Search Results: "Vincent Sanders"

28 August 2013

Vincent Sanders: Men admire the man who can organize their wishes and thoughts in stone and wood and steel and brass.

I would probably not yet worthy of the admiration Emerson was alluding to but I do like to make things. As anyone who has read previous posts knows I have pretty much embraced the "do things, tell people" idea.

One small wrinkle is doing things needs somewhere to work. Since moving myself and the family to rented accommodation in Cambridge (swampy 3,500 year old English city, not the one in Massachusetts) I have been lacking space to do practical projects.

The main space
To fix this lack I have joined the cambridge makespace which, in addition to somewhere I can work gives me access to some tools I was previously unable to afford. The space gives practical training on the more complex machines (any tool can be dangerous if you do not use it correctly) which recently allowed my induction on the CNC router.

My instructor , Mark Mellors, who was good enough to give up some of his valuable making time to train me (and accidentally get his car stuck in a car park overnight by staying late) suggested that it was a good idea to have a design to try.

I decided to use this opportunity to actually create something useful (though now I re-read Marks message it did suggest a simple design...oopsy). I had been working at the electronics bench in previous weeks and been uncomfortable using the existing stools and chairs as they were either a bit high or unable to be adjusted high enough for the 80cm tall benches. I decided to design a 60cm tall stool for use at this workbench.

My initial idea was for a simple three leg stool, round top, three legs, how hard could it be? Initial research showed that showed that above 30cm the legs needed to be braced to each other. This is because the leg to seat joints simply cannot handle the stress caused by leverage which longer legs introduce.

I looked at the structure of several stools online and was initially drawn towards creating something like the IKEA Dalfred bar stool. It was discovered that the design would be easier to realise if it were made from sheet material which give a smaller challenge to a naive operator of a CNC router. Because of this simpler designs were researched and I eventually found a simple design I liked.

The design could not however be used directly as it was for imperial sized material which is not available in europe. I selected the QCAD open source CAD package and recaptured the design adjusting for the available 12mm plywood sheet material. This resulted in an imperial measurement design for metric materials.

Mark helped me transfer the DXF into the CAM software (vcarve pro 7, after I discovered the demo version of this software generates files which cannot be imported into the full edition!) and generate toolpaths for our machine. Once the toolpaths are saved to a USB stick (no modern conveniences like direct upload here) the job can be run on the machine.

Here I ran into reality, turns out that tolerances in imperial combined with lack of understanding how plywood reacts resulted in excessive play in the joints. This resulted in an unusable stool, which simply tried to rotate around its central axis and become flatpack. I had successfully turned 10 worth of plywood into some sawdust and a selection of useless shapes. On the other hand I did become competent with the router workflow so it was not a complete failure.

I was determined to make the design work so I decided to start from scratch with a similar design but entirely in metric. I performed some material research both online and practically (why yes i did spend an informative hour in several cambridge DIY shops with digital calipers, why do you ask?) it turns out that generally available 12mm thick plywood actually ranges between 11.9 and 12mm thick.

I did some test slot cuts of varying width and determined that the available stock can be "persuaded" to fit into a 11.8mm wide slot. This Interference fit joint is strong and removes the need for adhesive in most cases.

Second cut still attached to the bed. Leftovers of first attempt in the background
The sheet plywood material is readily available with a width of 1220mm and a height of 606mm (a full sheet is 2440mm long which is cut into four with a 4mm wide saw blade) so making the legs fit within a sheet and be close to the 60cm target should be possible.

I selected a suitable seat radius (175mm) and from that determined the minimal gap to the base ring with a 6mm end mill tool (20mm for two toolpaths and some separation) and hence the minimum suitable width of the base ring (50mm) giving a total radius of 245mm.

For the legs allowance was made for two joints of 30mm with 30mm separation between them the legs come out at 90mm width. If a 6mm space and a 6mm toolpath top and bottom of the sheet is accounted for a 582mm height (606 - 24) is available in which to fit the legs. The top of the leg which fits into the seat is 12mm tall leaving 570mm total leg height.

12mm plywood stool design
At this point I selected some arbitrary values for the leg positioning and angle (30mm from seat centre and 15 ) using a right angle triangle triganometry this produced a stool with a base of around 550mm or 100mm outside the radius of the seat. This seemed a pleasing shape and when the values for the holding ring were calculated it is at 104mm height which also seems to work out well.

This design was cut on the machine, lightly finished with some sandpaper and assembled. The legs slotted into the ring first and then the legs eased into the seat slots, the whole thing flipped and the seat hammered home onto the legs.

Anne Harrison volunteering to try the wobbly stool of doom
Success! It physically fit together and if you were brave enough you could sit on it. Unfortunately the plywood seemed to flex around the central axis of rotation in a rather alarming way, fine if you are under 70 kilos but not giving the impression of security most people want from their seating.

Ok, lets try with five legs instead of three (at least we can reuse the existing three legs)...nope still not good enough and another 10 gone.

18mm Plywood stool design
The others in the space suggested a few ideas to improve matters and the one I selected was to use 18mm plywood instead of 12mm, this should improve rigidity. There was a brief pause in proceedings to discover 18mm sheet is actually 17.7mm and needs a 17.5mm slot to make the interference fit work.

Completed 18mm stool
A swift redesign later altering the seat radius, gap, ring width and leg height to accommodate the new material and we have version 4 and it works without caveat. Tested up to 150Kg load without trouble, there is a small amount of flex still but nothing that feels worrying.

I finished the stool by rounding the seat top edge with a ball bearing rounding bit in a manual router and applying a couple of coats of gloss acrylic varnish. Finished stool is now doing service at the space.

In conclusion the final design allows someone with a CNC router to create a useful 580mm high fixed stool for 7.50 in timber plus cutter wear and varnish so maybe 8.50 total.

You can actually get five legs and a seat/ring out of a 1220x606 sheet and with intelligent arrangement a single 1220x2440 sheet will probably yield five or possibly six stools in total

I am making the design files of the proven 18mm version available (heck they are all there...but you have been warned, none of the other solutions produce a satisfactory result) under the MIT licence so anyone can reproduce. More pretty pictures are also available.

24 June 2013

Vincent Sanders: A picture is worth a thousand words

When Sir Tim made a band the first image on the web back in 1992, I do not imagine for a moment he understood the full scope of what was to follow. I also do not imagine Marc Andreessen understood the technical debt he was about to introduce and that fateful day in 1993 when he proposed the img tag allowing inline images.

Many will argue of course that the old adage of my title may not apply to the web, where if it were true, every page view would be like reading a novel! and many of those novels would involve cats or one pixel tall colour gradients.

Leaving aside the philosophical arguments for a moment it takes web browser author a great deal of effort to quickly and efficiently put those cat pictures in front of your eyeballs.
NavigatingImages are navigated by a user in a selection of ways, including:
Whatever the method, the resulting object is subject to the same caching operations as any content object within a browser. These caching and storage operations are not specific to images however images are one of the most resource intensive objects a browser must regularly deal with (though javascript and stylesheet sources are starting to rival it at times) because they are relatively large and numerous.
Pre render processing
When the image object fetch is completed the browser must process the image for rendering which is where this gets even more complicated. I shall use how this works in NetSurf as I know that browsers internals best, but operation is pretty similar in many browsers.

The content fetch will have performed basic content sniffing to determine the received objects mime type. This is necessary because a great number of servers are misconfigured and a disturbingly large number of images served as png are really jpegs etc. Indeed sometimes you even get files served which are not images!

Upon receipt of enough data to decode the image header, for the detected mime type, the images metadata is extracted. This metadata usually includes things like size and colour depth.

If the img tag in the original source document omitted the width or height of the image the entire document render may have to be reflowed at this point to allow the correct spacing. The reflow process is often unsightly and should be avoided. Additionally at this stage if the image is too large to handle or an unhandled format the object will be replaced with the "broken" image icon.

Often that will be everything that is done with the image, when I added "lazy" image conversion to NetSurf we performed extensive profiling and discovered well over 40% of images on visited pages are simply never viewed by the user but that small (100 pixel on a side) images were almost always displayed.

This odd distribution comes down to how images are used in modern web pages, they broadly fall into two categories of "decoration" and "content" for example all the background gradients and sidebar images etc. are generally small images used as decoration whereas the cat picture above is part of the "content". A user may not scroll down a page to see content but almost always gets to "view" the decoration.
Created by Andrea R used under CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 licence
The exact browser heuristics used differ as to when the render operation is performed but they all have a similar job to perform. When i say render here this may be possibly as an "off screen" view if they are actually on another tab etc. Regardless the image data must be converted from the source data (a PNG, JPEG etc.) into a format suitable for the browsers display plotting routines.

The browser will create a render bitmap in whatever format the plotting routines require (for example the GTK plotters use a Cairo image surface) , use an image library to unpack the source image data (PNG) into the render bitmap (possibly performing transforms such as scaling and rotation) and then use that bitmap to update the pixels on screen.

The most common transform at render time is that of scaling, this can be problematic as not all image libraries have output scaling capabilities which results in having to decode the entire source image and then scaling from that bitmap.

This is especially egregious if the source image is large (perhaps a multi megabyte jpeg) but the width and height are set to produce a thumbnail. The effect is amplified if the user has set the image cache size limit to a small value like 8 Megabytes (yes some users do this apparently their machines have 32MB of RAM and they browse the web)

In addition the image may well require tiling (for background gradients) and quite complex transforms (including rotation) thanks to CSS 3. Add in that javascript can alter the css style and hence the transform and you can imagine quite how complex the renderers can become.
CachingThe keen reader might spot that repeated renderings of the source image (e.g. because window is scrolled or clipped) result in this computationally expensive operation also being repeated. We solve this by interposing a render image cache between the source data and the render bitmaps.

By keeping the data in the preferred format, image rendering performance can be greatly increased. It should be noted that this cache is completely distinct from the source object cache and relates only to the rendered images.

Originally NetSurf used to perform the render conversion for every image as it was received without exception, rather than at render time, resulting in a great deal of unnecessary processing and memory usage. This was originally done for simplicity and optimising for "decoration" images.

The rules for determining what gets cached and for how long are somewhat involved and the majority of the code within the current implementation NetSurf uses is metrics and statistic generation to produce better decisions.

There comes a time at which this cache is no longer sufficient and rendering performance becomes unacceptable. The NetSurf renderer errs on the side of reducing resource usage (clearing the cache) at the expense of increased render times. Other browsers make different compromises based on the expected resources of the user base.
FinallyHopefully that gives a reasonable overview to the operations a browser performs just to put that cat picture in front of your eyeballs.

And maybe next time your browser is guzzling RAM to plot thousands of images you might have a bit more appreciation to exactly what it is up to.

16 May 2013

Vincent Sanders: True art selects and paraphrases, but seldom gives a verbatim translation

In my professional life I am sometimes required to provide technical support to one of our salesmen. I find this an interesting change in pace though sometimes challenging.

Occasionally I fail to clearly convey the solution we are trying to sell because of my tendency to focus on detail the customer probably does not need to understand but I think is the interesting part of the problem.

Conversely sometimes the sales people gloss over important technology choices which have a deeper impact on the overall solution. I was recently in such a situation where as part of a larger project the subject of internationalisation (you can see why it gets abbreviated to i18n) was raised.

I had little direct personal experience with handling this within a project workflow so could not give any guidance but the salesman recommended the Transifex service as he had seen it used before, indicated integration was simple and we moved onto the next topic.

Unfortunately previous experience tells me that sometime in the near future someone is going to ask me hard technical questions about i18n and possibly how to integrate Transifex into their workflow (or at least give a good estimate on the work required).
LearningBeing an engineer I have few coping strategies available for situations when I do not know how something works. The approach I best know how to employ is to give myself a practical crash course and write up what I I did.

I proceeded to do all the usual things you do when approaching something unfamiliar (wikipedia, google, colleagues etc.) and got a basic understanding of internationalisation and localisation and how they fit together.

This enabled me to understand that the Transifex workflow proposed only covered the translation part of the problem and that, as Aldrich observed in my title quote, there is an awful lot more to translation than I suspected.
PlatformsMy research indicated that there are numerous translation platforms available for both open source and commercial projects and Transifex is one of many solutions.

Although the specific platform used was Transifex most of these observations apply to all these other platforms. The main lesson though is that all platforms are special snowflakes and once a project invests effort and time into one platform it will result in the dreaded lock in. The effort to move to another platform afterwards is at least as great as the initial implementation.

It became apparent to me that all of these services, regardless of their type, boil down to a very simple data structure. They appear to be a trivial table of Key:Language:Value wrapped in a selection of tools to perform format conversions and interfaces to manipulate the data.

There may be facilities to attach additional metadata to the table such as groupings for specific sets of keys (often referred to as resources) or translator hints to provide context but the fundamental operation is common.

The pseudo workflow is:
The first three steps are almost always performed together by the uploading of a resource file containing an initial set of translations in the "default" language and due to the world being the way it is this is almost always english (some services are so poorly tested with other defaults they fail if this is not the case!)

The platforms I looked at generally follow this pattern with a greater or lesser degree of freedom in what the keys are, how the groupings into resources are made and the languages that can be used. The most common issue with these platforms (especially open source ones) is that the input convertors will only accept a very limited number of formats and often restricted to just GNU gettext PO files. This means that to use those platforms a project would have to be able to convert any internal resources into gettext translatable format.

The prevalence of the PO format pushes assumptions into almost every platform I examined, mainly that a resource is for a single language translation and that the Key (msgid in gettext terms) is the untranslated default language string in the C locale.

The Transifex service does at least allow for the Key values to be arbitrary although the resources are separated by language.

Even assuming a project uses gettext PO files and UTF-8 character encoding (and please can we kill every other character encoding and move the whole world to UTF-8) the tools to integrate the import/export into the project must be written.

A project must decide some pretty important policies, including:
These are project policy decisions and, as I discovered, just as difficult to answer as the technical challenges.

Armed with my basic understanding it was time to move on and see how the transifex platform could be integrated into a real project workflow.
ImplementingProof of conceptMy first exercise was to take a trivial command line tool, use xgettext to generate a PO file and add the relevant libintl calls to produce gettext internationalised tool.

A transifex project was created and the english po file uploaded as the initial resource. A french language was added and the online editor used to provide translations for some strings. The PO resource file for french was exported and the tool executed with LANGUAGE=fr and the french translation seen.

This proved the trivial workflow was straightforward to implement. It also provided insight into the need to automate the process as the manual website operation would soon become exceptionally tedious and error prone.
Something more usefulTo get a better understanding of a real world workflow I needed a project that:
I selected the NetSurf web browser as it best fit this list.

Internally NetSurf keeps all the translated messages in a simple associative array this is serialised to an equally straightforward file named FatMessages. The file is UTF-8 encoded with keys separated from values by a colon. The Key is constrained to be ASCII characters with no colons and is structured as language.toolkit.identifier and is unique on identifier part alone.

This file is processed at build time into a simple identifier:value dictionary for each language and toolkit.

Transifex can import several resource formats similar to this, after experimenting with YAML and Android Resource format I immediately discovered a problem, the services import and export routines were somewhat buggy.

These routines coped ok with simple use cases but having more complex characters such as angle brackets and quotation marks in the translated strings would completely defeat the escaping mechanisms employed by both these formats (through entity escaping in android resource format XML is problematic anyway)

Finally the Java property file format was used (with UTF-8 encoding) which while having bugs in the import and export escaping these could at least be worked around. The existing tool that was used to process the FatMessages file was rewritten to cope with generating different output formats and a second tool to merge the java property format resources.

To create these two tools I enlisted the assistance of my colleague Vivek Dasmohapatra as his Perl language skills exceeded my own. He eventually managed to overcome the format translation issues and produce correct input and output.

I used the Transifex platforms free open source product, created a new project and configured it for free machine translation from the Microsoft service, all of which is pretty clearly documented by Transifex.

Once this was done the messages file was split up tinto resources for the supported languages and uploaded to the transifex system.

I manually marked all the uploaded translations as "verified" and then added a few machine translations to a couple of languages. I also created spanish as a new language and machine translated most of the keys.

The resources for each language were then downloaded and merged and the resulting FatMessages file checked for differences and verified only the changes I expected appeared.

I quickly determined that manually downloading the language resources every time was not going to work with any form of automation, so I wrote a perl script to retrieve the resources automatically (might be useful for other projects too).

Once these tools were written and integrated into the build system I could finally make an evaluation as to how successful this exercise had been.
ConclusionsThe main things I learned from this investigation were:

Overall I think the final observation has to be that integrating translation services is not a straightforward operation and each project has unique challenges and requirements which reduce the existing platforms to compromise solutions.

26 April 2013

Vincent Sanders: When you make something, cleaning it out of structural debris is one of the most vital things you do.

Collabora recently had a problem with a project's ARM build farm. In a nice change of pace it was not that the kernel was crashing, nor indeed any of the software or hardware.
The ProblemInstead our problem was our build farm could best be described as "a pile of stuff" and we wanted to add more systems to it and have switched power control for automated testing.

Which is kinda where the Christopher Alexander quote comes into this. I suggested that I might be able to come up with a better, or at least cleaner, solution.
The IdeaA subrack with sub modulesPrevious experience had exposed me to the idea of using 19 inch subracks for mounting circuits inside submodules.

I originally envisaged the dev boards individually mounted inside these boxes. However preliminary investigation revealed that the enclosures were both expensive and used a lot of space which would greatly increase the rack space required to house these systems.

imx53 QSB eurocard carrier
I decided to instead look at eurocard type subracks with carriers for the systems. Using my 3D printer I came up with a carrier design for the imx53 QSB and printed it. I used the basic eurocard size of 100mm x 160mm which would allow the cards to be used within a 3U subrack.

Once assembled it became apparent that each carrier would be able to share resources like power supply, ethernet port and serial console via USB just as the existing setup did and that these would need to be housed within the subrack.
The Prototype
The carrier prototype was enough to get enough interest to allow me to move on to the next phase of the project. I purchased a Schroff 24563-194 subrack kit and three packs of guide rails from Farnell and assembled it.

Initially I had envisaged acquiring additional horizontal rails from Schroff which would enable constructing an area suitable for mounting the shared components behind the card area.

Rear profile for Schroff subrackUnfortunately Schroff have no suitable horizontal profiles in their catalog and are another of those companies who seem to not want to actually sell products to end users but rather deal with wholesalers who do not have their entire product range!

Printed rear profile for Schroff subrack
Undaunted by this I created my own horizontal rail profile and 3D printed some lengths. The profile is designed to allow a 3mm thick rear cover sheet attached with M2.5 mounting bolts and fit rack sides in the same way the other profiles do.

At this point I should introduce some information on how these subracks are dimensioned. A standard 19 inch rack (as defined in IEC 60297) has a width of 17.75 inches(450.85mm) between the vertical posts. The height is measured in U (1.75 inches)

A subrack must obviously fit in the horizontal gap while providing as much internal space as possible. A subrack is generally either 3 or 6 U high. The width within a subrack is defined in units called HP (Horizontal Pitch) which are 0.2 inches(5.08 mm) and subracks like the Schroff generally list 84 usable HP.

However we must be careful (or actually just learn from me stuffing this up ;-) as the usable HP is not the same thing as the actual length of the horizontal rails! The enclosures actually leave and additional 0.1 inch at either end giving a total internal width of 85HP (17 inches, 431.8 mm) which leaves 0.75 inches for the subrack sides and some clearance.

The Schroff subrack allows eurocards to be slotted into rails where the card centre line is on HP boundaries, hence we describe the width of a card in the slot in terms of HP

I cannot manufacture aluminium extrusions (I know it is a personal failing) nor produce more than 100 mm long length of the plastic profile on my printer.

Even if full lengths are purchased from a commercial service (120 euros for a pair including tax and shipping) the plastic does not have sufficient mechanical strength.

The solution I came up with was somewhat innovative, as an alternative a M5 bolt into a thread in the aluminium extrusion I used a 444mm long length of 4mm threaded rod with nuts at either end. This arrangement puts the extrusion under compression and gives it a great deal of additional mechanical strength as the steel threaded rod is very strong.

Additionally to avoid having to print enough extrusion for the entire length I used some 6mm aluminium tube as a spacer between 6HP(30.48mm) wide sections of the printed extrusion.

It was intended to use a standard modular PC power supply which is 150mm wide which is pretty close to 30HP (6 inches) so it was decided to have a 6HP section of rail at that point to allow a rear mounting plate for the PSU to be attached.

This gives 6HP of profile, 21HP(106.68mm) of tube spacer, 6HP of profile, 46HP(233.68 mm) of tube spacer and a final 6HP profile summing to our total of 85HP. Of course this would be unnecessary if a full continuous 85HP rail had been purchased, but 6 of 6 HP long profile is only 51 euro a saving of 70 euro.

To provide a flat area on which to mount the power switching, Ethernet switch and USB hubs I ordered a 170 x 431 mm sheet of 3mm thick aluminium from inspiredsteel who, while being an ebay company, were fast, cheap and the cutting was accurate.

Do be sure to mention you would prefer it if any error made the sheet smaller rather than larger or it might not fit, for me though they were accurate to the tenth of a mm! If you would prefer the rear section of the rack to be enclosed when you are finished, buy a second sheet for the top. For my prototype I only purchased a 170 x 280mm sheet as I was unsure if I wanted a surface under the PSU (you do, buy the longer sheet)

PC power supply mounted to back plateMounting the PSU was a simple case of constructing a 3 mm thick plate with the correct cutouts and mounting holes for an ATX supply. Although the images show the PSU mounted on the left hand side of the rack this was later reversed to improve cable management.

The subrack needed to provide Ethernet switch ports to all the systems. A TP-Link TL-SF1016DS 16-Port 10/100Mbps Switch was acquired and the switch board removed from its enclosure. The switch selected has an easily removed board and is powered by a single 3.3V input which is readily available from the ATX PSU.

Attention now returned to the eurocard carriers for the systems, the boards to be housed were iMX53 QSB and iMX6 SABRE Lite and a Raspberry Pi control system to act as USB serial console etc.

The carriers for both main boards needed to be 8HP wide, comprised of:
Although only 38 mm this is 7.5HP and fractions of an HP are not possible with the selected subrack.

With 8HP wide modules this would allow for ten slots, within the 84 usable HP, and an eleventh 4HP wide in which the Raspberry Pi system fits.

iMX6 SABRE Lite eurocard carrierCarrier designs for both the i.MX53 QSB and the i.MX6 SABRE Lite boards were created and fabricated at a professional 3D print shop which gave a high quality finish product and removed the perceived risk of relying on a personal 3D printer for a quantity of parts.

This resulted in changes in the design to remove as much material as possible as commercial 3D services charge by the cubic cm. This Design For Manufacture (DFM) step removed almost 50% from the price of the initial design.

i.MX53 QSB carriers with wiring loom
The i.MX6 design underwent a second iteration to allow for the heatsink to be mounted and not mechanically interfere with the hard drive (although the prototype carrier has been used successfully for a system that does not require a hard drive). The lesson learned here is to be aware that an design iteration or two is likely and that it is not without cost.

The initial installation was to have six i.MX53 and two i.MX6 this later changed to a five/four split, however the carrier solution allows for almost any combination, the only caveat (discovered later) is the imx53 carriers should be to the right hand side with the small 4HP gap at that end as they have a JTAG connector underneath the board which otherwise foul the hard drive of the next carrier.

Racked cards showing unwanted cable tails
A wiring loom was constructed for each board giving them a connector tail long enough to allow them to be removed. This was the wrong approach! if you implement this design (or when I do it again) the connector tails on the wiring loom should present all the connections to the rear at the same depth as the Ethernet connection.

The rack cables themselves should be long enough to allow the slides to be removed but importantly it is not desirable to have the trailing cable on the cards. I guess the original eurocard designers figured this out as they designed the cards around the standard fixed DIN connectors at the back of the card slots.

USB relay board with wiring loom attached
We will now briefly examine a misjudgement that caused the initially deployed solution to be reimplemented. As the design was going to use USB serial converters to access the serial console a USB connected relay board was selected to switch the power to each slot. I had previously used serial controlled relay boards with a USB serial convertor however these were no longer available.

Initial deployment with USB controlled relay board
All the available USB relay boards were HID controlled, this did not initially seem to be an issue and Linux software was written to provide a reasonable interface. However it soon became apparent that the firmware on the purchased board was very buggy and crashed the host computer's USB stack multiple times.

Deployed solutionOnce it became apparent that the USB controlled power board was not viable a new design was conceived. As the Ethernet switch had ports available Ethernet controlled relay boards were acquired.

Evolution of 3mm PCB pillars
It did prove necessary to design and print some PCB support posts with M3 nut traps to allow the relay boards to be easily mounted using double sided adhesive pads.

By stacking the relay boards face to face and the Ethernet switch on top separated using nylon spacers it was possible to reduce the cable clutter and provide adequate cable routing space.

A busbar for Ground (black) and unswitched 12V (yellow) was constructed from two lengths of 5A chock block.

An issue with power supply stability was noted so a load resistor was added to the 12V supply and an adhesive thermal pad used to attach it to the aluminium base plate.

Completed redesign
It was most fortunate that the ethernet switch mounting holes lined up very well with the relay board mounting holes allowing for a neat stack.

This second edition is the one currently in use, it has proved reliable in operation and has been successfully updated with additional carriers.

The outstanding issues are mainly centered around the Raspberry Pi control board:
  • Needs its carrier fitting. It is currently just stuck to the subrack end plate.
  • Needs its Ethernet cable replacing. The existing one has developed a fault post installation.
  • Needs the USB hub supply separating from the device cable. The current arrangement lets the hub power the Pi which means you cannot power cycle it.
  • Connect its switched supply separately to the USB hub/devices.
Shopping listThe final bill of materials (excluding labour and workshop costs) which might be useful to anyone hoping to build their own version.

Prices are in GBP currency converted where appropriate and include tax at 20% and delivery to Cambridge UK and were correct as of April 2013.

The purchasing was not optimised and for example around 20GBP could be saved just by ordering all the shapeways parts in one order.
Base subrack
ItemSupplierQuantityLine Price
Schroff 24563-194 subrack kitFarnell141.28
Schroff 24560-351 guide railsFarnell313.65
Schroff rack rear horizontal railShapeways2100.00
1000mm length of 4mm threaded rodB and Q11.48
170mm x 431mm x 3mm Aluminium sheetinspired steel240.00
PSU mounting plateShapeways135.42
PCB standoffShapeways422.30
160mm Deep Modular PC supplyCCL155.76
TP-Link TL-SF1016DS 16-Port 10/100Mbps-SwitchCCL123.77
8 Channel 16A Relay Board Controlled Via EthernetRapid2126.00
Raspberry PiFarnell126.48
USB Serial convertersCCL1037.40
10 port strip style USB HUBEbay17.00
Parts for custom Ethernet cablesRS1326.00
Parts for custom molex power cables (salvaged from scrap ATX PSU)Workshop1111.00
33R 10W wirewound resistor for dummy loadRS11.26
24pin ATX female connector pre-wiredMaplin12.99
Akasa double sided thermal padMaplin15.00
Small cable tie basesMaplin16.49
Miscellaneous cable, connectors, nylon standoffs, solder, heatshrink, zip ties, nuts, washers etc. Workshop120.00
Total for subrack603.28

The carriers are similarly not optimally priced as over five GBP each can be saved by combining shipping on orders alone. Also the SSD drive selection was made some time ago and a newer model may be more suitable.
i.MX53 QSB carrier
ItemSupplierQuantityLine Price
i.MX53 QSBFarnell1105.52
Intel 320 SSD 80GCCL1111.83
Carrier boardShapeways130.00
combined sata data and power (15 to 20cm version)EBay15.00
Low profile right angle 5.5mm x 2.1mm barrel jackEBay10.25
Parts for 9pin serial cable extensionRS15.00
Miscellaneous solder, heatshrink, nylon nuts, bolts and washersWorkshop15.00
Total for carrier262.60

i.MX6 SABRE Lite carrier
ItemSupplierQuantityLine Price
i.MX6 SABRE LiteFarnell1128.06
Intel 320 SSD 80GCCL1111.83
Carrier boardShapeways135.00
combined sata data and power (15 to 20cm version)EBay15.00
Low profile right angle 5.5mm x 2.1mm barrel jackEBay10.25
Parts for 9pin serial cable modificationRS12.00
Miscellaneous solder, heatshrink, nylon nuts, bolts and washersWorkshop15.00
Total for carrier287.14
ConclusionThe solution works and in a 3U high 355mm deep subrack ten ARM development boards can be racked complete with local ethernet switching, power control and serial consoles.

Deployed system in situ configured as a build and test farm
The solution is neat and provides flexibility, density and reproducibility the "pile of stuff" solution failed to do.

For current prototype with nine filled slots the total cost was around 3000GBP or around 330GBP per slot which indicates a 100GBP per slot overhead over the "pile of stuff" solution. These figures omit the costs of the engineer and workshop time, which are estimated at an additional 1500GBP. Therefore a completed rack, fully filled with i.MX6 carriers costs around 5000GBP

Density could be increased if boards with lower height requirements were used however above twelve units there issues with Ethernet switch, power switch and USB port availability become a factor. For Example the 16 port Ethernet switch requires a port for uplink, one for each relay board and one for the console server which leaves only 12 ports for systems.

Addressing the outstanding issues would result in a much more user friendly solution. As the existing unit is in full time use and downtime is not easily scheduled for all ten systems, the issues are not likely to be fixed on the prototype and would have to be solved on a new build.

The solution is probably not suitable for turning into a product but that was not really the original aim. A commercial ARM blade server using this format would almost certainly use standard DIN connectors and a custom PCB design rather than adapting existing boards.

7 March 2013

Vincent Sanders: Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore

Continuing with my whirlwind introduction to NetSurf Development now is the time to start examining the code, how its arranged and how to interact with the existing developers.

The way the NetSurf source is structured is around the idea of the frontends each being a native browser. While this implies that there are nine separate browsers that happen to share a common code base the separation is not quite that well defined.

Each frontend provides the OS entry point (the main() function in a c program) and calls out to standard browser initialisation entry function netsurf_init() and then starts running the browsers main dispatch loop with netsurf_main_loop() when that exits the frontend cleans up with netsurf_exit().

The frontends provide a large selection of functions which are called from the core code. These routines run from running the event scheduler through to rendering graphics and text.
Finding your way aroundThe browsers directory layout is fairly shallow consisting of some Makefiles, the nine frontend directories and eleven others.

The Makefiles are GNU make and represent a pretty straightforward linear build system. We do not use recursive make or autotools. There are plans to use the core buildsystem that all the other components use.

The frontend directories contain the code for the frontend and the makefile fragments to build them which are included by the top level Makefile.

In addition there is:
This contains the non frontend specific code that actually behaves like a browser. For example desktop/netsurf.c contains the three primary functions we outlined in the introduction. You will also find much of the function and data structures interfaces the frontend must provide. It is unlikely someone new to the project will need to change anything in here (there be dragons) but is an important set of routines.
Here you will find the utility and compatibility interfaces, things like url handling, logging, user messages, base64 handling. These are utility interfaces that do not justify splitting out their functionality to a separate library but are useful everywhere. Changing an interface in here would likely result in a major refactor.
For example one quirk is the logging macro was created before varadic C preprocessor macros were universal so it must be called as LOG(("hello %s world", world_type)) e.g. with double brackets. Fixing this and perhaps improving the logging functionality would be "nice" but the changes would be massive and potentially conflict with ongoing work.
This contains all the core code to handle contents i.e. html, css, javascript, images. The handling includes retrieval of the resources from URI , correct caching of the received objects and managing the objects state. It should be explicitly stated that the content handlers are separate and use this core functionality. The actual content handlers to deal with object contents such as the routines to decode image files or render html are elsewhere.
This is where the content handlers for the various image types are kept. The majority of these image types (jpeg, png, webp, gif, bmp) use a standard library to perform the actual decode (libjpeg, libpng etc.). One special feature used by most image handlers is that of a decoded image cache which is distinct and separate from the content cache.
The decoded image cache manages decoding of the source images (the jpegs and pngs) into frontend specific "render" bitmaps. For example the gtk frontend keeps the decoded images as a cairo surface ready for immediate plotting.
The cache uses a demand based (when the browser actually displays the image) just in time strategy which has been carefully balanced, with real world input, to reduce the overhead of unnecessary image decoding and processing against memory usage for the render bitmaps.
The css content handlers provide for the processing of css source text and use the NetSurf libcss library to process into a bytecode suitable for applying style selection at render time.
The javascript handlers (strictly speaking this should be named the "script" directory as all types of script are handled here) provide basic functionality to bind a javascript engine to the rest of the browser, principally the Document Object Model (DOM) accessed with libdom. The only engine that currently has bindings is Spidermonkey from the Mozilla foundation.
This is the heart of the browser containing the content handler for html (and plain text). This handler deals with:
  • Acquiring the html.
  • Running the base parser as data arrives which generates the DOM and hence DOM events from which additional resource (stylesheets etc.) fetches are started.
  • Deal with script loading
  • Constructing the box model used for layout
  • Performing the Layout and rendering of the document.
Because this module has so many jobs to do it has inevitably become very complex and involved, it is also the principle area of core development . Currently NetSurf lacks a dynamic renderer so changes made by scripts post document load event are not visible. This also has the side effect that the render is only started after the DOM has finished construction and all the resources on a page have completed their fetch which can lead to undesirable display latency.
Documentation about building and using NetSurf. If anyone wants a place to start improving NetSurf, this is it, it is very incomplete. It must be noted this is not where dynamically generated documentation is found. For the current Doxygen output the best place to look is the most recent build on the Continuous Integration system.
These are runtime resources which are common to all frontends. To be strictly correct they may be the sources which get converted into runtime resources e.g. The FatMessages file which is teh message text for all frontends in all languages, this gets processed at build time into separate files ready.
This is another resources directory and technically the resources for the riscos frontend. The naming and reliance on this directory are historical. To allow the RISC OS frontend to be run directly from the source directory and an inability of RISC OS to process symbolic links most common runtime resources end up in here and linked to from elsewhere.
These are some basic canned test programs and files, principally to test elements of the utils and perform specific exercise of various javascript components.
Getting started
Once a developer has a checked out working build environment and can run the executable for their chosen frontend (and maybe done some web browsing :-) it is time to look at contributing.

If a developer does not have a feature or bug in mind when they begin the best way to get started is often to go bug hunting. The NetSurf bugtacker has lots to choose from unfortunately. Do remember to talk to us (IRC is the best bet if you are bug hunting) about what you are up to but do not be impatient. Some of those bugs are dirty great Shelob types and are not being fixed because even the core developers are stumped!

When first getting going I cannot recommend reading the code enough, this seems to be a skill that many inexperienced open source developers have yet to acquire, especially if they are from a predominately proprietary development background. One wonderful feature of open source software is you get to see all of it, all the elegant nice code and all the "what the hell were they thinking" code too.

One important point is to use your tools well the source is in git, if you learn how to use git well you will gain a skill that is readily portable, not just for NetSurf. And not just revision control tools, learn to use your debugger well and tools like valgrind. Those skills will replay the time spent learning them themselves many times over.

When using git one thing to remember is commit early and often, it does not matter if you have lots of junk commits and dead ends, once you have something viable you can use
git rebase --interactive
and rewrite it all into a single sensible set of commits. Also please do remember to develop on a branch, or if you did not
git pull --rebase
is your friend to avoid unnecessary merges.
Playing nicely with othersThe NetSurf community is a small band of unpaid volunteers. On average we manage to collectively put in, perhaps, ten hours a week with the occasional developer weekend where we often manage over twenty hours each.

The result is that developer time is exceptionally valuable, add in a mature codebase with its fair share of technical debt and you get a group who, when they get to work on NetSurf, are incredibly busy. To be fair we are just like every other small open source project in that respect.

What this means to a new contributor is that they should try and do their homework before asking the obvious questions. The documentation is there for a reason and in spite of its obvious shortcomings please read it!

When asking questions it should be noted that currently the majority of active contributors are in the Europe so if you visit the IRC channel or post questions to lists the time difference is something to keep in mind.

I carefully said contributor above and not developer, users trying the CI builds and reporting results are long as they report useful bugs to the bug tracker. Simon Tatham has produced an excellent resource on this subject.

Also we are always happy to receive translations to new languages (diff against the FatMessages file would be outstandingly useful but anything is welcome), artwork, documentation. Just recall what I mentioned about busy developers. Surest way to get us to see something is the development mailing list, you will probably get a reply, though I will not promise how fast!

Some of the more common mistakes when interacting with the community are:
In conclusion
Hopefully this has been of some use although I had hoped to cover more and provide deeper insights and advice on the codebase but there is only so much generalisation to be done before it is just easier for the developer to go read the code for themselves.

I look forward to lots of new contributions :-) though I fear this may all end up as more of a crib sheet for next time we do GSOC, time will tell.

Vincent Sanders: The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing

When Walt Disney said that he almost certainly did not have software developers in mind. However it is still good advice, especially if you have no experience with a piece of software you want to change.

Others have written extensively on the topic of software as more than engineering and the creative aspects, comparing it to a craft, which is a description I am personally most comfortable with. As with any craft though you have to understand the material you have to work with and an existing codebase is often a huge amount of material.

While developing NetSurf we get a lot of people who talk a lot about what we "ought" or "should" do to improve the browser but few who actually get off their collective posteriors and contribute. In fact according to the ohloh analysis of the revision control system there are roughly six of us who contribute significantly on a regular basis and of those only four who have interests beyond a specific frontend.

It has been mentioned by a couple of new people who have recently compiled the browser from source that it is somewhat challenging to get started. To address this criticism I intend to give a whirlwind introduction to getting started with the NetSurf codebase, perhaps we can even get some more contributors!

This first post will cover the mechanics of acquiring and building the source and the next will look at working with the codebase and the Netsurf community.

This is my personal blog, the other developers might disagree with my approach, which is why this is in my blog and not on the NetSurf website. That being said comments are enabled and I am sure they will correct anything I get wrong.
ResourcesNetSurf has a selection of resources which are useful to a new developer:
Build environmentThe first thing a new developer has to consider is their build environment. NetSurf supports nine frontends on several Operating Systems (OS) but is limited on the build environment that can be used.

The developer will require a Unix like system but let's be honest, we have not tried with anything other than Linux distributions in some time or MAC OS X for the cocoa frontend because its a special snowflake.

Traditionally at this point in this kind of introduction it would be traditional to provide the command line for various packaging systems to install the build environment and external libraries. We do have documentation that does this but no one reads it, or at least it feels like that. Instead we have chosen to provide a shell fragment that encodes all the bootstrap knowledge in one place, its kept in the revision control system so it can be updated.

To use: download it, read it (hey running random shell code is always a bad idea), source it into your environment and run ns-apt-get-install on a Debain based system or ns-yum-install on Fedora. The rest of this posting will assume the functionality of this script is available, if you want to do it the hard way please refer to the script for the relevant commands and locations.

For Example:
$ wget
$ less
$ source
$ ns-apt-get-install

Historically NetSurf built on more platforms natively but the effort to keep these build environments working was extensive and no one was prepared to do the necessary maintenance work. This is strictly a build setup decision and does not impact the supported platforms.

Since the last release NetSurf has moved to the git version control system from SVN. This has greatly improved our development process and allows for proper branching and merging we previously struggled to implement.

In addition to the core requirements external libraries NetSurf depends on will need to be installed. Native frontends where the compiled output is run on the same system it was built on are pretty straightforward in that the native package management system can be used to install the libraries for that system.

For cross building to the less common frontends we provide a toolchain repository which will build the entire cross toolchain and library set (we call this the SDK) direct from source. This is what the CI system uses to generate its output so is well tested.
External LibrariesNetSurf depends upon several external development libraries for image handling, network fetching etc. The libraries for the GTK frontend are installed by default if using the development script previously mentioned.

Generally a minimum of libcurl, libjpeg and libpng are necessary along with whatever libraries are required for the toolkit.
Project Source and Internal Libraries
One important feature of NetSurf is that a lot of functionality is split out into libraries. These are internal libraries and although technically separate projects, releases bundle them all together and for development we assume they will all be built together.

The development script provides the ns-clone function which clones all the project sources directly from their various git repositories. Once cloned the ns-make script can be used to build and install all the internal libraries into a local target ready for building the browser.

For Example:

$ source
$ ns-clone
$ ns-make-libs install
Frontend selectionAs I have mentioned NetSurf supports several windowing environments (toolkits if you like) however on some OS there is only one toolkit so the two get conflated together.

NetSurf currently has nine frontends to consider:
Building and running NetSurfFor a developer new to the project I recommend that the gtk version be built natively which is what I describe here.

Once the internal libraries have been installed, building NetSurf itself is as simple as running make.

For Example:
$ source

Though generally most developers would change into the netsurf source directory and run make there. The target (frontend) selection defaults to gtk on Linux systems so that can also be omitted Once the browser is built it can be run from the source tree to test.

For Example:
$ source
$ ns-make
$ ./nsgtk

The build can be configured by editing a Makefile.config file. An example Makefile.config.example can be copied into place and the configuration settings overridden as required. The default values can be found in Makefile.defaults which should not be edited directly.

Logging is enabled with the command line switch -v and user options can be specified on the command line, options on the command line will override those sourced from a users personal configuration, generally found in ~/.netsurf/Choices although this can be compile time configured.

6 February 2013

Vincent Sanders: Two years of 3D printing

Almost two years ago my good friend Phil Hands invited me to attend a workshop at bath university to build a 3D printer. I had previously looked at the Reprap project and considered building the Darwin model, alas lack of time and funds had prevented me form proceeding.

Jo Prusa and Phil Hands watching a heart print.
The workshop was to build a new, much simpler, design called the Prusa. Of course the workshop was booked and paid for well in advance which left me looking forwards to the event with anticipation. Of course I would not betaking the results of the workshop home as Phil had paid for it, so I started investigating what I would need for my own machine.

Of course at this point I muttered the age old phrase of "how hard can it be" and started acquiring parts for my own printer. By the time the workshop happened I already had my machine working as a plotter. I learned a lot from the Bath masterclass and a few days afterwards my own machine was complete.

First print
The results were underwhelming to say the least. There then came months and months of trial and error to fix various issues:
  • The filament feed bolt had to be replaced with a better one with sharper teeth.
  • The thermistor which reads the extruder temperature needed replacing (it still reads completely the wrong temperature even now).
  • The Y axis was completely inverted and needed re-wiring and the limit switches moving.
  • Endlessly replacing the printer firmware with new versions because every setting change requires a complete recompile and re-flash.
  • The bushings on the Y axis were simply not up to the job and the entire assembly needed replacing with ball bearings and a heated bed otherwise prints would be completely warped.
  • The Z axis couplings kept failing until I printed some alternates that worked much better
Once these issues had been fixed I started getting acceptable levels of output though the software in the workflow used to produce toolpaths (skeinforge) was exceptionally difficult to use and prone to producing poor results.

Alas the fundamental design issues of the Prusa remain. The A frame design provides exceptional rigidity in one plane...the other two? not so much. This coupled with an exceptionally challenging calibration to get the frame parallel and square means the printer is almost never true.

Prototype iMX53 dev board eurocard carrier printed on my printer
In operation the lack of rigidity in the x axis means the whole frame vibrates badly even with extra struts to try and improve its rigidity. I am not the first to notice these design flaws and indeed Chris has done something about it by creating a much superior design.

I do however have a working printer and have developed a workflow and understanding of what I can expect to work.

Improvements in the software means that slic3r has replaced skeinforge and gives superior results and the CAD software is continuously improving.

Currently I mainly use the printer to generate prototypes and simple profiles and then send the resulting designs to shapeways for final production though simpler designs are usable directly from the machine.

Because I am away from home a lot and moving the machine is simply not a workable option the printer does not get used for "fun" anywhere near as much as I had hoped and the workflow limitations mean I have not been able to make it available to my friends to use as a communal device.

Vincent Sanders: Recommending a 3D printer

In a previous entry I wrote about the technology of additive manufacture and the use in printing three dimensional objects.

My Prusa Reprap printer, not recommended for new builds
It is now almost two years since I built my own 3D printer and I keep getting asked by colleagues and friends about the technology and often what printer to buy.

I will answer the purchase question first and then describe my experiences which have lead to the conclusion in another post. This may seem a bit backwards but the explanation is long and is not necessary if you are happy to learn from my mistakes.

Of all the options available right now, and there are many, I would choose a Mendal90 kit from Chris Palmer. The complete kit including everything to build the machine is 499 plus shipping. If I could afford it this is what I would buy myself to replace my current machine.

This is a Fused deposition modelling (FDM) printer similar to my Prusa Reprap but better engineered to produce repeatable results without the numerous issues of the other models. In Europe I would also recommend faberdashery as a materials source as their product is first rate every time.

Yes the kit requires some assembly but the commonly available commercial printers either cost many times more to deliver equivalent results, use an SLS or other print strategy requiring very expensive consumables or are from a company with dubious track record with the community.

If forced to recommend one, the 3DTouch from Bits From Bytes is not awful, but really do not be afraid of the kit, you will learn more about how it all fits together and save lots of money for your materials.

A 20mm high pink dump truck toy
One thing anyone buying a 3D printer right now should understand is that this technology is nowhere near as polished as the 2D equivalent. With the exception of the SLS systems like shapeways and the like use (and have price tags to match) The output will have clear "layering" and some objects simply cannot be created using the FDM process.

I guess what I am saying is do not expect a thousand pound machine to produce output that looks like that of a hundred thousand pound printer. To be clear you will not be printing complex moving machines on an FDM process more simple things that need assembly.

Having said that I have some pretty good results my favourite has to be the working recorder though, I might have said the whistles except my sons have them and they are way too loud.

You will spend a lot of time designing your things in 3D CAD packages and fair warning they all SUCK and I mean really, really badly. Add to that all the rest of the tools in the workflow are also iffy and I do wonder how anyone every gets anything printed.

My (open source) workflow is:

Which is probably a case of "least bad" tool selection though I warn you now that OpenSCAD is effectively a bad editor (I wish I could use emacs) for a 3D solid macro language with visualisation attached and definitely not a graphical tool.

1 January 2013

Vincent Sanders: Gource

I have used the Gource tool for a few years now to produce visualisations of project history. The results are pretty but not especially informative and mainly serve to show how well maintained a projects revision control history is.

The results do however provide something pretty to put on projectors and screens at shows when there is nothing better to be displayed.

Recently I noticed the Gource tool got updated and I decided to compile it and give it a try. After the usual building of the dependencies (including all of libboost!) the new version (0.38) gives much better results than the previous edition I had been using (0.27).

I tested it on the NetSurf git repository generating an overview for the whole ten years the project has been running which produced a six minute video which I shall be using on the NetSurf stand at our next show.

Overall if you need a historical visualisation of your projects revision history Gource is a pretty good tool. I have also used the alternative "code swarm" tool in the past but that seems to have bitrotted to death so I cannot recommend it.

Vincent Sanders: I don't drink coffee I take tea my dear, I like my toast done on one side...

Choices, options, selections if you rather. These are what set us all apart from our fellow man, perhaps it is only the appearance of free will and individuality but our world is full of choice.

In software it might be argued programming is nothing more than making thousands perhaps millions of choices which result in a list of instructions for a machine incapable of making decisions of its own.

On a more mundane level sometimes a programmer cannot make a choice suitable for all expected use cases and a user option is created. These options have become something of a cause for arguments within certain sections of the open source software community especially amongst the groups that influence the graphical user experience.

The discussion should be nuanced and varied (perhaps that is my age, or maybe I am more diplomatic than I thought?) but there seems to be little compromise on this discussion which (from an outsiders point of view) splits into two viewpoints:

The reductionist group is currently winning the argument in the popular graphical environments and seem to be removing functionality which requires user choice wherever they can find it. This results in the absurd "joke" that the UI will become a single button, which they are trying to remove.

Personally my view is that an option should be present only when an option cannot be satisfactorily selected by the computer and even then a default suitable for as many users as possible should be picked.

You may ask why I have raised this topic at all? well over the last few days I have been trying to fix the preferences selection for the GTK port of NetSurf. The NetSurf project follows my view on this subject pretty closely but being a browser its very difficult to do the right thing for everyone

NetSurf has numerous frontends for the core browser, I use the term frontend because in some places the toolkit and OS are conflated (windows, cocoa) and not in others (gtk). For each frontend NetSurf is a native application, this is an important distinction, the windows and widgets a user interfaces with are produced by that platforms toolkit.

Old NetSurf Preferences Dialog
Old NetSurf Preferences Dialog
This is a deliberate choice unlike other browsers which render their UI themselves as web content, this is a beguiling solution when the authors wish there to be a single browsing "experience" with a common look and feel. However NetSurf looks and feels like a native browser for each frontend, which is what the project decided it wanted to achieve.

Given this the gtk frontend (is it a Gnome application? not sure of the distinction TBH) has had no dedicated maintainer for some time it has suffered from a bad case of bitrot from both GTK library changes and general neglect.

I have slowly been improving this situation, the browser can now be compiled with GTK version 2 (2.12 onwards) or 3, the menus and other UI elements have been translated for the supported languages and now the turn has come for the options dialog.

Oh, right, its "Preferences" not options, fair enough a common semantic throughout all applications does give a degree of homogeneousness but the word choice does seem to indicate the users control has been reduced. At this point I gained an education in just how unfriendly GTK and its tools have become towards the casual programmer.

The dialog I wanted to construct was a pretty standard tabbed layout which reflected the current options and allowed the user to change them in an obvious way. Given that I have constructed and equivalent interface in idiomatic manner for cocoa and windows I thought this would be straightforward, I was very wrong.

The interface construction tool is called glade which used to be the name of the UI "resource" file and interfaces. However the tool is still called glade but the interface is now GtkBuilder which has a different (but similar) XML based file format. Then we discover that despite it being an extensible file format the UI files are specifically versioned against the GTK library. Also why on earth can these resources not be compiled into my program? OK make them over-ridable perhaps. Generally it is yet another file to distribute and update in step with the executable.

New NetSurf Properties Dialog open on Main tab
New NetSurf Preferences
So because I want to support back to version 2.12 of GTK I do not get to use any of the features from 2.16 in my UI unless I load a different UI builder file...oh and GTK3? requires a completely different version of glade and the UI files which are incompatible with gtk 2. Once this was worked round with having multiple UI files I then moved on to the next issue.

The GTK model uses function callbacks on events, these are known as signals. Perfectly reasonable but because the ui files are loaded at runtime and not compiled in there must be a way for the GTKBuilder to map the textural signal names to function pointers.

The way the GTK developers have chosen to do this is to search the global function table which means any signal handler function symbol has also to be global which means unnecessary overhead for the ELF loader increasing load times.

This lookup should have been confined to a single object or even placed in an alternative section to avoid these issues, this would not have seemed especially challenging to implement as all callback handlers have to use a preprocessor to define already (G_MODULE_EXPORT).

Another thing that makes developing GTK applications worse is the documentation, this seems to be a continuous complaint about may open source projects, which is taciturn or simply missing in many cases. GTK seems to suffer dreadfully from having multiple API versions all subtly different resulting in a lot of work on the developers part to simply find what they want.

A specific example of this is the signals and under what circumstance they occur I wanted to update all the widgets with the current configuration state whenever the options window is shown (using gtk_widget_show()) so I figured that would be the "show" signal...right? nope, never did find the right one to use, ended up with "realize" which occurs once when the dialog is created, not what I wanted, but is at least consistent and works.

NetSurf with is Properties dialog open on the content tab
NetSurf with Preferences Dialog
Overall my impression of developing just one small dialog (60 widgets total exclusing labels and containers) for a GTK program is that the toolkit and its tooling is missing the facilities to make developers life easier when doing the drudge work that a good proportion of graphical program development.

It is not the case that one cannot do things, just that everything has to be done manually instead of having the tools do the work, and because of the documentation that tedium is magnified.

I did eventually reach the stage that the thought of writing the boilerplate to add another check button to enable "do not track" had me thinking "do they really need this or can I avoid the work?" perhaps that is why they are all reductionist?

17 December 2012

Vincent Sanders: In fact, we started off with two or three different shells and the shell had life of its own.

With apologies to Ken Thompson, this is a list derived from the wafflings residents of a certain UK IRC channel. The conversation happened several years ago but I was reminded of it again today from a conversation on that same channel.

No names have been kept to project the guilty.

/bin/bush - a shell that steals and lies?
/bin/cash - displays adverts before each prompt
/bin/crash - Microsoft shell
/bin/mash - requires
/bin/hush - terse output
/bin/irish - only shell that finds jerkcity funny
/bin/rush - ber-optimised for speed, but might not actually work correctly
/bin/flash - proprietary shell that displays adverts and cartoons and hangs periodically
/bin/welsh - whinges about people not using it, but then steals features from other shells in order to actually make sense
/bin/rehash - never actually runs any program, just uses markov chains to construct output from stuff it has seen before.
/bin/wash - will remove lint in your scripts if you let it
/bin/parish - prays for the successful exit of every command
/bin/punish - symlink to /bin/csh
/bin/sheepish - apologises when $? is not zero
/bin/diminsh - decrements all result codes by one
/bin/lavish - and you thought bashisms were bad...
/bin/brainwash - once you've tried it, you'll believe it's the only shell in existence
/bin/hoggish - written in Java
/bin/reversepolish - arguments order different in go must
/bin/ganesh - no subprocess dares exit zero for fear of being removed from the system
/bin/roguish - every day is April 1st as far as it is concerned
/bin/macintosh - it's shiny, has *loads* of things you think you can poke at, yet it only actually responds to a single key on the keyboard and has no useful features for fear of confusing the user
/bin/lush - garbles output from processes like a drunkard
/bin/snobbish - you're not good enough to use it
/bin/thrush - it itches
/bin/vanquish - kills processes mercilessly
/bin/tush - pert
/bin/fetish -> /bin/zsh
/bin/skirmish - multi-user shell
/bin/whiplash - gets invoked if you break too hard
/bin/newsflash - BREAKING NEWS pid 1234 terminated
/bin/mulish - DJB does Shell
/bin/hsilop - arguments order different in go must
/bin/whitewash - government approved
/bin/trish - for tri-state hardware
/bin/jdsh - it sucks...
/bin/flesh - optimised for viewing p0rn

12 December 2012

Vincent Sanders: What man's mind can create, man's character can control.

I have a project that required me to programmatically control power to several devices. I have done this before using a Velleman vm8090 board which is relatively easy to control. However they are relatively expensive.

I turned to ebay and found a similar module at a substantially reduced cost. Upon receipt however I discovered that instead of being a simple serial USB interface it presented USB HID and the Debian system I was running it on has loaded the hiddev driver for me but it did not implement any of the standard HID Usage Pages leaving me with no way to control the device.
I did the obligatory
sudo lsusb -d 12bf:ff03 -vvv

Bus 003 Device 019: ID 12bf:ff03  
Device Descriptor:
bLength 18
bDescriptorType 1
bcdUSB 1.10
bDeviceClass 0 (Defined at Interface level)
bDeviceSubClass 0
bDeviceProtocol 0
bMaxPacketSize0 8
idVendor 0x12bf
idProduct 0xff03
bcdDevice 1.00
iManufacturer 1 Matrix Multimedia Ltd.
iProduct 2 Flowcode USB HID
iSerial 0
bNumConfigurations 1
Configuration Descriptor:
bLength 9
bDescriptorType 2
wTotalLength 41
bNumInterfaces 1
bConfigurationValue 1
iConfiguration 0
bmAttributes 0x80
(Bus Powered)
MaxPower 50mA
Interface Descriptor:
bLength 9
bDescriptorType 4
bInterfaceNumber 0
bAlternateSetting 0
bNumEndpoints 2
bInterfaceClass 3 Human Interface Device
bInterfaceSubClass 0 No Subclass
bInterfaceProtocol 0 None
iInterface 0
HID Device Descriptor:
bLength 9
bDescriptorType 33
bcdHID 1.10
bCountryCode 0 Not supported
bNumDescriptors 1
bDescriptorType 34 Report
wDescriptorLength 54
Report Descriptors:
Endpoint Descriptor:
bLength 7
bDescriptorType 5
bEndpointAddress 0x81 EP 1 IN
bmAttributes 3
Transfer Type Interrupt
Synch Type None
Usage Type Data
wMaxPacketSize 0x0008 1x 8 bytes
bInterval 5
Endpoint Descriptor:
bLength 7
bDescriptorType 5
bEndpointAddress 0x01 EP 1 OUT
bmAttributes 3
Transfer Type Interrupt
Synch Type None
Usage Type Data
wMaxPacketSize 0x0008 1x 8 bytes
bInterval 5
Device Status: 0x0980
(Bus Powered)
This simply showed me what I already knew and surprised me that lsusb did not dump HID report descriptor items. Some searching revealed that teh device had to be unbound so lussb could access the descriptor.

Thus a simple
echo -n 3-1.1.4:1.0   sudo dd of=/sys/bus/usb/drivers/usbhid/unbind
resulted in lussb dumping the descriptor items:

Item(Global): Usage Page, data= [ 0xa0 0xff ] 65440
Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
Item(Main ): Collection, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x02 ] 2
Item(Main ): Collection, data= [ 0x00 ] 0
Item(Global): Usage Page, data= [ 0xa1 0xff ] 65441
Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x03 ] 3
Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x04 ] 4
Item(Global): Logical Minimum, data= [ 0x00 ] 0
Item(Global): Logical Maximum, data= [ 0xff 0x00 ] 255
Item(Global): Physical Minimum, data= [ 0x00 ] 0
Item(Global): Physical Maximum, data= [ 0xff ] 255
Item(Global): Report Size, data= [ 0x08 ] 8
Item(Global): Report Count, data= [ 0x08 ] 8
Item(Main ): Input, data= [ 0x02 ] 2
Data Variable Absolute No_Wrap Linear
Preferred_State No_Null_Position Non_Volatile Bitfield
Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x05 ] 5
Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x06 ] 6
Item(Global): Logical Minimum, data= [ 0x00 ] 0
Item(Global): Logical Maximum, data= [ 0xff 0x00 ] 255
Item(Global): Physical Minimum, data= [ 0x00 ] 0
Item(Global): Physical Maximum, data= [ 0xff ] 255
Item(Global): Report Size, data= [ 0x08 ] 8
Item(Global): Report Count, data= [ 0x08 ] 8
Item(Main ): Output, data= [ 0x02 ] 2
Data Variable Absolute No_Wrap Linear
Preferred_State No_Null_Position Non_Volatile Bitfield
Item(Main ): End Collection, data=none
Item(Main ): End Collection, data=none

By consulting the device class definitions document I determined the device was using the "Vendor defined" Usage page (0xff00 to 0xffff) so I would definitely have to write a program to control the device.

Linux provides a really easy interface to deal with HID devices called hiddev (gosh, such adventurous naming) which I already had to unbind to get my descriptors decoded so I am fairly sure it works ;-)

The kernel documentation and header for hiddev provide the absolute basic mechanics of the interface but no example code or guidance. The obligatory web search turned up very little and even that had to be retrieved from the internet archive. So It seems I would be forced to work it through myself.

It seems the hiddev interface is orientated around HID devices generating reports which the program is expected to read. Numerous ioctl() are provided so the program can obtain the descriptor information necessary to control and process the received reports.

However in this case we need to be able to send reports to the device, all the descriptor information revealed was that there were eight (Item Report Count = 8) values with eight bits each (Item Report Size = 8) with logical and physical values representing the whole range of the octets.

Fortunately the seller provided a website with some control programs and even source. After some time rummaging through the Visual Basic program I finally found (in FrmMain.vb:2989) that the eight bytes were largely unused and the first was simply a bitmask of the eight relays coil status, set for energised clear for off. With bit 0 controlling relay labelled 1 through to bit 7 for relay 8.

To send a report to a HID device the hiddev interface uses the HIDIOCSREPORT ioctl where the report data is first set using HIDIOCSUSAGE .

The HIDIOCSUSAGE ioctl is passed a hiddev_usage_ref structure which must be initialised with information about the report descriptor identifier (constructed from the Usage Page and Usage as set by the items in the descriptor), the index of the item (named usage) we wish to set in the report (in this case the first which is 0) and the value we actually want to set.

After a great deal of debugging the final program is very short indeed but does the job, my main problem now is that if I switch too many (more than one) relays at once the whole device resets. The scope says the supply rails are behaving very badly when this happens, looks like I need to add a load of capacitance to the power well to stabilise it during the switching events.

Oh and add in the fact Relay 1 LED doest work unless you push on it and I do wonder about the wisdom of the economy in this case. Though yet again Linux makes the software side easy.

5 November 2012

Vincent Sanders: Another NetSurf Developer Workshop

The NetSurf Developers - Bringing you alternative internet meme delivery since 2002
The weekend saw some of the NetSurf developers gather once again to do battle against the Red, wait. I mean plan and write code.

The successful event was once again kindly hosted by Collabora at their Cambridge office, the facilities remain as good as at the previous event and provided a comfortable environment in which to work.

Four developers managed to attend from around the UK John-Mark Bell, Vincent Sanders, Daniel Silverstone and Rob Kendrick. The turnout was a little lower than previous events, however Michael Drake managed to assist with some bug fixes remotely.

From Friday to Sunday afternoon we each managed to put in 24 hours of work consisting of almost 90 commits changing over 100 files and removing 10,000 lines of code.

Whiteboard with the 3.0 release tasks
The main theme of the event was consolidation ready for the 3.0 release. While not a glamorous target this is a major release for the project which we want to achieve soon, this requires the completion of numerous ongoing tasks (like finally removing the dependency of libxml) and fixing as many reported bugs as possible.

The Major things we achieved were:

Once the final usage of libXML is removed (from the hotlist code) NetSurf will become substantially smaller on several platforms as we will not have two separate parser implementations linked.

One big feature of the 3.0 release which was not originally on the roadmap is that of JavaScript. We initially intend to provide two builds of with and without the JavaScript interpreter compiled into NetSurf. This allows those on very small systems to continue to run NetSurf and those users who want a richer web experience to enjoy it.

Although JavaScript is a major new feature which is frequently requested the initial implementation will be incomplete. To complete the feature several thousand JavaScript to DOM interface binding functions must still be written. In addition it should be noted that we have yet to add dynamic layout or extensions such as Canvas or WebGL

We had a Raspberry Pi which was used to run RISC OS so we could examine the operation on this system.

The 2.9 edition as shipped works OK but is lacking the substantial progress made in the last six months.

The CI system build was run on the system and works well so we are reassured the 3.0 edition will provide an even better browsing experience.

The event was a great success overall and we are now very close to our 3.0 release which we hope to produce before Christmas.

10 September 2012

Vincent Sanders: I thought San Diego must be Heaven on earth...It seemed to me the best spot for building a city I ever saw.

I think perhaps Alonzo Horton overstated the case but San Diego was a perfectly pleasant place to spend a week. Recently I was fortunate and attended the Linux Plumbers conference (and bits of Kernel Summit) and as on previous occasions there were some interesting sessions and some less helpful diversions.

Melodie went along with me, our first trip away together without the kids in a long time. We did the tourist thing for a few days including the USS Midway aircraft carrier tour (recommended) and the harbour boat tour (also recommended).

The conference was co-located with several other events and there seemed to be a lot of people around not connected with KS or LPC. For me the hallway track was, as usual, much more rewarding and I got to catch up with several old friends and make some new acquaintances. A lot of my colleagues were about attending the Gstreamer and Linuxcon conferences so there was the obligatory work evening event (which was pizza and beer, just done brilliantly).

A track that did stand out for me was the Clang / LLVM presentations. They gave an excellent overview of their progress towards making the Kernel compile with their tools, such innovation appears to be making both projects stronger.

One thing that occurred to me was the blandness of KS and LPC this time, usually there are at least some loud disagreements but I failed to attend even one session where there was more than small differences which were quickly resolved.

Perhaps such conferences, like the majority of people attending them, are becoming middle aged and a little complacent. An observation like that does make me wonder where the next change will come from and what it will look like. Just as open source software (including Linux) has disrupted the proprietary software industry in the last decade what will come along and disrupt us? Or is open source the end of the line and we will just continue to evolve?

6 August 2012

Vincent Sanders: Education is when you read the fine print. Experience is what you get if you don't.

Given my title I guess I just got a load of "experience" from Gandi. Previously I have written about building the NetSurf Continuous Integration (CI) server and my misjudgement of the resources it would require to be useful.

I contacted Gandi and they confirmed my suspicion that my only options to extend the VPS were to spend a great deal more money. The total spend would have been in excess of 300 per year to get a minimally satisfactory configuration.

So I contacted Mythic Beasts and they offered the NetSurf project a selection of deals they could not refuse. Once we decided on the right deal for us the system was in place, ready to use, within a morning.

Thanks to the generous open source project discount the offering from Mythic is almost double what Gandi were offering for less than half the price. I was, as previously concluded, dumb to go with Gandi in the first place when Mythic were an option.

Once the system was transferred to the shiny new server I went back to Gandi and asked how much my mistake of buying a years service for a single month worth of VPS service was going to cost. The reply was somewhat disappointing I was simply referred to section 8.1.2 of the contract (tl;dr We have your money now, tough luck, your problem). It would appear my mistake was going to cost me the full 114 I had paid.

I was somewhat disheartened at this turn of events but then Daniel Silverstone offered to take on the VPS if I could transfer it to his Gandi handle so he could administer it. this seemed like a good solution, at least the resource would be used and not wasted. Gandi response to this was initially promising but this is the final reply:

I'm really sorry to inform you that my supervisor refused the share transfer request to the other account. He told me that we do not transfer products either in those cases. I deeply apologize since I thought it was possible. I thank you for your confidence in Gandi, and hope that this occurrence does not deter you from continuing with us.
Now I must stress that Gandi are completely within their contractual rights to do this and are not obligated to provide any assistance to help make my blunder less costly to me, but they have firmly shown they have no willingness to be flexible in any way which means I know where I will not be spending my money in future.

Oh and then Pete from Mythic mentioned that they have a full refund and flexible policy on their services and we can always switch to the monthly billing rate and get a refund on the outstanding balance or move it or...

Basically my recommendation for an open source project looking for hosting, VPS or any network services has to be to go talk to the nice people at Mythic and steer clear of Gandi. Maybe in future all providers will realise that they are in a competitive market and certainly a little customer service flexibility might have made this posting much more about my mistake and not the attitude of the suppliers involved.

Vincent Sanders: Pimm's and Punting

The Sun came out in Cambridge the other week (yes I know, a rare occurrence) and because Robert is a generous soul he decided the office should go punting on the cam.

I had not previously been out on the river but Robert proved to be the consummate punter.

We even got fruit based drinks and some serenading, although perhaps that was not a benefit.

I took many photos of the event including the rather nice meal afterwards, some were even in focus and not blurry.

25 July 2012

Vincent Sanders: Fowlers Delight?

Fowler published his paper on Continuous Integration (CI) way back in 2000. Personally at the time I was a much more naive developer, I was not really an adherent to the whole XP community and had worked for a series of companies where the idea of a release build was of a month long process and the concept that the whole codebase could be built and tested on every commit was a comical notion at best.

By the time the time the 2006 edition of the paper came out however I was convinced. Ever since then I have tried to make the projects I worked on have as many CI features as possible. It is one reason I ran the ARM Kernel autobuilder for years as an attempt to provide at least build coverage.

I especially like the way these concepts mean that releases are much less "scary" events and release anxiety is reduced to a minimum. When every commit produces something that is of release quality a project really is doing it right.

The reason I mention any of this is I have recently set up the NetSurf projects CI server. The heavy lifting is being done by a Jenkins instance running on a VPS fulfilling the "Every Commit Should Build the Mainline on an Integration Machine" part of the Fowler guidelines.

Setting up Jenkins was much less trouble than many of the previous systems I have used. I have been a little underwhelmed by the support for plain old make based projects which you have to resort to shell scripts for, but leaving that aside the rest was straightforward. The documentation could do with a purge pass for the old hudson name and the error reporting (especially under memory pressure) is not great.

And there lies my one real issue with the tool, memory. The VPS has 512MByte RAM and runs nothing beyond a web server, jenkins and the C compiler to build the project components. One would hope that was plenty of memory, doing the builds by hand it did seem gcc is happy in that space, alas Jenkins is a Java application and guzzles RAM (over 60% of RSS right now) and causes itself out of memory exceptions with distressing frequency.

The project is left with the choices:
It is such a pity too, aside from the RAM issues it is all going well and it has already encouraged us to get the toolchains for the less commonly built targets (ppc amiga and windows for a start) working.

Vincent Sanders: Travels with Mr. Brown

My return from Debconf12 has been tinged with a little wistfulness, I had a great time but wish I could have spent a little more time there to justify the seventeen hours travel each way. I took a lot of pictures which gave me a good record of my trip.

The talks, BOF and discussions were, as usual, very useful. The release team explaining what needed to be done for Wheezy was both informative and amusing.

The numerous BOF from Steve Mcintyre were a great source of discussion and ideas and appear to have generated progress on some quite contentious issues.

I especially enjoyed the Sylvestre Ledru talk on building the archive with clang and how this might be another useful tool in finding bugs.

Hideki Yamane gave a really useful talk "Let's shrink Debian package archive!" He gave a practical explanation on how Debian could benefit from using xz compression, where it is not appropriate and had a selection of real numbers to help the discussion. Given this was Hideki first talk at a Debconf I must congratulate him on doing an excellent job.

There were many other talks which I have not singled out here but that says nothing about their quality or usefulness, more about why I should blog immediately after an event and not leave it a week. Though the video team have managed to capture many of the talks so you can go and watch them too.

The event was well organised and the accommodation was pleasant, if a little crowded with three to a room. The hotel had a pool which was the centre for evening activities most days, though I did miss Neil McGovern (one of my room mates) unintentionally swimming in his kilt.
The lunch and dinner catering was outdoors which was novel. The food was generally good if a little limited for those of us with less straightforward dietary requirements.

Some of us did venture out to have dinner at the continental hotel on one evening for a change of scene.
There was of course the obligatory conference meal by the lakeside and an awesome day trip where I saw a mangrove swamp and (fortunately) no salt water crocodiles.
All in all I had a fabulous and productive time. I would like to thank Collabora for travel sponsorship to the event and to Neil who was a great travelling companion.

Vincent Sanders: A sad state of affairs

Surprisingly my previous post on my Debconf trip has gathered more queries over its title than anything else.

Mostly my blog titles are, if I can manage it, relevant quotes or book titles. For the last post I used the title of a collection of Mark Twain scripts surrounding his trip through Nicaragua in 1866.

I have not been able to read the publication myself beyond the quoted excerpts in more modern articles because, somehow, almost 150 years after the words were written the only access to these words is to buy a very expensive and rare 1940 publication.

This appears to stem from the fact the original Clements scripts were simply not published before 1940 and hence appear to gain copyright from that date (IANAL I might be wrong here is the source I used) and thanks to the US government effectively making copyrighted works published after 1922 be "protected" forever I may never read it at all.

Rather sad really, but if you do have a copy I could borrow...oh no that is probably illegal too? better just let the words fade to dust eh?

26 May 2012

Vincent Sanders: Each morning sees some task begun, each evening sees it close; Something attempted, something done, has earned a night's repose.

Thursday saw all the Collabora employees at Cambridge office go out and socialise at the beer festival. They seemed to have selected a wonderful day for it, the sun was shining and it was warm and blue sky day.

Alas, I had to attend some customer conference calls and work on some time sensitive research so I could not go to the ball as it were. At about eight my brain had run out of steam so I decided to call it a day and go and meetup with people at the festival for an hour or two.

The queue when I arrived dissuaded me from that notion. I asked one of the stewards and they indicated it would take at least an hour from where the queue finished.

So I decided to wend my way home along the bank of the Cam. I proceeded slowly along and to my utter surprise bumped into Ben Hutchings and his Solarflare work colleagues having their own soiree. I was immediately invited to sit and converse. Pretty quickly I was inveigled into accepting a glass of wine by John Aspden from his floating bar (AKA houseboat).

From here on my evening was a pleasant one of amusing new people, easy conversation and a definite pondering if the host would be discovering the delights of Cam swimming as he became progressively inebriated!

So although I missed the festival I did manage to have an enjoyable time. A big thanks to the solarflare guys and especially John who was the consummate host and provided me with far too much alcohol.

