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13 February 2025

Bits from Debian: DebConf25 Logo Contest Results

Last November, the DebConf25 Team asked the community to help design the logo for the 25th Debian Developers' Conference and the results are in! The logo contest received 23 submissions and we thank all the 295 people who took the time to participate in the survey. There were several amazing proposals, so choosing was not easy. We are pleased to announce that the winner of the logo survey is 'Tower with red Debian Swirl originating from blue water' (option L), by Juliana Camargo and licensed CC BY-SA 4.0. [DebConf25 Logo Contest Winner] Juliana also shared with us a bit of her motivation, creative process and inspiration when designing her logo:
The idea for this logo came from the city's landscape, the place where the medieval tower looks over the river that meets the sea, almost like guarding it. The Debian red swirl comes out of the blue water splash as a continuous stroke, and they are also the French flag colours. I tried to combine elements from the city when I was sketching in the notebook, which is an important step for me as I feel that ideas flow much more easily, but the swirl + water with the tower was the most refreshing combination, so I jumped to the computer to design it properly. The water bit was the most difficult element, and I used the Debian swirl as a base for it, so both would look consistent. The city name font is a modern calligraphy style and the overall composition is not symmetric but balanced with the different elements. I am glad that the Debian community felt represented with this logo idea!
Congratulations, Juliana, and thank you very much for your contribution to Debian! The DebConf25 Team would like to take this opportunity to remind you that DebConf, the annual international Debian Developers Conference, needs your help. If you want to help with the DebConf 25 organization, don't hesitate to reach out to us via the #debconf-team channel on OFTC. Furthermore, we are always looking for sponsors. DebConf is run on a non-profit basis, and all financial contributions allow us to bring together a large number of contributors from all over the globe to work collectively on Debian. Detailed information about the sponsorship opportunities is available on the DebConf 25 website. See you in Brest!

10 February 2025

Petter Reinholdtsen: Some of my 2024 free software activities

It is a while since I posted a summary of the free software and open culture activities and projects I have worked on. Here is a quick summary of the major ones from last year. I guess the biggest project of the year has been migrating orphaned packages in Debian without a version control system to have a git repository on When I started in April around 450 the orphaned packages needed git. I've since migrated around 250 of the packages to a salsa git repository, and around 40 packages were left when I took a break. Not sure who did the around 160 conversions I was not involved in, but I am very glad I got some help on the project. I stopped partly because some of the remaining packages needed more disk space to build than I have available on my development machine, and partly because some had a strange build setup I could not figure out. I had a time budget of 20 minutes per package, if the package proved problematic and likely to take longer, I moved to another package. Might continue later, if I manage to free up some disk space. Another rather big project was the translation to Norwegian Bokm l and publishing of the first book ever published by a S mi woman, the M ter vi liv eller d d? book by Elsa Laula, with a PD0 and CC-BY license. I released it during the summer, and to my surprise it has already sold several copies. As I suck at marketing, I did not expect to sell any. A smaller, but more long term project (for more than 10 years now), and related to orphaned packages in Debian, is my project to ensure a simple way to install hardware related packages in Debian when the relevant hardware is present in a machine. It made a fairly big advance forward last year, partly because I have been poking and begging package maintainers and upstream developers to include AppStream metadata XML in their packages. I've also released a few new versions of the isenkram system with some robustness improvements. Today 127 packages in Debian provide such information, allowing isenkram-lookup to propose them. Will keep pushing until the around 35 package names currently hard coded in the isenkram package are down to zero, so only information provided by individual packages are used for this feature. As part of the work on AppStream, I have sponsored several packages into Debian where the maintainer wanted to fix the issue but lacked direct upload rights. I've also sponsored a few other packages, when approached by the maintainer. I would also like to mention two hardware related packages in particular where I have been involved, the megactl and mfi-util packages. Both work with the hardware RAID systems in several Dell PowerEdge servers, and the first one is already available in Debian (and of course, proposed by isenkram when used on the appropriate Dell server), the other is waiting for NEW processing since this autumn. I manage several such Dell servers and would like the tools needed to monitor and configure these RAID controllers to be available from within Debian out of the box. Vaguely related to hardware support in Debian, I have also been trying to find ways to help out the Debian ROCm team, to improve the support in Debian for my artificial idiocy (AI) compute node. So far only uploaded one package, helped test the initial packaging of llama.cpp and tried to figure out how to get good speech recognition like Whisper into Debian. I am still involved in the LinuxCNC project, and organised a developer gathering in Norway last summer. A new one is planned the summer of 2025. I've also helped evaluate patches and uploaded new versions of LinuxCNC into Debian. After a 10 years long break, we managed to get a new and improved upstream version of lsdvd released just before Christmas. As I use it regularly to maintain my DVD archive, I was very happy to finally get out a version supporting DVDDiscID useful for uniquely identifying DVDs. I am dreaming of a Internet service mapping DVD IDs to IMDB movie IDs, to make life as a DVD collector easier. My involvement in Norwegian archive standardisation and the free software implementation of the vendor neutral Noark 5 API continued for the entire year. I've been pushing patches into both the API and the test code for the API, participated in several editorial meetings regarding the Noark 5 Tjenestegrensesnitt specification, submitted several proposals for improvements for the same. We also organised a small seminar for Noark 5 interested people, and is organising a new seminar in a month. Part of the year was spent working on and coordinating a Norwegian Bokm l translation of the marvellous children's book Ada and Zangemann , which focus on the right to repair and control your own property, and the value of controlling the software on the devices you own. The translation is mostly complete, and is now waiting for a transformation of the project and manuscript to use Docbook XML instead of a home made semi-text based format. Great progress is being made and the new book build process is almost complete. I have also been looking at how to companies in Norway can use free software to report their accounting summaries to the Norwegian government. Several new regulations make it very hard for companies to do use free software for accounting, and I would like to change this. Found a few drafts for opening up the reporting process, and have read up on some of the specifications, but nothing much is working yet. These were just the top of the iceberg, but I guess this blog post is long enough now. If you would like to help with any of these projects, please get in touch, either directly on the project mailing lists and forums, or with me via email, IRC or Signal. :) As usual, if you use Bitcoin and want to show your support of my activities, please send Bitcoin donations to my address 15oWEoG9dUPovwmUL9KWAnYRtNJEkP1u1b.

9 February 2025

Dave Hibberd: Radio Activity 10-16 Feb 2025

It s been quite the week of radio related nonsense for me, where I ve been channelling my time and brainspace for radio into activity on air and system refinements, not working on Debian.

POTA, Antennas and why do my toys not work? Having had my interest piqued by Ian at, I looked online and spotted a couple of parks within stumbling distance of my house, that s good news! It looks like the list has been refactored and expanded since I last looked at it, so there are now more entities to activate and explore. My concerns about antennas noted last week rumbled on. There was a second strand to this concern too, my end fed 64:1 (or 49:1?!) transformer from MM0OPX sits in my mind as not having worked very well in Spain last year, and I want to get to the bottom of why. As with most things in my life, it s probably a me problem. I came up with a cunning plan - firstly, buy a new mast to replace the one I broke a few weeks back on Cat Law. Secondly, buy a couple of new connectors and some heatshrink to reterminate my cable that I m sure is broken. Spending more money on a problem never hurt anyone, right? Come Wednesday, the new toys arrived and I figured combining everything into one convenient night time walk and radio was a good plan. So I walk out to the nearest park with my LoRa APRS doofer going and see what happens: APRS-Map After circling a bit to find somewhere suitable (there appear to be construction works in the park!) I set up my gear in 2C with frost on the ground, called CQ, spotted and got nothing on either the end fed half wave or the cheap vertical. As it was too late for 20m, I tried 40 and a bit of 80 using the inbuilt tuner, but wasn t heard by stations I called or when calling independently. I packed everything up and lora-doofered my way home, mildly deflated.

Try it at home It still didn t sit with me that the end fed wasn t working, so come Friday night I set it up in the back garden/woods behind the house to try and diagnose why it wasn t working. Up it went, I worked some Irish stations pretty effortlessly, and down everything came. No complaints - the only things I did differently was have the feedpoint a little higher and check my power, limiting it to 10W. The G90 can do 20W, I wonder if running at that was saturating the core in the 64:1. At some point in the evening I stepped in some dog s shit too, and spent some time cleaning my boots outside to avoid further tramping the smell through the house. Win some, lose some.

Take it to the Hills On Friday, some of the other GM-ES Sota-ists had been out for an activity day. On account of me being busy in work, I couldn t go outside to play, but I figured a weekend of activity was on the books.

Saturday - A day above the clouds On Saturday I took myself up Tap O Noth, a favourite of mine for some reason, and Lord Arthur s Hill. Before I hit the hills, I took myself to the hackerspace and printed myself a K6ARK Winder and a guy ring for the mast, cut string, tied it together and wound the string on to the winder. I also took time to buzz out my wonky coax and it showed great continuity. Hmm, that can be continued later. I didn t quite get to crimping the radial network of the Aliexpress whip with a 12mm stud crimp, that can also be put on the TODO list.

Tap O Noth Once finally out, the weather was a bit cloudy with passing snow showers, but in between the showers I was above the clouds and the air was clear: After a mild struggle on 2m, I set up the end fed the first hill and got to work from the old hill fort: The end fed worked flawlessly. Exactly as promised, switching between 7MHz, 14MHz, 21MHz and 28MHz without a tuner was perfect, I chased hills on all the bands, and had a great time. Apart from 40m, where there was absolutely no space due to a contest. That wasn t such a fun time! My fingers were bitterly cold, so on went the big gloves for the descent and I felt like I was warm by the time I made it back to the car. It worked so well, in fact, I took the 1/4 wave cheap vertical out my bag and decided to brave it on the next activation.

Lord Arthur s Hill GM5ALX has posted a .gpx to sotlas which is shorter than the other ascent, but much sharper - I figured this would be a fun new way to try up the hill! It takes you right through the heart of the Littlewood Park estate, and I felt a bit uncomfortable walking straight past the estate cottages, especially when there were vehicles moving and active work happening. Presumably this is where Lord Arthur lived, at the foot of his hill. I cut through the woods to the west of the cottages, disturbing some deer and many, many pheasants, but I met the path fairly quickly. From there it was a 2km walk, 300m vertical ascent. Short and sharp! At the top, I was treated to a view of the hill I had activated only an hour or so before, which is a view that always makes me smile: To get some height for the feedpoint, I wrapped the coax around my winder a couple of turns and trapped it with the elastic while draping the coax over the trig. This bought me some more height and I felt clever because of it. Maybe a pole would be easier? From here, I worked inter-G on 40m and had a wee pile up, eventually working 15 or so European stations on 20m. Pleased with that! I had been considering a third hill, but home was the call in the failing light. Back to the car I walked to find my key didn t have any battery, so out came the Audi App and I used the Internet of Things to unlock my car. The modern world is bizarre.

Sunday - Cloudy Head // Head in the Clouds Sunday started off migraney, so I stayed within the confines of my house until I felt safe driving! After some back and forth in my cloudy head, I opted for the easier option of Ladylea Hill as I wasn t feeling up for major physical exertion. It was a long drive, after which I felt more wonky, but I hit the path eventually - I run to Hibby Standard Time, a few hours to a few days behind the rest of GM/ES. I was ready to bail if my head didn t improve, but it turns out, fresh cold air, silence and bloodflow helped. Ladylea Hill was incredibly quiet, a feature I really appreciated. It feels incredibly remote, with a long winding drive down Glenbuchat, which still has ice on the surface of the lochs and standing water. A brooding summit crowned with grey cloud in fantastic scenery that only revealed itself upon the clouds blowing through: I set up at the cairn and picked up 30 contacts overall, split between 40m and 20m, with some inter-g on 40 and a couple of continental surprises. 20 had longer skip today, so I saw Spain, Finland, Slovenia, Poland. On teardown, I managed to snap the top segment of my brand new mast with my cold, clumsy fingers, but thankfully sotabeams stock replacements. More money at the problem, again. Back to the car, no app needed, and homeward bound as the light faded. At the end of the weekend, I find myself finally over 100 activator points and over 400 chaser points. Somehow I ve collected more points this year already than last year, the winter bonuses really do stack up!

Addendum - OSMAnd & Open Street Map I ve been using OSMAnd on my iPhone quite extensively recently, I think offline mapping is super important if you re going out to get mildly lost in the hills. On more than one occasion, I have confidently set off in the wrong direction in the mist, and maps have saved my bacon! As you can download .gpx files, it s great to have them on the device and available for guidance in case you get lost, coupled with an offline map. Plus, as I drive around I love to have the dark red of a hill I ve walked appear on the map in my car dash or in my hand: This weekend I discovered it s possible to have height maps for nice 3d maps and contours marked on the map - you just need to download some additions for the maps. This is a really nice feature, it makes maps more pretty and more useful when you re in the middle of nowhere. Open Street Map also has designators for SOTA summits here and similar for POTA here GM5ALX has set to adding the summits around Scotland here. While the benefits aren t immediately obvious, it allows developers of mapping applications access to more data at no extra cost, really. It helps add depth to an already rich set of information, and allows us as radio amateurs to do more interesting things with maps and not be shackled to Apple/Google. Because it s open data, we can also fix things we find wrong as users. I like to fix road surfaces after I ve been cycling as that will feed forward to route planning through Komoot and data on my wahoo too, which can be modified with osm maps. In the future, it s possible to have an OSMAnd plugin highlighting local SOTA summits or mimicking features of but offline. It s cool to be able to put open technologies to use like this in the field and really is the convergence point of all my favourite things!

Antoine Beaupr : A slow blogging year

Well, 2024 will be remembered, won't it? I guess 2025 already wants to make its mark too, but let's not worry about that right now, and instead let's talk about me. A little over a year ago, I was gloating over how I had such a great blogging year in 2022, and was considering 2023 to be average, then went on to gather more stats and traffic analysis... Then I said, and I quote:
I hope to write more next year. I've been thinking about a few posts I could write for work, about how things work behind the scenes at Tor, that could be informative for many people. We run a rather old setup, but things hold up pretty well for what we throw at it, and it's worth sharing that with the world...
What a load of bollocks.

A bad year for this blog 2024 was the second worst year ever in my blogging history, tied with 2009 at a measly 6 posts for the year:$ curl -sSL   grep 'href="\./'   grep -o 20[0-9][0-9]   sort   uniq -c   sort -nr   grep -v 2025   tail -3
      6 2024
      6 2009
      3 2014
I did write about my work though, detailing the migration from Gitolite to GitLab we completed that year. But after August, total radio silence until now.

Loads of drafts It's not that I have nothing to say: I have no less than five drafts in my working tree here, not counting three actual drafts recorded in the Git repository here:$ git s blog
## main...origin/main
?? blog/
?? blog/
?? blog/
?? blog/
?? blog/$ git grep -l '\!tag draft'
I just don't have time to wrap those things up. I think part of me is disgusted by seeing my work stolen by large corporations to build proprietary large language models while my idols have been pushed to suicide for trying to share science with the world. Another part of me wants to make those things just right. The "tagged drafts" above are nothing more than a huge pile of chaotic links, far from being useful for anyone else than me, and even then. The on-dying article, in particular, is becoming my nemesis. I've been wanting to write that article for over 6 years now, I think. It's just too hard.

Writing elsewhere There's also the fact that I write for work already. A lot. Here are the top-10 contributors to our team's wiki:$ git shortlog --numbered --summary --group="format:%al"   head -10
  4272  anarcat
   423  jerome
   117  zen
   116  lelutin
   104  peter
    58  kez
    45  irl
    43  hiro
    18  gaba
    17  groente
... but that's a bit unfair, since I've been there half a decade. Here's the last year:$ git shortlog --since=2024-01-01 --numbered --summary --group="format:%al"   head -10
   827  anarcat
   117  zen
   116  lelutin
    91  jerome
    17  groente
    10  gaba
     8  micah
     7  kez
     5  jnewsome
     4  stephen.swift
So I still write the most commits! But to truly get a sense of the amount I wrote in there, we should count actual changes. Here it is by number of lines (from$ git ls-files   xargs -n1 git blame --line-porcelain   sed -n 's/^author //p'   sort -f   uniq -ic   sort -nr   head -10
  99046 Antoine Beaupr 
   6900 Zen Fu
   4784 J r me Charaoui
   1446 Gabriel Filion
   1146 Jerome Charaoui
    837 groente
    705 kez
    569 Gaba
    381 Matt Traudt
    237 Stephen Swift
That, of course, is the entire history of the git repo, again. We should take only the last year into account, and probably ignore the tails directory, as sneaky Zen Fu imported the entire docs from another wiki there...$ find [d-s]* -type f -mtime -365   xargs -n1 git blame --line-porcelain 2>/dev/null   sed -n 's/^author //p'   sort -f   uniq -ic   sort -nr   head -10
  75037 Antoine Beaupr 
   2932 J r me Charaoui
   1442 Gabriel Filion
   1400 Zen Fu
    929 Jerome Charaoui
    837 groente
    702 kez
    569 Gaba
    381 Matt Traudt
    237 Stephen Swift
Pretty good! 75k lines. But those are the files that were modified in the last year. If we go a little more nuts, we find that:$ $    sort -k6 -nr   head -10
parsing commits for words changes from command: git log '--since=1 year ago' '--format=%H %al'
anarcat 126116 - 36932 = 89184
zen 31774 - 5749 = 26025
groente 9732 - 607 = 9125
lelutin 10768 - 2578 = 8190
jerome 6236 - 2586 = 3650
gaba 3164 - 491 = 2673
stephen.swift 2443 - 673 = 1770
kez 1034 - 74 = 960
micah 772 - 250 = 522
weasel 410 - 0 = 410
I wrote 126,116 words in that wiki, only in the last year. I also deleted 37k words, so the final total is more like 89k words, but still: that's about forty (40!) articles of the average size (~2k) I wrote in 2022. (And yes, I did go nuts and write a new log parser, essentially from scratch, to figure out those word diffs. I did get the courage only after asking GPT-4o for an example first, I must admit.) Let's celebrate that again: I wrote 90 thousand words in that wiki in 2024. According to Wikipedia, a "novella" is 17,500 to 40,000 words, which would mean I wrote about a novella and a novel, in the past year. But interestingly, if I look at the repository analytics. I certainly didn't write that much more in the past year. So that alone cannot explain the lull in my production here.

Arguments Another part of me is just tired of the bickering and arguing on the internet. I have at least two articles in there that I suspect is going to get me a lot of push-back (NixOS and Fish). I know how to deal with this: you need to write well, consider the controversy, spell it out, and defuse things before they happen. But that's hard work and, frankly, I don't really care that much about what people think anymore. I'm not writing here to convince people. I have stop evangelizing a long time ago. Now, I'm more into documenting, and teaching. And, while teaching, there's a two-way interaction: when you give out a speech or workshop, people can ask questions, or respond, and you all learn something. When you document, you quickly get told "where is this? I couldn't find it" or "I don't understand this" or "I tried that and it didn't work" or "wait, really? shouldn't we do X instead", and you learn. Here, it's static. It's my little soapbox where I scream in the void. The only thing people can do is scream back.

Collaboration So. Let's see if we can work together here. If you don't like something I say, disagree, or find something wrong or to be improved, instead of screaming on social media or ignoring me, try contributing back. This site here is backed by a git repository and I promise to read everything you send there, whether it is an issue or a merge request. I will, of course, still read comments sent by email or IRC or social media, but please, be kind. You can also, of course, follow the latest changes on the TPA wiki. If you want to catch up with the last year, some of the "novellas" I wrote include: (Well, no, you can't actually follow changes on a GitLab wiki. But we have a wiki-replica git repository where you can see the latest commits, and subscribe to the RSS feed.) See you there!

29 January 2025

Keith Packard: picolibc-i18n

Internationalization support in Picolibc There are two major internationalization APIs in the C library: locales and iconv. Iconv is an isolated component which only performs charset conversion in ways that don't interact with anything else in the library. Locales affect pretty much every API that deals with strings and covers charset conversion along with a huge range of localized information from character classification to formatting of time, money, people's names, addresses and even standard paper sizes. Picolibc inherits it's implementation of both of these from newlib. Given that embedded applications rarely need advanced functionality from either these APIs, I hadn't spent much time exploring this space. Newlib locale code When run on Cygwin, Newlib's locale support is quite complete as it leverages the underlying Windows locale support. Without Windows support, everything aside from charset conversion and character classification data is stubbed out at the bottom of the stack. Because the implementation can support full locale functionality, the implementation is designed for that, with large data structures and lots of code. Charset conversion and character classification data for locales is all built-in; none of that can be loaded at runtime. There is support for all of the ISO-8859 charsets, three JIS variants, a bunch of Windows code pages and a few other single-byte encodings. One oddity in this code is that when using a JIS locale, wide characters are stored in EUC-JP rather than Unicode. Every other locale uses Unicode. This means APIs like wctype are implemented by mapping the JIS-encoded character to Unicode and then using the underlying Unicode character classification tables. One consequence of this is that there isn't any Unicode to JIS mapping provided as it isn't necessary. When testing the charset conversion and Unicode character classification data, I found numerous minor errors and a couple of pretty significant ones. The JIS conversion code had the most serious issue I found; most of the conversions are in a 2d array which is manually indexed with the wrong value for the length of each row. This led to nearly every translated value being incorrect. The charset conversion tables and Unicode classification data are now generated using python charset support and the standard Unicode data files. In addition, tests have been added which compare Picolibc to the system C library for every supported charset. Newlib iconv code The iconv charset support is completely separate from the locale charset support with a much wider range of supported targets. It also supports loading charset data from files at runtime, which reduces the size of application images. Because the iconv and locale implementations are completely separate, the charset support isn't the same. Iconv supports a lot more charsets, but it doesn't support all of those available to locales. For example, Iconv has Big5 support which locale lacks. Conversely, locale has Shift-JIS support which iconv does not. There's also a difference in how charset names are mapped in the two APIs. The locale code has a small fixed set of aliases, which doesn't include things like US-ASCII or ANSI X3.4. In contrast, the iconv code has an extensive database of charset aliases which are compiled into the library. Picolibc has a few tests for the iconv API which verify charset names and perform some translations. Without an external reference, it's hard to know if the results are correct. POSIX vs C internationalization In addition to including the iconv API, POSIX extends locale support in a couple of ways:
  1. Exposing locale objects via the newlocale, uselocale, duplocale and freelocale APIs.
  2. uselocale sets a per-thread locale, rather than the process-wide locale.
Goals for Picolibc internationalization support For charsets, supporting UTF-8 should cover the bulk of embedded application needs, and even that is probably more than what most applications require. Most (all?) compilers use Unicode for wide character and string constants. That means wchar_t needs to be Unicode in every locale. Aside from charset support, the rest of the locale infrastructure is heavily focused on creating human-consumable strings. I don't think it's a stretch to say that none of this is very useful these days, even for systems with sophisticated user interactions. For picolibc, the cost to provide any of this would be high. Having two completely separate charset conversion datasets makes for a confusing and error-prone experience for developers. Replacing iconv with code that leverages the existing locale support for translating between multi-byte and wide-character representations will save a bunch of source code and improve consistency. Embedded systems can be very sensitive to memory usage, both read-only and read-write. Applications not using internationalization capabilities shouldn't pay a heavy premium even when the library binary is built with support. For the most sensitive targets, the library should be configurable to remove unnecessary functionality. Picolibc needs to be conforming with at least the C language standard, and as much of POSIX as makes sense. Fortunately, the requirements for C are modest as it only includes a few locale-related APIs and doesn't include iconv. Finally, picolibc should test these APIs to make sure they conform with relevant standards, especially character set translation and character classification. The easiest way to do this is to reference another implementation of the same API and compare results. Switching to Unicode for JIS wchar_t This involved ripping the JIS to Unicode translations out of all of the wide character APIs and inserting them into the translations between multi-byte and wide-char representations. The missing Unicode to JIS translation was kludged by iterating over all JIS code points until a matching Unicode value was found. That's an obvious place for a performance improvement, but at least it works. Tiny locale This is a minimal implementation of locales which conforms with the C language standard while providing only charset translation and character classification data. It handles all of the existing charsets, but splits things into three levels
  1. ASCII
  2. UTF-8
  3. Extended, including any or all of: a. ISO 8859 b. Windows code pages and other 8-bit encodings c. JIS (JIS, EUC-JP and Shift-JIS)
When built for ASCII-only, all of the locale support is short-circuited, except for error checking. In addition, support in printf and scanf for wide characters is removed by default (it can be re-enabled with the -Dio-wchar=true meson option). This offers the smallest code size. Because the wctype APIs (e.g. iswupper) are all locale-specific, this mode restricts them to ASCII-only, which means they become wrappers on top of the ctype APIs with added range checking. When built for UTF-8, character classification for wide characters uses tables that provide the full Unicode range. Setlocale now selects between two locales, "C" and "C.UTF-8". Any locale name other than "C" selects the UTF-8 version. If the locale name contains "." or "-", then the rest of the locale name is taken to be a charset name and matched against the list of supported charsets. In this mode, only "us_ascii", "ascii" and "utf-8" are recognized. Because a single byte of a utf-8 string with the high-bit set is not a complete character, all of the ctype APIs in this mode can use the same implementation as the ASCII-only mode. This means the small ctype implementation is available. Calling setlocale(LC_ALL, "C.UTF-8") will allow the application to use the APIs which translate between multi-byte and wide-characters to deal with UTF-8 encoded strings. In addition, scanf and printf can read and write UTF-8 strings into wchar_t strings. Locale names are converted into locale IDs, an enumeration which lists the available locales. Each ID implies a specific charset as that's the only thing which differs between them. This means a locale can be encoded in a few bytes rather than an array of strings. In terms of memory usage, applications not using locales and not using the wctype APIs should see only a small increase in code space. That's due to the wchar_t support added to printf and scanf which need to translate between multi-byte and wide-character representations. There aren't any tables required as ASCII and UTF-8 are directly convertible to Unicode. On ARM-v7m, The added code in printf and scanf add up to about 1kB and another 32 bytes of RAM is used. The big difference when enabling extended charset support is that all of the charset conversion and character classification operations become table driven and dependent on the locale. Depending on the extended charsets supported, these can be quite large. With all of the extended charsets included, this adds an additional 30kB of code and static data and uses another 56 bytes of RAM. There are two known gaps in functionality compared with the newlib code:
  1. Locale strings that encode different locales for different categories. That's nominally required by POSIX as LC_ALL is supposed to return a string sufficient to restore the locale, but the only category which actually matters is LC_CTYPE.
  2. No nl_langinfo support. This would be fairly easy to add, returning appropriate constant values for each parameter.
Tiny locale was merged to picolibc main in this PR Tiny iconv Replacing the bulky newlib iconv code was far easier than swapping locale implementations. Essentially all that iconv does is compute two functions, one which maps from multi-byte to wide-char in one locale and another which maps from wide-char to multi-byte in another locale. Once the JIS locales were fixed to use Unicode, the new iconv implementation was straightforward. POSIX doesn't provide any _l version of mbrtowc or wcrtomb, so using standard C APIs would have been clunky. Instead, the implementation uses the internal APIs to compute the correct charset conversion functions. The entire implementation fits in under 200 lines of code. Tiny iconv is in process in this PR Future directions Right now, both of these new bits of code sit in the source tree parallel to the old versions. I'm not seeing any particular reason to keep the old versions around; they have provided a useful point of comparison in developing the new code, but I don't think they offer any compelling benefits going forward.

28 January 2025

Russ Allbery: Review: Moose Madness

Review: Moose Madness, by Mar Delaney
Publisher: Kalikoi
Copyright: May 2021
Format: Kindle
Pages: 68
Moose Madness is a sapphic shifter romance novella (on the short side for a novella) by the same author as Wolf Country. It was originally published in the anthology Her Wild Soulmate, which appears to be very out of print. Maggie (she hates the nickname Moose) grew up in Moose Point, a tiny fictional highway town in (I think) Alaska. (There is, unsurprisingly, an actual Moose Point in Alaska, but it's a geographic feature and not a small town.) She stayed after graduation and is now a waitress in the Moose Point Pub. She's also a shifter; specifically, she is a moose shifter like her mother, the town mayor. (Her father is a fox shifter.) As the story opens, the annual Moose Madness festival is about to turn the entire town into a blizzard of moose kitsch. Fiona Barton was Maggie's nemesis in high school. She was the cool, popular girl, a red-headed wolf shifter whose friend group teased and bullied awkward and uncoordinated Maggie mercilessly. She was also Maggie's impossible crush, although the very idea seemed laughable. Fi left town after graduation, and Maggie hadn't thought about her for years. Then she walks into Moose Point Pub dressed in biker leathers, with piercings and one side of her head shaved, back in town for a wedding in her pack. Much to the shock of both Maggie and Fi, they realize that they're soulmates as soon as their eyes meet. Now what? If you thought I wasn't going to read the moose and wolf shifter romance once I knew it existed, you do not know me very well. I have been saving it for when I needed something light and fun. It seemed like the right palette cleanser after a very disappointing book. Moose Madness takes place in the same universe as Wolf Country, which means there are secret shifters all over Alaska (and presumably elsewhere) and they have the strong magical version of love at first sight. If one is a shifter, one knows immediately as soon as one locks eyes with one's soulmate and this feeling is never wrong. This is not my favorite romance trope, but if I get moose shifter romance out of it, I'll endure. As you can tell from the setup, this is enemies-to-lovers, but the whole soulmate thing shortcuts the enemies to lovers transition rather abruptly. There's a bit of apologizing and air-clearing at the start, but most of the novella covers the period right after enemies have become lovers and are getting to know each other properly. If you like that part of the arc, you will probably enjoy this, but be warned that it's slight and somewhat obvious. There's a bit of tension from protective parents and annoying pack mates, but it's sorted out quickly and easily. If you want the characters to work for the relationship, this is not the novella for you. It's essentially all vibes. I liked the vibes, though! Maggie is easy to like, and Fi does a solid job apologizing. I wish there was quite a bit more moose than we get, but Delaney captures the combination of apparent awkwardness and raw power of a moose and has a good eye for how beautiful large herbivores can be. This is not the sort of book that gives a moment's thought to wolves being predators and moose being, in at least some sense, prey animals, so if you are expecting that to be a plot point, you will be disappointed. As with Wolf Country, Delaney elides most of the messier and more ethically questionable aspects of sometimes being an animal. This is a sweet, short novella about two well-meaning and fundamentally nice people who are figuring out that middle school and high school are shitty and sometimes horrible but don't need to define the rest of one's life. It's very forgettable, but it made me smile, and it was indeed a good palette cleanser. If you are, like me, the sort of person who immediately thought "oh, I have to read that" as soon as you saw the moose shifter romance, keep your expectations low, but I don't think this will disappoint. If you are not that sort of person, you can safely miss this one. Rating: 6 out of 10

21 January 2025

Ravi Dwivedi: The Arduous Luxembourg Visa Process

In 2024, I was sponsored by The Document Foundation (TDF) to attend the LibreOffice annual conference in Luxembourg from the 10th to the 12th of October. Being an Indian passport holder, I needed a visa to visit Luxembourg. However, due to my Kenya trip coming up in September, I ran into a dilemma: whether to apply before or after the Kenya trip. To obtain a visa, I needed to submit my application with VFS Global (and not with the Luxembourg embassy directly). Therefore, I checked the VFS website for information on processing time, which says:
As a rule, the processing time of an admissible Schengen visa application should not exceed 15 calendar days (from the date the application is received at the Embassy).
It also mentions:
If the application is received less than 15 calendar days before the intended travel date, the Embassy can deem your application inadmissible. If so, your visa application will not be processed by the Embassy and the application will be sent back to VFS along with the passport.
If I applied for the Luxembourg visa before my trip, I would run the risk of not getting my passport back in time, and therefore missing my Kenya flight. On the other hand, if I waited until after returning from Kenya, I would run afoul of the aforementioned 15 working days needed by the embassy to process my application. I had previously applied for a Schengen visa for Austria, which was completed in 7 working days. My friends who had been to France told me they got their visa decision within a week. So, I compared Luxembourg s application numbers with those of other Schengen countries. In 2023, Luxembourg received 3,090 applications from India, while Austria received 39,558, Italy received 52,332 and France received 176,237. Since Luxembourg receives a far fewer number of applications, I expected the process to be quick. Therefore, I submitted my visa application with VFS Global in Delhi on the 5th of August, giving the embassy a month with 18 working days before my Kenya trip. However, I didn t mention my Kenya trip in the Luxembourg visa application. For reference, here is a list of documents I submitted: I submitted flight reservations instead of flight tickets . It is because, in case of visa rejection, I would have lost a significant amount of money if I booked confirmed flight tickets. The embassy also recommends the same. After the submission of documents, my fingerprints were taken. The expenses for the visa application were as follows:
Service Description Amount (INR)
Visa Fee 8,114
VFS Global Fee 1,763
Courier 800
Total 10,677
Going by the emails sent by VFS, my application reached the Luxembourg embassy the next day. Fast-forward to the 27th of August 14th day of my visa application. I had already booked my flight ticket to Nairobi for the 4th of September, but my passport was still with the Luxembourg embassy, and I hadn t heard back. In addition, I also obtained Kenya s eTA and got vaccinated for Yellow Fever, a requirement to travel to Kenya. In order to check on my application status, I gave the embassy a phone call, but missed their calling window, which was easy to miss since it was only 1 hour - 12:00 to 1:00 PM. So, I dropped them an email explaining my situation. At this point, I was already wondering whether to cancel the Kenya trip or the Luxembourg one, if I had to choose. After not getting a response to my email, I called them again the next day. The embassy told me they would look into it and asked me to send my flight tickets over email. One week to go before my flight now. I followed up with the embassy on the 30th by a phone call, and the person who picked up the call told me that my request had already been forwarded to the concerned department and is under process. They asked me to follow up on Monday, 2nd September. During the visa process, I was in touch with three other Indian attendees.1 In the meantime, I got to know that all of them had applied for a Luxembourg visa by the end of the month of August. Back to our story, over the next two days, the embassy closed for the weekend. I began weighing my options. On one hand, I could cancel the Kenya trip and hope that Luxembourg goes through. Even then, Luxembourg wasn t guaranteed as the visa could get rejected, so I might have ended up missing both the trips. On the other hand, I could cancel the Luxembourg visa application and at least be sure of going to Kenya. However, I thought it would make Luxembourg very unlikely because it didn t leave 15 working days for the embassy to process my visa after returning from Kenya. I also badly wanted to attend the LibreOffice conference because I couldn t make it two years ago. Therefore, I chose not to cancel my Luxembourg visa application. I checked with my travel agent and learned that I could cancel my Nairobi flight before September 4th for a cancelation fee of approximately 7,000 INR. On the 2nd of September, I was a bit frustrated because I hadn t heard anything from the embassy regarding my request. Therefore, I called the embassy again. They assured me that they would arrange a call for me from the concerned department that day, which I did receive later that evening. During the call, they offered to return my passport via VFS the next day and asked me to resubmit it after returning from Kenya. I immediately accepted the offer and was overjoyed, as it would enable me to take my flight to Nairobi without canceling my Luxembourg visa application. However, I didn t have the offer in writing, so it wasn t clear to me how I would collect my passport from VFS. The next day, I would receive it when I would be on my way to VFS in the form of an email from the embassy which read:
Dear Mr. Dwivedi, We acknowledge the receipt of your email. As you requested, we are returning your passport exceptionally through VFS, you can collect it directly from VFS Delhi Center between 14:00-17:00 hrs, 03 Sep 2024. Kindly bring the printout of this email along with your VFS deposit receipt and Original ID proof. Once you are back from your trip, you can redeposit the passport with VFS Luxembourg for our processing. With best regards,
Embassy in New Delhi
I took a printout of the email and submitted it to VFS to get my passport. This seemed like a miracle - just when I lost all hope of making it to my Kenya flight and was mentally preparing myself to miss it, I got my passport back exceptionally and now I had to mentally prepare again for Kenya. I had never heard of an embassy returning passport before completing the visa process before. The next day, I took my flight to Nairobi as planned. In case you are interested, I have written two blog posts on my Kenya trip - one on the OpenStreetMap conference in Nairobi and the other on my travel experience in Kenya. After returning from Kenya, I resubmitted my passport on the 17th of September. Fast-forward to the 25th of September; I didn t hear anything from the embassy about my application process. So, I checked with TDF to see whether the embassy reached out to them. They told me they confirmed my participation and my hotel booking to the visa authorities on the 19th of September (6 days ago). I was wondering what was taking so long after the verification. On the 1st of October, I received a phone call from the Luxembourg embassy, which turned out to be a surprise interview. They asked me about my work, my income, how I came to know about the conference, whether I had been to Europe before, etc. The call lasted around 10 minutes. At this point, my travel date - 8th of October - was just two working days away as the 2nd of October was off due to Gandhi Jayanti and 5th and 6th October were weekends, leaving only the 3rd and the 4th. I am not sure why the embassy saved this for the last moment, even though I submitted my application 2 months ago. I also got to know that one of the other Indian attendees missed the call due to being in their college lab, where he was not allowed to take phone calls. Therefore, I recommend that the embassy agree on a time slot for the interview call beforehand. Visa decisions for all the above-mentioned Indian attendees were sent by the embassy on the 4th of October, and I received mine on the 5th. For my travel date of 8th October, this was literally the last moment the embassy could send my visa. The parcel contained my passport and a letter. The visa was attached to a page in the passport. I was happy that my visa had been approved. However, the timing made my task challenging. The enclosed letter stated:
Subject: Your Visa Application for Luxembourg
Dear Applicant, We would like to inform you that a Schengen visa has been granted for the 8-day duration from 08/10/2024 to 30/10/2024 for conference purposes in Luxembourg. You are requested to report back to the Embassy of Luxembourg in New Delhi through an email (email address redacted) after your return with the following documents:
  • Immigration Stamps (Entry and Exit of Schengen Area)
  • Restaurant Bills
  • Shopping/Hotel/Accommodation bills
Failure to report to the Embassy after your return will be taken into consideration for any further visa applications.
I understand the embassy wanting to ensure my entry and exit from the Schengen area during the visa validity period, but found the demand for sending shopping bills excessive. Further, not everyone was as lucky as I was as it took a couple of days for one of the Indian attendees to receive their visa, delaying their plan. Another attendee had to send their father to the VFS center to collect their visa in time, rather than wait for the courier to arrive at their home. Foreign travel is complicated, especially for the citizens of countries whose passports and currencies are weak. Embassies issuing visas a day before the travel date doesn t help. For starters, a last-minute visa does not give enough time for obtaining a forex card as banks ask for the visa. Further, getting foreign currency (Euros in our case) in cash with a good exchange rate becomes difficult. As an example, for the Kenya trip, I had to get US Dollars at the airport due to the plan being finalized at the last moment, worsening the exchange rate. Back to the current case, the flight prices went up significantly compared to September, almost doubling. The choice of airlines also got narrowed, as most of the flights got booked by the time I received my visa. With all that said, I think it was still better than an arbitrary rejection. Credits: Contrapunctus, Badri, Fletcher, Benson, and Anirudh for helping with the draft of this post.

  1. Thanks to Sophie, our point of contact for the conference, for putting me in touch with them.

11 January 2025

Andrew Cater: 20250111 Release media testing for Debian 12.9

We're part way through the testing of release media. RattusRattus, Isy, Sledge, smcv and Helen in Cambridge, a new tester Blew in Manchester, another new tester MerCury[m] and also highvoltage in South Africa.Everything is going well so far and we're chasing through the test schedule.

Sorry not to be there in Cambridgeshire with friends - but the room is fairly small and busy :)

[UPDATE/EDIT - at 20250111 1701 - we're pretty much complete on the testing]

8 January 2025

Sandro Tosi: HOWTO remove Reddit (web) "Recent" list of communities

If you go on via browser, on the left column you can see a section called "RECENT" with the list of the last 5 communities recently visited.If you want to remove them, say for privacy reasons (shared device, etc.), there's no simple way to do so: there's not "X" button next to it, your profile page doesn't offer a way to clear that out. you could clear all the data from the website, but that seems too extreme, no?Enter Chrome's "Developer Tools"While on open Menu > More Tools > Developers tool, go on the Application tab, Storage > Local storage and select; on the center panel you see a list of key-value pairs, look for the key "recent-subreddits-store"; you can see the list of the 5 communities in the JSON below.If you wanna get rid of the recently viewed communities list, simply delete that key, refresh and voila, empty list.Note: I'm fairly sure i read about this method somewhere, i simply cant remember where, but it's definitely not me who came up with it. I just needed to use it recently and had to back track memories to figure it out again, so it's time to write it down.

5 January 2025

Jonathan McDowell: Free Software Activities for 2024

I tailed off on blog posts towards the end of the year; I blame a bunch of travel (personal + business), catching the flu, then December being its usual busy self. Anyway, to try and start off the year a bit better I thought I d do my annual recap of my Free Software activities. For previous years see 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 + 2023.

Conferences In 2024 I managed to make it to FOSDEM again. It s a hectic conference, and I know there are legitimate concerns about it being a super spreader event, but it has the advantage of being relatively close and having a lot of different groups of people I want to talk to / see talk at it. I m already booked to go this year as well. I spoke at All Systems Go in Berlin about Using TPMs at scale for protecting keys. It was nice to actually be able to talk publicly about some of the work stuff my team and I have been working on. I d a talk submission in for FOSDEM about our use of attestation and why it s not necessarily the evil some folk claim, but there were a lot of good talks submitted and I wasn t selected. Maybe I ll find somewhere else suitable to do it. BSides Belfast may or may not count - it s a security conference, but there s a lot of overlap with various bits of Free software, so I feel it deserves a mention. I skipped DebConf for 2024 for a variety of reasons, but I m expecting to make DebConf25 in Brest, France in July.

Debian Most of my contributions to Free software continue to happen within Debian. In 2023 I d done a bunch of work on retrogaming with Kodi on Debian, so I made an effort to try and keep those bits more up to date, even if I m not actually regularly using them at present. RetroArch got 1.18.0+dfsg-1 and 1.19.1+dfsg-1 uploads. libretro-core-info got associated 1.18.0-1 and 1.19.0-1 uploads too. I note 1.20.0 has been released recently, so I ll have to find some time to build the appropriate DFSG tarball and update it. rcheevos saw 11.2.0-1, 11.5.0-1 + 11.6.0-1 uploaded. kodi-game-libretro itself had 20.2.7-1 uploaded, then 21.0.7-1. Latest upstream is 22.1.0, but that s tracking Kodi 22 and we re still on Kodi 21 so I plan to follow the Omega branch for now. Which I ve just noticed had a 21.0.8 release this week. Finally in the games space I uploaded mgba 0.10.3+dfsg-1 and 0.10.3+dfsg-2 for Ryan Tandy, before realising he was already a Debian Maintainer and granting him the appropriate ACL access so he can upload it himself; I ve had zero concerns about any of his packaging. The Debian Electronics Packaging Team continues to be home for a bunch of packages I care about. There was nothing big there, for me, in 2024, but a few bits of cleanup here and there. I seem to have become one of the main uploaders for sdcc - I have some interest in the space, and the sigrok firmware requires it to build, so I at least like to ensure it s in half decent state. I uploaded 4.4.0+dfsg-1, 4.4.0+dfsg-2, and, just in time to count for 2024, 4.4.0+dfsg-3. The sdcc 4.4 upload lead to some compilation issues for sigrok-firmware-fx2laf so I uploaded 0.1.7-2 fixing that, then 0.1.7-3 doing some further cleanups. OpenOCD had 0.12.0-2 uploaded to disable the libgpiod backend thanks to incompatible changes upstream. There were some in-discussion patches with OpenOCD upstream at the time, but they didn t seem to be ready yet so I held off on pulling them in. 0.12.0-3 fixed builds with more recent versions of jimtcl. It looks like the next upstream release is about a year away, so Trixie will in all probability ship with 0.12.0 as well. libjaylink had a new upstream release, so 0.4.0-1 was uploaded. libserialsport also had a new upstream release, leading to 0.1.2-1. I finally cracked and uploaded sg3-utils 1.48-1 into experimental. I m not the primary maintainer, but 1.46 is nearly 4 years old now and I wanted to get it updated in enough time to shake out any problems before we get to a Trixie freeze. Outside of team owned packages, libcli had compilation issues with GCC 14, leading to 1.10.7-2. I also added a new package, sedutil 1.20.0-2 back in April; it looks fairly unmaintained upstream (there s been some recent activity, but it doesn t seem to be release quality), but there was an outstanding ITP and I ve some familiarity with the space as we ve been using it at work as part of investigating TCG OPAL encryption. I continue to keep an eye on Debian New Members, even though I m mostly inactive as an application manager - we generally seem to have enough available recently. Mostly my involvement is via Front Desk activities, helping out with queries to the team alias, and contributing to internal discussions. Finally the 3 month rotation for Debian Keyring continues to operate smoothly. I dealt with 2023.03.24, 2023.06.24, 2023.09.22 + 2023.11.24.

Linux I d a single kernel contribution this year, to Clean up TPM space after command failure. That was based on some issues we saw at work. I ve another fix in progress that I hope to submit in 2025, but it s for an intermittent failure so confirming the fix is necessary + sufficient is taking a little while.

Personal projects I didn t end up doing much in the way of externally published personal project work in 2024. Despite the release of OpenPGP v6 in RFC 9580 I did not manage to really work on onak. I started on the v6 support, but have not had sufficient time to complete anything worth pushing external yet. listadmin3 got some minor updates based on external feedback / MRs. It s nice to know it s useful to other folk even in its basic state. That wraps up 2024. I ve got no particular goals for this year at present. Ideally I d get v6 support into onak, and it would be nice to implement some of the wishlist items people have provided for listadmin3, but I ll settle for making sure all my Debian packages are in reasonable state for Trixie.

31 December 2024

Russ Allbery: Review: Metal from Heaven

Review: Metal from Heaven, by August Clarke
Publisher: Erewhon
Copyright: November 2024
ISBN: 1-64566-099-0
Format: Kindle
Pages: 443
Metal from Heaven is industrial-era secondary-world fantasy with a literary bent. It is a complete story in one book, and I would be very surprised by a sequel. Clarke previously wrote the Scapegracers young-adult trilogy, which got excellent reviews and a few award nominations, as H.A. Clarke. This is his first adult novel.
Know I adore you. Look out over the glow. The cities sundered, their machines inverted, mountains split and prairies blazing, that long foreseen Hereafter crowning fast. This calamity is a promise made to you. A prayer to you, and to your shadow which has become my second self, tucked behind my eye and growing in tandem with me, pressing outwards through the pupil, the smarter, truer, almost bursting reason for our wrath. Do not doubt me. Just look. Watch us rise as the sun comes up over the beauty. The future stains the bleakness so pink. When my violence subsides, we will have nothing, and be champions.
Marney Honeycutt is twelve years old, a factory worker, and lustertouched. She works in the Yann I. Chauncey Ichorite Foundry in Ignavia City, alongside her family and her best friend, shaping the magical metal ichorite into the valuable industrial products of a new age of commerce and industry. She is the oldest of the lustertouched, the children born to factory workers and poisoned by the metal. It has made her allergic, prone to fits at any contact with ichorite, but also able to exert a strange control over the metal if she's willing to pay the price of spasms and hallucinations for hours afterwards. As Metal from Heaven opens, the workers have declared a strike. Her older sister is the spokesperson, demanding shorter hours, safer working conditions, and an investigation into the health of the lustertouched children. Chauncey's response is to send enforcer snipers to kill the workers, including the entirety of her family.
The girl sang, "Unalone toward dawn we go, toward the glory of the new morning." An enforcer shot her in the belly, and when she did not fall, her head.
Marney survives, fleeing into the city, swearing an impossible personal revenge against Yann Chauncey. An act of charity gets her a ticket on a train into the countryside. The woman who bought her ticket is a bandit who is on the train to rob it. Marney's ability to control ichorite allows her to help the bandits in return, winning her a place with the Highwayman's Choir who have been preying on the shipments of the rich and powerful and then disappearing into the hills. The Choir's secret is that the agoraphobic and paranoid Baron of the Fingerbluffs is dead and has been for years. He was killed by his staff, Hereafterist idealists, who have turned his remote territory into an anarchist commune and haven for pirates and bandits. This becomes Marney's home and the Choir becomes her family, but she never forgets her oath of revenge or the childhood friend she left behind in the piles of bodies and to whom this story is narrated. First, Clarke's writing is absolutely gorgeous.
We scaled the viny mountain jags at Montrose Barony's legal edge, the place where land was and wasn't Ignavia, Royston, and Drustland alike. There was a border but it was diffuse and hallucinatory, even more so than most. On legal papers and state maps there were harsh lines that squashed topography and sanded down the mountains into even hills in planter's rows, but here among the jutting rocks and craggy heather, the ground was lineless.
The rhythm of it, the grasp of contrast and metaphor, the word choice! That climactic word "lineless," with its echo of limitless. So good. Second, this is the rarest of books: a political fantasy that takes class and religion seriously and uses them for more than plot drivers. This is not at all our world, and the technology level is somewhat ambiguous, but the parallels to the Gilded Age and Progressive Era are unmistakable. The Hereafterists that Marney joins are political anarchists, not in the sense of alternative governance structures and political theory sanitized for middle-class liberals, but in the sense of Emma Goldman and Peter Kropotkin. The society they have built in the Fingerbluffs is temporary, threatened, and contingent, but it is sincere and wildly popular among the people who already lived there. Even beyond politics, class is a tangible force in this book. Marney is a factory worker and the child of factory workers. She barely knows how to read and doesn't magically learn over the course of the book. She has friends who are clever in the sense rewarded by politics and nobility, who navigate bureaucracies and political nuance, but that is not Marney's world. When, towards the end of the book, she has to deal with a gathering of high-class women, the contrast is stark, and she navigates that gathering only by being entirely unexpected. Perhaps the best illustration of the subtlety of this is the terminology in the book for lesbian. Marney is a crawly, which is a slur thrown at people like her (and one of the rare fictional slurs that work exactly as the author intended) but is also simply what she calls herself. Whether or not it functions as a slur depends on context, and the context is never hard to understand. The high-class lesbians she meets later are Lunarists, and react to crawly as a vile and insulting word. They use language to separate themselves from both the insult and from the social class that uses it. Language is an indication of culture and manners and therefore of morality, unlike deeds, which admit endless justifications.
Conversation was fleeting. Perdita managed with whomever stood near her, chipper about every prettiness she saw, the flitting butterflies, the dappled light between the leaves, the lushness and the fragrance of untamed land, and her walking companions took turns sharing in her delight. It was infectious, how happy she was. She was going to slaughter millions. She was going to skip like this all the while.
The handling of religion is perhaps even better. Marney was raised a Tullian, which sits alongside two other fleshed-out fictional religions and sketches of several more. Tullians tend to be conservative and patriarchal, and Marney has a realistically complicated relationship with faith: sticking with some Tullian worship practices and gestures because they're part of who she is, feeling a kinship to other Tullians, discarding beliefs that don't fit her, and revising others. Every major religion has a Hereafterist spin or reinterpretation that upends or reverses the parts of the religion that were used to prop up the existing social order and brings it more in line with Hereafterist ideals. We see the Tullian Hereafterist variation in detail, and as someone who has studied a lot of methods of reinterpreting Christianity, I was impressed by how well Clarke invents both a belief system and its revisionist rewrite. This is exactly how religions work in human history, but one almost never sees this subtlety in fantasy novels. Marney's allergy to ichorite causes her internal dialogue to dissolve into hallucinatory synesthesia when she's manipulating or exposed to it. Since that's most of the book, substantial portions read like drug trips with growing body horror. I normally hate this type of narration, so it's a sign of just how good Clarke's writing is that I tolerated it and even enjoyed parts. It helps that the descriptions are irreverent and often surprising, full of unexpected metaphors and sudden turns. It's very hard not to quote paragraph after paragraph of this book. Clarke is also doing a lot with gender that I don't feel qualified to comment in detail on, but it would not surprise me to see this book in the Otherwise Award recommendation list. I can think of three significant male characters, all of whom are well-done, but every other major character is female by at least some gender definition. Within that group, though, is huge gender diversity of the complicated and personal type that doesn't force people into defined boxes. Marney's sexuality is similarly unclassified and sometimes surprising. My one complaint is that I thought the sex scenes (which, to warn, are often graphic) fell into the literary fiction trap of being described so closely and physically that it didn't feel like anyone involved was actually enjoying themselves. (This is almost certainly a matter of personal taste.) I had absolutely no idea how Clarke was going to end this book, and the last couple of chapters caught me by surprise. I'm still not sure what I think about the climax. It's not the ending that I wanted, but one of the merits of this book is that it never did what I thought I wanted and yet made me enjoy the journey anyway. It is, at least, a genre ending, not a literary ending: The reader gets a full explanation of what is going on, and the setting is not static the way that it so often is in literary fiction. The characters can change the world, for good or for ill. The story felt frustrating and incomplete when I first finished it, but I haven't stopped thinking about this book and I think I like the shape of it a bit more now. It was certainly unexpected, at least by me. Clarke names Dhalgren as one of their influences in the acknowledgments, and yes, Metal from Heaven is that kind of book. This is the first 2024 novel I've read that felt like the kind of book that should be on award shortlists. I'm not sure it was entirely successful, and there are parts of it that I didn't like or that weren't for me, but it's trying to do something different and challenging and uncomfortable, and I think it mostly worked. And the writing is so good.
She looked like a mythic princess from the old woodcuts, who ruled nature by force of goodness and faith and had no legal power.
Metal from Heaven is not going to be everyone's taste. If you do not like literary fantasy, there is a real chance that you will hate this. I am very glad that I read it, and also am going to take a significant break from difficult books before I tackle another one. But then I'm probably going to try the Scapegracers series, because Clarke is an author I want to follow. Content notes: Explicit sex, including sadomasochistic sex. Political violence, mostly by authorities. Murdered children, some body horror, and a lot of serious injuries and death. Rating: 8 out of 10

27 December 2024

Wouter Verhelst: Writing an extensible JSON-based DSL with Moose

At work, I've been maintaining a perl script that needs to run a number of steps as part of a release workflow. Initially, that script was very simple, but over time it has grown to do a number of things. And then some of those things did not need to be run all the time. And then we wanted to do this one exceptional thing for this one case. And so on; eventually the script became a big mess of configuration options and unreadable flow, and so I decided that I wanted it to be more configurable. I sat down and spent some time on this, and eventually came up with what I now realize is a domain-specific language (DSL) in JSON, implemented by creating objects in Moose, extensible by writing more object classes. Let me explain how it works. In order to explain, however, I need to explain some perl and Moose basics first. If you already know all that, you can safely skip ahead past the "Preliminaries" section that's next.


Moose object creation, references. In Moose, creating a class is done something like this:
package Foo;
use v5.40;
use Moose;
has 'attribute' => (
    is  => 'ro',
    isa => 'Str',
    required => 1
sub say_something  
    my $self = shift;
    say "Hello there, our attribute is " . $self->attribute;
The above is a class that has a single attribute called attribute. To create an object, you use the Moose constructor on the class, and pass it the attributes you want:
use v5.40;
use Foo;
my $foo = Foo->new(attribute => "foo");
(output: Hello there, our attribute is foo) This creates a new object with the attribute attribute set to bar. The attribute accessor is a method generated by Moose, which functions both as a getter and a setter (though in this particular case we made the attribute "ro", meaning read-only, so while it can be set at object creation time it cannot be changed by the setter anymore). So yay, an object. And it has methods, things that we set ourselves. Basic OO, all that. One of the peculiarities of perl is its concept of "lists". Not to be confused with the lists of python -- a concept that is called "arrays" in perl and is somewhat different -- in perl, lists are enumerations of values. They can be used as initializers for arrays or hashes, and they are used as arguments to subroutines. Lists cannot be nested; whenever a hash or array is passed in a list, the list is "flattened", that is, it becomes one big list. This means that the below script is functionally equivalent to the above script that uses our "Foo" object:
use v5.40;
use Foo;
my %args;
$args attribute  = "foo";
my $foo = Foo->new(%args);
(output: Hello there, our attribute is foo) This creates a hash %args wherein we set the attributes that we want to pass to our constructor. We set one attribute in %args, the one called attribute, and then use %args and rely on list flattening to create the object with the same attribute set (list flattening turns a hash into a list of key-value pairs). Perl also has a concept of "references". These are scalar values that point to other values; the other value can be a hash, a list, or another scalar. There is syntax to create a non-scalar value at assignment time, called anonymous references, which is useful when one wants to remember non-scoped values. By default, references are not flattened, and this is what allows you to create multidimensional values in perl; however, it is possible to request list flattening by dereferencing the reference. The below example, again functionally equivalent to the previous two examples, demonstrates this:
use v5.40;
use Foo;
my $args =  ;
$args-> attribute  = "foo";
my $foo = Foo->new(%$args);
(output: Hello there, our attribute is foo) This creates a scalar $args, which is a reference to an anonymous hash. Then, we set the key attribute of that anonymous hash to bar (note the use arrow operator here, which is used to indicate that we want to dereference a reference to a hash), and create the object using that reference, requesting hash dereferencing and flattening by using a double sigil, %$. As a side note, objects in perl are references too, hence the fact that we have to use the dereferencing arrow to access the attributes and methods of Moose objects. Moose attributes don't have to be strings or even simple scalars. They can also be references to hashes or arrays, or even other objects:
package Bar;
use v5.40;
use Moose;
extends 'Foo';
has 'hash_attribute' => (
    is => 'ro',
    isa => 'HashRef[Str]',
    predicate => 'has_hash_attribute',
has 'object_attribute' => (
    is => 'ro',
    isa => 'Foo',
    predicate => 'has_object_attribute',
sub say_something  
    my $self = shift;
    $self->SUPER::say_something unless $self->has_hash_attribute;
    say "We have a hash attribute!"
This creates a subclass of Foo called Bar that has a hash attribute called hash_attribute, and an object attribute called object_attribute. Both of them are references; one to a hash, the other to an object. The hash ref is further limited in that it requires that each value in the hash must be a string (this is optional but can occasionally be useful), and the object ref in that it must refer to an object of the class Foo, or any of its subclasses. The predicates used here are extra subroutines that Moose provides if you ask for them, and which allow you to see if an object's attribute has a value or not. The example script would use an object like this:
use v5.40;
use Bar;
my $foo = Foo->new(attribute => "foo");
my $bar = Bar->new(object_attribute => $foo, attribute => "bar");
(output: Hello there, our attribute is foo) This example also shows object inheritance, and methods implemented in child classes. Okay, that's it for perl and Moose basics. On to...

Moose Coercion Moose has a concept of "value coercion". Value coercion allows you to tell Moose that if it sees one thing but expects another, it should convert is using a passed subroutine before assigning the value. That sounds a bit dense without example, so let me show you how it works. Reimaginging the Bar package, we could use coercion to eliminate one object creation step from the creation of a Bar object:
package "Bar";
use v5.40;
use Moose;
use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
extends "Foo";
coerce "Foo",
    from "HashRef",
    via   Foo->new(%$_)  ;
has 'hash_attribute' => (
    is => 'ro',
    isa => 'HashRef',
    predicate => 'has_hash_attribute',
has 'object_attribute' => (
    is => 'ro',
    isa => 'Foo',
    coerce => 1,
    predicate => 'has_object_attribute',
sub say_something  
    my $self = shift;
    $self->SUPER::say_something unless $self->has_hash_attribute;
    say "We have a hash attribute!"
Okay, let's unpack that a bit. First, we add the Moose::Util::TypeConstraints module to our package. This is required to declare coercions. Then, we declare a coercion to tell Moose how to convert a HashRef to a Foo object: by using the Foo constructor on a flattened list created from the hashref that it is given. Then, we update the definition of the object_attribute to say that it should use coercions. This is not the default, because going through the list of coercions to find the right one has a performance penalty, so if the coercion is not requested then we do not do it. This allows us to simplify declarations. With the updated Bar class, we can simplify our example script to this:
use v5.40;
use Bar;
my $bar = Bar->new(attribute => "bar", object_attribute =>   attribute => "foo"  );
(output: Hello there, our attribute is foo) Here, the coercion kicks in because the value object_attribute, which is supposed to be an object of class Foo, is instead a hash ref. Without the coercion, this would produce an error message saying that the type of the object_attribute attribute is not a Foo object. With the coercion, however, the value that we pass to object_attribute is passed to a Foo constructor using list flattening, and then the resulting Foo object is assigned to the object_attribute attribute. Coercion works for more complicated things, too; for instance, you can use coercion to coerce an array of hashes into an array of objects, by creating a subtype first:
package MyCoercions;
use v5.40;
use Moose;
use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
use Foo;
subtype "ArrayOfFoo", as "ArrayRef[Foo]";
subtype "ArrayOfHashes", as "ArrayRef[HashRef]";
coerce "ArrayOfFoo", from "ArrayOfHashes", via   [ map   Foo->create(%$_)   @ $_  ]  ;
Ick. That's a bit more complex. What happens here is that we use the map function to iterate over a list of values. The given list of values is @ $_ , which is perl for "dereference the default value as an array reference, and flatten the list of values in that array reference". So the ArrayRef of HashRefs is dereferenced and flattened, and each HashRef in the ArrayRef is passed to the map function. The map function then takes each hash ref in turn and passes it to the block of code that it is also given. In this case, that block is Foo->create(%$_) . In other words, we invoke the create factory method with the flattened hashref as an argument. This returns an object of the correct implementation (assuming our hash ref has a type attribute set), and with all attributes of their object set to the correct value. That value is then returned from the block (this could be made more explicit with a return call, but that is optional, perl defaults a return value to the rvalue of the last expression in a block). The map function then returns a list of all the created objects, which we capture in an anonymous array ref (the [] square brackets), i.e., an ArrayRef of Foo object, passing the Moose requirement of ArrayRef[Foo]. Usually, I tend to put my coercions in a special-purpose package. Although it is not strictly required by Moose, I find that it is useful to do this, because Moose does not allow a coercion to be defined if a coercion for the same type had already been done in a different package. And while it is theoretically possible to make sure you only ever declare a coercion once in your entire codebase, I find that doing so is easier to remember if you put all your coercions in a specific package. Okay, now you understand Moose object coercion! On to...

Dynamic module loading Perl allows loading modules at runtime. In the most simple case, you just use require inside a stringy eval:
my $module = "Foo";
eval "require $module";
This loads "Foo" at runtime. Obviously, the $module string could be a computed value, it does not have to be hardcoded. There are some obvious downsides to doing things this way, mostly in the fact that a computed value can basically be anything and so without proper checks this can quickly become an arbitrary code vulnerability. As such, there are a number of distributions on CPAN to help you with the low-level stuff of figuring out what the possible modules are, and how to load them. For the purposes of my script, I used Module::Pluggable. Its API is fairly simple and straightforward:
package Foo;
use v5.40;
use Moose;
use Module::Pluggable require => 1;
has 'attribute' => (
    is => 'ro',
    isa => 'Str',
has 'type' => (
    is => 'ro',
    isa => 'Str',
    required => 1,
sub handles_type  
    return 0;
sub create  
    my $class = shift;
    my %data = @_;
    foreach my $impl($class->plugins)  
        if($impl->can("handles_type") && $impl->handles_type($data type ))  
            return $impl->new(%data);
    die "could not find a plugin for type " . $data type ;
sub say_something  
    my $self = shift;
    say "Hello there, I am a " . $self->type;
The new concept here is the plugins class method, which is added by Module::Pluggable, and which searches perl's library paths for all modules that are in our namespace. The namespace is configurable, but by default it is the name of our module; so in the above example, if there were a package "Foo::Bar" which
  • has a subroutine handles_type
  • that returns a truthy value when passed the value of the type key in a hash that is passed to the create subroutine,
  • then the create subroutine creates a new object with the passed key/value pairs used as attribute initializers.
Let's implement a Foo::Bar package:
package Foo::Bar;
use v5.40;
use Moose;
extends 'Foo';
has 'type' => (
    is => 'ro',
    isa => 'Str',
    required => 1,
has 'serves_drinks' => (
    is => 'ro',
    isa => 'Bool',
    default => 0,
sub handles_type  
    my $class = shift;
    my $type = shift;
    return $type eq "bar";
sub say_something  
    my $self = shift;
    say "I serve drinks!" if $self->serves_drinks;
We can now indirectly use the Foo::Bar package in our script:
use v5.40;
use Foo;
my $obj = Foo->create(type => bar, serves_drinks => 1);
Hello there, I am a bar.
I serve drinks!
Okay, now you understand all the bits and pieces that are needed to understand how I created the DSL engine. On to...

Putting it all together We're actually quite close already. The create factory method in the last version of our Foo package allows us to decide at run time which module to instantiate an object of, and to load that module at run time. We can use coercion and list flattening to turn a reference to a hash into an object of the correct type. We haven't looked yet at how to turn a JSON data structure into a hash, but that bit is actually ridiculously trivial:
use JSON::MaybeXS;
my $data = decode_json($json_string);
Tada, now $data is a reference to a deserialized version of the JSON string: if the JSON string contained an object, $data is a hashref; if the JSON string contained an array, $data is an arrayref, etc. So, in other words, to create an extensible JSON-based DSL that is implemented by Moose objects, all we need to do is create a system that
  • takes hash refs to set arguments
  • has factory methods to create objects, which
    • uses Module::Pluggable to find the available object classes, and
    • uses the type attribute to figure out which object class to use to create the object
  • uses coercion to convert hash refs into objects using these factory methods
In practice, we could have a JSON file with the following structure:
    "description": "do stuff",
    "actions": [
            "type": "bar",
            "serves_drinks": true,
            "type": "bar",
            "serves_drinks": false,
... and then we could have a Moose object definition like this:
package MyDSL;
use v5.40;
use Moose;
use MyCoercions;
has "description" => (
    is => 'ro',
    isa => 'Str',
has 'actions' => (
    is => 'ro',
    isa => 'ArrayOfFoo'
    coerce => 1,
    required => 1,
sub say_something  
    say "Hello there, I am described as " . $self->description . " and I am performing my actions: ";
    foreach my $action(@ $self->actions )  
Now, we can write a script that loads this JSON file and create a new object using the flattened arguments:
use v5.40;
use MyDSL;
use JSON::MaybeXS;
my $input_file_name = shift;
my $args = do  
    local $/ = undef;
    open my $input_fh, "<", $input_file_name or die "could not open file";
$args = decode_json($args);
my $dsl = MyDSL->new(%$args);
Hello there, I am described as do stuff and I am performing my actions:
Hello there, I am a bar
I am serving drinks!
Hello there, I am a bar
In some more detail, this will:
  • Read the JSON file and deserialize it;
  • Pass the object keys in the JSON file as arguments to a constructor of the MyDSL class;
  • The MyDSL class then uses those arguments to set its attributes, using Moose coercion to convert the "actions" array of hashes into an array of Foo::Bar objects.
  • Perform the say_something method on the MyDSL object
Once this is written, extending the scheme to also support a "quux" type simply requires writing a Foo::Quux class, making sure it has a method handles_type that returns a truthy value when called with quux as the argument, and installing it into the perl library path. This is rather easy to do. It can even be extended deeper, too; if the quux type requires a list of arguments rather than just a single argument, it could itself also have an array attribute with relevant coercions. These coercions could then be used to convert the list of arguments into an array of objects of the correct type, using the same schema as above. The actual DSL is of course somewhat more complex, and also actually does something useful, in contrast to the DSL that we define here which just says things. Creating an object that actually performs some action when required is left as an exercise to the reader.

23 December 2024

Russ Allbery: Review: The House That Walked Between Worlds

Review: The House That Walked Between Worlds, by Jenny Schwartz
Series: Uncertain Sanctuary #1
Publisher: Jenny Schwartz
Copyright: June 2020
Printing: September 2024
Format: Kindle
Pages: 215
The House That Walked Between Worlds is the first book of a self-published trilogy of... hm. Space fantasy? Pure fantasy with a bit of science fiction thrown in for flavor? Something like that. I read it as part of the Uncertain Sanctuary omnibus, which is reflected in the sidebar metadata. Kira Aist is a doctor. She's also a witch and a direct descendant of Baba Yaga. Her Russian grandmother warned her to never use magic and never reveal who she was because people would hunt her and her family if she did. She broke the rule to try to save a child, her grandmother was right, and now multiple people are dead, including her parents. As the story opens, she's deep in the wilds of New Zealand in a valley with buried moa bones, summoning her House so that she can flee Earth. Kira's first surprise is that her House is not the small hut that she was expecting from childhood visits to Baba Yaga. It's larger. A lot larger: an obsidian castle with nine towers and legs that resemble dragons rather than the moas whose magic she drew on. Her magic apparently had a much different idea of what she needs than she did. Her second surprise is that her magical education is highly incomplete, and she is not the witch that she thought she was. Her ability to create a House means that she's a sorcerer, the top tier of magical power in a hierarchy about which she knows essentially nothing. Thankfully the House has a library, but Kira has a lot to learn about the universe and her place in it. I picked this up because the premise sounded a little like the Innkeeper novels, and since another novel in that series does not appear to be immediately forthcoming, I went looking elsewhere for my cozy sentient building fix. The House That Walked Between Worlds is nowhere near as well-written (or, frankly, coherent) as the Innkeeper books, but it did deliver some of the same vibes. You should know going in that there isn't much in the way of a plot. Schwartz invented an elaborate setting involving archetype worlds inhabited by classes of mythological creatures that in some mystical sense surround a central system called Qaysar. These archetype worlds spawn derived worlds, each of which seems to be its own dimension, although the details are a bit murky to me. The world Kira thinks of as Earth is just one of the universes branched off of an archetypal Earth, and is the only one of those branchings where the main population is human. The other Earth-derived worlds are populated by the Dinosaurians and the Neanderthals. Similarly, there is a Fae world that branches into Elves and Goblins, an Epic world that branches into Shifters, Trolls, and Kobolds, and so forth. Travel between these worlds is normally by slow World Walker Caravans, but Houses break the rules of interdimensional travel in ways that no one entirely understands. If your eyes are already starting to glaze over, be warned there's a lot of this. The House That Walked Between Worlds is infodumping mixed with vibes, and I think you have to enjoy the setting, or at least the sheer enthusiasm of Schwartz's presentation of it, to get along with this book. The rest of the story is essentially Kira picking up strays: first a dangerous-looking elf cyborg, then a juvenile giant cat (because of course there's a pet fantasy space cat; it's that sort of book), and then a charming martial artist who I'm fairly sure is up to no good. Kira is entirely out of her depth and acting on instinct, which luckily plays into stereotypes of sorcerers as mysterious and unpredictable. It also helps that her magic is roughly "anything she wants to happen, happens." This is, in other words, not a tightly-crafted story with coherent rules and a sense of risk and danger. It's a book that succeeds or fails almost entirely on how much you like the main characters and enjoy the world-building. Thankfully, I thought the characters were fun, if not (so far) all that deep. Kira deals with her trauma without being excessively angsty and leans into her new situation with a chaotic decisiveness that I found charming. The cyborg elf is taciturn and a bit inscrutable at first, but he grew on me, and thankfully this book does not go immediately to romance. Late in the book, Kira picks up a publicity expert, which was not at all the type of character that I was expecting and which I found delightful. Most importantly, the House was exactly what I was looking for: impish, protective, mysterious, inhuman, and absurdly overpowered. I adore cozy sentient building stories, so I'm an easy audience for this sort of thing, but I'm already eager to read more about the House. This is not great writing by any stretch, and you will be unsurprised that it's self-published. If you're expecting the polish and plot coherence of the Innkeeper stories, you'll be disappointed. But if you just want to spend some time with a giant sentient space-traveling mansion inhabited by unlikely misfits, and you don't mind large amounts of space fantasy infodumping, consider giving this a shot. I had fun with it and plan on reading the rest of the omnibus. Followed by House in Hiding. Rating: 6 out of 10

21 December 2024

Dirk Eddelbuettel: anytime 0.3.11 on CRAN: Maintenance

A follow-up release 0.3.11 to the recent 0.3.10 release release of the anytime package arrived on CRAN two days ago. The package is fairly feature-complete, and code and functionality remain mature and stable, of course. anytime is a very focused package aiming to do just one thing really well: to convert anything in integer, numeric, character, factor, ordered, input format to either POSIXct (when called as anytime) or Date objects (when called as anydate) and to do so without requiring a format string as well as accomodating different formats in one input vector. See the anytime page, or the GitHub repo for a few examples, and the beautiful documentation site for all documentation. This release simply skips one test file. CRAN labeled an error M1mac yet it did not reproduce on any of the other M1 macOS I can access (macbuilder, GitHub Actions) as this appeared related to a local setting of timezone values I could not reproduce anywwhere. So the only way to get rid of the fail is to not to run the test. Needless to say the upload process was a little tedious as I got the passive-aggressive not responding treatment on a first upload and the required email answer it lead to. Anyway, after a few days, and even more deep breaths, it is taken care of and now the package result standing is (at least currently) pristinely clean. The short list of changes follows.

Changes in anytime version 0.3.11 (2024-12-18)
  • Skip a test file

Courtesy of my CRANberries, there is also a diffstat report of changes relative to the previous release. The issue tracker tracker off the GitHub repo can be use for questions and comments. More information about the package is at the package page, the GitHub repo and the documentation site.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can now sponsor me at GitHub.

17 December 2024

Dirk Eddelbuettel: BH 1.87.0-1 on CRAN: New Upstream

Boost Boost is a very large and comprehensive set of (peer-reviewed) libraries for the C++ programming language, containing well over one hundred individual libraries. The BH package provides a sizeable subset of header-only libraries for (easier, no linking required) use by R. It is fairly widely used: the (partial) CRAN mirror logs (aggregated from the cloud mirrors) show over 38.5 million package downloads. Version 1.87.0 of Boost was released last week following the regular Boost release schedule of April, August and December releases. As before, we packaged it almost immediately and started testing following our annual update cycle which strives to balance being close enough to upstream and not stressing CRAN and the user base too much. The reverse depends check revealed six packages requiring changes or adjustments. We opened issue #103 to coordinate the issue (just as we did in previous years). Our sincere thanks to Matt Fidler who fixed two packages pretty much immediately. As I had not heard back from the other maintainers since filing the issue, I uploaded the package to CRAN suggesting that the coming winter break may be a good opportunity for the four other packages to catch up. CRAN concurred, and 1.87.0-1 is now available there. There are no other changes apart from cosmetics in the DESCRIPTION file. For once, we did not add any new Boost libraries. The short NEWS entry follows.

Changes in version 1.87.0-1 (2024-12-17)
  • Upgrade to Boost 1.87.0, patched as usual to comment-out diagnostic suppression messages per the request of CRAN
  • Switched to Authors@R

Via my CRANberries, there is a diffstat report relative to the previous release. Comments and suggestions about BH are welcome via the issue tracker at the GitHub repo.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can now sponsor me at GitHub.

Russ Allbery: Review: Iris Kelly Doesn't Date

Review: Iris Kelly Doesn't Date, by Ashley Herring Blake
Series: Bright Falls #3
Publisher: Berkley Romance
Copyright: October 2023
ISBN: 0-593-55058-7
Format: Kindle
Pages: 381
Iris Kelly Doesn't Date is a sapphic romance novel (probably a romantic comedy, although I'm bad at romance subgenres). It is the third book in the Bright Falls series. In the romance style, it has a new set of protagonists, but the protagonists of the previous books appear as supporting characters and reading this will spoil the previous books. Among the friend group we were introduced to in Delilah Green Doesn't Care, Iris was the irrepressible loudmouth. She's bad at secrets, good at saying whatever is on her mind, and has zero desire to either get married or have children. After one of the side plots of Astrid Parker Doesn't Fail, she has sworn off dating entirely. Iris is also now a romance novelist. Her paper store didn't get enough foot traffic to justify staying open, so she switched her planner business to online only and wrote a romance novel that was good enough to get a two-book deal. Now she needs to write a second book and she has absolutely nothing. Her own avoidance of romantic situations is not helping, but neither is her meddling family who are convinced her choices about marriage and family can be overturned with sufficient pestering. She desperately needs to shake up her life, get out of her creative rut, and do something new. Failing that, she'll settle for meeting someone in a bar and having some fun. Stevie is a barista and actress living in Portland. Six months ago, she broke up with Adri, her creative partner, girlfriend of six years, and the first person with whom she had a serious relationship. More precisely, Adri broke up with her. They're still friends, truly, even though that friendship is being seriously strained by Adri dating Vanessa, another member of their small and close-knit friend group. Stevie has occasionally-crippling anxiety, not much luck in finding real acting roles in Portland, and a desperate desire to not make waves. Ren, the fourth member of their friend group, thinks Stevie needs a new relationship, or at least a fling. That's how Stevie, with Ren as backup and encouragement, ends up at the same bar with Iris. The resulting dance and conversation was rather fun for both Stevie and Iris. The attempted one-night stand afterwards was a disaster due to Stevie's anxiety, and neither of them expected to see the other again. Stevie therefore felt safe pretending they'd hit it off to get her friends off her back. When Iris's continued restlessness lands her in an audition for Adri's fundraiser play that she also talked Stevie into performing in, this turns into a full-blown fake dating trope. These books continue to be impossible to put down. I'm not sure what Blake is doing to make the pacing so perfect, but as with the previous books of the series I found this utterly compulsive reading. I started it in the afternoon, took a break in the evening for a few hours, and then finished it at 2am. I wasn't sure if a book focused on Iris would work as well, but I need not have worried. Iris Kelly Doesn't Date is both more dramatic and more trope-centered than the earlier books, but Blake handles that in a way that fits Iris's personality and wasn't annoying even to a reader like me, who has an aversion to many types of relationship drama. The secret is Stevie, and specifically having the other protagonist be someone with severe anxiety.
No was never a very easy word for Stevie when it came to Adri, when it came to anyone, really. She could handle the little stuff do you want a soda, have you seen this movie, do you like onions on your pizza but the big stuff, the stuff that caused disappointed expressions and down-turned mouths... yeah, she sucked at that part. Her anxiety would flare, and she'd spend the next week convinced her friends hated her, she'd die alone and miserable, and wasn't worth a damn to anyone. Then, when said friend or family member eventually got ahold of her to tell her that, no, of course they didn't hate her, why in the world would she think that, her anxiety would crest once again, convincing her that she was terrible at understanding people and could never trust her own brain to make heads or tails of any social situation.
This is a spot-on description of a particular type of anxiety, but also this is the perfect protagonist to pair with Iris. Throughout the series, Iris has always been the ride-or-die friend, the person who may have no idea how to help but who will show up anyway and at least try to distract you. Stevie's anxiety makes Iris feel protective, which reveals one of the best sides of Iris's personality, and then the protectiveness plays off against Iris's own relationship issues and tendency to avoid taking anything too seriously. It's one of those relationships that starts a bit one-sided and then becomes mutually supporting once Stevie gets her feet under her. That's a relationship pattern I really enjoy reading about. As with the rest of the series, the friendship dynamics are great. Here we get to see two friend groups at work: Iris's, which we've seen in the previous two volumes and which expanded interestingly in Astrid Parker Doesn't Fail, and Stevie's, which is new. I liked all of these people, even Adri in her own way (although she's the hardest to like). The previous happily-ever-afters do get a bit awkward here, but Blake tries to make that part of the plot and also avoids most of the problem of somewhat-boring romantic bliss by spreading the friendship connections a bit wider. Stevie's friend group formed at orientation at Reed College, and that let me put my finger on another property of this series: essentially all of the characters are from a very specific social class. They're nearly all arts people (bookstore owner, photographer, interior decorator, actress, writer, director), they've mostly gone to college, and while most of them don't have lots of money, there's always at least one person in each friend group with significant wealth. Jordan, from the previous book, is a bit of an exception since she works in a trade (a carpenter), but she still acts like someone from that same social class. It's a bit like reading Jane Austen novels and realizing that the protagonists are drawn from a very specific and very narrow portion of society. This is not a complaint, to be clear; I have no objections to reading about a very specific social class. But if one has already read lots of books about this class of people, I could see that diminishing the appeal of this series a bit. There are a lot of assumptions baked into the story that aren't really questioned, such as the ubiquity of therapists. (I don't know how Stevie affords one on a barista salary.) There are also some small things in the terminology (therapy speak, for example) and in the specific type of earnestness with which the books attempt to be diverse on most axes other than social class that I suspect may grate a bit for some readers. If that's you, this is your warning. There is a third-act breakup here, just like the previous volumes. There is also a defense of the emotional punch of third-act breakups in romance novels in the book itself, put into Iris's internal monologue, so I suspect that's the author's answer to critics like myself who don't like the trope. I was less frustrated by this one because it fit the drama level of the protagonists, but I'll also know to expect a third-act breakup in any Blake novel I read in the future. But, all that said, the summary once again is that I loved this book and could not put it down. Iris is dramatic and occasionally self-destructive but has a core of earnest empathy that makes her easy to like. She's exactly the sort of extrovert who is soothing to introverts rather than draining because she carries the extrovert load of social situations. Stevie is adorably earnest and thoughtful beneath her anxiety. They two of them are wildly different and yet remarkably good together, and I loved reading their story. Highly recommended, along with the whole series. Start with Delilah Green Doesn't Care; if you like that, you're in for a treat. Content note: This book is also rather sex-forward and pretty explicit in the sex scenes, maybe a touch more than Astrid Parker Doesn't Fail. If that is or is not your thing in romance novels, be aware going in. Rating: 9 out of 10

13 December 2024

Emanuele Rocca: Murder Mystery: GCC Builds Failing After sbuild Refactoring

This is the story of an investigation conducted by Jochen Sprickerhof, Helmut Grohne, and myself. It was true teamwork, and we would have not reached the bottom of the issue working individually. We think you will find it as interesting and fun as we did, so here is a brief writeup. A few of the steps mentioned here took several days, others just a few minutes. What is described as a natural progression of events did not always look very obvious at the moment at all.
Let us go through the Six Stages of Debugging together.

Stage 1: That cannot happen
Official Debian GCC builds start failing on multiple architectures in late November.
The build error happens on the build servers when running the testuite, but we know this cannot happen. GCC builds are not meant to fail in case of testsuite failures! Return codes are not making the build fail, make is being called with -k, it just cannot happen.
A lot of the GCC tests are always failing in fact, and an extensive log of the results is posted to the debian-gcc mailing list, but the packages always build fine regardless.
On the build daemons, build failures take several hours.

Stage 2: That does not happen on my machine
Building on my machine running Bookworm is just fine. The Build Daemons run Bookworm and use a Sid chroot for the build environment, just like I am. Same kernel.
The only obvious difference between my setup and the Debian buildds is that I am using sbuild 0.85.0 from bookworm, and the buildds have 0.86.3~bpo12+1 from bookworm-backports. Trying again with 0.86.3~bpo12+1, the build fails on my system too. The build daemons were updated to the bookworm-backports version of sbuild at some point in late November. Ha.

Stage 3: That should not happen
There are quite a few sbuild versions in between 0.85.0 and 0.86.3~bpo12+1, but looking at recent sbuild bugs shows that sbuild 0.86.0 was breaking "quite a number of packages". Indeed, with 0.86.0 the build still fails. Trying the version immediately before, 0.85.11, the build finishes correctly. This took more time than it sounds, one run including the tests takes several hours. We need a way to shorten this somehow.
The Debian packaging of GCC allows to specify which languages you may want to skip, and by default it builds Ada, Go, C, C++, D, Fortran, Objective C, Objective C++, M2, and Rust. When running the tests sequentially, the build logs stop roughly around the tests of a runtime library for D, libphobos. So can we still reproduce the failure by skipping everything except for D? With DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nolang=ada,go,c,c++,fortran,objc,obj-c++,m2,rust the build still fails, and it fails faster than before. Several minutes, not hours. This is progress, and time to file a bug. The report contains massive spoilers, so no link. :-)

Stage 4: Why does that happen?
Something is causing the build to end prematurely. It s not the OOM killer, and the kernel does not have anything useful to say in the logs. Can it be that the D language tests are sending signals to some process, and that is what s killing make ? We start tracing signals sent with bpftrace by writing the following script,
    printf("%s PID %d (%s) sent signal %d to PID %d\n", comm, pid, args->sig, args->pid);
And executing it with sudo bpftrace
The build takes its sweet time, and it fails. Looking at the trace output there s a suspicious process.exe terminating stuff.
process.exe (PID: 2868133) sent signal 15 to PID 711826
That looks interesting, but we have no clue what PID 711826 may be. Let s change the script a bit, and trace signals received as well.
    printf("PID %d (%s) sent signal %d to %d\n", pid, comm, args->sig, args->pid);
    printf("PID %d (%s) received signal %d\n", pid, comm, args->sig);
The working version of sbuild was using dumb-init, whereas the new one features a little init in perl. We patch the current version of sbuild by making it use dumb-init instead, and trace two builds: one with the perl init, one with dumb-init.
Here are the signals observed when building with dumb-init.
PID 3590011 (process.exe) sent signal 2 to 3590014
PID 3590014 (sleep) received signal 9
PID 3590011 (process.exe) sent signal 15 to 3590063
PID 3590063 (std.process tem) received signal 9
PID 3590011 (process.exe) sent signal 9 to 3590065
PID 3590065 (std.process tem) received signal 9
And this is what happens with the new init in perl:
PID 3589274 (process.exe) sent signal 2 to 3589291
PID 3589291 (sleep) received signal 9
PID 3589274 (process.exe) sent signal 15 to 3589338
PID 3589338 (std.process tem) received signal 9
PID 3589274 (process.exe) sent signal 9 to 3589340
PID 3589340 (std.process tem) received signal 9
PID 3589274 (process.exe) sent signal 15 to 3589341
PID 3589274 (process.exe) sent signal 15 to 3589323
PID 3589274 (process.exe) sent signal 15 to 3589320
PID 3589274 (process.exe) sent signal 15 to 3589274
PID 3589274 (process.exe) received signal 9
PID 3589341 (sleep) received signal 9
PID 3589273 (sbuild-usernsex) sent signal 9 to 3589320
PID 3589273 (sbuild-usernsex) sent signal 9 to 3589323
There are a few additional SIGTERM being sent when using the perl init, that s helpful. At this point we are fairly convinced that process.exe is worth additional inspection. The source code of process.d shows something interesting:
1221 @system unittest
1247     auto pid = spawnProcess(["sleep", "10000"],
1260     // kill the spawned process with SIGINT
1261     // and send its return code
1262     spawn((shared Pid pid)  
1263         auto p = cast() pid;
1264         kill(p, SIGINT);
So yes, there s our sleep and the SIGINT (signal 2) right in the unit tests of process.d, just like we have observed in the bpftrace output.
Can we study the behavior of process.exe in isolation, separatedly from the build? Indeed we can. Let s take the executable from a failed build, and try running it under /usr/libexec/sbuild-usernsexec.
First, we prepare a chroot inside a suitable user namespace:
unshare --map-auto --setuid 0 --setgid 0 mkdir /tmp/rootfs
cd /tmp/rootfs
cat /home/ema/.cache/sbuild/unstable-arm64.tar   unshare --map-auto --setuid 0 --setgid 0 tar xf  -
unshare --map-auto --setuid 0 --setgid 0 mkdir /tmp/rootfs/whatever
unshare --map-auto --setuid 0 --setgid 0 cp process.exe /tmp/rootfs/
Now we can run process.exe on its own using the perl init, and trace signals at will:
/usr/libexec/sbuild-usernsexec --pivotroot --nonet u:0:100000:65536  g:0:100000:65536 /tmp/rootfs ema /whatever -- /process.exe
We can compare the behavior of the perl init vis-a-vis the one using dumb-init in milliseconds instead of minutes.

Stage 5: Oh, I see.
Why does process.exe send more SIGTERMs when using the perl init is now the big question. We have a simple reproducer, so this is where using strace becomes possible.
sudo strace --user ema --follow-forks -o sbuild-dumb-init.strace ./sbuild-usernsexec-dumb-init --pivotroot --nonet u:0:100000:65536  g:0:100000:65536 /tmp/dumbroot ema /whatever -- /process.exe
We start comparing the strace output of dumb-init with that of perl-init, looking in particular for different calls to kill.
Here is what process.exe does under dumb-init:
3593883 kill(-2, SIGTERM)               = -1 ESRCH (No such process)
No such process. Under perl-init instead:
3593777 kill(-2, SIGTERM <unfinished ...>
The process is there under perl-init!
That is a kill with negative pid. From the kill(2) man page:
If pid is less than -1, then sig is sent to every process in the process group whose ID is -pid.
It would have been very useful to see this kill with negative pid in the output of bpftrace, why didn t we? The tracepoint used, tracepoint:signal:signal_generate, shows when signals are actually being sent, and not the syscall being called. To confirm, one can trace tracepoint:syscalls:sys_enter_kill and see the negative PIDs, for example:
PID 312719 (bash) sent signal 2 to -312728
The obvious question at this point is: why is there no process group 2 when using dumb-init?

Stage 6: How did that ever work?
We know that process.exe sends a SIGTERM to every process in the process group with ID 2. To find out what this process group may be, we spawn a shell with dumb-init and observe under /proc PIDs 1, 16, and 17. With perl-init we have 1, 2, and 17. When running dumb-init, there are a few forks before launching the program, explaining the difference. Looking at /proc/2/cmdline we see that it s bash, ie. the program we are running under perl-init. When building a package, that is dpkg-buildpackage itself.
The test is accidentally killing its own process group.
Now where does this -2 come from in the test?
2363     // Special values for _processID.
2364     enum invalid = -1, terminated = -2;
Oh. -2 is used as a special value for PID, meaning "terminated". And there s a call to kill() later on:
2694     do   s = tryWait(pid);   while (!s.terminated);
2697     assertThrown!ProcessException(kill(pid));
What sets pid to terminated you ask?
Here is tryWait:
2568 auto tryWait(Pid pid) @safe
2570     import std.typecons : Tuple;
2571     assert(pid !is null, "Called tryWait on a null Pid.");
2572     auto code = pid.performWait(false);
And performWait:
2306         _processID = terminated;
The solution, dear reader, is not to kill.
PS: the bug report with spoilers for those interested is #1089007.

12 December 2024

Matthew Garrett: When should we require that firmware be free?

The distinction between hardware and software has historically been relatively easy to understand - hardware is the physical object that software runs on. This is made more complicated by the existence of programmable logic like FPGAs, but by and large things tend to fall into fairly neat categories if we're drawing that distinction.

Conversations usually become more complicated when we introduce firmware, but should they? According to Wikipedia, Firmware is software that provides low-level control of computing device hardware, and basically anything that's generally described as firmware certainly fits into the "software" side of the above hardware/software binary. From a software freedom perspective, this seems like something where the obvious answer to "Should this be free" is "yes", but it's worth thinking about why the answer is yes - the goal of free software isn't freedom for freedom's sake, but because the freedoms embodied in the Free Software Definition (and by proxy the DFSG) are grounded in real world practicalities.

How do these line up for firmware? Firmware can fit into two main classes - it can be something that's responsible for initialisation of the hardware (such as, historically, BIOS, which is involved in initialisation and boot and then largely irrelevant for runtime[1]) or it can be something that makes the hardware work at runtime (wifi card firmware being an obvious example). The role of free software in the latter case feels fairly intuitive, since the interface and functionality the hardware offers to the operating system is frequently largely defined by the firmware running on it. Your wifi chipset is, these days, largely a software defined radio, and what you can do with it is determined by what the firmware it's running allows you to do. Sometimes those restrictions may be required by law, but other times they're simply because the people writing the firmware aren't interested in supporting a feature - they may see no reason to allow raw radio packets to be provided to the OS, for instance. We also shouldn't ignore the fact that sufficiently complicated firmware exposed to untrusted input (as is the case in most wifi scenarios) may contain exploitable vulnerabilities allowing attackers to gain arbitrary code execution on the wifi chipset - and potentially use that as a way to gain control of the host OS (see this writeup for an example). Vendors being in a unique position to update that firmware means users may never receive security updates, leaving them with a choice between discarding hardware that otherwise works perfectly or leaving themselves vulnerable to known security issues.

But even the cases where firmware does nothing other than initialise the hardware cause problems. A lot of hardware has functionality controlled by registers that can be locked during the boot process. Vendor firmware may choose to disable (or, rather, never to enable) functionality that may be beneficial to a user, and then lock out the ability to reconfigure the hardware later. Without any ability to modify that firmware, the user lacks the freedom to choose what functionality their hardware makes available to them. Again, the ability to inspect this firmware and modify it has a distinct benefit to the user.

So, from a practical perspective, I think there's a strong argument that users would benefit from most (if not all) firmware being free software, and I don't think that's an especially controversial argument. So I think this is less of a philosophical discussion, and more of a strategic one - is spending time focused on ensuring firmware is free worthwhile, and if so what's an appropriate way of achieving this?

I think there's two consistent ways to view this. One is to view free firmware as desirable but not necessary. This approach basically argues that code that's running on hardware that isn't the main CPU would benefit from being free, in the same way that code running on a remote network service would benefit from being free, but that this is much less important than ensuring that all the code running in the context of the OS on the primary CPU is free. The maximalist position is not to compromise at all - all software on a system, whether it's running at boot or during runtime, and whether it's running on the primary CPU or any other component on the board, should be free.

Personally, I lean towards the former and think there's a reasonably coherent argument here. I think users would benefit from the ability to modify the code running on hardware that their OS talks to, in the same way that I think users would benefit from the ability to modify the code running on hardware the other side of a network link that their browser talks to. I also think that there's enough that remains to be done in terms of what's running on the host CPU that it's not worth having that fight yet. But I think the latter is absolutely intellectually consistent, and while I don't agree with it from a pragmatic perspective I think things would undeniably be better if we lived in that world.

This feels like a thing you'd expect the Free Software Foundation to have opinions on, and it does! There are two primarily relevant things - the Respects your Freedoms campaign focused on ensuring that certified hardware meets certain requirements (including around firmware), and the Free System Distribution Guidelines, which define a baseline for an OS to be considered free by the FSF (including requirements around firmware).

RYF requires that all software on a piece of hardware be free other than under one specific set of circumstances. If software runs on (a) a secondary processor and (b) within which software installation is not intended after the user obtains the product, then the software does not need to be free. (b) effectively means that the firmware has to be in ROM, since any runtime interface that allows the firmware to be loaded or updated is intended to allow software installation after the user obtains the product.

The Free System Distribution Guidelines require that all non-free firmware be removed from the OS before it can be considered free. The recommended mechanism to achieve this is via linux-libre, a project that produces tooling to remove anything that looks plausibly like a non-free firmware blob from the Linux source code, along with any incitement to the user to load firmware - including even removing suggestions to update CPU microcode in order to mitigate CPU vulnerabilities.

For hardware that requires non-free firmware to be loaded at runtime in order to work, linux-libre doesn't do anything to work around this - the hardware will simply not work. In this respect, linux-libre reduces the amount of non-free firmware running on a system in the same way that removing the hardware would. This presumably encourages users to purchase RYF compliant hardware.

But does that actually improve things? RYF doesn't require that a piece of hardware have no non-free firmware, it simply requires that any non-free firmware be hidden from the user. CPU microcode is an instructive example here. At the time of writing, every laptop listed here has an Intel CPU. Every Intel CPU has microcode in ROM, typically an early revision that is known to have many bugs. The expectation is that this microcode is updated in the field by either the firmware or the OS at boot time - the updated version is loaded into RAM on the CPU, and vanishes if power is cut. The combination of RYF and linux-libre doesn't reduce the amount of non-free code running inside the CPU, it just means that the user (a) is more likely to hit since-fixed bugs (including security ones!), and (b) has less guidance on how to avoid them.

As long as RYF permits hardware that makes use of non-free firmware I think it hurts more than it helps. In many cases users aren't guided away from non-free firmware - instead it's hidden away from them, leaving them less aware that their freedom is constrained. Linux-libre goes further, refusing to even inform the user that the non-free firmware that their hardware depends on can be upgraded to improve their security.

Out of sight shouldn't mean out of mind. If non-free firmware is a threat to user freedom then allowing it to exist in ROM doesn't do anything to solve that problem. And if it isn't a threat to user freedom, then what's the point of requiring linux-libre for a Linux distribution to be considered free by the FSF? We seem to have ended up in the worst case scenario, where nothing is being done to actually replace any of the non-free firmware running on people's systems and where users may even end up with a reduced awareness that the non-free firmware even exists.

[1] Yes yes SMM

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8 December 2024

Russ Allbery: Review: Why Buildings Fall Down

Review: Why Buildings Fall Down, by Matthys Levy & Mario Salvadori
Illustrator: Kevin Woest
Publisher: W.W. Norton
Copyright: 1992
Printing: 1994
ISBN: 0-393-31152-X
Format: Trade paperback
Pages: 314
Why Buildings Fall Down is a non-fiction survey of the causes of structure collapses, along with some related topics. It is a sequel of sorts to Why Buildings Stand Up by Mario Salvadori, which I have not read. Salvadori was, at the time of writing, Professor Emeritus of Architecture at Columbia University (he died in 1997). Levy is an award-winning architectural engineer, and both authors were principals at the structural engineering firm Weidlinger Associates. There is a revised and updated 2002 edition, but this review is of the original 1992 edition. This is one of those reviews that comes with a small snapshot of how my brain works. I got fascinated by the analysis of the collapse of Champlain Towers South in Surfside, Florida in 2021, thanks largely to a random YouTube series on the tiny channel of a structural engineer. Somewhere in there (I don't remember where, possibly from that channel, possibly not) I saw a recommendation for this book and grabbed a used copy in 2022 with the intent of reading it while my interest was piqued. The book arrived, I didn't read it right away, I got distracted by other things, and it migrated to my shelves and sat there until I picked it up on an "I haven't read nonfiction in a while" whim. Two years is a pretty short time frame for a book to sit on my shelf waiting for me to notice it again. The number of books that have been doing that for several decades is, uh, not small. Why Buildings Fall Down is a non-technical survey of structure failures. These are mostly buildings, but also include dams, bridges, and other structures. It's divided into 18 fairly short chapters, and the discussion of each disaster is brisk and to the point. Most of the structures discussed are relatively recent, but the authors talk about the Meidum Pyramid, the Parthenon (in the chapter on intentional destruction by humans), and the Pavia Civic Tower (in the chapter about building death from old age). If you are someone who has already been down the structural failure rabbit hole, you will find chapters on the expected disasters like the Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapse and the Hyatt Regency walkway collapse, but there are a lot of incidents here, including a short but interesting discussion of the Leaning Tower of Pisa in the chapter on problems caused by soil properties. What you're going to get, in other words, is a tour of ways in which structures can fail, which is precisely what was promised by the title. This wasn't quite what I was expecting, but now I'm not sure why I was expecting something different. There is no real unifying theme here; sometimes the failure was an oversight, sometimes it was a bad design, sometimes it was a last-minute change, and sometimes it was something unanticipated. There are a lot of factors involved in structure design and any of them can fail. The closest there is to a common pattern is a lack of redundancy and sufficient safety factors, but that lack of redundancy was generally not deliberate and therefore this is not a guide to preventing a collapse. The result is a book that feels a bit like a grab-bag of structural trivia that is individually interesting but only occasionally memorable. The writing style I suspect will be a matter of taste, but once I got used to it, I rather enjoyed it. In a co-written book, it's hard to separate the voices of the authors, but Salvadori wrote most of the chapter on the law in the first person and he's clearly a character. (That chapter is largely the story of two trials he testified in, which, from his account, involved him verbally fencing with lawyers who attempted to claim his degrees from the University of Rome didn't count as real degrees.) If this translates to his speaking style, I suspect he was a popular lecturer at Columbia. The explanations of the structural failures are concise and relatively clear, although even with Kevin Woest's diagrams, it's hard to capture the stresses and movement in a written description. (I've found from watching YouTube videos that animations, or even annotations drawn while someone is talking, help a lot.) The framing discussion, well, sometimes that is bombastic in a way that I found amusing:
But we, children of a different era, do not want our lives to be enclosed, to be shielded from the mystery. We are eager to participate in it, to gather with our brothers and sisters in a community of thought that will lift us above the mundane. We need to be together in sorrow and in joy. Thus we rarely build monolithic monuments. Instead, we build domes.
It helps that passages like this are always short and thus don't wear out their welcome. My favorite line in the whole book is a throwaway sentence in a discussion of building failures due to explosions:
With a similar approach, it can be estimated that the chance of an explosion like that at Forty-fifth Street was at most one in thirty million, and probably much less. But this is why life is dangerous and always ends in death.
Going hard, structural engineering book! It's often appealing to learn about things from their failures because the failures are inherently more dramatic and thus more interesting, but if you were hoping for an introduction to structural engineering, this is probably not the book you want. There is an excellent and surprisingly engaging appendix that covers the basics of structural analysis in 45 pages, but you would probably be better off with Why Buildings Stand Up or another architecture or structural engineering textbook (or maybe a video course). The problem with learning by failure case study is that all the case studies tend to blend together, despite the authors' engaging prose, and nearly every collapse introduces a new structural element with new properties and new failure modes and only the briefest of explanations. This book might make you a slightly more informed consumer of the news, but for most readers I suspect it will be a collection of forgettable trivia told in an occasionally entertaining style. I think the book I wanted to read was something that went deeper into the process of forensic engineering, not just the outcomes. It's interesting to know what the cause of a failure was, but I'm more interested in how one goes about investigating a failure. What is the process, how do you organize the investigation, and how does the legal system around engineering failures work? There are tidbits and asides here, but this book is primarily focused on the structural analysis and elides most of the work done to arrive at those conclusions. That said, I was entertained. Why Buildings Fall Down is a bit dated the opening chapter on airplanes hitting buildings reads much differently now than when it was written in 1992, and I'm sure it was updated in the 2002 edition but it succeeds in being clear without being soulless or sounding like a textbook. I appreciate an occasional rant about nuclear weapons in a book about architecture. I'm not sure I really recommend this, but I had a good time with it. Also, I'm now looking for opportunities to say "this is why life is dangerous and always ends in death," so there is that. Rating: 6 out of 10

2 December 2024

Dirk Eddelbuettel: anytime 0.3.10 on CRAN: Multiple Enhancements

A new release of the anytime package arrived on CRAN today the first is well over four years. The package is fairly feature-complete, and code and functionality remain mature and stable, of course. anytime is a very focused package aiming to do just one thing really well: to convert anything in integer, numeric, character, factor, ordered, input format to either POSIXct (when called as anytime) or Date objects (when called as anydate) and to do so without requiring a format string as well as accomodating different formats in one input vector. See the anytime page, or the GitHub repo for a few examples, and the beautiful documentation site for all documentation. This release slowly matured over four years. It combines a number of strictly internal repository maintenance such as changes to continuous integration with small enhancements (adding for example some new formats, responding better to an error condition, dealing with logical input as an error) with a relaxation of the C++ compilation standard. While we once needed C++11, it is now a constraint as as R itself is quite proactive (the last two releases defaulted already to C++17, suitable compiler permitting) we can now relax this constraint. The documentation site is new, as some other small changes. See the full list of changes which follows.

Changes in anytime version 0.3.10 (2024-12-02)
  • A new documentation site was added.
  • Continuous Integration now uses from r-ci with bspm
  • Logical input vectors are now recognised as an error (#121)
  • Additional dot-separated format '%Y.%m.%d' is supported
  • Other small updates were made throughout the package
  • No longer set a C++ compilation standard as the default choices by R are sufficient for the package
  • Switch Rcpp include file to Rcpp/Lightest
  • We recommend ~/.R/Makevars compiler flag options -Wno-ignored-attributes -Wno-nonnull -Wno-parentheses
  • The tinytest runner was simplified
  • NA values from conversion now trigger a warning

Courtesy of my CRANberries, there is also a diffstat report of changes relative to the previous release. The issue tracker tracker off the GitHub repo can be use for questions and comments. More information about the package is at the package page, the GitHub repo and the documentation site. If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can now sponsor me at GitHub.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.
