel it might have been a little unfair, as "over-engineered and tries to do too many things at once" applies probably even more to Pipewire than PulseAudio (since it also handles video dispatching). That said, I think Pipewire took the right approach by implementing existing interfaces like Pulseaudio and JACK. That way we're not adding a third (or fourth?) way of doing audio in Linux; we're just making the server better.

Keypress drops Sometimes I lose keyboard presses. This correlates with the following warning from Sway:
d c 06 10:36:31 curie sway[343384]: 23:32:14.034 [ERROR] [wlr] [libinput] event5  - SONiX USB Keyboard: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 37ms, your system is too slow 
... and corresponds to an open bug report in Sway. It seems the "system is too slow" should really be "your compositor is too slow" which seems to be the case here on this older system (curie). It doesn't happen often, but it does happen, particularly when a bunch of busy processes start in parallel (in my case: a linter running inside a container and notmuch new). The proposed fix for this in Sway is to gain real time privileges and add the CAP_SYS_NICE capability to the binary. We'll see how that goes in Debian once 1.8 gets released and shipped.

Improvements over i3

Tiling improvements There's a lot of improvements Sway could bring over using plain i3. There are pretty neat auto-tilers that could replicate the configurations I used to have in Xmonad or Awesome, see:

Display latency tweaks TODO: You can tweak the display latency in wlroots compositors with the max_render_time parameter, possibly getting lower latency than X11 in the end.

Sound/brightness changes notifications TODO: Avizo can display a pop-up to give feedback on volume and brightness changes. Not in Debian. Other alternatives include SwayOSD and sway-nc, also not in Debian.

Debugging tricks The xeyes (in the x11-apps package) will run in Wayland, and can actually be used to easily see if a given window is also in Wayland. If the "eyes" follow the cursor, the app is actually running in xwayland, so not natively in Wayland. Another way to see what is using Wayland in Sway is with the command:
swaymsg -t get_tree

Other documentation

Conclusion In general, this took me a long time, but it mostly works. The tray icon situation is pretty frustrating, but there's a workaround and I have high hopes it will eventually fix itself. I'm also actually worried about the DisplayLink support because I eventually want to be using this, but hopefully that's another thing that will hopefully fix itself before I need it.

A word on the security model I'm kind of worried about all the hacks that have been added to Wayland just to make things work. Pretty much everywhere we need to, we punched a hole in the security model: Wikipedia describes the security properties of Wayland as it "isolates the input and output of every window, achieving confidentiality, integrity and availability for both." I'm not sure those are actually realized in the actual implementation, because of all those holes punched in the design, at least in Sway. For example, apparently the GNOME compositor doesn't have the virtual-keyboard protocol, but they do have (another?!) text input protocol. Wayland does offer a better basis to implement such a system, however. It feels like the Linux applications security model lacks critical decision points in the UI, like the user approving "yes, this application can share my screen now". Applications themselves might have some of those prompts, but it's not mandatory, and that is worrisome.

23 March 2021

Bits from Debian: New Debian Developers and Maintainers (January and February 2021)

The following contributors got their Debian Developer accounts in the last two months: The following contributors were added as Debian Maintainers in the last two months: Congratulations!

6 May 2016

Norbert Preining: Yubikey NEO

Two Factor authentication and general improvement of my security infrastructure was long on my todo list. Some month ago I finally purchased a Yubikey NEO from Yubico and try to consistently use it as second factor, as well as gpg signing/encrypting device. yubikey-neo I am trying to get the best out of my Yubikey NEO by using as many of its functionality, in particular: Smartcard for my GNuPG keys, OTP similar to Google Authenticator and similar, as well as challenge-response for additional login security, as well as all that over NFC to not keep keys/passwords on my mobile phone. While there are loads of guides (see the previous article on GnuPG for some of them), many of them are out-of-date for current distributions and GnuPG etc. So I tried to collect all I could find not the least to have a place to look it up in case I forget it again. The Hardware The Yubikey NEO is a great peace of hardware. I not even remotely understand how they manage that this little beast can do all these things and still work out without mixing things up. As far as I understand (please correct me) it has three independent circuits of communication: On top of these circuit of communication there is a variety of applications to make the most out of your Yubikey: Yubikey mode setup There are several modes, and using the ykpersonalize tool (readily available for Windows, Mac, Linux, and in the Debian package yubikey-personalization) one can program the key to work in a variety of modes. I chose to activate all options by passing in -m86 which stand for OTP/U2F/CCID composite device with MODE_FLAG_EJECT.
$ ykpersonalize -m86
Firmware version 3.4.3 Touch level 1792 Unconfigured
The USB mode will be set to: 0x86
Commit? (y/n) [n]: y
It is a good idea to unplug and replug the key after this operation. Yubikey udev rules for user access To allow users but root to use the Yubikey, additional udev rules are necessary:
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS idVendor =="1050", ATTRS idProduct =="0116", TAG+="uaccess"
which I put into /etc/udev/rules.d/99-yubikeys.rules on Debian. After that another unplug and replug should allow normal user to access the key. This can be checked by calling getfacl on the newly created /dev/hidraw? device. Using the HID/Challenge-Response mode (slot 2) If you want to secure your login with an additional second factor, there are several options documented on the Yubico site concerning yubico-pam. Since I cannot be sure to be always online with my laptop, I choose Challenge-Response authentication, and followed one-to-one Yubico s docs Local Authentication Using Challenge Response. Basically it boils down to install libpam-yubico, select mode-challenge-response when asked for configuration. Then one needs to personalizing the key (in particular slot 2) for challenge response with:
$ ykpersonalize -2 -ochal-resp -ochal-hmac -ohmac-lt64 -oserial-api-visible
Commit? (y/n) [n]: y
Next we need to save the challenge and expected response to the user s directory:
$ mkdir $HOME/.yubico
$ ykpamcfg -2 -v
Stored initial challenge and expected response in '/home/norbert/.yubico/challenge-123456'.
It might be a good idea to try this out, and if it works, activate it also for root. But be careful no key no login  Challenge: I am currently searching for a method to replace the second factor of they key optionally with a different authentication method, like a very difficult passphrase. This way I could log in even without my key, but in this case would need the complicated passphrase. From my reading of the pam manuals it seems to be possible, and I am planning to use pam_ssh and a specific login key with a complicated passphrase. I will report back when this is done. YubiOATH (TOTP) Time based One Time Passwords (aka Google Authenticator style) Without any setup whatsoever this worked out of the box. I use the Yubico Authenticator on my Android phone, and the dedicated application for the Linux desktop to create second factors for all kind of applications. Currently I am using it with Google login, Github, DropbBox, and WordPress (via the Two Factor plugin which can also be tweaked to use the NEO key as USB key via the FIDO U2F). Challenge: If I start the Yubico Personalization GUI, I see two free slots so where are the TOTPs computed? That also means that I have one slot free and for now I don t know what to do with it  Yubikey OpenGPG applet setup The Yubikeys support OpenPGP, and the applet is pre-installed (afaik), meaning you can directly configure the key and upload your keys. Here I use gpg2 (2.1) as it seems to better support card operations. To not interfere with the current gpg setup I use a temporary gpg home:
$ mkdir gpgtmp
$ chmod go-rwx gpgtmp
$ gpg2 --homedir gpgtmp --list-keys
gpg: keybox 'gpgtmp/pubring.kbx' created
gpg: gpgtmp/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created
Warning: The YubiKey NEO only supports 2048bit keys. If you want 4096bit keys you need to use one of the newer YubiKey 4, which gives you this option, but does not have support for NFC, and thus no way to interact with an Android (or other) mobile phone. Check the correct version of the applet There has been a bug in an older version of the applet, but since 2 years all keys sold should have a correct applet. You can check by:
$ gpg-connect-agent --homedir gpgtmp --hex "scd apdu 00 f1 00 00" /bye"
gpg-connect-agent: no running gpg-agent - starting '/usr/bin/gpg-agent'
gpg-connect-agent: waiting for the agent to come up ... (5s)
gpg-connect-agent: connection to agent established
D[0000]  01 00 10 90 00                                     .....           
Looking at the output one sees D[0000] 01 00 10 which means applet version 1.0.10, which is the first version fixed. Replace pins of the key The standard pins are 123456 for the user pin, and 12345678 for the admin pin. These need immediate change! Warning: When changing the ping the normal pin must be 6 (at least?) digits, and the admin pin 8 (at least?), other gpg2 cannot use the key anymore. No idea why.
$ gpg2 --homedir gpgtmp --card-edit
Reader ...........: 1050:0116:X:0
Application ID ...: D2760001240102000006036457190000
Version ..........: 2.0
Manufacturer .....: Yubico
Serial number ....: 03645719
Name of cardholder: [not set]
Language prefs ...: [not set]
Sex ..............: unspecified
URL of public key : [not set]
Login data .......: [not set]
Signature PIN ....: forced
Key attributes ...: rsa2048 rsa2048 rsa2048
Max. PIN lengths .: 127 127 127
PIN retry counter : 3 3 3
Signature counter : 0
Signature key ....: [none]
Encryption key....: [none]
Authentication key: [none]
General key info..: [none]
gpg/card> admin
Admin commands are allowed
gpg/card> passwd
gpg: OpenPGP card no. D2760001240102000006036457190000 detected
1 - change PIN
2 - unblock PIN
3 - change Admin PIN
4 - set the Reset Code
Q - quit
Your selection? 3
PIN changed.
1 - change PIN
2 - unblock PIN
3 - change Admin PIN
4 - set the Reset Code
Q - quit
Your selection? 1
PIN changed.
1 - change PIN
2 - unblock PIN
3 - change Admin PIN
4 - set the Reset Code
Q - quit
Your selection? q
gpg/card> quit
After this you need to use the new pins for all changes. Setup basic data The key can also save some basic data about yourself, like name, sex, language preferences, login name, and url to obtain the public key. As before start gpg2 and then change these infos in the following way>
gpg/card> name
Cardholder's surname: Preining
Cardholder's given name: Norbert
gpg/card> sex
Sex ((M)ale, (F)emale or space): M
gpg/card> lang
Language preferences: de
gpg/card> login
Login data (account name): norbert
gpg/card> url
URL to retrieve public key:
gpg/card> list
Reader ...........: 1050:0116:X:0
Application ID ...: D2760001240102000006036457190000
Version ..........: 2.0
Manufacturer .....: Yubico
Serial number ....: 03645719
Name of cardholder: Norbert Preining
Language prefs ...: de
Sex ..............: male
URL of public key :
Login data .......: norbert
Signature PIN ....: forced
Key attributes ...: rsa2048 rsa2048 rsa2048
Max. PIN lengths .: 127 127 127
PIN retry counter : 3 3 3
Signature counter : 0
Signature key ....: [none]
Encryption key....: [none]
Authentication key: [none]
General key info..: [none]
gpg/card> quit
Move sub keys to Yubikey As laid out in the article on GnuPG subkeys, we are having three subkeys for signing, encryption, and authentication. In reality I will practically only use the signing key, but upload all three keys to the card. In the following I expect that you have a setup more or less similar to the one described in the article linked before. Again, we use GnuPG v2, mostly because it was the version that worked out of the box. In addition, if you are setting up a similar stage like in my GNuPG article with gpg1 keys on the mail server, then you don t want the gpg1 keys being removed. Basically you must have the Yubikey plugged in and call keytocard after selecting each key in turn (and deselecting it afterwards). Warning: There is another bug in the GnuPG applet that was fixed in later versions (but not in 1.0.10), namely that not all keys are accepted. This is a bit a pain. I needed to recreate a subkey to obtain a key that can be loaded onto the Yubikey. Unfortunately, Yubico has also stopped/disabled the ability to update applets (although I have to say their documentation is an incredible rubbish with respect to applets and upgrades ). As before, assume that $MASTERKEY contains the hex id of your master key.
$ gpg2 --edit-key $MASTERKEY
gpg (GnuPG) 2.1.11; Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Secret key is available.
sec  rsa4096/0x6CACA448860CDC13
     created: 2010-09-14  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: SC  
     trust: ultimate      validity: ultimate
ssb  rsa4096/0xD1D2BD14810F62B3
     created: 2010-09-14  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: E   
ssb  rsa2048/0xEC00B8DAD32266AA
     created: 2016-02-07  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: S   
ssb  rsa2048/0xBF361ED434425B4C
     created: 2016-02-07  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: E   
ssb  rsa2048/0x9C7CA4E294F04D49
     created: 2016-02-07  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: A   
[ultimate] (1). Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (2)  Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (3)  Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (4)  Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (5)  [jpeg image of size 4185]
gpg> key 2
sec  rsa4096/0x6CACA448860CDC13
     created: 2010-09-14  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: SC  
     trust: ultimate      validity: ultimate
ssb  rsa4096/0xD1D2BD14810F62B3
     created: 2010-09-14  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: E   
ssb* rsa2048/0xEC00B8DAD32266AA
     created: 2016-02-07  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: S   
ssb  rsa2048/0xBF361ED434425B4C
     created: 2016-02-07  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: E   
ssb  rsa2048/0x9C7CA4E294F04D49
     created: 2016-02-07  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: A   
[ultimate] (1). Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (2)  Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (3)  Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (4)  Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (5)  [jpeg image of size 4185]
gpg> keytocard
Please select where to store the key:
   (1) Signature key
   (3) Authentication key
Your selection? 1
sec  rsa4096/0x6CACA448860CDC13
     created: 2010-09-14  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: SC  
     trust: ultimate      validity: ultimate
ssb  rsa4096/0xD1D2BD14810F62B3
     created: 2010-09-14  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: E   
ssb* rsa2048/0xEC00B8DAD32266AA
     created: 2016-02-07  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: S   
ssb  rsa2048/0xBF361ED434425B4C
     created: 2016-02-07  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: E   
ssb  rsa2048/0x9C7CA4E294F04D49
     created: 2016-02-07  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: A   
[ultimate] (1). Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (2)  Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (3)  Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (4)  Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (5)  [jpeg image of size 4185]
gpg> key 2
sec  rsa4096/0x6CACA448860CDC13
     created: 2010-09-14  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: SC  
     trust: ultimate      validity: ultimate
ssb  rsa4096/0xD1D2BD14810F62B3
     created: 2010-09-14  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: E   
ssb  rsa2048/0xEC00B8DAD32266AA
     created: 2016-02-07  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: S   
ssb  rsa2048/0xBF361ED434425B4C
     created: 2016-02-07  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: E   
ssb  rsa2048/0x9C7CA4E294F04D49
     created: 2016-02-07  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: A   
[ultimate] (1). Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (2)  Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (3)  Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (4)  Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (5)  [jpeg image of size 4185]
gpg> key 3
sec  rsa4096/0x6CACA448860CDC13
     created: 2010-09-14  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: SC  
     trust: ultimate      validity: ultimate
ssb  rsa4096/0xD1D2BD14810F62B3
     created: 2010-09-14  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: E   
ssb  rsa2048/0xEC00B8DAD32266AA
     created: 2016-02-07  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: S   
ssb* rsa2048/0xBF361ED434425B4C
     created: 2016-02-07  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: E   
ssb  rsa2048/0x9C7CA4E294F04D49
     created: 2016-02-07  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: A   
[ultimate] (1). Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (2)  Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (3)  Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (4)  Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (5)  [jpeg image of size 4185]
gpg> keytocard
Please select where to store the key:
   (2) Encryption key
Your selection? 2
sec  rsa4096/0x6CACA448860CDC13
     created: 2010-09-14  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: SC  
     trust: ultimate      validity: ultimate
ssb  rsa4096/0xD1D2BD14810F62B3
     created: 2010-09-14  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: E   
ssb  rsa2048/0xEC00B8DAD32266AA
     created: 2016-02-07  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: S   
ssb* rsa2048/0xBF361ED434425B4C
     created: 2016-02-07  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: E   
ssb  rsa2048/0x9C7CA4E294F04D49
     created: 2016-02-07  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: A   
[ultimate] (1). Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (2)  Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (3)  Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (4)  Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (5)  [jpeg image of size 4185]
gpg> key 3
sec  rsa4096/0x6CACA448860CDC13
     created: 2010-09-14  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: SC  
     trust: ultimate      validity: ultimate
ssb  rsa4096/0xD1D2BD14810F62B3
     created: 2010-09-14  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: E   
ssb  rsa2048/0xEC00B8DAD32266AA
     created: 2016-02-07  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: S   
ssb  rsa2048/0xBF361ED434425B4C
     created: 2016-02-07  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: E   
ssb  rsa2048/0x9C7CA4E294F04D49
     created: 2016-02-07  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: A   
[ultimate] (1). Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (2)  Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (3)  Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (4)  Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (5)  [jpeg image of size 4185]
gpg> key 4
sec  rsa4096/0x6CACA448860CDC13
     created: 2010-09-14  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: SC  
     trust: ultimate      validity: ultimate
ssb  rsa4096/0xD1D2BD14810F62B3
     created: 2010-09-14  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: E   
ssb  rsa2048/0xEC00B8DAD32266AA
     created: 2016-02-07  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: S   
ssb  rsa2048/0xBF361ED434425B4C
     created: 2016-02-07  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: E   
ssb* rsa2048/0x9C7CA4E294F04D49
     created: 2016-02-07  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: A   
[ultimate] (1). Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (2)  Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (3)  Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (4)  Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (5)  [jpeg image of size 4185]
gpg> keytocard
Please select where to store the key:
   (3) Authentication key
Your selection? 3
sec  rsa4096/0x6CACA448860CDC13
     created: 2010-09-14  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: SC  
     trust: ultimate      validity: ultimate
ssb  rsa4096/0xD1D2BD14810F62B3
     created: 2010-09-14  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: E   
ssb  rsa2048/0xEC00B8DAD32266AA
     created: 2016-02-07  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: S   
ssb  rsa2048/0xBF361ED434425B4C
     created: 2016-02-07  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: E   
ssb* rsa2048/0x9C7CA4E294F04D49
     created: 2016-02-07  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: A   
[ultimate] (1). Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (2)  Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (3)  Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (4)  Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (5)  [jpeg image of size 4185]
gpg> key 4
sec  rsa4096/0x6CACA448860CDC13
     created: 2010-09-14  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: SC  
     trust: ultimate      validity: ultimate
ssb  rsa4096/0xD1D2BD14810F62B3
     created: 2010-09-14  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: E   
ssb  rsa2048/0xEC00B8DAD32266AA
     created: 2016-02-07  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: S   
ssb  rsa2048/0xBF361ED434425B4C
     created: 2016-02-07  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: E   
ssb  rsa2048/0x9C7CA4E294F04D49
     created: 2016-02-07  expires: 2017-02-06  usage: A   
[ultimate] (1). Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (2)  Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (3)  Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (4)  Norbert Preining <>
[ultimate] (5)  [jpeg image of size 4185]
gpg> save
After that your keys are on the Yubikey (and only there!), and GNuPG will require the PIN (user pin) to sign/encrypt documents. Usage Many things have been said above, but to sum up when and how I am using the YubiKey now: Conclusions With this setup I am now quite content, but not completely. What I still want to do is full disk encryption where I need the Yubikey to boot and again, with an alternative for a very long passphrase. At the end, adding a second factor to the login is not really optimal, and only protects you against quick hacks. If the laptop is actually stolen, only full disc protection helps. Access to the hardware always guarantees that one has access to everything on the disc. Another thing I want to do is re-use the GnuPG key on the Yubikey as ssh key for logging into remote systems. That would mean that I get rid of even more keys on my laptop. But this is still in the work  The other open question is what to use the other available slot of the Yubikey for? I thought about some passwords (possible), but I don t feel to happy about having my password issued with the press of a key. But all in all, I like the setup much more than before and not having any GnuPG key on the laptop is a big plus.

30 December 2015

Francois Marier: Linux kernel module options on Debian

Linux kernel modules often have options that can be set. Here's how to make use of them on Debian-based systems, using the i915 Intel graphics driver as an example. To get the list of all available options:
modinfo -p i915
To check the current value of a particular option:
cat /sys/module/i915/parameters/enable_ppgtt
To give that option a value when the module is loaded, create a new /etc/modprobe.d/i915.conf file and put the following in it:
options i915 enable_ppgtt=0
and then re-generate the initial RAM disks:
update-initramfs -u -k all
Alternatively, that option can be set at boot time on the kernel command line by setting the following in /etc/default/grub:
and then updating the grub config:

13 December 2015

Gregor Herrmann: RC bugs 2015/38-50

it looks like this autumn was not my best blogging time: this is the first posting in 3 months. anyway, I wanted to give a quick overview about my work on RC bugs. again nothing exciting, mostly just trying to fix the ones popping up in the pkg-perl team.

27 February 2014

Stefano Zacchiroli: moar stats for

Debian: watch your stats! Over the past few weeks, myself and Matthieu Caneill have worked quite a bit on Debsources. As we have now deployed most of the new features on, it's time for another "What's new with Debsources?" blog post. Here is what's new: Want more? Sure, we'll be happy to! But it'll happen faster if you help. Speaking of which: we've got Debsources into the new contributors game (see announcement) and we're looking forward to mentor new contributors.

26 November 2012

Russell Coker: Links November 2012

Julian Treasure gave an informative TED talk about The 4 Ways Sound Affects US [1]. Among other things he claims that open plan offices reduce productivity by 66%! He suggests that people who work in such offices wear headphones and play bird-songs. Naked Capitalism has an interesting interview between John Cusack and Jonathan Turley about how the US government policy of killing US citizens without trial demonstrates the failure of their political system [2]. Washington s blog has an interesting article on the economy in Iceland [3]. Allowing the insolvent banks to go bankrupt was the best thing that they have ever done for their economy. Clay Shirky wrote an insightful article about the social environment of mailing lists and ways to limit flame-wars [4]. ZRep is an interesting program that mirrors ZFS filesystems via regular snapshots and send/recv operations [5]. It seems that it could offer similar benefits to DRBD but at the file level and with greater reliability. James Lockyer gave a movingTEDx talk about his work in providing a legal defence for the wrongly convicted [6]. This has included overturning convictions after as much as half a century in which the falsely accused had already served a life sentence. Nathan Myers wrote an epic polemic about US government policy since 9-11 [7]. It s good to see that some Americans realise it s wrong. There is an insightful TED blog post about TED Fellow Salvatore Iaconesi who has brain cancer [8]. Apparently he had some problems with medical records in proprietary formats which made it difficult to get experts to properly assess his condition. Open document standards can be a matter of life and death and should be mandated by federal law. Paul Wayper wrote an interesting and amusing post about Emotional Computing which compares the strategies of Apple, MS, and the FOSS community among other things [9]. Kevin Allocca of Youtube gave an insightful TED talk about why videos go viral [10]. Jason Fried gave an interesting TED talk Why Work Doesn t Happen at Work [11]. His main issues are distraction and wasted time in meetings. He gives some good ideas for how to improve productivity. But they can also be used for sabotage. If someone doesn t like their employer then they could call for meetings, incite managers to call meetings, and book meetings so that they don t follow each other and thus waste more of the day (EG meetings at 1PM and 3PM instead of having the second meeting when the first finishes). Shyam Sankar gave an interesting TED talk about human computer cooperation [12]. He describes the success of human-computer partnerships in winning chess tournaments, protein folding, and other computational challenges. It seems that the limit for many types of computation will be the ability to get people and computers to work together efficiently. Cory Doctorow wrote an interesting and amusing article for Locus Magazine about some of the failings of modern sci-fi movies [13]. He is mainly concerned with pointless movies that get the science and technology aspects wrong and the way that the blockbuster budget process drives the development of such movies. Of course there are many other things wrong with sci-fi movies such as the fact that most of them are totally implausible (EG aliens who look like humans). The TED blog has an interesting interview with Catarina Mota about hacker spaces and open hardware [14]. Sociological Images has an interesting article about sporting behaviour [15]. They link to a very funny youtube video of a US high school football team who make the other team believe that they aren t playing until they win [16] Related posts:
  1. Links April 2012 Karen Tse gave an interesting TED talk about how to...
  2. Links March 2012 Washington s Blog has an informative summary of recent articles about...
  3. Links November 2011 Forbes has an interesting article about crowd-sourcing by criminals and...

14 October 2011

John Goerzen: Greece part 2: History (and sauntering up to guys with machine guns)

Terah and I went to the Greek island Rhodes recently. This is the second in a series about it. I am one to enjoy history. There is something deeply, well, connecting, about standing in an old place. There is a timeless quality to it a feeling of being connected to so many people of the past, and yet still being connected to change, visible in things such as weathering of stones. To gaze at pottery that s 300 years old, walk past 700-year-old walls, or pass through what remains of the grand portico of an ancient temple to Athena stirs a feeling I can barely explain, of timelessness. Although Rhodes doesn t have the famous Greek sites such as the Parthenon or Delphi, I can t help but wonder why the Rhodes sites aren t better known. They were incredible and it is hard to condense all that we saw into a short blog post. I have to start with the medieval Rhodes Old Town. We got off the bus a few blocks from it one bright morning, and our first task was to find a gate across the moat. Oh yes, A GATE ACROSS THE MOAT. It s a dry moat, and that bridge off in the distance is the gate we were headed to. Outside of the outer wall is a nice quiet walking area. The moat and walls completely surround Old Town and, for the most part, date back about 500 years. The round stones you see on that picture, we were told, were likely surplus from catapults and other projectile weapons. Cross one line of walls and you come to another, with original canons still present. The Knights Hospitaller of St. John, which held Rhodes for a few centuries until the Ottomans captured it, sure knew how to build to impress. The gate we happened to use was Amboise, the Grand Master s Gate. Right there is the stunningly rebuilt landmark Palace of the Grand Master. It is absolutely impossible for any photograph to begin to do this building justice. Between its imported Greek and Roman floors, to the grand nature of everything in it, and the archaeological museum in one corner, it was a fitting start to a visit to Old Town. Here s one of the main staircases. Just near the Palace is quiet courtyard with an old door. Pass through that door and suddenly you re in the midst of the busy Old Town. And among the landmarks in Old Town, the most prominent is Ippoton, the Avenue of the Knights. Along this avenue are the buildings built by the various nationalities of knights, many of which are historical sites in their own. Taken together, it is quite clear why Rhodes is said to be one of the world s best-preserved medieval cities. Down at the other end of Ippoton is the Knights Hospital, which is now part of the archaeological museum. Step off the Avenue a few blocks and you get to some quieter narrow streets just as old, in many cases. On Sunday morning, we were able to visit Mount Filerimos. In contrast to the busy Rhodes, Filerimos had an air of quiet and still to it. It was the site of a monastery, two historic churches, and a landmark Italian cross on the mountaintop. We arrived, and begin our visit with a walk up the quiet stone path. When we got to the top, we walked past this peaceful church. As we walked past the outside, we heard the beautiful music of chant from indoors. We got to step in and listen to mass for a few minutes. In typical fashion, directly in front of the church are two much older sites: one, the ruins of a temple to Athena, and the other a 4th-century Christian bapistery. Rhodes is a popular tourist destination, and of course we saw plenty of popular sites (such as the grandmaster s palace). Filerimos had a few tourists too, but not as many. I frequently like to operate on the plan of going wherever all the tourists aren t. And so, on Filerimos, that meant seeing what was behind the monastery. It started with this peaceful tree-lined path. And the deserted, but intentionally open, gate led to the remains of a Byzantine fortress, which had been a staging area for both the Knights and the Ottomans before their campaigns to capture Rhodes. It also provided incredible views of the surrounding countryside. The first historic site we had visited on our trip was the Acropolis of Lindos, parts of which are 2300 years old. Here s a view of the mountain from the rooftop of the Kalypso, our favorite restaurant in Lindos. The columns of the temple to Athena Lindia are visible, and of course so are the walls. The road up to the acropolis is accessible only on foot or by donkey. It is apparently the only road that has ever been used to get to the acropolis. Here is the partially-restored grand portico to the temple. There s an old Christian church (4th century, if memory serves) at the Acropolis too. The Acropolis makes some pretty good use of natural defenses too. Here s a view from one level of it. There s a manmade wall up there at the very top. And, of course, the beautiful Aegean always in the background. There are lots of cats on Rhodes. Here is a kitten napping at the top of the Lindos Acropolis: Lindos itself is a beautiful town. Here s one of the quieter streets: Notice the pebble steps leading into the houses those intricate pieces of artwork are all over. This post won t be complete without the story of our visit to the Acropolis of Rhodes. We walked there from Old Town. At the Acropolis, there are the remains of a temple to Apollo, an ancient theater, and an ancient stadium where qualifying matches for the Olympics were held. As we got closer to the area, we were repeatedly passed by people dressed in uniforms of various types. And as we got there, we joined a stream of people entering the area. The ancient stadium had apparently thousands of people in it, country names were being read off over the loudspeakers, policemen wielding machine guns were standing by, and we had absolutely no idea what was going on. At this point, you can appreciate the difference between Terah and me. Terah thought that we have no idea what is happening, she was tired from the walk, and so thought we should just leave. I thought that we have no idea what is happening, which is a great reason to stay. So Terah opted to sit and read a bit under some trees while I explored. Here s a view of the stadium as it was emptying out, seen from the theater: I explored the temple and theater, and eventually we were ready to head back. We knew there was a bus back to the New Market (from where we could get a bus back to our hotel), but didn t know where the bus stop was. The obvious place to ask were the policemen, which I thought I would do. Terah thought she would just stay sitting under the trees, on the grounds that the policemen nearest us were all carrying machine guns and perhaps wouldn t like to be disturbed. This led to my cryptic tweet:
Only ONE of us is the kind of person that goes up to guys with machine guns to ask what s happening. Me to Terah today
They told me that it was the preparations for the opening ceremony for a global shooting contest, and also gave me directions to the bus stop.

30 June 2011

Evgeni Golov: signing data inside your browser?

Let data be textarea->value and browser be (firefox or chrome).I want the user to be able to sign the data he entered in the textarea as I do not trust the website to store the data without modification.So far I found a couple of GnuPG/PGP based solutions:Didn t test any of them yet, so I am asking you, dear Lazyweb: are these any good? Are there any more such tools? What about X.509 client certificates? Can I abuse them for signing in the browser too? So far I found login stuff only. Pointers highly appreciated.

31 March 2011

Christoph Berg: PostgreSQL in Debian

At work, I'm dealing with lots of different database setups, luckily mostly PostgreSQL running on Debian. At the same time, a fair amount of the tools in the PostgreSQL ecosystem (not the PostgreSQL server packages itself) are not in the best shape in the Debian archive. I'm trying to change that by adopting some of the packages. So far, I have fixed a few RC bugs where packages where suddenly trying to build against PostgreSQL 9.0 while expecting 8.4. To my surprise, there are no packages yet in the archive that support multiple PostgreSQL versions in parallel. There is even a package ready to help doing this - postgresql-server-dev-all, but apparently nobody has used it yet. It turned out that after working around a few trivial problems and adding just a few lines of sh code, it was pretty straightforward to port skytools and postgresql-pllua to 9.0 while keeping 8.4 support. The latter has no version-specific code left in debian/ except for a list of supported versions in debian/pgversions, so a future port to 9.1 will be trivial. (Fun fact: the old postgresql-pllua version 0.8.1 was actually a typoed 0.3.1 version.) Most PostgreSQL tools use a common subversion repository on Alioth, but there is no common mailing list address that is put into the Uploaders fields, so it is hard to get an overview over the state of all packages. I've compiled a list of all packages in svn, git, bzr (the server packages), and a few others in DDPO to fix that for now. Other packages I've updated so far are pgtune, pgbouncer, and pgpool2.

20 December 2006

Julien Blache: mbpeventd status update

Here’s a quick status update for mbpeventd users; PowerBook users may be interested too ;-) So, here we go: The GTK client is complete but still needs a bit more work: configuration support, and changing the colors of the progress bar (currently the colors of the current GTK+ 2 theme are used). Yves-Alexis could probably use some help on the PowerBook front, mainly for identifying the appropriate i2c device to use and other things. If you are interested by using mbpeventd on a PowerBook, check out the mbpeventd-ppc branch and give it a try. Plan for upcoming releases: As we’re adding PowerBook support, we’ll be renaming mbpeventd, so watch out for the new name when we’ll merge PowerBook support in :-) Thanks to: Source code, check it out using svn co :
DBus branch:
PPC branch: