The following contributors got their Debian Developer accounts in the last two months:
- Dennis van Dok (dvandok)
- Peter Wienemann (wiene)
- Quentin Lejard (valde)
- Sven Geuer (sge)
- Taavi V n nen (taavi)
- Hilmar Preusse (hille42)
- Matthias Geiger (werdahias)
- Yogeswaran Umasankar (yogu)
The following contributors were added as Debian Maintainers in the last two months:
- Bernhard Miklautz
- Felix Moessbauer
- Maytham Alsudany
- Aquila Macedo
- David Lamparter
- Tim Theisen
- Stefano Brivio
- Shengqi Chen