Search Results: "emanuele"

5 April 2024

Emanuele Rocca: PGP keys on Yubikey, with a side of Mutt

Here are my notes about copying PGP keys to external hardware devices such as Yubikeys. Let me begin by saying that the gpg tools are pretty bad at this.
For example, would you believe me if I said that saving changes results in the removal of your private key? Well check this out.
Now that you have multiple safe, offline backups of your keys, here are my notes.
apt install yubikey-manager scdaemon
Plug the Yubikey in, see if it s recognized properly:
ykman list
gpg --card-status
Change the default PIN (123456) and Admin PIN (12345678):
gpg --card-edit
gpg/card> admin
gpg/card> passwd
Look at the openpgp information and change the maximum number of retries, if you like. I have seen this failing a couple of times, unplugging the Yubikey and putting it back in worked.
ykman openpgp info
ykman openpgp access set-retries 7 7 7
Copy your keys. MAKE A BACKUP OF ~/.gnupg/ BEFORE YOU DO THIS.
gpg --edit-key $KEY_ID
gpg> keytocard # follow the prompts to copy the first key
Now choose the next key and copy that one too. Repeat till all subkeys are copied.
gpg> key 1
gpg> keytocard
Typing gpg --card-status you should be able to see all your keys on the Yubikey now.

Using the key on another machine
How do you use your PGP keys on the Yubikey on other systems?
Go to another system, if it does have a ~/.gnupg directory already move it somewhere else.
apt install scdaemon
Import your public key:
gpg -k
gpg --keyserver --recv-keys $KEY_ID
Check the fingerprint and if it is indeed your key say you trust it:
gpg --edit-key $KEY_ID
> trust
> 5
> y
> save
Now try gpg --card-status and gpg --list-secret-keys, you should be able to see your keys. Try signing something, it should work.
gpg --output /tmp/x.out --sign /etc/motd
gpg --verify /tmp/x.out

Using the Yubikey with Mutt
If you re using mutt with IMAP, there is a very simple trick to safely store your password on disk. Create an encrypted file with your IMAP password:
echo SUPERSECRET   gpg --encrypt > ~/.mutt_password.gpg
Add the following to ~/.muttrc:
set imap_pass= gpg --decrypt ~/.mutt_password.gpg 
With the above, mutt now prompts you to insert the Yubikey and type your PIN in order to connect to the IMAP server.

12 February 2024

Emanuele Rocca: Enabling Kernel Settings in Debian

This time it s about enabling new kernel config options in the official Debian kernel packages. A few dependencies are needed to run the various scripts used by the Debian kernel folks, as well as to build the kernel itself:
apt install git gpg python3-debian python3-dacite
apt build-dep linux
With that in place, fetch the linux and kernel-team repos:
git clone --depth 1
git clone --depth 1
So far you ve only got the Debian-specific bits. Fetch the actual kernel sources now. In the likely case that you re building a stable kernel, run the following from within the linux directory:
Use the torvalds repo if you re building an RC version instead:
Now generate the upstream tarball as well as debian/control. The first command will take a bit, and the second command will fail: but that s success just as the output says.
debian/rules orig
debian/rules debian/control
Now generate patched sources with:
debian/rules source
Time to edit the Kconfig and enable/disable whatever setting you wanted to change. Take a look around the files under debian/config/ to see where your changes should go. If it s a setting shared among multiple architectures that may be debian/config/config. For x86-specific things, the file is debian/config/amd64/config. On aarch64 debian/config/arm64/config. If in doubt, you could try asking #debian-kernel on IRC.
It may look like you need to figure out where exactly in the file the setting should be placed. That is not the case. There s a helpful script fixing things up for you:
../kernel-team/utils/kconfigeditor2/ .
The above will fail if you forgot to run debian/rules source. The debian/build/source_rt/Kconfig file is needed by the script:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/linux/../kernel-team/utils/kconfigeditor2/", line 19, in __init__
    menu = fs_menu[featureset or 'none']
KeyError: 'rt'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './debian/build/source_rt/Kconfig'
If that happens, run:
debian/rules source
Now should work fine and fix your config file.
Excellent, now the config is updated and we re ready to build the kernel. Off we go:
export MAKEFLAGS=-j$(nproc)
export DEB_BUILD_PROFILES='pkg.linux.nokerneldbg pkg.linux.nokerneldbginfo pkg.linux.notools nodoc'
dpkg-buildpackage -b -nc -uc

25 November 2023

Andrew Cater: Laptop with ARM, mobile phone BoF - MiniDebConf Cambridge day 1

So following Emanuele's talk on a Lenovo X13s, we're now at the Debian on Mobile BoF (Birds of a feather) discussion session from Arnaud Ferraris
Discussion and questions on how best to support many variants of mobile phones: the short answer seems to be "it's still *hard* - too many devices around to add individual tweaks for every phone and manufacturer.One thing that may not have been audible in the video soundtrack - lots of laughter in the room prompted as someone's device said, audibly "You are not allowed to do that without unlocking your device"Upstream and downstream packages for hardware enablement are also hard: basic support is sometimes easy but that might even include non-support for charging, for example.Much discussion around the numbers of kernels and kernel image proliferation there could be. Debian tends to prefer *one* way of doing things with kernels.Abstracting hardware is the hardest thing but leads to huge kernels - there's no easy trade-off. Simple/feasible in multiple end user devices/supportable - pick one

6 October 2023

Emanuele Rocca: Custom Debian Installer and Kernel on a USB stick

There are many valid reasons to create a custom Debian Installer image. You may need to pass some special arguments to the kernel, use a different GRUB version, automate the installation by means of preseeding, use a custom kernel, or modify the installer itself.
If you have a EFI system, which is probably the case in 2023, there is no need to learn complex procedures in order to create a custom Debian Installer stick.
The source of many frustrations is that the ISO format for CDs/DVDs is read-only, but you can just create a VFAT filesystem on a USB stick, copy all ISO contents onto the stick itself, and modify things at will.

Create a writable USB stick
First create a FAT32 filesystem on the removable device and mount it. The device is sdX in the example.
$ sudo parted --script /dev/sdX mklabel msdos
$ sudo parted --script /dev/sdX mkpart primary fat32 0% 100%
$ sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdX1
$ sudo mount /dev/sdX1 /mnt/data/
Then copy to the USB stick the installer ISO you would like to modify, debian-testing-amd64-netinst.iso here.
$ sudo kpartx -v -a debian-testing-amd64-netinst.iso
# Mount the first partition on the ISO and copy its contents to the stick
$ sudo mount /dev/mapper/loop0p1 /mnt/cdrom/
$ sudo rsync -av /mnt/cdrom/ /mnt/data/
$ sudo umount /mnt/cdrom
# Same story with the second partition on the ISO
$ sudo mount /dev/mapper/loop0p2 /mnt/cdrom/
$ sudo rsync -av /mnt/cdrom/ /mnt/data/
$ sudo umount /mnt/cdrom
$ sudo kpartx -d debian-testing-amd64-netinst.iso
$ sudo umount /mnt/data
Now try booting from the USB stick just to verify that everything went well and we can start customizing the image.

Boot loader, preseeding, installer hacks
The easiest things we can change now are the shim, GRUB, and GRUB s configuration. The USB stick contains the shim under /EFI/boot/bootx64.efi, while GRUB is at /EFI/boot/grubx64.efi. This means that if you want to test a different shim / GRUB version, you just replace the relevant files. That s it. Take for example /usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi/monolithic/grubx64.efi from the package grub-efi-amd64-bin, or the signed version from grub-efi-amd64-signed and copy them under /EFI/boot/grubx64.efi. Or perhaps you want to try out systemd-boot? Then take /usr/lib/systemd/boot/efi/systemd-bootx64.efi from the package systemd-boot-efi, copy it to /EFI/boot/bootx64.efi and you re good to go. Figuring out the right systemd-boot configuration needed to start the Installer is left as an exercise.
By editing /boot/grub/grub.cfg you can pass arbitrary arguments to the kernel and the Installer itself. See the official Installation Guide for a comprehensive list of boot parameters.
One very commong thing to do is automating the installation using a preseed file. Add the following to the kernel command line: preseed/file=/cdrom/preseed.cfg and create a /preseed.cfg file on the USB stick. As a little example:
d-i time/zone select Europe/Rome
d-i passwd/root-password this-is-the-root-password
d-i passwd/root-password-again this-is-the-root-password
d-i passwd/user-fullname string Emanuele Rocca
d-i passwd/username string ema
d-i passwd/user-password password lol-haha-uh
d-i passwd/user-password-again password lol-haha-uh
d-i apt-setup/no_mirror boolean true
d-i popularity-contest/participate boolean true
tasksel tasksel/first multiselect standard
See Steve McIntyre s awesome page with the full list of available settings and their description:
Two noteworthy settings are early_command and late_command. They can be used to execute arbitrary commands and provide thus extreme flexibility! You can go as far as replacing parts of the installer with a sed command, or maybe wgetting an entirely different file. This is a fairly easy way to test minor Installer patches. As an example, I ve once used this to test a patch to grub-installer:
d-i partman/early_command string wget -O /usr/bin/grub-installer
Finally, the initrd contains all early stages of the installer. It s easy to unpack it, modify whatever component you like, and repack it. Say you want to change a given udev rule:
$ mkdir /tmp/new-initrd
$ cd /tmp/new-initrd
$ zstdcat /mnt/data/install.a64/initrd.gz   sudo cpio -id
$ vi lib/udev/rules.d/60-block.rules
$ find .   cpio -o -H newc   zstd --stdout > /mnt/data/install.a64/initrd.gz

Custom udebs
From a basic architectural standpoint the Debian Installer can be seen as an initrd that loads a series of special Debian packages called udebs. In the previous section we have seen how to (ab)use early_command to replace one of the scripts used by the Installer, namely grub-installer. It turns out that such script is installed by a udeb, so let s do things right and build a new Installer ISO with our custom grub udeb.
Fetch the code for the grub-installer udeb, make your changes and build it with a classic dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot.
Then get the Installer code and install all dependencies:
$ git clone
$ cd debian-installer/
$ sudo apt build-dep .
Now add the grub-installer udeb to the localudebs directory and create a new netboot image:
$ cp /path/to/grub-installer_1.198_arm64.udeb build/localudebs/
$ cd build
$ fakeroot make clean_netboot build_netboot
Give it some time, soon enough you ll have a brand new ISO to test under dest/netboot/mini.iso.

Custom kernel
Perhaps there s a kernel configuration option you need to enable, or maybe you need a more recent kernel version than what is available in sid.
The Debian Linux Kernel Handbook has all the details for how to do things properly, but here s a quick example.
Get the Debian kernel packaging from salsa and generate the upstream tarball:
$ git clone
$ ./debian/bin/
For RC kernels use the repo from Linus instead of linux-stable.
Now do your thing, for instance change a config setting by editing debian/config/amd64/config. Don t worry about where you put it in the file, there s a tool from to fix that:
$ /path/to/kernel-team/utils/kconfigeditor2/ .
Now build your kernel:
$ export MAKEFLAGS=-j$(nproc)
$ export DEB_BUILD_PROFILES='pkg.linux.nokerneldbg pkg.linux.nokerneldbginfo pkg.linux.notools nodoc'
$ debian/rules orig
$ debian/rules debian/control
$ dpkg-buildpackage -b -nc -uc
After some time, if everything went well, you should get a bunch of .deb files as well as a .changes file, linux_6.6~rc3-1~exp1_arm64.changes here. To generate the udebs used by the Installer you need to first get a linux-signed .dsc file, and then build it with sbuild in this example:
$ /path/to/kernel-team/scripts/debian-test-sign linux_6.6~rc3-1~exp1_arm64.changes
$ sbuild --dist=unstable --extra-package=$PWD linux-signed-arm64_6.6~rc3+1~exp1.dsc
Excellent, now you should have a ton of .udebs. To build a custom installer image with this kernel, copy them all under debian-installer/build/localudebs/ and then run fakeroot make clean_netboot build_netboot as described in the previous section. In case you are trying to use a different kernel version from what is currently in sid, you will have to install the linux-image package on the system building the ISO, and change LINUX_KERNEL_ABI in build/config/common. The linux-image dependency in debian/control probably needs to be tweaked as well.
That s it, the new Installer ISO should boot with your custom kernel!
There is going to be another minor obstacle though, as anna will complain that your new kernel cannot be found in the archive. Copy the kernel udebs you have built onto a vfat formatted USB stick, switch to a terminal, and install them all with udpkg:
~ # udpkg -i *.udeb
Now the installation should proceed smoothly.

4 May 2023

Emanuele Rocca: UEFI Secure Boot on the Raspberry Pi

UPDATE: this post unexpectedly ended up on Hacker News and I received a lot of comments. The two most important points being made are (1) that Secure Boot on the RPi as described here is not actually truly secure. An attacker who successfully gained root could just mount the firmware partition and either add their own keys to the EFI variable store or replace the firmware altogether with a malicious one. (2) The TianCore firmware cannot be used instead of the proprietary blob as I mentioned. What truly happens is that the proprietary blob is loaded onto the VideoCore cores, then TianoCore is loaded onto the ARM cores. Thanks for the corrections.

A port of the free software TianoCore UEFI firmware can be used instead of the proprietary boot blob to boot the Raspberry Pi. This allows to install Debian on the RPi with the standard Debian Installer, and it also makes it possible to use UEFI Secure Boot. Note that Secure Boot had been broken on arm64 for a while, but it s now working in Bookworm!.

Debian Installer UEFI boot
To begin, you ll need to download the appropriate firmware files for the RPi3 or RPi4. I ve got a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ myself, so the rest of this document will assume an RPi3 is being installed.
Plug the SD card you are going to use as the RPi storage device into another system. Say it shows up as /dev/sdf. Then:
# Create an msdos partition table
$ sudo parted --script /dev/sdf mklabel msdos
# Create, format, and label a 10M fat32 partition
$ sudo parted --script /dev/sdf mkpart primary fat32 0% 10M
$ sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdf1
$ sudo fatlabel /dev/sdf1 RPI-FW
# Get the UEFI firmware onto the SD card
$ sudo mount /dev/sdf1 /mnt/data/
$ sudo unzip Downloads/ -d /mnt/data/
$ sudo umount /mnt/data
At this point, the SD card can be used to boot the RPi, and you ll get a UEFI firmware.
Download the Bookworm RC 2 release of the installer, copy it to a USB stick as described in the Installation Guide, and boot your RPi from the stick. If for some reason booting from the stick does not happen automatically, enter the firmware interface with ESC and choose the USB stick from Boot Manager.
Proceed with the installation as normal, paying attention not to modify the firmware partition labeled RPI-FW. I initially thought it would be nice to reuse the firmware partition as ESP partition as well. However, setting the esp flag on makes the RPi unbootable. Either configuring the partition as ESP in debian-installer, or manually with sudo parted --script /dev/sda set 1 esp on, breaks boot. In case you accidentally do that, set it back to off and the edk2 firmware will boot again.
What I suggest doing in terms of partitioning is: (1) leave the 10M partition created above for the firmware alone, and (2) create another 512M or so ESP partition for EFI boot.
The installation should go smoothly till the end, but rebooting won t work. Doh. This is because of an important gotcha: the Raspberry Pi port of the TianoCore firmware we are using does not support setting UEFI variables persistently from a "High Level Operating System (HLOS)", which is the debian-installer in our case. Persistently is the keyword there: variables can be set and modified regularly with efibootmgr or otherwise, but crucially the modifications do not survive reboot. However, changes made from the firmware interface itself are persistent. So enter the firmware with ESC right after booting the RPi, select Boot Maintenance Manager Boot Options Add Boot Option Your SD card Your ESP partition EFI debian shimaa64.efi. Choose a creative name for your boot entry (eg: "debian"), save and exit the firmware interface. Bookworm should be booting fine at this point!

Enabling Secure Boot
Although the TianoCore firmware does support Secure Boot, there are no keys enrolled by default. To add the required keys, copy PK-0001.der, DB-0001.der, DB-0002.der, KEK-0001.der, and KEK-0002.der to a FAT32 formatted USB stick.
Here s a summary of the Subject field for each of the above:
        Subject: O = Debian, CN = Debian UEFI Secure Boot (PK/KEK key), emailAddress =
        Subject: C = US, ST = Washington, L = Redmond, O = Microsoft Corporation, CN = Microsoft Windows Production PCA 2011
        Subject: C = US, ST = Washington, L = Redmond, O = Microsoft Corporation, CN = Microsoft Corporation UEFI CA 2011
        Subject: O = Debian, CN = Debian UEFI Secure Boot (PK/KEK key), emailAddress =
        Subject: C = US, ST = Washington, L = Redmond, O = Microsoft Corporation, CN = Microsoft Corporation KEK CA 2011
Plug the stick into the RPi, boot and enter the firmware interface with ESC. Select Device Manager Secure Boot Configuration Secure Boot Mode choose Custom Mode Custom Secure Boot Options PK Options Enroll PK choose PK-0001.der. Do the same for DB Options, this time choose DB-0001.der and DB-0002.der. As you may have guessed by now, the same must be done for KEK Options, but adding KEK-0001.der and KEK-0002.der. Save, exit, reboot. If everything went well, your RPi now has booted with Secure Boot enabled.
See for the details on how to check whether Secure Boot has been enabled correctly and much more.

26 March 2023

Emanuele Rocca: EFI and Secure Boot Notes

To create a bootable EFI drive to use with QEMU, first make a disk image and create a vfat filesystem on it.
$ dd if=/dev/zero of=boot.img bs=1M count=512
$ sudo mkfs.vfat boot.img
By default, EFI firmwares boot a specific file under /efi/boot/. The name of such file depends on the architecture: for example, on 64 bit x86 systems it is bootx64.efi, while on ARM it is bootaa64.efi.
Copy /usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi/monolithic/grubx64.efi from package grub-efi-amd64-bin to /efi/boot/bootx64.efi on the boot image, and that should be enough to start GRUB.
# mount boot.img /mnt/
# mkdir -p /mnt/efi/boot/
# cp /usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi/monolithic/grubx64.efi /mnt/efi/boot/bootx64.efi
# umount /mnt/
Now get the x86 firmware from package ovmf and start qemu:
$ cp /usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_CODE.fd /tmp/code.fd
$ qemu-system-x86_64 -drive file=/tmp/code.fd,format=raw,if=pflash -cdrom boot.img
GRUB looks fine, but it would be good to have a kernel to boot. Let s add one to boot.img.
# mount boot.img /mnt
# cp vmlinuz-6.1.0-7-amd64 /mnt/vmlinuz
# umount /mnt/
Boot with qemu again, but this time pass -m 1G. The default amount of memory is not enough to boot.
$ qemu-system-x86_64 -drive file=/tmp/code.fd,format=raw,if=pflash -cdrom boot.img -m 1G
At the grub prompt, type the following to boot:
grub> linux /vmlinuz
grub> boot
The kernel will start and reach the point of trying to mount the root fs. This is great but it would now be useful to have some sort of shell access in order to look around. Let s add an initrd!
# mount boot.img /mnt
# cp initrd.img-6.1.0-7-amd64 /mnt/initrd
# umount /mnt/
There s the option of starting qemu in console, let s try that out. Start qemu with -nographic, and append console=ttyS0 to the kernel command line arguments.
$ qemu-system-x86_64 -drive file=/tmp/code.fd,format=raw,if=pflash -cdrom boot.img -m 1G -nographic
grub> linux /vmlinuz console=ttyS0
grub> initrd /initrd
grub> boot
If all went well we are now in the initramfs shell. We can now run commands! At this point we can see that the system has Secure boot disabled:
(initramfs) dmesg   grep secureboot
[    0.000000] secureboot: Secure boot disabled
In order to boot with Secure boot, we need:
  • a signed shim, grub, and kernel
  • the right EFI variables for Secure boot
The package shim-signed provides a shim signed with Microsoft s key, while grub-efi-amd64-signed has GRUB signed with Debian s key.
The signatures can be shown with sbverify --list:
$ sbverify --list /usr/lib/shim/shimx64.efi.signed
warning: data remaining[823184 vs 948768]: gaps between PE/COFF sections?
signature 1
image signature issuers:
 - /C=US/ST=Washington/L=Redmond/O=Microsoft Corporation/CN=Microsoft Corporation UEFI CA 2011
image signature certificates:
 - subject: /C=US/ST=Washington/L=Redmond/O=Microsoft Corporation/CN=Microsoft Windows UEFI Driver Publisher
   issuer:  /C=US/ST=Washington/L=Redmond/O=Microsoft Corporation/CN=Microsoft Corporation UEFI CA 2011
 - subject: /C=US/ST=Washington/L=Redmond/O=Microsoft Corporation/CN=Microsoft Corporation UEFI CA 2011
   issuer:  /C=US/ST=Washington/L=Redmond/O=Microsoft Corporation/CN=Microsoft Corporation Third Party Marketplace Root
Similarly for GRUB and the kernel:
$ sbverify --list /usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi-signed/grubx64.efi.signed
signature 1
image signature issuers:
 - /CN=Debian Secure Boot CA
image signature certificates:
 - subject: /CN=Debian Secure Boot Signer 2022 - grub2
   issuer:  /CN=Debian Secure Boot CA
$ sbverify --list /mnt/vmlinuz
signature 1
image signature issuers:
 - /CN=Debian Secure Boot CA
image signature certificates:
 - subject: /CN=Debian Secure Boot Signer 2022 - linux
   issuer:  /CN=Debian Secure Boot CA
Let s use the signed shim and grub in the boot image:
# mount boot.img /mnt
# cp /usr/lib/shim/shimx64.efi.signed /mnt/efi/boot/bootx64.efi
# cp /usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi-signed/grubx64.efi.signed /mnt/efi/boot/grubx64.efi
# umount /mnt
And start QEMU with the appropriate EFI variables for Secure boot:
$ cp /usr/share/OVMF/ /tmp/vars.fd
$ qemu-system-x86_64 -drive file=/tmp/code.fd,format=raw,if=pflash -drive file=/tmp/vars.fd,format=raw,if=pflash -cdrom boot.img -m 1G -nographic
We can double-check in the firmware settings if Secure boot is indeed enabled. At the GRUB prompt, type fwsetup:
grub> fwsetup
Check under "Device Manager" "Secure Boot Configuration" that "Attempt Secure Boot" is selected, then boot from GRUB as before. If all went well, the kernel should confirm that we have booted with Secure boot:
(initramfs) dmesg   grep secureboot
[    0.000000] secureboot: Secure boot enabled

15 March 2023

Emanuele Rocca: Disposable Debian VMs with debvm

Some notes on using debvm, an amazing piece of software I ve started using only recently.
Create a new virtual machine:
$ debvm-create
You now have a virtual machine with Debian Sid of your host native architecture (probably amd64). The image file is called rootfs.ext4. You ve got 1G of disk space in the VM.
You can now just run the VM! You will be automatically logged is as root.
$ debvm-run
Experiment in the VM, run all the sort of tests you have in mind. For example, one thing I commonly do is verifying that things work in a clean environment, as opposed to "on my machine".
If anything goes wrong, or if you just want to repeat the test: shutdown the guest, remove rootfs.ext4, and start again with debvm-create.
Now, especially if you intend creating and recreating VMs multiple times, it helps to use a local apt mirror as a cache to avoid fetching all the required packages from the internet over and over again. Install apt-cacher-ng on your host machine and point debvm-create at it:
$ debvm-create --
The additional options after -- are passed to mmdebstrap. In this case we re specifying as the URL of our local apt mirror. It is going to be used both for image creation and as the only entry in /etc/apt/sources.list on the guest. This is the reason for using, the IP address of the lxcbr0 interface used by qemu, instead of to make sure that the guest VM has access to it too.
For a slightly more advanced example, we now want to:
  • run a arm64 VM
  • have more disk space availably, say 2G
  • install additional packages (curl and locales)
  • allow SSH as root with the given public keys, in this example the authorized_keys installed on the host
  • start the VM in the background with no console output
$ debvm-create -a arm64 -o sid-arm64.ext4 -z 2G -k ~/.ssh/authorized_keys -- --include curl,locales
Start the VM:
$ debvm-run -i sid-arm64.ext4 -s 2222 -g -- -display none &
SSH into the guest:
$ ssh -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes -p 2222 root@

13 March 2023

Antoine Beaupr : Framework 12th gen laptop review

The Framework is a 13.5" laptop body with swappable parts, which makes it somewhat future-proof and certainly easily repairable, scoring an "exceedingly rare" 10/10 score from There are two generations of the laptop's main board (both compatible with the same body): the Intel 11th and 12th gen chipsets. I have received my Framework, 12th generation "DIY", device in late September 2022 and will update this page as I go along in the process of ordering, burning-in, setting up and using the device over the years. Overall, the Framework is a good laptop. I like the keyboard, the touch pad, the expansion cards. Clearly there's been some good work done on industrial design, and it's the most repairable laptop I've had in years. Time will tell, but it looks sturdy enough to survive me many years as well. This is also one of the most powerful devices I ever lay my hands on. I have managed, remotely, more powerful servers, but this is the fastest computer I have ever owned, and it fits in this tiny case. It is an amazing machine. On the downside, there's a bit of proprietary firmware required (WiFi, Bluetooth, some graphics) and the Framework ships with a proprietary BIOS, with currently no Coreboot support. Expect to need the latest kernel, firmware, and hacking around a bunch of things to get resolution and keybindings working right. Like others, I have first found significant power management issues, but many issues can actually be solved with some configuration. Some of the expansion ports (HDMI, DP, MicroSD, and SSD) use power when idle, so don't expect week-long suspend, or "full day" battery while those are plugged in. Finally, the expansion ports are nice, but there's only four of them. If you plan to have a two-monitor setup, you're likely going to need a dock. Read on for the detailed review. For context, I'm moving from the Purism Librem 13v4 because it basically exploded on me. I had, in the meantime, reverted back to an old ThinkPad X220, so I sometimes compare the Framework with that venerable laptop as well. This blog post has been maturing for months now. It started in September 2022 and I declared it completed in March 2023. It's the longest single article on this entire website, currently clocking at about 13,000 words. It will take an average reader a full hour to go through this thing, so I don't expect anyone to actually do that. This introduction should be good enough for most people, read the first section if you intend to actually buy a Framework. Jump around the table of contents as you see fit for after you did buy the laptop, as it might include some crucial hints on how to make it work best for you, especially on (Debian) Linux.

Advice for buyers Those are things I wish I would have known before buying:
  1. consider buying 4 USB-C expansion cards, or at least a mix of 4 USB-A or USB-C cards, as they use less power than other cards and you do want to fill those expansion slots otherwise they snag around and feel insecure
  2. you will likely need a dock or at least a USB hub if you want a two-monitor setup, otherwise you'll run out of ports
  3. you have to do some serious tuning to get proper (10h+ idle, 10 days suspend) power savings
  4. in particular, beware that the HDMI, DisplayPort and particularly the SSD and MicroSD cards take a significant amount power, even when sleeping, up to 2-6W for the latter two
  5. beware that the MicroSD card is what it says: Micro, normal SD cards won't fit, and while there might be full sized one eventually, it's currently only at the prototyping stage
  6. the Framework monitor has an unusual aspect ratio (3:2): I like it (and it matches classic and digital photography aspect ratio), but it might surprise you

Current status I have the framework! It's setup with a fresh new Debian bookworm installation. I've ran through a large number of tests and burn in. I have decided to use the Framework as my daily driver, and had to buy a USB-C dock to get my two monitors connected, which was own adventure. Update: Framework just (2023-03-23) just announced a whole bunch of new stuff: The recording is available in this video and it's not your typical keynote. It starts ~25 minutes late, audio is crap, lightning and camera are crap, clapping seems to be from whatever staff they managed to get together in a room, decor is bizarre, colors are shit. It's amazing.

Specifications Those are the specifications of the 12th gen, in general terms. Your build will of course vary according to your needs.
  • CPU: i5-1240P, i7-1260P, or i7-1280P (Up to 4.4-4.8 GHz, 4+8 cores), Iris Xe graphics
  • Storage: 250-4000GB NVMe (or bring your own)
  • Memory: 8-64GB DDR4-3200 (or bring your own)
  • WiFi 6e (AX210, vPro optional, or bring your own)
  • 296.63mm X 228.98mm X 15.85mm, 1.3Kg
  • 13.5" display, 3:2 ratio, 2256px X 1504px, 100% sRGB, >400 nit
  • 4 x USB-C user-selectable expansion ports, including
    • USB-C
    • USB-A
    • HDMI
    • DP
    • Ethernet
    • MicroSD
    • 250-1000GB SSD
  • 3.5mm combo headphone jack
  • Kill switches for microphone and camera
  • Battery: 55Wh
  • Camera: 1080p 60fps
  • Biometrics: Fingerprint Reader
  • Backlit keyboard
  • Power Adapter: 60W USB-C (or bring your own)
  • ships with a screwdriver/spludger
  • 1 year warranty
  • base price: 1000$CAD, but doesn't give you much, typical builds around 1500-2000$CAD

Actual build This is the actual build I ordered. Amounts in CAD. (1CAD = ~0.75EUR/USD.)

Base configuration
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-1240P (AKA Alder Lake P 8 4.4GHz P-threads, 8 3.2GHz E-threads, 16 total, 28-64W), 1079$
  • Memory: 16GB (1 x 16GB) DDR4-3200, 104$

  • Keyboard: US English, included

Expansion Cards
  • 2 USB-C $24
  • 3 USB-A $36
  • 2 HDMI $50
  • 1 DP $50
  • 1 MicroSD $25
  • 1 Storage 1TB $199
  • Sub-total: 384$

  • Power Adapter - US/Canada $64.00

  • Before tax: 1606$
  • After tax and duties: 1847$
  • Free shipping

Quick evaluation This is basically the TL;DR: here, just focusing on broad pros/cons of the laptop.


  • the 11th gen is out of stock, except for the higher-end CPUs, which are much less affordable (700$+)
  • the 12th gen has compatibility issues with Debian, followup in the DebianOn page, but basically: brightness hotkeys, power management, wifi, the webcam is okay even though the chipset is the infamous alder lake because it does not have the fancy camera; most issues currently seem solvable, and upstream is working with mainline to get their shit working
  • 12th gen might have issues with thunderbolt docks
  • they used to have some difficulty keeping up with the orders: first two batches shipped, third batch sold out, fourth batch should have shipped (?) in October 2021. they generally seem to keep up with shipping. update (august 2022): they rolled out a second line of laptops (12th gen), first batch shipped, second batch shipped late, September 2022 batch was generally on time, see this spreadsheet for a crowdsourced effort to track those supply chain issues seem to be under control as of early 2023. I got the Ethernet expansion card shipped within a week.
  • compared to my previous laptop (Purism Librem 13v4), it feels strangely bulkier and heavier; it's actually lighter than the purism (1.3kg vs 1.4kg) and thinner (15.85mm vs 18mm) but the design of the Purism laptop (tapered edges) makes it feel thinner
  • no space for a 2.5" drive
  • rather bright LED around power button, but can be dimmed in the BIOS (not low enough to my taste) I got used to it
  • fan quiet when idle, but can be noisy when running, for example if you max a CPU for a while
  • battery described as "mediocre" by Ars Technica (above), confirmed poor in my tests (see below)
  • no RJ-45 port, and attempts at designing ones are failing because the modular plugs are too thin to fit (according to Linux After Dark), so unlikely to have one in the future Update: they cracked that nut and ship an 2.5 gbps Ethernet expansion card with a realtek chipset, without any firmware blob (!)
  • a bit pricey for the performance, especially when compared to the competition (e.g. Dell XPS, Apple M1)
  • 12th gen Intel has glitchy graphics, seems like Intel hasn't fully landed proper Linux support for that chipset yet

Initial hardware setup A breeze.

Accessing the board The internals are accessed through five TorX screws, but there's a nice screwdriver/spudger that works well enough. The screws actually hold in place so you can't even lose them. The first setup is a bit counter-intuitive coming from the Librem laptop, as I expected the back cover to lift and give me access to the internals. But instead the screws is release the keyboard and touch pad assembly, so you actually need to flip the laptop back upright and lift the assembly off (!) to get access to the internals. Kind of scary. I also actually unplugged a connector in lifting the assembly because I lifted it towards the monitor, while you actually need to lift it to the right. Thankfully, the connector didn't break, it just snapped off and I could plug it back in, no harm done. Once there, everything is well indicated, with QR codes all over the place supposedly leading to online instructions.

Bad QR codes Unfortunately, the QR codes I tested (in the expansion card slot, the memory slot and CPU slots) did not actually work so I wonder how useful those actually are. After all, they need to point to something and that means a URL, a running website that will answer those requests forever. I bet those will break sooner than later and in fact, as far as I can tell, they just don't work at all. I prefer the approach taken by the MNT reform here which designed (with the 100 rabbits folks) an actual paper handbook (PDF). The first QR code that's immediately visible from the back of the laptop, in an expansion cord slot, is a 404. It seems to be some serial number URL, but I can't actually tell because, well, the page is a 404. I was expecting that bar code to lead me to an introduction page, something like "how to setup your Framework laptop". Support actually confirmed that it should point a quickstart guide. But in a bizarre twist, they somehow sent me the URL with the plus (+) signs escaped, like this:\+Laptop\+DIY\+Edition\+Quick\+Start\+Guide/57
... which Firefox immediately transforms in:
I'm puzzled as to why they would send the URL that way, the proper URL is of course:
(They have also "let the team know about this for feedback and help resolve the problem with the link" which is a support code word for "ha-ha! nope! not my problem right now!" Trust me, I know, my own code word is "can you please make a ticket?")

Seating disks and memory The "DIY" kit doesn't actually have that much of a setup. If you bought RAM, it's shipped outside the laptop in a little plastic case, so you just seat it in as usual. Then you insert your NVMe drive, and, if that's your fancy, you also install your own mPCI WiFi card. If you ordered one (which was my case), it's pre-installed. Closing the laptop is also kind of amazing, because the keyboard assembly snaps into place with magnets. I have actually used the laptop with the keyboard unscrewed as I was putting the drives in and out, and it actually works fine (and will probably void your warranty, so don't do that). (But you can.) (But don't, really.)

Hardware review

Keyboard and touch pad The keyboard feels nice, for a laptop. I'm used to mechanical keyboard and I'm rather violent with those poor things. Yet the key travel is nice and it's clickety enough that I don't feel too disoriented. At first, I felt the keyboard as being more laggy than my normal workstation setup, but it turned out this was a graphics driver issues. After enabling a composition manager, everything feels snappy. The touch pad feels good. The double-finger scroll works well enough, and I don't have to wonder too much where the middle button is, it just works. Taps don't work, out of the box: that needs to be enabled in Xorg, with something like this:
cat > /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/40-libinput.conf <<EOF
Section "InputClass"
      Identifier "libinput touch pad catchall"
      MatchIsTouchpad "on"
      MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
      Driver "libinput"
      Option "Tapping" "on"
      Option "TappingButtonMap" "lmr"
But be aware that once you enable that tapping, you'll need to deal with palm detection... So I have not actually enabled this in the end.

Power button The power button is a little dangerous. It's quite easy to hit, as it's right next to one expansion card where you are likely to plug in a cable power. And because the expansion cards are kind of hard to remove, you might squeeze the laptop (and the power key) when trying to remove the expansion card next to the power button. So obviously, don't do that. But that's not very helpful. An alternative is to make the power button do something else. With systemd-managed systems, it's actually quite easy. Add a HandlePowerKey stanza to (say) /etc/systemd/logind.conf.d/power-suspends.conf:
You might have to create the directory first:
mkdir /etc/systemd/logind.conf.d/
Then restart logind:
systemctl restart systemd-logind
And the power button will suspend! Long-press to power off doesn't actually work as the laptop immediately suspends... Note that there's probably half a dozen other ways of doing this, see this, this, or that.

Special keybindings There is a series of "hidden" (as in: not labeled on the key) keybindings related to the fn keybinding that I actually find quite useful.
Key Equivalent Effect Command
p Pause lock screen xset s activate
b Break ? ?
k ScrLk switch keyboard layout N/A
It looks like those are defined in the microcontroller so it would be possible to add some. For example, the SysRq key is almost bound to fn s in there. Note that most other shortcuts like this are clearly documented (volume, brightness, etc). One key that's less obvious is F12 that only has the Framework logo on it. That actually calls the keysym XF86AudioMedia which, interestingly, does absolutely nothing here. By default, on Windows, it opens your browser to the Framework website and, on Linux, your "default media player". The keyboard backlight can be cycled with fn-space. The dimmer version is dim enough, and the keybinding is easy to find in the dark. A skinny elephant would be performed with alt PrtScr (above F11) KEY, so for example alt fn F11 b should do a hard reset. This comment suggests you need to hold the fn only if "function lock" is on, but that's actually the opposite of my experience. Out of the box, some of the fn keys don't work. Mute, volume up/down, brightness, monitor changes, and the airplane mode key all do basically nothing. They don't send proper keysyms to Xorg at all. This is a known problem and it's related to the fact that the laptop has light sensors to adjust the brightness automatically. Somehow some of those keys (e.g. the brightness controls) are supposed to show up as a different input device, but don't seem to work correctly. It seems like the solution is for the Framework team to write a driver specifically for this, but so far no progress since July 2022. In the meantime, the fancy functionality can be supposedly disabled with:
echo 'blacklist hid_sensor_hub'   sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/framework-als-blacklist.conf
... and a reboot. This solution is also documented in the upstream guide. Note that there's another solution flying around that fixes this by changing permissions on the input device but I haven't tested that or seen confirmation it works.

Kill switches The Framework has two "kill switches": one for the camera and the other for the microphone. The camera one actually disconnects the USB device when turned off, and the mic one seems to cut the circuit. It doesn't show up as muted, it just stops feeding the sound. Both kill switches are around the main camera, on top of the monitor, and quite discreet. Then turn "red" when enabled (i.e. "red" means "turned off").

Monitor The monitor looks pretty good to my untrained eyes. I have yet to do photography work on it, but some photos I looked at look sharp and the colors are bright and lively. The blacks are dark and the screen is bright. I have yet to use it in full sunlight. The dimmed light is very dim, which I like.

Screen backlight I bind brightness keys to xbacklight in i3, but out of the box I get this error:
sep 29 22:09:14 angela i3[5661]: No outputs have backlight property
It just requires this blob in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/backlight.conf:
Section "Device"
    Identifier  "Card0"
    Driver      "intel"
    Option      "Backlight"  "intel_backlight"
This way I can control the actual backlight power with the brightness keys, and they do significantly reduce power usage.

Multiple monitor support I have been able to hook up my two old monitors to the HDMI and DisplayPort expansion cards on the laptop. The lid closes without suspending the machine, and everything works great. I actually run out of ports, even with a 4-port USB-A hub, which gives me a total of 7 ports:
  1. power (USB-C)
  2. monitor 1 (DisplayPort)
  3. monitor 2 (HDMI)
  4. USB-A hub, which adds:
  5. keyboard (USB-A)
  6. mouse (USB-A)
  7. Yubikey
  8. external sound card
Now the latter, I might be able to get rid of if I switch to a combo-jack headset, which I do have (and still need to test). But still, this is a problem. I'll probably need a powered USB-C dock and better monitors, possibly with some Thunderbolt chaining, to save yet more ports. But that means more money into this setup, argh. And figuring out my monitor situation is the kind of thing I'm not that big of a fan of. And neither is shopping for USB-C (or is it Thunderbolt?) hubs. My normal autorandr setup doesn't work: I have tried saving a profile and it doesn't get autodetected, so I also first need to do:
autorandr -l framework-external-dual-lg-acer
The magic:
autorandr -l horizontal
... also works well. The worst problem with those monitors right now is that they have a radically smaller resolution than the main screen on the laptop, which means I need to reset the font scaling to normal every time I switch back and forth between those monitors and the laptop, which means I actually need to do this:
autorandr -l horizontal &&
eho Xft.dpi: 96   xrdb -merge &&
systemctl restart terminal xcolortaillog background-image emacs &&
i3-msg restart
Kind of disruptive.

Expansion ports I ordered a total of 10 expansion ports. I did manage to initialize the 1TB drive as an encrypted storage, mostly to keep photos as this is something that takes a massive amount of space (500GB and counting) and that I (unfortunately) don't work on very often (but still carry around). The expansion ports are fancy and nice, but not actually that convenient. They're a bit hard to take out: you really need to crimp your fingernails on there and pull hard to take them out. There's a little button next to them to release, I think, but at first it feels a little scary to pull those pucks out of there. You get used to it though, and it's one of those things you can do without looking eventually. There's only four expansion ports. Once you have two monitors, the drive, and power plugged in, bam, you're out of ports; there's nowhere to plug my Yubikey. So if this is going to be my daily driver, with a dual monitor setup, I will need a dock, which means more crap firmware and uncertainty, which isn't great. There are actually plans to make a dual-USB card, but that is blocked on designing an actual board for this. I can't wait to see more expansion ports produced. There's a ethernet expansion card which quickly went out of stock basically the day it was announced, but was eventually restocked. I would like to see a proper SD-card reader. There's a MicroSD card reader, but that obviously doesn't work for normal SD cards, which would be more broadly compatible anyways (because you can have a MicroSD to SD card adapter, but I have never heard of the reverse). Someone actually found a SD card reader that fits and then someone else managed to cram it in a 3D printed case, which is kind of amazing. Still, I really like that idea that I can carry all those little adapters in a pouch when I travel and can basically do anything I want. It does mean I need to shuffle through them to find the right one which is a little annoying. I have an elastic band to keep them lined up so that all the ports show the same side, to make it easier to find the right one. But that quickly gets undone and instead I have a pouch full of expansion cards. Another awesome thing with the expansion cards is that they don't just work on the laptop: anything that takes USB-C can take those cards, which means you can use it to connect an SD card to your phone, for backups, for example. Heck, you could even connect an external display to your phone that way, assuming that's supported by your phone of course (and it probably isn't). The expansion ports do take up some power, even when idle. See the power management section below, and particularly the power usage tests for details.

USB-C charging One thing that is really a game changer for me is USB-C charging. It's hard to overstate how convenient this is. I often have a USB-C cable lying around to charge my phone, and I can just grab that thing and pop it in my laptop. And while it will obviously not charge as fast as the provided charger, it will stop draining the battery at least. (As I wrote this, I had the laptop plugged in the Samsung charger that came with a phone, and it was telling me it would take 6 hours to charge the remaining 15%. With the provided charger, that flew down to 15 minutes. Similarly, I can power the laptop from the power grommet on my desk, reducing clutter as I have that single wire out there instead of the bulky power adapter.) I also really like the idea that I can charge my laptop with a power bank or, heck, with my phone, if push comes to shove. (And vice-versa!) This is awesome. And it works from any of the expansion ports, of course. There's a little led next to the expansion ports as well, which indicate the charge status:
  • red/amber: charging
  • white: charged
  • off: unplugged
I couldn't find documentation about this, but the forum answered. This is something of a recurring theme with the Framework. While it has a good knowledge base and repair/setup guides (and the forum is awesome) but it doesn't have a good "owner manual" that shows you the different parts of the laptop and what they do. Again, something the MNT reform did well. Another thing that people are asking about is an external sleep indicator: because the power LED is on the main keyboard assembly, you don't actually see whether the device is active or not when the lid is closed. Finally, I wondered what happens when you plug in multiple power sources and it turns out the charge controller is actually pretty smart: it will pick the best power source and use it. The only downside is it can't use multiple power sources, but that seems like a bit much to ask.

Multimedia and other devices Those things also work:
  • webcam: splendid, best webcam I've ever had (but my standards are really low)
  • onboard mic: works well, good gain (maybe a bit much)
  • onboard speakers: sound okay, a little metal-ish, loud enough to be annoying, see this thread for benchmarks, apparently pretty good speakers
  • combo jack: works, with slight hiss, see below
There's also a light sensor, but it conflicts with the keyboard brightness controls (see above). There's also an accelerometer, but it's off by default and will be removed from future builds.

Combo jack mic tests The Framework laptop ships with a combo jack on the left side, which allows you to plug in a CTIA (source) headset. In human terms, it's a device that has both a stereo output and a mono input, typically a headset or ear buds with a microphone somewhere. It works, which is better than the Purism (which only had audio out), but is on par for the course for that kind of onboard hardware. Because of electrical interference, such sound cards very often get lots of noise from the board. With a Jabra Evolve 40, the built-in USB sound card generates basically zero noise on silence (invisible down to -60dB in Audacity) while plugging it in directly generates a solid -30dB hiss. There is a noise-reduction system in that sound card, but the difference is still quite striking. On a comparable setup (curie, a 2017 Intel NUC), there is also a his with the Jabra headset, but it's quieter, more in the order of -40/-50 dB, a noticeable difference. Interestingly, testing with my Mee Audio Pro M6 earbuds leads to a little more hiss on curie, more on the -35/-40 dB range, close to the Framework. Also note that another sound card, the Antlion USB adapter that comes with the ModMic 4, also gives me pretty close to silence on a quiet recording, picking up less than -50dB of background noise. It's actually probably picking up the fans in the office, which do make audible noises. In other words, the hiss of the sound card built in the Framework laptop is so loud that it makes more noise than the quiet fans in the office. Or, another way to put it is that two USB sound cards (the Jabra and the Antlion) are able to pick up ambient noise in my office but not the Framework laptop. See also my audio page.

Performance tests

Compiling Linux 5.19.11 On a single core, compiling the Debian version of the Linux kernel takes around 100 minutes:
5411.85user 673.33system 1:37:46elapsed 103%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 831700maxresident)k
10594704inputs+87448000outputs (9131major+410636783minor)pagefaults 0swaps
This was using 16 watts of power, with full screen brightness. With all 16 cores (make -j16), it takes less than 25 minutes:
19251.06user 2467.47system 24:13.07elapsed 1494%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 831676maxresident)k
8321856inputs+87427848outputs (30792major+409145263minor)pagefaults 0swaps
I had to plug the normal power supply after a few minutes because battery would actually run out using my desk's power grommet (34 watts). During compilation, fans were spinning really hard, quite noisy, but not painfully so. The laptop was sucking 55 watts of power, steadily:
  Time    User  Nice   Sys  Idle    IO  Run Ctxt/s  IRQ/s Fork Exec Exit  Watts
-------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ------ ------ ---- ---- ---- ------
 Average  87.9   0.0  10.7   1.4   0.1 17.8 6583.6 5054.3 233.0 223.9 233.1  55.96
 GeoMean  87.9   0.0  10.6   1.2   0.0 17.6 6427.8 5048.1 227.6 218.7 227.7  55.96
  StdDev   1.4   0.0   1.2   0.6   0.2  3.0 1436.8  255.5 50.0 47.5 49.7   0.20
-------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ------ ------ ---- ---- ---- ------
 Minimum  85.0   0.0   7.8   0.5   0.0 13.0 3594.0 4638.0 117.0 111.0 120.0  55.52
 Maximum  90.8   0.0  12.9   3.5   0.8 38.0 10174.0 5901.0 374.0 362.0 375.0  56.41
-------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ------ ------ ---- ---- ---- ------
CPU:  55.96 Watts on average with standard deviation 0.20
Note: power read from RAPL domains: package-0, uncore, package-0, core, psys.
These readings do not cover all the hardware in this device.

memtest86+ I ran Memtest86+ v6.00b3. It shows something like this:
Memtest86+ v6.00b3        12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1240P
CLK/Temp: 2112MHz    78/78 C   Pass  2% #
L1 Cache:   48KB    414 GB/s   Test 46% ##################
L2 Cache: 1.25MB    118 GB/s   Test #3 [Moving inversions, 1s & 0s] 
L3 Cache:   12MB     43 GB/s   Testing: 16GB - 18GB [1GB of 15.7GB]
Memory  :  15.7GB  14.9 GB/s   Pattern: 
CPU: 4P+8E-Cores (16T)    SMP: 8T (PAR))    Time:  0:27:23  Status: Pass     \
RAM: 1600MHz (DDR4-3200) CAS 22-22-22-51    Pass:  1        Errors: 0
Memory SPD Information
 - Slot 2: 16GB DDR-4-3200 - Crucial CT16G4SFRA32A.C16FP (2022-W23)
                          Framework FRANMACP04
 <ESC> Exit  <F1> Configuration  <Space> Scroll Lock            6.00.unknown.x64
So about 30 minutes for a full 16GB memory test.

Software setup Once I had everything in the hardware setup, I figured, voil , I'm done, I'm just going to boot this beautiful machine and I can get back to work. I don't understand why I am so na ve some times. It's mind boggling. Obviously, it didn't happen that way at all, and I spent the best of the three following days tinkering with the laptop.

Secure boot and EFI First, I couldn't boot off of the NVMe drive I transferred from the previous laptop (the Purism) and the BIOS was not very helpful: it was just complaining about not finding any boot device, without dropping me in the real BIOS. At first, I thought it was a problem with my NVMe drive, because it's not listed in the compatible SSD drives from upstream. But I figured out how to enter BIOS (press F2 manically, of course), which showed the NVMe drive was actually detected. It just didn't boot, because it was an old (2010!!) Debian install without EFI. So from there, I disabled secure boot, and booted a grml image to try to recover. And by "boot" I mean, I managed to get to the grml boot loader which promptly failed to load its own root file system somehow. I still have to investigate exactly what happened there, but it failed some time after the initrd load with:
Unable to find medium containing a live file system
This, it turns out, was fixed in Debian lately, so a daily GRML build will not have this problems. The upcoming 2022 release (likely 2022.10 or 2022.11) will also get the fix. I did manage to boot the development version of the Debian installer which was a surprisingly good experience: it mounted the encrypted drives and did everything pretty smoothly. It even offered me to reinstall the boot loader, but that ultimately (and correctly, as it turns out) failed because I didn't have a /boot/efi partition. At this point, I realized there was no easy way out of this, and I just proceeded to completely reinstall Debian. I had a spare NVMe drive lying around (backups FTW!) so I just swapped that in, rebooted in the Debian installer, and did a clean install. I wanted to switch to bookworm anyways, so I guess that's done too.

Storage limitations Another thing that happened during setup is that I tried to copy over the internal 2.5" SSD drive from the Purism to the Framework 1TB expansion card. There's no 2.5" slot in the new laptop, so that's pretty much the only option for storage expansion. I was tired and did something wrong. I ended up wiping the partition table on the original 2.5" drive. Oops. It might be recoverable, but just restoring the partition table didn't work either, so I'm not sure how I recover the data there. Normally, everything on my laptops and workstations is designed to be disposable, so that wasn't that big of a problem. I did manage to recover most of the data thanks to git-annex reinit, but that was a little hairy.

Bootstrapping Puppet Once I had some networking, I had to install all the packages I needed. The time I spent setting up my workstations with Puppet has finally paid off. What I actually did was to restore two critical directories:
So that I would keep the previous machine's identity. That way I could contact the Puppet server and install whatever was missing. I used my Puppet optimization trick to do a batch install and then I had a good base setup, although not exactly as it was before. 1700 packages were installed manually on angela before the reinstall, and not in Puppet. I did not inspect each one individually, but I did go through /etc and copied over more SSH keys, for backups and SMTP over SSH.

LVFS support It looks like there's support for the (de-facto) standard LVFS firmware update system. At least I was able to update the UEFI firmware with a simple:
apt install fwupd-amd64-signed
fwupdmgr refresh
fwupdmgr get-updates
fwupdmgr update
Nice. The 12th gen BIOS updates, currently (January 2023) beta, can be deployed through LVFS with:
fwupdmgr enable-remote lvfs-testing
echo 'DisableCapsuleUpdateOnDisk=true' >> /etc/fwupd/uefi_capsule.conf 
fwupdmgr update
Those instructions come from the beta forum post. I performed the BIOS update on 2023-01-16T16:00-0500.

Resolution tweaks The Framework laptop resolution (2256px X 1504px) is big enough to give you a pretty small font size, so welcome to the marvelous world of "scaling". The Debian wiki page has a few tricks for this.

Console This will make the console and grub fonts more readable:
cat >> /etc/default/console-setup <<EOF
echo GRUB_GFXMODE=1024x768 >> /etc/default/grub

Xorg Adding this to your .Xresources will make everything look much bigger:
! 1.5*96
Xft.dpi: 144
Apparently, some of this can also help:
! These might also be useful depending on your monitor and personal preference:
Xft.autohint: 0
Xft.lcdfilter:  lcddefault
Xft.hintstyle:  hintfull
Xft.hinting: 1
Xft.antialias: 1
Xft.rgba: rgb
It my experience it also makes things look a little fuzzier, which is frustrating because you have this awesome monitor but everything looks out of focus. Just bumping Xft.dpi by a 1.5 factor looks good to me. The Debian Wiki has a page on HiDPI, but it's not as good as the Arch Wiki, where the above blurb comes from. I am not using the latter because I suspect it's causing some of the "fuzziness". TODO: find the equivalent of this GNOME hack in i3? (gsettings set org.gnome.mutter experimental-features "['scale-monitor-framebuffer']"), taken from this Framework guide


BIOS configuration The Framework BIOS has some minor issues. One issue I personally encountered is that I had disabled Quick boot and Quiet boot in the BIOS to diagnose the above boot issues. This, in turn, triggers a bug where the BIOS boot manager (F12) would just hang completely. It would also fail to boot from an external USB drive. The current fix (as of BIOS 3.03) is to re-enable both Quick boot and Quiet boot. Presumably this is something that will get fixed in a future BIOS update. Note that the following keybindings are active in the BIOS POST check:
Key Meaning
F2 Enter BIOS setup menu
F12 Enter BIOS boot manager
Delete Enter BIOS setup menu

WiFi compatibility issues I couldn't make WiFi work at first. Obviously, the default Debian installer doesn't ship with proprietary firmware (although that might change soon) so the WiFi card didn't work out of the box. But even after copying the firmware through a USB stick, I couldn't quite manage to find the right combination of ip/iw/wpa-supplicant (yes, after repeatedly copying a bunch more packages over to get those bootstrapped). (Next time I should probably try something like this post.) Thankfully, I had a little USB-C dongle with a RJ-45 jack lying around. That also required a firmware blob, but it was a single package to copy over, and with that loaded, I had network. Eventually, I did managed to make WiFi work; the problem was more on the side of "I forgot how to configure a WPA network by hand from the commandline" than anything else. NetworkManager worked fine and got WiFi working correctly. Note that this is with Debian bookworm, which has the 5.19 Linux kernel, and with the firmware-nonfree (firmware-iwlwifi, specifically) package.

Battery life I was having between about 7 hours of battery on the Purism Librem 13v4, and that's after a year or two of battery life. Now, I still have about 7 hours of battery life, which is nicer than my old ThinkPad X220 (20 minutes!) but really, it's not that good for a new generation laptop. The 12th generation Intel chipset probably improved things compared to the previous one Framework laptop, but I don't have a 11th gen Framework to compare with). (Note that those are estimates from my status bar, not wall clock measurements. They should still be comparable between the Purism and Framework, that said.) The battery life doesn't seem up to, say, Dell XPS 13, ThinkPad X1, and of course not the Apple M1, where I would expect 10+ hours of battery life out of the box. That said, I do get those kind estimates when the machine is fully charged and idle. In fact, when everything is quiet and nothing is plugged in, I get dozens of hours of battery life estimated (I've seen 25h!). So power usage fluctuates quite a bit depending on usage, which I guess is expected. Concretely, so far, light web browsing, reading emails and writing notes in Emacs (e.g. this file) takes about 8W of power:
Time    User  Nice   Sys  Idle    IO  Run Ctxt/s  IRQ/s Fork Exec Exit  Watts
-------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ------ ------ ---- ---- ---- ------
 Average   1.7   0.0   0.5  97.6   0.2  1.2 4684.9 1985.2 126.6 39.1 128.0   7.57
 GeoMean   1.4   0.0   0.4  97.6   0.1  1.2 4416.6 1734.5 111.6 27.9 113.3   7.54
  StdDev   1.0   0.2   0.2   1.2   0.0  0.5 1584.7 1058.3 82.1 44.0 80.2   0.71
-------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ------ ------ ---- ---- ---- ------
 Minimum   0.2   0.0   0.2  94.9   0.1  1.0 2242.0  698.2 82.0 17.0 82.0   6.36
 Maximum   4.1   1.1   1.0  99.4   0.2  3.0 8687.4 4445.1 463.0 249.0 449.0   9.10
-------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ------ ------ ---- ---- ---- ------
System:   7.57 Watts on average with standard deviation 0.71
Expansion cards matter a lot in the battery life (see below for a thorough discussion), my normal setup is 2xUSB-C and 1xUSB-A (yes, with an empty slot, and yes, to save power). Interestingly, playing a video in a (720p) window in a window takes up more power (10.5W) than in full screen (9.5W) but I blame that on my desktop setup (i3 + compton)... Not sure if mpv hits the VA-API, maybe not in windowed mode. Similar results with 1080p, interestingly, except the window struggles to keep up altogether. Full screen playback takes a relatively comfortable 9.5W, which means a solid 5h+ of playback, which is fine by me. Fooling around the web, small edits, youtube-dl, and I'm at around 80% battery after about an hour, with an estimated 5h left, which is a little disappointing. I had a 7h remaining estimate before I started goofing around Discourse, so I suspect the website is a pretty big battery drain, actually. I see about 10-12 W, while I was probably at half that (6-8W) just playing music with mpv in the background... In other words, it looks like editing posts in Discourse with Firefox takes a solid 4-6W of power. Amazing and gross. (When writing about abusive power usage generates more power usage, is that an heisenbug? Or schr dinbug?)

Power management Compared to the Purism Librem 13v4, the ongoing power usage seems to be slightly better. An anecdotal metric is that the Purism would take 800mA idle, while the more powerful Framework manages a little over 500mA as I'm typing this, fluctuating between 450 and 600mA. That is without any active expansion card, except the storage. Those numbers come from the output of tlp-stat -b and, unfortunately, the "ampere" unit makes it quite hard to compare those, because voltage is not necessarily the same between the two platforms.
  • TODO: review Arch Linux's tips on power saving
  • TODO: i915 driver has a lot of parameters, including some about power saving, see, again, the arch wiki, and particularly enable_fbc=1
TL:DR; power management on the laptop is an issue, but there's various tweaks you can make to improve it. Try:
  • powertop --auto-tune
  • apt install tlp && systemctl enable tlp
  • nvme.noacpi=1 mem_sleep_default=deep on the kernel command line may help with standby power usage
  • keep only USB-C expansion cards plugged in, all others suck power even when idle
  • consider upgrading the BIOS to latest beta (3.06 at the time of writing), unverified power savings
  • latest Linux kernels (6.2) promise power savings as well (unverified)
Update: also try to follow the official optimization guide. It was made for Ubuntu but will probably also work for your distribution of choice with a few tweaks. They recommend using tlpui but it's not packaged in Debian. There is, however, a Flatpak release. In my case, it resulted in the following diff to tlp.conf: tlp.patch.

Background on CPU architecture There were power problems in the 11th gen Framework laptop, according to this report from Linux After Dark, so the issues with power management on the Framework are not new. The 12th generation Intel CPU (AKA "Alder Lake") is a big-little architecture with "power-saving" and "performance" cores. There used to be performance problems introduced by the scheduler in Linux 5.16 but those were eventually fixed in 5.18, which uses Intel's hardware as an "intelligent, low-latency hardware-assisted scheduler". According to Phoronix, the 5.19 release improved the power saving, at the cost of some penalty cost. There were also patch series to make the scheduler configurable, but it doesn't look those have been merged as of 5.19. There was also a session about this at the 2022 Linux Plumbers, but they stopped short of talking more about the specific problems Linux is facing in Alder lake:
Specifically, the kernel's energy-aware scheduling heuristics don't work well on those CPUs. A number of features present there complicate the energy picture; these include SMT, Intel's "turbo boost" mode, and the CPU's internal power-management mechanisms. For many workloads, running on an ostensibly more power-hungry Pcore can be more efficient than using an Ecore. Time for discussion of the problem was lacking, though, and the session came to a close.
All this to say that the 12gen Intel line shipped with this Framework series should have better power management thanks to its power-saving cores. And Linux has had the scheduler changes to make use of this (but maybe is still having trouble). In any case, this might not be the source of power management problems on my laptop, quite the opposite. Also note that the firmware updates for various chipsets are supposed to improve things eventually. On the other hand, The Verge simply declared the whole P-series a mistake...

Attempts at improving power usage I did try to follow some of the tips in this forum post. The tricks powertop --auto-tune and tlp's PCIE_ASPM_ON_BAT=powersupersave basically did nothing: I was stuck at 10W power usage in powertop (600+mA in tlp-stat). Apparently, I should be able to reach the C8 CPU power state (or even C9, C10) in powertop, but I seem to be stock at C7. (Although I'm not sure how to read that tab in powertop: in the Core(HW) column there's only C3/C6/C7 states, and most cores are 85% in C7 or maybe C6. But the next column over does show many CPUs in C10 states... As it turns out, the graphics card actually takes up a good chunk of power unless proper power management is enabled (see below). After tweaking this, I did manage to get down to around 7W power usage in powertop. Expansion cards actually do take up power, and so does the screen, obviously. The fully-lit screen takes a solid 2-3W of power compared to the fully dimmed screen. When removing all expansion cards and making the laptop idle, I can spin it down to 4 watts power usage at the moment, and an amazing 2 watts when the screen turned off.

Caveats Abusive (10W+) power usage that I initially found could be a problem with my desktop configuration: I have this silly status bar that updates every second and probably causes redraws... The CPU certainly doesn't seem to spin down below 1GHz. Also note that this is with an actual desktop running with everything: it could very well be that some things (I'm looking at you Signal Desktop) take up unreasonable amount of power on their own (hello, 1W/electron, sheesh). Syncthing and containerd (Docker!) also seem to take a good 500mW just sitting there. Beyond my desktop configuration, this could, of course, be a Debian-specific problem; your favorite distribution might be better at power management.

Idle power usage tests Some expansion cards waste energy, even when unused. Here is a summary of the findings from the powerstat page. I also include other devices tested in this page for completeness:
Device Minimum Average Max Stdev Note
Screen, 100% 2.4W 2.6W 2.8W N/A
Screen, 1% 30mW 140mW 250mW N/A
Backlight 1 290mW ? ? ? fairly small, all things considered
Backlight 2 890mW 1.2W 3W? 460mW? geometric progression
Backlight 3 1.69W 1.5W 1.8W? 390mW? significant power use
Radios 100mW 250mW N/A N/A
USB-C N/A N/A N/A N/A negligible power drain
USB-A 10mW 10mW ? 10mW almost negligible
DisplayPort 300mW 390mW 600mW N/A not passive
HDMI 380mW 440mW 1W? 20mW not passive
1TB SSD 1.65W 1.79W 2W 12mW significant, probably higher when busy
MicroSD 1.6W 3W 6W 1.93W highest power usage, possibly even higher when busy
Ethernet 1.69W 1.64W 1.76W N/A comparable to the SSD card
So it looks like all expansion cards but the USB-C ones are active, i.e. they draw power with idle. The USB-A cards are the least concern, sucking out 10mW, pretty much within the margin of error. But both the DisplayPort and HDMI do take a few hundred miliwatts. It looks like USB-A connectors have this fundamental flaw that they necessarily draw some powers because they lack the power negotiation features of USB-C. At least according to this post:
It seems the USB A must have power going to it all the time, that the old USB 2 and 3 protocols, the USB C only provides power when there is a connection. Old versus new.
Apparently, this is a problem specific to the USB-C to USB-A adapter that ships with the Framework. Some people have actually changed their orders to all USB-C because of this problem, but I'm not sure the problem is as serious as claimed in the forums. I couldn't reproduce the "one watt" power drains suggested elsewhere, at least not repeatedly. (A previous version of this post did show such a power drain, but it was in a less controlled test environment than the series of more rigorous tests above.) The worst offenders are the storage cards: the SSD drive takes at least one watt of power and the MicroSD card seems to want to take all the way up to 6 watts of power, both just sitting there doing nothing. This confirms claims of 1.4W for the SSD (but not 5W) power usage found elsewhere. The former post has instructions on how to disable the card in software. The MicroSD card has been reported as using 2 watts, but I've seen it as high as 6 watts, which is pretty damning. The Framework team has a beta update for the DisplayPort adapter but currently only for Windows (LVFS technically possible, "under investigation"). A USB-A firmware update is also under investigation. It is therefore likely at least some of those power management issues will eventually be fixed. Note that the upcoming Ethernet card has a reported 2-8W power usage, depending on traffic. I did my own power usage tests in powerstat-wayland and they seem lower than 2W. The upcoming 6.2 Linux kernel might also improve battery usage when idle, see this Phoronix article for details, likely in early 2023.

Idle power usage tests under Wayland Update: I redid those tests under Wayland, see powerstat-wayland for details. The TL;DR: is that power consumption is either smaller or similar.

Idle power usage tests, 3.06 beta BIOS I redid the idle tests after the 3.06 beta BIOS update and ended up with this results:
Device Minimum Average Max Stdev Note
Baseline 1.96W 2.01W 2.11W 30mW 1 USB-C, screen off, backlight off, no radios
2 USB-C 1.95W 2.16W 3.69W 430mW USB-C confirmed as mostly passive...
3 USB-C 1.95W 2.16W 3.69W 430mW ... although with extra stdev
1TB SSD 3.72W 3.85W 4.62W 200mW unchanged from before upgrade
1 USB-A 1.97W 2.18W 4.02W 530mW unchanged
2 USB-A 1.97W 2.00W 2.08W 30mW unchanged
3 USB-A 1.94W 1.99W 2.03W 20mW unchanged
MicroSD w/o card 3.54W 3.58W 3.71W 40mW significant improvement! 2-3W power saving!
MicroSD w/ card 3.53W 3.72W 5.23W 370mW new measurement! increased deviation
DisplayPort 2.28W 2.31W 2.37W 20mW unchanged
1 HDMI 2.43W 2.69W 4.53W 460mW unchanged
2 HDMI 2.53W 2.59W 2.67W 30mW unchanged
External USB 3.85W 3.89W 3.94W 30mW new result
Ethernet 3.60W 3.70W 4.91W 230mW unchanged
Note that the table summary is different than the previous table: here we show the absolute numbers while the previous table was doing a confusing attempt at showing relative (to the baseline) numbers. Conclusion: the 3.06 BIOS update did not significantly change idle power usage stats except for the MicroSD card which has significantly improved. The new "external USB" test is also interesting: it shows how the provided 1TB SSD card performs (admirably) compared to existing devices. The other new result is the MicroSD card with a card which, interestingly, uses less power than the 1TB SSD drive.

Standby battery usage I wrote some quick hack to evaluate how much power is used during sleep. Apparently, this is one of the areas that should have improved since the first Framework model, let's find out. My baseline for comparison is the Purism laptop, which, in 10 minutes, went from this:
sep 28 11:19:45 angela systemd-sleep[209379]: /sys/class/power_supply/BAT/charge_now                      =   6045 [mAh]
... to this:
sep 28 11:29:47 angela systemd-sleep[209725]: /sys/class/power_supply/BAT/charge_now                      =   6037 [mAh]
That's 8mAh per 10 minutes (and 2 seconds), or 48mA, or, with this battery, about 127 hours or roughly 5 days of standby. Not bad! In comparison, here is my really old x220, before:
sep 29 22:13:54 emma systemd-sleep[176315]: /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/energy_now                     =   5070 [mWh]
... after:
sep 29 22:23:54 emma systemd-sleep[176486]: /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/energy_now                     =   4980 [mWh]
... which is 90 mwH in 10 minutes, or a whopping 540mA, which was possibly okay when this battery was new (62000 mAh, so about 100 hours, or about 5 days), but this battery is almost dead and has only 5210 mAh when full, so only 10 hours standby. And here is the Framework performing a similar test, before:
sep 29 22:27:04 angela systemd-sleep[4515]: /sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/charge_full                    =   3518 [mAh]
sep 29 22:27:04 angela systemd-sleep[4515]: /sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/charge_now                     =   2861 [mAh]
... after:
sep 29 22:37:08 angela systemd-sleep[4743]: /sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/charge_now                     =   2812 [mAh]
... which is 49mAh in a little over 10 minutes (and 4 seconds), or 292mA, much more than the Purism, but half of the X220. At this rate, the battery would last on standby only 12 hours!! That is pretty bad. Note that this was done with the following expansion cards:
  • 2 USB-C
  • 1 1TB SSD drive
  • 1 USB-A with a hub connected to it, with keyboard and LAN
Preliminary tests without the hub (over one minute) show that it doesn't significantly affect this power consumption (300mA). This guide also suggests booting with nvme.noacpi=1 but this still gives me about 5mAh/min (or 300mA). Adding mem_sleep_default=deep to the kernel command line does make a difference. Before:
sep 29 23:03:11 angela systemd-sleep[3699]: /sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/charge_now                     =   2544 [mAh]
... after:
sep 29 23:04:25 angela systemd-sleep[4039]: /sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/charge_now                     =   2542 [mAh]
... which is 2mAh in 74 seconds, which is 97mA, brings us to a more reasonable 36 hours, or a day and a half. It's still above the x220 power usage, and more than an order of magnitude more than the Purism laptop. It's also far from the 0.4% promised by upstream, which would be 14mA for the 3500mAh battery. It should also be noted that this "deep" sleep mode is a little more disruptive than regular sleep. As you can see by the timing, it took more than 10 seconds for the laptop to resume, which feels a little alarming as your banging the keyboard to bring it back to life. You can confirm the current sleep mode with:
# cat /sys/power/mem_sleep
s2idle [deep]
In the above, deep is selected. You can change it on the fly with:
printf s2idle > /sys/power/mem_sleep
Here's another test:
sep 30 22:25:50 angela systemd-sleep[32207]: /sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/charge_now                     =   1619 [mAh]
sep 30 22:31:30 angela systemd-sleep[32516]: /sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/charge_now                     =   1613 [mAh]
... better! 6 mAh in about 6 minutes, works out to 63.5mA, so more than two days standby. A longer test:
oct 01 09:22:56 angela systemd-sleep[62978]: /sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/charge_now                     =   3327 [mAh]
oct 01 12:47:35 angela systemd-sleep[63219]: /sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/charge_now                     =   3147 [mAh]
That's 180mAh in about 3.5h, 52mA! Now at 66h, or almost 3 days. I wasn't sure why I was seeing such fluctuations in those tests, but as it turns out, expansion card power tests show that they do significantly affect power usage, especially the SSD drive, which can take up to two full watts of power even when idle. I didn't control for expansion cards in the above tests running them with whatever card I had plugged in without paying attention so it's likely the cause of the high power usage and fluctuations. It might be possible to work around this problem by disabling USB devices before suspend. TODO. See also this post. In the meantime, I have been able to get much better suspend performance by unplugging all modules. Then I get this result:
oct 04 11:15:38 angela systemd-sleep[257571]: /sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/charge_now                     =   3203 [mAh]
oct 04 15:09:32 angela systemd-sleep[257866]: /sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/charge_now                     =   3145 [mAh]
Which is 14.8mA! Almost exactly the number promised by Framework! With a full battery, that means a 10 days suspend time. This is actually pretty good, and far beyond what I was expecting when starting down this journey. So, once the expansion cards are unplugged, suspend power usage is actually quite reasonable. More detailed standby tests are available in the standby-tests page, with a summary below. There is also some hope that the Chromebook edition specifically designed with a specification of 14 days standby time could bring some firmware improvements back down to the normal line. Some of those issues were reported upstream in April 2022, but there doesn't seem to have been any progress there since. TODO: one final solution here is suspend-then-hibernate, which Windows uses for this TODO: consider implementing the S0ix sleep states , see also troubleshooting TODO: consider

Standby expansion cards test results This table is a summary of the more extensive standby-tests I have performed:
Device Wattage Amperage Days Note
baseline 0.25W 16mA 9 sleep=deep nvme.noacpi=1
s2idle 0.29W 18.9mA ~7 sleep=s2idle nvme.noacpi=1
normal nvme 0.31W 20mA ~7 sleep=s2idle without nvme.noacpi=1
1 USB-C 0.23W 15mA ~10
2 USB-C 0.23W 14.9mA same as above
1 USB-A 0.75W 48.7mA 3 +500mW (!!) for the first USB-A card!
2 USB-A 1.11W 72mA 2 +360mW
3 USB-A 1.48W 96mA <2 +370mW
1TB SSD 0.49W 32mA <5 +260mW
MicroSD 0.52W 34mA ~4 +290mW
DisplayPort 0.85W 55mA <3 +620mW (!!)
1 HDMI 0.58W 38mA ~4 +250mW
2 HDMI 0.65W 42mA <4 +70mW (?)
  • USB-C cards take no extra power on suspend, possibly less than empty slots, more testing required
  • USB-A cards take a lot more power on suspend (300-500mW) than on regular idle (~10mW, almost negligible)
  • 1TB SSD and MicroSD cards seem to take a reasonable amount of power (260-290mW), compared to their runtime equivalents (1-6W!)
  • DisplayPort takes a surprising lot of power (620mW), almost double its average runtime usage (390mW)
  • HDMI cards take, surprisingly, less power (250mW) in standby than the DP card (620mW)
  • and oddly, a second card adds less power usage (70mW?!) than the first, maybe a circuit is used by both?
A discussion of those results is in this forum post.

Standby expansion cards test results, 3.06 beta BIOS Framework recently (2022-11-07) announced that they will publish a firmware upgrade to address some of the USB-C issues, including power management. This could positively affect the above result, improving both standby and runtime power usage. The update came out in December 2022 and I redid my analysis with the following results:
Device Wattage Amperage Days Note
baseline 0.25W 16mA 9 no cards, same as before upgrade
1 USB-C 0.25W 16mA 9 same as before
2 USB-C 0.25W 16mA 9 same
1 USB-A 0.80W 62mA 3 +550mW!! worse than before
2 USB-A 1.12W 73mA <2 +320mW, on top of the above, bad!
Ethernet 0.62W 40mA 3-4 new result, decent
1TB SSD 0.52W 34mA 4 a bit worse than before (+2mA)
MicroSD 0.51W 22mA 4 same
DisplayPort 0.52W 34mA 4+ upgrade improved by 300mW
1 HDMI ? 38mA ? same
2 HDMI ? 45mA ? a bit worse than before (+3mA)
Normal 1.08W 70mA ~2 Ethernet, 2 USB-C, USB-A
Full results in standby-tests-306. The big takeaway for me is that the update did not improve power usage on the USB-A ports which is a big problem for my use case. There is a notable improvement on the DisplayPort power consumption which brings it more in line with the HDMI connector, but it still doesn't properly turn off on suspend either. Even worse, the USB-A ports now sometimes fails to resume after suspend, which is pretty annoying. This is a known problem that will hopefully get fixed in the final release.

Battery wear protection The BIOS has an option to limit charge to 80% to mitigate battery wear. There's a way to control the embedded controller from runtime with fw-ectool, partly documented here. The command would be:
sudo ectool fwchargelimit 80
I looked at building this myself but failed to run it. I opened a RFP in Debian so that we can ship this in Debian, and also documented my work there. Note that there is now a counter that tracks charge/discharge cycles. It's visible in tlp-stat -b, which is a nice improvement:
root@angela:/home/anarcat# tlp-stat -b
--- TLP 1.5.0 --------------------------------------------
+++ Battery Care
Plugin: generic
Supported features: none available
+++ Battery Status: BAT1
/sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/manufacturer                   = NVT
/sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/model_name                     = Framewo
/sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/cycle_count                    =      3
/sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/charge_full_design             =   3572 [mAh]
/sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/charge_full                    =   3541 [mAh]
/sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/charge_now                     =   1625 [mAh]
/sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/current_now                    =    178 [mA]
/sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/status                         = Discharging
/sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/charge_control_start_threshold = (not available)
/sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/charge_control_end_threshold   = (not available)
Charge                                                      =   45.9 [%]
Capacity                                                    =   99.1 [%]
One thing that is still missing is the charge threshold data (the (not available) above). There's been some work to make that accessible in August, stay tuned? This would also make it possible implement hysteresis support.

Ethernet expansion card The Framework ethernet expansion card is a fancy little doodle: "2.5Gbit/s and 10/100/1000Mbit/s Ethernet", the "clear housing lets you peek at the RTL8156 controller that powers it". Which is another way to say "we didn't completely finish prod on this one, so it kind of looks like we 3D-printed this in the shop".... The card is a little bulky, but I guess that's inevitable considering the RJ-45 form factor when compared to the thin Framework laptop. I have had a serious issue when trying it at first: the link LEDs just wouldn't come up. I made a full bug report in the forum and with upstream support, but eventually figured it out on my own. It's (of course) a power saving issue: if you reboot the machine, the links come up when the laptop is running the BIOS POST check and even when the Linux kernel boots. I first thought that the problem is likely related to the powertop service which I run at boot time to tweak some power saving settings. It seems like this:
echo 'on' > '/sys/bus/usb/devices/4-2/power/control'
... is a good workaround to bring the card back online. You can even return to power saving mode and the card will still work:
echo 'auto' > '/sys/bus/usb/devices/4-2/power/control'
Further research by Matt_Hartley from the Framework Team found this issue in the tlp tracker that shows how the USB_AUTOSUSPEND setting enables the power saving even if the driver doesn't support it, which, in retrospect, just sounds like a bad idea. To quote that issue:
By default, USB power saving is active in the kernel, but not force-enabled for incompatible drivers. That is, devices that support suspension will suspend, drivers that do not, will not.
So the fix is actually to uninstall tlp or disable that setting by adding this to /etc/tlp.conf:
... but that disables auto-suspend on all USB devices, which may hurt other power usage performance. I have found that a a combination of:
and this on the kernel commandline:
... actually does work correctly. I now have this in my /etc/default/grub.d/framework-tweaks.cfg file:
# net.ifnames=0: normal interface names ffs (e.g. eth0, wlan0, not wlp166
# nvme.noacpi=1: reduce SSD disk power usage (not working)
# mem_sleep_default=deep: reduce power usage during sleep (not working)
# usbcore.quirk is a workaround for the ethernet card suspend bug: https:
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="net.ifnames=0 nvme.noacpi=1 mem_sleep_default=deep usbcore.quirks=0bda:8156:k"
# fix the resolution in grub for fonts to not be tiny
Other than that, I haven't been able to max out the card because I don't have other 2.5Gbit/s equipment at home, which is strangely satisfying. But running against my Turris Omnia router, I could pretty much max a gigabit fairly easily:
[ ID] Interval           Transfer     Bitrate         Retr
[  5]   0.00-10.00  sec  1.09 GBytes   937 Mbits/sec  238             sender
[  5]   0.00-10.00  sec  1.09 GBytes   934 Mbits/sec                  receiver
The card doesn't require any proprietary firmware blobs which is surprising. Other than the power saving issues, it just works. In my power tests (see powerstat-wayland), the Ethernet card seems to use about 1.6W of power idle, without link, in the above "quirky" configuration where the card is functional but without autosuspend.

Proprietary firmware blobs The framework does need proprietary firmware to operate. Specifically:
  • the WiFi network card shipped with the DIY kit is a AX210 card that requires a 5.19 kernel or later, and the firmware-iwlwifi non-free firmware package
  • the Bluetooth adapter also loads the firmware-iwlwifi package (untested)
  • the graphics work out of the box without firmware, but certain power management features come only with special proprietary firmware, normally shipped in the firmware-misc-nonfree but currently missing from the package
Note that, at the time of writing, the latest i915 firmware from linux-firmware has a serious bug where loading all the accessible firmware results in noticeable I estimate 200-500ms lag between the keyboard (not the mouse!) and the display. Symptoms also include tearing and shearing of windows, it's pretty nasty. One workaround is to delete the two affected firmware files:
cd /lib/firmware && rm adlp_guc_70.1.1.bin adlp_guc_69.0.3.bin
update-initramfs -u
You will get the following warning during build, which is good as it means the problematic firmware is disabled:
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/adlp_guc_69.0.3.bin for module i915
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/adlp_guc_70.1.1.bin for module i915
But then it also means that critical firmware isn't loaded, which means, among other things, a higher battery drain. I was able to move from 8.5-10W down to the 7W range after making the firmware work properly. This is also after turning the backlight all the way down, as that takes a solid 2-3W in full blast. The proper fix is to use some compositing manager. I ended up using compton with the following systemd unit:
Description=start compositing manager
ExecStart=compton --show-all-xerrors --backend glx --vsync opengl-swc
compton is orphaned however, so you might be tempted to use picom instead, but in my experience the latter uses much more power (1-2W extra, similar experience). I also tried compiz but it would just crash with:
anarcat@angela:~$ compiz --replace
compiz (core) - Warn: No XI2 extension
compiz (core) - Error: Another composite manager is already running on screen: 0
compiz (core) - Fatal: No manageable screens found on display :0
When running from the base session, I would get this instead:
compiz (core) - Warn: No XI2 extension
compiz (core) - Error: Couldn't load plugin 'ccp'
compiz (core) - Error: Couldn't load plugin 'ccp'
Thanks to EmanueleRocca for figuring all that out. See also this discussion about power management on the Framework forum. Note that Wayland environments do not require any special configuration here and actually work better, see my Wayland migration notes for details.
Also note that the iwlwifi firmware also looks incomplete. Even with the package installed, I get those errors in dmesg:
[   19.534429] Intel(R) Wireless WiFi driver for Linux
[   19.534691] iwlwifi 0000:a6:00.0: enabling device (0000 -> 0002)
[   19.541867] iwlwifi 0000:a6:00.0: firmware: failed to load iwlwifi-ty-a0-gf-a0-72.ucode (-2)
[   19.541881] iwlwifi 0000:a6:00.0: firmware: failed to load iwlwifi-ty-a0-gf-a0-72.ucode (-2)
[   19.541882] iwlwifi 0000:a6:00.0: Direct firmware load for iwlwifi-ty-a0-gf-a0-72.ucode failed with error -2
[   19.541890] iwlwifi 0000:a6:00.0: firmware: failed to load iwlwifi-ty-a0-gf-a0-71.ucode (-2)
[   19.541895] iwlwifi 0000:a6:00.0: firmware: failed to load iwlwifi-ty-a0-gf-a0-71.ucode (-2)
[   19.541896] iwlwifi 0000:a6:00.0: Direct firmware load for iwlwifi-ty-a0-gf-a0-71.ucode failed with error -2
[   19.541903] iwlwifi 0000:a6:00.0: firmware: failed to load iwlwifi-ty-a0-gf-a0-70.ucode (-2)
[   19.541907] iwlwifi 0000:a6:00.0: firmware: failed to load iwlwifi-ty-a0-gf-a0-70.ucode (-2)
[   19.541908] iwlwifi 0000:a6:00.0: Direct firmware load for iwlwifi-ty-a0-gf-a0-70.ucode failed with error -2
[   19.541913] iwlwifi 0000:a6:00.0: firmware: failed to load iwlwifi-ty-a0-gf-a0-69.ucode (-2)
[   19.541916] iwlwifi 0000:a6:00.0: firmware: failed to load iwlwifi-ty-a0-gf-a0-69.ucode (-2)
[   19.541917] iwlwifi 0000:a6:00.0: Direct firmware load for iwlwifi-ty-a0-gf-a0-69.ucode failed with error -2
[   19.541922] iwlwifi 0000:a6:00.0: firmware: failed to load iwlwifi-ty-a0-gf-a0-68.ucode (-2)
[   19.541926] iwlwifi 0000:a6:00.0: firmware: failed to load iwlwifi-ty-a0-gf-a0-68.ucode (-2)
[   19.541927] iwlwifi 0000:a6:00.0: Direct firmware load for iwlwifi-ty-a0-gf-a0-68.ucode failed with error -2
[   19.541933] iwlwifi 0000:a6:00.0: firmware: failed to load iwlwifi-ty-a0-gf-a0-67.ucode (-2)
[   19.541937] iwlwifi 0000:a6:00.0: firmware: failed to load iwlwifi-ty-a0-gf-a0-67.ucode (-2)
[   19.541937] iwlwifi 0000:a6:00.0: Direct firmware load for iwlwifi-ty-a0-gf-a0-67.ucode failed with error -2
[   19.544244] iwlwifi 0000:a6:00.0: firmware: direct-loading firmware iwlwifi-ty-a0-gf-a0-66.ucode
[   19.544257] iwlwifi 0000:a6:00.0: api flags index 2 larger than supported by driver
[   19.544270] iwlwifi 0000:a6:00.0: TLV_FW_FSEQ_VERSION: FSEQ Version:
[   19.544523] iwlwifi 0000:a6:00.0: firmware: failed to load iwl-debug-yoyo.bin (-2)
[   19.544528] iwlwifi 0000:a6:00.0: firmware: failed to load iwl-debug-yoyo.bin (-2)
[   19.544530] iwlwifi 0000:a6:00.0: loaded firmware version 66.55c64978.0 ty-a0-gf-a0-66.ucode op_mode iwlmvm
Some of those are available in the latest upstream firmware package (iwlwifi-ty-a0-gf-a0-71.ucode, -68, and -67), but not all (e.g. iwlwifi-ty-a0-gf-a0-72.ucode is missing) . It's unclear what those do or don't, as the WiFi seems to work well without them. I still copied them in from the latest linux-firmware package in the hope they would help with power management, but I did not notice a change after loading them. There are also multiple knobs on the iwlwifi and iwlmvm drivers. The latter has a power_schmeme setting which defaults to 2 (balanced), setting it to 3 (low power) could improve battery usage as well, in theory. The iwlwifi driver also has power_save (defaults to disabled) and power_level (1-5, defaults to 1) settings. See also the output of modinfo iwlwifi and modinfo iwlmvm for other driver options.

Graphics acceleration After loading the latest upstream firmware and setting up a compositing manager (compton, above), I tested the classic glxgears. Running in a window gives me odd results, as the gears basically grind to a halt:
Running synchronized to the vertical refresh.  The framerate should be
approximately the same as the monitor refresh rate.
137 frames in 5.1 seconds = 26.984 FPS
27 frames in 5.4 seconds =  5.022 FPS
Ouch. 5FPS! But interestingly, once the window is in full screen, it does hit the monitor refresh rate:
300 frames in 5.0 seconds = 60.000 FPS
I'm not really a gamer and I'm not normally using any of that fancy graphics acceleration stuff (except maybe my browser does?). I installed intel-gpu-tools for the intel_gpu_top command to confirm the GPU was engaged when doing those simulations. A nice find. Other useful diagnostic tools include glxgears and glxinfo (in mesa-utils) and (vainfo in vainfo). Following to this post, I also made sure to have those settings in my about:config in Firefox, or, in user.js:
user_pref("media.ffmpeg.vaapi.enabled", true);
Note that the guide suggests many other settings to tweak, but those might actually be overkill, see this comment and its parents. I did try forcing hardware acceleration by setting gfx.webrender.all to true, but everything became choppy and weird. The guide also mentions installing the intel-media-driver package, but I could not find that in Debian. The Arch wiki has, as usual, an excellent reference on hardware acceleration in Firefox.

Chromium / Signal desktop bugs It looks like both Chromium and Signal Desktop misbehave with my compositor setup (compton + i3). The fix is to add a persistent flag to Chromium. In Arch, it's conveniently in ~/.config/chromium-flags.conf but that doesn't actually work in Debian. I had to put the flag in /etc/chromium.d/disable-compositing, like this:
export CHROMIUM_FLAGS="$CHROMIUM_FLAGS --disable-gpu-compositing"
It's possible another one of the hundreds of flags might fix this issue better, but I don't really have time to go through this entire, incomplete, and unofficial list (!?!). Signal Desktop is a similar problem, and doesn't reuse those flags (because of course it doesn't). Instead I had to rewrite the wrapper script in /usr/local/bin/signal-desktop to use this instead:
exec /usr/bin/flatpak run --branch=stable --arch=x86_64 org.signal.Signal --disable-gpu-compositing "$@"
This was mostly done in this Puppet commit. I haven't figured out the root of this problem. I did try using picom and xcompmgr; they both suffer from the same issue. Another Debian testing user on Wayland told me they haven't seen this problem, so hopefully this can be fixed by switching to wayland.

Graphics card hangs I believe I might have this bug which results in a total graphical hang for 15-30 seconds. It's fairly rare so it's not too disruptive, but when it does happen, it's pretty alarming. The comments on that bug report are encouraging though: it seems this is a bug in either mesa or the Intel graphics driver, which means many people have this problem so it's likely to be fixed. There's actually a merge request on mesa already (2022-12-29). It could also be that bug because the error message I get is actually:
Jan 20 12:49:10 angela kernel: Asynchronous wait on fence 0000:00:02.0:sway[104431]:cb0ae timed out (hint:intel_atomic_commit_ready [i915]) 
Jan 20 12:49:15 angela kernel: i915 0000:00:02.0: [drm] GPU HANG: ecode 12:0:00000000 
Jan 20 12:49:15 angela kernel: i915 0000:00:02.0: [drm] Resetting chip for stopped heartbeat on rcs0 
Jan 20 12:49:15 angela kernel: i915 0000:00:02.0: [drm] GuC firmware i915/adlp_guc_70.1.1.bin version 70.1 
Jan 20 12:49:15 angela kernel: i915 0000:00:02.0: [drm] HuC firmware i915/tgl_huc_7.9.3.bin version 7.9 
Jan 20 12:49:15 angela kernel: i915 0000:00:02.0: [drm] HuC authenticated 
Jan 20 12:49:15 angela kernel: i915 0000:00:02.0: [drm] GuC submission enabled 
Jan 20 12:49:15 angela kernel: i915 0000:00:02.0: [drm] GuC SLPC enabled
It's a solid 30 seconds graphical hang. Maybe the keyboard and everything else keeps working. The latter bug report is quite long, with many comments, but this one from January 2023 seems to say that Sway 1.8 fixed the problem. There's also an earlier patch to add an extra kernel parameter that supposedly fixes that too. There's all sorts of other workarounds in there, for example this:
echo "options i915 enable_dc=1 enable_guc_loading=1 enable_guc_submission=1 edp_vswing=0 enable_guc=2 enable_fbc=1 enable_psr=1 disable_power_well=0"   sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/i915.conf
from this comment... So that one is unsolved, as far as the upstream drivers are concerned, but maybe could be fixed through Sway.

Weird USB hangs / graphical glitches I have had weird connectivity glitches better described in this post, but basically: my USB keyboard and mice (connected over a USB hub) drop keys, lag a lot or hang, and I get visual glitches. The fix was to tighten the screws around the CPU on the motherboard (!), which is, thankfully, a rather simple repair.

USB docks are hell Note that the monitors are hooked up to angela through a USB-C / Thunderbolt dock from Cable Matters, with the lovely name of 201053-SIL. It has issues, see this blog post for an in-depth discussion.

Shipping details I ordered the Framework in August 2022 and received it about a month later, which is sooner than expected because the August batch was late. People (including me) expected this to have an impact on the September batch, but it seems Framework have been able to fix the delivery problems and keep up with the demand. As of early 2023, their website announces that laptops ship "within 5 days". I have myself ordered a few expansion cards in November 2022, and they shipped on the same day, arriving 3-4 days later.

The supply pipeline There are basically 6 steps in the Framework shipping pipeline, each (except the last) accompanied with an email notification:
  1. pre-order
  2. preparing batch
  3. preparing order
  4. payment complete
  5. shipping
  6. (received)
This comes from the crowdsourced spreadsheet, which should be updated when the status changes here. I was part of the "third batch" of the 12th generation laptop, which was supposed to ship in September. It ended up arriving on my door step on September 27th, about 33 days after ordering. It seems current orders are not processed in "batches", but in real time, see this blog post for details on shipping.

Shipping trivia I don't know about the others, but my laptop shipped through no less than four different airplane flights. Here are the hops it took: I can't quite figure out how to calculate exactly how much mileage that is, but it's huge. The ride through Alaska is surprising enough but the bounce back through Winnipeg is especially weird. I guess the route happens that way because of Fedex shipping hubs. There was a related oddity when I had my Purism laptop shipped: it left from the west coast and seemed to enter on an endless, two week long road trip across the continental US.

Other resources

20 July 2021

Enrico Zini: Run a webserver for a specific user *only*

I'm creating a program that uses the web browser for its user interface, and I'm reasonably sure I'm not the first person doing this. Normally such a problem would listen to a port on localhost, and tell the browser to connect to it. Bonus points for listening to a randomly allocated free port, so that one does not need to involve some amount of luck to get the program started. However, using a local port still means that any user on the local machine can connect to it, which is generally a security issue. A possible solution would be to use AF_UNIX Unix Domain Sockets, which are supported by various web servers, but as far as I understand not currently by browsers. I checked Firefox and Chrome, and they currently seem to fail to even acknowledge the use case. I'm reasonably sure I'm not the first person doing this, and yes, it's intended as an understatement. So, dear Lazyweb, is there a way to securely use a browser as a UI for a user's program, without exposing access to the backend to other users in the system? Access token in the URL Emanuele Di Giacomo suggests to add an access token to the URL that gets passed to the browser. This would work to protect access on localhost: even if the application cannot use HTTPS, other users cannot see packets that go through the local interface, so both the access token and the session cookie that one could send afterwards would be protected. Network namespaces I thought about isolating server and browser in a private network namespace with something like unshare(1), but it seems to require root. Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues wrote to correct that:
It's possible to unshare the network namespace by first unsharing the user namespace and thus becoming root which is possible without being root since #898446 got fixed. For example you can run this as the normal user: lxc-usernsexec -- lxc-unshare -s NETWORK -- ip addr If you don't want to depend on lxc, you can write a wrapper in Perl or Python. I have a Perl implementation of that in mmdebstrap.
Firewalling Martin Schuster wrote to suggest another option:
I had the same issue. My approach was "weird", but worked: Block /outgoing/ connections to the port, unless the uid is correct. That might be counter-intuitive, but of course all connections /to/ localhost will be done /from/ localhost also. Something like: iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp -d localhost --dport 8123 -m owner --uid-owner joe -j ACCEPT iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp -d localhost --dport 8123 -j REJECT

5 October 2016

Gustavo Noronha Silva: Web Engines Hackfest 2016!

I had a great time last week and the web engines hackfest! It was the 7th web hackfest hosted by Igalia and the 7th hackfest I attended. I m almost a local Galician already. Brazilian Portuguese being so close to Galician certainly helps! Collabora co-sponsored the event and it was great that two colleagues of mine managed to join me in attendance. It had great talks that will eventually end up in videos uploaded to the web site. We were amazed at the progress being made to Servo, including some performance results that blew our minds. We also discussed the next steps for WebKitGTK+, WebKit for Wayland (or WPE), our own Clutter wrapper to WebKitGTK+ which is used for the Apertis project, and much more.
Zan giving his talk on WPE (former WebKitForWayland)Zan giving his talk on WPE (former WebKitForWayland)
One thing that drew my attention was how many Dell laptops there were. Many collaborans (myself included) and igalians are now using Dells, it seems. Sure, there were thinkpads and macbooks, but there was plenty of inspirons and xpses as well. It s interesting how the brand make up shifted over the years since 2009, when the hackfest could easily be mistaken with a thinkpad shop. Back to the actual hackfest: with the recent release of Gnome 3.22 (and Fedora 25 nearing release), my main focus was on dealing with some regressions suffered by users experienced after a change that made putting the final rendering composited by the nested Wayland compositor we have inside WebKitGTK+ to the GTK+ widget so it is shown on the screen. One of the main problems people reported was applications that use WebKitGTK+ not showing anything where the content was supposed to appear. It turns out the problem was caused by GTK+ not being able to create a GL context. If the system was simply not able to use GL there would be no problem: WebKit would then just disable accelerated compositing and things would work, albeit slower. The problem was WebKit being able to use an older GL version than the minimum required by GTK+. We fixed it by testing that GTK+ is able to create GL contexts before using the fast path, falling back to the slow glReadPixels codepath if not. This way we keep accelerated compositing working inside WebKit, which gives us nice 3D transforms and less repainting, but take the performance hit in the final blit .
Introducing "WebKitClutterGTK+"Introducing WebKitClutterGTK+
Another issue we hit was GTK+ not properly updating its knowledge of the window s opaque region when painting a frame with GL, which led to some really interesting issues like a shadow appearing when you tried to shrink the window. There was also an issue where the window would not use all of the screen when fullscreen which was likely related. Both were fixed. Andr Magalh es also worked on a couple of patches we wrote for customer projects and are now pushing upstream. One enables the use of more than one frontend to connect to a remote web inspector server at once. This can be used to, for instance, show the regular web inspector on a browser window and also use IDE integration for setting breakpoints and so on. The other patch was cooked by Philip Withnall and helped us deal with some performance bottlenecks we were hitting. It improves the performance of painting scroll bars. WebKitGTK+ does its own painting of scrollbars (we do not use the GTK+ widgets for various reasons). It turns out painting scrollbars can be quite a hit when the page is being scrolled fast, if not done efficiently. Emanuele Aina had a great time learning more about meson to figure out a build issue we had when a more recent GStreamer was added to our jhbuild environment. He came out of the experience rather sane, which makes me think meson might indeed be much better than autotools.
Igalia 15 years cakeIgalia 15 years cake
It was a great hackfest, great seeing everyone face to face. We were happy to celebrate Igalia s 15 years with them. Hope to see everyone again next year =)

22 September 2016

Gustavo Noronha Silva: WebKitGTK+ 2.14 and the Web Engines Hackfest

Next week our friends at Igalia will be hosting this year s Web Engines Hackfest. Collabora will be there! We are gold sponsors, and have three developers attending. It will also be an opportunity to celebrate Igalia s 15th birthday \o/. Looking forward to meet you there! =) Carlos Garcia has recently released WebKitGTK+ 2.14, the latest stable release. This is a great release that brings a lot of improvements and works much better on Wayland, which is becoming mature enough to be used by default. In particular, it fixes the clipboard, which was one of the main missing features, thanks to Carlos Garnacho! We have also been able to contribute a bit to this release =) One of the biggest changes this cycle is the threaded compositor, which was implemented by Igalia s Gwang Yoon Hwang. This work improves performance by not stalling other web engine features while compositing. Earlier this year we contributed fixes to make the threaded compositor work with the web inspector and fixed elements, helping with the goal of enabling it by default for this release. Wayland was also lacking an accelerated compositing implementation. There was a patch to add a nested Wayland compositor to the UIProcess, with the WebProcesses connecting to it as Wayland clients to share the final rendering so that it can be shown to screen. It was not ready though and there were questions as to whether that was the way to go and alternative proposals were floating around on how to best implement it. At last year s hackfest we had discussions about what the best path for that would be where collaborans Emanuele Aina and Daniel Stone (proxied by Emanuele) contributed quite a bit on figuring out how to implement it in a way that was both efficient and platform agnostic. We later picked up the old patchset, rebased on the then-current master and made it run efficiently as proof of concept for the Apertis project on an i.MX6 board. This was done using the fancy GL support that landed in GTK+ in the meantime, with some API additions and shortcuts to sidestep performance issues. The work was sponsored by Robert Bosch Car Multimedia. Igalia managed to improve and land a very well designed patch that implements the nested compositor, though it was still not as efficient as it could be, as it was using glReadPixels to get the final rendering of the page to the GTK+ widget through cairo. I have improved that code by ensuring we do not waste memory when using HiDPI. As part of our proof of concept investigation, we got this WebGL car visualizer running quite well on our sabrelite imx6 boards. Some of it went into the upstream patches or proposals mentioned below, but we have a bunch of potential improvements still in store that we hope to turn into upstreamable patches and advance during next week s hackfest. One of the improvements that already landed was an alternate code path that leverages GTK+ s recent GL super powers to render using gdk_cairo_draw_from_gl(), avoiding the expensive copying of pixels from the GPU to the CPU and making it go faster. That improvement exposed a weird bug in GTK+ that causes a black patch to appear when shrinking the window, which I have a tentative fix for. We originally proposed to add a new gdk_cairo_draw_from_egl() to use an EGLImage instead of a GL texture or renderbuffer. On our proof of concept we noticed it is even more efficient than the texturing currently used by GTK+, and could give us even better performance for WebKitGTK+. Emanuele Bassi thinks it might be better to add EGLImage as another code branch inside from_gl() though, so we will look into that. Another very interesting igalian addition to this release is support for the MemoryPressureHandler even on systems with no cgroups set up. The memory pressure handler is a WebKit feature which flushes caches and frees resources that are not being used when the operating system notifies it memory is scarce. We worked with the Raspberry Pi Foundation to add support for that feature to the Raspberry Pi browser and contributed it upstream back in 2014, when Collabora was trying to squeeze as much as possible from the hardware. We had to add a cgroups setup to wrap Epiphany in, back then, so that it would actually benefit from the feature. With this improvement, it will benefit even without the custom cgroups setups as well, by having the UIProcess monitor memory usage and notify each WebProcess when memory is tight. Some of these improvements were achieved by developers getting together at the Web Engines Hackfest last year and laying out the ground work or ideas that ended up in the code base. I look forward to another great few days of hackfest next week! See you there o/

7 October 2015

Emanuele Rocca: systemd is your friend

Today I want to talk a bit about some cool features of systemd, the default Debian init system since the release of Jessie. Ubuntu has also adopted systemd in 15.04, meaning that you are going to find it literally everywhere.
Logging The component responsible for logging in systemd is called journal. It collects and stores logs in a structured, indexed journal (hence the name). The journal can replace traditional syslog daemons such as rsyslog and syslog-ng, or work together with them. By default Debian keeps on using rsyslog, but if you don't need to ship logs to a centralized server (or do other fancy things) it is possible to stop using rsyslog right now and rely on systemd-journal instead. The obvious question is: why would anybody use a binary format for logs instead of a bunch of tried and true plain-text files? As it turns out, there are quite a lot of good reasons to do so. The killer features of systemd-journald for me are:
  • Index tons of logs while being able to search with good performance: O(log(n)) instead of O(n) which is what you get with text files
  • No need to worry about log rotation anymore, in any shape or form
The last point in particular is really critical in my opinion. Traditional log rotation implementations rely on cron jobs to check how much disk space is used by logs, compressing/removing old files. Log rotation is usually: 1) annoying to configure; 2) hard to get right; 3) prone to DoS attacks. With journald, there is pretty much nothing to configure. Log rotation is built into the daemon disk space allocation logic itself. This also allows to avoid vulnerability windows due to time-based rotation, which is what you get with logrotate and friends. Enough high-level discussions though, here is how to use the journal! Check if you already have the directory /var/log/journal, otherwise create it (as root). Then restart systemd-journald as follows: sudo systemctl restart systemd-journald You can get all messages produced since the last boot with journalctl -b. All messages produced today can get extracted using journalctl --since=today. Want to get all logs related to ssh? Try with journalctl _SYSTEMD_UNIT=ssh.service. There are many more filtering options available, you can read all about them with man journalctl. journald's configuration file is /etc/systemd/journald.conf. Two of the most interesting options are SystemMaxUse and SystemKeepFree, which can be used to change the amount of disk space dedicated to logging. They default to 10% and 15% of the /var filesystem respectively. Here is a little cheatsheet:
journalctl -b                # Show all messages since last boot
journalctl -f                # Tail your logs
journalctl --since=yesterday # Show all messages produced since yesterday
journalctl -pcrit            # Filter messages by priority
journalctl /bin/su           # Filter messages by program
journalctl --disk-usage      # The amount of space in use for journaling
Further reading:
Containers A relatively little known component of systemd is systemd-nspawn. It is a small, straightforward container manager. If you don't already have a chroot somewhere, here is how to create a basic Debian Jessie chroot under /srv/chroots/jessie:
$ debootstrap jessie /srv/chroots/jessie
With systemd-nspawn you can easily run a shell inside the chroot:
$ sudo systemd-nspawn -D /srv/chroots/jessie
Spawning container jessie on /srv/chroots/jessie.
Press ^] three times within 1s to kill container.
/etc/localtime is not a symlink, not updating container timezone.
Done. Everything works out of the box: no need for you to mount /dev, /run and friends, systemd-nspawn took care of that. Networking also works. If you want to actually boot the system, just add the -b switch to the previous command:
$ sudo systemd-nspawn -b -D /srv/chroots/jessie
Spawning container jessie on /srv/chroots/jessie.
Press ^] three times within 1s to kill container.
/etc/localtime is not a symlink, not updating container timezone.
Detected virtualization 'systemd-nspawn'.
Detected architecture 'x86-64'.
Welcome to Debian GNU/Linux jessie/sid!
Set hostname to <orion>.
[  OK  ] Reached target Remote File Systems (Pre).
[  OK  ] Reached target Encrypted Volumes.
[  OK  ] Reached target Paths.
[  OK  ] Reached target Swap.
[  OK  ] Created slice Root Slice.
[  OK  ] Created slice User and Session Slice.
[  OK  ] Listening on /dev/initctl Compatibility Named Pipe.
[  OK  ] Listening on Delayed Shutdown Socket.
[  OK  ] Listening on Journal Socket (/dev/log).
[  OK  ] Listening on Journal Socket.
[  OK  ] Created slice System Slice.
[  OK  ] Created slice system-getty.slice.
[  OK  ] Listening on Syslog Socket.
         Mounting POSIX Message Queue File System...
         Mounting Huge Pages File System...
         Mounting FUSE Control File System...
         Starting Copy rules generated while the root was ro...
         Starting Journal Service...
[  OK  ] Started Journal Service.
[  OK  ] Reached target Slices.
         Starting Remount Root and Kernel File Systems...
[  OK  ] Mounted Huge Pages File System.
[  OK  ] Mounted POSIX Message Queue File System.
[  OK  ] Mounted FUSE Control File System.
[  OK  ] Started Copy rules generated while the root was ro.
[  OK  ] Started Remount Root and Kernel File Systems.
         Starting Load/Save Random Seed...
[  OK  ] Reached target Local File Systems (Pre).
[  OK  ] Reached target Local File Systems.
         Starting Create Volatile Files and Directories...
[  OK  ] Reached target Remote File Systems.
         Starting Trigger Flushing of Journal to Persistent Storage...
[  OK  ] Started Load/Save Random Seed.
         Starting LSB: Raise network interfaces....
[  OK  ] Started Create Volatile Files and Directories.
         Starting Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown...
[  OK  ] Started Trigger Flushing of Journal to Persistent Storage.
[  OK  ] Started Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown.
[  OK  ] Started LSB: Raise network interfaces..
[  OK  ] Reached target Network.
[  OK  ] Reached target Network is Online.
[  OK  ] Reached target System Initialization.
[  OK  ] Listening on D-Bus System Message Bus Socket.
[  OK  ] Reached target Sockets.
[  OK  ] Reached target Timers.
[  OK  ] Reached target Basic System.
         Starting /etc/rc.local Compatibility...
         Starting Login Service...
         Starting LSB: Regular background program processing daemon...
         Starting D-Bus System Message Bus...
[  OK  ] Started D-Bus System Message Bus.
         Starting System Logging Service...
[  OK  ] Started System Logging Service.
         Starting Permit User Sessions...
[  OK  ] Started /etc/rc.local Compatibility.
[  OK  ] Started LSB: Regular background program processing daemon.
         Starting Cleanup of Temporary Directories...
[  OK  ] Started Permit User Sessions.
         Starting Console Getty...
[  OK  ] Started Console Getty.
[  OK  ] Reached target Login Prompts.
[  OK  ] Started Login Service.
[  OK  ] Reached target Multi-User System.
[  OK  ] Reached target Graphical Interface.
         Starting Update UTMP about System Runlevel Changes...
[  OK  ] Started Cleanup of Temporary Directories.
[  OK  ] Started Update UTMP about System Runlevel Changes.
Debian GNU/Linux jessie/sid orion console
orion login:
That's it! Just one command to start a shell in your chroot or boot the container, again zero configuration needed. Finally, systemd provides a command called machinectl that allows you to introspect and control your container:
$ sudo machinectl status jessie
           Since: Wed 2015-10-07 11:22:56 CEST; 55min ago
          Leader: 32468 (systemd)
         Service: nspawn; class container
            Root: /srv/chroots/jessie
         Address: fe80::8e70:5aff:fe81:2290
              OS: Debian GNU/Linux jessie/sid
            Unit: machine-jessie.scope
                   32468 /lib/systemd/systemd
                       32534 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --system --address=systemd: --nofork --nopidfile -...
                       32539 /usr/sbin/cron
                       32487 /lib/systemd/systemd-journald
                       32532 /lib/systemd/systemd-logind
                       32544 /sbin/agetty --noclear --keep-baud console 115200 38400 9600 vt102
                       32540 /usr/sbin/rsyslogd -n
With machinectl you can also reboot, poweroff, terminate your containers and more. There are so many things to learn about systemd and containers! Here are some references. This stuff is pretty exciting. Now that all major distributions use systemd by default, we can expect to have access to tools like journalctl and systemd-nspawn everywhere!

18 December 2014

Wouter Verhelst: Introducing libjoy

I've owned a Logitech Wingman Gamepad Extreme since pretty much forever, and although it's been battered over the years, it's still mostly functional. As a gamepad, it has 10 buttons. What's special about it, though, is that the device also has a mode in which a gravity sensor kicks in and produces two extra axes, allowing me to pretend I'm really talking to a joystick. It looks a bit weird though, since you end up playing your games by wobbling the gamepad around a bit. About 10 years ago, I first learned how to write GObjects by writing a GObject-based joystick API. Unfortunately, I lost the code at some point due to an overzealous rm -rf call. I had planned to rewrite it, but that never really happened. About a year back, I needed to write a user interface for a customer where a joystick would be a major part of the interaction. The code there was written in Qt, so I write an event-based joystick API in Qt. As it happened, I also noticed that jstest would output names for the actual buttons and axes; I had never noticed this, because due to my 10 buttons and 4 axes, which by default produce a lot of output, the jstest program would just scroll the names off my screen whenever I plugged it in. But the names are there, and it's not too difficult. Refreshing my memory on the joystick API made me remember how much fun it is, and I wrote the beginnings of what I (at the time) called "libgjs", for "Gobject JoyStick". I didn't really finish it though, until today. I did notice in the mean time that someone else released GObject bindings for javascript and also called that gjs, so in the interest of avoiding confusion I decided to rename my library to libjoy. Not only will this allow me all kinds of interesting puns like "today I am releasing more joy", it also makes for a more compact API (compare joy_stick_open() against gjs_joystick_open()). The library also comes with a libjoy-gtk that creates a GtkListStore* which is automatically updated as joysticks are added and removed to the system; and a joytest program, a graphical joystick test program which also serves as an example of how to use the API. still TODO: What's there is functional, though. Update: if you're going to talk about code, it's usually a good idea to link to said code. Thanks, Emanuele, for pointing that out ;-)

23 May 2014

Emanuele Rocca: A (very) brief history of Australia

This post is mostly a sum-up of the Wikipedia page History of Australia, with some content taken from History of the British Empire. Both texts are available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. I do not seem to be able to learn about a new topic without taking notes: in this case I have decided to publish my work, hoping that someone will find it useful. Some very important themes such as the Gold Rush and Australian History during the World Wars have been impudently ignored.
Indigenous Australians The ancestors of Indigenous Australians are believed to have arrived in Australia 40,000 to 60,000 years ago, and possibly as early as 70,000 years ago. By 1788, the population of Australia existed as 250 individual nations, many of which were in alliance with one another, and within each nation there existed several clans, from as few as five or six to as many as 30 or 40. Each nation had its own language and a few had multiple, thus over 250 languages existed, around 200 of which are now extinct. Permanent European settlers arrived at Sydney in 1788 and came to control most of the continent by end of the 19th century. Bastions of largely unaltered Aboriginal societies survived, particularly in Northern and Western Australia into the 20th century, until finally, a group of Pintupi people of the Gibson Desert became the last people to be contacted by outsider ways in 1984.
European explorers Terra Australis (Latin for South Land) is one of the names given to a hypothetical continent which appeared on European maps between the 15th and 18th centuries. Although the landmass was drawn onto maps, Terra Australis was not based on any actual surveying of such a landmass but rather based on the hypothesis that continents in the Northern Hemisphere should be balanced by land in the south. The first documented European landing in Australia was made in 1606 by a Dutch ship led by Willem Janszoon. Hence the ancient name "Nova Hollandia". The same year, a Spanish expedition had landed in the New Hebrides and, believing them to be the fabled southern continent, named the land: "Terra Austral del Espiritu Santo". Hence the current name "Australia". Although various proposals for colonisation were made, notably by Pierre Purry from 1717 to 1744, none was officially attempted. Indigenous Australians were less able to trade with Europeans than were the peoples of India, the East Indies, China, and Japan. The Dutch East India Company concluded that there was "no good to be done there". In 1769, Lieutenant James Cook tried to locate the supposed Southern Continent. This continent was not found, and Cook decided to survey the east coast of New Holland, the only major part of that continent that had not been charted by Dutch navigators. Cook charted and took possession of the east coast of New Holland. He noted the following in his journal:
"I can land no more upon this Eastern coast of New Holland, and
 on the Western side I can make no new discovery the honour of
 which belongs to the Dutch Navigators and as such they may lay
 Claim to it as their property, but the Eastern Coast from the
 Latitude of 38 South down to this place I am confident was never
 seen or viseted by any European before us and therefore by the
 same Rule belongs to great Brittan."
Colonisation The American Revolutionary War (1775-1783) saw Great Britain lose most of its North American colonies and consider establishing replacement territories. The British colony of New South Wales was established with the arrival of the First Fleet of 11 vessels in January 1788. It consisted of over a thousand settlers, including 778 convicts (192 women and 586 men). A few days after arrival at Botany Bay the fleet moved to the more suitable Port Jackson where a settlement was established at Sydney Cove on 26 January 1788. This date later became Australia's national day, Australia Day. Between 1788 and 1868, approximately 161,700 convicts (of whom 25,000 were women) were transported to the Australian colonies of New South Wales, Van Diemen's land and Western Australia. Early colonial administrations were anxious to address the gender imbalance in the population brought about by the importation of large numbers of convict men. In 1835, the British Colonial Office issued the Proclamation of Governor Bourke, implementing the legal doctrine of terra nullius upon which British settlement was based, reinforcing the notion that the land belonged to no one prior to the British Crown taking possession of it and quashing any likelihood of treaties with Aboriginal peoples, including that signed by John Batman. Its publication meant that from then, all people found occupying land without the authority of the government would be considered illegal trespassers. A group in Britain led by Edward Gibbon Wakefield sought to start a colony based on free settlement and political and religious freedoms, rather than convict labour. The South Australia Act [1834], passed by the British Government which established the colony reflected these desires and included a promise of representative government when the population reached 50,000 people. Significantly, the Letters Patent enabling the South Australia Act 1834 included a guarantee of the rights of 'any Aboriginal Natives' and their descendants to lands they 'now actually occupied or enjoyed'. In 1836, two ships of the South Australia Land Company left to establish the first settlement on Kangaroo Island. The foundation of South Australia is now generally commemorated as Governor John Hindmarsh's Proclamation of the new Province at Glenelg, on the mainland, on 28 December 1836. By 1851 the colony was experimenting with a partially elected council.
Development of Australian democracy Traditional Aboriginal society had been governed by councils of elders and a corporate decision making process, but the first European-style governments established after 1788 were autocratic and run by appointed governors. The reformist attorney general, John Plunkett, sought to apply Enlightenment principles to governance in the colony, pursuing the establishment of equality before the law. Plunkett twice charged the colonist perpetrators of the Myall Creek massacre of Aborigines with murder, resulting in a conviction and his landmark Church Act of 1836 disestablished the Church of England and established legal equality between Anglicans, Catholics, Presbyterians and later Methodists. In 1840, the Adelaide City Council and the Sydney City Council were established. Men who possessed 1,000 pounds worth of property were able to stand for election and wealthy landowners were permitted up to four votes each in elections. Australia's first parliamentary elections were conducted for the New South Wales Legislative Council in 1843, again with voting rights (for males only) tied to property ownership or financial capacity. Voter rights were extended further in New South Wales in 1850 and elections for legislative councils were held in the colonies of Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania. Women became eligible to vote for the Parliament of South Australia in 1895. This was the first legislation in the world permitting women also to stand for election to political office and, in 1897, Catherine Helen Spence became the first female political candidate for political office, unsuccessfully standing for election as a delegate to the Federal Convention on Australian Federation. Western Australia granted voting rights to women in 1899. Early federal parliamentary reform and judicial interpretation sought to limit Aboriginal voting in practice, a situation which endured until rights activists began campaigning in the 1940s.
Road to independence Despite suspicion from some sections of the colonial community (especially in smaller colonies) about the value of nationhood, improvements in inter-colonial transport and communication, including the linking of Perth to the south eastern cities by telegraph in 1877, helped break down inter-colonial rivalries. New South Wales Premier Henry Parkes addressed a rural audience in his 1889 Tenterfield Oration, stating that the time had come to form a national executive government:
"Australia [now has] a population of three and a half millions,
 and the American people numbered only between three and four
 millions when they formed the great commonwealth of the United
 States. The numbers were about the same, and surely what the
 Americans had done by war, the Australians could bring about in
 peace, without breaking the ties that held them to the mother
Though Parkes would not live to see it, his vision would be achieved within a little over a decade, and he is remembered as the "father of federation". The Commonwealth of Australia came into being when the Federal Constitution was proclaimed by the Governor-General, Lord Hopetoun, on 1 January 1901. Australia took part in WWI. The contributions of Australian and New Zealand troops during the 1915 Gallipoli Campaign against the Ottoman Empire had a great impact on the national consciousness at home, and marked a watershed in the transition of Australia and New Zealand from colonies to nations in their own right. The countries continue to commemorate this occasion on ANZAC Day. Australia achieved independent Sovereign Nation status after World War I, under the Statute of Westminster, which defined Dominions of the British empire in the following way:
"They are autonomous Communities within the British Empire, equal
 in status, in no way subordinate one to another in any aspect of
 their domestic or external affairs, though united by a common
 allegiance to the Crown, and freely associated as members of the
 British Commonwealth of Nations."
The parliaments of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, the Irish Free State and Newfoundland (currently part of Canada) were now independent of British legislative control, they could nullify British laws and Britain could no longer pass laws for them without their consent. The Australia Act 1986 removed any remaining links between the British Parliament and the Australian states.

29 January 2014

Emanuele Rocca: Antifeatures and Antibugs

Software Engineering distinguishes between software features and software bugs. It is usually understood that features are positive, expected characteristics of a computer program. Features make users happy by allowing them to do something useful, interesting, or fun. Something good, anyways. Bugs are instead undesirable and annoying. You're sitting there at your computer writing a long email and the software crashes right before your email is sent. Bad stuff. Features are generally implemented by programmers on purpose, whereas bugs are purely unintentional. They are mistakes. You don't make a mistake on purpose. We might at this point be inclined to think that: i) what is good for users is done on purpose by software manufacturers; ii) what is bad for users was not meant to be. It happened by mistake. Here is a handy table to visualize this idea:
On purpose By mistake
Good Feature
Bad Bug
It seems to make a lot of sense. But you might have noticed that two cells of the table are empty. Right! In a great talk titled When Free Software isn't better, Benjamin Mako Hill mentions the concept of antifeatures, and how they relate to Free Software. Antifeatures are features that make the software do something users will hate. Something they will hate so much they would pay to have those features removed, if that's an option. Microsoft Windows 7 is used in the talk to provide some examples of software antifeatures: the Starter Edition does not allow users to change their background image. Also, it limits the amount of usable memory on the computer to 2GBs, regardless of how much memory the system actually has. Two antifeatures engineered to afflict users to the point that they will purchase a more expensive version of the software, if they have the means to do that. I have another nice example. The Spotify music streaming service plays advertisements between songs every now and then. To make sure users are annoyed as much as possible, Spotify automatically pauses an advertisement if it detects that the volume is being lowered. A poor Spotify user even tried to report the bug on The Spotify Community forum, only to find out that what she naively considered as a software error was "intentional behavior". A spectacular antifeature indeed. Whenever a piece of technology does something you most definitely do not want it to do, such as allowing the NSA to take complete control of your Apple iPhone, including turning on its microphone and camera against your will, that's an antifeature.
On purpose By mistake
Good Feature
Bad Antifeature Bug
Both bugs and antifeatures are bad for users. The difference between them is that antifeatures are engineered. Time and money are spent to make sure the goal is reached. A testing methodology is followed. "Are we really sure customers cannot change their wallpaper even if they try very very hard?" Engineering processes, of course, can fail. If the poor devils at Microsoft who implemented those harassments would have made a mistake that allows users to somehow change their wallpaper on Windows Starter... Well, I would call that a glorious antibug.
On purpose By mistake
Good Feature Antibug
Bad Antifeature Bug
There is no place for antifeatures in Free and Open Source Software. Free Software gives users control over what their software does. Imagine Mozilla adding a feature to Firefox that sets your speakers volume to 11 and starts playing a random song from the black metal artist Burzum every time you add a bookmark, unless you pay for Mozilla Firefox Premium Edition. The source code for Firefox is available under a free license. People who are not into Burzum's music would immediately remove this neat antifeature. I have spent many years of my life advocating Free and Open Source Software, perhaps using the wrong arguments. Mako's talk made me think about all this (thanks mate!). All these years I've been preaching about the technical superiority of Free Software, despite evidence of thousands of bugs and usability issues in the very programs I am using, and contributing to develop. Free Software is not better than Proprietary Software per se. Sometimes it is, sometimes it's not. But it gives you control, and freedom. When it annoys you, when it doesn't do what you expect and want, you can be sure it's not on purpose. And we can fix it together.

4 July 2013

Emanuele Rocca: Useful tools for Python developers

Python is a great language with an impressive number of tools designed to make developers' life easier. Sometimes, however, the problem is getting to know that these tools exist in the first place. By contributing to projects like OpenStack's Nova client and Falcon, I have recently come across some useful tools that can seriously improve the quality of your code. The first one is called pyflakes, a passive checker of Python programs developed by Phil Frost. What it does is parsing your source files and checking for possible errors such as undefined names and unused imports. Let's consider the following example: <figure class="code">
import urllib

print "pyflakes example"
</figure>The code above contains a typo, we have misspelled urllib. Here is what pyflakes thinks about our program:
$ pyflakes 'urllib' imported but unused undefined name 'urlib'
On line 4 we try to use urlib which is not defined. Also, we import urllib on line 1 and we do nothing with it. Our typo has been spotted! Notice that, even though our program contains a print statement, 'pyflakes example' has not been printed. That is because pyflakes parses the source files it checks, without importing them, making it safe to use on modules with side effects. pyflakes can be installed with pip or apt-get. The second tool I want to talk about is Ned Batchelder's No doubt you write unit tests for your programs. Right? Good. is out there to help you checking how much of your program is actually covered. Let's use as an example codicefiscale, a Python project of mine. First we install coverage:
pip install coverage
Then we run our unit tests:
$ coverage run --source=codicefiscale
Ran 7 tests in 0.003s
We pass the module we want to test with --source=codicefiscale so that coverage will only report information about that specific module. Now that our tests have been performed successfully it is time to check how much of our code is covered by unit tests:
$ coverage report -m
Name            Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
codicefiscale      73      4    95%   61, 67, 95, 100
Not bad, 95% of our module is covered! Still, coverage let us know that 4 lines have not been touched by the unit tests. With this information, we can go write some meaningful test cases that will also cover the missing lines.

2 September 2012

Emanuele Rocca: Story of a bug in Ubuntu

Some months ago I have run into a pretty interesting bug while working on a Ubuntu-based remote desktop system. The whole OS was installed on a server somewhere and users could access their desktop remotely. Some call this stuff Desktop-as-a-Service. The operating system we chose was Ubuntu Oneiric (11.10) and the remote access part was implemented with x2go, which uses nxagent to provide NX transport of X sessions. Users could access their Ubuntu machines remotely, with sound, video, youtube, and all you would expect from a desktop machine. The whole thing was working quite well. Now, as I said that was in May. Ubuntu 12.04 LTS was available, and the choice of upgrading to it sounded pretty much obvious. So we upgraded our test system to Precise and everything seemed to work smoothly. Till we tried to open a PDF document, actually. It took evince about 50 seconds to display a relatively small document. Same story with images opened with the default image viewer, eog. The fix delivered to our users was simple: we have set shotwell-viewer as the default image viewer, and epdfview as the default PDF viewer. Everybody happy. In the meantime, obviously, I was interested in this issue so I ve tried to run run evince from a terminal, getting the following output:
(evince:15833): GRIP-WARNING **: Failed to initialize gesture manager.
Funny. On another test system running Debian Sid (unstable) everything was working smoothly. The diff between Ubuntu s version of evince and Debian s is a 6MB monster. Among other changes, I noticed that Ubuntu s version build-depends on libgrip-dev, which depends on libutouch-geis. Multitouch stuff. Why should multitouch support break my remote session? So on May the 10th I filed a bug on launchpad. How this issue got handled is in my opinion one of the many fine examples of the inherent superiority of free software, coupled with a we won t hide problems mindset. For an example of how bad is the proprietary approach, just check a random bug in Adobe s bug tracking system. But let s go back to the evince bug. Other users reported that their VNC sessions were also affected by the same problem. After a few days it was clear that the culprit was utouch-geis, and a patch appeared. Unfortunately it did not actually address the issue. Somebody else reported that RDP sessions were broken too. At the beginning of June Precise was still affected. Finally, on August the 6th a working patch was submitted by Bradley M. Froehle and included by Chase Douglas (thank you guys). End of August, fixed version of geis accepted into precise-updates, case closed. Now for some considerations. The problem was clearly of a certain importance. A Long Term Support, stable version of Ubuntu shipped with broken PDF and image viewing functionalities. It got fixed properly, even though 3 good months are quite a long time for such a bug to get solved. However, the issue only affected a pretty limited number of users, also certainly not Ubuntu s main target audience. This bug never affected Debian, simply because utouch-geis has not made its way into the archive yet. It takes longer to make changes like this in Debian, but for some categories of users stability is more important than new, cool features. Choice is a good thing.

29 July 2012

Gregor Herrmann: RC bugs 2012/27-30

during the last weeks I was quite busy with other things (like DebCamp, DebConf, & vacations), so this is a report covering 4 weeks. at least I managed to catch up during the last days a bit

14 December 2011

Emanuele Rocca: First steps with Sinatra on Heroku

Lately I have been playing a little bit with different Platform as a Service providers. So far, the most developer-friendly one seems to be Heroku. In particular, Heroku provides an incredibly straightforward way to get started. After creating an account on their website, you just have to install the appropriate gem: sudo gem install heroku The command heroku help will then show you all the possible invocations of the command line client, just to give you an idea of what you can do with it (everything). Alright, that s not particularly interesting without an application to play with, is it? So let s create a new Sinatra application. In order to do that, we need a new directory containing a file like the following one:
# webapp.rb
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
# Add other gems you might need here
get '/' do
  "Your Sinatra app is working!"
Also add a Gemfile with all the required dependencies, in our trivial example sinatra is actually the only gem you need:
source :rubygems
gem "sinatra"
Lastly, you need a file where you can require our newly created Ruby program and specify that it is a Sinatra application. In this example, the Ruby file is called webapp.rb.
require './webapp'
run Sinatra::Application
A very useful program when developing a Sinatra application is shotgun. gem install shotgun and you will be able to run your new shiny app by executing the command shotgun. While developing on your machine, shotgun will take care of reloading the application for every request, so that you don t have to restart the server after every modification to the source code. Run bundle install to easily install all the required dependencies in your development environment, and shotgun to start the app locally. Pointing your browser to you can check if everything works as expected. If nothing went wrong, you can create a git repository to track changes to the source code:
git init
git add . 
git commit -m "Initial commit"
Perfect! Now, how do you create and deploy your application on Heroku?
heroku create
git push heroku master
Heroku will automatically find out that you deployed a Sinatra application, it will install all the required dependencies and start serving requests. A few interesting commands you might want to run to see what s going on are heroku info, heroku ps and heroku logs. The client also provides a command, heroku open, that opens your browser at the right production URL. So, you now have a working application under revision control. Dependencies are handled by specifying them into the Gemfile, and the required gems can be installed locally using bundle. Shotgun is our friend when it comes to use the application for development purposes. A git push heroku master is all we need to deploy a new version of the code. Of course there is way much more about Sinatra and Heroku than what I ve covered in this mini-intro. Please refer to the Sinatra Book and the Heroku Dev Center for more information!

9 October 2011

Emanuele Rocca: A neat VLC extension to download subtitles

As somebody who often watches movies and TV shows I have the recurring problem of finding the right English subtitles for the video I am about to enjoy. Now, that is really a tedious thing to do. You go on a website such as and type the title of what you are looking for. Then you usually have to choose from a plethora of results, download the archive, unzip it, fire up VLC, go to Video Subtitles Track Open File, and finally open your subtitles file. And what you typically find out at that point is that the subtitles are completely out of sync with the audio, but rather than doing the whole process again you prefer to just sync them with a bit of VLC-fu. Which always takes longer than you thought, but hey. Now, what if there was an extremely simple way to just choose the subtitles for a given movie directly from VLC? The good news is that somebody wrote a beautiful VLC extension that does exactly that. He also wrote an introductory article about VLC extensions. Thank you, Jean-Philippe Andr . Installing the thing is as simple as downloading the subtitles extension and putting it in the VLC scripts folder. On Linux machines, the extensions folder can be found at ~/.local/share/vlc/lua/extensions/, on Windows APPDATA\VLC\lua\extensions. But seriously, don t use Windows. Once the extension is installed you can start watching a movie and then click View Subtitles to open the subtitles search interface. This is how it looks like: Now that the practical problem is solved, please take some time to look at the source code. VLC uses Lua as the language for writing extensions. I certainly cannot say that the web is full of resources about how to extend VLC using Lua, but the piece of code I wrote about in this post is certainly a good way to start hacking, and maybe scratch yet another itch.
