Search Results: "lumin"

15 March 2009

Chris Lamb: Joachim Raff and the orchestration of Bach's Chaconne

Earlier today I stumbled across a recording of a work I had not heard in a few years by the obscure Swiss-German composer Joachim Raff. The composition is an orchestral transcription of the Chaconne from Bach's Partita in D minor, without doubt the finest work ever written for solo violin. This piece has been transcribed countless times; the source material is clearly a masterpiece, but what makes the movement really attractive is its implicit nature - dispite the violin's limited facilities for counterpoint and polyphony in general, Bach succeeds in alluding to a multitude of voices within the same line. Larry Solomon provides a brief overview of what to look out for. Raff's transcription thus endeavours to render the implicit explicit; for example, where there is the implication of a held note, it can played for its implied duration. Indeed, Raff believed that Chaconne was in itself a "reduction" from an orchestrated original. Whilst I don't share that literal belief, it is certainly good working model for a transcription. And what a transcription! I've often thought of the romantic transcriptions such as these to be a guilty pleasures; they clearly violate any sensibilities I have about performing early music. However, what is most surprising (and guilt-relieving) about Raff's effort is the sheer amount of novel material involved. Here is an example starting at bar 216 - I have overlayed Bach's original line with a melody of Raff's own invention:
There are countless other examples which, following Bach's example, vary greatly in their subtlety. No prizes for guessing why I chose this excerpt though. However, dispite these additions I feel some crucial aspects are actually lost in translation. Firstly, we can muse over whether Bach would have approved of such a rendering - not wishing to dwell too deeply in well-tread arguments, many would point to Bach's re-use of his own material (as well as his transcriptions of other composers) to illustrate that he was not against the practice, but I find that argument difficult to apply to the Chaconne - the dualism between the implicit and the explicit would have greatly appealed to Bach, so to rob the work of it would seem to be doing him a serious discourtesy. Furthermore, the implications in Bach's work are certainly not followed to the same conclusions by all - a truly solo musician has the advantage of being able to make their own decisions about the music, perhaps even on the spur of the moment. In contrast, an ensemble is effectively forced to obey Hr. Raff's inferences. This lack of spontaneity is particularly damning; I am sure one would tire of differing interpretations of Raff's transcription quicker than one would of Bach's original. Lastly (and certainly most subjectively) there is something disarmingly solitary about the original work which is only amplified by being played solo - dispite my inability to provide a satisfactory rendition I would find performing this piece with (or even to) others rather discomforting. In conclusion, I would recommend listening to this work (and the rest of the CD). I have found it extremely illuminating, if only about Bach's original than of Raff's.

5 March 2009

Sami Haahtinen: Debian Xen dom0 Upgrade woes

I finally decided that it's time for me to upgrade my Xen installation. It used to run etch with backported Xen, because the etch version was increasingly difficult to work with. I also acknowledge that some of the issues I've been having are simply caused by yours truly, but even still the Debian Xen installation is way too fragile to my taste. I've already considered installing XenServer Express locally and running the hosts on it. The big drawback has been that XenCenter (the tool that is used to manage XenServer) is windows only and it doesn't work with wine. So you can imagine my desperation... Anyway, the latest upgrade from etch to lenny was painful as usual. The first part went smoothly, bit of sed magic on sources.list and a few upgrade commands (carefully picking the Xen packages out of the upgrade set). So in the end I had a working lenny installation with backported Xen. Next I made sure that there was nothing major going on in my network (one of the virtual machines acts as my local firewall) and took a deep breath before upgrading the rest of the packages. I knew to be careful about xendomains -script which has reliably restored my virtual machines after reboot to a broken host so I had always ended up restarting my virtual machines after reboot. I carefully cleared XENDOMAINS_AUTO and set XENDOMAINS_RESTORE to false in /etc/default/xendomains so that the virtual machines would be saved but not restored or restarted on reboot. After the normal pre-boot checks I went for it. Oddly enough everything worked normally and the system came up after a bit of waiting. I checked the bridges and everything appeared normal, so it was time to try and restore a single domain to see that everything actually did work as planned.
Hydrogen:~# xm restore /var/lib/xen/save/Aluminium
Error: Device 0 (vif) could not be connected. Hotplug scripts not working.

Oof, Googling for the issue revealed that there were others that had suffered from the same problem on various different platforms the problems were caused by different things. One would assume that the problem is in the vif-bridge script that is mentioned in the xend-config.sxp file as the script that brings up the vif, but after many hours of tial and error and pointless googling (over gprs connection), I couldn't find any solution to the problem. It was time to call it a day (it was almost 3 am already...) During the night I had a new idea about the possible cause. What if the problem isn't in xend, but somewhere else. I fired up udevadm monitor to see what udev saw and it wasn't much. I'm not an expert with udev, but from previous encounters I had a vague feeling that there was supposed to be more events flying around. I wasn't able to pinpoint what was wrong so I decided to purge xen-utils, of which I had 2 versions installed: 3.2-1 and 3.0.2. I also removed everything related to xenstore. After reinstalling the current versions and restoring my configuration files the first host came up just fine. I still had problems resuming the virtual machines and I ended up rebooting them again, which was nothing new, but at least they were running again. In the end I don't know what was the actual cause for udev not handling the devices properly, but I'm happy to have them all running again. And I learned a valuable lesson of all this: udev is an important part of Xen, make sure it works properly.

14 February 2009

Christian Perrier: [life] Sam made it

No, Debian folks, not our former DPL...:-) My, by far, favourite skipper in the greatest race around the world (alone on a 60-feet boat without assistance), the Vend e Globe, arrived last night. I mean Samantha Davies, 34 y.o. female british skipper, who finished 3rd (or 4th, depending on Marc Guillemot's arrival time), who illuminated these weeks with her videos and messages always full of positive attitude and happiness....which is certainly harder to do when surfing in the southern latitudes over 20 knots and thousands of miles away from any land. I recommend those of you who never went on the VG web site to just navigate around the videos and spot those sent by Sam, to understand. She made it with a 9-year old boat (that completes its third VG), keeping up with performance while preserving the boat (probably the one in the best condition after arrival). and all Vend e Globe fans will always remember her constant smile. All this explains why I have even more admiration for Sam's performance than I have for Michel Desjoyaux (the winner) or Armel Le Cl ac'h (2nd), both among the world's top skippers (along with Lo ck Peyron, imho). The race is not over, far from this. Eight skippers still have to arrive. Three of them (Marc Guillemot, Brian Thompson and Dee Caffari) will arrive on Monday or so, while Arnaud Boissi res and Steve White wtill need one or two weeks and Rich Wilson, Rapha l Dinelli and Norbert Sedlacek still are in the southern Atlantic ocean. And kudos also have to go to the 21 skippers who couldn't complete the race, certainly the most difficult Vend e Globe ever. I wish I would live close to Sables d'Olonne to have a chance to see a VG arrival some day. Great race, great adventure. Sad that it happes only every 4 years..:-)

29 January 2009

Russell Coker: Netbook Thermal Issues

Recently there has been increasing attention paid to thermal issues. The power used by computers not only impacts the electricity bill (and battery life for a portable device) but is a cooling problem. The waste heat from desktop systems and servers costs energy (and therefore money) to remove by the air-conditioning system and the heat produced by small devices can impact where they may be used. It seems that a temperature of 40C can cause burns if applied to the human body for any period of time. As it doesn t immediately hurt this can happen without people noticing. A friend recently reported getting a large blister on his arm after drinking a moderate amount of alcohol and falling asleep next to his EeePC. I have noticed that my EeePC 701 has an unpleasant pattern of heat dissipation. It appears to use only one small vent in the side to vent most of the heat (with some vents in the base for air intake) and the base is all plastic. Apparently such a machine draws 14W from the wall when in active use compared to my measurements of 20W for a Thinkpad T41p. The Thinkpad however has a significantly greater size, this means bigger vents (and therefore lower temperatures of the vented air). Also the fan inside the Thinkpad makes much less noise so I guess it s larger. If I am working in the loungue and leave my Thinkpad on the couch it doesn t seem to have any thermal issues. But if I leave my EeePC sitting in a normal manner the vents on the base are partially blocked and it becomes unpleasantly hot. If I leave my EeePC upside-down with the lid closed so that the vents in the base are exposed to the air) then the screen gets very hot, I am not sure whether this is heat from the CPU going through the keyboard to the screen and then being prevented from going further by the insulating cushion or whether heat is generated in the screen (although it is supposed to be powered down when the lid is closed). One suggestion I have received is to place a laptop on a metal baking tray. The flat tray preserves the airflow underneath it and the metal conducts heat reasonably well. Baking trays seem to be made of aluminium or thin steel, they don t conduct heat well - but a lot better than a cushion. It seems to me that one factor which will limit the development of NetBook class machines is the ratio of heat dissipation to either area or volume (I m not sure which is more important). For use similar to mine providing the same compute power as an EeePC 701 with less heat dissipation would be ideal - and technically shouold not be difficult to achieve. Unfortunately I think that people will want to run Windows on NetBook class machines so we will see the development of machines with faster CPUs and GPUs which have worse ratios of heat to heat dissipation potential which will lead to more heat induced shutdowns and low temperature burns. It s a pity that no-one makes a netbook with the CPU power of an iPaQ. A 400MHz ARM CPU is all I need for my portable computing and my iPaQs don t have cooling vents.

25 January 2009

Ben Armstrong: Involve kids in free software development through play

Giving up on a position within a free software project when you know you re no longer managing to do an effective job is a wonderfully liberating experience. Now that I have started to talk with Miriam Ruiz about handing over the Debian Jr. project, I can stop worrying about the leadership task and just have fun with it. I can always count on Miriam for recommendations for games in Debian my kids may enjoy, as she has a passion for finding good games to package for Debian, and in particular, games for children. Over the past few weeks we ve had some fun with her picks. At the same time, I always have Debian Jr. in mind. How can we ensure kids can have the most fun with this? How do we equip their guides to help them? What we ve done with each new piece of software is to find a quiet time when one or more of the children can start playing with it on their own while we watch, offering such guidance as they need, but for the most part just letting them loose with it. Each wrinkle of the brow, each impetuous thump of the mouse, every illuminated grin and exclamation of delight is noted. We try to see what frustrates or pleases our kids and discuss it both with them and the Debian maintainers and upstream developers. This is an excercise we ve managed to pull off without being overly intrusive and the results have been well worth the effort. Using a few of Miriam s picks we tried this week, we were able to draw their play into the free software development process. Here s a brief summary of those sessions: Platinum Arts Sandbox puts into children s hands the ability to role play in a 3D world and edit that world using simplified controls. The expressions on the faces of our kids as they played were priceless: both the ups and the downs. I wanted to capture this on video and share it. After having established a rapport with upstream, we took a 20 minute clip of one of our play sessions and gave a copy to them to use to help further their work. Here is the edited result. They were very pleased to have that kind of feedback and found the video valuable for determining where the software still needed improvement and to notice which aspects particularly pleased the children. I happen to know that Hex-a-hop is one of Miriam s personal favourites. We have a household full of puzzle-lovers so this puzzle game was an instant hit. While on irc on #debian-jr with Miriam we relayed in real-time some of the reactions as they played this and a handful of her other picks. This gave her some confirmation of areas she knew needed work as well as inspiration for upcoming releases of these packages. During this play session, which also included StegaVorto, kartofel, Anagramarama, Funny Boat and Vodovod, my youngest girl, age 7, plunked down on the couch next to me as her 10-year-old sister played. Then she started to notice I was typing what people in the livingroom were saying and doing on irc. She took a mild affront to me copying her own words and actions, so I decided it would be better to let her participate so she would feel included. At this point, I started playing secretary for her, typing what she dictated to me while she read the responses from the display. Later, I just handed her the keyboard so she could type and read the responses on her own. She was still at it long past bedtime and it was with some reluctance that she finally gave up the keyboard. We all had a lot of fun and look forward to doing this again. We are particularly careful with privacy, taking care to share pictures, videos, and other personal details only so far as we believe it does not put our children at risk. Also, we need to ensure we observe in a way that is welcome and doesn t interfere with their enjoyment. But with a little bit of prudence and a practiced eye and ear for what increases or diminishes enjoyment of the software, we can involve our children directly in the free software development process. I commend to anyone who has the privilege to share free software with children to use this method to communicate with maintainers and developers, increasing your own enjoyment of the software in the process and that of children and their guides everywhere.

1 December 2008

Matthew Garrett


1703 called. They wanted to let you know that you haven't been paying attention to modern linguistic trends.

22 October 2008

Clint Adams: MDE, KDE, ODE, CDE, DSA, goose, badger, snake

In the olden days, things were a bit simpler. Oh, things were far from perfect; we didn't all have the same levels of access. We all had access to the machine with the ftp archive master, but Only a few people had access to the mailing list server, and only a few people had root (though not all of them were German). I actually had root on a couple of buildds until some guy named Ryan Murray appeared out of nowhere and disabled my accounts. I remember wondering, at the time, who he was and how he had gotten root on everything. As the years went by, the disparity grew. Like the lie told by the illuminati of post-9/11 thinking, things need to be kept safe, so access started to be less of an entitlement and more of a needs-only privilege. It just so happens that you don't need to do anything. However, the people who actually deserve the access can provide alternate services for you in case you want to try something you don't deserve access to. Of course it won't be as good, and if it breaks you may be called an impatient ingrate if you complain. Then if you want something else, you are asked to justify it. It is extremely condescending for a power-hungry, power-hoarding person to demand to know why someone should have access to something. The two main factors in gaining power are such a craving and cronyism, and if you remember that power is relative, you can see why a power-hungry person would not wish to participate in an egalitarian society, and why anarchy is unstable and falls easily to syndicalism. Back on the bus, we now have more layers of access, and thus we end up with more classes of people. As people and machines multiple, there are more opportunities to deny people access to machines, and more instances in which one could inquire why someone needed access to something. In this new Enlightenment, it is not just the power-mad asking the question, but also some hangers-on and other people who do nothing useful. There was some overlap of the two groups. Like everything else that doesn't get struck down violently and immediately, these attitudes become the standard, and people insist that any other choice would lead to instantaneous destruction of the universe. Look at how Anthony Towns redefined the meaning of experimental to work around a technical shortcoming. Now, instead of acknowledging the fact that there's a major deficiency in the release process that makes it inconvenient to upload packages to unstable during a freeze, and trying to fix it, we all mostly misuse experimental. Now we couldn't log into ftp-master, and we couldn't log into half the other machines either, but we could always upload. Even when the release team was giving us the bad advice not to upload, we could still do it. This vexed them, so the privileged ftp-team granted the privileged release team additional privileges. Can you guess what they were? I don't think I could. It's practically unfathomable to me. The release team can block a developer's right to upload. This is the fundamental building block of the whole kit and caboodle. Everything is predicated on this basic action, and their new privilege is the power to take that away from us. Yet this was greeted with very little objection, probably because of the people involved and vague promises of well-meaning and non-misuse. However, there is a simple axiom which applies to all of this:
If you impede me doing something I want to do, you are an asshole.
So now we can still upload (except when a bribe-loving ftpmaster is being petty or when the release team is expediting a transition) and we can still vote, and we can log into a machine or two. We're running low on powers to take away. Maybe we could create an even lower class of citizen, some kind of undermaintainer without any voting rights. Whee. DM was born. Instead of fixing the problems of class inequality, we created another class. Fantastic. Why stop there? Why not create more? Clearly nobody wants to work toward an egalitarian culture, so we might as well make it like a game where you can hop from level to level. Then you can go to society parties and brag that you are a DVMRP-Q White Belt Green Stripe with a concentration in Taiwanese Bug Reporting, and that after a 6-month wait you can make a lateral move to second-chair cantor of Der Process under the wavy waves. As always, making the constructive suggestion to take things in the exact opposite direction will be called out as unconstructive.

13 October 2008

Adrian von Bidder: The Apple Aluminium Keyboard under Linux

While it looks slick, using the Apple Aluminium keyboard under Linux has some issues I was not aware of when I bought it. I've started to document it here.

23 August 2008

Steve Langasek: A Portland, la ciudad de Mejores Aires

I'm back (for several days now) from Argentina and DebConf 8 to Portland. Too long a journey and too short a trip, as always. It was great to see everybody again as well as to meet a number of new folks from the local community. Here's hoping that DebConf 8 inspires more involvement in Debian from Argentina! It was my first time to this wonderful South American country, which made it even more melancholy to have to leave after such a short time and to be making this trip without Patty. Random observations about Argentina, for posterity: As always it was a pleasure to take part in another annual DebConf, an event which is such a positive force for rejuvenating the Debian community. And BTW, Biella, NYC is not the only US city entertaining a bid for DebConf 10.

14 August 2008

Jacobo Tarrío Barreiro: Blacklights

I’ve been playing with a blacklight here at Debconf, during the keysigning party. (Hey, I’m a geek; what did you expect.) Of course, I cannot resist sharing what I saw: I looked at more passports, but those are the ones I can remember off the top of my head. A couple of notes before I publish this post:

19 June 2008

Manoj Srivastava: Manoj: Theming XTerms

Or configuring LS COLORS After successfully Theming Emacs, I decoded to turn my efforts to providing more copacetic colors in other aspects of my working environment. I ll write more about my effort to write my own color theme for fvwm when it is closer to being done. For now, I ll concentrate on ANSI Colors in XTerms, and how one may theme those. The old Tektronics (or ANSI) terminals had 8 colors, namely, black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, and white. These colors had a normal, and a bright mode. The default set of colors is OK, but is not optimal, since they have to work on both dark and light backgrounds; however, I use mostly dark background colors. ls colors Given that, I set to design my own colors, using fully laturated colors, with a base luminosity of 70, and equally spaced in chroma and used the same saturation and chroma, but a luminosity of 80, for the bright set. This results in a pleasant pastely set of colors, which are e4asy on the eyes, when used on very dark backgrounds. The configuration can be seen in XTerm. I set the colors for rxvt as well as xterm. Now, the most noticeable effect of these changes is if using the color option for ls, therefore the next thing to do was to configure the colors used by ls using a utility dedicated for that task, namely, dircolors. By trial and error, I modified the default configuration provided by dircolors and ended up with dir colors, with the results as you see.

8 June 2008

Axel Beckert: Bath Tub, Rubber Keyboard, Ratpoison and Opera

I recently noticed that a very good way to safely read webcomics in the bath tub is an old laptop with a big screen (e.g. a IBM ThinkPad A-series like my 15” A31 which has a nice 1400×1050 resolution), a water proof keyboard, the screen-alike, keyboard only driven (hence the name) window manager ratpoison (other keyboard driven window managers like wmii or awesome probably will do as well as ratpoison) and a good keyboard driven web browser which can bind or by default has bound a key to follow <link rel="next" ... /> tags. Like Opera. Opera has bound the space bar to scroll one page down and if you reach the bottom of the page to go to the next page as labeled in the link tag. Additionally the full screen mode is helpful, too. Or the dream browser of all Emacs addicts, Conkeror, which has bound the function browser-follow-next to ]]. (Conkeror packages will hit Debian Experimental quite soon.) Or the GNOME feed reader Liferea which has bound Ctrl-Space by default to scroll down the content by one page and if you reach the bottom of the content go to the next unread item. With that equipment I can read my favourite web comics like Questionable Content (whose content seldomly is questionable :-) or Ozy and Millie (Think of a mixture of Calvin & Hobbes, Peanuts and Kevin & Kell) in the bath tub without drying my hands before reading the next comic or fearing water or health damage by the combination of water and computer. I just press one or two keys on the keyboard floating over my lap and have a good time.
a keyboard floatiing in the bath tub close up of the floatiing keyboard
BTW: I’ve got a blue, non-branded one (packaging reveals it as “AirTouch Keyboard”, probably manufactured by SanChuan Electronics, China) with swiss-german layout from ARP Datacom (whose website offers no permanent links and insists on session cookies *puke*), but those from Keysonic or from ROCK seem to be very similar — nowadays they are also available in illuminated, miscellaneous colors and wireless, but only IP65, probably because of the necessarily accessible battery compartment. But this kind of having fun still has optimisation potential: non-flexibel water-proof keyboard (IP67 recommended, so those IP66 keyboards and mice recently posted at UF LOTD are probably not tight enough), flat screen mounted above the bath tub, etc. ;-) Or maybe a completely water proof laptop if such thing exists — Does it? One more note: In Debian Sid and Lenny recently a new tool called keynav has been added, which allows you to control the mouse quickly using the keyboard only. So with Sid or Lenny, I don’t even need an waterproof mouse or trackball if an application insists on mouse usage. ;-)

26 May 2008

Manoj Srivastava: Manoj: Theming Emacs

Update Added screenshots
I spend a lot of time working in front of a screen (many hours in a dimly lit room) and eye fatigue is an issue. A consistent color scheme, especially one which is easy on the eyes, is important and it also helps to have way of doing that where the directives are not all scattered all over my Emacs-lisp setup. Enter Emacs Color Themes, available as the Debian package emacs-goodies. Aided with a HSL color picker, I set around trying to create a dark color theme for Emacs. It does not help that I am blue-green color blind, so subtle variations are often lost on me. I do want to use color contrast to increase productivity, but I also want to avoid the jarring angry fruit salad look, and so I am in the process of crafting a logical color scheme that is high contrast enough for me, without being too unpleasing. Gnus Groups In circumstances where there a lot of related faces that can be viewed, for example, the Gnus group buffer, consistent and logical color choices are the only sane option. Gnus groups can be news (bluish) or mail (greenish), have states (large number of unread messages, normal, and empty). The large number unread groups have highest luminosity (appear brighter), and the empty one have lower luminosity (appear greyer), but have the same hue and saturation. Sub states and group priorities are rendered using a color series which has constant luminosity and saturation, and vary in hue by a constant separation so all the related groups have the same brightness ( mail,news / unread,normal,empty ), and a graded selection of foreground colors. It sounds more complicated that it looks. The eye is drawn naturally to the unread groups, and first to the mail, then USENET groups (which is my preference). Gnus Groups Similar color variations occur for individual messages in a group; high scoring messages bubble to the top, and have a higher luminosity. This color schema has made me slightly faster at reading mail/USENET. In the message itself, quoted mail messages from different people are color coordinated, with high contrast between citations that are close to each other in the hierarchy, so it is less likely that one misunderstands who said what in a long conversation. The resulting scheme covers programming languages, Gnus, Erc, mail, org-mode, CUA-mode, apt-utils, bbdb, compilation buffers, changelog mode, diff and ediff, eshell, and more. This has allowed me to consolidate all my color directives into a single file, and is in a format that might be usable by others. See the wiki page for details about how to use and switch color themes in Emacs. Enjoy.

9 May 2008

Dirk Eddelbuettel: On modes of transportation

Something I never really mentioned was the purchase of the foldable bike: a Dahon with a reasonably lightweight aluminum frame, a seven-speed hub and high-pressure tires. It's great fun in the city for the rides to and from the commuter train, or across downtown for occasional errrands after work. I have had this foldable bike for nearly two years, and used it almost (work-)daily, even in the Chicago winters. 'Almost' because I did suffer from broken parts on a few occassions: a pedal broke (easy replacement), the axis in the front wheel broke (a good week for a new and inexpensive wheel) but the bummer was that a part of the frame-folding mechanism broke last fall. Given that the bike, which I bought used via craigslist, is a few years old, the part was no longer standard and so we waited for it to be shipped from the manufacturer. And waited and waited some more until Dan's decided to give me a matching part from a bike in their inventory. But apart from that episode, and the occassional problem with conductors on the Metra commuter trains, it has been a smooth ride. Highly recommended, and I do see a few more foldable bikes downtown. Trek and Dahon bikes But what is new now is that I finally gave in and bought a road bike, once again off craigslist. My daily commute is about ten miles one-way, which works out to about 35 to 40 minutes of cycling, plus a few minutes of locking/un-locking, changing, etc. I had used my trusted (yet heavier) touring bike with its steel frame a number of times, but felt that a road bike may make for a faster ride. While it saves a few minutes, it is not really a time saver as the bike-train-bike commute also takes around 40 to 50 minutes. That said, riding is simply a nice way to clear the head before or after work. I am back on the schedule I tried for a few weeks last summer / fall: running on Tuesday and Thursday leaves Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the bike commute. So far, I am 8 for 9 over the last three weeks. On the downside: one rather wet ride home, and already to minor flats that (luckily) still allowed riding home. The hardest part is meeting up with some other riders at 6:00am meaning that I am now getting up at 5:00am whether I am running or not. But all told a nice way to get some exercise in outside of running.

26 April 2008

Martin F. Krafft: Make me feel at home!

When I got in to my hotel room last night, it was brightly illuminated and the TV was on with music and a message to greet me. The first thing I did was turn it off, along with most of the lights. Later, I asked at the reception when they turn on the lights. I was expecting them to have a central switch for each room that the receptionist could flip when the guest finished checking in and has started to make way towards the room. Not so. The guy behind the desk told me that housekeeping sets it all up. So my lights have been on and the TV blasting for the entire afternoon and evening. That did not make me feel at home. It made me cross. NP: The Pineapple Thief: 8 Days Later

18 April 2008

Robert McQueen: Lazyweb request: gadgets I would like to have

Last night I thought of a few gadgets which I’d like to have, and although I’m pretty sure you should be able to get hold of them, I had trouble finding anything that looked quite right: So, answers on a postcard…

13 April 2008

Clint Adams: Write-in campaign

Since Ari was too incompetent to successfully complete a self-nomination this year, I have taken the liberty of writing his platform for him against his will.
Ari's Platform What follows is a grassroots movement for positive social change through fostering and giving voice to initiatives and local activism, civic engagement, volunteerism, taking trendy Whole Foods tote bags to supermarkets that are not Whole Foods, and the broader motif of green, eco-friendly, environmentally-sound, community-based, issue-driven, civic-minded focus on saving the environment through awareness of energy and power. Even though recycling consumes lots of energy and pollutes the ground and water, do it anyway. You can make up for it by buying carbon offsets. You don't need to buy carbon offsets for aluminum can recycling, since that is actually good for the environment on a long-term basis, but you should, since it's Fun. Always recycle!
The worst team dynamics can be found in appointed teams. The best team dynamics can be found in self-selecting teams.
Give some thought to the teams (Small or otherwise) you observe. The self-selecting teams are well-oiled machines, competent and effective in every way. In stark contrast, the appointed teams are vulnerable to cronyism, acceptance of bribes, poor communication, pettiness, abuse of power, tunnel vision, xenophobia, and egomania. Who is appointing these teams? It should be stopped, and all teams should be self-selecting to avoid these problems. Face-to-face meetings and events are very important, but we are being terribly irresponsible by using planes, trains, and automobiles. We need to reduce our carbon footprint, so bicycles should be the preferred tool of transportation, and therefore travel sponsorship should be allocated according to these categories: Spandex, Chamois, and Mudflap.
  • Self-nomination
Currently, too many people nominate others for tasks. This leads to an unfortunate mix of egoists and people that no one believes can do the job. Even the nominators have no faith; the only reason they are nominating others is that they know it would be necessary to nominate themselves otherwise. Instead, everyone should take it upon themselves to self-nominate for any position they can, whether they are qualified or not, as it will look good on college transcripts. Only this can ensure that we get the most qualified applicants. Remember, if you do not claim to know better than everyone else, no one can trust you. Relations with SPI have been strained for quite some time, probably because their routine operations resemble a bad episode of The Simpsons. This can be fixed by delegating five hundred people to show up to each month's meeting and bikeshed about American politics and modern fashions.
  • Conservation of power and hats
There have been many attempts to defang concentrations of power and influence and all this does is prevent things from getting done. The proper solution is to give as many hats as possible to the people who get things done. They have already demonstrated that they are trustworthy by getting things done and by having hats, so there is no problem with giving them more hats. Ideally the hats would be fashionable. In order to prevent territorialism and cabals, each person with a hat should be able to give hats to anyone else, but only if the recipient already has a hat. If anyone collects 15 or more hats, he may crown himself High Milliner and proceed to award himself additional hats. Since women do not, as a rule, wear hats, they cannot participate in the hat exchange.
I do not agree with Ari's platform; therefore I will not be writing him into my ballot.

15 March 2008

Daniel Burrows: Abusing metaphors is fun

I recently read a description for a 2.5-inch hard drive enclosure that said that it
comes with all the important features that are required in a portable hard drive rugged anodized aluminum housing, shock proof, light weight, compact size, and choice of enclosure that includes bullet proof hardware encryption to protect your sensitive data.
(my emphasis) So if someone puts a bullet through the hard drive, my data will be fine? Or are they just guaranteeing that no number of bullets shot at the drive will reveal the data stored on it?

1 January 2008

Russell Coker: Fluorescent vs Incandescent lights

Glen Turner writes about silly people who think that fluorescent lights don’t save energy over their lifetime [1]. A compact fluorescent light (one that is designed for the same socket as an incandescent globe) is not the most efficient light source, the Luminous Efficiency page on Wikipedia [2] lists a CFL as having an efficiency of between 6.6% and 8.8% while fluorescent tubes can be up to 15.2% efficient and low pressure sodium lamps are 27% efficient! But given that low pressure sodium lights are unsuitable for most uses due to being monochromatic and having a long warm-up time and the fact that fluorescent tubes are often not suitable due to design an 8.8% efficiency is pretty good. LEDs can give up to 10.2% (and prototypes offer 22%) but don’t seem to be available in a convenient and reliable manner (they are expensive and the ones I’ve tried have been unreliable). When comparing fluorescent with incandescent one factor to consider is the power used. While high-temperature incandescent lights are quoted as having 5.1% efficiency and a 100W 110V tungsten incandescent globe is quoted as having 2.6% efficiency a 40W 110V globe will only have 1.9%. If you want to save energy then you probably don’t want to use 100W globes, using less light is the first way of saving energy on lighting! So the efficiency of incandescent lights used for the comparison should probably be closer to 1.9% than 2.6%. Now the theoretical performance won’t always match what you get when you buy globes. There is some variation of quality between manufacturers and there are at least two distinct “colours” of fluorescent lights (one is about 5800K - similar to our sun, the other is something over 8000K - blue-white), I expect some difference in efficiency between lights of different colour range. I see CFL lights marketed as being 5 times more efficient than incandescent lights, my observation is that they appear to be about 4 times more efficient (IE I replace a 40W incandescent with a 10W CFL or a 60W incandescent with a 14W CFL). Glen claims that an 8W CFL can replace a 60W incandescent globe, the only possibility of getting a factor of 7 or more efficiency improvement (according to the data on the Wikipedia page) would be to replace some 5W incandescent globes with CFL. In my experience (converting two houses that I lived in to CFL and the conversions of some friends) such an efficiency benefit is not possible on direct electricity use. However in a hot climate any waste heat needs to be removed with an air-conditioner. So when a 60W incandescent light is replaced by a 14W CFL there is 46W of waste heat removed, with an ideal efficiency of a heat-pump it would take 15W to remove that heat from a building (and possibly more if it’s a large building). So in summer we are not comparing 60W to 14W, it’s more like 75W to 14W. The issue of economics that Glen raises is more complex than it seems because governments often give companies significant discounts on electricity costs, EG in Australia aluminium refineries are subsidies heavily so they pay much less than home users. So hypothetically it could be possible to manufacture a device made entirely of aluminium which saves electricity (and therefore money for the user) but not enough to cover the electricity used in aluminium refining. However when we consider the margins of the various middle-men it seems quite unlikely that such a hypothetical situation could actually happen. As for the issue of mercury in fluorescent lights there are two things to consider. One is that it is possible to recycle mercury (in Australia at least), the other is that coal fired power plants have a lot of mercury in their smoke…

13 December 2007

Martin F. Krafft: Delaying mail delivery

My current mailfilter has two features which increase my day-to-day productivity:
  1. a "tickler," which is a reminder system inspired by the tickler file component of David Allen's Getting Things Done action management method: I can submit emails and notes to the tickler along with a timestamp in the future, and the tickler delivers the mail (or note) to my inbox when the timestamp has passed.
  2. the ability to delay certain types of mail (e.g. Debian mail is held until the weekend, while news items and the like are only delivered at night).
My current implementations work alright, but they're brittle and crap. What's worse is that the two features could be combined and handled by one and the same tool, but I implemented them differently for now: The tickler consists of a Maildir, to which I can submit mails, either by mailing a note to a specific email address (currently broken, thus not linked from here), or by adding a tickle stamp (X-Tickle header) to a message with this script, saving it to the local tickler mailbox and asking offlineimap to shove it to the server. On this server, the tickler queue is regularly scanned by a script, which resubmits mail whose timestamp has expired to my mailfilter, where it is treated somewhat specially as a resubmitted mail. After almost three months with this setup, I can identify the following shortcomings: When I implemented the delay queue, I knew of these problems and went a different way: delayed mail is stored in a Maildir and a (msgid, timestamp, filename) tuple is inserted into an sqlite3 database on the mail server. This script regularly processes the queue. If I just sent you the chills, at least we have the same taste. There are numerous problems with this approach, the foremost being that Maildir filenames are not guaranteed to be constant: mails jump between the new and cur directories, and tags, such as seen are encoded in the filename (thus, symlinks also cannot be used). My script now uses an ugly heuristic, which at least makes it work. I should investigate whether inodes could be used instead as I think those wouldn't change throughout the lifetime of a mail, at least while it's not moved between folders. I initially considered just dumping messages to files and encoding the timestamp in the files' mtime, but then I would not be able to access the queue with mutt in case I needed to fetch a delayed mail prematurely, or if I wanted to synchronise the queue with offlineimap as well. The past few days, I've been condensing experiences from both approaches and am working out a new technique to combine both features. In essence, I think the database/index approach is the best, if I can figure out a way to uniquely identify mail message files, ideally across folders. Assuming I can use inodes for that, delayed mail would then be stored into the delayed Maildir and an (inode, timestamp) tuple saved into the database. Tickler mail would be stored along with all other mail in my store Maildir and would get a similar entry in the database. This approach solves some problems and leaves others. Assuming I synchronise the store Maildir remotely (which I do), then I can easily fathom making modifications via IMAP which causes orphan records in the database (if only IMAP would allow me to store key=value pairs for mails ). Furthermore, I'd have to submit mails to the tickler by bouncing them to an email address, and deleting the local copy, unless I want duplicates. If now the mail is somehow dropped, I've lost mail. Still unhappy about all of this, still searching for a better implementation, I'd appreciate any feedback! NP: Luminous Flesh Giants: Duma I Upadek

