I was not a part of the devrooms team this year (like the last two years),
Pascal did
all the job! I was just a simple visitor and it’s a very cool position.
Mark already bloged about the
Classpath’s presentations, so you can find some interresting slides there.
Saturday (25th February 2006)
Excellent talk about the patent. As always, Richard Stallman has great images to explain complex things. I still can’t understand all the GPL3 changes but I’ll try to read some more articles about it.
Putting ‘Free’ into JFreeChart
The presentation from David Gilbert was very cool. I did not know
JFreeChart and it is really cool! This is a very big project and it makes very beautiful charts. I’d like to find some charts to do just to use it!
Eclipse for GNU Classpath Development
Tom Tromey did a fantastic presentation again. I already saw his presentations past years and it was still excellent. He already tried to explain me how to set up this Eclipse/GNU Classpath setup on IRC but I missed the “Don’t build automatically” hack. Everything should be on the
Classpath’s wiki.
A presentation by Ian Pratt, leader of the
Xen Source project. I heard about this project but I didn’t know that you could move an instance from a machine to another one! Amazing!
Sunday (26th February 2006)
I met
Wouter in the bus but he lost his voice and asked me to introduce the speakers of the Debian room. I’m sorry for the three speakers I announced if it was not just as good as if Wouter did it. I wanna intend to the two conferences anyway.
Women in Free Software
I already wanna be at the talk of last year but I was in the Classpath devroom.
Hanna M Wallach did a fantastic talk. I learned a lot of things and I know now that there really is a need of the
debian-women project. I proposed her to put a phrase or a logo or something on the Debian-Java projects web pages and she seems to be pleased. Tonight, I went on #debian-women and it seems I did not understand nothing

. So maybe I’d better do nothing about this unless I understand what I could do to help.
Debian GNU/kFreeBSD port
After the talk of Hanna, I introduced the kFreeBSD talk of
Aurelien Jarno. I wanna listen to this talk because I completely don’t know *BSD… I’m sorry but I don’t know more. And I still don’t know the difference with Linux and don’t know why I should, as a simple user change to some *BSD port?
Debian-Java Meeting
After the kFreeBSD talk, I introduced the SLIND talk in the Debian Room, told Wouter that I go to the Classpath Devroom… and listen to the end of the talk of Christian Thalinger (
CacaoJVM — the site was down when I tried). Sorry Christian, I just don’t understant these thing

During the talk (or was this just after the talk of Robert about JamVM?), I went eating with Wolfgang Baer. We went back during the Christian’s talk.
Then we had a Debian-Java talk (I should be writing down the summary of this meeting instead of blogging)… I’ll send an email about the meeting, don’t worry

Future of Classpath
It is the time when Mark ask everybody:
What do you do? How can we help you? It’s a great social/technical time when everybody listen carrefully to everybody. It’s wonderful. Maybe it’s the part I prefer in free software. I must say that I read some mailing lists before joining some project and the ‘Classpath’ (and friends) projects were the one I prefer because of that respect.
Then came the camera… A team came in the room to film us. They claim they were making a movie about Free Software. Funny

I discussed a little bit with the woman that seems to be the director and she asked for my email (no, Hanna, it was not because she felt I am sexy

, nobody tells me 100 times I’m sexy

). I told her I was not one of the main contributor but she just wanna talk about free software and understand how it works.
Closing Talk: The Challenge of the GNU/Linux Desktop by Jeff Waugh
Jeff Waugh is an excellent speaker, I really enjoyed the presentation. A lot of humour, a lot of facts, it was really an excellent presentation. But Jeff, I still do not understand the Ubuntu business plan. I’m not a native english speaker and I did not understand a lot of jokes and some responses.
I messed up with my GSM, lost my PIN number or someting I don’t know (I did it a thousand times!), I went to the shop today (Feb. 28) to be able to call again. I also went to the office and the alarm was on… I asked for the security guard (I did not want to take risks the day of my birthday: February 28th)… we found nobody but someone tryied to enter on Sunday.
I’ll try to prepare some report about Debian-Java tomorrow. The report will be reviewed by Wolfgang and Michael and I’ll send it on the debian-java list on Saturday or on Sunday.