Search Results: "damog"

1 October 2016

David Moreno: Thanks Debian

I sent this email to debian-private a few days ago, on the 10th anniversary of my Debian account creation:
Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2015 19:37:20 +0200
From: David Moreno 
Subject: Retiring from Debian
User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.23 (2014-03-12)
[-- PGP output follows (current time: Sun 23 Aug 2015 06:18:36 PM CEST) --]
gpg: Signature made Fri 14 Aug 2015 07:37:20 PM CEST using RSA key ID 4DADEC2F
gpg: Good signature from "David Moreno "
gpg:                 aka "David Moreno "
gpg:                 aka "David Moreno (1984-08-08) "
[-- End of PGP output --]
[-- The following data is signed --]
Ten years ago today (2005-08-14) my account was created:
Today, I don't feel like Debian represents me and neither do I represent the
project anymore.
I had tried over the last couple of years to retake my involvement but lack of
motivation and time always got on the way, so the right thing to do for me is
to officially retire and gtfo.
I certainly learned a bunch from dozens of Debian people over these many years,
and I'm nothing but grateful with all of them; I will for sure carry the project
close to my heart   as I carry it with the Debian swirl I still have tattooed
on my back ;)
I have three packages left that have not been updated in forever and you can
consider orphaned now: gcolor2, libperl6-say-perl and libxml-treepp-perl.
With all best wishes,
David Moreno.
[-- End of signed data --]
I received a couple of questions about my decision here. I basically don t feel like Debian represents my interests and neither do I represent the project this doesn t mean I don t believe in free software, to the contrary. I think some of the best software advancements we ve made as society are thanks to it. I don t necessarily believe on how the project has evolved itself, whether that has been the right way, to regain relevancy and dominance, and if it s remained primarily a way to feed dogmatism versus pragmatism. This is the perfect example of a tragic consequence. I was very happy to learn that the current Debian Conference being held in Germany got the highest attendance ever, hopefully that can be utilized in a significant and useful way. Regardless, my contributions to Debian were never noteworthy so it s also not that big of a deal. I just need to close cycles myself and move forward, and the ten year anniversary looked like a significant mark for that. Poke me in case you wanna discuss some more. I ll always be happy to. Specially over beer :) Peace.

29 August 2016

David Moreno: Webhook Setup with Facebook::Messenger::Bot

The documentation for the Facebook Messenger API points out how to setup your initial bot webhook. I just committed a quick patch that would make it very easy to setup a quick script to get it done using the unreleased and still in progress Perl s Facebook::Messenger::Bot:
use Facebook::Messenger::Bot;
use constant VERIFY_TOKEN => 'imsosecret';
my $bot = Facebook::Messenger::Bot->new(); # no config specified!
$bot->expect_verify_token( VERIFY_TOKEN );
This should get you sorted. What endpoint would that be, though? Well that depends on how you re giving Facebook access to your Plack s .psgi application.

21 August 2016

David Moreno: WIP: Perl bindings for Facebook Messenger

A couple of weeks ago I started looking into wrapping the Facebook Messenger API into Perl. Since all the calls are extremely simple using a REST API, I thought it could be easier and simpler even, to provide a small framework to hook bots using PSGI/Plack. So I started putting some things together and with a very simple interface you could do a lot:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Facebook::Messenger::Bot;
my $bot = Facebook::Messenger::Bot->new( 
    access_token   => '...',
    app_secret     => '...',
    verify_token   => '...'
$bot->register_hook_for('message', sub  
    my $bot = shift;
    my $message = shift;
    my $res = $bot->deliver( 
        recipient => $message->sender,
        message =>   text => "You said: " . $message->text()  
You can hook a script like that as a .psgi file and plug it in to whatever you want. Once you have some more decent user flow and whatnot, you can build something like:

using a simple script like this one. The work is not finished and not yet CPAN-ready but I m posting this in case someone wants to join me in this mini-project or have suggestions, the work in progress is here. Thanks!

David Moreno: Cosmetic changes to my posts archive

I ve been doing a lot of cosmetic/layout changes to the nearly 750 posts in my blog s archive. I apologize if this has broken some feed readers or aggregators. It appears like Hexo still needs better syndication support.

David Moreno: Running find with two or more commands to -exec

I spent a couple of minutes today trying to understand how to make find (1) to execute two commands on the same target. Instead of this or any similar crappy variants:
$ find . -type d -iname "*0" -mtime +60 -exec scp -r -P 1337 " " "" && rm -rf " " \;
Try something like this:
$ find . -type d -iname "*0" -mtime +60 -exec scp -r -P 1337 " " "" \; -exec rm -rf " " \;
Which is:
$ find . -exec command   \; -exec other command   \;
And you re good to go.

14 August 2016

David Moreno: Ruby and libv8: Exactly my feelings

Thanks to my coworker Dan for making a whole bunch of these based on our day job adventures :)

David Moreno: Deploying a Dancer app on Heroku

There s a few different posts out there on how to run Perl apps, such as Mojolicious-based, on Heroku, but I d like to show how to deploy a Perl Dancer application on Heroku. The startup script of a Dancer application (bin/ can be used as a PSGI file. With that in mind, I was able to take the good work of Miyagawa s Heroku buildpack for general PSGI apps and hack it a little bit to use Dancer s, specifically. What I like about Miyagawa s approach is that uses the fantastic cpanm and makes it available within your application, instead of the monotonous cpan, to solve dependencies. Let s make a simple Dancer app to show how to make this happen:
/tmp $ dancer -a heroku
+ heroku
+ heroku/bin
+ heroku/bin/
+ heroku/config.yml
+ heroku/environments
+ heroku/environments/development.yml
+ heroku/environments/production.yml
+ heroku/views
+ heroku/views/
+ heroku/views/layouts
+ heroku/views/layouts/
+ heroku/lib
+ heroku/lib/
+ heroku/public
+ heroku/public/css
+ heroku/public/css/style.css
+ heroku/public/css/error.css
+ heroku/public/images
+ heroku/public/500.html
+ heroku/public/404.html
+ heroku/public/dispatch.fcgi
+ heroku/public/dispatch.cgi
+ heroku/public/javascripts
+ heroku/public/javascripts/jquery.js
+ heroku/t
+ heroku/t/002_index_route.t
+ heroku/t/001_base.t
+ heroku/Makefile.PL
Now, you already know that by firing perl bin/ you can get your development server up and running. So I ll just proceed to show how to make this work on Heroku, you should already have your development environment configured for it:
/tmp $ cd heroku/
/tmp/heroku $ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /private/tmp/heroku/.git/
/tmp/heroku :master $ git add .
/tmp/heroku :master $ git commit -a -m 'Dancer on Heroku'
[master (root-commit) 6c0c55a] Dancer on Heroku
22 files changed, 809 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 MANIFEST
create mode 100644 MANIFEST.SKIP
create mode 100644 Makefile.PL
create mode 100755 bin/
create mode 100644 config.yml
create mode 100644 environments/development.yml
create mode 100644 environments/production.yml
create mode 100644 lib/
create mode 100644 public/404.html
create mode 100644 public/500.html
create mode 100644 public/css/error.css
create mode 100644 public/css/style.css
create mode 100755 public/dispatch.cgi
create mode 100755 public/dispatch.fcgi
create mode 100644 public/favicon.ico
create mode 100644 public/images/perldancer-bg.jpg
create mode 100644 public/images/perldancer.jpg
create mode 100644 public/javascripts/jquery.js
create mode 100644 t/001_base.t
create mode 100644 t/002_index_route.t
create mode 100644 views/
create mode 100644 views/layouts/
/tmp/heroku :master $
And now, run heroku create, please note the buildpack URL,
/tmp/heroku :master $ heroku create --stack cedar --buildpack
Creating blazing-beach-7280... done, stack is cedar
Git remote heroku added
/tmp/heroku :master $
And just push:
/tmp/heroku :master $ git push heroku master
Counting objects: 34, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (30/30), done.
Writing objects: 100% (34/34), 40.60 KiB, done.
Total 34 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0)
-----> Heroku receiving push
-----> Fetching custom buildpack... done
-----> Perl/PSGI Dancer! app detected
-----> Bootstrapping cpanm
Successfully installed JSON-PP-2.27200
Successfully installed CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.008
Successfully installed Parse-CPAN-Meta-1.4404 (upgraded from 1.39)
Successfully installed version-0.99 (upgraded from 0.77)
Successfully installed Module-Metadata-1.000009
Successfully installed CPAN-Meta-Requirements-2.122
Successfully installed CPAN-Meta-2.120921
Successfully installed Perl-OSType-1.002
Successfully installed ExtUtils-CBuilder-0.280205 (upgraded from 0.2602)
Successfully installed ExtUtils-ParseXS-3.15 (upgraded from 2.2002)
Successfully installed Module-Build-0.4001 (upgraded from 0.340201)
Successfully installed App-cpanminus-1.5015
12 distributions installed
-----> Installing dependencies
Successfully installed ExtUtils-MakeMaker-6.62 (upgraded from 6.55_02)
Successfully installed YAML-0.84
Successfully installed Test-Simple-0.98 (upgraded from 0.92)
Successfully installed Try-Tiny-0.11
Successfully installed HTTP-Server-Simple-0.44
Successfully installed HTTP-Server-Simple-PSGI-0.14
Successfully installed URI-1.60
Successfully installed Test-Tester-0.108
Successfully installed Test-NoWarnings-1.04
Successfully installed Test-Deep-0.110
Successfully installed LWP-MediaTypes-6.02
Successfully installed Encode-Locale-1.03
Successfully installed HTTP-Date-6.02
Successfully installed HTML-Tagset-3.20
Successfully installed HTML-Parser-3.69
Successfully installed Compress-Raw-Bzip2-2.052 (upgraded from 2.020)
Successfully installed Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.054 (upgraded from 2.020)
Successfully installed IO-Compress-2.052 (upgraded from 2.020)
Successfully installed HTTP-Message-6.03
Successfully installed HTTP-Body-1.15
Successfully installed MIME-Types-1.35
Successfully installed HTTP-Negotiate-6.01
Successfully installed File-Listing-6.04
Successfully installed HTTP-Daemon-6.01
Successfully installed Net-HTTP-6.03
Successfully installed HTTP-Cookies-6.01
Successfully installed WWW-RobotRules-6.02
Successfully installed libwww-perl-6.04
Successfully installed Dancer-1.3097
29 distributions installed
-----> Installing Starman
Successfully installed Test-Requires-0.06
Successfully installed Hash-MultiValue-0.12
Successfully installed Devel-StackTrace-1.27
Successfully installed Test-SharedFork-0.20
Successfully installed Test-TCP-1.16
Successfully installed Class-Inspector-1.27
Successfully installed File-ShareDir-1.03
Successfully installed Filesys-Notify-Simple-0.08
Successfully installed Devel-StackTrace-AsHTML-0.11
Successfully installed Plack-0.9989
Successfully installed Net-Server-2.006
Successfully installed HTTP-Parser-XS-0.14
Successfully installed Data-Dump-1.21
Successfully installed Starman-0.3001
14 distributions installed
-----> Discovering process types
Procfile declares types -> (none)
Default types for Perl/PSGI Dancer! -> web
-----> Compiled slug size is 2.7MB
-----> Launching... done, v4 deployed to Heroku
* [new branch] master -> master
/tmp/heroku :master $
And you can confirm it works: Please note that the environment it runs on is deployment . The backend server it uses is the great Starman, also by the great Miyagawa. Now, if you add or change dependencies on Makefile.PL, next time you push, those will get updated. Very cool, right? :)

David Moreno: I quit

I just recently quit my job at the startup company I had been working in for almost five years. In startup terms, such long time might be a whole lifetime, but in my case, I grew liking it more and more as the years came, I had evolved from being just another engineer, to lead a team of seven great developers, with decision-making tasks and strategy planning for our technical infrastructure. It s been such a great long teaching journey that I m nothing but pleased with my own performance, learned lessons and skills and all I provided and was provided by the project. Leaving a city like New York is not an easy task. You have it all there, you start making a life and suddenly, before you know it, you already have a bunch of ties to the place, people, leases, important dates, all kinds of shit. Seriously, all kinds of crazy ass shit start to fill up your baggage. You wake up everyday to get into the subway and commute surrounded by all of this people that are just like you: so similar yet so immensely different. No, leaving the city is not an easy task, it s not something to take lightly. You know how people just say my cycle has ended in this place as an euphemism not to end in bad terms with anyone? Well, ending a cycle is indeed a reality, I got to a point where I felt like I needed to head into a different direction, take on new challenges and overall, peace out and hope the best to everyone, specially to myself. This was me, on my last day at work, last Friday of June: (Some) people seem to be anxious to know what I m doing next, and my answer is, go mind your own fucking business. However, life is short and I would love to do any of the following: Decisions, decisions For the time being, I m chilling with my people, friends and family in beautiful Mexico City. I ve been doing so for the entire month of July and I couldn t be more content. August will see my 28th birthday and as I approach thirty, I believe I need to continue moving forward. This stupid world is a tiny place and our lives are short, I for one, will definitively try to take the bull by the horns. Thanks for reading, more updates soon. Peace.

David Moreno: One year

A year ago today, I started working for I wish I could say that the time has flown by, but it really hasn t. It has been one hell of a ride on all fronts: work, learning experiences, friends, but specially at home, since working for this company didn t come without a complete life change. So far so good, and for that I m grateful :)

David Moreno: Twitter feed for Planet Perl Iron Man

I like to read Planet Perl Iron Man, but since I m less and less of a user of Google Reader these days, I prefer to follow interesting feeds on Twitter instead: I don t have to digest all of the content on my timeline, only when I m in the mood to see what s going on out there. So, if you wanna follow the account, find it as @perlironman. If interested, you can also follow me. That is all.

David Moreno: Feedbag released under MIT license

I was contacted by Pivotal Labs regarding licensing of Feedbag. I guess releasing open source software as GPL only makes sense if you continue to live under a rock. I ve bumped the version to 0.9 and released it under MIT license. Feedbag 1.0, which I plan to work on during the following days will bring in a brand new shiny backend powered by Nokogiri, instead of Hpricot (I mean, give me a break, I m trying to catch up with the Ruby community, after all I m primarily a Perl guy :D) and hopefully I will be able to recreate most of the feed auto-discovery test suite that Mark Pilgrim retired (410 Gone) when he committed infosuicide. Have a good weekend!

David Moreno: RVM + Rake tasks on Cron jobs

RVM hates my guts. And it doesn t matter, because I hate RVM back even more. Since I was technologically raised by aging wolfs, I have strong reasons to believe that you just shouldn t have mixed versions of software on your production systems, specially, if a lot of things are poorly tested, like most of Ruby libraries, aren t backward compatible. I was raised on a world where everything worked greatly because the good folks at projects like Debian or Perl have some of the greatest QA processes of all time, hands down. So, when someone introduces a thing like RVM which not only promotes having hundreds of different versions of the same software, both on development, testing and production environments, but also encourages poor quality looking back and looking forward, there isn t anything else but to lose faith in humanity. But enough for ranting. I had to deliver this side project that works with the Twitter API and the only requirement pretty much was that it had to be both run from the shell but also loaded as a class within a Ruby script. And so I did everything locally with my great local installation of Ruby 1.8.7. When it came the time to load on the testing/production server I found myself on a situation where pathetic RVM was installed. After spending hours trying to accommodate my changes to run properly with Ruby 1.9.2, I set up a cron job using crontab to run my shit every now and then. And the shit wasn t even running properly. Basically, my crontab line looked something like this:
*/30 * * * * cd /home/david/myproject && rake awesome_task
And that was failing, crontab was returning some crazy shit like Ruby and/or RubyGems cannot find the rake gem . Seriously? Then I thought, well, maybe my environment needs to be loaded and whatever, so I made a bash script with something like this:
cd /home/david/myproject
/full/path/to/rvm/bin/rake -f Rakefile awesome_task
And that was still failing with the same error. So after trying to find out how cron jobs and crontab load Bash source files, I took a look at how Debian starts its shell upon login. And while that didn t tell me that much that I didn t know, I went to look at the system-wide /etc/profile and found a gem, a wonderful directory /etc/profile.d/ where a single shitty file was sitting, smiling back at me, like waiting for me to find it out and swear on all problems in life: /etc/profile is not being loaded when I just run /bin/bash by my crappy script, only when I log in, I should ve known this. Doesn t RVM solve the issue of having system-wide installations so the user doesn t have to deal with, you know, anything outside of his own /home ? So I had to go ahead and do:
source /etc/profile
cd /home/david/myproject
/full/path/to/rvm/bin/rake -f Rakefile awesome_task
And hours later I was able to continue with work. Maybe this will help some poor bastard like myself on similar situation on the future. Of course one can argue that I could ve installed my own RVM and its Ruby versions, but why, oh why, if it was, apparently, already there. Why would I have to fiddle with the Ruby installations if all I want is get my shit done and head to City Bakery where I can spend that money I just earned on chocolate cookies? My work is pretty simple to run with pretty much any ancient version of Ruby, nothing fancy (unless you call MongoMapper fancy). RVM is a great project that doesn t solve an issue, but just hides some really fucked up shit on the Ruby community.

David Moreno:

As of this past August 8th, I am now officially 29 years old. It seems like it was just yesterday when I was blogging about my 20th birthday, right? Well yeah, no, it wasn t exactly yesterday :)

13 August 2016

David Moreno: Perl 5.12's each function

With Perl 5.12 released earlier this summer, the each function got a nice little addition that I d like to talk about: It now has the ability to work on arrays, not only key-value pair hashes, but not exactly as you d expect it (not like Ruby s each method). The traditional way to work with each, using a hash:
my %h = (
    a => 1,
    b => 2,
    c => 3,
while(my($key, $value) = each %h)  
    say "index: $key => value: $value";
And the output. Of course, hashes being unordered lists, you won t get the nice little order of an array.
index: c => value: 3
index: a => value: 1
index: b => value: 2
Now, when you use an array, each will return the next pair on the list consisting on the index of that element s position and the position itself. Since it returns the next pair, you can iterate through it on the same fashion as when using a hash:
my @arr = ('a'..'z');
while(my($index, $value) = each @arr)  
    say "index: $index => value: $value";
This is particularly useful to access direct named variables, both the index and the element, while looping through an array.
index: 0 => value: a
index: 1 => value: b
index: 2 => value: c
index: 3 => value: d
index: 4 => value: e
index: 5 => value: f
index: 6 => value: g
index: 7 => value: h
index: 8 => value: i
index: 9 => value: j
index: 10 => value: k
index: 11 => value: l
index: 12 => value: m
index: 13 => value: n
index: 14 => value: o
index: 15 => value: p
index: 16 => value: q
index: 17 => value: r
index: 18 => value: s
index: 19 => value: t
index: 20 => value: u
index: 21 => value: v
index: 22 => value: w
index: 23 => value: x
index: 24 => value: y
index: 25 => value: z

David Moreno: Disable Nginx logging

This is something that is specified clearly on the Nginx manual, but it s nice to have it as a quick reference. The access_log and error_log directives on Nginx are on separate modules (HTTP Log and Core modules respectively) and they don t behave the same way when all you want is to disable all logging on your server (in our case, we serve a gazillion static files and perform a lot of reverse proxying and we re not interested on tracking that). It s a common misconception that you can set error_log to off, because that s how you disable access_log (if you do that, the server will still log to the file $nginx_path/off). Instead, you have to set error_log to log to the always mighty black hole /dev/null using the highest level for logging (which triggers the fewest events), crit:
    # ...
    access_log off;
    error_log /dev/null crit;
    # ...
If you re the possessor of the blingest of bling-bling, you can disable all logging (not only for a server block), by putting error_log on the root of the configuration and access_log within your http block and make sure you don t override that on any of the inner blocks. And you re good to go.

David Moreno: Geo::PostalCode::NoDB 0.01

Geo::PostalCode is a great Perl module. It lets you find surrounding postal areas (zip codes) around a given an amount of miles (radius), calculate distance between them, among other nice features. Sadly, I couldn t get it to work with updated data and because the file its Berkely DB installer was producing was not being recognized by its parser, which bases off on DB_File. Since I was able to find working data for the source of zip codes, I ended up hacking the module and producing a version with no Berkeley DB support. So basically, and taken from the POD:
On a busy day at work, I couldn t get Geo::PostalCode to work with newer data (the data source TJMATHER points to is no longer available), so the tests shipped with his module pass, but trying to use real data no longer seems to work. DB_File marked the Geo::PostalCode::InstallDB output file as invalid type or format. If you don t run into that issue by not wanting to use this module, please drop me a note! I would love to learn how other people made it work.

So, in order to get my shit done, I decided to create this module. Loading the whole data into memory from the class constructor has been proven to be enough for massive usage (citation needed) on a Dancer application where this module is instantiated only once.
$ sudo cpanm Geo::PostalCode::NoDB now!

9 August 2016

David Moreno: 0x20

So I turned 0x20.

9 August 2015

David Moreno: 0x1F

I ve now turned 0x1F.

23 March 2014

David Moreno: New Debian mailing list: debian-astro

I will try to report my Debian activities here. I am trying to retake them and as I'm usually busy at work, I have limited amount of time to do so, they stand small for now. A new mailing list, debian-astro, has been created. This was requested to create a space to allow a discussion space around astronomy for Debian, both for professionals and amateurs, to potentially look into a blend, and in general to talk about packaging and development of astronomy-related tools into Debian. Thanks to those interested on making this happen. Go subscribe today!

11 January 2014

David Moreno: i3 respect

Hey Michael Stapelberg, thanks for creating i3 and making me believe again that people have a clue and things can be done just right (specially when it comes to something easily done crappy like window managers). Thanks for just getting it all right, and not only from the software point of view, but also for the community, the style around it, etc. Kudos.
