Search Results: "osd"

12 February 2025

Jonathan Dowland: FOSDEM 2025

I'm going to FOSDEM 2025! As usual, I'll be in the Java Devroom for most of that day, which this time around is Saturday. Please recommend me any talks! This is my shortlist so far:

4 February 2025

Valhalla's Things: Conference Talk Timeout Ring, Part One

Posted on February 4, 2025
Tags: madeof:atoms, madeof:bits
low quality video of a ring of rgb LED in front of a computer: the LED light up one at a time in colours that go from yellow to red. A few ago I may have accidentally bought a ring of 12 RGB LEDs; I soldered temporary leads on it, connected it to a CircuitPython supported board and played around for a while. They we had a couple of friends come over to remote FOSDEM together, and I had talked with one of them about WS2812 / NeoPixels, so I brought them to the living room, in case there was a chance to show them in sort-of-use. Then I was dealing with playing the various streams as we moved from one room to the next, which lead to me being called video team , which lead to me wearing a video team shirt (from an old DebConf, not FOSDEM, but still video team), which lead to somebody asking me whether I also had the sheet with the countdown to the end of the talk, and the answer was sort-of-yes (I should have the ones we used to use for our Linux Day), but not handy. But I had a thing with twelve things in a clock-like circle. A bit of fiddling on the CircuitPython REPL resulted, if I remember correctly, in something like:
import board
import neopixel
import time
num_pixels = 12
pixels = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.GP0, num_pixels)
pixels.brightness = 0.1
def end(min):
    pixels.fill((0, 0, 0))
    for i in range(12):
        pixels[i] = (127 + 10 * i, 8 * (12 - i), 0)
        pixels[i-1] = (0, 0, 0)
        time.sleep(min * 5)  # min * 60 / 12
Now, I wasn t very consistent in running end, especially since I wasn t sure whether I wanted to run it at the beginning of the talk with the full duration or just in the last 5 - 10 minutes depending of the length of the slot, but I ve had at least one person agree that the general idea has potential, so I m taking these notes to be able to work on it in the future. One thing that needs to be fixed is the fact that with the ring just attached with temporary wires and left on the table it isn t clear which LED is number 0, so it will need a bit of a case or something, but that s something that can be dealt with before the next fosdem. And I should probably add some input interface, so that it is self-contained and not tethered to a computer and run from the REPL. (And then I may also have a vague idea for putting that ring into some wearable thing: good thing that I actually bought two :D )

19 January 2025

Petter Reinholdtsen: 121 packages in Debian mapped to hardware for automatic recommendation

For some years now, I have been working on a automatic hardware based package recommendation system for Debian and other Linux distributions. The isenkram system I started on back in 2013 now consist of two subsystems, one locating firmware files using the information provided by apt-file, and one matching hardware to packages using information provided by AppStream. The former is very similar to the mechanism implemented in debian-installer to pick the right firmware packages to install. This post is about the latter system. Thanks to steady progress and good help from both other Debian and upstream developers, I am happy to report that the Isenkram system now are able to recommend 121 packages using information provided via AppStream. The mapping is done using modalias information provided by the kernel, the same information used by udev when creating device files, and the kernel when deciding which kernel modules to load. To get all the modalias identifiers relevant for your machine, you can run the following command on the command line:
find /sys/devices -name modalias -print0   xargs -0 sort -u
The modalias identifiers can look something like this:
The entries above are a selection of the complete set available on a Dell PowerEdge R730 machine I have access to, to give an idea about the various styles of hardware identifiers presented in the modalias format. When looking up relevant packages in a Debian Testing installation on the same R730, I get this list of packages proposed:
% sudo isenkram-lookup
The list consist of firmware packages requested by kernel modules, as well packages with program to get the status from the RAID controller and to maintain the LAN console. When the edac-utils package providing tools to check the ECC RAM status will enter testing in a few days, it will also show up as a proposal from isenkram. In addition, once the mfiutil package we uploaded in October get past the NEW processing, it will also propose a tool to configure the RAID controller. Another example is the trusty old Lenovo Thinkpad X230, which have hardware handled by several packages in the archive. This is running on Debian Stable:
% isenkram-lookup 
Here there proposal consist of software to handle the camera, bluetooth, network card, wifi card, GPU, fan, fingerprint reader and acceleration sensor on the machine. Here is the complete set of packages currently providing hardware mapping via AppStream in Debian Unstable: air-quality-sensor, alsa-firmware-loaders, antpm, array-info, avarice, avrdude, bmusb-v4l2proxy, brltty, calibre, colorhug-client, concordance-common, consolekit, dahdi-firmware-nonfree, dahdi-linux, edac-utils, eegdev-plugins-free, ekeyd, elogind, firmware-amd-graphics, firmware-ath9k-htc, firmware-atheros, firmware-b43-installer, firmware-b43legacy-installer, firmware-bnx2, firmware-bnx2x, firmware-brcm80211, firmware-carl9170, firmware-cavium, firmware-intel-graphics, firmware-intel-misc, firmware-ipw2x00, firmware-ivtv, firmware-iwlwifi, firmware-libertas, firmware-linux-free, firmware-mediatek, firmware-misc-nonfree, firmware-myricom, firmware-netronome, firmware-netxen, firmware-nvidia-graphics, firmware-qcom-soc, firmware-qlogic, firmware-realtek, firmware-ti-connectivity, fpga-icestorm, g810-led, galileo, garmin-forerunner-tools, gkrellm-thinkbat, goldencheetah, gpsman, gpstrans, gqrx-sdr, i8kutils, imsprog, ledger-wallets-udev, libairspy0, libam7xxx0.1, libbladerf2, libgphoto2-6t64, libhamlib-utils, libm2k0.9.0, libmirisdr4, libnxt, libopenxr1-monado, libosmosdr0, librem5-flash-image, librtlsdr0, libticables2-8, libx52pro0, libykpers-1-1, libyubikey-udev, limesuite, linuxcnc-uspace, lomoco, madwimax, media-player-info, megactl, mixxx, mkgmap, msi-keyboard, mu-editor, mustang-plug, nbc, nitrokey-app, nqc, ola, openfpgaloader, openocd, openrazer-driver-dkms, pcmciautils, pcscd, pidgin-blinklight, ponyprog, printer-driver-splix, python-yubico-tools, python3-btchip, qlcplus, rosegarden, scdaemon, sispmctl, solaar, spectools, sunxi-tools, t2n, thinkfan, tlp, tp-smapi-dkms, trezor, tucnak, ubertooth, usbrelay, uuu, viking, w1retap, wsl, xawtv, xinput-calibrator, xserver-xorg-input-wacom and xtrx-dkms. In addition to these, there are several with patches pending in the Debian bug tracking system, and even more where no-one wrote patches yet. Good candiates for the latter are packages with udev rules but no AppStream hardware information. The isenkram system consist of two packages, isenkram-cli with the command line tools, and isenkram with a GUI background process. The latter will listen for dbus events from udev emitted when new hardware become available (like when inserting a USB dongle or discovering a new bluetooth device), look up the modalias entry for this piece of hardware in AppStream (and a hard coded list of mappings from isenkram - currently working hard to move this list to AppStream), and pop up a dialog proposing to install any not already installed packages supporting this hardware. It work very well today when inserting the LEGO Mindstorms RCX, NXT and EV3 controllers. :) If you want to make sure more hardware related packages get recommended, please help out fixing the remaining packages in Debian to provide AppStream metadata with hardware mappings. As usual, if you use Bitcoin and want to show your support of my activities, please send Bitcoin donations to my address 15oWEoG9dUPovwmUL9KWAnYRtNJEkP1u1b.

5 January 2025

Jonathan McDowell: Free Software Activities for 2024

I tailed off on blog posts towards the end of the year; I blame a bunch of travel (personal + business), catching the flu, then December being its usual busy self. Anyway, to try and start off the year a bit better I thought I d do my annual recap of my Free Software activities. For previous years see 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 + 2023.

Conferences In 2024 I managed to make it to FOSDEM again. It s a hectic conference, and I know there are legitimate concerns about it being a super spreader event, but it has the advantage of being relatively close and having a lot of different groups of people I want to talk to / see talk at it. I m already booked to go this year as well. I spoke at All Systems Go in Berlin about Using TPMs at scale for protecting keys. It was nice to actually be able to talk publicly about some of the work stuff my team and I have been working on. I d a talk submission in for FOSDEM about our use of attestation and why it s not necessarily the evil some folk claim, but there were a lot of good talks submitted and I wasn t selected. Maybe I ll find somewhere else suitable to do it. BSides Belfast may or may not count - it s a security conference, but there s a lot of overlap with various bits of Free software, so I feel it deserves a mention. I skipped DebConf for 2024 for a variety of reasons, but I m expecting to make DebConf25 in Brest, France in July.

Debian Most of my contributions to Free software continue to happen within Debian. In 2023 I d done a bunch of work on retrogaming with Kodi on Debian, so I made an effort to try and keep those bits more up to date, even if I m not actually regularly using them at present. RetroArch got 1.18.0+dfsg-1 and 1.19.1+dfsg-1 uploads. libretro-core-info got associated 1.18.0-1 and 1.19.0-1 uploads too. I note 1.20.0 has been released recently, so I ll have to find some time to build the appropriate DFSG tarball and update it. rcheevos saw 11.2.0-1, 11.5.0-1 + 11.6.0-1 uploaded. kodi-game-libretro itself had 20.2.7-1 uploaded, then 21.0.7-1. Latest upstream is 22.1.0, but that s tracking Kodi 22 and we re still on Kodi 21 so I plan to follow the Omega branch for now. Which I ve just noticed had a 21.0.8 release this week. Finally in the games space I uploaded mgba 0.10.3+dfsg-1 and 0.10.3+dfsg-2 for Ryan Tandy, before realising he was already a Debian Maintainer and granting him the appropriate ACL access so he can upload it himself; I ve had zero concerns about any of his packaging. The Debian Electronics Packaging Team continues to be home for a bunch of packages I care about. There was nothing big there, for me, in 2024, but a few bits of cleanup here and there. I seem to have become one of the main uploaders for sdcc - I have some interest in the space, and the sigrok firmware requires it to build, so I at least like to ensure it s in half decent state. I uploaded 4.4.0+dfsg-1, 4.4.0+dfsg-2, and, just in time to count for 2024, 4.4.0+dfsg-3. The sdcc 4.4 upload lead to some compilation issues for sigrok-firmware-fx2laf so I uploaded 0.1.7-2 fixing that, then 0.1.7-3 doing some further cleanups. OpenOCD had 0.12.0-2 uploaded to disable the libgpiod backend thanks to incompatible changes upstream. There were some in-discussion patches with OpenOCD upstream at the time, but they didn t seem to be ready yet so I held off on pulling them in. 0.12.0-3 fixed builds with more recent versions of jimtcl. It looks like the next upstream release is about a year away, so Trixie will in all probability ship with 0.12.0 as well. libjaylink had a new upstream release, so 0.4.0-1 was uploaded. libserialsport also had a new upstream release, leading to 0.1.2-1. I finally cracked and uploaded sg3-utils 1.48-1 into experimental. I m not the primary maintainer, but 1.46 is nearly 4 years old now and I wanted to get it updated in enough time to shake out any problems before we get to a Trixie freeze. Outside of team owned packages, libcli had compilation issues with GCC 14, leading to 1.10.7-2. I also added a new package, sedutil 1.20.0-2 back in April; it looks fairly unmaintained upstream (there s been some recent activity, but it doesn t seem to be release quality), but there was an outstanding ITP and I ve some familiarity with the space as we ve been using it at work as part of investigating TCG OPAL encryption. I continue to keep an eye on Debian New Members, even though I m mostly inactive as an application manager - we generally seem to have enough available recently. Mostly my involvement is via Front Desk activities, helping out with queries to the team alias, and contributing to internal discussions. Finally the 3 month rotation for Debian Keyring continues to operate smoothly. I dealt with 2023.03.24, 2023.06.24, 2023.09.22 + 2023.11.24.

Linux I d a single kernel contribution this year, to Clean up TPM space after command failure. That was based on some issues we saw at work. I ve another fix in progress that I hope to submit in 2025, but it s for an intermittent failure so confirming the fix is necessary + sufficient is taking a little while.

Personal projects I didn t end up doing much in the way of externally published personal project work in 2024. Despite the release of OpenPGP v6 in RFC 9580 I did not manage to really work on onak. I started on the v6 support, but have not had sufficient time to complete anything worth pushing external yet. listadmin3 got some minor updates based on external feedback / MRs. It s nice to know it s useful to other folk even in its basic state. That wraps up 2024. I ve got no particular goals for this year at present. Ideally I d get v6 support into onak, and it would be nice to implement some of the wishlist items people have provided for listadmin3, but I ll settle for making sure all my Debian packages are in reasonable state for Trixie.

3 January 2025

Bits from Debian: Bits from the DPL

Dear Debian community, this is bits from DPL for December. Happy New Year 2025! Wishing everyone health, productivity, and a successful Debian release later in this year. Strict ownership of packages I'm glad my last bits sparked discussions about barriers between packages and contributors, summarized temporarily in some post on the debian-devel list. As one participant aptly put it, we need a way to visibly say, "I'll do the job until someone else steps up". Based on my experience with the Bug of the Day initiative, simplifying the process for engaging with packages would significantly help. Currently we have
  1. NMU The Developers Reference outlines several preconditions for NMUs, explicitly stating, "Fixing cosmetic issues or changing the packaging style in NMUs is discouraged." This makes NMUs unsuitable for addressing package smells. However, I've seen NMUs used for tasks like switching to source format 3.0 or bumping the debhelper compat level. While it's technically possible to file a bug and then address it in an NMU, the process inherently limits the NMUer's flexibility to reduce package smells.
  2. Package Salvaging This is another approach for working on someone else's packages, aligning with the process we often follow in the Bug of the Day initiative. The criteria for selecting packages typically indicate that the maintainer either lacks time to address open bugs, has lost interest, or is generally MIA.
Both options have drawbacks, so I'd welcome continued discussion on criteria for lowering the barriers to moving packages to Salsa and modernizing their packaging. These steps could enhance Debian overall and are generally welcomed by active maintainers. The discussion also highlighted that packages on Salsa are often maintained collaboratively, fostering the team-oriented atmosphere already established in several Debian teams. Salsa Continuous Integration As part of the ongoing discussion about package maintenance, I'm considering the suggestion to switch from the current opt-in model for Salsa CI to an opt-out approach. While I fully agree that human verification is necessary when the pipeline is activated, I believe the current option to enable CI is less visible than it should be. I'd welcome a more straightforward approach to improve access to better testing for what we push to Salsa. Number of packages not on Salsa In my campaign, I stated that I aimed to reduce the number of packages maintained outside Salsa to below 2,000. As of March 28, 2024, the count was 2,368. As of this writing, the count stands at 1,928 [1], so I consider this promise fulfilled. My thanks go out to everyone who contributed to this effort. Moving forward, I'd like to set a more ambitious goal for the remainder of my term and hope we can reduce the number to below 1,800. [1] UDD query: SELECT DISTINCT count(*) FROM sources WHERE release = 'sid' and vcs_url not like '%salsa%' ; Past and future events Talk at MRI Together In early December, I gave a short online talk, primarily focusing on my work with the Debian Med team. I also used my position as DPL to advocate for attracting more users and developers from the scientific research community. FOSSASIA I originally planned to attend FOSDEM this year. However, given the strong Debian presence there and the need for better representation at the FOSSASIA Summit, I decided to prioritize the latter. This aligns with my goal of improving geographic diversity. I also look forward to opportunities for inter-distribution discussions. Debian team sprints Debian Ruby Sprint I approved the budget for the Debian Ruby Sprint, scheduled for January 2025 in Paris. If you're interested in contributing to the Ruby team, whether in person or online, consider reaching out to them. I'm sure any helping hand would be appreciated. Debian Med sprint There will also be a Debian Med sprint in Berlin in mid-February. As usual, you don't need to be an expert in biology or medicine basic bug squashing skills are enough to contribute and enjoy the friendly atmosphere the Debian Med team fosters at their sprints. For those working in biology and medicine, we typically offer packaging support. Anyone interested in spending a weekend focused on impactful scientific work with Debian is warmly invited. Again all the best for 2025

31 December 2024

kpcyrd: 2024 wrapped

Dear blog. This post is inspired by an old friend of mine who has been writing these for the past few years. I meant to do this for a while now, but ended up not preparing anything, so this post is me writing it from memory. There s likely stuff I forgot, me being gentle with myself I ll probably just permit myself to complete this list the next couple of days. I hate bragging, I try to not depend on external validation as much as possible, and being the anarcho-communist anti-capitalist that I am, I try to be content with knowing I m doing good in the background . I don t think people owe me for the work I did, I don t expect anything in return, and it s my way of giving back to the community and the people around me. Consider us even. That being said, I: Thanks to everybody who has been part of my human experience, past or present. Especially those who ve been closest. cheers,

19 December 2024

Gregory Colpart: MiniDebConf Toulouse 2024

After the MiniDebConf Marseille 2019, COVID-19 made it impossible or difficult to organize new MiniDebConfs for a few years. With the gradual resumption of in-person events (like FOSDEM, DebConf, etc.), the idea emerged to host another MiniDebConf in France, but with a lighter organizational load. In 2023, we decided to reach out to the organizers of Capitole du Libre to repeat the experience of 2017: hosting a MiniDebConf alongside their annual event in Toulouse in November. However, our request came too late for 2023. After discussions with Capitole du Libre in November 2023 in Toulouse and again in February 2024 in Brussels, we confirmed that a MiniDebConf Toulouse would take place in November 2024! We then assembled a small organizing team and got to work: a Call for Papers in May 2024, adding a two-day MiniDebCamp, coordinating with the DebConf video team, securing sponsors, creating a logo, ordering T-shirts and stickers, planning the schedule, and managing registrations. Even with lighter logistics (conference rooms, badges, and catering during the weekend were handled by Capitole du Libre), there was still quite a bit of preparation to do. On Thursday, November 14, and Friday, November 15, 2024, about forty developers arrived from around the world (France, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, England, Brazil, Uruguay, India, Brest, Marseille ) to spend two days at the MiniDebCamp in the beautiful collaborative spaces of Artilect in Toulouse city center.
Then, on Saturday, November 16, and Sunday, November 17, 2024, the MiniDebConf took place at ENSEEIHT as part of the Capitole du Libre event. The conference kicked off on Saturday morning with an opening session by J r my Lecour, which included a tribute to Lunar (Nicolas Dandrimont). This was followed by Reproducible Builds Rebuilding What is Distributed from (Holger Levsen) and Discussion on My Research Work on Sustainability of Debian OS (Eda). After lunch at the Capitole du Libre food trucks, the intense afternoon schedule began: What s New in the Linux Kernel (and What s Missing in Debian) (Ben Hutchings), Linux Live Patching in Debian (Santiago Ruano Rinc n), Trixie on Mobile: Are We There Yet? (Arnaud Ferraris), PostgreSQL Container Groups, aka cgroups Down the Road (C dric Villemain), Upgrading a Thousand Debian Hosts in Less Than an Hour (J r my Lecour and myself), and Using Debusine to Automate Your QA (Stefano Rivera & co). Sunday marked the second day, starting with a presentation on DebConf 25 (Benjamin Somers), which will be held in Brest in July 2025. The morning continued with talks: How LTS Goes Beyond LTS (Santiago Ruano Rinc n & Roberto C. S nchez), Cross-Building (Helmut Grohne), and State of JavaScript (Bastien Roucari s). In the afternoon, there were Lightning Talks, PyPI Security: Past, Present & Future (Salvo LtWorf Tomaselli), and the classic Bits from DPL (Andreas Tille), before closing with the final session led by Pierre-Elliott B cue. All talks are available on video (a huge thanks to the amazing DebConf video team), and many thanks to our sponsors (Viridien, Freexian, Evolix, Collabora, and Data Bene). A big thank-you as well to the entire Capitole du Libre team for hosting and supporting us see you in Brest in July 2025! Articles about (or mentioning) MiniDebConf Toulouse:

24 November 2024

Edward Betts: A mini adventure at MiniDebConf Toulouse

A mini adventure at MiniDebConf Toulouse Last week, I ventured to Toulouse, for a delightful mix of coding, conversation, and crepes at MiniDebConf Toulouse, part of the broader Capitole du Libre conference, akin to the more well-known FOSDEM but with a distinctly French flair. This was my fourth and final MiniDebConf of the year. no jet bridge My trek to Toulouse was seamless. I hopped on a bus from my home in Bristol to the airport, then took a short flight. I luxuriated in seat 1A, making me the first to disembark a mere ten minutes later, I was already on the bus heading to my hotel.

Exploring the Pink City pink img 29 duck shop Once settled, I wasted no time exploring the charms of Toulouse. Just a short stroll from my hotel, I found myself beside a tranquil canal, its waters mirroring the golden hues of the trees lining its banks. Autumn in Toulouse painted the city in warm oranges and reds, creating a picturesque backdrop that was a joy to wander through. Every corner of the street revealed more of the city's rich cultural tapestry and striking architecture. Known affectionately as 'La Ville Rose' (The Pink City) for its unique terracotta brickwork, Toulouse captivated me with its blend of historical allure and vibrant modern life.

MiniDebCamp FabLab sign laptop setup Prior to the main event, the MiniDebCamp provided two days of hacking at Artilect FabLab a space as creative as it was welcoming. It was a pleasure to reconnect with familiar faces and forge new friendships.

Culinary delights lunch 1 img 14 img 15 img 16 img 17 cakes The hospitality was exceptional. Our lunches boasted a delicious array of quiches, an enticing charcuterie board, and a superb selection of cheeses, all perfectly complemented by exquisite petite fours. Each item was not only a feast for the eyes but also a delight for the palate.

Wine and cheese wine and cheese 1 wine and cheese 2 Leftovers from these gourmet feasts fuelled our impromptu cheese and wine party on Thursday evening a highlight where informal chats blended seamlessly with serious software discussions.

The river at night night river 1 night river 2 night river 3 night river 4 The enchantment of Toulouse doesn't dim with the setting sun; instead, it transforms. My evening strolls took me along the banks of the Garonne, under a sky just turning from twilight to velvet blue. The river, a dark mirror, perfectly reflected the illuminated grandeur of the city's architecture. Notably, the dome of the H pital de La Grave stood out, bathed in a warm glow against the night sky. This architectural gem, coupled with the soft lights of the bridge and the serene river, created a breathtaking scene that was both tranquil and awe-inspiring.

Capitole du Libre making crepes The MiniDebConf itself, part of the larger Capitole du Libre event, was a fantastic immersion into the world of free software. Unlike the ticket-free FOSDEM, this conference required QR codes for entry and even had bag searches, adding an unusual layer of security for a software conference. Highlights included the crepe-making by the organisers, reminiscent of street food scenes from larger festivals. The availability of crepes for MiniDebConf attendees and the presence of food trucks added a festive air, albeit with the inevitable long queues familiar to any festival-goer.

v l Toulouse bike cyclocity The city's bike rental system was a boon easy to use with handy bike baskets perfect for casual city touring. I chose pedal power over electric, finding it a pleasant way to navigate the streets and absorb the city's vibrant atmosphere.

Markets market flatbreads Toulouse's markets were a delightful discovery. From a spontaneous visit to a market near my hotel upon arrival, to cycling past bustling marketplaces, each day presented new local flavours and crafts to explore. The Za'atar flatbread from a Syrian stall was a particularly memorable lunch pick.

La brasserie Les Arcades img 25 img 26 img 27 Our conference wrapped up with a spontaneous gathering at La Brasserie Les Arcades in Place du Capitole. Finding a caf that could accommodate 30 of us on a Sunday evening without a booking felt like striking gold. What began with coffee and ice cream smoothly transitioned into dinner, where I enjoyed a delicious braised duck leg with green peppercorn sauce. This meal rounded off the trip with lively conversations and shared experiences.

The journey back home img 30 img 31 img 32 img 33 Returning from Toulouse, I found myself once again in seat 1A, offering the advantage of being the first off the plane, both on departure and arrival. My flight touched down in Bristol ahead of schedule, and within ten minutes, I was on the A1 bus, making my way back into the heart of Bristol.

Anticipating DebConf 25 in Brittany My trip to Toulouse for MiniDebConf was yet another fulfilling experience; the city was delightful, and the talks were insightful. While I frequently travel, these journeys are more about continuous learning and networking than escape. The food in Toulouse was particularly impressive, a highlight I've come to expect and relish on my trips to France. Looking ahead, I'm eagerly anticipating DebConf in Brest next year, especially the opportunity to indulge once more in the excellent French cuisine and beverages.

29 August 2024

Jonathan Carter: Orphaning bcachefs-tools in Debian

Around a decade ago, I was happy to learn about bcache a Linux block cache system that implements tiered storage (like a pool of hard disks with SSDs for cache) on Linux. At that stage, ZFS on Linux was nowhere close to where it is today, so any progress on gaining more ZFS features in general Linux systems was very welcome. These days we care a bit less about tiered storage, since any cost benefit in using anything else than nvme tends to quickly evaporate compared to time you eventually lose on it. In 2015, it was announced that bcache would grow into its own filesystem. This was particularly exciting and it caused quite a buzz in the Linux community, because it brought along with it more features that compare with ZFS (and also btrfs), including built-in compression, built-in encryption, check-summing and RAID implementations. Unlike ZFS, it didn t have a dkms module, so if you wanted to test bcachefs back then, you d have to pull the entire upstream bcachefs kernel source tree and compile it. Not ideal, but for a promise of a new, shiny, full-featured filesystem, it was worth it. In 2019, it seemed that the time has come for bcachefs to be merged into Linux, so I thought that it s about time we have the userspace tools (bcachefs-tools) packaged in Debian. Even if the Debian kernel wouldn t have it yet by the time the bullseye (Debian 11) release happened, it might still have been useful for a future backported kernel or users who roll their own. By total coincidence, the first git snapshot that I got into Debian (version 0.1+git20190829.aa2a42b) was committed exactly 5 years ago today. It was quite easy to package it, since it was written in C and shipped with a makefile that just worked, and it made it past NEW into unstable in 19 January 2020, just as I was about to head off to FOSDEM as the pandemic started, but that s of course a whole other story. Fast-forwarding towards the end of 2023, version 1.2 shipped with some utilities written in Rust, this caused a little delay, since I wasn t at all familiar with Rust packaging yet, so I shipped an update that didn t yet include those utilities, and saw this as an opportunity to learn more about how the Rust eco-system worked and Rust in Debian. So, back in April the Rust dependencies for bcachefs-tools in Debian didn t at all match the build requirements. I got some help from the Rust team who says that the common practice is to relax the dependencies of Rust software so that it builds in Debian. So errno, which needed the exact version 0.2, was relaxed so that it could build with version 0.4 in Debian, udev 0.7 was relaxed for 0.8 in Debian, memoffset from 0.8.5 to 0.6.5, paste from 1.0.11 to 1.08 and bindgen from 0.69.9 to 0.66. I found this a bit disturbing, but it seems that some Rust people have lots of confidence that if something builds, it will run fine. And at least it did build, and the resulting binaries did work, although I m personally still not very comfortable or confident about this approach (perhaps that might change as I learn more about Rust). With that in mind, at this point you may wonder how any distribution could sanely package this. The problem is that they can t. Fedora and other distributions with stable releases take a similar approach to what we ve done in Debian, while distributions with much more relaxed policies (like Arch) include all the dependencies as they are vendored upstream. As it stands now, bcachefs-tools is impossible to maintain in Debian stable. While my primary concerns when packaging, are for Debian unstable and the next stable release, I also keep in mind people who have to support these packages long after I stopped caring about them (like Freexian who does LTS support for Debian or Canonical who has long-term Ubuntu support, and probably other organisations that I ve never even heard of yet). And of course, if bcachfs-tools don t have any usable stable releases, it doesn t have any LTS releases either, so anyone who needs to support bcachefs-tools long-term has to carry the support burden on their own, and if they bundle it s dependencies, then those as well. I ll admit that I don t have any solution for fixing this. I suppose if I were upstream I might look into the possibility of at least supporting a larger range of recent dependencies (usually easy enough if you don t hop onto the newest features right away) so that distributions with stable releases only need to concern themselves with providing some minimum recent versions, but even if that could work, the upstream author is 100% against any solution other than vendoring all its dependencies with the utility and insisting that it must only be built using these bundled dependencies. I ve made 6 uploads for this package so far this year, but still I constantly get complaints that it s out of date and that it s ancient. If a piece of software is considered so old that it s useless by the time it s been published for two or three months, then there s no way it can survive even a usual stable release cycle, nevermind any kind of long-term support. With this in mind (not even considering some hostile emails that I recently received from the upstream developer or his public rants on lkml and reddit), I decided to remove bcachefs-tools from Debian completely. Although after discussing this with another DD, I was convinced to orphan it instead, which I have now done. I made an upload to experimental so that it s still available if someone wants to work on it (without having to go through NEW again), it s been removed from unstable so that it doesn t migrate to testing, and the ancient (especially by bcachefs-tools standards) versions that are in stable and oldstable will be removed too, since they are very likely to cause damage with any recent kernel versions that support bcachefs. And so, my adventure with bcachefs-tools comes to an end. I d advise that if you consider using bcachefs for any kind of production use in the near future, you first consider how supportable it is long-term, and whether there s really anyone at all that is succeeding in providing stable support for it.

1 July 2024

Russell Coker: VoLTE in Australia

Introduction In Australia the 3G mobile frequencies are to be reused so they are in the process of shutting down the 3G service. That means that everyone has to use VoLTE (Voice Over LTE) for phone calls (including emergency calls). The shutdown time varies by telco, Kogan Mobile (one of the better services which has good value for money and generally works well) shut down their 3G service in January. Aldi Mobile (another one of the good services which is slightly more expensive but has included free calls to most first-world countries and uses the largest phone network) will shut theirs down at the end of August. For background there s a Fosdem talk about OpenSIPS with VoLTE and VoNR [1], it s more complex than you want to know. Also VoNR (Voice over New Radio) is the standard for 5G voice and it s different from VoLTE and has a fallback to VoLTE. Another good lecture for background information is the Fosdem talk on VoLTE at the handset end [2]. The PinePhonePro In October 2023 I tried using my PinePhonePro as my main phone but that only lasted a few days due to problems with calls and poor battery life [3]. Since then I went back to the Huawei Mate 10 Pro that I bought refurbished in June 2019 for $389. So that has been my main phone for 5 years now, giving a cost of $1.50 per week. I had tried using a Huawei Nova 7i running Android without Google Play as an experiment but that had failed, I do many things that need Android apps [4]. I followed the PinePhone wiki to get my PinePhonePro working with VoLTE [5]. That worked fine for me, the only difference from the instructions is that I had to use device /dev/ttyUSB3 and that the modem kept resetting itself during the process and when that happened I had to kill minicom and start again. After changing the setting and saving it the PinePhonePro seemed to work well with VoLTE on a Kogan Mobile SIM (so definitely not using 3G). One issue I have found is that Plasma Mobile (my preferred FOSS phone GUI) appears to have a library issue that results in polling every 14ms even when the screen is locked [6]. If you have a few processes doing that (which means the most lightly used Plasma system) it really hurts battery use. The maintainer has quite reasonably deferred action on this bug report given the KDE 6 transition. Later on in the Trixie development cycle I hope to get this issue resolved, I don t expect it to suddenly make battery life good. But it might make battery life acceptable. I am now idly considering carrying around my PinePhonePro in a powered off state for situations where I might need to do high security operations (root logins to servers or online banking) but for which carrying a laptop isn t convenient. It will do well for the turn on, do 30 mins of work that needs security, and then turn off scenario. Huawei Mate 10 Pro and Redmi 9A The Huawei Mate 10 Pro has been my main phone for 5 years and it has worked well, so it would be ideal if it could do VoLTE as the PinePhonePro isn t ready yet. All the web pages I ve seen about the Mate 10 Pro say that it will either allow upgrading to a VoLTE configuration if run with the right SIM or only support it with the right SIM. I did a test with a Chinese SIM which gave an option of turning on VoLTE but didn t allow any firmware updates and the VoLTE option went away when I put an Australian SIM in. Some forum comments had led me to believe that it would either permanently enable VoLTE or allow upgrading the firmware to one that enables VoLTE if I used a Chinese SIM but that is not the case. I didn t expect a high probability of success but I had to give it a go as it s a nice phone. I did some tests on a Redmi 9A (a terrible phone that has really bad latency on the UI in spite of having reasonably good hardware). The one I tested on didn t have VoLTE enabled when I got it, to test that I used the code *#*#4636#*#* in the dialler to get the menu of SIM information and it showed that VoLTE was not provisioned. I then had to update to the latest release of Android for that phone and enter *#*#86583#*#* in the dialler to enable VoLTE, the message displayed after entering that magic number must end in DISABLE . I get the impression that the code in question makes the phone not check certain aspects of whether the carrier is good for VoLTE and just do it. So apparently Kogan Mobile somehow gives the Redmi 9A the impression that VoLTE isn t supported but if the phone just goes ahead and connects it will work. I don t plan to use a Redmi 9A myself as it s too slow, but I added it to my collection to offer to anyone else I know who needs a phone with VoLTE and doesn t use the phone seriously or to someone who needs a known good phone for testing things. Samsung Galaxy Note 9 I got some Samsung Galaxy Note 9 phones to run Droidian as an experiment [7]. But Droidian dropped support for the Note 9 and I couldn t figure out how to enable VoLTE via Droidian, which was very annoying after I had spent $109 on a test phone and $215 on a phone for real use (I have no plans to try Droidian again at this time). I tried installing LineageOS on one Note 9 [8] which was much easier than expected (especially after previously installing Droidian). But VoLTE wasn t an option. According to Reddit LineageOS doesn t support VoLTE on Samsung devices and you can use a magisk module or a VoLTE enabler module but those aren t supported by LineageOS either [9]. I downloaded an original image for the Note 9 from [10]. That image booted past the orange stage (where if you have problems then your phone is probably permanently useless) but didn t boot into the OS. A friend helped me out with that and it turned out that the Heimdal flash tool on Linux didn t do something it needed to do and that Odin on Windows was required. After using Odin everything was fine and I have a Note 9 with VoLTE running the latest Samsung firmware which is security patch level 1st July 2022!!! So I have a choice between using a Note 9 for data and SMS while running a current version of Lineage OS with all security fixes or running a Samsung image with no security updates for 2 years which supports phone calls. So based on this I have to recommend Pixel as the phone of choice, it has a decent level of support from Google and long term support from LineageOS. According to the LineageOS web site you can run the current version of Lineage on the original Pixel phone from 2016! Of course getting VoLTE to work on it might be another saga, but it would probably be easier to do with LineageOS on a Pixel than on a Samsung phone. Conclusion The operation of the Note 9 for me is decent now apart from the potential security issues. The same goes for selling one of the phones. The PinePhonePro still has potential to become my daily driver at some future time if I and others can optimise power use. Also a complicating factor is that I want to have both Jabber and Matrix be actually instant IM systems not IM with a 5 minute delay, so suspend mode isn t a good option. Pixel phones will be a much higher priority when looking at phones to buy in future. The older Pixel phones go for as little as $100 on eBay and can still run the latest LineageOS. VoLTE seems needlessly complicated.

28 May 2024

Russell Coker: Creating a Micro Users Group

Fosdem had a great lecture Building an Open Source Community One Friend at a Time [1]. I recommend that everyone who is involved in the FOSS community watches this lecture to get some ideas. For some time I ve been periodically inviting a few friends to visit for lunch, chat about Linux, maybe do some coding, and watch some anime between coding. It seems that I have accidentally created a micro users group. LUGs were really big in the mid to late 90s and still quite vibrant in the early 2000 s. But they seem to have decreased in popularity even before Covid19 and since Covid19 a lot of people have stopped attending large meetings to avoid health risks. I think that a large part of the decline of users groups has been due to the success of YouTube. Being able to choose from thousands of hours of lectures about computers on YouTube is a disincentive to spending the time and effort needed to attend a meeting with content that s probably not your first choice of topic. Attending a formal meeting where someone you don t know has arranged a lecture might not have a topic that s really interesting to you. Having lunch with a couple of friends and watching a YouTube video that one of your friends assures you is really good is something more people will find interesting. In recent times homeschooling [2] has become more widely known. The same factors that allow learning about computers at home also make homeschooling easier. The difference between the traditional LUG model of having everyone meet at a fixed time for a lecture and a micro LUG of a small group of people having an informal meeting is similar to the difference between traditional schools and homeschooling. I encourage everyone to create their own micro LUG. All you have to do is choose a suitable time and place and invite some people who are interested. Have a BBQ in a park if the weather is good, meet at a cafe or restaurant, or invite people to visit you for lunch on a weekend.

11 April 2024

Russell Coker: ML Training License

Last year a Debian Developer blogged about writing Haskell code to give a bad result for LLMs that were trained on it. I forgot who wrote the post and I d appreciate the URL if anyone has it. I respect such technical work to enforce one s legal rights when they aren t respected by corporations, but I have a different approach. As an aside the Fosdem lecture Fortify AI against regulation, litigation and lobotomies is interesting on this topic [1], it s what inspired me to write about this. For what I write I am at this time happy to allow it to be used as part of a large training data set (consider this blog post a licence grant that applies until such time as I edit this post to change it). But only if aggregated with so much other data that my content is only a tiny portion of the data set by any metric. So I don t want someone to make a programming LLM that has my code as the only C code or a political data set that has my blog posts as the only left-wing content. If someone wants to train an LLM on only my content to make a Russell-simulator then I don t license my work for that purpose but also as it s small enough that anyone with a bit of skill could do it on a weekend I can t stop it. I would be really interested in seeing the results if someone from the FOSS community wanted to make a Russell-simulator and would probably issue them a license for such work if asked. If my work comprises more than 0.1% of the content in a particular measure (theme, programming language, political position, etc) in a training data set then I don t permit that without prior discussion. Finally if someone wants to make a FOSS training data set to be used for FOSS LLM systems (maybe under the AGPL or some similar license) then I ll allow my writing to be used as part of that.

3 April 2024

Guido G nther: Free Software Activities March 2024

A short status update of what happened on my side last month. I spent quiet a bit of time reviewing new, code (thanks!) as well as maintenance to keep things going but we also have some improvements: Phosh Phoc phosh-mobile-settings phosh-osk-stub gmobile Livi squeekboard GNOME calls Libsoup If you want to support my work see donations.

20 March 2024

Jonathan Dowland: aerc email client

my aerc
I started looking at aerc, a new Terminal mail client, in around 2019. At that time it was promising, but ultimately not ready yet for me, so I put it away and went back to neomutt which I have been using (in one form or another) all century. These days, I use neomutt as an IMAP client which is perhaps what it's worst at: prior to that, and in common with most users (I think), I used it to read local mail, either fetched via offlineimap or directly on my mail server. I switched to using it as a (slow, blocking) IMAP client because I got sick of maintaining offlineimap (or mbsync), and I started to use neomutt to read my work mail, which was too large (and rate limited) for local syncing. This year I noticed that aerc had a new maintainer who was presenting about it at FOSDEM, so I thought I'd take another look. It's come a long way: far enough to actually displace neomutt for my day-to-day mail use. In particular, it's a much better IMAP client. I still reach for neomutt for some tasks, but I'm now using aerc for most things. aerc is available in Debian, but I recommending building from upstream source at the moment as the project is quite fast-moving.

18 March 2024

Simon Josefsson: Apt archive mirrors in Git-LFS

My effort to improve transparency and confidence of public apt archives continues. I started to work on this in Apt Archive Transparency in which I mention the debdistget project in passing. Debdistget is responsible for mirroring index files for some public apt archives. I ve realized that having a publicly auditable and preserved mirror of the apt repositories is central to being able to do apt transparency work, so the debdistget project has become more central to my project than I thought. Currently I track Trisquel, PureOS, Gnuinos and their upstreams Ubuntu, Debian and Devuan. Debdistget download Release/Package/Sources files and store them in a git repository published on GitLab. Due to size constraints, it uses two repositories: one for the Release/InRelease files (which are small) and one that also include the Package/Sources files (which are large). See for example the repository for Trisquel release files and the Trisquel package/sources files. Repositories for all distributions can be found in debdistutils archives GitLab sub-group. The reason for splitting into two repositories was that the git repository for the combined files become large, and that some of my use-cases only needed the release files. Currently the repositories with packages (which contain a couple of months worth of data now) are 9GB for Ubuntu, 2.5GB for Trisquel/Debian/PureOS, 970MB for Devuan and 450MB for Gnuinos. The repository size is correlated to the size of the archive (for the initial import) plus the frequency and size of updates. Ubuntu s use of Apt Phased Updates (which triggers a higher churn of Packages file modifications) appears to be the primary reason for its larger size. Working with large Git repositories is inefficient and the GitLab CI/CD jobs generate quite some network traffic downloading the git repository over and over again. The most heavy user is the debdistdiff project that download all distribution package repositories to do diff operations on the package lists between distributions. The daily job takes around 80 minutes to run, with the majority of time is spent on downloading the archives. Yes I know I could look into runner-side caching but I dislike complexity caused by caching. Fortunately not all use-cases requires the package files. The debdistcanary project only needs the Release/InRelease files, in order to commit signatures to the Sigstore and Sigsum transparency logs. These jobs still run fairly quickly, but watching the repository size growth worries me. Currently these repositories are at Debian 440MB, PureOS 130MB, Ubuntu/Devuan 90MB, Trisquel 12MB, Gnuinos 2MB. Here I believe the main size correlation is update frequency, and Debian is large because I track the volatile unstable. So I hit a scalability end with my first approach. A couple of months ago I solved this by discarding and resetting these archival repositories. The GitLab CI/CD jobs were fast again and all was well. However this meant discarding precious historic information. A couple of days ago I was reaching the limits of practicality again, and started to explore ways to fix this. I like having data stored in git (it allows easy integration with software integrity tools such as GnuPG and Sigstore, and the git log provides a kind of temporal ordering of data), so it felt like giving up on nice properties to use a traditional database with on-disk approach. So I started to learn about Git-LFS and understanding that it was able to handle multi-GB worth of data that looked promising. Fairly quickly I scripted up a GitLab CI/CD job that incrementally update the Release/Package/Sources files in a git repository that uses Git-LFS to store all the files. The repository size is now at Ubuntu 650kb, Debian 300kb, Trisquel 50kb, Devuan 250kb, PureOS 172kb and Gnuinos 17kb. As can be expected, jobs are quick to clone the git archives: debdistdiff pipelines went from a run-time of 80 minutes down to 10 minutes which more reasonable correlate with the archive size and CPU run-time. The LFS storage size for those repositories are at Ubuntu 15GB, Debian 8GB, Trisquel 1.7GB, Devuan 1.1GB, PureOS/Gnuinos 420MB. This is for a couple of days worth of data. It seems native Git is better at compressing/deduplicating data than Git-LFS is: the combined size for Ubuntu is already 15GB for a couple of days data compared to 8GB for a couple of months worth of data with pure Git. This may be a sub-optimal implementation of Git-LFS in GitLab but it does worry me that this new approach will be difficult to scale too. At some level the difference is understandable, Git-LFS probably store two different Packages files around 90MB each for Trisquel as two 90MB files, but native Git would store it as one compressed version of the 90MB file and one relatively small patch to turn the old files into the next file. So the Git-LFS approach surprisingly scale less well for overall storage-size. Still, the original repository is much smaller, and you usually don t have to pull all LFS files anyway. So it is net win. Throughout this work, I kept thinking about how my approach relates to Debian s snapshot service. Ultimately what I would want is a combination of these two services. To have a good foundation to do transparency work I would want to have a collection of all Release/Packages/Sources files ever published, and ultimately also the source code and binaries. While it makes sense to start on the latest stable releases of distributions, this effort should scale backwards in time as well. For reproducing binaries from source code, I need to be able to securely find earlier versions of binary packages used for rebuilds. So I need to import all the Release/Packages/Sources packages from snapshot into my repositories. The latency to retrieve files from that server is slow so I haven t been able to find an efficient/parallelized way to download the files. If I m able to finish this, I would have confidence that my new Git-LFS based approach to store these files will scale over many years to come. This remains to be seen. Perhaps the repository has to be split up per release or per architecture or similar. Another factor is storage costs. While the git repository size for a Git-LFS based repository with files from several years may be possible to sustain, the Git-LFS storage size surely won t be. It seems GitLab charges the same for files in repositories and in Git-LFS, and it is around $500 per 100GB per year. It may be possible to setup a separate Git-LFS backend not hosted at GitLab to serve the LFS files. Does anyone know of a suitable server implementation for this? I had a quick look at the Git-LFS implementation list and it seems the closest reasonable approach would be to setup the Gitea-clone Forgejo as a self-hosted server. Perhaps a cloud storage approach a la S3 is the way to go? The cost to host this on GitLab will be manageable for up to ~1TB ($5000/year) but scaling it to storing say 500TB of data would mean an yearly fee of $2.5M which seems like poor value for the money. I realized that ultimately I would want a git repository locally with the entire content of all apt archives, including their binary and source packages, ever published. The storage requirements for a service like snapshot (~300TB of data?) is today not prohibitly expensive: 20TB disks are $500 a piece, so a storage enclosure with 36 disks would be around $18.000 for 720TB and using RAID1 means 360TB which is a good start. While I have heard about ~TB-sized Git-LFS repositories, would Git-LFS scale to 1PB? Perhaps the size of a git repository with multi-millions number of Git-LFS pointer files will become unmanageable? To get started on this approach, I decided to import a mirror of Debian s bookworm for amd64 into a Git-LFS repository. That is around 175GB so reasonable cheap to host even on GitLab ($1000/year for 200GB). Having this repository publicly available will make it possible to write software that uses this approach (e.g., porting debdistreproduce), to find out if this is useful and if it could scale. Distributing the apt repository via Git-LFS would also enable other interesting ideas to protecting the data. Consider configuring apt to use a local file:// URL to this git repository, and verifying the git checkout using some method similar to Guix s approach to trusting git content or Sigstore s gitsign. A naive push of the 175GB archive in a single git commit ran into pack size limitations: remote: fatal: pack exceeds maximum allowed size (4.88 GiB) however breaking up the commit into smaller commits for parts of the archive made it possible to push the entire archive. Here are the commands to create this repository: git init
git lfs install
git lfs track 'dists/**' 'pool/**'
git add .gitattributes
git commit -m"Add Git-LFS track attributes." .gitattributes
time debmirror --method=rsync --host --root :debian --arch=amd64 --source --dist=bookworm,bookworm-updates --section=main --verbose --diff=none --keyring /usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg --ignore .git .
git add dists project
git commit -m"Add." -a
git remote add origin
git push --set-upstream origin --all
for d in pool//; do
echo $d;
time git add $d;
git commit -m"Add $d." -a
git push
The resulting repository size is around 27MB with Git LFS object storage around 174GB. I think this approach would scale to handle all architectures for one release, but working with a single git repository for all releases for all architectures may lead to a too large git repository (>1GB). So maybe one repository per release? These repositories could also be split up on a subset of pool/ files, or there could be one repository per release per architecture or sources. Finally, I have concerns about using SHA1 for identifying objects. It seems both Git and Debian s snapshot service is currently using SHA1. For Git there is SHA-256 transition and it seems GitLab is working on support for SHA256-based repositories. For serious long-term deployment of these concepts, it would be nice to go for SHA256 identifiers directly. Git-LFS already uses SHA256 but Git internally uses SHA1 as does the Debian snapshot service. What do you think? Happy Hacking!

12 March 2024

Russell Coker: Android vs FOSS Phones

To achieve my aims regarding Convergence of mobile phone and PC [1] I need something a big bigger than the 4G of RAM that s in the PinePhone Pro [2]. The PinePhonePro was released at the end of 2021 but has a SoC that was first released in 2016. That SoC seems to compare well to the ones used in the Pixel and Pixel 2 phones that were released in the same time period so it s not a bad SoC, but it doesn t compare well to more recent Android devices and it also isn t a great fit for the non-Android things I want to do. Also the PinePhonePro and Librem5 have relatively short battery life so reusing Android functionality for power saving could provide a real benefit. So I want a phone designed for the mass market that I can use for running Debian. PostmarketOS One thing I m definitely not going to do is attempt a full port of Linux to a different platform or support of kernel etc. So I need to choose a device that already has support from a somewhat free Linux system. The PostmarketOS system is the first I considered, the PostmarketOS Wiki page of supported devices [3] was the first place I looked. The main supported devices are the PinePhone (not Pro) and the Librem5, both of which are under-powered. For the community devices there seems to be nothing that supports calls, SMS, mobile data, and USB-OTG and which also has 4G of RAM or more. If I skip USB-OTG (which presumably means I d have to get dock functionality via wifi not impossible but not great) then I m left with the SHIFT6mq which was never sold in Australia and the Xiomi POCO F1 which doesn t appear to be available on ebay. LineageOS The libhybris libraries are a compatibility layer between Android and glibc programs [4]. Which includes running Wayland with Android display drivers. So running a somewhat standard Linux desktop on top of an Android kernel should be possible. Here is a table of the LineageOS supported devices that seem to have a useful feature set and are available in Australia and which could be used for running Debian with firmware and drivers copied from Android. I only checked LineageOS as it seems to be the main free Android build.
Phone RAM External Display Price
Edge 20 Pro [5] 6-12G HDMI $500 not many on sale
Edge S aka moto G100 [6] 6-8G HDMI $500 to $600+
Fairphone 4 6-8G USBC-DP $1000+
Nubia Red Magic 5G 8-16G USBC-DP $600+
The LineageOS device search page [9] allows searching by kernel version. There are no phones with a 6.6 (2023) or 6.1 (2022) Linux kernel and only the Pixel 8/8Pro and the OnePlus 11 5G run 5.15 (2021). There are 8 Google devices (Pixel 6/7 and a tablet) running 5.10 (2020), 18 devices running 5.4 (2019), and 32 devices running 4.19 (2018). There are 186 devices running kernels older than 4.19 which aren t in the supported release list [10]. The Pixel 8 Pro with 12G of RAM and the OnePlus 11 5G with 16G of RAM are appealing as portable desktop computers, until recently my main laptop had 8G of RAM. But they cost over $1000 second hand compared to $359 for my latest laptop. Fosdem had an interesting lecture from two Fairphone employees about what they are doing to make phone production fairer for workers and less harmful for the environment [11]. But they don t have the market power that companies like Google have to tell SoC vendors what they want. IP Laws and Practices Bunnie wrote an insightful and informative blog post about the difference between intellectual property practices in China and US influenced countries and his efforts to reverse engineer a commonly used Chinese SoC [12]. This is a major factor in the lack of support for FOSS on phones and other devices. Droidian and Buying a Note 9 The FOSDEM 2023 has a lecture about the Droidian project which runs Debian with firmware and drivers from Android to make a usable mostly-FOSS system [13]. It s interesting how they use containers for the necessary Android apps. Here is the list of devices supported by Droidian [14]. Two notable entries in the list of supported devices are the Volla Phone and Volla Phone 22 from Volla a company dedicated to making open Android based devices [15]. But they don t seem to be available on ebay and the new price of the Volla Phone 22 is E452 ($AU750) which is more than I want to pay for a device that isn t as open as the Pine64 and Purism products. The Volla Phone 22 only has 4G of RAM.
Phone RAM Price Issues
Note 9 128G/512G 6G/8G <$300 Not supporting external display
Galaxy S9+ 6G <$300 Not supporting external display
Xperia 5 6G >$300 Hotspot partly working
OnePlus 3T 6G $200 $400+ photos not working
I just bought a Note 9 with 128G of storage and 6G of RAM for $109 to try out Droidian, it has some screen burn but that s OK for a test system and if I end up using it seriously I ll just buy another that s in as-new condition. With no support for an external display I ll need to setup a software dock to do Convergence, but that s not a serious problem. If I end up making a Note 9 with Droidian my daily driver then I ll use the 512G/8G model for that and use the cheap one for testing. Mobian I should have checked the Mobian list first as it s the main Debian variant for phones. From the Mobian Devices list [16] the OnePlus 6T has 8G of RAM or more but isn t available in Australia and costs more than $400 when imported. The PocoPhone F1 doesn t seem to be available on ebay. The Shift6mq is made by a German company with similar aims to the Fairphone [17], it looks nice but costs E577 which is more than I want to spend and isn t on the officially supported list. Smart Watches The same issues apply to smart watches. AstereoidOS is a free smart phone OS designed for closed hardware [18]. I don t have time to get involved in this sort of thing though, I can t hack on every device I use.

9 March 2024

Reproducible Builds: Reproducible Builds in February 2024

Welcome to the February 2024 report from the Reproducible Builds project! In our reports, we try to outline what we have been up to over the past month as well as mentioning some of the important things happening in software supply-chain security.

Reproducible Builds at FOSDEM 2024 Core Reproducible Builds developer Holger Levsen presented at the main track at FOSDEM on Saturday 3rd February this year in Brussels, Belgium. However, that wasn t the only talk related to Reproducible Builds. However, please see our comprehensive FOSDEM 2024 news post for the full details and links.

Maintainer Perspectives on Open Source Software Security Bernhard M. Wiedemann spotted that a recent report entitled Maintainer Perspectives on Open Source Software Security written by Stephen Hendrick and Ashwin Ramaswami of the Linux Foundation sports an infographic which mentions that 56% of [polled] projects support reproducible builds .

Mailing list highlights From our mailing list this month:

Distribution work In Debian this month, 5 reviews of Debian packages were added, 22 were updated and 8 were removed this month adding to Debian s knowledge about identified issues. A number of issue types were updated as well. [ ][ ][ ][ ] In addition, Roland Clobus posted his 23rd update of the status of reproducible ISO images on our mailing list. In particular, Roland helpfully summarised that all major desktops build reproducibly with bullseye, bookworm, trixie and sid provided they are built for a second time within the same DAK run (i.e. [within] 6 hours) and that there will likely be further work at a MiniDebCamp in Hamburg. Furthermore, Roland also responded in-depth to a query about a previous report
Fedora developer Zbigniew J drzejewski-Szmek announced a work-in-progress script called fedora-repro-build that attempts to reproduce an existing package within a koji build environment. Although the projects README file lists a number of fields will always or almost always vary and there is a non-zero list of other known issues, this is an excellent first step towards full Fedora reproducibility.
Jelle van der Waa introduced a new linter rule for Arch Linux packages in order to detect cache files leftover by the Sphinx documentation generator which are unreproducible by nature and should not be packaged. At the time of writing, 7 packages in the Arch repository are affected by this.
Elsewhere, Bernhard M. Wiedemann posted another monthly update for his work elsewhere in openSUSE.

diffoscope diffoscope is our in-depth and content-aware diff utility that can locate and diagnose reproducibility issues. This month, Chris Lamb made a number of changes such as uploading versions 256, 257 and 258 to Debian and made the following additional changes:
  • Use a deterministic name instead of trusting gpg s use-embedded-filenames. Many thanks to Daniel Kahn Gillmor for reporting this issue and providing feedback. [ ][ ]
  • Don t error-out with a traceback if we encounter struct.unpack-related errors when parsing Python .pyc files. (#1064973). [ ]
  • Don t try and compare rdb_expected_diff on non-GNU systems as %p formatting can vary, especially with respect to MacOS. [ ]
  • Fix compatibility with pytest 8.0. [ ]
  • Temporarily fix support for Python 3.11.8. [ ]
  • Use the 7zip package (over p7zip-full) after a Debian package transition. (#1063559). [ ]
  • Bump the minimum Black source code reformatter requirement to 24.1.1+. [ ]
  • Expand an older changelog entry with a CVE reference. [ ]
  • Make test_zip black clean. [ ]
In addition, James Addison contributed a patch to parse the headers from the diff(1) correctly [ ][ ] thanks! And lastly, Vagrant Cascadian pushed updates in GNU Guix for diffoscope to version 255, 256, and 258, and updated trydiffoscope to 67.0.6.

reprotest reprotest is our tool for building the same source code twice in different environments and then checking the binaries produced by each build for any differences. This month, Vagrant Cascadian made a number of changes, including:
  • Create a (working) proof of concept for enabling a specific number of CPUs. [ ][ ]
  • Consistently use 398 days for time variation rather than choosing randomly and update README.rst to match. [ ][ ]
  • Support a new --vary=build_path.path option. [ ][ ][ ][ ]

Website updates There were made a number of improvements to our website this month, including:

Reproducibility testing framework The Reproducible Builds project operates a comprehensive testing framework (available at in order to check packages and other artifacts for reproducibility. In February, a number of changes were made by Holger Levsen:
  • Debian-related changes:
    • Temporarily disable upgrading/bootstrapping Debian unstable and experimental as they are currently broken. [ ][ ]
    • Use the 64-bit amd64 kernel on all i386 nodes; no more 686 PAE kernels. [ ]
    • Add an Erlang package set. [ ]
  • Other changes:
    • Grant Jan-Benedict Glaw shell access to the Jenkins node. [ ]
    • Enable debugging for NetBSD reproducibility testing. [ ]
    • Use /usr/bin/du --apparent-size in the Jenkins shell monitor. [ ]
    • Revert reproducible nodes: mark osuosl2 as down . [ ]
    • Thanks again to Codethink, for they have doubled the RAM on our arm64 nodes. [ ]
    • Only set /proc/$pid/oom_score_adj to -1000 if it has not already been done. [ ]
    • Add the opemwrt-target-tegra and jtx task to the list of zombie jobs. [ ][ ]
Vagrant Cascadian also made the following changes:
  • Overhaul the handling of OpenSSH configuration files after updating from Debian bookworm. [ ][ ][ ]
  • Add two new armhf architecture build nodes, virt32z and virt64z, and insert them into the Munin monitoring. [ ][ ] [ ][ ]
In addition, Alexander Couzens updated the OpenWrt configuration in order to replace the tegra target with mpc85xx [ ], Jan-Benedict Glaw updated the NetBSD build script to use a separate $TMPDIR to mitigate out of space issues on a tmpfs-backed /tmp [ ] and Zheng Junjie added a link to the GNU Guix tests [ ]. Lastly, node maintenance was performed by Holger Levsen [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] and Vagrant Cascadian [ ][ ][ ][ ].

Upstream patches The Reproducible Builds project detects, dissects and attempts to fix as many currently-unreproducible packages as possible. We endeavour to send all of our patches upstream where appropriate. This month, we wrote a large number of such patches, including:

If you are interested in contributing to the Reproducible Builds project, please visit our Contribute page on our website. However, you can get in touch with us via:

Valhalla's Things: Elastic Neck Top Two: MOAR Ruffles

Posted on March 9, 2024
Tags: madeof:atoms, craft:sewing, FreeSoftWear
A woman wearing a white top with a wide neck with ruffles and puffy sleeves that are gathered at the cuff. The top is tucked in the trousers to gather the fullness at the waist. After making my Elastic Neck Top I knew I wanted to make another one less constrained by the amount of available fabric. I had a big cut of white cotton voile, I bought some more swimsuit elastic, and I also had a spool of n 100 sewing cotton, but then I postponed the project for a while I was working on other things. Then FOSDEM 2024 arrived, I was going to remote it, and I was working on my Augusta Stays, but I knew that in the middle of FOSDEM I risked getting to the stage where I needed to leave the computer to try the stays on: not something really compatible with the frenetic pace of a FOSDEM weekend, even one spent at home. I needed a backup project1, and this was perfect: I already had everything I needed, the pattern and instructions were already on my site (so I didn t need to take pictures while working), and it was mostly a lot of straight seams, perfect while watching conference videos. So, on the Friday before FOSDEM I cut all of the pieces, then spent three quarters of FOSDEM on the stays, and when I reached the point where I needed to stop for a fit test I started on the top. Like the first one, everything was sewn by hand, and one week after I had started everything was assembled, except for the casings for the elastic at the neck and cuffs, which required about 10 km of sewing, and even if it was just a running stitch it made me want to reconsider my lifestyle choices a few times: there was really no reason for me not to do just those seams by machine in a few minutes. Instead I kept sewing by hand whenever I had time for it, and on the next weekend it was ready. We had a rare day of sun during the weekend, so I wore my thermal underwear, some other layer, a scarf around my neck, and went outside with my SO to have a batch of pictures taken (those in the jeans posts, and others for a post I haven t written yet. Have I mentioned I have a backlog?). And then the top went into the wardrobe, and it will come out again when the weather will be a bit warmer. Or maybe it will be used under the Augusta Stays, since I don t have a 1700 chemise yet, but that requires actually finishing them. The pattern for this project was already online, of course, but I ve added a picture of the casing to the relevant section, and everything is as usual #FreeSoftWear.

  1. yes, I could have worked on some knitting WIP, but lately I m more in a sewing mood.

4 March 2024

Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana: Bits from FOSDEM 2023 and 2024

Link para vers o em portugu s

Intro Since 2019, I have traveled to Brussels at the beginning of the year to join FOSDEM, considered the largest and most important Free Software event in Europe. The 2024 edition was the fourth in-person edition in a row that I joined (2021 and 2022 did not happen due to COVID-19) and always with the financial help of Debian, which kindly paid my flight tickets after receiving my request asking for help to travel and approved by the Debian leader. In 2020 I wrote several posts with a very complete report of the days I spent in Brussels. But in 2023 I didn t write anything, and becayse last year and this year I coordinated a room dedicated to translations of Free Software and Open Source projects, I m going to take the opportunity to write about these two years and how it was my experience. After my first trip to FOSDEM, I started to think that I could join in a more active way than just a regular attendee, so I had the desire to propose a talk to one of the rooms. But then I thought that instead of proposing a tal, I could organize a room for talks :-) and with the topic translations which is something that I m very interested in, because it s been a few years since I ve been helping to translate the Debian for Portuguese.

Joining FOSDEM 2023 In the second half of 2022 I did some research and saw that there had never been a room dedicated to translations, so when the FOSDEM organization opened the call to receive room proposals (called DevRoom) for the 2023 edition, I sent a proposal to a translation room and it was accepted! After the room was confirmed, the next step was for me, as room coordinator, to publicize the call for talk proposals. I spent a few weeks hoping to find out if I would receive a good number of proposals or if it would be a failure. But to my happiness, I received eight proposals and I had to select six to schedule the room programming schedule due to time constraints . FOSDEM 2023 took place from February 4th to 5th and the translation devroom was scheduled on the second day in the afternoon. Fosdem 2023 The talks held in the room were these below, and in each of them you can watch the recording video. And on the first day of FOSDEM I was at the Debian stand selling the t-shirts that I had taken from Brazil. People from France were also there selling other products and it was cool to interact with people who visited the booth to buy and/or talk about Debian.
Fosdem 2023

Fosdem 2023

Joining FOSDEM 2024 The 2023 result motivated me to propose the translation devroom again when the FOSDEM 2024 organization opened the call for rooms . I was waiting to find out if the FOSDEM organization would accept a room on this topic for the second year in a row and to my delight, my proposal was accepted again :-) This time I received 11 proposals! And again due to time constraints, I had to select six to schedule the room schedule grid. FOSDEM 2024 took place from February 3rd to 4th and the translation devroom was scheduled for the second day again, but this time in the morning. The talks held in the room were these below, and in each of them you can watch the recording video. This time I didn t help at the Debian stand because I couldn t bring t-shirts to sell from Brazil. So I just stopped by and talked to some people who were there like some DDs. But I volunteered for a few hours to operate the streaming camera in one of the main rooms.
Fosdem 2024

Fosdem 2024

Conclusion The topics of the talks in these two years were quite diverse, and all the lectures were really very good. In the 12 talks we can see how translations happen in some projects such as KDE, PostgreSQL, Debian and Mattermost. We had the presentation of tools such as LibreTranslate, Weblate, scripts, AI, data model. And also reports on the work carried out by communities in Africa, China and Indonesia. The rooms were full for some talks, a little more empty for others, but I was very satisfied with the final result of these two years. I leave my special thanks to Jonathan Carter, Debian Leader who approved my flight tickets requests so that I could join FOSDEM 2023 and 2024. This help was essential to make my trip to Brussels because flight tickets are not cheap at all. I would also like to thank my wife Jandira, who has been my travel partner :-) Bruxelas As there has been an increase in the number of proposals received, I believe that interest in the translations devroom is growing. So I intend to send the devroom proposal to FOSDEM 2025, and if it is accepted, wait for the future Debian Leader to approve helping me with the flight tickets again. We ll see.

8 February 2024

Reproducible Builds: Reproducible Builds at FOSDEM 2024

Core Reproducible Builds developer Holger Levsen presented at the main track at FOSDEM on Saturday 3rd February this year in Brussels, Belgium. Titled Reproducible Builds: The First Ten Years
In this talk Holger h01ger Levsen will give an overview about Reproducible Builds: How it started with a small BoF at DebConf13 (and before), then grew from being a Debian effort to something many projects work on together, until in 2021 it was mentioned in an Executive Order of the President of the United States. And of course, the talk will not end there, but rather outline where we are today and where we still need to be going, until Debian stable (and other distros!) will be 100% reproducible, verified by many. h01ger has been involved in reproducible builds since 2014 and so far has set up automated reproducibility testing for Debian, Fedora, Arch Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and coreboot.
More information can be found on FOSDEM s own page for the talk, including a video recording and slides.
Separate from Holger s talk, however, there were a number of other talks about reproducible builds at FOSDEM this year: and there was even an entire track on Software Bill of Materials.
