Search Results: "gustavo panizzo"

8 January 2017

Bits from Debian: New Debian Developers and Maintainers (November and December 2016)

The following contributors got their Debian Developer accounts in the last two months: The following contributors were added as Debian Maintainers in the last two months: Congratulations!

15 December 2014

Thomas Goirand: Supporting 3 init systems in OpenStack packages

tl;dr: Providing support for all 3 init systems (sysv-rc, Upstart and systemd) isn t hard, and generating the init scripts / Upstart job / systemd using a template system is a lot easier than I previously thought. As always, when writing this kind of blog post, I do expect that others will not like what I did. But that s the point: give me your opinion in a constructive way (please be polite even if you don t like what you see I had too many times had to read harsh comments), and I ll implement your ideas if I find it nice. History of the implementation: how we came to the idea I had no plan to do this. I don t believe what I wrote can be generalized to all of the Debian archive. It s just that I started doing things, and it made sense when I did it. Let me explain how it happened. Since it s clear that many, and especially the most advanced one, may have an opinion about which init system they prefer, and because I also support Ubuntu (at least Trusty), I though it was a good idea to support all the main init system: sysv-rc, Upstart and systemd. Though I have counted (for the sake of being exact in this blog) : OpenStack in Debian contains currently 64 init scripts to run daemons in total. That s quite a lot. A way too much to just write them, all by hand. Though that s what I was doing for the last years until this the end of this last summer! So, doing all by hand, I first started implementing Upstart. Its support was there only when building in Ubuntu (which isn t the correct thing to do, this is now fixed, read further ). Then we thought about adding support for systemd. Gustavo Panizzo, one of the contributors in the OpenStack packages, started implementing it in Keystone (the auth server for OpenStack) for the Juno release which was released this October. He did that last summer, early enough so we didn t expect anyone to use the Juno branch Keystone. After some experiments, we had kind of working. What he did was invoking /etc/init.d/keystone start-systemd , which was still using start-stop-daemon. Yes, that s not perfect, and it s better to use systemd foreground process handling, but at least, we had a unique place where to write the startup scripts, where we check the /etc/default for the logging configuration, configure the log file, and so on. Then around in october, I took a step backward to see the whole picture with sysv-rc scripts, and saw the mess, with all the tiny, small difference between them. It became clear that I had to do something to make sure they were all the same, with the support for the same things (like which log system to use, where to store the PID, create /var/lib/project, /var/run/project and so on ). Last, on this month of December, I was able to fix the remaining issues for systemd support, thanks to the awesome contribution of Mikael Cluseau on the Alioth OpenStack packaging list. Now, the systemd unit file is still invoking the init script, but it s not using start-stop-daemon anymore, no PID file involved, and daemons are used as systemd foreground processes. Finally, daemons service files are also activated on installation (they were not previously). Implementation So I took the simplistic approach to use always the same template for the sysv-rc switch/case, and the start and stop functions, happening it at the end of all debian/* scripts. I started to try to reduce the number of variables, and I was surprised of the result: only a very small part of the init scripts need to change from daemon to daemon. For example, for nova-api, here s the init script (LSB header stripped-out):
DESC="OpenStack Compute API"
That is it: only 3 lines, defining only the name of the daemon, the name of the project it attaches (eg: nova, cinder, etc.), and a long description. There s of course much more complicated init scripts (see the one for neutron-server in the Debian archive for example), but the vast majority only needs the above. Here s the sysv-rc init script template that I currently use:
# The content after this line comes from openstack-pkg-tools
# and has been automatically added to a script, which
# contains only the descriptive part for the daemon. Everything
# else is standardized as a single unique script.
# Author: Thomas Goirand <>
# PATH should only include /usr/* if it runs after the script
if [ -z "$ DAEMON " ] ; then
	DAEMON=/usr/bin/$ NAME 
PIDFILE=/var/run/$ PROJECT_NAME /$ NAME .pid
if [ -z "$ SCRIPTNAME " ] ; then
	SCRIPTNAME=/etc/init.d/$ NAME 
if [ -z "$ SYSTEM_USER " ] ; then
if [ -z "$ SYSTEM_USER " ] ; then
if [ "$ SYSTEM_USER " != "root" ] ; then
if [ -z "$ CONFIG_FILE " ] ; then
LOGFILE=/var/log/$ PROJECT_NAME /$ NAME .log
# Exit if the package is not installed
[ -x $DAEMON ]   exit 0
# If ran as root, create /var/lock/X, /var/run/X, /var/lib/X and /var/log/X as needed
if [ "x$USER" = "xroot" ] ; then
	for i in lock run log lib ; do
		mkdir -p /var/$i/$ PROJECT_NAME 
		chown $ SYSTEM_USER  /var/$i/$ PROJECT_NAME 
# This defines init_is_upstart which we use later on (+ more...)
. /lib/lsb/init-functions
# Manage log options: logfile and/or syslog, depending on user's choosing
[ -r /etc/default/openstack ] && . /etc/default/openstack
[ -r /etc/default/$NAME ] && . /etc/default/$NAME
[ "x$USE_SYSLOG" = "xyes" ] && DAEMON_ARGS="$DAEMON_ARGS --use-syslog"
[ "x$USE_LOGFILE" != "xno" ] && DAEMON_ARGS="$DAEMON_ARGS --log-file=$LOGFILE"
	start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --background $ STARTDAEMON_CHUID  --make-pidfile --pidfile $ PIDFILE  --chdir /var/lib/$ PROJECT_NAME  --startas $DAEMON \
			--test > /dev/null   return 1
	start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --background $ STARTDAEMON_CHUID  --make-pidfile --pidfile $ PIDFILE  --chdir /var/lib/$ PROJECT_NAME  --startas $DAEMON \
			-- $DAEMON_ARGS   return 2
	start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --retry=TERM/30/KILL/5 --pidfile $PIDFILE
	rm -f $PIDFILE
	return "$RETVAL"
case "$1" in
	init_is_upstart > /dev/null 2>&1 && exit 1
	log_daemon_msg "Starting $DESC" "$NAME"
	case $? in
		0 1) log_end_msg 0 ;;
		2) log_end_msg 1 ;;
	init_is_upstart > /dev/null 2>&1 && exit 0
	log_daemon_msg "Stopping $DESC" "$NAME"
	case $? in
		0 1) log_end_msg 0 ;;
		2) log_end_msg 1 ;;
	status_of_proc "$DAEMON" "$NAME" && exit 0   exit $?
restart force-reload)
	init_is_upstart > /dev/null 2>&1 && exit 1
	log_daemon_msg "Restarting $DESC" "$NAME"
	case $? in
	0 1)
		case $? in
			0) log_end_msg 0 ;;
			1) log_end_msg 1 ;; # Old process is still running
			*) log_end_msg 1 ;; # Failed to start
	*) log_end_msg 1 ;; # Failed to stop
	echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME  start stop status restart force-reload systemd-start " >&2
	exit 3
exit 0
Nothing particularly fancy here You ll noticed that it s really OpenStack centric (see the LOGFILE and CONFIGFILE things ). You may have also noticed the call to init_is_upstart which is needed for upstart support. I m not sure if it s at the correct place in the init script. Should I put that on top of the script? Was I right with the exit values for it? Please send me your comments Then I thought about generalizing all of this. Because not only the sysv-rc scripts needed to be squared-up, but also Upstart. The approach here was to source the sysv-rc script in debian/*, and then generate the Upstart job accordingly, using the above 3 variables (or more as needed). Here, the fun is that, instead of taking the approach of calculating everything at runtime with the sysv-rc, for Upstart jobs, many things are calculated at build time. For each debian/* script that the debian/rules finds, pkgos-gen-upstart-job is called. Here s pkgos-gen-upstart-job:
UPSTART_FILE= echo $ INIT_TEMPLATE    sed 's/' 
# Get the variables defined in the init template
## Find out what should go in After=
#SHOULD_START= cat $ INIT_TEMPLATE    grep "# Should-Start:"   sed 's/# Should-Start://' 
#if [ -n "$ SHOULD_START " ] ; then
#	AFTER="After="
#	for i in $ SHOULD_START  ; do
#		AFTER="$ AFTER $ i .service "
#	done
if [ -z "$ DAEMON " ] ; then
        DAEMON=/usr/bin/$ NAME 
PIDFILE=/var/run/$ PROJECT_NAME /$ NAME .pid
if [ -z "$ SCRIPTNAME " ] ; then
	SCRIPTNAME=/etc/init.d/$ NAME 
if [ -z "$ SYSTEM_USER " ] ; then
if [ -z "$ SYSTEM_GROUP " ] ; then
if [ "$ SYSTEM_USER " != "root" ] ; then
if [ -z "$ CONFIG_FILE " ] ; then
LOGFILE=/var/log/$ PROJECT_NAME /$ NAME .log
echo "description \"$ DESC \"
author \"Thomas Goirand <>\"
start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [!2345]
chdir /var/run
pre-start script
	for i in lock run log lib ; do
		mkdir -p /var/\$i/$ PROJECT_NAME 
		chown $ SYSTEM_USER  /var/\$i/$ PROJECT_NAME 
end script
	[ -x \"$ DAEMON \" ]   exit 0
	[ -r /etc/default/openstack ] && . /etc/default/openstack
	[ -r /etc/default/\$UPSTART_JOB ] && . /etc/default/\$UPSTART_JOB
	[ \"x\$USE_SYSLOG\" = \"xyes\" ] && DAEMON_ARGS=\"\$DAEMON_ARGS --use-syslog\"
	[ \"x\$USE_LOGFILE\" != \"xno\" ] && DAEMON_ARGS=\"\$DAEMON_ARGS --log-file=$ LOGFILE \"
	exec start-stop-daemon --start --chdir /var/lib/$ PROJECT_NAME  \\
		$ STARTDAEMON_CHUID  --make-pidfile --pidfile $ PIDFILE  \\
		--exec $ DAEMON  -- --config-file=$ CONFIG_FILE  \$ DAEMON_ARGS 
end script
The only thing which I don t know how to do, is how to implement the Should-Start / Should-Stop in an Upstart job. Can anyone shoot me a mail and tell me the solution? Then, I wanted to add support for systemd. Here, we cheated, since we only just called the sysv-rc script from the systemd unit, however, the systemd-start target uses exec, so the process stays in the foreground. It s also much smaller than the Upstart thing. However, here, I could implement the After thing, corresponding to the Should-Start:
SERVICE_FILE= echo $ INIT_TEMPLATE    sed 's/' 
# Get the variables defined in the init template
if [ -z "$ SCRIPTNAME " ] ; then
	SCRIPTNAME=/etc/init.d/$ NAME 
if [ -z "$ SYSTEM_USER " ] ; then
if [ -z "$ SYSTEM_GROUP " ] ; then
# Find out what should go in After=
SHOULD_START= cat $ INIT_TEMPLATE    grep "# Should-Start:"   sed 's/# Should-Start://' 
if [ -n "$ SHOULD_START " ] ; then
	for i in $ SHOULD_START  ; do
		AFTER="$ AFTER $ i .service "
echo "[Unit]
Description=$ DESC 
WorkingDirectory=/var/lib/$ PROJECT_NAME 
ExecStartPre=/bin/mkdir -p /var/lock/$ PROJECT_NAME  /var/log/$ PROJECT_NAME  /var/lib/$ PROJECT_NAME 
ExecStartPre=/bin/chown $ SYSTEM_USER :$ SYSTEM_GROUP  /var/lock/$ PROJECT_NAME  /var/log/$ PROJECT_NAME  /var/lib/$ PROJECT_NAME 
ExecStart=$ SCRIPTNAME  systemd-start
As you can see, it s calling /etc/init.d/$ SCRIPTNAME sytemd-start, which isn t great. I d be happy to have comments from systemd user / maintainers on how to fix it to make it better. Integrating in debian/rules To integrate with the Debian package build system, we only need had to write this:
	# Create the init scripts from the template
	for i in  ls -1 debian/*  ; do \
		MYINIT= echo $$i   sed s/  ; \
		cp $$i $$MYINIT.init ; \
		cat /usr/share/openstack-pkg-tools/init-script-template >>$$MYINIT.init ; \
		pkgos-gen-systemd-unit $$i ; \
	# If there's an file, use that one instead of the generated one
	for i in  ls -1 debian/*  ; do \
		MYPKG= echo $$i   sed s/  ; \
		cp $$ $$MYPKG.upstart ; \
	# Generate the upstart job if there's no already existing
	for i in  ls debian/*  ; do \
		MYINIT= echo $$i   sed s/  ; \
		if ! [ -e $$MYINIT ] ; then \
			pkgos-gen-upstart-job $$i ; \
		fi \
	dh_installinit --error-handler=true
	# Generate the systemd unit file
	# Note: because dh_systemd_enable is called by the
	# dh sequencer *before* dh_installinit, we have
	# to process it manually.
	for i in  ls debian/*  ; do \
		pkgos-gen-systemd-unit $$i ; \
		MYSERVICE= echo $$i   sed 's/debian\///'  ; \
		MYSERVICE= echo $$MYSERVICE   sed 's/'  ; \
		dh_systemd_enable $$MYSERVICE ; \
As you can see, it s possible to use a debian/* and not use the templating system, in the more complicated case (I needed it mostly for neutron-server and neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent). Conclusion I do not pretend that what I wrote in the openstack-pkg-tools is the ultimate solution. But I m convince that it answers our own need as the OpenStack maintainers in Debian. There s a lot of room for improvements (like implementing the Should-Start in Upstart jobs, or stop calling the sysv-rc script in the systemd units), but that this is a very good move that we did to use templates and generated scripts, as the init scripts are a way more easy to maintain now, in a much more unified way. As I m not completely satisfied for the systemd and Upstart implementation, I m sure that there s already a huge improvements on the sysv-rc script maintainability. Last and again: please send your comments and help improving the above! :)

5 May 2014

Thomas Goirand: OpenStack Icehouse bugs all cleaned-up

I ve done some clean-up in the Debian BTS. The result can be seen in the QA graphs: The last remaining 6 bugs are only affecting OpenStack Essex (which is what Wheezy ships, and which unfortunately I have not enough time to support properly), and the last one is waiting for FTP masters approval after I added Python 3 support to oslo-config (OpenStack is slowly moving to Python3, and I ve tried to add support to Python3 in the packages as well each time it was possible). Also, the Icehouse packages have passed the tempest tests (a set of functional tests) which we run in our continuous integration system. As I was doing some triaging, it is possible that some bugs have been closed a bit quickly (like for example the Ceilometer FTBFS which I couldn t reproduce, even with sbuild and cowbuilder), so it is well possible that some more QA work will be needed later on. I m also expecting a new set of patches for supporting Ceph in Nova. I m sure there s issues which we will discover later on, however, it is nice to have this result right after the first Icehouse release of OpenStack. Next up: testing new components that I uploaded for this release: Trove (DB as a Service), Designate (DNS as a Service), Ironic (Metal as a Service, or cloud computing on bare-metal), and TripleO (OpenStack on OpenStack). I unfortunately know already that TripleO and Tuskar wont really work yet, and that it needs some patches to be sent upstream for it to support Debian correctly (let s work it out for Juno!). So please consider it as a technology preview only. Though Trove, Designate and Ironic are supposed to be in good enough shape, I didn t have the chance to test them more than just installing the packages and checking daemons are running and connected to the various components of OpenStack (eg: database, keystone and RabbitMQ). Please do test them and report bugs in the BTS. I d like to thanks Gustavo Panizzo & Thomas Bechtold who contributed to this release, and also the folks at eNovance (Emilien, Cyril, Seb ) who provided precious help with the CI and package quality. See you in the Juno Atlanta design summit next week (as hopefully, my plane ticket issue will be soon solved).

1 October 2012

Jon Dowland: Debian Day #9

Day 9 is a bit of a strange one. I had a rare three evenings spare, but I have been feeling very ill so I didn't achieve much, relatively, despite the increase. I update game-data-packager with experimental support for Hexen 2, which paved the way for uploading the first version of uhexen2, which has been accepted into experimental contrib. I also sponsored a new version of vavoom, both by Gustavo Panizzo. Picking up the pre-freeze musicbrainz work, I contacted the musicbrainz devel mailing list to see if they had any definitive plans to get rid of the old web services API, which a lot of packages in soon-to-be-stable depend upon. I also got in touch with linuxppc-devel regarding suspend to RAM on a PowerPC G4 Mac Mini. This is presently not supported due to lack of support for waking up the graphics chip; however I'm running the mac headless. Finally I want to try and put more time into stuff which is relevant for the next release. The best interface to relevant RC bugs, in my opinion, is the Ultimate Debian Database (UDD) 'bugs' query. I considered hacking a copy of that to display stuff only for a given maintainer, and then track what RC bugs were owned by the Debian Games Team. I didn't get that far, but I did submit an inaugural patch and fix a wiki page.

11 September 2012

Jon Dowland: Debian Day #8

A big gap since the last Debian Day. On request I reviewed Gustavo Panizzo's Hexen 2 Package which is in pretty good shape and should be ready for upload fairly soon. A prerequisite for that is support for Hexen 2 in game-data-packager: I've hacked in preliminary support and pushed a package to experimental (version 31), it should be available not long after you read this. There's quite a lot more we could do with Hexen 2 support: rip the CD audio; encode it, there's an open question as to which codec to use, or to support multiple codecs; detect different versions of the game and re-order the CD tracks accordingly; support the mission pack; generalise any new ripping code so Quake support could use it; etc. etc.

29 May 2012

Jon Dowland: Debian Day

After a relatively long period of flux, I've managed to settle into a routine where I've got all the time I can dedicate to open source stuff bunched together: every Tuesday night. I've started calling it "Debian Day", although Debian won't get all that time exclusively. One evening a week doesn't sound like much, but that's unfortunately a realistic amount given my other commitments. Still, having a firm idea of how much resource I have makes planning what I can and can't do much easier. It also means I need to be quite selective about what I spend my time on. This also impacts the type of interactions I can use. I can respond to email, bugs, etc., but I cannot effectively interact with folks on IRC, for example: the period between windows is too large for it to work effectively. Therefore, I can't work reliably with any team or area of Debian that relies on IRC to get things done. Tonight, then. I have recently been ripping some CDs, a task for which I use grip, despite it long since having been dropped by Debian. It still works very well, whereas Sound Juicer, which still pops up whenever I insert an audio CD, does not. I've been interested in helping out with Debian GNOME packaging for a while, and it seems the issue has been fixed upstream, but after asking around in #debian-gnome, the root cause is that the newer musicbrainz API packages have not been uploaded to Debian. (the existing package uses the old API). Two separate people appear to have been working on a new Music Brainz package, but neither filed an ITP bug. I've spent the largest chunk of my Debian time just trying to figure out what has been going on, sadly, but at least there's the likelyhood this will be fixed for wheezy. There's also the tail end of a musicbrainz-2.1 transition finishing up. Another thing I considered this evening was the future of debgtd in Debian stable. On reflection, and after sitting on the fence for several months, I've decided I don't have the time to fix it up enough to have it ready for wheezy, so with regret I've filed a removal bug. With any luck, at some point in the wheezy cycle I'll manage to put more time towards this, because I think it addresses a genuine need and could be useful to people. Finally, whenever I sit down and look at Debian stuff to finish up, I have a strong temptation to fix some issues belonging to the games team. In particular, Gustavo Panizzo has put a lot of work into vavoom packages, but sadly his requests for sponsorship are falling on deaf ears. There's also Johey Shmit's work on packaging zdoom which needs some attention to finish removing some embedded libraries. I have to keep reminding myself I left the team for a reason, to focus on something else, and finding that something else should be the priority. So all in all not the most uplifting evening: I'm starting to think I simply couldn't work effectively with the Debian GNOME team without being able to dedicate more time to use IRC effectively; I spent more time that could be necessary figuring out a bunch of other folks have potentially wasted each other's time by working on packages and not filing ITPs; and I've removed one of my own packages from the distribution altogether. It's not all doom and gloom, though: last week I packaged Simon Howard's lhasa, a library and tool for decompressing LHA files, as used by various old DOS games. (See? I just can't escape that stuff ) I also managed to 'resolve' two bup bugs, one RC. I also finished transitioning from my old PGP key to my new one.