Search Results: "cmot"

7 May 2009

Adrian von Bidder: Why Public Health-Care is Difficult

A reply to Tore, who is probably partly wrong. I don't claim the U.S. system is good or bad, I don't know it. But I don't think public (which he seems to imply means free) health care is as easy as he suggests. I'm starting at his assertion that
Very few people break their legs intentionally to stay at a nice hospital. [Health care] is not a resource likely to be wasted once people are given free access to it.
The case of a broken leg is easy. What about chronic illnesses, especially those difficult to diagnose (some kinds of back pain, psychological problems, ...)? What about bored old people who spend their days talking to doctors about how bad getting older is? Easily available (cheap or free) health care has lead to hospitals being swamped with people with minor issues to the point where people with serious problems died because hospital staff didn't get to them in time. And, because the state's budget is not infinite, hospitals become badly run institutions with always-overworked staff leading to even fewer people wanting to work there etc. This has happened in the UK, for example (I think the system I have been reading about ages ago has since been replaced by a different one.) Switzerland doesn't have this problem (to this extent) because we really care about (this means, here: throw money at) our health system, but the result is that the mandatory health insurance becomes insanely expensive. There is talk about half the population needing state subsidies to pay for their health insurance within the next few years. Which, of course, will just move the cost from the whole population (via mandatory health insurance) to the whole population (via taxes) so I don't quite see the point... You'll note I don't propose solutions either. But I think it's important to acknowledge that health care is a difficult topic because, in the end, it always comes down to the question How much money should be spent on this person's illness? which is a very, very bad question. We try to sidestep it by only taking about statistics etc., but no matter how you look at it, you either do 20'000 per week medications for 80 year old patients who will die soon anyway and get a system society can't pay, or you don't and you get a system where the rich are better off than the poor. Or you delegate the decision to the doctor or the insurance or ... and try to minimize the number of people who deserve (can you see it, the hard question didn't get away!) treatment but don't get it. Update 20090508 - Response to comments I'd like to thank you for commenting. I didn't know (and sorry about that didn't care to research) that the U.S. system is even more expensive than ours, since my main message is just that health care is about hard decisions. Some people always will be left out. Elaborating a bit on the 20'000 a week medication: partly, I agree with Adrian and Tore: patent-supported monopolies on medication plays a part. Partly, because I stipulate there will always be rare illnesses where a few cases per year worldwide will have to pay for all the research and production of the medication. Of course, the cost can be distributed so that the patient (or his insurance) doesn't have to pay it, but society as a whole will still pay. So the hard question won't go away easily, now it's just become Do we fund research for this rare illness with fewer than five cases per year worldwide? Of course, now we're not speaking of people anymore, but already just of cases, and we're not cutting treatment for an actual person but we're just cutting budget on research, so it may be easier on the conscience, but it's still fundamentally the same question. Conclusion? Health-care will always be a difficult topic, and it will never be free. The cost can just be distributed in different ways.

23 April 2009

Adrian von Bidder: Let's kill KHTML

Reading Kyle's view on Konqueror and KHTML's current status: I couldn't agree more. I use konqueror instead of Firefox because I quite like its GUI, and its integration into KDE is obviously better than Firefox'. Issues with various websites prompt me to have an Iceweasel window open as well quite a large part of the time. Let's just switch to WebKit, so the market only has to care about Gecko and WebKit and can ignore one more marginal rendering engine. I see libqt-webkit 4.5 is in experimental and a Google query on debian konqueror webkit at least shows an Ubuntu packaging effort of the Konqueror WebKit KPart, so the days of khtml on my Desktop are certainly nearing its end. At this point: Kudos to the KDE folks (Debian and upstream). KDE4.2 is really, really usable, the remaining issues are really small. And, if I don't try to manually interfer like I did in my first attempt, migrating the KDE settings from ~/.kde4 to ~/.kde actually did work just fine on my netbook.

21 April 2009

Adrian von Bidder: Best Headline

While probably nobody has missed the news of the wekk (year?) in the IT industry, I'd still like to award a small virtual prize to Jonathan Corbet for the best headline:
Oracle: SELECT * FROM Sun

16 April 2009

Adrian von Bidder: Free Software @Work

Yay! I'm finally allowed to (and starting to) port the application I'm working on at work from Oracle to PostgreSQL. Oh, and I note that PostgreSQL 8.4 (beta out yesterday) introduces support for WITH RECURSIVE queries (closures, or for you Oracle folks, CONNECT BY, if I understand the feature correctly), the lack of which has always made tree / graph type data structures a pain to work with in current and older versions. Of course, many other improvements, too.

4 April 2009

Adrian von Bidder: Supernatural

Long time since my last movies posting ... Just discovered the U.S. TV series Supernatural, in an episode showing the two heroes being introduced for the first time to the writer of the book series Supernatural , which contains the life of the two heroes. (Strangely, it showed up when I searched for Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs on a torrent search engine.) I'm not quite sure what to think about the series, judging from that episode. I read a lot of fantasy and I like the real-world / fantasy world crossover every now and then, but Supernatural is quite cheaply made. Watching this one episode was fun, but I have no idea if I would actually watch it regularly. (I find, generally, that fantasy is difficult in movies. Lord of the Rings is very well executed and mostly presents the world as just a normal world , and I'm forever thankful to Jackson that he shares my opinion I think he says as much in the bonus materials on one of the DVDs that magic with smoke and flashes mostly ends up in major silliness. I have neither read nor watched anything of the Harry Potter epic, so I can't comment on that.) While I can't comment on Reservoir Dogs yet, I finally got around to watch From Dusk Till Dawn by director Robert Rodriguez, and with Tarantino (also co-writer of the movide, and if you watch the making of, co-director even if it's not in the titles) and Clooney as two of the main characters, together with a wonderful Juliette Lewis. That's certainly one of the movies I'll watch again, several times. Great soundtrack, too. Yesterday, I was a bit disappointed after I watched Time Bandits; Gilliam's later films got much better. It takes something to make a stop motion movie in today's time of cheap and easy computer animation ... so I really liked Tim Burton's Corpse Bride, if not for the rather straightforward story, but for the look and the atmosphere. The movie is also more a musical than a film, which I like very much as well.

2 April 2009

Adrian von Bidder: Security Strategy

While yesterday was April Fool's day (I guess that's why Schneier posted this on his blog), the actual quote seems to be genuine (It wasn't added yesterday, and anyway it's on Wikipedia, so it must be true...)
Prompted by the theft of Eileen, MOBA staff installed a fake video camera over a sign at their Dedham branch reading: "Warning. This gallery is protected by fake video cameras."
Quote from the Wikipedia article about the Museum of Bad Art

25 March 2009

Adrian von Bidder: Web Applications

While I'm not terrible happy with Oracle (what decade is it? Have a look at Oracle's default sql commandline tool and you're right back when I wasn't even born. Commandline history? Tab completion? Even just navigation with the arrow keys in the commandline? The future is really cool... Yes, I'm sure nobody seriously uses sqlplus), they just scored on this: I needed to download one of their products. I tried to create an account, saw that I already had one, had the password reset and mailed to me (extra point for not just sending me the old one) and signed in, getting a page where I could confirm my data (address data and subscription to their various newsletters), and hit the continue button that was at the bottom, whereupon the application still remembered that I wanted to download the file and immediately delivered the requested file. The fact that I didn't remember having an account highlights that their I don't want email from Oracle option really does mean exactly that. I really did not get a single email from them. All this is extremely trivial. Sadly, it makes me happy that there is at least one company that actually manages to do this, which goes entirely against my experience with other vendors' web jungles.

13 March 2009

Adrian von Bidder: Build your own lens

Just stumbled on the Optical RayTracer by Paul Lutus, a fun program to play around with optical lenses. After an initial look around, the next obvious step was, of course, to re-build an existing lens; I guess it worked somewhat. Compare the screenshot below with the block diagram of Canon's EF 50mm 1.8 lens. (No, I'm not paid by Canon, it's just the brand of the camera we own, and it's probably one of the simplest lenses around, too. Which, no surprise, we happen to own as well.) Optical RayTracer is not in Debian yet. I've asked Paul if he'd mind if I did a package. Not within the next two, three weeks, though, sorry.
The Canon EF 50mm 1.8 re-built in Optical Raytracer
(Note to self: also look at OpenRayTrace)

11 March 2009

Adrian von Bidder: We're winning... (?)

As funny as these stories are for reading, any hard data is absolutely lacking. Are there similar stories which actually cite sources? OTOH the fact that even cheap main stream devices like USB sticks and WLAN routers routinely have compatible with Linux , often even giving a kernel version, printed on the package tells me that the stories are not that far off. Even so, I'd be curious who these Icelandic Microsoft Certified Partners switching to Linux / Free Software are (first link, the quote below also originates there).
Microsoft Access, the only database software on the planet that s better at printing mail-merged stickers than it is at storing data.

9 March 2009

Adrian von Bidder: Powermanagement in Debian

I'm eternally confused about the state of powermanagement in Debian (or in Linux generally? Not using any other distribution seriously, I have no idea.) There are just too many scripts who interact or merely run in parallel (see my short note in my first posting about my shiny toy. While I don't actively invest time to educate myself about the situation, I've just tried to uninstall a round of unneeded packages and got rid of apmd and hibernate, which both were installed by default (or by dependencies of other stuff I've got rid of earlier?) but seem not to be necessary. At least the laptop still suspends when I close the lid. This is without rebooting or even just logging out, though, so if it doesn't work out, I'll have to update this entry. Update: Thanks to Michael's comment, pointing to #451380. Scope for a Google Summer of Code project, perhaps? This would be 90% talk to people and get a consensus and only 10% coding, though, but I think it would be worth it so that squeeze would have a powermanagement /acpi framework where different components don't stand on other components' toes all the time.

26 February 2009

Adrian von Bidder: Tech bits

Two small tricks that I feel should be circulated more widely, because Google only disclosed them to me after a few false starts: To figure out which processes are writing to the disk, I eventually found /proc/sys/vm/block_dump (see also chapter 5 of the Laptop Mode FAQ) which does exactly what I was hoping to find: it shows down to the level of process and file where disk writes are coming from. (Turns out, that kded and PowerDevil are currently appending to the .xsession-errors file regularly, keeping the disk busy on my new toy. Unlimited scrollback in konsole was the other culprit, but that one is switched off easily.) Since I want to start backup on my netbook when it comes online at home, I figured the DHCP server was the likely place to trigger this. But the execute feature to start hook scripts on the DHCP server (see the dhcp-eval man page) was only added quite recently, so google first showed me a huge load of discussions involving tail on syslog and parsing its output. (I also found the simple event correlator which might be useful where run command features are not available.)

24 February 2009

Adrian von Bidder: New Toy

Last week, I couldn't resist and bought myself an Acer Aspire One (AOA 150Ab) netbook. It has 1G RAM, 120G HDD, unfortunately needs a fan, and is the model without 3G modem. It comes with Linpus Linux pre-installed. Looks quite nice, but is obviously ultimately the wrong OS ... Besides, it's locked down quite a bit, there's not even an easy way to start a terminal :-) I still have kept it, in a dual-boot configuration, to play around or show to people. Installing Lenny went very well, and to make things more fun I'm running quite a few things from experimental: KDE 4.2, xorg 7.4 (1:7.4~5 right now) and 3. And, to get DRI2, also the 2.6.28 kernel from the newer-than-sid repository of the kernel team (2.6.28-2~snapshot.12850, but I hear 2.6.28 has now been uploaded.) While the whole thing is fun to use and didn't make any real problems, there are a few remaining issues (yes, this is a Dear Lazyweb posting, feel free to comment. I'll try to add updates to this article as this progresses): Ok, this has become rather a long list. But at least, as you can see, it's mostly minor issues, and hopefully a few where it's just missing configuration. One other issue is battery life: I see that there should be a large battery available for this thing. If it doesn't cost me as much as the whole netbook again, I'll seriously have to think about this... The 3-cell battery does last about 2.5h (and has, right now, uncovered a little bug where the battery monitoring applet tells me No AC adaptor plugged in, battery capacity: 50%, charging . Whee! I have a perpetuum mobile! I'm gonna be RICH!)

17 February 2009

Adrian von Bidder: Bowflex machine

After dropping all (pretense at) regular exercise after leaving high/grammar/secondary school (the german word is Gymnasium) and doing more or less nothing for more than 10 years, I've taken up weight training (after a not very successful attempt at volleyball; I like the sport but the team fell apart) two years ago. Since I actually managed to work out regularly (twice a week) in the first year, and since membership in a gym is not cheap, and since I moved and thus had to find a different solution anyway, I decided to buy a Bowflex Sport home gym. I can't compare it to other home equipment, and it apparently it has been discontinued by Nautilus, but nonetheless, a few thoughts: The conclusion first: Would I buy it again? No. Was it a waste of money? No, it's not that bad. In detail: Closing remarks: I'll probably keep it for quite a while. I've thought about spending much less money and just getting a bench and a few weights, but I really like to have a lat tower. Overall I can do what I want to do with the exception of cardio workouts. The other angle is that there is quite a bit of bad press around about the founder of Nautilus, Arhur Jones. I can't comment on how trustworthy these articles are, and I can't comment on Nautilus' business practices today (Mr. Jones seems to be dead), so take this with a large pinch of salt before making a buying decision based on moral/ethical standards.

5 February 2009

Adrian von Bidder: Harddisk encryption

Bruce Schneier is very sceptical about the new hard drive encryption standards released by a group composed of virtually all major storage vendors. He points out that the established software solutions have worked just fine, while this new standards adds complexity (and probably flaws, too) at the hardware level. I'm not so sure myself in which direction the balance goes:

3 February 2009

Adrian von Bidder: Delicatessen

Last weekend I found yet another movie that satisfied my apparent need for the strange and bizarre: Delicatessen by Marc Caro and Jean-Pierre Jeunet. (You can find older movie-related posts on my old blog.)

30 January 2009

Adrian von Bidder: More on KDE...

On the risk of repeating myself... While I do understand aseigo's dismay at the recent Linus-goes-to-GNOME-land media hype, caught by LWN amongst others is anyone taking bets if and when Linus will return to KDE? and I share LWN's (Jake Edge's) view that Red Hat/Fedora (I have no idea how far the latter really is a community project nowadays) has a long history of questionable release decisions regarding its inclusion of newer than bleeding edge software in releases, ultimately it's still KDE's fault for releasing KDE 4.0 with that ominous 4.0 version number in a move to get as many testers as possible for this public beta program (at least users didn't have to pay lots of money for this KDE Vista.) Why not just call it 3.9, if a beta label should be avoided? It would have been a release and avoided the bad press of staying in eternal beta, but the dot nine version would have made clear that it's not finished. Leaving the ranting aside, I congratulate the KDE crew for getting 4.2 out of the door, and the Debian KDE team for their decision to stay with KDE 3 in Lenny and providing KDE 4 via backports. I'm very happy with KDE 3 on my office workhorse, and have KDE 4 on the home machine and am quite impressed, but with reservations since I see parts of it crashing far too often for my taste (in the latest version I have installed, kmail rarely survives longer than 10min.)

22 January 2009

Adrian von Bidder: The Most Important Announcement of 2008

... and I completely missed it. I've been ranting on and off about the Linux desktop world needing a shakeup, about non-techies shaking their head and not understanding why a Linux Desktop needs further clarification so that anybody knows what it means. Seems I'm absolutely not the only one: KDE's aKademy conference and GNOME's GUADEC are to be held side by side as the Gran Canaria Desktop Summit 2009 in early July this year. I finally saw this in connection with LWN's coverage (subscriber only at this time, sorry) of the recent Qt relicensing by Nokia. The true Year of the Linux Desktop finally? I doubt it, seeing that many people with little computer skills are still completely unaware of what's happening. And currently, I share the pessimism about's future as shown in Michael Meeks' interpretation of the commit stats. A real killer in the collaboration platform space is still missing, as well: there are numerous commercial players, quite a few commercial pseudo-opensource packages, tons of real opensource frameworks, but none that can be recommended, in my opinion, without its share of doubts, either about the features, the licensing, or the future. Still, it's been the year of the Linux desktop for me since about 1997 (and that means Debian since not long after that), and I do see the situation improving year for year, so here's a big thank you to all working on it.

9 January 2009

Adrian von Bidder: Software updates....

Upgrading a laptop that has not been updated for ca. 2 months. Now it requests me to restart the system after every 5 minutes of downloading and installing packages. Repeatedly: I had to restart the upgrade process about 10 times already. In addition, I'm sure I've seen it updating some of the packages at least three times. But I'm sure by the end of today I'll be there. OpenSUSE. For when Windows was not annoying enough.

5 January 2009

Adrian von Bidder: I want one

Christmas is over, and unfortunately it comes with an Nvidia graphics chip, and I doubt the color calibration feature works under Linux. Nonetheless: I want one. Dual screen on a Laptop! Who wouldn't want that? And, in addition, a keyboard with a numeric keypad.

29 December 2008

Adrian von Bidder: Milk

A blog entry I wanted to write quite some time now... Depicted on the right is a liter carton of organic whole milk of one of the two big retailers here in Switzerland. At the bottom is the red area again, enlarged. For those who don't read french, italian or german: it's an indication of the ingredients ( Ingredients: whole milk ), and a warning for people with allergies ( Contains milk .) No doubt information like this is an essential contribution to lowering health costs by making people chose healthier foods and being aware of what they eat.

