Search Results: "duck"

1 December 2020

Paul Wise: FLOSS Activities November 2020

Focus This month I didn't have any particular focus. I just worked on issues in my info bubble.




  • Debian wiki: disable attachments due to security issue, approve accounts

  • Respond to queries from Debian users and contributors on the mailing lists and IRC

Sponsors The visdom, apt-listchanges work and lintian-brush bug report were sponsored by my employer. All other work was done on a volunteer basis.

29 October 2020

Ulrike Uhlig: Better handling emergencies

We all know these situations when we receive an email asking Can you check the design of X, I need a reply by tonight. Or an instant message: My website went down, can you check? Another email: I canceled a plan at the hosting company, can you restore my website as fast as possible? A phone call: The TLS certificate didn t get updated, and now we can t access service Y. Yet another email: Our super important medical advice website is suddenly being censored in country Z, can you help? Everyone knows those messages that have URGENT in capital letters in the email subject. It might be that some of them really are urgent. Others are the written signs of someone having a hard time properly planning their own work and passing their delays on to someone who comes later in the creation or production chain. And others again come from people who are overworked and try to delegate some of their tasks to a friendly soul who is likely to help.

How emergencies create more emergencies In the past, my first reflex when I received an urgent request was to start rushing into solutions. This happened partly out of empathy, partly because I like to be challenged into solving problems, and I m fairly good at that. This has proven to be unsustainable, and here is why.

Emergencies create unplanned work The first issue is that emergencies create a lot of unplanned work. Which in turn means not getting other, scheduled, things done. This can create a backlog, end up in working late, or working on weekends.

Emergencies can create a permanent state of exception Unplanned work can also create a lot of frustration, out of the feeling of not getting the things done that one planned to do. We might even get a feeling of being nonautonomous (in German I would say fremdbestimmt, which roughly translates to being directed by others ). On the long term, this can generate unsustainable situations: higher work loads, and burnout. When working in a team of several people, A might have to take over the work of B because B has not enough capacities. Then A gets overloaded in turn, and C and D have to take over A s work. Suddenly the team is stuck in a permanent state of exception. This state of exception will produce more backlog. The team might start to deprioritize social issues over getting technical things done. They might not be able to recruit new people anymore because they have no capacity left to onboard newcomers.

One emergency can result in a variety of emergencies for many people The second issue produced by urgent requests is that if I cannot solve the initial emergency by myself, I might try to involve colleagues, other people who are skilled in the area, or people who work in another relevant organization to help with this. Suddenly, the initial emergency has become my emergency as well as the emergency of a whole bunch of other people.

A sidenote about working with friends This might be less of an issue in a classical work setup than in a situation in which a bunch of freelancers work together, or in setups in which work and friendships are intertwined. This is a problem, because the boundaries between friend and worker role, and the expectations that go along with these roles, can get easily confused. If a colleague asks me to help with task X, I might say no; if a friend asks, I might be less likely to say no.

What I learnt about handling emergencies I came up with some guidelines that help me to better handle emergencies.

Plan for unplanned work It doesn t matter and it doesn t help to distinguish if urgent requests are legitimate or if they come from people who have not done their homework on time. What matters is to make one s weekly todo list sustainable. After reading Making work visible by Domenica de Grandis, I understood the need to add free slots for unplanned work into one s weekly schedule. Slots for unplanned work can take up to 25% of the total work time!

Take time to make plans Now that there are some free slots to handle emergencies, one can take some time to think when an urgent request comes in. A German saying proposes to wait and have some tea ( abwarten und Tee trinken ). I think this is actually really good advice, and works for any non-obvious problem. Sit down and let the situation sink in. Have a tea, take a shower, go for a walk. It s never that urgent. Really, never. If possible, one can talk about the issue with another person, rubberduck style. Then one can make a plan on how to address the emergency properly, it could be that the solution is easier than at first thought.

Affirming boundaries: Saying no Is the emergency that I m asked to solve really my problem? Or is someone trying to involve me because they know I m likely to help? Take a deep breath and think about it. No? It s not my job, not my role? I have no time for this right now? I don t want to do it? Maybe I m not even paid for it? A colleague is pushing my boundaries to get some task on their own todo list done? Then I might want to say no. I can t help with this. or I can help you in two weeks. I don t need to give a reason. No. is a sentence. And: Saying no doesn t make me an arse.

Affirming boundaries: Clearly defining one s role Clearly defining one s role is something that is often overlooked. In many discussions I have with friends it appears that this is a major cause of overwork and underpayment. Lots of people are skilled, intelligent, and curious, and easily get challenged into putting on their super hero dress. But they re certainly not the only person that can help even if an urgent request makes them think that at first. To clearly define our role, we need to make clear which part of the job is our work, and which part needs to be done by other people. We should stop trying to accomodate people and their requests to the detriment of our own sanity. You re a language interpreter and are being asked to mediate a bi-lingual conflict between the people you are interpreting for? It s not your job. You re the graphic designer for a poster, but the text you ve been given is not good enough? Send back a recommendation to change the text; don t do these changes yourself: it s not your job. But you can and want to do this yourself and it would make your client s life easier? Then ask them to get paid for the extra time, and make sure to renegotiate your deadline!

Affirming boundaries: Defining expectations Along with our role, we need to define expectations: in which timeframe am I willing to do the job? Under which contract, which agreement, which conditions? For which payment? People who work in a salary office job generally do have a work contract in which their role and the expectations that come with this role are clearly defined. Nevertheless, I hear from friends that their superiors regularly try to make them do tasks that are not part of their role definition. So, here too, role and expectations sometimes need to be renegotiated, and the boundaries of these roles need to be clearly affirmed.

Random conclusive thoughts If you ve read until here, you might have experienced similar things. Or, on the contrary, maybe you re already good at communicating your boundaries and people around you have learnt to respect them? Congratulations. In any case, for improving one s own approach to such requests, it can be useful to find out which inner dynamics are at play when we interact with other people. Additionally, it can be useful to understand the differences between Asker and Guesser culture:
when an Asker meets a Guesser, unpleasantness results. An Asker won t think it s rude to request two weeks in your spare room, but a Guess culture person will hear it as presumptuous and resent the agony involved in saying no. Your boss, asking for a project to be finished early, may be an overdemanding boor or just an Asker, who s assuming you might decline. If you re a Guesser, you ll hear it as an expectation.
Askers should also be aware that there might be Guessers in their team. It can help to define clear guidelines about making requests (when do I expect an answer, under which budget/contract/responsibility does the request fall, what other task can be put aside to handle the urgent task?) Last, but not least, Making work visible has a lot of other proposals on how to visibilize and then deal with unplanned work.

1 June 2020

Paul Wise: FLOSS Activities May 2020

Focus This month I didn't have any particular focus. I just worked on issues in my info bubble.




  • nsntrace: talk to upstream about collaborative maintenance
  • Debian: deploy changes, debug issue with GPS markers file generation, migrate bls/DUCK from alioth-archive to salsa
  • Debian website: ran map cron job, synced mirrors
  • Debian wiki: approve accounts, ping folks with bouncing email


Sponsors The apt-offline work and the libfile-libmagic-perl backports were sponsored. All other work was done on a volunteer basis.

31 October 2017

Norbert Preining: Debian/TeX Live 2017.20171031-1

Halloween is here, time to upload a new set of scary packages of TeX Live. About a month has passed, so there is the usual big stream up updates. There was actually an intermediate release to get out some urgent fixes, but I never reported the news here. So here are the accumulated changes and updates. My favorite this time is wallcalendar, a great class to design all kind of calendars, it looks really well done. I immediately will start putting one together. On the font side there is the new addition coelacanth. To quote from the README: Coelacanth is inspired by the classic Centaur type design of Bruce Rogers, described by some as the most beautiful typeface ever designed. It aims to be a professional quality type family for general book typesetting. And indeed it is beautiful! Other noteworthy addition is the Spark font that allows creating sparklines in the running text with LaTeX. Enjoy. New packages algobox, amscls-doc, beilstein, bib2gls, coelacanth, crossreftools, dejavu-otf, dijkstra, ducksay, dynkin-diagrams, eqnnumwarn, fetchcls, fixjfm, glossaries-finnish, hagenberg-thesis, hecthese, ifxptex, isopt, istgame, ku-template, limecv, mensa-tex, musicography, na-position, notestex, outlining, pdfreview, spark-otf, spark-otf-fonts, theatre, unitn-bimrep, upzhkinsoku, wallcalendar, xltabular. Updated packages acmart, amsmath, animate, arabluatex, arara, babel, babel-french, bangorexam, baskervillef, beebe, biblatex-philosophy, biblatex-source-division, bibletext, bidi, bxjaprnind, bxjscls, bxpapersize, bytefield, classicthesis, cochineal, complexity, cooking-units, curves, datetime2-german, dccpaper, doclicense, docsurvey, eledmac, epstopdf, eqparbox, esami, etoc, fbb, fei, fithesis, fmtcount, fnspe, fonts-tlwg, fontspec, genealogytree, glossaries, glossaries-extra, hecthese, hepthesis, hvfloat, ifplatform, ifptex, inconsolata, jfmutil, jsclasses, ketcindy, knowledge, koma-script, l3build, l3experimental, l3kernel, l3packages, langsci, latex2man, latexbug, lato, leadsheets, libertinust1math, listofitems, luatexja, luatexko, luatodonotes, lwarp, markdown, mcf2graph, media9, newtx, novel, numspell, ocgx2, overpic, philokalia, phonenumbers, platex, poemscol, pst-exa, pst-geometrictools, pst-ovl, pst-plot, pst-pulley, pst-tools, pst-vehicle, pst2pdf, pstool, pstricks, pstricks-add, pxchfon, pxjahyper, quran, randomlist, rec-thy, reledmac, robustindex, scratch, skrapport, spectralsequences, tcolorbox, tetex, tex4ht, texcount, texdoc, tikzducks, tikzsymbols, toptesi, translation-biblatex-de, unicode-math, updmap-map, uplatex, widetable, xcharter, xepersian, xetexko, xetexref, xsim, zhlipsum.

1 October 2017

Paul Wise: FLOSS Activities September 2017




  • icns: merged patches
  • Debian: help guest user with access, investigate/escalate broken network, restart broken stunnels, investigate static.d.o storage, investigate weird RAID mails, ask hoster to investigate power issue,
  • Debian mentors: lintian/security updates & reboot
  • Debian wiki: merged & deployed patch, redirect DDTSS translator, redirect user support requests, whitelist email addresses, update email for accounts with bouncing email,
  • Debian derivatives census: merged/deployed patches
  • Debian PTS: debugged cron mails, deployed changes, reran scripts, fixed configuration file
  • Openmoko: debug reboot issue, debug load issues


Sponsors The samba bug was sponsored by my employer. All other work was done on a volunteer basis.

26 September 2017

Norbert Preining: Debian/TeX Live 2017.20170926-1

A full month or more has past since the last upload of TeX Live, so it was high time to prepare a new package. Nothing spectacular here I have to say, two small bugs fixed and the usual long list of updates and new packages. From the new packages I found fontloader-luaotfload and interesting project. Loading fonts via lua code in luatex is by now standard, and this package allows for experiments with newer/alternative font loaders. Another very interesting new-comer is pdfreview which lets you set pages of another PDF on a lined background and add notes to it, good for reviewing. Enjoy. New packages abnt, algobox, beilstein, bib2gls, cheatsheet, coelacanth, dijkstra, dynkin-diagrams, endofproofwd, fetchcls, fixjfm, fontloader-luaotfload, forms16be, hithesis, ifxptex, komacv-rg, ku-template, latex-refsheet, limecv, mensa-tex, multilang, na-box, notes-tex, octave, pdfreview, pst-poker, theatre, upzhkinsoku, witharrows. Updated packages 2up, acmart, acro, amsmath, animate, babel, babel-french, babel-hungarian, bangorcsthesis, beamer, beebe, biblatex-gost, biblatex-philosophy, biblatex-source-division, bibletext, bidi, bpchem, bxjaprnind, bxjscls, bytefield, checkcites, chemmacros, chet, chickenize, complexity, curves, cweb, datetime2-german, e-french, epstopdf, eqparbox, esami, etoc, fbb, fithesis, fmtcount, fnspe, fontspec, genealogytree, glossaries, glossaries-extra, hvfloat, ifptex, invoice2, jfmutil, jlreq, jsclasses, koma-script, l3build, l3experimental, l3kernel, l3packages, latexindent, libertinust1math, luatexja, lwarp, markdown, mcf2graph, media9, nddiss, newpx, newtx, novel, numspell, ocgx2, philokalia, phfqit, placeat, platex, poemscol, powerdot, pst-barcode, pst-cie, pst-exa, pst-fit, pst-func, pst-geometrictools, pst-ode, pst-plot, pst-pulley, pst-solarsystem, pst-solides3d, pst-tools, pst-vehicle, pst2pdf, pstricks, pstricks-add, ptex-base, ptex-fonts, pxchfon, quran, randomlist, reledmac, robustindex, scratch, skrapport, spectralsequences, tcolorbox, tetex, tex4ht, texcount, texdef, texinfo, texlive-docindex, texlive-scripts, tikzducks, tikzsymbols, tocloft, translations, updmap-map, uplatex, widetable, xepersian, xetexref, xint, xsim, zhlipsum.

23 August 2017

Antoine Beaupr : The supposed decline of copyleft

At DebConf17, John Sullivan, the executive director of the FSF, gave a talk on the supposed decline of the use of copyleft licenses use free-software projects. In his presentation, Sullivan questioned the notion that permissive licenses, like the BSD or MIT licenses, are gaining ground at the expense of the traditionally dominant copyleft licenses from the FSF. While there does seem to be a rise in the use of permissive licenses, in general, there are several possible explanations for the phenomenon.

When the rumor mill starts Sullivan gave a recent example of the claim of the decline of copyleft in an article on by Jono Bacon from February 2017 that showed a histogram of license usage between 2010 and 2017 (seen below).
[Black Duck   histogram]
From that, Bacon elaborates possible reasons for the apparent decline of the GPL. The graphic used in the article was actually generated by Stephen O'Grady in a January article, The State Of Open Source Licensing, which said:
In Black Duck's sample, the most popular variant of the GPL version 2 is less than half as popular as it was (46% to 19%). Over the same span, the permissive MIT has gone from 8% share to 29%, while its permissive cousin the Apache License 2.0 jumped from 5% to 15%.
Sullivan, however, argued that the methodology used to create both articles was problematic. Neither contains original research: the graphs actually come from the Black Duck Software "KnowledgeBase" data, which was partly created from the old Ohloh web site now known as Open Hub. To show one problem with the data, Sullivan mentioned two free-software projects, GNU Bash and GNU Emacs, that had been showcased on the front page of in 2012. On the site, Bash was (and still is) listed as GPLv2+, whereas it changed to GPLv3 in 2011. He also claimed that "Emacs was listed as licensed under GPLv3-only, which is a license Emacs has never had in its history", although I wasn't able to verify that information from the Internet archive. Basically, according to Sullivan, "the two projects featured on the front page of a site that was using [the Black Duck] data set were wrong". This, in turn, seriously brings into question the quality of the data:
I reported this problem and we'll continue to do that but when someone is not sharing the data set that they're using for other people to evaluate it and we see glimpses of it which are incorrect, that should give us a lot of hesitation about accepting any conclusion that comes out of it.
Reproducible observations are necessary to the establishment of solid theories in science. Sullivan didn't try to contact Black Duck to get access to the database, because he assumed (rightly, as it turned out) that he would need to "pay for the data under terms that forbid you to share that information with anybody else". So I wrote Black Duck myself to confirm this information. In an email interview, Patrick Carey from Black Duck confirmed its data set is proprietary. He believes, however, that through a "combination of human and automated techniques", Black Duck is "highly confident at the accuracy and completeness of the data in the KnowledgeBase". He did point out, however, that "the way we track the data may not necessarily be optimal for answering the question on license use trend" as "that would entail examination of new open source projects coming into existence each year and the licenses used by them". In other words, even according to Black Duck, its database may not be useful to establish the conclusions drawn by those articles. Carey did agree with those conclusions intuitively, however, saying that "there seems to be a shift toward Apache and MIT licenses in new projects, though I don't have data to back that up". He suggested that "an effective way to answer the trend question would be to analyze the new projects on GitHub over the last 5-10 years." Carey also suggested that "GitHub has become so dominant over the recent years that just looking at projects on GitHub would give you a reasonable sampling from which to draw conclusions".
[GitHub   graph]
Indeed, GitHub published a report in 2015 that also seems to confirm MIT's popularity (45%), surpassing copyleft licenses (24%). The data is, however, not without its own limitations. For example, in the above graph going back to the inception of GitHub in 2008, we see a rather abnormal spike in 2013, which seems to correlate with the launch of the site, described by GitHub as "our first pass at making open source licensing on GitHub easier". In his talk, Sullivan was critical of the initial version of the site which he described as biased toward permissive licenses. Because the GitHub project creation page links to the site, Sullivan explained that the site's bias could have actually influenced GitHub users' license choices. Following a talk from Sullivan at FOSDEM 2016, GitHub addressed the problem later that year by rewording parts of the front page to be more accurate, but that any change in license choice obviously doesn't show in the report produced in 2015 and won't affect choices users have already made. Therefore, there can be reasonable doubts that GitHub's subset of software projects may not actually be that representative of the larger free-software community.

In search of solid evidence So it seems we are missing good, reproducible results to confirm or dispel these claims. Sullivan explained that it is a difficult problem, if only in the way you select which projects to analyze: the impact of a MIT-licensed personal wiki will obviously be vastly different from, say, a GPL-licensed C compiler or kernel. We may want to distinguish between active and inactive projects. Then there is the problem of code duplication, both across publication platforms (a project may be published on GitHub and SourceForge for example) but also across projects (code may be copy-pasted between projects). We should think about how to evaluate the license of a given project: different files in the same code base regularly have different licenses often none at all. This is why having a clear, documented and publicly available data set and methodology is critical. Without this, the assumptions made are not clear and it is unreasonable to draw certain conclusions from the results. It turns out that some researchers did that kind of open research in 2016 in a paper called "The Debsources Dataset: Two Decades of Free and Open Source Software" [PDF] by Matthieu Caneill, Daniel M. Germ n, and Stefano Zacchiroli. The Debsources data set is the complete Debian source code that covers a large history of the Debian project and therefore includes thousands of free-software projects of different origins. According to the paper:
The long history of Debian creates a perfect subject to evaluate how FOSS licenses use has evolved over time, and the popularity of licenses currently in use.
Sullivan argued that the Debsources data set is interesting because of its quality: every package in Debian has been reviewed by multiple humans, including the original packager, but also by the FTP masters to ensure that the distribution can legally redistribute the software. The existence of a package in Debian provides a minimal "proof of use": unmaintained packages get removed from Debian on a regular basis and the mere fact that a piece of software gets packaged in Debian means at least some users found it important enough to work on packaging it. Debian packagers make specific efforts to avoid code duplication between packages in order to ease security maintenance. The data set covers a period longer than Black Duck's or GitHub's, as it goes all the way back to the Hamm 2.0 release in 1998. The data and how to reproduce it are freely available under a CC BY-SA 4.0 license.
[Debsource   graph]
Sullivan presented the above graph from the research paper that showed the evolution of software license use in the Debian archive. Whereas previous graphs showed statistics in percentages, this one showed actual absolute numbers, where we can't actually distinguish a decline in copyleft licenses. To quote the paper again:
The top license is, once again, GPL-2.0+, followed by: Artistic-1.0/GPL dual-licensing (the licensing choice of Perl and most Perl libraries), GPL-3.0+, and Apache-2.0.
Indeed, looking at the graph, at most do we see a rise of the Apache and MIT licenses and no decline of the GPL per se, although its adoption does seem to slow down in recent years. We should also mention the possibility that Debian's data set has the opposite bias: toward GPL software. The Debian project is culturally quite different from the GitHub community and even the larger free-software ecosystem, naturally, which could explain the disparity in the results. We can only hope a similar analysis can be performed on the much larger Software Heritage data set eventually, which may give more representative results. The paper acknowledges this problem:
Debian is likely representative of enterprise use of FOSS as a base operating system, where stable, long-term and seldomly updated software products are desirable. Conversely Debian is unlikely representative of more dynamic FOSS environments (e.g., modern Web-development with micro libraries) where users, who are usually developers themselves, expect to receive library updates on a daily basis.
The Debsources research also shares methodology limitations with Black Duck: while Debian packages are reviewed before uploading and we can rely on the copyright information provided by Debian maintainers, the research also relies on automated tools (specifically FOSSology) to retrieve license information. Sullivan also warned against "ascribing reason to numbers": people may have different reasons for choosing a particular license. Developers may choose the MIT license because it has fewer words, for compatibility reasons, or simply because "their lawyers told them to". It may not imply an actual deliberate philosophical or ideological choice. Finally, he brought up the theory that the rise of non-copyleft licenses isn't necessarily at the detriment of the GPL. He explained that, even if there is an actual decline, it may not be much of a problem if there is an overall growth of free software to the detriment of proprietary software. He reminded the audience that non-copyleft licenses are still free software, according to the FSF and the Debian Free Software Guidelines, so their rise is still a positive outcome. Even if the GPL is a better tool to accomplish the goal of a free-software world, we can all acknowledge that the conversion of proprietary software to more permissive and certainly simpler licenses is definitely heading in the right direction.
[I would like to thank the DebConf organizers for providing meals for me during the conference.] Note: this article first appeared in the Linux Weekly News.

1 July 2017

Paul Wise: FLOSS Activities June 2017




  • Debian: redirect 2 users to support channels, redirect 1 person to the mirrors team, investigate SMTP TLS question, fix ACL issue, restart dead exim4 service
  • Debian mentors: service restarts, security updates & reboot
  • Debian QA: deploy my changes
  • Debian website: release related rebuilds, rebuild installation-guide
  • Debian wiki: whitelist several email addresses, whitelist 1 domain
  • Debian package tracker: deploy my changes
  • Debian derivatives census: deploy my changes
  • Openmoko: security updates & reboots.


Sponsors All work was done on a volunteer basis.

30 April 2017

Paul Wise: FLOSS Activities April 2017




  • Debian systems: quiet a logrotate warning, investigate issue with DNSSEC and alioth, deploy fix on our first stretch buildd, restore alioth git repo after history rewrite, investigate iptables segfaults on buildd and investigate time issues on a NAS
  • Debian derivatives census: delete patches over 5 MiB, re-enable the service
  • Debian wiki: investigate some 403 errors, fix alioth KGB config, deploy theme changes, close a bogus bug report, ping 1 user with bouncing email, whitelist 9 email addresses and whitelist 2 domains
  • Debian QA: deploy my changes
  • Debian mentors: security upgrades and service restarts
  • Openmoko: debug mailing list issue, security upgrades and reboots

  • Invite Wazo to the Debian derivatives census
  • Welcome ubilinux, Wazo and Roopa Prabhu (of Cumulus Linux) to the Debian derivatives census
  • Discuss HP/ProLiant wiki page with HPE folks
  • Inform git history rewriter about the git mailmap feature

Sponsors The libconfig-crontab-perl backports and pyvmomi issue were sponsored by my employer. All other work was done on a volunteer basis.

26 April 2017

Sven Hoexter: Chrome 58 ignores commonName in certificates

People using Chrome might have already noticed that some internal certificates created without a SubjectAlternativeName extension fail to verify. Finally the Google Chrome team stepped forward, and after only 17 years of having SubjectAlternativeName as the place for FQDNs to verify as valid for a certificate, they started to ignore the commonName. See also Currently Debian/stretch still has Chromium 57 but Chromium 58 is already in unstable. So some more people might notice this change soon. I hope that everyone who maintains some broken internal scripting to maintain internal CAs now re-reads the OpenSSL Cookbook to finally fix this stuff. In general I recommend to base your internal CA scripting on easy-rsa to avoid making every mistake in certificate management on your own.

29 March 2017

Daniel Pocock: Brexit: If it looks like racism, if it smells like racism and if it feels like racism, who else but a politician could argue it isn't?

Since the EU referendum got under way in the UK, it has become almost an everyday occurence to turn on the TV and hear some politician explaining "I don't mean to sound racist, but..." (example) Of course, if you didn't mean to sound racist, you wouldn't sound racist in the first place, now would you? The reality is, whether you like politics or not, political leaders have a significant impact on society and the massive rise in UK hate crimes, including deaths of Polish workers, is a direct reflection of the leadership (or profound lack of it) coming down from Westminster. Maybe you don't mean to sound racist, but if this is the impact your words are having, maybe it's time to shut up? Choosing your referendum Why choose to have a referendum on immigration issues and not on any number of other significant topics? Why not have a referendum on nuking Mr Putin to punish him for what looks like an act of terrorism against the Malaysian Airlines flight MH17? Why not have a referendum on cutting taxes or raising speed limits, turning British motorways into freeways or an autobahn? Why choose to keep those issues in the hands of the Government, but invite the man-in-a-white-van from middle England to regurgitate Nigel Farage's fears and anxieties about migrants onto a ballot paper? Even if David Cameron sincerely hoped and believed that the referendum would turn out otherwise, surely he must have contemplated that he was playing Russian Roulette with the future of millions of innocent people? Let's start at the top For those who are fortunate enough to live in parts of the world where the press provides little exposure to the antics of British royalty, an interesting fact you may have missed is that the Queen's husband, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh is actually a foreigner. He was born in Greece and has Danish and German ancestry. Migration (in both directions) is right at the heart of the UK's identity. Queen and Prince Philip Home office minister Amber Rudd recently suggested British firms should publish details about how many foreign people they employ and in which positions. She argued this is necessary to help boost funding for training local people. If that is such a brilliant idea, why hasn't it worked for the Premier League? It is a matter of public knowledge how many foreigners play football in England's most prestigious division, so why hasn't this caused local clubs to boost training budgets for local recruits? After all, when you consider that England hasn't won a World Cup since 1966, what have they got to lose? Kevin Pietersen All this racism, it's just not cricket. Or is it? One of the most remarkable cricketers to play for England in recent times, Kevin Pietersen, dubbed "the most complete batsman in cricket" by The Times and "England's greatest modern batsman" by the Guardian, was born in South Africa. In the five years he was contracted to the Hampshire county team, he only played one match, because he was too busy representing England abroad. His highest position was nothing less than becoming England's team captain. Are the British superior to every other European citizen? One of the implications of the rhetoric coming out of London these days is that the British are superior to their neighbours, entitled to have their cake and eat it too, making foreigners queue up at Paris' Gare du Nord to board the Eurostar while British travelers should be able to walk or drive into European countries unchallenged. This superiority complex is not uniquely British, you can observe similar delusions are rampant in many of the places where I've lived, including Australia, Switzerland and France. America's Donald Trump has taken this style of politics to a new level. Look in the mirror Theresa May: after British 10-year old schoolboys Robert Thompson and Jon Venables abducted, tortured, murdered and mutilated 2 year old James Bulger in 1993, why not have all British schoolchildren fingerprinted and added to the police DNA database? Why should "security" only apply based on the country where people are born, their religion or skin colour? Jon Venables and Robert Thompson In fact, after Brexit, people like Venables and Thompson will remain in Britain while a Dutch woman, educated at Cambridge and with two British children will not. If that isn't racism, what is? Running foreigner's off the roads Theresa May has only been Prime Minister for less than a year but she has a history of bullying and abusing foreigners in her previous role in the Home Office. One example of this was a policy of removing driving licenses from foreigners, which has caused administrative chaos and even taken away the licenses of many people who technically should not have been subject to these regulations anyway. Shouldn't the DVLA (Britain's office for driving licenses) simply focus on the competence of somebody to drive a vehicle? Bringing all these other factors into licensing creates a hostile environment full of mistakes and inconvenience at best and opportunities for low-level officials to engage in arbitrary acts of racism and discrimination. Of course, when you are taking your country on the road to nowhere, who needs a driving license anyway? Run off the road What does "maximum control" over other human beings mean to you? The new British PM has said she wants "maximum control" over immigrants. What exactly does "maximum control" mean? Donald Trump appears to be promising "maximum control" over Muslims, Hitler sought "maximum control" over the Jews, hasn't the whole point of the EU been to avoid similar situations from ever arising again? This talk of "maximum control" in British politics has grown like a weed out of the UKIP. One of their senior figures has been linked to kidnappings and extortion, which reveals a lot about the character of the people who want to devise and administer these policies. Similar people in Australia aspire to jobs in the immigration department where they can extort money out of people for getting them pushed up the queue. It is no surprise that the first member of Australia's parliament ever sent to jail was put there for obtaining bribes and sexual favours from immigrants. When Nigel Farage talks about copying the Australian immigration system, he is talking about creating jobs like these for his mates. Even if "maximum control" is important, who really believes that a bunch of bullies in Westminster should have the power to exercise that control? Is May saying that British bosses are no longer competent to make their own decisions about who to employ or that British citizens are not reliable enough to make their own decisions about who they marry and they need a helping hand from paper-pushers in the immigration department? maximum control over Jewish people Echoes of the Third Reich Most people associate acts of mass murder with the Germans who lived in the time of Adolf Hitler. These are the stories told over and and over again in movies, books and the press. Look more closely, however, and it appears that the vast majority of Germans were not in immediate contact with the gas chambers. Even Gobels' secretary writes that she was completely oblivious to it all. Many people were simply small cogs in a big bad machine. The clues were there, but many of them couldn't see the big picture. Even if they did get a whiff of it, many chose not to ask questions, to carry on with their comfortable lives. Today, with mass media and the Internet, it is a lot easier for people to discover the truth if they look, but many are still reluctant to do so. Consider, for example, the fingerprint scanners installed in British post offices and police stations to fingerprint foreigners and criminals (as if they have something in common). If all the post office staff refused to engage in racist conduct the fingerprint scanners would be put out of service. Nonetheless, these people carry on, just doing their job, just following orders. It was through many small abuses like this, rather than mass murder on every street corner, that Hitler motivated an entire nation to serve his evil purposes. Technology like this is introduced in small steps: first it was used for serious criminals, then anybody accused of a crime, then people from Africa and next it appears they will try and apply it to all EU citizens remaining in the UK. How will a British man married to a French woman explain to their children that mummy has to be fingerprinted by the border guard each time they return from vacation? The Nazis pioneered biometric technology with the tracking numbers branded onto Jews. While today's technology is electronic and digital, isn't it performing the same function? There is no middle ground between "soft" and "hard" brexit An important point for British citizens and foreigners in the UK to consider today is that there is no compromise between a "soft" Brexit and a "hard" Brexit. It is one or the other. Anything less (for example, a deal that is "better" for British companies and worse for EU citizens) would imply that the British are a superior species and it is impossible to imagine the EU putting their stamp on such a deal. Anybody from the EU who is trying to make a life in the UK now is playing a game of Russian Roulette - sure, everything might be fine if it morphs into "soft" Brexit, but if Theresa May has her way, at some point in your life, maybe 20 years down the track, you could be rounded up by the gestapo and thrown behind bars for a parking violation. There has already been a five-fold increase in the detention of EU citizens in British concentration camps and they are using grandmothers from Asian countries to refine their tactics for the efficient removal of EU citizens. One can only wonder what type of monsters Theresa May has been employing to run such inhumane operations. This is not politics Edmund Burke's quote "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" comes to mind on a day like today. Too many people think it is just politics and they can go on with their lives and ignore it. Barely half the British population voted in the referendum. This is about human beings treating each other with dignity and respect. Anything less is abhorrent and may well come back to bite.

2 February 2017

Paul Wise: FLOSS Activities January 2017




  • Debian: reboot 1 non-responsive VM, redirect 2 users to support channels, redirect 1 contributor to xkb upstream, redirect 1 potential contributor, redirect 1 bug reporter to mirror team, ping 7 folks about restarting processes with upgraded libs, manually restart the sectracker process due to upgraded libs, restart the package tracker process due to upgraded libs, investigate failures connecting to the XMPP service, investigate /dev/shm issue on abel.d.o, clean up after rename of the fedmsg group.
  • Debian mentors: lintian/security updates & reboot
  • Debian packages: deploy 2 contributions to the live server
  • Debian wiki: unblacklist 1 IP address, whitelist 10 email addresses, disable 18 accounts with bouncing email, update email for 2 accounts with bouncing email, reported 1 Debian member as MIA, redirect 1 user to support channels, add 4 domains to the whitelist.
  • Reproducible builds: rescheduled Debian pyxplot:amd64/unstable for themill.
  • Openmoko: security updates & reboots.

Debian derivatives
  • Send the annual activity ping mail.
  • Happy new year messages on IRC, forward to the list.
  • Note that SerbianLinux does not provide source packages.
  • Expand URL shortener on SerbianLinux page.
  • Invite PelicanHPC, Netrunner, DietPi, Hamara Linux (on IRC), BitKey to the census.
  • Add research publications link to the census template
  • Fix Symbiosis sources.list
  • Enquired about SalentOS downtime
  • Fixed and removed some 404 BlankOn links (blog, English homepage)
  • Fixed changes to AstraLinux sources.list
  • Welcome Netrunner to the census

Sponsors I renewed my support of Software Freedom Conservancy. The openchange 1:2.2-6+deb8u1 upload was sponsored by my employer. All other work was done on a volunteer basis.

29 January 2017

Elena 'valhalla' Grandi: One Liberated Laptop

One Liberated Laptop


After many days of failed attempts, yesterday @Diego Roversi finally managed to setup SPI on the BeagleBone White , and that means that today at our home it was Laptop Liberation Day!

We took the spare X200, opened it, found the point we were on in the tutorial installing libreboot on x200, connected all of the proper cables on the clip and did some reading tests of the original bios.


While the tutorial mentioned a very conservative setting (512kHz), just for fun we tried to read it at different speed and all results up to 16384 kHz were equal, with the first failure at 32784 kHz, so we settled on using 8192 kHz.

Then it was time to customize our libreboot image with the right MAC address, and that's when we realized that the sheet of paper where we had written it down the last time had been put in a safe place somewhere

Luckily we also had taken a picture, and that was easier to find, so we checked the keyboard map , followed the instructions to customize the image, flashed the chip, partially reassembled the laptop, started it up and a black screen, some fan noise and nothing else.

We tried to reflash the chip (nothing was changed), tried the us keyboard image, in case it was the better tested one (same results) and reflashed the original bios, just to check that the laptop was still working (it was).

It was lunchtime, so we stopped our attempts. As soon as we started eating, however, we realized that this laptop came with 3GB of RAM, and that surely meant "no matching pairs of RAM", so just after lunch we reflashed the first image, removed one dimm, rebooted and finally saw a gnu-hugging penguin!

We then tried booting some random live usb key we had around (failed the first time, worked the second and further one with no changes), and then proceeded to install Debian.

Running the installer required some attempts and a bit of duckduckgoing: parsing the isolinux / grub configurations from the libreboot menu didn't work, but in the end it was as easy as going to the command line and running:

linux (usb0)/install.amd/vmlinuz
initrd (usb0)/install.amd/initrd.gz

From there on, it was the usual debian installation and a well know environment, and there were no surprises. I've noticed that grub-coreboot is not installed (grub-pc is) and I want to investigate a bit, but rebooting worked out of the box with no issue.

Next step will be liberating my own X200 laptop, and then if you are around the @Gruppo Linux Como area and need a 16 pin clip let us know and we may bring everything to one of the LUG meetings

yes, white, and most of the instructions on the interwebz talk about the black, which is extremely similar to the white except where it isn't

wait? there are keyboard maps? doesn't everybody just use the us one regardless of what is printed on the keys? Do I *live* with somebody who doesn't? :D

the breadboard in the picture is only there for the power supply, the chip on it is a cheap SPI flash used to test SPI on the bone without risking the laptop :)

disclaimer: it worked for us. it may not work on *your* laptop. it may brick it. it may invoke a tentacled monster, it may bind your firstborn son to a life of servitude to some supernatural being. Whatever happens, it's not our fault.

(edit: added tags)

#coreboot #libreboot

11 January 2017

Dirk Eddelbuettel: nanotime 0.1.0: Now on Windows

Last month, we released nanotime, a package to work with nanosecond timestamps. See the initial release announcement for some background material and a few first examples. nanotime relies on the RcppCCTZ package for high(er) resolution time parsing and formatting: R itself stops a little short of a microsecond. And it uses the bit64 package for the actual arithmetic: time at this granularity is commonly represented at (integer) increments (at nanosecond resolution) relative to an offset, for which the standard epoch of Januar 1, 1970 is used. int64 types are a perfect match here, and bit64 gives us an integer64. Naysayers will point out some technical limitations with R's S3 classes, but it works pretty much as needed here. The one thing we did not have was Windows support. RcppCCTZ and the CCTZ library it uses need real C++11 support, and the g++-4.9 compiler used on Windows falls a little short lacking inter alia a suitable std::get_time() implementation. Enter Dan Dillon who ported this from LLVM's libc++ which lead to Sunday's RcppCCTZ 0.2.0 release. And now we have all our ducks in a row: everything works on Windows too. The next paragraph summarizes the changes for both this release as well as the initial one last month:

Changes in version 0.1.0 (2017-01-10)
  • Added Windows support thanks to expanded RcppCCTZ (closes #6)
  • Added "mocked up" demo with nanosecond delay networking analysis
  • Added 'fmt' and 'tz' options to output functions, expanded format.nanotime (closing #2 and #3)
  • Added data.frame support
  • Expanded tests

Changes in version 0.0.1 (2016-12-15)
  • Initial CRAN upload.
  • Package is functional and provides examples.

We also have a diff to the previous version thanks to CRANberries. More details and examples are at the nanotime page; code, issue tickets etc at the GitHub repository.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

31 December 2016

Jonathan McDowell: IMDB Top 250: Complete. Sort of.

Back in 2010, inspired by Juliet, I set about doing 101 things in 1001 days. I had various levels of success, but one of the things I did complete was the aim of watching half of the IMDB Top 250. I didn t stop at that point, but continued to work through it at a much slower pace until I realised that through the Queen s library I had access to quite a few DVDs of things I was missing, and that it was perfectly possible to complete the list by the end of 2016. So I did. I should point out that I didn t set out to watch the list because I m some massive film buff. It was more a mixture of watching things that I wouldn t otherwise choose to, and also watching things I knew were providing cultural underpinnings to films I had already watched and enjoyed. That said, people have asked for some sort of write up when I was done. So here are some random observations, which are almost certainly not what they were looking for.

My favourite film is not in the Top 250 First question anyone asks is What s your favourite film? . That depends a lot on what I m in the mood for really, but fairly consistently my answer is The Hunt for Red October. This has never been in the Top 250 that I ve noticed. Which either says a lot about my taste in films, or the Top 250, or both. Das Boot was in the list and I would highly recommend it (but then I like all submarine movies it seems).

The Shawshank Redemption is overrated I can t recall a time when The Shawshank Redemption was not top of the list. It s a good film, and I ve watched it many times, but I don t think it s good enough to justify its seemingly unbroken run. I don t have a suggestion for a replacement, however.

The list is constantly changing I say I ve completed the Top 250, but that s working from a snapshot I took back in 2010. Today the site is telling me I ve watched 215 of the current list. Last night it was 214 and I haven t watched anything in between. Some of those are films released since 2010 (in particular new releases often enter high and then fall out of the list over a month or two), but the current list has films as old as 1928 (The Passion of Joan of Arc) that weren t there back in 2010. So keeping up to date is not simply a matter of watching new releases.

The best way to watch the list is terrestrial TV There were various methods I used to watch the list. Some I d seen in the cinema when they came out (or was able to catch that way anyway - the QFT showed Duck Soup, for example). Netflix and Amazon Video had some films, but overall a very disappointing percentage. The QUB Library, as previously mentioned, had a good number of DVDs on the list (especially the older things). I ended up buying a few (Dial M for Murder on 3D Bluray was well worth it; it s beautifully shot and unobtrusively 3D), borrowed a few from friends and ended up finishing off the list by a Lovefilm one month free trial. The single best source, however, was UK terrestrial TV. Over the past 6 years Freeview (the free-to-air service here) had the highest percentage of the list available. Of course this requires some degree of organisation to make sure you don t miss things.

Films I enjoyed Not necessarily my favourite, but things I wouldn t have necessarily watched and was pleasantly surprised by. No particular order, and I m leaving out a lot of films I really enjoyed but would have got around to watching anyway.
  • Clint Eastwood films - Gran Torino and Million Dollar Baby were both excellent but neither would have appealed to me at first glance. I hated Unforgiven though.
  • Jimmy Stewart. I m not a fan of It s a Wonderful Life (which I d already watched because it s Lister s favourite film), but Harvey is obviously the basis of lots of imaginary friend movies and Rear Window explained a Simpsons episode (there were a lot of Simpsons episodes explained by watching the list).
  • Spaghetti Westerns. I wouldn t have thought they were my thing, but I really enjoyed the Sergio Leone films (A Fistful of Dollars etc.). You can see where Tarantino gets a lot of his inspiration.
  • Foreign language films. I wouldn t normally seek these out. And in general it seems I cannot get on with Italian films (except Life is Beautiful), but Amores Perros, Amelie and Ikiru were all better than expected.
  • Kind Hearts and Coronets. For some reason I didn t watch this until almost the end; I think the title always put me off. Turned out to be very enjoyable.

Films I didn t enjoy I m sure these mark me out as not being a film buff, but there are various things I would have turned off if I d caught them by accident rather than setting out to watch them. I ve kept the full list available, if you re curious.

9 October 2016

Ben Armstrong: Annual Hike with Ryan: Salt Marsh Trail, 2016

Once again, Ryan Neily and I met last month for our annual hike. This year, to give our aging knees a break, we visited the Salt Marsh Trail for the first time. For an added level of challenge and to access the trail by public transit, we started with the Shearwater Flyer Trail and finished with the Heritage Trail. It was a perfect day both for hiking and photography: cool with cloud cover and a refreshing coastal breeze. The entire hike was over 25 km and took the better part of the day to complete. Good times, great conversations, and I look forward to visiting these beautiful trails again!
Salt Marsh trail hike, 2016. Click to start the slideshow.Salt Marsh trail hike, 2016. Click to start the slideshow.
We start here, on the Shearwater flyer trail.We start here, on the Shearwater flyer trail.
Couldn t ID this bush. The berries are spectacular! A pond to the side of the trail. Different angle for dramatic lighting effect. Rail bridge converted to foot bridge. Cranberries! Reviewing our progress. From the start Map of the Salt Marsh trail ahead. Off we go again! First glimpse through the trees. Appreciating the cloud cover today. Salt-marshy grasses. Never far from rocks in NS. Rocks all laid out in stripes. Lunch & selfie time. Ryan attacking his salad. Vantage point. A bit of causeway coast. Plenty of eel grass. Costal flora. We head for the bridge next. Impressed by the power of the flow beneath. Snapping more marsh shots. Ripples. Gulls, and if you squint, a copter. More ripples. Swift current along this channel. Until it broadens out and slows down. Nearly across. Heron! Sorry it s so tiny. Heron again, before I lost it. Ducks at the head of the Atlantic View trail where we rested and then turned back. Attempt at artsy. Nodding ladies tresses on the way back. Several of them. Sky darkening, but we still have time. A lonely wild rose. The last gasp of late summer. Back across the marshes. A short breather on the Heritage Trail.
Here s the Strava record of our hike:

25 July 2016

Simon D saulniers: [GSOC] Week 8&9 Report

Week 8 This particular week has been tiresome as I did catch a cold ;). I did come back from Cape Town where debconf taking place. My arrival at Montreal was in the middle of the week, so this week is not plenty of news

What I ve done I have synced myself with my coworker Nicolas Reynaud, who s working on building the indexation system over the DHT. We have worked together on critical algorithms: concurrent maintenance of data in the trie (PHT).

Week 9

What I ve done Since my mentor, who s also the main author of OpenDHT, was gone for presenting Ring at the RMLL, I ve been attributed tasks that needed attention quickly. I ve been working on making OpenDHT run properly when compiled with some failing version of Apple s LLVM. I ve had the pleasure of debugging obscure runtime errors that you don t get depending on the compiler you use, but I mean very obscure.
I have released OpenDHT 0.6.2! This release was meant to fix a critical functionality bug that would arise if one of the two routing table (IPv4, IPv6) was empty. This was really critical for Ring to have the 0.6.2 version because it is not rare that a user connects to some router not giving IPv6 address. Finally, I have fixed some minor bugs in my work on the queries.

18 June 2016

Sune Vuorela: R is for Randa

This week I have been gathered with 38 KDE people in Randa, Switzerland. Randa is a place in a valley in the middle of the Alps close to various peaks like Matterhorn. It has been a week of intense hacking, bugfixing, brainstorming and a bit of enjoying the nature. R is for Reproducible builds I spent the first couple of days trying to get the Qt Documentation generation tool to reproducible generate documentation. Some of the fixes were of the usual put data in an randomized datastructure, then iterate over it and create output , where the fix is similar well known: Sort the datastructure first. Others were a bit more severe bugs that lead to the documentation to shuffle around the obsolete bit, and the inheritance chains. Most of these fixes have been reviewed and submitted to the Qt 5.6 branch, one is still pending review, but that hopefully gets fixed soon. Then most of Qt (except things containing copies of (parts) of webkit and derivatives) should be reproducible. R is for Roaming around in the mountains Sleeping, hacking and dining in the same building sometimes leads to a enormous desire for fresh air. Luckily in the middle of the alps, it is readily available, and at least once a day many people went for a walk. To say hi to a sheep. Or to just go uphill until tired and then going back down. Or just finding a circle around. For this area, OpenStreetMap seems to have better maps than Google. We also went on a nice group trip to Zermatt and surroundings, sponsored by our friends in Edeltech. R is for Releasing One of the tasks I set myself for was to get my barcode generation library (prison. you know. being behind bars.) ready for release. A bit of api cleanup, including some future proofing, was done, and all users adapted. Hopefully it will be released as part of the next KDE Frameworks release. R is for Reviewing code When signing up for the sprint, one has to declare a couple of tasks to work on. One of the things I put myself up to was reviewing David Faure s code changes. First, he is very productive, and second, he often gets into creating patches in code areas where many other contributors are scared to look. So someone has to do it, and code never scared me. R is for Running I planned on going running along the river monday, wednesday and friday. Fortunately that happened, but due to Switzerland having a bit more ups and downs than flat Denmark, it didn t go that fast. R is for Random bugfixing When in the hacking mood surrounded by great developers, it is very easy to just fix minor bugs when you encounter them. There is likely someone around who knows the code in question. Or you are just in the mood to actually fix it, rather than living with a missing clock applet or a corner case crash. R is for Rubber ducking I am a brilliant person sized rubber duck. And I did get the opportunity to show off my skills a couple of times, as well as using some of the other people for that. R is for Raising money These sprints in Randa is only possible because of all the nice donations from people and companies around the world. The fundraiser is still running, and can be found at

4 November 2015

Vincent Sanders: I am not a number I am a free man

Once more the NetSurf developers tried to escape from a mysterious village by writing web browser code.

Michael Drake, Daniel Silverstone, Dave Higton and Vincent Sanders at NetSurf Developer workshop
The sixth developer workshop was an opportunity for us to gather together in person to contribute to NetSurf.

We were hosted by Codethink in their Manchester offices which provided a comfortable and pleasant space to work in.

Four developers managed to attend in person from around the UK: Michael Drake, Daniel Silverstone, Dave Higton and Vincent Sanders.

The main focus of the weekends activities was to work on improving our JavaScript implementation. At the previous workshop we had laid the groundwork for a shift to the Duktape JavaScript engine and since then put several hundred hours of time into completing this transition.

During this weekend Daniel built upon this previous work and managed to get DOM events working. This was a major missing piece of implementation which will mean NetSurf will be capable of interpreting JavaScript based web content in a more complete fashion. This work revealed several issues with our DOM library which were also resolved.

We were also able to merge several improvements provided by the Duktape upstream maintainer Sami Vaarala which addressed performance problems with regular expressions which were causing reports of "hangs" on slow processors.

The responsiveness of Sami and the Ducktape project has been a pleasant surprise making our switch to the library look like an increasingly worthwhile effort.

Overall some good solid progress was made on JavaScript support. Around half of the DOM interfaces in the specifications have now been implemented leaving around fifteen hundred methods and properties remaining. There is an aim to have this under the thousand mark before the new year which should result in a generally useful implementation of the basic interfaces.

Once the DOM interfaces have been addressed our focus will move onto the dynamic layout engine necessary to allow rendering of the changing content.

The 3.4 release is proposed to occur sometime early in the new year and depends on getting the JavaScript work to a suitable stable state.

Dave joined us for the first time, he was principally concerned with dealing with bugs and the bug tracker. It was agreeable to have a new face at the meeting and some enthusiasm for the RISC OS port which has been lacking an active maintainer for some time.

The turnout for this workshop was the same as the previous one and the issues raised then are still true. We still have a very small active core team who can commit only limited time which is making progress very slow and are lacking significant maintenance for several frontends.

Overall we managed to pack 16 hours of work into the weekend and addressed several significant problems.

30 August 2015

Sven Hoexter: 1960 SubjectAlternativeNames on one certificate

tl;dr; You can add 1960+ SubjectAlternativeNames on one certificate and at least Firefox and Chrome are working fine with that. Internet Explorer failed but I did not investigate why. So why would you want to have close to 2K SANs on one certificate? While we're working on adopting a more dynamic development workflow at my workplace we're currently bound to a central development system. From there we serve a classic virtual hosting setup with "projectname.username.devel.ourdomain.example" mapped on "/web/username/projectname/". That is 100% dynamic with wildcard DNS entries and you can just add a new project to your folder and use it directly. All of that is served from just a single VirtualHost. Now our developers started to go through all our active projects to make them fit for serving via HTTPS. While we can verify the proper usage of https on our staging system where we've validating certificates, that's not the way you'd like to work. So someone approached me to look into a solution for our development system. Obvious choices like wildcard certificates do not work here because we've two dynamic components in the FQDN. So we would've to buy a wildcard certificate for every developer and we would've to create a VirtualHost entry for every new developer. That's expensive and we don't want all that additional work. So I started to search for documented limits on the number of SANs you can have on a certificate. The good news: there are none. The RFC does not define a limit. So much about the theory. ;) Following Ivans excellent documentation I setup an internal CA and an ugly "find ... sed ... tr ..." one-liner later I had a properly formated openssl config file to generate a CSR with all 1960 "projectname.username..." SAN combinations found on the development system. Two openssl invocations (CSR generation and signing) later I had a signed certificate with 1960 SANs on it. I imported the internal CA I created in Firefox and Chrome, and to my surprise it worked. Noteworthy: To sign with "openssl ca" without interactive prompts you've to use the "-batch" option. I'm thinking about regenerating the certificate every morning so our developers just have to create a new project directory and within 24h serving via HTTPS would be enabled. The only thing I'm currently pondering about is how to properly run the CA in a corporate Windows world. We could of course ask the Windows guys to include it for everyone but then we would've to really invest time in properly running the CA. I'd like to avoid that hassle. So I'd guess we just stick to providing the CA for those developers who need it. This all or nothing model is a constant PITA, and you really do not want to get owned via your own badly managed CA. :( Regarding Internet Explorer it jumped in my face with a strange error message that recommended to enable TLS 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 in the options menu. Of course that's already enable. I'll try to take a look at the handshake next week, but I bet we've to accept for the moment that IE will not work with so many SANs. Would be interesting to try out Windows 10 with Spartan, but well I'm not that interested in Windows to invest more time on that front. Other TLS implementations, like Java, would be also interesting to test.

