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7 March 2015

Joey Hess: 7drl 2015 day 1 groundwork

Scroll is a roguelike, with a twist, which I won't reveal until I've finished building it. I'll just say: A playable roguelike pun, set in a filesystem near you. I'm creating Scroll as part of the 7DRL Challange. If all goes well, I'll have a usable roguelike game finished in 7 days. This is my first time developing a roguelike, and my first time writing a game in Haskell, and my first time writing a game to a time limit. Wow!
First, some groundwork. I'm writing Scroll in Haskell, so let's get the core data types and monads and IO squared away. Then I can spend days 2-7 writing entirely pure functional code, in the Haskell happy place. To represent the current level, I'm using a Vector of Vectors of Chars. Actually, MVectors, which can be mutated safely by pure code running inside the ST monad, so it's fast and easy to read or write any particular location on the level.
-- Writes a Char to a position in the world.
writeWorld :: Pos -> Char -> M ()
writeWorld (x, y) c = modWorld $ \yv -> do
    xv <- yv y
    V.write xv x c
showPlayer :: M ()
showPlayer = writeWorld (5,8) '@'
(I wish these Vectors had their size as part of their types. There are vector libraries on hackage that do, but not the standard vector library, which has mutable vectors. As it is, if I try to access outside the bounds of the world, it'll crash at runtime.) Since the game will need some other state, I'm using the state monad. The overall monad stack is type M = StateT S (ST RealWorld). (It could be forall s. StateT S (ST s), but I had some trouble getting that to type check, so I fixed s to RealWorld, which is ok since it'll be run using stToIO. Next, a concept of time, and the main event loop. I decided to use a continutation passing style, so the main loop takes the current continuation, and runs it to get a snapshot of the state to display, and a new continutation. The advantage of using continuations this way is that all the game logic can be handled in the pure code. I should probably be using the Cont monad in my monad stack, but I've not learned it and lack time. For now I'm handling the continuations by hand, which seems ok.
updateWorld :: Step
updateWorld (Just 'Q') = do
        addMessage "Are you sure you want to quit? [yn]"
        next $ \i -> case i of
                Just 'y' -> quit
                _ -> continue
updateWorld input = do
        addMessage ("pressed " ++ show input)
Finally, I wrote some ncurses display code, which is almost working.
Start time: After midnight last night. Will end by midnight next Friday. Lines of code written today: 368 Craziest type signature today: writeS :: forall a. ((Vec2 a -> ST RealWorld ()) -> M ()) -> Pos -> a -> M ()
By the way, there's a whole LambdaHack library for Haskell, targeted at just this kind of roguelike construction. It looks excellent. I'm not using it for two reasons:
  1. Scroll is going to be unusual in a lot of ways, and LambdaHack probably makes some assumptions that don't fit.
  2. mainSer :: (MonadAtomic m, MonadServerReadRequest m) => [String] -> COps -> (m () -> IO ()) -> (COps -> DebugModeCli -> ((FactionId -> ChanServer ResponseUI RequestUI -> IO ()) -> (FactionId -> ChanServer ResponseAI RequestAI -> IO ()) -> IO ()) -> IO ()) -> IO ()
    That's a lot of stuff to figure out! I only have a week, so it's probably easier to build my own framework, and this gives me an opportunity to learn more generally useful stuff, like how to use mutable Vectors.

19 February 2015

Nicolas Dandrimont: We need your help to make GSoC and Outreachy in Debian a success this summer!

Hi everyone, A quick announcement: Debian has applied to the Google Summer of Code, and will also participate in Outreachy (formerly known as the Outreach Program for Women) for the Summer 2015 round! Those two mentoring programs are a great way for our project to bootstrap new ideas, give an new impulse to some old ones, and of course to welcome an outstanding team of motivated, curious, lively new people among us. We need projects and mentors to sign up really soon (before February 27th, that s next week), as our project list is what Google uses to evaluate our application to GSoC. Projects proposals should be described on our wiki page. We have three sections:
  1. Coding projects with confirmed mentors are proposed to both GSoC and Outreachy applicants
  2. Non-Coding projects with confirmed mentors are proposed only to Outreachy applicants
  3. Project ideas without confirmed mentors will only happen if a mentor appears. They are kept on the wiki page until the application period starts, as we don t want to give applicants false hopes of being picked for a project that won t happen.
Once you re done, or if you have any questions, drop us a line on our mailing-list (, or on #debian-soc on OFTC. We also would LOVE to be able to welcome more Outreachy interns. So far, and thanks to our DPL, Debian has committed to fund one internship (US$6500). If we want more Outreachy interns, we need your help :). If you, or your company, have some money to put towards an internship, please drop us a line at and we ll be in touch. Some of the successes of our Outreachy alumni include the localization of the Debian Installer to a new locale, improvements in the service, documentation of the debbugs codebase, and a better integration of AppArmor profiles in Debian. Thanks a lot for your help!

28 December 2014

Ian Donnelly: New Release and Farewell to Planet Debian

Hi Everyone, So first I want to say, that I appreciate all the interest in our project from the folks who read our posts at Planet Debian. This will be our last post there for now, I hope you enjoyed the posts about my Google Summer of Code project and other info about Elektra we posted there. To stay informed about Elektra s releases, please subscribe to this RSS feed. Today I want to thank you all and tell you about the latest exciting Elektra news, our newest release 0.8.10! This new release brings many exciting updates and features, since I didn t to a post for Elektra 0.8.9, this post will cover changes and additions from Elektra 0.8.8 to 0.8.10. First of all, there is now a new gui for KDB! A big thanks goes out to Raffael Pancheri for developing this GUI! Once included in your Elektra build, this gui can be run using the command kdb qt-gui. It is very important to note that the gui is in version 0.0.2, meaning it is an alpha project and shouldn t be considered stable yet! This GUI is a convenient tool that lets you mount, unmount, search, import and export configurations. We are very excited about this tool and we hope it makes Elektra more accessible to all users. Check out the screenshot below to see this new GUI in action:

A screenshot of the new qt-gui tool

A few other new features are that Felix added support for multi-line into the ini plugin. Users are able to turn this feature on or off for each configuration. Additionally, Kai-Uwe added support for Windows 7 to Elektra! The Windows 7 port relies on a new resolver called wresolver which is a simpler version of the regular resolver which is compatible with Windows. Additionally, there is a new Java binding, so now Elektra is compatible with applications and plugins written in Java! On top of these features, a new hosts plugin and a new rename plugin have been written. The new hosts in conjunction with improvements to the ini plugin allows for multiple styles of comments (because some ini dialects allow ; and # to be used to differentiate comments) to be used and preserved in configuration files. Additionally, this new hosts plugin is compatible with and differentiates between ipv4 and ipv6 entries. There have also been a huge number of under-the-hood improvements, changes, and fixes; there have been so many in-fact that I am going to list them: There are many more new changes that I could not mention here. Please keep up-to-date with Elektra news and releases by subscribing to this RSS feed and following our news page on GitHub. As always feel free to comment on our posts and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Again, thanks for reading our blog, enjoy the new release! Sincerely,
Ian S. Donnelly P.S. Happy New Year to everybody!

16 October 2014

Bits from Debian: Help empower the Debian Outreach Program for Women

Debian is thrilled to participate in the 9th round of the GNOME FOSS Outreach Program. While OPW is similar to Google Summer of Code it has a winter session in addition to a summer session and is open to non-students. Back at DebConf 14 several of us decided to volunteer because we want to increase diversity in Debian. Shortly thereafter the DPL announced Debian's participation in OPW 2014. We have reached out to several corporate sponsors and are thrilled that so far Intel has agreed to fund an intern slot (in addition to the slot offered by the DPL)! While that makes two funded slots we have a third sponsor that has offered a challenge match: for each dollar donated by an individual to Debian the sponsor will donate another dollar for Debian OPW. This is where we need your help! If we can raise $3,125 by October 22 that means we can mentor a third intern ($6,250). Please spread the word and donate today if you can at: If you'd like to participate as intern, the application deadline is the same (October 22nd). You can find out more on the Debian Wiki.

13 October 2014

Steve McIntyre: Successful Summer of Code in Linaro

It's past time I wrote about how Linaro's students fared in this year's Google Summer of Code. You might remember me posting earlier in the year when we welcomed our students. We started with 3 student projects at the beginning of the summer. One of the students unfortunately didn't work out, but the other two were hugely successful. Gaurav Minocha was a graduate student at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. He worked on Linux Flattened Device Tree Self-checking, mentored by Grant Likely from Linaro's Office of the CTO. Gaurav achieved all of his project's goals, and he was invited to Linaro's recent Linaro Connect USAConnect conference in California to meet people and and talk about his project. He and Grant presented a session on their work; it was filmed, and video is online. Grant said he was very happy with Gaurav's "strong, solid performance" during the project. Varad Gautam was a student at Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, India. He succeeded in porting UEFI to the BeagleBone Black. Leif Lindholm from the Linaro Enterprise Group was his mentor for the summer. At the end of the summer, Varad delivered a UEFI port ready for booting Linux and his code was included in Linaro's September UEFI release. Leif said that he was "very pleased with Varad's self sufficiency and ability to pick up an entirely new software project very quickly". We were hoping to invite Gaurad to Connect in California also, but travel document delays got in the way. With luck we'll see him at the next Connect in Hong Kong in February 2015. Well done, guys! It was great to work with these young developers for the summer, and we wish them lots more success in their future endeavours. Google have also just confirmed that they will be running the Summer of Code program again in 2015. I'm hoping that Linaro will be accepted again next year as a mentoring organisation. I'll post more about that early next year.

9 October 2014

Chris Lamb: London Paris London 2014

I've wanted to ride to Paris for a few months now but was put off by the hassle of taking a bicycle on the Eurostar, as well having a somewhat philosophical and aesthetic objection to taking a bike on a train in the first place. After all, if one already is possession of a mode of transport... My itinerary was straightforward:
Friday 12h00
London Newhaven
Friday 23h00
Newhaven Dieppe (ferry)
Saturday 04h00
Dieppe Paris
Saturday 23h00
Sunday 07h00
Paris Dieppe
Sunday 18h00
Dieppe Newhaven (ferry)
Sunday 21h00
Newhaven Peacehaven
Sunday 23h00
Monday 07h00
Peacehaven London
Packing list
  • Ferry ticket (unnecessary in the end)
  • Passport
  • Credit card
  • USB A male mini A male (charges phone, battery pack & front light)
  • USB A male mini B male (for charging or connecting to Edge 800)
  • USB mini A male OTG A female (for Edge 800 uploads via phone)
  • Waterproof pocket
  • Sleeping mask for ferry (probably unnecessary)
  • Battery pack

Not pictured:
  • Castelli Gabba Windstopper short-sleeve jersey
  • Castelli Velocissimo bib shorts
  • Castelli Nanoflex arm warmers
  • Castelli Squadra rain jacket
  • Garmin Edge 800
  • Phone
  • Front light: Lezyne Macro Drive
  • Rear lights: Knog Gekko (on bike), Knog Frog (on helmet)
  • Inner tubes (X2), Lezyne multitool, tire levers, hand pump

Day 1: London Newhaven

Tower Bridge.

Many attempt to go from Tower Bridge Eiffel Tower (or Marble Arch Arc de Triomphe) in less than 24 hours. This would have been quite easy if I had left a couple of hours later.

Fanny's Farm Shop, Merstham, Surrey.

Plumpton, East Sussex.

West Pier, Newhaven.

Leaving Newhaven on the 23h00 ferry.

Day 2: Dieppe Paris

Beauvoir-en-Lyons, Haute-Normandie.

S rifontaine, Picardie.

La tour Eiffel, Paris.

Champ de Mars, Paris.

Pont de Grenelle, Paris.

Day 3: Paris Dieppe

Cormeilles-en-Vexin, le-de-France.

Gisors, Haute-Normandie.

Paris-Brest, Gisors, Haute-Normandie.

Wikipedia: This pastry was created in 1910 to commemorate the Paris Brest bicycle race begun in 1891. Its circular shape is representative of a wheel. It became popular with riders on the Paris Brest cycle race, partly because of its energizing high caloric value, and is now found in p tisseries all over France.

Gournay-en-Bray, Haute-Normandie.

D but de l'Avenue Verte, Forges-les-Eaux, Haute-Normandie.

Mesni res-en-Bray, Haute-Normandie.

Dieppe, Haute-Normandie.

La Mancha .

Day 4: Peacehaven London

Peacehaven, East Sussex.

Highbrook, West Sussex.

London weather.

588.17 km
Pedal turns
My only non-obvious tips would be to buy a disposable blanket in the Newhaven Co-Op to help you sleep on the ferry. In addition, as the food on the ferry is good enough you only need to get to the terminal one hour before departure, avoiding time on your feet in unpicturesque Newhaven. In terms of equipment, I would bring another light for the 4AM start on L'Avenue Verte if only as a backup and I would have checked I could arrive at my Parisian Airbnb earlier in the day - I had to hang around for five hours in the heat before I could have a shower, properly relax, etc. I had been warned not to rely on being able to obtain enough water en route on Sunday but whilst most shops were indeed shut I saw a bustling tabac or boulangerie at least once every 20km so one would never be truly stuck. Route-wise, the surburbs of London and Paris are both equally dismal and unmotivating and there is about 50km of rather uninspiring and exposed riding on the D915. However, L'Avenue Verte is fantastic even in the pitch-black and the entire trip was worth it simply for the silent and beautiful Normandy sunrise. I will be back.

15 September 2014

Vincent Sanders: NetSurf 3.2

We recently released a new version of NetSurf this was largely to address numerous small bugs but did also include the persistent caching implementation I have written about previously. A release used to require the release manager (usually me) to perform a lot of manual processes and while we had a checklist it was far too easy to miss things.

The Continuous Integration (CI) system combined with signed release tags in git has resulted in a greatly simplified process indeed it has become almost completely automated. The majority of the manual work is now confined to doing the tasks that require actual decision making and checking we are releasing what was intended.

By having the CI system build release binaries the project now has a much clearer and importantly traceable process, I can recommend such a system to any project that produces releases especially if they release binaries for any of their targets.

I have also managed to package and upload this version of NetSurf ready for the Debian Jessie release. I would like to thank Jonathan Wiltshire for his assistance in ensuring this was a good quality package.

The release incorporates the successfully merged work of Rupinder Singh who was our our GSoc 2014 student. Rupinder mainly made improvements to our core DOM implementation and was very responsive and enthusiastic throughout his time despite the mentor team sometimes not being available.

This work goes towards improving NetSurf in the future by ensuring the underlying features are present in our core libraries. The GSoc mentors and all project developers are all pleased with the results of this years GSoc participation and would like to thank everyone involved in making our participation possible.

Along with the good news comes a little bad:
PowerPC Mac OS X
Despite repeated calls for assistance with new hardware and Java builds none has been forthcoming meaning that from this release we ware no longer able to ship PowerPC builds for MAC OS X.

The main issue is the last version of MAC OS X that runs on PPC is Leopard and there is no viable Java 1.6 port necessary for our CI system to run. Additionally the fully loaded PPC Mac mini (kindly donated to us by Mythic Beasts) had become far too slow to keep up with our builds and was causing long delays.
NetSurf 3.2 Bug graph
We have a lot of bugs, in fact just during this release cycle we have 30 more bugs reported than we closed.So while the new bug reporting system has been a success and our users are reporting issues when they find them the development team is not keeping up..

The failure to keep up stems from the underlying issue of lack of manpower. We have relatively few active developers which is especially problematic when there are many users for a platform, such as RISCOS, but the maintainer is unable to commit enough time to fixing issues.

If you would like to help making NetSurf a better browser we are always happy to work with new contributors.

8 August 2014

Daniel Pocock: Help needed reviewing Ganglia GSoC changes

The Ganglia project has been delighted to have Google's support for 5 students in Google Summer of Code 2014. The program officially finishes in ten more days, on 18 August. If you are a user of Ganglia, Nagios, RRDtool or R or just an enthusiastic C or Python developer, you may be able to use and provide feedback for the students while benefitting from the cool new features they have been working on.
Student Technology Comments
Chandrika Parimoo Python, Nagios and some Syslog Chandrika generalized some of my ganglia-nagios-bridge code into the PyNag library. I then used it as the basis for syslog-nagios-bridge. Chandrika has also done some work on improving the ganglia-nagios-bridge configuration file format.
Oliver Hamm C Oliver has been working on metrics about Ganglia infrastructure. If you have a large and dynamic Ganglia cloud, this is for you.
Plamen Dimitrov R, RRDtool Plamen has been building an R plugin for inspecting RRD files from Ganglia or any other type of RRD.
Rana NVIDIA, C Rana has been working on improvements to Ganglia monitoring of NVIDIA GPUs, especially in HPC clusters
Zhi An Java, JMX Zhi An has been extending the JMXetric and gmetric4j projects to provide more convenient monitoring of Java server processes.
If you have any feedback or questions, please feel free to discuss on the Ganglia-general mailing list and CC the student and their mentor.

20 May 2014

Daniel Pocock: Ganglia welcomes Google Summer of Code students for 2014

Ganglia has been granted funding for five students in the 2014 Google Summer of Code The names of the students chosen for the program were announced on 21 April and the official coding period has started this week. The students are:
Project Student
Data science Plamen Dimitrov
NVIDIA GPU monitoring Md Ali Ahsan Rana
Ganglia/Nagios integration Chandrika Parimoo
JMXetric Ng Zhi An
Internal Ganglia metrics Oliver Hamm
and the mentoring team consists of Rajat Phull, Bernard Li, Nick Satterly, Robert Kovacs and Daniel Pocock. The whole Ganglia community congratulates the students on their selection for GSoC this year and is very excited about working with them. We would also like to thank O'Reilly for generously providing the GSoC students with copies of the book Monitoring with Ganglia If any other member of the community would like to assist formally or informally in the mentoring program, testing any of the projects or anything else please just get in touch with us through the Ganglia developers mailing list or #ganglia on freenode

13 May 2014

Thorsten Glaser: L gen haben lange Leitern

Photo von Laternenmast mit Wahlplakaten, oben Pro NRW, unten Endlich tut mal jemand was gegen die rechte Hetzpartei! Ein Arbeitskollege fragt, ob man die nicht einfach mit einem langen Heckenschneider abmachen kann aber sie so l cherlich zu machen hat auch was

Finally, someone is doing something against this Nazi party! A coworker wondered whether it s legal to cut them off with a long tool, but making them ridiculous like this is also funny

(Explanation: the Pro NRW people put their campaign thingies (sorry, I don t speak English well) up on lamp posts very high, because they are taken down by other citizens immediately otherwise, so there s now people making fun of them for using long ladders (to put them up there, so the offended citizens need equally long ladders or tools with long arms) in leaning on the saying that lies have long legs here: ladders.)

23 April 2014

Gergely Nagy: GSoC2014: syslog-ng accepted projects

The Google Summer of Code 2014 programme reached another milestone recently: the accepted proposals were published, and over a thousand students were selected by nearly two hundred mentoring organisations, among them the syslog-ng project. We will be working with four students this year (twice we worked with last year), with more mentors, on a wider selection of projects. It was a tough decision to select the proposals, we received some very strong work this year.We would like to express our gratitude to both Debian, for giving us an extra slot (so we could accept four students instead of three), and Google and Carol Smith in particular, for allowing it, and putting up with our fumbling during the process.The accepted projects and students are: Good luck to all students, we're looking forward to working with you throughout the summer! Happy hacking!

22 April 2014

Steve McIntyre: Linaro welcomes GSOC 2014 students

After several weeks of review and discussion, the application and selection period for the 2014 Google Summer of Code is over. 4,420 students proposed a total of 6,313 projects for this summer. From those, 1,307 students have been accepted (more details), and Linaro is one of the 190 Open Source projects that will be working with students this year. In our first year as a GSOC mentoring organisation, we received 17 applications and Google allocated us 3 slots for student projects. It was quite a challenge to pick just 3 projects from the excellent field, and it's a shame that the limited number of slots meant we had no choice but to disappoint some people. Thanks to all those who applied! I'm delighted to announce our 3 chosen interns for 2014: Please join me in welcoming these three new engineers to the Linaro team! We have a GSOC wiki ready for our students to use at and hopefully they will start adding content there soon about themselves and their projects (hint!). In the meantime, we have more information about our original proposals and the GSOC program in the main Linaro wiki. Starting today, the next phase of the program is the so-called "bonding period". Students are encouraged to get to know people within Linaro (especially their mentors!) and prepare to start work on their projects, whatever is needed. The official start of the work period for GSOC is May 19th, and it runs through to August 18th. We will give updates on progress through the summer, and we're hoping to talk about our results at the next Linaro Connect in September. Good luck, folks!

Bits from Debian: Debian welcomes its 2014 GSoC students!

We're excited to announce that 19 students have been selected to work with Debian during the Google Summer of Code this year! Here is the list of accepted students and projects: As always, you will be able to follow their progress on the SoC coordination mailing-list Congratulations to all the students and let's make sure we all have an amazing summer!

Bits from Debian: Debian welcomes its 2014 GSoC students!

We're excited to announce that 19 students have been selected to work with Debian during the Google Summer of Code this year! Here is the list of accepted students and projects: As always, you will be able to follow their progress on the SoC coordination mailing-list Congratulations to all the students and let's make sure we all have an amazing summer!

14 March 2014

Michal &#268;iha&#345;: phpMyAdmin participating in GSoC 2014

phpMyAdmin has been accepted for Google Summer of Code 2014. So if you are a student and thinking about how to spend this summer, you might want to join us. As usual, we have prepared dozen of ideas, so in case you are interested, it's really the time to start to work on your application. We require you to contribute before GSoC, so that we can see you can handle the code and our tools. All details you might need are available in our applicant guide. Our requirements might sound strict, but without them, we would drown in hundredths of applications with no clue how to decide, so do your homework and prepare perfect application. If you have any questions, get in touch with us on mailing list and submit the application to to GSoC website.

Filed under: English phpMyAdmin 0 comments Flattr this!

28 February 2014

Daniel Pocock: Google Summer of Code opportunities in data science and machine learning with Ganglia

As mentioned in my blog on Monday, the Ganglia Project is proud to be part of Google Summer of Code in 2014 The Ganglia team are offering various types of projects and different parts of Ganglia would welcome students with different skills, for example:
Component Skills
gmond agent C
gmond modules C or Python
JMXetric Java
gmetad and rrdtool for storing time series data C
Ganglia web interface JavaScript and jQuery
Ganglia integration (e.g. ganglia-nagios-bridge) Python
Big data right under your nose I have had many queries from students about how to get into data science. Very few students will be lucky enough to get an internship where they can study time-series from the financial markets and experiment making their own trading algorithms. On the other hand, network performance data is everywhere. It is real-time. It is surprisingly similar in some ways to processing financial data and it provides excellent opportunities for students to practice data science skills and make a meaningful contribution to solving real problems. Finding public Ganglia data with Google Many large organizations, including universities, governments and corporations are using Ganglia to gather metrics from all the hosts in their networks. Some of them even expose this data to the public. Here are two Google searches you can use to find them:
Courtesy of Universit Montpellier 2, France Some sites may even expose their data as an XML feed, you can try and extract it by connecting to the Ganglia server on one of these ports
Port Comments
8649 gmond: sends an XML snapshot to anybody who connects
8651 gmetad: sends an XML snapshot to anybody who connects
8651 gmetad: works a little bit like HTTP, returns a subset of the XML snapshot when you make a GET request
You can discover a Ganglia environment in your campus by looking for a gmond process on your machine and the gmond.conf file, often in /etc/gmond.conf or /etc/ganglia/gmond.conf. That file may contain a clue about the name of the host where Ganglia data is aggregated:
  host =
  port = 8649
  ttl = 1
This tells you that the host is collecting the data - you could try the URL in a web browser or try connecting to one of the TCP ports 8649, 8651 or 8652 on that host. Here is an example with netcat:
$ nc 8649   grep ^.H
It will return a list of all hosts that Ganglia knows about. Once you have a data feed, you can then configure a gmetad process on your own system to poll the remote system and generate local RRDs for you to study. Install your own Ganglia It is very easy to get your own Ganglia setup. On a Debian or Ubuntu system, just do:
# apt-get update
# apt-get install ganglia-monitor ganglia-webfrontend
On Fedora and RPM-based systems (such as CentOS or RHEL with EPEL) you can do:
# yum install ganglia-gmond ganglia-web
Everything should be autoconfigured. You can then browse to http://localhost/ganglia to see the charts. If you have several hosts with the gmond agent (just the ganglia-monitor.deb or ganglia-gmond.rpm) on the same LAN, they will automatically find each other using multicast and you will see an aggregated report on the machine with the web server. The data is real-time It is important to keep in mind that the data is real-time. This means you can often detect problems in real-time. If this blog appears on slashdot, for example, then that image from Universit Montpellier 2 will be hit many times. The image actually shows the network load on the web server producing the image, so you will see the slashdot effect graphically in the image itself. Processing real-time data is often the most advanced step in any data science exercise. Initially, you may simply log a few days of data to RRD files to start studying a static data set with your tool of choice, whether it is the R project, Weka or Hadoop Once you have a a hypothesis (for example, an algorithm that understands the normal characteristics of each metric) you may then take each new real-time value from the gmetad XML and test it with the algorithm. The algorithm would then raise an alert if any metric on any host deviates from its normal behavior. Mixing in other sources of data Depending upon the computing environment in your campus or organization, you may also be able to get other data sources, such as a list of people logged in to different machines at different times and the processes that each user starts and stops. This might help to make more accurate predictions about when network or computing resources will be under stress. For example, if users bob, alice and eve all appear on the same host, your algorithm might conclude that the load average will reach an excessive level within 15 minutes and send those three users a suggestion to each try other machines. Making a successful application for GSoC 2014 Here are some tips
  • For all organizations/projects
  • For Ganglia and the data science project in particular
    • Join the ganglia-general mailing list and send an email to introduce yourself
    • Try Ganglia on your own Linux system. Use the packages, it is really easy. Send an email to the list with any questions.
    • Explore the source code in github - ask us questions about it. For the data science project, you may also need to look at RRDtool source code and documentation about making a plugin for R (using C)
    • You don't have to do it our way: if you prefer to work with another tool instead of R, please tell us your idea
    • Write some skeleton code or make a diagram to explain what you want to do. While you do this, do you think of any new questions or problems? Make a list of them.
    • We want to give every student a small coding task as a test. Please tell us which language you prefer (e.g. C, Java, Python) so we can give you a suitable test. If you are really keen, follow the link to bugs I reported in Debian, look for one that is easy and try to write a small patch for it - helping fix bugs that annoy your mentor is likely to be a good way to get on the short-list for selection.

25 February 2014

Gergely Nagy: GSoC2014: syslog-ng ACCEPTED

We are happy to announce that we were accepted to be a mentoring organisation for Google Summer of Code Google Summer of Code 2014 programme! This year, we applied as the syslog-ng project, independently from the company behind, and we put a lot of effort not just into the proposals, but on the organisation image as well, with a brand-new website, among other things. I would like to thank both openSUSE for their past help (in 2012, and in 2013, we participated on GSOC under the umbrella of the openSUSE) and for vouching for us this year, and Debian too, for supporting our application with their vouch as well.This year, we have - as per usual - an interesting list of projects to choose from, with varied difficulties, touching a wide range of syslog-ng components. I am confident that any student interested in logging, or systems infrastracture in general, would find something interesting on our idea page. But if not, we are certainly open to accepting student proposals too.Unlike in previous years, we have a much better infrastracture (in the form of The Incubator), more documentation, more mentors, and projects that are described in more detail, where we, as mentors, have a better idea of what we'd like to see. This is a very interesting opportunity for us too, not just for students, as for the first time in our history within the Google Summer of Code programme, we are on our own, without an umbrella organisation, and we have to prove our worth. And we certainly will do that. What our students built last year is the bare minimum this year: we're upping the goals, for we want to build even more awesome features.Of course, building amazing things is just a side-effect, because the real purpose of the programme is to teach, and to get people involved in the free software community as a whole. Our mentors are all contributors to various free software projects, and we'd like our students to become such contributors too, to let them see that while the tasks may be challenging, the rewards are well worth it. Seeing your code used in production is a terrific feeling. Talking with the community, with the potential users is incredibly useful, and rewarding too. We'd like our students to be involved throughly and deeply, we will let them see the beauty the Free Software world has to offer.They will also learn a ton about the internals of syslog-ng, a software used on millions on devices, from embedded devices to room-size cluster monsters. We'll touch multi threading, in-software communication, scalability, performance and data structure topics. We'll fight with ancient, legacy systems, and win! The road ahead is challenging, but full of adventure.If you are a student, contact us, either on IRC, on Twitter, or the mailing list, we are happy to answer any questions you may have. If you are a user of syslog-ng, we would welcome feedback on our ideas, and new proposals too!

Bits from Debian: Call for participants in the Google Summer of Code for Debian

GSoC 2014 logo The Google Summer of Code is a program that allows post-secondary students aged 18 and older to earn a stipend writing code for Free and Open Source Software projects during the summer. Debian has just been accepted as a mentoring organization for this year's program! We're looking for students and mentors to make this GSoC in Debian the best ever! Eligible students, now is the time to take a look at our project ideas list, engage with the mentors for the projects you find interesting, and start working on your application! For more information, please read the FAQ and the Program Timeline on Google's website. Mentors for prospective projects can still submit proposals on the project ideas list. You also need to send an email to the mailing list linked below to present your project in a few words. Feel also free to propose yourself as a co-mentor for one of the listed projects, more help is always welcome! If you are interested, we encourage you to come and chat with us on irc (#debian-soc on, or to send an email to the SoC coordination mailing-list (subscribe). Most of the Debian-specific GSoC information can be found on our wiki pages, but don't be afraid to ask us directly on irc or via email. We're looking forward to work with an amazing team of students and mentors again this summer!

24 February 2014

Daniel Pocock: GSoC Organisations announced, Ganglia selected for 2014

Google has just published the list of organisations for Google Summer of Code 2014 It is no surprise that big projects like Debian and Fedora are all back again. On the other hand, I am delighted to announce that the Ganglia project is participating this year. We have started publishing a list of project ideas and we are keen to start having discussion with potential students and anybody who would like to participate in our mentoring team. We have also invited the RRDtool community to be part of this big adventure because RRDtool is such a critical element of Ganglia's success. My Debian project ideas I've also published a couple of project ideas on the Debian wiki before the organisations were confirmed: As I am part of the admin team for Ganglia, these Debian projects can only go ahead if there are some additional mentors willing to participate in them. Please contact me if either of these projects is interesting for you. You don't have to be a Debian Developer to be a mentor for Debian. Given the highly generic nature of these projects, particularly the Java one, they could also be mentored under the umbrella of another organisation. The Java project is particularly suitable for any Linux distribution or project relying on many JARs and all distributions and Java users are likely to extract some benefit from it. Deadlines approaching GSoC works on a strict calendar, please see the dates here if you would like to participate as a mentor, co-mentor or student.

28 January 2014

Andrea Colangelo: The (brand new) Debian 3D-Printing Team is hiring!

The 3D-printing technology has gained quite a big momentum in recent times. Its use is spreading widely even among hobbyists and many sources report daily several (sometimes weird) examples of its usage. The thing I like most, as a Free Software activist, is that several 3D-printing-related free and open source software are already available and quite good, and some printers are even released as free hardware. Unfortunately, Debian is quite lagged behind with regard to the availability of such software in our archive, especially compared to other distributions who already ship much of it. Hopefully this situation will change drastically thanks to the brand new Debian 3D-Printing team, whose purpose is to make Debian a rocking platform to do some serious 3D-printing. The team is bootstrapping right now, and we are looking for volunteers who are willing to help us. Packagers are greatly welcomed, but also triagers, users and passionate people with some experience in the field are extremely valuable. People willing to join the team can take a look at our (in-progress) wiki page and apply on the team page on Alioth. As with any good packaging team, a mailing list is available to share ideas, feel free to subscribe it, and feel free to join #debian-3dprinting on OFTC if you want to hang out with other team members.

