Julien Danjou: 10 years as a Debian developer
Ten years ago, I joined the Debian project as a developer.
At that time, I was 18 and in my first year at university, hanging out with
the TuxFamily system administrators, which included
3 french Debian developers (sjg, igenibel and creis).
I was learning Debian packaging while working on VHFFS,
and decided to package one or two non-yet-packaged software for Debian. My
friends pushed me into the NM process, and less
than 2 months later
I was a Debian developer. One have to admit that back in the days, the NM
process was really fast if you were able to reply to the questions quickly.
:-) I think I became the youngest developer among Debian's ones.
That was my first steps in a Free Software project, and it was really
In 10 years, I've been doing a lot of different things for Debian. Sure,
I've been using it all the years long, but let's recap a bit what I did,
from what I recall.
My first Debian only project was
apt-build around 2003, and later
rebuildd in 2007.
I built the Xen packaging team in 2005,
I've been a Stable Release Manager for a year in 2006, and did heavy bug
squashing to release Etch that same year.
I also was an Application Manager in
2006 and managed the application of 2
Debian developers (Jose
and Dami n
I admit I've been less active in Debian after 2007, mainly because I was
busy working on awesome, GNU
Emacs and others software.
Since 2011, I joined the OpenStack packaging
team and I'm working on
OpenStack on a (almost) daily basis.
I don't know how many packages I touched, managed or updated, but that
should be one or two hundreds. I still maintain 53 of
After all, the adventure has been really pleasant, and I had the chance to
work with and meet fabulous and smart people. I always liked this project
and what it's trying to do.
After all these years, I'm definitively staying!
See you in another 10 years, folks! :)