Search Results: "ivan"

16 January 2024

Jonathan Dowland: Reading hack

My to-read shelf My to-read shelf
This year, with respect to my ever-growing reading backlog, I'm going to try something new: when I acquire a new book, I'm going to try to read at least a few pages of it immediately. My theory is this will help me to have a better idea of what to expect when I come to pick the next book to start, later on. A few pages may not be very representative of a full book (In "How to read a Novel: A User's Guide John Sullivan suggests reading 69 pages before giving up on a book), but it may be better than nothing. I'll report back if it seems to work.

18 April 2023

Matthew Garrett: PSA: upgrade your LUKS key derivation function

Here's an article from a French anarchist describing how his (encrypted) laptop was seized after he was arrested, and material from the encrypted partition has since been entered as evidence against him. His encryption password was supposedly greater than 20 characters and included a mixture of cases, numbers, and punctuation, so in the absence of any sort of opsec failures this implies that even relatively complex passwords can now be brute forced, and we should be transitioning to even more secure passphrases.

Or does it? Let's go into what LUKS is doing in the first place. The actual data is typically encrypted with AES, an extremely popular and well-tested encryption algorithm. AES has no known major weaknesses and is not considered to be practically brute-forceable - at least, assuming you have a random key. Unfortunately it's not really practical to ask a user to type in 128 bits of binary every time they want to unlock their drive, so another approach has to be taken.

This is handled using something called a "key derivation function", or KDF. A KDF is a function that takes some input (in this case the user's password) and generates a key. As an extremely simple example, think of MD5 - it takes an input and generates a 128-bit output, so we could simply MD5 the user's password and use the output as an AES key. While this could technically be considered a KDF, it would be an extremely bad one! MD5s can be calculated extremely quickly, so someone attempting to brute-force a disk encryption key could simply generate the MD5 of every plausible password (probably on a lot of machines in parallel, likely using GPUs) and test each of them to see whether it decrypts the drive.

(things are actually slightly more complicated than this - your password is used to generate a key that is then used to encrypt and decrypt the actual encryption key. This is necessary in order to allow you to change your password without having to re-encrypt the entire drive - instead you simply re-encrypt the encryption key with the new password-derived key. This also allows you to have multiple passwords or unlock mechanisms per drive)

Good KDFs reduce this risk by being what's technically referred to as "expensive". Rather than performing one simple calculation to turn a password into a key, they perform a lot of calculations. The number of calculations performed is generally configurable, in order to let you trade off between the amount of security (the number of calculations you'll force an attacker to perform when attempting to generate a key from a potential password) and performance (the amount of time you're willing to wait for your laptop to generate the key after you type in your password so it can actually boot). But, obviously, this tradeoff changes over time - defaults that made sense 10 years ago are not necessarily good defaults now. If you set up your encrypted partition some time ago, the number of calculations required may no longer be considered up to scratch.

And, well, some of these assumptions are kind of bad in the first place! Just making things computationally expensive doesn't help a lot if your adversary has the ability to test a large number of passwords in parallel. GPUs are extremely good at performing the sort of calculations that KDFs generally use, so an attacker can "just" get a whole pile of GPUs and throw them at the problem. KDFs that are computationally expensive don't do a great deal to protect against this. However, there's another axis of expense that can be considered - memory. If the KDF algorithm requires a significant amount of RAM, the degree to which it can be performed in parallel on a GPU is massively reduced. A Geforce 4090 may have 16,384 execution units, but if each password attempt requires 1GB of RAM and the card only has 24GB on board, the attacker is restricted to running 24 attempts in parallel.

So, in these days of attackers with access to a pile of GPUs, a purely computationally expensive KDF is just not a good choice. And, unfortunately, the subject of this story was almost certainly using one of those. Ubuntu 18.04 used the LUKS1 header format, and the only KDF supported in this format is PBKDF2. This is not a memory expensive KDF, and so is vulnerable to GPU-based attacks. But even so, systems using the LUKS2 header format used to default to argon2i, again not a memory expensive KDFwhich is memory strong, but not designed to be resistant to GPU attack (thanks to the comments pointing out my misunderstanding here). New versions default to argon2id, which is. You want to be using argon2id.

What makes this worse is that distributions generally don't update this in any way. If you installed your system and it gave you pbkdf2 as your KDF, you're probably still using pbkdf2 even if you've upgraded to a system that would use argon2id on a fresh install. Thankfully, this can all be fixed-up in place. But note that if anything goes wrong here you could lose access to all your encrypted data, so before doing anything make sure it's all backed up (and figure out how to keep said backup secure so you don't just have your data seized that way).

First, make sure you're running as up-to-date a version of your distribution as possible. Having tools that support the LUKS2 format doesn't mean that your distribution has all of that integrated, and old distribution versions may allow you to update your LUKS setup without actually supporting booting from it. Also, if you're using an encrypted /boot, stop now - very recent versions of grub2 support LUKS2, but they don't support argon2id, and this will render your system unbootable.

Next, figure out which device under /dev corresponds to your encrypted partition. Run


and look for entries that have a type of "crypt". The device above that in the tree is the actual encrypted device. Record that name, and run

sudo cryptsetup luksHeaderBackup /dev/whatever --header-backup-file /tmp/luksheader

and copy that to a USB stick or something. If something goes wrong here you'll be able to boot a live image and run

sudo cryptsetup luksHeaderRestore /dev/whatever --header-backup-file luksheader

to restore it.

(Edit to add: Once everything is working, delete this backup! It contains the old weak key, and someone with it can potentially use that to brute force your disk encryption key using the old KDF even if you've updated the on-disk KDF.)

Next, run

sudo cryptsetup luksDump /dev/whatever

and look for the Version: line. If it's version 1, you need to update the header to LUKS2. Run

sudo cryptsetup convert /dev/whatever --type luks2

and follow the prompts. Make sure your system still boots, and if not go back and restore the backup of your header. Assuming everything is ok at this point, run

sudo cryptsetup luksDump /dev/whatever

again and look for the PBKDF: line in each keyslot (pay attention only to the keyslots, ignore any references to pbkdf2 that come after the Digests: line). If the PBKDF is either "pbkdf2" or "argon2i" you should convert to argon2id. Run the following:

sudo cryptsetup luksConvertKey /dev/whatever --pbkdf argon2id

and follow the prompts. If you have multiple passwords associated with your drive you'll have multiple keyslots, and you'll need to repeat this for each password.

Distributions! You should really be handling this sort of thing on upgrade. People who installed their systems with your encryption defaults several years ago are now much less secure than people who perform a fresh install today. Please please please do something about this.

comment count unavailable comments

7 February 2023

Stephan Lachnit: Installing Debian on F2FS rootfs with deboostrap and systemd-boot

I recently got a new NVME drive. My plan was to create a fresh Debian install on an F2FS root partition with compression for maximum performance. As it turns out, this is not entirely trivil to accomplish. For one, the Debian installer does not support F2FS (here is my attempt to add it from 2021). And even if it did, grub does not support F2FS with the extra_attr flag that is required for compression support (at least as of grub 2.06). Luckily, we can install Debian anyway with all these these shiny new features when we go the manual road with debootstrap and using systemd-boot as bootloader. We can break down the process into several steps:
  1. Creating the partition table
  2. Creating and mounting the root partition
  3. Bootstrapping with debootstrap
  4. Chrooting into the system
  5. Configure the base system
  6. Define static file system information
  7. Installing the kernel and bootloader
  8. Finishing touches
Warning: Playing around with partitions can easily result in data if you mess up! Make sure to double check your commands and create a data backup if you don t feel confident about the process.

Creating the partition partble The first step is to create the GPT partition table on the new drive. There are several tools to do this, I recommend the ArchWiki page on this topic for details. For simplicity I just went with the GParted since it has an easy GUI, but feel free to use any other tool. The layout should look like this:
Type         Partition        Suggested size
EFI          /dev/nvme0n1p1           512MiB
Linux swap   /dev/nvme0n1p2             1GiB
Linux fs     /dev/nvme0n1p3        remainder
  • The disk names are just an example and have to be adjusted for your system.
  • Don t set disk labels, they don t appear on the new install anyway and some UEFIs might not like it on your boot partition.
  • The size of the EFI partition can be smaller, in practive it s unlikely that you need more than 300 MiB. However some UEFIs might be buggy and if you ever want to install an additional kernel or something like memtest86+ you will be happy to have the extra space.
  • The swap partition can be omitted, it is not strictly needed. If you need more swap for some reason you can also add more using a swap file later (see ArchWiki page). If you know you want to use suspend-to-RAM, you want to increase the size to something more than the size of your memory.
  • If you used GParted, create the EFI partition as FAT32 and set the esp flag. For the root partition use ext4 or F2FS if available.

Creating and mounting the root partition To create the root partition, we need to install the f2fs-tools first:
sudo apt install f2fs-tools
Now we can create the file system with the correct flags:
mkfs.f2fs -O extra_attr,inode_checksum,sb_checksum,compression,encrypt /dev/nvme0n1p3
For details on the flags visit the ArchWiki page. Next, we need to mount the partition with the correct flags. First, create a working directory:
mkdir boostrap
cd boostrap
mkdir root
export DFS=$(pwd)/root
Then we can mount the partition:
sudo mount -o compress_algorithm=zstd:6,compress_chksum,atgc,gc_merge,lazytime /dev/nvme0n1p3 $DFS
Again, for details on the mount options visit the above mentioned ArchWiki page.

Bootstrapping with debootstrap First we need to install the debootstrap package:
sudo apt install debootstrap
Now we can do the bootstrapping:
debootstrap --arch=amd64 --components=main,contrib,non-free,non-free-firmware unstable $DFS
  • --arch sets the CPU architecture (see Debian Wiki).
  • --components sets the archive components, if you don t want non-free pacakges you might want to remove some entries here.
  • unstable is the Debian release, you might want to change that to testing or bookworm.
  • $DFS points to the mounting point of the root partition.
  • is the Debian mirror, you might want to set that to or similar if you have a fast mirror in you area.

Chrooting into the system Before we can chroot into the newly created system, we need to prepare and mount virtual kernel file systems. First create the directories:
sudo mkdir -p $DFS/dev $DFS/dev/pts $DFS/proc $DFS/sys $DFS/run $DFS/sys/firmware/efi/efivars $DFS/boot/efi
Then bind-mount the directories from your system to the mount point of the new system:
sudo mount -v -B /dev $DFS/dev
sudo mount -v -B /dev/pts $DFS/dev/pts
sudo mount -v -B /proc $DFS/proc
sudo mount -v -B /sys $DFS/sys
sudo mount -v -B /run $DFS/run
sudo mount -v -B /sys/firmware/efi/efivars $DFS/sys/firmware/efi/efivars
As a last step, we need to mount the EFI partition:
sudo mount -v -B /dev/nvme0n1p1 $DFS/boot/efi
Now we can chroot into new system:
sudo chroot $DFS /bin/bash

Configure the base system The first step in the chroot is setting the locales. We need this since we might leak the locales from our base system into the chroot and if this happens we get a lot of annoying warnings.
export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 LANG=C.UTF-8
apt install locales console-setup
Set your locales:
dpkg-reconfigure locales
Set your keyboard layout:
dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration
Set your timezone:
dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
Now you have a fully functional Debian chroot! However, it is not bootable yet, so let s fix that.

Define static file system information The first step is to make sure the system mounts all partitions on startup with the correct mount flags. This is done in /etc/fstab (see ArchWiki page). Open the file and change its content to:
# file system                               mount point   type   options                                                            dump   pass
# NVME efi partition
UUID=XXXX-XXXX                              /boot/efi     vfat   umask=0077                                                         0      0
# NVME swap
UUID=XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX   none          swap   sw                                                                 0      0
# NVME main partition
UUID=XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX   /             f2fs   compress_algorithm=zstd:6,compress_chksum,atgc,gc_merge,lazytime   0      1
You need to fill in the UUIDs for the partitions. You can use
ls -lAph /dev/disk/by-uuid/
to match the UUIDs to the more readable disk name under /dev.

Installing the kernel and bootloader First install the systemd-boot and efibootmgr packages:
apt install systemd-boot efibootmgr
Now we can install the bootloader:
bootctl install --path=/boot/efi
You can verify the procedure worked with
efibootmgr -v
The next step is to install the kernel, you can find a fitting image with:
apt search linux-image-*
In my case:
apt install linux-image-amd64
After the installation of the kernel, apt will add an entry for systemd-boot automatically. Neat! However, since we are in a chroot the current settings are not bootable. The first reason is the boot partition, which will likely be the one from your current system. To change that, navigate to /boot/efi/loader/entries, it should contain one config file. When you open this file, it should look something like this:
title      Debian GNU/Linux bookworm/sid
version    6.1.0-3-amd64
machine-id 2967cafb6420ce7a2b99030163e2ee6a
sort-key   debian
options    root=PARTUUID=f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6 ro systemd.machine_id=2967cafb6420ce7a2b99030163e2ee6a
linux      /2967cafb6420ce7a2b99030163e2ee6a/6.1.0-3-amd64/linux
initrd     /2967cafb6420ce7a2b99030163e2ee6a/6.1.0-3-amd64/initrd.img-6.1.0-3-amd64
The PARTUUID needs to point to the partition equivalent to /dev/nvme0n1p3 on your system. You can use
ls -lAph /dev/disk/by-partuuid/
to match the PARTUUIDs to the more readable disk name under /dev. The second problem is the ro flag in options which tell the kernel to boot in read-only mode. The default is rw, so you can just remove the ro flag. Once this is fixed, the new system should be bootable. You can change the boot order with:
efibootmgr --bootorder
However, before we reboot we might add well add a user and install some basic software.

Finishing touches Add a user:
useradd -m -G sudo -s /usr/bin/bash -c 'Full Name' username
Debian provides a TUI to install Desktop Environment. To open it, run:
Now you can finally reboot into your new system:

Resources for further reading
Thanks for reading!

8 January 2023

Dirk Eddelbuettel: RVowpalWabbit 0.0.18: Maintenance

A new maintenance release, now at version 0.0.18, of the RVowpalWabbit package arrived on CRAN. It improves several sprintf() calls by changing them to snprintf() (though there is a remaining one creeping in from a linked-to library). As noted before, there is a newer package rvw based on the excellent GSoC 2018 and beyond work by Ivan Pavlov (mentored by James and myself) so if you are into VowpalWabbit from R go check it out. CRANberries provides a summary of changes to the previous version. More information is on the RVowpalWabbit page. Issues and bugreports should go to the GitHub issue tracker. If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can now sponsor me at GitHub.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

10 December 2022

Timo Jyrinki: Running Cockpit inside ALP

(quoted from my other blog at since a new OS might be interesting for many and this is published in separate planets)
ALP - The Adaptable Linux Platform is a new operating system from SUSE to run containerized and virtualized workloads. It is in early prototype phase, but the development is done completely openly so it s easy to jump in to try it.For this trying out, I used the latest encrypted build as of the writing, 22.1 from ALP images. I imported it in virt-manager as a Generic Linux 2022 image, using UEFI instead of BIOS, added a TPM device (which I m interested in otherwise) and referring to an Ignition JSON file in the XML config in virt-manager.The Ignition part is pretty much fully thanks to Paolo Stivanin who studied the secrets of it before me. But here it goes - and this is required for password login in Cockpit to work in addition to SSH key based login to the VM from host - first, create config.ign file:
"ignition": "version": "3.3.0" ,
"users": [

"name": "root",
"passwordHash": "YOURHASH",
"sshAuthorizedKeys": [
"ssh-... YOURKEY"

"units": [
"name": "sshd.service",
"enabled": true
"files": [

"overwrite": true,
"path": "/etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/20-enable-passwords.conf",
"source": "data:,PasswordAuthentication%20yes%0APermitRootLogin%20yes%0A"
"mode": 420


where password SHA512 hash can be obtained using openssl passwd -6 and the ssh key is your public ssh key.That file is put to eg /tmp and referred in the virt-manager s XML like follows:
  <sysinfo type="fwcfg">
<entry name="opt/com.coreos/config" file="/tmp/config.ign"/>
Now we can boot up the VM and ssh in - or you could log in directly too but it s easier to copy-paste commands when using ssh.Inside the VM, we can follow the ALP documentation to install and start Cockpit:
podman container runlabel install
podman container runlabel --name cockpit-ws run
systemctl enable --now cockpit.service
Check your host s IP address with ip -a, and open IP:9090 in your host s browser:Cockpit login screenLogin with root / your password and you shall get the front page:Cockpit front page and many other pages where you can manage your ALP deployment via browser:Cockpit podman pageAll in all, ALP is in early phases but I m really happy there s up-to-date documentation provided and people can start experimenting it whenever they want. The images from the linked directory should be fairly good, and test automation with openQA has been started upon as well.You can try out the other example workloads that are available just as well.

5 October 2022

Dirk Eddelbuettel: RVowpalWabbit 0.0.17: Maintenance

Almost to the week one year since the last maintenance release, we can announce another maintenance release, now at version 0.0.17, of the RVowpalWabbit package. The CRAN maintainers kindly and politly pointed out that I was (cough, cough) apparently the last maintainer who had packages that set StagedInstall: no. Guilty as charged. RVowpalWabbit is one the two packages; the other one will hopefully follow shortly . And while I long suspected linking aspects to drive this (this is an old package, newer R packaging of the awesome VowpalWabbit is in rvw, I was plain wrong here. The cause was an absolute path to an included dataset, computed in an example, which then gets serialized. As Tomas Kalibera suggested, we can replace the constant with a function and all is well. So here is 0.0.17. As noted before, there is a newer package rvw based on the excellent GSoC 2018 and beyond work by Ivan Pavlov (mentored by James and myself) so if you are into VowpalWabbit from R go check it out. CRANberries provides a summary of changes to the previous version. More information is on the RVowpalWabbit page. Issues and bugreports should go to the GitHub issue tracker. If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can now sponsor me at GitHub.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

19 October 2021

Dirk Eddelbuettel: RVowpalWabbit 0.0.16: One More CRAN Request

Another maintenance RVowpalWabbit released brings us to version 0.0.16 on CRAN. This is last package for which needed an update to current standards (see the updates of corels, RcppGSL, RQuantLib, and littler). The make matters more interesting we also had to address one UBSAN issue we could not reproduce locally (which, it turns out, was our fault because we had not rebuilt one package dependency under UBSAN). But Prof Ripley confirmed the issue as addressed so all is good for now. As noted before, there is a newer package rvw based on the excellent GSoC 2018 and beyond work by Ivan Pavlov (mentored by James and myself) so if you are into Vowpal Wabbit from R go check it out. CRANberries provides a summary of changes to the previous version. More information is on the RVowpalWabbit page. Issues and bugreports should go to the GitHub issue tracker. If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can now sponsor me at GitHub.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

26 March 2021

Daniel Lange: The Stallman wars

So, 2021 isn't bad enough yet, but don't despair, people are working to fix that:

Welcome to the Stallman wars Team Cancel: (repo) Team Support: (repo) Current stats are:

Team Cancel:  3028 signers from 1413 individual commit authors
Team Support: 6249 signers from 5018 individual commit authors
Git shortlog (Top 10):
rms_cancel.git (Last update: 2021-04-07 15:42:33 (UTC))
  1228  Neil McGovern
   251  Joan Touzet
    86  Elana Hashman
    71  Molly de Blanc
    36  Shauna
    19  Juke
    18  Stefano Zacchiroli
    17  Alexey Mirages
    16  Devin Halladay
    14  Nader Jafari
rms_support.git (Last update: 2021-04-12 09:25:53 (UTC))
  1678  shenlebantongying
  1564  nukeop
  1550  Ivanq
   826  Victor
   746  Job Bautista
   123  nekonee
    61  Victor Gridnevsky
    38  Patrick Spek
    25  Borys Kabakov
    17  KIM Taeyeob
(last updated 2021-04-12 09:26:15 (UTC)) Technical info:
Signers are counted from their "Signed / Individuals" sections. Commits are counted with git shortlog -s.
Team Cancel also has organizational signatures with Mozilla, Suse and X.Org being among the notable signatories. Debian is in the process of running a GR to join (or not join) that list. The 16 original signers of the Cancel petition are added in their count. Neil McGovern, Juke and shenlebantongying need .mailmap support as they have committed with different names. Further reading:

31 December 2020

Russ Allbery: Review: Billion Dollar Loser

Review: Billion Dollar Loser, by Reeves Wiedeman
Publisher: Little, Brown and Company
Copyright: October 2020
ISBN: 0-316-46134-2
Format: Kindle
Pages: 315
WeWork was founded in 2010 by Adam Neumann and Miguel McKelvey as a successor company to their similar 2008 GreenDesk business. (Adam's wife Rebekah is now presented as a co-founder. This seems dubious in Wiedeman's account, although Rebekah's role in the company is murky, ever-changing, and hard to pin down.) Its business model in reality was to provide turn-key, pre-furnished and stocked co-working and small office space to individuals and businesses on flexible, short-term leases. Its business model in Neumann's speeches and dreams, and represented by the later renaming of the company to the We Corporation, was nothing less than to transform the way people worked, learned, and lived. Through aggressive, money-losing expansion, WeWork grew rapidly to over 500 locations in 29 countries and became the largest office tenant in New York City. Based primarily on massive financial support from Masayoshi Son, CEO of Japanese holding company SoftBank, WeWork's private valuation rose to $47 billion. In 2019, the company attempted to go public, but its IPO collapsed, in part due to deeper analysis of the company's books. Neumann was forced out of the company (with an individual payout valued at $1.7 billion), the IPO was withdrawn, SoftBank wrote down 90% of their investment in the company and took control of it, and WeWork laid off more than 20% of its workforce. This book is a detailed history of WeWork's rise and fall, joining a genre that includes The Smartest Guys in the Room (Enron), Bad Blood (Theranos), and Super Pumped (Uber). I believe it's the first full book on WeWork, although it was preceded by several long-form stories, including "The I In We" by Wiedeman for New York magazine. As the first history, it's a somewhat incomplete cut: litigation between Neumann and WeWork is still pending, WeWork staggered into 2020 and a world-wide pandemic that made cramped open-plan offices an epidemiological disaster, and there will doubtless be new revelations yet to come. The discovery process of lawsuits tends to be good for journalists. But despite being the first out of the gate, Billion Dollar Loser reaches a satisfying conclusion with the ouster of Neumann, who had defined WeWork both internally and externally. I'm fascinated by stories of failed venture capital start-ups in general, but the specific question about WeWork that interested me, and to which Wiedeman provides a partial answer, is why so many people gave Neumann money in the first place. Explaining that question requires a digression into why I thought WeWork's valuation was absurd. The basic problem WeWork had when justifying its sky-high valuation is competition. WeWork didn't own real estate; it rented properties from landlords with long-term leases and then re-rented them with short-term leases. If its business was so successful, why wouldn't the landlords cut out the middle man, do what WeWork was doing directly, and pocket all the profit? Or why wouldn't some other company simply copy WeWork and drive the profit margins down? Normally with startups the answer revolves around something proprietary: an app, a server technology, patents, a secret manufacturing technique, etc. But nothing WeWork was doing was different from what innumerable tech companies and partner landlords had been doing with their office space for a decade, and none of it was secret. There are two decent answers to that question. One is simple outsourcing: landlords like being passive rent collectors, so an opportunity to pay someone else to do the market research on office layouts, arrange all the remodeling, adapt to changing desires for how office space should be equipped and stocked, advertise for short-term tenants, and deal with the tenant churn is attractive. The landlord can sit back and pocket the stable long-term rent. The second answer is related: WeWork is essentially doing rental arbitrage between long-term and short-term rents and thus is taking on most of the risk of a commercial real estate downturn. If no one is renting office space, WeWork is still on the hook for the long-term rent. The landlord is outsourcing risk, at least unless WeWork goes bankrupt. (One infuriating tidbit from this book is that Neumann's explicit and often-stated goal was to make WeWork so large that its bankruptcy would be sufficiently devastating to the real estate industry that it would get a bailout.) There's a legitimate business here. But that business looks like a quietly profitable real estate company that builds very efficient systems for managing short-term leases, remodeling buildings, and handling the supply chain of stocking an office. That looks nothing like WeWork's business, has nothing to do with transforming the world of work, and certainly doesn't warrant sky-high valuations. WeWork didn't build an efficient anything. It relied on weekend labor from underpaid employees and an IT person who was still in high school. And WeWork actively resisted being called a real estate company and claimed it was a tech company or a lifestyle company on the basis of essentially nothing. Wiedeman seems almost as baffled by this as I am, but it's clear from the history he tells that part of the funding answer is the Ponzi scheme of start-up investing. People gave Neumann money because other people had previously given Neumann money, and the earlier investors cashed out at the expense of the later ones. Like any Ponzi scheme, it looks like a great investment until it doesn't, and then the last sucker is left holding the bag. That sucker was Masayoshi Son, who in Wiedeman's telling is an astonishingly casual and undisciplined investor who trusted knee-jerk personal reactions to founders over business model analysis and historically (mostly) got away with it by getting extremely lucky. (I now want to read one of these books about SoftBank, since both this book and Super Pumped make it look like a company that makes numerous wild gambles for the flimsiest of reasons, pushes for completely unsustainable growth, and relies on the sheer volume of investments catching some lucky jackpots and cashing out in IPOs. Unfortunately, the only book currently available seems to be a fawning hagiography of Son.) On one hand, the IPO process worked properly this time. The sheer madness of WeWork's valuation scared off enough institutional investors that it collapsed. On the other hand, it's startling how close it came to success. If WeWork had kept the Ponzi scheme going a bit longer, the last sucker could have been the general investing public. Another interesting question that Billion Dollar Loser answers is how Neumann got enough money to start his rapid growth strategy. The answer appears to be the oldest and most obvious explanation: He made friends with rich people. The initial connections appear to have been through his sister, Adi Neumann, who is a model and hosted parties in her New York apartment (and also started dating a Rothschild heir). Adam met his wealthy wife Rebekah, cousin to actress and "wellness" scam marketer Gwyneth Paltrow, via a connection at a party. He built social connections with other parts of the New York real estate scene and tapped them for investment money. The strong impression one gets from the book is that all of these people have way more money than sense and we should raise their taxes. It won't come as a surprise that Adam and Rebekah Neumann are good friends of Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump. Those are the questions I was the most curious about, but there's much more here. Wiedeman's style is nearly straight chronological reporting with little analysis, but the story is so wild and absurd that it doesn't need much embellishment. Neumann is obviously a megalomaniac whose delusions of grandeur got worse and worse as WeWork was apparently succeeding. Rebekah Neumann is if anything even less in touch with reality than he is, although in her case that appears to stem from having so much money that reality is an inconvenient speed bump. Miguel McKelvey, Neumann's co-founder, is an odd and interesting side note to the story; he appears to have balanced Adam out a bit in the early going but then wisely started to cash out and pocket his winnings while letting Adam dominate the stage. There are some places where I don't think Wiedeman pushed hard enough, and which cut against the view of Neumann as a true believer in his impossible growth vision. Neumann took several investment opportunities to cash out large amounts of his stock even while WeWork employees were being underpaid and told their stock options would make up for it. He clearly used WeWork as a personal piggy bank on multiple occasions. And Wiedeman documents but doesn't, at least in my opinion, make nearly enough of Neumann's self-dealing: buying real estate that WeWork then rented as a tenant, or paying himself for a license for the name We Holdings (although there at least he later returned the money). I think a good argument could be made that Neumann was embezzling from WeWork, at least morally if not legally, and I wish Wiedeman would have pressed harder on that point. But that aside, this is a great first history of the company, told in a clean, readable, and engaging style, and with a lot more detail here than I've touched on (such as Rebekah Neumann's WeGrow school). It's not as good as Bad Blood (what is), but it's a respectable entry in the corporate collapse genre. If you like this sort of thing, recommended. Rating: 7 out of 10

21 October 2020

Dirk Eddelbuettel: RcppZiggurat 0.1.6

ziggurats A new release, now at version 0.1.6, of RcppZiggurat is now on the CRAN network for R. The RcppZiggurat package updates the code for the Ziggurat generator by Marsaglia and other which provides very fast draws from a Normal distribution. The package provides a simple C++ wrapper class for the generator improving on the very basic macros, and permits comparison among several existing Ziggurat implementations. This can be seen in the figure where Ziggurat from this package dominates accessing the implementations from the GSL, QuantLib and Gretl all of which are still way faster than the default Normal generator in R (which is of course of higher code complexity). This release brings a corrected seed setter and getter which now correctly take care of all four state variables, and not just one. It also corrects a few typos in the vignette. Both were fixed quite a while back, but we somehow managed to not ship this to CRAN for two years. The NEWS file entry below lists all changes.

Changes in version 0.1.6 (2020-10-18)
  • Several typos were corrected in the vignette (Blagoje Ivanovic in #9).
  • New getters and setters for internal state were added to resume simulations (Dirk in #11 fixing #10).
  • Minor updates to cleanup script and Travis CI setup (Dirk).

Courtesy of my CRANberries, there is a diffstat report for this release. More information is on the RcppZiggurat page. If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can now sponsor me at GitHub. For the first year, GitHub will match your contributions.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

8 August 2020

Dirk Eddelbuettel: RVowpalWabbit 0.0.15: Some More CRAN Build Issues

Another maintenance RVowpalWabbit package update brought us to version 0.0.15 earlier today. We attempted to fix one compilation error on Solaris, and addressed a few SAN/UBSAN issues with the gcc build. As noted before, there is a newer package rvw based on the excellent GSoC 2018 and beyond work by Ivan Pavlov (mentored by James and myself) so if you are into Vowpal Wabbit from R go check it out. CRANberries provides a summary of changes to the previous version. More information is on the RVowpalWabbit page. Issues and bugreports should go to the GitHub issue tracker. If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can now sponsor me at GitHub. For the first year, GitHub will match your contributions.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

14 June 2020

Dirk Eddelbuettel: RVowpalWabbit 0.0.14: More Keeping CRAN happy

Another maintenance RVowpalWabbit package update brings us to version 0.0.14. This time CRAN asked us to replace the (long obsoleted C-library) function ftime(). Along the way, we also updated links in the DESCRIPTION file to the (spiffy!!) new website, updated Travis use and fine-tuned some autoconf code in There is a newer package rvw based on the excellent GSoC 2018 and beyond work by Ivan Pavlov (mentored by James and myself) so if you are into Vowpal Wabbit from R go check it out. It should go to CRAN eventually once we have better mechanisms to support external libraries. CRANberries provides a summary of changes to the previous version. More information is on the RVowpalWabbit page. Issues and bugreports should go to the GitHub issue tracker. If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can now sponsor me at GitHub. For the first year, GitHub will match your contributions.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

30 March 2020

Axel Beckert: How do you type on a keyboard with only 46 or even 28 keys?

Some of you might have noticed that I m into keyboards since a few years ago into mechanical keyboards to be precise. Preface It basically started with the Swiss Mechanical Keyboard Meetup (whose website I started later on) was held in the hackerspace of the CCCZH. I mostly used TKL keyboards (i.e. keyboards with just the for me useless number block missing) and tried to get my hands on more keyboards with Trackpoints (but failed so far). At some point a year or two ago, I looking into smaller keyboards for having a mechanical keyboard with me when travelling. I first bought a Vortex Core at Candykeys. The size was nice and especially having all layers labelled on the keys was helpful, but nevertheless I soon noticed that the smaller the keyboards get, the more important is, that they re properly programmable. The Vortex Core is programmable, but not the keys in the bottom right corner which are exactly the keys I wanted to change to get a cursor block down there. (Later I found out that there are possibilities to get this done, either with an alternative firmware and a hack of it or desoldering all switches and mounting an alternative PCB called Atom47.) 40% Keyboards So at some point I ordered a MiniVan keyboard from The Van Keyboards (MiniVan keyboards will soon be available again at The Key Dot Company), here shown with GMK Paperwork (also bought from and designed by The Van Keyboards):
The MiniVan PCBs are fully programmable with the free and open source firmware QMK and started to use that more and more instead of bigger keyboards. Layers With the MiniVan I learned the concepts of layers. Layers are similar to what many laptop keyboards do with the Fn key and to some extent also what the German standard layout does with the AltGr key: Layers are basically alternative key maps you can switch with a special key (often called Fn , Fn1 , Fn2 , etc., or especially if there are two additional layers Raise and Lower ). There are several concepts how these layers can be reached with these keys: My MiniVan Layout For the MiniVan, two additional layers suffice easily, but since I have a few characters on multiple layers and also have mouse control and media keys crammed in there, I have three additional layers on my MiniVan keyboards:

TRNS means transparent, i.e. use the settings from lower layers.
I also use a feature that allows me to mind different actions to a key depending if I just tap the key or if I hold it. Some also call this tap dance . This is especially very popular on the usually rather huge spacebar. There, the term SpaceFn has been coined, probably after this discussion on Geekhack. I use this for all my layer switching keys: With this layout I can type English texts as fast as I can type them on a standard or TKL layout. German umlauts are a bit more difficult because it requires 4 to 6 key presses per umlaut as I use the Compose key functionality (mapped to the Menu key between the spacebars and the cursor block. So to type an on my MiniVan, I have to:
  1. press and release Menu (i.e. Compose); then
  2. press and hold either Shift-Spacebar (i.e. Shift-Fn1) or Slash (i.e. Fn2), then
  3. press N for a double quote (i.e. Shift-Fn1-N or Fn2-N) and then release all keys, and finally
  4. press and release the base character for the umlaut, in this case Shift-A.
And now just use these concepts and reduce the amount of keys to 28: 30% and Sub-30% Keyboards In late 2019 I stumbled upon a nice little keyboard kit shop on Etsy which I (and probably most other people in the mechanical keyboard scene) didn t take into account for looking for keyboards called WorldspawnsKeebs. They offer mostly kits for keyboards of 40% size and below, most of them rather simple and not expensive. For about 30 you get a complete sub-30% keyboard kit (without switches and keycaps though, but that very common for keyboard kits as it leaves the choice of switches and key caps to you) named Alpha28 consisting of a minimal Acrylic case and a PCB and electronics set. This Alpha28 keyboard is btw. fully open source as the source code, (i.e. design files) for the hardware are published under a free license (MIT license) on GitHub. And here s how my Alpha28 looks like with GMK Mitolet (part of the GMK Pulse group-buy) key caps:
So we only have character keys, Enter (labelled Data as there was no 1u Enter key with that row profile in that key cap set; I ll also call it Data for the rest of this posting) and a small spacebar, not even modifier keys. The Default Alpha28 Layout The original key layout by the developer of the Alpha28 used the spacbar as Shift on hold and as space if just tapped, and the Data key switches always to the next layer, i.e. it switches the layer permanently on tap and not just on hold. This way that key rotates through all layers. In all other layers, V switches back to the default layer. I assume that the modifiers on the second layer are also on tap and apply to the next other normal key. This has the advantage that you don t have to bend your fingers for some key combos, but you have to remember on which layer you are at the moment. (IIRC QMK allows you to show that via LEDs or similar.) Kinda just like vi. My Alpha28 Layout But maybe because I m more an Emacs person, I dislike remembering states myself and don t bind bending my fingers. So I decided to develop my own layout using tap-or-hold and only doing layer switches by holding down keys:

A triangle means that the settings from lower layers are used, N/A means the key does nothing.
It might not be very obvious, but on the default layer, all keys in the bottom row and most keys on the row ends have tap-or-hold configurations. Basic ideasBottom row if holdOther rows if holdHow the keys are divided into layersUsing the Alpha28 This layout works surprisingly well for me. Only for Minus, Equal, Single Quote and Semicolon I still often have to think or try if they re on Layer 1 or 2 as on my 40%s (MiniVan, Zlant, etc.) I have them all on layer 1 (and in general one layer less over all). And for really seldom used keys like Insert, PrintScreen, ScrollLock or Pause, I might have to consult my own documentation. They re somewhere in the middle of the keyboard, either on layer 1, 2, or 3. ;-) And of course, typing umlauts takes even two keys more per umlaut as on the MiniVan since on the one hand Menu is not on the default layer and on the other hand, I don t have this nice shifted number row and actually have to also press Shift to get a double quote. So to type an on my Alpha, I have to:
  1. press and release Space-F (i.e. Fn1-F) for Menu (i.e. Compose); then
  2. press and hold A-Spacebar-L (i.e. Shift-Fn1-L) for getting a double quote, then
  3. press and release the base character for the umlaut, in this case L-A for Shift-A (because we can t use A for Shift as I can t hold a key and then press it again :-).
Conclusion If the characters on upper layers are not labelled like on the Vortex Core, i.e. especially on all self-made layouts, typing is a bit like playing that old children s game Memory: as soon as you remember (or your muscle memory knows) where some special characters are, typing gets faster. Otherwise, you start with trial and error or look the documentation. Or give up. ;-) Nevertheless, typing on a sub-30% keyboard like the Alpha28 is much more difficult and slower than on a 40% keyboard like the MiniVan. So the Alpha28 very likely won t become my daily driver while the MiniVan defacto is my already my daily driver. But I like these kind of challenges as others like the game Memory . So I ordered three more 30% and sub-30% keyboard kits and WorldspawnsKeebs for soldering on the upcoming weekend during the COVID19 lockdown: And if I at some point want to try to type with even fewer keys, I ll try a Butterstick keyboard with just 20 keys. It s a chorded keyboard where you have to press multiple keys at the same time to get one charcter: So to get an A from the missing middle row, you have to press Q and Z simultaneously, to get Escape, press Q and W simultaneously, to get Control, press Q, W, Z and X simultaneously, etc. And if that s not even enough, I already bought a keyboard kit named Ginny (or Ginni, the developer can t seem to decide) with just 10 keys from an acquaintance. Couldn t resist when offered his surplus kits. :-) It uses the ASETNIOP layout which was initially developed for on-screen keyboards on tablets.

10 November 2017

Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo: Software Freedom Strategy with Community Projects

It's been some time since I last wrote. Life and work have been busy. At the same time, the world has been busy, and as I would love to write a larger post, I will try to be short here. I would love to touch on the Librem 5 and postmarketOS. In fact, I had, in a podcast in Portuguese, Papo Livre. Maybe, I'll touch a little on the latter. Some of the inspiration for this post include: All of those led me to understand how software freedom is under attack, in particular how copyleft in under attack. And, as I talked during FISL, though many might say that "Open Source has won", end users software freedom has not. Lots of companies have co-opted "free software" but give no software freedom to their users. They seem friends with free software, and they are. Because they want software to be free. But freedom should not be a value for software itself, it needs to be a value for people, not only companies or people who are labeled software developers, but all people. That's why I want to stop talking about free software, and talk more about software freedom. Because I believe the latter is more clear about what we are talking about. I don't mind that we use whatever label, as long as we stablish its meaning during conversations, and set the tone to distinguish them. The thing is: free software does not software freedom make. Not by itself. As Bradley Kuhn puts it: it's not magic pixie dust. Those who have known me for years might remember me as a person who studied free software licenses and how I valued copyleft, the GPL specifically, and how I concerned myself with topics like license compatibility and other licensing matters. Others might remember me as a person who valued a lot about upstreaming code. Not carrying changes to software openly developed that you had not made an effort to put upstream. I can't say I was wrong on both accounts. I still believe in those things. I still believe in the importance of copyleft and the GPL. I still value sharing your code in the commons by going upstream. But I was certaily wrong in valuing them too much. Or not giving as much or even more value to distribution efforts of getting software freedom to the users. And it took me a while in seeing how many people also saw the GPL as a tool to get code upstream. You see that a lot in Linus' discourse about the GPL. And that is on the minds of a lot of people, who I have seen argue that copyleft is not necessary for companies to contribute code back. But that's the problem. The point is not about getting code upstream. But about assuring people have the freedom to run a modified version of the software they received on their computers. It turns out that many examples of companies who had contributed code upstream, have not delivered that freedom to their end-users, who had received a modified version of that same software, which is not free. Bradley Kuhn also alerts us that many companies have been replacing copyleft software with non-copyleft software. And I completely agree with him that we should be writing more copyleft software that we hold copyright for, so we can enforce it. But looking at what has been happening recently in the Linux community about enforcement, even thought I still believe in enforcement as an strategy, I think we need much more than that. And one of those strategies is delivering more free software that users may be able to install on their own computers. It's building those replacements for software that people have been using for any reason. Be it the OS they get when they buy a device, or the application they use for communication. It's not like the community is not doing it, it's just that we need to acknowledge that this is a necessary strategy to guarantee software freedom. That distribution of software that users may easily install on their computers is as much or even more valuable than developing software closer to the hacker/developer community. That doing downstream changes to free software in the effort of getting them to users is worth it. That maintaining that software stable and secure for users is a very important task. I may be biased when talking about that, as I have been shifting from doing upstream work to downstream work and both on the recent years. But maybe that's what I needed to realize that upstreaming does not necessarily guarantees that users will get software freedom. I believe we need to talk more about that. I have seen many people dear to me disregard that difference between the freedom of the user and the freedom of software. There is much more to talk about that, go into detail about some of those points, and I think we need to debate more. I am subscribed to the libreplanet-discuss mailing list. Come join us in discussing about software freedom there, if you want to comment on anything I brought up here. As I promised I would, I would like to mention about postmarketOS, which is an option users have now to get some software freedom on some mobile devices. It's an effort I wanted to build myself, and I applaud the community that has developed around it and has been moving forward so quickly. And it's a good example of a balance between upstream and dowstream code that gets to deliver a better level of software freedom to users than the vendor ever would. I wanted to write about much of the topics I brought up today, but postponed that for some time. I was motivated by recent events in the community, and I am really disappointed at some the free software players and some of the events that happened in the last few years. That got me into thinking in how we need to manifest ourselves about those issues, so people know how we feel. So here it is: I am disappointed at how the Linux Foundation handled the situation about Software Freedom Conversancy taking a case against VMWare; I am disappointed about how Software Freedom Law Center handled a trademark issue against the Software Freedom Conservancy; and I really appreciate all the work the Software Freedom Conservancy has been doing. I have supported them for the last two years, and I urge you to become a supporter too.

6 November 2017

James Bromberger: Web Security 2017

I started web development around late 1994. Some of my earliest paid web work is still online (dated June 1995). Clearly, that was a simpler time for content! I went on to be Webmaster (yes, for those joining us in the last decade, that was a job title once) for UWA, and then for Hartley Poynton/ at time when security became important as commerce boomed online. At the dawn of the web era, the consideration of backwards compatibility with older web clients (browsers) was deemed to be important; content had to degrade nicely, even without any CSS being applied. As the years stretched out, the legacy became longer and longer. Until now. In mid-2018, the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard (DSS) 3.2 comes into effect, requiring card holder environments to use (at minimum) TLS 1.2 for the encrypted transfer of data. Of course, that s also the maximum version typically available today (TLS 1.3 is in draft 21 at this point in time of writing). This effort by the PCI is forcing people to adopt new browsers that can do the TLS 1.2 protocol (and the encryption ciphers that permits), typically by running modern/recent Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge browsers. And for the majority of people, Chrome is their choice, and the majority of those are all auto-updating on every release. Many are pushing to be compliant with the 2018 PCI DSS 3.2 as early as possible; your logging of negotiated protocols and ciphers will show if your client base is ready as well. I ve already worked with one government agency to demonstrate they were ready, and have already helped disable TLS 1.0 and 1.1 on their public facing web sites (and previously SSL v3). We ve removed RC4 ciphers, 3DES ciphers, and enabled ephemeral key ciphers to provide forward secrecy. Web developers (writing Javascript and using various frameworks) can rejoice the age of having to support legacy MS IE 6/7/8/9/10 is pretty much over. None of those browsers support TLS 1.2 out of the box (IE 10 can turn this on, but for some reason, it is off by default). This makes Javascript code smaller as it doesn t have to have conditional code to work with the quirks of those older clients. But as we find ourselves with modern clients, we can now ask those clients to be complicit in our attempts to secure the content we serve. They understand modern security constructs such as Content Security Policies and other HTTP security-related headers. There s two tools I am currently using to help in this battle to improve web security. One is, the work of Ivan Risti (and now owned/sponsored by Qualys). This tool gives a good view of the encryption in flight (protocols, ciphers), chain of trust (certificate), and a new addition of checking DNS records for CAA records (which I and others piled on a feature request for AWS Route53 to support). The second tool is Scott Helm s, which looks at the HTTP headers that web content uses to ask browsers to enforce security on the client side. There s a really important reason why these tools are good; they are maintained. As new recommendations on ciphers, protocols, signature algorithms or other actions become recommended, they re updated on these tools. And these tools are produced by very small, but agile teams like one person teams, without the bureaucracy (and lag) associated with large enterprise tools. But these shouldn t be used blindly. These services make suggestions, and you should research them yourselves. For some, not all the recommendations may meet your personal risk profile. Personally, I m uncomfortable with Public-Key-Pins, so that can wait for a while indeed, Chrome has now signalled they will drop this. So while PCI is hitting merchants with their DSS-compliance stick (and making it plainly obvious what they have to do), we re getting a side-effect of having a concrete reason for drawing a line under where our backward compatibility must stretch back to, and the ability to have the web client assist in ensure security of content.

23 August 2017

Antoine Beaupr : The supposed decline of copyleft

At DebConf17, John Sullivan, the executive director of the FSF, gave a talk on the supposed decline of the use of copyleft licenses use free-software projects. In his presentation, Sullivan questioned the notion that permissive licenses, like the BSD or MIT licenses, are gaining ground at the expense of the traditionally dominant copyleft licenses from the FSF. While there does seem to be a rise in the use of permissive licenses, in general, there are several possible explanations for the phenomenon.

When the rumor mill starts Sullivan gave a recent example of the claim of the decline of copyleft in an article on by Jono Bacon from February 2017 that showed a histogram of license usage between 2010 and 2017 (seen below).
[Black Duck   histogram]
From that, Bacon elaborates possible reasons for the apparent decline of the GPL. The graphic used in the article was actually generated by Stephen O'Grady in a January article, The State Of Open Source Licensing, which said:
In Black Duck's sample, the most popular variant of the GPL version 2 is less than half as popular as it was (46% to 19%). Over the same span, the permissive MIT has gone from 8% share to 29%, while its permissive cousin the Apache License 2.0 jumped from 5% to 15%.
Sullivan, however, argued that the methodology used to create both articles was problematic. Neither contains original research: the graphs actually come from the Black Duck Software "KnowledgeBase" data, which was partly created from the old Ohloh web site now known as Open Hub. To show one problem with the data, Sullivan mentioned two free-software projects, GNU Bash and GNU Emacs, that had been showcased on the front page of in 2012. On the site, Bash was (and still is) listed as GPLv2+, whereas it changed to GPLv3 in 2011. He also claimed that "Emacs was listed as licensed under GPLv3-only, which is a license Emacs has never had in its history", although I wasn't able to verify that information from the Internet archive. Basically, according to Sullivan, "the two projects featured on the front page of a site that was using [the Black Duck] data set were wrong". This, in turn, seriously brings into question the quality of the data:
I reported this problem and we'll continue to do that but when someone is not sharing the data set that they're using for other people to evaluate it and we see glimpses of it which are incorrect, that should give us a lot of hesitation about accepting any conclusion that comes out of it.
Reproducible observations are necessary to the establishment of solid theories in science. Sullivan didn't try to contact Black Duck to get access to the database, because he assumed (rightly, as it turned out) that he would need to "pay for the data under terms that forbid you to share that information with anybody else". So I wrote Black Duck myself to confirm this information. In an email interview, Patrick Carey from Black Duck confirmed its data set is proprietary. He believes, however, that through a "combination of human and automated techniques", Black Duck is "highly confident at the accuracy and completeness of the data in the KnowledgeBase". He did point out, however, that "the way we track the data may not necessarily be optimal for answering the question on license use trend" as "that would entail examination of new open source projects coming into existence each year and the licenses used by them". In other words, even according to Black Duck, its database may not be useful to establish the conclusions drawn by those articles. Carey did agree with those conclusions intuitively, however, saying that "there seems to be a shift toward Apache and MIT licenses in new projects, though I don't have data to back that up". He suggested that "an effective way to answer the trend question would be to analyze the new projects on GitHub over the last 5-10 years." Carey also suggested that "GitHub has become so dominant over the recent years that just looking at projects on GitHub would give you a reasonable sampling from which to draw conclusions".
[GitHub   graph]
Indeed, GitHub published a report in 2015 that also seems to confirm MIT's popularity (45%), surpassing copyleft licenses (24%). The data is, however, not without its own limitations. For example, in the above graph going back to the inception of GitHub in 2008, we see a rather abnormal spike in 2013, which seems to correlate with the launch of the site, described by GitHub as "our first pass at making open source licensing on GitHub easier". In his talk, Sullivan was critical of the initial version of the site which he described as biased toward permissive licenses. Because the GitHub project creation page links to the site, Sullivan explained that the site's bias could have actually influenced GitHub users' license choices. Following a talk from Sullivan at FOSDEM 2016, GitHub addressed the problem later that year by rewording parts of the front page to be more accurate, but that any change in license choice obviously doesn't show in the report produced in 2015 and won't affect choices users have already made. Therefore, there can be reasonable doubts that GitHub's subset of software projects may not actually be that representative of the larger free-software community.

In search of solid evidence So it seems we are missing good, reproducible results to confirm or dispel these claims. Sullivan explained that it is a difficult problem, if only in the way you select which projects to analyze: the impact of a MIT-licensed personal wiki will obviously be vastly different from, say, a GPL-licensed C compiler or kernel. We may want to distinguish between active and inactive projects. Then there is the problem of code duplication, both across publication platforms (a project may be published on GitHub and SourceForge for example) but also across projects (code may be copy-pasted between projects). We should think about how to evaluate the license of a given project: different files in the same code base regularly have different licenses often none at all. This is why having a clear, documented and publicly available data set and methodology is critical. Without this, the assumptions made are not clear and it is unreasonable to draw certain conclusions from the results. It turns out that some researchers did that kind of open research in 2016 in a paper called "The Debsources Dataset: Two Decades of Free and Open Source Software" [PDF] by Matthieu Caneill, Daniel M. Germ n, and Stefano Zacchiroli. The Debsources data set is the complete Debian source code that covers a large history of the Debian project and therefore includes thousands of free-software projects of different origins. According to the paper:
The long history of Debian creates a perfect subject to evaluate how FOSS licenses use has evolved over time, and the popularity of licenses currently in use.
Sullivan argued that the Debsources data set is interesting because of its quality: every package in Debian has been reviewed by multiple humans, including the original packager, but also by the FTP masters to ensure that the distribution can legally redistribute the software. The existence of a package in Debian provides a minimal "proof of use": unmaintained packages get removed from Debian on a regular basis and the mere fact that a piece of software gets packaged in Debian means at least some users found it important enough to work on packaging it. Debian packagers make specific efforts to avoid code duplication between packages in order to ease security maintenance. The data set covers a period longer than Black Duck's or GitHub's, as it goes all the way back to the Hamm 2.0 release in 1998. The data and how to reproduce it are freely available under a CC BY-SA 4.0 license.
[Debsource   graph]
Sullivan presented the above graph from the research paper that showed the evolution of software license use in the Debian archive. Whereas previous graphs showed statistics in percentages, this one showed actual absolute numbers, where we can't actually distinguish a decline in copyleft licenses. To quote the paper again:
The top license is, once again, GPL-2.0+, followed by: Artistic-1.0/GPL dual-licensing (the licensing choice of Perl and most Perl libraries), GPL-3.0+, and Apache-2.0.
Indeed, looking at the graph, at most do we see a rise of the Apache and MIT licenses and no decline of the GPL per se, although its adoption does seem to slow down in recent years. We should also mention the possibility that Debian's data set has the opposite bias: toward GPL software. The Debian project is culturally quite different from the GitHub community and even the larger free-software ecosystem, naturally, which could explain the disparity in the results. We can only hope a similar analysis can be performed on the much larger Software Heritage data set eventually, which may give more representative results. The paper acknowledges this problem:
Debian is likely representative of enterprise use of FOSS as a base operating system, where stable, long-term and seldomly updated software products are desirable. Conversely Debian is unlikely representative of more dynamic FOSS environments (e.g., modern Web-development with micro libraries) where users, who are usually developers themselves, expect to receive library updates on a daily basis.
The Debsources research also shares methodology limitations with Black Duck: while Debian packages are reviewed before uploading and we can rely on the copyright information provided by Debian maintainers, the research also relies on automated tools (specifically FOSSology) to retrieve license information. Sullivan also warned against "ascribing reason to numbers": people may have different reasons for choosing a particular license. Developers may choose the MIT license because it has fewer words, for compatibility reasons, or simply because "their lawyers told them to". It may not imply an actual deliberate philosophical or ideological choice. Finally, he brought up the theory that the rise of non-copyleft licenses isn't necessarily at the detriment of the GPL. He explained that, even if there is an actual decline, it may not be much of a problem if there is an overall growth of free software to the detriment of proprietary software. He reminded the audience that non-copyleft licenses are still free software, according to the FSF and the Debian Free Software Guidelines, so their rise is still a positive outcome. Even if the GPL is a better tool to accomplish the goal of a free-software world, we can all acknowledge that the conversion of proprietary software to more permissive and certainly simpler licenses is definitely heading in the right direction.
[I would like to thank the DebConf organizers for providing meals for me during the conference.] Note: this article first appeared in the Linux Weekly News.

29 March 2017

Lars Wirzenius: A tiny PC as a router

We needed a router and wifi access point in the office, and simultaneously both I and my co-worker Ivan needed such a thing at our respective homes. After some discussion, and after reading articles in Ars Technica about building PCs to act as routers, we decided to do just that. We got some hardware:
Component Model Cost
Barebone Qotom Q190G4, VGA, 2x USB 2.0, 134x126x36mm, fanless 130
CPU Intel J1900, 2-2.4GHz quad-core -
NIC Intel WG82583, 4x 10/100/1000 -
Memory Crucial CT102464BF160B, 8GB DDR3L-1600 SODIMM 1.35V CL11 40
SSD Kingston SSDNow mS200, 60GB mSATA 42
WLAN AzureWave AW-NU706H, Ralink RT3070L, 300M 802.11b/g/n, half mPCIe 17
mPCIe adapter Half to full mPCIe adapter 3
Antennas 2x 2.4/5GHz 6dBi, RP-SMA, U.FL Cables 7
These were bought at various online shops, including AliExpress and After assembling the hardware, we installed Debian on them: There's a lot of limitations and problems: If you'd like to use the images and Ansible playbooks, please do. We'd be happy to get feedback, bug reports, and patches. Send them to me ( or my ticketing system (

19 March 2017

Clint Adams: Measure once, devein twice

Ophira lived in a wee house in University Square, Tampa. It had one floor, three bedrooms, two baths, a handful of family members, a couple pets, some plants, and an occasional staring contest. Mauricio lived in Lowry Park North, but Ophira wasn t allowed to go there because Mauricio was afraid that someone would tell his girlfriend. Ophira didn t like Mauricio s girlfriend and Mauricio s girlfriend did not like Ophira. Mauricio did not bring his girlfriend along when he and Ophira went to St. Pete Beach. They frolicked in the ocean water, and attempted to have sex. Mauricio and Ophira were big fans of science, so Somewhat quickly they concluded that it is impossible to have sex underwater, and absconded to Ophira s car to have sex therein. I hate Mauricio s girlfriend, Ophira told Amit on the telephone. She s not even pretty. Hey, listen, said Amit. I m going to a wedding on Captiva. Oh, my family used to go to Captiva every year. There s bioluminescent algae and little crabs and stuff. Yeah? Do you want to come along? You could pick me up at the airport. Why would I want to go to a wedding? Well, it s on the beach and they re going to have a bouncy castle. A bouncy castle Are you serious? Yes. Well, okay. Amit prepared to go to the wedding and Ophira became terse then unresponsive. After he landed at RSW, he called Ophira, but instead of answering the phone she startled and fell out of her chair. Amit arranged for other transportation toward the Sanibel Causeway. Ophira bit her nails for a few hours, then went to her car and drove to Cape Coral. Ophira cruised around Cape Coral for a while, until she spotted a teenager cleaning a minivan. She parked her car and approached him. Whatcha doing? asked Ophira, pretending to chew on imaginary gum. The youth slid the minivan door open. I m cleaning, he said hesitantly. Didn t your parents teach you not to talk to strangers? I could do all kinds of horrible things to you. They conversed for a bit. She recounted a story of her personal hero, a twelve-year-old girl who seduced and manipulated older men into ruin. She rehashed the mysteries of Mauricio s girlfriend. She waxed poetic on her love of bouncy castles. The youth listened, hypnotized. What s your name, kid? Ophira yawned. Arjun, he replied. How old are you? Arjun thought about it. 15, he said. Hmm, Ophira stroked her chin. Can you sneak me into your room so that your parents never find out about it? Arjun s eyes went wide. MEANWHILE, on Captiva Island, Amit had learned that even though the Tenderly had multiple indoor jacuzzis, General Fitzpatrick and Mrs. Fitzpatrick had decided it prudent to have sex in the hot tub on the deck; that the execution of this plan had somehow necessitated a lengthy cleaning process before the hot tub could be used again; that that s why workmen were cleaning the hot tub; and that the Fitzpatrick children had gotten General Fitzpatrick and Mrs. Fitzpatrick to agree to not do that again, with an added suggestion that they not be seen doing anything else naked in public. A girl walked up to Amit. Hey, I heard you lost your plus-one. Are you here alone? What a loser! she giggled nervously, then stared. Leave me alone, Darlene, sighed Amit. Darlene s face reddened as she spun on her heels and stormed over to Lisette. Oh my god, did you see that? I practically threw myself at him and he was abusive toward me. He probably has all the classic signs of being an abuser. Did you hear about that girl he dated in Ohio? I bet I know why that ended. Oh really? said Lisette distractedly, looking Amit up and down. So he s single now? Darlene glared at Lisette as Amit wandered back outside to stare at the hot tub. Hey kid, said Ophira, bring me some snacks. I don t bring food into my room, said Arjun. It attracts pests. Is that what your parents told you? scoffed Ophira. Don t be such a wuss. Three minutes later, Ophira was finishing a bag of paprika puffs. These are great, Arjun! Where do you get these? My cousin sends them from Europe, he explained. Now get me a diet soda. Amit strolled along the beach, then yelped. What s biting my legs? he cried out. Those are sand fleas, said Nessarose. What are sand fleas? asked Amit incredulously. Nessarose rolled her eyes. Stop being a baby and have a drink. After the sun went down, Amit began to notice the crabs, and this made him drink more. When everyone was soused, General Fitzpatrick announced that they were going for a swim in the Gulf, in direct contravention of safety guidelines. Most of the guests were wise enough to refuse, but an eightsome swam out, occasionally stopping to slap the algae, but continuing until they reached the sandbar that General Fitzpatrick correctly claimed was there. Then screams echoed through the night as all the jellyfish attacked everyone invading their sandbar. The crestfallen swimming party eventually made it back to shore. Pee on the jellyfish sting, commanded Nessarose. It s the best cure. No! shouted General Fitzpatrick s daughter. Urine makes it worse. Things quickly escalated from Nessarose and General Fitzpatrick s daughter screaming at each other to the beach dividing into three factions: those siding with Nessarose, those siding with General Fitzpatrick s daughter, and those who had no idea what was going on. General Fitzpatrick had no interest in any of this, and went straight to bed. It s getting late, kid, said Ophira. I m taking your bed. What? squeaked Arjun. Look, said Ophira, your bed is small and there isn t room for both of us. You may sleep on the floor if you re quiet and don t bother me. What? squeaked Arjun. Are you deaf, kid? Ophira grunted and then went to bed. Arjun blinked in confusion, then tried to fall asleep on the floor, without much success. Ophira got up in the morning and said, Before I go, I want to teach you a valuable lesson. What? groaned Arjun, getting to his feet. You should be careful talking to strangers. Now, I told you that I could do horrible things to you, so this is not my fault; it s yours, she announced, then sucker-punched him in the gut. Ophira climbed out the window as Arjun doubled over. As the ceremony began, only a small minority of the wedding party was visibly suffering from jellyfish stings, which may or may not have helped with ignoring the sand fleas. The ceremony ended shortly thereafter, and now that marriage had been accomplished, everyone turned their attention to food and drink and swimming less irresponsibly than the night before. Guests that needed to return home sooner departed in waves and Amit started to appreciate the more peaceful environment. He heard the deck door slide open behind him and turned his attention away from the hot tub. Hey, mofo, Ophira shouted as strode stylishly out onto the deck. Where s this bouncy castle? Amit blinked in surprise. That was yesterday. You missed it. Oh, she frowned. So I met this South Slav guy with a really sexy forehead, and I need some advice. I don t know if I should call him or wait. Amit pointed to the hot tub and told her the story of General Fitzpatrick and Mrs. Fitzpatrick and the hot tub. What? said Ophira. How could they have sex underwater? What do you mean? asked Amit. Well, it s impossible, she replied.
Posted on 2017-03-19
Tags: mintings

9 March 2017

Arturo Borrero Gonz lez: Netfilter in GSoC 2017

logo Great news! The Netfilter project has been elected by Google to be a mentoring organization in this year Google Summer of Code program. Following the pattern of the last years, Google seems to realise and support the importance of this software project in the Linux ecosystem. I will be proudly mentoring some student this 2017 year, along with Eric Leblond and of course Pablo Neira. The focus of the Netfilter project has been in nftables for the last years, and the students joining our community will likely work on the new framework. For prospective students: there is an ideas document which you must read. The policy in the Netfilter project is to encourage students to send patches before they are elected to join us. Therefore, a good starting point is to subscribe to the mailing lists, download the git code repositories, build by hand the projects (compilation) and look at the bugzilla (registration required). Due to this type of internships and programs, I believe is interesting to note the ascending involvement of women in the last years. I can remember right now: Ana Rey (@AnaRB), Shivani Bhardwaj (@tuxish), Laura Garc a and Elise Lennion (blog). On a side note, Debian is not participating in GSoC this year :-(

5 March 2017

Shirish Agarwal: To say or not to say

Voltaire For people who are visually differently-abled, the above reads To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize Voltaire wrote this either in late 16th century or early 17th century and those words were as apt in those times, as it is in these turbulent times as well. Update 05/03 According to @bla these words are attributable to a neo-nazi and apparently a child abuser. While I don t know the context in which it was shared, it describes the environment in which we are perfectly. Please see his comment for a link and better understanding. The below topic requires a bit of maturity, so if you are easily offended, feel free not to read further. While this week-end I was supposed to share about the recent Science Day celebrations that we did last week Science Day celebrations at GMRT Would explore it probably next week. This week the attempt is to share thoughts which had been simmering at the back of my mind for more than 2 weeks or more and whose answers are not clear to me. My buttons were pressed when Martin f. Kraft shared about a CoC violation and the steps taken therein. While it is easy to say with 20:20 hind-sight to say that the gentleman acted foolishly, I don t really know the circumstances to pass the judgement so quickly. In reality, while I didn t understand the joke in itself, I have to share some background by way of anecdotes as to why it isn t so easy for me to give a judgement call. a. I don t know the topics chosen by stand-up comedians in other countries, in India, most of the stand-up acts are either about dating or sex or somewhere in-between, which is lovingly given the name Leela (dance of life) in Indian mythology. I have been to several such acts over the years at different events, different occasions and 99.99% of the time I would see them dealing with pedophilia, necrophilia and all sorts of deviants in sexuality and people laughing wildly, but couple of times when the comedian shared the term sex with people, educated, probably more than a few world-travelled middle to higher-middle class people were shocked into silence. I had seen this not in once but 2-3 times in different environments and was left wondering just couple of years back Is sex such a bad word that people get easily shocked ? Then how is it that we have 1.25 billion + people in India. There had to be some people having sex. I don t think that all 1.25 billion people are test-tube babies. b. This actually was what lead to my quandary last year when my sharing of My Experience with Debian which I had carefully prepared for newbies, seeing seasoned debian people, I knew my lame observations wouldn t cut ice with them and hence had to share my actual story which involved a bit of porn. I was in two minds whether or not to say it till my eyes caught a t-shirt on which it was said We make porn or something to that effect. That helped me share my point. c. Which brings me to another point, it seems it is becoming increasingly difficult to talk about anything either before apologizing to everyone and not really knowing who will take offence at what and what the repercussions might be. In local sharings, I always start with a blanket apology that if I say something that offends you, please let me know afterwards so I can work on it. As the term goes You can t please everyone and that is what happens. Somebody sooner or later would take offence at something and re-interpret it in ways which I had not thought of. Charlie Chaplin - King of self-deprecating humor From the little sharings and interactions I have been part of, I find people take offence at the most innocuous things. For instance, one of the easy routes of not offending anyone is to use self-deprecating humour (or so I thought) either of my race, caste, class or even my issues with weight and each of the above would offend somebody. Charlie Chaplin didn t have those problems. If somebody is from my caste, I m portraying the caste in a certain light, a certain slant. If I m talking about weight issues, then anybody who is like me (fat) feels that the world is laughing at them rather than at me or they will be discriminated against. While I find the last point a bit valid, it leaves with me no tools and no humour. I neither have the observational powers or the skills that Kapil Sharma has and have to be me. While I have no clue what to do next, I feel the need to also share why humour is important in any sharing.- a. Break When any speaker uses humour, the idea is to take a break from a serious topic. It helps to break the monotony of the talk especially if the topic is full of jargon talk and new concepts. A small comedic relief brings the attendees attention back to the topic as it tends to wander in a long monotonous talk. b. Bridge Some of the better speakers use one or more humourous anecdote to explain and/or bridge the chasm between two different concepts. Some are able to produce humour on the fly while others like me have to rely on tried and tested methods. There is one another thing as well, humour is seems to be a mixture of social, cultural and political context and its very easy to have it back-fired upon you. For instance, I attempted humour on refugees, probably not the best topic to try humour in the current political climate, and predictably, it didn t go down well. I had to share and explain about Robin Williams slightly dark yet humorous tale in Moscow on the Hudson The film provides comedy and pathos in equal measure. You are left identifying with Vladimir Ivanoff (Robin Williams character) especially in the last scene where he learns of his grand-mother dying and he remembers her and his motherland, Russia and plays a piece on his saxophone as a tribute both to his grand-mother and the motherland. Apparently, in the height of the cold war, if a Russian defected to United States (land of Satan and other such terms used) you couldn t return to Russia. The movie, seen some years back left a deep impact on me. For all the shortcomings and ills that India has, even if I could, would and could I be happy anywhere else ? The answers are not so easy. With most NRI s (Non-Resident Indians) who emigrated for good did it not so much for themselves but for their children. So the children would hopefully have a better upbringing, better facilities, better opportunities than they would have got here. I talked to more than a few NRI s and while most of them give standardized answers, talking awhile and couple of beers or their favourite alcohol later, you come across deeply conflicted human beings whose heart is in India and their job, profession and money interests compel them to be in the country where they are serving. And Indian movies further don t make it easy for the Indian populace when trying to integrate into a new place. Some of the biggest hits of yesteryear s were about having the distinct Indian culture in their new country while the message of most countries is integration. I know of friends who are living in Germany who have to struggle through their German in order to be counted as a citizen, the same I guess is true of other countries as well, not just the language but the customs as well. They also probably struggle with learning more than one language and having an amalgamation of values which somehow they and their children have to make sense of. I was mildly shocked last week to learn that Mishi Choudary had to train people in the U.S. to differentiate between Afghan turban styles of wearing and the Punjabi style of wearing the turban. A simple search on Afghani turban and Punjabi turban reveals that there are a lot of differences between the two cultures. In fact, the way they talk, the way they walk, there are lots that differentiate the two cultures. The second shocking video was of an African-American man racially abusing an Indian-American girl. At first, I didn t believe it till I saw the video on facebook. My point through all that is it seems humour, that clean, simple exercise which brings a smile to you and uplifts the spirit doesn t seem to be as easy as it once was. Comments, suggestions, criticisms all are welcome.
Filed under: Miscellenous Tagged: #Elusive, #Fear, #hind-sight, #Humour, #immigrant, #integration, #Mishi Choudary, #refugee, #Robin Williams, #self-deprecating, #SFLC, #two-minds
