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5 June 2021

Utkarsh Gupta: FOSS Activites in May 2021

Here s my (twentieth) monthly update about the activities I ve done in the F/L/OSS world.

This was my 29th month of actively contributing to Debian. I became a DM in late March 2019 and a DD on Christmas 19! \o/ Interesting month, surprisingly. Lots of things happening and lots of moving parts; becoming the new normal , I believe. Anyhow, working on Ubuntu full-time has its own advantage and one of them is being able to work on Debian stuff! So whilst I couldn t upload a lot of packages because of the freeze, here s what I worked on:

Uploads and bug fixes:

Other $things:
  • Mentoring for newcomers and assisting people in BSP.
  • Moderation of -project mailing list.

This was my 4th month of actively contributing to Ubuntu. Now that I ve joined Canonical to work on Ubuntu full-time, there s a bunch of things I do! \o/ This month, by all means, was dedicated mostly to PHP 8.0, transitioning from PHP 7.4 to 8.0. Naturally, it had so many moving parts and moments of utmost frustration, shared w/ Bryce. :D So even though I can t upload anything, I worked on the following stuff & asked for sponsorship.
But before, I d like to take a moment to stress how kind and awesome Gianfranco Costamagna, a.k.a. LocutusOfBorg is! He s been sponsoring a bunch of my things & helping with re-triggers, et al. Thanks a bunch, Gianfranco; beers on me whenever we meet!


Uploads & Syncs:


Seed Operations:

Debian (E)LTS
Debian Long Term Support (LTS) is a project to extend the lifetime of all Debian stable releases to (at least) 5 years. Debian LTS is not handled by the Debian security team, but by a separate group of volunteers and companies interested in making it a success. And Debian Extended LTS (ELTS) is its sister project, extending support to the Jessie release (+2 years after LTS support). This was my twentieth month as a Debian LTS and eleventh month as a Debian ELTS paid contributor.
I was assigned 29.75 hours for LTS and 40.00 hours for ELTS and worked on the following things:

LTS CVE Fixes and Announcements:

ELTS CVE Fixes and Announcements:

Other (E)LTS Work:
  • Front-desk duty from 24-05 until 30-05 for both LTS and ELTS.
  • Triaged rails, libimage-exiftool-perl, hivex, graphviz, glibc, libexosip2, impacket, node-ws, thunar, libgrss, nginx, postgresql-9.6, ffmpeg, composter, and curl.
  • Mark CVE-2019-9904/graphviz as ignored for stretch and jessie.
  • Mark CVE-2021-32029/postgresql-9.6 as not-affected for stretch.
  • Mark CVE-2020-24020/ffmpeg as not-affected for stretch.
  • Mark CVE-2020-22020/ffmpeg as postponed for stretch.
  • Mark CVE-2020-22015/ffmpeg as ignored for stretch.
  • Mark CVE-2020-21041/ffmpeg as postponed for stretch.
  • Mark CVE-2021-33574/glibc as no-dsa for stretch & jessie.
  • Mark CVE-2021-31800/impacket as no-dsa for stretch.
  • Mark CVE-2021-32611/libexosip2 as no-dsa for stretch.
  • Mark CVE-2016-20011/libgrss as ignored for stretch.
  • Mark CVE-2021-32640/node-ws as no-dsa for stretch.
  • Mark CVE-2021-32563/thunar as no-dsa for stretch.
  • [LTS] Help test and review bind9 update for Emilio.
  • [LTS] Suggest and add DEP8 tests for bind9 for stretch.
  • [LTS] Sponsored upload of htmldoc to buster for Havard as a consequence of #988289.
  • [ELTS] Fix triage order for jetty and graphviz.
  • [ELTS] Raise issue upstream about cloud-init; mock tests instead.
  • [ELTS] Write to private ELTS list about triage ordering.
  • [ELTS] Review Emilio s new script and write back feedback, mentioning extra file created, et al.
  • [ELTS/LTS] Raise upgrade problems from LTS -> LTS+1 to the list. Thread here.
    • Further help review and raise problems that could occur, et al.
  • [LTS] Help explain path forward for firmware-nonfree update to Ola. Thread here.
  • [ELTS] Revert entries of TEMP-0000000-16B7E7 and TEMP-0000000-1C4729; CVEs assigned & fix ELTS tracker build.
  • Auto EOL ed linux, libgrss, node-ws, and inspircd for jessie.
  • Attended monthly Debian LTS meeting, which didn t happen, heh.
  • Answered questions (& discussions) on IRC (#debian-lts and #debian-elts).
  • General and other discussions on LTS private and public mailing list.

Until next time.
:wq for today.

25 March 2015

Francois Marier: Keeping up with noisy blog aggregators using PlanetFilter

I follow a few blog aggregators (or "planets") and it's always a struggle to keep up with the amount of posts that some of these get. The best strategy I have found so far to is to filter them so that I remove the blogs I am not interested in, which is why I wrote PlanetFilter.

Other options In my opinion, the first step in starting a new free software project should be to look for a reason not to do it :) So I started by looking for another approach and by asking people around me how they dealt with the firehoses that are Planet Debian and Planet Mozilla. It seems like a lot of people choose to "randomly sample" planet feeds and only read a fraction of the posts that are sent through there. Personally however, I find there are a lot of authors whose posts I never want to miss so this option doesn't work for me. A better option that other people have suggested is to avoid subscribing to the planet feeds, but rather to subscribe to each of the author feeds separately and prune them as you go. Unfortunately, this whitelist approach is a high maintenance one since planets constantly add and remove feeds. I decided that I wanted to follow a blacklist approach instead.

PlanetFilter PlanetFilter is a local application that you can configure to fetch your favorite planets and filter the posts you see. If you get it via Debian or Ubuntu, it comes with a cronjob that looks at all configuration files in /etc/planetfilter.d/ and outputs filtered feeds in /var/cache/planetfilter/. You can either:
  • add file:///var/cache/planetfilter/planetname.xml to your local feed reader
  • serve it locally (e.g. http://localhost/planetname.xml) using a webserver, or
  • host it on a server somewhere on the Internet.
The software will fetch new posts every hour and overwrite the local copy of each feed. A basic configuration file looks like this:
url =

Filters There are currently two ways of filtering posts out. The main one is by author name:
authors =
  Alice Jones
  John Doe
and the other one is by title:
titles =
  This week in review
  Wednesday meeting for
In both cases, if a blog entry contains one of the blacklisted authors or titles, it will be discarded from the generated feed.

Tor support Since blog updates happen asynchronously in the background, they can work very well over Tor. In order to set that up in the Debian version of planetfilter:
  1. Install the tor and polipo packages.
  2. Set the following in /etc/polipo/config:
     proxyAddress = ""
     proxyPort = 8008
     allowedClients =
     allowedPorts = 1-65535
     proxyName = "localhost"
     cacheIsShared = false
     socksParentProxy = "localhost:9050"
     socksProxyType = socks5
     chunkHighMark = 67108864
     diskCacheRoot = ""
     localDocumentRoot = ""
     disableLocalInterface = true
     disableConfiguration = true
     dnsQueryIPv6 = no
     dnsUseGethostbyname = yes
     disableVia = true
     censoredHeaders = from,accept-language,x-pad,link
     censorReferer = maybe
  3. Tell planetfilter to use the polipo proxy by adding the following to /etc/default/planetfilter:
     export http_proxy="localhost:8008"
     export https_proxy="localhost:8008"

Bugs and suggestions The source code is available on I've been using this for over a month and it's been working quite well for me. If you give it a go and run into any problems, please file a bug! I'm also interested in any suggestions you may have.

8 August 2014

Ian Donnelly: How-To: Write a Plug-In (Part 3, Coding)

Hi Everybody! Hope you have been enjoying my tutorial on writing plug-ins so far. In Part 1 we covered the basic overview of a plug-in. Part 2 covered a plug-in s contract and the best way to write one. Now, for Part 3 we are going to cover the meat of a plug-in, the actual coding. As you should know from reading Part 1, there are five main functions used for plug-ins, elektraPluginOpen, elektraPluginGet, elektraPluginSet, ELEKTRA_PLUGIN_EXPORT(Plugin), where Plugin should be replaced with the name of your plug-in. We are going to start this tutorial by focusing on the elektraPluginGet because it usually is the most critical function. As we discussed before, elektraPluginGet is the function responsible for turning information from a file into a usable KeySet. This function usually differs pretty greatly between each plug-in. This function should be of type int, it returns 0 on success or another number on an error. The function will take in a Key, usually called parentKey which contains a string containing the path to the file that is mounted. For instance, if you run the command kdb mount /etc/linetest system/linetest line then keyString(parentKey) should be equal to /etc/linetest . At this point, you generally want to open the file so you can begin saving it into keys. Here is the trickier part to explain. Basically, at this point you will want to iterate through the file and create keys and store string values inside of them according to what your plug-in is supposed to do. I will give a few examples of different plug-ins to better explain. My line plug-in was written to read files into a KeySet line by line using the newline character as a delimiter and naming the keys by their line number such as (#1, #2, .. #_22) for a file with 22 lines. So once I open the file given by parentKey, every time a I read a line I create a new key, let s call it new_key using dupKey(parentKey). Then I set new_keys s name to lineNN (where NN is the line number) using keyAddBaseName and store the string value of the line into the key using keySetString. Once the key is initialized, I append it to the KeySet that was passed into the elektraPluginGet function, let s call it returned for now, using ksAppendKey(return, new_key). Now the KeySet will contain new_key with the name lineNN properly saved where it should be according to the kdb mount command (in this case, system/linetest/lineNN), and a string value equal to the contents of that line in the file. MY plug-in repeats these steps as long as it hasn t reached end of file, thus saving the whole file into a KeySet line by line. The simpleini plug-in works similarly, but it parses for ini files instead of just line-by-line. At their most simple level, ini files are in the format of name=value with each pair taking one line. So for this plug-in, it makes a lot of sense to name each Key in the KeySet by the string to the left of the = sign and store the value into each key as a string. For instance, the name of the key would be name and keyGetString(name) would return value .
As you may have noticed, simpleini and line plug-ins work very similarly. However, they just parse the files differently. The simpleini plug-in parses the file in a way that is more natural to ini file (setting the key s name to the left side of the equals sign and the value to the right side of the equals sign.) The elektraPluginGet function is the heart of a storage plug-in, its what allows Elektra to store configurations in it s database. This function isn t just run when a file is first mounted, but whenever a file gets updated, this function is run to update the Elektra Key Database to match. We also gave a brief overview of elektraPluginSet function. This function is basically the opposite of elektraPluginGet. Where elektraPluginGet reads information from a file into the Elektra Key Database, elektraPluginSet writes information from the database back into the mounted file. First have a look at the signature of elektraLineSet: elektraLineSet(Plugin *handle ELEKTRA_UNUSED, KeySet *toWrite, Key *parentKey) Lets start with the most important parameters, the KeySet and the parentKey. The KeySet supplied is the KeySet that is going to be persisted in the file. In our case it would contain the Keys representing the lines. The parentKey is the topmost Key of the KeySet at serves several purposes. First, it contains the filename of the destination file as its value. Second, errors and warnings can be emitted via the parentKey. We will discuss error handling in more detail later. The Plugin handle can be used to persist state information in a threadsafe way with elektraPluginSetData. As our plugin is not stateful and therefore does not use the handle, it is marked as unused in order to supress compiler warnings. Basically the implementation of elektraLineSet can be described with the following pseudocode:

open the file
if (error)

ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR(74, parentKey, keyString(parentKey));

for each key

write the key value together with a newline

close the file
The fullblown code can be found at As you can see, all elektraLineSet does is open a file, take each Key from the KeySet (remember they are named #1, #2 #_22) in order, and write each key as it s own line in the file. Since we don t care about the name of the Key in this case (other than for order), we just write the value of keyString for each Key as a new line in the file. That s it. Now, each time the mounted KeySet is modified, elektraPluginSet will be called and the mounted file will be updated. We haven t discussed ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR yet. Because Elektra is a library, printing errors to stderr wouldn t be a good idea. Instead, errors and warnings can be appended to a key in the form of metadata. This is what ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR does. Because the parentKey always exists even if a critical error occurres, we append the error to the parentKey. The first parameter is an id specifying the general error that occurred. A listing of existing errors together with a short description and a categorization can be found at The third parameter can be used to provide additional information about the error. In our case we simply supply the filename of the file that caused the error. The kdb tools will interprete this error and print it in a pretty way. Notice that this can be used in any plugin function where the parentKey is available. The elektraPluginOpen and elektraPluginClose functions are not commonly used for storage plug-ins, but they can be useful and are worth reviewing. elektraPluginOpen function runs before elektraPluginGet and is useful to do initialization if necessary for the plug-in. On the other hand elektraPluginClose is run after other functions of the plug-in and can be useful for freeing up resources. The last function, one that is always needed in a plug-in, is ELEKTRA_PLUGIN_EXPORT. This functions is responsible for letting Elektra know that the plug-in exists and which methods it implements. The code from my line function is a good example and pretty self-explanatory:


return elektraPluginExport("line",
ELEKTRA_PLUGIN_GET, &elektraLineGet,
ELEKTRA_PLUGIN_SET, &elektraLineSet,

There you have it! This is the last part of my tutorial on writing a storage plug-in for Elektra. Hopefully you now have a good understanding of how Elektra plug-ins work and you ll be able to add some great functionality into Elektra through development of new plug-ins. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and if you have any questions just leave a comment! Happy coding!
Ian S. Donnelly

6 November 2013

Olivier Berger: Generating WebID profiles for Debian project members

I ve been investigating the generation of WebID profiles for Debian project members for some time. After earlier experiments on, in a static and very hackish manner, I ve investigated the use of Django. Django is no random choice, as it is being used in several ongoing efforts to rewrite some Debian Web services. Among these is a new LDAP UserDir, which could replace the current version which runs, started by Luca Filipozzi and Martin Zobel-Helas. I ve worked on integrating some of the LDAP querying code written by Luca together with the Django WebID provider app written by Ben Nomadic (both modified by me), and the result is a bit hackish for the moment. It s very early, but allows the generation of WebID profiles for Debian project members, using data queried in Debian s LDAP directory, and adding TLS certs to the profiles. The TLS certs could in principle be used later as a WebID + TLS authentication mechanism. There s plenty of work ahead, and this may never be deployed, but as an example see the kind of way such WebID profile documents may look (in Turtle format) :
@prefix cert: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix wot: <> .
@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
<> a foaf:PersonalProfileDocument ;
    foaf:primaryTopic <> .
<#gpgkey> a wot:Pubkey ;
    wot:fingerprint "ACE46EBD89F6656D6642660BE941DEDA7C5BB6A5" ;
    wot:pubkeyAddress <ttps://> .
<> a foaf:Person ;
    cert:key [ a cert:RSAPublicKey ;
            rdfs:label "key made on [...] on my laptop" ;
            cert:exponent 65537 ;
            cert:modulus "bb7d5735181c7687a09abf3c88a064513badfe351f14fc2d738978a7f573d12eb831140a7a02c579f31f4617c14145493aeff4009832ba7fd1c579d6da92f68cd4437072266b000451d6eb45c03cd00b20e1f2230d83bdc3caeebb317e6618dd38a3f53abbbb2b6495a893495d3df685a2f0f599be8a74ef88841ce283dd8f65"^^xsd:hexBinary ],
        [ a cert:RSAPublicKey ;
            rdfs:label "key made on [...] on my laptop" ;
            cert:exponent 65537 ;
            cert:modulus "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"^^xsd:hexBinary ] ;
    foaf:homepage <> ;
    foaf:mbox "" ;
    foaf:name "Olivier Berger" ;
    foaf:nick "obergix" ;
    wot:hasKey <#gpgkey> .
If you re interested in WebID in the frame of Debian project services, see the discussion list.

25 January 2013

Russ Allbery: The "Why?" of Work

(This is going to be long and rambling. Hopefully at some point I'll be able to distill it into something shorter.) In preparation for a tech leads retreat tomorrow, several of us at work were asked to watch Simon Sinek's TED talk, "How great leaders inspire action". I'll be honest with you: I hated this talk. Sinek lost me right at the start by portraying his idea as the point of commonality among great leaders (don't get me started on survivorship bias; it's a pet peeve) and then compounded the presentation problem with some dubious biology about brain structure. So, after watching it, I ranted a bit about how much I disliked it (to, as it turns out, people who had gotten a lot out of it). (Don't do this, btw. It's nearly always worthwhile to suppress negativity about something someone else enjoyed. I say this to increase the pool of people who can remind me of what I said the next time I forget. Which, if my normal pattern holds, will be about five minutes from now.) Thankfully, I work with tolerant and forgiving people who kindly pointed out the things they saw in the video that I missed, and we ended up having a really good hour and a half discussion, which convinced me that there's an idea under here that's worth talking about. It also helped clarify for me just how much I hate the conventional construction of both leadership and success. This talk is framed around getting other people to do things, which is one of the reasons why I had such a negative reaction to it. It's right there in the title: leaders inspiring action. This feeds into what at least in the United States is an endemic belief that the world consists of leaders and followers, and that the key to success in the world (in business, in politics, in everything else) is to become one of the leaders and accumulate followers (most frequently as customers, since we have a capitalist obsession). This is then defined as success. I think this idea of success is bullshit. Now, that statement requires an immediate qualification. Saying that the societal definition of success is bullshit is a statement from privilege. I have the luxury of saying that because I am successful; I'm in a position where I have a lot of control over my own job, I'm not struggling to make ends meet, and I can spend my time pondering existential questions like how to define success. If I were a little less lucky, success would be whatever put food on the table and kept a roof over my head. I'm making an argument from the top of Maslow's hierarchy. But that is, in a roundabout way, my point: why is defining and constructing success still so hard, and why do we do such a bad job at it, even when we're at the top of the pyramid and able to focus on self-actualization? The context of this talk for my group is pre-work for a discussion about, in Sinek's construction, the "why?" of our group. Why are we here, what is our purpose, and what do we care about? By the mere fact that we are able to ask questions like that, you can correctly surmise that we're already successful. The question, therefore, is what should we do with that success? I normally hear one or more of the following answers, all of which I find unsatisfying or problematic. So, what should I do with success? Or, put another way, since I have the luxury of figuring out a "why?", what's my "why?" This question comes at a good time. As I've mentioned the last couple of days here, I've just come off of two days of the most fun I've had at work in the last several years. I spent about 25 hours total building a log parsing infrastructure that I'm quite fond of, and which may even be useful to other people. And I did that in response to a rather prosaic request: produce a report of user agents by authenticated unique users, rather than by hits, so that we can get an idea of what percentage of our community uses different devices or browsers. This was a problem that I probably could have solved adequately enough for the original request in four hours, maybe less, and then moved on to something else. I spent six times that long on it. That's something I can do because I'm successful: that's the sort of luxury you get when you can define how you want to do your job. So, apparently I have an answer to my question staring me in my face: what I do with success, when I have it, is use that leeway to produce elegant and comprehensive solutions to problems in a way that fully engages me, makes the problem more interesting, and constructs infrastructure that I can reuse for other problems. Huh. That sounds like a "why?" response that's quite common among hackers and software developers. Nothing earth-shattering there... except why is that so rare in a business context? Why isn't it common to answer questions like "what is our group mission statement" with answers like that? This is what I missed in the TED talk, and what the subsequent discussion with my co-workers brought to light for me. I think Sinek was getting at this, but I think he buried the lede. The "why?" should be something that excites you. Something that you're passionate about. Something that you believe in. He says that's because other people will then believe in it too and will buy it from you. I personally don't care about (or, to be honest, have active antipathy towards) that particular outcome, but that's fine; that's not the point. The point is that a "why?" comes from the heart, from something that actually matters, and it creates a motivating and limiting principle. It defines both what you want to do and what you don't want to do. That gives me a personal answer. My "why?" is that I want to build elegant solutions to problems and do work that I find engaging and can be proud of afterwards. I automate common tasks not because I particularly care about being efficient, but because manually doing common tasks is mind-numbing and boring, and I don't like being bored. I write reliable systems not particularly because that helps clients, but primarily because reliable software is more elegant and beautiful and unreliable software offends me. (Being more usable and frustrating for clients is also good; don't get me wrong. It's just not a motive. It's an outcome.) What does that mean for a group mission statement, a group "why?" Usually these exercises produce some sort of distillation of the collective job responsibilities of the people in the group. Our mission is to maintain core infrastructure to let people do their work and to support authentication and authorization services for the university, yadda yadda yadda... this is all true, in its way, but it's also boring. One can work oneself up to caring about things like that, but it requires a lot of effort. But we all have individual "why?" answers, and I bet they look more like my answer than they do like traditional mission statements. If we're in a place where we have the luxury of worrying about self-actualization questions, what gets us up in the morning, what makes it exciting to go into work, is probably some variation on doing interesting and engaging work. But it's probably a different variation for everyone in the group. For example, as you can see from above, I like building things. My happiest moments are when someone gives me a clearly-defined problem statement that fills a real need and then goes away and leaves me in peace to solve it. One thing I've learned is that I'm not very good at coming up with the problem statements myself; I can do it, but usually I end up solving some problem that isn't very important to other people. I love it when my employer can hand me real problems that will make the world better for people, since often they're a lot more interesting (and meaningful) than the problems I come up with on my own. But that's all highly idiosyncratic and is not going to be shared by everyone in my group. I'm an introvert; the "leave me alone" part of that is important. Other people are extroverts; what gets them up in the morning is, in part, engaging with other people. Some people care passionately about UI design. (I also care passionately about UI design, but the UI designs that I'm passionate about are the ones that are natural for my people, who are apparently aliens from another galaxy, so I'm not the person you want doing UI design for things used by humans.) Others might be particularly interested in researching new technology, or coming up with those problem statements, or in smoothly-running production systems, or in metrics and reporting... I don't really know, but I do know that there's no one answer that fits everyone. Which means that none of our individual "why?" responses should become the group "why?". However, I think that leads to an answer, and it's the answer I'm going to advocate for in the meeting tomorrow. I believe the "why?" of our team should be to use the leeway, trust, and credibility that we have because we're successful to try to create an environment in which every individual member of the team can follow their own "why?" responses. In other words, I think the mission of our group should not be about any specific technology, or about any specific set of services, or outcomes. The way we should use our success is to let every member of our team work in a way that lights their fire. That makes them excited to come into work. That lets each of us have as much fun as I had in the past two days. We should have as our goal to create passionate and empowered employees. Nothing more, but nothing less. This is totally not how group mission statements are done. They're always about blending in to some larger overall technological purpose. But I think that's a mistake, and (despite disliking the presentation), I think that's what this TED talk does actually get at. The purpose is the what, or sometimes the how. It's not the why. And the why isn't static; technology is changing fast, and people are using technology in different ways. Any mission statement around technology today is going to be obsolete in short order, and is going to be too narrow. But I think the flip side is that good technological solutions to the problems of the larger organization are outcomes that fall out of having passionate and inspired employees. If people can work in ways that engage and excite them, they will end up solving problems. We're all adults; we know that we're paid to do a job and that job needs to involve solving real problems for the larger organization. All of that is obvious, and therefore none of that belongs in a mission statement. A mission statement should state the inobvious. And while some visionary people can come up with mission statements around technology or around how people use technology that can be a rallying point for a team or organization, I think that's much rarer than people like to think it is. If you stumble across one like that, great, but I think most teams, and certainly our team, would be better served by having the team mission statement be to enable every individual on the team to be passionate about their work. What should our group work on next? Figure out what the university's problems are, line those needs up with the passions of the members of the team, ask the people most excited about each problem how they want to solve that problem, and write down the answers. There's our roadmap and our strategy, all rolled into one.

7 March 2012

Enrico Zini: Resolving IP addresses in vim

Resolving IP addresses in vim A friend on IRC said: "I wish vim had a command to resolve all the IP addresses in a block of text". But it does:
:<block>!perl -MSocket -pe 's/(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/gethostbyaddr(inet_aton($1), AF_INET)/ge'
If you use it often, put the perl command in a one-liner script and call it an editor macro. It works on other editors, too, and even without an editor at all. And it can be scripted! We live with the power of Unix every day, so much that we risk forgetting how awesome it is.

19 April 2010

Mike Hommey: A new world of possibilities is opening up

Account created for myaddress<at> with hg_mozilla and mg_mozsrc bits enabled.
Yes, this means I now have commit access on Thanks to those who vouched for me, namely Justin Wood, Christian Biesinger and Benjamin Smedberg. And thanks to the Mozilla governance for having changed the commit access requirements just in time for me to take advantage of the new ones: under the old rules, it was required that the vouching superreviewer had never reviewed a patch from the person applying for commit access. Of the 31 superreviewers, 14 (almost half of them) already had reviewed one or more patches from me (which is not really unexpected, considering the number of patches I sent in the past). One could wonder why I never applied for access earlier, though.

9 September 2009

Matthew Palmer: Water Tanks, Reliability, and Redundancy

Water supply, in the developed world, is one of those things you just pretty much take for granted. You turn on the tap, and clean, cool, refreshing water comes out. Similarly, when I go to a fire in my shiny fire truck, no matter what time of the day or night, I expect to able to hook up to a hydrant and have a strong, steady supply of water available. This level of reliability is something that we in the IT industry can typically only dream of. Practically 100% reliability over a period of decades, without constant maintenance and tweaking? Not a hope. To even get close to that, we need clusters of fully-redundant servers, fancy database replication techniques, and probably something totally out of left-field like Erlang's ability to reload code on the fly. But how do the water utilities do it? Clusters of fully-redundant high-capacity pumps, fancy pipe re-routing techniques? Or something totally out of left-field like a big water tank and gravity? Where I live, we've got the latter. Thinking about how it probably operates and is managed, I'm blown away by the sheer simplicity and robustness of the whole design, and how it can handle all manner of failures. First off, consider how few components have to be working in order for the water supply to continue for a while after some sort of catastrophic failure. We need: Note that this list of elements doesn't include any moving parts, or even guaranteed continuous water supply from a dam or other huge supply store. You can lose your feed pump(s), supply lines, or anything else that's on the supply side of the water tank for some period of time and nobody on the consumption side will know or care. Need more resilience to supply-side failure? Just build a bigger tank. This blows my mind, it really does. Need to do pump maintenance? No problem, just make sure that the tank is large enough to service demand over the period of the "outage", and go for it. Can't find a pump supplier to give you a restoration SLA of less than a week? Just make sure you've got a water tank that'll provide for a week's consumption. Basically, any supply-side reliability problem can be solved with "build a bigger tank", and while there's a limit to how big we can make tanks, I'll bet we know a lot more about building huge water tanks to withstand some freaky failure conditions than we do about building pumps that won't fail for 100 years. If you do need more capacity than a single tank can provide, just parallelise -- horizontal scaling of the water supply. Woohoo! Your big water tank also provides cost savings in your other equipment. If you had to pressurise a water supply using pumps, not only would you need your redundant array of very expensive pumps (Hmm, RAVEP-5 sounds like a Doctor Who villain), but those pumps would need to be able to provide your peak consumption flow (toilet breaks during the Super Bowl, probably). I'd imagine that could get mighty expensive, and without providing much benefit for 99% of the time. I see this capacity problem at work all the time. Customers who have the occasional massive traffic spikes need to massively over-provision their average utilisation to successfully service that 1% of the time that they're doing heavy traffic. Yes, I know, cloud computing, horizontal scaling, capacity on demand, yadda yadda yadda. It's not a panacea, and the number of apps that are designed to properly scale horizontally over a large range of traffic volumes is miniscule. My general point, though, is that it when you've got a variable load, it costs a whole lot more to provision systems to supply peak demand than to provision systems that can deal with average demand. A suitably large water tank means you can easily deploy a much smaller capacity feed pump. All you have to do is make sure that when demand exceeds supply, you've got enough water in your tank to cover the difference between the demand and supply over that period. When your peak capacity increases, and is starting to strain your infrastructure, you've got a choice, too: you can upgrade the pump or increase your storage capacity, whichever is cheaper / easier / quicker / provides better kickbacks / whatever. This is all well and good, you say, but computer systems aren't water supplies. There's a lot more moving parts, inputs, and outputs, and those all have to be handled. This is quite true. Water-powered computers are not in high demand. However, I think we could produce some much more reliable systems if we looked for ways we could simplify capacity and redundancy issues, water supply style, instead of layering more and more cruft into our solutions.
Ironically, just after I started writing this post (and this gives you an idea of how long it's been sitting in my drafts folder), I saw an article in the RISKS digest about a water supply problem in Santa Cruz, caused by a power outage killing the refill pump for an extended period and resulting in the storage tank running dry. Hey, I never said that it was a foolproof system -- especially when you've got failures of imagination that result in the system that tells people that there's no power relying on the power source it's monitoring being up in order to be able to tell people that there's no power...

2 December 2007

Matthew Johnson: Passwordless Encrypted Root in Debian

If, like me, you wanted both an encrypted root filesystem and some form of bootsplash you may have discovered that this is tricky. You need to enter the decryption passphrase on the terminal which means exiting the bootsplash. I decided it must be possible to use a USB token with the key on it rather than a passphrase to decrypt the drive and while this seems supported upstream, it is not supported out of the box on Debian. This is a short howto explaining my solution. Pre-requisites You will need a USB hard disk and a computer using Debian with an encrypted root filesystem. I am assuming that you are using a stock kernel with an initramfs image and have a luks encrypted LVM containing the root filesystem. You will have to change some of the details below to match your specific system. In the examples below /dev/hda5 is the encrypted partition and /dev/sda2 is the partition on the USB disk holding the key. Setting up the key First we need to generate a random key and put it on the disk. To save having to mount things in the initramfs, I chose to use a partition at the end of the USB flash disk. This means repartitioning and reformatting your USB disk. I recommend allocating the last cylinder in fdisk to primary partition 2. Once you have the second, small partition (you are only going to use 1k, so as small a partition as possible) you can put a key on it. This is as simple as dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda2 bs=1M . Adding the key to the luks partition Next, you need to add your new key as able to decrypt the partition. Luks allows several keys to be able to unlock the partition. The real key is decrypted under each of the user keys or passphrases and stored in a key slot' in the partition. To add your key type:
touch /tmp/keyfile
chmod 600 /tmp/keyfile 
dd if=/dev/sda2 bs=1k count=1 of=/tmp/keyfile
cryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/hda5 /tmp/keyfile
wipe /tmp/keyfile
Note the careful handling of the temporary key file (luksKeyAdd won't read from stdin, whereas luksOpen will), I recommend storing it on a ramdisk and you should certainly use wipe rather than rm if you don't. Once you have added your USB key you could remove the passphrase from the key list with luksDelKey, but if for any reason you lose the USB hdd you will be unable to decrypt the partition; I recommend leaving both keys available. Booting automatically In order to boot using the USB key we need to provide a couple of helper scripts in order for the initramfs to work. We also need to set some parameters on the kernel command line. In Debian these scripts can be added to the initramfs by putting them in /etc/initramfs-tools/. The first script is a helper script used when building the initramfs. This writes a second script into the initramfs itself which takes the partition as a parameter and prints the key on stdout. This should be written to /etc/initramfs-tools/hooks/cryptkey (executable) and contain:
#!/bin/sh --
   echo "$PREREQ"
case $1 in
   exit 0
. /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hook-functions
cat > $ DESTDIR /bin/loadkey 
The second script runs immediately before the cryptsetup script in the initramfs and ensures that the USB disk is available. This will cause the boot sequence to block until the USB disk is inserted and the device nodes created by udev. It can be provided directly in /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-top/00ensureusb (executable) and should contain:
#!/bin/sh --
   echo "$PREREQ"
case $1 in
      exit 0
if ! grep cryptopts /proc/cmdline >/dev/null; then return; fi
. /scripts/functions
log_begin_msg "Waiting for USB to become available..."
modprobe usbcore
modprobe uhci_hcd
modprobe ehci_hcd
modprobe usb_storage
while [ ! -b /dev/sda2 ]; do
   sleep 1
exit 0
The cryptsetup script itself reads configuration from the kernel command line. Here you can give it a script which will read the key and the source for the key to read. Edit your grub or lilo config and append the following to the kernel command line: cryptopts=keyscript=/bin/loadkey,key=/dev/sda2,source=/dev/hda5,target=hda5_crypt,lvm=hecate-root You will obviously have to change the name of your lvm root partition (volumegroup-logicalvolume). I recommend having two entries in the boot menu, one with the cryptopts and one without to allow easy decryption using the passphrase instead. Conclusion That should be everything. Boot your computer and inset the usb hdd. When the boot process passes decryption you can remove it again. You may have to replug it if you boot with it inserted to start with.

5 June 2006

Uwe Hermann: CC Hits [Update]

I stumbled over CC Hits today, which looks like an interesting site with great potential. It's basically a digg-like site (implemented using, it seems) which doesn't list articles, but rather Creative Commons licensed songs. You can vote for the songs you like, just like you vote for articles on The site seems to be quite new, and there's not too much traffic yet, but I imagine it could become a very useful resource to find high-quality Creative Commons music. Which is similar to what I'm doing with my Creative Commons music podcast (subscribe here, yadda yadda), and most of the other CC music podcasts do, for that matter. There's just too much CC music of varying quality out there by now — it's not so much a problem anymore to find some freely and legally available CC music (like it used to be a few years ago). It's more an issue of finding good music and/or music of certain genres you like... Anyways, I'm surely going to checkout CC Hits and use it to find new CC artists and songs for my podcast. Oh, and if you have any suggestions for more sources for good CC music, please leave a comment. </spam> Update 2006-06-05: On a related note, here's a song for all the geeks reading this: Code Monkey (MP3, 3.6 MB) by Jonathan Coulton, Creative Commons licensed, of course.

10 January 2006

Jacobo Tarr&#237;o Barreiro: Trademarks

So after feeling motivated again, I’ve updated my old Galician translation of Mozilla Firefox 0.8 for Firefox 1.0.7, I have some people testing the translation and will soon update it for Firefox 1.5. As I’m keeping my translation strictly unofficial (I want nothing to do with upstream Mozilla), it’s possible that I’ll receive some messages about how I’m infringing on the Mozilla Foundation’s holy trade marks, and how I’m not keeping the standards of extremely high quality that the Mozilla Foundation guarantees, yadda yadda yadda., so I’m already prepared for that eventuality: The Firechicken web browser I don’t know the English idiom for “tocar las narices”, but if they do it to me, I’ll adopt this name and logo for my translation. And then, if I translate Thunderbird, I’ll call this one “Thunderchicken” :-)

11 December 2005

Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt: About lost Debian NM applicants

As it looks like blogging is now the preferred way of sharing your thoughts, I guess I'll have to answer in my own blog to the problems starting with Thomas Hood post about withdrawing from the NM process.

Some people have replied to this and I think I should present my position, as I'm the most active of the unresponsive NM Front Desk, yaddayaddayadda.

Until Thomas blogged, I did not know that he considered the missing report as an issue.

To clear up the situation: Thomas completed all stages of the AM checks after he was reassigned to Alexander (formorer) this spring.
When Alex wanted to prepare the reported, he noted that some mails from the conversation between Madkiss (the old AM) and Thomas were missing. No problem, FD to the rescue, I still had those mails in my archive. After these initial problems, Alex' daytime job needed a lot of attention, so he didn't write the application report. I kicked him on a regular basis to do so, but it needs time and is not really very interesting, so it got delayed.

OK, that delay is not a good thing, but Alex told me that he planned to do the report on Saturday. Yes, this delay is quite annoying if you worked so hard and always had to wait for your AM to check your stuff and blabla. Now, the problem I have is that in this case, it's simply not true. Madkiss was assigned as AM to Thomas for 18 months - of these 18 months, 15 were spent waiting on a reply from Thomas to the usual NM questions.

Thomas, I can understand if you don't like the templates and think that they're boring, useless and whatever. But don't blame other people for time you have lost.