Search Results: "andrew"

28 February 2024

Dirk Eddelbuettel: RcppEigen on CRAN: New Upstream, At Last

We are thrilled to share that RcppEigen has now upgraded to Eigen release 3.4.0! The new release arrived on CRAN earlier today, and has been shipped to Debian as well. Eigen is a C++ template library for linear algebra: matrices, vectors, numerical solvers, and related algorithms. This update has been in the works for a full two and a half years! It all started with a PR #102 by Yixuan bringing the package-local changes for R integration forward to usptream release 3.4.0. We opened issue #103 to steer possible changes from reverse-dependency checking through. Lo and behold, this just stalled because a few substantial changes were needed and not coming. But after a long wait, and like a bolt out of a perfectly blue sky, Andrew revived it in January with a reverse depends run of his own along with a set of PRs. That was the push that was needed, and I steered it along with a number of reverse dependency checks, and occassional emails to maintainers. We managed to bring it down to only three packages having a hickup, and all three had received PRs thanks to Andrew and even merged them. So the plan became to release today following a final fourteen day window. And CRAN was convinced by our arguments that we followed due process. So there it is! Big big thanks to all who helped it along, especially Yixuan and Andrew but also Mikael who updated another patch set he had prepared for the previous release series. The complete NEWS file entry follows.

Changes in RcppEigen version (2024-02-28)
  • The Eigen version has been upgrade to release 3.4.0 (Yixuan)
  • Extensive reverse-dependency checks ensure only three out of over 400 packages at CRAN are affected; PRs and patches helped other packages
  • The long-running branch also contains substantial contributions from Mikael Jagan (for the lme4 interface) and Andrew Johnson (revdep PRs)

Courtesy of CRANberries, there is also a diffstat report for the most recent release. If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can sponsor me at GitHub.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

12 February 2024

Andrew Cater: Lessons from (and for) colleagues - and, implicitly, how NOT to get on

I have had excellent colleagues both at my day job and, especially, in Debian over the last thirty-odd years. Several have attempted to give me good advice - others have been exemplars. People retire: sadly, people die. What impression do you want to leave behind when you leave here?Belatedly, I've come to realise that obduracy, sheer bloody mindedness, force of will and obstinacy will only get you so far. The following began very much as a tongue in cheek private memo to myself a good few years ago. I showed it to a colleague who suggested at the time that I should share it to a wider audience.


Personal conduct
  • Never argue with someone you believe to be arguing idiotically - a dispassionate bystander may have difficulty telling who's who.
  • You can't make yourself seem reasonable by behaving unreasonably
  • It does not matter how correct your point of view is if you get people's backs up
  • They may all be #####, @@@@@, %%%% and ******* - saying so out loud doesn't help improve matters and may make you seem intemperate.

Working with others
  • Be the change you want to be and behave the way you want others to behave in order to achieve the desired outcome.
  • You can demolish someone's argument constructively and add weight to good points rather than tearing down their ideas and hard work and being ultra-critical and negative - no-one likes to be told "You know - you've got a REALLY ugly baby there"
  • It's easier to work with someone than to work against them and have to apologise repeatedly.
  • Even when you're outstanding and superlative, even you had to learn it all once. Be generous to help others learn: you shouldn't have to teach too many times if you teach correctly once and take time in doing so.

Getting the message across
  • Stop: think: write: review: (peer review if necessary): publish.
  • Clarity is all: just because you understand it doesn't mean anyone else will.
  • It does not matter how correct your point of view is if you put it across badly.
  • If you're giving advice: make sure it is:
  • Considered
  • Constructive
  • Correct as far as you can (and)
  • Refers to other people who may be able to help
  • Say thank you promptly if someone helps you and be prepared to give full credit where credit's due.

Work is like that
  • You may not know all the answers or even have the whole picture - consult, take advice - LISTEN TO THE ADVICE
  • Sometimes the right answer is not the immediately correct answer
  • Corollary: Sometimes the right answer for the business is not your suggested/preferred outcome
  • Corollary: Just because you can do it like that in the real world doesn't mean that you can do it that way inside the business. [This realisation is INTENSELY frustrating but you have to learn to deal with it]
  • DON'T ALWAYS DO IT YOURSELF - Attempt to fix the system, sometimes allow the corporate monster to fail - then do it yourself and fix it. It is always easier and tempting to work round the system and Just Flaming Do It but it doesn't solve problems in the longer term and may create more problems and ill-feeling than it solves.

    [Worked out for Andy Cater for himself after many years of fighting the system as a misguided missile - though he will freely admit that he doesn't always follow them as often as he should :) ]

10 February 2024

Andrew Cater: Debian point releases - updated media for Bullseye (11.9) and Bookworm (12.5) - 2024-02-10

It's been a LONG day: two point releases in a day takes of the order of twelve or thirteen hours of fairly solid work on behalf of those doing the releases and testing.Thanks firstly to the main Debian release team for all the initial work.Thanks to Isy, RattusRattus, Sledge and egw in Cottenham, smcv and Helen closer to the centre of Cambridge, cacin and others who have dropped in and out of IRC and helped testing.

I've been at home but active on IRC - missing the team (and the food) and drinking far too much coffee/eating too many biscuits.

We've found relatively few bugs that we haven't previously noted: it's been a good day. Back again, at some point a couple of months from now to do this all over again.With luck, I can embed a picture of the Cottenham folk below: it's fun to know _exactly_ where people are because you've been there yourself.

30 January 2024

Matthew Palmer: Why Certificate Lifecycle Automation Matters

If you ve perused the ActivityPub feed of certificates whose keys are known to be compromised, and clicked on the Show More button to see the name of the certificate issuer, you may have noticed that some issuers seem to come up again and again. This might make sense after all, if a CA is issuing a large volume of certificates, they ll be seen more often in a list of compromised certificates. In an attempt to see if there is anything that we can learn from this data, though, I did a bit of digging, and came up with some illuminating results.

The Procedure I started off by finding all the unexpired certificates logged in Certificate Transparency (CT) logs that have a key that is in the pwnedkeys database as having been publicly disclosed. From this list of certificates, I removed duplicates by matching up issuer/serial number tuples, and then reduced the set by counting the number of unique certificates by their issuer. This gave me a list of the issuers of these certificates, which looks a bit like this:
/C=BE/O=GlobalSign nv-sa/CN=AlphaSSL CA - SHA256 - G4
/C=GB/ST=Greater Manchester/L=Salford/O=Sectigo Limited/CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
/C=GB/ST=Greater Manchester/L=Salford/O=Sectigo Limited/CN=Sectigo RSA Organization Validation Secure Server CA
/C=US/ST=Arizona/L=Scottsdale/, Inc./OU= Daddy Secure Certificate Authority - G2
/C=US/ST=Arizona/L=Scottsdale/O=Starfield Technologies, Inc./OU= Secure Certificate Authority - G2
/C=AT/O=ZeroSSL/CN=ZeroSSL RSA Domain Secure Site CA
/C=BE/O=GlobalSign nv-sa/CN=GlobalSign GCC R3 DV TLS CA 2020
Rather than try to work with raw issuers (because, as Andrew Ayer says, The SSL Certificate Issuer Field is a Lie), I mapped these issuers to the organisations that manage them, and summed the counts for those grouped issuers together.

The Data
Lieutenant Commander Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation Insert obligatory "not THAT data" comment here
The end result of this work is the following table, sorted by the count of certificates which have been compromised by exposing their private key:
IssuerCompromised Count
ISRG (Let's Encrypt)161
If you re familiar with the CA ecosystem, you ll probably recognise that the organisations with large numbers of compromised certificates are also those who issue a lot of certificates. So far, nothing particularly surprising, then. Let s look more closely at the relationships, though, to see if we can get more useful insights.

Volume Control Using the issuance volume report from, we can compare issuance volumes to compromise counts, to come up with a compromise rate . I m using the Unexpired Precertificates colume from the issuance volume report, as I feel that s the number that best matches the certificate population I m examining to find compromised certificates. To maintain parity with the previous table, this one is still sorted by the count of certificates that have been compromised.
IssuerIssuance VolumeCompromised CountCompromise Rate
Sectigo88,323,0681701 in 519,547
ISRG (Let's Encrypt)315,476,4021611 in 1,959,480
GoDaddy56,121,4291411 in 398,024
DigiCert144,713,475811 in 1,786,586
GlobalSign1,438,485461 in 31,271
Entrust23,16631 in 7,722
SSL.com171,81611 in 171,816
If we now sort this table by compromise rate, we can see which organisations have the most (and least) leakiness going on from their customers:
IssuerIssuance VolumeCompromised CountCompromise Rate
Entrust23,16631 in 7,722
GlobalSign1,438,485461 in 31,271
SSL.com171,81611 in 171,816
GoDaddy56,121,4291411 in 398,024
Sectigo88,323,0681701 in 519,547
DigiCert144,713,475811 in 1,786,586
ISRG (Let's Encrypt)315,476,4021611 in 1,959,480
By grouping by order-of-magnitude in the compromise rate, we can identify three bands :
  • The Super Leakers: Customers of Entrust and GlobalSign seem to love to lose control of their private keys. For Entrust, at least, though, the small volumes involved make the numbers somewhat untrustworthy. The three compromised certificates could very well belong to just one customer, for instance. I m not aware of anything that GlobalSign does that would make them such an outlier, either, so I m inclined to think they just got unlucky with one or two customers, but as CAs don t include customer IDs in the certificates they issue, it s not possible to say whether that s the actual cause or not.
  • The Regular Leakers: Customers of, GoDaddy, and Sectigo all have compromise rates in the 1-in-hundreds-of-thousands range. Again, the low volumes of make the numbers somewhat unreliable, but the other two organisations in this group have large enough numbers that we can rely on that data fairly well, I think.
  • The Low Leakers: Customers of DigiCert and Let s Encrypt are at least three times less likely than customers of the regular leakers to lose control of their private keys. Good for them!
Now we have some useful insights we can think about.

Why Is It So?
Professor Julius Sumner Miller If you don't know who Professor Julius Sumner Miller is, I highly recommend finding out
All of the organisations on the list, with the exception of Let s Encrypt, are what one might term traditional CAs. To a first approximation, it s reasonable to assume that the vast majority of the customers of these traditional CAs probably manage their certificates the same way they have for the past two decades or more. That is, they generate a key and CSR, upload the CSR to the CA to get a certificate, then copy the cert and key somewhere. Since humans are handling the keys, there s a higher risk of the humans using either risky practices, or making a mistake, and exposing the private key to the world. Let s Encrypt, on the other hand, issues all of its certificates using the ACME (Automatic Certificate Management Environment) protocol, and all of the Let s Encrypt documentation encourages the use of software tools to generate keys, issue certificates, and install them for use. Given that Let s Encrypt has 161 compromised certificates currently in the wild, it s clear that the automation in use is far from perfect, but the significantly lower compromise rate suggests to me that lifecycle automation at least reduces the rate of key compromise, even though it doesn t eliminate it completely.

Explaining the Outlier The difference in presumed issuance practices would seem to explain the significant difference in compromise rates between Let s Encrypt and the other organisations, if it weren t for one outlier. This is a largely traditional CA, with the manual-handling issues that implies, but with a compromise rate close to that of Let s Encrypt. We are, of course, talking about DigiCert. The thing about DigiCert, that doesn t show up in the raw numbers from, is that DigiCert manages the issuance of certificates for several of the biggest hosted TLS providers, such as CloudFlare and AWS. When these services obtain a certificate from DigiCert on their customer s behalf, the private key is kept locked away, and no human can (we hope) get access to the private key. This is supported by the fact that no certificates identifiably issued to either CloudFlare or AWS appear in the set of certificates with compromised keys. When we ask for all certificates issued by DigiCert , we get both the certificates issued to these big providers, which are very good at keeping their keys under control, as well as the certificates issued to everyone else, whose key handling practices may not be quite so stringent. It s possible, though not trivial, to account for certificates issued to these hosted TLS providers, because the certificates they use are issued from intermediates branded to those companies. With the psql interface we can run this query to get the total number of unexpired precertificates issued to these managed services:
  FROM (
    SELECT, max(coalesce(coalesce(nullif(trim(cc.SUBORDINATE_CA_OWNER), ''), nullif(trim(cc.CA_OWNER), '')), cc.INCLUDED_CERTIFICATE_OWNER)) as OWNER,
           ca.NUM_ISSUED, ca.NUM_EXPIRED
      FROM ccadb_certificate cc, ca_certificate cac, ca
       AND cac.CA_ID = ca.ID
  ) sub
 WHERE ILIKE '%Amazon%' OR ILIKE '%CloudFlare%' AND sub.owner = 'DigiCert';
The number I get from running that query is 104,316,112, which should be subtracted from DigiCert s total issuance figures to get a more accurate view of what DigiCert s regular customers do with their private keys. When I do this, the compromise rates table, sorted by the compromise rate, looks like this:
IssuerIssuance VolumeCompromised CountCompromise Rate
Entrust23,16631 in 7,722
GlobalSign1,438,485461 in 31,271
SSL.com171,81611 in 171,816
GoDaddy56,121,4291411 in 398,024
"Regular" DigiCert40,397,363811 in 498,732
Sectigo88,323,0681701 in 519,547
All DigiCert144,713,475811 in 1,786,586
ISRG (Let's Encrypt)315,476,4021611 in 1,959,480
In short, it appears that DigiCert s regular customers are just as likely as GoDaddy or Sectigo customers to expose their private keys.

What Does It All Mean? The takeaway from all this is fairly straightforward, and not overly surprising, I believe.

The less humans have to do with certificate issuance, the less likely they are to compromise that certificate by exposing the private key. While it may not be surprising, it is nice to have some empirical evidence to back up the common wisdom. Fully-managed TLS providers, such as CloudFlare, AWS Certificate Manager, and whatever Azure s thing is called, is the platonic ideal of this principle: never give humans any opportunity to expose a private key. I m not saying you should use one of these providers, but the security approach they have adopted appears to be the optimal one, and should be emulated universally. The ACME protocol is the next best, in that there are a variety of standardised tools widely available that allow humans to take themselves out of the loop, but it s still possible for humans to handle (and mistakenly expose) key material if they try hard enough. Legacy issuance methods, which either cannot be automated, or require custom, per-provider automation to be developed, appear to be at least four times less helpful to the goal of avoiding compromise of the private key associated with a certificate.

Humans Are, Of Course, The Problem
Bender, the robot from Futurama, asking if we'd like to kill all humans No thanks, Bender, I'm busy tonight
This observation that if you don t let humans near keys, they don t get leaked is further supported by considering the biggest issuers by volume who have not issued any certificates whose keys have been compromised: Google Trust Services (fourth largest issuer overall, with 57,084,529 unexpired precertificates), and Microsoft Corporation (sixth largest issuer overall, with 22,852,468 unexpired precertificates). It appears that somewhere between most and basically all of the certificates these organisations issue are to customers of their public clouds, and my understanding is that the keys for these certificates are managed in same manner as CloudFlare and AWS the keys are locked away where humans can t get to them. It should, of course, go without saying that if a human can never have access to a private key, it makes it rather difficult for a human to expose it. More broadly, if you are building something that handles sensitive or secret data, the more you can do to keep humans out of the loop, the better everything will be.

Your Support is Appreciated If you d like to see more analysis of how key compromise happens, and the lessons we can learn from examining billions of certificates, please show your support by buying me a refreshing beverage. Trawling CT logs is thirsty work.

Appendix: Methodology Limitations In the interests of clarity, I feel it s important to describe ways in which my research might be flawed. Here are the things I know of that may have impacted the accuracy, that I couldn t feasibly account for.
  • Time Periods: Because time never stops, there is likely to be some slight mismatches in the numbers obtained from the various data sources, because they weren t collected at exactly the same moment.
  • Issuer-to-Organisation Mapping: It s possible that the way I mapped issuers to organisations doesn t match exactly with how does it, meaning that counts might be skewed. I tried to minimise that by using the same data sources (the CCADB AllCertificates report) that I believe that uses for its mapping, but I cannot be certain of a perfect match.
  • Unwarranted Grouping: I ve drawn some conclusions about the practices of the various organisations based on their general approach to certificate issuance. If a particular subordinate CA that I ve grouped into the parent organisation is managed in some unusual way, that might cause my conclusions to be erroneous. I was able to fairly easily separate out CloudFlare, AWS, and Azure, but there are almost certainly others that I didn t spot, because hoo boy there are a lot of intermediate CAs out there.

22 December 2023

Joachim Breitner: The Haskell Interlude Podcast

It was pointed out to me that I have not blogged about this, so better now than never: Since 2021 I am together with four other hosts producing a regular podcast about Haskell, the Haskell Interlude. Roughly every two weeks two of us interview someone from the Haskell Community, and we chat for approximately an hour about how they came to Haskell, what they are doing with it, why they are doing it and what else is on their mind. Sometimes we talk to very famous people, like Simon Peyton Jones, and sometimes to people who maybe should be famous, but aren t quite yet. For most episodes we also have a transcript, so you can read the interviews instead, if you prefer, and you should find the podcast on most podcast apps as well. I do not know how reliable these statistics are, but supposedly we regularly have around 1300 listeners. We don t get much feedback, however, so if you like the show, or dislike it, or have feedback, let us know (for example on the Haskell Disourse, which has a thread for each episode). At the time of writing, we released 40 episodes. For the benefit of my (likely hypothetical) fans, or those who want to train an AI voice model for nefarious purposes, here is the list of episodes co-hosted by me: Can t decide where to start? The one with Ryan Trinkle might be my favorite. Thanks to the Haskell Foundation and its sponsors for supporting this podcast (hosting, editing, transscription).

30 November 2023

Bits from Debian: New Debian Developers and Maintainers (September and October 2023)

The following contributors got their Debian Developer accounts in the last two months: The following contributors were added as Debian Maintainers in the last two months: Congratulations!

27 November 2023

Andrew Cater: 20231123 - UEFI install on a Raspberry Pi 4 - step by step instructions to a modified d-i

Andy (RattusRattus) and I have been formalising instructions for using Pete Batard's version of Tianocore (and therefore UEFI booting) for the Raspberry Pi 4 together with a Debian arm64 netinst to make a modified Debian installer on a USB stick which "just works" for a Raspberry Pi 4.
Thanks also to Steve McIntyre for initial notes that got this working for us and also to Emmanuele Rocca for putting up some useful instructions for copying.


Plug in a USB stick - use dmesg or your favourite method to see how it is identified.

Make a couple of mount points under /mnt - /mnt/data and /mnt/cdrom

1. Grab a USB stick, Partition using MBR. Make a single VFAT
partition, type 0xEF (i.e. EFI System Partition)

For a USB stick (identified as sdX) below:
$ sudo parted --script /dev/sdX mklabel msdos $ sudo parted --script /dev/sdX mkpart primary fat32 0% 100% $ sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdX1 $ sudo mount /dev/sdX1 /mnt/data/

Download an arm64 netinst.iso

2. Copy the complete contents of partition *1* from a Debian arm64
installer image into the filesystem (partition 1 is the installer
stuff itself) on the USB stick, in /

$ sudo kpartx -v -a debian-12.2.0-arm64-netinst.iso # Mount the first partition on the ISO and copy its contents to the stick $ sudo mount /dev/mapper/loop0p1 /mnt/cdrom/ $ sudo rsync -av /mnt/cdrom/ /mnt/data/ $ sudo umount /mnt/cdrom

3. Copy the complete contents of partition *2* from that Debian arm64
installer image into that filesystem (partition 2 is the ESP) on
the USB stick, in /

# Same story with the second partition on the ISO

$ sudo mount /dev/mapper/loop0p2 /mnt/cdrom/

$ sudo rsync -av /mnt/cdrom/ /mnt/data/ $ sudo umount /mnt/cdrom

$ sudo kpartx -d debian-testing-amd64-netinst.iso $ sudo umount /mnt/data

4. Grab the rpi edk2 build from
(I used 1.35) and extract it. I copied the files there into *2*
places for now on the USB stick:

/ (so the Pi will boot using it)
/rpi4 (so we can find the files again later)

5. Add the preseed.cfg file (attached) into *both* of the two initrd
files on the USB stick

- /install.a64/initrd.gz and
- /install.a64/gtk/initrd.gz

cpio is an awful tool to use :-(. In each case:

$ cp /path/to/initrd.gz .
$ gunzip initrd.gz
$ echo preseed.cfg cpio -H newc -o -A -F initrd

$ gzip -9v initrd

$ cp initrd.gz /path/to/initrd.gz

If you look at the preseed file, it will do a few things:

- Use an early_command to unmount /media (to work around Debian bug

- Register a late_command call for /cdrom/finish-rpi (the next
file - see below) to run at the end of the installation.

- Force grub installation also to the EFI removable media path,
needed as the rpi doesn't store EFI boot variables.

- Stop the installer asking for firmware from removable media (as
the rpi4 will ask for broadcom bluetooth fw that we can't
ship. Can be ignored safely.)

6. Copy the finish-rpi script (attached) into / on the USB stick. It
will be run at the end of the installation, triggered via the
preseed. It does a couple of things:

- Copy the edk2 firmware files into the ESP on the system that's
just been installer

- Remove shim-signed from the installed systems, as there's a bug
that causes it to fail on rpi4. I need to dig into this to see
what the issue is.

That's it! Run the installer as normal, all should Just Work (TM).

BlueTooth didn't quite work : raspberrypi-firmware didn't install until adding a symlink for boot/efi to /boot/firmware

20231127 - This may not be necessary because raspberrypi-firmware path has been fixed

# The preseed file itself causes a problem - the installer medium is
# left mounted on /medis so things break in cdrom-detect. Let's see if
# we can fix that!
d-i preseed/early_command string umount /media true

# Run our command to do rpi setup before reboot
d-i preseed/late_command string /cdrom/finish-rpi

# Force grub installation to the RM path
grub-efi-arm64 grub2/force_efi_extra_removable boolean true

# Don't prompt for missing firmware from removable media,
# e.g. broadcom bluetooth on the rpi.
d-i hw-detect/load_firmware boolean false


set -x

grep -q -a RPI4 /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/CSRT
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Not running on a Pi 4, exit!"
exit 0

# Copy the rpi4 firmware binaries onto the installed system.
# Assumes the installer media is mounted on /cdrom.
cp -vr /cdrom/rpi4/. /target/boot/efi/.

# shim-signed doesn't seem happy on rpi4, so remove it
mount --bind /sys /target/sys
mount --bind /proc /target/proc
mount --bind /dev /target/dev

in-target apt-get remove --purge --autoremove -y shim-signed

26 November 2023

Andrew Cater: MiniDebConf Cambridge - 26th November 2023 - Afternoon sessions

That's all folks ...
Sadly, nothing too much to report.I delivered a very quick three slides lightning talk on Accessibility, WCAG [Web Content Accessibility Guidelines] version 2.2 and a request for Debian to do better

WCAG 2.2: WCAG 2.2 AbstractDebian-accessibility mailing list link: debian-accessibilityI watched the other lightning talks but then left at 1500 - missing three good talks - to drive home at least partly in daylight.

A great four days - the chance to put some names to faces and to recharge in Debian spaces.

Thanks to all involved and especially ...
Thanks to Cambridge Debian folk for helping arrange evening meals, lifts and so on and especially to those who also happen be ARM employees who were badging us in and out through the four days

Thanks to those who staffed Front Desk on both days and, especially, also to the ARM security guards who let us into site at 0745 on all four days and to Mark who did the weekend shift inside the building for Saturday and Sunday.

Thanks to ARM for excellent facilities, food, coffee, hosting us and coffee, to Codethink for sponsoring - and a lecture from Sudip and some interesting hardware - and Pexip for Pexip sponsorship (and employee attendance).

Here's to the next opportunity, whenever that may be.

Andrew Cater: Back at ARM for MiniDebConf day 2 - Morning sessions 26th November 2023

Quick recap of slides and safety information for the day from Steve McIntyre
Now into the Release Team questions following a release team overview.A roomful of people all asking questions which are focused and provoke more questions - how unlike a Debian session :)May just have talked myself into giving a lightning talk this afternoon :)Now about to have a talk about from Sudip about OpenQA, kernel testing and automation

25 November 2023

Andrew Cater: Afternoon talks - MiniDebConf ARM Cambridge - Day 1

A great talk on SteamOS progress to effective boot loaders for atomic OS updates.How to produce something that will allow instant updates and instant fallbacks when updating a whole OS image - lots of explanation - and it's good when three or four people who are directly interested in problems and solutions round, for example, Secure Boot are in the room.Jessica Clarke on CHERI, Morello and security protections in hardware, software and programming hardware which has verifiable pointers and routines. A couple of flourishes which had the room breaking out in applause.Roberto Sanchez and Santiago Rincon on suggestions for LTS and ways forward. The presentation very clearly set out what LTS is, is not, and maybe should be.Last presentation of the day was from Ian Jackson on a potential change to git based working and tagging. Then lots of chasing around to get people out of the building. Thanks very much to the Arm personnel, especially the security staff who have been helpful throughout the day with getting us all in and out

Thanks to all involved with Arm, Codethink and Pexip for hosting and sponsorship without which this would not have been possible.

Andrew Cater: Lightning talks - MiniDebConf ARM Cambridge - Day 1

A quick one slide presentation from Helmut on how to use Debian without sudo - Sudo Apt Purge SudoA presentation on upcoming Ph.D research on Digital Obsolescence - from EdaAntarctic and Arctic research from Carlos Pina i Estany * Amazing * what you can get into three well chosen slides.Ten minutes until the afternoon's talks

Andrew Cater: Laptop with ARM, mobile phone BoF - MiniDebConf Cambridge day 1

So following Emanuele's talk on a Lenovo X13s, we're now at the Debian on Mobile BoF (Birds of a feather) discussion session from Arnaud Ferraris
Discussion and questions on how best to support many variants of mobile phones: the short answer seems to be "it's still *hard* - too many devices around to add individual tweaks for every phone and manufacturer.One thing that may not have been audible in the video soundtrack - lots of laughter in the room prompted as someone's device said, audibly "You are not allowed to do that without unlocking your device"Upstream and downstream packages for hardware enablement are also hard: basic support is sometimes easy but that might even include non-support for charging, for example.Much discussion around the numbers of kernels and kernel image proliferation there could be. Debian tends to prefer *one* way of doing things with kernels.Abstracting hardware is the hardest thing but leads to huge kernels - there's no easy trade-off. Simple/feasible in multiple end user devices/supportable - pick one

Andrew Cater: ARM lecture theatre - MiniDebConf Cambridge day 1

And we're here - a couple of lectures in. Welcome from one Steve, deep internals of ARM from another Steve. A room filling with people - and now a lecture I really need to listen to on a machine I'd like to own. As ever, the hallway track is interesting - and you find people who know you from IRC or mailing lists. Four screens and a lecture theatre layout. Here we go.

Video team doing a great job, as ever - and our brand new talkmeister is doing a sterling job.

Andrew Cater: Mini-DebCamp ARM Cambridge day 2

Another really good day at ARM. Still lots of coffee and good food - supplemented by a cooked breakfast if you were early enough :)

Lots of small groups of people working earnestly in the main lecture theatre and a couple of meeting rooms and the soft seating area: various folk arriving ready for tomorrow. Video team setting up in the afternoon and running up servers and cabling - all ready for a full schedule tomorrow and Sunday.Many thanks to our sponsors - and especially the helpful staff at ARM who were helping us in and out, sorting out meeting rooms and generally coping with a Debian invasion. More people tomorrow for the weekend.

23 November 2023

Andrew Cater: Arm Cambridge - mini-Debcamp 23 November 2023

At Arm for two days before the mini-Debconf this weekend.First time at Arm for a few years: huge new buildings, shiny lecture theatre.Arm have made us very welcome. A superb buffet lunch and unlimited coffee plus soft drinks - I think they know what Debian folk are like.
Not enough power blocks laid out at the beginning - only one per table - but we soon fixed that
The room is full of Debian folk: some I know, some new faces. Reminiscing about meeting some of them from 25 years ago - and the chance to thank people for help over a long time.
Andy (RattusRattus) and I have been working out the bugs on an install script using UEFI for a Raspberry Pi 4. More on that in the next post, maybe.As ever, it's the sort of place where "I can't get into the wiki" is sorted by walking three metres across the room or where an "I can't find where to get X for Raspberry Pi" can be solved by asking the person who builds Raspbian. "Did you try and sign up to the Debian wiki last week - you didn't follow the instructions to mail wiki@ - I _know_ you didn't because I didn't see the mail ... "

My kind of place and my kind of people, as ever.

Thanks again to Arm who are one of our primary sponsors for this mini-Debconf.

7 October 2023

Andrew Cater: Point release weekend for Debian: two releases this weekend: 202311071653

Over in Cambridge with RattusRattus, Sledge, egw and Isy. Andy is very kindly putting us up.

We're almost all of the way through testing 12.2 and some of the way through testing 11.8.

It's a LONG day - heads down into laptops and relatively quiet - I think we're all tired and we've a way to go yet.

30 August 2023

Andrew Cater: Building a mirror of various Red Hat oriented "stuff"

Building a mirror for rpm-based distributions.
I've already described in brief how I built a mirror that currently mirrors Debian and Ubuntu on a daily basis. That was relatively straightforward given that I know how to install Debian and configure a basic system without a GUI and the ftpsync scripts are well maintained, I can pull some archives and get one pushed to me such that I've always got up to date copies of Debian and Ubuntu.I wanted to do something similar using Rocky Linux to pull in archives for Almalinux, Rocky Linux, CentOS, CentOS Stream and (optionally) Fedora.(This was originally set up using Red Hat Enterprise Linux on a developer's subscription and rebuilt using Rocky Linux so that the machine could be passed on to someone else if necessary. Red Hat 9.1 has moved to x86_64v2 - on the machine I have (HP Microserver gen 8) 9.1 it fails immediately. It has been rebuilt to use Rocky 8.8).This is a minimal install of Rocky as console only - the machine it's on only has 4G of memory so won't run a GUI reliably. It will run Cockpit so can be remotely administered. One user to run everything - mirror.
Minimal install of Rocky 8.7 from DVD .iso. SELinux is enabled, SSH works for remote access. SELinux had to be tweaked to allow /srv/ the appropriate permissions to be served by nginx. /srv is a large LVM volume rather than a RAID 6 - I didn't have enough disks
Adding nginx, enabling Cockpit and editing the Rocky Linux mirroring scripts resulted in something straightforward to reproduce.


I cheated and stole large parts of my Debian config. The crucial part to remember is that there is no autoindexing by default and I had to dig to find the correct configuration snippet.

# Load configuration files for the default server block.

include /etc/nginx/default.d/*.conf;

location /
autoindex on;
autoindex_exact_size off;
autoindex_format html;
autoindex_localtime off;
# First attempt to serve request as file, then
# as directory, then fall back to displaying a 404.
try_files $uri $uri/ =404;

Rocky Linux mirroring scripts

Systemd unit file for service

Description=Rocky Linux Mirroring script



Rocky linux timer file
Description=Run Rocky Linux mirroring script daily

OnCalendar=*-*-* 08:13:00
OnCalendar=*-*-* 22:13:00


Mirror script

#!/bin/env bash
# mirrorsync - Synchronize a Rocky Linux mirror
# By: Dennis Koerner <>

# The latest version of this script can be found at:
# Please read
# for further information on setting up a Rocky mirror.
# Copyright (c) 2021 Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation

This is a very long script in total.
Crucial parts I changed only listed the mirror to pull from and the place to put it.

# A complete list of mirrors can be found at

# Your local path. Change to whatever fits your system.
# $mirrormodule is also used in syslog output.
dst="/srv/$ mirrormodule "


Logfile looks something like this: the single time spec file is used to check whether another rsync needs to be run
deleting 9.1/plus/x86_64/os/repodata/3585b8b5-90e0-4856-9df2-95f646bc62c7-PRIMARY.xml.gz

sent 606,565 bytes received 38,808,194,155 bytes 44,839,746.64 bytes/sec
total size is 1,072,593,052,385 speedup is 27.64
End: Fri 27 Jan 2023 08:27:49 GMT
fullfiletimelist-rocky unchanged. Not updating at Fri 27 Jan 2023 22:13:16 GMT
fullfiletimelist-rocky unchanged. Not updating at Sat 28 Jan 2023 08:13:16 GMT
It was essentially easier to store fullfiletimelist-rocky in /home/mirror than anywhere else.

Very similar small modifications to the Rocky mirroring scripts were used to mirror the other distributions I'm mirroring. (Almalinux, CentOS, CentOS Stream, EPEL and Rocky Linux).

29 August 2023

Andrew Cater: 20230828 - OMGWTFBBQ - Breakfast is happening more or less

And nothing changes: rediscovered from past Andrew at his first Cambridge BBQ and almost the first blog post here:

"House full of people I knew only from email, some very old friends. Wires and leads filling the front room floor - laptops _everywhere_ .


Thirty second rule on sofa space - if you left for more than about 30 seconds you had to sit on the floor when you got back (I jammed myself onto a corner of the sofa once I realised I'd barely get through the crush :) )
[Forget students in a mini / UK telephone box - how many DDs can you fit into a very narrow kitchen :) ]

It's a huge, dysfunctional family with its own rules, geeky humour and in-jokes but it's MINE - it's the people I want to hang out with and, as perverse as it sounds, just being there gave me a whole new reaffirmed sense of identity and a large amount of determination to carry on "wasting my time with Linux" and Debian"

The *frightening* thing - this is from August 31st 2009 ... where have the years gone in between.

26 August 2023

Andrew Cater: 20230826 - OMGWTFBBQ - BBQ still in full swing

There's been a very successful barbeque running in the garden: burgers, sausages, beer, vegetarian dishes and then ice cream.The chance to catch up with people you only meet in IRC. Talking and laughter - and probably a couple of games of Mao.Thanks also to our sponsors - Collabora, Codethink and RattusRattus for contributions to food and drink.

Andrew Cater: 20230826 OMGWTFBBQ - Cambridge is waking up

The meat has been fetched: those of us in the house are about to get bacon sandwiches. Pepper the dog is in the garden. Time for the mayhem to start, I think.
Various folk are travelling here so it will soon be crowded: the weather is sunny but cool and it looks good for a three day weekend.

This is a huge effort that falls to Steve and Jo and a huge disruption for them each year - for which many thanks, as ever. [And, as is traditional on this blog, the posts only ever seem to appear from Cambridge].
