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7 March 2024

Gunnar Wolf: Constructed truths truth and knowledge in a post-truth world

This post is a review for Computing Reviews for Constructed truths truth and knowledge in a post-truth world , a book published in Springer Link
Many of us grew up used to having some news sources we could implicitly trust, such as well-positioned newspapers and radio or TV news programs. We knew they would only hire responsible journalists rather than risk diluting public trust and losing their brand s value. However, with the advent of the Internet and social media, we are witnessing what has been termed the post-truth phenomenon. The undeniable freedom that horizontal communication has given us automatically brings with it the emergence of filter bubbles and echo chambers, and truth seems to become a group belief. Contrary to my original expectations, the core topic of the book is not about how current-day media brings about post-truth mindsets. Instead it goes into a much deeper philosophical debate: What is truth? Does truth exist by itself, objectively, or is it a social construct? If activists with different political leanings debate a given subject, is it even possible for them to understand the same points for debate, or do they truly experience parallel realities? The author wrote this book clearly prompted by the unprecedented events that took place in 2020, as the COVID-19 crisis forced humanity into isolation and online communication. Donald Trump is explicitly and repeatedly presented throughout the book as an example of an actor that took advantage of the distortions caused by post-truth. The first chapter frames the narrative from the perspective of information flow over the last several decades, on how the emergence of horizontal, uncensored communication free of editorial oversight started empowering the netizens and created a temporary information flow utopia. But soon afterwards, algorithmic gatekeepers started appearing, creating a set of personalized distortions on reality; users started getting news aligned to what they already showed interest in. This led to an increase in polarization and the growth of narrative-framing-specific communities that served as echo chambers for disjoint views on reality. This led to the growth of conspiracy theories and, necessarily, to the science denial and pseudoscience that reached unimaginable peaks during the COVID-19 crisis. Finally, when readers decide based on completely subjective criteria whether a scientific theory such as global warming is true or propaganda, or question what most traditional news outlets present as facts, we face the phenomenon known as fake news. Fake news leads to post-truth, a state where it is impossible to distinguish between truth and falsehood, and serves only a rhetorical function, making rational discourse impossible. Toward the end of the first chapter, the tone of writing quickly turns away from describing developments in the spread of news and facts over the last decades and quickly goes deep into philosophy, into the very thorny subject pursued by said discipline for millennia: How can truth be defined? Can different perspectives bring about different truth values for any given idea? Does truth depend on the observer, on their knowledge of facts, on their moral compass or in their honest opinions? Zoglauer dives into epistemology, following various thinkers ideas on what can be understood as truth: constructivism (whether knowledge and truth values can be learnt by an individual building from their personal experience), objectivity (whether experiences, and thus truth, are universal, or whether they are naturally individual), and whether we can proclaim something to be true when it corresponds to reality. For the final chapter, he dives into the role information and knowledge play in assigning and understanding truth value, as well as the value of second-hand knowledge: Do we really own knowledge because we can look up facts online (even if we carefully check the sources)? Can I, without any medical training, diagnose a sickness and treatment by honestly and carefully looking up its symptoms in medical databases? Wrapping up, while I very much enjoyed reading this book, I must confess it is completely different from what I expected. This book digs much more into the abstract than into information flow in modern society, or the impact on early 2020s politics as its editorial description suggests. At 160 pages, the book is not a heavy read, and Zoglauer s writing style is easy to follow, even across the potentially very deep topics it presents. Its main readership is not necessarily computing practitioners or academics. However, for people trying to better understand epistemology through its expressions in the modern world, it will be a very worthy read.

6 February 2024

Louis-Philippe V ronneau: Montreal's Debian & Stuff - February 2024

New Year, Same Great People! Our Debian User Group met for the first of our 2024 bi-monthly meetings on February 4th and it was loads of fun. Around twelve different people made it this time to Koumbit, where the meeting happened. As a reminder, our meetings are called "Debian & Stuff" because we want to be as open as possible and welcome people that want to work on "other stuff" than Debian. Here is what we did: pollo: LeLutin: mjeanson: lavamind: viashimo: tvaz & tassia: joeDoe: anarcat: Pictures I was pretty busy this time around and ended up not taking a lot of pictures. Here's a bad one of the ceiling at Koumbit I took, and a picture by anarcat of the content of his boxes of loot: A picture of the ceiling at Koumbit The content of anarcat's boxes of loot

9 February 2023

Jonathan McDowell: Building a read-only Debian root setup: Part 2

This is the second part of how I build a read-only root setup for my router. You might want to read part 1 first, which covers the initial boot and general overview of how I tie the pieces together. This post will describe how I build the squashfs image that forms the main filesystem. Most of the build is driven from a script, make-router, which I ll dissect below. It s highly tailored to my needs, and this is a fairly lengthy post, but hopefully the steps I describe prove useful to anyone trying to do something similar.
Breakdown of make-router
# Either rb3011 (arm) or rb5009 (arm64)
if [ "x$ HOSTNAME " == "xrb3011" ]; then
elif [ "x$ HOSTNAME " == "xrb5009" ]; then
	echo "Unknown host: $ HOSTNAME "
	exit 1

It s a bash script, and I allow building for either my RB3011 or RB5009, which means a different architecture (32 vs 64 bit). I run this script on my Pi 4 which means I don t have to mess about with QemuUserEmulation.
BASE_DIR=$(dirname $0)
IMAGE_FILE=$(mktemp --tmpdir router.$ ARCH .XXXXXXXXXX.img)
MOUNT_POINT=$(mktemp -p /mnt -d router.$ ARCH .XXXXXXXXXX)
# Build and mount an ext4 image file to put the root file system in
dd if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=0 seek=1G of=$ IMAGE_FILE 
mkfs -t ext4 $ IMAGE_FILE 
mount -o loop $ IMAGE_FILE  $ MOUNT_POINT 

I build the image in a loopback ext4 file on tmpfs (my Pi4 is the 8G model), which makes things a bit faster.
# Add dpkg excludes
mkdir -p $ MOUNT_POINT /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/
cat <<EOF > $ MOUNT_POINT /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/path-excludes
# Exclude docs
# Only locale we want is English
# No man pages

Create a dpkg excludes config to drop docs, man pages and most locales before we even start the bootstrap.
# Setup fstab + mtab
echo "# Empty fstab as root is pre-mounted" > $ MOUNT_POINT /etc/fstab
ln -s ../proc/self/mounts $ MOUNT_POINT /etc/mtab
# Setup hostname
echo $ HOSTNAME  > $ MOUNT_POINT /etc/hostname
# Add the root SSH keys
mkdir -p $ MOUNT_POINT /root/.ssh/
cat <<EOF > $ MOUNT_POINT /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAv8NkUeVdsVdegS+JT9qwFwiHEgcC9sBwnv6RjpH6I4d3im4LOaPOatzneMTZlH8Gird+H4nzluciBr63hxmcFjZVW7dl6mxlNX2t/wKvV0loxtEmHMoI7VMCnrWD0PyvwJ8qqNu9cANoYriZRhRCsBi27qPNvI741zEpXN8QQs7D3sfe4GSft9yQplfJkSldN+2qJHvd0AHKxRdD+XTxv1Ot26+ZoF3MJ9MqtK+FS+fD9/ESLxMlOpHD7ltvCRol3u7YoaUo2HJ+u31l0uwPZTqkPNS9fkmeCYEE0oXlwvUTLIbMnLbc7NKiLgniG8XaT0RYHtOnoc2l2UnTvH5qsQ==
ssh-rsa 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 noodles@yubikey
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC0I8UHj4IpfqUcGE4cTvLB0d2xmATSUzqtxW6ZhGbZxvQDKJesVW6HunrJ4NFTQuQJYgOXY/o82qBpkEKqaJMEFHTCjcaj3M6DIaxpiRfQfs0nhtzDB6zPiZn9Suxb0s5Qr4sTWd6iI9da72z3hp9QHNAu4vpa4MSNE+al3UfUisUf4l8TaBYKwQcduCE0z2n2FTi3QzmlkOgH4MgyqBBEaqx1tq7Zcln0P0TYZXFtrxVyoqBBIoIEqYxmFIQP887W50wQka95dBGqjtV+d8IbrQ4pB55qTxMd91L+F8n8A6nhQe7DckjS0Xdla52b9RXNXoobhtvx9K2prisagsHT noodles@cup
ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBK6iGog3WbNhrmrkglNjVO8/B6m7mN6q1tMm1sXjLxQa+F86ETTLiXNeFQVKCHYrk8f7hK0d2uxwgj6Ixy9k0Cw= noodles@sevai

Setup fstab, the hostname and SSH keys for root.
# Bootstrap our install
debootstrap \
	--arch=$ ARCH  \
	--include=collectd-core,conntrack,dnsmasq,ethtool,iperf3,kexec-tools,mosquitto,mtd-utils,mtr-tiny,ppp,tcpdump,rng-tools5,ssh,watchdog,wget \
	--exclude=dmidecode,isc-dhcp-client,isc-dhcp-common,makedev,nano \
	bullseye $ MOUNT_POINT

Actually do the debootstrap step, including a bunch of extra packages that we want.
# Install mqtt-arp
cp $ BASE_DIR /debs/mqtt-arp_1_$ ARCH .deb $ MOUNT_POINT /tmp
chroot $ MOUNT_POINT  dpkg -i /tmp/mqtt-arp_1_$ ARCH .deb
rm $ MOUNT_POINT /tmp/mqtt-arp_1_$ ARCH .deb
# Frob the mqtt-arp config so it starts after mosquitto
sed -i -e 's/After=.*/After=mosquitto.service/' $ MOUNT_POINT /lib/systemd/system/mqtt-arp.service

I haven t uploaded mqtt-arp to Debian, so I install a locally built package, and ensure it starts after mosquitto (the MQTT broker), given they re running on the same host.
# Frob watchdog so it starts earlier than multi-user
sed -i -e 's/After=.*/' $ MOUNT_POINT /lib/systemd/system/watchdog.service
# Make sure the watchdog is poking the device file
sed -i -e 's/^#watchdog-device/watchdog-device/' $ MOUNT_POINT /etc/watchdog.conf

watchdog timeouts were particularly an issue on the RB3011, where the default timeout didn t give enough time to reach multiuser mode before it would reset the router. Not helpful, so alter the config to start it earlier (and make sure it s configured to actually kick the device file).
# Clean up docs + locales
rm -r $ MOUNT_POINT /usr/share/doc/*
rm -r $ MOUNT_POINT /usr/share/man/*
for dir in $ MOUNT_POINT /usr/share/locale/*/; do
	if [ "$ dir " != "$ MOUNT_POINT /usr/share/locale/en/" ]; then
		rm -r $ dir 

Clean up any docs etc that ended up installed.
# Set root password to root
echo "root:root"   chroot $ MOUNT_POINT  chpasswd

The only login method is ssh key to the root account though I suppose this allows for someone to execute a privilege escalation from a daemon user so I should probably randomise this. Does need to be known though so it s possible to login via the serial console for debugging.
# Add security to sources.list + update
echo "deb bullseye-security main" >> $ MOUNT_POINT /etc/apt/sources.list
chroot $ MOUNT_POINT  apt update
chroot $ MOUNT_POINT  apt -y full-upgrade
chroot $ MOUNT_POINT  apt clean
# Cleanup the APT lists
rm $ MOUNT_POINT /var/lib/apt/lists/www.*
rm $ MOUNT_POINT /var/lib/apt/lists/security.*

Pull in any security updates, then clean out the APT lists rather than polluting the image with them.
# Disable the daily APT timer
rm $ MOUNT_POINT /etc/systemd/system/
# Disable daily dpkg backup
cat <<EOF > $ MOUNT_POINT /etc/cron.daily/dpkg
# Don't do the daily dpkg backup
exit 0
# We don't want a persistent systemd journal
rmdir $ MOUNT_POINT /var/log/journal

None of these make sense on a router.
# Enable nftables
ln -s /lib/systemd/system/nftables.service \
	$ MOUNT_POINT /etc/systemd/system/

Ensure we have firewalling enabled automatically.
# Add systemd-coredump + systemd-timesync user / group
echo "systemd-timesync:x:998:" >> $ MOUNT_POINT /etc/group
echo "systemd-coredump:x:999:" >> $ MOUNT_POINT /etc/group
echo "systemd-timesync:!*::" >> $ MOUNT_POINT /etc/gshadow
echo "systemd-coredump:!*::" >> $ MOUNT_POINT /etc/gshadow
echo "systemd-timesync:x:998:998:systemd Time Synchronization:/:/usr/sbin/nologin" >> $ MOUNT_POINT /etc/passwd
echo "systemd-coredump:x:999:999:systemd Core Dumper:/:/usr/sbin/nologin" >> $ MOUNT_POINT /etc/passwd
echo "systemd-timesync:!*:47358::::::" >> $ MOUNT_POINT /etc/shadow
echo "systemd-coredump:!*:47358::::::" >> $ MOUNT_POINT /etc/shadow
# Create /etc/.pwd.lock, otherwise it'll end up in the overlay
touch $ MOUNT_POINT /etc/.pwd.lock
chmod 600 $ MOUNT_POINT /etc/.pwd.lock

Create a number of users that will otherwise get created at boot, and a lock file that will otherwise get created anyway.
# Copy config files
cp --recursive --preserve=mode,timestamps $ BASE_DIR /etc/* $ MOUNT_POINT /etc/
cp --recursive --preserve=mode,timestamps $ BASE_DIR /etc-$ ARCH /* $ MOUNT_POINT /etc/
chroot $ MOUNT_POINT  chown mosquitto /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.users
chroot $ MOUNT_POINT  chown mosquitto /etc/ssl/mqtt.home.key

There are config files that are easier to replace wholesale, some of which are specific to the hardware (e.g. related to network interfaces). See below for some more details.
# Build symlinks into flash for boot / modules
ln -s /mnt/flash/lib/modules $ MOUNT_POINT /lib/modules
rmdir $ MOUNT_POINT /boot
ln -s /mnt/flash/boot $ MOUNT_POINT /boot

The kernel + its modules live outside the squashfs image, on the USB flash drive that the image lives on. That makes for easier kernel upgrades.
# Put our git revision into os-release
echo -n "GIT_VERSION=" >> $ MOUNT_POINT /etc/os-release
(cd $ BASE_DIR  ; git describe --tags) >> $ MOUNT_POINT /etc/os-release

Always helpful to be able to check the image itself for what it was built from.
# Add some stuff to root's .bashrc
cat << EOF >> $ MOUNT_POINT /root/.bashrc
alias ls='ls -F --color=auto'
eval "\$(dircolors)"
case "\$TERM" in
xterm* rxvt*)
	PS1="\\[\\e]0;\\u@\\h: \\w\a\\]\$PS1"

Just some niceties for when I do end up logging in.
# Build the squashfs
mksquashfs $ MOUNT_POINT  /tmp/router.$ ARCH .squashfs \
	-comp xz

Actually build the squashfs image.
# Save the installed package list off
chroot $ MOUNT_POINT  dpkg --get-selections > /tmp/wip-installed-packages

Save off the installed package list. This was particularly useful when trying to replicate the existing router setup and making sure I had all the important packages installed. It doesn t really serve a purpose now.
In terms of the config files I copy into /etc, shared across both routers are the following:
Breakdown of shared config
  • apt config (disable recommends, periodic updates):
    • apt/apt.conf.d/10periodic, apt/apt.conf.d/local-recommends
  • Adding a default, empty, locale:
    • default/locale
    • dnsmasq.conf, dnsmasq.d/dhcp-ranges, dnsmasq.d/static-ips
    • hosts, resolv.conf
  • Enabling IP forwarding:
    • sysctl.conf
  • Logs related:
    • logrotate.conf, rsyslog.conf
  • MQTT related:
    • mosquitto/mosquitto.users, mosquitto/conf.d/ssl.conf, mosquitto/conf.d/users.conf, mosquitto/mosquitto.acl, mosquitto/mosquitto.conf
    • mqtt-arp.conf
    • ssl/lets-encrypt-r3.crt, ssl/mqtt.home.key, ssl/mqtt.home.crt
  • PPP configuration:
    • ppp/ip-up.d/0000usepeerdns, ppp/ipv6-up.d/defaultroute, ppp/pap-secrets, ppp/chap-secrets
    • network/interfaces.d/pppoe-wan
The router specific config is mostly related to networking:
Breakdown of router specific config
  • Firewalling:
    • nftables.conf
  • Interfaces:
    • dnsmasq.d/interfaces
    • network/interfaces.d/eth0, network/interfaces.d/p1, network/interfaces.d/p2, network/interfaces.d/p7, network/interfaces.d/p8
  • PPP config (network interface piece):
    • ppp/peers/aquiss
  • SSH keys:
    • ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key, ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key, ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key, ssh/, ssh/, ssh/
  • Monitoring:
    • collectd/collectd.conf, collectd/collectd.conf.d/network.conf

26 August 2022

Antoine Beaupr : How to nationalize the internet in Canada

Rogers had a catastrophic failure in July 2022. It affected emergency services (as in: people couldn't call 911, but also some 911 services themselves failed), hospitals (which couldn't access prescriptions), banks and payment systems (as payment terminals stopped working), and regular users as well. The outage lasted almost a full day, and Rogers took days to give any technical explanation on the outage, and even when they did, details were sparse. So far the only detailed account is from outside actors like Cloudflare which seem to point at an internal BGP failure. Its impact on the economy has yet to be measured, but it probably cost millions of dollars in wasted time and possibly lead to life-threatening situations. Apart from holding Rogers (criminally?) responsible for this, what should be done in the future to avoid such problems? It's not the first time something like this has happened: it happened to Bell Canada as well. The Rogers outage is also strangely similar to the Facebook outage last year, but, to its credit, Facebook did post a fairly detailed explanation only a day later. The internet is designed to be decentralised, and having large companies like Rogers hold so much power is a crucial mistake that should be reverted. The question is how. Some critics were quick to point out that we need more ISP diversity and competition, but I think that's missing the point. Others have suggested that the internet should be a public good or even straight out nationalized. I believe the solution to the problem of large, private, centralised telcos and ISPs is to replace them with smaller, public, decentralised service providers. The only way to ensure that works is to make sure that public money ends up creating infrastructure controlled by the public, which means treating ISPs as a public utility. This has been implemented elsewhere: it works, it's cheaper, and provides better service.

A modest proposal Global wireless services (like phone services) and home internet inevitably grow into monopolies. They are public utilities, just like water, power, railways, and roads. The question of how they should be managed is therefore inherently political, yet people don't seem to question the idea that only the market (i.e. "competition") can solve this problem. I disagree. 10 years ago (in french), I suggested we, in Qu bec, should nationalize large telcos and internet service providers. I no longer believe is a realistic approach: most of those companies have crap copper-based networks (at least for the last mile), yet are worth billions of dollars. It would be prohibitive, and a waste, to buy them out. Back then, I called this idea "R seau-Qu bec", a reference to the already nationalized power company, Hydro-Qu bec. (This idea, incidentally, made it into the plan of a political party.) Now, I think we should instead build our own, public internet. Start setting up municipal internet services, fiber to the home in all cities, progressively. Then interconnect cities with fiber, and build peering agreements with other providers. This also includes a bid on wireless spectrum to start competing with phone providers as well. And while that sounds really ambitious, I think it's possible to take this one step at a time.

Municipal broadband In many parts of the world, municipal broadband is an elegant solution to the problem, with solutions ranging from Stockholm's city-owned fiber network (dark fiber, layer 1) to Utah's UTOPIA network (fiber to the premises, layer 2) and municipal wireless networks like which connects about 40,000 nodes in Catalonia. A good first step would be for cities to start providing broadband services to its residents, directly. Cities normally own sewage and water systems that interconnect most residences and therefore have direct physical access everywhere. In Montr al, in particular, there is an ongoing project to replace a lot of old lead-based plumbing which would give an opportunity to lay down a wired fiber network across the city. This is a wild guess, but I suspect this would be much less expensive than one would think. Some people agree with me and quote this as low as 1000$ per household. There is about 800,000 households in the city of Montr al, so we're talking about a 800 million dollars investment here, to connect every household in Montr al with fiber and incidentally a quarter of the province's population. And this is not an up-front cost: this can be built progressively, with expenses amortized over many years. (We should not, however, connect Montr al first: it's used as an example here because it's a large number of households to connect.) Such a network should be built with a redundant topology. I leave it as an open question whether we should adopt Stockholm's more minimalist approach or provide direct IP connectivity. I would tend to favor the latter, because then you can immediately start to offer the service to households and generate revenues to compensate for the capital expenditures. Given the ridiculous profit margins telcos currently have 8 billion $CAD net income for BCE (2019), 2 billion $CAD for Rogers (2020) I also believe this would actually turn into a profitable revenue stream for the city, the same way Hydro-Qu bec is more and more considered as a revenue stream for the state. (I personally believe that's actually wrong and we should treat those resources as human rights and not money cows, but I digress. The point is: this is not a cost point, it's a revenue.) The other major challenge here is that the city will need competent engineers to drive this project forward. But this is not different from the way other public utilities run: we have electrical engineers at Hydro, sewer and water engineers at the city, this is just another profession. If anything, the computing science sector might be more at fault than the city here in its failure to provide competent and accountable engineers to society... Right now, most of the network in Canada is copper: we are hitting the limits of that technology with DSL, and while cable has some life left to it (DOCSIS 4.0 does 4Gbps), that is nowhere near the capacity of fiber. Take the town of Chattanooga, Tennessee: in 2010, the city-owned ISP EPB finished deploying a fiber network to the entire town and provided gigabit internet to everyone. Now, 12 years later, they are using this same network to provide the mind-boggling speed of 25 gigabit to the home. To give you an idea, Chattanooga is roughly the size and density of Sherbrooke.

Provincial public internet As part of building a municipal network, the question of getting access to "the internet" will immediately come up. Naturally, this will first be solved by using already existing commercial providers to hook up residents to the rest of the global network. But eventually, networks should inter-connect: Montr al should connect with Laval, and then Trois-Rivi res, then Qu bec City. This will require long haul fiber runs, but those links are not actually that expensive, and many of those already exist as a public resource at RISQ and CANARIE, which cross-connects universities and colleges across the province and the country. Those networks might not have the capacity to cover the needs of the entire province right now, but that is a router upgrade away, thanks to the amazing capacity of fiber. There are two crucial mistakes to avoid at this point. First, the network needs to remain decentralised. Long haul links should be IP links with BGP sessions, and each city (or MRC) should have its own independent network, to avoid Rogers-class catastrophic failures. Second, skill needs to remain in-house: RISQ has already made that mistake, to a certain extent, by selling its neutral datacenter. Tellingly, MetroOptic, probably the largest commercial dark fiber provider in the province, now operates the QIX, the second largest "public" internet exchange in Canada. Still, we have a lot of infrastructure we can leverage here. If RISQ or CANARIE cannot be up to the task, Hydro-Qu bec has power lines running into every house in the province, with high voltage power lines running hundreds of kilometers far north. The logistics of long distance maintenance are already solved by that institution. In fact, Hydro already has fiber all over the province, but it is a private network, separate from the internet for security reasons (and that should probably remain so). But this only shows they already have the expertise to lay down fiber: they would just need to lay down a parallel network to the existing one. In that architecture, Hydro would be a "dark fiber" provider.

International public internet None of the above solves the problem for the entire population of Qu bec, which is notoriously dispersed, with an area three times the size of France, but with only an eight of its population (8 million vs 67). More specifically, Canada was originally a french colony, a land violently stolen from native people who have lived here for thousands of years. Some of those people now live in reservations, sometimes far from urban centers (but definitely not always). So the idea of leveraging the Hydro-Qu bec infrastructure doesn't always work to solve this, because while Hydro will happily flood a traditional hunting territory for an electric dam, they don't bother running power lines to the village they forcibly moved, powering it instead with noisy and polluting diesel generators. So before giving me fiber to the home, we should give power (and potable water, for that matter), to those communities first. So we need to discuss international connectivity. (How else could we consider those communities than peer nations anyways?c) Qu bec has virtually zero international links. Even in Montr al, which likes to style itself a major player in gaming, AI, and technology, most peering goes through either Toronto or New York. That's a problem that we must fix, regardless of the other problems stated here. Looking at the submarine cable map, we see very few international links actually landing in Canada. There is the Greenland connect which connects Newfoundland to Iceland through Greenland. There's the EXA which lands in Ireland, the UK and the US, and Google has the Topaz link on the west coast. That's about it, and none of those land anywhere near any major urban center in Qu bec. We should have a cable running from France up to Saint-F licien. There should be a cable from Vancouver to China. Heck, there should be a fiber cable running all the way from the end of the great lakes through Qu bec, then up around the northern passage and back down to British Columbia. Those cables are expensive, and the idea might sound ludicrous, but Russia is actually planning such a project for 2026. The US has cables running all the way up (and around!) Alaska, neatly bypassing all of Canada in the process. We just look ridiculous on that map. (Addendum: I somehow forgot to talk about Teleglobe here was founded as publicly owned company in 1950, growing international phone and (later) data links all over the world. It was privatized by the conservatives in 1984, along with rails and other "crown corporations". So that's one major risk to any effort to make public utilities work properly: some government might be elected and promptly sell it out to its friends for peanuts.)

Wireless networks I know most people will have rolled their eyes so far back their heads have exploded. But I'm not done yet. I want wireless too. And by wireless, I don't mean a bunch of geeks setting up OpenWRT routers on rooftops. I tried that, and while it was fun and educational, it didn't scale. A public networking utility wouldn't be complete without providing cellular phone service. This involves bidding for frequencies at the federal level, and deploying a rather large amount of infrastructure, but it could be a later phase, when the engineers and politicians have proven their worth. At least part of the Rogers fiasco would have been averted if such a decentralized network backend existed. One might even want to argue that a separate institution should be setup to provide phone services, independently from the regular wired networking, if only for reliability. Because remember here: the problem we're trying to solve is not just technical, it's about political boundaries, centralisation, and automation. If everything is ran by this one organisation again, we will have failed. However, I must admit that phone services is where my ideas fall a little short. I can't help but think it's also an accessible goal maybe starting with a virtual operator but it seems slightly less so than the others, especially considering how closed the phone ecosystem is.

Counter points In debating these ideas while writing this article, the following objections came up.

I don't want the state to control my internet One legitimate concern I have about the idea of the state running the internet is the potential it would have to censor or control the content running over the wires. But I don't think there is necessarily a direct relationship between resource ownership and control of content. Sure, China has strong censorship in place, partly implemented through state-controlled businesses. But Russia also has strong censorship in place, based on regulatory tools: they force private service providers to install back-doors in their networks to control content and surveil their users. Besides, the USA have been doing warrantless wiretapping since at least 2003 (and yes, that's 10 years before the Snowden revelations) so a commercial internet is no assurance that we have a free internet. Quite the contrary in fact: if anything, the commercial internet goes hand in hand with the neo-colonial internet, just like businesses did in the "good old colonial days". Large media companies are the primary censors of content here. In Canada, the media cartel requested the first site-blocking order in 2018. The plaintiffs (including Qu becor, Rogers, and Bell Canada) are both content providers and internet service providers, an obvious conflict of interest. Nevertheless, there are some strong arguments against having a centralised, state-owned monopoly on internet service providers. FDN makes a good point on this. But this is not what I am suggesting: at the provincial level, the network would be purely physical, and regional entities (which could include private companies) would peer over that physical network, ensuring decentralization. Delegating the management of that infrastructure to an independent non-profit or cooperative (but owned by the state) would also ensure some level of independence.

Isn't the government incompetent and corrupt? Also known as "private enterprise is better skilled at handling this, the state can't do anything right" I don't think this is a "fait accomplit". If anything, I have found publicly ran utilities to be spectacularly reliable here. I rarely have trouble with sewage, water, or power, and keep in mind I live in a city where we receive about 2 meters of snow a year, which tend to create lots of trouble with power lines. Unless there's a major weather event, power just runs here. I think the same can happen with an internet service provider. But it would certainly need to have higher standards to what we're used to, because frankly Internet is kind of janky.

A single monopoly will be less reliable I actually agree with that, but that is not what I am proposing anyways. Current commercial or non-profit entities will be free to offer their services on top of the public network. And besides, the current "ha! diversity is great" approach is exactly what we have now, and it's not working. The pretense that we can have competition over a single network is what led the US into the ridiculous situation where they also pretend to have competition over the power utility market. This led to massive forest fires in California and major power outages in Texas. It doesn't work.

Wouldn't this create an isolated network? One theory is that this new network would be so hostile to incumbent telcos and ISPs that they would simply refuse to network with the public utility. And while it is true that the telcos currently do also act as a kind of "tier one" provider in some places, I strongly feel this is also a problem that needs to be solved, regardless of ownership of networking infrastructure. Right now, telcos often hold both ends of the stick: they are the gateway to users, the "last mile", but they also provide peering to the larger internet in some locations. In at least one datacenter in downtown Montr al, I've seen traffic go through Bell Canada that was not directly targeted at Bell customers. So in effect, they are in a position of charging twice for the same traffic, and that's not only ridiculous, it should just be plain illegal. And besides, this is not a big problem: there are other providers out there. As bad as the market is in Qu bec, there is still some diversity in Tier one providers that could allow for some exits to the wider network (e.g. yes, Cogent is here too).

What about Google and Facebook? Nationalization of other service providers like Google and Facebook is out of scope of this discussion. That said, I am not sure the state should get into the business of organising the web or providing content services however, but I will point out it already does do some of that through its own websites. It should probably keep itself to this, and also consider providing normal services for people who don't or can't access the internet. (And I would also be ready to argue that Google and Facebook already act as extensions of the state: certainly if Facebook didn't exist, the CIA or the NSA would like to create it at this point. And Google has lucrative business with the US department of defense.)

What does not work So we've seen one thing that could work. Maybe it's too expensive. Maybe the political will isn't there. Maybe it will fail. We don't know yet. But we know what does not work, and it's what we've been doing ever since the internet has gone commercial.

Subsidies The absurd price we pay for data does not actually mean everyone gets high speed internet at home. Large swathes of the Qu bec countryside don't get broadband at all, and it can be difficult or expensive, even in large urban centers like Montr al, to get high speed internet. That is despite having a series of subsidies that all avoided investing in our own infrastructure. We had the "fonds de l'autoroute de l'information", "information highway fund" (site dead since 2003, link) and "branchez les familles", "connecting families" (site dead since 2003, link) which subsidized the development of a copper network. In 2014, more of the same: the federal government poured hundreds of millions of dollars into a program called connecting Canadians to connect 280 000 households to "high speed internet". And now, the federal and provincial governments are proudly announcing that "everyone is now connected to high speed internet", after pouring more than 1.1 billion dollars to connect, guess what, another 380 000 homes, right in time for the provincial election. Of course, technically, the deadline won't actually be met until 2023. Qu bec is a big area to cover, and you can guess what happens next: the telcos threw up their hand and said some areas just can't be connected. (Or they connect their CEO but not the poor folks across the lake.) The story then takes the predictable twist of giving more money out to billionaires, subsidizing now Musk's Starlink system to connect those remote areas. To give a concrete example: a friend who lives about 1000km away from Montr al, 4km from a small, 2500 habitant village, has recently got symmetric 100 mbps fiber at home from Telus, thanks to those subsidies. But I can't get that service in Montr al at all, presumably because Telus and Bell colluded to split that market. Bell doesn't provide me with such a service either: they tell me they have "fiber to my neighborhood", and only offer me a 25/10 mbps ADSL service. (There is Vid otron offering 400mbps, but that's copper cable, again a dead technology, and asymmetric.)

Conclusion Remember Chattanooga? Back in 2010, they funded the development of a fiber network, and now they have deployed a network roughly a thousand times faster than what we have just funded with a billion dollars. In 2010, I was paying Bell Canada 60$/mth for 20mbps and a 125GB cap, and now, I'm still (indirectly) paying Bell for roughly the same speed (25mbps). Back then, Bell was throttling their competitors networks until 2009, when they were forced by the CRTC to stop throttling. Both Bell and Vid otron still explicitly forbid you from running your own servers at home, Vid otron charges prohibitive prices which make it near impossible for resellers to sell uncapped services. Those companies are not spurring innovation: they are blocking it. We have spent all this money for the private sector to build us a private internet, over decades, without any assurance of quality, equity or reliability. And while in some locations, ISPs did deploy fiber to the home, they certainly didn't upgrade their entire network to follow suit, and even less allowed resellers to compete on that network. In 10 years, when 100mbps will be laughable, I bet those service providers will again punt the ball in the public courtyard and tell us they don't have the money to upgrade everyone's equipment. We got screwed. It's time to try something new.

Updates There was a discussion about this article on Hacker News which was surprisingly productive. Trigger warning: Hacker News is kind of right-wing, in case you didn't know. Since this article was written, at least two more major acquisitions happened, just in Qu bec: In the latter case, vMedia was explicitly saying it couldn't grow because of "lack of access to capital". So basically, we have given those companies a billion dollars, and they are not using that very money to buy out their competition. At least we could have given that money to small players to even out the playing field. But this is not how that works at all. Also, in a bizarre twist, an "analyst" believes the acquisition is likely to help Rogers acquire Shaw. Also, since this article was written, the Washington Post published a review of a book bringing similar ideas: Internet for the People The Fight for Our Digital Future, by Ben Tarnoff, at Verso books. It's short, but even more ambitious than what I am suggesting in this article, arguing that all big tech companies should be broken up and better regulated:
He pulls from Ethan Zuckerman s idea of a web that is plural in purpose that just as pool halls, libraries and churches each have different norms, purposes and designs, so too should different places on the internet. To achieve this, Tarnoff wants governments to pass laws that would make the big platforms unprofitable and, in their place, fund small-scale, local experiments in social media design. Instead of having platforms ruled by engagement-maximizing algorithms, Tarnoff imagines public platforms run by local librarians that include content from public media.
(Links mine: the Washington Post obviously prefers to not link to the real web, and instead doesn't link to Zuckerman's site all and suggests Amazon for the book, in a cynical example.) And in another example of how the private sector has failed us, there was recently a fluke in the AMBER alert system where the entire province was warned about a loose shooter in Saint-Elz ar except the people in the town, because they have spotty cell phone coverage. In other words, millions of people received a strongly toned, "life-threatening", alert for a city sometimes hours away, except the people most vulnerable to the alert. Not missing a beat, the CAQ party is promising more of the same medicine again and giving more money to telcos to fix the problem, suggesting to spend three billion dollars in private infrastructure.

21 June 2022

Louis-Philippe V ronneau: Montreal's Debian & Stuff - June 2022

As planned, we held our second local Debian meeting of the year last Sunday. We met at the lovely Eastern Bloc (an artists' hacklab) to work on Debian (and other stuff!), chat and socialise. Although there were fewer people than at our last meeting1, we still did a lot of work! I worked on fixing a bunch of bugs in Clojure packages2, LeLutin worked on podman and packaged libinfluxdb-http-perl and anarcat worked on internetarchive, trocla and moneta. Olivier also came by and worked on debugging his Kali install. We are planning to have our next meeting at the end of August. If you are interested, the best way to stay in touch is either to subscribe to our mailing list or to join our IRC channel (#debian-quebec on OFTC). Events are also posted on Quebec's Agenda du libre. Many thanks to Debian for providing us a budget to rent the venue for the day and for the pizza! Here is a nice picture anarcat took of (one of) the glasses of porter we had afterwards, at the next door brewery: A glass of English Porter from Silo Brewery

  1. Summer meetings are always less populous and it also happened to be Father's Day...
  2. #1012824, #1011856, #1011837, #1011844, #1011864 and #1011967.

28 April 2022

Louis-Philippe V ronneau: Montreal's Debian & Stuff - April 2022

After two long years of COVID hiatus, local Debian events in Montreal are back! Last Sunday, nine of us met at Koumbit to work on Debian (and other stuff!), chat and socialise. Even though these events aren't always the most productive, it was super fun and definitely helps keeping me motivated to work on Debian in my spare time. Many thanks to Debian for providing us a budget to rent the venue for the day and for the pizzas! Here are a few pictures I took during the event: Pizza boxes on a wooden bench Whiteboard listing TODO items for some of the participants A table with a bunch of laptops, and LeLutin :) If everything goes according to plan, our next meeting should be sometime in June. If you are interested, the best way to stay in touch is either to subscribe to our mailing list or to join our IRC channel (#debian-quebec on OFTC). Events are also posted on Quebec's Agenda du libre.

5 September 2021

Antoine Beaupr : Automating major Debian upgrades

It's major upgrade time again! The Debian project just published the Debian 11 "bullseye" release, and it's pretty awesome! This makes me realized that I have never written here about my peculiar upgrade process, and figured it was worth bringing that up to a wider audience. My upgrade process also has a notable changes section which includes major version changes (e.g. Inkscape 1.0!), new packages (e.g. podman!) and important behavior changes (e.g. driverless scanning and printing!). I'm particularly interested to hear about any significant change I might have missed. If you know of a cool new package that shipped with bullseye and that I forgot, do let me know! But that's for the cool new stuff. We need to talk about the problems with Debian major upgrades.

Background I have been maintaining detailed upgrade guides, on my wiki, starting with the jessie release, but I have actually written such guides for as far back as Debian squeeze in 2011 (another worker wrote the older Debian lenny upgrade guide in 2009). Koumbit, since then, has kept maintaining those guides all the way to the latest bullseye upgrade, through 7 major releases! Over the years, those guides evolved from a quick "cheat-sheet" format copied from the release notes into a more or less "scripted" form that I currently use. Each guide has a procedure made of a few steps that can be basically copy-pasted to batch-upgrade a host (or multiple hosts in parallel) as quickly as possible. There is also the predict-os script which allows you to keep track of progress of the upgrades in a Puppet cluster.

Limitations of the official procedure In comparison with my procedure, the official upgrade guide is mostly designed to upgrade a single machine, typically a workstation, with a rather slow and exhaustive process. The PDF version of the upgrade guide is 14 pages long! This, obviously, does not work when you have tens or hundreds of machines to upgrade. Debian upgrades are notorious for being extremely reliable, but we have a lot of packages, and there are always corner cases where the upgrade will just fail because of a bug specific to your environment. Those will only be fixed after some back and forth in the community (and that's assuming users report those bugs, which is not always the case). There's no obvious way to deploy "hot fixes" in this context, at least not without fixing the package and publishing it on an unofficial Debian archive while the official ones catch up. This is slow and difficult. Or some packages require manual labor. Examples of this are the PostgreSQL or Ganeti packages which require you to upgrade your clusters by hand, while the old and new packages live side by side. Debian packages bring you far in the upgrade process, but sometimes not all the way. Which means every Debian install needs to be manually upgraded and inspected when a new release comes out. That's slow and error prone and we can do better.

How to automate major upgrades I have a proposal to automate this. It's been mostly dormant in the Debian wiki, for 5 years now. Fundamentally, this is a hard problem: Debian gets installed in so many different environments, from workstations to physical servers to virtual machines, embedded systems and so on, that it's extremely hard to come up with a "one size fits all" system. The (manual) procedure I'm using is mostly targeting servers, but I'm also using it on workstations. And I'll note that it's specific to my home setup: I have a different procedure at work, although it has a lot of common code. To automate this, I would factor out that common code with hooks where you could easily inject special code like "you need to upgrade ferm first", "you need an extra reboot here", or "this is how you finish the PostgreSQL upgrade". With Debian getting closer to a 2 year release cycle, with the previous release being supported basically only one year after the new stable comes out, I feel more and more strongly that this needs better automation. So I'm thinking that I should write a prototype for this. Ubuntu has do-release-upgrade that is too Ubuntu-specific to be reused. An attempt at collaborating on this has been mostly met with silence from Ubuntu's side as well. I'm thinking that using something like Fabric, Mitogen, or Transilience: anything that will allow me to write simple, portable Python code that can run transparently on a local machine (for single systems upgrades, possibly with a GUI frontend) to remote servers (for large clusters of servers, maybe with canaries and grouping using Cumin). I'll note that Koumbit started experimenting with Puppet Bolt in the bullseye upgrade process, but that feels too site-specific to be useful more broadly.

Trade-offs I am not sure where this stands in the XKCD time trade-off evaluation, because the table doesn't actually cover the time frequency of Debian release (which is basically "biennial") and the amount of time the upgrade would take across a cluster (which varies a lot, but that I estimate to be between one to 6 hours per machine). Assuming I have 80 machines to upgrade, that is 80 to 480 hours (between ~3 to 20 days) of work! It's unclear how much work such an automated system would shave off, however. Assuming things are an order of magnitude faster (say I upgrade 10 machines at a time), I would shave off between 3 and 18 days of work, which implies I might allow myself to spend a minimum of 5 days working on such a project.

The other option: never upgrade Before people mention those: I am aware of containers, Kubernetes, and other deployment mechanisms. Indeed, those may be a long-term solution, we currently can't afford to migrate everything over to containers right now: that is a huge migration and a total paradigm shift. At that point, whatever is left might not even be Debian in the first place. And besides, if you run Kubernetes, you still need to run some OS underneath and upgrade that, so that problem never completely disappears. Still, maybe that's the final answer: never upgrade. For some stateless machines like DNS replicas or load balancers, that might make a lot of sense as there's no or little data to carry to the new host. But this implies a seamless and fast provisioning process, and we don't have that either: at my work, installing a machine takes about as long as upgrading it, and that's after a significant amount of work automating that process, partly writing my own Debian installer with Fabric (!).

What is your process? I'm curious to hear what people think of those ideas. It strikes me as really odd that no one has really tackled that problem yet, considering how many clusters of Debian machines are out there. Surely people are upgrading those, and not following that slow step by step guide, right? I suspect everyone is doing the same thing: we all have our little copy-paste script we batch onto multiple machines, sometimes in parallel. That is what the sysadmins are doing as well. There must be a better way. What is yours?

My upgrades so far So far, I have upgraded 2 out of my 3 home machines running buster -- others have been installed directly in bullseye -- with only my main, old, messy server left. Upgrades have been pretty painless so far (see another report, for example), much better than the previous buster upgrade. Obviously, for me personal use, automating this is pointless. Work-side, however, is another story: we have over 80 boxes to upgrade there and that will take a while. The last stretch to buster cycle took about two years to complete, so we might be done by the time the next release (12, "bookworm") is released, but that's actually a full year after "buster" becomes EOL, so it's actually too late... At least I fixed the installers so that new the machines we create all ship with bullseye, so we stopped accumulating new buster hosts...
Thanks to lelutin and pabs for reviewing a draft of this post.

19 September 2020

Russell Coker: Burning Lithium Ion Batteries

I had an old Nexus 4 phone that was expanding and decided to test some of the theories about battery combustion. The first claim that often gets made is that if the plastic seal on the outside of the battery is broken then the battery will catch fire. I tested this by cutting the battery with a craft knife. With every cut the battery sparked a bit and then when I levered up layers of the battery (it seems to be multiple flat layers of copper and black stuff inside the battery) there were more sparks. The battery warmed up, it s plausible that in a confined environment that could get hot enough to set something on fire. But when the battery was resting on a brick in my backyard that wasn t going to happen. The next claim is that a Li-Ion battery fire will be increased with water. The first thing to note is that Li-Ion batteries don t contain Lithium metal (the Lithium high power non-rechargeable batteries do). Lithium metal will seriously go off it exposed to water. But lots of other Lithium compounds will also react vigorously with water (like Lithium oxide for example). After cutting through most of the center of the battery I dripped some water in it. The water boiled vigorously and the corners of the battery (which were furthest away from the area I cut) felt warmer than they did before adding water. It seems that significant amounts of energy are released when water reacts with whatever is inside the Li-Ion battery. The reaction was probably giving off hydrogen gas but didn t appear to generate enough heat to ignite hydrogen (which is when things would really get exciting). Presumably if a battery was cut in the presence of water while in an enclosed space that traps hydrogen then the sparks generated by the battery reacting with air could ignite hydrogen generated from the water and give an exciting result. It seems that a CO2 fire extinguisher would be best for a phone/tablet/laptop fire as that removes oxygen and cools it down. If that isn t available then a significant quantity of water will do the job, water won t stop the reaction (it can prolong it), but it can keep the reaction to below 100C which means it won t burn a hole in the floor and the range of toxic chemicals released will be reduced. The rumour that a phone fire on a plane could do a China syndrome type thing and melt through the Aluminium body of the plane seems utterly bogus. I gave it a good try and was unable to get a battery to burn through it s plastic and metal foil case. A spare battery for a laptop in checked luggage could be a major problem for a plane if it ignited. But a battery in the passenger area seems unlikely to be a big problem if plenty of water is dumped on it to prevent the plastic case from burning and polluting the air. I was not able to get a result that was even worthy of a photograph. I may do further tests with laptop batteries.

25 June 2020

Russell Coker: How Will the Pandemic Change Things?

The Bulwark has an interesting article on why they can t Reopen America [1]. I wonder how many changes will be long term. According to the Wikipedia List of Epidemics [2] Covid-19 so far hasn t had a high death toll when compared to other pandemics of the last 100 years. People s reactions to this vary from doing nothing to significant isolation, the question is what changes in attitudes will be significant enough to change society. Transport One thing that has been happening recently is a transition in transport. It s obvious that we need to reduce CO2 and while electric cars will address the transport part of the problem in the long term changing to electric public transport is the cheaper and faster way to do it in the short term. Before Covid-19 the peak hour public transport in my city was ridiculously overcrowded, having people unable to board trams due to overcrowding was really common. If the economy returns to it s previous state then I predict less people on public transport, more traffic jams, and many more cars idling and polluting the atmosphere. Can we have mass public transport that doesn t give a significant disease risk? Maybe if we had significantly more trains and trams and better ventilation with more airflow designed to suck contaminated air out. But that would require significant engineering work to design new trams, trains, and buses as well as expense in refitting or replacing old ones. Uber and similar companies have been taking over from taxi companies, one major feature of those companies is that the vehicles are not dedicated as taxis. Dedicated taxis could easily be designed to reduce the spread of disease, the famed Black Cab AKA Hackney Carriage [3] design in the UK has a separate compartment for passengers with little air flow to/from the driver compartment. It would be easy to design such taxis to have entirely separate airflow and if setup to only take EFTPOS and credit card payment could avoid all contact between the driver and passengers. I would prefer to have a Hackney Carriage design of vehicle instead of a regular taxi or Uber. Autonomous cars have been shown to basically work. There are some concerns about safety issues as there are currently corner cases that car computers don t handle as well as people, but of course there are also things computers do better than people. Having an autonomous taxi would be a benefit for anyone who wants to avoid other people. Maybe approval could be rushed through for autonomous cars that are limited to 40Km/h (the maximum collision speed at which a pedestrian is unlikely to die), in central city areas and inner suburbs you aren t likely to drive much faster than that anyway. Car share services have been becoming popular, for many people they are significantly cheaper than owning a car due to the costs of regular maintenance, insurance, and depreciation. As the full costs of car ownership aren t obvious people may focus on the disease risk and keep buying cars. Passenger jets are ridiculously cheap. But this relies on the airline companies being able to consistently fill the planes. If they were to add measures to reduce cross contamination between passengers which slightly reduces the capacity of planes then they need to increase ticket prices accordingly which then reduces demand. If passengers are just scared of flying in close proximity and they can t fill planes then they will have to increase prices which again reduces demand and could lead to a death spiral. If in the long term there aren t enough passengers to sustain the current number of planes in service then airline companies will have significant financial problems, planes are expensive assets that are expected to last for a long time, if they can t use them all and can t sell them then airline companies will go bankrupt. It s not reasonable to expect that the same number of people will be travelling internationally for years (if ever). Due to relying on economies of scale to provide low prices I don t think it s possible to keep prices the same no matter what they do. A new economic balance of flights costing 2-3 times more than we are used to while having significantly less passengers seems likely. Governments need to spend significant amounts of money to improve trains to take over from flights that are cancelled or too expensive. Entertainment The article on The Bulwark mentions Las Vegas as a city that will be hurt a lot by reductions in travel and crowds, the same thing will happen to tourist regions all around the world. Australia has a significant tourist industry that will be hurt a lot. But the mention of Las Vegas makes me wonder what will happen to the gambling in general. Will people avoid casinos and play poker with friends and relatives at home? It seems that small stakes poker games among friends will be much less socially damaging than casinos, will this be good for society? The article also mentions cinemas which have been on the way out since the video rental stores all closed down. There s lots of prime real estate used for cinemas and little potential for them to make enough money to cover the rent. Should we just assume that most uses of cinemas will be replaced by Netflix and other streaming services? What about teenage dates, will kissing in the back rows of cinemas be replaced by Netflix and chill ? What will happen to all the prime real estate used by cinemas? Professional sporting matches have been played for a TV-only audience during the pandemic. There s no reason that they couldn t make a return to live stadium audiences when there is a vaccine for the disease or the disease has been extinguished by social distancing. But I wonder if some fans will start to appreciate the merits of small groups watching large TVs and not want to go back to stadiums, can this change the typical behaviour of groups? Restaurants and cafes are going to do really badly. I previously wrote about my experience running an Internet Cafe and why reopening businesses soon is a bad idea [4]. The question is how long this will go for and whether social norms about personal space will change things. If in the long term people expect 25% more space in a cafe or restaurant that s enough to make a significant impact on profitability for many small businesses. When I was young the standard thing was for people to have dinner at friends homes. Meeting friends for dinner at a restaurant was uncommon. Recently it seemed to be the most common practice for people to meet friends at a restaurant. There are real benefits to meeting at a restaurant in terms of effort and location. Maybe meeting friends at their home for a delivered dinner will become a common compromise, avoiding the effort of cooking while avoiding the extra expense and disease risk of eating out. Food delivery services will do well in the long term, it s one of the few industry segments which might do better after the pandemic than before. Work Many companies are discovering the benefits of teleworking, getting it going effectively has required investing in faster Internet connections and hardware for employees. When we have a vaccine the equipment needed for teleworking will still be there and we will have a discussion about whether it should be used on a more routine basis. When employees spend more than 2 hours per day travelling to and from work (which is very common for people who work in major cities) that will obviously limit the amount of time per day that they can spend working. For the more enthusiastic permanent employees there seems to be a benefit to the employer to allow working from home. It s obvious that some portion of the companies that were forced to try teleworking will find it effective enough to continue in some degree. One company that I work for has quit their coworking space in part because they were concerned that the coworking company might go bankrupt due to the pandemic. They seem to have become a 100% work from home company for the office part of the work (only on site installation and stock management is done at corporate locations). Companies running coworking spaces and other shared offices will suffer first as their clients have short term leases. But all companies renting out office space in major cities will suffer due to teleworking. I wonder how this will affect the companies providing services to the office workers, the cafes and restaurants etc. Will there end up being so much unused space in central city areas that it s not worth converting the city cinemas into useful space? There s been a lot of news about Zoom and similar technologies. Lots of other companies are trying to get into that business. One thing that isn t getting much notice is remote access technologies for desktop support. If the IT people can t visit your desk because you are working from home then they need to be able to remotely access it to fix things. When people make working from home a large part of their work time the issue of who owns peripherals and how they are tracked will get interesting. In a previous blog post I suggested that keyboards and mice not be treated as assets [5]. But what about monitors, 4G/Wifi access points, etc? Some people have suggested that there will be business sectors benefiting from the pandemic, such as telecoms and e-commerce. If you have a bunch of people forced to stay home who aren t broke (IE a large portion of the middle class in Australia) they will probably order delivery of stuff for entertainment. But in the long term e-commerce seems unlikely to change much, people will spend less due to economic uncertainty so while they may shift some purchasing to e-commerce apart from home delivery of groceries e-commerce probably won t go up overall. Generally telecoms won t gain anything from teleworking, the Internet access you need for good Netflix viewing is generally greater than that needed for good video-conferencing. Money I previously wrote about a Basic Income for Australia [6]. One of the most cited reasons for a Basic Income is to deal with robots replacing people. Now we are at the start of what could be a long term economic contraction caused by the pandemic which could reduce the scale of the economy by a similar degree while also improving the economic case for a robotic workforce. We should implement a Universal Basic Income now. I previously wrote about the make-work jobs and how we could optimise society to achieve the worthwhile things with less work [7]. My ideas about optimising public transport and using more car share services may not work so well after the pandemic, but the rest should work well. Business There are a number of big companies that are not aiming for profitability in the short term. WeWork and Uber are well documented examples. Some of those companies will hopefully go bankrupt and make room for more responsible companies. The co-working thing was always a precarious business. The companies renting out office space usually did so on a monthly basis as flexibility was one of their selling points, but they presumably rented buildings on an annual basis. As the profit margins weren t particularly high having to pay rent on mostly empty buildings for a few months will hurt them badly. The long term trend in co-working spaces might be some sort of collaborative arrangement between the people who run them and the landlords similar to the way some of the hotel chains have profit sharing agreements with land owners to avoid both the capital outlay for buying land and the risk involved in renting. Also city hotels are very well equipped to run office space, they have the staff and the procedures for running such a business, most hotels also make significant profits from conventions and conferences. The way the economy has been working in first world countries has been about being as competitive as possible. Just in time delivery to avoid using storage space and machines to package things in exactly the way that customers need and no more machines than needed for regular capacity. This means that there s no spare capacity when things go wrong. A few years ago a company making bolts for the car industry went bankrupt because the car companies forced the prices down, then car manufacture stopped due to lack of bolts this could have been a wake up call but was ignored. Now we have had problems with toilet paper shortages due to it being packaged in wholesale quantities for offices and schools not retail quantities for home use. Food was destroyed because it was created for restaurant packaging and couldn t be packaged for home use in a reasonable amount of time. Farmer s markets alleviate some of the problems with packaging food etc. But they aren t a good option when there s a pandemic as disease risk makes them less appealing to customers and therefore less profitable for vendors. Religion Many religious groups have supported social distancing. Could this be the start of more decentralised religion? Maybe have people read the holy book of their religion and pray at home instead of being programmed at church? We can always hope.

3 July 2017

Antoine Beaupr : My free software activities, June 2017

Debian Long Term Support (LTS) This is my monthly Debian LTS report. This time I worked on Mercurial, sudo and Puppet.

Mercurial remote code execution I issued DLA-1005-1 to resolve problems with the hg server --stdio command that could be abused by "remote authenticated users to launch the Python debugger, and consequently execute arbitrary code, by using --debugger as a repository name" (CVE-2017-9462). Backporting the patch was already a little tricky because, as is often the case in our line of work, the code had changed significantly in newer version. In particular, the commandline dispatcher had been refactored which made the patch non-trivial to port. On the other hand, mercurial has an extensive test suite which allowed me to make those patches in all confidence. I also backported a part of the test suite to detect certain failures better and to fix the output so that it matches the backported code. The test suite is slow, however, which meant slow progress when working on this package. I also noticed a strange issue with the test suite: all hardlink operations would fail. Somehow it seems that my new sbuild setup doesn't support doing hardlinks. I ended up building a tarball schroot to build those types of packages, as it seems the issue is related to the use of overlayfs in sbuild. The odd part is my tests of overlayfs, following those instructions, show that it does support hardlinks, so there maybe something fishy here that I misunderstand. This, however, allowed me to get a little more familiar with sbuild and the schroots. I also took this opportunity to optimize the builds by installing an apt-cacher-ng proxy to speed up builds, which will also be useful for regular system updates.

Puppet remote code execution I have issued DLA-1012-1 to resolve a remote code execution attack against puppetmaster servers, from authenticated clients. To quote the advisory: "Versions of Puppet prior to 4.10.1 will deserialize data off the wire (from the agent to the server, in this case) with a attacker-specified format. This could be used to force YAML deserialization in an unsafe manner, which would lead to remote code execution." The fix was non-trivial. Normally, this would have involved fixing the YAML parsing, but this was considered problematic because the ruby libraries themselves were vulnerable and it wasn't clear we could fix the problem completely by fixing YAML parsing. The update I proposed took the bold step of switching all clients to PSON and simply deny YAML parsing from the server. This means all clients need to be updated before the server can be updated, but thankfully, updated clients will run against an older server as well. Thanks to LeLutin at Koumbit for helping in testing patches to solve this issue.

Sudo privilege escalation I have issued DLA-1011-1 to resolve an incomplete fix for a privilege escalation issue (CVE-2017-1000368 from CVE-2017-1000367). The backport was not quite trivial as the code had changed quite a lot since wheezy as well. Whereas mercurial's code was more complex, it's nice to see that sudo's code was actually simpler and more straightforward in newer versions, which is reassuring. I uploaded the packages for testing and uploaded them a year later. I also took extra time to share the patch in the Debian bugtracker, so that people working on the issue in stable may benefit from the backported patch, if needed. One issue that came up during that work is that sudo doesn't have a test suite at all, so it is quite difficult to test changes and make sure they do not break anything.

Should we upload on fridays? I brought up a discussion on the mailing list regarding uploads on fridays. With the sudo and puppet uploads pending, it felt really ... daring to upload both packages, on a friday. Years of sysadmin work hardwired me to be careful on fridays; as the saying goes: "don't deploy on a friday if you don't want to work on the weekend!" Feedback was great, but I was surprised to find that most people are not worried worried about those issues. I have tried to counter some of the arguments that were brought up: I wonder if there could be a disconnection here between the package maintainer / programmer work and the sysadmin work that is at the receiving end of that work. Having myself to deal with broken updates in the past, I'm surprised this has never come up in the discussions yet, or that the response is so underwhelming. So far, I'll try to balance the need for prompt security updates and the need for stable infrastructure. One does not, after all, go without the other...

Triage I also did small fry triage: Hopefully some of those will come to fruitition shortly.

Other work My other work this month was a little all over the place.

Stressant Uploaded a new release (0.4.1) of stressant to split up the documentation from the main package, as the main package was taking up too much space according to grml developers. The release also introduces limited anonymity option, by blocking serial numbers display in the smartctl output.

Debiman Also did some small followup on the debiman project to fix the FAQ links.

Local server maintenance I upgraded my main server to Debian stretch. This generally went well, althought the upgrade itself took way more time than I would have liked (4 hours!). This is partly because I have a lot of cruft installed on the server, but also because of what I consider to be issues in the automation of major Debian upgrades. For example, I was prompted for changes in configuration files at seemingly random moments during the upgrade, and got different debconf prompts to answer. This should really be batched together, and unfortunately I had forgotten to use the home-made script I established when i was working at Koumbit which shortens the upgrade a bit. I wish we would improve on our major upgrade mechanism. I documented possible solutions for this in the AutomatedUpgrade wiki page, but I'm not sure I see exactly where to go from here. I had a few regressions after the upgrade:
  • the infrared remote control stopped working: still need to investigate
  • my home-grown full-disk encryption remote unlocking script broke, but upstream has a nice workaround, see Debian bug #866786
  • gdm3 breaks bluetooth support (Debian bug #805414 - to be fair, this is not a regression in stretch, it's just that I switched my workstation from lightdm to gdm3 after learning that the latter can do rootless X11!)

Docker and Subsonic I did my first (and late?) foray into Docker and containers. My rationale was that I wanted to try out Subsonic, an impressive audio server which some friends have shown me. Since Subsonic is proprietary, I didn't want it to contaminate the rest of my server and it seemed like a great occasion to try out containers to keep things tidy. Containers may also allow me to transparently switch to the FLOSS fork LibreSonic once the trial period is over. I have learned a lot and may write more about the details of that experience soon, for now you can look at the contributions I made to the unofficial Subsonic docker image, but also the LibreSonic one. Since Subsonic also promotes album covers as first-class citizens, I used beets to download a lot of album covers, which was really nice. I look forward to using beets more, but first I'll need to implement two plugins.

Wallabako I did a small release of wallabako to fix the build with the latest changes in the underlying wallabago library, which led me to ask upstream to make versionned releases. I also looked into creating a separate documentation site but it looks like mkdocs doesn't like me very much: the table of contents is really ugly...

Small fry That's about it! And that was supposed to be a slow month...

12 May 2016

Antoine Beaupr : Notmuch, offlineimap and Sieve setup

I've been using Notmuch since about 2011, switching away from Mutt to deal with the monstrous amount of emails I was, and still am dealing with on the computer. I have contributed a few patches and configs on the Notmuch mailing list, but basically, I have given up on merging patches, and instead have a custom config in Emacs that extend it the way I want. In the last 5 years, Notmuch has progressed significantly, so I haven't found the need to patch it or make sweeping changes.

The huge INBOX of death The one thing that is problematic with my use of Notmuch is that I end up with a ridiculously large INBOX folder. Before the cleanup I did this morning, I had over 10k emails in there, out of about 200k emails overall. Since I mostly work from my laptop these days, the Notmuch tags are only on the laptop, and not propagated to the server. This makes accessing the mail spool directly, from webmail or simply through a local client (say Mutt) on the server, really inconvenient, because it has to load a very large spool of mail, which is very slow in Mutt. Even worse, a bunch of mail that was archived in Notmuch shows up in the spool because it's just removed tags in Notmuch: the mails are still in the inbox, even though they are marked as read. So I was hoping that Notmuch would help me deal with the giant inbox of death problem, but in fact, when I don't use Notmuch, it actually makes the problem worse. Today, I did a bunch of improvements to my setup to fix that. The first thing I did was to kill procmail, which I was surprised to discover has been dead for over a decade. I switched over to Sieve for filtering, having already switched to Dovecot a while back on the server. I tried to use the conversion tool but it didn't work very well, so I basically rewrote the whole file. Since I was mostly using Notmuch for filtering, there wasn't much left to convert.

Sieve filtering But this is where things got interesting: Sieve is so simpler to use and more intuitive that I started doing more interesting stuff in bridging the filtering system (Sieve) with the tagging system (Notmuch). Basically, I use Sieve to split large chunks of emails off my main inbox, to try to remove as much spam, bulk email, notifications and mailing lists as possible from the larger flow of emails. Then Notmuch comes in and does some fine-tuning, assigning tags to specific mailing lists or topics, and being generally the awesome search engine that I use on a daily basis.

Dovecot and Postfix configs For all of this to work, I had to tweak my mail servers to talk sieve. First, I enabled sieve in Dovecot:
--- a/dovecot/conf.d/15-lda.conf
+++ b/dovecot/conf.d/15-lda.conf
@@ -44,5 +44,5 @@
 protocol lda  
   # Space separated list of plugins to load (default is global mail_plugins).
-  #mail_plugins = $mail_plugins
+  mail_plugins = $mail_plugins sieve
Then I had to switch from procmail to dovecot for local delivery, that was easy, in Postfix's perennial
#mailbox_command = /usr/bin/procmail -a "$EXTENSION"
mailbox_command = /usr/lib/dovecot/dovecot-lda -a "$RECIPIENT"
Note that dovecot takes the full recipient as an argument, not just the extension. That's normal. It's clever, it knows that kind of stuff. One last tweak I did was to enable automatic mailbox creation and subscription, so that the automatic extension filtering (below) can create mailboxes on the fly:
--- a/dovecot/conf.d/15-lda.conf
+++ b/dovecot/conf.d/15-lda.conf
@@ -37,10 +37,10 @@
 #lda_original_recipient_header =
 # Should saving a mail to a nonexistent mailbox automatically create it?
-#lda_mailbox_autocreate = no
+lda_mailbox_autocreate = yes
 # Should automatically created mailboxes be also automatically subscribed?
-#lda_mailbox_autosubscribe = no
+lda_mailbox_autosubscribe = yes
 protocol lda  
   # Space separated list of plugins to load (default is global mail_plugins).

Sieve rules Then I had to create a Sieve ruleset. That thing lives in ~/.dovecot.sieve, since I'm running Dovecot. Your provider may accept an arbitrary ruleset like this, or you may need to go through a web interface, or who knows. I'm assuming you're running Dovecot and have a shell from now on. The first part of the file is simply to enable a bunch of extensions, as needed:
# Sieve Filters
require "fileinto";
require "envelope";
require "variables";
require "subaddress";
require "regex";
require "vacation";
require "vnd.dovecot.debug";
Some of those are not used yet, for example I haven't tested the vacation module yet, but I have good hopes that I can use it as a way to announce a special "urgent" mailbox while I'm traveling. The rationale is to have a distinct mailbox for urgent messages that is announced in the autoreply, that hopefully won't be parsable by bots.

Spam filtering Then I filter spam using this fairly standard expression:
# spam 
# possible improvement, server-side:
if header :contains "X-Spam-Flag" "YES"  
  fileinto "junk";
  elsif header :contains "X-Spam-Level" "***"  
  fileinto "greyspam";
This puts stuff into the junk or greyspam folder, based on the severity. I am very aggressive with spam: stuff often ends up in the greyspam folder, which I need to check from time to time, but it beats having too much spam in my inbox.

Mailing lists Mailing lists are generally put into a lists folder, with some mailing lists getting their own folder:
# lists
# converted from procmail
if header :contains "subject" "FreshPorts"  
    fileinto "freshports";
  elsif header :contains "List-Id" ""  
    fileinto "alternc";
  elsif header :contains "List-Id" ""  
    fileinto "koumbit";
  elsif header :contains ["to", "cc"] ["",
    fileinto "debian";
# Debian BTS
  elsif exists "X-Debian-PR-Message"  
    fileinto "debian";
# default lists fallback
  elsif exists "List-Id"  
    fileinto "lists";
The idea here is that I can safely subscribe to lists without polluting my mailbox by default. Further processing is done in Notmuch.

Extension matching I also use the magic +extension tag on emails. If you send email to, say, then the emails end up in the foo folder. This is done with the help of the following recipe:
# wildcard +extension
if envelope :matches :detail "to" "*"  
  # Save name in $ name  in all lowercase except for the first letter.
  # Joe, joe, jOe thus all become 'Joe'.
  set :lower "name" "$ 1 ";
  fileinto "$ name ";
  #debug_log "filed into mailbox $ name  because of extension";
This is actually very effective: any time I register to a service, I try as much as possible to add a +extension that describe the service. Of course, spammers and marketers (it's the same really) are free to drop the extension and I suspect a lot of them do, but it helps with honest providers and this actually sorts a lot of stuff out of my inbox into topically-defined folders. It is also a security issue: someone could flood my filesystem with tons of mail folders, which would cripple the IMAP server and eat all the inodes, 4 times faster than just sending emails. But I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get there: anyone can flood my address and I have other mechanisms to deal with this. The trick is to then assign tags to all folders so that they appear in the Notmuch-emacs welcome view:
echo tagging folders
for folder in $(ls -ad $HOME/Maildir/$ PREFIX */   egrep -v "Maildir/$ PREFIX (feeds.* Sent.* INBOX/ INBOX/Sent)\$"); do
    tag=$(echo $folder   sed 's#/$##;s#^.*/##')
    notmuch tag +$tag -inbox tag:inbox and not tag:$tag and folder:$ PREFIX $tag
This is part of my notmuch-tag script that includes a lot more fine-tuned filtering, detailed below.

Automated reports filtering Another thing I get a lot of is machine-generated "spam". Well, it's not commercial spam, but it's a bunch of Nagios, cron jobs, and god knows what software thinks it's important to send me emails every day. I get a lot less of those these days since I'm off work at Koumbit, but still, those can be useful for others as well:
if anyof (exists "X-Cron-Env",
          header :contains ["subject"] ["security run output",
                                        "monthly run output",
                                        "daily run output",
                                        "weekly run output",
                                        "Debian Package Updates",
                                        "Debian package update",
                                        "daily mail stats",
                                        "Anacron job",
                                        "changes report",
                                        "run output",
                                        "Undelivered mail",
                                        "Postfix SMTP server: errors from",
                                        "DenyHosts report",
                                        "Debian security status",
           header :contains "Auto-Submitted" "auto-generated",
           envelope :contains "from" ["nagios@",
    fileinto "rapports";
# imported from procmail
elsif header :comparator "i;octet" :contains "Subject" "Cron"  
  if header :regex :comparator "i;octet"  "From" ".*root@"  
        fileinto "rapports";
elsif header :comparator "i;octet" :contains "To" "root@"  
  if header :regex :comparator "i;octet"  "Subject" "\\*\\*\\* SECURITY"  
        fileinto "rapports";
elsif header :contains "Precedence" "bulk"  
    fileinto "bulk";

Refiltering emails Of course, after all this I still had thousands of emails in my inbox, because the sieve filters apply only on new emails. The beauty of Sieve support in Dovecot is that there is a neat sieve-filter command that can reprocess an existing mailbox. That was a lifesaver. To run a specific sieve filter on a mailbox, I simply run:
sieve-filter .dovecot.sieve INBOX 2>&1   less
Well, this doesn't do anything. To really execute the filters, you need the -e flags, and to write to the INBOX for real, you need the -w flag as well, so the real run looks something more like this:
sieve-filter -e -W -v .dovecot.sieve INBOX > refilter.log 2>&1
The funky output redirects are necessary because this outputs a lot of crap. Also note that, unfortunately, the fake run output differs from the real run and is actually more verbose, which makes it really less useful than it could be.

Archival I also usually archive my mails every year, rotating my mailbox into an Archive.YYYY directory. For example, now all mails from 2015 are archived in a Archive.2015 directory. I used to do this with Mutt tagging and it was a little slow and error-prone. Now, i simply have this Sieve script:
require ["variables","date","fileinto","mailbox", "relational"];
# Extract date info
if currentdate :matches "year" "*"   set "year" "$ 1 ";  
if date :value "lt" :originalzone "date" "year" "$ year "  
  if date :matches "received" "year" "*"  
    # Archive Dovecot mailing list items by year and month.
    # Create folder when it does not exist.
    fileinto :create "Archive.$ 1 ";
I went from 15613 to 1040 emails in my real inbox with this process (including refiltering with the default filters as well).

Notmuch configuration My Notmuch configuration is a in three parts: I have small settings in ~/.notmuch-config. The gist of it is:
# synchronize_flags=true
# tentative patch that was refused upstream
I omitted the fairly trivial [user] section for privacy reasons and [database] for declutter. Then I have a notmuch-tag script symlinked into ~/Maildir/.notmuch/hooks/post-new. It does way too much stuff to describe in details here, but here are a few snippets:
if hostname   grep angela > /dev/null; then
This sets a variable that makes the script work on my laptop (angela), where mailboxes are in Maildir/Anarcat/foo or the server, where mailboxes are in Maildir/.foo. I also have special rules to tag my RSS feeds, which are generated by feed2imap, which is documented shortly below:
echo tagging feeds
( cd $HOME/Maildir/ && for feed in $ PREFIX feeds.*; do
    name=$(echo $feed   sed "s#$ PREFIX feeds\\.##")
    notmuch tag +feeds +$name -inbox folder:$feed and not tag:feeds
done )
Another example that would be useful is how to tag mailing lists, for example, this removes the inbox tag and adds the notmuch tags to emails from the notmuch mailing list.
notmuch tag +lists +notmuch      -inbox tag:inbox and ""
Finally, I have a bunch of special keybindings in ~/.emacs.d/notmuch-config.el:
;; autocompletion
(eval-after-load "notmuch-address"
; use fortune for signature, config is in custom
(add-hook 'message-setup-hook 'fortune-to-signature)
; don't remember what that is
(add-hook 'notmuch-show-hook 'visual-line-mode)
;;; keymappings
(define-key notmuch-show-mode-map "S"
  (lambda ()
    "mark message as spam and advance"
    (notmuch-show-tag '("+spam" "-unread"))
(define-key notmuch-search-mode-map "S"
  (lambda (&optional beg end)
    "mark message as spam and advance"
    (interactive (notmuch-search-interactive-region))
    (notmuch-search-tag (list "+spam" "-unread") beg end)
(define-key notmuch-show-mode-map "H"
  (lambda ()
    "mark message as spam and advance"
    (notmuch-show-tag '("-spam"))
(define-key notmuch-search-mode-map "H"
  (lambda (&optional beg end)
    "mark message as spam and advance"
    (interactive (notmuch-search-interactive-region))
    (notmuch-search-tag (list "-spam") beg end)
(define-key notmuch-search-mode-map "l" 
  (lambda (&optional beg end)
    "undelete and advance"
    (interactive (notmuch-search-interactive-region))
    (notmuch-search-tag (list "-unread") beg end)
(define-key notmuch-search-mode-map "u"
  (lambda (&optional beg end)
    "undelete and advance"
    (interactive (notmuch-search-interactive-region))
    (notmuch-search-tag (list "-deleted") beg end)
(define-key notmuch-search-mode-map "d"
  (lambda (&optional beg end)
    "delete and advance"
    (interactive (notmuch-search-interactive-region))
    (notmuch-search-tag (list "+deleted" "-unread") beg end)
(define-key notmuch-show-mode-map "d"
  (lambda ()
    "delete current message and advance"
    (notmuch-show-tag '("+deleted" "-unread"))
(define-key notmuch-show-mode-map "b"
  (lambda (&optional address)
    "Bounce the current message."
    (interactive "sBounce To: ")
    (message-resend address)
;;; my custom notmuch functions
(defun anarcat/notmuch-search-next-thread ()
  "Skip to next message from region or point
This is necessary because notmuch-search-next-thread just starts
from point, whereas it seems to me more logical to start from the
end of the region."
  ;; move line before the end of region if there is one
  (unless (= beg end)
    (goto-char (- end 1)))
;; Linking to notmuch messages from org-mode
(require 'org-notmuch nil t)
(message "anarcat's custom notmuch config loaded")
This is way too long: in my opinion, a bunch of that stuff should be factored in upstream, but some features have been hard to get in. For example, Notmuch is really hesitant in marking emails as deleted. The community is also very strict about having unit tests for everything, which makes writing new patches a significant challenge for a newcomer, which will often need to be familiar with both Elisp and C. So for now I just have those configs that I carry around. Emails marked as deleted or spam are processed with the following script named notmuch-purge which I symlink to ~/Maildir/.notmuch/hooks/pre-new:
if hostname   grep angela > /dev/null; then
echo moving tagged spam to the junk folder
notmuch search --output=files tag:spam \
        and not folder:$ PREFIX junk \
        and not folder:$ PREFIX greyspam \
        and not folder:Koumbit/INBOX \
        and not path:Koumbit/** \
      while read file; do
          mv "$file" "$HOME/Maildir/$ PREFIX junk/cur"
echo unconditionnally deleting deleted mails
notmuch search --output=files tag:deleted   xargs -r rm
Oh, and there's also customization for Notmuch:
;; -*- mode: emacs-lisp; auto-recompile: t; -*-
 ;; from
 '(fortune-file "/home/anarcat/.mutt/sigs.fortune")
 '(message-send-hook (quote (notmuch-message-mark-replied)))
 '(notmuch-address-command "notmuch-address")
 '(notmuch-always-prompt-for-sender t)
 '(notmuch-crypto-process-mime t)
    ((".*" . "Koumbit/INBOX.Sent")
     (".*" . "Anarcat/Sent"))))
 '(notmuch-hello-tag-list-make-query "tag:unread")
 '(notmuch-message-headers (quote ("Subject" "To" "Cc" "Bcc" "Date" "Reply-To")))
    ((:name "inbox" :query "tag:inbox and not tag:koumbit and not tag:rt")
     (:name "unread inbox" :query "tag:inbox and tag:unread")
     (:name "unread" :query "tag:unred")
     (:name "freshports" :query "tag:freshports and tag:unread")
     (:name "rapports" :query "tag:rapports and tag:unread")
     (:name "sent" :query "tag:sent")
     (:name "drafts" :query "tag:draft"))))
    (("deleted" :foreground "red")
     ("unread" :weight bold)
     ("flagged" :foreground "blue"))))/
 '(notmuch-search-oldest-first nil)
 '(notmuch-show-all-multipart/alternative-parts nil)
 '(notmuch-show-all-tags-list t)
    (notmuch-wash-convert-inline-patch-to-part notmuch-wash-tidy-citations notmuch-wash-elide-blank-lines notmuch-wash-excerpt-citations)))
I think that covers it.

Offlineimap So of course the above works well on the server directly, but how do run Notmuch on a remote machine that doesn't have access to the mail spool directly? This is where OfflineIMAP comes in. It allows me to incrementally synchronize a local Maildir folder hierarchy with a a remote IMAP server. I am assuming you already have an IMAP server configured, since you already configured Sieve above. Note that other synchronization tools exist. The other popular one is isync but I had trouble migrating to it (see courriels for details) so for now I am sticking with OfflineIMAP. The configuration is fairly simple:
accounts = Anarcat
ui = Blinkenlights
maxsyncaccounts = 3
[Account Anarcat]
localrepository = LocalAnarcat
remoterepository = RemoteAnarcat
# refresh all mailboxes every 10 minutes
autorefresh = 10
# run notmuch after refresh
postsynchook = notmuch new
# sync only mailboxes that changed
quick = -1
## possible optimisation: ignore mails older than a year
#maxage = 365
# local mailbox location
[Repository LocalAnarcat]
type = Maildir
localfolders = ~/Maildir/Anarcat/
# remote IMAP server
[Repository RemoteAnarcat]
type = IMAP
remoteuser = anarcat
remotehost =
ssl = yes
# without this, the cert is not verified (!)
sslcacertfile = /etc/ssl/certs/DST_Root_CA_X3.pem
# do not sync archives
folderfilter = lambda foldername: not'(Sent\.20[01][0-9]\..*)', foldername) and not'(Archive.*)', foldername)
# and only subscribed folders
subscribedonly = yes
# don't reconnect all the time
holdconnectionopen = yes
# get mails from INBOX immediately, doesn't trigger postsynchook
idlefolders = ['INBOX']
Critical parts are:
  • postsynchook: obviously, we want to run notmuch after fetching mail
  • idlefolders: receives emails immediately without waiting for the longer autorefresh delay, which means that most mailboxes don't see new emails until 10 minutes in the worst case. unfortunately, doesn't run the postsynchook so I need to hit G in Emacs to see new mail
  • quick=-1, subscribedonly, holdconnectionopen: makes most runs much, much faster as it skips unchanged or unsubscribed folders and keeps the connection to the server
The other settings should be self-explanatory.

RSS feeds I gave up on RSS readers, or more precisely, I merged RSS feeds and email. The first time I heard of this, it sounded like a horrible idea, because it means yet more emails! But with proper filtering, it's actually a really nice way to process emails, since it leverages the distributed nature of email. For this I use a fairly standard feed2imap, although I do not deliver to an IMAP server, but straight to a local Maildir. The configuration looks like this:
include-images: true
target-refix: &target "maildir:///home/anarcat/Maildir/.feeds."
- name: Planet Debian
  target: [ *target, 'debian-planet' ]
I have obviously more feeds, the above is just and example. This will deliver the feeds as emails in one mailbox per feed, in ~/Maildir/.feeds.debian-planet, in the above example.

Troubleshooting You will fail at writing the sieve filters correctly, and mail will (hopefully?) fall through to your regular mailbox. Syslog will tell you things fail, as expected, and details are in your .dovecot.sieve.log file in your home directory. I also enabled debugging on the Sieve module
--- a/dovecot/conf.d/90-sieve.conf
+++ b/dovecot/conf.d/90-sieve.conf
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ plugin  
        # deprecated imapflags extension in addition to all extensions were already
   # enabled by default.
   #sieve_extensions = +notify +imapflags
+  sieve_extensions = +vnd.dovecot.debug
   # Which Sieve language extensions are ONLY available in global scripts. This
   # can be used to restrict the use of certain Sieve extensions to administrator
This allowed me to use debug_log function in the rulesets to output stuff directly to the logfile.

Further improvements Of course, this is all done on the commandline, but that is somewhat expected if you are already running Notmuch. Of course, it would be much easier to edit those filters through a GUI. Roundcube has a nice Sieve plugin, and Thunderbird also has such a plugin as well. Since Sieve is a standard, there's a bunch of clients available. All those need you to setup some sort of thing on the server, which I didn't bother doing yet. And of course, a key improvement would be to have Notmuch synchronize its state better with the mailboxes directly, instead of having the notmuch-purge hack above. Dovecot and Maildir formats support up to 26 flags, and there were discussions about using those flags to synchronize with notmuch tags so that multiple notmuch clients can see the same tags on different machines transparently. This, however, won't make Notmuch work on my phone or webmail or any other more generic client: for that, Sieve rules are still very useful. I still don't have webmail setup at all: so to read email, I need an actual client, which is currently my phone, which means I need to have Wifi access to read email. "Internet Caf s" or "this guy's computer" won't work as well, although I can always use ssh to login straight to the server and read mails with Mutt. I am also considering using X509 client certificates to authenticate to the mail server without a passphrase. This involves configuring Postfix, which seems simple enough. Dovecot's configuration seems a little more involved and less well documented. It seems that both [OfflimeIMAP][] and K-9 mail support client-side certs. OfflineIMAP prompts me for the password so it doesn't get leaked anywhere. I am a little concerned about building yet another CA, but I guess it would not be so hard... The server side of things needs more documenting, particularly the spam filters. This is currently spread around this wiki, mostly in configuration.

Security considerations The whole purpose of this was to make it easier to read my mail on other devices. This introduces a new vulnerability: someone may steal that device or compromise it to read my mail, impersonate me on different services and even get a shell on the remote server. Thanks to the two-factor authentication I setup on the server, I feel a little more confident that just getting the passphrase to the mail account isn't sufficient anymore in leveraging shell access. It also allows me to login with ssh on the server without trusting the machine too much, although that only goes so far... Of course, sudo is then out of the question and I must assume that everything I see is also seen by the attacker, which can also inject keystrokes and do all sorts of nasty things. Since I also connected my email account on my phone, someone could steal the phone and start impersonating me. The mitigation here is that there is a PIN for the screen lock, and the phone is encrypted. Encryption isn't so great when the passphrase is a PIN, but I'm working on having a better key that is required on reboot, and the phone shuts down after 5 failed attempts. This is documented in my phone setup. Client-side X509 certificates further mitigates those kind of compromises, as the X509 certificate won't give shell access. Basically, if the phone is lost, all hell breaks loose: I need to change the email password (or revoke the certificate), as I assume the account is about to be compromised. I do not trust Android security to give me protection indefinitely. In fact, one could argue that the phone is already compromised and putting the password there already enabled a possible state-sponsored attacker to hijack my email address. This is why I have an OpenPGP key on my laptop to authenticate myself for critical operations like code signatures. The risk of identity theft from the state is, after all, a tautology: the state is the primary owner of identities, some could say by definition. So if a state-sponsored attacker would like to masquerade as me, they could simply issue a passport under my name and join a OpenPGP key signing party, and we'd have other problems to deal with, namely, proper infiltration counter-measures and counter-snitching.

16 June 2015

C.J. Adams-Collier: Trip Report: UW signing-party

Dear Debian Users, I met last night with a friend from many years ago and a number of students of cryptography. I was disappointed to see the prevalence of black hat, anti-government hackers at the event. I was hoping that civilized humanity had come to agree that using cryptography for deception, harm to others and plausible deniability is bad, m kay? When one speaks of the government as they, nobody s going to get anywhere really quick. Let s take responsibility for the upkeep of the environment in which we find ourselves, please. Despite what I perceived as a negative focus of the presentation, it was good to meet with peers in the Seattle area. I was very pleasantly surprised to find that better than half of the attendees were not male, that many of the socioeconomic classes of the city were represented, as were those of various ethnic backgrounds. I am really quite proud of the progress of our State University, even if I m not always in agreement with the content that they re polluting our kids brains with. I guess I should roll up my sleeves and get busy, eh? V/R, C.J.

9 May 2015

Daniel Silverstone: Kimchi Trial 1 - Part 1

I have spent today making my first ever batch of Kimchi. I have been documenting it in photos as I go, but thought I'd write up what I did so that if anyone else fancies having a go too, we can compare results. For a start, this recipe is nowhere near "traditional" because I don't have access to certain ingredients such as glutinous rice flour. I'm sure if I searched in many of the asian supermarkets around the city centre I could find it, but I'm lazy so I didn't even try. I am not writing this up as a traditional recipe because I'm kinda making it up as I go along, with hints from various sources including the great and wonderful Maangchi whose YouTube channel I follow. Observant readers or followers of Maangchi will recognise the recipe as being close to her Easy Kimchi recipe, however since I'm useless, it won't be exact. If this batch turns out okay then I'll write it up as a proper recipe for you to follow. I started off with three Chinese Leaf cabbages which seemed to be about 1.5kg or so once I'd stripped the less nice outer leaves, cored and chopped them. Chopped up cabbage I then soaked and drained the cabbage in cold water... Soaking cabbage ...before sprinkling a total of one third of a cup of salt over the cabbage and mixing it to distribute the salt. Salted Cabbage Then I returned to the cabbage every 30 minutes to re-mix it a total of three times. After the cabbage had been salted for perhaps 1h45m or so, I rinsed it out. Maangchi recommends washing the cabbage three times so that's what I did before setting it out to drain in a colander. Drained salted cabbage 1h45m later Maangchi then calls for the creation of a porridge made from sweet rice flour which it turns out is very glutinous. Since I lack the ability to get that flour easily I substituted cornflour which I hope will be okay and then continued as before. One cup of water, one third of a cup of cornflour was heated until it started to bubble and then one sixth of a cup of sugar was added. Stirred throughout, once it went translucent I turned the heat off and proceeded. Porridge thingy One half of a red onion, a good thumb (once peeled) of ginger, half a bulb of garlic and one third of a cup of fish sauce went into a mini-zizzer. I then diagonal-chopped about five spring onions, and one leek, before cutting a fair sized carrot into inch long pieces before halving and then thinly slicing it. Maangchi calls for julienned carrots but I am not that patient. Veggybits Into the cooled porridge I put two thirds of a cup of korean hot pepper flakes (I have the coarse, but a mix of coarse and fine would possibly be better), the zizzed onion/garlic/ginger/fish mix and the vegetables... All in the pan ...before mixing that thoroughly with a spatula. Mixed vegetables Next came the messy bit (I put latex gloves on, and thoroughly washed my gloved hands for this). Into my largest mixing bowl I put a handful of the drained cabbage into the bowl and a handful of the pepper mix. Thoroughly mixing this before adding another handful of cabbage and pepper mix I repeated until all the cabbage and hot pepper mixed vegetables are well combined. I really got your arms into it, squishing it around, separating the leek somewhat, etc. Bowl of kimchi As a final task, I scooped the kimchi into a clicklok type box, pressing it down firmly to try and remove all the air bubbles, before sealing it in for a jolly good fermenting effort. I will have to remove a little tonight for our dinner (beef strips marinated in onion, ginger and garlic, with kimchi on rice) but the rest will then sit to ferment for a bit. Expect a part-2 with the report from tonight's dinner and a part-3 with the results after fermentation. Box of kimchi
As an aside, I got my hot pepper flakes from Sous Chef who, it turns out, also stock glutinous rice flour -- I may have to get some more from them in the future. (#notsponsored)

6 February 2015

Antoine Beaupr : Migrating from Drupal to Ikiwiki

TLPL; j'ai chang de logiciel pour la gestion de mon blog. TLDR; I have changed my blog from Drupal to Ikiwiki. Note: since this post uses ikiwiki syntax (i just copied it over here), you may want to read the original version instead of this one. will continue operating for a while to
give a chance to feed aggregators to catch that article. It will also
give time to the Internet archive to catchup with the static
stylesheets (it turns out it doesn't like Drupal's CSS compression at
all!) An archive will therefore continue being available on the
internet archive for people that miss the old stylesheet. Eventually, I will simply redirect the URL to
the new blog location, . This will likely be my
last blog post written on Drupal, and all new content will be
available on the new URL. RSS feed URLs should not change.

Why I am migrating away from Drupal because it is basically impossible to
upgrade my blog from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7. Or if it is, I'll have to
redo the whole freaking thing again when Drupal 8 comes along. And frankly, I don't really need Drupal to run a blog. A blog was
originally a really simple thing: a web blog. A set of articles
written on the corner of a table. Now with Drupal, I can add
ecommerce, a photo gallery and whatnot to my blog, but why would I do
that? and why does it need to be a dynamic CMS at all, if I get so
little comments? So I'm switching to ikiwiki, for the following reason:
  • no upgrades necessary: well, not exactly true, i still need to
    upgrade ikiwiki, but that's covered by the Debian package
    maintenance and I only have one patch to it, and there's no data migration! (the last such migration in ikiwiki was in 2009 and was fully supported)
  • offline editing: this is a a big thing for me: i can just note
    things down and push them when I get back online
  • one place for everything: this blog is where I keep my notes, it's
    getting annoying to have to keep track of two places for that stuff
  • future-proof: extracting content from ikiwiki is amazingly
    simple. every page is a single markdown-formatted file. that's it.
Migrating will mean abandoning the
barlow theme, which was
seeing a declining usage anyways.

What So what should be exported exactly. There's a bunch of crap in the old
blog that i don't want: users, caches, logs, "modules", and the list
goes on. Maybe it's better to create a list of what I need to extract:
  • nodes
    • title ([[ikiwiki/directive/meta]] title and guid tags, guid to avoid flooding aggregators)
    • body (need to check for "break comments")
    • nid (for future reference?)
    • tags (should be added as \[[!tag foo bar baz]] at the bottom)
    • URL (to keep old addresses)
    • published date ([[ikiwiki/directive/meta]] date directive)
    • modification date ([[ikiwiki/directive/meta]] updated directive)
    • revisions?
    • attached files
  • menus
    • RSS feed
    • contact
    • search
  • comments
    • author name
    • date
    • title
    • content
  • attached files
    • thumbnails
    • links
  • tags
    • each tag should have its own RSS feed and latest posts displayed

When Some time before summer 2015.

Who Well me, who else. You probably really don't care about that, so let'S
get to the meat of it.

How How to perform this migration... There are multiple paths:
  • MySQL commandline: extracting data using the commandline mysql tool (drush sqlq ...)
  • Views export: extracting "standard format" dumps from Drupal and
    parse it (JSON, XML, CSV?)
Both approaches had issues, and I found a third way: talk directly to
mysql and generate the files directly, in a Python script. But first,
here are the two previous approaches I know of.

MySQL commandline LeLutin switched using MySQL requests,
although he doesn't specify how content itself was migrated. Comments
importing is done with that script:
echo "select n.title, concat('  [[!comment  format=mdwn  username=\"',, '\"  ip=\"', c.hostname, '\"  subject=\"', c.subject, '\"  date=\"', FROM_UNIXTIME(c.created), '\"  content=\"\"\" ', b.comment_body_value, ' \"\"\"]]') from node n, comment c, field_data_comment_body b where n.nid=c.nid and c.cid=b.entity_id;"   drush sqlc   tail -n +2   while read line; do if [ -z "$i" ]; then i=0; fi; title=$(echo "$line"   sed -e 's/[    ]\+ .*//' -e 's/ /_/g' -e 's/[:(),?/+]//g'); body=$(echo "$line"   sed 's/[^ ]*  //'); mkdir -p ~/comments/$title; echo -e "$body" &gt; ~/comments/$title/comment_$i._comment; i=$((i+1)); done
Kind of ugly, but beats what i had before (which was "nothing"). I do think it is the good direction to take, to simply talk to the
MySQL database, maybe with a native Python script. I know the Drupal
database schema pretty well (still! this is D6 after all) and it's
simple enough that this should just work.

Views export [[!img 2015-02-03-233846_1440x900_scrot.png class="align-right" size="300x" align="center" alt="screenshot of views 2.x"]] mvc recommended views data export on Lelutin's
blog. Unfortunately, my experience with the views export interface has
been somewhat mediocre so far. Yet another reason why I don't like
using Drupal anymore is this kind of obtuse dialogs: I clicked through those for about an hour to get JSON output that
turned out to be provided by views bonus instead of
views_data_export. And confusingly enough, the path and
format_name fields are null in the JSON output
(whyyy!?). views_data_export unfortunately only supports XML,
which seems hardly better than SQL for structured data, especially
considering I am going to write a script for the conversion anyways. Basically, it doesn't seem like any amount of views mangling will
provide me with what i need. Nevertheless, here's the [[failed-export-view.txt]] that I was able to
come up with, may it be useful for future freedom fighters.

Python script I ended up making a fairly simple Python script to talk directly to
the MySQL database. The script exports only nodes and comments, and nothing else. It makes
a bunch of assumptions about the structure of the site, and is
probably only going to work if your site is a simple blog like mine,
but could probably be improved significantly to encompass larger and
more complex datasets. History is not preserved so no interaction is
performed with git.

Generating dump First, I imported the MySQL dump file on my local mysql server for easier
development. It is 13.9MiO!!
mysql -e 'CREATE DATABASE anarcatblogbak;'
ssh "cd ; drush sql-dump"   pv   mysql anarcatblogbak
I decided to not import revisions. The majority (70%) of the content has
1 or 2 revisions, and those with two revisions are likely just when
the node was actually published, with minor changes. ~80% have 3
revisions or less, 90% have 5 or less, 95% 8 or less, and 98% 10 or
less. Only 5 articles have more than 10 revisions, with two having the
maximum of 15 revisions. Those stats were generated with:
SELECT title,count(vid) FROM anarcatblogbak.node_revisions group
by nid;
Then throwing the output in a CSV spreadsheet (thanks to
mysql-workbench for the easy export), adding a column numbering the
rows (B1=1,B2=B1+1), another for generating percentages
(C1=B1/count(B$2:B$218)) and generating a simple graph with
that. There were probably ways of doing that more cleanly with R,
and I broke my promise to never use a spreadsheet again, but then
again it was Gnumeric and it's just to get a rough idea. There are 196 articles to import, with 251 comments, which means an
average of 1.15 comment per article (not much!). Unpublished articles
(5!) are completely ignored. Summaries are also not imported as such (break comments are
ignored) because ikiwiki doesn't support post summaries.

Calling the conversion script The script is in [[]]. It is called with:
./ -u anarcatblogbak -d anarcatblogbak blog -vv
The -n and -l1 have been used for first tests as well. Use this
command to generate HTML from the result without having to commit and
push all:
ikiwiki --plugin meta --plugin tag --plugin comments --plugin inline  . ../
More plugins are of course enabled in the blog, see the setup file for
more information, or just enable plugin as you want to unbreak
things. Use the --rebuild flag on subsequent runs. The actual
invocation I use is more something like:
ikiwiki --rebuild --no-usedirs --plugin inline --plugin calendar --plugin postsparkline --plugin meta --plugin tag --plugin comments --plugin sidebar  . ../
I had problems with dates, but it turns out that I wasn't setting
dates in redirects... Instead of doing that, I started adding a
"redirection" tag that gets ignored by the main page.

Files and old URLs The script should keep the same URLs, as long as pathauto is enabled
on the site. Otherwise, some logic should be easy to add to point to
node/N. To redirect to the new blog, rewrite rules, on original blog, should
be as simple as:
Redirect /
When we're sure:
Redirect permanent /
Now, on the new blog, some magic needs to happen for files. Both
/files and /sites/ need to resolve
properly. We can't use symlinks because
ikiwiki drops symlinks on generation. So I'll just drop the files in /blog/files directly, the actual
migration is:
cp $DRUPAL/sites/ $IKIWIKI/blog/files
rm -r .htaccess css/ js/ tmp/ languages/
rm foo/bar # wtf was that.
rmdir *
sed -i 's#/sites/' blog/*.mdwn
sed -i 's#' blog/*.mdwn
chmod -R -x blog/files
sudo chmod -R +X blog/files
A few pages to test images:
There are some pretty big files in there, 10-30MB MP3s - but those are
already in this wiki! so do not import them! Running fdupes on the result helps find oddities. The meta guid directive is used to keep the aggregators from finding
duplicate feed entries. I tested it with Liferea, but it may freak out
some other sites.

Remaining issues
  • postsparkline and calendar archive disrespect meta(date)
  • merge the files in /communication with the ones in /blog/files
    before import
  • import non-published nodes
  • check nodes with a format different than markdown (only a few 3=Full
    found so far)
  • replace links to this wiki in blog posts with internal links
More progress information in [[the script]] itself.

6 June 2014

Gunnar Wolf: What defines an identity?

I must echo John Sullivan's post: GPG keysigning and government identification. John states some very important reasons for people everywhere to verify the identities of those parties they sign GPG keys with in a meaningful way, and that means, not just trusting government-issued IDs. As he says, It's not the Web of Amateur ID Checking. And I'll take the opportunity to expand, based on what some of us saw in Debian, on what this means. I know most people (even most people involved in Free Software development not everybody needs to join a globally-distributed, thousand-people-strong project such as Debian) are not that much into GPG, trust keyrings, or understand the value of a strong set of cross-signatures. I know many people have never been part of a key-signing party. I have been to several. And it was a very interesting experience. Fun, at the beginning at least, but quite tiring at the end. I was part of what could very well constitute the largest KSP ever in DebConf5 (Finland, 2005). Quite awe-inspiring We were over 200 people, all lined up with a printed list on one hand, our passport (or ID card for EU citizens) in the other. Actwally, we stood face to face, in a ribbon-like ring. And, after the basic explanation was given, it was time to check ID documents. And so it began. The rationale of this ring is that every person who signed up for the KSP would verify each of the others' identities. Were anything fishy to happen, somebody would surely raise a voice of alert. Of course, the interaction between every two people had to be quick More like a game than like a real check. "Hi, I'm #142 on the list. I checked, my ID is OK and my fingerprint is OK." "OK, I'm #35, I also printed the document and checked both my ID and my fingerprint are OK." The passport changes hands, the person in front of me takes the unique opportunity to look at a Mexican passport while I look at a Somewhere-y one. And all is fine and dandy. The first interactions do include some chatter while we grab up speed, so maybe a minute is spent Later on, we all get a bit tired, and things speed up a bit. But anyway, we were close to 200 people That means we surely spent over 120 minutes (2 full hours) checking ID documents. Of course, not all of the time under ideal lighting conditions. After two hours, nobody was checking anything anymore. But yes, as a group where we trust each other more than most social groups I have ever met, we did trust on others raising the alarm were anything fishy to happen. And we all finished happy and got home with a bucketload of signatures on. Yay! One year later, DebConf happened in Mexico. My friend Martin Krafft tested the system, perhaps cheerful and playful in his intent but the flaw in key signing parties such as the one I described he unveiled was huge: People join the KSP just because it's a social ritual, without putting any thought or judgement in it. And, by doing so, we ended up dilluting instead of strengthening our web of trust. Martin identified himself using an official-looking ID. According to his recount of the facts, he did start presenting a German ID and later switched to this other document. We could say it was a real ID from a fake country, or that it was a fake ID. It is up to each person to judge. But anyway, Martin brought his Transnational Republic ID document, and many tens of people agreed to sign his key based on it Or rather, based on it plus his outgoing, friendly personality. I did, at least, know perfectly well who he was, after knowing him for three years already. Many among us also did. Until he reached a very dilligent person, Manoj, that got disgusted by this experiment and loudly denounced it. Right, Manoj is known to have strong views, and using fake IDs is (or, at least, was) outside his definition of fair play. Some time after DebConf, a huge thread erupted questioning Martin's actions, as well as questioning what do we trust when we sign an identity document (a GPG key). So... We continued having traditional key signing parties for a couple of years, although more carefully and with more buzz regarding these issues. Until we finally decided to switch the protocol to a better one: One that ensures we do get some more talk and inter-personal recognition. We don't need everybody to cross-sign with everyone else A better trust comes from people chatting with each other and being able to actually pin-point who a person is, what do they do. And yes, at KSPs most people still require ID documents in order to cross-sign. Now... What do I think about this? First of all, if we have not ever talked for at least enough time for me to recognize you, don't be surprised: I won't sign your key or request you to sign mine (and note, I have quite a bad memory when it comes to faces and names). If it's the first conference (or social ocassion) we come together, I will most likely not look for key exchanges either. My personal way of verifying identities is by knowing the other person. So, no, I won't trust a government-issued ID. I know I will be signing some people based on something other than their name, but hey I know many people already who live pseudonymously, and if they choose for whatever reason to forgo their original name, their original name should not mean anything to me either. I know them by their pseudonym, and based on that pseudonym I will sign their identities. But... *sigh*, this post turned out quite long, and I'm not yet getting anywhere ;-) But what this means in the end is: We must stop and think what do we mean when we exchange signatures. We are not validating a person's worth. We are not validating that a government believes who they claim to be. We are validating we trust them to be identified with the (name,mail,affiliation) they are presenting us. And yes, our signature is much more than just a social rite It is a binding document. I don't know if a GPG signature is legally binding anywhere (I'm tempted to believe it is, as most jurisdictions do accept digital signatures, and the procedure is mathematically sound and criptographically strong), but it does have a high value for our project, and for many other projects in the Free Software world. So, wrapping up, I will also invite (just like John did) you to read the E-mail self-defense guide, published by the FSF in honor of today's Reset The Net effort.

29 April 2014

Gunnar Wolf: Split regarding Docker

I have heard many good things about Docker, and decided to give it a spin on my systems. I think application-level virtualization has a lot to offer to my workflow... But the process to understand and later adopt it has left me somewhat heart-torn. Docker is clearly great technology, but its documentation is... Condescending and completely out of line with what I have grown used to in my years using Linux. First, there is so much simplistic self-praise sprinkled throughout it. There is almost no page I landed on that does not mention how user-friendly and user-centric Docker's commandline arguments are They let you talk in almost plain1 English. What they don't mention is that... Well, that's the way of basically every command-line tool. Of course, as soon as you start specifying details to it, the plain-Englishness starts dilluting into a more realistic English-inspiredness... Then... Things that go against our historical culture. It is often said that Windows documentation tends to be repetitive because users don't have the patience to read a full document. And our man pages are succint and to the point, because in our culture it is expected that users know how to search for the bit of information they are after. But reading documentation that's so excited with itself and praises again and again the same values and virtues, but never gets to the point I am interested in getting at (be it deployment, interoperation, description of the in-disk images+overlays layout, or anything moderately technical) never gets there... makes me quite unhappy. Last (for now)... Such a continuous sales pitch, an insistence on the good virtues, makes me wary of something they might be hiding. Anyway, at least for now, I just wanted to play a bit with it; I will wait at least until there is a backport to the stable Debian version before I consider moving my LXC VMs setup over to Docker (and a backport does not seem trivial to achieve, as Docker has several updated low-level dependencies we are unlikely to see in Wheezy). But I had to vent this. OK, now go back to your regular work ;-)

24 July 2013

Thomas Goirand: The v sikness is spreading

It seems to be a new fashion. Instead of tagging software with a normal version number, many upstream adds a one letter prefix. Instead of version 0.1.2, it becomes version v0.1.2. This sickness has spread all around in Github (to tell only about the biggest one), from one repository to the next, from one author to the next. It has consequences, because Github (and others) conveniently provides tarballs out of Git tags. Then the tarball names becomes packagename-v0.1.2.tar.gz instead of package packagename-0.1.2.tar.gz. I ve even seen worse, like tags called packagename-0.1.2. Then the tarball becomes packagename-packagename-0.1.2. Consequently, we have to go around a lot of problems like mangling in our debian/watch files and so on (probably the debian/gbp.conf if you use that ). This is particularly truth when upstream doesn t make tarball and only provides tags on github (which is really fine to me, but then tags have to be made in a logical way). Worse: I ve seen this v-prefixing disease as examples in some howtos. What s wrong with you guys? From where is coming this v sickness? Have you guys watch too much the v 2009 series on TV, and you are a fan of the visitors? How come a version number isn t just made of numbers? Or is this just a v like the virus of prefixing release names with a v ? So, if you are an upstream author, reading debian planet, with your software packaged in Debian, and caught the bad virus of prefixing your version numbers with a v, please give-up on that. Adding a v to your tags is meaningless anyway, and it s just annoying us downstream. Edit: Some people pointed to me some (IMO wrong) reasons why to prefix version numbers. My original post was only half serious, and responding with facts and common sense breaks the fun! :) Anyway, the most silly one being that Linus has been using it. I wont comment on that one, it s obvious that it s not a solid argumentation. Then the second one is for tab completion. Well, if your bash-completion script is broken, fix it so that it does what you need, rather than going around the problem by polluting your tags. Then the 3rd argument was if you were merging 2 repositories. First this never happened to me to merge 2 completely different repos, and I very much doubt that this is an operation that you have to do often. Second, if you merge the repositories, the tags are loosing all meanings, and I don t really think you will need them anyway. Then the last one would be working with submodules. I haven t done it, and that might be the only case where it makes sense, though this has nothing to do with prefixing with v (you would need a much smarter approach, like prefixing with project names, which in that case makes sense). So I stand by my post: prefixing with v makes no sense.

18 May 2013

Francois Marier: Three wrappers to run commands without impacting the rest of the system

Most UNIX users have heard of the nice utility used to run a command with a lower priority to make sure that it only runs when nothing more important is trying to get a hold of the CPU:
That's only dealing with part of the problem though because the CPU is not all there is. A low priority command could still be interfering with other tasks by stealing valuable I/O cycles (e.g. accessing the hard drive).

Prioritizing I/O Another Linux command, ionice, allows users to set the I/O priority to be lower than all other processes. Here's how to make sure that a script doesn't get to do any I/O unless the resource it wants to use is idle:
sudo ionice -c3
The above only works as root, but the following is a pretty good approximation that works for non-root users as well:
ionice -n7
You may think that running a command with both nice and ionice would have absolutely no impact on other tasks running on the same machine, but there is one more aspect to consider, at least on machines with limited memory: the disk cache.

Polluting the disk cache If you run a command (for example a program that goes through the entire file system checking various things, you will find that the kernel will start pulling more files into its cache and expunge cache entries used by other processes. This can have a very significant impact on a system as useful portions of memory are swapped out. For example, on my laptop, the nightly debsums, rkhunter and tiger cron jobs essentially clear my disk cache of useful entries and force the system to slowly page everything back into memory as I unlock my screen saver in the morning. Thankfully, there is now a solution for this in Debian: the nocache package. This is what my long-running cron jobs now look like:
nocache ionice -c3 nice

Turning off disk syncs Another relatively unknown tool, which I would certainly not recommend for all cron jobs but is nevertheless related to I/O, is eatmydata. If you wrap it around a command, it will run without bothering to periodically make sure that it flushes any changes to disk. This can speed things up significantly but it should obviously not be used for anything that has important side effects or that cannot be re-run in case of failure. After all, its name is very appropriate. It will eat your data!

27 March 2013

Raphael Geissert: A bashism a week: substrings (dynamic offset and/or length)

Last week I talked about the substring expansion bashism and left writing a portable replacement of dynamic offset and/or length substring expansion as an exercise for the readers.

The following was part of the original blog post, but it was too long to have everything in one blog post. So here is one way to portably replace said code.

Let's consider that you have the file name foo_1.23-1.dsc of a given Debian source package; you could easily find its location under the pool/ directory with the following non-portable code:
echo $ file:0:1 /$ file%%_* /$file

Which can be re-written with the following, portable, code:
echo $ file%$ file#? /$ file%%_* /$file

Now, in the Debian archive source packages with names with the lib prefix are further split, so the code would need to take that into consideration if file is libbar_3.2-1.dsc.

Here's a non-portable way to do it:
if [ lib = "$ file:0:3 " ]; then

# Note the use of a dynamic length:
echo $ file:0:$length /$ file%%_* /$file

While here's one portable way to do it:
case "$file" in

while [ 0 -lt $length ]; do
length_pattern="$ length_pattern ?"

echo $ file%$ file#$length_pattern /$ file%%_* /$file

The idea is to compute the number of interrogation marks needed and use them where needed. Here are two functions that can replace substring expansion as long as values are not negative (which are also supported by bash.)

local pat=
local i="$ 1:-0 "

while [ 0 -lt $i ]; do
pat="$ pat ?"
printf %s "$pat"

local str="$ 1:- "
local offset="$ 2:-0 "
local length="$ 3:-0 "

if [ 0 -lt $offset ]; then
str="$ str#$(genpattern $offset) "
length="$(($ #str - $length))"

printf %s "$ str%$ str#$(genpattern $length) "

Note that it uses local variables to avoid polluting global variables. Local variables are not required by POSIX:2001.

Enough about substrings!

Remember, if you rely on non-standard behaviour or feature make sure you document it and, if feasible, check for it at run-time.

29 November 2012

Bernhard R. Link: Gulliver's Travels

After seeing some book descriptions recently on planet debian, let me add some short recommendation, too. Almost everyone has heard about Gulliver's Travels already, so usually only very cursory. For example: did you know the book describes 4 journeys and not only the travel to Lilliput? Given how influential the book has been, that is even more suprising. Words like "endian" or "yahoo" originate from it. My favorite is the third travel, though, especially the acadamy of Lagado, from which I want to share two gems: " His lordship added, 'That he would not, by any further particulars, prevent the pleasure I should certainly take in viewing the grand academy, whither he was resolved I should go.' He only desired me to observe a ruined building, upon the side of a mountain about three miles distant, of which he gave me this account: 'That he had a very convenient mill within half a mile of his house, turned by a current from a large river, and sufficient for his own family, as well as a great number of his tenants; that about seven years ago, a club of those projectors came to him with proposals to destroy this mill, and build another on the side of that mountain, on the long ridge whereof a long canal must be cut, for a repository of water, to be conveyed up by pipes and engines to supply the mill, because the wind and air upon a height agitated the water, and thereby made it fitter for motion, and because the water, descending down a declivity, would turn the mill with half the current of a river whose course is more upon a level.' He said, 'that being then not very well with the court, and pressed by many of his friends, he complied with the proposal; and after employing a hundred men for two years, the work miscarried, the projectors went off, laying the blame entirely upon him, railing at him ever since, and putting others upon the same experiment, with equal assurance of success, as well as equal disappointment.' " "I went into another room, where the walls and ceiling were all hung round with cobwebs, except a narrow passage for the artist to go in and out. At my entrance, he called aloud to me, 'not to disturb his webs.' He lamented 'the fatal mistake the world had been so long in, of using silkworms, while we had such plenty of domestic insects who infinitely excelled the former, because they understood how to weave, as well as spin.' And he proposed further, 'that by employing spiders, the charge of dyeing silks should be wholly saved;' whereof I was fully convinced, when he showed me a vast number of flies most beautifully coloured, wherewith he fed his spiders, assuring us 'that the webs would take a tincture from them; and as he had them of all hues, he hoped to fit everybody s fancy, as soon as he could find proper food for the flies, of certain gums, oils, and other glutinous matter, to give a strength and consistence to the threads.'"
