Search Results: "mkc"

26 May 2022

Sergio Talens-Oliag: New Blog Config

As promised, on this post I m going to explain how I ve configured this blog using hugo, asciidoctor and the papermod theme, how I publish it using nginx, how I ve integrated the remark42 comment system and how I ve automated its publication using gitea and json2file-go. It is a long post, but I hope that at least parts of it can be interesting for some, feel free to ignore it if that is not your case

Hugo Configuration

Theme settingsThe site is using the PaperMod theme and as I m using asciidoctor to publish my content I ve adjusted the settings to improve how things are shown with it. The current config.yml file is the one shown below (probably some of the settings are not required nor being used right now, but I m including the current file, so this post will have always the latest version of it):
title: Mixinet BlogOps
paginate: 5
theme: PaperMod
destination: public/
enableInlineShortcodes: true
enableRobotsTXT: true
buildDrafts: false
buildFuture: false
buildExpired: false
enableEmoji: true
pygmentsUseClasses: true
  disableXML: true
  minifyOutput: true
    languageName: "English"
    description: "Mixinet BlogOps -"
    author: "Sergio Talens-Oliag"
    weight: 1
    title: Mixinet BlogOps
      Title: "Sergio Talens-Oliag Technical Blog"
      Content: >
        ![Mixinet BlogOps](/images/mixinet-blogops.png)
      category: categories
      tag: tags
      series: series
        - name: Archive
          url: archives
          weight: 5
        - name: Categories
          url: categories/
          weight: 10
        - name: Tags
          url: tags/
          weight: 10
        - name: Search
          url: search/
          weight: 15
    - HTML
    - RSS
    - JSON
  env: production
  defaultTheme: light
  disableThemeToggle: false
  ShowShareButtons: true
  ShowReadingTime: true
  disableSpecial1stPost: true
  disableHLJS: true
  displayFullLangName: true
  ShowPostNavLinks: true
  ShowBreadCrumbs: true
  ShowCodeCopyButtons: true
  ShowRssButtonInSectionTermList: true
  ShowFullTextinRSS: true
  ShowToc: true
  TocOpen: false
  comments: true
  remark42SiteID: "blogops"
  remark42Url: "/remark42"
    enabled: false
    title: Sergio Talens-Oliag Technical Blog
    imageUrl: "/images/mixinet-blogops.png"
    imageTitle: Mixinet BlogOps
      - name: Archives
        url: archives
      - name: Categories
        url: categories
      - name: Tags
        url: tags
    - name: CV
      url: ""
    - name: Debian
      url: ""
    - name: GitHub
      url: ""
    - name: GitLab
      url: ""
    - name: Linkedin
      url: ""
    - name: RSS
      url: "index.xml"
    disableHLJS: true
    favicon: "/favicon.ico"
    favicon16x16:  "/favicon-16x16.png"
    favicon32x32:  "/favicon-32x32.png"
    apple_touch_icon:  "/apple-touch-icon.png"
    safari_pinned_tab:  "/safari-pinned-tab.svg"
    isCaseSensitive: false
    shouldSort: true
    location: 0
    distance: 1000
    threshold: 0.4
    minMatchCharLength: 0
    keys: ["title", "permalink", "summary", "content"]
    backend: html5s
    extensions: ['asciidoctor-html5s','asciidoctor-diagram']
    failureLevel: fatal
    noHeaderOrFooter: true
    preserveTOC: false
    safeMode: unsafe
    sectionNumbers: false
    trace: false
    verbose: false
    workingFolderCurrent: true
    disabled: false
    simple: true
    disabled: false
    enableDNT: true
    simple: true
    disabled: false
    simple: true
    disabled: false
    privacyEnhanced: true
    disableInlineCSS: true
    disableInlineCSS: true
      - '^asciidoctor$'
      - '^dart-sass-embedded$'
      - '^go$'
      - '^npx$'
      - '^postcss$'
Some notes about the settings:
  • disableHLJS and assets.disableHLJS are set to true; we plan to use rouge on adoc and the inclusion of the hljs assets adds styles that collide with the ones used by rouge.
  • ShowToc is set to true and the TocOpen setting is set to false to make the ToC appear collapsed initially. My plan was to use the asciidoctor ToC, but after trying I believe that the theme one looks nice and I don t need to adjust styles, although it has some issues with the html5s processor (the admonition titles use <h6> and they are shown on the ToC, which is weird), to fix it I ve copied the layouts/partial/toc.html to my site repository and replaced the range of headings to end at 5 instead of 6 (in fact 5 still seems a lot, but as I don t think I ll use that heading level on the posts it doesn t really matter).
  • params.profileMode values are adjusted, but for now I ve left it disabled setting params.profileMode.enabled to false and I ve set the homeInfoParams to show more or less the same content with the latest posts under it (I ve added some styles to my custom.css style sheet to center the text and image of the first post to match the look and feel of the profile).
  • On the asciidocExt section I ve adjusted the backend to use html5s, I ve added the asciidoctor-html5s and asciidoctor-diagram extensions to asciidoctor and adjusted the workingFolderCurrent to true to make asciidoctor-diagram work right (haven t tested it yet).

Theme customisationsTo write in asciidoctor using the html5s processor I ve added some files to the assets/css/extended directory:
  1. As said before, I ve added the file assets/css/extended/custom.css to make the homeInfoParams look like the profile page and I ve also changed a little bit some theme styles to make things look better with the html5s output:
    /* Fix first entry alignment to make it look like the profile */
    .first-entry   text-align: center;  
    .first-entry img   display: inline;  
     * Remove margin for .post-content code and reduce padding to make it look
     * better with the asciidoctor html5s output.
    .post-content code   margin: auto 0; padding: 4px;  
  2. I ve also added the file assets/css/extended/adoc.css with some styles taken from the asciidoctor-default.css, see this blog post about the original file; mine is the same after formatting it with css-beautify and editing it to use variables for the colors to support light and dark themes:
    /* AsciiDoctor*/
        border-collapse: collapse;
        border-spacing: 0
        border-collapse: separate;
        border: 0;
        background: none;
        width: 100%
    .admonitionblock>table td.icon  
        text-align: center;
        width: 80px
    .admonitionblock>table td.icon img  
        max-width: none
    .admonitionblock>table td.icon .title  
        font-weight: bold;
        font-family: "Open Sans", "DejaVu Sans", sans-serif;
        text-transform: uppercase
    .admonitionblock>table td.content  
        padding-left: 1.125em;
        padding-right: 1.25em;
        border-left: 1px solid #ddddd8;
        color: var(--primary)
    .admonitionblock>table td.content>:last-child>:last-child  
        margin-bottom: 0
    .admonitionblock td.icon [class^="fa icon-"]  
        font-size: 2.5em;
        text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px var(--secondary);
        cursor: default
    .admonitionblock td.icon .icon-note::before  
        content: "\f05a";
        color: var(--icon-note-color)
    .admonitionblock td.icon .icon-tip::before  
        content: "\f0eb";
        color: var(--icon-tip-color)
    .admonitionblock td.icon .icon-warning::before  
        content: "\f071";
        color: var(--icon-warning-color)
    .admonitionblock td.icon .icon-caution::before  
        content: "\f06d";
        color: var(--icon-caution-color)
    .admonitionblock td.icon .icon-important::before  
        content: "\f06a";
        color: var(--icon-important-color)
        display: inline-block;
        color: #fff !important;
        background-color: rgba(100, 100, 0, .8);
        -webkit-border-radius: 100px;
        border-radius: 100px;
        text-align: center;
        font-size: .75em;
        width: 1.67em;
        height: 1.67em;
        line-height: 1.67em;
        font-family: "Open Sans", "DejaVu Sans", sans-serif;
        font-style: normal;
        font-weight: bold
    .conum[data-value] *  
        color: #fff !important
        display: none
        content: attr(data-value)
    pre .conum[data-value]  
        position: relative;
        top: -.125em
    b.conum *  
        color: inherit !important
        display: none
  3. The previous file uses variables from a partial copy of the theme-vars.css file that changes the highlighted code background color and adds the color definitions used by the admonitions:
        /* Solarized base2 */
        /* --hljs-bg: rgb(238, 232, 213); */
        /* Solarized base3 */
        /* --hljs-bg: rgb(253, 246, 227); */
        /* Solarized base02 */
        --hljs-bg: rgb(7, 54, 66);
        /* Solarized base03 */
        /* --hljs-bg: rgb(0, 43, 54); */
        /* Default asciidoctor theme colors */
        --icon-note-color: #19407c;
        --icon-tip-color: var(--primary);
        --icon-warning-color: #bf6900;
        --icon-caution-color: #bf3400;
        --icon-important-color: #bf0000
        --hljs-bg: rgb(7, 54, 66);
        /* Asciidoctor theme colors with tint for dark background */
        --icon-note-color: #3e7bd7;
        --icon-tip-color: var(--primary);
        --icon-warning-color: #ff8d03;
        --icon-caution-color: #ff7847;
        --icon-important-color: #ff3030
  4. The previous styles use font-awesome, so I ve downloaded its resources for version 4.7.0 (the one used by asciidoctor) storing the font-awesome.css into on the assets/css/extended dir (that way it is merged with the rest of .css files) and copying the fonts to the static/assets/fonts/ dir (will be served directly):
    curl "$FA_BASE_URL/css/font-awesome.css" \
      > assets/css/extended/font-awesome.css
    for f in FontAwesome.otf fontawesome-webfont.eot \
      fontawesome-webfont.svg fontawesome-webfont.ttf \
      fontawesome-webfont.woff fontawesome-webfont.woff2; do
        curl "$FA_BASE_URL/fonts/$f" > "static/assets/fonts/$f"
  5. As already said the default highlighter is disabled (it provided a css compatible with rouge) so we need a css to do the highlight styling; as rouge provides a way to export them, I ve created the assets/css/extended/rouge.css file with the thankful_eyes theme:
    rougify style thankful_eyes > assets/css/extended/rouge.css
  6. To support the use of the html5s backend with admonitions I ve added a variation of the example found on this blog post to assets/js/adoc-admonitions.js:
    // replace the default admonitions block with a table that uses a format
    // similar to the standard asciidoctor ... as we are using fa-icons here there
    // is no need to add the icons: font entry on the document.
    window.addEventListener('load', function ()  
      const admonitions = document.getElementsByClassName('admonition-block')
      for (let i = admonitions.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)  
        const elm = admonitions[i]
        const type = elm.classList[1]
        const title = elm.getElementsByClassName('block-title')[0];
    	const label = title.getElementsByClassName('title-label')[0]
    		.innerHTML.slice(0, -1);
        const text = elm.innerHTML
        const parent = elm.parentNode
        const tempDiv = document.createElement('div')
        tempDiv.innerHTML =  <div class="admonitionblock $ type ">
              <td class="icon">
                <i class="fa icon-$ type " title="$ label "></i>
              <td class="content">
                $ text 
        const input = tempDiv.childNodes[0]
        parent.replaceChild(input, elm)
    and enabled its minified use on the layouts/partials/extend_footer.html file adding the following lines to it:
     - $admonitions := slice (resources.Get "js/adoc-admonitions.js")
        resources.Concat "assets/js/adoc-admonitions.js"   minify   fingerprint  
    <script defer crossorigin="anonymous" src="  $admonitions.RelPermalink  "
      integrity="  $admonitions.Data.Integrity  "></script>

Remark42 configurationTo integrate Remark42 with the PaperMod theme I ve created the file layouts/partials/comments.html with the following content based on the remark42 documentation, including extra code to sync the dark/light setting with the one set on the site:
<div id="remark42"></div>
  var remark_config =  
    host:   .Site.Params.remark42Url  ,
    site_id:   .Site.Params.remark42SiteID  ,
    url:   .Permalink  ,
    locale:   .Site.Language.Lang  
    /* Adjust the theme using the local-storage pref-theme if set */
    if (localStorage.getItem("pref-theme") === "dark")  
      remark_config.theme = "dark";
      else if (localStorage.getItem("pref-theme") === "light")  
      remark_config.theme = "light";
    /* Add remark42 widget */
    for(var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) 
      var d = document, s = d.createElement('script');
      s.src = + '/web/' + c[i] +'.js';
      s.defer = true;
      (d.head   d.body).appendChild(s);
   )(remark_config.components   ['embed']);
In development I use it with anonymous comments enabled, but to avoid SPAM the production site uses social logins (for now I ve only enabled Github & Google, if someone requests additional services I ll check them, but those were the easy ones for me initially). To support theme switching with remark42 I ve also added the following inside the layouts/partials/extend_footer.html file:
 - if (not site.Params.disableThemeToggle)  
/* Function to change theme when the toggle button is pressed */
document.getElementById("theme-toggle").addEventListener("click", () =>  
  if (typeof window.REMARK42 != "undefined")  
    if (document.body.className.includes('dark'))  
 - end  
With this code if the theme-toggle button is pressed we change the remark42 theme before the PaperMod one (that s needed here only, on page loads the remark42 theme is synced with the main one using the code from the layouts/partials/comments.html shown earlier).

Development setupTo preview the site on my laptop I m using docker-compose with the following configuration:
version: "2"
      context: ./docker/hugo-adoc
      dockerfile: ./Dockerfile
    image: sto/hugo-adoc
    container_name: hugo-adoc-blogops
    restart: always
      - .:/documents
    command: server --bind -D -F
    user: $ APP_UID :$ APP_GID 
    image: nginx:latest
    container_name: nginx-blogops
    restart: always
      - ./nginx/default.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
      -  1313:1313
      context: ./docker/remark42
      dockerfile: ./Dockerfile
    image: sto/remark42
    container_name: remark42-blogops
    restart: always
      - ./.env
      - ./remark42/
      - ./remark42/
To run it properly we have to create the .env file with the current user ID and GID on the variables APP_UID and APP_GID (if we don t do it the files can end up being owned by a user that is not the same as the one running the services):
$ echo "APP_UID=$(id -u)\nAPP_GID=$(id -g)" > .env
The Dockerfile used to generate the sto/hugo-adoc is:
FROM asciidoctor/docker-asciidoctor:latest
RUN gem install --no-document asciidoctor-html5s &&\
 apk update && apk add --no-cache curl libc6-compat &&\
 repo_path="gohugoio/hugo" &&\
 api_url="$repo_path/releases/latest" &&\
  curl -sL "$api_url"  \
  sed -n "s/^.*download_url\": \"\\(.*.extended.*Linux-64bit.tar.gz\)\"/\1/p"\
 )" &&\
 curl -sL "$download_url" -o /tmp/hugo.tgz &&\
 tar xf /tmp/hugo.tgz hugo &&\
 install hugo /usr/bin/ &&\
 rm -f hugo /tmp/hugo.tgz &&\
 /usr/bin/hugo version &&\
 apk del curl && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*
# Expose port for live server
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/hugo"]
CMD [""]
If you review it you will see that I m using the docker-asciidoctor image as the base; the idea is that this image has all I need to work with asciidoctor and to use hugo I only need to download the binary from their latest release at github (as we are using an image based on alpine we also need to install the libc6-compat package, but once that is done things are working fine for me so far). The image does not launch the server by default because I don t want it to; in fact I use the same docker-compose.yml file to publish the site in production simply calling the container without the arguments passed on the docker-compose.yml file (see later). When running the containers with docker-compose up (or docker compose up if you have the docker-compose-plugin package installed) we also launch a nginx container and the remark42 service so we can test everything together. The Dockerfile for the remark42 image is the original one with an updated version of the script:
FROM umputun/remark42:latest
The updated is similar to the original, but allows us to use an APP_GID variable and updates the /etc/group file of the container so the files get the right user and group (with the original script the group is always 1001):
#!/sbin/dinit /bin/sh
uid="$(id -u)"
if [ "$ uid " -eq "0" ]; then
  echo "init container"
  # set container's time zone
  cp "/usr/share/zoneinfo/$ TIME_ZONE " /etc/localtime
  echo "$ TIME_ZONE " >/etc/timezone
  echo "set timezone $ TIME_ZONE  ($(date))"
  # set UID & GID for the app
  if [ "$ APP_UID " ]   [ "$ APP_GID " ]; then
    [ "$ APP_UID " ]   APP_UID="1001"
    [ "$ APP_GID " ]   APP_GID="$ APP_UID "
    echo "set custom APP_UID=$ APP_UID  & APP_GID=$ APP_GID "
    sed -i "s/^app:x:1001:1001:/app:x:$ APP_UID :$ APP_GID :/" /etc/passwd
    sed -i "s/^app:x:1001:/app:x:$ APP_GID :/" /etc/group
    echo "custom APP_UID and/or APP_GID not defined, using 1001:1001"
  chown -R app:app /srv /home/app
echo "prepare environment"
# replace  % REMARK_URL %  by content of REMARK_URL variable
find /srv -regex '.*\.\(html\ js\ mjs\)$' -print \
  -exec sed -i "s % REMARK_URL % $ REMARK_URL  g"   \;
if [ -n "$ SITE_ID " ]; then
  #replace "site_id: 'remark'" by SITE_ID
  sed -i "s 'remark' '$ SITE_ID ' g" /srv/web/*.html
echo "execute \"$*\""
if [ "$ uid " -eq "0" ]; then
  exec su-exec app "$@"
  exec "$@"
The environment file used with remark42 for development is quite minimal:
And the nginx/default.conf file used to publish the service locally is simple too:
 listen 1313;
 server_name localhost;
 location /  
    proxy_pass http://hugo:1313;
    proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
 location /remark42/  
    rewrite /remark42/(.*) /$1 break;
    proxy_pass http://remark42:8080/;
    proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;

Production setupThe VM where I m publishing the blog runs Debian GNU/Linux and uses binaries from local packages and applications packaged inside containers. To run the containers I m using docker-ce (I could have used podman instead, but I already had it installed on the machine, so I stayed with it). The binaries used on this project are included on the following packages from the main Debian repository:
  • git to clone & pull the repository,
  • jq to parse json files from shell scripts,
  • json2file-go to save the webhook messages to files,
  • inotify-tools to detect when new files are stored by json2file-go and launch scripts to process them,
  • nginx to publish the site using HTTPS and work as proxy for json2file-go and remark42 (I run it using a container),
  • task-spool to queue the scripts that update the deployment.
And I m using docker and docker compose from the debian packages on the docker repository:
  • docker-ce to run the containers,
  • docker-compose-plugin to run docker compose (it is a plugin, so no - in the name).

Repository checkoutTo manage the git repository I ve created a deploy key, added it to gitea and cloned the project on the /srv/blogops PATH (that route is owned by a regular user that has permissions to run docker, as I said before).

Compiling the site with hugoTo compile the site we are using the docker-compose.yml file seen before, to be able to run it first we build the container images and once we have them we launch hugo using docker compose run:
$ cd /srv/blogops
$ git pull
$ docker compose build
$ if [ -d "./public" ]; then rm -rf ./public; fi
$ docker compose run hugo --
The compilation leaves the static HTML on /srv/blogops/public (we remove the directory first because hugo does not clean the destination folder as jekyll does). The deploy script re-generates the site as described and moves the public directory to its final place for publishing.

Running remark42 with dockerOn the /srv/blogops/remark42 folder I have the following docker-compose.yml:
version: "2"
      context: ../docker/remark42
      dockerfile: ./Dockerfile
    image: sto/remark42
      - ../.env
      - ./
    container_name: remark42
    restart: always
      - ./
The ../.env file is loaded to get the APP_UID and APP_GID variables that are used by my version of the script to adjust file permissions and the file contains the rest of the settings for remark42, including the social network tokens (see the remark42 documentation for the available parameters, I don t include my configuration here because some of them are secrets).

Nginx configurationThe nginx configuration for the site is as simple as:
  listen 443 ssl http2;
  ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
  ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
  include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-nginx.conf;
  ssl_dhparam /etc/letsencrypt/ssl-dhparams.pem;
  access_log /var/log/nginx/;
  error_log  /var/log/nginx/;
  root /srv/blogops/nginx/public_html;
  location /  
    try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
  include /srv/blogops/nginx/remark42.conf;
  listen 80 ;
  listen [::]:80 ;
  access_log /var/log/nginx/;
  error_log  /var/log/nginx/;
  if ($host =  
    return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
  return 404;
On this configuration the certificates are managed by certbot and the server root directory is on /srv/blogops/nginx/public_html and not on /srv/blogops/public; the reason for that is that I want to be able to compile without affecting the running site, the deployment script generates the site on /srv/blogops/public and if all works well we rename folders to do the switch, making the change feel almost atomic.

json2file-go configurationAs I have a working WireGuard VPN between the machine running gitea at my home and the VM where the blog is served, I m going to configure the json2file-go to listen for connections on a high port using a self signed certificate and listening on IP addresses only reachable through the VPN. To do it we create a systemd socket to run json2file-go and adjust its configuration to listen on a private IP (we use the FreeBind option on its definition to be able to launch the service even when the IP is not available, that is, when the VPN is down). The following script can be used to set up the json2file-go configuration:
set -e
# ---------
# ---------
# ----
# ----
# Install packages used with json2file for the blogops site
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y json2file-go uuid
if [ -z "$(type mkcert)" ]; then
  sudo apt install -y mkcert
sudo apt clean
# Configuration file values
J2F_USER="$(id -u)"
J2F_GROUP="$(id -g)"
# Configure json2file
[ -d "$J2F_DIR" ]   mkdir "$J2F_DIR"
sudo sh -c "echo '$J2F_DIR' >'$J2F_BASEDIR_FILE'"
[ -d "$TLS_DIR" ]   mkdir "$TLS_DIR"
if [ ! -f "$J2F_CRT_PATH" ]   [ ! -f "$J2F_KEY_PATH" ]; then
  mkcert -cert-file "$J2F_CRT_PATH" -key-file "$J2F_KEY_PATH" "$(hostname -f)"
sudo sh -c "echo '$J2F_CRT_PATH' >'$J2F_CRT_FILE'"
sudo sh -c "echo '$J2F_KEY_PATH' >'$J2F_KEY_FILE'"
sudo sh -c "cat >'$J2F_DIRLIST_FILE'" <<EOF
$(echo "$J2F_DIRLIST"   tr ';' '\n')
# Service override
[ -d "$J2F_SERVICE_DIR" ]   sudo mkdir "$J2F_SERVICE_DIR"
sudo sh -c "cat >'$J2F_SERVICE_OVERRIDE'" <<EOF
# Socket override
[ -d "$J2F_SOCKET_DIR" ]   sudo mkdir "$J2F_SOCKET_DIR"
sudo sh -c "cat >'$J2F_SOCKET_OVERRIDE'" <<EOF
# Set FreeBind to listen on missing addresses (the VPN can be down sometimes)
# Set ListenStream to nothing to clear its value and add the new value later
# Restart and enable service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl stop "$J2F_SERVICE_NAME"
sudo systemctl start "$J2F_SERVICE_NAME"
sudo systemctl enable "$J2F_SERVICE_NAME"
# ----
# vim: ts=2:sw=2:et:ai:sts=2
Warning: The script uses mkcert to create the temporary certificates, to install the package on bullseye the backports repository must be available.

Gitea configurationTo make gitea use our json2file-go server we go to the project and enter into the hooks/gitea/new page, once there we create a new webhook of type gitea and set the target URL to and on the secret field we put the token generated with uuid by the setup script:
sed -n -e 's/blogops://p' /etc/json2file-go/dirlist
The rest of the settings can be left as they are:
  • Trigger on: Push events
  • Branch filter: *
Warning: We are using an internal IP and a self signed certificate, that means that we have to review that the webhook section of the app.ini of our gitea server allows us to call the IP and skips the TLS verification (you can see the available options on the gitea documentation). The [webhook] section of my server looks like this:
Once we have the webhook configured we can try it and if it works our json2file server will store the file on the /srv/blogops/webhook/json2file/blogops/ folder.

The json2file spooler scriptWith the previous configuration our system is ready to receive webhook calls from gitea and store the messages on files, but we have to do something to process those files once they are saved in our machine. An option could be to use a cronjob to look for new files, but we can do better on Linux using inotify we will use the inotifywait command from inotify-tools to watch the json2file output directory and execute a script each time a new file is moved inside it or closed after writing (IN_CLOSE_WRITE and IN_MOVED_TO events). To avoid concurrency problems we are going to use task-spooler to launch the scripts that process the webhooks using a queue of length 1, so they are executed one by one in a FIFO queue. The spooler script is this:
set -e
# ---------
# ---------
# ---------
# ---------
  echo "Queuing job to process file '$1'"
    tsp -n "$WEBHOOK_COMMAND" "$1"
# ----
# ----
if [ ! -d "$INPUT_DIR" ]; then
  echo "Input directory '$INPUT_DIR' does not exist, aborting!"
  exit 1
[ -d "$TSP_DIR" ]   mkdir "$TSP_DIR"
echo "Processing existing files under '$INPUT_DIR'"
find "$INPUT_DIR" -type f   sort   while read -r _filename; do
  queue_job "$_filename"
# Use inotifywatch to process new files
echo "Watching for new files under '$INPUT_DIR'"
inotifywait -q -m -e close_write,moved_to --format "%w%f" -r "$INPUT_DIR"  
  while read -r _filename; do
    queue_job "$_filename"
# ----
# vim: ts=2:sw=2:et:ai:sts=2
To run it as a daemon we install it as a systemd service using the following script:
set -e
# ---------
# ---------
# Configuration file values
J2F_USER="$(id -u)"
J2F_GROUP="$(id -g)"
# ----
# ----
# Install packages used with the webhook processor
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y inotify-tools jq task-spooler
sudo apt clean
# Configure process service
sudo sh -c "cat > $SPOOLER_SERVICE_FILE" <<EOF
Description=json2file processor for $J2F_USER
# Restart and enable service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl stop "$SPOOLER_SERVICE_NAME"   true
sudo systemctl start "$SPOOLER_SERVICE_NAME"
sudo systemctl enable "$SPOOLER_SERVICE_NAME"
# ----
# vim: ts=2:sw=2:et:ai:sts=2

The gitea webhook processorFinally, the script that processes the JSON files does the following:
  1. First, it checks if the repository and branch are right,
  2. Then, it fetches and checks out the commit referenced on the JSON file,
  3. Once the files are updated, compiles the site using hugo with docker compose,
  4. If the compilation succeeds the script renames directories to swap the old version of the site by the new one.
If there is a failure the script aborts but before doing it or if the swap succeeded the system sends an email to the configured address and/or the user that pushed updates to the repository with a log of what happened. The current script is this one:
set -e
# ---------
# ---------
# Values
# Address that gets all messages, leave it empty if not wanted
# If the following variable is set to 'true' the pusher gets mail on failures
# If the following variable is set to 'true' the pusher gets mail on success
# gitea's conf/app.ini value of NO_REPLY_ADDRESS, it is used for email domains
# when the KeepEmailPrivate option is enabled for a user
# Directories
# Files
TODAY="$(date +%Y%m%d)"
OUTPUT_BASENAME="$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.%N)"
# Query to get variables from a gitea webhook json
  printf "%s" \
    '(.             @sh "gt_ref=\(.ref);"),' \
    '(.             @sh "gt_after=\(.after);"),' \
    '(.repository   @sh "gt_repo_clone_url=\(.clone_url);"),' \
    '(.repository   @sh "gt_repo_name=\(.name);"),' \
    '(.pusher       @sh "gt_pusher_full_name=\(.full_name);"),' \
    '(.pusher       @sh "gt_pusher_email=\(.email);")'
# ---------
# Functions
# ---------
  echo "$(date -R) $*" >>"$WEBHOOK_LOGFILE_PATH"
    [ -d "$_d" ]   mkdir "$_d"
  # Try to remove empty dirs
    if [ -d "$_d" ]; then
      rmdir "$_d" 2>/dev/null   true
  webhook_log "Accepted: $*"
  webhook_log "Rejected: $*"
  if [ -f "$WEBHOOK_JSON_INPUT_FILE" ]; then
  exit 0
  webhook_log "Deployed: $*"
  webhook_log "Troubled: $*"
  # Add the pusher email address unless it is from the domain NO_REPLY_ADDRESS,
  # which should match the value of that variable on the gitea 'app.ini' (it
  # is the domain used for emails when the user hides it).
  # shellcheck disable=SC2154
  if [ -n "$ gt_pusher_email##*@"$ NO_REPLY_ADDRESS " " ] &&
    [ -z "$ gt_pusher_email##*@* " ]; then
    _user_email="\"$gt_pusher_full_name <$gt_pusher_email>\""
  if [ "$_addr" ] && [ "$_user_email" ]; then
    echo "$_addr,$_user_email"
  elif [ "$_user_email" ]; then
    echo "$_user_email"
  elif [ "$_addr" ]; then
    echo "$_addr"
  if [ "$MAIL_LOGFILE" = "true" ]; then
    to_addr="$(print_mailto "$to_addr")"
  if [ "$to_addr" ]; then
    # shellcheck disable=SC2154
    subject="OK - $gt_repo_name updated to commit '$gt_after'"
    mail -s "$ MAIL_PREFIX $ subject " "$to_addr" \
  if [ "$MAIL_ERRFILE" = true ]; then
    to_addr="$(print_mailto "$to_addr")"
  if [ "$to_addr" ]; then
    # shellcheck disable=SC2154
    subject="KO - $gt_repo_name update FAILED for commit '$gt_after'"
    mail -s "$ MAIL_PREFIX $ subject " "$to_addr" \
# ----
# ----
# Check directories
# Go to the base directory
cd "$BASE_DIR"
# Check if the file exists
if [ ! -f "$WEBHOOK_JSON_INPUT_FILE" ]; then
  webhook_reject "Input arg '$1' is not a file, aborting"
# Parse the file
webhook_log "Processing file '$WEBHOOK_JSON_INPUT_FILE'"
# Check that the repository clone url is right
# shellcheck disable=SC2154
if [ "$gt_repo_clone_url" != "$REPO_CLONE_URL" ]; then
  webhook_reject "Wrong repository: '$gt_clone_url'"
# Check that the branch is the right one
# shellcheck disable=SC2154
if [ "$gt_ref" != "$REPO_REF" ]; then
  webhook_reject "Wrong repository ref: '$gt_ref'"
# Accept the file
# shellcheck disable=SC2154
webhook_accept "Processing '$gt_repo_name'"
# Update the checkout
git fetch >>"$WEBHOOK_LOGFILE_PATH" 2>&1   ret="$?"
if [ "$ret" -ne "0" ]; then
  webhook_troubled "Repository fetch failed"
# shellcheck disable=SC2154
git checkout "$gt_after" >>"$WEBHOOK_LOGFILE_PATH" 2>&1   ret="$?"
if [ "$ret" -ne "0" ]; then
  webhook_troubled "Repository checkout failed"
# Remove the build dir if present
if [ -d "$PUBLIC_DIR" ]; then
  rm -rf "$PUBLIC_DIR"
# Build site
docker compose run hugo -- >>"$WEBHOOK_LOGFILE_PATH" 2>&1   ret="$?"
# go back to the main branch
git switch main && git pull
# Fail if public dir was missing
if [ "$ret" -ne "0" ]   [ ! -d "$PUBLIC_DIR" ]; then
  webhook_troubled "Site build failed"
# Remove old public_html copies
webhook_log 'Removing old site versions, if present'
find $NGINX_BASE_DIR -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -name 'public_html-*' -type d \
  -exec rm -rf   \; >>"$WEBHOOK_LOGFILE_PATH" 2>&1   ret="$?"
if [ "$ret" -ne "0" ]; then
  webhook_troubled "Removal of old site versions failed"
# Switch site directory
TS="$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)"
if [ -d "$PUBLIC_HTML_DIR" ]; then
  webhook_log "Moving '$PUBLIC_HTML_DIR' to '$PUBLIC_HTML_DIR-$TS'"
if [ "$ret" -eq "0" ]; then
  webhook_log "Moving '$PUBLIC_DIR' to '$PUBLIC_HTML_DIR'"
if [ "$ret" -ne "0" ]; then
  webhook_troubled "Site switch failed"
  webhook_deployed "Site deployed successfully"
# ----
# vim: ts=2:sw=2:et:ai:sts=2

3 February 2021

Daniel Lange: Compiling and installing the Gentoo Linux kernel on emerge without genkernel (part 2)

The first install of a Gentoo kernel needs to be somewhat manual if you want to optimize the kernel for the (virtual) system it boots on. In part 1 I laid out how to improve the subsequent emerges of sys-kernel/gentoo-sources with a small drop in script to build the kernel as part of the ebuild. Since end of last year Gentoo also supports a less manual way of emerging a kernel: The following kernel blends are available: So a quick walk-through for the gentoo-kernel variant: 1. Set up the correct package USE flags We do not want an initrd and we want our own config to be re-used so:
echo "sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel -initramfs savedconfig" >> /etc/portage/package.use/gentoo-kernel
2. Preseed the saved config The current kernel config needs to be saved as the initial savedconfig so it is found and applied for our emerge below:
mkdir -p /etc/portage/savedconfig/sys-kernel
cp -n "/usr/src/linux-$(uname -r)/.config" /etc/portage/savedconfig/sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel
3. Emerge the new kernel
emerge sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel
4. Update grub and reboot Unfortunately this ebuild does not update grub, so we have to run grub-mkconfig manually. This can again be automated via a post_pkg_postinst() script. See the step 7 below. But for now, let's do it manually:
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
# All fine? Time to reboot the machine:
5. (Optional) Prepare for the next kernel build Run etc-update and merge the new kernel config entries into your savedconfig. Screenshot of etc-update The kernel should auto-build once new versions become available via portage. Again the etc-update can be automated if you feel that is sufficiently safe to do in your environment. See step 7 below for details. 6. (Optional) Remove the old kernel sources If you want to switch from the method based on gentoo-sources to the gentoo-kernel one, you can remove the kernel sources:
emerge -C "=sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-5*"
Be sure to update the /usr/src/linux symlink to the new kernel sources directory from gentoo-kernel, e.g.:
rm /usr/src/linux; ln -s "/usr/src/$(uname -r)" /usr/src/linux
This may be a good time for a bit more house-keeping: Clean up a bit in /usr/src/ to remove old build artefacts, /boot/ to remove old kernels and /lib/modules/ to get rid of old kernel modules. 7. (Optional) Further automate the ebuild In part 1 we automated the kernel compile, install and a bit more via a helper function for post_pkg_postinst(). We can do the similarly for what is (currently) missing from the gentoo-kernel ebuilds: Create /etc/portage/env/sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel with the following:
etc-update --automode -5 /etc/portage/savedconfig/sys-kernel
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
The upside of gentoo-kernel over gentoo-sources is that you can put "config override files" in /etc/kernel/config.d/. That way you theoretically profit from config improvements made by the upstream developers. See the Gentoo distribution kernel documentation for a sample snippet. I am fine with savedconfig for now but it is nice that Gentoo provides the flexibility to support both approaches.

28 January 2021

Daniel Lange: Compiling and installing the Gentoo Linux kernel on emerge without genkernel

Gentoo emerges of sys-kernel/gentoo-sources will nicely install the current kernel into /usr/src/linux-* but it will not compile them. The Gentoo wiki kernel documentation has a script snippet to automate the kernel build with genkernel. I do not like to use genkernel as it brings in lots of firmware files to build initrds that are not needed on virtual hardware. It also makes building the kernel slower. So, the plain approach: Make emerge sys-kernel/gentoo-sources symlink the latest kernel to /usr/src/linux so we can find it easily:
echo "sys-kernel/gentoo-sources symlink" >> /etc/portage/package.use/gentoo-sources
Create /etc/portage/env/sys-kernel/gentoo-sources with the following:
CURRENT_KV=$(uname -r)
unset ARCH
if [[ -f "$ EROOT:-/ usr/src/linux-$ CURRENT_KV /.config" ]] ; then
cp -n "$ EROOT:-/ usr/src/linux-$ CURRENT_KV /.config" "$ EROOT:-/ usr/src/linux/.config"
cd "$ EROOT:-/ usr/src/linux/" && \
make olddefconfig && \
make -j5 && make modules_install && make install && \
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
This will compile the next kernel on the basis of the config of the currently running kernel, install the modules and the kernel bzImage and update grub so it knows about the new kernel for the next reboot. If you forget to unset ARCH the Linux build system will complain like:
Makefile:583: arch/amd64/Makefile: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target 'arch/amd64/Makefile'.  Stop.
You can test the new magic by re-emerging the latest kernel, e.g. currently emerge =sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-5.4.80-r1:

Daniel Lange: Compiling and installing the Gentoo Linux kernel on emerge without genkernel (part 1)

Gentoo emerges of sys-kernel/gentoo-sources will nicely install the current kernel into /usr/src/linux-* but it will not compile them. The Gentoo wiki kernel documentation has a script snippet to automate the kernel build with genkernel. I do not like to use genkernel as it brings in lots of firmware files to build initrds that are not needed on virtual hardware. It also makes building the kernel slower. So, the plain approach: Make emerge sys-kernel/gentoo-sources symlink the latest kernel to /usr/src/linux so we can find it easily:
echo "sys-kernel/gentoo-sources symlink" >> /etc/portage/package.use/gentoo-sources
Create /etc/portage/env/sys-kernel/gentoo-sources with the following:
CURRENT_KV=$(uname -r)
unset ARCH
if [[ -f "$ EROOT:-/ usr/src/linux-$ CURRENT_KV /.config" ]] ; then
cp -n "$ EROOT:-/ usr/src/linux-$ CURRENT_KV /.config" "$ EROOT:-/ usr/src/linux/.config"
cd "$ EROOT:-/ usr/src/linux/" && \
make olddefconfig && \
make -j5 && make modules_install && make install && \
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
This will compile the next kernel on the basis of the config of the currently running kernel, install the modules and the kernel bzImage and update grub so it knows about the new kernel for the next reboot. If you forget to unset ARCH the Linux build system will complain like:
Makefile:583: arch/amd64/Makefile: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target 'arch/amd64/Makefile'.  Stop.
You can test the new magic by re-emerging the latest kernel, e.g. currently emerge =sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-5.4.80-r1:

26 May 2020

Norbert Preining: Multi-device and RAID1 with btrfs

I have been using btrfs, a modern modern copy on write filesystem for Linux, since many years now. But only recently I realized how amateurish my usage has been. Over the last day I switched to multiple devices and threw in a RAID1 level at the same time.
For the last years, I have been using btrfs in a completely naive way, simply creating new filesystems, mounting them, moving data over, linking the directories into my home dir, etc etc. It all became a huge mess over time. I have heard of multi-device support , but always thought that this is for the big players in the data centers not realizing that it works trivially on your home system, too. Thanks to an article by Mark McBride I learned how to better use it! Btrfs has an impressive list of features, and is often compared to (Open)ZFS (btw, they domain has a botched SSL certificate .. umpf, my trust disappears even more) due to the high level of data security. I have been playing around with the idea to use ZFS for quite some time, but first of all it requires compiling extra modules all the time, because ZFS cannot be included in the kernel source. And much more, I realized that ZFS is simply too inflexible with respect to disks of different sizes in a storage pool. Btrfs on the other hand allows adding and removing devices to the filesystem on a running system. I just added a 2TB disk to my rig, and called:
btrfs device add /dev/sdh1 /
and with that alone, my root filesystem grew immediately. At the end I have consolidated data from 4 extra SSDs into this new filesystem spanning multiple disks, and got rid of all the links and loops. For good measure, and since I had enough space left, I also switched to RAID1 for this filesystem. This again, surprisingly, works on a running system!
btrfs balance start -dconvert=raid1 -mconvert=raid1 /
Here, both data and metadata are mirrored on the devices. With 6TB of total disk space, the balancing operation took quite some time, about 6h in my case, but finished without a hiccup. After all that, the filesystem now looks like this:
$ sudo btrfs fi show /
Label: none  uuid: XXXXXX
	Total devices 5 FS bytes used 2.19TiB
	devid    1 size 899.01GiB used 490.03GiB path /dev/sdb3
	devid    2 size 489.05GiB used 207.00GiB path /dev/sdd1
	devid    3 size 1.82TiB used 1.54TiB path /dev/sde1
	devid    4 size 931.51GiB used 649.00GiB path /dev/sdf1
	devid    5 size 1.82TiB used 1.54TiB path /dev/sdc1
and using btrfs fi usage / I can get detailed information about the device usage and status. Stumbling blocks You wouldn t expect such a deep rebuilding of the intestines of a system to go without a few bumps, and indeed, there are a few: First of all, update-grub is broken when device names are used. If you have GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_UUID=true, so that actual device nodes are used in grub.cfg, the generated entries are broken because they list all the devices. This comes from the fact that grub-mkconfig uses grub-probe --target=device / to determine the root device, and this returns in our case:
# grub-probe --target=device /
and thus the grub config file contains entries like:
menuentry 'Debian GNU/Linux ...' ...  
  linux	/boot/vmlinuz-5.7.0-rc7 root=/dev/sdb3
/dev/sdc1 ro <other options>
This is of course an invalid entry, but fortunately grub still boots, but ignores the rest of the command line options. So I decided to turn back to using UUID for the root entry, which should be better supported. But alas, what happened, I couldn t even boot anymore. Grub gave me very cryptic messages like cannot find UUID device and dropping you into the grub rescue shell, then having the grub rescue shell being unable to read any filesystem at all (not even FAT or ext2!). The most cryptic one was grub header bytenr is not equal node addr, where even Google gave up on it. At the end I booted into a rescue image (you always have something like SystemRescueCD on an USB stick next to you during these operations, right?), mounted the filesystem manually, and reinstalled grub, which fixed the problem, and now the grub config file contains only the UUID for root. I don t blame btrfs for that, this is more like we are, after sooo many years, we still don t have a good boot system  All in all, a very smooth transition, and at least for some time I don t have to worry about which partition has still some space left. Thanks btrfs and Open Source!

31 March 2017

Chris Lamb: Free software activities in March 2017

Here is my monthly update covering what I have been doing in the free software world (previous month):
Reproducible builds

Whilst anyone can inspect the source code of free software for malicious flaws, most software is distributed pre-compiled to end users. The motivation behind the Reproducible Builds effort is to permit verification that no flaws have been introduced either maliciously or accidentally during this compilation process by promising identical results are always generated from a given source, thus allowing multiple third-parties to come to a consensus on whether a build was compromised. I have generously been awarded a grant from the Core Infrastructure Initiative to fund my work in this area. This month I:
I also made the following changes to our tooling:

diffoscope is our in-depth and content-aware diff utility that can locate and diagnose reproducibility issues.

  • New features/optimisations:
    • Extract squashfs archive in one go rather than per-file, speeding up ISO comparison by ~10x.
    • Add support for .docx and .odt files via docx2txt & odt2txt. (#859056).
    • Add support for PGP files via pgpdump. (#859034).
    • Add support for comparing Pcap files. (#858867).
    • Compare GIF images using gifbuild. (#857610).
  • Bug fixes:
    • Ensure that we really are using ImageMagick and not the GraphicsMagick compatibility layer. (#857940).
    • Fix and add test for meaningless 1234-content metadata when introspecting archives. (#858223).
    • Fix detection of ISO9660 images processed with isohybrid.
    • Skip icc tests if the Debian-specific patch is not present. (#856447).
    • Support newer versions of cbfstool to avoid test failures. (#856446).
    • Update the progress bar prior to working to ensure filename is in sync.
  • Cleanups:
    • Use /usr/share/dpkg/ over manual calls to dpkg-parsechangelog in debian/rules.
    • Ensure tests and the runtime environment can locate binaries in /usr/sbin (eg. tcpdump).


strip-nondeterminism is our tool to remove specific non-deterministic results from a completed build.

  • Fix a possible endless loop while stripping .ar files due to trusting the file's own file size data. (#857975).
  • Add support for testing files we should reject and include the filename when evaluating fixtures. is my experiment into how to process, store and distribute .buildinfo files after the Debian archive software has processed them.

  • Add support for Format: 1.0. (#20).
  • Don't parse Format: header as the source package version. (#21).
  • Show the reproducible status of packages.


I submitted my platform for the 2017 Debian Project Leader Elections. This was subsequently covered on LWN and I have been participating in the discussions on the debian-vote mailing list since then.

Debian LTS

This month I have been paid to work 14.75 hours on Debian Long Term Support (LTS). In that time I did the following:
  • "Frontdesk" duties, triaging CVEs, etc.
  • Issued DLA 848-1 for the freetype font library fixing a denial of service vulnerability.
  • Issued DLA 851-1 for wget preventing a header injection attack.
  • Issued DLA 863-1 for the deluge BitTorrent client correcting a cross-site request forgery vulnerability.
  • Issued DLA 864-1 for jhead (an EXIF metadata tool) patching an arbitrary code execution vulnerability.
  • Issued DLA 865-1 for the suricata intrusion detection system, fixing an IP protocol matching error.
  • Issued DLA 871-1 for python3.2 fixing a TLS stripping vulnerability in the smptlib library.
  • Issued DLA 873-1 for apt-cacher preventing a HTTP response splitting vulnerability.
  • Issued DLA 876-1 for eject to prevent an issue regarding the checking of setuid(2) and setgid(2) return values.

  • python-django:
    • 1:1.10.6-1 New upstream bugfix release.
    • 1:1.11~rc1-1 New upstream release candidate.
  • redis:
    • 3:3.2.8-2 Avoid conflict between RuntimeDirectory and tmpfiles.d(5) both attempting to create /run/redis with differing permissions. (#856116)
    • 3:3.2.8-3 Revert the creation of a /usr/bin/redis-check-rdb to /usr/bin/redis-server symlink to avoid a dangling symlink if only the redis-tools package is installed. (#858519)
  • gunicorn 19.7.0-1 & 19.7.1-1 New upstream releases.
  • adminer 4.3.0-1 New upstream release.

Finally, I also made the following non-maintainer uploads (NMUs):

FTP Team

As a Debian FTP assistant I ACCEPTed 121 packages: 4pane, adql, android-platform-system-core, android-sdk-helper, braillegraph, deepnano, dh-runit, django-auth-ldap, django-dirtyfields, drf-extensions, gammaray, gcc-7, gnome-keysign, golang-code.gitea-sdk, golang-github-bluebreezecf-opentsdb-goclient, golang-github-bsm-redeo, golang-github-cupcake-rdb, golang-github-denisenkom-go-mssqldb, golang-github-exponent-io-jsonpath, golang-github-facebookgo-ensure, golang-github-facebookgo-freeport, golang-github-facebookgo-grace, golang-github-facebookgo-httpdown, golang-github-facebookgo-stack, golang-github-facebookgo-subset, golang-github-go-openapi-loads, golang-github-go-openapi-runtime, golang-github-go-openapi-strfmt, golang-github-go-openapi-validate, golang-github-golang-geo, golang-github-gorilla-pat, golang-github-gorilla-securecookie, golang-github-issue9-assert, golang-github-issue9-identicon, golang-github-jaytaylor-html2text, golang-github-joho-godotenv, golang-github-juju-errors, golang-github-kisielk-gotool, golang-github-kubernetes-gengo, golang-github-lpabon-godbc, golang-github-lunny-log, golang-github-makenowjust-heredoc, golang-github-mrjones-oauth, golang-github-nbutton23-zxcvbn-go, golang-github-neelance-sourcemap, golang-github-ngaut-deadline, golang-github-ngaut-go-zookeeper, golang-github-ngaut-log, golang-github-ngaut-pools, golang-github-ngaut-sync2, golang-github-optiopay-kafka, golang-github-quobyte-api, golang-github-renstrom-dedent, golang-github-sergi-go-diff, golang-github-siddontang-go, golang-github-smartystreets-go-aws-auth, golang-github-xanzy-go-cloudstack, golang-github-xtaci-kcp, golang-github-yohcop-openid-go, graywolf, haskell-raaz, hfst-ospell, hikaricp, iptraf-ng, kanboard-cli, kcptun, kreport, libbluray, libcatmandu-store-elasticsearch-perl, libcsfml, libnet-prometheus-perl, libosmocore, libpandoc-wrapper-perl, libseqlib, matrix-synapse, mockldap, nfs-ganesha, node-buffer, node-pako, nose-el, nvptx-tools, nx-libs, open-ath9k-htc-firmware, pagein, paleomix, pgsql-ogr-fdw, profanity, pyosmium, python-biotools, python-django-extra-views, python-django-otp, python-django-push-notifications, python-dnslib, python-gmpy, python-gmpy2, python-holidays, python-kanboard, python-line-profiler, python-pgpy, python-pweave, python-raven, python-xapian-haystack, python-xopen, r-cran-v8, repetier-host, ruby-jar-dependencies, ruby-maven-libs, ruby-psych, ruby-retriable, seafile-client, spyder-unittest, stressant, systray-mdstat, telegram-desktop, thawab, tigris, tnseq-transit, typesafe-config, vibe.d, x2goserver & xmlrpc-c. I additionally filed 14 RC bugs against packages that had incomplete debian/copyright files against: golang-github-cupcake-rdb, golang-github-sergi-go-diff, graywolf, hfst-ospell, libbluray, pgsql-ogr-fdw, python-gmpy, python-gmpy2, python-pgpy, python-xapian-haystack, repetier-host, telegram-desktop, tigris & xmlrpc-c.

28 February 2017

Chris Lamb: Free software activities in February 2017

Here is my monthly update covering what I have been doing in the free software world (previous month):
Reproducible builds

Whilst anyone can inspect the source code of free software for malicious flaws, most software is distributed pre-compiled to end users. The motivation behind the Reproducible Builds effort is to permit verification that no flaws have been introduced either maliciously or accidentally during this compilation process by promising identical results are always generated from a given source, thus allowing multiple third-parties to come to a consensus on whether a build was compromised. (I have been awarded a grant from the Core Infrastructure Initiative to fund my work in this area.) This month I:
I also made the following changes to our tooling:

diffoscope is our in-depth and content-aware diff utility that can locate and diagnose reproducibility issues.

  • New features:
    • Add a machine-readable JSON output format. (Closes: #850791).
    • Add an --exclude option. (Closes: #854783).
    • Show results from debugging packages last. (Closes: #820427).
    • Extract archive members using an auto-incrementing integer avoiding the need to sanitise filenames. (Closes: #854723).
    • Apply --max-report-size to --text output. (Closes: #851147).
    • Specify <html lang="en"> in the HTML output. (re. #849411).
  • Bug fixes:
    • Fix errors when comparing directories with non-directories. (Closes: #835641).
    • Device and RPM fallback comparisons require xxd. (Closes: #854593).
    • Fix tests that call xxd on Debian Jessie due to change of output format. (Closes: #855239).
    • Add missing Recommends for comparators. (Closes: #854655).
    • Importing submodules (ie. parent.child) will attempt to import parent. (Closes: #854670).
    • Correct logic of module_exists ensuring we correctly skip the debian.deb822 tests when python3-debian is not installed. (Closes: #854745).
    • Clean all temporary files in the signal handler thread instead of attempting to pass the exception back to the main thread. (Closes: #852013).
    • Fix behaviour of setting report maximums to zero (ie. no limit).
  • Optimisations:
    • Don't uselessly run xxd(1) on non-directories.
    • No need to track libarchive directory locations.
    • Optimise create_limited_print_func.
  • Tests:
    • When comparing two empty directories, ensure that the mtime of the directory is consistent to avoid non-deterministic failures.
    • Ensure we can at least import the "deb_fallback" and "rpm_fallback" modules.
    • Add test for symlink differing in destination.
    • Add tests for --progress, --status-fd and profiling output options as well as the Deb Changes,Buildinfo,Dsc and RPM fallback comparisons.
    • Add get_data and @skip_unless_module_exists test helpers.
    • Mark impossible-to-reach code to improve test coverage. is my experiment into how to process, store and distribute .buildinfo files after the Debian archive software has processed them.

  • Drop raw_text fields now as we've moved these to Amazon S3.
  • Drop storage of Installed-Build-Depends and subsequently-orphaned Binary package instances to recover diskspace.


strip-nondeterminism is our tool to remove specific non-deterministic results from a completed build.

  • Print log entry when fixing a file. (Closes: #777239).
  • Run our entire testsuite in autopkgtests, not just the first test. (Closes: #852517).
  • Don't test for stat(2)'s blksize and block attributes. (Closes: #854937).
  • Use error() from over "manual" die().

Debian LTS

This month I have been paid to work 13 hours on Debian Long Term Support (LTS). In that time I did the following:
  • "Frontdesk" duties, triaging CVEs, etc.
  • Issued DLA 817-1 for libphp-phpmailer, correcting a local file disclosure vulnerability where insufficient parsing of HTML messages could potentially be used by attacker to read a local file.
  • Issued DLA 826-1 for wireshark which fixes a denial of service vulnerability in wireshark, where a malformed NATO Ground Moving Target Indicator Format ("STANAG 4607") capture file could cause a memory exhausion/infinite loop.

  • python-django (1:1.11~beta1-1) New upstream beta release.
  • redis (3:3.2.8-1) New upstream release.
  • gunicorn (19.6.0-11) Use $ misc:Pre-Depends to populate Pre-Depends for dpkg-maintscript-helper.
  • dh-virtualenv (1.0-1~bpo8+1) Upload to jessie-backports.

I sponsored the following uploads: I also performed the following QA uploads:
  • dh-kpatches (0.99.36+nmu4) Make kernel kernel builds reproducible.
Finally, I made the following non-maintainer uploads:
  • cpio (2.12+dfsg-3) Remove rmt.8.gz to prevent a piuparts error.
  • dot-forward (1:0.71-2.2) Correct a FTBFS; we don't install anything to /usr/sbin, so use GNU Make's $(wildcard ..) over the shell's own * expansion.

FTP Team

As a Debian FTP assistant I ACCEPTed 116 packages: autobahn-cpp, automat, bglibs, bitlbee, bmusb, bullet, case, certspotter, checkit-tiff, dash-el, dash-functional-el, debian-reference, el-x, elisp-bug-hunter, emacs-git-messenger, emacs-which-key, examl, genwqe-user, giac, golang-github-cloudflare-cfssl, golang-github-docker-goamz, golang-github-docker-libnetwork, golang-github-go-openapi-spec, golang-github-google-certificate-transparency, golang-github-karlseguin-ccache, golang-github-karlseguin-expect, golang-github-nebulouslabs-bolt, gpiozero, gsequencer, jel, libconfig-mvp-slicer-perl, libcrush, libdist-zilla-config-slicer-perl, libdist-zilla-role-pluginbundle-pluginremover-perl, libevent, libfunction-parameters-perl, libopenshot, libpod-weaver-section-generatesection-perl, libpodofo, libprelude, libprotocol-http2-perl, libscout, libsmali-1-java, libtest-abortable-perl, linux, linux-grsec, linux-signed, lockdown, lrslib, lua-curses, lua-torch-cutorch, mariadb-10.1, mini-buildd, mkchromecast, mocker-el, node-arr-exclude, node-brorand, node-buffer-xor, node-caller, node-duplexer3, node-ieee754, node-is-finite, node-lowercase-keys, node-minimalistic-assert, node-os-browserify, node-p-finally, node-parse-ms, node-plur, node-prepend-http, node-safe-buffer, node-text-table, node-time-zone, node-tty-browserify, node-widest-line, npd6, openoverlayrouter, pandoc-citeproc-preamble, pydenticon, pyicloud, pyroute2, pytest-qt, pytest-xvfb, python-biomaj3, python-canonicaljson, python-cgcloud, python-gffutils, python-h5netcdf, python-imageio, python-kaptan, python-libtmux, python-pybedtools, python-pyflow, python-scrapy, python-scrapy-djangoitem, python-signedjson, python-unpaddedbase64, python-xarray, qcumber, r-cran-urltools, radiant, repo, rmlint, ruby-googleauth, ruby-os, shutilwhich, sia, six, slimit, sphinx-celery, subuser, swarmkit, tmuxp, tpm2-tools, vine, wala & x265. I additionally filed 8 RC bugs against packages that had incomplete debian/copyright files against: checkit-tiff, dash-el, dash-functional-el, libcrush, libopenshot, mkchromecast, pytest-qt & x265.

7 December 2016

Jonas Meurer: On CVE-2016-4484, a (securiy)? bug in the cryptsetup initramfs integration

On CVE-2016-4484, a (security)? bug in the cryptsetup initramfs integration On November 4, I was made aware of a security vulnerability in the integration of cryptsetup into initramfs. The vulnerability was discovered by security researchers Hector Marco and Ismael Ripoll of CyberSecurity UPV Research Group and got CVE-2016-4484 assigned. In this post I'll try to reflect a bit on

What CVE-2016-4484 is all about Basically, the vulnerability is about two separate but related issues:

1. Initramfs rescue shell considered harmful The main topic that Hector Marco and Ismael Ripoll address in their publication is that Debian exits into a rescue shell in case of failure during initramfs, and that this can be triggered by entering a wrong password ~93 times in a row. Indeed the Debian initramfs implementation as provided by initramfs-tools exits into a rescue shell (usually a busybox shell) after a defined amount of failed attempts to make the root filesystem available. The loop in question is in local_device_setup() at the local initramfs script In general, this behaviour is considered as a feature: if the root device hasn't shown up after 30 rounds, the rescue shell is spawned to provide the local user/admin a way to debug and fix things herself. Hector Marco and Ismael Ripoll argue that in special environments, e.g. on public computers with password protected BIOS/UEFI and bootloader, this opens an attack vector and needs to be regarded as a security vulnerability:
It is common to assume that once the attacker has physical access to the computer, the game is over. The attackers can do whatever they want. And although this was true 30 years ago, today it is not. There are many "levels" of physical access. [...] In order to protect the computer in these scenarios: the BIOS/UEFI has one or two passwords to protect the booting or the configuration menu; the GRUB also has the possibility to use multiple passwords to protect unauthorized operations. And in the case of an encrypted system, the initrd shall block the maximum number of password trials and prevent the access to the computer in that case.
While Hector and Ismael have a valid point in that the rescue shell might open an additional attack vector in special setups, this is not true for the vast majority of Debian systems out there: in most cases a local attacker can alter the boot order, replace or add boot devices, modify boot options in the (GNU GRUB) bootloader menu or modify/replace arbitrary hardware parts. The required scenario to make the initramfs rescue shell an additional attack vector is indeed very special: locked down hardware, password protected BIOS and bootloader but still local keyboard (or serial console) access are required at least. Hector and Ismael argue that the default should be changed for enhanced security:
[...] But then Linux is used in more hostile environments, this helpful (but naive) recovery services shall not be the default option.
For the reasons explained about, I tend to disagree to Hectors and Ismaels opinion here. And after discussing this topic with several people I find my opinion reconfirmed: the Debian Security Team disputes the security impact of the issue and others agree. But leaving the disputable opinion on a sane default aside, I don't think that the cryptsetup package is the right place to change the default, if at all. If you want added security by a locked down initramfs (i.e. no rescue shell spawned), then at least the bootloader (GNU GRUB) needs to be locked down by default as well. To make it clear: if one wants to lock down the boot process, bootloader and initramfs should be locked down together. And the right place to do this would be the configurable behaviour of grub-mkconfig. Here, one can set a password for GRUB and the boot parameter 'panic=1' which disables the spawning of a rescue shell in initramfs. But as mentioned, I don't agree that this would be sane defaults. The vast majority of Debian systems out there don't have any security added by locked down bootloader and initramfs and the benefit of a rescue shell for debugging purposes clearly outrivals the minor security impact in my opinion. For the few setups which require the added security of a locked down bootloader and initramfs, we already have the relevant options documented in the Securing Debian Manual: After discussing the topic with initramfs-tools maintainers today, Guilhem and me (the cryptsetup maintainers) finally decided to not change any defaults and just add a 'sleep 60' after the maximum allowed attempts were reached. 2. tries=n option ignored, local brute-force slightly cheaper Apart from the issue of a rescue shell being spawned, Hector and Ismael also discovered a programming bug in the cryptsetup initramfs integration. This bug in the cryptroot initramfs local-top script allowed endless retries of passphrase input, ignoring the tries=n option of crypttab (and the default of 3). As a result, theoretically unlimited attempts to unlock encrypted disks were possible when processed during initramfs stage. The attack vector here was that local brute-force attacks are a bit cheaper. Instead of having to reboot after max tries were reached, one could go on trying passwords. Even though efficient brute-force attacks are mitigated by the PBKDF2 implementation in cryptsetup, this clearly is a real bug. The reason for the bug was twofold:
  • First, the condition in setup_mapping() responsible for making the function fail when the maximum amount of allowed attempts is reached, was never met:
      # Try to get a satisfactory password $crypttries times
    while [ $crypttries -le 0 ] [ $count -lt $crypttries ]; do export CRYPTTAB_TRIED="$count" count=$(( $count + 1 )) [...] done if [ $crypttries -gt 0 ] && [ $count -gt $crypttries ]; then message "cryptsetup: maximum number of tries exceeded for $crypttarget" return 1 fi [...]
    As one can see, the while loop stops when $count -lt $crypttries. Thus the second condition $count -gt $crypttries is never met. This can easily be fixed by decreasing $count by one in case of a successful unlock attempt along with changing the second condition to $count -ge $crypttries:
      while [ $crypttries -le 0 ]   [ $count -lt $crypttries ]; do
          # decrease $count by 1, apparently last try was successful.
          count=$(( $count - 1 ))
      if [ $crypttries -gt 0 ] && [ $count -ge $crypttries ]; then
    Christian Lamparter already spotted this bug back in October 2011 and provided a (incomplete) patch, but back then I even managed to merge the patch in an improper way, making it even more useless: The patch by Christian forgot to decrease $count by one in case of a successful unlock attempt, resulting in warnings about maximum tries exceeded even for successful attemps in some circumstances. But instead of adding the decrease myself and keeping the (almost correct) condition $count -eq $crypttries for detection of exceeded maximum tries, I changed back the condition to the wrong original $count -gt $crypttries that again was never met. Apparently I didn't test the fix properly back then. I definitely should do better in future!
  • Second, back in December 2013, I added a cryptroot initramfs local-block script as suggested by Goswin von Brederlow in order to fix bug #678692. The purpose of the cryptroot initramfs local-block script is to invoke the cryptroot initramfs local-top script again and again in a loop. This is required to support complex block device stacks. In fact, the numberless options of stacked block devices are one of the biggest and most inglorious reasons that the cryptsetup initramfs integration scripts became so complex over the years. After all we need to support setups like rootfs on top of LVM with two separate encrypted PVs or rootfs on top of LVM on top of dm-crypt on top of MD raid. The problem with the local-block script is that exiting the setup_mapping() function merely triggers a new invocation of the very same function. The guys who discovered the bug suggested a simple and good solution to this bug: When maximum attempts are detected (by second condition from above), the script sleeps for 60 seconds. This mitigates the brute-force attack options for local attackers - even rebooting after max attempts should be faster.

About disclosure, wording and clickbaiting I'm happy that Hector and Ismael brought up the topic and made their argument about the security impacts of an initramfs rescue shell, even though I have to admit that I was rather astonished about the fact that they got a CVE assigned. Nevertheless I'm very happy that they informed the Security Teams of Debian and Ubuntu prior to publishing their findings, which put me in the loop in turn. Also Hector and Ismael were open and responsive when it came to discussing their proposed fixes. But unfortunately the way they advertised their finding was not very helpful. They announced a speech about this topic at the DeepSec 2016 in Vienna with the headline Abusing LUKS to Hack the System. Honestly, this headline is missleading - if not wrong - in several ways:
  • First, the whole issue is not about LUKS, neither is it about cryptsetup itself. It's about Debians integration of cryptsetup into the initramfs, which is a compeletely different story.
  • Second, the term hack the system suggests that an exploit to break into the system is revealed. This is not true. The device encryption is not endangered at all.
  • Third - as shown above - very special prerequisites need to be met in order to make the mere existance of a LUKS encrypted device the relevant fact to be able to spawn a rescue shell during initramfs.
Unfortunately, the way this issue was published lead to even worse articles in the tech news press. Topics like Major security hole found in Cryptsetup script for LUKS disk encryption or Linux Flaw allows Root Shell During Boot-Up for LUKS Disk-Encrypted Systems suggest that a major security vulnerabilty was revealed and that it compromised the protection that cryptsetup respective LUKS offer. If these articles/news did anything at all, then it was causing damage to the cryptsetup project, which is not affected by the whole issue at all. After the cat was out of the bag, Marco and Ismael aggreed that the way the news picked up the issue was suboptimal, but I cannot fight the feeling that the over-exaggeration was partly intended and that clickbaiting is taking place here. That's a bit sad.

20 October 2016

Kees Cook: CVE-2016-5195

My prior post showed my research from earlier in the year at the 2016 Linux Security Summit on kernel security flaw lifetimes. Now that CVE-2016-5195 is public, here are updated graphs and statistics. Due to their rarity, the Critical bug average has now jumped from 3.3 years to 5.2 years. There aren t many, but, as I mentioned, they still exist, whether you know about them or not. CVE-2016-5195 was sitting on everyone s machine when I gave my LSS talk, and there are still other flaws on all our Linux machines right now. (And, I should note, this problem is not unique to Linux.) Dealing with knowing that there are always going to be bugs present requires proactive kernel self-protection (to minimize the effects of possible flaws) and vendors dedicated to updating their devices regularly and quickly (to keep the exposure window minimized once a flaw is widely known). So, here are the graphs updated for the 668 CVEs known today:

2016, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License.
Creative Commons License

17 October 2015

Joey Hess: it's a bird, it's a plane, it's a super monoid for propellor

I've been doing a little bit of dynamically typed programming in Haskell, to improve Propellor's Info type. The result is kind of interesting in a scary way. Info started out as a big record type, containing all the different sorts of metadata that Propellor needed to keep track of. Host IP addresses, DNS entries, ssh public keys, docker image configuration parameters... This got quite out of hand. Info needed to have its hands in everything, even types that should have been private to their module. To fix that, recent versions of Propellor let a single Info contain many different types of values. Look at it one way and it contains DNS entries; look at it another way and it contains ssh public keys, etc. As an migr from lands where you can never know what type of value is in a $foo until you look, this was a scary prospect at first, but I found it's possible to have the benefits of dynamic types and the safety of static types too. The key to doing it is Data.Dynamic. Thanks to Joachim Breitner for suggesting I could use it here. What I arrived at is this type (slightly simplified):
newtype Info = Info [Dynamic]
    deriving (Monoid)
So Info is a monoid, and it holds of a bunch of dynamic values, which could each be of any type at all. Eep! So far, this is utterly scary to me. To tame it, the Info constructor is not exported, and so the only way to create an Info is to start with mempty and use this function:
addInfo :: (IsInfo v, Monoid v) => Info -> v -> Info
addInfo (Info l) v = Info (toDyn v : l)
The important part of that is that only allows adding values that are in the IsInfo type class. That prevents the foot shooting associated with dynamic types, by only allowing use of types that make sense as Info. Otherwise arbitrary Strings etc could be passed to addInfo by accident, and all get concated together, and that would be a total dynamic programming mess. Anything you can add into an Info, you can get back out:
getInfo :: (IsInfo v, Monoid v) => Info -> v
getInfo (Info l) = mconcat (mapMaybe fromDynamic (reverse l))
Only monoids can be stored in Info, so if you ask for a type that an Info doesn't contain, you'll get back mempty. Crucially, IsInfo is an open type class. Any module in Propellor can make a new data type and make it an instance of IsInfo, and then that new data type can be stored in the Info of a Property, and any Host that uses the Property will have that added to its Info, available for later introspection.
For example, this weekend I'm extending Propellor to have controllers: Hosts that are responsible for running Propellor on some other hosts. Useful if you want to run propellor once and have it update the configuration of an entire network of hosts. There can be whole chains of controllers controlling other controllers etc. The problem is, what if host foo has the property controllerFor bar and host bar has the property controllerFor foo? I want to avoid a loop of foo running Propellor on bar, running Propellor on foo, ... To detect such loops, each Host's Info should contain a list of the Hosts it's controlling. Which is not hard to accomplish:
newtype Controlling = Controlled [Host]
    deriving (Typeable, Monoid)
isControlledBy :: Host -> Controlling -> Bool
h  isControlledBy  (Controlled hs) = any (== hostName h) (map hostName hs)
instance IsInfo Controlling where
    propigateInfo _ = True
mkControllingInfo :: Host -> Info
mkControllingInfo controlled = addInfo mempty (Controlled [controlled])
getControlledBy :: Host -> Controlling
getControlledBy = getInfo . hostInfo
isControllerLoop :: Host -> Host -> Bool
isControllerLoop controller controlled = go S.empty controlled
    go checked h
          controller  isControlledBy  c = True
        -- avoid checking loops that have been checked before
          hostName h  S.member  checked = False
          otherwise = any (go (S.insert (hostName h) checked)) l
        c@(Controlled l) = getControlledBy h
This is all internal to the module that needs it; the rest of propellor doesn't need to know that the Info is using used for this. And yet, the necessary information about Hosts is gathered as propellor runs.
So, that's a useful technique. I do wonder if I could somehow make addInfo combine together values in the list that have the same type; as it is the list can get long. And, to show Info, the best I could do was this:
 instance Show Info where
            show (Info l) = "Info " ++ show (map dynTypeRep l)
The resulting long list of the types of vales stored in a host's info is not a useful as it could be. Of course, getInfo can be used to get any particular type of value:
*Main> hostInfo kite
Info [InfoVal System,PrivInfo,PrivInfo,Controlling,DnsInfo,DnsInfo,DnsInfo,AliasesInfo, ...
*Main> getInfo (hostInfo kite) :: AliasesInfo
AliasesInfo (fromList ["","","","" ...
And finally, I keep trying to think of a better name than "Info".

29 May 2015

Roland Mas: FusionForge 6.0 final release available

Hi all, After 4 release candidates, the FusionForge community is proud to announce the new major Fusionforge 6.0 final release. The major changes in this version are: Here is a more detailed list of visible changes: Standard features: Tracker roadmap of the 6.0 release: roadmap. Some metrics about 6.0: FusionForge 6.0 can be downloaded in source form from our file release system. Packages will be available in some distributions soon. Enjoy! Your feedback to is welcome! For more information on FusionForge, refer to -- The FusionForge community

22 July 2014

Hideki Yamane: GeoIP support for installer is really nice

RHEL7 installation note says "The new graphical installer also generates automatic default settings where applicable. For example, if the installer detects a network connection, the user's general location is determined with GeoIP and sane suggestions are made for the default keyboard layout, language and timezone." but CentOS7 doesn't work as expected ;-)

GeoIP support in Fedora20 Installer works well and it's pretty nice. Boot from live media and it shows "Try Fedora" and "Install to Hard Drive" menu.

Then, select "Install" and...Boom! it shows in Japanese without any configuration automagically!

I want same feature for d-i, too.

24 March 2014

Andrew Shadura: Tired of autotools? Try this: mk-configure

mk-configure is a project which tries to be autotools done right. Instead of supporting an exceedingly large number of platforms, modern and ancient, at costs of generated unreadable multi-kilobyte shell scripts, mk-configure aims at better support of less platforms, but those which are really in use today. One of the main differences of this project is that it avoids code generation as much as possible. The author of mk-configure, Aleksey Cheusov, a NetBSD hacker from Belarus, uses NetBSD make (bmake) and shell script snippets instead of monstrous libraries written in m4 interleaved with shell scripts. As the result, there s no need in a separate step of package configuration or bootstrapping the configure script, everything is done by just running bmake, or a convenience wrapper for it, mkcmake, which prepends a proper library path to bmake arguments, so you don t have to specify it yourself. Today, mk-configure is already powerful enough to be able replace autotools for most of the projects, and what is missing from it can be easily done by hacking the Makefile, which would otherwise be quite simple. Try it for your project, you may really like it. I already did. And report bugs.

9 December 2010

Ingo Juergensmann: WebDAV as webdrive on OSX

I'm using WebDAV on Lenny and on Squeeze now for some time for syncing my bookmarks and calendars which is working just fine. But now I want to extend my WebDAV in order to use it as an external storage. The only problem is: it doesn't workon OSX! D'oh! Basically I followed several HowTos on the Net, so I ended with this configuration so far:
DavLockDB /path/to/DAVLockDB/DAVLockDB
<Directory /path/to/webdav/>
AuthType Digest
AuthName "realm"
AuthUserFile /path/tot/.htdigest
Require valid-user
Options +Indexes
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
RewriteEngine Off
I can connect to and browse the WebDAV directory, but I can't upload new files - neither with Finder on OSX nor with cp on command line in OSX. When using Finder I get the following errors:

For non-Germans: it says that the process couldn't be completed because the object is still in use.

Error -36 seems to be a generic I/O error in OSX and you can find many hits when you do a search in your favorite search engine. The Apache logs report lots of these lines:

==> /var/log/apache2/domain-ssl-error.log <==
[Thu Dec 09 21:23:35 2010] [error] [client 2001:6f8:90e:900::2] client denied by server configuration: /var/www/net/domain/path/to/Files/._Cam-EG_20101113015900_MD 3.avi ==> /var/log/apache2/domain-ssl-access.log <==
[09/Dec/2010:21:23:35 +0100] 2001:6f8:90e:900::2 - "GET /path/to/Files/._Cam-EG_20101113015900_MD%203.avi HTTP/1.1" 403 250 "-" "WebDAVFS/1.8.1 (01818000) Darwin/10.5.0 (i386)"
When copying some files with cp on OSXs command line I get these kind of errors:
$ cp -r Desktop/AIDAluna_KameraArchiv_Geiranger /Volumes/ij/Files/
cp: /Volumes/ij/Files/AIDAluna_KameraArchiv_Geiranger/PRIVATE/AVCHD: Operation not permitted
cp: Desktop/AIDAluna_KameraArchiv_Geiranger/PRIVATE/AVCHD: unable to copy extended attributes to /Volumes/ij/Files/AIDAluna_KameraArchiv_Geiranger/PRIVATE/AVCHD: Operation not permitted
cp: /Volumes/ij/Files/AIDAluna_KameraArchiv_Geiranger/PRIVATE/AVCHD/.DS_Store: No such file or directory
cp: /Volumes/ij/Files/AIDAluna_KameraArchiv_Geiranger/PRIVATE/AVCHD/AVCHDTN: No such file or directory
Funny enough directories were created and some files were copying although OSX complains about "Operation not permitted":
$ du -sch /Volumes/ij/Files/AIDAluna_KameraArchiv_Geiranger/*
10M /Volumes/ij/Files/AIDAluna_KameraArchiv_Geiranger/DCIM
2,5K /Volumes/ij/Files/AIDAluna_KameraArchiv_Geiranger/MISC
2,0K /Volumes/ij/Files/AIDAluna_KameraArchiv_Geiranger/PRIVATE
10M total
Of course the directory on the webserver has sufficient permissions and copying files to it is working just fine with Windows as well as Debian Sid. But anyway, is there something I'm missing in WebDAV configuration or can I do something in OSX to make it work? Using a third party application on OSX is something I would like to avoid, but when nothing else will help, I'm open for suggestions.

24 November 2010

Sergio Talens-Oliag: The Freaky Wall (Part 2: Initial Installation)

For the Freaky Wall I have installed a Debian GNU/kFreeBSD system using the installer with ZFS support announced on: I used the mini.iso found on: the 12th of October of 2010; as I had some problems and reported them to Robert is possible that the current image solves part of them. Installation plan I did a standard installation on a machine with two hard disks, but only used the first one from the installer. The plan was to use ZFS with RAID-1, but current versions of grub do not support booting from a ZFS + RAID file system, so I had to use the same technique used for Linux for a long time; three partitions: a swap partition, a small /boot partition and a big partition for /; / and /boot were formated to use ZFS. First reboot After the installation the system failed to boot because of a bug when building the /boot/grub/grub.cfg (some routes were missing a //@ prefix); to be able to boot Iwe edited the config on the grub prompt and later fixed the file:
    --- grub.cfg.orig       2010-10-13 16:40:39.000000000 +0200
    +++ grub.cfg    2010-10-13 18:38:47.535436766 +0200
    @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
            set root='(hd0,1)'
            search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set a371979bb836d1fe
            echo                    'Loading kernel of FreeBSD 8.1-1-amd64 ...'
    -       kfreebsd                /kfreebsd-8.1-1-amd64.gz
    +       kfreebsd                //@/kfreebsd-8.1-1-amd64.gz
            insmod part_msdos
            insmod zfs
            set root='(hd0,3)'
    @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
            insmod zfs
            set root='(hd0,1)'
            search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set a371979bb836d1fe
    -       kfreebsd_module         /zfs/zpool.cache type=/boot/zfs/zpool.cache
    +       kfreebsd_module         //@/zfs/zpool.cache type=/boot/zfs/zpool.cache
            set kFreeBSD.vfs.root.mountfrom=zfs:dkfbf1-ad4s3
            set kFreeBSD.vfs.root.mountfrom.options=rw
I haven't tested the installer since that day, but I believe that the current ZFS installer was fixed by Robert to deal with that problem. Once the system was booted I had to fix a couple of things: Adjusting ZFS to do RAID-1 On the second disk I created the same partitions as the ones on the first disk using parted; the final result was:
    # parted -l     
    Model: ST3250620NS/3BKS (ide)
    Disk /dev/ad6: 250GB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
    Partition Table: msdos
    Number  Start   End     Size    Type     File system  Flags
     1      1049kB  256MB   255MB   primary
     2      256MB   4256MB  4000MB  primary
     3      4256MB  250GB   246GB   primary
    Model: ST3250620NS/3BKS (ide)
    Disk /dev/ad4: 250GB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
    Partition Table: msdos
    Number  Start   End     Size    Type     File system     Flags
      1      1049kB  256MB   255MB   primary
      2      256MB   4256MB  4000MB  primary  linux-swap(v1)
      3      4256MB  250GB   246GB   primary
To use the second partition of both disks as swap I added the following to /etc/fstab:
    /dev/ad4s2      none            swap    sw              0       0
    /dev/ad6s2      none            swap    sw              0       0
To configure the mirroring for the root file system I did the following:
    zpool attach dkfbf1-ad4s3 ad4s3 ad6s3
As the /boot can't work as a replica I adjusted it to make two copies of every file:
    zfs   set copies=2     dkfbf1-ad4s1
Leaving the second disk copy alone, although my plan is to configure it to hold a copy of the /boot partition synchronized with rsync each night. After all those changes the system didn't boot, as the grub-pc generates a buggy /boot/grub/grub.cfg; the problem is on the /etc/grub.d/10_kfreebsd section:
    ### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/10_kfreebsd ###
    menuentry 'Debian GNU/kFreeBSD, with kFreeBSD 8.1-1-amd64' --class debian \
      --class gnu-kfreebsd --class gnu --class os  
          insmod part_msdos
          insmod zfs
          set root='(hd0,1)'
          search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set a371979bb836d1fe
          echo 'Loading kernel of FreeBSD 8.1-1-amd64 ...'
          kfreebsd /kfreebsd-8.1-1-amd64.gz
          set kFreeBSD.vfs.root.mountfrom=unknown:/dev/ad4s3
          set kFreeBSD.vfs.root.mountfrom.options=rw
    ### END /etc/grub.d/10_kfreebsd ###
To fix it there has to be a copy of the modules for ZFS on the boot partition (in my case I moved the /lib/modules directory to /boot and created a link on the root partition to the new directory):
    cd /boot
    mkdir lib
    mv /lib/modules lib
    cd /lib
    ln -s ../boot/lib/modules
And instead of fixing the /etc/grub.d/10_kfreebsd code I wrote a new script (/etc/grub.d/09_zfs_kfreebsd) that creates the right config for my current configuration on the grub.cfg file:
    exec_prefix=$ prefix 
    bindir=$ exec_prefix /bin
    libdir=$ exec_prefix /lib
    . $ libdir /grub/grub-mkconfig_lib
    prepare_boot_cache="$(prepare_grub_to_access_device $ GRUB_DEVICE_BOOT    sed -e "s/^/\t/")"
    kfreebsd_versions="$(ls /lib/modules/)"
    zfs_root_device="$(zfs list   awk '/\/$/   print $1  '   head -1)"
    for kversion in $kfreebsd_versions; do
      cat << EOF
    # Entry when using ZFS (we have issues with /etc/grub.d/10_kfreebsd)
    menuentry 'Debian GNU/kFreeBSD, with kFreeBSD $kversion and ZFS' --class debian --class gnu-kfreebsd --class gnu --class os  
    $ prepare_boot_cache 
          echo                    'Loading kernel of FreeBSD $kversion ...'
          kfreebsd                //@/kfreebsd-$kversion.gz
          kfreebsd_module_elf     //@/lib/modules/$kversion/opensolaris.ko
          kfreebsd_module_elf     //@/lib/modules/$kversion/zfs.ko
          kfreebsd_module         //@/zfs/zpool.cache type=/boot/zfs/zpool.cache
          set kFreeBSD.vfs.root.mountfrom=zfs:$zfs_root_device
          set kFreeBSD.vfs.root.mountfrom.options=rw
I solved the problem this way to have a working solution that does not break with squeeze upgrades, assuming that a future grub-pc package will deal well with my config and I'll be able to remove this script, but I guess I'll have to install it from backports. The entry generated by the script when called from update-grub will be similar to:
    ### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/09_zfs-kfreebsd ###
    # Entry when using ZFS (we have issues with /etc/grub.d/10_kfreebsd)
    menuentry 'Debian GNU/kFreeBSD, with kFreeBSD 8.1-1-amd64 @ ITI' --class debian --class gnu-kfreebsd --class gnu --class os  
          insmod part_msdos
          insmod zfs
          set root='(hd0,1)'
          search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set a371979bb836d1fe
          echo                    'Loading kernel of FreeBSD 8.1-1-amd64 ...'
          kfreebsd                //@/kfreebsd-8.1-1-amd64.gz
          kfreebsd_module_elf     //@/lib/modules/8.1-1-amd64/opensolaris.ko
          kfreebsd_module_elf     //@/lib/modules/8.1-1-amd64/zfs.ko
          kfreebsd_module         //@/zfs/zpool.cache type=/boot/zfs/zpool.cache
          set kFreeBSD.vfs.root.mountfrom=zfs:dkfbf1-ad4s3
          set kFreeBSD.vfs.root.mountfrom.options=rw
    ### END /etc/grub.d/10_iti-kfreebsd ###
And after rebooting the machine with this new configuration the system boots OK. On my next post I'll continue explaining how to compile a kernel that supports the use of the OpenBSD Packet Filter and related technologies (CARP, pflog, etc.).

Alexander Wirt: Cool things with grub2 and syslinux - booting floppy and iso images

From time to time I have to boot an iso or even a floppy. Unfortunately my X200 doesn't have a CD-Rom or a Floppy. Grub isn't able to boot isos and floppy images on its own, thats the point where syslinux comes into play: from version 4.x the syslinux memdisk driver is able to boot most iso and floppy images. The syslinux wiki has some details about the supported image types. Yesterday I had to boot an iso image and instead of editing grub.cfg by hand I decided to create a snippet for grub.d to automate things. If you drop an .iso or an .img into the IMAGES path and run update-grub2 afterwards you get a nice boot entry that boots the floppy or iso image. The only thing you have to do is to install syslinux and copy /usr/lib/syslinux/memdisk to /boot. And here it comes:
set -e
. /usr/lib/grub/grub-mkconfig_lib
if test -e /boot/memdisk ; then
    MEMDISKPATH=$( make_system_path_relative_to_its_root "/boot/memdisk" )
    echo "Found memdisk: $MEMDISKPATH" >&2
    find $IMAGES -name "*.iso" -o -name '*.img'   sort   
    while read image ; do
        IMAGEPATH=$( make_system_path_relative_to_its_root "$image" )
        case "$image" in
                echo "Found iso image: $IMAGEPATH" >&2
                cat << EOF
menuentry "Bootable ISO Image: $(basename $IMAGEPATH   sed s/.img//)"  
                prepare_grub_to_access_device $ GRUB_DEVICE_BOOT    sed -e "s/^/\t/"
                cat << EOF
    linux16 $MEMDISKPATH iso
    initrd16 $IMAGEPATH
                echo "Found floppy image: $IMAGEPATH" >&2
                cat << EOF
menuentry "Bootable Floppy Image: $(basename $IMAGEPATH   sed s/.img//)"  
                prepare_grub_to_access_device $ GRUB_DEVICE_BOOT    sed -e "s/^/\t/"
                cat << EOF
    linux16 $MEMDISKPATH raw
    initrd16 $IMAGEPATH
P.S. I got the idea and some code snippets from several blog and wiki entries in the net and just added the iso part, so thats not all my code :)

4 June 2010

Colin Watson: Hacking on grub2

Various people observed in a long thread on debian-devel that the grub2 package was in a bit of a mess in terms of its release-critical bug count, and Jordi and Stefano both got in touch with me directly to gently point out that I probably ought to be doing something about it as one of the co-maintainers. Actually, I don't think grub2 was in quite as bad a state as its 18 RC bugs suggested. Of course every boot loader failure is critical to the person affected by it, not to mention that GRUB 2 offers more complex functionality than any other boot loader (e.g. LVM and RAID), and so it tends to accumulate RC bugs at rather a high rate. That said, we'd been neglecting its bug list for some time; Robert and Felix have both been taking some time off, Jordi mostly only cared about PowerPC and can't do that any more due to hardware failure, and I hadn't been able to pick up the slack. Most of my projects at work for the next while involve GRUB in one way or another, so I decided it was a perfectly reasonable use of work time to do something about this; I was going to need fully up-to-date snapshots anyway, and practically all the Debian grub2 bugs affect Ubuntu too. Thus, with the exception of some other little things like releasing the first Maverick alpha, I've spent pretty much the last week and a half solidly trying to get the grub2 package back into shape, with four uploads so far. The RC issues that remain are: If we can fix that lot, or even just the ones that are reasonably well-understood, I think we'll be in reasonable shape. I'd also like to make grub-mkconfig a bit more robust in the event that the root filesystem isn't one that GRUB understands (#561855, #562672), and I'd quite like to write some more documentation. On the upside, progress has been good. We have multiple terminal support thanks to a new upstream snapshot (#506707), update-grub runs much faster (#508834, #574088), we have DM-RAID support with a following wind (#579919), the new scheme with symlinks under /dev/mapper/ works (#550704), we have basic support for btrfs / as long as you have something GRUB understands properly on /boot (#540786), we have full info documentation covering all the user-adjustable settings in /etc/default/grub, and a host of other smaller fixes. I'm hoping we can keep this up. If you'd like to help, contact me, especially if there's something particular that isn't being handled that you think you could work on. GRUB 2 is actually quite a pleasant codebase to work on once you get used to its layout; it's certainly much easier to fix bugs in than GRUB Legacy ever was, as far as I'm concerned. Thanks to tools like grub-probe and grub-fstest, it's very often possible to fix problems without needing to reboot for anything other than a final sanity check (although KVM certainly helps), and you can often debug very substantial bits of the boot loader - the bits that actually go wrong - using standard tools such as strace and gdb. Upstream is helpful and I've been able to get many of the problems above fixed directly there. If you have a sound knowledge of C and a decent level of understanding of the environment a boot loader needs to operate in - or for that matter specialist knowledge of interesting device types - then you should be able to find something to do.

4 February 2009

Dirk Eddelbuettel: Correct Datetime / POSIXct behaviour for R and kdb+

We have started to look into kdb+ as a possible high-performance column-store backend. Kx offers free trials -- and so I have played with this for a day or two, both the general system, data loads and dumps and in particular with the interface to R, Based on the few files (one C source with interface code, one R file to access the C code, one object file to link against, one header file and a simple Makefile), it took just a couple of minutes to turn this into a proper CRAN-style R package. Anyway, the reason for this post was that the R / kdb+ glue code works well ... but not for datetimes. I really like to be able to pass date/time objects natively between systems as easily as, say, numbers or strings (and see e.g. my Rcpp package for doing this with R and C++) and I was a bit annoyed when the millisecond timestamps didn't move smoothly. Turns out that the basic converter function in the code had a number of problems: it converted to integer, only covered a single scalar rather than vectorised mode, and erroneously reduced a reference count. A better version, in my view, is as follows:
static SEXP from_datetime_kobject(K x) 
	SEXP result;
	int i, length = x->n;
	if (scalar(x))  
		result = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, 1));
		REAL(result)[0] = (kF(x)[0] + 10957) * 86400;
		result = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, length));
		for(i = 0; i < length; i++)  
		    	REAL(result)[i] = (kF(x)[i] + 10957) * 86400;
	SEXP datetimeclass = PROTECT(allocVector(STRSXP,2));
	SET_STRING_ELT(datetimeclass, 0, mkChar("POSIXt"));
	SET_STRING_ELT(datetimeclass, 1, mkChar("POSIXct"));
	setAttrib(result, R_ClassSymbol, datetimeclass);
        return result; 
This deals with vectors as well as scalars, converts Kdb's 'fractional days since Jan 1, 2000' to the Unix standard of seconds since the epoch -- including the R extension of fractional seconds -- and as importantly, sets the class attributes to POSIXt POSIXct as needed by R. With that, a simple select max datetime from table does just that, and vectors of timestamped records of trades or quotes or whatever also come with proper POSIXct behaviour into R. Note that it needs TZ to be set to UTC, though, or you get a timezone offset you may not want.

8 July 2006

Uwe Hermann: ASCII art spam

Whoa, those spammers are getting really desperate now, aren't they? Today in my inbox:
apy8       0lyk   b8xvdtfa        glb13            0uurqjl     5xju3p0jb            1uk9z
 yhak     o3vl    tytjx4ui        m6frp           64zx9238iq   128lkxk2wh           fzqpv
 mkqj     g1tn    wgd293sv       s3mnhaq        y1vvng731dsy   f39iqddc65f         5fgnwcx
 t9ba4   wg8j1      ucq8         uviyoz6        4k2g4     fo   wz0i   q7pn         hqblemz
  pu9t   1dwr       mocp         nlihfws       mm3w0           j4zb   0fzh         o6nljyq
  0luy   to8a       ljd0        5bi8 zpfh      93ab            tbpr   hztc        foza p7sf
  5vw7t a4nce       2fjr        oxto 2t0r      37v3   mxvfq0   x6qtw1j6me         ye51 b7pt
   pwtx gg5l        mtfr       h7390 0voxg     btc8   t7vj3n   twn72qv80         92sj8 8qhuc
   4xoq 9m3u        r3i0       4dgf   2k8l     o6u8   eegabt   70vrl5ukj         6bpp   u336
    9p5tqyo         ixkj       7mkcss82ko2     6dgtj    tdei   eayi tnjgi        ujh0x073p63
    jbxotva         alrs      ubvdw9kele9rs     ed7bi   vbjz   0tlb b1svn       15xh90ojyj56u
    zzfla7m       3o1jnrrc    kvlxt74rl46l1     yy5mng2kl7dj   8bmq  793jb      qzqkjf00glzsf
     e6doi        hfcqgi2t    w8bd     vydk      elqfyxtdk7g   upqf   ippbf     ca5l     cgrm
     npnrd        dzsgo4jz   q9zo       co4g       6kabvxc     sqpy    5ds54   qhpb       krpw

28 June 2006

Martin F. Krafft: Please test mdadm/experimental

This is an email I just sent to debian-devel:
I have done some major work on mdadm (see PTS) in experimental, which is now at version 2.5.2-1 (not all web pages reflect that yet). I still have not received enough success reports to make me comfortable enough to upload to unstable, so here's another request for testing (or else etch will ship with 2.4.1). I am 95% confident that it's a smooth upgrade, though it helps if you make sure that the output of the script /usr/share/mdadm/mkconf looks okay before you reboot. Come and find me on IRC if you need reconfirmation (see below). Previously, mdadm required a newer version of initramfs-tools, one which did not exist yet. I have addressed this issue with this version, meaning that you can install it with any initramfs-tools out there, and it will just do what it can do. Details are available in the online README, which is a little more up to date than the included /usr/share/doc/mdadm/README.experimental. Please test mdadm 2.5.2-1! and drop me a line if it works, or if it does not! The package is in experimental or available from my repository for i386 or amd64. Again, do not hesitate to bug me on IRC (#debian-devel/ if you have questions or need assistance.
Update: Alec Berryman discovered a slight problem when mdadm 2.5.2-1 is used in conjunction with initramfs-tools 0.64 or earlier. Please see this post for details and solutions. The online README has been updated. I don't think this warrants a new package to be uploaded to the archive, but please correct me if I am wrong. Update: Alec Berryman helped discover another problem when the root filesystem is on LVM is on RAID. If this is your setup, please do not use mdadm 2.5 at the moment. See #375879.
