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9 August 2023

Antoine Beaupr : OpenPGP key transition

This is a short announcement to say that I have changed my main OpenPGP key. A signed statement is available with the cryptographic details but, in short, the reason is that I stopped using my old YubiKey NEO that I have worn on my keyring since 2015. I now have a YubiKey 5 which supports ED25519 which features much shorter keys and faster decryption. It allowed me to move all my secret subkeys on the key (including encryption keys) while retaining reasonable performance. I have written extensive documentation on how to do that OpenPGP key rotation and also YubiKey OpenPGP operations.

Warning on storing encryption keys on a YubiKey People wishing to move their private encryption keys to such a security token should be very careful as there are special precautions to take for disaster recovery. I am toying with the idea of writing an article specifically about disaster recovery for secrets and backups, dealing specifically with cases of death or disabilities.

Autocrypt changes One nice change is the impact on Autocrypt headers, which are considerably shorter. Before, the header didn't even fit on a single line in an email, it overflowed to five lines:
Autocrypt:; prefer-encrypt=nopreference;
After the change, the entire key fits on a single line, neat!
Autocrypt:; prefer-encrypt=nopreference;
Note that I have implemented my own kind of ridiculous Autocrypt support for the Notmuch Emacs email client I use, see this elisp code. To import keys, I pipe the message into this script which is basically just:
sq autocrypt decode   gpg --import
... thanks to Sequoia best-of-class Autocrypt support.

Note on OpenPGP usage While some have claimed OpenPGP's death, I believe those are overstated. Maybe it's just me, but I still use OpenPGP for my password management, to authenticate users and messages, and it's the interface to my YubiKey for authenticating with SSH servers. I understand people feel that OpenPGP is possibly insecure, counter-intuitive and full of problems, but I think most of those problems should instead be attributed to its current flagship implementation, GnuPG. I have tried to work with GnuPG for years, and it keeps surprising me with evilness and oddities. I have high hopes that the Sequoia project can bring some sanity into this space, and I also hope that RFC4880bis can eventually get somewhere so we have a more solid specification with more robust crypto. It's kind of a shame that this has dragged on for so long, but Update: there's a separate draft called openpgp-crypto-refresh that might actually be adopted as the "OpenPGP RFC" soon! And it doesn't keep real work from happening in Sequoia and other implementations. Thunderbird rewrote their OpenPGP implementation with RNP (which was, granted, a bumpy road because it lost compatibility with GnuPG) and Sequoia now has a certificate store with trust management (but still no secret storage), preliminary OpenPGP card support and even a basic GnuPG compatibility layer. I'm also curious to try out the OpenPGP CA capabilities. So maybe it's just because I'm becoming an old fart that doesn't want to change tools, but so far I haven't seen a good incentive in switching away from OpenPGP, and haven't found a good set of tools that completely replace it. Maybe OpenSSH's keys and CA can eventually replace it, but I suspect they will end up rebuilding most of OpenPGP anyway, just more slowly. If they do, let's hope they avoid the mistakes our community has done in the past at least...

4 March 2022

Abiola Ajadi: Outreachy-And it s a wrap!

Outreachy Wrap-up Project Improve Debian Continuous Integration UX
Project Link:
Code Repository:
Mentors: Antonio Terceiro, Paul Gevers and Pavit Kaur

About the project Debci exist to make sure packages work currently after an update, How it does this is by testing all of the packages that have tests written in them to make sure it works and nothing is broken This project entails making improvements to the platform to make it easier to use and maintain.

Deliverables of the project:
  • Package landing page displaying pending jobs
  • web frontend: centralize job listings in a single template
  • self-service: request test form forgets values when validation fails
  • Improvement to status

Work done

Package landing page displaying pending jobs Previously, Jobs that were pending were not displayed on the package page. Working on this added a feature to display pending jobs on package landing. Working on this task made it known that the same block of codes was repeated in different files which led to the next task Screenshot-2022-03-04-at-02-03-06.png Merge request
web frontend: centralize job listings in a single template Jobs are listed in various landings such as status packages, Status alerts, status failing, History, and so on. The same Code was repeated in these pages to list the jobs, I worked on refactoring it and created a single template for job listing so it can be used anywhere it s needed. I also wrote a test for the feature I added.
Merge request
self service: request test form forgets values when validation fails When one tries to request for a test and it fails with an error, originally the form does not remember the values that were typed in the package name, suite field et. c. This fix ensures the form remembers the values inputted even when it throws an error. Image of request test page N/B: The form checks all architecture on the load of the page
merge request
Improvement to status Originally the Status pages were rendered as static HTML pages but I converted these pages to be generated dynamically, I wrote endpoints for each page. Since most of the status pages have a list of jobs I modified it to use the template I created for job-listing. Previously, the status pages had a mechanism to filter such as All, Latest 50 et.c which wasn t paginated. I removed this mechanism added a filter by architecture and suites to these pages and also add pagination. Last but not the least, I wrote tests for these implementations carried out on the status page. Image of Status failing page merge request:
first task
second task

Major take-aways I learnt a lot during my internship but most importantly I learnt how to:
  • write Tests in Ruby and how writing tests is an important aspect of software development
  • maintain good coding practice, Paying attending to commit messages, Indentation et.c are good areas I developed in writing code.
  • make contributions in Ruby Programming Language.

Acknowledgement I can not end this without saying thank you to my mentors Antonio Terceiro, Paul Gevers, and Pavit Kaur for their constant support and guidance throughout the entire duration of this Internship. It has been a pleasure Interacting and learning from everyone.

Review Outreachy has helped me feel more confident about open-source, especially during the application phase. I had to reach out to the community I was interested in and ask questions on how to get started. The informal chats week was awesome I was able to build my network and have interesting conversations with amazing individuals in open-source. To round up, Always ask questions and do not be afraid of making a mistake, as one of the outreachy blog post topics says Everyone struggles!, but never give up!

13 April 2020

Giovanni Mascellani: DKIM for Debian Developers

What is DKIM? DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), as Wikipedia puts it, "is an email authentication method designed to detect forged sender addresses in emails (email spoofing), a technique often used in phishing and email spam". More prosaically, one of the reasons email spam is so abundant is that, given a certain email message, there is no simple way to know for certain who sent it and how reputable they are. So even if people having addresses are very nice and well-behaving, any random spammer can easily send emails from, and even if you trust people from you cannot easily configure your antispam filter to just accept all emails from, because spammers would get in too. Since nearly ten years DKIM is there to help you. If you send an email from with DKIM, it will have a header like this:
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=simple/simple;;
    s=vps.gio.user; t=1586779391;
The field is the domain this email claims to be from and the fields bh= and b= are a cryptographic public key signature certifying this fact. How do I check that the email is actually from I use the selector s=vps.gio.user to fetch the public key via DNS, and then use the public key to verify the signature.
$ host -t TXT descriptive text "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; s=email; h=sha256; p=" "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAsM/W/kxtKWT58Eak0cfm/ntvurfbkkvugrG2jfvSMnHHkFyfJ34Xvn/HhQPLwX1QsjhuLV+tW+BQtxY7jxSABCee6nHQRBrpDej1t86ubw3CSrxcg1mzJI5BbL8un0cwYoBtUvhCYAZKarv1W2otCGs43L0s" "GtEqqtmYN/hIVVm4FcqeYS1cYrZxDsjPzCEocpYBhqHh1MTeUEddVmPHKZswzvllaWF0mgIXrfDNAE0LiX39aFKWtgvflrYFKiL4hCDnBcP2Mr71TVblfDY0wEdAEbGEJqHR1SxvWyn0UU1ZL4vTcylB/KJuV2gMhznOjbnQ6cjAhr2JYpweTYzz3wIDAQAB"
There it is! Debian declares in its DNS record that that key is authorized to sign outbound email from The spammer hopefully does not have access to Debian's DKIM keys, and they cannot sign emails. Many large and small email services have already deployed DKIM since years, while most emails still do not use it. Why not? Because people send emails from many different servers. Basically, every DD used their address sends email from their own mail server, and those mail servers (fortunately) do not have access to Debian's DNS record to install their DKIM keys. Well, that was true until yesterday! :-) A few weeks ago I poked DSA asking to allow any Debian Developer to install their DKIM keys, so that DDs could use DKIM to sign their emails and hopefully reduce the amount of spam sent from They have done it (thank you DSA very much, especially adsb), and now it is possible to use it! How do I configure it? I will not write here a full DKIM tutorial, there are many around. You have to use opendkim-genkey to generate a key and then configure your mail server to use opendkim to digitally sign outbound email. There are a few Debian-specific things you have to care about, though. First the have to choose a selector, which is a string used to distinguish many DKIM keys belonging to the same domain. Debian allows you to installa a key whose selector is <something>.<uid>.user, where <uid> is your Debian uid (this is done both for namespacing reasons and for exposing who might be abusing the system). So check carefully that your selector has this form. Then you cannot edit directly Debian's DNS record. But you can use the email-LDAP gateway on to install your key in a way similar to how entries in are handled (see the updated documentation). Specifically, suppose that opendkim-genkey generated the following thing for selector vps.gio.user and domain
vps.gio.user._domainkey IN  TXT ( "v=DKIM1; h=sha256; k=rsa; "
      "ddVmPHKZswzvllaWF0mgIXrfDNAE0LiX39aFKWtgvflrYFKiL4hCDnBcP2Mr71TVblfDY0wEdAEbGEJqHR1SxvWyn0UU1ZL4vTcylB/KJuV2gMhznOjbnQ6cjAhr2JYpweTYzz3wIDAQAB" )  ; ----- DKIM key vps.gio.user for
Then you have to carefully copy the content of the p= field (without being fooled by it being split between different strings) and construct a request of the form:
dkimPubKey: vps.gio.user MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAsM/W/kxtKWT58Eak0cfm/ntvurfbkkvugrG2jfvSMnHHkFyfJ34Xvn/HhQPLwX1QsjhuLV+tW+BQtxY7jxSABCee6nHQRBrpDej1t86ubw3CSrxcg1mzJI5BbL8un0cwYoBtUvhCYAZKarv1W2otCGs43L0sGtEqqtmYN/hIVVm4FcqeYS1cYrZxDsjPzCEocpYBhqHh1MTeUEddVmPHKZswzvllaWF0mgIXrfDNAE0LiX39aFKWtgvflrYFKiL4hCDnBcP2Mr71TVblfDY0wEdAEbGEJqHR1SxvWyn0UU1ZL4vTcylB/KJuV2gMhznOjbnQ6cjAhr2JYpweTYzz3wIDAQAB
and then send it GPG-signed to
echo 'dkimPubKey: vps.gio.user blahblahblah'   gpg --clearsign   mail
Then use host -t TXT to chech the key gets published (it will probably take some minutes/hours, I don't know). Once it is published, you can enable DKIM in you mail server and your email will be signed. Congratulations, you will not look like a spammer any more! You can send an email to to check that your setup is correct. They will reply with a report, including the success of DKIM test. Notice that currently Debian's setup only allows you to use RSA DKIM keys and doesn't allow you to set other DKIM fields (but you probably won't need to set them). EDIT DSA made an official announcement about DKIM support, which you might want to check out as well, together with its links. EDIT 2 Now ed25519 keys are supported, the syntax for specifying keys on LDAP is a little bit more flexible and you can also insert CNAME records. See the official documentation for the updated details. So we have solved our problems with spam? Ha, no! DKIM is only a small step. Useful, also because it enable other steps to be taken in the future, but small. In particular, DKIM enables you to say: "This particular email actually comes from", but doesn't tell anybody what to do with emails that are not signed. A third-party mail server might wonder whether emails are actually supposed to be signed or not. There is another standard for dealing with that, which is called DMARD, and I believe that Debian should eventually use it, but not now: the problem is that currently virtually no email from is signed with DKIM, so if DMARC was enabled other mail servers would start to nuke all emails, except those which are already signed, a minority. If people and services sending emails from will start configuring DKIM on their servers, which is now possible, it will eventually come a time when DMARC can be enabled, and spammers will find themselves unable to send forged emails. We are not there yet, but todays we are a little step closer than yesterday. Also, notice that having DKIM on only counters spam pretending to be from, but there is much more. The policy on what to accept is mostly independent on that on what you send. However, knowing that emails have DKIM and DMARC would mean that we can set our spam filters to be more aggressive in general, but whitelist official Debian Developers and services. And the same can be done for other domains using DKIM and DMARC. Finally, notice that some incompatibilities between DKIM and mailing lists are known, and do not have a definitive answer yet. Basically, most mailing list engines modify either the body of the headers in forwarded emails, which means that DKIM does not validate any more. There are many proposed solutions, possibly none completely satisfying, but since spam is not very satisfying as well, something will have to be worked out. I wrote a lot already, though, so I wont't discuss this here.

27 December 2013

John Goerzen: Richly Blessed

It s wedding week! Wedding week! Wedding week! Wedding week! Oh, also Christmas. Oh dad, it s wedding week! I can t believe it! It s finally here! Wedding week! Jacob, age 7, Sunday Oh dad, this is the best Christmas EVER! Jacob, Wednesday Dad, is the wedding TODAY? Oliver, age 4, every morning this week This has certainly been a Christmas like no other. I have never known something to upstage Christmas for Jacob, but apparently a wedding can! Laura and I got to celebrate our first Christmas together this year together, of course, with the boys. We enjoyed a wonderful day in the middle of a busy week, filled with play, family togetherness, warmth, and happiness. At one point, while I was helping the boys with their new model train components, Laura was enjoying playing Christmas tunes on the piano. Every time she d reach the end, Jacob paused, and said, That was awesome! , beating me to it. That s a few days before Christmas Jacob and Oliver demanding snow ice cream, and of course who am I to refuse? Cousins opening presents After his school Christmas program, Jacob has enjoyed singing. Here he is after the Christmas Eve program, where he excitedly ran up into the choir loft, picked up a hymnal, and pretended to sing. And, of course, opening of presents at home. Sometimes I think about how I didn t know life could get this good. Soon Laura and I will be married, and it will be even better. Truly we have been richly blessed.

4 August 2010

Gerfried Fuchs: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Debian always was known for its communication "style". There were even shirts sold in memory of Espy Klecker with a quote he is known for: Morons. I'm surrounded by morons. Yes, I bought me one of those shirts too in the early days. And there were the talks that promoted Debian as a place to have Good flamewar training. And people considered that to be the fun part. After some years it got tiring. It got stressful. It got annoying. Bad feelings popped up, stirred you into the next flamewar, and it went down the gutter from there. It was almost becoming impossible to not be the target of a flamewar when one was doing more than just basic maintenance. Snide and extreme terse responses became the standard. In the end people are starting to give up and leave. The Ugly thing about this is that human resources are crucial. They aren't endless and can't be replaced as easily as broken hardware, especially when capable people or when people leave who invested an enormous amount of their spare time and effort. And given that a fair amount of people do put their heart into Debian, it feels like a small suicide to them and the public thinking about leaving is meant as a call for help which wasn't and isn't given. The solution to this death swirl? I'm not sure. When one looks over the edge of the plate and ignores for a moment all the bad feelings they one might have built up against Ubuntu because of their success and possibility to find new contributors on a regular basis one is able to find a much friendlier and productive environment there. This might be attributed to the Code of Conduct about which I wrote about last year already and which is an extremely well intended and useful document (the point I raised in there is already solved for a while, so I became a MOTU). And even if it might be hard to follow it at times, Mark Shuttleworth reminds and encourages its contributors to stick to these principles even in tough times. The result? When following the planets, one finds on Planet Ubuntu a very good rate of blog posts on things that had been done, compared to the good rate of blog posts of rants on Planet Debian. And even though people regularly complain about the communication style within Debian, the answers of this year's DPL candidates to the question about a code of conduct for Debian were rather rather disappointing. So it is just well too understandable that people go the path that hurts themself, take a cut and leave the project behind in its mess. For myself? I'm not too far from that point on a regular basis, and I can understand those who did the final step only too well. Regular abuse, especially when doing stuff that others neglect on a regular basis but needs to be done anyway, being belittled on that grounds and not being taken serious and getting disrespectful responses isn't improving the situation. It happens to way too many people, and the only thing that still keeps me on tracks is that I do not want to give in yet, that I don't think that it would improve Debian to leave the grounds to various destructive people. On the other hand, there is only so much abuse one can take...
ObTitle: Ennio Morricone - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

/debian permanent link Comments: 5

Gerfried Fuchs: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Debian always was known for its communication "style". There were even shirts sold in memory of Espy Klecker with a quote he is known for: Morons. I'm surrounded by morons. Yes, I bought me one of those shirts too in the early days. And there were the talks that promoted Debian as a place to have Good flamewar training. And people considered that to be the fun part. After some years it got tiring. It got stressful. It got annoying. Bad feelings popped up, stirred you into the next flamewar, and it went down the gutter from there. It was almost becoming impossible to not be the target of a flamewar when one was doing more than just basic maintenance. Snide and extreme terse responses became the standard. In the end people are starting to give up and leave. The Ugly thing about this is that human resources are crucial. They aren't endless and can't be replaced as easily as broken hardware, especially when capable people or when people leave who invested an enormous amount of their spare time and effort. And given that a fair amount of people do put their heart into Debian, it feels like a small suicide to them and the public thinking about leaving is meant as a call for help which wasn't and isn't given. The solution to this death swirl? I'm not sure. When one looks over the edge of the plate and ignores for a moment all the bad feelings they one might have built up against Ubuntu because of their success and possibility to find new contributors on a regular basis one is able to find a much friendlier and productive environment there. This might be attributed to the Code of Conduct about which I wrote about last year already and which is an extremely well intended and useful document (the point I raised in there is already solved for a while, so I became a MOTU). And even if it might be hard to follow it at times, Mark Shuttleworth reminds and encourages its contributors to stick to these principles even in tough times. The result? When following the planets, one finds on Planet Ubuntu a very good rate of blog posts on things that had been done, compared to the good rate of blog posts of rants on Planet Debian. And even though people regularly complain about the communication style within Debian, the answers of this year's DPL candidates to the question about a code of conduct for Debian were rather rather disappointing. So it is just well too understandable that people go the path that hurts themself, take a cut and leave the project behind in its mess. For myself? I'm not too far from that point on a regular basis, and I can understand those who did the final step only too well. Regular abuse, especially when doing stuff that others neglect on a regular basis but needs to be done anyway, being belittled on that grounds and not being taken serious and getting disrespectful responses isn't improving the situation. It happens to way too many people, and the only thing that still keeps me on tracks is that I do not want to give in yet, that I don't think that it would improve Debian to leave the grounds to various destructive people. On the other hand, there is only so much abuse one can take...
ObTitle: Ennio Morricone - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

/debian permanent link Comments: 8 Flattr this

10 September 2007

David Welton: What language will mobile phone apps be written in, in the near future?

Given that Hecl is very much tied to the Java ME platform, this question is pretty important to me. I was thinking about simply posting it here, on my line journal, but having recently started reading The Wisdom of Crowds, I decided to have a little fun with it, and created a "prediction market" on the Inkling Markets (a YCombinator startup) web site: Of course, if you just want to comment on your answer, that's ok too. My thoughts on the current possibilities: In any case, I think it's a space that's bound to be very interesting, and loaded with interesting possibilities. Update user jsjenkins points out a silly oversight on my part: Flash Lite. It slipped my mind completely, but is certainly an important player in this market. The Java folks have to be hoping that history will not repeat itself.

10 January 2007

Wouter Verhelst: libgjs

About a year and a half ago (has it been that long already?), I blogged about wanting to write some gobjects. People did give me pointers to some documentation then, but for various reasons I never looked into it in detail afterwards. Since yesterday, though, that's changed. For the last two days, I've been writing on something which I'll eventually release to the world as libgjs:
wouter@country:~/code/c/libgjs/src$ ./gjstest 
There are 1 joysticks on this system
Joystick 0 is a Logitech Inc. WingMan Gamepad Extreme,
	with 10 buttons and 4 axes.
Wonderful, isn't it? Obviously the above doesn't require the 306 LOC that I've written now (which isn't much, but that's mostly because I had to read a lot of documentation in between); but when finished, the API of that library will be approximately something like this:
	GjsJoystick *joystick = gjs_joystick_new(0);
	if(joystick->buttons >= 1)  
		g_signal_connect(joystick, "button-pressed",
			start_firing, NULL);
		g_signal_connect(joystick, "button-released",
			stop_firing, NULL);
		g_signal_connect(joystick, "axis-moved",
			move_crosshair, NULL);
where start_firing, stop_firing and move_crosshair are, obviously, callback functions (they get the button or axis number as a parameter). The set_interval function sets the time between two polls of the kernel device file; this will use the glib mainloop, but it'll also be possible to use a different event loop with gjs_joystick_poll and/or gjs_joystick_poll_all. As of now, it's almost finished; only the signals seem to be something I'm having issues with still. But that's only a matter of not having used gdb enough—I'm sure I'll get there. What gave me the sudden idea to write this library? Something silly, really: for a project I'm currently negotiating, it might be nice if I knew how GObject works; and what better way to find that out than by writing something fun for it? Exactly. Update: Bugs squashed, and the library (along with a small test/demo application) is available. Please try it out and let me know what you think.