Search Results: "mkd"

27 April 2022

Antoine Beaupr : building Debian packages under qemu with sbuild

I've been using sbuild for a while to build my Debian packages, mainly because it's what is used by the Debian autobuilders, but also because it's pretty powerful and efficient. Configuring it just right, however, can be a challenge. In my quick Debian development guide, I had a few pointers on how to configure sbuild with the normal schroot setup, but today I finished a qemu based configuration.

Why I want to use qemu mainly because it provides better isolation than a chroot. I sponsor packages sometimes and while I typically audit the source code before building, it still feels like the extra protection shouldn't hurt. I also like the idea of unifying my existing virtual machine setup with my build setup. My current VM is kind of all over the place: libvirt, vagrant, GNOME Boxes, etc?). I've been slowly converging over libvirt however, and most solutions I use right now rely on qemu under the hood, certainly not chroots... I could also have decided to go with containers like LXC, LXD, Docker (with conbuilder, whalebuilder, docker-buildpackage), systemd-nspawn (with debspawn), unshare (with schroot --chroot-mode=unshare), or whatever: I didn't feel those offer the level of isolation that is provided by qemu. The main downside of this approach is that it is (obviously) slower than native builds. But on modern hardware, that cost should be minimal.

How Basically, you need this:
sudo mkdir -p /srv/sbuild/qemu/
sudo apt install sbuild-qemu
sudo sbuild-qemu-create -o /srv/sbuild/qemu/unstable.img unstable
Then to make this used by default, add this to ~/.sbuildrc:
# run autopkgtest inside the schroot
$run_autopkgtest = 1;
# tell sbuild to use autopkgtest as a chroot
$chroot_mode = 'autopkgtest';
# tell autopkgtest to use qemu
$autopkgtest_virt_server = 'qemu';
# tell autopkgtest-virt-qemu the path to the image
# use --debug there to show what autopkgtest is doing
$autopkgtest_virt_server_options = [ '--', '/srv/sbuild/qemu/%r-%a.img' ];
# tell plain autopkgtest to use qemu, and the right image
$autopkgtest_opts = [ '--', 'qemu', '/srv/sbuild/qemu/%r-%a.img' ];
# no need to cleanup the chroot after build, we run in a completely clean VM
$purge_build_deps = 'never';
# no need for sudo
$autopkgtest_root_args = '';
Note that the above will use the default autopkgtest (1GB, one core) and qemu (128MB, one core) configuration, which might be a little low on resources. You probably want to be explicit about this, with something like this:
# extra parameters to pass to qemu
# --enable-kvm is not necessary, detected on the fly by autopkgtest
my @_qemu_options = ['--ram-size=4096', '--cpus=2'];
# tell autopkgtest-virt-qemu the path to the image
# use --debug there to show what autopkgtest is doing
$autopkgtest_virt_server_options = [ @_qemu_options, '--', '/srv/sbuild/qemu/%r-%a.img' ];
$autopkgtest_opts = [ '--', 'qemu', @qemu_options, '/srv/sbuild/qemu/%r-%a.img'];
This configuration will:
  1. create a virtual machine image in /srv/sbuild/qemu for unstable
  2. tell sbuild to use that image to create a temporary VM to build the packages
  3. tell sbuild to run autopkgtest (which should really be default)
  4. tell autopkgtest to use qemu for builds and for tests
Note that the VM created by sbuild-qemu-create have an unlocked root account with an empty password.

Other useful tasks
  • enter the VM to make test, changes will be discarded (thanks Nick Brown for the sbuild-qemu-boot tip!):
     sbuild-qemu-boot /srv/sbuild/qemu/unstable-amd64.img
    That program is shipped only with bookworm and later, an equivalent command is:
     qemu-system-x86_64 -snapshot -enable-kvm -object rng-random,filename=/dev/urandom,id=rng0 -device virtio-rng-pci,rng=rng0,id=rng-device0 -m 2048 -nographic /srv/sbuild/qemu/unstable-amd64.img
    The key argument here is -snapshot.
  • enter the VM to make permanent changes, which will not be discarded:
     sudo sbuild-qemu-boot --readwrite /srv/sbuild/qemu/unstable-amd64.img
    Equivalent command:
     sudo qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -object rng-random,filename=/dev/urandom,id=rng0 -device virtio-rng-pci,rng=rng0,id=rng-device0 -m 2048 -nographic /srv/sbuild/qemu/unstable-amd64.img
  • update the VM (thanks lavamind):
     sudo sbuild-qemu-update /srv/sbuild/qemu/unstable-amd64.img
  • build in a specific VM regardless of the suite specified in the changelog (e.g. UNRELEASED, bookworm-backports, bookworm-security, etc):
     sbuild --autopkgtest-virt-server-opts="-- qemu /var/lib/sbuild/qemu/bookworm-amd64.img"
    Note that you'd also need to pass --autopkgtest-opts if you want autopkgtest to run in the correct VM as well:
     sbuild --autopkgtest-opts="-- qemu /var/lib/sbuild/qemu/unstable.img" --autopkgtest-virt-server-opts="-- qemu /var/lib/sbuild/qemu/bookworm-amd64.img"
    You might also need parameters like --ram-size if you customized it above.
And yes, this is all quite complicated and could be streamlined a little, but that's what you get when you have years of legacy and just want to get stuff done. It seems to me autopkgtest-virt-qemu should have a magic flag starts a shell for you, but it doesn't look like that's a thing. When that program starts, it just says ok and sits there. Maybe because the authors consider the above to be simple enough (see also bug #911977 for a discussion of this problem).

Live access to a running test When autopkgtest starts a VM, it uses this funky qemu commandline:
qemu-system-x86_64 -m 4096 -smp 2 -nographic -net nic,model=virtio -net user,hostfwd=tcp: -object rng-random,filename=/dev/urandom,id=rng0 -device virtio-rng-pci,rng=rng0,id=rng-device0 -monitor unix:/tmp/autopkgtest-qemu.w1mlh54b/monitor,server,nowait -serial unix:/tmp/autopkgtest-qemu.w1mlh54b/ttyS0,server,nowait -serial unix:/tmp/autopkgtest-qemu.w1mlh54b/ttyS1,server,nowait -virtfs local,id=autopkgtest,path=/tmp/autopkgtest-qemu.w1mlh54b/shared,security_model=none,mount_tag=autopkgtest -drive index=0,file=/tmp/autopkgtest-qemu.w1mlh54b/overlay.img,cache=unsafe,if=virtio,discard=unmap,format=qcow2 -enable-kvm -cpu kvm64,+vmx,+lahf_lm
... which is a typical qemu commandline, I'm sorry to say. That gives us a VM with those settings (paths are relative to a temporary directory, /tmp/autopkgtest-qemu.w1mlh54b/ in the above example):
  • the shared/ directory is, well, shared with the VM
  • port 10022 is forward to the VM's port 22, presumably for SSH, but not SSH server is started by default
  • the ttyS1 and ttyS2 UNIX sockets are mapped to the first two serial ports (use nc -U to talk with those)
  • the monitor UNIX socket is a qemu control socket (see the QEMU monitor documentation, also nc -U)
In other words, it's possible to access the VM with:
nc -U /tmp/autopkgtest-qemu.w1mlh54b/ttyS2
The nc socket interface is ... not great, but it works well enough. And you can probably fire up an SSHd to get a better shell if you feel like it.

Nitty-gritty details no one cares about

Fixing hang in sbuild cleanup I'm having a hard time making heads or tails of this, but please bear with me. In sbuild + schroot, there's this notion that we don't really need to cleanup after ourselves inside the schroot, as the schroot will just be delted anyways. This behavior seems to be handled by the internal "Session Purged" parameter. At least in lib/Sbuild/, we can see this:
my $is_cloned_session = (defined ($session->get('Session Purged')) &&
             $session->get('Session Purged') == 1) ? 1 : 0;
if ($is_cloned_session)  
$self->log("Not cleaning session: cloned chroot in use\n");
if ($purge_build_deps)  
    # Removing dependencies
    $self->log("Not removing build depends: as requested\n");
The schroot builder defines that parameter as:
    $self->set('Session Purged', $info-> 'Session Purged' );
... which is ... a little confusing to me. $info is:
my $info = $self->get('Chroots')->get_info($schroot_session);
... so I presume that depends on whether the schroot was correctly cleaned up? I stopped digging there... is way more explicit:
$self->set('Session Purged', 1);
I wonder if we should do something like this with the autopkgtest backend. I guess people might technically use it with something else than qemu, but qemu is the typical use case of the autopkgtest backend, in my experience. Or at least certainly with things that cleanup after themselves. Right? For some reason, before I added this line to my configuration:
$purge_build_deps = 'never';
... the "Cleanup" step would just completely hang. It was quite bizarre.

Disgression on the diversity of VM-like things There are a lot of different virtualization solutions one can use (e.g. Xen, KVM, Docker or Virtualbox). I have also found libguestfs to be useful to operate on virtual images in various ways. Libvirt and Vagrant are also useful wrappers on top of the above systems. There are particularly a lot of different tools which use Docker, Virtual machines or some sort of isolation stronger than chroot to build packages. Here are some of the alternatives I am aware of: Take, for example, Whalebuilder, which uses Docker to build packages instead of pbuilder or sbuild. Docker provides more isolation than a simple chroot: in whalebuilder, packages are built without network access and inside a virtualized environment. Keep in mind there are limitations to Docker's security and that pbuilder and sbuild do build under a different user which will limit the security issues with building untrusted packages. On the upside, some of things are being fixed: whalebuilder is now an official Debian package (whalebuilder) and has added the feature of passing custom arguments to dpkg-buildpackage. None of those solutions (except the autopkgtest/qemu backend) are implemented as a sbuild plugin, which would greatly reduce their complexity. I was previously using Qemu directly to run virtual machines, and had to create VMs by hand with various tools. This didn't work so well so I switched to using Vagrant as a de-facto standard to build development environment machines, but I'm returning to Qemu because it uses a similar backend as KVM and can be used to host longer-running virtual machines through libvirt. The great thing now is that autopkgtest has good support for qemu and sbuild has bridged the gap and can use it as a build backend. I originally had found those bugs in that setup, but all of them are now fixed:
  • #911977: sbuild: how do we correctly guess the VM name in autopkgtest?
  • #911979: sbuild: fails on chown in autopkgtest-qemu backend
  • #911963: autopkgtest qemu build fails with proxy_cmd: parameter not set
  • #911981: autopkgtest: qemu server warns about missing CPU features
So we have unification! It's possible to run your virtual machines and Debian builds using a single VM image backend storage, which is no small feat, in my humble opinion. See the sbuild-qemu blog post for the annoucement Now I just need to figure out how to merge Vagrant, GNOME Boxes, and libvirt together, which should be a matter of placing images in the right place... right? See also hosting.

pbuilder vs sbuild I was previously using pbuilder and switched in 2017 to sbuild. has a good comparative between pbuilder and sbuild that shows they are pretty similar. The big advantage of sbuild is that it is the tool in use on the buildds and it's written in Perl instead of shell. My concerns about switching were POLA (I'm used to pbuilder), the fact that pbuilder runs as a separate user (works with sbuild as well now, if the _apt user is present), and setting up COW semantics in sbuild (can't just plug cowbuilder there, need to configure overlayfs or aufs, which was non-trivial in Debian jessie). Ubuntu folks, again, have more documentation there. Debian also has extensive documentation, especially about how to configure overlays. I was ultimately convinced by stapelberg's post on the topic which shows how much simpler sbuild really is...

Who Thanks lavamind for the introduction to the sbuild-qemu package.

8 April 2022

Jacob Adams: The Unexpected Importance of the Trailing Slash

For many using Unix-derived systems today, we take for granted that /some/path and /some/path/ are the same. Most shells will even add a trailing slash for you when you press the Tab key after the name of a directory or a symbolic link to one. However, many programs treat these two paths as subtly different in certain cases, which I outline below, as all three have tripped me up in various ways1.

POSIX and Coreutils Perhaps the trickiest use of the trailing slash in a distinguishing way is in POSIX2 which states:
When the final component of a pathname is a symbolic link, the standard requires that a trailing <slash> causes the link to be followed. This is the behavior of historical implementations3. For example, for /a/b and /a/b/, if /a/b is a symbolic link to a directory, then /a/b refers to the symbolic link, and /a/b/ refers to the directory to which the symbolic link points.
This leads to some unexpected behavior. For example, if you have the following structure of a directory dir containing a file dirfile with a symbolic link link pointing to dir. (which will be used in all shell examples throughout this article):
$ ls -lR
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 2 jacob jacob 4096 Apr  3 00:00 dir
lrwxrwxrwx 1 jacob jacob    3 Apr  3 00:00 link -> dir
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 jacob jacob 0 Apr  3 00:12 dirfile
On Unixes such as MacOS, FreeBSD or Illumos4, you can move a directory through a symbolic link by using a trailing slash:
$ mv link/ otherdir
$ ls
link	otherdir
On Linux5, mv will not rename the indirectly referenced directory and not the symbolic link, when given a symbolic link with a trailing slash as the source to be renamed. despite the coreutils documentation s claims to the contrary6, instead failing with Not a directory:
$ mv link/ other
mv: cannot move 'link/' to 'other': Not a directory
$ mkdir otherdir
$ mv link/ otherdir
mv: cannot move 'link/' to 'otherdir/link': Not a directory
$ mv link/ otherdir/
mv: cannot move 'link/' to 'otherdir/link': Not a directory
$ mv link otherdirlink
$ ls -l otherdirlink
lrwxrwxrwx 1 jacob jacob 3 Apr  3 00:13 otherdirlink -> dir
This is probably for the best, as it is very confusing behavior. There is still one advantage the trailing slash has when using mv, even on Linux, in that is it does not allow you to move a file to a non-existent directory, or move a file that you expect to be a directory that isn t.
$ mv dir/dirfile nonedir/
mv: cannot move 'dir/dirfile' to 'nonedir/': Not a directory
$ touch otherfile
$ mv otherfile/ dir
mv: cannot stat 'otherfile/': Not a directory
$ mv otherfile dir
$ ls dir
dirfile  otherfile
However, Linux still exhibits some confusing behavior of its own, like when you attempt to remove link recursively with a trailing slash:
rm -rvf link/
Neither link nor dir are removed, but the contents of dir are removed:
removed 'link/dirfile'
Whereas if you remove the trailing slash, you just remove the symbolic link:
$ rm -rvf link
removed 'link'
While on MacOS, FreeBSD or Illumos4, rm will also remove the source directory:
$ rm -rvf link
$ ls
The find and ls commands, in contrast, behave the same on all three operating systems. The find command only searches the contents of the directory a symbolic link points to if the trailing slash is added:
$ find link -name dirfile
$ find link/ -name dirfile
The ls command acts similarly, showing information on just a symbolic link by itself unless a trailing slash is added, at which point it shows the contents of the directory that it links to:
$ ls -l link
lrwxrwxrwx 1 jacob jacob 3 Apr  3 00:13 link -> dir
$ ls -l link/
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 jacob jacob 0 Apr  3 00:13 dirfile

rsync The command rsync handles a trailing slash in an unusual way that trips up many new users. The rsync man page notes:
You can think of a trailing / on a source as meaning copy the contents of this directory as opposed to copy the directory by name , but in both cases the attributes of the containing directory are transferred to the containing directory on the destination.
That is to say, if we had two folders a and b each of which contained some files:
$ ls -R .
a  b
a1  a2
b1  b2
Running rsync -av a b moves the entire directory a to directory b:
$ rsync -av a b
sending incremental file list
sent 181 bytes  received 58 bytes  478.00 bytes/sec
total size is 0  speedup is 0.00
$ ls -R b
a  b1  b2
a1  a2
While running rsync -av a/ b moves the contents of directory a to b:
$ rsync -av a/ b
sending incremental file list
sent 170 bytes  received 57 bytes  454.00 bytes/sec
total size is 0  speedup is 0.00
$ ls b
a1  a2	b1  b2

Dockerfile COPY The Dockerfile COPY command also cares about the presence of the trailing slash, using it to determine whether the destination should be considered a file or directory. The Docker documentation explains the rules of the command thusly:
COPY [--chown=<user>:<group>] <src>... <dest>
If <src> is a directory, the entire contents of the directory are copied, including filesystem metadata. Note: The directory itself is not copied, just its contents. If <src> is any other kind of file, it is copied individually along with its metadata. In this case, if <dest> ends with a trailing slash /, it will be considered a directory and the contents of <src> will be written at <dest>/base(<src>). If multiple <src> resources are specified, either directly or due to the use of a wildcard, then <dest> must be a directory, and it must end with a slash /. If <dest> does not end with a trailing slash, it will be considered a regular file and the contents of <src> will be written at <dest>. If <dest> doesn t exist, it is created along with all missing directories in its path.
This means if you had a COPY command that moved file to a nonexistent containerfile without the slash, it would create containerfile as a file with the contents of file.
COPY file /containerfile
container$ stat -c %F containerfile
regular empty file
Whereas if you add a trailing slash, then file will be added as a file under the new directory containerdir:
COPY file /containerdir/
container$ stat -c %F containerdir
Interestingly, at no point can you copy a directory completely, only its contents. Thus if you wanted to make a directory in the new container, you need to specify its name in both the source and the destination:
COPY dir /dirincontainer
container$ stat -c %F /dirincontainer
Dockerfiles do also make good use of the trailing slash to ensure they re doing what you mean by requiring a trailing slash on the destination of multiple files:
COPY file otherfile /othercontainerdir
results in the following error:
When using COPY with more than one source file, the destination must be a directory and end with a /
  1. I m sure there are probably more than just these three cases, but these are the three I m familiar with. If you know of more, please tell me about them!.
  2. Some additional relevant sections are the Path Resolution Appendix and the section on Symbolic Links.
  3. The sentence This is the behavior of historical implementations implies that this probably originated in some ancient Unix derivative, possibly BSD or even the original Unix. I don t really have a source on that though, so please reach out if you happen to have any more knowledge on what this refers to.
  4. I tested on MacOS 11.6.5, FreeBSD 12.0 and OmniOS 5.11 2
  5. unless the source is a directory trailing slashes give -ENOTDIR
  6. In fairness to the coreutils maintainers, it seems to be true on all other Unix platforms, but it probably deserves a mention in the documentation when Linux is the most common platform on which coreutils is used. I should submit a patch.

1 April 2022

Russell Coker: Converting to UEFI

When I got my HP ML110 Gen9 working as a workstation I initially was under the impression that boot wasn t supported on NVMe and booted it from USB. I found USB booting with legacy boot to be unreliable so decided to try EFI booting and noticed that the NVMe devices were boot candidates with UEFI. Making one of them bootable was more complex than expected because no-one seems to have documented such things. So here s my documentation, it s not great but this method has worked once for me. Before starting major partitioning work it s best to run parted -l and save the output to a file, that can allow you to recreate partitions if you corrupt them. One thing I m doing on systems I manage is putting @reboot /usr/sbin/parted -l > /root/parted.log in the root crontab, then when the system is backed up the backup server gets any recent changes to partitioning (I don t backup /var/log on all my systems). Firstly run parted on the device to create the EFI and /boot partitions, note that if you want to copy and paste from this you must do so one line at a time, a block paste seemed to confuse parted.
mklabel gpt
mkpart EFI fat32 1 99
mkpart boot ext3 99 300
toggle 1 boot
toggle 1 esp
# Model: CT1000P1SSD8 (nvme)
# Disk /dev/nvme1n1: 1000GB
# Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
# Partition Table: gpt
# Disk Flags: 
# Number  Start   End     Size    File system  Name  Flags
#  1      1049kB  98.6MB  97.5MB  fat32        EFI   boot, esp
#  2      98.6MB  300MB   201MB   ext3         boot
Here are the commands needed to create the filesystems and install the necessary files. This is almost to the stage of being scriptable. Some minor changes need to be made to convert from NVMe device names to SATA/SAS but nothing serious.
mkfs.vfat /dev/nvme1n1p1
mkfs.ext3 -N 1000 /dev/nvme1n1p2
file -s /dev/nvme1n1p2   sed -e s/^.*UUID/UUID/ -e "s/ .*$/ \/boot ext3 noatime 0 1/" >> /etc/fstab
file -s /dev/nvme1n1p1   tr "[a-f]" "[A-F]"  sed -e s/^.*numBEr.0x/UUID=/ -e "s/, .*$/ \/boot\/efi vfat umask=0077 0 1/" >> /etc/fstab
# edit /etc/fstab to put a hyphen between the 2 groups of 4 chars for the VFAT filesystem UUID
mount /boot
mkdir -p /boot/efi /boot/grub
mount /boot/efi
mkdir -p /boot/efi/EFI/debian
apt install efibootmgr shim-unsigned grub-efi-amd64
cp /usr/lib/shim/* /usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi/monolithic/grubx64.efi /boot/efi/EFI/debian
file -s /dev/nvme1n1p2   sed -e "s/^.*UUID=/search.fs_uuid /" -e "s/ .needs.*$/ root hd0,gpt2/" > /boot/efi/EFI/debian/grub.cfg
echo "set prefix=(\$root)'/boot/grub'" >> /boot/efi/EFI/debian/grub.cfg
echo "configfile \$prefix/grub.cfg" >> /boot/efi/EFI/debian/grub.cfg
If someone would like to make a script that can handle the different partition names of regular SCSI/SATA disks, NVMe, CCISS, etc then that would be great. It would be good to have a script in Debian that creates the partitions and sets up the EFI files. If you want to have a second bootable device then the following commands will copy a GPT partition table and give it new UUIDs, make very certain that $DISKB is the one you want to be wiped and refer to my previous mention of parted -l . Also note that parted has a rescue command which works very well.
sgdisk /dev/$DISKA -R /dev/$DISKB 
sgdisk -G /dev/$DISKB
To backup a GPT partition table run a command like this. Note that if sgdisk is told to backup a MBR partitioned disk it will say Found invalid GPT and valid MBR; converting MBR to GPT forma which is probably a viable way of converting MBR format to GPT.
sgdisk -b sda.bak /dev/sda

29 March 2022

Jeremy Bicha: How to install a bunch of debs

Recently, I needed to check if a regression in Ubuntu 22.04 Beta was triggered by the mesa upgrade. Ok, sounds simple, let me just install the older mesa version. Let s take a look. Oh, wow, there are about 24 binary packages (excluding the packages for debug symbols) included in mesa! Because it s no longer published in Ubuntu 22.04, we can t use our normal apt way to install those packages. And downloading those one by one and then installing them sounds like too much work. Step Zero: Prerequisites If you are an Ubuntu (or Debian!) developer, you might already have ubuntu-dev-tools installed. If not, it has some really useful tools!
$ sudo apt install ubuntu-dev-tools
Step One: Create a Temporary Working Directory Let s create a temporary directory to hold our deb packages. We don t want to get them mixed up with other things.
$ mkdir mesa-downgrade; cd mesa-downgrade
Step Two: Download All the Things One of the useful tools is pull-lp-debs. The first argument is the source package name. In this case, I next need to specify what version I want; otherwise it will give me the latest version which isn t helpful. I could specify a series codename like jammy or impish but that won t give me what I want this time.
$ pull-lp-debs mesa 21.3.5-1ubuntu2
By the way, there are several other variations on pull-lp-debs: I use the LP and Debian source versions frequently when I just want to check something in a package but don t need the full git repo. Step Three: Install Only What We Need This command allows us to install just what we need.
$ sudo apt install --only-upgrade --mark-auto ./*.deb
--only-upgrade tells apt to only install packages that are already installed. I don t actually need all 24 packages installed; I just want to change the versions for the stuff I already have. --mark-auto tells apt to keep these packages marked in dpkg as automatically installed. This allows any of these packages to be suggested for removal once there isn t anything else depending on them. That s useful if you don t want to have old libraries installed on your system in case you do manual installation like this frequently. Finally, the apt install syntax has a quirk: It needs a path to a file because it wants an easy way to distinguish from a package name. So adding ./ before filenames works. I guess this is a bug. apt should be taught that libegl-mesa0_21.3.5-1ubuntu2_amd64.deb is a file name not a package name. Step Four: Cleanup Let s assume that you installed old versions. To get back to the current package versions, you can just upgrade like normal.
$ sudo apt dist-upgrade
If you do want to stay on this unsupported version a bit longer, you can specify which packages to hold:
$ sudo apt-mark hold
And you can use apt-mark list and apt-mark unhold to see what packages you have held and release the holds. Remember you won t get security updates or other bug fixes for held packages! And when you re done with the debs we download, you can remove all the files:
$ cd .. ; rm -ri mesa-downgrade
Bonus: Downgrading back to supported What if you did the opposite and installed newer stuff than is available in your current release? Perhaps you installed from jammy-proposed and you want to get back to jammy ? Here s the syntax for libegl-mesa0 Note the /jammy suffix on the package name.
$ sudo apt install libegl-mesa0/jammy
But how do you find these packages? Use apt list Here s one suggested way to find them:
$ apt list --installed --all-versions  grep local] --after-context 1
Finally, I should mention that apt is designed to upgrade packages not downgrade them. You can break things by downgrading. For instance, a database could upgrade its format to a new version but I wouldn t expect it to be able to reverse that just because you attempt to install an older version.

3 March 2022

Enrico Zini: Migrating from procmail to sieve

Anarcat's "procmail considered harmful" post convinced me to get my act together and finally migrate my venerable procmail based setup to sieve. My setup was nontrivial, so I migrated with an intermediate step in which sieve scripts would by default pipe everything to procmail, which allowed me to slowly move rules from procmailrc to sieve until nothing remained in procmailrc. Here's what I did. Literature review has a guide quite aligned with current Debian, and could be a starting point to get an idea of the work to do. is way more terse, but more aligned with my intentions. Reading the former helped me in understanding the latter. has the full Sieve syntax. has the list of Sieve features supported by Dovecot. has the reference on Dovecot's sieve implementation. is the hard to find full reference for the functions introduced by the extprograms plugin. Debugging tools: Backup of all mails processed One thing I did with procmail was to generate a monthly mailbox with all incoming email, with something like this:
BACKUP="/srv/backupts/test- date +%Y-%m-d .mbox"
I did not find an obvious way in sieve to create montly mailboxes, so I redesigned that system using Postfix's always_bcc feature, piping everything to an archive user. I'll then recreate the monthly archiving using a chewmail script that I can simply run via cron. Configure dovecot
apt install dovecot-sieve dovecot-lmtpd
I added this to the local dovecot configuration:
service lmtp  
  unix_listener /var/spool/postfix/private/dovecot-lmtp  
    user = postfix
    group = postfix
    mode = 0666
protocol lmtp  
  mail_plugins = $mail_plugins sieve
  sieve = file:~/.sieve;active=~/.dovecot.sieve
This makes Dovecot ready to receive mail from Postfix via a lmtp unix socket created in Postfix's private chroot. It also activates the sieve plugin, and uses ~/.sieve as a sieve script. The script can be a file or a directory; if it is a directory, ~/.dovecot.sieve will be a symlink pointing to the .sieve file to run. This is a feature I'm not yet using, but if one day I want to try enabling UIs to edit sieve scripts, that part is ready. Delegate to procmail To make sieve scripts that delegate to procmail, I enabled the sieve_extprograms plugin:
   sieve = file:~/.sieve;active=~/.dovecot.sieve
+  sieve_plugins = sieve_extprograms
+  sieve_extensions +vnd.dovecot.pipe
+  sieve_pipe_bin_dir = /usr/local/lib/dovecot/sieve-pipe
+  sieve_trace_dir = ~/.sieve-trace
+  sieve_trace_level = matching
+  sieve_trace_debug = yes
and then created a script for it:
mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/dovecot/sieve-pipe/
(echo "#!/bin/sh'; echo "exec /usr/bin/procmail") > /usr/local/lib/dovecot/sieve-pipe/procmail
chmod 0755 /usr/local/lib/dovecot/sieve-pipe/procmail
And I can have a sieve script that delegates processing to procmail:
require "vnd.dovecot.pipe";
pipe "procmail";
Activate the postfix side These changes switched local delivery over to Dovecot:
--- a/roles/mailserver/templates/dovecot.conf
+++ b/roles/mailserver/templates/dovecot.conf
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
+auth_username_format = %Ln
diff --git a/roles/mailserver/templates/ b/roles/mailserver/templates/
index d2c515a..d35537c 100644
--- a/roles/mailserver/templates/
+++ b/roles/mailserver/templates/
@@ -64,8 +64,7 @@ virtual_alias_domains =
-mailbox_command = procmail -a "$EXTENSION"
-mailbox_size_limit = 0
+mailbox_transport = lmtp:unix:private/dovecot-lmtp
Without auth_username_format = %Ln dovecot won't be able to understand usernames sent by postfix in my specific setup. Moving rules over to sieve This is mostly straightforward, with the luxury of being able to do it a bit at a time. The last tricky bit was how to call spamc from sieve, as in some situations I reduce system load by running the spamfilter only on a prefiltered selection of incoming emails. For this I enabled the filter directive in sieve:
   sieve = file:~/.sieve;active=~/.dovecot.sieve
   sieve_plugins = sieve_extprograms
-  sieve_extensions +vnd.dovecot.pipe
+  sieve_extensions +vnd.dovecot.pipe +vnd.dovecot.filter
   sieve_pipe_bin_dir = /usr/local/lib/dovecot/sieve-pipe
+  sieve_filter_bin_dir = /usr/local/lib/dovecot/sieve-filter
   sieve_trace_dir = ~/.sieve-trace
   sieve_trace_level = matching
   sieve_trace_debug = yes
Then I created a filter script:
mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/dovecot/sieve-filter/"
(echo "#!/bin/sh'; echo "exec /usr/bin/spamc") > /usr/local/lib/dovecot/sieve-filter/spamc
chmod 0755 /usr/local/lib/dovecot/sieve-filter/spamc
And now what was previously:
:0 fw
* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes
Can become:
require "vnd.dovecot.filter";
require "fileinto";
filter "spamc";
if header :contains "x-spam-level" "**************"  
  elsif header :matches "X-Spam-Status" "Yes,*"  
    fileinto "spam";
Updates Ansgar mentioned that it's possible to replicate the monthly mailbox using the variables and date extensions, with a hacky trick from the extensions' RFC:
require "date"
require "variables"
if currentdate :matches "month" "*"   set "month" "$ 1 ";  
if currentdate :matches "year" "*"   set "year" "$ 1 ";  
fileinto :create "$ month -$ year ";

21 October 2021

Lisandro Dami n Nicanor P rez Meyer: CMake toolchain files with Debian's cross compilers

Almost a year ago I added a script made by Helmut Grohne that is able to create a CMake toolchain file pre-filled with Debian-specifics ross compilers. The tool is installed by the cmake package and located at /usr/share/cmake/debtoolchainfilegen. It's usage is simple:
debtoolchainfilegen (arch) > cmake_toolchain_<arch>.cmake
Where $arch can be any of the Debian supported architectures, like arm64 (aka aarch64):
$ /usr/share/cmake/debtoolchainfilegen arm64 > /tmp/cmake_toolchain_aarch64
dpkg-architecture: warning: specified GNU system type aarch64-linux-gnu does not match CC system type x86_64-linux-gnu, try setting a correct CC environment variable
dpkg-architecture: warning: specified GNU system type aarch64-linux-gnu does not match CC system type x86_64-linux-gnu, try setting a correct CC environment variable
$ cat /tmp/cmake_toolchain_aarch64
# Use it while calling CMake:
#   mkdir build; cd build
#   cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="/path/to/cmake_toolchain_<arch>.cmake" ../
set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER "aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc")
set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER "aarch64-linux-gnu-g++")
set(PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE "aarch64-linux-gnu-pkg-config")
set(PKGCONFIG_EXECUTABLE "aarch64-linux-gnu-pkg-config")
set(QMAKE_EXECUTABLE "aarch64-linux-gnu-qmake")
Note: I kept the warnings, which can be ignored and won't end up on the final file. As you might have noticed the file itself has instructions on how to use it. Of course we will need the requires cross toolchain for the selected arch. For example using arm64:
$ apt install crossbuild-essential-arm64
That's it, we can now start cross building our cmake-based software.

9 August 2021

Dirk Eddelbuettel: nanotime 0.3.3 on CRAN: Some Updates

Leonardo and I are pleased to share that a new nanotime version 0.3.3 was released today, and arrived on CRAN. This release brings a new (plotting) demo, an updated documentation site, additional nanoduration and nanoperiod functionality, and enhanced testing. nanotime relies on the RcppCCTZ package for (efficient) high(er) resolution time parsing and formatting up to nanosecond resolution, and the bit64 package for the actual integer64 arithmetic. Initially implemented using the S3 system, it has benefitted greatly from work by co-author Leonardo who not only rejigged nanotime internals in S4 but also added new S4 types for periods, intervals and durations. The NEWS snippet adds full details.

Changes in version 0.3.3 (2021-08-09)
  • New demo ggplot2Example.R (Leonardo and Dirk).
  • New documentation website using mkdocs-material (Dirk).
  • Updated unit test to account for r-devel POSIXct changes, and re-enable full testing under r-devel (Dirk).
  • Additional nanoduration and character ops plus tests (Colin Umansky in #88 addressing #87).
  • New plus and minus functions for periods (Leonardo in #91).

Thanks to CRANberries there is also a diff to the previous version. More details and examples are at the nanotime page; code, issue tickets etc at the GitHub repository. If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can now sponsor me at GitHub.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

24 July 2021

Dirk Eddelbuettel: littler 0.3.13: Moar Goodies

max-heap image The fourteenth release of littler as a CRAN package just landed, following in the now fifteen year history (!!) as a package started by Jeff in 2006, and joined by me a few weeks later. littler is the first command-line interface for R as it predates Rscript. It allows for piping as well for shebang scripting via #!, uses command-line arguments more consistently and still starts faster. It also always loaded the methods package which Rscript only started to do in recent years. littler lives on Linux and Unix, has its difficulties on macOS due to yet-another-braindeadedness there (who ever thought case-insensitive filesystems as a default were a good idea?) and simply does not exist on Windows (yet the build system could be extended see RInside for an existence proof, and volunteers are welcome!). See the FAQ vignette on how to add it to your PATH. A few examples are highlighted at the Github repo, as well as in the examples vignette. This release brings two new example scripts and command wrappers (compiledDeps.r, silenceTwitterAccount.r), along with extensions, corrections, or polish for a number a of other examples as detailed in the NEWS file entry below.

Changes in littler version 0.3.13 (2021-07-24)
  • Changes in examples
    • New script compiledDeps.r to show which dependencies are compiled
    • New script silenceTwitterAccount.r wrapping rtweet
    • The -c or --code option for installRSPM.r was corrected
    • The kitten.r script now passes options bunny and puppy on to the pkgKitten::kitten() call; new options to call the Arma and Eigen variants were added
    • The getRStudioDesktop.r and getRStudioServer.r scripts were updated for a change in rvest
    • Two typos in the tt.r help message were correct (Aaron Wolen in #86)
    • The message in cranIncoming.r was corrected.
  • Changes in package
    • Added Continuous Integration runner via from r-ci.
    • Two vignettes got two extra vignette attributes.
    • The mkdocs-material documentation input was moved.
    • The basic unit tests were slightly refactored and updated.

My CRANberries provides a comparison to the previous release. Full details for the littler release are provided as usual at the ChangeLog page, and now also on the new package docs website. The code is available via the GitHub repo, from tarballs and now of course also from its CRAN page and via install.packages("littler"). Binary packages are available directly in Debian as well as soon via Ubuntu binaries at CRAN thanks to the tireless Michael Rutter. Comments and suggestions are welcome at the GitHub repo. If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can now sponsor me at GitHub.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

30 June 2021

Enrico Zini: Systemd containers with unittest

This is part of a series of posts on ideas for an ansible-like provisioning system, implemented in Transilience. Unit testing some parts of Transilience, like the apt and systemd actions, or remote Mitogen connections, can really use a containerized system for testing. To have that, I reused my work on nspawn-runner. to build a simple and very fast system of ephemeral containers, with minimal dependencies, based on systemd-nspawn and btrfs snapshots: Setup To be able to use systemd-nspawn --ephemeral, the chroots needs to be btrfs subvolumes. If you are not running on a btrfs filesystem, you can create one to run the tests, even on a file:
fallocate -l 1.5G testfile
/usr/sbin/mkfs.btrfs testfile
sudo mount -o loop testfile test_chroots/
I created a script to setup the test environment, here is an extract:
mkdir -p test_chroots
cat << EOF > "test_chroots/CACHEDIR.TAG"
Signature: 8a477f597d28d172789f06886806bc55
# chroots used for testing transilience, can be regenerated with make-test-chroot
btrfs subvolume create test_chroots/buster
eatmydata debootstrap --variant=minbase --include=python3,dbus,systemd buster test_chroots/buster
CACHEDIR.TAG is a nice trick to tell backup software not to bother backing up the contents of this directory, since it can be easily regenerated. eatmydata is optional, and it speeds up debootstrap quite a bit. Running unittest with sudo Here's a simple helper to drop root as soon as possible, and regain it only when needed. Note that it needs $SUDO_UID and $SUDO_GID, that are set by sudo, to know which user to drop into:
class ProcessPrivs:
    Drop root privileges and regain them only when needed
    def __init__(self):
        self.orig_uid, self.orig_euid, self.orig_suid = os.getresuid()
        self.orig_gid, self.orig_egid, self.orig_sgid = os.getresgid()
        if "SUDO_UID" not in os.environ:
            raise RuntimeError("Tests need to be run under sudo")
        self.user_uid = int(os.environ["SUDO_UID"])
        self.user_gid = int(os.environ["SUDO_GID"])
        self.dropped = False
    def drop(self):
        Drop root privileges
        if self.dropped:
        os.setresgid(self.user_gid, self.user_gid, 0)
        os.setresuid(self.user_uid, self.user_uid, 0)
        self.dropped = True
    def regain(self):
        Regain root privileges
        if not self.dropped:
        os.setresuid(self.orig_suid, self.orig_suid, self.user_uid)
        os.setresgid(self.orig_sgid, self.orig_sgid, self.user_gid)
        self.dropped = False
    def root(self):
        Regain root privileges for the duration of this context manager
        if not self.dropped:
    def user(self):
        Drop root privileges for the duration of this context manager
        if self.dropped:
privs = ProcessPrivs()
As soon as this module is loaded, root privileges are dropped, and can be regained for as little as possible using a handy context manager:
   with privs.root():["systemd-run", ...], check=True, capture_output=True)
Using the chroot from test cases The infrastructure to setup and spin down ephemeral machine is relatively simple, once one has worked out the nspawn incantations:
class Chroot:
    Manage an ephemeral chroot
    running_chroots: Dict[str, "Chroot"] =  
    def __init__(self, name: str, chroot_dir: Optional[str] = None): = name
        if chroot_dir is None:
            self.chroot_dir = self.get_chroot_dir(name)
            self.chroot_dir = chroot_dir
        self.machine_name = f"transilience- uuid.uuid4() "
    def start(self):
        Start nspawn on this given chroot.
        The systemd-nspawn command is run contained into its own unit using
        unit_config = [
        cmd = ["systemd-run"]
        for c in unit_config:
            cmd.append(f"--property= c ")
            f"--directory= self.chroot_dir ",
            f"--machine= self.machine_name ",
            "--notify-ready=yes"))"%s: starting machine using image %s", self.machine_name, self.chroot_dir)
        log.debug("%s: running %s", self.machine_name, " ".join(shlex.quote(c) for c in cmd))
        with privs.root():
  , check=True, capture_output=True)
        log.debug("%s: started", self.machine_name)
        self.running_chroots[self.machine_name] = self
    def stop(self):
        Stop the running ephemeral containers
        cmd = ["machinectl", "terminate", self.machine_name]
        log.debug("%s: running %s", self.machine_name, " ".join(shlex.quote(c) for c in cmd))
        with privs.root():
  , check=True, capture_output=True)
        log.debug("%s: stopped", self.machine_name)
        del self.running_chroots[self.machine_name]
    def create(cls, chroot_name: str) -> "Chroot":
        Start an ephemeral machine from the given master chroot
        res = cls(chroot_name)
        return res
    def get_chroot_dir(cls, chroot_name: str):
        Locate a master chroot under test_chroots/
        chroot_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "test_chroots", chroot_name))
        if not os.path.isdir(chroot_dir):
            raise RuntimeError(f" chroot_dir  does not exists or is not a chroot directory")
        return chroot_dir
# We need to use atextit, because unittest won't run
# tearDown/tearDownClass/tearDownModule methods in case of KeyboardInterrupt
# and we need to make sure to terminate the nspawn containers at exit
def cleanup():
    # Use a list to prevent changing running_chroots during iteration
    for chroot in list(Chroot.running_chroots.values()):
And here's a TestCase mixin that starts a containerized systems and opens a Mitogen connection to it:
class ChrootTestMixin:
    Mixin to run tests over a setns connection to an ephemeral systemd-nspawn
    container running one of the test chroots
    chroot_name = "buster"
    def setUpClass(cls):
        import mitogen
        from transilience.system import Mitogen = mitogen.master.Broker()
        cls.router = mitogen.master.Router(
        cls.chroot = Chroot.create(cls.chroot_name)
        with privs.root():
            cls.system = Mitogen(
          , "setns", kind="machinectl",
                    container=cls.chroot.machine_name, router=cls.router)
    def tearDownClass(cls):
Running tests Once the tests are set up, everything goes on as normal, except one needs to run nose2 with sudo:
sudo nose2-3
Spin up time for containers is pretty fast, and the tests drop root as soon as possible, and only regain it for as little as needed. Also, dependencies for all this are minimal and available on most systems, and the setup instructions seem pretty straightforward

14 June 2021

Fran ois Marier: Self-hosting an Ikiwiki blog

8.5 years ago, I moved my blog to Ikiwiki and Branchable. It's now time for me to take the next step and host my blog on my own server. This is how I migrated from Branchable to my own Apache server.

Installing Ikiwiki dependencies Here are all of the extra Debian packages I had to install on my server:
apt install ikiwiki ikiwiki-hosting-common gcc libauthen-passphrase-perl libcgi-formbuilder-perl libcrypt-sslauthen-passphrase-perl libcgi-formbuilder-perl libcrypt-ssleay-perl libjson-xs-perl librpc-xml-perl python-docutils libxml-feed-perl libsearch-xapian-perl libmailtools-perl highlight-common libsearch-xapian-perl xapian-omega
apt install --no-install-recommends ikiwiki-hosting-web libgravatar-url-perl libmail-sendmail-perl libcgi-session-perl
apt purge libnet-openid-consumer-perl
Then I enabled the CGI module in Apache:
a2enmod cgi
and un-commented the following in /etc/apache2/mods-available/mime.conf:
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi

Creating a separate user account Since Ikiwiki needs to regenerate my blog whenever a new article is pushed to the git repo or a comment is accepted, I created a restricted user account for it:
adduser blog
adduser blog sshuser
chsh -s /usr/bin/git-shell blog

git setup Thanks to Branchable storing blogs in git repositories, I was able to import my blog using a simple git clone in /home/blog (the srcdir):
git clone --bare git:// source.git
Note that the name of the directory (source.git) is important for the ikiwikihosting plugin to work. Then I pulled the .setup file out of the setup branch in that repo and put it in /home/blog/.ikiwiki/FeedingTheCloud.setup. After that, I deleted the setup branch and the origin remote from that clone:
git branch -d setup
git remote rm origin
Following the recommended git configuration, I created a working directory (the repository) for the blog user to modify the blog as needed:
cd /home/blog/
git clone /home/blog/source.git FeedingTheCloud
I added my own ssh public key to /home/blog/.ssh/authorized_keys so that I could push to the srcdir from my laptop. Finaly, I generated a new ssh key without a passphrase:
ssh-keygen -t ed25519
and added it as deploy key to the GitHub repo which acts as a read-only mirror of my blog.

Ikiwiki config While I started with the Branchable setup file, I changed the following things in it:
srcdir: /home/blog/FeedingTheCloud
destdir: /var/www/blog
cgi_wrapper: /var/www/blog/blog.cgi
cgi_wrappermode: 675
- goodstuff
- lockedit
- comments
- blogspam
- sidebar
- attachment
- favicon
- format
- highlight
- search
- theme
- moderatedcomments
- flattr
- calendar
- headinganchors
- notifyemail
- anonok
- autoindex
- date
- relativedate
- htmlbalance
- pagestats
- sortnaturally
- ikiwikihosting
- gitpush
- emailauth
- brokenlinks
- fortune
- more
- openid
- orphans
- passwordauth
- progress
- recentchanges
- repolist
- toggle
- txt
sslcookie: 1
  file: /home/blog/.ikiwiki/cookies
useragent: ikiwiki
git_wrapper: /home/blog/source.git/hooks/post-update
allowed_attachments: admin()
Then I created the destdir:
mkdir /var/www/blog
chown blog:blog /var/www/blog
and generated the initial copy of the blog as the blog user:
ikiwiki --setup .ikiwiki/FeedingTheCloud.setup --wrappers --rebuild
One thing that failed to generate properly was the tag cloug (from the pagestats plugin). I have not been able to figure out why it fails to generate any output when run this way, but if I push to the repo and let the git hook handle the rebuilding of the wiki, the tag cloud is generated correctly. Consequently, fixing this is not high on my list of priorities, but if you happen to know what the problem is, please reach out.

Apache config Here's the Apache config I put in /etc/apache2/sites-available/blog.conf:
<VirtualHost *:443>
    SSLEngine On
    SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
    Header set Strict-Transport-Security: "max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload"
    Include /etc/fmarier-org/blog-common
<VirtualHost *:443>
    SSLEngine On
    SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
    Redirect permanent /
<VirtualHost *:80>
    Redirect permanent /
and the common config I put in /etc/fmarier-org/blog-common:
DocumentRoot /var/www/blog
LogLevel core:info
CustomLog $ APACHE_LOG_DIR /blog-access.log combined
ErrorLog $ APACHE_LOG_DIR /blog-error.log
AddType application/rss+xml .rss
<Location /blog.cgi>
        Options +ExecCGI
before enabling all of this using:
a2ensite blog
apache2ctl configtest
systemctl restart apache2.service
The domain used to be pointing to Feedburner and so I need to maintain it in order to avoid breaking RSS feeds from folks who added my blog to their reader a long time ago.

Server-side improvements Since I'm now in control of the server configuration, I was able to make several improvements to how my blog is served. First of all, I enabled the HTTP/2 and Brotli modules:
a2enmod http2
a2enmod brotli
and enabled Brotli compression by putting the following in /etc/apache2/conf-available/compression.conf:
<IfModule mod_brotli.c>
<IfModule mod_deflate.c>
  <IfModule mod_filter.c>
    AddOutputFilterByType $ TRANSFER_COMPRESSION  text/html text/plain text/xml text/css text/javascript
    AddOutputFilterByType $ TRANSFER_COMPRESSION  application/x-javascript application/javascript application/ecmascript
    AddOutputFilterByType $ TRANSFER_COMPRESSION  application/rss+xml
    AddOutputFilterByType $ TRANSFER_COMPRESSION  application/xml
and replacing /etc/apache2/mods-available/deflate.conf with the following:
# Moved to /etc/apache2/conf-available/compression.conf as per
before enabling this new config:
a2enconf compression
Next, I made my blog available as a Tor onion service by putting the following in /etc/apache2/sites-available/blog.conf:
<VirtualHost *:443>
    ServerAlias xfdug5vmfi6oh42fp6ahhrqdjcf7ysqat6fkp5dhvde4d7vlkqixrsad.onion
    Header set Onion-Location "http://xfdug5vmfi6oh42fp6ahhrqdjcf7ysqat6fkp5dhvde4d7vlkqixrsad.onion% REQUEST_URI s"
    Header set alt-svc 'h2="xfdug5vmfi6oh42fp6ahhrqdjcf7ysqat6fkp5dhvde4d7vlkqixrsad.onion:443"; ma=315360000; persist=1'
<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName xfdug5vmfi6oh42fp6ahhrqdjcf7ysqat6fkp5dhvde4d7vlkqixrsad.onion
    Include /etc/fmarier-org/blog-common
Then I followed the Mozilla Observatory recommendations and enabled the following security headers:
Header set Content-Security-Policy: "default-src 'none'; report-uri ; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' ; img-src 'self' ; script-src https://xfdug5vmfi6oh42fp6ahhrqdjcf7ysqat6fkp5dhvde4d7vlkqixrsad.onion/ikiwiki/ http://xfdug5vmfi6oh42fp6ahhrqdjcf7ysqat6fkp5dhvde4d7vlkqixrsad.onion/ikiwiki/ 'unsafe-inline' 'sha256-pA8FbKo4pYLWPDH2YMPqcPMBzbjH/RYj0HlNAHYoYT0=' 'sha256-Kn5E/7OLXYSq+EKMhEBGJMyU6bREA9E8Av9FjqbpGKk=' 'sha256-/BTNlczeBxXOoPvhwvE1ftmxwg9z+WIBJtpk3qe7Pqo=' ; base-uri 'self'; form-action 'self' ; frame-ancestors 'self'"
Header set X-Frame-Options: "SAMEORIGIN"
Header set Referrer-Policy: "same-origin"
Header set X-Content-Type-Options: "nosniff"
Note that the Mozilla Observatory is mistakenly identifying HTTP onion services as insecure, so you can ignore that failure. I also used the Mozilla TLS config generator to improve the TLS config for my server. Then I added security.txt and gpc.json to the root of my git repo and then added the following aliases to put these files in the right place:
Alias /.well-known/gpc.json /var/www/blog/gpc.json
Alias /.well-known/security.txt /var/www/blog/security.txt
I also followed these instructions to create a sitemap for my blog with the following alias:
Alias /sitemap.xml /var/www/blog/sitemap/index.rss
Finally, I simplified a few error pages to save bandwidth:
ErrorDocument 301 " "
ErrorDocument 302 " "
ErrorDocument 404 "Not Found"

Monitoring 404s Another advantage of running my own web server is that I can monitor the 404s easily using logcheck by putting the following in /etc/logcheck/logcheck.logfiles:
Based on that, I added a few redirects to point bots and users to the location of my RSS feed:
Redirect permanent /atom /index.atom
Redirect permanent /comments.rss /comments/index.rss
Redirect permanent /comments.atom /comments/index.atom
Redirect permanent /FeedingTheCloud /index.rss
Redirect permanent /feed /index.rss
Redirect permanent /feed/ /index.rss
Redirect permanent /feeds/posts/default /index.rss
Redirect permanent /rss /index.rss
Redirect permanent /rss/ /index.rss
and to tell them to stop trying to fetch obsolete resources:
Redirect gone /~ff/FeedingTheCloud
Redirect gone /gittip_button.png
Redirect gone /ikiwiki.cgi
I also used these 404s to discover a few old Feedburner URLs that I could redirect to the right place using
Redirect permanent /feeds/1572545745827565861/comments/default /posts/watch-all-of-your-logs-using-monkeytail/comments.atom
Redirect permanent /feeds/1582328597404141220/comments/default /posts/news-feeds-rssatom-for-mythtvorg-and/comments.atom
Redirect permanent /feeds/8490436852808833136/comments/default /posts/recovering-lost-git-commits/comments.atom
Redirect permanent /feeds/963415010433858516/comments/default /posts/debugging-openwrt-routers-by-shipping/comments.atom
I also put the following robots.txt in the git repo in order to stop a bunch of authentication errors coming from crawlers:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /blog.cgi
Disallow: /ikiwiki.cgi

Future improvements There are a few things I'd like to improve on my current setup. The first one is to remove the iwikihosting and gitpush plugins and replace them with a small script which would simply git push to the read-only GitHub mirror. Then I could uninstall the ikiwiki-hosting-common and ikiwiki-hosting-web since that's all I use them for. Next, I would like to have proper support for signed git pushes. At the moment, I have the following in /home/blog/source.git/config:
    advertisePushOptions = true
    certNonceSeed = "(random string)"
but I'd like to also reject unsigned pushes. While my blog now has a CSP policy which doesn't rely on unsafe-inline for scripts, it does rely on unsafe-inline for stylesheets. I tried to remove this but the actual calls to allow seemed to be located deep within jQuery and so I gave up. Update: now fixed. Finally, I'd like to figure out a good way to deal with articles which don't currently have comments. At the moment, if you try to subscribe to their comment feed, it returns a 404. For example:
[Sun Jun 06 17:43:12.336350 2021] [core:info] [pid 30591:tid 140253834704640] [client] AH00128: File does not exist: /var/www/blog/posts/using-iptables-with-network-manager/comments.atom
This is obviously not ideal since many feed readers will refuse to add a feed which is currently not found even though it could become real in the future. If you know of a way to fix this, please let me know.

20 May 2021

Jonathan McDowell: Losing control to Kubernetes

GMK NucBox Kubernetes is about giving up control. As someone who likes to understand what s going on that s made it hard for me to embrace it. I ve also mostly been able to ignore it, which has helped. However I m aware it s incredibly popular, and there s some infrastructure at work that uses it. While it s not my responsibility I always find having an actual implementation of something is useful in understanding it generally, so I decided it was time to dig in and learn something new. First up, I should say I understand the trade-off here about handing a bunch of decisions off to Kubernetes about the underlying platform allowing development/deployment to concentrate on a nice consistent environment. I get the analogy with the shipping container model where you can abstract out both sides knowing all you have to do is conform to the TEU API. In terms of the underlying concepts I ve got some virtualisation and container experience, so I m not coming at this as a complete newcomer. And I understand multi-site dynamically routed networks. That said, let s start with a basic goal. I d like to understand k8s (see, I can be cool and use the short name) enough to be comfortable with what s going on under the hood and be able to examine a running instance safely (i.e. enough confidence about pulling logs, probing state etc without fearing I might modify state). That ll mean when I come across such infrastructure I have enough tools to be able to hopefully learn from it. To do this I figure I ll need to build myself a cluster and deploy some things on it, then poke it. I ll start by doing so on bare metal; that removes variables around cloud providers and virtualisation and gives me an environment I know is isolated from everything else. I happen to have a GMK NucBox available, so I ll use that. As a first step I m aiming to get a single node cluster deployed running some sort of web accessible service that is visible from the rest of my network. That should mean I ve covered the basics of a Kubernetes install, a running service and actually making it accessible. Of course I m running Debian. I ve got a Bullseye (Debian 11) install - not yet released as stable, but in freeze and therefore not a moving target. I wanted to use packages from Debian as much as possible but it seems that the bits of Kubernetes available in main are mostly just building blocks and not a great starting point for someone new to Kubernetes. So to do the initial install I did the following:
# Install docker + nftables from Debian
apt install nftables
# Add the Kubernetes repo and signing key
curl -s > /etc/apt/k8s.gpg
cat > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list <<EOF
deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/k8s.gpg] kubernetes-xenial main
apt update
apt install kubelet kubeadm kubectl
That resulted in a 1.21.1-00 install, which is current at the time of writing. I then used kubeadm to create the cluster:
kubeadm init --apiserver-advertise-address --apiserver-cert-extra-sans udon.mynetwork
The extra parameters were to make the API server externally accessible from the host. I don t know if that was a good idea or not at this stage kubeadm spat out a bunch of instructions but the key piece was about copying the credentials to my user account. So I did:
mkdir ~noodles/.kube
cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf ~noodles/.kube/config
chown -R noodles ~noodles/.kube/
I then was able to see my pod:
noodles@udon:~$ kubectl get nodes
NAME   STATUS     ROLES                  AGE     VERSION
udon   NotReady   control-plane,master   4m31s   v1.21.1
Ooooh. But why s it NotReady? Seems like it s a networking issue and I need to install a networking provider. The documentation on this is appalling. Flannel gets recommended as a simple option but then turns out to need a --pod-network-cidr option passed to kubeadm and I didn t feel like cleaning up and running again (I ve omitted all the false starts it took me to get to this point). Another pointer was to Weave so I decided to try that with the following magic runes:
mkdir -p /var/lib/weave
head -c 16 /dev/urandom   shasum -a 256   cut -d " " -f1 > /var/lib/weave/weave-passwd
kubectl create secret -n kube-system generic weave-passwd --from-file=/var/lib/weave/weave-passwd
kubectl apply -f "$(kubectl version   base64   tr -d '\n')&password-secret=weave-passwd&env.IPALLOC_RANGE="
(I believe what that s doing is the first 3 lines create a password and store it into the internal Kubernetes config so the weave pod can retrieve it. The final line then grabs a YAML config from Weaveworks to configure up weave. My intention is to delve deeper into what s going on here later; for now the primary purpose is to get up and running.) As I m running a single node cluster I then had to untaint my control node so I could use it as a worker node too:
kubectl taint nodes --all
And then:
noodles@udon:~$ kubectl get nodes
NAME   STATUS   ROLES                  AGE   VERSION
udon   Ready    control-plane,master   15m   v1.21.1
Result. What s actually running? Nothing except the actual system stuff, so we need to ask for all namespaces:
noodles@udon:~$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
NAMESPACE     NAME                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kube-system   coredns-558bd4d5db-4nvrg       1/1     Running   0          18m
kube-system   coredns-558bd4d5db-flrfq       1/1     Running   0          18m
kube-system   etcd-udon                      1/1     Running   0          18m
kube-system   kube-apiserver-udon            1/1     Running   0          18m
kube-system   kube-controller-manager-udon   1/1     Running   0          18m
kube-system   kube-proxy-6d8kg               1/1     Running   0          18m
kube-system   kube-scheduler-udon            1/1     Running   0          18m
kube-system   weave-net-mchmg                2/2     Running   1          3m26s
These are all things I m going to have to learn about, but for now I ll nod and smile and pretend I understand. Now I want to actually deploy something to the cluster. I ended up with a simple HTTP echoserver (though it s not entirely clear that s actually the source for what I ended up pulling):
$ kubectl create deployment hello-node
deployment.apps/hello-node created
$ kubectl get pod
NAME                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
hello-node-59bffcc9fd-8hkgb   1/1     Running   0          36s
$ kubectl expose deployment hello-node --type=NodePort --port=8080
$ kubectl get services
NAME         TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
hello-node   NodePort   <none>        8080:31529/TCP   1m
Looks good. And to test locally:

Hostname: hello-node-59bffcc9fd-8hkgb
Pod Information:
	-no pod information available-
Server values:
	server_version=nginx: 1.13.3 - lua: 10008
Request Information:
	real path=/
Request Headers:
Request Body:
	-no body in request-
Neat. But my external network is and that s a 10.* address so how do I actually make it visible to other hosts? What I seem to need is an Ingress Controller which provide some sort of proxy between the outside world and pods within the cluster. Let s pick nginx because at least I have some vague familiarity with that and it seems like it should be able to do a bunch of HTTP redirection to different pods depending on the incoming request.
kubectl apply -f
I then want to expose the hello-node to the outside world and I finally had to write some YAML:
cat > hello-ingress.yaml <<EOF
kind: Ingress
  name: example-ingress
  annotations: /$1
    - host: udon.mynetwork
          - path: /
            pathType: Prefix
                name: hello-node
                  number: 8080
i.e. incoming requests to http://udon.mynetwork/ should go to the hello-node on port 8080. I applied this:
$ kubectl apply -f hello-ingress.yaml created
$ kubectl get ingress
NAME              CLASS    HOSTS            ADDRESS   PORTS   AGE
example-ingress   <none>   udon.mynetwork             80      3m8s
No address? What have I missed? Let s check the nginx service, which apparently lives in the ingress-nginx namespace:
noodles@udon:~$ kubectl get services -n ingress-nginx
NAME                                 TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                    AGE
ingress-nginx-controller             LoadBalancer      <pending>     80:32740/TCP,443:30894/TCP 13h
ingress-nginx-controller-admission   ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP                    13h
<pending> does not seem like something I want. Digging around it seems I need to configure the external IP. So I do:
kubectl patch svc ingress-nginx-controller -n ingress-nginx -p \
	' "spec":  "type": "LoadBalancer", "externalIPs":[""] '
and things look happier:
noodles@udon:~$ kubectl get services -n ingress-nginx
NAME                                 TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)                 AGE
ingress-nginx-controller             LoadBalancer   80:32740/TCP,443:30894/TCP   14h
ingress-nginx-controller-admission   ClusterIP   <none>           443/TCP                 14h
noodles@udon:~$ kubectl get ingress
NAME              CLASS    HOSTS           ADDRESS          PORTS   AGE
example-ingress   <none>   udon.mynetwork   80      14h
Let s try a curl from a remote host:
curl http://udon.mynetwork/

Hostname: hello-node-59bffcc9fd-8hkgb
Pod Information:
	-no pod information available-
Server values:
	server_version=nginx: 1.13.3 - lua: 10008
Request Information:
	real path=/
Request Headers:
Request Body:
	-no body in request-
Ok, so that seems like success. I ve got a single node cluster running a single actual application pod (the echoserver) and exporting it to the outside world. That s enough to start poking under the hood. Which is for another post, as this one is already getting longer than I d like. I ll just leave some final thoughts of things I need to work out:

16 May 2021

Carl Chenet: How to save up to 500 /year switching from Mailchimp to Open Source Mailtrain and AWS SES

My newsletter Le Courrier du hacker (3,800 subscribers, 176 issues) is 3 years old and Mailchimp costs were becoming unbearable for a small project ($50 a month, $600 a year), with still limited revenues nowadays. Switching to the Open Source Mailtrain plugged to the AWS Simple Email Service (SES) will dramatically reduce the associated costs. First things first, thanks a lot to Pierre-Gilles Leymarie for his own article about switching to Mailtrain/SES. I owe him (and soon you too) so much. This article will be a step-by-step about how to set up Mailtrain/SES on a dedicated server running Linux. What s the purpose of this article? Mailchimp is more and more expensive following the growth of your newsletter subscribers and you need to leave it. You can use Mailtrain, a web app running on your own server and use the AWS SES service to send emails in an efficient way, avoiding to be flagged as a spammer by the other SMTP servers (very very common, you can try but you have been warned against  Prerequisites You will need the following prerequisites : Steps This is a fairly straightforward setup if you know what you re doing. In the other case, you may need the help of a professional sysadmin. You will need to complete the following steps in order to complete your setup: Configure AWS SES Verify your domain You need to configure the DKIM to certify that the emails sent are indeed from your own domain. DKIM is mandatory, it s the de-facto standard in the mail industry. Ask to verify your domain
Ask AWS SES to verify a domain
Generate the DKIM settings
Generate the DKIM settings
Use the DKIM settings
Now you have your DKIM settings and Amazon AWS is waiting for finding the TXT field in your DNS zone. Configure your DNS zone to include DKIM settings I can t be too specific for this section because it varies A LOT depending on your DNS provider. The keys is: as indicated by the previous image you have to create one TXT record and two CNAME records in your DNS zone. The names, the types and the values are indicated by AWS SES. If you don t understand what s going here, there is a high probabiliy you ll need a system administrator to apply these modifications and the next ones in this article. Am I okay for AWS SES ? As long as the word verified does not appear for your domain, as shown in the image below, something is wrong. Don t wait too long, you have a misconfiguration somewhere.
AWS SES pending verification
When your domain is verified, you ll also receive an email to inform you about the successful verification. SMTP settings The last step is generating your credentials to use the AWS SES SMTP server. IT is really straightforward, providing the STMP address to use, the port, and a pair of username/password credentials.
AWS SES SMTP settings and credentials
Just click on Create My SMTP Credentials and follow the instructions. Write the SMTP server address somewhere and store the file with credentials on your computer, we ll need them below. Configure your server As we said before, we need a baremetal server or a virtual machine running a recent Linux. Configure your MySQL/MariaDB database We create a user mailtrain having all rights on a new database mailtrain.
MariaDB [(none)]> create database mailtrain;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE USER 'mailtrain' IDENTIFIED BY 'V3rYD1fF1cUlTP4sSW0rd!';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON mailtrain.* TO 'mailtrain'@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'V3rYD1fF1cUlTP4sSW0rd!';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> show databases;
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> Bye
Configure your web server I use Nginx and I ll give you the complete setup for it, including generating Let s Encrypt. Configure Let s Encrypt You need to stop Nginx as root: systemctl stop nginx Then get the certificate only, I ll give the Nginx Vhost configuration: certbot certonly -d Install Mailtrain On your server create the following directory: mkdir -p /var/www/
cd /var/www
tar zxvf v1.24.1.tar.gz
Modify the file /var/www/mailtrain/config/production.toml to use the MySQL settings:
Now launch the Mailtrain process in a screen:
NODE_ENV=production npm start
Now Mailtrain is launched and should be running. Yeah I know it s ugly to launch like this (root process in a screen, etc) you can improve security with the following commands:
groupadd mailtrain
useradd -g mailtrain
chown -R mailtrain:mailtrain /var/www/mailtrain 
Now create the following file in /etc/systemd/system/mailtrain.service
 ExecStart=/usr/bin/npm run start
To register the following systemd unit and to launch the new Mailtrain daemon, use the following commands (do not forget to kill your screen session if you used it before):
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start mailtrain.service
Now Mailtrain is running under the classic user mailtrain of the mailtrain system group. Configure the Nginx Vhost configuration for your domain Here is my configuration for the Mailtrain Nginx Vhost:
map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade  
  default upgrade;
  ''      close;
  listen 80; 
  listen [::]:80;
  return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
  listen 443 ssl;
  listen [::]:443 ssl;
  access_log /var/log/nginx/;
  error_log /var/log/nginx/;
  ssl_protocols TLSv1.2;
  ssl_ecdh_curve prime256v1;
  ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; 
  ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:10m;
  ssl_certificate     /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
  ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
  keepalive_timeout    70; 
  sendfile             on;
  client_max_body_size 0;
  root /var/www/mailtrain;
  location ~ /\.well-known\/acme-challenge  
    allow all;
  gzip on; 
  gzip_disable "msie6";
  gzip_vary on; 
  gzip_proxied any;
  gzip_comp_level 6;
  gzip_buffers 16 8k; 
  gzip_http_version 1.1;
  gzip_types text/plain text/css application/json application/javascript text/xml application/xml application/xml+rss text/javascript;
  add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000";
  location /   
    try_files $uri @proxy;
  location @proxy  
    proxy_set_header Host $host;
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https;
Now Nginx is ready. Just start it:
systemctl start nginx
This Nginx vhost will redirect all http requests coming to the Mailtrain process running on the 3000 port. Now it s time to setup Mailtrain! Setup Mailtrain You should be able to access your Mailtrain at Mailtrain is quite simple to configure, Here is my mailer setup. Mailtrain just forwards emails to AWS SES. We only have to plug Mailtrain to AWS SES.
Mailtrain mailer setup
The hostname is provided by AWS SES in the STMP Settings section. Use the 465 port and USE TLS option. Next is providing your AWS SES username and password you generated above and stored somewhere on your computer. One of the issues I encountered is the AWS SES rate limit. Send too many emails too fast will get you flagged as a spammer. So I had to throttle Mailtrain. Because I m a lazy man, I asked Pierre-Gilles Leymarie his setup. Quite easier than determining myself the good one. Here is my setup. Works fine for my soon-to-be 4k subscribers. The idea is: if your AWS SES lets you know you send too fast then just slow down.
Mailtrain to throttle sending emails to AWS SES
Conclusion That s it! You re ready! Almost. You need an HTML template for your newsletter and a list of subscribers. Buf if you re not new in the newsletter field, fleeing Mailchimp because of their expensive prices, you should have them both already. After sending almost ten issues with this setup, I m really happy with it. Open/click rates are the same. When leaving Mailchimp, do not leave any list of subscribers because they ll charge you $8 for a 0 to 500 contacts, that s crazy expensive! About the author The post How to save up to 500 /year switching from Mailchimp to Open Source Mailtrain and AWS SES appeared first on Carl Chenet's Blog.

18 April 2021

Russell Coker: IMA/EVM Certificates

I ve been experimenting with IMA/EVM. Here is the Sourceforge page for the upstream project [1]. The aim of that project is to check hashes and maybe public key signatures on files before performing read/exec type operations on them. It can be used as the next logical step from booting a signed kernel with TPM. I am a long way from getting that sort of thing going, just getting the kernel to boot and load keys is my current challenge and isn t helped due to the lack of documentation on error messages. This blog post started as a way of documenting the error messages so future people who google errors can get a useful result. I am not trying to document everything, just help people get through some of the first problems. I am using Debian for my work, but some of this will apply to other distributions (particularly the kernel error messages). The Debian distribution has the ima-evm-utils but no other support for IMA/EVM. To get this going in Debian you need to compile your own kernel with IMA support and then boot it with kernel command-line options to enable IMA, in recent kernels that includes lsm=integrity as a mandatory requirement to prevent a kernel Oops after mounting the initrd (there is already a patch to fix this). If you want to just use IMA (not get involved in development) then a good option would be to use RHEL (here is their documentation) [2] or SUSE (here is their documentation) [3]. Note that both RHEL and SUSE use older kernels so their documentation WILL lead you astray if you try and use the latest kernel. The Debian initrd I created a script named /etc/initramfs-tools/hooks/keys with the following contents to copy the key(s) from /etc/keys to the initrd where the kernel will load it/them. The kernel configuration determines whether x509_evm.der or x509_ima.der (or maybe both) is loaded. I haven t yet worked out which key is needed when.
mkdir -p $ DESTDIR /etc/keys
cp /etc/keys/* $ DESTDIR /etc/keys
Making the Keys
cat << __EOF__ >$GENKEY
[ req ]
default_bits = 1024
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
prompt = no
string_mask = utf8only
x509_extensions = v3_usr
[ req_distinguished_name ]
O =  hostname 
CN =  whoami  signing key
emailAddress =  whoami @ hostname 
[ v3_usr ]
#keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
openssl req -new -nodes -utf8 -sha1 -days 365 -batch -config $GENKEY \
                -out csr_ima.pem -keyout privkey_ima.pem
openssl x509 -req -in csr_ima.pem -days 365 -extfile $GENKEY -extensions v3_usr \
                -CA ~/kern/linux-5.11.14/certs/signing_key.pem -CAkey ~/kern/linux-5.11.14/certs/signing_key.pem -CAcreateserial \
                -outform DER -out x509_evm.der
To get the below result I used the above script to generate a key, it is the /usr/share/doc/ima-evm-utils/examples/ script from the ima-evm-utils package but changed to use the key generated from kernel compilation to sign it. You can copy the files in the certs directory from one kernel build tree to another to have the same certificate and use the same initrd configuration. After generating the key I copied x509_evm.der to /etc/keys on the target host and built the initrd before rebooting.
[    1.050321] integrity: Loading X.509 certificate: /etc/keys/x509_evm.der
[    1.092560] integrity: Loaded X.509 cert 'xev: etbe signing key: 99d4fa9051e2c178017180df5fcc6e5dbd8bb606'
Errors Here are some of the kernel error messages I received along with my best interpretation of what they mean. [ 1.062031] integrity: Loading X.509 certificate: /etc/keys/x509_ima.der
[ 1.063689] integrity: Problem loading X.509 certificate -74 Error -74 means -EBADMSG, which means there s something wrong with the certificate file. I have got that from /etc/keys/x509_ima.der not being in der format and I have got it from a der file that contained a key pair that wasn t signed.
[    1.049170] integrity: Loading X.509 certificate: /etc/keys/x509_ima.der
[    1.093092] integrity: Problem loading X.509 certificate -126
Error -126 means -ENOKEY, so the key wasn t in the file or the key wasn t signed by the kernel signing key.
[    1.074759] integrity: Unable to open file: /etc/keys/x509_evm.der (-2)
Error -2 means -ENOENT, so the file wasn t found on the initrd. Note that it does NOT look at the root filesystem. References

7 April 2021

Emmanuel Kasper: Manually install a single node Kubernetes cluster on Debian

Debian has work-in-progress packages for Kubernetes, which work well enough enough for a testing and learning environement. Bootstraping a cluster with the kubeadm deployer with these packages is not that hard, and is similar to the upstream kubeadm documentation

Install necessary packages in a VMInstall a throwaway VM with Vagrant.
apt install vagrant vagrant-libvirt
vagrant init debian/testing64
Bump the RAM and CPU of the VM, Kubernetes needs at least 2 gigs and 2 cores.
awk  -i inplace '1;/^Vagrant.configure\("2"\) do \ config/  print "  config.vm.provider :libvirt do  vm   vm.memory=2048 end" ' Vagrantfile
awk -i inplace '1;/^Vagrant.configure\("2"\) do \ config/ print " config.vm.provider :libvirt do vm vm.cpus=2 end" ' Vagrantfile
Start the VM, login, update the package index.
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
sudo apt update
Install a container engine, here we use, we could also use containerd (both are packaged in Debian) or cri-o.
sudo apt install --yes --no-install-recommends curl
Install kubernetes binaries. This will install kubelet, the system service which will manage the containers, and kubectl the user/admin tool to manage the cluster.
sudo apt install --yes kubernetes- node,client  containernetworking-plugins
Although it is not technically mandatory, we will use kubeadm, the most popular installer to create a Kubernetes cluster. Kubeadm is not packaged in Debian, we have to download an upstream binary.

sha512sum kubernetes-server-linux-amd64.tar.gz
28529733bf34f5d5b72eabe30a81df98cc7f8e529590f807745cd67986a2c5c3eb86cebc7ecbcfc3df3c50416306e5d150948f2483933ea46c2aebaeb871ea8f kubernetes-server-linux-arm64.tar.gz

sudo tar --directory=/usr/local/sbin --strip-components 3 -xaf kubernetes-server-linux-amd64.tar.gz kubernetes/server/bin/kubeadm
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/kubeadm
sudo kubeadm version
kubeadm version: &version.Info Major:"1", Minor:"20", GitVersion:"v1.20.5", GitCommit:"6b1d87acf3c8253c123756b9e61dac642678305f", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2021-03-18T01:08:27Z", GoVersion:"go1.15.8", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"
Add a kubelet systemd unit:
curl -sSL "$ RELEASE_VERSION /cmd/kubepkg/templates/latest/deb/kubelet/lib/systemd/system/kubelet.service" sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service
sudo systemctl enable kubelet
and a default config file for kubeadm
sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d
curl -sSL "$ RELEASE_VERSION /cmd/kubepkg/templates/latest/deb/kubeadm/10-kubeadm.conf" sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d/10-kubeadm.conf
finally we need to help kubelet find the components needed for container networking
echo 'KUBELET_EXTRA_ARGS="--cni-bin-dir=/usr/lib/cni"'   sudo tee /etc/default/kubelet

Create a clusterInitialize a cluster with kubeadm: this will download container images for the Kubernetes control plane (= the brain of the cluster), and start the containers via the kubelet service. Yes a good part of Kubernetes itself run in containers.
sudo kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr=
Your Kubernetes control-plane has initialized successfully!

To start using your cluster, you need to run the following as a regular user:

mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config
Follow the instructions from the kubeadm output, and verify you have a single node cluster, with the status NotReady.
kubectl get nodes 
testing NotReady control-plane,master 9m9s v1.20.5
At that point you should also have a bunch of containers running on the node:
sudo docker ps --format ' .Names '
The kubelet service also needs an external network plugin to get the cluster in Ready state.
sudo systemctl status kubelet
Mar 28 09:28:43 testing kubelet[9405]: E0328 09:28:43.958059 9405 kubelet.go:2188] Container runtime network not ready: NetworkReady=false reason:NetworkPluginNotReady message:docker: network plugin is not ready: cni config uninitialized
Let s add that network plugin. Download the flannel network plugin definition, and schedule flannel to run on all nodes of your cluster:
kubectl apply --filename=kube-flannel.yml
After a dozen of seconds your node should be in ready status.
kubectl get nodes 
testing Ready control-plane,master 16m v1.20.5

Deploy a test applicationOur node is now in Ready status, but we cannot run application on it, since we only have a master node, an administrative node which by default cannot run user applications.
kubectl describe node testing   grep ^Taints
Let s allow node testing to run user applications:
kubectl taint node testing
Deploy a nginx container:
kubectl run my-nginx-pod --port=80 --labels="app=http-content" 
Create a Kubernetes service to access this pod externally:
cat service.yaml

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: my-k8s-service
type: NodePort
- port: 80
nodePort: 30000
app: http-content

kubectl create --filename service.yaml
Access the service via IP adress:
Thank you for using nginx.

NotesI will try to get this blog post in a Debian Wiki article, or maybe in the kubernetes-node documentation. Blog posts deprecate and disappear, wiki and project docs live longer.

16 March 2021

Tianon Gravi: My Docker Install Process (re-redux)

See My Docker Install Process and My Docker Install Process (redux) . This one s going to be even more to-the-point.

grab Docker s APT repo GPG key
GNUPGHOME="$(mktemp -d)"; export GNUPGHOME
gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 9DC858229FC7DD38854AE2D88D81803C0EBFCD88
sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/tianon.gpg.d
gpg --export --armor 9DC858229FC7DD38854AE2D88D81803C0EBFCD88   sudo tee /etc/apt/tianon.gpg.d/docker.gpg.asc
rm -rf "$GNUPGHOME"

add Docker s APT source
source /etc/os-release
echo "deb [ arch=amd64 signed-by=/etc/apt/tianon.gpg.d/docker.gpg.asc ] $VERSION_CODENAME stable"   sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list
$ sudo apt update
Get:6 buster/stable amd64 Packages [17.8 kB]
Reading package lists... Done

exclude (unwated) CLI plugins
echo 'path-exclude /usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/*'   sudo tee /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/unwanted-docker-cli-plugins

pin Docker versions
sudo vim /etc/apt/preferences.d/docker.pref
Package: *aufs* *rootless* cgroupfs-mount
Pin: version *
Pin-Priority: -10
Package: docker*
Pin: version 5:20.10*
Pin-Priority: 999
Package: containerd*
Pin: version 1.4*
Pin-Priority: 999

pre-configure Docker
sudo mkdir -p /etc/docker
sudo vim /etc/docker/daemon.json
	"storage-driver": "overlay2"

configure boot parameters
I usually set a few boot parameters as well (in /etc/default/grub s GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT option run sudo update-grub after adding these, space-separated).
  • cgroup_enable=memory enable memory accounting for containers (allows docker run --memory for setting hard memory limits on containers)
  • swapaccount=1 enable swap accounting for containers (allows docker run --memory-swap for setting hard swap memory limits on containers)
  • vsyscall=emulate allow older binaries to run (debian:wheezy, etc.; see docker/docker#28705)
  • systemd.legacy_systemd_cgroup_controller=yes newer versions of systemd may disable the legacy cgroup interfaces Docker currently uses; this instructs systemd to keep those enabled (for more details, see systemd/systemd#4628, opencontainers/runc#1175, docker/docker#28109)
    • NOTE: this one gets more complicated in Debian 11+ ( Bullseye ); possibly worth switching to cgroupv2 and systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=1
All together:
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="cgroup_enable=memory swapaccount=1 vsyscall=emulate systemd.legacy_systemd_cgroup_controller=yes"
(Don t forget to sudo update-grub and potentially reboot check /proc/cmdline to verify.)

install Docker!
$ sudo apt-get install -V docker-ce
Unpacking (1.4.4-1) ...
Unpacking docker-ce-cli (5:20.10.5~3-0~debian-buster) ...
Unpacking docker-ce (5:20.10.5~3-0~debian-buster) ...

$ sudo usermod -aG docker "$(id -un)"

13 March 2021

Enrico Zini: nspawn-runner and btrfs

This post is part of a series about trying to setup a gitlab runner based on systemd-nspawn. I published the polished result as nspawn-runner on GitHub. systemd-nspawn has an interesting --ephemeral option that sets up temporary copy-on-write filesystem snapshots on filesystems that support it, like btrfs. Using copy on write means that one could perform maintenance on the source chroots, without disrupting existing CI sessions. btrfs and copy on write btrfs snapshots work on subvolumes. As I understand it, if one uses btrfs subvolume create instead of mkdir, what is inside the resulting directory is managed as a subvolume that can be snapshotted and managed in all sorts of interesting ways. I managed to delete a subvolume equally well with btrfs subvolume delete and with rm -r. btrfs subvolume snapshot src dst is similar to cp -a, but it makes a copy-on-write snapshot of a btrfs subvolume. If I change nspawn-runner to manage each chroot in its own subvolume, I should be able to build on all these features, and systemd-nspawn should be able to do that, too. There's a cute shortcut to migrate a subdirectory to a subvolume: create the subvolume, then use cp -r --reflink to populate the subvolume with the directory contents. systemd-nspawn and btrfs Passing -x/--ephemeral to systemd-nspawn makes it do all the transient copy-on-write work automatically:
# systemd-nspawn -xD buster
Spawning container buster-7fd47ac79296c5d3 on /var/lib/nspawn-runner/t/.#machine.buster0939fbc61fcbca28.
Press ^] three times within 1s to kill container.
root@buster-7fd47ac79296c5d3:~# mkdir foo
root@buster-7fd47ac79296c5d3:~# ls -la
total 12
drwx------ 1 root root  62 Mar 13 16:30 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 154 Mar 13 16:26 ..
-rw------- 1 root root 102 Mar 13 16:26 .bash_history
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 570 Mar 13 16:26 .bashrc
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 148 Mar 13 16:26 .profile
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root   0 Mar 13 16:30 foo
root@buster-7fd47ac79296c5d3:~# logout
Container buster-7fd47ac79296c5d3 exited successfully.
root@runner2:/var/lib/nspawn-runner/t# ls -la buster/root/
totale 12
drwx------ 1 root root  56 mar 13 16:26 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 154 mar 13 16:26 ..
-rw------- 1 root root 102 mar 13 16:26 .bash_history
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 570 mar 13 16:26 .bashrc
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 148 mar 13 16:26 .profile
It also works on a directory that is not a subvolume, making reflinks of its contents instead of a subvolume snapshot, although this has a performance penalty on setup: Snapshotting a subvolume:
# time systemd-nspawn -xD buster ls
Spawning container buster-7ab8f4123420b5d5 on /var/lib/nspawn-runner/t/.#machine.bustercd54ef4971229ff5.
Press ^] three times within 1s to kill container.
bin  boot  dev  etc  home  lib  lib32  lib64  libx32  media  mnt  opt  proc  root  run  sbin  srv  sys  tmp  usr  var
Container buster-7ab8f4123420b5d5 exited successfully.
real    0m0,164s
user    0m0,032s
sys 0m0,014s
Reflink-ing a subdirectory:
# time systemd-nspawn -xD buster ls
Spawning container buster-ebc9dc77db0c972d on /var/lib/nspawn-runner/.#machine.buster2ecbcbd1a1a058b8.
Press ^] three times within 1s to kill container.
bin  boot  dev  etc  home  lib  lib32  lib64  libx32  media  mnt  opt  proc  root  run  sbin  srv  sys  tmp  usr  var
Container buster-ebc9dc77db0c972d exited successfully.
real    0m3,022s
user    0m0,326s
sys 0m2,406s
Detecting filesystem type I can change nspawn-runner to use btrfs-specific features only when /var/lib/nspawn-runner is on btrfs. Here's a command to detect the filesystem type:
# stat -f -c %T /var/lib/nspawn-runner/
nspawn-runner updated I've refactored nspawn-runner splitting backend and frontend code, and implementing multiple backends based on what's the filesystem type of /var/lib/nspawn-runner/. It works really nicely, and with no special configuration required: if /var/lib/nspawn-runner is on btrfs, things run faster, with less kludges, and one can do maintenance on the base chroots without interfering with running CI jobs. Next step The next step is making it easier to configure and maintain chroots. For example, it should be possible to maintain a rolling testing or sid chroot without the need to manually log into it to run apt upgrade.

12 March 2021

Ryan Kavanagh: Static Comments in Hugo

I switched from Jekyll to Hugo last week for a variety of reasons. One thing that was missing was a port of the jekyll-static-comments plugin that I used to use. I liked it because it saved readers from being tracked by Disqus or other comments solutions, and it required no javascript. To comment, users would email me their comment following a template attached to the bottom of each post. I then piped their email through a script to add it to the right post. As an added benefit, I could delegate comment spam detection to my mail server. I ve managed to reimplement this setup using Hugo. For those who are interested in a similar setup, here is what you need to do.

Pages with comments Instead of being single files, pages need to be leaf bundles. For example, this means that your blog post must be located at /content/blog/2021-03-12-static-comments-in-hugo/ instead of /content/blog/ This lets you store the comments as page resources in the subdirectory /content/blog/2021-03-12-static-comments-in-hugo/comments/.

Partials You should create a comments.html partial and include it in the layout for the pages which should get comments:
<div class="post-comments">
  <p class="comment-notice"><b>Comments</b>: To comment on this post,
	send me an email following the template below. Your email address
	will not be posted, unless you choose to include it in
	the <span style="font-family: monospace;">link:</span> field.</p>
  <pre class="comment-notice">
To: Your Name &lt;<span>@</span>;
Subject: [blog-comment]   .Page.RelPermalink  
post_id:   .Page.RelPermalink  
author: [How should you be identified? Usually your name or "Anonymous"]
link: [optional link to your website]
Your comments here. Markdown syntax accepted.</pre>
    $scratch := newScratch  
    $scratch.Set "comments" (.Resources.Match "comments/*yml")  
    if eq 1 (len ($scratch.Get "comments"))  
  <h2>1 Comment</h2>
  <h2>  len ($scratch.Get "comments")   Comments</h2>
    range ($scratch.Get "comments")  
  <div class="post-comment  % cycle 'odd', 'even' % ">
	  $comment := (.Content   transform.Unmarshal)  
	<span class="post-meta">
		 - $   dateFormat "Jan 2, 2006 at 15:04" - 
	<h3 class="comment-header">
	    if $  
	  <a href="  $  ">  $  </a>
	  <br />
	  $comment.comment   markdownify  

Comments To associate comments received by email to posts, I pipe them from mutt (using the keybinding) to the following (admittedly janky) shell script. It takes the comment, reformats it appropriately, and puts it in the post s comments subdirectory. Note that it determines which filename to use based on the email s contents, so make sure to check that the email doesn t contain anything nefarious before you pipe it into the script!
# Copyright (C) 2016-2021 Ryan Kavanagh <>
# Distributed under the ISC license
EMAIL=$(echo "$ MESSAGE "   grep "From:"   sed -e 's/From[^<]*<\?\([^>]*\)>\?.*/\1/g;s/@/-at-/g')
DATE=$(echo "$ MESSAGE "   grep "Date:"   sed -e 's/Date:\s*//g'   xargs -0 date -Iseconds -u -d)
POST_ID=$(echo "$ MESSAGE "   grep "post_id:"   sed -e 's/post_id: //g')
COMMENTS_DIR="$ BLOG_BASE /content/$ POST_ID /comments/"
# Strip out the email headers and whitespace until the start of the comment
COMMENT_WHOLE=$(echo "$ MESSAGE "   sed -e '/^\s*$/,$!d;/^[^\s]/,$!d')
# Indent everything after the comment header
COMMENT_INDENTED=$(echo "$ COMMENT_WHOLE "   sed -e '/^\s*$/,$ s/.*/  &/g ')
# And add the comment header
COMMENT_PREFIXED=$(echo "$ COMMENT_INDENTED "   sed -e '0,/^\s*$/ s/^\s*$/comment:  / ')
[ -d "$ COMMENTS_DIR " ]   mkdir -p "$ COMMENTS_DIR "
echo "Saving the comment to $ COMMENT_FILE "
echo "date: $ DATE "   tee "$ COMMENT_FILE "
echo "$ COMMENT_PREFIXED "   tee -a "$ COMMENT_FILE "
For example, the following comment in an email body:
post_id: /blog/2021-03-12-static-comments-in-hugo/
author: Ryan Kavanagh
Dear self,
Here is a test comment for your blog post.
It supports *markdown* **syntax** and  stuff .
results in a file content/blog/2021-03-12-static-comments-in-hugo/comments/ containing:
date: 2021-03-12T18:47:25+00:00
post_id: /blog/2021-03-12-static-comments-in-hugo/
author: Ryan Kavanagh
  Dear self,

  Here is a test comment for your blog post.
  It supports *markdown* **syntax** and  stuff .

You can see the rendered output at the bottom of this page.

9 March 2021

Sylvestre Ledru: Debian running on Rust coreutils

tldr: Rust/coreutils ( ) is now available in Debian, good enough to boot a Debian with GNOME, install the top 1000 packages, build Firefox, the Linux Kernel and LLVM/Clang. Even if I wrote more than 100 patches to achieve that, it will probably be a bumpy ride for many other use cases.
It is also a terrific project to learn Rust. See the list of good first bugs. Even if I see Rust code every day at Mozilla, I was looking for an actual personal project (i.e. this isn't a Mozilla project) to learn Rust during the various COVID lockdowns. I started contributing to the alternative Coreutils developed in Rust. The project aims at proposing a drop-in replacement of the C-based GNU Coreutils, and I wanted to evaluate if this could be used to run a regular Debian. Similar to what I have done with a few years ago (rebuilding the Debian archive using clang instead of gcc). I expect that most of the readers know what is the Coreutils. It is a set of programs performing simple operations (copy/move file, change permissions/ownership, etc). Even if some commands are from the 70s, they are at the base of Linux, Unix and macOS. While different implementations can be found, they are trying to remain compatible in terms of arguments, options, etc. This implementation of Coreutils isn t different! If you want to learn more about the history of Unix, I recommend this great Corecursive podcast with Brian Kernighan. While a lot of people contributed to this project, much was left to be done: To start easy, I defined 4 goals for this work:
  1. Package Coreutils in Debian/Ubuntu
  2. Boot a Debian system with a Rust-based coreutils
  3. Install the top 1000 packages in Debian - including GNOME
  4. Build Firefox, the Linux Kernel and LLV/Clang

Packaging of Coreutils in Debian Packaging in Debian isn't a trivial or even simple task. It requires uploading independently all the dependencies in the archive. Rust, with its new ecosystem and small crates, is making this task significantly harder. The package is called rust-coreutils - For Debian/Ubuntu users, to have an idea of the complexity of packaging such applications, just run
debtree --build-dep rust-coreutils dot -Tsvg > coreutils.svg (should be around 1M). Since it isn't production ready, the rust-coreutils is installable in parallel with coreutils. This package does NOT replace the GNU/coreutils files (yet?), the new files are installed in /usr/lib/cargo/bin/. They can be used with: export PATH=/usr/lib/cargo/bin/:$PATH Or, uglier, overriding the files with the new ones.

Booting Debian with rust-coreutils To achieve this, because I knew I would likely break the image a few times, I created a new project to quickly install a full Debian with PXE and preseed. The project is available here: A script to create the full qemu image: A second script to boot on the newly created image: Then, building and installing coreutils on the system (yeah, it is ugly - don t do that at home): apt install rust-coreutils
cd /usr/lib/cargo/bin/
for f in *; do
cp -f $f /usr/bin/
First surprise, unlike the old init.d init system, as systemd is not relying on a series of scripts (it is mostly written in C), replacing the coreutils did not have an impact. Therefore, I didn't experience any issue during the boot process

Implementing missing options A significant number of problems could be easily identified as a lack of support for some options. Here is a list of most of the fixes I had to implement to make this plan work:

Different behavior Most of the programs behaved as expected. Here is a list of differences:
  • install doesn't support using /dev/null as source file
    Setting up libreoffice-common (1:6.1.5-3+deb10u6) ...
    install: error: install: cannot install /dev/null to /etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.lib.libreoffice.program.oosplash : the source path is not an existing regular file
    A limitation of rust itself

Compile Firefox, Clang and the Linux Kernel Build systems can vary significantly one from the other. To verify their usage of coreutils, I built these three major projects

Firefox As Firefox relies mostly on Python as a build system, it went smoothly. I didn t encounter any issue. The only unrelated issue that I noticed working on it was apt-key was broken because the script relied on a buggy option of mktemp.

Linux Kernel I identified only two issues compared to GNU Coreutils:
  • The chown command on a non-existing symlink target doesn t fail on the GNU version, the Rust one was triggering an error.
  • Linux kernel
    ln -fsn ../../x86/boot/bzImage ./arch/x86_64/boot/bzImage
    ln: error: Unrecognized option: 'n'

LLVM/Clang The llvm toolchain relies on Cmake. Just like for Firefox, I didn t face any issue.

Comparing with GNU coreutils using its testsuite Recently, James Robson added a new test to run the GNU testsuite on the Rust/coreutils.

# TOTAL: 611
# PASS: 144
# SKIP: 86
# XFAIL: 0
# FAIL: 342
# XPASS: 0
# ERROR: 39
compared to 546 test passing with the GNU version. Even if a bunch of errors are just different outputs, it demonstrates that there is still a long road ahead.

Next steps & contribute First, we will need more motivated contributors to work on this project. Many features remain to be implemented, optimizations to be done (e.g. decreasing the memory usage), etc.
I started to create a list of good first bugs for newcomers:
I will update this list of there is some interest for this project.
Helping improve the support of the GNU coreutils testsuite would be a huge step while being a great way to learn Rust! Then, once it is in a better state, we will be able to make it a reliable alternative in Debian/Ubuntu to the GNU/Coreutils. This might be also interesting for other folks who prefer a BSD license over a GPL.

1 March 2021

Dirk Eddelbuettel: RPushbullet 0.3.4: Small Update, Nicer Docs

RPpushbullet demo Release 0.3.4 of the RPushbullet package arrived on CRAN today. RPushbullet interfaces the neat Pushbullet service for inter-device messaging, communication, and more. It lets you easily send (programmatic) alerts like the one to the left to your browser, phone, tablet, or all at once. This release contains a contributed PR to better reflect an error code, and adds a mkdocs-material-based documentation site (just like a few other packages of mine). See below for more details.

Changes in version 0.3.4 (2021-03-01)
  • Return code checking using error code content if it exists (Thomas Shafer in #64).
  • Enabled GitHub Actions with encrypted JSON file for API access.
  • Added a package documentation website.

Courtesy of my CRANberries, there is also a diffstat report for this release. More details about the package are at the RPushbullet webpage and the RPushbullet GitHub repo. If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can now sponsor me at GitHub.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

16 February 2021

Michael Prokop: How to properly use 3rd party Debian repository signing keys with apt

(Blogging this, since this is a recurring anti-pattern I noticed at several customers and often comes up during deployments of 3rd party repositories.) Update on 2021-02-19: clarified, that Signed-By requires apt >= 1.1, thanks Vincent Bernat Many upstream projects provide Debian repository instructions like this:
curl -fsSL   sudo apt-key add -
Do not follow this, for different reasons, including:
  1. You do not see what you get before adding the GPG key to your global apt trust store
  2. You can t easily script this via your preferred configuration management (the apt-key manpage clearly discourages programmatic usage)
  3. The signing key is considered valid for all your enabled Debian repositories (instead of only a specific one)
  4. You need GnuPG (either gnupg2 or gnupg1) on your system for usage with apt-key
There s a much better approach to this: download the GPG key, make sure it s in the appropriate format, then use it via deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/ ] in your apt s sources list configuration. Note and FTR: the Signed-By feature is available starting with apt 1.1 (so apt in Debian jessie/8 and older does not support it). TL;DR: As an example, let s demonstrate this with the Tailscale Debian repository for buster.
Downloading the GPG file will give you an ascii-armored GPG file:
% curl -fsSL -o buster.gpg
% gpg --keyid-format long buster.gpg 
gpg: WARNING: no command supplied.  Trying to guess what you mean ...
pub   rsa4096/458CA832957F5868 2020-02-25 [SC]
uid                           Tailscale Inc. (Package repository signing key) <>
sub   rsa4096/B1547A3DDAAF03C6 2020-02-25 [E]
% file buster.gpg
buster.gpg: PGP public key block Public-Key (old)
If you have apt version >= 1.4 available (Debian >=stretch/9 and Ubuntu >=bionic/18.04), you can use this file directly as follows:
% sudo mv buster.gpg /usr/share/keyrings/tailscale.asc
% cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tailscale.list
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/tailscale.asc] buster main
% sudo apt update
And you re done! Iff your apt version really is older than 1.4, you need to convert the ascii-armored GPG file into a GPG key public ring file (AKA binary OpenPGP format), either by just dearmor-ing it (if you don t care about checking ID + fingerprint):
% gpg --dearmor < buster.gpg > tailscale.gpg
or if you prefer to go via GPG, you can also use a temporary GPG home directory (if you don t care about going through your personal GPG setup):
% mkdir --mode=700 /tmp/gpg-tmpdir
% gpg --homedir /tmp/gpg-tmpdir --import ./buster.gpg
gpg: keybox '/tmp/gpg-tmpdir/pubring.kbx' created
gpg: /tmp/gpg-tmpdir/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created
gpg: key 458CA832957F5868: public key "Tailscale Inc. (Package repository signing key) <>" imported
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg:               imported: 1
% gpg --homedir /tmp/gpg-tmpdir --output tailscale.gpg  --export-options=export-minimal --export 0x458CA832957F5868
% rm -rf /tmp/gpg-tmpdir
The resulting GPG key public ring file should look like that:
% file tailscale.gpg 
tailscale.gpg: PGP/GPG key public ring (v4) created Tue Feb 25 04:51:20 2020 RSA (Encrypt or Sign) 4096 bits MPI=0xc00399b10bc12858...
% gpg tailscale.gpg 
gpg: WARNING: no command supplied.  Trying to guess what you mean ...
pub   rsa4096/458CA832957F5868 2020-02-25 [SC]
uid                           Tailscale Inc. (Package repository signing key) <>
sub   rsa4096/B1547A3DDAAF03C6 2020-02-25 [E]
Then you can use this GPG file on your system as follows:
% sudo mv tailscale.gpg /usr/share/keyrings/tailscale.gpg
% cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tailscale.list
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/tailscale.gpg] buster main
% sudo apt update
Such a setup ensures:
  1. You can verify the GPG key file (ID + fingerprint)
  2. You can easily ship files via /usr/share/keyrings/ and refer to it in your deployment scripts, configuration management, (and can also easily update or get rid of them again!)
  3. The GPG key is valid only for the repositories with the corresponding [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/ ] entry
  4. You don t need to install GnuPG (neither gnupg2 nor gnupg1) on the system which is using the 3rd party Debian repository
Thanks: Guillem Jover for reviewing an early draft of this blog article.

