Search Results: "florian"

4 November 2009

Florian Maier: sorry for the silence

... we are moving to bigger office building at the moment ;-)

18 October 2009

Christian Perrier: 4621 potential "spams" left to review for me

A few of us are working on spam removal from Debian lists archives. The wiki page linked above explains how to report spam on Debian mailing lists. This is in short as easy as bouncing a mail to a specific address, from your favourite MUA. These "reported spams" then need to be reviewed. Once a given message has been identified as "spam" by enough DD's (there are many false positives in the candidates, particularly in non English-speaking mailing lists), it is removed from the archives. Many mails have already been removed and any help is welcomed. Since Frans Pop launched this for debian-boot, back in May, I use 1 or 2 hours every Sunday to this work. After working on debian-boot only, I gradually worked on reported spams in other lists. As of now, I only have 4 lists where I still have work to do: The Chinese and the Spanish ones are tricky because identifying spam there is much less easy (for Chinese, I'm quite conservative and only tag very obvious spam....for Spanish, I read enough of the language to be able to target spam). What about you? Will you be able to help the few of us who work on getting clean archives (noticeably, Sandro Tosi, Giacomo Catenazzi, Cord Beermann, Luk Claes, Frans Pop, Bastian Blank, Luca Falavigna, Michael Koch, Bernd Steinmetz, Thoomas Viehmann, Florian Ernst, Adam D. Barratt, to name thos ewho reviewed more than 1000 mails)? Working on lists in your own language might be a good idea (I'm particularly thinking about lists in German, Spanish, Chinese and French).

15 October 2009

Gustavo Noronha Silva: Moving back to Belo!

So, next Saturday Luciana and I are moving back from Rio de Janeiro to Belo Horizonte after about 6 months here. It was an interesting ride. We didn t really have a good time finding a good place to live at - Rio is very expensive and it looks like demand is so high anywhere close to Luciana s work place that the only reasonable solution was to live very far away, and even there we didn t really have much success, although for other reasons I may talk about later. Belo is how the foreign people who live there usually refer to Belo Horizonte. I think that is probably because it s a bit too hard for them to say Horizonte =D (if it helps you, you could use the Mineirish Belzonte ). I have borrowed this svg file kindly licensed in the FDL by Raphael Lorenzeto de Abreu, and generated a simple png image that you can see in this post with Belo Horizonte, and some other cities we often talk about at Collabora =): A straight line between Recife and Belo Horizonte has about 1640km. There are 340km between BH and Rio, and 973km between BH and Florian polis. A bit about Belo Horizonte, for those friends of mine to whom I always have a hard time explaining where it s located, and what kind of city it is: Belo Hozizonte is a nice, beautiful city, with a quite big metropolitan area. About 6 million people live in greater Belo Horizonte. It is considered one of the three most influential cities in Brazil, along with S o Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. It s surrounded by mountains, which are considered one of the defining geographical features of the Minas Gerais state, of which it is the capital. Here s a picture that is available under the public domain in Wikipedia: Speaking of Minas Gerais, it is, according to Wikipedia, the fourth in size among the 26 States of Brazil, being just a bit bigger than mainland-France. Minas Gerais is one of the main earth transports hubs of the country (having the largest number of federal roads), and is famous for its tasty food, the beauty of its people, its cheeses, the calm, introspective nature of its people, its interesting way of speaking portuguese, and its alcoholic beverages. Now, going away from Rio to Belo Horizonte has a single big disadvantage associated with it: we don t get to have the Sea a few minutes away, anymore. Our solution to that is, of course, going to one of the numerous bars (the legend goes around that BH has the largest absolute number of bars of all cities in the world), and drinking instead of swimming! Quem n o tem mar, vai pro bar!

12 October 2009

Florian Maier: New openmoko accessories arrived

8 GB of storage will more than suffice for a nice and clean Debian installation ;-) If you live in germany, i absolutely recommend for all free phone accessories!
openmoko stuff arrived

16 May 2009

Pablo Lorenzzoni: Inspiring picture

Just this week I went to the movies to check the latest incarnation of Cap. Kirk, Mr. Spock et al. It really was a great movie I was expecting less, I have to admit. But the movie was not bad at all With all that space and beyond thing in my mind, yesterday I was surprised with a greatly inspiring picture taken from Hubble Florida, before STS-125 reach Hubble (thanks Florian Weimer for the heads-up): How inspiring can that be? You can find the original here, along with the explanation of how and when it was taken.

8 May 2009

Florian Ragwitz: MongoDB on CPAN

I've been doing some contracting work for 10gen recently. They have that rather cool open source document database called MongoDB and they wanted me to write a module to use that from Perl. I did that and the code is now available on CPAN and github. Writing that was fun, and I'm already looking forward to be able to use MongoDB as a backend for KiokuDB. I started writing code for that and put it on github, but isn't passing all the tests just yet. In related news, after finishing the MongoDB module, I'm available for other things again. So if you're looking for a Perl telecommuter, let me know.

29 April 2009

Florian Ragwitz: Running tests that require an X server

Lots of CPAN distributions require some kind of graphical environment. Some of them even pop up windows, which not only very annoying, but also sometimes fails if you're using a tiled window manager. To test such distributions on a machine where no graphical environment is available or on your desktop while you're working and don't want to get annoyed to death you can use a fake X server, like Xvfb. The easiest way to do that is to run
$ xvfb-run -a make test
instead of a plain make test. That'll automatically create a fake xserver, set up DISPLAY and run make test in that environment. That works well for manually installing modules. When installing using you can make things easier by writing a distropref. First, tell cpan where your distroprefs are. I use ~/.cpan/prefs:
$ cpan
cpan[1]> o conf init prefs_dir
Directory where to store default options/environment/dialogs for
building modules that need some customization? [] /home/rafl/.cpan/prefs
cpan[3]> o conf commit
commit: wrote '/home/rafl/.cpan/CPAN/'
Now write a distropref for the modules that need an X server and put it into your prefs dir as X11.yml
       ... other modules requiring an X server
  commandline: "xvfb-run -a make test"
Now the tests for Wx, Gtk2, Gnome2 and all other distributions you list in that regex will be executed with a fake X server. I have yet to figure out how to write a distropref that just prepends to the test commandline instead of replacing it so I won't need to have another pref for all modules using Module::Build.

28 April 2009

Florian Ragwitz: Implementing Typed Lexical Variables

For quite some time perl provided a form of my declarations that includes a type name, like this:
my Str $x = 'foo';
However, that didn't do anything useful, until Vincent Pit came along and wrote the excellent Lexical::Types module, which allows you to extend the semantics of typed lexicals and actually make them do something useful. For that, it simply invokes a callback for every my declaration with a type in the scopes it is loaded. Within that callback you get the variable that is being declared as well as the name of the type used in the declaration. We also have Moose type constraints and the great MooseX::Types module, that allows us to define our own type libraries and import the type constraints into other modules. Let's glue those modules together. Consider this code:
use MooseX::Types::Moose qw/Int/;
use Lexical::Types;
my Int $x = 42;
The first problem is that the perl compiler expects a package with the name of the type used in my to exist. If there's no such package compilation will fail. Creating top-level namespaces for all the types we want to use would obviously suck. Luckily the compiler will also try to look for a function with the name of the type in the current scope. If that exists and is inlineable, it will call that function and use the return value as a package name. In the above code snippet an Int function already exists. We imported that from MooseX::Types::Moose. Unfortunately it isn't inlineable. Even if it were, compilation would still fail, because it would return a Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint instead of a valid package name. To fix that, let's rewrite the code to this:
use MooseX::Types::Moose qw/Int/;
use MooseX::Lexical::Types qw/Int/;
my Int $x = 42;
Let's also write a MooseX::Lexical::Types module that replaces existing imported type exports with something that can be inlined and returns an existing package name based on the type constraint's name.
package MooseX::Lexical::Types;
use Class::MOP;
use MooseX::Types::Util qw/has_available_type_export/;
use namespace::autoclean;
sub import  
    my ($class, @args) = @_;
    my $caller = caller();
    my $meta = Class::MOP::class_of($caller)   Class::MOP::Class->initialize($caller);
    for my $type_name (@args)  
        # get the type constraint by introspecting the caller
        my $type_constraint = has_available_type_export($caller, $type_name);
        my $package = 'MooseX::Lexical::Types::TYPE::' . $type_constraint->name;
        $meta->add_package_symbol('&'.$type_name => sub ()   $package  );
    Lexical::Types->import; # enable Lexical::Types for the caller
With that the example code now compiles. Unfortunately it breaks every other usecase of MooseX::Types. The export will still need to return a Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint at run time so this will continue to work:
has some_attribute => (is => 'ro', isa => Int);
So instead of returning a plain package name from our exported function we will return an object that delegates all method calls to the actual type constraint, but evaluates to our special package name when used as a string:
my $decorator = MooseX::Lexical::Types::TypeDecorator->new($type_constraint);
$meta->add_package_symbol('&'.$type_name => sub ()   $decorator  );
package MooseX::Lexical::Types::TypeDecorator;
use Moose;
use namespace::autoclean;
# MooseX::Types happens to already have a class that doesn't do much
# more than delegating to a real type constraint!
extends 'MooseX::Types::TypeDecorator';
use overload '""' => sub  
    'MooseX::Lexical::Types::TYPE::' . $_[0]->__type_constraint->name
Now we're able to use Int as usual and have Lexical::Types invoke its callback on MooseX::Lexical::Types::TYPE::Int. Within that callback we will need the real type constraint again, but as it is invoked as a class method with no good way to pass in additional arguments, we will need to store the type constraint somewhere. I choose to simply add a method to the type class we create when constructing our export. After that, all we need is to implement our Lexical::Types callback. We will put that in a class all our type classes will inherit from:
    $package => (
        superclasses => ['MooseX::Lexical::Types::TypedScalar'],
        methods      =>  
            get_type_constraint => sub   $type_constraint  ,
The Lexical::Types callback will now need to tie things together by modifying the declared variable so it will automatically validate values against the type constraint when being assigned to. There are several ways of doing this. Using tie on the declared variable would probable be the easiest thing to do. However, I decided to use Variable::Magic (also written by Vincent Pit - did I mention he's awesome?), because it's mostly invisible at the perl level and also performs rather well (not that it'd matter, given that validation itself is relatively slow):
package MooseX::Lexical::Types::TypedScalar;
use Carp qw/confess/;
use Variable::Magic qw/wizard cast/;
use namespace::autoclean;
my $wiz = wizard
    # store the type constraint in the data attached to the magic
    data => sub   $_[1]->get_type_constraint  ,
    # when assigning to the variable, fail if we can't validate the
    # new value ($_[0]) against the type constraint ($_[1])
    set  => sub  
        if (defined (my $msg = $_[1]->validate($  $_[0]  )))  
            confess $msg;
    # cast $wiz on the variable in $_[1]. pass the type package name
    # in $_[0] to the wizard's data construction callback.
    cast $_[1], $wiz, $_[0];
With this, our example code now works. If someone wants to assign, say, 'foo' to the variable declared as my Int $x our magic callback will be invoked, try to validate the value against the type constraint and fail loudly. WIN! The code for all this is available github and should also be on CPAN shortly. You might notice warnings about mismatching prototypes. Those are caused by Class::MOP and fixed in the git version of it, so they'll go away with the next release. There's still a couple of caveats, but please see the documentation for that.

26 April 2009

Florian Ragwitz: Declaring Catalyst Actions

For a long time the Catalyst Framework has been using code attributes to allow users to declare actions that certain URLs get dispatched to. That looks something like this:
sub base    : Chained('/')    PathPart('') CaptureArgs(0)   ...  
sub index   : Chained('base') PathPart('') Args(0)          ...  
sub default : Chained('base') PathPart('') Args             ...  
It's a nice and clean syntax that keeps all important information right next to the method it belongs to. However, attributes in perl have a couple of limitations. For one, the interface the perl core provides to use them is horrible and doesn't provide nearly enough information to do a lot of things, but most importantly attributes are just plain strings. That means you will need to parse something like "Chained('base')" into (Chained => 'base') yourself to make proper use of them. While that's easy for the above example, it can be very hard in the general case because only perl can parse Perl. It's one of the reasons you can't use Catalyst::Controller::ActionRole to apply parameterized roles to your action instances, because parsing parameters out of things like Does(SomeRole => names => [qw/affe tiger/], answer_re => qr/42/ ) would be awful and wrong. With Catalyst 5.8 most of the attribute related code has been removed from the internals. It's now using MooseX::MethodAttributes to do all the heavy lifting. Also the internals of how actions are registered have been refactored to make it easier to implement alternate ways without changing the Catalyst core. As a proof of concept for this I implemented a new way of declaring actions that's very similar to how Moose provides it's sugar functions. You can get it from github. With that, the above example looks like this:
action base    => (Chained => '/',    PathPart => '', CaptureArgs => 0) => sub   ...  ;
action index   => (Chained => 'base', PathPart => '', Args    => 0    ) => sub   ...  ;
action default => (Chained => 'base', PathPart => '', Args    => undef) => sub   ...  ;
It also moves method declaration from compiletime to runtime, making this possible:
for my $action (qw/foo bar baz/)  
    action $action => (Chained => 'somewhere', Args => 0) => sub  
        my ($self, $ctx) = @_;
        $ctx->stash->  $action   = $ctx->model('Foo')->get_stuff($action);
Admittedly, that's all very ugly, but illustrates well what kind of things we're able to do now. But it doesn't need to be ugly. With Devel::Declare we have a great tool to add our own awesome syntax to perl, similar to how things like MooseX::Method::Signatures, MooseX::MultiMethods and MooseX::Declare do. So how would a declarative syntax for Catalyst controllers look like? I don't know. Ideas include something like this:
under /some/where, action foo ('foo', $id)   ...  
to mean:
sub foo : Chained('/some/where') PathPart('foo') CaptureArgs(1)   ...  
Adding Moose type constraints to this would be interesting, too, and make validation of captures and arguments a lot easier. Multi dispatch similar to MooseX::MultiMethods could be handy as well:
under /some/where  
    action ('foo', Int $id)  
        # find and stash an item by id
    action ('foo', Str $name)  
        # search items using $name
    action ('foo', Any $thing)  
        # display error page
So you see there are a lot of possibilities that should be explored. Unfortunately I have no idea what kind of syntax and features people would like to have, so your feedback on this would be much appreciated. :-)

13 March 2009

MJ Ray: Paralysed Perl Package Problem

With any luck, someone has seen this problem before and can fix it easily. I don t seem to be able to find the fix by searching, but the search terms feel like they re either too general or too specific. I was trying to install some perl software on a debian lenny system that was upgraded from etch (and previously from sarge). After installing the dependencies, I started getting errors like this:-
$ perl -MYAML::Syck -e print
Can't locate YAML/ in @INC (@INC contains:
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.0/i686-linux /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.0
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.0 .).
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.
Update: Well done to Raphael who spotted the local that I d overlooked. D oh! Now to see if I can discover where that came from. Update 2: Also thanks to Florian who emailed in at about the same time (I don t read my email as much as my website dashboard, usually).

Then I discovered that the debian mirror being used (which is in the same city, and in a nearby network) is marked as bad on the health check. I switched mirrors to a known-good one that I ve used for other systems recently, but no joy. I think a key symptom is this bit near the end of the output of perl -V:
Compiled at Aug 4 2008 09:48:59
Our good systems show a December compiled at date and a much longer @INC list. I ve tried reinstalling pretty much every package I think might be connected, including libc6, libperl5.10, perl, perl-base and perl-modules (those last four are all version 5.10.0-19). I really don t want to reinstall the whole system because it s behind an irritating firewall that will make it a 10-hour round-trip site visit. I m currently hunting and removing obsolete packages to try to make sure they re not causing problems, because I m running out of straws to clutch at. How would you recover a debian system from this?

9 December 2008

Gerfried Fuchs: Better Support

Since last weekend has two more services supporting tracking of what's going on. I will list them in chronological order: Tracking of Security issues in backports packages: This was one of the many topics that was discussed at the Security Team meeting in Essen at the end of last month and Florian Weimer implemented a first version of tracking security issues within It currently compares the backported version against the one fixed for unstable, so at the moment it still has some false-positives (e.g. libspf2 because the fix was taken from lenny-security), but this is still a big step forward and helpful to track outstanding issues here, too. Diffs between etch-backports and lenny: Something similar was available at some other places before but strangely got discontinued. In here you can see which packages in backports are older (meaning only debian revision difference), outdated (newer upstream version in lenny) newer (backported from unstable?), have a wrong version schema or are not available in lenny (propably even removed from unstable). It will hopefully help people to get their backports in sync. At least it's an indicator of how well the packages are tracked. Hope you consider them already as useful as myself, even though there is obvious space for improvements. But they are both quite helpful already in their current state so that shouldn't hinder you from using them. :)

4 December 2008

Florian Maier: HP Compaq 2510p linux kernel freeze

I've recently noticed that one of our lab laptops running "testing" and "unstable" <strong>freezes</strong> the system whenever i close
the lid. Additionally, X does not always come up properly and rebooting is (besides typing blindly) the only way to get a
graphical login. The graphics chipset is an intel 955. After a bit of search we found a kernel bugreport, which provides a clue
where the problem occurs. root@orion:~# cat /proc/acpi/video/*/DOS
DOS setting: <0>
To get it working for the HP Compaq 2510p, all you need to do is to set a value of "1" root@orion:~# echo '1' > /proc/acpi/video/*/DOS Then cross your fingers and close the lid. Hopefully your system did no freeze and is still up ;-) At work, we're using a modprobe post-install-Script to work around this which sets the working ACPI _DOS value if a ''ACPIvideo_DOS'' variable is set. This will hopefully be fixed soon in a newer kernel version. Afaik from Debconf8, Bdale also owns one of those notebooks. PS.: *rofl*

Florian Maier: linux on the iphone

I'm pleased to announce that the Linux 2.6 kernel has been ported to Apple's iPhone platform, with support for the first and second generation iPhones as well as the first generation iPod touch. This is a rough first draft of the port, and many drivers are still missing, but it's enough that a real alternative operating system is running on the iPhone.
At least we're getting closer to a free(d) iPhone ;-)

1 December 2008

Florian Maier: hello planet debian

This is my first post for planet debian, thanks for adding my feed Holger. I'm working for the City of Munich asDevelopment Lead of our Debian based Linux Desktop. I'm not yet a DD, but waiting in the NM queue.My posts will usually be about Debian, Linux, LiMux and other random technical stuff i can't bother anybody else with ;-)

27 November 2008

Adrian von Bidder: Ultimate waste of time

"Wasted" time on the parts of both developers and users. On the other hand, isn't the whole point about computers that they waste the time they could have saved in any case? LILO boot screen with breakout game. Thanks to Florian Rehnisch for making me stumble upon this. (The description references SuSE Linux 7.2, so I'm probably the last person on earth who hasn't seen this before. Oh, welll...)

21 October 2008

Biella Coleman: Measuring a Courses Success: xkcd

So we are about 1/2 way done with my hacker class and I have to say it has been a pretty fun ride, especially since many students thought hacking was all about pimply kids engaging in malicious acts of computer violence and many had no knowledge of basic technological concepts like UNIX or source code. We had to first sweep away the cobwebs of misrepresentation and replace with a more solid foundation of facts (however messy the world of hacking still is!) But after building a foundation, you still wonder whether students are learning. Traditionally we gauge progress with exams or essays, which can be effective but let’s face it, at times a little tedious. But today a student sent me the following very short email, which made me realize I had another barometer at my disposal to gauge their progress xkcd: I wouldn’t have gotten the joke if it wasn’t for you. Thanks.
The email not only made me smile (for it is always nice to know your students are leaning something) but it gave me the idea that in the future I might include a comic based exams composed of 5-10 comic strips (many from xkcd) and ask for an exegesis of them. Why not? Seems like fun to me. And it would be great to include the following as one of my course objectives: “By the end of this class you will be able to read xkcd and actually understand (most) of it.” If they could do that, well, they must have learned at least something :-) update: One of my readers, Florian, sent this nice bit, which I have not read before: “I read your blog via Planet Debian and immediately felt reminded of Jane
Goodall’s Foreword to Gary Larson’s The Far Side Gallery 5 which I’d
like to share with you:”
Recently I was talking with one of the best researcher know, Tim
O’Halloran. He has been able to inspire generations of middle and high
school students to care for the natural world. Tim told me that Gary
Larson has had a major impact on his teaching. Tim uses Far Side
cartoons to introduce topics, to illustrate points, and to “reinforce
the notion that the more we investigate the universe, the richer is our
experience.” When designing exam papers Tim finds the cartoons “ease the
tension and spark the memory.” It all began when, in the fall of 1985,
he was given the task of teaching science to 162 Tulsa ninth-graders who
were convinced that it was absolutely irrelevant to their futures. Tim
put one hundred Far Side cartoons on a large bulleting board, and told
the students to study them. The consensus was that they didn’t
understand the humor - The Far Side was “too weird”. However, Tim wrote
me, “Each time we completed a unit and the students approached the
bulletin board with newly acquired wisdom, I smiled quietly and thanked
the cosmos for Gary’s perspectives as the kids roared with the confident
laughter of the enlightened.” Having taught myself for a while, I can fully and happily relate.
Later in the semester, and for my hacker course, we will be reading Understanding Comics, which will give us a bit of a meta perspective on why comics are so good at conveying a certain type of message. I can’t wait to read it as I have heard it is fantastic.

Biella Coleman: Measuring a Courses Success: xkcd

So we are about 1/2 way done with my hacker class and I have to say it has been a pretty fun ride, especially since many students thought hacking was all about pimply kids engaging in malicious acts of computer violence and many had no knowledge of basic technological concepts like UNIX or source code. We had to first sweep away the cobwebs of misrepresentation and replace with a more solid foundation of facts (however messy the world of hacking still is!) But after building a foundation, you still wonder whether students are learning. Traditionally we gauge progress with exams or essays, which can be effective but let’s face it, at times a little tedious. But today a student sent me the following very short email, which made me realize I had another barometer at my disposal to gauge their progress xkcd: I wouldn’t have gotten the joke if it wasn’t for you. Thanks.
The email not only made me smile (for it is always nice to know your students are leaning something) but it gave me the idea that in the future I might include a comic based exams composed of 5-10 comic strips (many from xkcd) and ask for an exegesis of them. Why not? Seems like fun to me. And it would be great to include the following as one of my course objectives: “By the end of this class you will be able to read xkcd and actually understand (most) of it.” If they could do that, well, they must have learned at least something :-) update: One of my readers, Florian, sent this nice bit, which I have not read before: “I read your blog via Planet Debian and immediately felt reminded of Jane
Goodall’s Foreword to Gary Larson’s The Far Side Gallery 5 which I’d
like to share with you:”
Recently I was talking with one of the best researcher know, Tim
O’Halloran. He has been able to inspire generations of middle and high
school students to care for the natural world. Tim told me that Gary
Larson has had a major impact on his teaching. Tim uses Far Side
cartoons to introduce topics, to illustrate points, and to “reinforce
the notion that the more we investigate the universe, the richer is our
experience.” When designing exam papers Tim finds the cartoons “ease the
tension and spark the memory.” It all began when, in the fall of 1985,
he was given the task of teaching science to 162 Tulsa ninth-graders who
were convinced that it was absolutely irrelevant to their futures. Tim
put one hundred Far Side cartoons on a large bulleting board, and told
the students to study them. The consensus was that they didn’t
understand the humor - The Far Side was “too weird”. However, Tim wrote
me, “Each time we completed a unit and the students approached the
bulletin board with newly acquired wisdom, I smiled quietly and thanked
the cosmos for Gary’s perspectives as the kids roared with the confident
laughter of the enlightened.” Having taught myself for a while, I can fully and happily relate.
Later in the semester, and for my hacker course, we will be reading Understanding Comics, which will give us a bit of a meta perspective on why comics are so good at conveying a certain type of message. I can’t wait to read it as I have heard it is fantastic.

19 September 2008

Lucas Nussbaum: Looking for cliques in the GPG signatures graph

The strongly connected set of the GPG keys graph contains a bit more than 40000 keys now (yes, that’s a lot of geeks!). I wondered what was the biggest clique (complete subgraph) in that graph, and also of course the biggest clique I was in. It’s easy to grab the whole web of trust there. Finding the maximum clique in a graph is NP-complete, but there are algorithms that work quite well for small instances (and you don’t need to consider all 40000 keys: to be in a clique of n keys, a key must have at least n-1 signatures, so it’s easy to simplify the graph — if you find a clique with 20 keys, you can remove all keys that have less than 19 signatures). My first googling result pointed to Ashay Dharwadker’s solver implementation (which also proves P=NP ;). Googling further allowed me to find the solver provided with the DIMACS benchmarks. It’s clearly not the state of the art, but it was enough in my case (allowed to find the result almost immediately). The biggest clique contains 47 keys. However, it looks like someone had fun, and injected a lot of bogus keys in the keyring. See the clique. So I ignored those keys, and re-ran the solver. And guess what’s the size of the biggest “real” clique? Yes. 42. Here are the winners:
CF3401A9 Elmar Hoffmann
AF260AB1 Florian Zumbiehl
454C864C Moritz Lapp
E6AB2957 Tilman Koschnick
A0ED982D Christian Brueffer
5A35FD42 Christoph Ulrich Scholler
514B3E7C Florian Ernst
AB0CB8C0 Frank Mohr
797EBFAB Enrico Zini
A521F8B5 Manuel Zeise
57E19B02 Thomas Glanzmann
3096372C Michael Fladerer
E63CD6D6 Daniel Hess
A244C858 Torsten Marek
82FB4EAD Timo Weing rtner
1EEF26F4 Christoph Ulrich Scholler
AAE6022E Karlheinz Geyer
EA2D2C41 Mattia Dongili
FCC5040F Stephan Beyer
6B79D401 Giunchedi Filippo
74B11360 Frank Mohr
94C09C7F Peter Palfrader
2274C4DA Andreas Priesz
3B443922 Mathias Rachor
C54BD798 Helmut Grohne
9DE1EEB1 Marc Brockschmidt
41CF0322 Christoph Reeg
218D18D7 Robert Schiele
0DCB0431 Daniel Hess
B84EF12A Mathias Rachor
FD6A8D9D Andreas Madsack
67007C30 Bernd Paysan
9978AF86 Christoph Probst
BD8B050D Roland Rosenfeld
E3DB4EA7 Christian Barth
E263FCD4 Kurt Gramlich
0E6D09CE Mathias Rachor
2A623F72 Christoph Probst
E05C21AF Sebastian Inacker
5D64F870 Martin Zobel-Helas
248AEB73 Rene Engelhard
9C67CD96 Torsten Veller
It’s likely that this happened thanks to a very successful key signing party somewhere in germany (looking at the email addresses). [Update: It was the LinuxTag 2005 KSP.] It might be a nice challenge to beat that clique during next Debconf ;) And the biggest clique I’m in contains 23 keys. Not too bad.

15 August 2008

DebConf 8 video: Debian Derivers Roundtable

Participiants: Martin F Krafft <> (, Florian Maier <> (LiMux), Cesar Gomez <> (Linex), Holger Levsen <> (Debian Edu), Andreas Tille <>, Mark Shuttleworth <> (Ubuntu), Bdale Garbee (Debian)
Full event details

26 July 2008

Philipp Kern: Stable Point Release: Etch 4.0r4 (aka etchnhalf)

Another point release for Etch has been done; now it's the time for the CD team to roll out new images after the next mirror pulse. The official announcements (prepared by Alexander Reichle-Schmehl, thanks!) will follow shortly afterwards. FTP master of the day was Joerg Jaspert, who did his first point release since Woody, as he told us on IRC. We appreciate your work and you spending your time that shortly before going to Argentina. This point release includes the etchnhalf update introducing a new kernel image (based on 2.6.24) and some driver updates. Additionally the infamous openssl hole will be fixed for good, even for new installs. Again I want to present you a list of people who contributed to this release. It cannot be complete as I got the information out of the Changed-by fields of the uploads. From the Release Team we had dann frazier (who drove the important kernel part of etchnhalf), Luk Claes, Neil McGovern, Andreas Barth, Martin Zobel-Helas and me working on it. ;-)

