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9 September 2023

Bits from Debian: DebianDay Celebrations and comments

Debian Celebrates 30 years! We celebrated our birthday this year and we had a great time with new friends, new members welcomed to the community, and the world. We have collected a few comments, videos, and discussions from around the Internet, and some images from some of the DebianDay2023 events. We hope that you enjoyed the day(s) as much as we did! Maqsuel Maqson

"Debian 30 years of collective intelligence" -Maqsuel Maqson Brazil Thiago Pezzo

Pouso Alegre, Brazil Daniel Pimentel

Macei , Brazil Daniel Lenharo

Curitiba, Brazil Daniel Lenharo

The cake is there. :) phls Honorary Debian Developers: Buzz, Jessie, and Woody welcome guests to this amazing party. Carlos Melara Sao Carlos, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil Carlos Melara Stickers, and Fliers, and Laptops, oh my! phls Belo Horizonte, Brazil sergiosacj Bras lia, Brazil sergiosacj Bras lia, Brazil Mexico Jathan 30 a os! Jathan A quick Selfie Jathan We do not encourage beverages on computing hardware, but this one is okay by us. Germany h01ger

30 years of love h01ger

The German Delegation is also looking for this dog who footed the bill for the party, then left mysteriously. h01ger

We took the party outside Stefano Rivera

We brought the party back inside at CCCamp Belgium Stefano Rivera

Cake and Diversity in Belgium El Salvador Gato Barato Canel n Pulgosky

Food and Fellowship in El Salvador South Africa highvoltage

Debian is also very delicious! highvoltage

All smiles waiting to eat the cake Reports Debian Day 30 years in Macei - Brazil Debian Day 30 years in S o Carlos - Brazil Debian Day 30 years in Pouso Alegre - Brazil Debian Day 30 years in Belo Horizonte - Brazil Debian Day 30 years in Curitiba - Brazil Debian Day 30 years in Bras lia - Brazil Debian Day 30 years online in Brazil Articles & Blogs Happy Debian Day - going 30 years strong - Liam Dawe Debian Turns 30 Years Old, Happy Birthday! - Marius Nestor 30 Years of Stability, Security, and Freedom: Celebrating Debian s Birthday - Bobby Borisov Happy 30th Birthday, Debian! - Claudio Kuenzier Debian is 30 and Sgt Pepper Is at Least Ninetysomething - Christine Hall Debian turns 30! -Corbet Thirty years of Debian! - Lennart Hengstmengel Debian marks three decades as 'Universal Operating System' - Sam Varghese Debian Linux Celebrates 30 Years Milestone - Joshua James 30 years on, Debian is at the heart of the world's most successful Linux distros - Liam Proven Looking Back on 30 Years of Debian - Maya Posch Cheers to 30 Years of Debian: A Journey of Open Source Excellence - arindam Discussions and Social Media Debian Celebrates 30 Years - Source: News YCombinator Brand-new Linux release, which I'm calling the Debian ... Source: News YCombinator Comment: Congrats @debian !!! Happy Birthday! Thank you for becoming a cornerstone of the #opensource world. Here's to decades of collaboration, stability & #software #freedom -openSUSELinux via X (formerly Twitter) Comment: Today we #celebrate the 30th birthday of #Debian, one of the largest and most important cornerstones of the #opensourcecommunity. For this we would like to thank you very much and wish you the best for the next 30 years! Source: X (Formerly Twitter -TUXEDOComputers via X (formerly Twitter) Happy Debian Day! - Source: Video The History of Debian The Beginning - Source: Linux User Space Debian Celebrates 30 years -Source: Video Debian At 30 and No More Distro Hopping! - LWDW388 - Source: LinuxGameCast Debian Celebrates 30 years! - Source: Debian User Forums Debian Celebrates 30 years! - Source:

1 September 2023

Paul Wise: FLOSS Activities August 2023

Focus This month I didn't have any particular focus. I just worked on issues in my info bubble.


  • Investigated test failures after Debian pybuild distutils update


  • Debian BTS usertags: changes for the month

  • Debian IRC: rescue an alternate channel and make it harder to join accidentally
  • Debian wiki: unblock IP addresses, approve accounts, update emails for accounts

  • Respond to queries from Debian users and contributors on the mailing lists and IRC

Sponsors The libpst work was sponsored. All other work was done on a volunteer basis.

29 August 2023

Jonathan Dowland: Gazelle Twin

A couple of releases A couple of releases
I discovered Gazelle Twin last year via Stuart Maconie's Freak Zone (two of her tracks ended up on my 2022 Halloween playlist). Through her website I learned of The Horror Show! exhibition at Somerset House1 in London that I managed to visit earlier this year. I've been intending to write a 5-track blog post (a la Underworld, the Cure, Coil) for a while but I have been spurred on by the excellent news that she's got a new album on the way, and, she's performing at the Sage Gateshead in November. Buy tickets now!! Here's the five tracks I recommend to get started:
  1. Anti-Body, from 2014's UNFLESH. I particularly love the percussion. Perc did a good hard-house-style remix on Fleshed Out, the companion remix album. Anti-Body by Gazelle Twin
  2. Fire Leap, from Gazelle Twin and NYX's collaborative album Deep England. The album is a re-interpretation of material from Gazelle Twin's earlier album, Pastoral, with the exception of this track, which is a cover of Paul Giovanni's song from The Wicker Man. There's a common aesthetic in all three works: eerie-folk, England's self-mythologising as seen through a warped and cracked lens. Anti-Body by Gazelle Twin There's a fantastic performance video of the whole album, directed by Iain Forsyth and Jane Pollard, available on YouTube.
  3. Better In My Day, from the aforementioned Pastoral. This track and this album are, I think, less accessible, more challenging than the re-interpreted material. That's not a bad thing: I'm still working on digesting it! This is one of the more abrasive, confrontational tracks. Better In My Day by Gazelle Twin
  4. I am Shell I am Bone, from way back to her first release, The Entire City in 2011. Composed, recorded, self-produced, self-released. It's remarkable to me how different each phase of GT's work are to one another. This album evokes a strong sense of atmosphere and place to me. There's a hint of possible influence of Joy Division's Unknown Pleasures (or New Order's Movement) in places. The b-side to this song is a cover of Joy Division's The Eternal. I Am Shell I Am Bone by Gazelle Twin
  5. GT re-issued This Entire City in 2022 along with a companion-piece EP of newly-released material from the same era, The Wastelands. This isn't cutting room floor stuff, though, as evidenced by the strength of my final pick, Hole in my Heart. Hole In My Heart by Gazelle Twin
It's hard to pick just five tracks when doing these (that's the point I suppose). I note that I haven't picked anything from her wide-ranging soundtrack work: her last three or four of her releases have been soundtrack works, released on the well-respected UK label Invada, as will be her forthcoming album. You can find all the released stuff on Gazelle Twin's Bandcamp Page.

  1. I recently learned that PJ Harvey once hosted album sessions in Somerset House, and allowed fans to watch her at work during the recording:

25 August 2023

Debian Brasil: Debian Day 30 anos online no Brasil

Em 2023 o tradicional Debian Day est sendo celebrado de forma especial, afinal no dia 16 de agostoo Debian completou 30 anos! Para comemorar este marco especial na vida do Debian, a comunidade Debian Brasil organizou uma semana de palestras online de 14 a 18 de agosto. O evento foi chamado de Debian 30 anos. Foram realizadas 2 palestras por noite, das 19h s 22h, transmitidas pelo canal Debian Brasil no YouTube totalizando 10 palestras. As grava es j est o dispon veis tamb m no canal Debian Brasil no Peertube. Nas 10 atividades tivemos as participa es de 9 DDs, 1 DM, 3 contribuidores(as). A audi ncia ao vivo variou bastante, e o pico foi na palestra sobre preseed com o Eriberto Mota quando tivemos 47 pessoas assistindo. Obrigado a todos(as) participantes pela contribui o que voc s deram para o sucesso do nosso evento. Veja abaixo as fotos de cada atividade: Nova gera o: uma entrevista com iniciantes no projeto Debian
Nova gera o: uma entrevista com iniciantes no projeto Debian Instala o personalizada e automatizada do Debian com preseed
Instala o personalizada e automatizada do Debian com preseed Manipulando patches com git-buildpackage
Manipulando patches com git-buildpackage Socializando Debian do jeito Debian Socializando Debian do jeito Debian Proxy reverso com WireGuard
Proxy reverso com WireGuard Celebra o dos 30 anos do Debian!
Celebra o dos 30 anos do Debian! Instalando o Debian em disco criptografado com LUKS
Instalando o Debian em disco criptografado com LUKS O que a equipe de localiza o j  conquistou nesses 30 anos
O que a equipe de localiza o j conquistou nesses 30 anos Debian - Projeto e Comunidade!
Debian - Projeto e Comunidade! Design Gr fico e Software livre, o que fazer e por onde come ar
Design Gr fico e Software livre, o que fazer e por onde come ar

Debian Brasil: Debian Day 30 years online in Brazil

In 2023 the traditional Debian Day is being celebrated in a special way, after all on August 16th Debian turned 30 years old! To celebrate this special milestone in the Debian's life, the Debian Brasil community organized a week with talks online from August 14th to 18th. The event was named Debian 30 years. Two talks were held per night, from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm, streamed on the Debian Brasil channel on YouTube totaling 10 talks. The recordings are also available on the Debian Brazil channel on Peertube. We had the participation of 9 DDs, 1 DM, 3 contributors in 10 activities. The live audience varied a lot, and the peak was on the preseed talk with Eriberto Mota when we had 47 people watching. Thank you to all participants for the contribution you made to the success of our event. Veja abaixo as fotos de cada atividade: Nova gera o: uma entrevista com iniciantes no projeto Debian
Nova gera o: uma entrevista com iniciantes no projeto Debian Instala o personalizada e automatizada do Debian com preseed
Instala o personalizada e automatizada do Debian com preseed Manipulando patches com git-buildpackage
Manipulando patches com git-buildpackage Socializando Debian do jeito Debian Socializando Debian do jeito Debian Proxy reverso com WireGuard
Proxy reverso com WireGuard Celebra o dos 30 anos do Debian!
Celebra o dos 30 anos do Debian! Instalando o Debian em disco criptografado com LUKS
Instalando o Debian em disco criptografado com LUKS O que a equipe de localiza o j  conquistou nesses 30 anos
O que a equipe de localiza o j conquistou nesses 30 anos Debian - Projeto e Comunidade!
Debian - Projeto e Comunidade! Design Gr fico e Software livre, o que fazer e por onde come ar
Design Gr fico e Software livre, o que fazer e por onde come ar

24 August 2023

Debian Brasil: Debian Day 30 years in Belo Horizonte - Brazil

For the first time, the city of Belo Horizonte held a Debian Day to celebrate the anniversary of the Debian Project. The communities Debian Minas Gerais and Free Software Belo Horizonte and Region felt motivated to celebrate this special date due the 30 years of the Debian Project in 2023 and they organized a meeting on August 12nd in UFMG Knowledge Space. The Debian Day organization in Belo Horizonte received the important support from UFMG Computer Science Department to book the room used by the event. It was scheduled three activities: In total, 11 people were present and we took a photo with those who stayed until the end. Presentes no Debian Day 2023 em BH

Debian Brasil: Debian Day 30 anos em Belo Horizonte

Pela primeira vez a cidade de Belo Horizonte realizou um Debian Day para celebrar o anivers rio do Projeto Debian. As comunidades Debian Minas Gerais e Software Livre de BH e Regi o se sentiram motivadas para celebrar esta data especial devido aos 30 anos do Projeto Debian em 2023 e organizou um encontro no dia 12 de agosto dentro Espa o do Conhecimento da UFMG. A organiza o do Debian Day em Belo Horizonte recebeu o importante apoio do Departamento de Ci ncia da Computa o da UFMG para reservar a sala que foi utilizada para o evento. A programa o contou com tr s atividades: No total etiveram presentes 11 pessoas e fizemos uma foto com as que ficaram at o final. Presentes no Debian Day 2023 em BH

Debian Brasil: Debian Day 30 years at IF Sul de Minas, Pouso Alegre - Brazil

by Thiago Pezzo, Debian contributor, pt_BR localization team This year's Debian Day was a pretty special one, we are celebrating 30 years! Giving the importance of this event, the Brazilian community planned a very special week. Instead of only local gatherings, we had a week of online talks streamed via Debian Brazil's youtube channel (soon the recordings will be uploaded to our team's peertube instance). Nonetheless the local celebrations happened around the country and one was organized in Pouso Alegre, MG, Brazil, at the Instituto Federal de Educa o, Ci ncia e Tecnologia do Sul de Minas Gerais (IFSULDEMINAS - Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of the South of Minas Gerais). The Institute, as many of its counterparts in Brazil, specializes in professional and technological curricula to high school and undergraduate levels. All public, free and quality education! The event happened on the afternoon of August 16th at the Pouso Alegre campus. Some 30 students from the High School Computer Technician class attended the presentation about the Debian Project and the Free Software movement in general. Everyone had a great time! And afterwards we had some spare time to chat. I would like to thank all people who helped us: Here goes our group photo: Presentation at IFSULDEMINAS Pouso Alegre campus

20 August 2023

Debian Brasil: Debian Day 30 years in Brazil

This year's Debian day was a pretty special one, we are celebrating 30 years! Giving the importance of this event, the Brazilian community planned a very special week. Instead of only local gatherings, we had a week of online talks streamed via Debian Brazil's youtube channel (soon the recordings will be uploaded to Debian's peertube instance). Nonetheless the local celebrations happened around the country and I've organized one in S o Carlos with the help of GELOS, the FLOSS group at University of S o Paulo. The event happened on August 19th and went on the whole afternoon. We had some talks about Debian and free software (see table below), a coffee break where we had the chance to talk, and finished with a group photo (check this one and many others below). Actually, it wasn't the end, we carried on the conversation about Debian and free software in a local bar :-) We had around 30 people in the event and reached a greater audience via the announcements across the university's press releases and emails sent to our Brazilian mailing lists. You can check some of them below. Below you can check the list of talks.
Time Author Title
14:10 GELOS Intro to GELOS
14:30 Carlos Melara (Charles) A not so Brief Introdution to the Debian Project
15:15 Guilherme Paix o Debian and the Free Culture
15:45 z Free Software: the paths to a free life
16:15 -- Coffee Break
17:15 Prof. Dr. Francisco Jos Monaco The FOSS Ecosystem and You
Here are some photos taken during the event! Preparation for Debian Day
Getting things ready for the event. Intro to GELOS
Intro to GELOS talk. Debian intro
A not so Brief Introdution to the Debian Project talk. Everyone knows Debian
Everyone already knew Debian! Free software
Debian and the Free Culture talk Auditorium
People in the auditorium space. Free software
Free Software: the paths to a free life talk Coffee Break
Coffee Break. FOSS Ecosystem
The FOSS Ecosystem and You talk. Group photo
Group photo. Celebration afterwards
Celebration goes on in the bar.

Debian Brasil: Debian Day 30 years in S o Carlos - Brazil

This year's Debian day was a pretty special one, we are celebrating 30 years! Giving the importance of this event, the Brazilian community planned a very special week. Instead of only local gatherings, we had a week of online talks streamed via Debian Brazil's youtube channel (soon the recordings will be uploaded to Debian's peertube instance). Nonetheless the local celebrations happened around the country and I've organized one in S o Carlos with the help of GELOS, the FLOSS group at University of S o Paulo. The event happened on August 19th and went on the whole afternoon. We had some talks about Debian and free software (see table below), a coffee break where we had the chance to talk, and finished with a group photo (check this one and many others below). Actually, it wasn't the end, we carried on the conversation about Debian and free software in a local bar :-) We had around 30 people in the event and reached a greater audience via the announcements across the university's press releases and emails sent to our Brazilian mailing lists. You can check some of them below. Below you can check the list of talks.
Time Author Title
14:10 GELOS Intro to GELOS
14:30 Carlos Melara (Charles) A not so Brief Introdution to the Debian Project
15:15 Guilherme Paix o Debian and the Free Culture
15:45 z Free Software: the paths to a free life
16:15 -- Coffee Break
17:15 Prof. Dr. Francisco Jos Monaco The FOSS Ecosystem and You
Here are some photos taken during the event! Preparation for Debian Day
Getting things ready for the event. Intro to GELOS
Intro to GELOS talk. Debian intro
A not so Brief Introdution to the Debian Project talk. Everyone knows Debian
Everyone already knew Debian! Free software
Debian and the Free Culture talk Auditorium
People in the auditorium space. Free software
Free Software: the paths to a free life talk Coffee Break
Coffee Break. FOSS Ecosystem
The FOSS Ecosystem and You talk. Group photo
Group photo. Celebration afterwards
Celebration goes on in the bar.

5 August 2023

Bits from Debian: Debian Project Bits Volume 1, Issue 1

Debian Project Bits Volume 1, Issue 1 August 05, 2023 Welcome to the inaugural issue of Debian Project Bits! Those remembering the Debian Weekly News (DwN) will recognize some of the sections here which served as our inspiration. Debian Project Bits posts will allow for a faster turnaround of some project news on a monthly basis. The Debian Micronews service will continue to share shorter news items, the Debian Project News remains as our official newsletter which may move to a biannual archive format. News Debian Day The Debian Project was officially founded by Ian Murdock on August 16, 1993. Since then we have celebrated our Anniversary of that date each year with events around the world. We would love it if you could join our revels this very special year as we have the honor of turning 30! Attend or organize a local Debian Day celebration. You're invited to plan your own event: from Bug Squashing parties to Key Signing parties, Meet-Ups, or any type of social event whether large or small. And be sure to check our Debian reimbursement How To if you need such resources. You can share your days, events, thoughts, or notes with us and the rest of the community with the #debianday tag that will be used across most social media platforms. See you then! Events: Upcoming and Reports Upcoming Debian 30 anos The Debian Brasil Community is organizing the event Debian 30 anos to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Debian Project. From August 14 to 18, between 7pm and 22pm (UTC-3) contributors will talk online in Portuguese and we will live stream on Debian Brasil YouTube channel. DebConf23: Debian Developers Camp and Conference The 2023 Debian Developers Camp (DebCamp) and Conference (DebConf23) will be hosted this year in Infopark, Kochi, India. DebCamp is slated to run from September 3 through 9, immediately followed by the larger DebConf, September 10 through 17. If you are planning on attending the conference this year, now is the time to ensure your travel documentation, visa information, bursary submissions, papers and relevant equipment are prepared. For more information contact: debconf@debconf. MiniDebConf Cambridge 2023 There will be a MiniDebConf held in Cambridge, UK, hosted by ARM for 4 days in November: 2 days for a mini-DebCamp (Thu 23 - Fri 24), with space for dedicated development / sprint / team meetings, then two days for a more regular MiniDebConf (Sat 25 - Sun 26) with space for more general talks, up to 80 people. Reports During the last months, the Debian Community has organized some Bug Squashing Parties:
Tilburg, Netherlands. October 2022. St-Cergue, Switzerland. January 2023 Montreal, Canada. February 2023 In January, Debian India hosted the MiniDebConf Tamil Nadu in Viluppuram, Tamil Nadu, India (Sat 28 - Sun 26). The following month, the MiniDebConf Portugal 2023 was held in Lisbon (12 - 16 February 2023). These events, seen as a stunning success by some of their attendees, demonstrate the vitality of our community.
Debian Brasil Community at Campus Party Brazil 2023 Another edition of Campus Party Brazil took place in the city of S o Paulo between July 25th and 30th. And one more time the Debian Brazil Community was present. During the days in the available space, we carry out some activities such as: For more info and a few photos, check out the organizers' report. MiniDebConf Bras lia 2023 From May 25 to 27, Bras lia hosted the MiniDebConf Bras lia 2023. This gathering was composed of various activities such as talks, workshops, sprints, BSPs (Bug Squashing Party), key signings, social events, and hacking, aimed to bring the community together and celebrate the world's largest Free Software project: Debian. For more information please see the full report written by the organizers. Debian Reunion Hamburg 2023 This year the annual Debian Reunion Hamburg was held from Tuesday 23 to 30 May starting with four days of hacking followed by two days of talks, and then two more days of hacking. As usual, people - more than forty-five attendees from Germany, Czechia, France, Slovakia, and Switzerland - were happy to meet in person, to hack and chat together, and much more. If you missed the live streams, the video recordings are available. Translation workshops from the pt_BR team The Brazilian translation team, debian-l10n-portuguese, had their first workshop of 2023 in February with great results. The workshop was aimed at beginners, working in DDTP/DDTSS. For more information please see the full report written by the organizers. And on June 13 another workshop took place to translate The Debian Administrator's Handbook). The main goal was to show beginners how to collaborate in the translation of this important material, which has existed since 2004. The manual's translations are hosted on Weblate. Releases Stable Release Debian 12 bookworm was released on June 10, 2023. This new version becomes the stable release of Debian and moves the prior Debian 11 bullseye release to oldstable status. The Debian community celebrated the release with 23 Release Parties all around the world. Bookworm's first point release 12.1 address miscellaneous bug fixes affecting 88 packages, documentation, and installer updates was made available on July 22, 2023. RISC-V support riscv64 has recently been added to the official Debian architectures for support of 64-bit little-endian RISC-V hardware running the Linux kernel. We expect to have full riscv64 support in Debian 13 trixie. Updates on bootstrap, build daemon, porterbox, and development progress were recently shared by the team in a Bits from the Debian riscv64 porters post. non-free-firmware The Debian 12 bookworm archive now includes non-free-firmware; please be sure to update your apt sources.list if your systems requires such components for operation. If your previous sources.list included non-free for this purpose it may safely be removed. apt sources.list The Debian archive holds several components: Example of the sources.list file
deb bookworm main
deb-src bookworm main
deb bookworm-security main
deb-src bookworm-security main
deb bookworm-updates main
deb-src bookworm-updates main
Example using the components:
deb bookworm main non-free-firmware
deb-src bookworm main non-free-firmware
deb bookworm-security main non-free-firmware
deb-src bookworm-security main non-free-firmware
deb bookworm-updates main non-free-firmware
deb-src bookworm-updates main non-free-firmware
For more information and guidelines on proper configuration of the apt source.list file please see the Configuring Apt Sources - Wiki page. Inside Debian New Debian Members Please welcome the following newest Debian Project Members: To find out more about our newest members or any Debian Developer, look for them on the Debian People list. Security Debian's Security Team releases current advisories on a daily basis. Some recently released advisories concern these packages: trafficserver Several vulnerabilities were discovered in Apache Traffic Server, a reverse and forward proxy server, which could result in information disclosure or denial of service. asterisk A flaw was found in Asterisk, an Open Source Private Branch Exchange. A buffer overflow vulnerability affects users that use PJSIP DNS resolver. This vulnerability is related to CVE-2022-24793. The difference is that this issue is in parsing the query record parse_query(), while the issue in CVE-2022-24793 is in parse_rr(). A workaround is to disable DNS resolution in PJSIP config (by setting nameserver_count to zero) or use an external resolver implementation instead. flask It was discovered that in some conditions the Flask web framework may disclose a session cookie. chromium Multiple security issues were discovered in Chromium, which could result in the execution of arbitrary code, denial of service or information disclosure. Other Popular packages gpgv - GNU privacy guard signature verification tool. 99,053 installations. gpgv is actually a stripped-down version of gpg which is only able to check signatures. It is somewhat smaller than the fully-blown gpg and uses a different (and simpler) way to check that the public keys used to make the signature are valid. There are no configuration files and only a few options are implemented. dmsetup - Linux Kernel Device Mapper userspace library. 77,769 installations. The Linux Kernel Device Mapper is the LVM (Linux Logical Volume Management) Team's implementation of a minimalistic kernel-space driver that handles volume management, while keeping knowledge of the underlying device layout in user-space. This makes it useful for not only LVM, but software raid, and other drivers that create "virtual" block devices. sensible-utils - Utilities for sensible alternative selection. 96,001 daily users. This package provides a number of small utilities which are used by programs to sensibly select and spawn an appropriate browser, editor, or pager. The specific utilities included are: sensible-browser sensible-editor sensible-pager. popularity-contest - The popularity-contest package. 90,758 daily users. The popularity-contest package sets up a cron job that will periodically anonymously submit to the Debian developers statistics about the most used Debian packages on the system. This information helps Debian make decisions such as which packages should go on the first CD. It also lets Debian improve future versions of the distribution so that the most popular packages are the ones which are installed automatically for new users. New and noteworthy packages in unstable Toolkit for scalable simulation of distributed applications SimGrid is a toolkit that provides core functionalities for the simulation of distributed applications in heterogeneous distributed environments. SimGrid can be used as a Grid simulator, a P2P simulator, a Cloud simulator, a MPI simulator, or a mix of all of them. The typical use-cases of SimGrid include heuristic evaluation, application prototyping, and real application development and tuning. This package contains the dynamic libraries and runtime. LDraw mklist program 3D CAD programs and rendering programs using the LDraw parts library of LEGO parts rely on a file called parts.lst containing a list of all available parts. The program ldraw-mklist is used to generate this list from a directory of LDraw parts. Open Lighting Architecture - RDM Responder Tests The DMX512 standard for Digital MultipleX is used for digital communication networks commonly used to control stage lighting and effects. The Remote Device Management protocol is an extension to DMX512, allowing bi-directional communication between RDM-compliant devices without disturbing other devices on the same connection. The Open Lighting Architecture (OLA) provides a plugin framework for distributing DMX512 control signals. The ola-rdm-tests package provides an automated way to check protocol compliance in RDM devices. parsec-service Parsec is an abstraction layer that can be used to interact with hardware-backed security facilities such as the Hardware Security Module (HSM), the Trusted Platform Module (TPM), as well as firmware-backed and isolated software services. The core component of Parsec is the security service, provided by this package. The service is a background process that runs on the host platform and provides connectivity with the secure facilities of that host, exposing a platform-neutral API that can be consumed into different programming languages using a client library. For a client library implemented in Rust see the package librust-parsec-interface-dev. Simple network calculator and lookup tool Process and lookup network addresses from the command line or CSV with ripalc. Output has a variety of customisable formats. High performance, open source CPU/GPU miner and RandomX benchmark XMRig is a high performance, open source, cross platform RandomX, KawPow, CryptoNight, and GhostRider unified CPU/GPU miner and RandomX benchmark. Ping, but with a graph - Rust source code This package contains the source for the Rust gping crate, packaged by debcargo for use with cargo and dh-cargo. Once upon a time in Debian: 2014-07-31 The Technical committee choose libjpeg-turbo as the default JPEG decoder. 2010-08-01 DebConf10 starts New York City, USA 2007-08-05 Debian Maintainers approved by vote 2009-08-05 Jeff Chimene files bug #540000 against live-initramfs. Calls for help The Publicity team calls for volunteers and help! Your Publicity team is asking for help from you our readers, developers, and interested parties to contribute to the Debian news effort. We implore you to submit items that may be of interest to our community and also ask for your assistance with translations of the news into (your!) other languages along with the needed second or third set of eyes to assist in editing our work before publishing. If you can share a small amount of your time to aid our team which strives to keep all of us informed, we need you. Please reach out to us via IRC on #debian-publicity on, or our public mailing list, or via email at for sensitive or private inquiries.

2 August 2023

Debian Brasil: Participa o do Debian na Campus Party Brasil 2023

Mais uma edi o da Campus Party Brasil aconteceu na cidade de S o Paulo entre os dias 25 e 30 de Julho de 2023. Novamente a comunidade Debian Brasil se fez presente. Durante os dias no espa o disponibilizado, realizamos algumas atividades:
- Distribui o de brindes (adesivos, copos, cord o de crach );
- Mini oficina sobre como contribuir para a equipe de tradu o;
- Mini oficina sobre empacotamento;
- Assinatura de chaves;
- Informa es sobre o projeto; Durante todos os dias, havia sempre uma pessoa dispon vel para passar informa es sobre o que o Debian e as diversas formas de contribuir. Durante todo o evento, estimamos que ao menos 700 pessoas interagiram de alguma forma com nossa comunidade. Diversas pessoas, aproveitaram a oportunidade para aproveitar pelo excelente trabalho realizado pelo projeto no Debian 12 - Bookworm. Segue algumas fotos tiradas durante o evento! CPBR15
Espa o da Comunidade no Evento.
Romulo, visitante do espa o com Daniel Lenharo.
Alguns brindes que estavam a disposi o do p blico.
Vis o do espa o.
Adesivo com a Arte de 30 anos feita pelo Jefferson.
Pessoal no espa o da comunidade.
Mini curso de empacotamento, realizado pelo Charles.
Pessoal que esteve envolvido nas atividades da comunidade.

Debian Brasil: Debian Brazil at Campus Party Brazil 2023

Another edition of Campus Party Brasil took place in the city of S o Paulo between the 25th and 30th of July 2023. One more time the Debian Brazil Community was present. During the days in the available space, we carry out some activities:
- Gifts for attends (stickers, cups, lanyards);
- Workshop on how to contribute to the translation team;
- Workshop on packaging;
- Key signing party;
- Information about the project; Every day, there was always someone available to pass on information about what Debian is and the different ways to contribute. During the entire event, we estimate that at least 700 people interacted in some way with our community. Several people took the opportunity to benefit from the excellent work done by the project on Debian 12 - Bookworm. Here are some photos taken during the event! CPBR15
Community Space at the Event.
Romulo, visitor from space with Daniel Lenharo.
Some gifts for attends.
Communit Space at the event.
Sticker made with Jefferson artwork.
People in the community space.
Packaging workshop, held by Charles.
people who were involved in the Community activities.

1 August 2023

Debian Brasil: Participa o do Debian na Campus Party Brasil 2023

Mais uma edi o da Campus Party Brasil aconteceu na cidade de S o Paulo entre os dias 25 e 30 de Julho de 2023. Novamente a comunidade Brasileira se fez presente. Durante os dias no espa o disponibilizado, realizamos algumas atividades:
- Distribui o de brindes (Adesivos, Copos, Cord o de crach );
- Mini oficina sobre como contribuir para a equipe de tradu o;
- Mini oficina sobre empacotamento;
- Informa es sobre o projeto; Durante todos os dias, havia sempre uma pessoa dispon vel para passar informa es sobre o que o Debian, formas de contribuir. Durante todo o evento, estimamos que ao menos 700 pessoas interagiram de alguma forma com nossa comunidade. Diversas pessoas, aproveitaram a oportunidade para aproveitar pelo excelente trabalho realizado pelo projeto no Debian 12 - Bookworm. Segue algumas fotos tiradas durante o evento! CPBR15
Espa o da Comunidade no Evento.
Romulo, visitante do espa o com Daniel Lenharo.
Alguns brindes que estavam a disposi o do p blico.
Vis o do espa o.
Adesivo com a Arte de 30 anos feita pelo Jefferson.
Pessoal no espa o da comunidade.
Mini curso de empacotamento, realizado pelo Charles.
Pessoal que esteve envolvido nas atividades da comunidade.

31 July 2023

Paul Wise: FLOSS Activities July 2023

Focus This month I didn't have any particular focus. I just worked on issues in my info bubble.





  • Debian IRC: rescue empty Debian IRC channel
  • Debian wiki: unblock IP addresses, approve accounts

  • Respond to queries from Debian users and contributors on the mailing lists and IRC

Sponsors The libpst, nmap, sptag, pytest-rerunfailures work was sponsored. All other work was done on a volunteer basis.

12 July 2023

Freexian Collaborators: Debian Contributions: /usr-merge updates, DebConf Bursary prep, and more! (by Utkarsh Gupta)

Contributing to Debian is part of Freexian s mission. This article covers the latest achievements of Freexian and their collaborators. All of this is made possible by organizations subscribing to our Long Term Support contracts and consulting services.

/usr-merge, by Helmut Grohne, et al The work on /usr-merge continues from May. The lengthy discussion was condensed into a still lengthy rewrite of DEP17 listing all known problems and proposed mitigations. An initial consensus call did not resolve all questions, but we now have rough consensus on finalizing the transition without relying on major changes to dpkg. Other questions still have diverging opinions and some matters such as how to not break backports are still missing satisfying answers.

DebConf Bursary prep, by Utkarsh Gupta DebCamp and DebConf is happening from 03rd September to 17th September in Kochi, India, and the DebConf Bursary team is gearing up for that. After extending the bursary deadline (catering to the requests coming in from various people), we ve finally managed to clock over 260 bursary requests. The team is set up and we re starting to review the applications. The team intends to roll out the result as soon as possible.

debci, by Helmut Grohne As Freexian is working on deploying autopkgtests for the LTS and ELTS services, debci and autopkgtests were improved in Debian to better deal with derivatives (e.g. by better supporting external package signing keyrings). Other aspects that are not deployed on such as the qemu backend were also improved. We express thanks to the relevant maintainers Antonio Terceiro, Paul Gevers and Simon McVittie for their timely reviews and merges of our changes.

Miscellaneous contributions
  • Following the release of Debian 12, Rapha l Hertzog updated to be aware of trixie. He also pushed some fixes to distro-tracker (the software powering and released version 1.2.0 (since the former release was lacking fixes to run on Debian 12 bookworm).
  • Following the release of Debian 12, Helmut Grohne updated systems. He also sent 7 patches for cross build failures and continued adapting rebootstrap to changes in unstable.
  • Santiago Ruano Rinc n started to work on how to improve the robustness of Salsa CI s pipeline for some jobs failing frequently.
  • Thorsten Alteholz did security updates of cpdb-libs in Unstable and Bookworm.
  • Stefano Rivera upgraded to bookworm.
  • Stefano started an re2 library transition, and started preparation for the next transition.
  • Helmut Grohne updated debvm in unstable releasing changes that accumulated during the freeze.
  • Stefano did some work on the website and infrastructure for DebConf 23.
  • Utkarsh Gupta helped review and fix open redmine bugs and fix them all in unstable.

1 July 2023

Paul Wise: FLOSS Activities June 2023

Focus This month I didn't have any particular focus. I just worked on issues in my info bubble.



  • Spam: reported 29 Debian mailing list posts
  • Debian wiki: RecentChanges for the month
  • Debian BTS usertags: changes for the month
  • Debian screenshots:
    • approved lsd stockfish x86dis
    • rejected libselinux1 (photo), stockfish (mobile app), php-bcmath (selfie), chromium-browser/binutils-alpha-linux-gnu (medical photo), weboob-qt (QR code)

  • Debian QA services: deploy changes
  • Debian IRC: updated #debian-live admin list
  • Debian mentors: investigate reason for missing package
  • Debian wiki: unblock IP addresses, approve accounts


Sponsors The sptag work was sponsored. All other work was done on a volunteer basis.

1 June 2023

Paul Wise: FLOSS Activities May 2023

Focus This month I didn't have any particular focus. I just worked on issues in my info bubble.




  • Debian IRC: set topic on new #debian-sa channel
  • Debian wiki: unblock IP addresses, approve accounts

  • Respond to queries from Debian users and contributors on the mailing lists and IRC

Sponsors The SIMDe, gensim, sptag work was sponsored. All other work was done on a volunteer basis.

8 May 2023

Paul Tagliamonte: Open to work!

I decided to leave my job (Principal Software Engineer) after 4 years. I have no idea what I want to do next, so I ve been having loads of chats to try and work that out. I like working in mission focused organizations, working to fix problems across the stack, from interpersonal down to the operating system. I enjoy going where I m rare , places that don t always get the most attention. At my last job, I most enjoyed working to drive engineering standards for all products across the company, mentoring engineers across all teams and seniority levels, and serving as an advisor for senior leadership as we grew the engineering team from 3 to 150 people. If you have a role that you think I d like to hear about, I d love to hear about it at jobs (where the is an @ sign).

1 May 2023

Paul Wise: FLOSS Activities April 2023

Focus This month I didn't have any particular focus. I just worked on issues in my info bubble.


  • Security issue in secret manager (sent privately)
  • Broken symlinks in opencpn
  • Test problem in SPTAG
  • Debian migration unblock needed for evolution


  • Debian IRC: fixed the #debian-mips channel topic
  • Debian wiki: unblock IP addresses, approve accounts
  • Debian QA services: deploy changes, investigate SourceForge uscan issue

  • Respond to queries from Debian users and contributors on the mailing lists and IRC

Sponsors The SPTAG work was sponsored. All other work was done on a volunteer basis.

