Search Results: "bas"

21 June 2024

Gunnar Wolf: A new RISC-V toy... requiring almost no tinkering

Shortly before coming back from Argentina, I got news of a very interesting set of little machines, the MilkV Duo. The specs looked really interesting and fun to play with, particularly those of the bigger model, Milk-V DUO S Some of the highlights: Milk-V Duo S Naturally, for close to only US$12 (plus shipping) for the configuration I wanted I bought one, and got it delivered in early May. The little box sat on my desk for close to six weeks until I had time to start tinkering with it I must say I am surprised. Not only the little bugger delivers what it promises, but it is way more mature than what I expected: It can be used right away without much tinkering with! I mean, I have played with it for less than an hour by now, and I ve even managed to get (almost) regular Debian working. Milk-V distributes a simple, 58.9MB compressed Linux image, based on Buildroot, a simple Linux image generator mostly used for embedded applications, as well as its source tree. I thought that would be a good starting point to work on setting up a minimal Debian filesystem, as I did with the CuBox-i4Pro ten years ago, and maybe even to grow towards a more official solution, akin to what we currently have for the Raspberry Pi family Until I discovered what looks like a friendly and very active online community of Milk-V users! I haven t yet engaged in it, but I stumbled across a thread announcing the availability of Debian images for the Milk-V family. And yes, it feels like a very normal Debian system. /etc/apt/sources.list does point to a third-party repository, but it s for only four packages, all related to pinmux controlfor CVITEK chips. It does feel like a completely normal Debian system! It is not as snappy and fast to load as Buildroot, but given Debian s generality, that s completely as expected. Even the wireless network, one of the usual pain points, works just out of the box! The Debian images can be built or downloaded from this Git repository. In case you wonder how is this system booting or what hardware it detects, I captured two boot logs:

20 June 2024

C.J. Collier: Signed NVIDIA drivers on Google Cloud Dataproc 2.2

Hello folks, I ve been working this year on better integrating NVIDIA hardware with the Google Cloud Dataproc product (Hadoop on Google Cloud) running the default cluster node image. We have an open bug[1] in the initialization-actions repo regarding creation failures upon enabling secure boot. This is because with secure boot, kernel driver code has its signature verified before insmod places the symbols into kernel memory. The verification process involves reading trust root certificates from EFI variables, and validating that the signatures on the kernel driver either a) were made directly by one of the certificates in the boot sector or b) were made by certificates which chain up to one of them. This means that Dataproc disk images must have a certificate installed into them. My work on the internals will likely start producing images which have certificates from Google in them. In the meantime, however, our users are left without a mechanism to have both secure boot enabled and install out-of-tree kernel modules such as the NVIDIA GPU drivers. To that end, I ve got PR #83[2] open with the GoogleCloudDataproc/custom-images github repository. This PR introduces a new argument to the custom image creation script, trusted-cert , the argument of which is the path to a DER-encoded certificate to be included in the certificate database in the EFI variables of the disk s boot sector. I ve written up the instructions on creating a custom image with a trusted certificate here: Here is a set of commands that can be used to create a Dataproc custom image with certificate installed to the EFI s db variable. You can run these commands from the root directory of a checkout such as this:

git clone --branch secure-boot-custom-image --single-branch
pushd custom-images
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $ PROJECT_ID  \
        --member=serviceAccount:$ PROJECT_NUMBER \
gcloud config set project $ PROJECT_ID 
gcloud auth login
eval $(bash examples/secure-boot/
metadata="public_secret_name=$ public_secret_name "
metadata="$ metadata ,private_secret_name=$ private_secret_name "
metadata="$ metadata ,secret_project=$ secret_project "
metadata="$ metadata ,secret_version=$ secret_version "
#image_name="nvidia-open-kernel-bullseye-$(date +%F)"
image_name="nvidia-open-kernel-bookworm-$(date +%F)"
python \
    --image-name $ image_name  \
    --dataproc-version $ dataproc_version  \
    --trusted-cert "tls/db.der" \
    --customization-script $ customization_script  \
    --metadata "$ metadata " \
    --zone "$ custom_image_zone " \
    --disk-size "$ disk_size_gb " \
    --no-smoke-test \
    --gcs-bucket "$ my_bucket "
I d love to hear your feedback! [1]

Daniel Lange: Fixing esptool read_flash above 2MB on some cheap ESP32 boards

esptool, the Espressif SoC serial bootloader utility, tends to dislike cheap Flash chips attached to the various incarnations of the ESP32 chip family. And it seems to dislike them even more when running esptool on Linux than on other OSs. The common error mode is seeing it break at the 2MB barrier when trying to dump (esptool read_flash) a 4MB flash configuration.
esptool -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 921600 read_flash 0 0x400000 flash_dump.bin
will fail with v4.7.0
Serial port /dev/ttyUSB0
Detecting chip type... ESP32
Chip is ESP32-D0WD-V3 (revision v3.1)
Features: WiFi, BT, Dual Core, 240MHz, VRef calibration in efuse, Coding Scheme None
Crystal is 40MHz
Detected flash size: 4MB
2097152 (50 %)
A fatal error occurred: Failed to read flash block (result was 01090000: CRC or checksum was invalid)
typically at the 2MB barrier. I found the solution in a rather unrelated esptool Github issue: Create an esptool.cfg file in the project directory (from where you will run esptool):
timeout = 30
max_timeout = 240
erase_write_timeout_per_mb = 40
mem_end_rom_timeout = 0.2
serial_write_timeout = 10
The timeout = 30 is the setting that fixed reading flash memory via esptool read_flash for me. When your esptool.cfg is read, esptool will tell you so in its second line of output:
$ esptool flash_id v4.7.0
Loaded custom configuration from /home/dl/[..]/Embedded_dev/ESP-32_Wemos/esptool.cfg
Found 1 serial ports
Serial port /dev/ttyUSB0
Animated GIF of an ESP32 board Thank you Radim Karnis and wibbit from the Github issue linked above.

19 June 2024

Sahil Dhiman: First Iteration of My Free Software Mirror

As I m gearing towards setting up a Free Software download mirror in India, it occurred to me that I haven t chronicled the work and motivation behind setting up the original mirror in the first place. Also, seems like it would be good to document stuff here for observing the progression, as the mirror is going multi-country now. Right now, my existing mirror i.e., (was, is hosted in Germany and serves traffic for Termux, NomadBSD, Blender, BlendOS and GIMP. For a while in between, it hosted OSMC project mirror as well. To explain what is a Free Software download mirror thing is first, I ll quote myself from work blog -
As most Free Software doesn t have commercial backing and require heavy downloads, the concept of software download mirrors helps take the traffic load off of the primary server, leading to geographical redundancy, higher availability and faster download in general.
So whenever someone wants to download a particular (mirrored) software and click download, upstream redirects the download to one of the mirror server which is geographical (or in other parameters) nearby to the user, leading to faster downloads and load sharing amongst all mirrors. Since the time I got into Linux and servers, I always wanted to help the community somehow, and mirroring seemed to be the most obvious thing. India seems to be a country which has traditionally seen less number of public download mirrors. IITB, TiFR, and some of the public institutions used to host them for popular Linux and Free Softwares, but they seem to be diminishing these days. In the last months of 2021, I started using Termux and saw that it had only a few mirrors (back then). I tried getting a high capacity, high bandwidth node in budget but it was hard in India in 2021-22. So after much deliberation, I decided to go where it s available and chose a German hosting provider with the thought of adding India node when conditions are favorable (thankfully that happened, and India node is live too now.). Termux required only 29 GB of storage, so went ahead and started mirroring it. I raised this issue in Termux s GitHub repository in January 2022. This blog post chronicles the start of the mirror. Termux has high request counts from a mirror point of view. Each Termux client, usually checks every mirror in selected group for availability before randomly selecting one for download (only other case is when client has explicitly selected a single mirror using termux-repo-change). The mirror started getting thousands of requests daily due to this but only a small percentage would actually get my mirror in selection, so download traffic was lower. Similar thing happened with OSMC too (which I started mirroring later). With this start, I started exploring various project that would be benefit from additional mirrors. Public information from Academic Computer Club in Ume s mirror and Freedif s mirror stats helped to figure out storage and bandwidth requirements for potential projects. Fun fact, Academic Computer Club in Ume (which is one of the prominent Debian, Ubuntu etc.) mirror, now has 200 Gbits/s uplink to the internet through SUNET. Later, I migrated to a different provider for better speeds and added LibreSpeed test on the mirror server. Those were fun times. Between OSMC, Termux and LibreSpeed, I was getting almost 1.2 millions hits/day on the server at its peak, crossing for the first time a TB/day traffic number. Next came Blender, which took the longest time to set up of around 9 10 months. Blender had a push-trigger requirement for rsync from upstream that took quite some back and forth. It now contributes the most amount of traffic on the mirror. On release days, mirror does more than 3 TB/day and normal days, it hovers around 2 TB/day. Gimp project is the latest addition. At one time, the mirror traffic touched 4.97 TB/day traffic number. That s when I decided on dropping LibreSpeed server to solely focus on mirroring for now, keeping the bandwidth allotment for serving downloads only. The mirror projects selection grew organically. I used to reach out many projects discussing the need of for additional mirrors. Some projects outright denied mirroring request as Germany already has a good academic mirrors boosting 20-25 Gbits/s speeds from FTP era, which seems fair. Finding the niche was essential to only add softwares, which would truly benefit from additional capacity. There were months when nothing much would happen with the mirror, rsync would continue to update the mirror while nginx would keep on serving the traffic. Nowadays, the mirror pushes around 70 TB/month. I occasionally check logs, vnstat, add new security stuff here and there and pay the bills. It now saturates the Gigabit link sometimes and goes beyond that, peaking around 1.42 Gbits/s (the hosting provider seems to be upping their game). The plan is to upgrade the link to better speeds. vnstat yearly
Yearly traffic stats (through vnstat -y )
On the way, learned quite a few things like - GeoIP Map of Clients from Yesterday Access Logs
GeoIP Map of Clients from Yesterday's Access Logs. Click to enlarge
Generated from
In hindsight, the statistics look amazing, hundreds of TBs of traffic served from the mirror, month after month. That does show that there s still an appetite for public mirrors in time of commercially donated CDNs and GitHub. The world could have done with one less mirror, but it saved some time, lessened the burden for others, while providing redundancy and traffic localization with one additional mirror. And it s fun for someone like me who s into infrastructure that powers the Internet. Now, I ll try focusing and expanding the India mirror, which in itself started pushing almost half a TB/day. Long live Free Software and public download mirrors.

14 June 2024

Paul Tagliamonte: Reverse Engineering a Restaurant Pager system

It s been a while since I played with something new been stuck in a bit of a rut with radios recently - working on refining and debugging stuff I mostly understand for the time being. The other day, I was out getting some food and I idly wondered how the restaurant pager system worked. Idle curiosity gave way to the realization that I, in fact, likely had the means and ability to answer this question, so I bought the first set of the most popular looking restaurant pagers I could find on eBay, figuring it d be a fun multi-week adventure.

Order up! I wound up buying a Retekess brand TD-158 Restaurant Pager System (they looked like ones I d seen before and seemed to be low-cost and popular), and quickly after, had a pack of 10 pagers and a base station in-hand. The manual stated that the radios operated at 433 MHz (cool! can do! Love a good ISM band device), and after taking an inital read through the manual for tips on the PHY, I picked out a few interesting things. First is that the base station ID was limited to 0-999, which is weird because it means the limiting factor is likely the base-10 display on the base station, not the protocol we need enough bits to store 999 at least 10 bits. Nothing else seemed to catch my eye, so I figured may as well jump right to it. Not being the type to mess with success, I did exactly the same thing as I did in my christmas tree post, and took a capture at 433.92MHz since it was in the middle of the band, and immediately got deja-vu. Not only was the signal at 433.92MHz, but throwing the packet into inspectrum gave me the identical plot of the OOK encoding scheme. Not just similar identical. The only major difference was the baud rate and bit structure of the packets, and the only minor difference was the existence of what I think is a wakeup preamble packet (of all zeros), rather than a preamble symbol that lasted longer than usual PHY symbol (which makes this pager system a bit easier to work with than my tree, IMHO). Getting down to work, I took some measurements to determine what the symbol duration was over the course of a few packets, I was able to determine the symbol rate was somewhere around 858 microseconds (0.000858 seconds per symbol), which is a weird number, but maybe I m slightly off or there s some larger math I m missing that makes this number satisfyingly round (internal low cost crystal clock or something? I assume this is some hardware constrait with the pager?) Anyway, good enough. Moving along, let s try our hand at a demod let s just assume it s all the same as the chrismas tree post and demod ones and zeros the same way here. That gives us 26 bits:
Now, I know we need at least 10 bits for the base station ID, some number of bits for the pager ID, and some bits for the command. This was a capture of me hitting call from a base station ID of 55 to a pager with the ID of 10, so let s blindly look for 10 bit chunks with the numbers we re looking for:
0000110111 0000001010 001000
Jeez. First try. 10 bits for the base station ID (55 in binary is 0000110111), 10 bits for the pager ID (10 in binary is 0000001010), which leaves us with 6 bits for a command (and maybe something else too?) which is 8 here. Great, cool, let s work off that being the case and revisit it if we hit bugs. Besides our data packet, there s also a preamble packet that I ll add in, in case it s used for signal detection or wakeup or something which is fairly easy to do since it s the same packet structure as the above, just all zeros. Very kind of them to leave it with the same number of bits and encoding scheme it s nice that it can live outside the PHY. Once I got here, I wrote a quick and dirty modulator, and was able to ring up pagers! Unmitigated success and good news only downside was that it took me a single night, and not the multi-week adventure I was looking for. Well, let s finish the job and document what we ve found for the sake of completeness.

Boxing everything up My best guess on the packet structure is as follows:
base id
For a call or F2 operation, the argument is the Pager s ID code, but for other commands it s a value or an enum, depending. Here s a table of my by-hand demodulation of all the packet types the base station produces:
Type Cmd Id Description
Call8Call the pager identified by the id in argument
Off60Request any pagers on the charger power off when power is removed, argument is all zero
F240Program a pager to the specified Pager ID (in argument) and base station
F344Set the reminder duration in seconds specified in argument
F448Set the pager's beep mode to the one in argument (0 is disabled, 1 is slow, 2 is medium, 3 is fast)
F552Set the pager's vibration mode to the one in argument (0 is disabled, 1 is enabled)

Kitchen s closed for the night I m not going to be publishing this code since I can t think of a good use anyone would have for this besides folks using a low cost SDR and annoying local resturants; but there s enough here for folks who find this interesting to try modulating this protocol on their own hardware if they want to buy their own pack of pagers and give it a shot, which I do encourage! It s fun! Radios are great, and this is a good protocol to hack with it s really nice. All in all, this wasn t the multi-week adventure I was looking for, this was still a great exercise and a fun reminder that I ve come a far way from when I ve started. It felt a lot like cheating since I was able to infer a lot about the PHY because I d seen it before, but it was still a great time. I may grab a few more restaurant pagers and see if I can find one with a more exotic PHY to emulate next. I mean why not, I ve already got the thermal printer libraries working

13 June 2024

Russ Allbery: Security review of tag2upload

For some time now, Debian has been discussing a possible enhancement to the way that Debian packages are uploaded to the archive. The basic idea is to allow a package upload to be triggered by pushing a signed tag, with some structured metadata, to Salsa, the instance of GitLab that Debian provides for packaging repositories. This would allow Debian package maintainers to use a more typical Git-first workflow, where releases are triggered by Git tags and the release artifacts are built in a clean CI environment, while still enforcing the existing Debian rules about who is allowed to upload packages. As part of that effort, I recently completed a detailed security review of the tag2upload design. I sent it to debian-vote as part of the ongoing discussion, but have also posted it at the link above to give it a more permanent home. This security review may be revised based on the discussion if people point out things that I missed.

12 June 2024

Matthew Garrett: SSH agent extensions as an arbitrary RPC mechanism

A while back, I wrote about using the SSH agent protocol to satisfy WebAuthn requests. The main problem with this approach is that it required starting the SSH agent with a special argument and also involved being a little too friendly with the implementation - things worked because I could provide an arbitrary public key and the implementation never validated that, but it would be legitimate for it to start doing so and then break everything. And it also only worked for keys stored on tokens that ssh supports - there was no way to extend this to other keystores on the client (such as the Secure Enclave on Macs, or TPM-backed keys on PCs). I wanted a better solution.

It turns out that it was far easier than I expected. The ssh agent protocol is documented here, and the interesting part is the extension support extension mechanism. Basically, you can declare an extension and then just tunnel whatever you want over it. As before, my goto was the go ssh agent package which conveniently implements both the client and server side of this. Implementing the local agent is trivial - look up SSH_AUTH_SOCK, connect to it, create a new agent client that can communicate with that by calling NewClient, and then implement the ExtendedAgent interface, create a new socket, and call ServeAgent against that. Most of the ExtendedAgent functions should simply call through to the original agent, with the exception of Extension(). Just add a case statement against extensionType, define some reasonably namespaced extension, and you're done.

Now you need to use this agent. You probably don't want to use this for arbitrary hosts (agent forwarding should only be enabled for remote systems you trust, not arbitrary machines you connect to - if you enabled agent forwarding for github and github got compromised, github would be able to use any private keys loaded into your agent, and you probably don't want that). So the right approach is to add a Host entry to the ssh config with a ForwardAgent stanza pointing at the socket you created in your new agent. This way the configured subset of remote hosts will automatically talk to this new custom agent, while forwarding for anything else will still be at the user's discretion.

For the remote end things are even easier. Look up SSH_AUTH_SOCK and call NewClient as before, and then simply call client.Extension(). Whatever you stick in the contents argument will simply end up being received at the client end. You now have a communication channel between a the remote system and the local client, and what you do with that is up to you. I'm using it to allow a remote system to obtain auth tokens from Okta and forward WebAuthn challenges that can either be satisfied via a local WebAuthn token or by passing the query off to Mac TouchID, but there's fundamentally no constraints whatsoever on what can be done here.

(If you want to do this on Windows and still have everything work with existing clients you'll need to take this into account - Windows didn't really do Unix sockets until recently so everything there is awful)

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Freexian Collaborators: Monthly report about Debian Long Term Support, May 2024 (by Roberto C. S nchez)

Like each month, have a look at the work funded by Freexian s Debian LTS offering.

Debian LTS contributors In May, 17 contributors have been paid to work on Debian LTS, their reports are available:
  • Adrian Bunk did 34.25h (out of 24.0h assigned and 22.0h from previous period), thus carrying over 11.75h to the next month.
  • Bastien Roucari s did 20.0h (out of 20.0h assigned).
  • Ben Hutchings did 16.0h (out of 24.0h assigned), thus carrying over 8.0h to the next month.
  • Chris Lamb did 18.0h (out of 18.0h assigned).
  • Daniel Leidert did 8.0h (out of 10.0h assigned), thus carrying over 2.0h to the next month.
  • Emilio Pozuelo Monfort did 35.5h (out of 46.0h assigned), thus carrying over 10.5h to the next month.
  • Guilhem Moulin did 13.0h (out of 14.75h assigned and 5.25h from previous period), thus carrying over 7.0h to the next month.
  • Lee Garrett did 11.0h (out of 37.25h assigned and 8.75h from previous period), thus carrying over 35.0h to the next month.
  • Lucas Kanashiro did 10.0h (out of 20.0h assigned), thus carrying over 10.0h to the next month.
  • Markus Koschany did 40.0h (out of 40.0h assigned).
  • Ola Lundqvist did 6.5h (out of 22.5h assigned and 1.5h from previous period), thus carrying over 17.5h to the next month.
  • Roberto C. S nchez did 7.75h (out of 11.0h assigned and 1.0h from previous period), thus carrying over 4.25h to the next month.
  • Santiago Ruano Rinc n did 8.0h (out of 16.0h assigned), thus carrying over 8.0h to the next month.
  • Sean Whitton did 5.5h (out of 5.5h assigned and 0.5h from previous period), thus carrying over 0.5h to the next month.
  • Sylvain Beucler did 10.5h (out of 0.75h assigned and 45.25h from previous period), thus carrying over 35.5h to the next month.
  • Thorsten Alteholz did 14.0h (out of 14.0h assigned).
  • Tobias Frost did 7.75h (out of 10.0h assigned and 2.0h from previous period), thus carrying over 4.25h to the next month.

Evolution of the situation In May, we have released 20 DLAs. Notable security updates in May included:
  • apache2: multiple vulnerabilities which may result in HTTP response splitting, denial of service, or authorization bypass (by Bastien Roucari s, in collaboration with apache2 maintainer Yadd)
  • bind9: two vulnerabilities, called KeyTrap and NSEC3, which may result in denial of service (by Santiago Ruano Rinc n)
  • python-pymysql: potential SQL injection attack (by Chris Lamb)
The aforementioned apache2 was prepared by its Debian maintainer Yadd. This update also involved work on the package test suite in buster, which contributor Bastien Roucari s then forwarded to the apache2 package in unstable. More importantly, a regression in fossil was reported, and Bastien prepared a fix for it. Bastien coordinated the upload of both packages to minimize the introduction of regressions. Contributor Daniel Leidert also prepared an upload of runc to Debian 11 in order fix a number of CVEs still affecting that package. Finally, contributor Thorsten Alteholz prepared uploads for qtbase-opensource-src, libjwt, and libmicrohttpd in Debian 11. Note that Debian 11 will pass into the LTS phase of support in August and these updates will improve the state and long-term supportability of Debian 11. Debian 10 is presently in its final month of LTS support (as announced on the debian-lts-announce mailing list, support will end on June 30th), after which no new security updates will be made available on However, Freexian and its team of paid Debian contributors will continue to maintain Debian 10 going forward for the customers of the Extended LTS offer. Subscribe right away if you sill have Debian 10 which must be kept secure (and which cannot yet be upgraded).

Thanks to our sponsors Sponsors that joined recently are in bold.

8 June 2024

Thorsten Alteholz: My Debian Activities in May 2024

FTP master This month I accepted 347 and rejected 49 packages. The overall number of packages that got accepted was 348.

Debian LTS This was my hundred-nineteenth month that I did some work for the Debian LTS initiative, started by Raphael Hertzog at Freexian. During my allocated time I uploaded or worked on: I also continued to work on tiff and last but not least did a week of FD and attended the monthly LTS/ELTS meeting. Unfortunately I used lots of time to debug an issue with nghttp2. Please see my odyssey below. Debian ELTS This month was the seventieth ELTS month. During my allocated time I uploaded: For some tests I installed the new nghttp2 package on my Stretch VM and started the daemon. Unfortunately I got an unexpected error from getaddrinfo() about ai_socktype not supported. The daemon was configured to listen on lo, the device was available, but the error remained. I was pretty sure that my patch was not the reason for this and indeed the unpatched version showed this error as well. I didn t want to release an untested package, so nghttp2 had to start at least! Therefore I built a minimal example to reproduce the issue. getaddrinfo() failed for hints.ai_socktype=SOCK_STREAM and a numerical IP address. Having no hints at all or localhost instead of made the error disappear (as a remark: localhost resolves to, the ipv6 variant is ip6-localhost ). I could see that in nghttp2 as well. Configuring it with localhost let the error vanish but the daemon still exited due to other reasons. After some time of debugging, I added another network interface to my VM and configured it with a dummy IPv4 address. Voila, everything worked as expected. According to Wikipedia, IPv6 was ratified as standard in 2017 and Stretch was also released in 2017. No wonder that a IPv6-only-VM had problems back then and these problems survived to the present. I also continued to work on an update for tiff in Jessie and Stretch, did a week of FD and attended the LTS/ELTS meeting. Debian Printing This month I uploaded new upstream or bugfix versions of: This work is generously funded by Freexian! Debian Astro This month I uploaded a new upstream or bugfix version of: Debian IoT This month I uploaded new upstream or bugfix versions of: Debian Mobcom Due to more and more problems with time_t, I removed osmo-iuh and all dependencies from armel, armhf and i386, sorry. If there is really anybody using this software on 32-bit architectures don t hesitate to get in touch. It is official now, the GSoC student working on the Mobcom packages is Nathan Doris. He already finished the hardest part of the job and I could upload the latest version of libosmocore. I really enjoy working with him and look forward to a pleasant SoC :-). misc This month I uploaded new upstream or bugfix versions of: Did I already mention that I love lists with topics I can work on. I print out such lists and enjoy checking off one after the other. End of May Helmut told me that I am a bit lazy and gave me such a list with all my packages that have one or the other issue with /usr-move. Most of the uploads above are packages on that list and I could check off a lot :-).

Reproducible Builds: Reproducible Builds in May 2024

Welcome to the May 2024 report from the Reproducible Builds project! In these reports, we try to outline what we have been up to over the past month and highlight news items in software supply-chain security more broadly. As ever, if you are interested in contributing to the project, please visit our Contribute page on our website. Table of contents:
  1. A peek into build provenance for Homebrew
  2. Distribution news
  3. Mailing list news
  4. Miscellaneous news
  5. Two new academic papers
  6. diffoscope
  7. Website updates
  8. Upstream patches
  9. Reproducibility testing framework

A peek into build provenance for Homebrew Joe Sweeney and William Woodruff on the Trail of Bits blog wrote an extensive post about build provenance for Homebrew, the third-party package manager for MacOS. Their post details how each bottle (i.e. each release):
[ ] built by Homebrew will come with a cryptographically verifiable statement binding the bottle s content to the specific workflow and other build-time metadata that produced it. [ ] In effect, this injects greater transparency into the Homebrew build process, and diminishes the threat posed by a compromised or malicious insider by making it impossible to trick ordinary users into installing non-CI-built bottles.
The post also briefly touches on future work, including work on source provenance:
Homebrew s formulae already hash-pin their source artifacts, but we can go a step further and additionally assert that source artifacts are produced by the repository (or other signing identity) that s latent in their URL or otherwise embedded into the formula specification.

Distribution news In Debian this month, Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues (aka josch) noticed that the Debian binary package bash version 5.2.15-2+b3 was uploaded to the archive twice. Once to bookworm and once to sid but with differing content. This is problem for reproducible builds in Debian due its assumption that the package name, version and architecture triplet is unique. However, josch highlighted that
This example with bash is especially problematic since bash is Essential:yes, so there will now be a large portion of .buildinfo files where it is not possible to figure out with which of the two differing bash packages the sources were compiled.
In response to this, Holger Levsen performed an analysis of all .buildinfo files and found that this needs almost 1,500 binNMUs to fix the fallout from this bug. Elsewhere in Debian, Vagrant Cascadian posted about a Non-Maintainer Upload (NMU) sprint to take place during early June, and it was announced that there is now a #debian-snapshot IRC channel on OFTC to discuss the creation of a new source code archiving service to, perhaps, replace Lastly, 11 reviews of Debian packages were added, 15 were updated and 48 were removed this month adding to our extensive knowledge about identified issues. A number of issue types have been updated by Chris Lamb as well. [ ][ ]
Elsewhere in the world of distributions, deep within a larger announcement from Colin Percival about the release of version 14.1-BETA2, it was mentioned that the FreeBSD kernels are now built reproducibly.
In Fedora, however, the change proposal mentioned in our report for April 2024 was approved, so, per the ReproduciblePackageBuilds wiki page, the add-determinism tool is now running in new builds for Fedora 41 ( rawhide ). The add-determinism tool is a Rust program which, as its name suggests, adds determinism to files that are given as input by attempting to standardize metadata contained in binary or source files to ensure consistency and clamping to $SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH in all instances . This is essentially the Fedora version of Debian s strip-nondeterminism. However, strip-nondeterminism is written in Perl, and Fedora did not want to pull Perl in the buildroot for every package. The add-determinism tool eliminates many causes of non-determinism and work is ongoing to continue the scope of packages it can operate on.

Mailing list news On our mailing list this month, regular contributor kpcyrd wrote to the list with an update on their source code indexing project, The project, which was launched last month in response to the XZ Utils backdoor, now contains and indexes almost 250,000 unique source code archives. In their post, kpcyrd gives an example of its intended purpose, noting that it shown that whilst there seems to be consensus about [the] source code for zsh 5.9 in various Linux distributions, it does not align with the contents of the zsh Git repository . Holger Levsen also posted to the list with a pre-announcement of sorts for the 2024 Reproducible Builds summit. In particular:
[Whilst] the dates and location are not fixed yet, however if you don help us with finding a suitable location soon, it is very likely that we ll meet again in Hamburg in the 2nd half of September 2024 [ ].
Lastly, Frederic-Emmanuel Picca wrote to the list asking for help understanding the non-reproducible status of the Debian silx package and received replies from both Vagrant Cascadian and Chris Lamb.

Miscellaneous news strip-nondeterminism is our tool to remove specific non-deterministic results from a completed build. This month strip-nondeterminism version 1.14.0-1 was uploaded to Debian unstable by Chris Lamb chiefly to incorporate a change from Alex Muntada to avoid a dependency on Sub::Override to perform monkey-patching and break circular dependencies related to debhelper [ ]. Elsewhere in our tooling, Jelle van der Waa modified reprotest because the pipes module will be removed in Python version 3.13 [ ].
It was also noticed that a new blog post by Daniel Stenberg detailing How to verify a Curl release mentions the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment variable. This is because:
The [curl] release tools document also contains another key component: the exact time stamp at which the release was done using integer second resolution. In order to generate a correct tarball clone, you need to also generate the new version using the old version s timestamp. Because the modification date of all files in the produced tarball will be set to this timestamp.

Furthermore, Fay Stegerman filed a bug against the Signal messenger app for Android to report that their reproducible builds cannot, in fact, be reproduced. However, Fay is quick to note that she has:
found zero evidence of any kind of compromise. Some differences are yet unexplained but everything I found seems to be benign. I am disappointed that Reproducible Builds have been broken for months but I have zero reason to doubt Signal s security in any way.

Lastly, it was observed that there was a concise and diagrammatic overview of supply chain threats on the SLSA website.

Two new academic papers Two new scholarly papers were published this month. Firstly, Mathieu Acher, Beno t Combemale, Georges Aaron Randrianaina and Jean-Marc J z quel of University of Rennes on Embracing Deep Variability For Reproducibility & Replicability. The authors describe their approach as follows:
In this short [vision] paper we delve into the application of software engineering techniques, specifically variability management, to systematically identify and explicit points of variability that may give rise to reproducibility issues (e.g., language, libraries, compiler, virtual machine, OS, environment variables, etc.). The primary objectives are: i) gaining insights into the variability layers and their possible interactions, ii) capturing and documenting configurations for the sake of reproducibility, and iii) exploring diverse configurations to replicate, and hence validate and ensure the robustness of results. By adopting these methodologies, we aim to address the complexities associated with reproducibility and replicability in modern software systems and environments, facilitating a more comprehensive and nuanced perspective on these critical aspects.
(A PDF of this article is available.)
Secondly, Ludovic Court s, Timothy Sample, Simon Tournier and Stefano Zacchiroli have collaborated to publish a paper on Source Code Archiving to the Rescue of Reproducible Deployment. Their paper was motivated because:
The ability to verify research results and to experiment with methodologies are core tenets of science. As research results are increasingly the outcome of computational processes, software plays a central role. GNU Guix is a software deployment tool that supports reproducible software deployment, making it a foundation for computational research workflows. To achieve reproducibility, we must first ensure the source code of software packages Guix deploys remains available.
(A PDF of this article is also available.)

diffoscope diffoscope is our in-depth and content-aware diff utility that can locate and diagnose reproducibility issues. This month, Chris Lamb made a number of changes such as uploading versions 266, 267, 268 and 269 to Debian, making the following changes:
  • New features:
    • Use xz --list to supplement output when comparing .xz archives; essential when metadata differs. (#1069329)
    • Include xz --verbose --verbose (ie. double) output. (#1069329)
    • Strip the first line from the xz --list output. [ ]
    • Only include xz --list --verbose output if the xz has no other differences. [ ]
    • Actually append the xz --list after the container differences, as it simplifies a lot. [ ]
  • Testing improvements:
    • Allow Debian testing to fail right now. [ ]
    • Drop apktool from Build-Depends; we can still test APK functionality via autopkgtests. (#1071410)
    • Add a versioned dependency for at least version 5.4.5 for the xz tests as they fail under (at least) version 5.2.8. (#374)
    • Fix tests for 7zip 24.05. [ ][ ]
    • Fix all tests after additon of xz --list. [ ][ ]
  • Misc:
    • Update copyright years. [ ]
In addition, James Addison fixed an issue where the HTML output showed only the first difference in a file, while the text output shows all differences [ ][ ][ ], Sergei Trofimovich amended the 7zip version test for older 7z versions that include the string [64] [ ][ ] and Vagrant Cascadian relaxed the versioned dependency to allow version 5.4.1 for the xz tests [ ] and proposed updates to guix for versions 267, 268 and pushed version 269 to Guix. Furthermore, Eli Schwartz updated the website in order to explain how to install diffoscope on Gentoo [ ].

Website updates There were a number of improvements made to our website this month, including Chris Lamb making the print CSS stylesheet nicer [ ]. Fay Stegerman made a number of updates to the page about the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment variable [ ][ ][ ] and Holger Levsen added some of their presentations to the Resources page. Furthermore, IOhannes zm lnig stipulated support for SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH in clang version 16.0.0+ [ ], Jan Zerebecki expanded the Formal definition page and fixed a number of typos on the Buy-in page [ ] and Simon Josefsson fixed the link to Trisquel GNU/Linux on the Projects page [ ].

Upstream patches This month, we wrote a number of patches to fix specific reproducibility issues, including:

Reproducibility testing framework The Reproducible Builds project operates a comprehensive testing framework running primarily at in order to check packages and other artifacts for reproducibility. In May, a number of changes were made by Holger Levsen:
  • Debian-related changes:
    • Enable the rebuilder-snapshot API on osuosl4. [ ]
    • Schedule the i386 architecture a bit more often. [ ]
    • Adapt to the new way of running our build services. [ ]
    • Add 8 more workers for the i386 architecture. [ ]
    • Update configuration now that the infom07 and infom08 nodes have been reinstalled as real i386 systems. [ ]
    • Make diffoscope timeouts more visible on the #debian-reproducible-changes IRC channel. [ ]
    • Mark the cbxi4a-armhf node as down. [ ][ ]
    • Only install the hdmi2usb-mode-switch package only on Debian bookworm and earlier [ ] and only install the haskell-platform package on Debian bullseye [ ].
  • Misc:
    • Install the ntpdate utility as we need it later. [ ]
    • Document the progress on the i386 architecture nodes at Infomaniak. [ ]
    • Drop an outdated and unnoticed notice. [ ]
    • Add live_setup_schroot to the list of so-called zombie jobs. [ ]
In addition, Mattia Rizzolo reinstalled the infom07 and infom08 nodes [ ] and Vagrant Cascadian marked the cbxi4a node as online [ ].

If you are interested in contributing to the Reproducible Builds project, please visit our Contribute page on our website. However, you can get in touch with us via:

7 June 2024

Freexian Collaborators: Debian Contributions: DebConf Bursaries, /usr-move, sbuild, and more! (by Stefano Rivera)

Contributing to Debian is part of Freexian s mission. This article covers the latest achievements of Freexian and their collaborators. All of this is made possible by organizations subscribing to our Long Term Support contracts and consulting services.

DebConf Bursary updates, by Utkarsh Gupta Utkarsh is the bursaries team lead for DebConf 24. Bursary requests are dispatched to a team of volunteers to review. The results are collated, adjusted and merged to produce priority lists of requests to fund. Utkarsh raised the team, coordinated the review, and issued bursaries to attendees.

/usr-move, by Helmut Grohne More and more, the /usr-move transition is being carried out by multiple contributors and many performed around a hundred of the requested uploads. Of these, Helmut contributed five patches and two uploads. As a result, there are less than 350 packages left to be converted, and all of the non-trivial cases have patches. We started with three times that number. Thanks to everyone involved for supporting this effort. For people interested in background information of this transition, Helmut gave a presentation at MiniDebConf Berlin 2024 (slides).

sbuild, by Helmut Grohne While unshare mode of sbuild has existed for quite a while, it is now getting significant use in Debian, and new problems are popping up. Helmut looked into an apparmor-related failure and provided a diagnosis. While relevant code would detect the chroot nature of a schroot backend and skip apparmor tests, the unshare environment would be just good enough to run and fail the test. As sbuild exposes fewer special kernel filesystems, the tests will be skipped again. Another problem popped up when gobject-introspection added a dependency on the host architecture Python interpreter in a cross build environment. sbuild would prefer installing (and failing) a host architecture Python to installing the qemu alternative. Attempts to fix this would result in systemd killing sbuild. ischroot as used by libc6.postinst would not classify the unshare environment as a chroot. Therefore libc6.postinst would run telinit which would kill the build process. This is a complex interaction problem that shall eventually be solved by providing triggers from libc6 to be implemented by affected init systems.

Salsa CI updates, by Santiago Ruano Rinc n Several issues arose about Salsa CI last month, and it is probably worth mentioning part of the challenges of defining its framework in YAML. With the upcoming end-of-support of Debian 10 buster as LTS, armel was removed from, making the jobs that build images for buster/armel to fail. While the removal of buster/armel from the repositories is a natural change, it put some light on the flaws in the Salsa CI design regarding the support of the different Debian releases. Currently, the images are defined like these (from .images-debian.yml):
.all-supported-releases: &all-supported-releases
  - stretch
  - stretch-backports
  - buster
  - bullseye
  - bullseye-backports
  - bookworm
  - bookworm-backports
  - trixie
  - sid
  - experimental
And from them, different images are built according to the different jobs and how they are supported, for example:
  stage: build
  extends: .build_template
      # Base image, all releases, all arches
      - IMAGE_NAME: base
          - arm32v5
          - arm32v7
          - arm64v8
        RELEASE: *all-supported-releases
The removal of buster/armel could be easily reflected as:
  stage: build
  extends: .build_template
      # Base image, fully supported releases, all arches
      - IMAGE_NAME: base
          - arm32v5
          - arm32v7
          - arm64v8
          - stretch
          - buster
          - bullseye
          - bullseye-backports
          - bookworm
          - bookworm-backports
          - trixie
          - sid
          - experimental
      # buster only supports armhf and arm64
      - IMAGE_NAME: base
          - arm32v7
          - arm64v8
        RELEASE: buster
Evidently, this increases duplication of the release support data, which is of course not optimal and it is error prone when changing the data about supported releases. A better approach would be to have two different YAML lists, such as:
# releases that have partial support. E.g.: buster is transitioning to
# Debian LTS, and buster armel is no longer found in
.old-releases: &old-releases
  - stretch
  - buster

.currently-supported-releases: &currently-supported-releases
  - bullseye
  - bullseye-backports
  - bookworm
  - bookworm-backports
  - trixie
  - sid
  - experimental
and then a unified list:
.all-supported-releases: &all-supported-releases
  - *old-releases
  - *currently-supported-releases
that could be used in the matrix of the jobs that build all the images available in the pipeline container registry. However, due to limitations in GitLab, it is not possible to expand the variables or mapping values in a parallel:matrix context. At least not in an elegant fashion. This is the kind of issue that recently arose and that Santiago is currently working to solve, in the simplest possible way. Astute readers would notice that stretch is listed in the fully supported releases. And there is no problem with stretch, because it is built from Otto actually has tried to fix the broken image build job doing the same, but it is still incorrect, because the security repository is not (yet) available in Additionally, Santiago has also worked on other merge requests, such as:
  1. support branch/tags as target head in the test projects,
  2. build autopkgtest image on top of stable
  3. Add .yamllint and make it happy in the autopkgtest-lxc project
  4. enable FF_SCRIPT_SECTIONS to log multiline commands, among others.

Archiving DebConf Websites, by Stefano Rivera DebConf, the annual Debian conference, has its own new website every year. These are typically complex dynamic web applications (featuring registration, call for papers, scheduling, etc.) Once the conference is over, there is no need to keep maintaining these applications, so we archive the sites off as static HTML, and serve them from Debian s static CDN. Stefano archived the websites for the last two DebConfs. The schedule system behind DebConf 14 and 15 s websites was a derivative of Canonical s summit system. This was only used for a couple of years before migrating to wafer, the current system. Archiving summit content has been on the nice to have list for years, but nobody has ever tackled it. The machine that served the sites went away a couple of years ago. After much digging, a backup of the database was found, and Stefano got this code running on an ancient Python 2.7. Recently Stefano put this all together and hooked in an archive export to finally get this content preserved.

Python 3.x and pypy3 security bug triage, by Stefano Rivera Stefano Rivera triaged all the open security bugs against the Python 3.x and PyPy3 packages for Debian s stable and LTS releases. Several had been fixed but this wasn t recorded in the security tracker.

Linux livepatching support for Debian, by Santiago Ruano Rinc n In collaboration with Emmanuel Arias, Santiago filed ITP bug #1070494. As stated in the bug, more than an Intent to Package, it is an Intent to Design and Implement live patching support for the Linux kernel in Debian. For now, Emmanuel and Santiago have done exploratory work and they are working to understand the different possibilities to implement livepatching. One possible direction is to rely on kpatch, and the other is to package the modules using regular packaging tools. Also, it is needed to evaluate if it is possible to rely on distributing the modules via packages, or instead as a service, as it is done by some commercial distributions.

Miscellaneous contributions
  • Thorsten Alteholz uploaded cups-bjnp to improve packaging.
  • Colin Watson tracked down a baffling CI issue in openssh to unblock several merge requests, removed the user_readenv=1 option from its PAM configuration, and started on the first stage of his plan to split out GSS-API key exchange support to separate packages.
  • Colin did his usual routine work on the Python team, upgrading 26 packages to new upstream versions, and cherry-picking an upstream PR to fix a pytest 8 incompatibility in ipywidgets.
  • Colin NMUed a couple of packages to reduce the need for explicit overrides in Packages-arch-specific, and removed some other obsolete entries from there.
  • Emilio managed various library transitions, and helped finish a few of the remaining t64 transitions.
  • Helmut sent a patch for enabling piuparts to work as a regular user building on earlier work.
  • Helmut sent patches for 7 cross build failures, 6 other debian bugs and fixed an infrastructure problem in
  • Nicholas worked on a sponsored package upload, and discovered the blhc tool for diagnosing build hardening.
  • Stefano Rivera started and completed the re2 transition. The release team suggested moving to a virtual package scheme that includes the absl ABI (as re2 now depends on it). Adopted this.
  • Stefano continued to work on DebConf 24 planning.
  • Santiago continued to work on DebConf24 Content tasks as well as Debconf25 organisation.

6 June 2024

Paul Wise: FLOSS Activities May 2024

Focus This month I didn't have any particular focus. I just worked on issues in my info bubble.



  • Debian BTS usertags: changes for the month

  • Debian wiki: approve accounts

  • Respond to queries from Debian users and contributors on the mailing lists and IRC

Sponsors All work was done on a volunteer basis.

5 June 2024

Alberto Garc a: More ways to install software in SteamOS: Distrobox and Nix

Introduction In my previous post I talked about how to use systemd-sysext to add software to the Steam Deck without modifying the root filesystem. In this post I will give a brief overview of two additional methods. Distrobox distrobox is a tool that uses containers to create a mutable environment on top of your OS. Distrobox running in SteamOS With distrobox you can open a terminal with your favorite Linux distro inside, with full access to the package manager and the ability to install additional software. Containers created by distrobox are integrated with the system so apps running inside have normal access to the user s home directory and the Wayland/X11 session. Since these containers are not stored in the root filesystem they can survive an OS update and continue to work fine. For this reason they are particularly suited to systems with an immutable root filesystem such as Silverblue, Endless OS or SteamOS. Starting from SteamOS 3.5 the system comes with distrobox (and podman) preinstalled and it can be used right out of the box without having to do any previous setup. For example, in order to create a Debian bookworm container simply open a terminal and run this:
$ distrobox create -i debian:bookworm debbox
Here debian:bookworm is the image that this container is created from (debian is the name and bookworm is the tag, see the list of supported tags here) and debbox is the name that is given to this new container. Once the container is created you can enter it:
$ distrobox enter debbox
Or from the Debian entry in the desktop menu -> Lost & Found. Once inside the container you can run your Debian commands normally:
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install vim-gtk3
Nix Nix is a package manager for Linux and other Unix-like systems. It has the property that it can be installed alongside the official package manager of any distribution, allowing the user to add software without affecting the rest of the system. Nix running in SteamOS Nix installs everything under the /nix directory, and packages are made available to the user through a new entry in the PATH and a ~/.nix-profile symlink stored in the home directory. Nix is more things, including the basis of the NixOS operating system. Explaning Nix in more detail is beyond the scope of this blog post, but for SteamOS users these are perhaps its most interesting properties: The only thing that Nix needs from SteamOS is help to set up the /nix directory so its contents are not stored in the root filesystem. This is already happening starting from SteamOS 3.5 so you can install Nix right away in single-user mode:
$ sudo chown deck:deck /nix
$ wget
$ sh ./install --no-daemon
This installs Nix and adds a line to ~/.bash_profile to set up the necessary environment variables. After that you can log in again and start using it. Here s a very simple example (refer to the official documentation for more details):
# Install and run Midnight Commander
$ nix-env -iA
$ mc
# List installed packages
$ nix-env -q
# Uninstall Midnight Commander
$ nix-env -e mc-4.8.31
What we have seen so far is how to install Nix in single-user mode, which is the simplest one and probably good enough for a single-user machine like the Steam Deck. The Nix project however recommends a multi-user installation, see here for the reasons. Unfortunately the official multi-user installer does not work out of the box on the Steam Deck yet, but if you want to go the multi-user way you can use the Determinate Systems installer: Conclusion Distrobox and Nix are useful tools and they give SteamOS users the ability to add additional software to the system without having to modify the base operating system. While for graphical applications the recommended way to install third-party software is still Flatpak, Distrobox and Nix give the user additional flexibility and are particularly useful for installing command-line utilities and other system tools.

1 June 2024

Guido G nther: Free Software Activities May 2024

A short status update of what happened on my side last month. A broken gcovr in Debian triggered a bit of busy work but 0.39.0 came out nicely nevertheless. We also reduced build time quiet a bit in phosh and phoc. If you want to support my work see donations.

Ian Jackson: What your vote is worth - a back of the envelope calculation

tl;dr: Your vote really counts! Each vote in a UK General Election is worth maybe 100,000 - to you and all your fellow citizens taken together. If you really care about the welfare of everyone affected by actions of the UK government, then it s worth that to you too. Introduction It seems a common perception that one vote, in amongst all those millions, doesn t really matter. So maybe it s not worth voting. But, voting is (largely) what determines what the government does - and the government is big. It s as big as all the people. If you are the kind of person who cares about what happens to everyone in your polity and indeed everyone its actions affect, then even your one vote is very important indeed. A method for back of the envelope calculation It would be nice to give a quantitative estimate. Many things in our society are measured in money, so let s try taking a stab at calculating the money value of your vote. The argument I m going to make is this: the government (by which I include the legislature), which is selected by our votes, decides how to spend the national budget. So, basically, I m going to divide the budget, by the electorate. UK Parliament UK Parliamentary elections decide not only the House of Commons, but, through that, the government. The upper house, the House of Lords, has very limited influence. So I think it s fair to regard the Parliamentary election as, simply, controlling that budget. Being lazy, I m going to use Wikipedia data. We have the size of the electorate, for 2019, 47.6 million. But your influence isn t shared with the whole electorate, only with the other people who also vote. Turnout in 2019 was 67.3%. The 2019 budget isn t listed but I ll just average the 2018 and March 2020 figures 842bn and 873bn, so 857 billion. (Strictly speaking I should add up the budgets for the period of the Parliament, but that seems like a lot of effort.) There s a discrepancy in the timescale we need to account for. Your vote influences the budgets for several years, depending how long it is until the next election. Taking Wikipedia s list of elections this century there ve been 7 in 24 years. So that s an average of about 3.4y. So, multiplying it through, we have ( 857b * (24 / 7)) / (47.6M * 67.3%), giving a guess at the value of your UK General Election vote: 92,000. European Parliament 2022 budget for the European Union (Wikipedia again) was 170.6 bn. The last election, in 2019, had a turnout of 198,352,638. Each EU Parliament lasts 5 years. The Parliament, however, shares responsibility for the budget with the European Council, which is controlled, ultimately, by national governments. We have to pick a numerical value for the Parliament s share of the influence. Over the past years the Parliament has gradually been more willing to exercise its powers in this area. I m going to arbitrarily call its share 50%. The calculation, then, is 170.6 bn * 5 * 50% / 198M, giving a guess at the value of your EU Parliamentary Election vote: 2150. This much smaller figure reflects simply that the EU doesn t spend very much money, for a polity of its size. (Those stories in the British press giving the impression that the EU is massively wasteful are, simply, lies.) The interaction of this calculation with the Council s share of the influence, and with national budgets, is a bit of a question, but given the much smaller amounts involved, it doesn t seem worth thinking about that too hard. Only if you care about other people as much as yourself! All of this is only true for you if you value and want to help everyone in your society. That includes immigrants, women, unemployed people, disabled people, people who are much poorer or richer than you, etc. If you think about it in purely personal terms, your vote is hardly worth anything - because while the effect of your vote, overall, is very large, that effect is shared by everyone in your polity. So if you only care about yourself, voting is a total waste of time. The more selfish and xenophobic and racist and so on you are - caring only about people like yourself - the less your vote is worth. This is why voting is rightly seen as a civic duty. I just spent 30 to courier my EP vote to Den Haag. That only makes sense because I m very willing to spend that 30 to try to improve the spending of the 2000 or so that s my share of the EU budget. This is a very rough analysis These calculations neglect a lot of very important things: politics isn t just about the allocation of resources. It s also about values, and bad politics can seriously harm people. Arguably many of those effects of your vote, are much more important than just how the budget is set and spent. It would be interesting to see an attempt at a similar analysis but for taking into account life and death questions like hate crime, traffic violence, healthcare, refugees welfare, and so on. I m not sure how to approach that. Maybe some real social scientists have done so? References welcome. Also, even on its own terms, this analysis is very rough and ready. We haven t modelled the ability of the government to change its tax rates; perhaps we should be multiplying GDP (or some other better measure) by 90% percentile total tax rate amongst countries like this one . The amount of influence that can be wielded by one vote is probably nonlinear in the size of the political faction, but IDK in which direction. In unfair voting systems like the UK s, some people s votes are worth much more than others. In a very marginal constituency, which is a target seat, your vote might be worth tens of millions. In a safe seat, it might only be worth a few thousand. And in practical terms you don t get to choose precisely the policies you want; you have to pick a party, which is sometimes very much a question of the lesser evil. So, there is much I haven t modelled. But the key point stands: Conclusion Although your vote is diluted by everyone else s votes, together, we control the government, which affects us all. So if you care about the whole of society, the big numbers in the divisor, and the numerator, cancel out. You can think of your vote as controlling one citizen s worth of government activity.
edited 2024-06-01 09:40 Z to fix a grammar botch

comment count unavailable comments

29 May 2024

Antoine Beaupr : Playing with fonts again

I am getting increasingly frustrated by Fira Mono's lack of italic support so I am looking at alternative fonts again.

Commit Mono This time I seem to be settling on either Commit Mono or Space Mono. For now I'm using Commit Mono because it's a little more compressed than Fira and does have a italic version. I don't like how Space Mono's parenthesis (()) is "squarish", it feels visually ambiguous with the square brackets ([]), a big no-no for my primary use case (code). So here I am using a new font, again. It required changing a bunch of configuration files in my home directory (which is in a private repository, sorry) and Emacs configuration (thankfully that's public!). One gotcha is I realized I didn't actually have a global font configuration in Emacs, as some Faces define their own font family, which overrides the frame defaults. This is what it looks like, before:
A dark terminal showing the test sheet in Fira Mono Fira Mono
A dark terminal showing the test sheet in Fira Mono Commit Mono
(Notice how those screenshots are not sharp? I'm surprised too. The originals look sharp on my display, I suspect this is something to do with the Wayland transition. I've tried with both grim and flameshot, for what its worth.) They are pretty similar! Commit Mono feels a bit more vertically compressed maybe too much so, actually -- the line height feels too low. But it's heavily customizable so that's something that's relatively easy to fix, if it's really a problem. Its weight is also a little heavier and wider than Fira which I find a little distracting right now, but maybe I'll get used to it. All characters seem properly distinguishable, although, if I'd really want to nitpick I'd say the and are too different, with the latter (REGISTERED SIGN) being way too small, basically unreadable here. Since I see this sign approximately never, it probably doesn't matter at all. I like how the ampersand (&) is more traditional, although I'll miss the exotic one Fira produced... I like how the back quotes ( , GRAVE ACCENT) drop down low, nicely aligned with the apostrophe. As I mentioned before, I like how the bar on the "f" aligns with the other top of letters, something in Fira mono that really annoys me now that I've noticed it (it's not aligned!).

A UTF-8 test file Here's the test sheet I've made up to test various characters. I could have sworn I had a good one like this lying around somewhere but couldn't find it so here it is, I guess.
US keyboard coverage:
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890-=[]\;',./
latin1 coverage:  
ambiguity test:
e coC0ODQ iI71lL! 
b6G&0B83  []() /\. 
zs$S52Z%   '" 
all characters in a sentence, uppercase:
the quick fox jumps over the lazy dog
same, in french:
Portez ce vieux whisky au juge blond qui fume.
d s no l, o  un z phyr ha  me v t de gla ons w rmiens, je d ne
d exquis r tis de b uf au kir,   l a  d ge m r, &c tera.
Ligatures test:
-<< -< -<- <-- <--- <<- <- -> ->> --> ---> ->- >- >>-
=<< =< =<= <== <=== <<= <= => =>> ==> ===> =>= >= >>=
<-> <--> <---> <----> <=> <==> <===> <====> :: ::: __
<~~ </ </> /> ~~> == != /= ~= <> === !== !=== =/= =!=
<: := *= *+ <* <*> *> <  < >  > <. <.> .> +* =* =: :>
(* *) /* */ [   ]     ++ +++ \/ /\  - -  <!-- <!---
Box drawing alignment tests:
Dashes alignment test:
Update: here is another such sample sheet, it's pretty good and has support for more languages while being still relatively small. So there you have it, got completely nerd swiped by typography again. Now I can go back to writing a too-long proposal again. Sources and inspiration for the above:
  • the unicode(1) command, to lookup individual characters to disambiguate, for example, - (U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS, the minus sign next to zero on US keyboards) and (U+2212 MINUS SIGN, a math symbol)
  • searchable list of characters and their names - roughly equivalent to the unicode(1) command, but in one page, amazingly the /usr/share/unicode database doesn't have any one file like this
  • bits/UTF-8-Unicode-Test-Documents - full list of UTF-8 characters
  • UTF-8 encoded plain text file - nice examples of edge cases, curly quotes example and box drawing alignment test which, incidentally, showed me I needed specific faces customisation in Emacs to get the Markdown code areas to display properly, also the idea of comparing various dashes
  • sample sentences in many languages - unused, "Sentences that contain all letters commonly used in a language"
  • UTF-8 sampler - unused, similar

Other fonts In my previous blog post about fonts, I had a list of alternative fonts, but it seems people are not digging through this, so I figured I would redo the list here to preempt "but have you tried Jetbrains mono" kind of comments. My requirements are:
  • no ligatures: yes, in the previous post, I wanted ligatures but I have changed my mind. after testing this, I find them distracting, confusing, and they often break the monospace nature of the display
  • monospace: this is to display code
  • italics: often used when writing Markdown, where I do make use of italics... Emacs falls back to underlining text when lacking italics which is hard to read
  • free-ish, ultimately should be packaged in Debian
Here is the list of alternatives I have considered in the past and why I'm not using them:
  • agave: recommended by tarzeau, not sure I like the lowercase a, a bit too exotic, packaged as fonts-agave
  • Cascadia code: optional ligatures, multilingual, not liking the alignment, ambiguous parenthesis (look too much like square brackets), new default for Windows Terminal and Visual Studio, packaged as fonts-cascadia-code
  • Fira Code: ligatures, was using Fira Mono from which it is derived, lacking italics except for forks, interestingly, Fira Code succeeds the alignment test but Fira Mono fails to show the X signs properly! packaged as fonts-firacode
  • Hack: no ligatures, very similar to Fira, italics, good alternative, fails the X test in box alignment, packaged as fonts-hack
  • Hermit: no ligatures, smaller, alignment issues in box drawing and dashes, packaged as fonts-hermit somehow part of cool-retro-term
  • IBM Plex: irritating website, replaces Helvetica as the IBM corporate font, no ligatures by default, italics, proportional alternatives, serifs and sans, multiple languages, partial failure in box alignment test (X signs), fancy curly braces contrast perhaps too much with the rest of the font, packaged in Debian as fonts-ibm-plex
  • Inconsolata: no ligatures, maybe italics? more compressed than others, feels a little out of balance because of that, packaged in Debian as fonts-inconsolata
  • Intel One Mono: nice legibility, no ligatures, alignment issues in box drawing, not packaged in Debian
  • Iosevka: optional ligatures, italics, multilingual, good legibility, has a proportional option, serifs and sans, line height issue in box drawing, fails dash test, not in Debian
  • Jetbrains Mono: (mandatory?) ligatures, good coverage, originally rumored to be not DFSG-free (Debian Free Software Guidelines) but ultimately packaged in Debian as fonts-jetbrains-mono
  • Monoid: optional ligatures, feels much "thinner" than Jetbrains, not liking alignment or spacing on that one, ambiguous 2Z, problems rendering box drawing, packaged as fonts-monoid
  • Mononoki: no ligatures, looks good, good alternative, suggested by the Debian fonts team as part of fonts-recommended, problems rendering box drawing, em dash bigger than en dash, packaged as fonts-mononoki
  • Source Code Pro: italics, looks good, but dash metrics look whacky, not in Debian
  • spleen: bitmap font, old school, spacing issue in box drawing test, packaged as fonts-spleen
  • sudo: personal project, no ligatures, zero originally not dotted, relied on metrics for legibility, spacing issue in box drawing, not in Debian
So, if I get tired of Commit Mono, I might probably try, in order:
  1. Hack
  2. Jetbrains Mono
  3. IBM Plex Mono
Iosevka, Monoki and Intel One Mono are also good options, but have alignment problems. Iosevka is particularly disappointing as the EM DASH metrics are just completely wrong (much too wide). This was tested using the Programming fonts site which has all the above fonts, which cannot be said of Font Squirrel or Google Fonts, amazingly. Other such tools:

27 May 2024

Thomas Koch: Minimal overhead VMs with Nix and MicroVM

Posted on March 17, 2024
Joachim Breitner wrote about a Convenient sandboxed development environment and thus reminded me to blog about MicroVM. I ve toyed around with it a little but not yet seriously used it as I m currently not coding. MicroVM is a nix based project to configure and run minimal VMs. It can mount and thus reuse the hosts nix store inside the VM and thus has a very small disk footprint. I use MicroVM on a debian system using the nix package manager. The MicroVM author uses the project to host production services. Otherwise I consider it also a nice way to learn about NixOS after having started with the nix package manager and before making the big step to NixOS as my main system. The guests root filesystem is a tmpdir, so one must explicitly define folders that should be mounted from the host and thus be persistent across VM reboots. I defined the VM as a nix flake since this is how I started from the MicroVM projects example:
  description = "Haskell dev MicroVM";
  inputs.impermanence.url = "github:nix-community/impermanence";
  inputs.microvm.url = "github:astro/microvm.nix";
  inputs.microvm.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
  outputs =   self, impermanence, microvm, nixpkgs  :
      persistencePath = "/persistent";
      system = "x86_64-linux";
      user = "thk";
      vmname = "haskell";
      nixosConfiguration = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem  
          inherit system;
          modules = [
            ( pkgs, ...  :  
            environment.persistence.$ persistencePath  =  
                hideMounts = true;
                users.$ user  =  
                  directories = [
                    "git" ".stack"
              environment.sessionVariables =  
                TERM = "screen-256color";
              environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
                (haskell-language-server.override   supportedGhcVersions = [ "94" ];  )
              fileSystems.$ persistencePath .neededForBoot = nixpkgs.lib.mkForce true;
              microvm =  
                forwardPorts = [
                    from = "host"; host.port = 2222; guest.port = 22;  
                    from = "guest"; host.port = 5432; guest.port = 5432;   # postgresql
                hypervisor = "qemu";
                interfaces = [
                    type = "user"; id = "usernet"; mac = "00:00:00:00:00:02";  
                mem = 4096;
                shares = [  
                  # use "virtiofs" for MicroVMs that are started by systemd
                  proto = "9p";
                  tag = "ro-store";
                  # a host's /nix/store will be picked up so that no
                  # squashfs/erofs will be built for it.
                  source = "/nix/store";
                  mountPoint = "/nix/.ro-store";
                  proto = "virtiofs";
                  tag = "persistent";
                  source = "~/.local/share/microvm/vms/$ vmname /persistent";
                  mountPoint = persistencePath;
                  socket = "/run/user/1000/microvm-$ vmname -persistent";
                socket = "/run/user/1000/microvm-control.socket";
                vcpu = 3;
                volumes = [];
                writableStoreOverlay = "/nix/.rwstore";
              networking.hostName = vmname;
              nix.enable = true;
              nix.nixPath = ["nixpkgs=$ builtins.storePath <nixpkgs> "];
              nix.settings =  
                extra-experimental-features = ["nix-command" "flakes"];
                trusted-users = [user];
              security.sudo =  
                enable = true;
                wheelNeedsPassword = false;
              services.getty.autologinUser = user;
              services.openssh =  
                enable = true;
              system.stateVersion = "24.11";
                description = "import hosts nix database";
                path = [pkgs.nix];
                wantedBy = [""];
                requires = ["nix-daemon.service"];
                script = "cat $ persistencePath /nix-store-db-dump nix-store --load-db";
              time.timeZone = nixpkgs.lib.mkDefault "Europe/Berlin";
              users.users.$ user  =  
                extraGroups = [ "wheel" "video" ];
                group = "user";
                isNormalUser = true;
                openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [
                  "ssh-rsa REDACTED"
                password = "";
              users.users.root.password = "";
              users.groups.user =  ;
      packages.$ system .default = nixosConfiguration.config.microvm.declaredRunner;
I start the microVM with a templated systemd user service:
Description=MicroVM for Haskell development
ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/sh -c "[ /nix/var/nix/db/db.sqlite -ot %h/.local/share/microvm/nix-store-db-dump ]   nix-store --dump-db >%h/.local/share/microvm/nix-store-db-dump"
ExecStartPre=ln -f -t %h/.local/share/microvm/vms/%i/persistent/ %h/.local/share/microvm/nix-store-db-dump
ExecStartPre=-%h/.local/state/nix/profile/bin/tmux new -s microvm -d
ExecStart=%h/.local/state/nix/profile/bin/tmux new-window -t microvm: -n "%i" "exec %h/.local/state/nix/profile/bin/nix run --impure %h/.local/share/microvm/vms/%i/flake"
The above service definition creates a dump of the hosts nix store db so that it can be imported in the guest. This is necessary so that the guest can actually use what is available in /nix/store. There is an effort for an overlayed nix store that would be preferable to this hack. Finally the microvm is started inside a tmux session named microvm . This way I can use the VM with SSH or through the console and also access the qemu console. And for completeness the virtiofsd service:
Description=serve host persistent folder for dev VM
ExecStart=%h/.local/state/nix/profile/bin/virtiofsd \
 --socket-path=$ XDG_RUNTIME_DIR /microvm-%i-persistent \
 --shared-dir=%h/.local/share/microvm/vms/%i/persistent \
 --gid-map :995:%G:1: \
 --uid-map :1000:%U:1:

Thomas Koch: Rebuild search with trust

Posted on January 20, 2024
Finally there is a thing people can agree on: Apparently, Google Search is not good anymore. And I m not the only one thinking about decentralization to fix it: Honey I federated the search engine - finding stuff online post-big tech - a lightning talk at the recent chaos communication congress The speaker however did not mention, that there have already been many attempts at building distributed search engines. So why do I think that such an attempt could finally succeed? My definition of success is:
A mildly technical computer user (able to install software) has access to a search engine that provides them with superior search results compared to Google for at least a few predefined areas of interest.
The exact algorithm used by Google Search to rank websites is a secret even to most Googlers. Still it is clear, that it relies heavily on big data: billions of queries, a comprehensive web index and user behaviour data. - All this is not available to us. A distributed search engine however can instead rely on user input. Every admin of one node seeds the node ranking with their personal selection of trusted sites. They connect their node with nodes of people they trust. This results in a web of (transitive) trust much like pgp. For comparison, imagine you are searching for something in a world without computers: You ask the people around you. They probably forward your question to their peers. I already had a look at YaCy. It is active, somewhat usable and has a friendly maintainer. Unfortunately I consider the codebase to show its age. It takes a lot of time for a newcomer to find their way around and it contains a lot of cruft. Nevertheless, YaCy is a good example that a decentralized search software can be done even by a small team or just one person. I myself started working on a software in Haskell and keep my notes here: Populus:DezInV. Since I m learning Haskell along the way, there is nothing there to see yet. Additionally I took a yak shaving break to learn nix. By the way: DuckDuckGo is not the alternative. And while I would encourage you to also try Yandex for a second opinion, I don t consider this a solution.

Thomas Koch: Using nix package manager in Debian

Posted on January 16, 2024
The nix package manager is available in Debian since May 2020. Why would one use it in Debian? Especially the last point nagged me every time I set up a new Debian installation. My emacs configuration and my Desktop setup expects certain software to be installed. Please be aware that I m a beginner with nix and that my config might not follow best practice. Additionally many nix users are already using the new flakes feature of nix that I m still learning about. So I ve got this file at .config/nixpkgs/config.nix1:
with (import <nixpkgs>  );
  packageOverrides = pkgs: with pkgs;  
    thk-emacsWithPackages = (pkgs.emacsPackagesFor emacs-gtk).emacsWithPackages (
      (with epkgs.elpaPackages; [
      ]) ++ (with epkgs.melpaPackages; [
      ]) ++ [    # From main packages set

    userPackages = buildEnv  
      extraOutputsToInstall = [ "doc" "info" "man" ];
      name = "user-packages";
      paths = [
        (pkgs.haskell-language-server.override   supportedGhcVersions = [ "94" ];  )
Every time I change the file or want to receive updates, I do:
nix-env --install --attr nixpkgs.userPackages --remove-all
You can see that I install nix with nix. This gives me a newer version than the one available in Debian stable. However, the nix-daemon still runs as the older binary from Debian. My dirty hack is to put this override in /etc/systemd/system/nix-daemon.service.d/override.conf:
ExecStart=@/home/thk/.local/state/nix/profile/bin/nix-daemon nix-daemon --daemon
I m not too interested in a cleaner way since I hope to fully migrate to Nix anyways.

  1. Note the nixpkgs in the path. This is not a config file for nix the package manager but for the nix package collection. See the nixpkgs manual.

Sahil Dhiman: A Late, Late Debconf23 Post

After much procrastination, I have gotten around to complete my DebConf23 (DC23), Kochi blog post. I lost the original etherpad which was started before DebConf23, for jotting down things. Now, I have started afresh with whatever I can remember, months after the actual conference ended. So things might be as accurate as my memory. DebConf23, the 24th annual Debian Conference, happened in Infopark, Kochi, India from 10th September to 17th September 2023. It was preceded by DebCamp from 3rd September to 9th September 2023. First formal bid to host DebConf in India was made during DebConf18 in Hsinchu, Taiwan by Raju Dev, which didn t came our way. In next DebConf, DebConf19 in Curitiba, Brazil, another bid was made by him with help and support from Sruthi, Utkarsh and the whole team.This time, India got the opportunity to host DebConf22, which eventually became DebConf23 for the reasons you all know. I initially met the local team on the sidelines of DebConf20, which was also my first DebConf. Having recently switched to Debian, DC20 introduced me to how things work in Debian. Video team s call for volunteers email pulled me in. Things stuck, and I kept hanging out and helping the local Indian DC team with various stuff. We did manage to organize multiple events leading to DebConf23 including MiniDebConf India 2021 Online, MiniDebConf Palakkad 2022, MiniDebConf Tamil Nadu 2023 and DebUtsav Kochi 2023, which gave us quite a bit of experience and workout. Many local organizers from these conferences later joined various DebConf teams during the conference to help out. For DebConf23, originally I was part of publicity team because that was my usual thing. After a team redistribution exercise, Sruthi and Praveen moved me to sponsorship team, as anyhow we didn t had to do much publicity and sponsorship was one of those things I could get involved remotely. Sponsorship team had to take care of raising funds by reaching out to sponsors, managing invoices and fulfillment. Praveen joined as well in sponsorship team. We also had international sponsorship team, Anisa, Daniel and various Debian Trusted Organizations (TO)s which took care of reaching out to international organizations, and we took care of reaching out to Indian organizations for sponsorship. It was really proud moment when my present employer, Unmukti (makers of hopbox) came aboard as Bronze sponsor. Though fundraising seem to be hit hard from tech industry slowdown and layoffs. Many of our yesteryear sponsors couldn t sponsor. We had biweekly local team meetings, which were turned to weekly as we neared the event. This was done in addition to biweekly global team meeting. Pathu
Pathu, DebConf23 mascot
To describe the conference venue, it happened in InfoPark, Kochi with the main conference hall being Athulya Hall and food, accommodation and two smaller halls in Four Point Hotel, right outside Infopark. We got Athulya Hall as part of venue sponsorship from Infopark. The distance between both of them was around 300 meters. Halls were named Anamudi, Kuthiran and Ponmudi based on hills and mountain areas in host state of Kerala. Other than Annamudi hall which was the main hall, I couldn t remember the names of the hall, I still can t. Four Points was big and expensive, and we had, as expected, cost overruns. Due to how DebConf function, an Indian university wasn t suitable to host a conference of this scale. Infinity Pool at Night
Four Point's Infinity Pool at Night
I landed in Kochi on the first day of DebCamp on 3rd September. As usual, met Abraham first, and the better part of the next hour was spent on meet and greet. It was my first IRL DebConf so met many old friends and new folks. I got a room to myself. Abraham lived nearby and hadn t taken the accommodation, so I asked him to join. He finally joined from second day onwards. All through the conference, room 928 became in-famous for various reasons, and I had various roommates for company. In DebCamp days, we would get up to have breakfast and go back to sleep and get active only past lunch for hacking and helping in the hack lab for the day, followed by fun late night discussions and parties. Nilesh, Chirag and Apple at DC23
Nilesh, Chirag and Apple at DC23
The team even managed to get a press conference arranged as well, and we got an opportunity to go to Press Club, Ernakulam. Sruthi and Jonathan gave the speech and answered questions from journalists. The event was covered by media as well due to this. Ernakulam Press Club
Ernakulam Press Club
During the conference, every night the team use to have 9 PM meetings for retrospection and planning for next day, which was always dotted with new problems. Every day, we used to hijack Silent Hacklab for the meeting and gently ask the only people there at the time to give us space. DebConf, it itself is a well oiled machine. Network was brought up from scratch. Video team built the recording, audio mixing, live-streaming, editing and transcoding infrastructure on site. A gaming rig served as router and gateway. We got internet uplinks, a 1 Gbps sponsored leased line from Kerala Vision and a paid backup 100 Mbps connection from a different provider. IPv6 was added through HE s Tunnelbroker. Overall the network worked fine as additionally we had hotel Wi-Fi, so the conference network wasn t stretched much. I must highlight, DebConf is my only conference where almost everything and every piece of software in developed in-house, for the conference and modified according to need on the fly. Even event recording cameras, audio check, direction, recording and editing is all done on in-house software by volunteer-attendees (in some cases remote ones as well), all trained on the sideline of the conference. The core recording and mixing equipment is owned by Debian and travels to each venue. The rest is sourced locally. Gaming Rig which served as DC23 gateway router
Gaming Rig which served as DC23 gateway router
It was fun seeing how almost all the things were coordinated over text on Internet Relay Chat (IRC). If a talk/event was missing a talkmeister or a director or a camera person, a quick text on #debconf channel would be enough for someone to volunteer. Video team had a dedicated support channel for each conference venue for any issues and were quick to respond and fix stuff. Network information. Screengrab from closing ceremony
Network information. Screengrab from closing ceremony
It rained for the initial days, which gave us a cool weather. Swag team had decided to hand out umbrellas in swag kit which turned out to be quite useful. The swag kit was praised for quality and selection - many thanks to Anupa, Sruthi and others. It was fun wearing different color T-shirts, all designed by Abraham. Red for volunteers, light green for Video team, green for core-team i.e. staff and yellow for conference attendees. With highvoltage
With highvoltage
We were already acclimatized by the time DebConf really started as we had been talking, hacking and hanging out since last 7 days. Rush really started with the start of DebConf. More people joined on the first and second day of the conference. As has been the tradition, an opening talk was prepared by the Sruthi and local team (which I highly recommend watching to get more insights of the process). DebConf day 1 also saw job fair, where Canonical and FOSSEE, IIT Bombay had stalls for community interactions, which judging by the crowd itself turned out to be quite a hit. For me, association with DebConf (and Debian) started due to volunteering with video team, so anyhow I was going to continue doing that this conference as well. I usually volunteer for talks/events which anyhow I m interested in. Handling the camera, talkmeister-ing and direction are fun activities, though I didn t do sound this time around. Sound seemed difficult, and I didn t want to spoil someone s stream and recording. Talk attendance varied a lot, like in Bits from DPL talk, the hall was full but for some there were barely enough people to handle the volunteering tasks, but that s what usually happens. DebConf is more of a place to come together and collaborate, so talk attendance is an afterthought sometimes. Audience in highvoltage's Bits from DPL talk
Audience in highvoltage's Bits from DPL talk
I didn t submit any talk proposals this time around, as just being in the orga team was too much work already, and I knew, the talk preparation would get delayed to the last moment and I would have to rush through it. Enrico's talk
Enrico's talk
From Day 2 onward, more sponsor stalls were introduced in the hallway area. Hopbox by Unmukti , MostlyHarmless and Deeproot (joint stall) and FOSEE. MostlyHarmless stall had nice mechanical keyboards and other fun gadgets. Whenever I got the time, I would go and start typing racing to enjoy the nice, clicky keyboards. As the DebConf tradition dictates, we had a Cheese and Wine party. Everyone brought in cheese and other delicacies from their region. Then there was yummy Sadya. Sadya is a traditional vegetarian Malayalis lunch served over banana leaves. There were loads of different dishes served, the names of most I couldn t pronounce or recollect properly, but everything was super delicious. Day 4 was day trip and I chose to go to Athirappilly Waterfalls and Jungle safari. Pictures would describe the beauty better than words. The journey was bit long though. Athirappilly Falls
Athirappilly Falls

Pathu Pathu Tea Gardens
Tea Gardens
Late that day, we heard the news of Abraham gone missing. We lost Abraham. He had worked really hard all through the years for Debian and making this conference possible. Talks were cancelled for the next day and Jonathan addressed everyone. We went to Abraham s home the next day to meet his family. Team had arranged buses to Abraham s place. It was an unfortunate moment that I only got an opportunity to visit his place after he was gone. Days went by slowly after that. The last day was marked by a small conference dinner. Some of the people had already left. All through the day and next, we kept saying goodbye to friends, with whom we spent almost a fortnight together. Athirappilly Falls
Group photo with all DebConf T-shirts chronologically
This was 2nd trip to Kochi. Vistara Airway s UK886 has become the default flight now. I have almost learned how to travel in and around Kochi by Metro, Water Metro, Airport Shuttle and auto. Things are quite accessible in Kochi but metro is a bit expensive compared to Delhi. I left Kochi on 19th. My flight was due to leave around 8 PM, so I had the whole day to myself. A direct option would have taken less than 1 hour, but as I had time and chose to take the long way to the airport. First took an auto rickshaw to Kakkanad Water Metro station. Then sailed in the water metro to Vyttila Water Metro station. Vyttila serves as intermobility hub which connects water metro, metro, bus at once place. I switched to Metro here at Vyttila Metro station till Aluva Metro station. Here, I had lunch and then boarded the Airport feeder bus to reach Kochi Airport. All in all, I did auto rickshaw > water metro > metro > feeder bus to reach Airport. I was fun and scenic. I must say, public transport and intermodal integration is quite good and once can transition seamlessly from one mode to next. Kochi Water Metro
Kochi Water Metro

Scenes from Kochi Water Metro Scenes from Kochi Water Metro
Scenes from Kochi Water Metro
DebConf23 served its purpose of getting existing Debian people together, as well as getting new people interested and contributing to Debian. People who came are still contributing to Debian, and that s amazing. Streaming video stats
Streaming video stats. Screengrab from closing ceremony
The conference wasn t without its fair share of troubles. There were multiple money transfer woes, and being in India didn t help. Many thanks to multiple organizations who were proactive in helping out. On top of this, there was conference visa uncertainty and other issues which troubled visa team a lot. Kudos to everyone who made this possible. Surely, I m going to miss the name, so thank you for it, you know how much you have done to make this event possible. Now, DebConf24 is scheduled for Busan, South Korea, and work is already in full swing. As usual, I m helping with the fundraising part and plan to attend too. Let s see if I can make it or not. DebConf23 Group Photo
DebConf23 Group Photo. Click to enlarge.
Credits - Aigars Mahinovs
In the end, we kept on saying, no DebConf at this scale would come back to India for the next 10 or 20 years. It s too much trouble to be frank. It was probably the peak that we might not reach again. I would be happy to be proven wrong though :)

