Search Results: "erinn"

4 January 2006

Erinn Clark: The epic tale

My previous post rewritten by the inimitable Anthony Towns:
An enigmatic lady named Erinn Clark,
Was scheduled to switch coasts in the dark.
But missing her plane,
She will happily explain,
Had little effect on her lark.
A bold southern dame, she insisted;
To be on the next flight or waitlisted
(She was, as you'll see,
A New Years escapee)
And her charms just could not be resisted.
Her flight went to Tampa and then to LA,
Finally dropping her off in sweet San Jose,
Florida thus departed,
And the airline outsmarted,
Finally, now it's time for horseplay!
Let's introduce her partner in crime,
Though "Val Henson" is too hard to rhyme.
Throw 'em in a ball pit,
To their necks if they fit,
And they'll have a glorious time.
But first to a black tie affair,
To greet the New Year in a style debonair,
She was ready to skate,
But was forced to placate,
With jewelry, a shirt and a glare.
The guests were exciting and fun,
All happy and gleeful but one,
She was Lina by name,
Thought the Eve's not the same,
Without fireworks, like a day without sun.
In spite of it all, it failed to suck,
A climax as midnight eventually struck,
The year's dawn arrived,
And our heroines revived
With vegan duck which you don't have to pluck.
To summarise the rest of the story in brief:
There's being spoonfed Indian bits by the chief,
In ballpits they're tossed,
In forests they're lost,
And meanwhile namesys provides light relief.
Finally it comes time to return,
To the coast where the sunrise will burn.
But a feeling of doom,
And a small viral bloom,
Can be quite a cause for concern.
But a satisfactory note that is not,
On which to end this poetical jot,
Instead wishing this:
A year full of bliss,
May all that is good be your lot!
And people wonder why I fangirl him?

1 January 2006

Joshua Kwan: Debconf5 in less than 24 hours

I’ll be at Debconf5 by 9 AM on Sunday morning! I’m taking an early flight tomorrow morning to NYC, and have an hour or two of layover before boarding a plane to Helsinki. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone. I thought I was going to be on the same plane as Andres, Erinn, and Clint, but it turns out they are on the same flight I am, only one day before. Oh well.

5 December 2005

Anthony Towns: Security Infrastructure Changes

Delays suck. I’m actually skipping ahead here, I’d meant to blog about updating the dak codebase into shape for whatever changes were coming up first, but it turns out I’m not in the mood for that. Besides which, most of this entry is preprepared. In the last few entries we went over the background for updating our security infrastructure to make it possible to have security team members that don’t worry about vendor-sec issues (process, overview, NIv2 aka NINJA, queue-build issues), all the while skipping fairly lightly over the question of what has to actually happen. That happens to be the way I prefer to work, lots of background tinkering, then spend as little time on actual implementation as possible; it has it’s drawbacks, but hey, I like it. Anyway, the second last step is working out in detail what’s going to happen. The delay in question was trying to get the security team to sign off on it, but unfortunately they’re busy enough that that looks like it’ll being an indefinite delay, so I’m going with the “well, ftpmaster maintains the dak/katie infrastructure for the security team, so in the end it’s our call on what’s best anyway” line of thought, and just plunging in. Fortunately the current and final plan should make pretty minimal changes to how the existing security team operate anyway, even assuming a massive testing security operation happening in parallel with them – so the downside risk is already pretty minimal. (And it was, afterall, developed in consultation with Joey, and then shopped around a few folks who’ve been doing security work for testing and kernels) What is that plan, you may well ask. It’s something like this: First, let’s restate the idea:
Concept Allow two teams to exist, the current security team as the “vendor-sec subteam”, and the full team which can expand to also include the testing-security people and others interested and able to help out with security work but who do not have access to vendor-sec.
Then, we want to think about the processes that are involved at a global level. First for uploads that can’t be made public until some later date, and can only be worked on by the “vendor-sec” enabled security team.
  • Source upload to queue/unchecked (as now)
    • Upload is authenticated etc
    • Upload is moved to queue/embargoed
  • Upload is autobuilt
    • Logs are sent to a procmail address
    • Logs are forwarded (by procmail) onto the vendor-sec subteam
    • Logs are signed and sent back
    • Binaries are uploaded to queue/unchecked
    • Binaries are moved to queue/embargoed
  • Uploads (source + binaries) are approved from queue/embargoed by
  • running amber
    • Uploads are moved into the archive
    • The archive is mirrored
  • The approver issues an advisory
And likewise for issues that don’t need so much secrecy:
  • Source upload to queue/unchecked-disembargo (new directory)
    • Upload is authenticated etc
    • Source+version added to unembargo table
    • Upload is moved to queue/unembargoed
  • Upload is autobuilt
    • Logs are sent to a procmail address
    • Logs are forwarded (by procmail, after checking unembargo table) onto the full team
    • Logs are signed and sent back
    • Binaries are uploaded to queue/unchecked
    • Noting that the source is in the unembargo table, Binaries are moved to queue/unembargoed
  • Uploads (source + binaries) are approved from queue/unembargoed by running amber
    • Uploads are moved into the archive
    • The archive is mirrored
  • The approver issues an advisory
Processes are great, but they have to be supported by proper information handling, so it’s worth looking at what the above actually means for the on-disk structures, too. This is particularly important, since filesystem level security is mostly how we wall off vendor-sec stuff from other users of the system (whether they’re also working on security issues, or doing, eg, web page maintenance or something equally random). Voila:
queue/unchecked, queue/unchecked-dismebargo
    world writable
    accessible only by katie
    contents automatically cleared every 15m
    writable only by katie
    accessible by vendor-sec subteam
    amber allows packages to be ACCEPTed
    [...] allows packages to be REJECTed
    writable only by katie
    accessible by full team
    amber allows packages to be ACCEPTed
    [...] allows packages to be REJECTed
    packages only sit in accepted briefly while amber is running
And finally, to sum things up, this is what a member of the security team should expect to actually do to release an advisory:
  • Upload package to queue/unchecked (or queue/unchecked-disembargo)
  • Wait for build logs to be sent to your address
  • Check and sign those build logs
  • Check the final packages in queue/embargoed (or queue/unembargoed)
  • Run amber over the packages to accept them
  • Fill in the template advisory generated and send it to the -announce list
The differences between that process and the current one used by the security team is pretty minor, ttbomk: currently uploads sit in queue/accepted not queue/embargoed, and currently the security team ignore the template advisories amber generates preferring to make their own – aiui, this is mostly due to delays in actually receiving the advisory template since amber mails it instead of leaving it somewhere convenient on disk. Anyway, that’s what the plan looks like. We should see how well it survives contact with the enemy, or at least reality, remarkably soon. (Of course, I guess “political issues” could always foul it up completely anyway, particularly going by the fact that it’s been more or less the only problem raised by the folks I’ve passed this on to… Oh well, reconstruct that bridge when we get to it, I guess)

26 November 2005

Erinn Clark: What is this?

I have a picture of this space on my computer and, for the life of me, I cannot remember the name of it. If anyone can identify it, please email me. p.s., AJ, I thought we all agreed NIv2 would be named NINJA?

22 November 2005

Clint Adams: GUI music players

First, I should point out that I hate GUIs. Then I should point out that I don't want to play music with a GUI music player. I'm including ncurses-type things like cplay in the GUI category. They've always made my skin crawl. So, why am I testing out GUI music players? It's because I didn't didn't realize that I misread the Audioscrobbler spec. Now that we've established that I don't know what I'm talking about, let's move on. Yesterday, I followed the suggestion of some KDE people and tried amaroK. I was pleasantly surprised. It was pretty, it was functional, the UI didn't piss me off, and it kept showing me a picture of Mako for some reason I still can't figure out. Here's where it fell down: it wanted me to select tracks based on album/artist info in the file tags; the musicbrainz lookup function is not as useful as tp_tagger; when I tried to play tracks off of a slow networked filesystem, it skipped a bit, then it shoved its head up its ass and ate itself. It managed to finish the track before it disabled its frontal lobe, but it didn't send the data to So, amaroK was a lot better than I expected, but unacceptable. People seem to like Quod Libet. Joey and Erinn. So when I tried it today, I didn't expect it to be awful. Here's what it has over amaroK: it doesn't fall over and die when trying to deal with files on a slow networked filesystem. It just skips. You may be thinking that this could be easily solved with proper buffering. I'd think that too, if it didn't skip when playing files on the local hard drive. You may be wondering why I'm trying to play music on an old 486. I'm not. This is a Pentium 4 2.8GHz under almost no load. This is ridiculous. Compared to amaroK, this thing is ugly as sin, and incredibly awkward. That includes the metadata editor that people keep raving about for some reason. Furthermore, when I rearrange songs in the Play Queue, it occasionally ignores me and plays the track that used to be at the top of the list. Rhythmbox also has problems with skipping, so I guess that gstreamer is the devil. I'm not filing bugs because I don't intend to ever use these programs again.

20 November 2005

Erinn Clark: quod libet

Joey Hess blogs about how nice Quod Libet is. In general, I agree with him. I use it at work now, though I've historically preferred cplay as it's nice and simple and does what I want. Due to the popularity of Audioscrobbler and my curiosity about it, I decided I'd try out some of the clients that support it. It was sort of a rude awakening to discover that QL won't actually work on AMD64, which I use at home. The reason for the bug not being fixed (or RC for that matter) is really sort of funny in a sad way. EDIT: Hmm, that didn't take long. The bug's now fixed (of course, not due to my whiny blogging, but rather due to Steve upgrading the bug to RC.) Something valuable to take away from this: amd64 bugs that qualify are RC and should be treated as such. I'd probably still hesitate to upgrade severities in the future without input from an RM, but at least now it's not a questionable situation. Also, yay, now I can use QL at home. Thanks for the quick fix, Joe. Thou ninja'st. :)

Erinn Clark: quod libet

Joey Hess blogs about how nice Quod Libet is. In general, I agree with him. I use it at work now, though I've historically preferred cplay as it's nice and simple and does what I want. Due to the popularity of Audioscrobbler and my curiosity about it, I decided I'd try out some of the clients that support it. It was sort of a rude awakening to discover that QL won't actually work on AMD64, which I use at home. The reason for the bug not being fixed (or RC for that matter) is really sort of funny in a sad way.

12 November 2005

Christine Spang: Mutt sucks less

So, I’ve recently switched to Mutt for mail-reading purposes, and aside from it taking a motherload of all time to get all the necessary parts setup and configured properly having never done it before, I am so far extremely happy. It looks like it’s going to be a huge timesaver overall once I have everything tweaked to my liking. Yay for Erinn giving me her super muttrc file which was incredibly helpful and neato. (Though I’m still tweaking the display colours in it: I agree, helix, I don’t like yours. :-p) All I need to do now is get my spam filtering setup in both procmail and the necessary hooks in Mutt, and add a few macros of my own. (And finish fleshing out my aliases.) Oh, and I need to fix some of my procmail rules, probably to sort by List-Id instead of ^TO, because I believe many of these lists are using bcc or something which breaks my list filtering. I haven’t looked at it too much yet. One of my friends gave me lots of digital pictures from various things: Home-brewed Halloween fun: I was traumatized that I forgot my cross at home. I also apologize for any trauma caused by this picture. (Yes, all three of us are indeed girls.) Edit: added in proper image thumbnail to not be evil.

17 October 2005

Erinn Clark: Unreadable captchas considered useless

I've become increasingly aggravated by my inability to read captchas such as this one. Am I becoming a robot or are they making it stupidly hard for humans these days? If I am becoming a robot, when do I get my hot pink exoskeleton?

