Search Results: "dato"

20 February 2024

Niels Thykier: Language Server (LSP) support for debian/control

About a month ago, Otto Kek l inen asked for editor extensions for debian related files on the debian-devel mailing list. In that thread, I concluded that what we were missing was a "Language Server" (LSP) for our packaging files. Last week, I started a prototype for such a LSP for the debian/control file as a starting point based on the pygls library. The initial prototype worked and I could do very basic diagnostics plus completion suggestion for field names.
Current features I got 4 basic features implemented, though I have only been able to test two of them in emacs.
  • Diagnostics or linting of basic issues.
  • Completion suggestions for all known field names that I could think of and values for some fields.
  • Folding ranges (untested). This feature enables the editor to "fold" multiple lines. It is often used with multi-line comments and that is the feature currently supported.
  • On save, trim trailing whitespace at the end of lines (untested). Might not be registered correctly on the server end.
Despite its very limited feature set, I feel editing debian/control in emacs is now a much more pleasant experience. Coming back to the features that Otto requested, the above covers a grand total of zero. Sorry, Otto. It is not you, it is me.
Completion suggestions For completion, all known fields are completed. Place the cursor at the start of the line or in a partially written out field name and trigger the completion in your editor. In my case, I can type R-R-R and trigger the completion and the editor will automatically replace it with Rules-Requires-Root as the only applicable match. Your milage may vary since I delegate most of the filtering to the editor, meaning the editor has the final say about whether your input matches anything. The only filtering done on the server side is that the server prunes out fields already used in the paragraph, so you are not presented with the option to repeat an already used field, which would be an error. Admittedly, not an error the language server detects at the moment, but other tools will. When completing field, if the field only has one non-default value such as Essential which can be either no (the default, but you should not use it) or yes, then the completion suggestion will complete the field along with its value. This is mostly only applicable for "yes/no" fields such as Essential and Protected. But it does also trigger for Package-Type at the moment. As for completing values, here the language server can complete the value for simple fields such as "yes/no" fields, Multi-Arch, Package-Type and Priority. I intend to add support for Section as well - maybe also Architecture.
Diagnostics On the diagnostic front, I have added multiple diagnostics:
  • An error marker for syntax errors.
  • An error marker for missing a mandatory field like Package or Architecture. This also includes Standards-Version, which is admittedly mandatory by policy rather than tooling falling part.
  • An error marker for adding Multi-Arch: same to an Architecture: all package.
  • Error marker for providing an unknown value to a field with a set of known values. As an example, writing foo in Multi-Arch would trigger this one.
  • Warning marker for using deprecated fields such as DM-Upload-Allowed, or when setting a field to its default value for fields like Essential. The latter rule only applies to selected fields and notably Multi-Arch: no does not trigger a warning.
  • Info level marker if a field like Priority duplicates the value of the Source paragraph.
Notable omission at this time:
  • No errors are raised if a field does not have a value.
  • No errors are raised if a field is duplicated inside a paragraph.
  • No errors are used if a field is used in the wrong paragraph.
  • No spellchecking of the Description field.
  • No understanding that Foo and X[CBS]-Foo are related. As an example, XC-Package-Type is completely ignored despite being the old name for Package-Type.
  • Quick fixes to solve these problems... :)
Trying it out If you want to try, it is sadly a bit more involved due to things not being uploaded or merged yet. Also, be advised that I will regularly rebase my git branches as I revise the code. The setup:
  • Build and install the deb of the main branch of pygls from The package is in NEW and hopefully this step will soon just be a regular apt install.
  • Build and install the deb of the rts-locatable branch of my python-debian fork from There is a draft MR of it as well on the main repo.
  • Build and install the deb of the lsp-support branch of debputy from
  • Configure your editor to run debputy lsp debian/control as the language server for debian/control. This is depends on your editor. I figured out how to do it for emacs (see below). I also found a guide for neovim at Note that debputy can be run from any directory here. The debian/control is a reference to the file format and not a concrete file in this case.
Obviously, the setup should get easier over time. The first three bullet points should eventually get resolved by merges and upload meaning you end up with an apt install command instead of them. For the editor part, I would obviously love it if we can add snippets for editors to make the automatically pick up the language server when the relevant file is installed.
Using the debputy LSP in emacs The guide I found so far relies on eglot. The guide below assumes you have the elpa-dpkg-dev-el package installed for the debian-control-mode. Though it should be a trivially matter to replace debian-control-mode with a different mode if you use a different mode for your debian/control file. In your emacs init file (such as ~/.emacs or ~/.emacs.d/init.el), you add the follow blob.
(with-eval-after-load 'eglot
    (add-to-list 'eglot-server-programs
        '(debian-control-mode . ("debputy" "lsp" "debian/control"))))
Once you open the debian/control file in emacs, you can type M-x eglot to activate the language server. Not sure why that manual step is needed and if someone knows how to automate it such that eglot activates automatically on opening debian/control, please let me know. For testing completions, I often have to manually activate them (with C-M-i or M-x complete-symbol). Though, it is a bit unclear to me whether this is an emacs setting that I have not toggled or something I need to do on the language server side.
From here As next steps, I will probably look into fixing some of the "known missing" items under diagnostics. The quick fix would be a considerable improvement to assisting users. In the not so distant future, I will probably start to look at supporting other files such as debian/changelog or look into supporting configuration, so I can cover formatting features like wrap-and-sort. I am also very much open to how we can provide integrations for this feature into editors by default. I will probably create a separate binary package for specifically this feature that pulls all relevant dependencies that would be able to provide editor integrations as well.

27 December 2023

Bits from Debian: Statement about the EU Cyber Resilience Act

Debian Public Statement about the EU Cyber Resilience Act and the Product Liability Directive The European Union is currently preparing a regulation "on horizontal cybersecurity requirements for products with digital elements" known as the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA). It is currently in the final "trilogue" phase of the legislative process. The act includes a set of essential cybersecurity and vulnerability handling requirements for manufacturers. It will require products to be accompanied by information and instructions to the user. Manufacturers will need to perform risk assessments and produce technical documentation and, for critical components, have third-party audits conducted. Discovered security issues will have to be reported to European authorities within 25 hours (1). The CRA will be followed up by the Product Liability Directive (PLD) which will introduce compulsory liability for software. While a lot of these regulations seem reasonable, the Debian project believes that there are grave problems for Free Software projects attached to them. Therefore, the Debian project issues the following statement:
  1. Free Software has always been a gift, freely given to society, to take and to use as seen fit, for whatever purpose. Free Software has proven to be an asset in our digital age and the proposed EU Cyber Resilience Act is going to be detrimental to it. a. As the Debian Social Contract states, our goal is "make the best system we can, so that free works will be widely distributed and used." Imposing requirements such as those proposed in the act makes it legally perilous for others to redistribute our work and endangers our commitment to "provide an integrated system of high-quality materials with no legal restrictions that would prevent such uses of the system". (2) b. Knowing whether software is commercial or not isn't feasible, neither in Debian nor in most free software projects - we don't track people's employment status or history, nor do we check who finances upstream projects (the original projects that we integrate in our operating system). c. If upstream projects stop making available their code for fear of being in the scope of CRA and its financial consequences, system security will actually get worse rather than better. d. Having to get legal advice before giving a gift to society will discourage many developers, especially those without a company or other organisation supporting them.
  2. Debian is well known for its security track record through practices of responsible disclosure and coordination with upstream developers and other Free Software projects. We aim to live up to the commitment made in the Debian Social Contract: "We will not hide problems." (3) a.The Free Software community has developed a fine-tuned, tried-and-tested system of responsible disclosure in case of security issues which will be overturned by the mandatory reporting to European authorities within 24 hours (Art. 11 CRA). b. Debian spends a lot of volunteering time on security issues, provides quick security updates and works closely together with upstream projects and in coordination with other vendors. To protect its users, Debian regularly participates in limited embargos to coordinate fixes to security issues so that all other major Linux distributions can also have a complete fix when the vulnerability is disclosed. c. Security issue tracking and remediation is intentionally decentralized and distributed. The reporting of security issues to ENISA and the intended propagation to other authorities and national administrations would collect all software vulnerabilities in one place. This greatly increases the risk of leaking information about vulnerabilities to threat actors, representing a threat for all the users around the world, including European citizens. d. Activists use Debian (e.g. through derivatives such as Tails), among other reasons, to protect themselves from authoritarian governments; handing threat actors exploits they can use for oppression is against what Debian stands for. e. Developers and companies will downplay security issues because a "security" issue now comes with legal implications. Less clarity on what is truly a security issue will hurt users by leaving them vulnerable.
  3. While proprietary software is developed behind closed doors, Free Software development is done in the open, transparent for everyone. To retain parity with proprietary software the open development process needs to be entirely exempt from CRA requirements, just as the development of software in private is. A "making available on the market" can only be considered after development is finished and the software is released.
  4. Even if only "commercial activities" are in the scope of CRA, the Free Software community - and as a consequence, everybody - will lose a lot of small projects. CRA will force many small enterprises and most probably all self employed developers out of business because they simply cannot fulfill the requirements imposed by CRA. Debian and other Linux distributions depend on their work. If accepted as it is, CRA will undermine not only an established community but also a thriving market. CRA needs an exemption for small businesses and, at the very least, solo-entrepreneurs.

Information about the voting process: Debian uses the Condorcet method for voting. Simplistically, plain Condorcets method can be stated like so : "Consider all possible two-way races between candidates. The Condorcet winner, if there is one, is the one candidate who can beat each other candidate in a two-way race with that candidate." The problem is that in complex elections, there may well be a circular relationship in which A beats B, B beats C, and C beats A. Most of the variations on Condorcet use various means of resolving the tie. Debian's variation is spelled out in the constitution, specifically, A.5(3) Sources: (1) CRA proposals and links & PLD proposals and links (2) Debian Social Contract No. 2, 3, and 4 (3) Debian Constitution

11 November 2023

Matthias Klumpp: AppStream 1.0 released!

Today, 12 years after the meeting where AppStream was first discussed and 11 years after I released a prototype implementation I am excited to announce AppStream 1.0!    Check it out on GitHub, or get the release tarball or read the documentation or release notes!

Some nostalgic memories I was not in the original AppStream meeting, since in 2011 I was extremely busy with finals preparations and ball organization in high school, but I still vividly remember sitting at school in the students lounge during a break and trying to catch the really choppy live stream from the meeting on my borrowed laptop (a futile exercise, I watched parts of the blurry recording later). I was extremely passionate about getting software deployment to work better on Linux and to improve the overall user experience, and spent many hours on the PackageKit IRC channel discussing things with many amazing people like Richard Hughes, Daniel Nicoletti, Sebastian Heinlein and others. At the time I was writing a software deployment tool called Listaller this was before Linux containers were a thing, and building it was very tough due to technical and personal limitations (I had just learned C!). Then in university, when I intended to recreate this tool, but for real and better this time as a new project called Limba, I needed a way to provide metadata for it, and AppStream fit right in! Meanwhile, Richard Hughes was tackling the UI side of things while creating GNOME Software and needed a solution as well. So I implemented a prototype and together we pretty much reshaped the early specification from the original meeting into what would become modern AppStream. Back then I saw AppStream as a necessary side-project for my actual project, and didn t even consider me as the maintainer of it for quite a while (I hadn t been at the meeting afterall). All those years ago I had no idea that ultimately I was developing AppStream not for Limba, but for a new thing that would show up later, with an even more modern design called Flatpak. I also had no idea how incredibly complex AppStream would become and how many features it would have and how much more maintenance work it would be and also not how ubiquitous it would become. The modern Linux desktop uses AppStream everywhere now, it is supported by all major distributions, used by Flatpak for metadata, used for firmware metadata via Richard s fwupd/LVFS, runs on every Steam Deck, can be found in cars and possibly many places I do not know yet.

What is new in 1.0?

API breaks The most important thing that s new with the 1.0 release is a bunch of incompatible changes. For the shared libraries, all deprecated API elements have been removed and a bunch of other changes have been made to improve the overall API and especially make it more binding-friendly. That doesn t mean that the API is completely new and nothing looks like before though, when possible the previous API design was kept and some changes that would have been too disruptive have not been made. Regardless of that, you will have to port your AppStream-using applications. For some larger ones I already submitted patches to build with both AppStream versions, the 0.16.x stable series as well as 1.0+. For the XML specification, some older compatibility for XML that had no or very few users has been removed as well. This affects for example release elements that reference downloadable data without an artifact block, which has not been supported for a while. For all of these, I checked to remove only things that had close to no users and that were a significant maintenance burden. So as a rule of thumb: If your XML validated with no warnings with the 0.16.x branch of AppStream, it will still be 100% valid with the 1.0 release. Another notable change is that the generated output of AppStream 1.0 will always be 1.0 compliant, you can not make it generate data for versions below that (this greatly reduced the maintenance cost of the project).

Developer element For a long time, you could set the developer name using the top-level developer_name tag. With AppStream 1.0, this is changed a bit. There is now a developer tag with a name child (that can be translated unless the translate="no" attribute is set on it). This allows future extensibility, and also allows to set a machine-readable id attribute in the developer element. This permits software centers to group software by developer easier, without having to use heuristics. If we decide to extend the developer information per-app in future, this is also now possible. Do not worry though the developer_name tag is also still read, so there is no high pressure to update. The old 0.16.x stable series also has this feature backported, so it can be available everywhere. Check out the developer tag specification for more details.

Scale factor for screenshots Screenshot images can now have a scale attribute, to indicate an (integer) scaling factor to apply. This feature was a breaking change and therefore we could not have it for the longest time, but it is now available. Please wait a bit for AppStream 1.0 to become deployed more widespread though, as using it with older AppStream versions may lead to issues in some cases. Check out the screenshots tag specification for more details.

Screenshot environments It is now possible to indicate the environment a screenshot was recorded in (GNOME, GNOME Dark, KDE Plasma, Windows, etc.) via an environment attribute on the respective screenshot tag. This was also a breaking change, so use it carefully for now! If projects want to, they can use this feature to supply dedicated screenshots depending on the environment the application page is displayed in. Check out the screenshots tag specification for more details.

References tag This is a feature more important for the scientific community and scientific applications. Using the references tag, you can associate the AppStream component with a DOI (Digital object identifier) or provide a link to a CFF file to provide citation information. It also allows to link to other scientific registries. Check out the references tag specification for more details.

Release tags Releases can have tags now, just like components. This is generally not a feature that I expect to be used much, but in certain instances it can become useful with a cooperating software center, for example to tag certain releases as long-term supported versions.

Multi-platform support Thanks to the interest and work of many volunteers, AppStream (mostly) runs on FreeBSD now, a NetBSD port exists, support for macOS was written and a Windows port is on its way! Thank you to everyone working on this

Better compatibility checks For a long time I thought that the AppStream library should just be a thin layer above the XML and that software centers should just implement a lot of the actual logic. This has not been the case for a while, but there was still a lot of complex AppStream features that were hard for software centers to implement and where it makes sense to have one implementation that projects can just use. The validation of component relations is one such thing. This was implemented in 0.16.x as well, but 1.0 vastly improves upon the compatibility checks, so you can now just run as_component_check_relations and retrieve a detailed list of whether the current component will run well on the system. Besides better API for software developers, the appstreamcli utility also has much improved support for relation checks, and I wrote about these changes in a previous post. Check it out! With these changes, I hope this feature will be used much more, and beyond just drivers and firmware.

So much more! The changelog for the 1.0 release is huge, and there are many papercuts resolved and changes made that I did not talk about here, like us using gi-docgen (instead of gtkdoc) now for nice API documentation, or the many improvements that went into better binding support, or better search, or just plain bugfixes.

Outlook I expect the transition to 1.0 to take a bit of time. AppStream has not broken its API for many, many years (since 2016), so a bunch of places need to be touched even if the changes themselves are minor in many cases. In hindsight, I should have also released 1.0 much sooner and it should not have become such a mega-release, but that was mainly due to time constraints. So, what s in it for the future? Contrary to what I thought, AppStream does not really seem to be done and fetature complete at a point, there is always something to improve, and people come up with new usecases all the time. So, expect more of the same in future: Bugfixes, validator improvements, documentation improvements, better tools and the occasional new feature. Onwards to 1.0.1!

14 October 2023

Ravi Dwivedi: Kochi - Wayanad Trip in August-September 2023

A trip full of hitchhiking, beautiful places and welcoming locals.

Day 1: Arrival in Kochi Kochi is a city in the state of Kerala, India. This year s DebConf was to be held in Kochi from 3rd September to 17th of September, which I was planning to attend. My friend Suresh, who was planning to join, told me that 29th August 2023 will be Onam, a major festival of the state of Kerala. So, we planned a Kerala trip before the DebConf. We booked early morning flights for Kochi from Delhi and reached Kochi on 28th August. We had booked a hostel named Zostel in Ernakulam. During check-in, they asked me to fill a form which required signing in using a Google account. I told them I don t have a Google account and I don t want to create one either. The people at the front desk seemed receptive, so I went ahead with telling them the problems of such a sign-in being mandatory for check-in. Anyways, they only took a photo of my passport and let me check-in without a Google account. We stayed in a ten room dormitory, which allowed travellers of any gender. The dormitory room was air-conditioned, spacious, clean and beds were also comfortable. There were two bathrooms in the dormitory and they were clean. Plus, there was a separate dormitory room in the hostel exclusive for females. I noticed that that Zostel was not added in the OpenStreetMap and so, I added it :) . The hostel had a small canteen for tea and snacks, a common sitting area outside the dormitories, which had beds too. There was a separate silent room, suitable for people who want to work.
Dormitory room in Zostel Ernakulam, Kochi.
Beds in Zostel Ernakulam, Kochi.
We had lunch at a nearby restaurant and it was hard to find anything vegetarian for me. I bought some freshly made banana chips from the street and they were tasty. As far as I remember, I had a big glass of pineapple juice for lunch. Then I went to the Broadway market and bought some cardamom and cinnamon for home. I also went to a nearby supermarket and bought Matta brown rice for home. Then, I looked for a courier shop to send the things home but all of them were closed due to Onam festival. After returning to the Zostel, I overslept till 9 PM and in the meanwhile, Suresh planned with Saidut and Shwetank (who met us during our stay in Zostel) to go to a place in Fort Kochi for dinner. I suspected I will be disappointed by lack of vegetarian options as they were planning to have fish. I already had a restaurant in mind - Brindhavan restaurant (suggested by Anupa), which was a pure vegetarian restaurant. To reach there, I got off at Palarivattom metro station and started looking for an auto-rickshaw to get to the restaurant. I didn t get any for more than 5 minutes. Since that restaurant was not added to the OpenStreetMap, I didn t even know how far that was and which direction to go to. Then, I saw a Zomato delivery person on a motorcycle and asked him where the restaurant was. It was already 10 PM and the restaurant closes at 10:30. So, I asked him whether he can drop me off. He agreed and dropped me off at that restaurant. It was 4-5 km from that metro station. I tipped him and expressed my gratefulness for the help. He refused to take the tip, but I insisted and he accepted. I entered the restaurant and it was coming to a close, so many items were not available. I ordered some Kadhai Paneer (only item left) with naan. It tasted fine. Since the next day was Thiruvonam, I asked the restaurant about the Sadya thali menu and prices for the next day. I planned to eat Sadya thali at that restaurant, but my plans got changed later.
Onam sadya menu from Brindhavan restaurant.

Day 2: Onam celebrations Next day, on 29th of August 2023, we had plan to leave for Wayanad. Wayanad is a hill station in Kerala and a famous tourist spot. Praveen suggested to visit Munnar as it is far closer to Kochi than Wayanad (80 km vs 250 km). But I had already visited Munnar in my previous trips, so we chose Wayanad. We had a train late night from Ernakulam Junction (at 23:30 hours) to Kozhikode, which is the nearest railway station from Wayanad. So, we checked out in the morning as we had plans to roam around in Kochi before taking the train. Zostel was celebrating Onam on that day. To opt-in, we had to pay 400 rupees, which included a Sadya Thali and a mundu. Me and Suresh paid the amount and opted in for the celebrations. Sadya thali had Rice, Sambhar, Rasam, Avial, Banana Chips, Pineapple Pachadi, Pappadam, many types of pickels and chutneys, Pal Ada Payasam and Coconut jaggery Pasam. And, there was water too :). Those payasams were really great and I had one more round of them. Later, I had a lot of variety of payasams during the DebConf.
Sadya lined up for serving
Sadya thali served on banana leaf.
So, we hung out in the common room and put our luggage there. We played UNO and had conversations with other travellers in the hostel. I had a fun time there and I still think it is one of the best hostel experiences I had. We made good friends with Saiduth (Telangana) and Shwetank (Uttarakhand). They were already aware about the software like debian, and we had some detailed conversations about the Free Software movement. I remember explaining the difference between the terms Open Source and Free Software . I also told them about the Streetcomplete app, a beginner friendly app to edit OpenStreetMap. We had dinner at a place nearby (named Palaraam), but again, the vegetarian options were very limited! After dinner, we came back to the Zostel and me and Suresh left for Ernakulam Junction to catch our train Maveli Express (16604).

Day 3: Going to Wayanad Maveli Express was scheduled to reach Kozhikode at 03:25 (morning). I had set alarms from 03:00 to 03:30, with the gap of 10 minutes. Every time I woke up, I turned off the alarm. Then I woke up and saw train reaching the Kozhikode station and woke up Suresh for deboarding. But then I noticed that the train is actually leaving the station, not arriving! This means we missed our stop. Now we looked at the next stops and whether we can deboard there. I was very sleepy and wanted to take a retiring room at some station before continuing our journey to Wayanad. The next stop was Quilandi and we checked online that it didn t have a retiring room. So, we skipped this stop. We got off at the next stop named Vadakara and found out no retiring room was available. So, we asked about information regarding bus for Wayanad and they said that there is a bus to Wayanad around 07:00 hours from bus station which was a few kilometres from the railway station. We took a bus for Kalpetta (in Wayanad) at around 07:00. The destination of the buses were written in Malayalam, which we could not read. Once again, the locals helped us to get on to the bus to Kalpetta. Vadakara is not a big city and it can be hard to find people who know good Hindi or English, unlike Kochi. Despite language issues, I had no problem there in navigation, thanks to locals. I mostly spent time sleeping during the bus journey. A few hours later, the bus dropped us at Kalpetta. We had a booking at a hostel in Rippon village. It was 16 km from Kalpetta. On the way, we were treated with beautiful views of nature, which was present everywhere in Wayanad. The place was covered with tea gardens and our eyes were treated with beautiful scenery at every corner.
We were treated with such views during the Wayanad trip.
Rippon village was a very quiet place and I liked the calm atmosphere. This place is blessed by nature and has stunning scenery. I found English was more common than Hindi in Wayanad. Locals were very nice and helped me, even if they didn t know my language.
A road in Rippon.
After catching some sleep at the hostel, I went out in the afternoon. I hitchhiked to reach the main road from the hostel. I bought more spices from a nearby shop and realized that I should have waited for my visit to Wayanad to buy cardamom, which I already bought from Kochi. Then, I was looking for post office to send spices home. The people at the spices shop told me that the nearby Rippon post office was closed by that time, but the post office at Meppadi was open, which was 5 km from there. I went to Meppadi and saw the post office closes at 15:00, but I reached five minutes late. My packing was not very good and they asked me to pack it tighter. There was a shop near the post office and the people there gave me a cardboard and tapes, and helped pack my stuff for the post. By the time I went to the post office again, it was 15:30. But they accepted my parcel for post.

Day 4: Kanthanpara Falls, Zostel Wayanad and Karapuzha Dam Kanthanpara waterfalls were 2 km from the hostel. I hitchhiked to the place from the hostel on a scooty. Entry ticket was worth Rs 40. There were good views inside and nothing much to see except the waterfalls.
Entry to Kanthanpara Falls.
Kanthanpara Falls.
We had a booking at Zostel Wayanad for this day and so we shifted there. Again, as with their Ernakulam branch, they asked me to fill a form which required signing in using Google, but when I said I don t have a Google account they checked me in without that. There were tea gardens inside the Zostel boundaries and the property was beautiful.
A view of Zostel Wayanad.
A map of Wayanad showing tourist places.
A view from inside the Zostel Wayanad property.
Later in the evening, I went to Karapuzha Dam. I witnessed a beautiful sunset during the journey. Karapuzha dam had many activites, like ziplining, and was nice to roam around. Chembra Peak is near to the Zostel Wayanad. So, I was planning to trek to the heart shaped lake. It was suggested by Praveen and looking online, this trek seemed worth doing. There was an issue however. The charges for trek were Rs 1770 for upto five people. So, if I go alone I will have to spend Rs 1770 for the trek. If I go with another person, we split Rs 1770 into two, and so on. The optimal way to do it is to go in a group of five (you included :D). I asked front desk at Zostel if they can connect me with people going to Chembra peak the next day, and they told me about a group of four people planning to go to Chembra peak the next day. I got lucky! All four of them were from Kerala and worked in Qatar.

Day 5: Chembra peak trek The date was 1st September 2023. I woke up early (05:30 in the morning) for the Chembra peak trek. I had bought hiking shoes especially for trekking, which turned out to be a very good idea. The ticket counter opens at 07:00. The group of four with which I planned to trek met me around 06:00 in the Zostel. We went to the ticket counter around 06:30. We had breakfast at shops selling Maggi noodles and bread omlette near the ticket counter. It was a hot day and the trek was difficult for an inexperienced person like me. The scenery was green and beautiful throughout.
Terrain during trekking towards the Chembra peak.
Heart-shaped lake at the Chembra peak.
Me at the heart-shaped lake.
Views from the top of the Chembra peak.
View of another peak from the heart-shaped lake.
While returning from the trek, I found out a shop selling bamboo rice, which I bought and will make bamboo rice payasam out of it at home (I have some coconut milk from Kerala too ;)). We returned to Zostel in the afternoon. I had muscle pain after the trek and it has still not completely disappeared. At night, we took a bus from Kalpetta to Kozhikode in order to return to Kochi.

Day 6: Return to Kochi At midnight of 2nd of September, we reached Kozhikode bus stand. Then we roamed around for something to eat. I didn t find anything vegetarian to eat. No surprises there! Then we went to Kozhikode railway station and looked for retiring rooms, but no luck there. We waited at the station and took the next train to Kochi at 03:30 and reached Ernakulam Junction at 07:30 (half hours before train s scheduled time!). From there, we went to Zostel Fort Kochi and stayed one night there and checked out next morning.

Day 7: Roaming around in Fort Kochi On 3rd of September, we roamed around in Fort Kochi. We visited the usual places - St Francis Church, Dutch Palace, Jew Town, Pardesi Synagogue. I also visited some homestays and the owners were very happy to show their place even when I made it clear that I was not looking for a stay. In the evening, we went to Kakkanad to attend DebConf. The story continues in my DebConf23 blog post.

25 September 2023

Michael Prokop: Postfix failing with no shared cipher

I m one of the few folks left who run and maintain mail servers. Recently I had major troubles receiving mails from the mail servers used by a bank, and when asking my favourite search engine, I m clearly not the only one who ran into such an issue. Actually, I should have checked off the issue and not become a customer at that bank, but the tech nerd in me couldn t resist getting to the bottom of the problem. Since I got it working and this might be useful for others, here we are. :) I was trying to get an online banking account set up, but the corresponding account creation mail didn t arrive me, at all. Looking at my mail server logs, my postfix mail server didn t accept the mail due to:
postfix/smtpd[3319640]: warning: TLS library problem: error:1417A0C1:SSL routines:tls_post_process_client_hello:no shared cipher:../ssl/statem/statem_srvr.c:2283:
postfix/smtpd[3319640]: lost connection after STARTTLS from[]
Huh, what s going on here?! Let s increase the TLS loglevel (setting smtpd_tls_loglevel = 2) and retry. But how can I retry receiving yet another mail? Luckily, on the registration website of the bank there was a URL available, that let me request a one-time password. This triggered another mail, so I did that and managed to grab this in the logs:
postfix/smtpd[3320018]: initializing the server-side TLS engine
postfix/tlsmgr[3320020]: open smtpd TLS cache btree:/var/lib/postfix/smtpd_scache
postfix/tlsmgr[3320020]: tlsmgr_cache_run_event: start TLS smtpd session cache cleanup
postfix/smtpd[3320018]: connect from[]
postfix/smtpd[3320018]: setting up TLS connection from[]
postfix/smtpd[3320018]:[]: TLS cipher list "aNULL:-aNULL:HIGH:MEDIUM:+RC4:@STRENGTH"
postfix/smtpd[3320018]: SSL_accept:before SSL initialization
postfix/smtpd[3320018]: SSL_accept:before SSL initialization
postfix/smtpd[3320018]: SSL3 alert write:fatal:handshake failure
postfix/smtpd[3320018]: SSL_accept:error in error
postfix/smtpd[3320018]: SSL_accept error from[]: -1
postfix/smtpd[3320018]: warning: TLS library problem: error:1417A0C1:SSL routines:tls_post_process_client_hello:no shared cipher:../ssl/statem/statem_srvr.c:2283:
postfix/smtpd[3320018]: lost connection after STARTTLS from[]
postfix/smtpd[3320018]: disconnect from[] ehlo=1 starttls=0/1 commands=1/2
postfix/smtpd[3320018]: connect from[]
postfix/smtpd[3320018]: disconnect from[] ehlo=1 quit=1 commands=2
Ok, so this TLS cipher list aNULL:-aNULL:HIGH:MEDIUM:+RC4:@STRENGTH looked like the tls_medium_cipherlist setting in postfix, but which ciphers might we expect? Let s see what their SMTP server would speak to us:
% testssl --cipher-per-proto -t=smtp
Hexcode  Cipher Suite Name (OpenSSL)       KeyExch.   Encryption  Bits     Cipher Suite Name (IANA/RFC)
TLS 1.1
TLS 1.2
 xc030   ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384       ECDH 256   AESGCM      256      TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
 xc028   ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384           ECDH 256   AES         256      TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384
 xc014   ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA              ECDH 256   AES         256      TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
 x9d     AES256-GCM-SHA384                 RSA        AESGCM      256      TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
 x3d     AES256-SHA256                     RSA        AES         256      TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256
 x35     AES256-SHA                        RSA        AES         256      TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
 xc02f   ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256       ECDH 256   AESGCM      128      TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
 xc027   ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256           ECDH 256   AES         128      TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
 xc013   ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA              ECDH 256   AES         128      TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
 x9c     AES128-GCM-SHA256                 RSA        AESGCM      128      TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
 x3c     AES128-SHA256                     RSA        AES         128      TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
 x2f     AES128-SHA                        RSA        AES         128      TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
TLS 1.3
Looks like a very small subset of ciphers, and they don t seem to be talking TLS v1.3 at all? Not great. :( A nice web service to verify the situation from another point of view is checktls, which also confirmed this:
[000.705] 	<-- 	220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS
[000.705] 		STARTTLS command works on this server
[001.260] 		Connection converted to SSL
		SSLVersion in use: TLSv1_2
		Cipher in use: ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
		Perfect Forward Secrecy: yes
		Session Algorithm in use: Curve P-256 DHE(256 bits)
		Certificate #1 of 3 (sent by MX):
		Cert VALIDATED: ok
		Cert Hostname VERIFIED ( = *   DNS:*
[001.517] 		TLS successfully started on this server
I got distracted by some other work, and when coming back to this problem, the one-time password procedure no longer worked, as the password reset URL was no longer valid. :( I managed to find the underlying URL, and with some web developer tools tinkering I could still use the website to let me trigger sending further one-time password mails, phew. Let s continue, so my mail server was running Debian/bullseye with postfix v3.5.18-0+deb11u1 and openssl v1.1.1n-0+deb11u5, let s see what it offers:
% testssl --cipher-per-proto -t=smtp
Hexcode  Cipher Suite Name (OpenSSL)       KeyExch.   Encryption  Bits     Cipher Suite Name (IANA/RFC)
 xc00a   ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA            ECDH 253   AES         256      TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
 xc019   AECDH-AES256-SHA                  ECDH 253   AES         256      TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
 x3a     ADH-AES256-SHA                    DH 2048    AES         256      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
 x89     ADH-CAMELLIA256-SHA               DH 2048    Camellia    256      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA
 xc009   ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA            ECDH 253   AES         128      TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
 xc018   AECDH-AES128-SHA                  ECDH 253   AES         128      TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
 x34     ADH-AES128-SHA                    DH 2048    AES         128      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
 x9b     ADH-SEED-SHA                      DH 2048    SEED        128      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_SEED_CBC_SHA
 x46     ADH-CAMELLIA128-SHA               DH 2048    Camellia    128      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA
TLS 1.1
 xc00a   ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA            ECDH 253   AES         256      TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
 xc019   AECDH-AES256-SHA                  ECDH 253   AES         256      TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
 x3a     ADH-AES256-SHA                    DH 2048    AES         256      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
 x89     ADH-CAMELLIA256-SHA               DH 2048    Camellia    256      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA
 xc009   ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA            ECDH 253   AES         128      TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
 xc018   AECDH-AES128-SHA                  ECDH 253   AES         128      TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
 x34     ADH-AES128-SHA                    DH 2048    AES         128      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
 x9b     ADH-SEED-SHA                      DH 2048    SEED        128      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_SEED_CBC_SHA
 x46     ADH-CAMELLIA128-SHA               DH 2048    Camellia    128      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA
TLS 1.2
 xc02c   ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384     ECDH 253   AESGCM      256      TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
 xc024   ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384         ECDH 253   AES         256      TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384
 xc00a   ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA            ECDH 253   AES         256      TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
 xcca9   ECDHE-ECDSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305     ECDH 253   ChaCha20    256      TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
 xc0af   ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-CCM8           ECDH 253   AESCCM8     256      TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CCM_8
 xc0ad   ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-CCM            ECDH 253   AESCCM      256      TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CCM
 xc073   ECDHE-ECDSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA384    ECDH 253   Camellia    256      TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA384
 xc019   AECDH-AES256-SHA                  ECDH 253   AES         256      TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
 xa7     ADH-AES256-GCM-SHA384             DH 2048    AESGCM      256      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
 x6d     ADH-AES256-SHA256                 DH 2048    AES         256      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256
 x3a     ADH-AES256-SHA                    DH 2048    AES         256      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
 xc5     ADH-CAMELLIA256-SHA256            DH 2048    Camellia    256      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA256
 x89     ADH-CAMELLIA256-SHA               DH 2048    Camellia    256      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA
 xc02b   ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256     ECDH 253   AESGCM      128      TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
 xc023   ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA256         ECDH 253   AES         128      TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
 xc009   ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA            ECDH 253   AES         128      TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
 xc0ae   ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-CCM8           ECDH 253   AESCCM8     128      TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CCM_8
 xc0ac   ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-CCM            ECDH 253   AESCCM      128      TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CCM
 xc072   ECDHE-ECDSA-CAMELLIA128-SHA256    ECDH 253   Camellia    128      TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256
 xc018   AECDH-AES128-SHA                  ECDH 253   AES         128      TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
 xa6     ADH-AES128-GCM-SHA256             DH 2048    AESGCM      128      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
 x6c     ADH-AES128-SHA256                 DH 2048    AES         128      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
 x34     ADH-AES128-SHA                    DH 2048    AES         128      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
 xbf     ADH-CAMELLIA128-SHA256            DH 2048    Camellia    128      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256
 x9b     ADH-SEED-SHA                      DH 2048    SEED        128      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_SEED_CBC_SHA
 x46     ADH-CAMELLIA128-SHA               DH 2048    Camellia    128      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA
TLS 1.3
 x1302   TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384            ECDH 253   AESGCM      256      TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
 x1303   TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256      ECDH 253   ChaCha20    256      TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
 x1301   TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256            ECDH 253   AESGCM      128      TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
Not so bad, but sadly no overlap with any of the ciphers that offers. What about disabling STARTTLS for the (+ being another one used by the relevant domain) mail servers when talking to mine? Let s try that:
% sudo postconf -nf smtpd_discard_ehlo_keyword_address_maps
smtpd_discard_ehlo_keyword_address_maps =
% cat /etc/postfix/smtpd_discard_ehlo_keywords
# *disable* starttls for / starttls starttls
But the remote mail server doesn t seem to send mails without TLS:
postfix/smtpd[4151799]: connect from[]
postfix/smtpd[4151799]: discarding EHLO keywords: STARTTLS
postfix/smtpd[4151799]: disconnect from[] ehlo=1 quit=1 commands=2
Let s verify this further, but without fiddling with the main mail server too much. We can add a dedicated service to postfix (see serverfault), and run it in verbose mode, to get more detailled logging:
% sudo postconf -Mf
10025      inet  n       -       -       -       -       smtpd
    -o syslog_name=postfix/smtpd/badstarttls
    -o smtpd_tls_security_level=none
    -o smtpd_helo_required=yes
    -o smtpd_helo_restrictions=pcre:/etc/postfix/helo_badstarttls_allow,reject
% cat /etc/postfix/helo_badstarttls_allow
/ OK
/ OK
/ OK
/ OK
We redirect the traffic from + towards our new postfix service, listening on port 10025:
% sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -s --dport 25 -j REDIRECT --to-port 10025
% sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -s --dport 25 -j REDIRECT --to-port 10025
With this setup we get very detailed logging, and it seems to confirm our suspicion that the mail server doesn t want to talk unencrypted with us:
postfix/smtpd/badstarttls/smtpd[3491900]: connect from[]
postfix/smtpd/badstarttls/smtpd[3491901]: disconnect from[] ehlo=1 quit=1 commands=2
postfix/smtpd/badstarttls/smtpd[3491901]: master_notify: status 1
postfix/smtpd/badstarttls/smtpd[3491901]: connection closed
Let s step back and revert those changes, back to our original postfix setup. Might the problem be related to our Let s Encrypt certificate? Let s see what we have:
% echo QUIT   openssl s_client -connect -starttls
issuer=C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = R3
No client certificate CA names sent
Peer signing digest: SHA384
Peer signature type: ECDSA
Server Temp Key: X25519, 253 bits
SSL handshake has read 4455 bytes and written 427 bytes
Verification: OK
New, TLSv1.3, Cipher is TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
Server public key is 384 bit
We have an ECDSA based certificate, what about switching to RSA instead? Thanks to the wonderful dehydrated, this is as easy as:
% echo KEY_ALGO=rsa > certs/
% ./dehydrated -c --domain --force
% sudo systemctl reload postfix
With switching to RSA type key we get:
% echo QUIT   openssl s_client -connect -starttls smtp
issuer=C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = R3
No client certificate CA names sent
Peer signing digest: SHA256
Peer signature type: RSA-PSS
Server Temp Key: X25519, 253 bits
SSL handshake has read 5295 bytes and written 427 bytes
Verification: OK
New, TLSv1.3, Cipher is TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
Server public key is 4096 bit
Which ciphers do we offer now? Let s check:
% testssl --cipher-per-proto -t=smtp
Hexcode  Cipher Suite Name (OpenSSL)       KeyExch.   Encryption  Bits     Cipher Suite Name (IANA/RFC)
 xc014   ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA              ECDH 253   AES         256      TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
 x39     DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA                DH 2048    AES         256      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
 x88     DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA           DH 2048    Camellia    256      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA
 xc019   AECDH-AES256-SHA                  ECDH 253   AES         256      TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
 x3a     ADH-AES256-SHA                    DH 2048    AES         256      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
 x89     ADH-CAMELLIA256-SHA               DH 2048    Camellia    256      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA
 x35     AES256-SHA                        RSA        AES         256      TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
 x84     CAMELLIA256-SHA                   RSA        Camellia    256      TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA
 xc013   ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA              ECDH 253   AES         128      TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
 x33     DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA                DH 2048    AES         128      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
 x9a     DHE-RSA-SEED-SHA                  DH 2048    SEED        128      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_SEED_CBC_SHA
 x45     DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA128-SHA           DH 2048    Camellia    128      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA
 xc018   AECDH-AES128-SHA                  ECDH 253   AES         128      TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
 x34     ADH-AES128-SHA                    DH 2048    AES         128      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
 x9b     ADH-SEED-SHA                      DH 2048    SEED        128      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_SEED_CBC_SHA
 x46     ADH-CAMELLIA128-SHA               DH 2048    Camellia    128      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA
 x2f     AES128-SHA                        RSA        AES         128      TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
 x96     SEED-SHA                          RSA        SEED        128      TLS_RSA_WITH_SEED_CBC_SHA
 x41     CAMELLIA128-SHA                   RSA        Camellia    128      TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA
TLS 1.1
 xc014   ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA              ECDH 253   AES         256      TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
 x39     DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA                DH 2048    AES         256      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
 x88     DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA           DH 2048    Camellia    256      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA
 xc019   AECDH-AES256-SHA                  ECDH 253   AES         256      TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
 x3a     ADH-AES256-SHA                    DH 2048    AES         256      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
 x89     ADH-CAMELLIA256-SHA               DH 2048    Camellia    256      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA
 x35     AES256-SHA                        RSA        AES         256      TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
 x84     CAMELLIA256-SHA                   RSA        Camellia    256      TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA
 xc013   ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA              ECDH 253   AES         128      TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
 x33     DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA                DH 2048    AES         128      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
 x9a     DHE-RSA-SEED-SHA                  DH 2048    SEED        128      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_SEED_CBC_SHA
 x45     DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA128-SHA           DH 2048    Camellia    128      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA
 xc018   AECDH-AES128-SHA                  ECDH 253   AES         128      TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
 x34     ADH-AES128-SHA                    DH 2048    AES         128      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
 x9b     ADH-SEED-SHA                      DH 2048    SEED        128      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_SEED_CBC_SHA
 x46     ADH-CAMELLIA128-SHA               DH 2048    Camellia    128      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA
 x2f     AES128-SHA                        RSA        AES         128      TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
 x96     SEED-SHA                          RSA        SEED        128      TLS_RSA_WITH_SEED_CBC_SHA
 x41     CAMELLIA128-SHA                   RSA        Camellia    128      TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA
TLS 1.2
 xc030   ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384       ECDH 253   AESGCM      256      TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
 xc028   ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384           ECDH 253   AES         256      TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384
 xc014   ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA              ECDH 253   AES         256      TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
 x9f     DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384         DH 2048    AESGCM      256      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
 xcca8   ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305       ECDH 253   ChaCha20    256      TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
 xccaa   DHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305         DH 2048    ChaCha20    256      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
 xc0a3   DHE-RSA-AES256-CCM8               DH 2048    AESCCM8     256      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CCM_8
 xc09f   DHE-RSA-AES256-CCM                DH 2048    AESCCM      256      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CCM
 x6b     DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256             DH 2048    AES         256      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256
 x39     DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA                DH 2048    AES         256      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
 xc077   ECDHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA384      ECDH 253   Camellia    256      TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA384
 xc4     DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA256        DH 2048    Camellia    256      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA256
 x88     DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA           DH 2048    Camellia    256      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA
 xc019   AECDH-AES256-SHA                  ECDH 253   AES         256      TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
 xa7     ADH-AES256-GCM-SHA384             DH 2048    AESGCM      256      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
 x6d     ADH-AES256-SHA256                 DH 2048    AES         256      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256
 x3a     ADH-AES256-SHA                    DH 2048    AES         256      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
 xc5     ADH-CAMELLIA256-SHA256            DH 2048    Camellia    256      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA256
 x89     ADH-CAMELLIA256-SHA               DH 2048    Camellia    256      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA
 x9d     AES256-GCM-SHA384                 RSA        AESGCM      256      TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
 xc0a1   AES256-CCM8                       RSA        AESCCM8     256      TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CCM_8
 xc09d   AES256-CCM                        RSA        AESCCM      256      TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CCM
 x3d     AES256-SHA256                     RSA        AES         256      TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256
 x35     AES256-SHA                        RSA        AES         256      TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
 xc0     CAMELLIA256-SHA256                RSA        Camellia    256      TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA256
 x84     CAMELLIA256-SHA                   RSA        Camellia    256      TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA
 xc051   ARIA256-GCM-SHA384                RSA        ARIAGCM     256      TLS_RSA_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384
 xc053   DHE-RSA-ARIA256-GCM-SHA384        DH 2048    ARIAGCM     256      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384
 xc061   ECDHE-ARIA256-GCM-SHA384          ECDH 253   ARIAGCM     256      TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384
 xc02f   ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256       ECDH 253   AESGCM      128      TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
 xc027   ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256           ECDH 253   AES         128      TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
 xc013   ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA              ECDH 253   AES         128      TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
 x9e     DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256         DH 2048    AESGCM      128      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
 xc0a2   DHE-RSA-AES128-CCM8               DH 2048    AESCCM8     128      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CCM_8
 xc09e   DHE-RSA-AES128-CCM                DH 2048    AESCCM      128      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CCM
 xc0a0   AES128-CCM8                       RSA        AESCCM8     128      TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CCM_8
 xc09c   AES128-CCM                        RSA        AESCCM      128      TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CCM
 x67     DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256             DH 2048    AES         128      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
 x33     DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA                DH 2048    AES         128      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
 xc076   ECDHE-RSA-CAMELLIA128-SHA256      ECDH 253   Camellia    128      TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256
 xbe     DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA128-SHA256        DH 2048    Camellia    128      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256
 x9a     DHE-RSA-SEED-SHA                  DH 2048    SEED        128      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_SEED_CBC_SHA
 x45     DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA128-SHA           DH 2048    Camellia    128      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA
 xc018   AECDH-AES128-SHA                  ECDH 253   AES         128      TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
 xa6     ADH-AES128-GCM-SHA256             DH 2048    AESGCM      128      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
 x6c     ADH-AES128-SHA256                 DH 2048    AES         128      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
 x34     ADH-AES128-SHA                    DH 2048    AES         128      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
 xbf     ADH-CAMELLIA128-SHA256            DH 2048    Camellia    128      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256
 x9b     ADH-SEED-SHA                      DH 2048    SEED        128      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_SEED_CBC_SHA
 x46     ADH-CAMELLIA128-SHA               DH 2048    Camellia    128      TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA
 x9c     AES128-GCM-SHA256                 RSA        AESGCM      128      TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
 x3c     AES128-SHA256                     RSA        AES         128      TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
 x2f     AES128-SHA                        RSA        AES         128      TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
 xba     CAMELLIA128-SHA256                RSA        Camellia    128      TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256
 x96     SEED-SHA                          RSA        SEED        128      TLS_RSA_WITH_SEED_CBC_SHA
 x41     CAMELLIA128-SHA                   RSA        Camellia    128      TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA
 xc050   ARIA128-GCM-SHA256                RSA        ARIAGCM     128      TLS_RSA_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256
 xc052   DHE-RSA-ARIA128-GCM-SHA256        DH 2048    ARIAGCM     128      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256
 xc060   ECDHE-ARIA128-GCM-SHA256          ECDH 253   ARIAGCM     128      TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256
TLS 1.3
 x1302   TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384            ECDH 253   AESGCM      256      TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
 x1303   TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256      ECDH 253   ChaCha20    256      TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
 x1301   TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256            ECDH 253   AESGCM      128      TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
With switching our SSL certificate to RSA, we gained around 51 new cipher options, amongst them being ones that also claimed to support. FTR, the result from above is what you get with the default settings for postfix v3.5.18, being:
smtpd_tls_ciphers = medium
smtpd_tls_mandatory_ciphers = medium
smtpd_tls_mandatory_exclude_ciphers =
smtpd_tls_mandatory_protocols = !SSLv2, !SSLv3
But the delay between triggering the password reset mail and getting a mail server connect was getting bigger and bigger. Therefore while waiting for the next mail to arrive, I decided to capture the network traffic, to be able to look further into this if it should continue to be failing:
% sudo tshark -n -i eth0 -s 65535 -w arz.pcap -f "host or host"
A few hours later the mail server connected again, and the mail went through!
postfix/smtpd[4162835]: connect from[]
postfix/smtpd[4162835]: Anonymous TLS connection established from[]: TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)
postfix/smtpd[4162835]: E50D6401E6:[]
postfix/smtpd[4162835]: disconnect from[] ehlo=2 starttls=1 mail=1 rcpt=1 data=1 quit=1 commands=7
Now also having the captured network traffic, we can check the details there:
% tshark -o smtp.decryption:true -r arz.pcap
    1 0.000000000 TCP 74 24699   25 [SYN] Seq=0 Win=29200 Len=0 MSS=1460 SACK_PERM=1 TSval=2261106119 TSecr=0 WS=128
    2 0.000042827 TCP 74 25   24699 [SYN, ACK] Seq=0 Ack=1 Win=65160 Len=0 MSS=1460 SACK_PERM=1 TSval=3233422181 TSecr=2261106119 WS=128
    3 0.020719269 TCP 66 24699   25 [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=29312 Len=0 TSval=2261106139 TSecr=3233422181
    4 0.022883259 SMTP 96 S: 220 ESMTP
    5 0.043682626 TCP 66 24699   25 [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=31 Win=29312 Len=0 TSval=2261106162 TSecr=3233422203
    6 0.043799047 SMTP 84 C: EHLO
    7 0.043811363 TCP 66 25   24699 [ACK] Seq=31 Ack=19 Win=65280 Len=0 TSval=3233422224 TSecr=2261106162
    9 0.064625499 SMTP 72 C: QUIT
   10 0.064750257 SMTP 81 S: 221 2.0.0 Bye
   11 0.064760200 TCP 66 25   24699 [FIN, ACK] Seq=233 Ack=25 Win=65280 Len=0 TSval=3233422245 TSecr=2261106183
   12 0.085573715 TCP 66 24699   25 [FIN, ACK] Seq=25 Ack=234 Win=30336 Len=0 TSval=2261106204 TSecr=3233422245
   13 0.085610229 TCP 66 25   24699 [ACK] Seq=234 Ack=26 Win=65280 Len=0 TSval=3233422266 TSecr=2261106204
   14 1799.888108373 TCP 74 10330   25 [SYN] Seq=0 Win=29200 Len=0 MSS=1460 SACK_PERM=1 TSval=2262906007 TSecr=0 WS=128
   15 1799.888161311 TCP 74 25   10330 [SYN, ACK] Seq=0 Ack=1 Win=65160 Len=0 MSS=1460 SACK_PERM=1 TSval=3235222069 TSecr=2262906007 WS=128
   16 1799.909030335 TCP 66 10330   25 [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=29312 Len=0 TSval=2262906028 TSecr=3235222069
   17 1799.956621011 SMTP 96 S: 220 ESMTP
   18 1799.977229656 TCP 66 10330   25 [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=31 Win=29312 Len=0 TSval=2262906096 TSecr=3235222137
   19 1799.977229698 SMTP 84 C: EHLO
   20 1799.977266759 TCP 66 25   10330 [ACK] Seq=31 Ack=19 Win=65280 Len=0 TSval=3235222158 TSecr=2262906096
   22 1800.011494861 SMTP 76 C: STARTTLS
   23 1800.011589267 SMTP 96 S: 220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS
   24 1800.032812294 TLSv1 223 Client Hello
   25 1800.032987264 TLSv1.2 2962 Server Hello
   26 1800.032995513 TCP 1266 25   10330 [PSH, ACK] Seq=3158 Ack=186 Win=65152 Len=1200 TSval=3235222214 TSecr=2262906151 [TCP segment of a reassembled PDU]
   27 1800.053546755 TCP 66 10330   25 [ACK] Seq=186 Ack=3158 Win=36096 Len=0 TSval=2262906172 TSecr=3235222214
   28 1800.092852469 TCP 66 10330   25 [ACK] Seq=186 Ack=4358 Win=39040 Len=0 TSval=2262906212 TSecr=3235222214
   29 1800.092892905 TLSv1.2 900 Certificate, Server Key Exchange, Server Hello Done
   30 1800.113546769 TCP 66 10330   25 [ACK] Seq=186 Ack=5192 Win=41856 Len=0 TSval=2262906232 TSecr=3235222273
   31 1800.114763363 TLSv1.2 192 Client Key Exchange, Change Cipher Spec, Encrypted Handshake Message
   32 1800.115000416 TLSv1.2 117 Change Cipher Spec, Encrypted Handshake Message
   33 1800.136070200 TLSv1.2 113 Application Data
   34 1800.136155526 TLSv1.2 282 Application Data
   35 1800.158854473 TLSv1.2 162 Application Data
   36 1800.159254794 TLSv1.2 109 Application Data
   37 1800.180286407 TLSv1.2 144 Application Data
   38 1800.223005960 TCP 66 25   10330 [ACK] Seq=5502 Ack=533 Win=65152 Len=0 TSval=3235222404 TSecr=2262906299
   39 1802.230300244 TLSv1.2 146 Application Data
   40 1802.251994333 TCP 2962 [TCP segment of a reassembled PDU]
   41 1802.252034015 TCP 66 25   10330 [ACK] Seq=5582 Ack=3429 Win=63616 Len=0 TSval=3235224433 TSecr=2262908371
   42 1802.252279083 TLSv1.2 1295 Application Data
   43 1802.252288316 TCP 66 25   10330 [ACK] Seq=5582 Ack=4658 Win=64128 Len=0 TSval=3235224433 TSecr=2262908371
   44 1802.272816060 TLSv1.2 833 Application Data, Application Data
   45 1802.272827542 TCP 66 25   10330 [ACK] Seq=5582 Ack=5425 Win=64128 Len=0 TSval=3235224453 TSecr=2262908392
   46 1802.338807683 TLSv1.2 131 Application Data
   47 1802.398968611 TCP 66 10330   25 [ACK] Seq=5425 Ack=5647 Win=44800 Len=0 TSval=2262908518 TSecr=3235224519
   48 1863.257457500 TLSv1.2 101 Application Data
   49 1863.257495688 TCP 66 25   10330 [ACK] Seq=5647 Ack=5460 Win=64128 Len=0 TSval=3235285438 TSecr=2262969376
   50 1863.257654942 TLSv1.2 110 Application Data
   51 1863.257721010 TLSv1.2 97 Encrypted Alert
   52 1863.278242216 TCP 66 10330   25 [ACK] Seq=5460 Ack=5691 Win=44800 Len=0 TSval=2262969397 TSecr=3235285438
   53 1863.278464176 TCP 66 10330   25 [RST, ACK] Seq=5460 Ack=5723 Win=44800 Len=0 TSval=2262969397 TSecr=3235285438
% tshark -O tls -r arz.pcap
Transport Layer Security
    TLSv1 Record Layer: Handshake Protocol: Client Hello
        Content Type: Handshake (22)
        Version: TLS 1.0 (0x0301)
        Length: 152
        Handshake Protocol: Client Hello
            Handshake Type: Client Hello (1)
            Length: 148
            Version: TLS 1.2 (0x0303)
            Random: 4575d1e7c93c09a564edc00b8b56ea6f5d826f8cfe78eb980c451a70a9c5123f
                GMT Unix Time: Dec  5, 2006 21:09:11.000000000 CET
                Random Bytes: c93c09a564edc00b8b56ea6f5d826f8cfe78eb980c451a70a9c5123f
            Session ID Length: 0
            Cipher Suites Length: 26
            Cipher Suites (13 suites)
                Cipher Suite: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (0xc030)
                Cipher Suite: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (0xc02f)
                Cipher Suite: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 (0xc028)
                Cipher Suite: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 (0xc027)
                Cipher Suite: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA (0xc014)
                Cipher Suite: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA (0xc013)
                Cipher Suite: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (0x009d)
                Cipher Suite: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (0x009c)
                Cipher Suite: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 (0x003d)
                Cipher Suite: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 (0x003c)
                Cipher Suite: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA (0x0035)
                Cipher Suite: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA (0x002f)
                Cipher Suite: TLS_EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO_SCSV (0x00ff)
Transport Layer Security
    TLSv1.2 Record Layer: Handshake Protocol: Server Hello
        Content Type: Handshake (22)
        Version: TLS 1.2 (0x0303)
        Length: 89
        Handshake Protocol: Server Hello
            Handshake Type: Server Hello (2)
            Length: 85
            Version: TLS 1.2 (0x0303)
            Random: cf2ed24e3300e95e5f56023bf8b4e5904b862bb2ed8a5796444f574e47524401
                GMT Unix Time: Feb 23, 2080 23:16:46.000000000 CET
                Random Bytes: 3300e95e5f56023bf8b4e5904b862bb2ed8a5796444f574e47524401
            Session ID Length: 32
            Session ID: 63d041b126ecebf857d685abd9d4593c46a3672e1ad76228f3eacf2164f86fb9
            Cipher Suite: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (0xc030)
In this network dump we see what cipher suites are offered, and the TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 here is the Cipher Suite Name in IANA/RFC speak. Whis corresponds to the ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 in openssl speak (see Mozilla s Mozilla s cipher suite correspondence table), which we also saw in the postfix log. Mission accomplished! :) Now, if we re interested in avoiding certain ciphers and increase security level, we can e.g. get rid of the SEED, CAMELLIA and all anonymous ciphers, and could accept only TLS v1.2 + v1.3, by further adjusting postfix s
smtpd_tls_ciphers = high
smtpd_tls_exclude_ciphers = aNULL CAMELLIA
smtpd_tls_mandatory_ciphers = high
smtpd_tls_mandatory_protocols = TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3
smtpd_tls_protocols = TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3
Which would then gives us:
% testssl --cipher-per-proto -t=smtp
Hexcode  Cipher Suite Name (OpenSSL)       KeyExch.   Encryption  Bits     Cipher Suite Name (IANA/RFC)
TLS 1.1
TLS 1.2
 xc030   ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384       ECDH 253   AESGCM      256      TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
 xc028   ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384           ECDH 253   AES         256      TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384
 xc014   ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA              ECDH 253   AES         256      TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
 x9f     DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384         DH 2048    AESGCM      256      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
 xcca8   ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305       ECDH 253   ChaCha20    256      TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
 xccaa   DHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305         DH 2048    ChaCha20    256      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
 xc0a3   DHE-RSA-AES256-CCM8               DH 2048    AESCCM8     256      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CCM_8
 xc09f   DHE-RSA-AES256-CCM                DH 2048    AESCCM      256      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CCM
 x6b     DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256             DH 2048    AES         256      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256
 x39     DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA                DH 2048    AES         256      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
 x9d     AES256-GCM-SHA384                 RSA        AESGCM      256      TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
 xc0a1   AES256-CCM8                       RSA        AESCCM8     256      TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CCM_8
 xc09d   AES256-CCM                        RSA        AESCCM      256      TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CCM
 x3d     AES256-SHA256                     RSA        AES         256      TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256
 x35     AES256-SHA                        RSA        AES         256      TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
 xc051   ARIA256-GCM-SHA384                RSA        ARIAGCM     256      TLS_RSA_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384
 xc053   DHE-RSA-ARIA256-GCM-SHA384        DH 2048    ARIAGCM     256      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384
 xc061   ECDHE-ARIA256-GCM-SHA384          ECDH 253   ARIAGCM     256      TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384
 xc02f   ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256       ECDH 253   AESGCM      128      TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
 xc027   ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256           ECDH 253   AES         128      TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
 xc013   ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA              ECDH 253   AES         128      TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
 x9e     DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256         DH 2048    AESGCM      128      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
 xc0a2   DHE-RSA-AES128-CCM8               DH 2048    AESCCM8     128      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CCM_8
 xc09e   DHE-RSA-AES128-CCM                DH 2048    AESCCM      128      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CCM
 xc0a0   AES128-CCM8                       RSA        AESCCM8     128      TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CCM_8
 xc09c   AES128-CCM                        RSA        AESCCM      128      TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CCM
 x67     DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256             DH 2048    AES         128      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
 x33     DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA                DH 2048    AES         128      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
 x9c     AES128-GCM-SHA256                 RSA        AESGCM      128      TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
 x3c     AES128-SHA256                     RSA        AES         128      TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
 x2f     AES128-SHA                        RSA        AES         128      TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
 xc050   ARIA128-GCM-SHA256                RSA        ARIAGCM     128      TLS_RSA_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256
 xc052   DHE-RSA-ARIA128-GCM-SHA256        DH 2048    ARIAGCM     128      TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256
 xc060   ECDHE-ARIA128-GCM-SHA256          ECDH 253   ARIAGCM     128      TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256
TLS 1.3
 x1302   TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384            ECDH 253   AESGCM      256      TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
 x1303   TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256      ECDH 253   ChaCha20    256      TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
 x1301   TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256            ECDH 253   AESGCM      128      TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
Don t forget to also adjust the smpt_tls_* accordingly (for your sending side). For further information see the Postfix TLS Support documentation. Also check out options like tls_ssl_options (setting it to e.g. NO_COMPRESSION) and tls_preempt_cipherlist (setting it to yes would prefer the servers order of ciphers over clients). Conclusions:

10 September 2023

Jelmer Vernooij: Transcontinental Race No 9

After cycling the Northcape 4000 (from Italy to northern Norway) last year, I signed up for the transcontinental race this year. The Transcontinental is bikepacking race across Europe, self-routed (but with some mandatory checkpoints), unsupported and with a distance of usually somewhere around 4000 km. The cut-off time is 15 days, with the winner usually taking 7-10 days. This year, the route went from Belgium to Thessaloniki in Greece, with control points in northern Italy, Slovenia, Albania and Meteora (Greece). The event was great - it was well organised and communication was a lot better than at the Northcape. It did feel very different from the Northcape, though, being a proper race. Participants are not allowed to draft off each other or help each other, though a quick chat here or there as you pass people is possible, or when you re both stopped at a shop or control point.
My experience The route was beautiful - the first bit through France was a bit monotonic, but especially the views in the alps were amazing. Like with other long events, the first day or two can be hard but once you get into the rhythm of things it s a lot easier. From early on, I lost a lot of time. We started in the rain, and I ran several flats in a row, just 4 hours in. In addition to that, the thread on my pump had worn so it wouldn t fit on some of my spare tubes, and my tubes were all TPU - which are hard to patch. So at 3 AM I found myself by the side of an N-road in France without any usable tubes to put in my rear wheel. I ended up walking 20km to the nearest town with a bike shop, where they fortunately had good old butyl tubes and a working pump. But overall, this cost me about 12 hours in total. In addition to that, my time management wasn t great. On previous rides, I d usually gotten about 8 hours of sleep per night while staying in hotels. On the transcontinental I had meant to get less sleep but still stay in hotels most night, but I found that not all hotels accomodated well for that - especially with a bike. So I ended up getting more sleep than I had intended, and spending more time off the bike than I had planned - close to 11 or 12 hours per day. I hadn t scheduled much time off work after the finish either, so arriving in Greece late wasn t really an option. And then, on an early morning in Croatia (about 2000km in) in heavy fog, I rode into a kerb at 35 km/h, bending the rim of my front wheel (but fortunately not coming off my bike). While I probably would have been able to continue with a replacement wheel (and mailing the broken one home), that would have taken another day to sort out and I almost certainly wouldn t have been able to source a new dynamo wheel in Croatia - which would have made night time riding a lot harder. So I decided to scratch and take the train home from Zagreb. Overall, I really enjoyed the event and I think I ve learned some useful lessons. I ll probably try again next year.

8 September 2023

Valhalla's Things: Banners and Signs

Posted on September 8, 2023
I forgot to write down the details back when it happened, but now that the surprise has been delivered I can write about it. A triangular fabric banner, black with a reflective grey border, and a penguin outline where part of the outline is in the shape of Lake Como screenprinted in white and light blue. Some time ago, I decided to make a small banner with the GL-Como penguin for a friend, because reasons. However, this friend has a big problem, he, well, is from Pisa (no, I m not from Leghorn, why do you ask?), and I had a screen printing kit, openclipart and no inhibitions. Three fabric banners: one is the one mentioned above, two are square with a yellow corded border, a yellow triangle and a tower of Pisa in black in the middle. The yellow triangles aren't perfectly flat yellow, but somewhat ruined, one more than the other. So, with the encouragement of a few friends who were in the secret, this happened. In two copies, because the first attempt at the print had issues. And yesterday we finally met that friend again, gave him all of the banners, and no violence happened, but he liked them :D An ISO 7071-style triangle warning sign with a simplified tower of Pisa in black on yellow background. If somebody is interested, the source image I used is on openclipart, with links to all of the sources I ve used. I don t remember exactly how it happened, but when I was working on the Pisani sign I also stumbled on the no dogs sign and decided that the world needed a mandatory cat sign, and well, here is the full set (all images are a link to the openclipart page). ISO 7071  no dogs  sign, a black dog on white background with a red circle with a diagonal line. ISO 7071-style  mandatory cats  sign, a white cat on blue circle background. ISO 7071-style  mandatory dogs  sign, a white dog on blue circle background. ISO 7071-style  no cats , a black cat on white background with a red circle with a diagonal line.

31 August 2023

Ian Jackson: Conferences take note: the pandemic is not over

Many people seem to be pretending that the pandemic is over. It isn t. People are still getting Covid, becoming sick, and even in some cases becoming disabled. People s plans are still being disrupted. Vulnerable people are still hiding. Conference organisers: please make robust Covid policies, publish them early, and enforce them. And, clearly set expectations for your attendees. Attendees: please don t be the superspreader. Two conferences This year I have attended a number of in-person events. For Eastercon I chose to participate online, remotely. This turns out to have been a very good decision. At least a quarter of attendees got Covid. At BiCon we had about 300 attendees. I m not aware of any Covid cases. Part of the difference between the two may have been in the policies. BiCon s policy was rather more robust. Unlike Eastercon s it had a much better refund policy for people who got Covid and therefore shouldn t come; also BiCon asked attendees to actually show evidence of a negative test. Another part of the difference will have been the venue. The NTU buildings we used at BiCon were modern and well ventilated. But, I think the biggest difference was attendees' attitudes. BiCon attendees are disproportionately likely (compared to society at large) to have long term medical conditions. And the cultural norms are to value and protect those people. Conversely, in my experience, a larger proportion of Eastercon attendees don t always have the same level of consideration. I don t want to give details, but I have reliable reports of quite reprehensible behaviour by some attendees - even members of the convention volunteer staff. Policies Your conference should IMO at the very least: The rules should be published very early, so that people can see them, and decide if they want to go, before they have to book anything. Don t recommend that people don t spread disease Most of the things that attendees can do to about Covid primarily protect others, rather than themselves. Making those things recommendations or advice is grossly unfair. You re setting up an arsehole filter: nice people will want to protect others, but less public spirited people will tell themselves it s only a recommendation. Make the rules mandatory. But won t we be driving people away ? If you don t have a robust Covid policy, you are already driving people away. And the people who won t come because of reasonable measures like I ve asked for above, are dickheads. You don t want them putting your other attendees at risk. And probably they re annoying in other ways too. Example of something that is not OK Yesterday (2023-08-30 13:44 UTC), less than two weeks before the conference, Debconf 23 s Covid policy still looked like you see below. Today there is a policy, but it is still weak.
Edited 2023-09-01 00:58 +01:00 to fix the link to the Debconf policy.

comment count unavailable comments

15 June 2023

Shirish Agarwal: Ayisha, Manju Warrier, Debutsav, Books

Ayisha After a long time I saw a movie that I enjoyed wholeheartedly. And it unexpectedly touched my heart. The name of the movie is Ayisha. The first frame of the movie itself sets the pace where we see Ayisha (Manju Warrier) who decides to help out a gang as lot of women were being hassled. So she agrees to hoodwink cops and help launder some money. Then she is shown to work as a maid for an elite Arab family. To portray a Muslim character in these polarized times really shows guts especially when the othering of the Muslim has been happening 24 7. In fact, just few days back I was shocked to learn that Muslim homes were being marked as Jews homes had been marked in the 1930 s. Not just homes but also businesses too. And after few days in a total hypocritical fashion one of the judges says that you cannot push people to buy or not buy from a shop. This is after systemically doing the whole hate campaign for almost 2 weeks. What value the judge s statements are after 2 weeks ??? The poison has already seeped in  But I m drifting from the topic/movie.

The real fun of the movie is the beautiful relationship that happens between Ayisha and Mama, she is the biggest maternal figure in the house and in fact, her command is what goes in the house. The house or palace which is the perfect description is shown as being opulent but not as rich as both Mama and Ayisha are, spiritually and emotionally both giving and sharing of each other. Almost a mother daughter relationship, although with others she is shown as having a bit of an iron hand. Halfway through the movie we come to know that Ayisha was also a dramatist and an actress having worked in early Malayalam movies. I do not want to go through all the ups and downs as that is the beauty of the movie and it needs to be seen for that aspect. I am always sort of in two worlds where should I promote a book or series or movie or not because most of the time it is the unexpected that works. When we have expectation it doesn t. Avatar, the Way of the Water is an exception, not many movies I can recall like that where I had expectations and still the movie surpassed it. So maybe go with no expectations at all

Manju Warrier Manju Warrier should actually be called Manju Warrior as she chose to be with the survivor rather than the sexism that is prevalent in the Malayalam film industry which actually is more or less a mirror of Bollywood and society as whole. These three links should give enough background knowledge as to what has been happening although I m sure my Malayalam friends would more than add to that knowledge whatever may be missing. In quite a few movies, the women are making inroads without significant male strength. Especially Manju s movies have no male lead for the last few movies. Whether that is deliberate part on Manju or an obstacle being put in front of her. Anyone knows that having a male lead and a female lead enriches the value of a movie quite a bit. This doesn t mean one is better than the other but having both enriches the end product, as simple as that. This is sadly not happening. Having POSH training and having an ICC is something that each organization should look forward for. It s kind of mandatory need of hour, especially when we have young people all around us. I am hopeful that people who are from Kerala would shed some more background light on what has been happening.

Books I haven t yet submitted an application for Debconf. But my idea is irrespective of whether or not I m there, I do hope we can have a library where people can donate books and people can take away books as well. A kind of circular marketplace/library where just somebody notes what books are available. Even if 100 odd people are coming to Debconf that easily means 100 books of various languages. That in itself would be interesting and to see what people are reading, wanting to discuss etc. We could even have readings. IIRC, in 2016 we had a children s area, maybe we could do some readings from some books to children which fuels their imagination. Even people like me who are deaf would be willing to look at excerpts and be charmed by them. For instance, in all my forays of fantasy literature except for Babylon Steel I haven t read one book that has a female lead character and I have read probably around 100 odd fantasy books till date. Not a lot but still to my mind, is a big gap as far as literature is concerned. How would more women write fantasy if they don t have heroes to look forward to :(. Or maybe I may be missing some authors and characters that others know and I do not. Do others feel the same or this question hasn t even been asked ??? Dunno. Please let me know.

Debutsav So apparently Debutsav is happening 2 days from now. While I did come to know about it few days back I had to think whether I want to apply for this or apply for Debconf as I physically, emotionally can t do justice to both even though they are a few months apart. I wish all the best for the attendees as well as presenters sharing all the projects and hopefully somebody shares at least some of the projects that are presented there so we may know what new projects or softwares to follow or whatever. Till later.

5 May 2023

Shirish Agarwal: CAT-6, AMD 5600G, Dealerships closing down, TRAI-caller and privacy.

CAT-6 patch cord & ONU Few months back I was offered a fibre service. Most of the service offering has been using Chinese infrastructure including the ONU (Optical Network Unit). Wikipedia doesn t have a good page on ONU hence had to rely on third-party sites. FS (a name I don t really know) has some (good basic info. on ONU and how it s part and parcel of the whole infrastructure. I also got an ONT (Optical Network Terminal) but it seems to be very basic and mostly dumb. I used the old CAT-6 cable ( a decade old) to connect them and it worked for couple of months. Had to change it, first went to know if a higher cable solution offered themselves. CAT-7 is there but not backward compatible. CAT-8 is the next higher version but apparently it s expensive and also not easily bought. I did quite a few tests on CAT-6 and the ONU and it conks out at best 1 mbps which is still far better than what I am used to. CAT-8 are either not available or simply too expensive for home applications atm. A good summary of CAT-8 and what they stand for can be found here. The networking part is hopeless as most consumer facing CPU s and motherboards don t even offer 10 mbps, so asking anything more is just overkill without any benefit. Which does bring me to the next question, something that I may do in a few months or a year down the road. Just to clarify they may say it is 100 mbps or even 1 Gbps but that s plain wrong.

AMD APU, Asus Motherboard & Dealerships I had been thinking of an AMD APU, could wait a while but sooner or later would have to get one. I got quoted an AMD Ryzen 3 3200G with an Asus A320 Motherboard for around 14k which kinda looked steep to me. Quite a few hardware dealers whom I had traded, consulted over years simply shut down. While there are new people, it s much more harder now to make relationships (due to deafness) rather than before. The easiest to share which was also online was that had an Indian domain now no longer available. The number of offline brick and mortar PC business has also closed quite a bit. There are a few new ones but it takes time and the big guys have made more of a killing. I was shocked quite a bit. Came home and browsed a bit and was hit by this. Both AMD and Intel PC business has taken a beating. AMD a bit more as Intel still holds part of the business segment as traditionally been theirs. There have been proofs and allegations of bribing in the past (do remember the EU Antitrust case against Intel for monopoly) but Intel s own cutting corners with the Spectre and Meltdown flaws hasn t helped its case, nor the suits themselves. AMD on the other hand under expertise of Lisa Su has simply grown strength by strength. Inflation and Profiteering by other big companies has made the outlook for both AMD and Intel a bit lackluster. AMD is supposed to show Zen5 chips in a few days time and the rumor mill has been ongoing. Correction Not few days but 2025. Personally, I would be happy with maybe a Ryzen 5600G with an Asus motherboard. My main motive whenever I buy an APU is not to hit beyond 65 TDP. It s kinda middle of the road. As far as what I could read this year and next year we could have AM4+ or something like those updates, AM5 APU s, CPU s and boards are slated to be launched in 2025. I did see pcpricetracker and it does give idea of various APU prices although have to say pcpartpicker was much intuitive to work with than the above. I just had my system cleaned couple of months so touchwood I should be able to use it for another couple of years or more before I have to get one of these APU s and do hope they are worth it. My idea is to use that not only for testing various softwares but also delve a bit into VR if that s possible. I did read a bit about deafness and VR as well. A good summary can be found here. I am hopeful that there may be few people in the community who may look and respond to that. It s crucial.

TRAI-caller, Privacy 101& Element. While most of us in Debian and FOSS communities do engage in privacy, lots of times it s frustrating. I m always looking for videos that seek to share that view why Privacy is needed by individuals and why Governments and other parties hate it. There are a couple of basic Youtube Videos that does explain the same quite practically.
Now why am I sharing the above. It isn t that people do not privacy and how we hold it dear. I share it because GOI just today blocked Element. While it may be trivial for us to workaround the issues, it does tell what GOI is doing. And it still acts as if surprised why it s press ranking is going to pits. Even our Women Wrestlers have been protesting for a week to just file an FIR (First Information Report) . And these are women who have got medals for the country. More than half of these organizations, specifically the women wrestling team don t have POSH which is a mandatory body supposed to be in every organization. POSH stands for Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace. The gentleman concerned is a known rowdy/Goon hence it took almost a week of protest to do the needful  I do try not to report because right now every other day we see somewhere or the other the Govt. curtailing our rights and most people are mute  Signing out, till later

28 April 2023

Sven Hoexter: What's wrong in IT: commit messages

In my day job someone today took the time in the team daily to explain his research why some of our configuration is wrong. He spent quite some time on his own to look at the history in git and how everything was setup initially, and ended up in the current - wrong - way. That triggered me to validate that quickly, another 5min of work. So we agreed to change it. A one line change, nothing spectacular, but lifetime was invested to figure out why it should've a different value. When the pull request got opened a few minutes later there was nothing of that story in the commit message. Zero, nada, nothing. :( I'm really puzzled why someone invests lifetime to dig into company internal history to try get something right, do a lengthy explanation to the whole team, use the time of others, even mention that there was no explanation of why it's not the default value anymore it should be, and repeat the same mistake by not writing down anything in the commit message. For the current company I'm inclined to propose a commit message validator. For a potential future company I might join, I guess I ask for real world git logs from repositories I should contribute to. Seems that this is another valuable source of information to qualify the company culture. Next up to the existence of whiteboards in the office. I'm really happy that at least a majority of the people contributing to Debian writes somewhat decent commit messages and changelogs. Let that be a reminder to myself to improve in that area the next time I've to change something.

27 April 2023

Simon Josefsson: A Security Device Threat Model: The Substitution Attack

I d like to describe and discuss a threat model for computational devices. This is generic but we will narrow it down to security-related devices. For example, portable hardware dongles used for OpenPGP/OpenSSH keys, FIDO/U2F, OATH HOTP/TOTP, PIV, payment cards, wallets etc and more permanently attached devices like a Hardware Security Module (HSM), a TPM-chip, or the hybrid variant of a mostly permanently-inserted but removable hardware security dongles. Our context is cryptographic hardware engineering, and the purpose of the threat model is to serve as as a thought experiment for how to build and design security devices that offer better protection. The threat model is related to the Evil maid attack. Our focus is to improve security for the end-user rather than the traditional focus to improve security for the organization that provides the token to the end-user, or to improve security for the site that the end-user is authenticating to. This is a critical but often under-appreciated distinction, and leads to surprising recommendations related to onboard key generation, randomness etc below.

The Substitution Attack
An attacker is able to substitute any component of the device (hardware or software) at any time for any period of time.
Your takeaway should be that devices should be designed to mitigate harmful consequences if any component of the device (hardware or software) is substituted for a malicious component for some period of time, at any time, during the lifespan of that component. Some designs protect better against this attack than other designs, and the threat model can be used to understand which designs are really bad, and which are less so.

Terminology The threat model involves at least one device that is well-behaving and one that is not, and we call these Good Device and Bad Device respectively. The bad device may be the same physical device as the good key, but with some minor software modification or a minor component replaced, but could also be a completely separate physical device. We don t care about that distinction, we just care if a particular device has a malicious component in it or not. I ll use terms like security device , device , hardware key , security co-processor etc interchangeably. From an engineering point of view, malicious here includes unintentional behavior such as software or hardware bugs. It is not possible to differentiate an intentionally malicious device from a well-designed device with a critical bug. Don t attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity, but don t na vely attribute to stupidity what may be deniable malicious.

What is some period of time ? Some period of time can be any length of time: seconds, minutes, days, weeks, etc. It may also occur at any time: During manufacturing, during transportation to the user, after first usage by the user, or after a couple of months usage by the user. Note that we intentionally consider time-of-manufacturing as a vulnerable phase. Even further, the substitution may occur multiple times. So the Good Key may be replaced with a Bad Key by the attacker for one day, then returned, and later this repeats a month later.

What is harmful consequences ? Since a security key has a fairly well-confined scope and purpose, we can get a fairly good exhaustive list of things that could go wrong. Harmful consequences include:
  • Attacker learns any secret keys stored on a Good Key.
  • Attacker causes user to trust a public generated by a Bad Key.
  • Attacker is able to sign something using a Good Key.
  • Attacker learns the PIN code used to unlock a Good Key.
  • Attacker learns data that is decrypted by a Good Key.

Thin vs Deep solutions One approach to mitigate many issues arising from device substitution is to have the host (or remote site) require that the device prove that it is the intended unique device before it continues to talk to it. This require an authentication/authorization protocol, which usually involves unique device identity and out-of-band trust anchors. Such trust anchors is often problematic, since a common use-case for security device is to connect it to a host that has never seen the device before. A weaker approach is to have the device prove that it merely belongs to a class of genuine devices from a trusted manufacturer, usually by providing a signature generated by a device-specific private key signed by the device manufacturer. This is weaker since then the user cannot differentiate two different good devices. In both cases, the host (or remote site) would stop talking to the device if it cannot prove that it is the intended key, or at least belongs to a class of known trusted genuine devices. Upon scrutiny, this solution is still vulnerable to a substitution attack, just earlier in the manufacturing chain: how can the process that injects the per-device or per-class identities/secrets know that it is putting them into a good key rather than a malicious device? Consider also the consequences if the cryptographic keys that guarantee that a device is genuine leaks. The model of the thin solution is similar to the old approach to network firewalls: have a filtering firewall that only lets through intended traffic, and then run completely insecure protocols internally such as telnet. The networking world has evolved, and now we have defense in depth: even within strongly firewall ed networks, it is prudent to run for example SSH with publickey-based user authentication even on locally physical trusted networks. This approach requires more thought and adds complexity, since each level has to provide some security checking. I m arguing we need similar defense-in-depth for security devices. Security key designs cannot simply dodge this problem by assuming it is working in a friendly environment where component substitution never occur.

Example: Device authentication using PIN codes To see how this threat model can be applied to reason about security key designs, let s consider a common design. Many security keys uses PIN codes to unlock private key operations, for example on OpenPGP cards that lacks built-in PIN-entry functionality. The software on the computer just sends a PIN code to the device, and the device allows private-key operations if the PIN code was correct. Let s apply the substitution threat model to this design: the attacker replaces the intended good key with a malicious device that saves a copy of the PIN code presented to it, and then gives out error messages. Once the user has entered the PIN code and gotten an error message, presumably temporarily giving up and doing other things, the attacker replaces the device back again. The attacker has learnt the PIN code, and can later use this to perform private-key operations on the good device. This means a good design involves not sending PIN codes in clear, but use a stronger authentication protocol that allows the card to know that the PIN was correct without learning the PIN. This is implemented optionally for many OpenPGP cards today as the key-derivation-function extension. That should be mandatory, and users should not use setups that sends device authentication in the clear, and ultimately security devices should not even include support for that. Compare how I build Gnuk on my PGP card with the kdf_do=required option.

Example: Onboard non-predictable key-generation Many devices offer both onboard key-generation, for example OpenPGP cards that generate a Ed25519 key internally on the devices, or externally where the device imports an externally generated cryptographic key. Let s apply the subsitution threat model to this design: the user wishes to generate a key and trust the public key that came out of that process. The attacker substitutes the device for a malicious device during key-generation, imports the private key into a good device and gives that back to the user. Most of the time except during key generation the user uses a good device but still the attacker succeeded in having the user trust a public key which the attacker knows the private key for. The substitution may be a software modification, and the method to leak the private key to the attacker may be out-of-band signalling. This means a good design never generates key on-board, but imports them from a user-controllable environment. That approach should be mandatory, and users should not use setups that generates private keys on-board, and ultimately security devices should not even include support for that.

Example: Non-predictable randomness-generation Many devices claims to generate random data, often with elaborate design documents explaining how good the randomness is. Let s apply the substitution threat model to this design: the attacker replaces the intended good key with a malicious design that generates (for the attacker) predictable randomness. The user will never be able to detect the difference since the random output is, well, random, and typically not distinguishable from weak randomness. The user cannot know if any cryptographic keys generated by a generator was faulty or not. This means a good design never generates non-predictable randomness on the device. That approach should be mandatory, and users should not use setups that generates non-predictable randomness on the device, and ideally devices should not have this functionality.

Case-Study: Tillitis I have warmed up a bit for this. Tillitis is a new security device with interesting properties, and core to its operation is the Compound Device Identifier (CDI), essentially your Ed25519 private key (used for SSH etc) is derived from the CDI that is computed like this:
cdi = blake2s(UDS, blake2s(device_app), USS)
Let s apply the substitution threat model to this design: Consider someone replacing the Tillitis key with a malicious key during postal delivery of the key to the user, and the replacement device is identical with the real Tillitis key but implements the following key derivation function:
cdi = weakprng(UDS , weakprng(device_app), USS)
Where weakprng is a compromised algorithm that is predictable for the attacker, but still appears random. Everything will work correctly, but the attacker will be able to learn the secrets used by the user, and the user will typically not be able to tell the difference since the CDI is secret and the Ed25519 public key is not self-verifiable.

Conclusion Remember that it is impossible to fully protect against this attack, that s why it is merely a thought experiment, intended to be used during design of these devices. Consider an attacker that never gives you access to a good key and as a user you only ever use a malicious device. There is no way to have good security in this situation. This is not hypothetical, many well-funded organizations do what they can to derive people from having access to trustworthy security devices. Philosophically it does not seem possible to tell if these organizations have succeeded 100% already and there are only bad security devices around where further resistance is futile, but to end on an optimistic note let s assume that there is a non-negligible chance that they haven t succeeded. In these situations, this threat model becomes useful to improve the situation by identifying less good designs, and that s why the design mantra of mitigate harmful consequences is crucial as a takeaway from this. Let s improve the design of security devices that further the security of its users!

10 March 2023

Thorsten Alteholz: My Debian Activities in February 2023

FTP master This month I accepted 284 and rejected 49 packages. The overall number of packages that got accepted was 286. I love this calm and peaceful time now within the Debian project, when everybody only cares for RC bugs and NEW does not grow. Debian LTS This was my hundred-fourth month that I did some work for the Debian LTS initiative, started by Raphael Hertzog at Freexian. This month my all in all workload has been 8h. During that time I uploaded: As I added all missing ELA uploads to the git repository I also had a look at package-operations and added stuff to make my life a bit easier. Debian ELTS This month was the fifty fifth ELTS month. I also made myself familiar with the mandatory git workflow and committed all my packages of this years ELA to the corresponding repository. Debian Astro This month I uploaded improved packages or new versions of: Debian Printing This month I uploaded new versions or improved packages of: As ippsample does not build on i386, I filed a RM bug for this architecture. Maybe in a later upstream release it will be available again on all architectures. I could also close lots of bugs that happen to be fixed upstream, but have not been closed with the upload of the new version. Parts of this work is generously funded by Freexian! Other stuff This month I uploaded improved packages of: The upload of feynmf could only happen due to the help of several people (please see #1029439). Thanks a lot!

16 February 2023

Scarlett Gately Moore: KDE Snaps, Security updates, Debian Freeze

Icy morning Witch Wells AzIcy morning Witch Wells Az
Much like our trees, Debian is now in freeze stage for Bookworm. I am still working on packages locally until development opens up again. My main focus is getting mycroft packages updated to the new fork at On the KDE Snaps side of things: My PPA is not going well. There is a problem in Focal here qhelpgenerator-qt5 is a missing dependency, HOWEVER it is there as shown here: a fun circular dependency for qtbase. It also builds fine in a focal chroot. I have tried copying packages, source recipe builds, adding another PPA with successful builds, to no avail. My PPA does not seem to use its own packages, or universe for that matter. I have tried all of the dependency settings available and nothing changes. If any of you launchpad experts out there want to help me out, or point me in the right direction, it would be appreciated ! This PPA is mandatory for our core20 snaps moving forward, as they currently have no security updates, and I refuse to have my name on security riddled snaps. As for the kde-neon extension for core22, I have fixed most of the tests and Sergio is wrapping it up, thank you!!!! I am still looking for work!!! Please reach out if you, or anyone you know is looking for my skill set. Once again, I ask for you to please consider a donation. We managed to get the bills paid this month ( Big thank you! ) but, March is quickly approaching. The biggest thing is Phone/Internet so I can keep working on things and Job hunt. Thank you so much for your support!

27 December 2022

Chris Lamb: Favourite books of 2022: Fiction

This post marks the beginning my yearly roundups of the favourite books and movies that I read and watched in 2022 that I plan to publish over the next few days. Just as I did for 2020 and 2021, I won't reveal precisely how many books I read in the last year. I didn't get through as many books as I did in 2021, though, but that's partly due to reading a significant number of long nineteenth-century novels in particular, a fair number of those books that American writer Henry James once referred to as "large, loose, baggy monsters." However, in today's post I'll be looking at my favourite books that are typically filed under fiction, with 'classic' fiction following tomorrow. Works that just missed the cut here include John O'Brien's Leaving Las Vegas, Colson Whitehead's Sag Harbor and possibly The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco, or Elif Batuman's The Idiot. I also feel obliged to mention (or is that show off?) that I also read the 1,079-page Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace, but I can't say it was a favourite, let alone recommend others unless they are in the market for a good-quality under-monitor stand.

Mona (2021) Pola Oloixarac Mona is the story of a young woman who has just been nominated for the 'most important literary award in Europe'. Mona sees the nomination as a chance to escape her substance abuse on a Californian campus and so speedily decamps to the small village in the depths of Sweden where the nominees must convene for a week before the overall winner is announced. Mona didn't disappear merely to avoid pharmacological misadventures, though, but also to avoid the growing realisation that she is being treated as something of an anthropological curiosity at her university: a female writer of colour treasured for her flourish of exotic diversity that reflects well upon her department. But Mona is now stuck in the company of her literary competitors who all have now gathered from around the world in order to do what writers do: harbour private resentments, exchange empty flattery, embody the selfsame racialised stereotypes that Mona left the United States to avoid, stab rivals in the back, drink too much, and, of course, go to bed together. But as I read Mona, I slowly started to realise that something else is going on. Why does Mona keep finding traces of violence on her body, the origins of which she cannot or refuses to remember? There is something eerily defensive about her behaviour and sardonic demeanour in general as well. A genre-bending and mind-expanding novel unfolded itself, and, without getting into spoiler territory, Mona concludes with such a surprising ending that, according to Adam Thirlwell:
Perhaps we need to rethink what is meant by a gimmick. If a gimmick is anything that we want to reject as extra or excessive or ill-fitting, then it may be important to ask what inhibitions or arbitrary conventions have made it seem like excess, and to revel in the exorbitant fictional constructions it produces. [...]
Mona is a savage satire of the literary world, but it's also a very disturbing exploration of trauma and violence. The success of the book comes in equal measure from the author's commitment to both ideas, but also from the way the psychological damage component creeps up on you. And, as implied above, the last ten pages are quite literally out of this world.

My Brilliant Friend (2011)
The Story of a New Name (2012)
Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay (2013)
The Story of the Lost Child (2014) Elena Ferrante Elena Ferrante's Neopolitan Quartet follows two girls, both brilliant in their own way. Our protagonist-narrator is Elena, a studious girl from the lower rungs of the middle class of Naples who is inspired to be more by her childhood friend, Lila. Lila is, in turn, far more restricted by her poverty and class, but can transcend it at times through her fiery nature, which also brands her as somewhat unique within their inward-looking community. The four books follow the two girls from the perspective of Elena as they grow up together in post-war Italy, where they drift in-and-out of each other's lives due to the vicissitudes of change and the consequences of choice. All the time this is unfolding, however, the narrative is very always slightly charged by the background knowledge revealed on the very first page that Lila will, many years later, disappear from Elena's life. Whilst the quartet has the formal properties of a bildungsroman, its subject and conception are almost entirely different. In particular, the books are driven far more by character and incident than spectacular adventures in picturesque Italy. In fact, quite the opposite takes place: these are four books where ordinary-seeming occurrences take on an unexpected radiance against a background of poverty, ignorance, violence and other threats, often bringing to mind the films of the Italian neorealism movement. Brilliantly rendered from beginning to end, Ferrante has a seemingly studious eye for interpreting interactions and the psychology of adolescence and friendship. Some utterances indeed, perhaps even some glances are dissected at length over multiple pages, something that Vittorio De Sica's classic Bicycle Thieves (1948) could never do. Potential readers should not take any notice of the saccharine cover illustrations on most editions of the books. The quartet could even win an award for the most misleading artwork, potentially rivalling even Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita. I wouldn't be at all surprised if it is revealed that the drippy illustrations and syrupy blurbs ("a rich, intense and generous-hearted story ") turn out to be part of a larger metatextual game that Ferrante is playing with her readers. This idiosyncratic view of mine is partially supported by the fact that each of the four books has been given a misleading title, the true ambiguity of which often only becomes clear as each of the four books comes into sharper focus. Readers of the quartet often fall into debating which is the best of the four. I've heard from more than one reader that one has 'too much Italian politics' and another doesn't have enough 'classic' Lina moments. The first book then possesses the twin advantages of both establishing the environs and finishing with a breathtaking ending that is both satisfying and a cliffhanger as well but does this make it 'the best'? I prefer to liken the quartet more like the different seasons of The Wire (2002-2008) where, personal favourites and preferences aside, although each season is undoubtedly unique, it would take a certain kind of narrow-minded view of art to make the claim that, say, series one of The Wire is 'the best' or that the season that focuses on the Baltimore docks 'is boring'. Not to sound like a neo-Wagnerian, but each of them adds to final result in its own. That is to say, both The Wire and the Neopolitan Quartet achieve the rare feat of making the magisterial simultaneously intimate.

Out There: Stories (2022) Kate Folk Out There is a riveting collection of disturbing short stories by first-time author Kate Fork. The title story first appeared in the New Yorker in early 2020 imagines a near-future setting where a group of uncannily handsome artificial men called 'blots' have arrived on the San Francisco dating scene with the secret mission of sleeping with women, before stealing their personal data from their laptops and phones and then (quite literally) evaporating into thin air. Folk's satirical style is not at all didactic, so it rarely feels like she is making her points in a pedantic manner. But it's clear that the narrator of Out There is recounting her frustration with online dating. in a way that will resonate with anyone who s spent time with dating apps or indeed the contemporary hyper-centralised platform-based internet in general. Part social satire, part ghost story and part comic tales, the blurring of the lines between these factors is only one of the things that makes these stories so compelling. But whilst Folk constructs crazy scenarios and intentionally strange worlds, she also manages to also populate them with characters that feel real and genuinely sympathetic. Indeed, I challenge you not to feel some empathy for the 'blot' in the companion story Big Sur which concludes the collection, and it complicates any primary-coloured view of the dating world of consisting entirely of predatory men. And all of this is leavened with a few stories that are just plain surreal. I don't know what the deal is with Dating a Somnambulist (available online on Hobart Pulp), but I know that I like it.

Solaris (1961) Stanislaw Lem When Kelvin arrives at the planet Solaris to study the strange ocean that covers its surface, instead of finding an entirely physical scientific phenomenon, he soon discovers a previously unconscious memory embodied in the physical manifestation of a long-dead lover. The other scientists on the space station slowly reveal that they are also plagued with their own repressed corporeal memories. Many theories are put forward as to why all this is occuring, including the idea that Solaris is a massive brain that creates these incarnate memories. Yet if that is the case, the planet's purpose in doing so is entirely unknown, forcing the scientists to shift focus and wonder whether they can truly understand the universe without first understanding what lies within their own minds and in their desires. This would be an interesting outline for any good science fiction book, but one of the great strengths of Solaris is not only that it withholds from the reader why the planet is doing anything it does, but the book is so forcefully didactic in its dislike of the hubris, destructiveness and colonial thinking that can accompany scientific exploration. In one of its most vitriolic passages, Lem's own anger might be reaching out to the reader:
We are humanitarian and chivalrous; we don t want to enslave other races, we simply want to bequeath them our values and take over their heritage in exchange. We think of ourselves as the Knights of the Holy Contact. This is another lie. We are only seeking Man. We have no need of other worlds. We need mirrors. We don t know what to do with other worlds. A single world, our own, suffices us; but we can t accept it for what it is. We are searching for an ideal image of our own world: we go in quest of a planet, of a civilisation superior to our own, but developed on the basis of a prototype of our primaeval past. At the same time, there is something inside us that we don t like to face up to, from which we try to protect ourselves, but which nevertheless remains since we don t leave Earth in a state of primal innocence. We arrive here as we are in reality, and when the page is turned, and that reality is revealed to us that part of our reality that we would prefer to pass over in silence then we don t like it anymore.
An overwhelming preoccupation with this idea infuses Solaris, and it turns out to be a common theme in a lot of Lem's work of this period, such as in his 1959 'anti-police procedural' The Investigation. Perhaps it not a dislike of exploration in general or the modern scientific method in particular, but rather a savage critique of the arrogance and self-assuredness that accompanies most forms of scientific positivism, or at least pursuits that cloak themselves under the guise of being a laudatory 'scientific' pursuit:
Man has gone out to explore other worlds and other civilizations without having explored his own labyrinth of dark passages and secret chambers and without finding what lies behind doorways that he himself has sealed.
I doubt I need to cite specific instances of contemporary scientific pursuits that might meet Lem's punishing eye today, and the fact that his critique works both in 2022 and 1961 perhaps tells us more about the human condition than we'd care to know. Another striking thing about Solaris isn't just the specific Star Trek and Stargate SG-1 episodes that I retrospectively realised were purloined from the book, but that almost the entire register of Star Trek: The Next Generation in particular seems to be rehearsed here. That is to say, TNG presents itself as hard and fact-based 'sci-fi' on the surface, but, at its core, there are often human, existential and sometimes quite enormously emotionally devastating human themes being discussed such as memory, loss and grief. To take one example from many, the painful memories that the planet Solaris physically materialises in effect asks us to seriously consider what it actually is taking place when we 'love' another person: is it merely another 'mirror' of ourselves? (And, if that is the case, is that... bad?) It would be ahistorical to claim that all popular science fiction today can be found rehearsed in Solaris, but perhaps it isn't too much of a stretch:
[Solaris] renders unnecessary any more alien stories. Nothing further can be said on this topic ...] Possibly, it can be said that when one feels the urge for such a thing, one should simply reread Solaris and learn its lessons again. Kim Stanley Robinson [...]
I could go on praising this book for quite some time; perhaps by discussing the extreme framing devices used within the book at one point, the book diverges into a lengthy bibliography of fictional books-within-the-book, each encapsulating a different theory about what the mechanics and/or function of Solaris is, thereby demonstrating that 'Solaris studies' as it is called within the world of the book has been going on for years with no tangible results, which actually leads to extreme embarrassment and then a deliberate and willful blindness to the 'Solaris problem' on the part of the book's scientific community. But I'll leave it all here before this review gets too long... Highly recommended, and a likely reread in 2023.

Brokeback Mountain (1997) Annie Proulx Brokeback Mountain began as a short story by American author Annie Proulx which appeared in the New Yorker in 1997, although it is now more famous for the 2005 film adaptation directed by Taiwanese filmmaker Ang Lee. Both versions follow two young men who are hired for the summer to look after sheep at a range under the 'Brokeback' mountain in Wyoming. Unexpectedly, however, they form an intense emotional and sexual attachment, yet life intervenes and demands they part ways at the end of the summer. Over the next twenty years, though, as their individual lives play out with marriages, children and jobs, they continue reuniting for brief albeit secret liaisons on camping trips in remote settings. There's no feigned shyness or self-importance in Brokeback Mountain, just a close, compassionate and brutally honest observation of a doomed relationship and a bone-deep feeling for the hardscrabble life in the post-War West. To my mind, very few books have captured so acutely the desolation of a frustrated and repressed passion, as well as the particular flavour of undirected anger that can accompany this kind of yearning. That the original novella does all this in such a beautiful way (and without the crutch of the Wyoming landscape to look at ) is a tribute to Proulx's skills as a writer. Indeed, even without the devasting emotional undertones, Proulx's descriptions of the mountains and scree of the West is likely worth the read alone.

Luster (2020) Raven Leilani Edie is a young Black woman living in New York whose life seems to be spiralling out of control. She isn't good at making friends, her career is going nowhere, and she has no close family to speak of as well. She is, thus, your typical NYC millennial today, albeit seen through a lens of Blackness that complicates any reductive view of her privilege or minority status. A representative paragraph might communicate the simmering tone:
Before I start work, I browse through some photos of friends who are doing better than me, then an article on a black teenager who was killed on 115th for holding a weapon later identified as a showerhead, then an article on a black woman who was killed on the Grand Concourse for holding a weapon later identified as a cell phone, then I drown myself in the comments section and do some online shopping, by which I mean I put four dresses in my cart as a strictly theoretical exercise and then let the page expire.
She starts a sort-of affair with an older white man who has an affluent lifestyle in nearby New Jersey. Eric or so he claims has agreed upon an 'open relationship' with his wife, but Edie is far too inappropriate and disinhibited to respect any boundaries that Eric sets for her, and so Edie soon becomes deeply entangled in Eric's family life. It soon turns out that Eric and his wife have a twelve-year-old adopted daughter, Akila, who is also wait for it Black. Akila has been with Eric's family for two years now and they aren t exactly coping well together. They don t even know how to help her to manage her own hair, let alone deal with structural racism. Yet despite how dark the book's general demeanour is, there are faint glimmers of redemption here and there. Realistic almost to the end, Edie might finally realise what s important in her life, but it would be a stretch to say that she achieves them by the final page. Although the book is full of acerbic remarks on almost any topic (Dogs: "We made them needy and physically unfit. They used to be wolves, now they are pugs with asthma."), it is the comments on contemporary race relations that are most critically insightful. Indeed, unsentimental, incisive and funny, Luster had much of what I like in Colson Whitehead's books at times, but I can't remember a book so frantically fast-paced as this since the Booker-prize winning The Sellout by Paul Beatty or Sam Tallent's Running the Light.

18 December 2022

Ian Jackson: Rust needs #[throws]

tl;dr: Ok-wrapping as needed in today s Rust is a significant distraction, because there are multiple ways to do it. They are all slightly awkward in different ways, so are least-bad in different situations. You must choose a way for every fallible function, and sometimes change a function from one pattern to another. Rust really needs #[throws] as a first-class language feature. Code using #[throws] is simpler and clearer. Please try out withoutboats s fehler. I think you will like it. Contents A recent personal experience in coding style Ever since I read withoutboats s 2020 article about fehler, I have been using it in most of my personal projects. For Reasons I recently had a go at eliminating the dependency on fehler from Hippotat. So, I made a branch, deleted the dependency and imports, and started on the whack-a-mole with the compiler errors. After about a half hour of this, I was starting to feel queasy. After an hour I had decided that basically everything I was doing was making the code worse. And, bizarrely, I kept having to make individual decisons about what idiom to use in each place. I couldn t face it any more. After sleeping on the question I decided that Hippotat would be in Debian with fehler, or not at all. Happily the Debian Rust Team generously helped me out, so the answer is that fehler is now in Debian, so it s fine. For me this experience, of trying to convert Rust-with-#[throws] to Rust-without-#[throws] brought the Ok wrapping problem into sharp focus. What is Ok wrapping? Intro to Rust error handling (You can skip this section if you re already a seasoned Rust programer.) In Rust, fallibility is represented by functions that return Result<SuccessValue, Error>: this is a generic type, representing either whatever SuccessValue is (in the Ok variant of the data-bearing enum) or some Error (in the Err variant). For example, std::fs::read_to_string, which takes a filename and returns the contents of the named file, returns Result<String, std::io::Error>. This is a nice and typesafe formulation of, and generalisation of, the traditional C practice, where a function indicates in its return value whether it succeeded, and errors are indicated with an error code. Result is part of the standard library and there are convenient facilities for checking for errors, extracting successful results, and so on. In particular, Rust has the postfix ? operator, which, when applied to a Result, does one of two things: if the Result was Ok, it yields the inner successful value; if the Result was Err, it returns early from the current function, returning an Err in turn to the caller. This means you can write things like this:
    let input_data = std::fs::read_to_string(input_file)?;
and the error handling is pretty automatic. You get a compiler warning, or a type error, if you forget the ?, so you can t accidentally ignore errors. But, there is a downside. When you are returning a successful outcome from your function, you must convert it into a Result. After all, your fallible function has return type Result<SuccessValue, Error>, which is a different type to SuccessValue. So, for example, inside std::fs::read_to_string, we see this:
        let mut string = String::new();
        file.read_to_string(&mut string)?;
string has type String; fs::read_to_string must return Result<String, ..>, so at the end of the function we must return Ok(string). This applies to return statements, too: if you want an early successful return from a fallible function, you must write return Ok(whatever). This is particularly annoying for functions that don t actually return a nontrivial value. Normally, when you write a function that doesn t return a value you don t write the return type. The compiler interprets this as syntactic sugar for -> (), ie, that the function returns (), the empty tuple, used in Rust as a dummy value in these kind of situations. A block ( ... ) whose last statement ends in a ; has type (). So, when you fall off the end of a function, the return value is (), without you having to write it. So you simply leave out the stuff in your program about the return value, and your function doesn t have one (i.e. it returns ()). But, a function which either fails with an error, or completes successfuly without returning anything, has return type Result<(), Error>. At the end of such a function, you must explicitly provide the success value. After all, if you just fall off the end of a block, it means the block has value (), which is not of type Result<(), Error>. So the fallible function must end with Ok(()), as we see in the example for std::fs::read_to_string. A minor inconvenience, or a significant distraction? I think the need for Ok-wrapping on all success paths from fallible functions is generally regarded as just a minor inconvenience. Certainly the experienced Rust programmer gets very used to it. However, while trying to remove fehler s #[throws] from Hippotat, I noticed something that is evident in codebases using vanilla Rust (without fehler) but which goes un-remarked. There are multiple ways to write the Ok-wrapping, and the different ways are appropriate in different situations. See the following examples, all taken from a real codebase. (And it s not just me: I do all of these in different places, - when I don t have fehler available - but all these examples are from code written by others.) Idioms for Ok-wrapping - a bestiary Wrap just a returned variable binding If you have the return value in a variable, you can write Ok(reval) at the end of the function, instead of retval.
    pub fn take_until(&mut self, term: u8) -> Result<&'a [u8]>  
        // several lines of code
If the returned value is not already bound to variable, making a function fallible might mean choosing to bind it to a variable. Wrap a nontrivial return expression Even if it s not just a variable, you can wrap the expression which computes the returned value. This is often done if the returned value is a struct literal:
    fn take_from(r: &mut Reader<'_>) -> Result<Self>  
        // several lines of code
        Ok(AuthChallenge   challenge, methods  )
Introduce Ok(()) at the end For functions returning Result<()>, you can write Ok(()). This is usual, but not ubiquitous, since sometimes you can omit it. Wrap the whole body If you don t have the return value in a variable, you can wrap the whole body of the function in Ok( ). Whether this is a good idea depends on how big and complex the body is.
    fn from_str(s: &str) -> std::result::Result<Self, Self::Err>  
        Ok(match s  
            "Authority" => RelayFlags::AUTHORITY,
            // many other branches
            _ => RelayFlags::empty(),
Omit the wrap when calling fallible sub-functions If your function wraps another function call of the same return and error type, you don t need to write the Ok at all. Instead, you can simply call the function and not apply ?. You can do this even if your function selects between a number of different sub-functions to call:
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result  
        if flags::unsafe_logging_enabled()  
            std::fmt::Display::fmt(&self.0, f)
But this doesn t work if the returned error type isn t the same, but needs the autoconversion implied by the ? operator. Convert a fallible sub-function error with Ok( ... ?) If the final thing a function does is chain to another fallible function, but with a different error type, the error must be converted somehow. This can be done with ?.
     fn try_from(v: i32) -> Result<Self, Error>  
Convert a fallible sub-function error with .map_err Or, rarely, people solve the same problem by converting explicitly with .map_err:
     pub fn create_unbootstrapped(self) -> Result<TorClient<R>>  
         // several lines of code
             // several parameters
What is to be done, then? The fehler library is in excellent taste and has the answer. With fehler: fehler provides: This is precisely correct. It is very ergonomic. Consequences include: Limitations of fehler But, fehler is a Rust procedural macro, so it cannot get everything right. Sadly there are some wrinkles. But, Rust-with-#[throws] is so much nicer a language than Rust-with-mandatory-Ok-wrapping, that these are minor inconveniences. Please can we have #[throws] in the Rust language This ought to be part of the language, not a macro library. In the compiler, it would be possible to get the all the corner cases right. It would make the feature available to everyone, and it would quickly become idiomatic Rust throughout the community. It is evident from reading writings from the time, particularly those from withoutboats, that there were significant objections to automatic Ok-wrapping. It seems to have become quite political, and some folks burned out on the topic. Perhaps, now, a couple of years later, we can revisit this area and solve this problem in the language itself ? Explicitness An argument I have seen made against automatic Ok-wrapping, and, in general, against any kind of useful language affordance, is that it makes things less explicit. But this argument is fundamentally wrong for Ok-wrapping. Explicitness is not an unalloyed good. We humans have only limited attention. We need to focus that attention where it is actually needed. So explicitness is good in situtions where what is going on is unusual; or would otherwise be hard to read; or is tricky or error-prone. Generally: explicitness is good for things where we need to direct humans attention. But Ok-wrapping is ubiquitous in fallible Rust code. The compiler mechanisms and type systems almost completely defend against mistakes. All but the most novice programmer knows what s going on, and the very novice programmer doesn t need to. Rust s error handling arrangments are designed specifically so that we can avoid worrying about fallibility unless necessary except for the Ok-wrapping. Explicitness about Ok-wrapping directs our attention away from whatever other things the code is doing: it is a distraction. So, explicitness about Ok-wrapping is a bad thing. Appendix - examples showning code with Ok wrapping is worse than code using #[throws] Observe these diffs, from my abandoned attempt to remove the fehler dependency from Hippotat. I have a type alias AE for the usual error type (AE stands for anyhow::Error). In the non-#[throws] code, I end up with a type alias AR<T> for Result<T, AE>, which I think is more opaque but at least that avoids typing out -> Result< , AE> a thousand times. Some people like to have a local Result alias, but that means that the standard Result has to be referred to as StdResult or std::result::Result.
With fehler and #[throws] Vanilla Rust, Result<>, mandatory Ok-wrapping

Return value clearer, error return less wordy:
impl Parseable for Secret impl Parseable for Secret
fn parse(s: Option<&str>) -> Self fn parse(s: Option<&str>) -> AR<Self>
let s = s.value()?; let s = s.value()?;
if s.is_empty() throw!(anyhow!( secret value cannot be empty )) if s.is_empty() return Err(anyhow!( secret value cannot be empty ))
Secret(s.into()) Ok(Secret(s.into()))
No need to wrap whole match statement in Ok( ):
pub fn client<T>(&self, key: & static str, skl: SKL) -> T pub fn client<T>(&self, key: & static str, skl: SKL) -> AR<T>
where T: Parseable + Default where T: Parseable + Default
match self.end Ok(match self.end
LinkEnd::Client => self.ordinary(key, skl)?, LinkEnd::Client => self.ordinary(key, skl)?,
LinkEnd::Server => default(), LinkEnd::Server => default(),
Return value and Ok(()) entirely replaced by #[throws]:
impl Display for Loc impl Display for Loc
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result
write!(f, :? : , &self.file, self.lno)?; write!(f, :? : , &self.file, self.lno)?;
if let Some(s) = &self.section if let Some(s) = &self.section
write!(f, )?; write!(f, )?;
Call to write! now looks the same as in more complex case shown above:
impl Debug for Secret impl Debug for Secret
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter)-> fmt::Result
write!(f, "Secret(***)")?; write!(f, "Secret(***)")
Much tiresome return Ok() noise removed:
impl FromStr for SectionName impl FromStr for SectionName
type Err = AE; type Err = AE;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Self fn from_str(s: &str) ->AR< Self>
match s match s
COMMON => return SN::Common, COMMON => return Ok(SN::Common),
LIMIT => return SN::GlobalLimit, LIMIT => return Ok(SN::GlobalLimit),
_ => _ =>
; ;
if let Ok(n@ ServerName(_)) = s.parse() return SN::Server(n) if let Ok(n@ ServerName(_)) = s.parse() return Ok(SN::Server(n))
if let Ok(n@ ClientName(_)) = s.parse() return SN::Client(n) if let Ok(n@ ClientName(_)) = s.parse() return Ok(SN::Client(n))
if client == LIMIT return SN::ServerLimit(server) if client == LIMIT return Ok(SN::ServerLimit(server))
let client = client.parse().context( client name in link section name )?; let client = client.parse().context( client name in link section name )?;
SN::Link(LinkName server, client ) Ok(SN::Link(LinkName server, client ))
edited 2022-12-18 19:58 UTC to improve, and 2022-12-18 23:28 to fix, formatting

comment count unavailable comments

16 November 2022

Antoine Beaupr : Wayland: i3 to Sway migration

I started migrating my graphical workstations to Wayland, specifically migrating from i3 to Sway. This is mostly to address serious graphics bugs in the latest Framwork laptop, but also something I felt was inevitable. The current status is that I've been able to convert my i3 configuration to Sway, and adapt my systemd startup sequence to the new environment. Screen sharing only works with Pipewire, so I also did that migration, which basically requires an upgrade to Debian bookworm to get a nice enough Pipewire release. I'm testing Wayland on my laptop, but I'm not using it as a daily driver because I first need to upgrade to Debian bookworm on my main workstation. Most irritants have been solved one way or the other. My main problem with Wayland right now is that I spent a frigging week doing the conversion: it's exciting and new, but it basically sucked the life out of all my other projects and it's distracting, and I want it to stop. The rest of this page documents why I made the switch, how it happened, and what's left to do. Hopefully it will keep you from spending as much time as I did in fixing this. TL;DR: Wayland is mostly ready. Main blockers you might find are that you need to do manual configurations, DisplayLink (multiple monitors on a single cable) doesn't work in Sway, HDR and color management are still in development. I had to install the following packages:
apt install \
    brightnessctl \
    foot \
    gammastep \
    gdm3 \
    grim slurp \
    pipewire-pulse \
    sway \
    swayidle \
    swaylock \
    wdisplays \
    wev \
    wireplumber \
    wlr-randr \
And did some of tweaks in my $HOME, mostly dealing with my esoteric systemd startup sequence, which you won't have to deal with if you are not a fan.

Why switch? I originally held back from migrating to Wayland: it seemed like a complicated endeavor hardly worth the cost. It also didn't seem actually ready. But after reading this blurb on LWN, I decided to at least document the situation here. The actual quote that convinced me it might be worth it was:
It s amazing. I have never experienced gaming on Linux that looked this smooth in my life.
... I'm not a gamer, but I do care about latency. The longer version is worth a read as well. The point here is not to bash one side or the other, or even do a thorough comparison. I start with the premise that Xorg is likely going away in the future and that I will need to adapt some day. In fact, the last major Xorg release (21.1, October 2021) is rumored to be the last ("just like the previous release...", that said, minor releases are still coming out, e.g. 21.1.4). Indeed, it seems even core Xorg people have moved on to developing Wayland, or at least Xwayland, which was spun off it its own source tree. X, or at least Xorg, in in maintenance mode and has been for years. Granted, the X Window System is getting close to forty years old at this point: it got us amazingly far for something that was designed around the time the first graphical interface. Since Mac and (especially?) Windows released theirs, they have rebuilt their graphical backends numerous times, but UNIX derivatives have stuck on Xorg this entire time, which is a testament to the design and reliability of X. (Or our incapacity at developing meaningful architectural change across the entire ecosystem, take your pick I guess.) What pushed me over the edge is that I had some pretty bad driver crashes with Xorg while screen sharing under Firefox, in Debian bookworm (around November 2022). The symptom would be that the UI would completely crash, reverting to a text-only console, while Firefox would keep running, audio and everything still working. People could still see my screen, but I couldn't, of course, let alone interact with it. All processes still running, including Xorg. (And no, sorry, I haven't reported that bug, maybe I should have, and it's actually possible it comes up again in Wayland, of course. But at first, screen sharing didn't work of course, so it's coming a much further way. After making screen sharing work, though, the bug didn't occur again, so I consider this a Xorg-specific problem until further notice.) There were also frustrating glitches in the UI, in general. I actually had to setup a compositor alongside i3 to make things bearable at all. Video playback in a window was laggy, sluggish, and out of sync. Wayland fixed all of this.

Wayland equivalents This section documents each tool I have picked as an alternative to the current Xorg tool I am using for the task at hand. It also touches on other alternatives and how the tool was configured. Note that this list is based on the series of tools I use in desktop. TODO: update desktop with the following when done, possibly moving old configs to a ?xorg archive.

Window manager: i3 sway This seems like kind of a no-brainer. Sway is around, it's feature-complete, and it's in Debian. I'm a bit worried about the "Drew DeVault community", to be honest. There's a certain aggressiveness in the community I don't like so much; at least an open hostility towards more modern UNIX tools like containers and systemd that make it hard to do my work while interacting with that community. I'm also concern about the lack of unit tests and user manual for Sway. The i3 window manager has been designed by a fellow (ex-)Debian developer I have a lot of respect for (Michael Stapelberg), partly because of i3 itself, but also working with him on other projects. Beyond the characters, i3 has a user guide, a code of conduct, and lots more documentation. It has a test suite. Sway has... manual pages, with the homepage just telling users to use man -k sway to find what they need. I don't think we need that kind of elitism in our communities, to put this bluntly. But let's put that aside: Sway is still a no-brainer. It's the easiest thing to migrate to, because it's mostly compatible with i3. I had to immediately fix those resources to get a minimal session going:
i3 Sway note
set_from_resources set no support for X resources, naturally
new_window pixel 1 default_border pixel 1 actually supported in i3 as well
That's it. All of the other changes I had to do (and there were actually a lot) were all Wayland-specific changes, not Sway-specific changes. For example, use brightnessctl instead of xbacklight to change the backlight levels. See a copy of my full sway/config for details. Other options include:
  • dwl: tiling, minimalist, dwm for Wayland, not in Debian
  • Hyprland: tiling, fancy animations, not in Debian
  • Qtile: tiling, extensible, in Python, not in Debian (1015267)
  • river: Zig, stackable, tagging, not in Debian (1006593)
  • velox: inspired by xmonad and dwm, not in Debian
  • vivarium: inspired by xmonad, not in Debian

Status bar: py3status waybar I have invested quite a bit of effort in setting up my status bar with py3status. It supports Sway directly, and did not actually require any change when migrating to Wayland. Unfortunately, I had trouble making nm-applet work. Based on this nm-applet.service, I found that you need to pass --indicator for it to show up at all. In theory, tray icon support was merged in 1.5, but in practice there are still several limitations, like icons not clickable. Also, on startup, nm-applet --indicator triggers this error in the Sway logs:
nov 11 22:34:12 angela sway[298938]: 00:49:42.325 [INFO] [swaybar/tray/host.c:24] Registering Status Notifier Item ':1.47/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/nm_applet'
nov 11 22:34:12 angela sway[298938]: 00:49:42.327 [ERROR] [swaybar/tray/item.c:127] :1.47/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/nm_applet IconPixmap: No such property  IconPixmap 
nov 11 22:34:12 angela sway[298938]: 00:49:42.327 [ERROR] [swaybar/tray/item.c:127] :1.47/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/nm_applet AttentionIconPixmap: No such property  AttentionIconPixmap 
nov 11 22:34:12 angela sway[298938]: 00:49:42.327 [ERROR] [swaybar/tray/item.c:127] :1.47/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/nm_applet ItemIsMenu: No such property  ItemIsMenu 
nov 11 22:36:10 angela sway[313419]: info: fcft.c:838: /usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf: size=24.00pt/32px, dpi=96.00
... but that seems innocuous. The tray icon displays but is not clickable. Note that there is currently (November 2022) a pull request to hook up a "Tray D-Bus Menu" which, according to Reddit might fix this, or at least be somewhat relevant. If you don't see the icon, check the bar.tray_output property in the Sway config, try: tray_output *. The non-working tray was the biggest irritant in my migration. I have used nmtui to connect to new Wifi hotspots or change connection settings, but that doesn't support actions like "turn off WiFi". I eventually fixed this by switching from py3status to waybar, which was another yak horde shaving session, but ultimately, it worked.

Web browser: Firefox Firefox has had support for Wayland for a while now, with the team enabling it by default in nightlies around January 2022. It's actually not easy to figure out the state of the port, the meta bug report is still open and it's huge: it currently (Sept 2022) depends on 76 open bugs, it was opened twelve (2010) years ago, and it's still getting daily updates (mostly linking to other tickets). Firefox 106 presumably shipped with "Better screen sharing for Windows and Linux Wayland users", but I couldn't quite figure out what those were. TL;DR: echo MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 >> ~/.config/environment.d/firefox.conf && apt install xdg-desktop-portal-wlr

How to enable it Firefox depends on this silly variable to start correctly under Wayland (otherwise it starts inside Xwayland and looks fuzzy and fails to screen share):
To make the change permanent, many recipes recommend adding this to an environment startup script:
if [ "$XDG_SESSION_TYPE" == "wayland" ]; then
At least that's the theory. In practice, Sway doesn't actually run any startup shell script, so that can't possibly work. Furthermore, XDG_SESSION_TYPE is not actually set when starting Sway from gdm3 which I find really confusing, and I'm not the only one. So the above trick doesn't actually work, even if the environment (XDG_SESSION_TYPE) is set correctly, because we don't have conditionals in environment.d(5). (Note that systemd.environment-generator(7) do support running arbitrary commands to generate environment, but for some some do not support user-specific configuration files... Even then it may be a solution to have a conditional MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND environment, but I'm not sure it would work because ordering between those two isn't clear: maybe the XDG_SESSION_TYPE wouldn't be set just yet...) At first, I made this ridiculous script to workaround those issues. Really, it seems to me Firefox should just parse the XDG_SESSION_TYPE variable here... but then I realized that Firefox works fine in Xorg when the MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND is set. So now I just set that variable in environment.d and It Just Works :

Screen sharing Out of the box, screen sharing doesn't work until you install xdg-desktop-portal-wlr or similar (e.g. xdg-desktop-portal-gnome on GNOME). I had to reboot for the change to take effect. Without those tools, it shows the usual permission prompt with "Use operating system settings" as the only choice, but when we accept... nothing happens. After installing the portals, it actualyl works, and works well! This was tested in Debian bookworm/testing with Firefox ESR 102 and Firefox 106. Major caveat: we can only share a full screen, we can't currently share just a window. The major upside to that is that, by default, it streams only one output which is actually what I want most of the time! See the screencast compatibility for more information on what is supposed to work. This is actually a huge improvement over the situation in Xorg, where Firefox can only share a window or all monitors, which led me to use Chromium a lot for video-conferencing. With this change, in other words, I will not need Chromium for anything anymore, whoohoo! If slurp, wofi, or bemenu are installed, one of them will be used to pick the monitor to share, which effectively acts as some minimal security measure. See xdg-desktop-portal-wlr(1) for how to configure that.

Side note: Chrome fails to share a full screen I was still using Google Chrome (or, more accurately, Debian's Chromium package) for some videoconferencing. It's mainly because Chromium was the only browser which will allow me to share only one of my two monitors, which is extremely useful. To start chrome with the Wayland backend, you need to use:
chromium  -enable-features=UseOzonePlatform -ozone-platform=wayland
If it shows an ugly gray border, check the Use system title bar and borders setting. It can do some screensharing. Sharing a window and a tab seems to work, but sharing a full screen doesn't: it's all black. Maybe not ready for prime time. And since Firefox can do what I need under Wayland now, I will not need to fight with Chromium to work under Wayland:
apt purge chromium
Note that a similar fix was necessary for Signal Desktop, see this commit. Basically you need to figure out a way to pass those same flags to signal:
--enable-features=WaylandWindowDecorations --ozone-platform-hint=auto

Email: notmuch See Emacs, below.

File manager: thunar Unchanged.

News: feed2exec, gnus See Email, above, or Emacs in Editor, below.

Editor: Emacs okay-ish Emacs is being actively ported to Wayland. According to this LWN article, the first (partial, to Cairo) port was done in 2014 and a working port (to GTK3) was completed in 2021, but wasn't merged until late 2021. That is: after Emacs 28 was released (April 2022). So we'll probably need to wait for Emacs 29 to have native Wayland support in Emacs, which, in turn, is unlikely to arrive in time for the Debian bookworm freeze. There are, however, unofficial builds for both Emacs 28 and 29 provided by spwhitton which may provide native Wayland support. I tested the snapshot packages and they do not quite work well enough. First off, they completely take over the builtin Emacs they hijack the $PATH in /etc! and certain things are simply not working in my setup. For example, this hook never gets ran on startup:
(add-hook 'after-init-hook 'server-start t) 
Still, like many X11 applications, Emacs mostly works fine under Xwayland. The clipboard works as expected, for example. Scaling is a bit of an issue: fonts look fuzzy. I have heard anecdotal evidence of hard lockups with Emacs running under Xwayland as well, but haven't experienced any problem so far. I did experience a Wayland crash with the snapshot version however. TODO: look again at Wayland in Emacs 29.

Backups: borg Mostly irrelevant, as I do not use a GUI.

Color theme: srcery, redshift gammastep I am keeping Srcery as a color theme, in general. Redshift is another story: it has no support for Wayland out of the box, but it's apparently possible to apply a hack on the TTY before starting Wayland, with:
redshift -m drm -PO 3000
This tip is from the arch wiki which also has other suggestions for Wayland-based alternatives. Both KDE and GNOME have their own "red shifters", and for wlroots-based compositors, they (currently, Sept. 2022) list the following alternatives: I configured gammastep with a simple gammastep.service file associated with the

Display manager: lightdm gdm3 Switched because lightdm failed to start sway:
nov 16 16:41:43 angela sway[843121]: 00:00:00.002 [ERROR] [wlr] [libseat] [common/terminal.c:162] Could not open target tty: Permission denied
Possible alternatives:

Terminal: xterm foot One of the biggest question mark in this transition was what to do about Xterm. After writing two articles about terminal emulators as a professional journalist, decades of working on the terminal, and probably using dozens of different terminal emulators, I'm still not happy with any of them. This is such a big topic that I actually have an entire blog post specifically about this. For starters, using xterm under Xwayland works well enough, although the font scaling makes things look a bit too fuzzy. I have also tried foot: it ... just works! Fonts are much crisper than Xterm and Emacs. URLs are not clickable but the URL selector (control-shift-u) is just plain awesome (think "vimperator" for the terminal). There's cool hack to jump between prompts. Copy-paste works. True colors work. The word-wrapping is excellent: it doesn't lose one byte. Emojis are nicely sized and colored. Font resize works. There's even scroll back search (control-shift-r). Foot went from a question mark to being a reason to switch to Wayland, just for this little goodie, which says a lot about the quality of that software. The selection clicks are a not quite what I would expect though. In rxvt and others, you have the following patterns:
  • single click: reset selection, or drag to select
  • double: select word
  • triple: select quotes or line
  • quadruple: select line
I particularly find the "select quotes" bit useful. It seems like foot just supports double and triple clicks, with word and line selected. You can select a rectangle with control,. It correctly extends the selection word-wise with right click if double-click was first used. One major problem with Foot is that it's a new terminal, with its own termcap entry. Support for foot was added to ncurses in the 20210731 release, which was shipped after the current Debian stable release (Debian bullseye, which ships 6.2+20201114-2). A workaround for this problem is to install the foot-terminfo package on the remote host, which is available in Debian stable. This should eventually resolve itself, as Debian bookworm has a newer version. Note that some corrections were also shipped in the 20211113 release, but that is also shipped in Debian bookworm. That said, I am almost certain I will have to revert back to xterm under Xwayland at some point in the future. Back when I was using GNOME Terminal, it would mostly work for everything until I had to use the serial console on a (HP ProCurve) network switch, which have a fancy TUI that was basically unusable there. I fully expect such problems with foot, or any other terminal than xterm, for that matter. The foot wiki has good troubleshooting instructions as well. Update: I did find one tiny thing to improve with foot, and it's the default logging level which I found pretty verbose. After discussing it with the maintainer on IRC, I submitted this patch to tweak it, which I described like this on Mastodon:
today's reason why i will go to hell when i die (TRWIWGTHWID?): a 600-word, 63 lines commit log for a one line change:
It's Friday.

Launcher: rofi rofi?? rofi does not support Wayland. There was a rather disgraceful battle in the pull request that led to the creation of a fork (lbonn/rofi), so it's unclear how that will turn out. Given how relatively trivial problem space is, there is of course a profusion of options:
Tool In Debian Notes
alfred yes general launcher/assistant tool
bemenu yes, bookworm+ inspired by dmenu
cerebro no Javascript ... uh... thing
dmenu-wl no fork of dmenu, straight port to Wayland
Fuzzel ITP 982140 dmenu/drun replacement, app icon overlay
gmenu no drun replacement, with app icons
kickoff no dmenu/run replacement, fuzzy search, "snappy", history, copy-paste, Rust
krunner yes KDE's runner
mauncher no dmenu/drun replacement, math
nwg-launchers no dmenu/drun replacement, JSON config, app icons, nwg-shell project
Onagre no rofi/alfred inspired, multiple plugins, Rust
menu no dmenu/drun rewrite
Rofi (lbonn's fork) no see above
sirula no .desktop based app launcher
Ulauncher ITP 949358 generic launcher like Onagre/rofi/alfred, might be overkill
tofi yes, bookworm+ dmenu/drun replacement, C
wmenu no fork of dmenu-wl, but mostly a rewrite
Wofi yes dmenu/drun replacement, not actively maintained
yofi no dmenu/drun replacement, Rust
The above list comes partly from and awesome-wayland. It is likely incomplete. I have read some good things about bemenu, fuzzel, and wofi. A particularly tricky option is that my rofi password management depends on xdotool for some operations. At first, I thought this was just going to be (thankfully?) impossible, because we actually like the idea that one app cannot send keystrokes to another. But it seems there are actually alternatives to this, like wtype or ydotool, the latter which requires root access. wl-ime-type does that through the input-method-unstable-v2 protocol (sample emoji picker, but is not packaged in Debian. As it turns out, wtype just works as expected, and fixing this was basically a two-line patch. Another alternative, not in Debian, is wofi-pass. The other problem is that I actually heavily modified rofi. I use "modis" which are not actually implemented in wofi or tofi, so I'm left with reinventing those wheels from scratch or using the rofi + wayland fork... It's really too bad that fork isn't being reintegrated... For now, I'm actually still using rofi under Xwayland. The main downside is that fonts are fuzzy, but it otherwise just works. Note that wlogout could be a partial replacement (just for the "power menu").

Image viewers: geeqie ? I'm not very happy with geeqie in the first place, and I suspect the Wayland switch will just make add impossible things on top of the things I already find irritating (Geeqie doesn't support copy-pasting images). In practice, Geeqie doesn't seem to work so well under Wayland. The fonts are fuzzy and the thumbnail preview just doesn't work anymore (filed as Debian bug 1024092). It seems it also has problems with scaling. Alternatives: See also this list and that list for other list of image viewers, not necessarily ported to Wayland. TODO: pick an alternative to geeqie, nomacs would be gorgeous if it wouldn't be basically abandoned upstream (no release since 2020), has an unpatched CVE-2020-23884 since July 2020, does bad vendoring, and is in bad shape in Debian (4 minor releases behind). So for now I'm still grumpily using Geeqie.

Media player: mpv, gmpc / sublime This is basically unchanged. mpv seems to work fine under Wayland, better than Xorg on my new laptop (as mentioned in the introduction), and that before the version which improves Wayland support significantly, by bringing native Pipewire support and DMA-BUF support. gmpc is more of a problem, mainly because it is abandoned. See 2022-08-22-gmpc-alternatives for the full discussion, one of the alternatives there will likely support Wayland. Finally, I might just switch to sublime-music instead... In any case, not many changes here, thankfully.

Screensaver: xsecurelock swaylock I was previously using xss-lock and xsecurelock as a screensaver, with xscreensaver "hacks" as a backend for xsecurelock. The basic screensaver in Sway seems to be built with swayidle and swaylock. It's interesting because it's the same "split" design as xss-lock and xsecurelock. That, unfortunately, does not include the fancy "hacks" provided by xscreensaver, and that is unlikely to be implemented upstream. Other alternatives include gtklock and waylock (zig), which do not solve that problem either. It looks like swaylock-plugin, a swaylock fork, which at least attempts to solve this problem, although not directly using the real xscreensaver hacks. swaylock-effects is another attempt at this, but it only adds more effects, it doesn't delegate the image display. Other than that, maybe it's time to just let go of those funky animations and just let swaylock do it's thing, which is display a static image or just a black screen, which is fine by me. In the end, I am just using swayidle with a configuration based on the systemd integration wiki page but with additional tweaks from this service, see the resulting swayidle.service file. Interestingly, damjan also has a service for swaylock itself, although it's not clear to me what its purpose is...

Screenshot: maim grim, pubpaste I'm a heavy user of maim (and a package uploader in Debian). It looks like the direct replacement to maim (and slop) is grim (and slurp). There's also swappy which goes on top of grim and allows preview/edit of the resulting image, nice touch (not in Debian though). See also awesome-wayland screenshots for other alternatives: there are many, including X11 tools like Flameshot that also support Wayland. One key problem here was that I have my own screenshot / pastebin software which will needed an update for Wayland as well. That, thankfully, meant actually cleaning up a lot of horrible code that involved calling xterm and xmessage for user interaction. Now, pubpaste uses GTK for prompts and looks much better. (And before anyone freaks out, I already had to use GTK for proper clipboard support, so this isn't much of a stretch...)

Screen recorder: simplescreenrecorder wf-recorder In Xorg, I have used both peek or simplescreenrecorder for screen recordings. The former will work in Wayland, but has no sound support. The latter has a fork with Wayland support but it is limited and buggy ("doesn't support recording area selection and has issues with multiple screens"). It looks like wf-recorder will just do everything correctly out of the box, including audio support (with --audio, duh). It's also packaged in Debian. One has to wonder how this works while keeping the "between app security" that Wayland promises, however... Would installing such a program make my system less secure? Many other options are available, see the awesome Wayland screencasting list.

RSI: workrave nothing? Workrave has no support for Wayland. activity watch is a time tracker alternative, but is not a RSI watcher. KDE has rsiwatcher, but that's a bit too much on the heavy side for my taste. SafeEyes looks like an alternative at first, but it has many issues under Wayland (escape doesn't work, idle doesn't work, it just doesn't work really). timekpr-next could be an alternative as well, and has support for Wayland. I am also considering just abandoning workrave, even if I stick with Xorg, because it apparently introduces significant latency in the input pipeline. And besides, I've developed a pretty unhealthy alert fatigue with Workrave. I have used the program for so long that my fingers know exactly where to click to dismiss those warnings very effectively. It makes my work just more irritating, and doesn't fix the fundamental problem I have with computers.

Other apps This is a constantly changing list, of course. There's a bit of a "death by a thousand cuts" in migrating to Wayland because you realize how many things you were using are tightly bound to X.
  • .Xresources - just say goodbye to that old resource system, it was used, in my case, only for rofi, xterm, and ... Xboard!?
  • keyboard layout switcher: built-in to Sway since 2017 (PR 1505, 1.5rc2+), requires a small configuration change, see this answer as well, looks something like this command:
     swaymsg input 0:0:X11_keyboard xkb_layout de
    or using this config:
     input *  
         xkb_layout "ca,us"
         xkb_options "grp:sclk_toggle"
    That works refreshingly well, even better than in Xorg, I must say. swaykbdd is an alternative that supports per-window layouts (in Debian).
  • wallpaper: currently using feh, will need a replacement, TODO: figure out something that does, like feh, a random shuffle. swaybg just loads a single image, duh. oguri might be a solution, but unmaintained, used here, not in Debian. wallutils is another option, also not in Debian. For now I just don't have a wallpaper, the background is a solid gray, which is better than Xorg's default (which is whatever crap was left around a buffer by the previous collection of programs, basically)
  • notifications: currently using dunst in some places, which works well in both Xorg and Wayland, not a blocker, salut a possible alternative (not in Debian), damjan uses mako. TODO: install dunst everywhere
  • notification area: I had trouble making nm-applet work. based on this nm-applet.service, I found that you need to pass --indicator. In theory, tray icon support was merged in 1.5, but in practice there are still several limitations, like icons not clickable. On startup, nm-applet --indicator triggers this error in the Sway logs:
     nov 11 22:34:12 angela sway[298938]: 00:49:42.325 [INFO] [swaybar/tray/host.c:24] Registering Status Notifier Item ':1.47/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/nm_applet'
     nov 11 22:34:12 angela sway[298938]: 00:49:42.327 [ERROR] [swaybar/tray/item.c:127] :1.47/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/nm_applet IconPixmap: No such property  IconPixmap 
     nov 11 22:34:12 angela sway[298938]: 00:49:42.327 [ERROR] [swaybar/tray/item.c:127] :1.47/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/nm_applet AttentionIconPixmap: No such property  AttentionIconPixmap 
     nov 11 22:34:12 angela sway[298938]: 00:49:42.327 [ERROR] [swaybar/tray/item.c:127] :1.47/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/nm_applet ItemIsMenu: No such property  ItemIsMenu 
     nov 11 22:36:10 angela sway[313419]: info: fcft.c:838: /usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf: size=24.00pt/32px, dpi=96.00
    ... but it seems innocuous. The tray icon displays but, as stated above, is not clickable. If you don't see the icon, check the bar.tray_output property in the Sway config, try: tray_output *. Note that there is currently (November 2022) a pull request to hook up a "Tray D-Bus Menu" which, according to Reddit might fix this, or at least be somewhat relevant. This was the biggest irritant in my migration. I have used nmtui to connect to new Wifi hotspots or change connection settings, but that doesn't support actions like "turn off WiFi". I eventually fixed this by switching from py3status to waybar.
  • window switcher: in i3 I was using this bespoke i3-focus script, which doesn't work under Sway, swayr an option, not in Debian. So I put together this other bespoke hack from multiple sources, which works.
  • PDF viewer: currently using atril (which supports Wayland), could also just switch to zatura/mupdf permanently, see also calibre for a discussion on document viewers
See also this list of useful addons and this other list for other app alternatives.

More X11 / Wayland equivalents For all the tools above, it's not exactly clear what options exist in Wayland, or when they do, which one should be used. But for some basic tools, it seems the options are actually quite clear. If that's the case, they should be listed here:
X11 Wayland In Debian
arandr wdisplays yes
autorandr kanshi yes
xdotool wtype yes
xev wev yes
xlsclients swaymsg -t get_tree yes
xrandr wlr-randr yes
lswt is a more direct replacement for xlsclients but is not packaged in Debian. See also: Note that arandr and autorandr are not directly part of X. refers to a few alternatives. We suggest wdisplays and kanshi above (see also this service file) but wallutils can also do the autorandr stuff, apparently, and nwg-displays can do the arandr part. Neither are packaged in Debian yet. So I have tried wdisplays and it Just Works, and well. The UI even looks better and more usable than arandr, so another clean win from Wayland here. TODO: test kanshi as a autorandr replacement

Other issues

systemd integration I've had trouble getting session startup to work. This is partly because I had a kind of funky system to start my session in the first place. I used to have my whole session started from .xsession like this:
. ~/.shenv
systemctl --user import-environment
exec systemctl --user start --wait
But obviously, the is not started by the Sway session. It seems to just start a, which is really not what we want because we want to associate the services directly with the, so that they don't start when logging in over (say) SSH. damjan on #debian-systemd showed me his sway-setup which features systemd integration. It involves starting a different session in a completely new .desktop file. That work was submitted upstream but refused on the grounds that "I'd rather not give a preference to any particular init system." Another PR was abandoned because "restarting sway does not makes sense: that kills everything". The work was therefore moved to the wiki. So. Not a great situation. The upstream wiki systemd integration suggests starting the systemd target from within Sway, which has all sorts of problems:
  • you don't get Sway logs anywhere
  • control groups are all messed up
I have done a lot of work trying to figure this out, but I remember that starting systemd from Sway didn't actually work for me: my previously configured systemd units didn't correctly start, and especially not with the right $PATH and environment. So I went down that rabbit hole and managed to correctly configure Sway to be started from the systemd --user session. I have partly followed the wiki but also picked ideas from damjan's sway-setup and xdbob's sway-services. Another option is uwsm (not in Debian). This is the config I have in .config/systemd/user/: I have also configured those services, but that's somewhat optional: You will also need at least part of my sway/config, which sends the systemd notification (because, no, Sway doesn't support any sort of readiness notification, that would be too easy). And you might like to see my swayidle-config while you're there. Finally, you need to hook this up somehow to the login manager. This is typically done with a desktop file, so drop sway-session.desktop in /usr/share/wayland-sessions and sway-user-service somewhere in your $PATH (typically /usr/bin/sway-user-service). The session then looks something like this:
$ systemd-cgls   head -101
Control group /:
 user.slice (#472)
    user.invocation_id: bc405c6341de4e93a545bde6d7abbeec
    trusted.invocation_id: bc405c6341de4e93a545bde6d7abbeec
   user-1000.slice (#10072)
      user.invocation_id: 08f40f5c4bcd4fd6adfd27bec24e4827
      trusted.invocation_id: 08f40f5c4bcd4fd6adfd27bec24e4827
     user@1000.service   (#10156)
        user.delegate: 1
        trusted.delegate: 1
        user.invocation_id: 76bed72a1ffb41dca9bfda7bb174ef6b
        trusted.invocation_id: 76bed72a1ffb41dca9bfda7bb174ef6b
       session.slice (#10282)
         xdg-document-portal.service (#12248)
           9533 /usr/libexec/xdg-document-portal
           9542 fusermount3 -o rw,nosuid,nodev,fsname=portal,auto_unmount,subt 
         xdg-desktop-portal.service (#12211)
           9529 /usr/libexec/xdg-desktop-portal
         pipewire-pulse.service (#10778)
           6002 /usr/bin/pipewire-pulse
         wireplumber.service (#10519)
           5944 /usr/bin/wireplumber
         gvfs-daemon.service (#10667)
           5960 /usr/libexec/gvfsd
         gvfs-udisks2-volume-monitor.service (#10852)
           6021 /usr/libexec/gvfs-udisks2-volume-monitor
         at-spi-dbus-bus.service (#11481)
           6210 /usr/libexec/at-spi-bus-launcher
           6216 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --config-file=/usr/share/defaults/at-spi2 
           6450 /usr/libexec/at-spi2-registryd --use-gnome-session
         pipewire.service (#10403)
           5940 /usr/bin/pipewire
         dbus.service (#10593)
           5946 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --session --address=systemd: --nofork --n 
       background.slice (#10324)
         tracker-miner-fs-3.service (#10741)
           6001 /usr/libexec/tracker-miner-fs-3
       app.slice (#10240)
         xdg-permission-store.service (#12285)
           9536 /usr/libexec/xdg-permission-store
         gammastep.service (#11370)
           6197 gammastep
         dunst.service (#11958)
           7460 /usr/bin/dunst
         wterminal.service (#13980)
           69100 foot --title pop-up
           69101 /bin/bash
           77660 sudo systemd-cgls
           77661 head -101
           77662 wl-copy
           77663 sudo systemd-cgls
           77664 systemd-cgls
         syncthing.service (#11995)
           7529 /usr/bin/syncthing -no-browser -no-restart -logflags=0 --verbo 
           7537 /usr/bin/syncthing -no-browser -no-restart -logflags=0 --verbo 
         dconf.service (#10704)
           5967 /usr/libexec/dconf-service
         gnome-keyring-daemon.service (#10630)
           5951 /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --foreground --components=pkcs11 
         gcr-ssh-agent.service (#10963)
           6035 /usr/libexec/gcr-ssh-agent /run/user/1000/gcr
         swayidle.service (#11444)
           6199 /usr/bin/swayidle -w
         nm-applet.service (#11407)
           6198 /usr/bin/nm-applet --indicator
         wcolortaillog.service (#11518)
           6226 foot colortaillog
           6228 /bin/sh /home/anarcat/bin/colortaillog
           6230 sudo journalctl -f
           6233 ccze -m ansi
           6235 sudo journalctl -f
           6236 journalctl -f
         afuse.service (#10889)
           6051 /usr/bin/afuse -o mount_template=sshfs -o transform_symlinks - 
         gpg-agent.service (#13547)
           51662 /usr/bin/gpg-agent --supervised
           51719 scdaemon --multi-server
         emacs.service (#10926)
            6034 /usr/bin/emacs --fg-daemon
           33203 /usr/bin/aspell -a -m -d en --encoding=utf-8
         xdg-desktop-portal-gtk.service (#12322)
           9546 /usr/libexec/xdg-desktop-portal-gtk
         xdg-desktop-portal-wlr.service (#12359)
           9555 /usr/libexec/xdg-desktop-portal-wlr
         sway.service (#11037)
           6037 /usr/bin/sway
           6181 swaybar -b bar-0
           6209 py3status
           6309 /usr/bin/i3status -c /tmp/py3status_oy4ntfnq
           6969 Xwayland :0 -rootless -terminate -core -listen 29 -listen 30 - 
       init.scope (#10198)
         5909 /lib/systemd/systemd --user
         5911 (sd-pam)
     session-7.scope (#10440)
       5895 gdm-session-worker [pam/gdm-password]
       6028 /usr/libexec/gdm-wayland-session --register-session sway-user-serv 
I think that's pretty neat.

Environment propagation At first, my terminals and rofi didn't have the right $PATH, which broke a lot of my workflow. It's hard to tell exactly how Wayland gets started or where to inject environment. This discussion suggests a few alternatives and this Debian bug report discusses this issue as well. I eventually picked environment.d(5) since I already manage my user session with systemd, and it fixes a bunch of other problems. I used to have a .shenv that I had to manually source everywhere. The only problem with that approach is that it doesn't support conditionals, but that's something that's rarely needed.

Pipewire This is a whole topic onto itself, but migrating to Wayland also involves using Pipewire if you want screen sharing to work. You can actually keep using Pulseaudio for audio, that said, but that migration is actually something I've wanted to do anyways: Pipewire's design seems much better than Pulseaudio, as it folds in JACK features which allows for pretty neat tricks. (Which I should probably show in a separate post, because this one is getting rather long.) I first tried this migration in Debian bullseye, and it didn't work very well. Ardour would fail to export tracks and I would get into weird situations where streams would just drop mid-way. A particularly funny incident is when I was in a meeting and I couldn't hear my colleagues speak anymore (but they could) and I went on blabbering on my own for a solid 5 minutes until I realized what was going on. By then, people had tried numerous ways of letting me know that something was off, including (apparently) coughing, saying "hello?", chat messages, IRC, and so on, until they just gave up and left. I suspect that was also a Pipewire bug, but it could also have been that I muted the tab by error, as I recently learned that clicking on the little tiny speaker icon on a tab mutes that tab. Since the tab itself can get pretty small when you have lots of them, it's actually quite frequently that I mistakenly mute tabs. Anyways. Point is: I already knew how to make the migration, and I had already documented how to make the change in Puppet. It's basically:
apt install pipewire pipewire-audio-client-libraries pipewire-pulse wireplumber 
Then, as a regular user:
systemctl --user daemon-reload
systemctl --user --now disable pulseaudio.service pulseaudio.socket
systemctl --user --now enable pipewire pipewire-pulse
systemctl --user mask pulseaudio
An optional (but key, IMHO) configuration you should also make is to "switch on connect", which will make your Bluetooth or USB headset automatically be the default route for audio, when connected. In ~/.config/pipewire/pipewire-pulse.conf.d/autoconnect.conf:
context.exec = [
      path = "pactl"        args = "load-module module-always-sink"  
      path = "pactl"        args = "load-module module-switch-on-connect"  
    #  path = "/usr/bin/sh"  args = "~/.config/pipewire/"  
See the excellent as usual Arch wiki page about Pipewire for that trick and more information about Pipewire. Note that you must not put the file in ~/.config/pipewire/pipewire.conf (or pipewire-pulse.conf, maybe) directly, as that will break your setup. If you want to add to that file, first copy the template from /usr/share/pipewire/pipewire-pulse.conf first. So far I'm happy with Pipewire in bookworm, but I've heard mixed reports from it. I have high hopes it will become the standard media server for Linux in the coming months or years, which is great because I've been (rather boldly, I admit) on the record saying I don't like PulseAudio. Rereading this now, I feel it might have been a little unfair, as "over-engineered and tries to do too many things at once" applies probably even more to Pipewire than PulseAudio (since it also handles video dispatching). That said, I think Pipewire took the right approach by implementing existing interfaces like Pulseaudio and JACK. That way we're not adding a third (or fourth?) way of doing audio in Linux; we're just making the server better.

Keypress drops Sometimes I lose keyboard presses. This correlates with the following warning from Sway:
d c 06 10:36:31 curie sway[343384]: 23:32:14.034 [ERROR] [wlr] [libinput] event5  - SONiX USB Keyboard: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 37ms, your system is too slow 
... and corresponds to an open bug report in Sway. It seems the "system is too slow" should really be "your compositor is too slow" which seems to be the case here on this older system (curie). It doesn't happen often, but it does happen, particularly when a bunch of busy processes start in parallel (in my case: a linter running inside a container and notmuch new). The proposed fix for this in Sway is to gain real time privileges and add the CAP_SYS_NICE capability to the binary. We'll see how that goes in Debian once 1.8 gets released and shipped.

Improvements over i3

Tiling improvements There's a lot of improvements Sway could bring over using plain i3. There are pretty neat auto-tilers that could replicate the configurations I used to have in Xmonad or Awesome, see:

Display latency tweaks TODO: You can tweak the display latency in wlroots compositors with the max_render_time parameter, possibly getting lower latency than X11 in the end.

Sound/brightness changes notifications TODO: Avizo can display a pop-up to give feedback on volume and brightness changes. Not in Debian. Other alternatives include SwayOSD and sway-nc, also not in Debian.

Debugging tricks The xeyes (in the x11-apps package) will run in Wayland, and can actually be used to easily see if a given window is also in Wayland. If the "eyes" follow the cursor, the app is actually running in xwayland, so not natively in Wayland. Another way to see what is using Wayland in Sway is with the command:
swaymsg -t get_tree

Other documentation

Conclusion In general, this took me a long time, but it mostly works. The tray icon situation is pretty frustrating, but there's a workaround and I have high hopes it will eventually fix itself. I'm also actually worried about the DisplayLink support because I eventually want to be using this, but hopefully that's another thing that will hopefully fix itself before I need it.

A word on the security model I'm kind of worried about all the hacks that have been added to Wayland just to make things work. Pretty much everywhere we need to, we punched a hole in the security model: Wikipedia describes the security properties of Wayland as it "isolates the input and output of every window, achieving confidentiality, integrity and availability for both." I'm not sure those are actually realized in the actual implementation, because of all those holes punched in the design, at least in Sway. For example, apparently the GNOME compositor doesn't have the virtual-keyboard protocol, but they do have (another?!) text input protocol. Wayland does offer a better basis to implement such a system, however. It feels like the Linux applications security model lacks critical decision points in the UI, like the user approving "yes, this application can share my screen now". Applications themselves might have some of those prompts, but it's not mandatory, and that is worrisome.

5 November 2022

Anuradha Weeraman: Getting started with Linkerd

If you ve done anything in the Kubernetes space in recent years, you ve most likely come across the words Service Mesh . It s backed by a set of mature technologies that provides cross-cutting networking, security, infrastructure capabilities to be used by workloads running in Kubernetes in a manner that is transparent to the actual workload. This abstraction enables application developers to not worry about building in otherwise sophisticated capabilities for networking, routing, circuit-breaking and security, and simply rely on the services offered by the service mesh.In this post, I ll be covering Linkerd, which is an alternative to Istio. It has gone through a significant re-write when it transitioned from the JVM to a Go-based Control Plane and a Rust-based Data Plane a few years back and is now a part of the CNCF and is backed by Buoyant. It has proven itself widely for use in production workloads and has a healthy community and release cadence.It achieves this with a side-car container that communicates with a Linkerd control plane that allows central management of policy, telemetry, mutual TLS, traffic routing, shaping, retries, load balancing, circuit-breaking and other cross-cutting concerns before the traffic hits the container. This has made the task of implementing the application services much simpler as it is managed by container orchestrator and service mesh. I covered Istio in a prior post a few years back, and much of the content is still applicable for this post, if you d like to have a look.Here are the broad architectural components of Linkerd:
The components are separated into the control plane and the data plane.The control plane components live in its own namespace and consists of a controller that the Linkerd CLI interacts with via the Kubernetes API. The destination service is used for service discovery, TLS identity, policy on access control for inter-service communication and service profile information on routing, retries, timeouts. The identity service acts as the Certificate Authority which responds to Certificate Signing Requests (CSRs) from proxies for initialization and for service-to-service encrypted traffic. The proxy injector is an admission webhook that injects the Linkerd proxy side car and the init container automatically into a pod when the enabled is available on the namespace or workload.On the data plane side are two components. First, the init container, which is responsible for automatically forwarding incoming and outgoing traffic through the Linkerd proxy via iptables rules. Second, the Linkerd proxy, which is a lightweight micro-proxy written in Rust, is the data plane itself.I will be walking you through the setup of Linkerd (2.12.2 at the time of writing) on a Kubernetes cluster.Let s see what s running on the cluster currently. This assumes you have a cluster running and kubectl is installed and available on the PATH.
$ kubectl get pods -A
kube-system calico-kube-controllers-59697b644f-7fsln 1/1 Running 2 (119m ago) 7d
kube-system calico-node-6ptsh 1/1 Running 2 (119m ago) 7d
kube-system calico-node-7x5j8 1/1 Running 2 (119m ago) 7d
kube-system calico-node-qlnf6 1/1 Running 2 (119m ago) 7d
kube-system coredns-565d847f94-79jlw 1/1 Running 2 (119m ago) 7d
kube-system coredns-565d847f94-fqwn4 1/1 Running 2 (119m ago) 7d
kube-system etcd-k8s-master 1/1 Running 2 (119m ago) 7d
kube-system kube-apiserver-k8s-master 1/1 Running 2 (119m ago) 7d
kube-system kube-controller-manager-k8s-master 1/1 Running 2 (119m ago) 7d
kube-system kube-proxy-4n9b7 1/1 Running 2 (119m ago) 7d
kube-system kube-proxy-k4rzv 1/1 Running 2 (119m ago) 7d
kube-system kube-proxy-lz2dd 1/1 Running 2 (119m ago) 7d
kube-system kube-scheduler-k8s-master 1/1 Running 2 (119m ago) 7d
The first step would be to setup the Linkerd CLI:
$ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSfL   sh
On most systems, this should be sufficient to setup the CLI. You may need to restart your terminal to load the updated paths. If you have a non-standard configuration and linkerd is not found after the installation, add the following to your PATH to be able to find the cli:
export PATH=$PATH:~/.linkerd2/bin/
At this point, checking the version would give you the following:
$ linkerd version
Client version: stable-2.12.2
Server version: unavailable
Setting up Linkerd Control PlaneBefore installing Linkerd on the cluster, run the following step to check the cluster for pre-requisites:
$ linkerd check --pre
Linkerd core checks
can initialize the client
can query the Kubernetes API
is running the minimum Kubernetes API version
is running the minimum kubectl version
control plane namespace does not already exist
can create non-namespaced resources
can create ServiceAccounts
can create Services
can create Deployments
can create CronJobs
can create ConfigMaps
can create Secrets
can read Secrets
can read extension-apiserver-authentication configmap
no clock skew detected
can determine the latest version
cli is up-to-date
Status check results are  
All the pre-requisites appear to be good right now, and so installation can proceed.The first step of the installation is to setup the Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) that Linkerd requires. The linkerd cli only prints the resource YAMLs to standard output and does not create them directly in Kubernetes, so you would need to pipe the output to kubectl apply to create the resources in the cluster that you re working with.
$ linkerd install --crds   kubectl apply -f -
Rendering Linkerd CRDs...
Next, run linkerd install kubectl apply -f - to install the control plane. created created created created created created created
Next, install the Linkerd control plane components in the same manner, this time without the crds switch:
$ linkerd install   kubectl apply -f -       
namespace/linkerd created created created
serviceaccount/linkerd-identity created created created
serviceaccount/linkerd-destination created
secret/linkerd-sp-validator-k8s-tls created created
secret/linkerd-policy-validator-k8s-tls created created created created created created created created
serviceaccount/linkerd-heartbeat created created created
serviceaccount/linkerd-proxy-injector created
secret/linkerd-proxy-injector-k8s-tls created created
configmap/linkerd-config created
secret/linkerd-identity-issuer created
configmap/linkerd-identity-trust-roots created
service/linkerd-identity created
service/linkerd-identity-headless created
deployment.apps/linkerd-identity created
service/linkerd-dst created
service/linkerd-dst-headless created
service/linkerd-sp-validator created
service/linkerd-policy created
service/linkerd-policy-validator created
deployment.apps/linkerd-destination created
cronjob.batch/linkerd-heartbeat created
deployment.apps/linkerd-proxy-injector created
service/linkerd-proxy-injector created
secret/linkerd-config-overrides created
Kubernetes will start spinning up the data plane components and you should see the following when you list the pods:
$ kubectl get pods -A
linkerd linkerd-destination-67b9cc8749-xqcbx 4/4 Running 0 69s
linkerd linkerd-identity-59b46789cc-ntfcx 2/2 Running 0 69s
linkerd linkerd-proxy-injector-7fc85556bf-vnvw6 1/2 Running 0 69s
The components are running in the new linkerd namespace.To verify the setup, run a check:
$ linkerd check
Linkerd core checks
can initialize the client
can query the Kubernetes API
is running the minimum Kubernetes API version
is running the minimum kubectl version
'linkerd-config' config map exists
heartbeat ServiceAccount exist
control plane replica sets are ready
no unschedulable pods
control plane pods are ready
cluster networks contains all pods
cluster networks contains all services
control plane Namespace exists
control plane ClusterRoles exist
control plane ClusterRoleBindings exist
control plane ServiceAccounts exist
control plane CustomResourceDefinitions exist
control plane MutatingWebhookConfigurations exist
control plane ValidatingWebhookConfigurations exist
proxy-init container runs as root user if docker container runtime is used
certificate config is valid
trust anchors are using supported crypto algorithm
trust anchors are within their validity period
trust anchors are valid for at least 60 days
issuer cert is using supported crypto algorithm
issuer cert is within its validity period
issuer cert is valid for at least 60 days
issuer cert is issued by the trust anchor
proxy-injector webhook has valid cert
proxy-injector cert is valid for at least 60 days
sp-validator webhook has valid cert
sp-validator cert is valid for at least 60 days
policy-validator webhook has valid cert
policy-validator cert is valid for at least 60 days
can determine the latest version
cli is up-to-date
can retrieve the control plane version
control plane is up-to-date
control plane and cli versions match
control plane proxies are healthy
control plane proxies are up-to-date
control plane proxies and cli versions match
Status check results are  
Everything looks good.Setting up the Viz ExtensionAt this point, the required components for the service mesh are setup, but let s also install the viz extension, which provides a good visualization capabilities that will come in handy subsequently. Once again, linkerd uses the same pattern for installing the extension.
$ linkerd viz install   kubectl apply -f -
namespace/linkerd-viz created created created
serviceaccount/metrics-api created created created
serviceaccount/prometheus created created created created created
serviceaccount/tap created created
secret/tap-k8s-tls created created created created created created created created created
serviceaccount/web created created created created created created
service/metrics-api created
deployment.apps/metrics-api created created created created
configmap/prometheus-config created
service/prometheus created
deployment.apps/prometheus created
service/tap created
deployment.apps/tap created created created created created
serviceaccount/tap-injector created
secret/tap-injector-k8s-tls created created
service/tap-injector created
deployment.apps/tap-injector created created created created
service/web created
deployment.apps/web created created created
A few seconds later, you should see the following in your pod list:
$ kubectl get pods -A
linkerd-viz prometheus-b5865f776-w5ssf 1/2 Running 0 35s
linkerd-viz tap-64f5c8597b-rqgbk 2/2 Running 0 35s
linkerd-viz tap-injector-7c75cfff4c-wl9mx 2/2 Running 0 34s
linkerd-viz web-8c444745-jhzr5 2/2 Running 0 34s
The viz components live in the linkerd-viz namespace.You can now checkout the viz dashboard:
$ linkerd viz dashboard
Linkerd dashboard available at:
Grafana dashboard available at:
Opening Linkerd dashboard in the default browser
Opening in existing browser session.
The Meshed column indicates the workload that is currently integrated with the Linkerd control plane. As you can see, there are no application deployments right now that are running.Injecting the Linkerd Data Plane componentsThere are two ways to integrate Linkerd to the application containers:1 by manually injecting the Linkerd data plane components
2 by instructing Kubernetes to automatically inject the data plane componentsInject Linkerd data plane manuallyLet s try the first option. Below is a simple nginx-app that I will deploy into the cluster:
$ cat deploy.yaml 
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: nginx-deployment
app: nginx
replicas: 2
app: nginx
- name: nginx
image: nginx:latest
- containerPort: 80
$ kubectl apply -f deploy.yaml
Back in the viz dashboard, I do see the workload deployed, but it isn t currently communicating with the Linkerd control plane, and so doesn t show any metrics, and the Meshed count is 0:
Looking at the Pod s deployment YAML, I can see that it only includes the nginx container:
$ kubectl get pod nginx-deployment-cd55c47f5-cgxw2 -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
annotations: aee0295dda906f7935ce5c150ae30360005f5330e98c75a550b7cc0d1532f529
creationTimestamp: "2022-11-05T19:35:12Z"
generateName: nginx-deployment-cd55c47f5-
app: nginx
pod-template-hash: cd55c47f5
name: nginx-deployment-cd55c47f5-cgxw2
namespace: default
- apiVersion: apps/v1
blockOwnerDeletion: true
controller: true
kind: ReplicaSet
name: nginx-deployment-cd55c47f5
uid: b604f5c4-f662-4333-aaa0-bd1a2b8b08c6
resourceVersion: "22979"
uid: 8fe30214-491b-4753-9fb2-485b6341376c
- image: nginx:latest
imagePullPolicy: Always
name: nginx
- containerPort: 80
protocol: TCP
terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
terminationMessagePolicy: File
- mountPath: /var/run/secrets/
name: kube-api-access-2bt6z
readOnly: true
dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
enableServiceLinks: true
nodeName: k8s-node1
preemptionPolicy: PreemptLowerPriority
priority: 0
restartPolicy: Always
schedulerName: default-scheduler
serviceAccount: default
serviceAccountName: default
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
- effect: NoExecute
operator: Exists
tolerationSeconds: 300
- effect: NoExecute
operator: Exists
tolerationSeconds: 300
- name: kube-api-access-2bt6z
defaultMode: 420
- serviceAccountToken:
expirationSeconds: 3607
path: token
- configMap:
- key: ca.crt
path: ca.crt
name: kube-root-ca.crt
- downwardAPI:
- fieldRef:
apiVersion: v1
fieldPath: metadata.namespace
path: namespace
- lastProbeTime: null
lastTransitionTime: "2022-11-05T19:35:12Z"
status: "True"
type: Initialized
- lastProbeTime: null
lastTransitionTime: "2022-11-05T19:35:16Z"
status: "True"
type: Ready
- lastProbeTime: null
lastTransitionTime: "2022-11-05T19:35:16Z"
status: "True"
type: ContainersReady
- lastProbeTime: null
lastTransitionTime: "2022-11-05T19:35:13Z"
status: "True"
type: PodScheduled
- containerID: containerd://f088f200315b44cbeed16499aba9b2d1396f9f81645e53b032d4bfa44166128a
name: nginx
ready: true
restartCount: 0
started: true
startedAt: "2022-11-05T19:35:15Z"
phase: Running
- ip:
qosClass: BestEffort
startTime: "2022-11-05T19:35:12Z"
Let s directly inject the linkerd data plane into this running container. We do this by retrieving the YAML of the deployment, piping it to linkerd cli to inject the necessary components and then piping to kubectl apply the changed resources.
$ kubectl get deploy nginx-deployment -o yaml   linkerd inject -   kubectl apply -f -
deployment "nginx-deployment" injected
deployment.apps/nginx-deployment configured
Back in the viz dashboard, the workload now is integrated into Linkerd control plane.
Looking at the updated Pod definition, we see a number of changes that the linkerd has injected that allows it to integrate with the control plane. Let s have a look:
$ kubectl get pod nginx-deployment-858bdd545b-55jpf -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
annotations: 1ec3d345f859be8ead0374a7e880bcfdb9ba74a121b220a6fccbd342ac4b7ea8 linkerd/proxy-injector stable-2.12.2 enabled stable-2.12.2 354fe6f49331e8e03d8fb07808e00a3e145d2661181cbfec7777b41051dc8e22 "true"
creationTimestamp: "2022-11-05T19:44:15Z"
generateName: nginx-deployment-858bdd545b-
app: nginx linkerd nginx-deployment default
pod-template-hash: 858bdd545b
name: nginx-deployment-858bdd545b-55jpf
namespace: default
- apiVersion: apps/v1
blockOwnerDeletion: true
controller: true
kind: ReplicaSet
name: nginx-deployment-858bdd545b
uid: 2e618972-aa10-4e35-a7dd-084853673a80
resourceVersion: "23820"
uid: 62f1857a-b701-4a19-8996-b5b605ff8488
- env:
- name: _pod_name
apiVersion: v1
- name: _pod_ns
apiVersion: v1
fieldPath: metadata.namespace
- name: _pod_nodeName
apiVersion: v1
fieldPath: spec.nodeName
value: warn,linkerd=info
value: plain
value: linkerd-dst-headless.linkerd.svc.cluster.local.:8086
value: linkerd-policy.linkerd.svc.cluster.local.:8090
value: $(_pod_ns):$(_pod_name)
value: all-unauthenticated
value: 100ms
value: 1000ms
apiVersion: v1
fieldPath: status.podIPs
value: "80"
value: svc.cluster.local.
value: 10000ms
value: 10000ms
value: 25,587,3306,4444,5432,6379,9300,11211
"ns":"$(_pod_ns)", "nodeName":"$(_pod_nodeName)"
- name: _pod_sa
apiVersion: v1
fieldPath: spec.serviceAccountName
- name: _l5d_ns
value: linkerd
- name: _l5d_trustdomain
value: cluster.local
value: /var/run/linkerd/identity/end-entity
value: /var/run/secrets/tokens/linkerd-identity-token
value: linkerd-identity-headless.linkerd.svc.cluster.local.:8080
value: $(_pod_sa).$(_pod_ns).serviceaccount.identity.linkerd.cluster.local
value: linkerd-identity.linkerd.serviceaccount.identity.linkerd.cluster.local
value: linkerd-destination.linkerd.serviceaccount.identity.linkerd.cluster.local
value: linkerd-destination.linkerd.serviceaccount.identity.linkerd.cluster.local
value: tap.linkerd-viz.serviceaccount.identity.linkerd.cluster.local
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- /usr/lib/linkerd/linkerd-await
- --timeout=2m
failureThreshold: 3
path: /live
port: 4191
scheme: HTTP
initialDelaySeconds: 10
periodSeconds: 10
successThreshold: 1
timeoutSeconds: 1
name: linkerd-proxy
- containerPort: 4143
name: linkerd-proxy
protocol: TCP
- containerPort: 4191
name: linkerd-admin
protocol: TCP
failureThreshold: 3
path: /ready
port: 4191
scheme: HTTP
initialDelaySeconds: 2
periodSeconds: 10
successThreshold: 1
timeoutSeconds: 1
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
runAsUser: 2102
terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
terminationMessagePolicy: FallbackToLogsOnError
- mountPath: /var/run/linkerd/identity/end-entity
name: linkerd-identity-end-entity
- mountPath: /var/run/secrets/tokens
name: linkerd-identity-token
- mountPath: /var/run/secrets/
name: kube-api-access-9zpnn
readOnly: true
- image: nginx:latest
imagePullPolicy: Always
name: nginx
- containerPort: 80
protocol: TCP
terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
terminationMessagePolicy: File
- mountPath: /var/run/secrets/
name: kube-api-access-9zpnn
readOnly: true
dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
enableServiceLinks: true
- args:
- --incoming-proxy-port
- "4143"
- --outgoing-proxy-port
- "4140"
- --proxy-uid
- "2102"
- --inbound-ports-to-ignore
- 4190,4191,4567,4568
- --outbound-ports-to-ignore
- 4567,4568
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
name: linkerd-init
cpu: 100m
memory: 20Mi
cpu: 100m
memory: 20Mi
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
privileged: false
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
runAsNonRoot: true
runAsUser: 65534
terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
terminationMessagePolicy: FallbackToLogsOnError
- mountPath: /run
name: linkerd-proxy-init-xtables-lock
- mountPath: /var/run/secrets/
name: kube-api-access-9zpnn
readOnly: true
nodeName: k8s-node1
preemptionPolicy: PreemptLowerPriority
priority: 0
restartPolicy: Always
schedulerName: default-scheduler
serviceAccount: default
serviceAccountName: default
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
- effect: NoExecute
operator: Exists
tolerationSeconds: 300
- effect: NoExecute
operator: Exists
tolerationSeconds: 300
- name: kube-api-access-9zpnn
defaultMode: 420
- serviceAccountToken:
expirationSeconds: 3607
path: token
- configMap:
- key: ca.crt
path: ca.crt
name: kube-root-ca.crt
- downwardAPI:
- fieldRef:
apiVersion: v1
fieldPath: metadata.namespace
path: namespace
- emptyDir:
name: linkerd-proxy-init-xtables-lock
- emptyDir:
medium: Memory
name: linkerd-identity-end-entity
- name: linkerd-identity-token
defaultMode: 420
- serviceAccountToken:
expirationSeconds: 86400
path: linkerd-identity-token
- lastProbeTime: null
lastTransitionTime: "2022-11-05T19:44:16Z"
status: "True"
type: Initialized
- lastProbeTime: null
lastTransitionTime: "2022-11-05T19:44:19Z"
status: "True"
type: Ready
- lastProbeTime: null
lastTransitionTime: "2022-11-05T19:44:19Z"
status: "True"
type: ContainersReady
- lastProbeTime: null
lastTransitionTime: "2022-11-05T19:44:15Z"
status: "True"
type: PodScheduled
- containerID: containerd://62028867c48aaa726df48249a27c52cd8820cd33e8e5695ad0d322540924754e
name: linkerd-proxy
ready: true
restartCount: 0
started: true
startedAt: "2022-11-05T19:44:16Z"
- containerID: containerd://8f8ce663c19360a7b6868ace68a4a5119f0b18cd57ffebcc2d19331274038381
name: nginx
ready: true
restartCount: 0
started: true
startedAt: "2022-11-05T19:44:19Z"
- containerID: containerd://c0417ea9c8418ab296bf86077e81c5d8be06fe9b87390c138d1c5d7b73cc577c
name: linkerd-init
ready: true
restartCount: 0
containerID: containerd://c0417ea9c8418ab296bf86077e81c5d8be06fe9b87390c138d1c5d7b73cc577c
exitCode: 0
finishedAt: "2022-11-05T19:44:16Z"
reason: Completed
startedAt: "2022-11-05T19:44:15Z"
phase: Running
- ip:
qosClass: Burstable
startTime: "2022-11-05T19:44:15Z"
At this point, the necessary components are setup for you to explore Linkerd further. You can also try out the jaeger and multicluster extensions, similar to the process of installing and using the viz extension and try out their capabilities.Inject Linkerd data plane automaticallyIn this approach, we shall we how to instruct Kubernetes to automatically inject the Linkerd data plane to workloads at deployment time.We can achieve this by adding the annotation to the deployment descriptor which causes the proxy injector admission hook to execute and inject linkerd data plane components automatically at the time of deployment.
$ cat deploy.yaml 
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: nginx-deployment
app: nginx
replicas: 2
app: nginx
annotations: enabled
- name: nginx
image: nginx:latest
- containerPort: 80
This annotation can also be specified at the namespace level to affect all the workloads within the namespace. Note that any resources created before the annotation was added to the namespace will require a rollout restart to trigger the injection of the Linkerd components.Uninstalling LinkerdNow that we have walked through the installation and setup process of Linkerd, let s also cover how to remove it from the infrastructure and go back to the state prior to its installation.The first step would be to remove extensions, such as viz.
$ linkerd viz uninstall   kubectl delete -f - "linkerd-linkerd-viz-metrics-api" deleted "linkerd-linkerd-viz-prometheus" deleted "linkerd-linkerd-viz-tap" deleted "linkerd-linkerd-viz-tap-admin" deleted "linkerd-linkerd-viz-web-api" deleted "linkerd-linkerd-viz-web-check" deleted "linkerd-tap-injector" deleted "linkerd-linkerd-viz-metrics-api" deleted "linkerd-linkerd-viz-prometheus" deleted "linkerd-linkerd-viz-tap" deleted "linkerd-linkerd-viz-tap-auth-delegator" deleted "linkerd-linkerd-viz-web-admin" deleted "linkerd-linkerd-viz-web-api" deleted "linkerd-linkerd-viz-web-check" deleted "linkerd-tap-injector" deleted "web" deleted "linkerd-linkerd-viz-tap-auth-reader" deleted "web" deleted "" deleted "linkerd-tap-injector-webhook-config" deleted
namespace "linkerd-viz" deleted "admin" deleted "metrics-api" deleted "proxy-admin" deleted "tap" deleted "tap-injector" deleted "admin" deleted "metrics-api" deleted "proxy-admin" deleted "tap-api" deleted "tap-injector-webhook" deleted
In order to uninstall the control plane, you would need to first uninject the Linkerd control plane components from any existing running pods by:
$ kubectl get deployments
nginx-deployment 2/2 2 2 10m
$ kubectl get deployment nginx-deployment -o yaml   linkerd uninject -   kubectl apply -f -
deployment "nginx-deployment" uninjected
deployment.apps/nginx-deployment configured
Now you can delete the control plane.
$ linkerd uninstall   kubectl delete -f - "linkerd-heartbeat" deleted "linkerd-linkerd-destination" deleted "linkerd-linkerd-identity" deleted "linkerd-linkerd-proxy-injector" deleted "linkerd-policy" deleted "linkerd-destination-policy" deleted "linkerd-heartbeat" deleted "linkerd-linkerd-destination" deleted "linkerd-linkerd-identity" deleted "linkerd-linkerd-proxy-injector" deleted "linkerd-heartbeat" deleted "linkerd-heartbeat" deleted "" deleted "" deleted "" deleted "" deleted "" deleted "" deleted "" deleted "linkerd-proxy-injector-webhook-config" deleted "linkerd-policy-validator-webhook-config" deleted "linkerd-sp-validator-webhook-config" deleted
namespace "linkerd" deleted
At this point we re back to the original state:
$ kubectl get pods -A
default nginx-deployment-cd55c47f5-99xf2 1/1 Running 0 82s
default nginx-deployment-cd55c47f5-tt58t 1/1 Running 0 86s
kube-system calico-kube-controllers-59697b644f-7fsln 1/1 Running 2 (3h39m ago) 7d1h
kube-system calico-node-6ptsh 1/1 Running 2 (3h39m ago) 7d1h
kube-system calico-node-7x5j8 1/1 Running 2 (3h39m ago) 7d1h
kube-system calico-node-qlnf6 1/1 Running 2 (3h39m ago) 7d1h
kube-system coredns-565d847f94-79jlw 1/1 Running 2 (3h39m ago) 7d2h
kube-system coredns-565d847f94-fqwn4 1/1 Running 2 (3h39m ago) 7d2h
kube-system etcd-k8s-master 1/1 Running 2 (3h39m ago) 7d2h
kube-system kube-apiserver-k8s-master 1/1 Running 2 (3h39m ago) 7d2h
kube-system kube-controller-manager-k8s-master 1/1 Running 2 (3h39m ago) 7d2h
kube-system kube-proxy-4n9b7 1/1 Running 2 (3h39m ago) 7d2h
kube-system kube-proxy-k4rzv 1/1 Running 2 (3h39m ago) 7d2h
kube-system kube-proxy-lz2dd 1/1 Running 2 (3h39m ago) 7d2h
kube-system kube-scheduler-k8s-master 1/1 Running 2 (3h39m ago) 7d2h
I hope you find this useful to get you started on your journey with Linkerd. Head on over to the docs for more information, guides and best practices.

14 October 2022

Shirish Agarwal: Dowry, Racism, Railways

Dowry Few days back, had posted about the movie Raksha Bandhan and whatever I felt about it. Sadly, just couple of days back, somebody shared this link. Part of me was shocked and part of me was not. Couple of acquaintances of mine in the past had said the same thing for their daughters. And in such situations you are generally left speechless because you don t know what the right thing to do is. If he has shared it with you being an outsider, how many times he must have told the same to their wife and daughters? And from what little I have gathered in life, many people have justified it on similar lines. And while the protests were there, sadly the book was not removed. Now if nurses are reading such literature, how their thought process might be forming, you can tell :(. And these are the ones whom we call for when we are sick and tired :(. And I have not taken into account how the girls/women themselves might be feeling. There are similar things in another country but probably not the same, nor the same motivations though although feeling helplessness in both would be a common thing. But such statements are not alone. Another gentleman in slightly different context shared this as well
The above is a statement shared in a book recommended for CTET (Central Teacher s Eligibility Test that became mandatory to be taken as the RTE (Right To Education) Act came in.). The statement says People from cold places are white, beautiful, well-built, healthy and wise. And people from hot places are black, irritable and of violent nature. Now while I can agree with one part of the statement that people residing in colder regions are more fair than others but there are loads of other factors that determine fairness or skin color/skin pigmentation. After a bit of search came to know that this and similar articulation have been made in an idea/work called Environmental Determinism . Now if you look at that page, you would realize this was what colonialism is and was all about. The idea that the white man had god-given right to rule over others. Similarly, if you are fair, you can lord over others. Seems simplistic, but yet it has a powerful hold on many people in India. Forget the common man, this thinking is and was applicable to some of our better-known Freedom fighters. Pune s own Bal Gangadhar Tilak The Artic Home to the Vedas. It sort of talks about Aryans and how they invaded India and became settled here. I haven t read or have access to the book so have to rely on third-party sources. The reason I m sharing all this is that the right-wing has been doing this myth-making for sometime now and unless and until you put a light on it, it will continue to perpetuate  . For those who have read this blog, do know that India is and has been in casteism from ever. They even took the fair comment and applied it to all Brahmins. According to them, all Brahmins are fair and hence have god-given right to lord over others. What is called the Eton boy s network serves the same in this casteism. The only solution is those idea under limelight and investigate. To take the above, how does one prove that all fair people are wise and peaceful while all people black and brown are violent. If that is so, how does one count for Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Junior, Nelson Mandela, Michael Jackson the list is probably endless. And not to forget that when Mahatma Gandhiji did his nonviolent movements either in India or in South Africa, both black and brown people in millions took part. Similar examples of Martin Luther King Jr. I know and read of so many non-violent civl movements that took place in the U.S. For e.g. Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott. So just based on these examples, one can conclude that at least the part about the fair having exclusive rights to being fair and noble is not correct. Now as far as violence goes, while every race, every community has had done violence in the past or been a victim of the same. So no one is and can be blameless, although in light of the above statement, the question can argumentated as to who were the Vikings? Both popular imagination and serious history shares stories about Vikings. The Vikings were somewhat nomadic in nature even though they had permanent settlements but even then they went on raids, raped women, captured both men and women and sold them at slaves. So they are what pirates came to be, but not the kind Hollywood romanticizes about. Europe in itself has been a tale in conflict since time immemorial. It is only after the formation of EU that most of these countries stopped fighting each other From a historical point perspective, it is too new. So even the part of fair being non-violent dies in face of this evidence. I could go on but this is enough on that topic.

Railways and Industrial Action around the World. While I have shared about Railways so many times on this blog, it continues to fascinate me that how people don t understand the first things about Railways. For e.g. Railways is a natural monopoly. What that means is and you can look at all and any type of privatization around the world, you will see it is a monopoly. Unlike the road or Skies, Railways is and would always be limited by infrastructure and the ability to have new infrastructure. Unlike in road or Skies (even they have their limits) you cannot run train services on a whim. At any particular point in time, only a single train could and should occupy a stretch of Railway network. You could have more trains on one line, but then the likelihood of front or rear-end collisions becomes a real possibility. You also need all sorts of good and reliable communications, redundant infrastructure so if one thing fails then you have something in place. The reason being a single train can carry anywhere from 2000 to 5000 passengers or more. While this is true of Indian Railways, Railways around the world would probably have some sort of similar numbers.It is in this light that I share the below videos.
To be more precise, see the fuller video
Now to give context to the recording above, Mike Lynch is the general secretary at RMT. For those who came in late, both UK and the U.S. have been threatened by railway strikes. And the reason for the strikes or threat of strikes is similar. Now from the company perspective, all they care is to invest less and make the most profits that can be given to equity shareholders. At the same time, they have freezed the salaries of railway workers for the last 3 years. While the politicians who were asking the questions, apparently gave themselves raise twice this year. They are asking them to negotiate at 8% while inflation in the UK has been 12.3% and projected to go higher. And it is not only the money. Since the 1980s when UK privatized the Railways, they stopped investing in the infrastructure. And that meant that the UK Railway infrastructure over period of time started getting behind and is even behind say Indian Railways which used to provide most bang for the buck. And Indian Railways is far from ideal. Ironically, most of the operators on UK are nationalized Railways of France, Germany etc. but after the hard Brexit, they too are mulling to cut their operations short, they have too  There is also the EU Entry/Exit system that would come next year. Why am I sharing about what is happening in UK Rail, because the Indian Government wants to follow the same thing, and fooling the public into saying we would do it better. What inevitably will happen is that ticket prices go up, people no longer use the service, the number of services go down and eventually they are cancelled. This has happened both in Indian Railways as well as Airlines. In fact, GOI just recently announced a credit scheme just a few days back to help Airlines stay afloat. I was chatting with a friend who had come down to Pune from Chennai and the round-trip cost him INR 15k/- on that single trip alone. We reminisced how a few years ago, 8 years to be precise, we could buy an Air ticket for 2.5k/- just a few days before the trip and did it. I remember doing/experiencing at least a dozen odd trips via air in the years before 2014. My friend used to come to Pune, almost every weekend because he could afford it, now he can t do that. And these are people who are in the above 5-10% of the population. And this is not just in UK, but also in the United States. There is one big difference though, the U.S. is mainly a freight carrier while the UK Railway Operations are mostly passenger based. What was and is interesting that Scotland had to nationalize their services as they realized the Operators cannot or will not function when they were most needed. Most of the public even in the UK seem to want a nationalized rail service, at least their polls say so. So, it would definitely be interesting to see what happens in the UK next year. In the end, I know I promised to share about books, but the above incidents have just been too fascinating to not just share the news but also share what I think about them. Free markets function good where there is competition, for example what is and has been happening in China for EV s but not where you have natural monopolies. In all Railway privatization, you have to handover the area to one person, then they have no motivation. If you have multiple operators, then there would always be haggling as to who will run the train and at what time. In either scenario, it doesn t work and raises prices while not delivering anything better  I do take examples from UK because lot of things are India are still the legacy of the British. The whole civil department that was created in 1953 is/was a copy of the British civil department at that time and it is to this day. P.S. Just came to know that the UK Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng was just sacked as UK Chancellor. I do commend Truss for facing the press even though she might be dumped a week later unlike our PM who hasn t faced a single press conference in the last 8 odd years. The difference in Indian and UK politics seems to be that the English are now asking questions while here in India, most people are still sleeping without a care in the world. Another thing to note Minidebconf Palakkad is gonna happen 12-13th November 2022. I am probably not gonna go but would request everyone who wants to do something in free software to attend it. I am not sure whether I would be of any use like this and also when I get back, it would be an empty house. But for people young and old, who want to do anything with free/open source software it is a chance not to be missed. Registration of the same closes on 1st of November 2022. All the best, break a leg  Just read this, beautifully done.

14 August 2022

Russ Allbery: Review: Still Not Safe

Review: Still Not Safe, by Robert L. Wears & Kathleen M. Sutcliffe
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Copyright: November 2019
ISBN: 0-19-027128-0
Format: Kindle
Pages: 232
Still Not Safe is an examination of the recent politics and history of patient safety in medicine. Its conclusions are summarized by the opening paragraph of the preface:
The American moral and social philosopher Eric Hoffer reportedly said that every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket. The reform movement to make healthcare safer is clearly a great cause, but patient safety efforts are increasingly following Hoffer's path.
Robert Wears was Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of Florida specializing in patient safety. Kathleen Sutcliffe is Professor of Medicine and Business at Johns Hopkins. This book is based on research funded by a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, for which both Wears and Sutcliffe were primary investigators. (Wears died in 2017, but the acknowledgments imply that at least early drafts of the book existed by that point and it was indeed co-written.) The anchor of the story of patient safety in Still Not Safe is the 1999 report from the Institute of Medicine entitled To Err is Human, to which the authors attribute an explosion of public scrutiny of medical safety. The headline conclusion of that report, which led nightly news programs after its release, was that 44,000 to 120,000 people died each year in the United States due to medical error. This report prompted government legislation, funding for new safety initiatives, a flurry of follow-on reports, and significant public awareness of medical harm. What it did not produce, in the authors' view, is significant improvements in patient safety. The central topic of this book is an analysis of why patient safety efforts have had so little measurable effect. The authors attribute this to three primary causes: an unwillingness to involve safety experts from outside medicine or absorb safety lessons from other disciplines, an obsession with human error that led to profound misunderstandings of the nature of safety, and the misuse of safety concerns as a means to centralize control of medical practice in the hands of physician-administrators. (The term used by the authors is "managerial, scientific-bureaucratic medicine," which is technically accurate but rather awkward.) Biggest complaint first: This book desperately needed examples, case studies, or something to make these ideas concrete. There are essentially none in 230 pages apart from passing mentions of famous cases of medical error that added to public pressure, and a tantalizing but maddeningly nonspecific discussion of the atypically successful effort to radically improve the safety of anesthesia. Apparently anesthesiologists involved safety experts from outside medicine, avoided a focus on human error, turned safety into an engineering problem, and made concrete improvements that had a hugely positive impact on the number of adverse events for patients. Sounds fascinating! Alas, I'm just as much in the dark about what those improvements were as I was when I started reading this book. Apart from a vague mention of some unspecified improvements to anesthesia machines, there are no concrete descriptions whatsoever. I understand that the authors were probably leery of giving too many specific examples of successful safety initiatives since one of their core points is that safety is a mindset and philosophy rather than a replicable set of actions, and copying the actions of another field without understanding their underlying motivations or context within a larger system is doomed to failure. But you have to give the reader something, or the book starts feeling like a flurry of abstract assertions. Much is made here of the drawbacks of a focus on human error, and the superiority of the safety analysis done in other fields that have moved beyond error-centric analysis (and in some cases have largely discarded the word "error" as inherently unhelpful and ambiguous). That leads naturally to showing an analysis of an adverse incident through an error lens and then through a more nuanced safety lens, making the differences concrete for the reader. It was maddening to me that the authors never did this. This book was recommended to me as part of a discussion about safety and reliability in tech and the need to learn from safety practices in other fields. In that context, I didn't find it useful, although surprisingly that's because the thinking in medicine (at least as presented by these authors) seems behind the current thinking in distributed systems. The idea that human error is not a useful model for approaching reliability is standard in large tech companies, nearly all of which use blameless postmortems for exactly that reason. Tech, similar to medicine, does have a tendency to be insular and not look outside the field for good ideas, but the approach to large-scale reliability in tech seems to have avoided the other traps discussed here. (Security is another matter, but security is also adversarial, which creates different problems that I suspect require different tools.) What I did find fascinating in this book, although not directly applicable to my own work, is the way in which a focus on human error becomes a justification for bureaucratic control and therefore a concentration of power in a managerial layer. If the assumption is that medical harm is primarily caused by humans making avoidable mistakes, and therefore the solution is to prevent humans from making mistakes through better training, discipline, or process, this creates organizations that are divided into those who make the rules and those who follow the rules. The long-term result is a practice of medicine in which a small number of experts decide the correct treatment for a given problem, and then all other practitioners are expected to precisely follow that treatment plan to avoid "errors." (The best distributed systems approaches may avoid this problem, but this failure mode seems nearly universal in technical support organizations.) I was startled by how accurate that portrayal of medicine felt. My assumption prior to reading this book was that the modern experience of medicine as an assembly line with patients as widgets was caused by the pressure for higher "productivity" and thus shorter visit times, combined with (in the US) the distorting effects of our broken medical insurance system. After reading this book, I've added a misguided way of thinking about medical error and risk avoidance to that analysis. One of the authors' points (which, as usual, I wish they'd made more concrete with a case study) is that the same thought process that lets a doctor make a correct diagnosis and find a working treatment is the thought process that may lead to an incorrect diagnosis or treatment. There is not a separable state of "mental error" that can be eliminated. Decision-making processes are more complicated and more integrated than that. If you try to prevent "errors" by eliminating flexibility, you also eliminate vital tools for successfully treating patients. The authors are careful to point out that the prior state of medicine in which each doctor was a force to themselves and there was no role for patient safety as a discipline was also bad for safety. Reverting to the state of medicine before the advent of the scientific-bureaucratic error-avoiding culture is also not a solution. But, rather at odds with other popular books about medicine, the authors are highly critical of safety changes focused on human error prevention, such as mandatory checklists. In their view, this is exactly the sort of attempt to blindly copy the machinery of safety in another field (in this case, air travel) without understanding the underlying purpose and system of which it's a part. I am not qualified to judge the sharp dispute over whether there is solid clinical evidence that checklists are helpful (these authors claim there is not; I know other books make different claims, and I suspect it may depend heavily on how the checklist is used). But I found the authors' argument that one has to design systems holistically for safety, not try to patch in safety later by turning certain tasks into rote processes and humans into machines, to be persuasive. I'm not willing to recommend this book given how devoid it is of concrete examples. I was able to fill in some of that because of prior experience with the literature on site reliability engineering, but a reader who wasn't previously familiar with discussions of safety or reliability may find much of this book too abstract to be comprehensible. But I'm not sorry I read it. I hadn't previously thought about the power dynamics of a focus on error, and I think that will be a valuable observation to keep in mind. Rating: 6 out of 10
