Search Results: "kix"

2 April 2024

Sven Hoexter: PKIX: pathLen Constrain on Root Certificates

I recently came a cross a x509 P(rivate)KI Root Certificate which had a pathLen constrain set on the (self signed) Root Certificate. Since that is not commonly seen I looked a bit around to get a better understanding about how the pathLen basic constrain should be used. Primary source is RFC 5280 section
The pathLenConstraint field is meaningful only if the cA boolean is asserted and the key usage extension, if present, asserts the keyCertSign bit (Section In this case, it gives the maximum number of non-self-issued intermediate certificates that may follow this certificate in a valid certification path
Since the Root is always self-issued it doesn't count towards the limit, and since it's the last certificate (or the first depending on how you count) in a chain, it's pretty much pointless to configure a pathLen constrain directly on a Root Certificate. Another relevant resource are the Baseline Requirements of the CA/Browser Forum (currently v2.0.2). Section "Root CA Basic Constraints" describes it as NOT RECOMMENDED for a Root CA. Last but not least there is the awesome x509 Limbo project which has a section for validating pathLen constrains. Since the RFC 5280 based assumption is that self signed certs do not count, they do not check a case with such a constrain on the Root itself, and what the implementations do about it. So the assumption right now is that they properly ignore it. Summary: It's pointless to set the pathLen constrain on the Root Certificate, so just don't do it.

9 August 2023

Antoine Beaupr : OpenPGP key transition

This is a short announcement to say that I have changed my main OpenPGP key. A signed statement is available with the cryptographic details but, in short, the reason is that I stopped using my old YubiKey NEO that I have worn on my keyring since 2015. I now have a YubiKey 5 which supports ED25519 which features much shorter keys and faster decryption. It allowed me to move all my secret subkeys on the key (including encryption keys) while retaining reasonable performance. I have written extensive documentation on how to do that OpenPGP key rotation and also YubiKey OpenPGP operations.

Warning on storing encryption keys on a YubiKey People wishing to move their private encryption keys to such a security token should be very careful as there are special precautions to take for disaster recovery. I am toying with the idea of writing an article specifically about disaster recovery for secrets and backups, dealing specifically with cases of death or disabilities.

Autocrypt changes One nice change is the impact on Autocrypt headers, which are considerably shorter. Before, the header didn't even fit on a single line in an email, it overflowed to five lines:
Autocrypt:; prefer-encrypt=nopreference;
After the change, the entire key fits on a single line, neat!
Autocrypt:; prefer-encrypt=nopreference;
Note that I have implemented my own kind of ridiculous Autocrypt support for the Notmuch Emacs email client I use, see this elisp code. To import keys, I pipe the message into this script which is basically just:
sq autocrypt decode   gpg --import
... thanks to Sequoia best-of-class Autocrypt support.

Note on OpenPGP usage While some have claimed OpenPGP's death, I believe those are overstated. Maybe it's just me, but I still use OpenPGP for my password management, to authenticate users and messages, and it's the interface to my YubiKey for authenticating with SSH servers. I understand people feel that OpenPGP is possibly insecure, counter-intuitive and full of problems, but I think most of those problems should instead be attributed to its current flagship implementation, GnuPG. I have tried to work with GnuPG for years, and it keeps surprising me with evilness and oddities. I have high hopes that the Sequoia project can bring some sanity into this space, and I also hope that RFC4880bis can eventually get somewhere so we have a more solid specification with more robust crypto. It's kind of a shame that this has dragged on for so long, but Update: there's a separate draft called openpgp-crypto-refresh that might actually be adopted as the "OpenPGP RFC" soon! And it doesn't keep real work from happening in Sequoia and other implementations. Thunderbird rewrote their OpenPGP implementation with RNP (which was, granted, a bumpy road because it lost compatibility with GnuPG) and Sequoia now has a certificate store with trust management (but still no secret storage), preliminary OpenPGP card support and even a basic GnuPG compatibility layer. I'm also curious to try out the OpenPGP CA capabilities. So maybe it's just because I'm becoming an old fart that doesn't want to change tools, but so far I haven't seen a good incentive in switching away from OpenPGP, and haven't found a good set of tools that completely replace it. Maybe OpenSSH's keys and CA can eventually replace it, but I suspect they will end up rebuilding most of OpenPGP anyway, just more slowly. If they do, let's hope they avoid the mistakes our community has done in the past at least...

29 September 2021

Ingo Juergensmann: LetsEncrypt CA Chain Issues with Ejabberd

It s not as simple as described below, I m afraid It appears that it s not that easy to obtain new/correct certs from LetsEncrypt that are not cross-signed by DST Root X3 CA. Additionally older OpenSSL version (1.0.x) seems to have problems. So even when you think that your system is now ok, the remote server might refuse to accept your SSL cert. The same is valid for the SSL check on, which seems to be very outdated and beyond repair. Honestly, I think the solution needs to be provided by LetsEncrypt
I was having some strange issues on my ejabberd XMPP server the other day: some users complained that they couldn t connect anymore to the MUC rooms on my server and in the logfiles I discovered some weird warnings about LetsEncrypt certificates being expired although they were just new and valid until end of December. It looks like this:
[warning] <0.368.0>@ejabberd_pkix:log_warnings/1:393 Invalid certificate in /etc/ at line 37: certificate is no longer valid as its expiration date has passed
[warning] <0.18328.2>@ejabberd_s2s_out:process_closed/2:157 Failed to establish outbound s2s connection -> Stream closed by peer: Your server's certificate is invalid, expired, or not trusted by (not-authorized); bouncing for 237 seconds
When checking out with some online tools like SSLlabs or the result was strange, because SSLlabs reported everything was ok while was showing the chain with X3 and D3 certs as having a short term validity of a few days:
After some days of fiddling around with the issue, trying to find a solution, it appears that there is a problem in Ejabberd when there are some old SSL certifcates being found by Ejabberd that are using the old CA chain. Ejabberd has a really nice feature where you can just configure a SSL cert directory (or a path containing wildcars. Ejabberd then reads all of the SSL certs and compare them to the list of configured domains to see which it will need and which not. What helped (for me at least) was to delete all expired SSL certs from my directory, downloading the current CA file pems from LetsEncrypt (see their blog post from September 2020), run update-ca-certificates and ejabberdctl restart (instead of just ejabberdctl reload-config). UPDATE: be sure to use dpkg-reconfigure ca-certificates to uncheck the DST Root X3 cert (and others if necessary) before renewing the certs or running update-ca-certificates. Otherwise the update will bring in the expired cert again. Currently I see at least two other XMPP domains in my server logs having certicate issues and in some MUCs there are reports of other domains as well. Disclaimer: Again: this helped me in my case. I don t know if this is a bug in Ejabberd or if this procedure will help you in your case nor if this is the proper solution. But maybe my story will help you solving your issue if you experience SSL certs issues in the last few days, especially now that the R3 cert has already expired and the X3 cert following in a few hours.

1 December 2020

Paul Wise: FLOSS Activities November 2020

Focus This month I didn't have any particular focus. I just worked on issues in my info bubble.




  • Debian wiki: disable attachments due to security issue, approve accounts

  • Respond to queries from Debian users and contributors on the mailing lists and IRC

Sponsors The visdom, apt-listchanges work and lintian-brush bug report were sponsored by my employer. All other work was done on a volunteer basis.

3 November 2016

Simon Josefsson: Why I don t Use 2048 or 4096 RSA Key Sizes

I have used non-standard RSA key size for maybe 15 years. For example, my old OpenPGP key created in 2002. With non-standard key sizes, I mean a RSA key size that is not 2048 or 4096. I do this when I generate OpenPGP/SSH keys (using GnuPG with a smartcard like this) and PKIX certificates (using GnuTLS or OpenSSL, e.g. for XMPP or for HTTPS). People sometimes ask me why. I haven t seen anyone talk about this, or provide a writeup, that is consistent with my views. So I wanted to write about my motivation, so that it is easy for me to refer to, and hopefully to inspire others to think similarily. Or to provoke discussion and disagreement that s fine, and hopefully I will learn something. Before proceeding, here is some context: When building new things, it is usually better to use the Elliptic Curve technology algorithm Ed25519 instead of RSA. There is also ECDSA which has had a comparatively slow uptake, for a number of reasons that is widely available and is a reasonable choice when Ed25519 is not available. There are also post-quantum algorithms, but they are newer and adopting them today requires a careful cost-benefit analysis. First some background. RSA is an asymmetric public-key scheme, and relies on generating private keys which are the product of distinct prime numbers (typically two). The size of the resulting product, called the modulus n, is usually expressed in bit length and forms the key size. Historically RSA key sizes used to be a couple of hundred bits, then 512 bits settled as a commonly used size. With better understanding of RSA security levels, the common key size evolved into 768, 1024, and later 2048. Today s recommendations (see suggest that 2048 is on the weak side for long-term keys (5+ years), so there has been a trend to jump to 4096. The performance of RSA private-key operations starts to suffer at 4096, and the bandwidth requirements is causing issues in some protocols. Today 2048 and 4096 are the most common choices. My preference for non-2048/4096 RSA key sizes is based on the simple and na ve observation that if I would build a RSA key cracker, there is some likelihood that I would need to optimize the implementation for a particular key size in order to get good performance. Since 2048 and 4096 are dominant today, and 1024 were dominent some years ago, it may be feasible to build optimized versions for these three key sizes. My observation is a conservative decision based on speculation, and speculation on several levels. First I assume that there is an attack on RSA that we don t know about. Then I assume that this attack is not as efficient for some key sizes than others, either on a theoretical level, at implementation level (optimized libraries for certain characteristics), or at an economic/human level (decision to focus on common key sizes). Then I assume that by avoiding the efficient key sizes I can increase the difficulty to a sufficient level. Before analyzing whether those assumptions even remotely may make sense, it is useful to understand what is lost by selecting uncommon key sizes. This is to understand the cost of the trade-off. A significant burden would be if implementations didn t allow selecting unusual key sizes. In my experience, enough common applications support uncommon key sizes, for example GnuPG, OpenSSL, OpenSSH, FireFox, and Chrome. Some applications limit the permitted choices; this appears to be rare, but I have encountered it once. Some environments also restrict permitted choices, for example I have experienced that LetsEncrypt has introduced a requirement for RSA key sizes to be a multiples of 8. I noticed this since I chose a RSA key size of 3925 for my blog and received a certificate from LetsEncrypt in December 2015 however during renewal in 2016 it lead to an error message about the RSA key size. Some commercial CAs that I have used before restrict the RSA key size to one of 1024, 2048 or 4096 only. Some smart-cards also restrict the key sizes, sadly the YubiKey has this limitation. So it is not always possible, but possible often enough for me to be worthwhile. Another cost is that RSA signature operations are slowed down. This is because the exponentiation function is faster than multiplication, and if the bit pattern of the RSA key is a 1 followed by several 0 s, it is quicker to compute. I have not done benchmarks, but I have not experienced that this is a practical problem for me. I don t notice RSA operations in the flurry of all of other operations (network, IO) that is usually involved in my daily life. Deploying this on a large scale may have effects, of course, so benchmarks would be interesting. Back to the speculation that leads me to this choice. The first assumption is that there is an attack on RSA that we don t know about. In my mind, until there are proofs that the currently known attacks (GNFS-based attacks) are the best that can be found, or at least some heuristic argument that we can t do better than the current attacks, the probability for an unknown RSA attack is therefor, as strange as it may sound, 100%. The second assumption is that the unknown attack(s) are not as efficient for some key sizes than others. That statement can also be expressed like this: the cost to mount the attack is higher for some key sizes compared to others. At the implementation level, it seems reasonable to assume that implementing a RSA cracker for arbitrary key sizes could be more difficult and costlier than focusing on particular key sizes. Focusing on some key sizes allows optimization and less complex code. At the mathematical level, the assumption that the attack would be costlier for certain types of RSA key sizes appears dubious. It depends on the kind of algorithm the unknown attack is. For something similar to GNFS attacks, I believe the same algorithm applies equally for a RSA key size of 2048, 2730 and 4096 and that the running time depends mostly on the key size. Other algorithms that could crack RSA, such as some approximation algorithms, does not seem likely to be thwarted by using non-standard RSA key sizes either. I am not a mathematician though. At the economical or human level, it seems reasonable to say that if you can crack 95% of all keys out there (sizes 1024, 2048, 4096) then that is good enough and cracking the last 5% is just diminishing returns of the investment. Here I am making up the 95% number. Currently, I would guess that more than 95% of all RSA key sizes on the Internet are 1024, 2048 or 4096 though. So this aspect holds as long as people behave as they have done. The final assumption is that by using non-standard key sizes I raise the bar sufficiently high to make an attack impossible. To be honest, this scenario appears unlikely. However it might increase the cost somewhat, by a factor or two or five. Which might make someone target a lower hanging fruit instead. Putting my argument together, I have 1) identified some downsides of using non-standard RSA Key sizes and discussed their costs and implications, and 2) mentioned some speculative upsides of using non-standard key sizes. I am not aware of any argument that the odds of my speculation is 0% likely to be true. It appears there is some remote chance, higher than 0%, that my speculation is true. Therefor, my personal conservative approach is to hedge against this unlikely, but still possible, attack scenario by paying the moderate cost to use non-standard RSA key sizes. Of course, the QA engineer in me also likes to break things by not doing what everyone else does, so I end this with an ObXKCD.

12 May 2015

Simon Josefsson: Certificates for XMPP/Jabber

I am revamping my XMPP server and I ve written down notes on how to set up certificates to enable TLS. I will run Debian Jessie with JabberD 2.x, using the recent jabberd2 jessie-backport. The choice of server software is not significant for the rest of this post. Running XMPP over TLS is a good idea. So I need a X.509 PKI for this purpose. I don t want to use a third-party Certificate Authority, since that gives them the ability to man-in-the-middle my XMPP connection. Therefor I want to create my own CA. I prefer tightly scoped (per-purpose or per-application) CAs, so I will set up a CA purely to issue certificates for my XMPP server. The current XMPP specification, RFC 6120, includes a long section 13.7 that discuss requirements on Certificates. One complication is the requirement to include an AIA for OCSP/CRLs fortunately, it is not a strict MUST requirement but a weaker SHOULD . I note that checking revocation using OCSP and CRL is a MUST requirement for certificate validation some specification language impedence mismatch at work there. The specification demand that the CA certificate MUST have a keyUsage extension with the digitalSignature bit set. This feels odd to me, and I m wondering if keyCertSign was intended instead. Nothing in the XMPP document, nor in any PKIX document as far as I am aware of, will verify that the digitalSignature bit is asserted in a CA certificate. Below I will assert both bits, since a CA needs the keyCertSign bit and the digitalSignature bit seems unnecessary but mostly harmless. My XMPP/Jabber server will be and my JID will be . This means the server certificate need to include references to both these domains. The relevant DNS records for the zone is as follows, see section 3.2.1 of RFC 6120 for more background.	IN	SRV 5 0 5222	IN	SRV 5 0 5269
The DNS records or the zone is as follows:	IN	A	...	IN	AAAA	...
The following commands will generate the private key and certificate for the CA. In a production environment, you would keep the CA private key in a protected offline environment. I m asserting a expiration date ~30 years in the future. While I dislike arbitrary limits, I believe this will be many times longer than the anticipated lifelength of this setup.
openssl genrsa -out josefsson-org-xmpp-ca-key.pem 3744
cat > josefsson-org-xmpp-ca-crt.conf << EOF
[ req ]
x509_extensions = v3_ca
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
prompt = no
[ req_distinguished_name ]
[ v3_ca ]
basicConstraints = CA:true
keyUsage=critical, digitalSignature, keyCertSign
openssl req -x509 -set_serial 1 -new -days 11147 -sha256 -config josefsson-org-xmpp-ca-crt.conf -key josefsson-org-xmpp-ca-key.pem -out josefsson-org-xmpp-ca-crt.pem
Let s generate the private key and server certificate for the XMPP server. The wiki page on XMPP certificates is outdated wrt PKIX extensions. I will embed a SRV-ID field, as discussed in RFC 6120 section and RFC 4985. I chose to skip the XmppAddr identifier type, even though the specification is somewhat unclear about it: section says that it is no longer encouraged in certificates issued by certification authorities while section says Use of the id-on-xmppAddr format is RECOMMENDED in the generation of certificates . The latter quote should probably have been qualified to say client certificates rather than certificates , since the latter can refer to both client and server certificates. Note the use of a default expiration time of one month: I believe in frequent renewal of entity certificates, rather than use of revocation mechanisms.
openssl genrsa -out josefsson-org-xmpp-server-key.pem 3744
cat > josefsson-org-xmpp-server-csr.conf << EOF
[ req ]
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
prompt = no
[ req_distinguished_name ]
CN=XMPP server for
openssl req -sha256 -new -config josefsson-org-xmpp-server-csr.conf -key josefsson-org-xmpp-server-key.pem -nodes -out josefsson-org-xmpp-server-csr.pem
cat > josefsson-org-xmpp-server-crt.conf << EOF
openssl x509 -sha256 -CA josefsson-org-xmpp-ca-crt.pem -CAkey josefsson-org-xmpp-ca-key.pem -set_serial 2 -req -in josefsson-org-xmpp-server-csr.pem -out josefsson-org-xmpp-server-crt.pem -extfile josefsson-org-xmpp-server-crt.conf
With this setup, my XMPP server can be tested by the XMPP IM Observatory. You can see the c2s test results and the s2s test results. Of course, there are warnings regarding the trust anchor issue. It complains about a self-signed certificate in the chain. This is permitted but not recommended however when the trust anchor is not widely known, I find it useful to include it. This allows people to have a mechanism of fetching the trust anchor certificate should they want to. Some weaker cipher suites trigger warnings, which is more of a jabberd2 configuration issue and/or a concern with jabberd2 defaults. My jabberd2 configuration is simple in c2s.xml I add a <id> entity with the require-starttls , cachain , and pemfile fields. In s2s.xml, I have the <pemfile>, <resolve-ipv6>, and <require-tls> entities. Some final words are in order. While this setup will result in use of TLS for XMPP connections (c2s and s2s), other servers are unlikely to find my CA trust anchor, let alone be able to trust it for verifying my server certificate. I m happy to read about Peter Saint-Andre s recent SSL/TLS work, and in particular I will follow the POSH effort.

29 November 2007

Ond&#345;ej &#268;ert&iacute;k: Debian meeting in Merida, Spain

Right now, some Debian Developers (and also not yet Developers, like me:), are on
the work sessions in Extremadura, I am on the QA and release teams meeting.

We started in the morning with presentations (see also the schedule). Any comments and suggestions welcomed, please add comments below the post.

Lucas Nussbaum presenting:

Most of us:

And in details, names from left to right. Cyril Brulebois, Gon ri Le Bouder:

Luk Claes, Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt, J rg Jaspert, Lars Wirzenius:

Fabio Tranchitella, Bernd Zeimetz, Mario Iseli, Luk Claes:

Filippo Giunchedi, Stefano Zacchiroli, Tzafrir Cohen, Simon Richter, Faidon Liambotis:

And again, so that Faidon is visible:

28 February 2007

Evan Prodromou: 9 Vent se CCXV

Lots of short, sharp items today that I want to get down. supports OpenID First, I'm psyched to see that LinuxQuestions Wiki now supports OpenID. Jeremy gave the scoop in The LQ Wiki Now Supports OpenID. I was glad to see that LQ's on the OpenID path. It's a really strong community site, and I think it'll benefit greatly from opening up the authentication process. tags:

Wikia and OpenID Angela Beesley had some comments on my Journal/7 Vent se CCXV posting about wikiHow's support of OpenID. In that posting, I said that I thought companies with lots of wikis, like Wikia or wiki farms, might have a disincentive to participate in the OpenID network. Angela put me straight on the issue in a post on WikiAngela about OpenID. I'm glad to hear that Wikia is considering supporting the protocol. Then again, it's hard to believe that an Open Content, Open Source company is really going to go out of its way to avoid open standards and open login. tags:

DemoCampMontreal1 I had a good time last night at DemoCampMontreal1. I gave the first demo -- on, of course, the MediaWiki OpenID extension -- and I had some technical difficulties that didn't let me show off all the functionality. Which was kind of a bummer, but there were lots of questions about it from the audience, so that kind of made up my time. The room was packed, by the way -- pretty much anyone who's anyone in Montreal tech was there. I'm looking forward to DemoCampMontreal2 on 29 March! tags: One of the best ways to establish credentials on the Web is to use a signed SSL certificate in your browser. It's fast, incredibly secure, and once you get it set up you can just forget it. They're also practically immune to phishing. Unfortunately, most people don't even know what browser certificates are, how they work, or what to do with them. Consequently, most Web sites don't support browser certificate authentication. Vicious cycle. But, one of the cool things about OpenID is that you can disconnect the authentication method from the Web site you're using. Most OpenID identity providers still use username/password combos for authentication, which is why critics have said that the standard is vulnerable to phishing attacks. I wanted to see if it were possible to set up an OpenID identity provider that used browser certificates as the only authentication system. So, in my copious free time, I've hacked up It's based on the cool PHP OpenID Server that JanRain made, but I've ripped out all the password stuff, and now it runs on luscious certificatey goodness. I'm going to be enhancing the service in the near future, but I wanted to get feedback from folks interested in OpenID as soon as possible. I'm using it for my primary OpenID delegate, and it seems to be working great. Please give it a try and let me know what you think ( tags:

DemoCampMontreal1 on Montreal Poutine There's an article on DemoCampMontreal1 on Midnight Poutine. That's me up on the stage, in the photo! tags:

Nepean Hotspurs Selects win On Saturday, a Muslim girl named "Azzy" Mansour, from Ontario playing in a soccer tournament in Laval was ejected from the tournament (by a Muslim referee, notably) for wearing a hijab -- reportedly because it was a safety hazard. (Montreal Gazette story, registration required.) Admirably, her entire team forfeited the tournament in protest. I'm not excited about Quebec's reactionary activity around Muslim, Sikh, and other religious community's different clothing rules. However, I understand that Quebecois -- and French people -- have a different idea of personal freedom than Americans. I try to be understanding and put myself in the Quebec headspace for this kind of stuff. Mostly, though: I admire the soccer team, the Nepean Hotspurs Selects, for standing up for their teammate and their friend. A lot of teams might have gone ahead and played without her, and it took some courage to drop out of a tournament they'd had high hopes for. They're sixth-grade girls, but they've learned something about integrity that most adults never learn. Kudos to them. tags:

4 July 2006

Evan Prodromou: 16 Messidor CCXIV

We hit Movies 4 Mommies again this morning, although some horrible construction project on Av Papineau around Jean Talon made us about 20 minutes late. They say that there are two seasons in Quebec: winter, and construction. I think they say that about a lot of places, though. Today's movie was The Devil Wears Prada, which reads much better in French on the posters at the theater: Le Diable s'habille en Prada. It's the story of a girl who wants to be a journalist and takes a job as the assistant to a powerful fashion publisher. It stars Anne Hathaway of The Princess Diaries as the earnest young striver and Meryl Streep as the Andy Warhol-like cruel and judgemental boss-lady. The girl learns about love, life, and being true to yourself. In other words, it was sappy dreck. But it was watchable dreck, unlike the horrible Click we saw last week. I didn't feel stupid for sitting through this movie, which is pretty low praise but for the Mommy Matinee there's only so much you can do. The only bummer is that Streep's character spoke in a ferocious, disdainful whisper, which was hard to hear over the crying babies. tags:

Lawn After the movie we stopped by the Canada Tire in March Central for some garden supplies. I'd promised Maj for a Mother's Day gift that I'd convert the 10'x10' square of weeds and trash outside the front door of our apartment into a nice lawn for sitting on and drinking white wine, but it was raining on Mother's Day and one thing or another got in the way of me actually doing what I said I was going to do. Until now. I had weeded the lawn on Sunday, which was pretty damn hard -- the weeds were waist-high and full of barbs and fluff and procrastination and other defense mechanisms. But I managed to rip out almost everything with a leafspan greater than half a centimeter, which left most of the area bare of plants. We spread out some grass seed given to us by friends Tara and Chris, but I wanted to give it a little more care. So I got one of those pushy lawn mowers at Canada Tire, and a big rake, and some grass seed with fertilizer mixed in since I'm apparently too lazy to mix it together myself. I assembled the mower when we got home, then mowed what was left of the grass down to a low buzzcut. I raked the little square like the dickens to get out the old leaves and dead grass and rocks and sticks and cigarette butts and wrappers, which had the side benefit of turning over the soil, too. Then I threw big handfuls of grass-seed with fertilizer pellets all over the resulting mulched up soil. Some water, some cleanup, and voila: I have what looks like a patch of dirt with seeds in it. Hopefully this will become a lush lawn sometime in the near future, because we also bought some beautiful fold-up wt:Muskoka chairs to put on the front lawn. I think these are just about the same as wp:Adirondack chairs, but I'm sure some expert in patio furniture could explain the difference. They are, however, my favorite kind of chair, and I'm looking forward to sitting out there with some white wine in a few weeks once the lawn grows in. Like, I dunno... maybe Labo[u]r Day. tags:

Hey, Baby Speaking of national (international?) holidays, in the aristo calendar it's the 4th of July. Happy Independence Day, everyone. My favorite 4th of July media item is the great song "4th of July" by X from their album See How We Are. X has an X the Band myspace thingy, which seems to play 4th of July when you navigate to it today. Which, like, hooray for them. Go, X. Amita June and I danced around the house this morning singing the "America -- Fuck Yeah!" song from Team America: World Police. Sometimes I wonder how Amita June is going to feel about her "dual heritage" when she grows up. She's got a Canadian passport and an American one; I hope for her that she'll be better able to appreciate the world by having that dual perspective. I've heard that there are parts of the world where Americans living abroad get together on the 4th of July and have hot dogs and toss the ol' pigskin around and stuff. I don't know if there's an Americans get-together in Montreal, and I kind of don't care. It's not like we're stationed in Siberia here, and we need to congregate once a year to remember what "home" was like. Quebec isn't so far from the US that I feel homesick for American culture -- just homesick for the people. I think the US Embassy in wt:Ottawa has a big party, but the Montreal US Consulate doesn't seem to. Which is probably just as well -- it's at the top floor of a 30-story building, which would make barbecuing hard, and playing tag football on the roof would probably be dangerous ("Go long!"). tags:

.de vs. .it Of course, there aren't any Stars and Stripes flying in Montreal today -- all the houses we passed today were flying the Italian flag, for the World Cup semifinals. Montreal has a vibrant Little Italy, and the residents and other Italians in Quebec are going nuts for the Cup games. I can't imagine what's going to happen tonight if Italy wins. I saw one car driving around with a German flag on the roof today... I hope they guy makes it home in one piece, is all I can say. I like the name "Little Italy" -- it makes me think of a cross between wt:Palermo and wp:Munchkinland. Like, 1-meter-tall Italians drinking espresso and playing tarantellas and dancing and cheering with those tiny squeaky speeded-up Alvin-and-the-Chipmunk voices. Teensy-weensy Italy! Itty-bitty Italy! It's so cute! tags:

Grilling After reading the Meathenge slapdown for once-a-year barbecuers, I'm once again happy that I'm a vegetarian (more or less). I just can't compete in that league, and my little propane BBQ with veggie burgers, portabellos and an occasional trout is enough for me, thanks. tags:

Wikitravel 10K Party I just announced on wt:Wikitravel:4 July 2006 that Maj and I are going to throw a little Wikitravel 10K Party during Wikimania 2006. I'm going to be presenting about Wikitravel and travel guide wikis, so it's going to be an exciting event for us. On a side note, it looks like we'll be in wt:Odense for Wikisym. Lots of people we like there, and Maj has always wanted to be in wt:Saint Petersburg for her birthday, so this will probably be close enough. tags:

El Destino One of the great minds of the Internet goes incognito as El Destino on Pigdog Journal. He may be one of the best media commentators I've ever read, and I'm proud to say that I know him well. Or, well, used to. He's written two articles for Pigdog Journal lately after a 3-4 year hiatus (I think... something like that). His article on the Devo + Disney combination is really funny and good. I hope I hear his voice more often; sometimes I wonder what he thinks of the Web in 2006. tags:

Stephen Hawking and the Long View Dr. Stephen Hawking asked Yahoo! Answers, " How can the human race survive the next hundred years?". tags: