Search Results: "mkh"

3 November 2022

Arturo Borrero Gonz lez: New OpenPGP key and new email

Post logo I m trying to replace my old OpenPGP key with a new one. The old key wasn t compromised or lost or anything bad. Is still valid, but I plan to get rid of it soon. It was created in 2013. The new key id fingerprint is: AA66280D4EF0BFCC6BFC2104DA5ECB231C8F04C4 I plan to use the new key for things like encrypted emails, uploads to the Debian archive, and more. Also, the new key includes an identity with a newer personal email address I plan to use soon: The new key has been uploaded to some public keyservers. If you would like to sign the new key, please follow the steps in the Debian wiki.
If you are curious about what that long code block contains, check this For the record, the old key fingerprint is: DD9861AB23DC3333892E07A968E713981D1515F8 Cheers!

9 November 2020

Joachim Breitner: Distributing Haskell programs in a multi-platform zip file

My maybe most impactful piece of code is tttool and the surrounding project, which allows you to create your own content for the Ravensburger Tiptoi platform. The program itself is a command line tool, and in this blog post I want to show how I go about building that program for Linux (both normal and static builds), Windows (cross-compiled from Linux), OSX (only on CI), all combined into and released as a single zip file. Maybe some of it is useful or inspiring to my readers, or can even serve as a template. This being a blob post, though, note that it may become obsolete or outdated.

Ingredients I am building on the these components: Without the nix build system and package manger I probably woudn t even attempt to pull of complex tasks that may, say, require a patched ghc. For many years I resisted learning about nix, but when I eventually had to, I didn t want to go back. This project provides an alternative Haskell build infrastructure for nix. While this is not crucial for tttool, it helps that they tend to have some cross-compilation-related patches more than the official nixpkgs. I also like that it more closely follows the cabal build work-flow, where cabal calculates a build plan based on your projects dependencies. It even has decent documentation (which is a new thing compared to two years ago). Niv is a neat little tool to keep track of your dependencies. You can quickly update them with, say niv update nixpkgs. But what s really great is to temporarily replace one of your dependencies with a local checkout, e.g. via NIV_OVERRIDE_haskellNix=$HOME/build/haskell/haskell.nix nix-instantiate -A osx-exe-bundle There is a Github action that will keep your niv-managed dependencies up-to-date. This service (proprietary, but free to public stuff up to 10GB) gives your project its own nix cache. This means that build artifacts can be cached between CI builds or even build steps, and your contributors. A cache like this is a must if you want to use nix in more interesting ways where you may end up using, say, a changed GHC compiler. Comes with GitHub actions integration.
  • CI via Github actions
Until recently, I was using Travis, but Github actions are just a tad easier to set up and, maybe more important here, the job times are high enough that you can rebuild GHC if you have to, and even if your build gets canceled or times out, cleanup CI steps still happen, so that any new nix build products will still reach your nix cache.

The repository setup All files discussed in the following are reflected at We are starting with a fairly normal Haskell project, with a single .cabal file (but multi-package projects should work just fine). To make things more interesting, I also have a cabal.project which configures one dependency to be fetched via git from a specific fork. To start building the nix infrastructure, we can initialize niv and configure it to use the haskell.nix repo:
niv init
niv add input-output-hk/haskell.nix -n haskellNix
This creates nix/sources.json (which you can also edit by hand) and nix/sources.nix (which you can treat like a black box). Now we can start writing the all-important default.nix file, which defines almost everything of interest here. I will just go through it line by line, and explain what I am doing here.
  checkMaterialization ? false  :
This defines a flag that we can later set when using nix-build, by passing --arg checkMaterialization true, and which is off by default. I ll get to that flag later.
  sources = import nix/sources.nix;
  haskellNix = import sources.haskellNix  ;
This imports the sources as defined niv/sources.json, and loads the pinned revision of the haskell.nix repository.
  # windows crossbuilding with ghc-8.10 needs at least 20.09.
  # A peek at can help
  nixpkgsSrc = haskellNix.sources.nixpkgs-2009;
  nixpkgsArgs = haskellNix.nixpkgsArgs;
  pkgs = import nixpkgsSrc nixpkgsArgs;
Now we can define pkgs, which is our version of the nixpkgs package set, extended with the haskell.nix machinery. We rely on haskell.nix to pin of a suitable revision of the nixpkgs set (see how we are using their niv setup). Here we could our own configuration, overlays, etc to nixpkgsArgs. In fact, we do in
  pkgs-osx = import nixpkgsSrc (nixpkgsArgs //   system = "x86_64-darwin";  );
to get the nixpkgs package set of an OSX machine.
  # a nicer filterSource
  sourceByRegex =
    src: regexes: builtins.filterSource (path: type:
      let relPath = pkgs.lib.removePrefix (toString src + "/") (toString path); in
      let match = builtins.match (pkgs.lib.strings.concatStringsSep " " regexes); in
      ( type == "directory"  && match (relPath + "/") != null
        match relPath != null)) src;
Next I define a little helper that I have been copying between projects, and which allows me to define the input to a nix derivation (i.e. a nix build job) with a set of regexes. I ll use that soon.
  tttool-exe = pkgs: sha256:
The cabalProject function takes a cabal project and turns it into a nix project, running cabal v2-configure under the hood to let cabal figure out a suitable build plan. Since we want to have multiple variants of the tttool, this is so far just a function of two arguments pkgs and sha256, which will be explained in a bit.
      src = sourceByRegex ./. [
The cabalProject function wants to know the source of the Haskell projects. There are different ways of specifying this; in this case I went for a simple whitelist approach. Note that cabal.project.freze (which exists in the directory) is not included.
      # Pinning the input to the constraint solver
      compiler-nix-name = "ghc8102";
The cabal solver doesn t find out which version of ghc to use, that is still my choice. I am using GHC-8.10.2 here. It may require a bit of experimentation to see which version works for your project, especially when cross-compiling to odd targets.
      index-state = "2020-11-08T00:00:00Z";
I want the build to be deterministic, and not let cabal suddenly pick different package versions just because something got uploaded. Therefore I specify which snapshot of the Hackage package index it should consider.
      plan-sha256 = sha256;
      inherit checkMaterialization;
Here we use the second parameter, but I ll defer the explanation for a bit.
      modules = [ 
        # smaller files
        packages.tttool.dontStrip = false;
       ] ++
These modules are essentially configuration data that is merged in a structural way. Here we say that we want the tttool binary to be stripped (saves a few megabyte).
      pkgs.lib.optional pkgs.hostPlatform.isMusl  
        packages.tttool.configureFlags = [ "--ghc-option=-static" ];
Also, when we are building on the musl platform, that s when we want to produce a static build, so let s pass -static to GHC. This seems to be enough in terms of flags to produce static binaries. It helps that my project is using mostly pure Haskell libraries; if you link against C libraries you might have to jump through additional hoops to get static linking going. The haskell.nix documentation has a section on static building with some flags to cargo-cult.
        # terminfo is disabled on musl by haskell.nix, but still the flag
        # is set in the package plan, so override this
        packages.haskeline.flags.terminfo = false;
This (again only used when the platform is musl) seems to be necessary to workaround what might be a big in haskell.nix.
The cabalProject function returns a data structure with all Haskell packages of the project, and for each package the different components (libraries, tests, benchmarks and of course executables). We only care about the tttool executable, so let s project that out.
  osx-bundler = pkgs: tttool:
      name = "tttool-bundle";
      buildInputs = [ pkgs.macdylibbundler ];
      builder = pkgs.writeScript "" ''
        source $ pkgs.stdenv /setup
        mkdir -p $out/bin/osx
        cp $ tttool /bin/tttool $out/bin/osx
        chmod u+w $out/bin/osx/tttool
        dylibbundler \
          -b \
          -x $out/bin/osx/tttool \
          -d $out/bin/osx \
          -p '@executable_path' \
          -i /usr/lib/system \
          -i $ pkgs.darwin.Libsystem /lib
This function, only to be used on OSX, takes a fully build tttool, finds all the system libraries it is linking against, and copies them next to the executable, using the nice macdylibbundler. This way we can get a self-contained executable. A nix expert will notice that this probably should be written with pkgs.runCommandNoCC, but then dylibbundler fails because it lacks otool. This should work eventually, though.
in rec  
  linux-exe      = tttool-exe pkgs
  windows-exe    = tttool-exe pkgs.pkgsCross.mingwW64
  static-exe     = tttool-exe pkgs.pkgsCross.musl64
  osx-exe        = tttool-exe pkgs-osx
Time to create the four versions of tttool. In each case we use the tttool-exe function from above, passing the package set (pkgs, ) and a SHA256 hash. The package set is either the normal one, or it is one of those configured for cross compilation, building either for Windows or for Linux using musl, or it is the OSX package set that we instantiated earlier. The SHA256 hash describes the result of the cabal plan calculation that happens as part of cabalProject. By noting down the expected result, nix can skip that calculation, or fetch it from the nix cache etc. How do we know what number to put there, and when to change it? That s when the --arg checkMaterialization true flag comes into play: When that is set, cabalProject will not blindly trust these hashes, but rather re-calculate them, and tell you when they need to be updated. We ll make sure that CI checks them.
  osx-exe-bundle = osx-bundler pkgs-osx osx-exe;
For OSX, I then run the output through osx-bundler defined above, to make it independent of any library paths in /nix/store. This is already good enough to build the tool for the various systems! The rest of the the file is related to packaging up the binaries, to tests, and various other things, but nothing too essentially. So if you got bored, you can more or less stop now.
  static-files = sourceByRegex ./. [
  contrib = ./contrib;
The final zip file that I want to serve to my users contains a bunch of files from throughout my repository; I collect them here.
  book =  ;
The project comes with documentation in the form of a Sphinx project, which we build here. I ll omit the details, because they are not relevant for this post (but of course you can peek if you are curious).
  os-switch = pkgs.writeScript "" ''
    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    case "$OSTYPE" in
      linux*)   exec "$(dirname "''$ BASH_SOURCE[0] ")/linux/tttool" "$@" ;;
      darwin*)  exec "$(dirname "''$ BASH_SOURCE[0] ")/osx/tttool" "$@" ;;
      msys*)    exec "$(dirname "''$ BASH_SOURCE[0] ")/tttool.exe" "$@" ;;
      cygwin*)  exec "$(dirname "''$ BASH_SOURCE[0] ")/tttool.exe" "$@" ;;
      *)        echo "unsupported operating system $OSTYPE" ;;
The zipfile should provide a tttool command that works on all systems. To that end, I implement a simple platform switch using bash. I use pks.writeScript so that I can include that file directly in default.nix, but it would have been equally reasonable to just save it into nix/ and include it from there.
  release = pkgs.runCommandNoCC "tttool-release"  
    buildInputs = [ pkgs.perl ];
    # check version
    version=$($ static-exe /bin/tttool --help perl -ne 'print $1 if /tttool-(.*) -- The swiss army knife/')
    doc_version=$(perl -ne "print \$1 if /VERSION: '(.*)'/" $ book /book.html/_static/documentation_options.js)
    if [ "$version" != "$doc_version" ]
      echo "Mismatch between tttool version \"$version\" and book version \"$doc_version\""
      exit 1
Now the derivation that builds the content of the release zip file. First I double check that the version number in the code and in the documentation matches. Note how $ static-exe refers to a path with the built static Linux build, and $ book the output of the book building process.
    mkdir -p $out/
    cp -vsr $ static-files /* $out
    mkdir $out/linux
    cp -vs $ static-exe /bin/tttool $out/linux
    cp -vs $ windows-exe /bin/* $out/
    mkdir $out/osx
    cp -vsr $ osx-exe-bundle /bin/osx/* $out/osx
    cp -vs $ os-switch  $out/tttool
    mkdir $out/contrib
    cp -vsr $ contrib /* $out/contrib/
    cp -vsr $ book /* $out
The rest of the release script just copies files from various build outputs that we have defined so far. Note that this is using both static-exe (built on Linux) and osx-exe-bundle (built on Mac)! This means you can only build the release if you either have setup a remote osx builder (a pretty nifty feature of nix, which I unfortunately can t use, since I don't have access to a Mac), or the build product must be available in a nix cache (which it is in my case, as I will explain later). The output of this derivation is a directory with all the files I want to put in the release.
  release-zip = pkgs.runCommandNoCC ""  
    buildInputs = with pkgs; [ perl zip ];
    version=$(bash $ release /tttool --help perl -ne 'print $1 if /tttool-(.*) -- The swiss army knife/')
    echo "Zipping tttool version $version"
    mkdir -p $out/$base
    cd $out
    cp -r $ release /* $base/
    chmod u+w -R $base
    zip -r $ $base
    rm -rf $base
And now these files are zipped up. Note that this automatically determines the right directory name and basename for the zipfile. This concludes the step necessary for a release.
  gme-downloads =  ;
  tests =  ;
These two definitions in default.nix are related to some simple testing, and again not relevant for this post.
  cabal-freeze = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation  
    name = "cabal-freeze";
    src = linux-exe.src;
    buildInputs = [ pkgs.cabal-install linux-exe.env ];
    buildPhase = ''
      mkdir .cabal
      touch .cabal/config
      rm cabal.project # so that cabal new-freeze does not try to use HPDF via git
      HOME=$PWD cabal new-freeze --offline --enable-tests   true
    installPhase = ''
      mkdir -p $out
      echo "-- Run nix-shell -A check-cabal-freeze to update this file" > $out/cabal.project.freeze
      cat cabal.project.freeze >> $out/cabal.project.freeze
Above I mentioned that I still would like to be able to just run cabal, and ideally it should take the same library versions that the nix-based build does. But pinning the version of ghc in cabal.project is not sufficient, I also need to pin the precise versions of the dependencies. This is best done with a cabal.project.freeze file. The above derivation runs cabal new-freeze in the environment set up by haskell.nix and grabs the resulting cabal.project.freeze. With this I can run nix-build -A cabal-freeze and fetch the file from result/cabal.project.freeze and add it to the repository.
  check-cabal-freeze = pkgs.runCommandNoCC "check-cabal-freeze"  
      nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.diffutils ];
      expected = cabal-freeze + /cabal.project.freeze;
      actual = ./cabal.project.freeze;
      cmd = "nix-shell -A check-cabal-freeze";
      shellHook = ''
        dest=$ toString ./cabal.project.freeze 
        rm -f $dest
        cp -v $expected $dest
        chmod u-w $dest
        exit 0
      diff -r -U 3 $actual $expected  
          echo "To update, please run"; echo "nix-shell -A check-cabal-freeze"; exit 1;  
      touch $out
But generated files in repositories are bad, so if that cannot be avoided, at least I want a CI job that checks if they are up to date. This job does that. What s more, it is set up so that if I run nix-shell -A check-cabal-freeze it will update the file in the repository automatically, which is much more convenient than manually copying. Lately, I have been using this pattern regularly when adding generated files to a repository: * Create one nix derivation that creates the files * Create a second derivation that compares the output of that derivation against the file in the repo * Create a derivation that, when run in nix-shell, updates that file. Sometimes that derivation is its own file (so that I can just run nix-shell nix/generate.nix), or it is merged into one of the other two. This concludes the tour of default.nix.

The CI setup The next interesting bit is the file .github/workflows/build.yml, which tells Github Actions what to do:
name: "Build and package"
Standard prelude: Run the jobs in this file upon all pushes to the repository, and also on all pull requests. Annoying downside: If you open a PR within your repository, everything gets built twice. Oh well.
      fail-fast: false
        - target: linux-exe
          os: ubuntu-latest
        - target: windows-exe
          os: ubuntu-latest
        - target: static-exe
          os: ubuntu-latest
        - target: osx-exe-bundle
          os: macos-latest
    runs-on: $  matrix.os  
The build job is a matrix job, i.e. there are four variants, one for each of the different tttool builds, together with an indication of what kind of machine to run this on.
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - uses: cachix/install-nix-action@v12
We begin by checking out the code and installing nix via the install-nix-action.
    - name: "Cachix: tttool"
      uses: cachix/cachix-action@v7
        name: tttool
        signingKey: '$  secrets.CACHIX_SIGNING_KEY  '
Then we configure our Cachix cache. This means that this job will use build products from the cache if possible, and it will also push new builds to the cache. This requires a secret key, which you get when setting up your Cachix cache. See the nix and Cachix tutorial for good instructions.
    - run: nix-build --arg checkMaterialization true -A $  
Now we can actually run the build. We set checkMaterialization to true so that CI will tell us if we need to update these hashes.
    # work around
    - run: cp -RvL result upload
    - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
        name: tttool ($  )
        path: upload/
For convenient access to build products, e.g. from pull requests, we store them as Github artifacts. They can then be downloaded from Github s CI status page.
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    needs: build
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - uses: cachix/install-nix-action@v12
    - name: "Cachix: tttool"
      uses: cachix/cachix-action@v7
        name: tttool
        signingKey: '$  secrets.CACHIX_SIGNING_KEY  '
    - run: nix-build -A tests
The next job repeats the setup, but now runs the tests. Because of needs: build it will not start before the builds job has completed. This also means that it should get the actual tttool executable to test from our nix cache.
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - uses: cachix/install-nix-action@v12
    - name: "Cachix: tttool"
      uses: cachix/cachix-action@v7
        name: tttool
        signingKey: '$  secrets.CACHIX_SIGNING_KEY  '
    - run: nix-build -A check-cabal-freeze
The same, but now running the check-cabal-freeze test mentioned above. Quite annoying to repeat the setup instructions for each job
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    needs: build
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - uses: cachix/install-nix-action@v12
    - name: "Cachix: tttool"
      uses: cachix/cachix-action@v7
        name: tttool
        signingKey: '$  secrets.CACHIX_SIGNING_KEY  '
    - run: nix-build -A release-zip
    - run: unzip -d upload ./result/*.zip
    - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
        name: Release zip file
        path: upload
Finally, with the same setup, but slightly different artifact upload, we build the release zip file. Again, we wait for build to finish so that the built programs are in the nix cache. This is especially important since this runs on linux, so it cannot build the OSX binary and has to rely on the cache. Note that we don t need to checkMaterialization again. Annoyingly, the upload-artifact action insists on zipping the files you hand to it. A zip file that contains just a zipfile is kinda annoying, so I unpack the zipfile here before uploading the contents.

Conclusion With this setup, when I do a release of tttool, I just bump the version numbers, wait for CI to finish building, run nix-build -A release-zip and upload result/ A single file that works on all target platforms. I have not yet automated making the actual release, but with one release per year this is fine. Also, when trying out a new feature, I can easily create a branch or PR for that and grab the build products from Github s CI, or ask people to try them out (e.g. to see if they fixed their bugs). Note, though, that you have to sign into Github before being able to download these artifacts. One might think that this is a fairly hairy setup finding the right combinations of various repertories so that cross-compilation works as intended. But thanks to nix s value propositions, this does work! The setup presented here was a remake of a setup I did two years ago, with a much less mature haskell.nix. Back then, I committed a fair number of generated files to git, and juggled more complex files but once it worked, it kept working for two years. I was indeed insulated from upstream changes. I expect that this setup will also continue to work reliably, until I choose to upgrade it again. Hopefully, then things are even more simple, and require less work-around or manual intervention.

5 December 2016

Shirish Agarwal: The Anti-Pollito squad arrest and confession

Disclaimer This is an attempt at humor and hence entirely fictional in nature. While some incidents depicted are true, the context and the story woven around them are by yours truly. None of the Mascots of Debian were hurt during the blog post . I also disavow any responsibility for any hurt (real or imagined) to any past, current and future mascots. The attempt should not be looked upon as demeaning people who are accused of false crimes, tortured and confessions eked out of them as this happens quite a lot (In India for sure, but guess it s the same world over in various degrees). The idea is loosely inspired by Chocolate:Deep Dark Secrets. (2005) On a more positive note, let s start Being a Sunday morning woke up late to find incessant knocking on the door, incidentally mum was not at home. Opening the door, found two official looking gentleman. They asked my name, asked my credentials, tortured and arrested me for Group conspiracy of Malicious Mischief in second and third degrees . The torture was done by means of making me forcefully watch endless reruns of Norbit . While I do love Eddie Murphy, this was one of his movies he could have done without . I guess for many people watching it once was torture enough. I *think* they were nominated for razzie awards dunno if they won it or not, but this is beside the point. Unlike the 20 years it takes for a typical case to reach to its conclusion even in the smallest court in India, due to the torture, I was made to confess (due to endless torture) and was given summary judgement. The judgement was/is as follows a. Do 100 hours of Community service in Debian in 2017. This could be done via blog posts, raising tickets in the Debian BTS or in whichever way I could be helpful to Debian. b. Write a confessional with some photographic evidence sharing/detailing some of the other members who were part of the conspiracy in view of the reduced sentence. So now, have been forced to write this confession As you all know, I won a bursary this year for debconf16. What is not known by most people is that I also got an innocuous looking e-mail titled Pollito for DPL . While I can t name all the names as investigation is still ongoing about how far-reaching the conspiracy is . The email was purportedly written by members of cabal within cabal which are in Debian. I looked at the email header to see if this was genuine and I could trace the origin but was left none the wiser, as obviously these people are far more technically advanced than to fall in simple tricks like this Anyways, secretly happy that I have been invited to be part of these elites, I did the visa thing, packed my bags and came to Debconf16. At this point in juncture, I had no idea whether it was real or I had imagined the whole thing. Then to my surprise saw this evidence of conspiracy to have Pollito as DPL, Wifi Password Just like the Illuminati the conspiracy was for all to see those who knew about it. Most people were thinking of it as a joke, but those like me who had got e-mails knew better. I knew that the thing is real, now I only needed to bide my time and knew that the opportunity would present itself. And few days later, sure enough, there was a trip planned for Table Mountain, Cape Town . Few people planned to hike to the mountain, while few chose to take the cable car till up the mountain. First glance of the cable car with table mountain as background Quite a few people came along with us and bought tickets for the to and fro to the mountain and back. Ticket for CPT Table mountain car cable Incidentally, I was thinking if the South African Govt. were getting the tax or not. If you look at the ticket, there is just a bar-code. In India as well as the U.S. there is TIN Tax Identification Number TIN displayed on an invoice from Few links to share what it is all about . While these should be on all invoices, need to specially check when taking high-value items. In India as shared in the article the awareness, knowledge leaves a bit to be desired. While I m drifting from the incident, it would be nice if somebody from SA could share how things work there. Moving on, we boarded the cable car. It was quite spacious cable car with I guess around 30-40 people or some more who were able to see everything along with the controller. from inside the table mountain cable car 360 degrees It was a pleasant cacophony of almost two dozen or more nationalities on this 360 degrees moving chamber. I was a little worried though as it essentially is a bucket and there is always a possibility that a severe wind could damage it. Later somebody did share that some frightful incidents had occurred not too long ago on the cable car. It took about 20-25 odd minutes to get to the top of table mountain and we were presented with views such as below View from Table Mountain cable car looking down The picture I am sharing is actually when we were going down as all the pictures of going up via the cable car were over-exposed. Also, it was pretty crowded on the way up then on the way down so handling the mobile camera was not so comfortable. Once we reached up, the wind was blowing at incredible speeds. Even with my jacket and everything I was feeling cold. Most of the group around 10-12 people looked around if we could find a place to have some refreshments and get some of the energy in the body. So we all ventured to a place and placed our orders the bleh... Irish coffee at top of Table Mountain I was introduced to Irish Coffee few years back and have had some incredible Irish Coffees in Pune and elsewhere. I do hope to be able to make Irish Coffee at home if and when I have my own house. This is hotter than brandy and is perfect if you are suffering from cold etc if done right, really needs some skills. This is the only drink which I wanted in SA which I never got right . As South Africa was freezing for me, this would have been the perfect antidote but the one there as well as elsewhere were all bleh. What was interesting though, was the coffee caller besides it. It looked like a simple circuit mounted on a PCB board with lights, vibrations and RFID and it worked exactly like that. I am guessing as and when the order is ready, there is an interrupt signal sent via radio waves which causes the buzzer to light and vibrate. Here s the back panel if somebody wants to take inspiration and try it as a fun project backpanel of the buzz caller Once we were somewhat strengthened by the snacks, chai, coffee etc. we made our move to seeing the mountain. The only way to describe it is that it s similar to Raigad Fort but the plateau seemed to be bigger. The wikipedia page of Table Mountain attempts to share but I guess it s more clearly envisioned by one of the pictures shared therein. table mountain panaromic image I have to say while Table Mountain is beautiful and haunting as it has scenes like these Some of the oldest rocks known to wo/man. There is something there which pulls you, which reminds you of a long lost past. I could have simply sat there for hours together but as was part of the group had to keep with them. Not that I minded. The moment I was watching this, I was transported to some memories of the Himalayas about 20 odd years or so. In that previous life, I had the opportunity to be with some of the most beautiful women and also been in the most happening places, the Himalayas. I had shared years before some of my experiences I had in the Himalayas. I discontinued it as I didn t have a decent camera at that point in time. While I don t wanna digress, I would challenge anybody to experience the Himalayas and then compare. It is just something inexplicable. The beauty and the rawness that Himalayas shows makes you feel insignificant and yet part of the whole cosmos. What Paulo Cohello expressed in The Valkyries is something that could be felt in the Himalayas. Leh, Ladakh, Himachal , Garwhal, Kumaon. The list will go on forever as there are so many places, each more beautiful than the other. Most places are also extremely backpacker-friendly so if you ask around you can get some awesome deals if you want to spend more than a few days in one place. Moving on, while making small talk @olasd or Nicolas Dandrimont , the headmaster of our trip made small talk to each of us and eked out from all of us that we wanted to have Pollito as our DPL (Debian Project Leader) for 2017. Few pictures being shared below as supporting evidence as well The Pollito as DPL cabal in action members of the Pollito as DPL where am I or more precisely how far am I from India. While I do not know who further up than Nicolas was on the coup which would take place. The idea was this If the current DPL steps down, we would take all and any necessary actions to make Pollito our DPL. Pollito going to SA - photo taken by Jonathan Carter This has been taken from Pollito s adventure Being a responsible journalist, I also enquired about Pollito s true history as it would not have been complete without one. This is the e-mail I got from Gunnar Wolf, a friend and DD from Mexico
Turns out, Valessio has just spent a week staying at my house And
in any case, if somebody in Debian knows about Pollito s
childhood That is me. Pollito came to our lives when we went to Congreso Internacional de
Software Libre (CISOL) in Zacatecas city. I was strolling around the
very beautiful city with my wife Regina and our friend Alejandro
Miranda, and at a shop at either Ram n L pez Velarde or Vicente
Guerrero, we found a flock of pollitos. Even if this was comparable to a slave market, we bought one from
them, and adopted it as our own. Back then, we were a young couple Well, we were not that young
anymore. I mean, we didn t have children. Anyway, we took Pollito with
us on several road trips, such as the only time I have crossed an
international border driving: We went to Encuentro Centroamericano de
Software Libre at Guatemala city in 2012 (again with Alejandro), and
you can see several Pollito pics at: Pollito likes travelling. Of course, when we were to Nicaragua for
DebConf, Pollito tagged along. It was his first flight as a passenger
(we never asked about his previous life in slavery; remember, Pollito
trust no one). Pollito felt much welcome with the DebConf crowd. Of course, as
Pollito is a free spirit, we never even thought about forcing him to
come back with us. Pollito went to Switzerland, and we agreed to meet
again every year or two. It s always nice to have a chat with him. Hugs!
So with that backdrop I would urge fellow Debianities to take up the slogans LONG LIVE THE DPL ! LONG LIVE POLLITO ! LONG LIVE POLLITO THE DPL ! The first step to make Pollito the DPL is to ensure he has a ( We also need him to be made a DD because only then can he become a DPL. In solidarity and in peace
Filed under: Miscellenous Tagged: #caller, #confession, #Debconf16, #debian, #Fiction, #history, #Pollito, #Pollito as DPL, #Table Mountain, Cabal, memories, south africa

26 September 2011

John Goerzen: Five

Dad, will you and mom stay up all night decorating the house for me?
That was Jacob s question to me at bedtime the evening before his fifth birthday. Jacob had already had his birthday party a few weeks ago. When scheduling means that parties happen that far away from the boys real birthdays, they get a smaller celebration with just Terah and me where we open their presents from us. A low-key thing, so we weren t planning to decorate the house. I said, Well, I don t think we ll be doing all that since you already had your birthday party. And the look of eager anticipation on his face turned to a very sad and disappointed look, and made me feel really bad. Uhoh. So while Jacob was sleeping, I mentioned it to Terah. We decided we should improvise something simple, so she found some old streamers and we taped them up, running them through several rooms in the house and across his door. It took a few minutes using supplies we already had, but the joy the next morning was priceless. Oh dad, you said you wouldn t stay up all night, BUT YOU DID! Oh I am SO HAPPY! YAY YAY YAY! And he ran through the house to discover what else was set up. Then he ran to find Oliver and gave him a tour of everything. Then we sat down to open his presents. Here he is, holding a present from Terah and me: That s a copy of The Lorax. My friend Jonathan had brought a copy along during our road trip in Mexico, and Jacob was really excited about it. And didn t really want to give it up, because You can only get The Lorax in Mexico. He (and Oliver) really enjoyed all his presents he also got a train book from us (which he said, Oh, yay, it s the book they have at preschool! ), and a game and some other presents from the distant relatives. But the highlight was something of an impulse buy. I was at the RadioShack in Derby a place I ve written about before, It is what a RadioShack should (and used to) be. It has a large amateur radio section, sells all sorts of coax by the foot, and provides astonishingly good post-sale service. Well, I was there with a radio question, and Mark (the owner) who is an excellent salesman in a positive way pointed me to a display of snap kits. I noticed their Electronics 101 Snap-Kit (a rebranded Snap Circuits Jr. SC-100). A ham in Pennsylvania had suggested them to me once, and as Jacob s birthday was coming up, I gave it some thought. The kit said ages 8 and up. I asked Mark what he thought about a boy just turning 5. He said, Well, probably not normally. But knowing you, if you re there to work on them with him, I think he d enjoy it. But I wouldn t have him work on it by himself. I agreed and we bought it. I pondered how to explain the concept of this thing to Jacob. Eventually I decided I would call it a toy-building kit. He understood that. Jacob and I spent hours together working with it. He would flip through the book, either picking circuits that looked interesting or telling me what kind of circuit he wanted to build. Then I would tell him what to put where, and he d snap them together and play with them. He only played with each finished product a few minutes before he was ready to try another. Once I got him very excited with my offer to show him how to hook up two switches in parallel for the fan he built (and later introduced the parallel vs. series concept by hooking them up in series instead.) Here we are working on it together. Jacob repeatedly called Terah over to look at the things he built. He was very excited that he assembled it himself. Eventually, Oliver (age 2) came over wanting to help. So he sat on my lap, and handed parts to Jacob, then Jacob put them on the grid. Oliver really enjoyed being involved in this way, even though I had to keep him from doing things like ripping the capacitor off its mount. We tend to be modest in terms of the number of things we give the boys and their cost, reasoning that we, like many, already have too many toys in our house, and that greater cost doesn t necessarily equate with a better experience for the boys. I particularly look for things with lasting value and unique experiences for them, and I think we succeeded this year. But I realized quickly that the greatest value of this kit wasn t electronics. It was having a great way for me to spend a lot of time doing things with the boys which all of us enjoyed. Those hours building things together were as much a present for me as for Jacob, I m quite sure. Jacob s real party was a few weeks ago at the Great Plains Transportation Museum in Wichita. They let people rent a historic caboose to use for a birthday party for children. So we did that for Jacob this year. That was a huge hit for the boys. Jacob got to help his grandpa make some pie (instead of cake) for the party. He enjoyed eating it, of course. He enjoyed opening his presents high up on the observation chair in the caboose. And the boys got to play on all the other equipment in the museum. Jacob enjoyed playing tour guide for family since most of them hadn t been there. He also enjoyed watching freight trains pass on the other side of the fence from the museum preferably while sitting in one of the museum s engines. Oliver certainly didn t get left out. Train-watching is serious business, after all. Jacob has long talked about going to the train museum and the airplane museum (Kansas Aviation Museum) on the same day, so one of his birthday surprises was that we went to the airplane museum after his party. His favorite item there is a retired FedEx 727. Here he is walking down the rear of the plane. And, of course, they played captain and co-pilot in several different planes.

1 July 2010

Petter Reinholdtsen: Caching password, user and group on a roaming Debian laptop

For a laptop, centralized user directories and password checking is a bit troubling. Laptops are typically used also when not connected to the network, and it is vital for a user to be able to log in or unlock the screen saver also when a central server is unavailable. This is possible by caching passwords and directory information (user and group attributes) locally, and the packages to do so are available in Debian. Here follow two recipes to set this up in Debian/Squeeze. It is also possible to set up in Debian/Lenny, but require more manual setup there because pam-auth-update is missing in Lenny. LDAP/Kerberos + nscd + libpam-ccreds + libpam-mklocaluser/pam_mkhomedir This is the traditional method with a twist. The password caching is provided by libpam-ccreds (version 10-4 or later is needed on Squeeze), and the directory caching is done by nscd. The directory lookup and password checking is done using LDAP. If one want to use Kerberos for password checking the libpam-ldapd package can be replaced with libpam-krb5 or libpam-heimdal. If one is happy having a local home directory with the path listed in LDAP, one can use the pam_mkhomedir module from pam-modules to make this happen instead of using libpam-mklocaluser. A setup for pam-auth-update to enable pam_mkhomedir will have to be written until a fix for bug #568577 is in the archive. Because I believe it is a bad idea to have local home directories using misleading paths like /site/server/partition/, I prefer to create a local user with the home directory in /home/. This is done using the libpam-mklocaluser package. These packages need to be installed and configured
libnss-ldapd libpam-ldapd nscd libpam-ccreds libpam-mklocaluser
The ldapd packages will ask for LDAP connection information, and one have to fill in the values that fits ones own site. Make sure the PAM part uses encrypted connections, to make sure the password is not sent in clear text to the LDAP server. I've been unable to get TLS certificate checking for a self signed certificate working, which make LDAP authentication unsafe for Debian Edu (nslcd is not checking if it is talking to the correct LDAP server), and very much welcome feedback on how to get this working. Because nscd do not have a default configuration fit for offline caching until bug #485282 is fixed, this configuration should be used instead of the one currently in /etc/nscd.conf. The changes are in the fields reload-count and positive-time-to-live, and is based on the instructions I found in the LDAP for Mobile Laptops instructions by Flyn Computing.
	debug-level		0
	reload-count		unlimited
	paranoia		no
	enable-cache		passwd		yes
	positive-time-to-live	passwd		2592000
	negative-time-to-live	passwd		20
	suggested-size		passwd		211
	check-files		passwd		yes
	persistent		passwd		yes
	shared			passwd		yes
	max-db-size		passwd		33554432
	auto-propagate		passwd		yes
	enable-cache		group		yes
	positive-time-to-live	group		2592000
	negative-time-to-live	group		20
	suggested-size		group		211
	check-files		group		yes
	persistent		group		yes
	shared			group		yes
	max-db-size		group		33554432
	auto-propagate		group		yes
	enable-cache		hosts		no
	positive-time-to-live	hosts		2592000
	negative-time-to-live	hosts		20
	suggested-size		hosts		211
	check-files		hosts		yes
	persistent		hosts		yes
	shared			hosts		yes
	max-db-size		hosts		33554432
	enable-cache		services	yes
	positive-time-to-live	services	2592000
	negative-time-to-live	services	20
	suggested-size		services	211
	check-files		services	yes
	persistent		services	yes
	shared			services	yes
	max-db-size		services	33554432
While we wait for a mechanism to update /etc/nsswitch.conf automatically like the one provided in bug #496915, the file content need to be manually replaced to ensure LDAP is used as the directory service on the machine. /etc/nsswitch.conf should normally look like this:
passwd:         files ldap
group:          files ldap
shadow:         files ldap
hosts:          files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns mdns4
networks:       files
protocols:      files
services:       files
ethers:         files
rpc:            files
netgroup:       files ldap
The important parts are that ldap is listed last for passwd, group, shadow and netgroup. With these changes in place, any user in LDAP will be able to log in locally on the machine using for example kdm, get a local home directory created and have the password as well as user and group attributes cached. LDAP/Kerberos + nss-updatedb + libpam-ccreds + libpam-mklocaluser/pam_mkhomedir Because nscd have had its share of problems, and seem to have problems doing proper caching, I've seen suggestions and recipes to use nss-updatedb to copy parts of the LDAP database locally when the LDAP database is available. I have not tested such setup, because I discovered sssd. LDAP/Kerberos + sssd + libpam-mklocaluser A more flexible and robust setup than the nscd combination mentioned earlier that has shown up recently, is the sssd package from Redhat. It is part of the FreeIPA project to provide a Active Directory like directory service for Linux machines. The sssd system combines the caching of passwords and user information into one package, and remove the need for nscd and libpam-ccreds. It support LDAP and Kerberos, but not NIS. Version 1.2 do not support netgroups, but it is said that it will support this in version 1.5 expected to show up later in 2010. Because the sssd package was missing in Debian, I ended up co-maintaining it with Werner, and version 1.2 is now in testing. These packages need to be installed and configured to get the roaming setup I want
libpam-sss libnss-sss libpam-mklocaluser
The complete setup of sssd is done by editing/creating /etc/sssd/sssd.conf.
config_file_version = 2
reconnection_retries = 3
sbus_timeout = 30
services = nss, pam
domains = INTERN
filter_groups = root
filter_users = root
reconnection_retries = 3
reconnection_retries = 3
enumerate = false
cache_credentials = true
id_provider = ldap
auth_provider = ldap
chpass_provider = ldap
ldap_uri = ldap://ldap
ldap_search_base = dc=skole,dc=skolelinux,dc=no
ldap_tls_reqcert = never
ldap_tls_cacert = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
I got the same problem here with certificate checking. Had to set "ldap_tls_reqcert = never" to get it working. With the libnss-sss package in testing at the moment, the nsswitch.conf file is update automatically, so there is no need to modify it manually. If you want to help out with implementing this for Debian Edu, please contact us on

19 May 2010

Petter Reinholdtsen: Pieces of the roaming laptop puzzle in Debian

Today, the last piece of the puzzle for roaming laptops in Debian Edu finally entered the Debian archive. Today, the new libpam-mklocaluser package was accepted. Two days ago, two other pieces was accepted into unstable. The pam-python package needed by libpam-mklocaluser, and the sssd package passed NEW on Monday. In addition, the libpam-ccreds package we need is in experimental (version 10-4) since Saturday, and hopefully will be moved to unstable soon. This collection of packages allow for two different setups for roaming laptops. The traditional setup would be using libpam-ccreds, nscd and libpam-mklocaluser with LDAP or Kerberos authentication, which should work out of the box if the configuration changes proposed for nscd in BTS report #485282 is implemented. The alternative setup is to use sssd with libpam-mklocaluser to connect to LDAP or Kerberos and let sssd take care of the caching of passwords and group information. I have so far been unable to get sssd to work with the LDAP server at the University, but suspect the issue is some SSL/GnuTLS related problem with the server certificate. I plan to update the Debian package to version 1.2, which is scheduled for next week, and hope to find time to make sure the next release will include both the Debian/Ubuntu specific patches. Upstream is friendly and responsive, and I am sure we will find a good solution. The idea is to set up the roaming laptops to authenticate using LDAP or Kerberos and create a local user with home directory in /home/ when a usre in LDAP logs in via KDM or GDM for the first time, and cache the password for offline checking, as well as caching group memberhips and other relevant LDAP information. The libpam-mklocaluser package was created to make sure the local home directory is in /home/, instead of /site/server/directory/ which would be the home directory if pam_mkhomedir was used. To avoid confusion with support requests and configuration, we do not want local laptops to have users in a path that is used for the same users home directory on the home directory servers. One annoying problem with gdm is that it do not show the PAM message passed to the user from libpam-mklocaluser when the local user is created. Instead gdm simply reject the login with some generic message. The message is shown in kdm, ssh and login, so I guess it is a bug in gdm. Have not investigated if there is some other message type that can be used instead to get gdm to also show the message. If you want to help out with implementing this for Debian Edu, please contact us on

16 February 2010

Tollef Fog Heen: Upgrading hosts

I recently upgraded to lenny. Collabora are nice enough to sponsor some of my sysadmin work for freedesktop and so making sure we are actually running a supported distribution was a good start. The actual dist-upgrade went fine, but when I rebooted with a 2.6.26 kernel, it just hung in the early boot phase. Luckily, a newer kernel worked fine. However, a newer kernel also breaks the NFS kernel server in Lenny. A short backport later, NFS was working fine, except annarchy (which NFS mounts from kemper) didn't have nfs-common installed at all, meaning it lacked mount.nfs. Ooops. Now, bugs was broken. It used an SSH tunnel from annarchy to kemper, but the startup script was nowhere to be found. I replaced it with a trivial stunnel setup which has the added advantage of reconnecting if the tunnel goes down. The ssh config had to be fixed slightly. We used to use an old and patched sshd that stored all the keys in a single file. I added a tiny script to split that again. We also had MkHomeDir in sshd's config, now replaced with pam_mkhomedir. Another interesting thing I learnt is that the iLO ssh daemon chucks you out if you try to send enviromental options to it. Like, LANG which is sent by default. Slightly confusing, but easy enough to fix once I knew what the problem was. In addition to kemper, I upgraded, but did not reboot fruit (the admin and LDAP host), due to not having the iLO password. I did not want to risk sitting there with a non-booting machine I could not fix. It's going to be rebooted at some later stage. I also did not have the iLO password for gabe, which runs mail and some other faff, so I'll have to schedule some more downtime in the near future.

6 June 2006

Evan Prodromou: 17 Prairial CCXIV

The Oxford English Dictionary's Word of the Day feature has once again improved my vocabulary. Today's word is "motorkhana", a portmanteau from Australia and New Zealand for a driving competition testing various skills. It's combined from "motor-" plus the back half of "gymkhana". I thought to myself, "Isn't gymkhana some kind of fusion martial arts technique that they made a movie about in the 80s?" Turns out my memory was mistaken; that's Gymkata ("The skill of gymnastics, the kill of karate"), which apparently hits some people's lists as one of the worst movies ever. A "wp:gymkhana", on the other hand, in India and Pakistan is a general gymnasium or sports club; in British English it is an equestrian event that tests various riding skills. Aha! Thus the equivalence with "motorkhana". Thanks again, Oxford English Dictionary!