Search Results: "Steve Langasek"

6 December 2011

Steve Langasek: Making jam from bugs

This weekend, we held a combined Debian Bug Squashing Party and Ubuntu Local Jam in Portland, OR. A big thank you to PuppetLabs for hosting! Thanks to a brilliant insight from Kees Cook, we were able to give everyone access to their own pre-configured build environment as soon as they walked in the door by deploying schroot/sbuild instances in "the cloud" (in this case, Amazon EC2). Small blips with the mirrors notwithstanding, this worked out pretty well, and let people start to get their hands dirty as soon as they walked in the door instead of spending a lot of time up front doing the boring work of setting up a build environment. This was a big win for people who had never done a package build before, and I highly recommend it for future BSPs. You can read about the build environment setup in the Debian wiki, and details on setting up your own BSP cloud in Kees's blog. (And the cloud instances were running Ubuntu 11.10 guests, with Debian unstable chroots - a perfect pairing for our joint Debian/Ubuntu event!) So how did this curious foray into a combined Ubuntu/Debian event go? Not too shabby: When all was said and done, we didn't get a chance to tackle any wheezy release critical bugs like we'd hoped. That's ok, that leaves us something to do for our next event, which will be bigger and even better than this one. Maybe even big enough to rival one of those crazy, all-weekend BSPs that they have in Germany...

28 November 2011

Christian Perrier: Two important uploads: samba and pytrainer

This week-end, after a few week-ends more targeted on real life activities (country house fall works, 70km ultra run preparation and ultra run week-end), I spent most of Sunday working on two important uploads of packages I'm involved in. So, as of Sunday evening, samba 3.6.1 is now in unstable. This is the first 3.6 version to land there, after earlier versions were in experimental while Steve Langasek was working on multi-arch support and dh7-like debian/rules transition in unstable, with 3.5 versions. Merging together changes in 3.5 and 3.6 branches has been a bit painful. I guess I had it right (thankfully, I merged 3.5 packaging changes from time to time to the 3.6 branch). If there are problems with 3.6 packages, anyway, you know what to do. I also worked to package the new version of pytrainer, a sport activity logging tool. pytrainer is maintained by the "pkg-running" team, aka No l K the, Ralf Treinen and /me. This is the software I use for keeping track of all my running activities. We have a very good link with our upstream and I even recently brought several translation updates by involving Debian translators in the loop. While working to integrate version 1.9.1 (we had 1.8.0 up to now in unstable), I also cleanedout things here orthereand I'mquite happy with the result. More testing will of course be appreciated.

6 November 2011

Gregor Herrmann: RC bugs 2011/44

this week showed an interesting mixture of RC bug fixes: applying patches from others, writing one on my one, adjusting build dependencies, & also closing some bugs that did not occur anymore during the last Grid'5000 run & are also unreproducible locally (thanks to Lucas for the hint).

19 October 2011

Steve Langasek: Debian: not stale, just hardened

Rapha l Hertzog recently announced a new dpkg-buildflags interface in dpkg that at long last gives the distribution, the package maintainers, and users the control they want over the build flags used when building packages. The announcement mail gives all the gory details about how to invoke dpkg-buildflags in your build to be compliant; but the nice thing is, if you're using dh(1) with debian/compat=9, debhelper does it for you automatically so long as you're using a build system that it knows how to pass compiler flags to. So for the first time, /usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples/rules.tiny can now be used as-is to provide a policy-compliant package by default (setting -g -O2 or -g -O0 for your build regardless of how debian/rules is invoked). Of course, none of my packages actually work that way; among other things I have a habit of liberally sprinkling DEB_MAINT_CFLAGS_APPEND := -Wall in my rules, and sometimes DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND := -Wl,-z,defs and DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND := $(shell getconf LFS_CFLAGS) as well. And my upstreams' build systems rarely work 100% out of the box with dhauto* without one override or another somewhere. So in practice, the shortest debian/rules file in any of my packages seems to be 13 lines currently. But that's 13 lines of almost 100% signal, unlike the bad old days of cut'n'pasted dh_* command lists. The biggest benefit, though, isn't in making it shorter to write a rules file with the old, standard build options. The biggest benefit is that dpkg-buildflags now also outputs build-hardening compiler and linker flags by default on Debian. Specifically, using the new interface lets you pick up all of these hardening flags for free:
-fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Wformat-security -Werror=format-security -Wl,-z,relro
It also lets you get -fPIE and -Wl,-z,now by adding this one line to your debian/rules (assuming you're using dh(1) and compat 9):
export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS := hardening=+pie,+bindnow
Converting all my packages to use dh(1) has always been a long-term goal, but some packages are easier to convert than others. This was the tipping point for me, though. Even though debhelper compat level 9 isn't yet frozen, meaning there might still be other behavior changes to it that will make more work for me between now and release, over the past couple of weekends I've been systematically converting all my packages to use it with dh. In particular, pam and samba have been rebuilt to use the default hardening flags, and openldap uses these flags plus PIE support. (Samba already builds with PIE by default courtesy of upstream.) You can't really make samba and openldap out on the graph, but they're there (with their rules files reduced by 50% or more). I cannot overstate the significance of proactive hardening. There have been a number of vulnerabilities over the past few years that have been thwarted on Ubuntu because Ubuntu is using -fstack-protector by default. Debian has a great security team that responds quickly to these issues as soon as they're revealed, but we don't always get to find out about them before they're already being exploited in the wild. In this respect, Debian has lagged behind other distros. With dpkg-buildflags, we now have the tools to correct this. It's just a matter of getting packages to use the new interfaces. If you're a maintainer of a security sensitive package (such as a network-facing daemon or a setuid application), please enable dpkg-buildflags in your package for wheezy! (Preferably with PIE as well.) And if you don't maintain security sensitive packages, you can still help out with the hardening release goal.

8 October 2011

Steve Langasek: Free as in flickers

Ubuntu has had an explicit goal for several cycles now to achieve flicker-free booting: smooth graphical boot all the way through from bootloader to the desktop, with no messy modeswitches or cuts between text and graphics mode on the console. This is no small task, to be sure; even getting flicker-free transitions between plymouth and X for the KMS-capable video cards was a handful for 10.04 LTS. So I was suitably impressed when in the course of testing for the upcoming Ubuntu 11.10 release I found that on a laptop with the nouveau driver, we had achieved 100% flicker-free boot all the way from grub to X. And then I was astonished to find the grub-kernel transition was flicker-free when using the binary nvidia driver too! This is in large part thanks to Colin Watson's work upstream implementing VBE support in GRUB2, and Andy Whitcroft's adding proper support for a vesafb fallback when no KMS video driver is found. The architecture of how this all hangs together is now documented in the Ubuntu wiki. The irony is that, while nouveau gives a perfect flicker-free boot, and the nvidia binary drivers give a boot with just one modeswitch, both of my Intel systems show two modeswitches on boot - one between grub and the kernel, another between the kernel and X. Something to work on cleaning up next month, I think...

18 September 2011

Gregor Herrmann: RC bugs 2011/37

& another week has gone by, & here's my #RCBW report.

summary: details:

15 August 2011

Steve McIntyre: In one word: AWESOME

Every year I worry that DebConf might not be as good as I hope, or not as good as previous years. Well, I've yet to be let down! The road trip down to Banja Luka was good fun, even if it took a little longer than planned. We ended up travelling down through Germany on the same Friday as much of the country finished work/school for their summer vacation, so there was a lot of traffic. Meh, we got there in the end. I made my usual mistake of planning some things to hack on during the DebConf week; by now I should know better... :-) I made a start on one small project, but then got so distracted by so many talks and side meetings with people that it's still waiting. As always, my own personal TODO list picked up huge amounts of extra stuff from those discussions. Catching up with, and socialising with, Debian friends from all over the world was also fun as always! Lots of highlights of the week for me, both for technical and social reasons: Banja Luka was a lovely place to visit, and a great host city for DebConf. Looking forwards to Managua now!

7 August 2011

Raphaël Hertzog: People behind Debian: Margarita Manterola, Debian Women member

Photograph taken by Julia Palandri

When I think about Margarita, I always remember her as a friendly and welcoming person. Like most of the Debian Women members by the way. But she likes to spread some love and organized a Debian Appreciation Day for example. I think I met her in real life for the first time at Debconf 6 in Oaxtepec (Mexico). She deeply cares about Debian in general. She has proven it multiple times with her DPL candidacy and by giving talks like Making Debian rule again. One last thing, Debconf11 is just over and you will see that Debconf4 has had a big influence on Marga. My advice is simple: next time there s a Debconf on your continent, make sure to take a few days off and come to meet us! It really gives another picture of the Debian community. Now let s proceed with the interview. Raphael: Who are you? Margarita: I m Margarita Manterola, a Software Developer from Argentina. I work developing software in Python in a Debian-friendly company during the day, and teach programming at a local university during the evenings. I m married to Maximiliano Curia who is also a Debian Developer, most of our Free Software work has been done together. I only maintain a handful of packages in Debian, I m more interested in fixing bugs than in packaging new software. I ve also been a part of the organizing team of many of the previous Debian Conferences. One of the biggest commitments and the biggest success of my participation in Debian was being part of the organizing team of DebConf8, in Argentina. Raphael: How did you start contributing to Debian? Margarita: I started using Debian around 2000. Soon after we had learned the grips of general GNU/Linux usage, Maxy and I started giving an introductory course at our local university, and became quite involved with the local LUG. At some point in 2002/2003 I became a Debian Bug Reporter : most of my friends would report bugs to me, and I would then write them in the proper form to the BTS. I would also be very attentive about reporting any bugs that I might encounter myself trying to create good bug reports. The turning point in my participation in Debian was DebConf4 in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Being so close to Argentina meant that we felt specially invited to be there, and Maxy and I decided to go to DebConf for our honeymoon. We didn t really know much about DebConf dynamics, but we were really eager to learn more about Debian and become more involved. What happened was that meeting with DDs from all over the world transformed our lives, we became part of the Debian family and wanted to be more and more involved. Soon after that we both started maintaining packages and not long after that, applied to become Developers. The Debian Women project also meant a lot to me. I felt encouraged all along the way, encouraged to learn, to ask questions and to lose the fear of making mistakes. I became a Debian Developer on November 2005. Since then, Debian has always been one of the most important things I do in my life. Raphael There was a Debian Women BoF during debconf. What are the plans for Debian Women in the upcoming months? Margarita: I was not there in person, but thanks to the awesome work of the video team, and of Christian Perrier s typing efforts when something failed, I was able to experience much of what was discussed. :) One of the many points that came up during the BOF is that many people Want to help but don t know where to start or how to go about it. It s a challenge for the Debian Women project to find a way to allow these people to become involved in Debian through Mini projects or something like that. Another of the subjects that was brought up was the Debian Women mentoring project, which has been going on for quite a while now, but lacks enough publicity. So, we need to reach more people about it, and maybe also improve it with some templates, similar to the New Maintainer templates, so that mentees that don t know where to start have some sort of general path to follow. Raphael: You created very useful diagrams documenting how package maintainer scripts are invoked by dpkg. How did you do it and was that a useful experience? Margarita: I did those diagrams to be able to answer one of the questions in the NM templates, regarding the order of the maintainer script execution. Answering the question in text was basically copying and pasting the part of the Debian Policy that explained it, which wasn t really too clear for me, so I decided to go and make a diagram of it, so that I could really understand it. I did it by the best of all debugging techniques: adding prints to each of the maintainer scripts, and testing them in all the different orders that I could think of. It was a useful experience at the time, because I learned a lot of how maintainers scripts work. I didn t expect the diagrams to become so famous, though, I only did them to answer one NM question, that I assumed most other people had already answered before :) Raphael: You participated in a DPL election. This is a big commitment to make. What were your motivations? Margarita: As I said, I was part of the organizing team of DebConf8, in Argentina. Which was quite a success, a lot of people enjoyed it and praised the good work that had been done by the local team. During said DebConf8, I had a dream (it was almost a nightmare, actually): I woke up and just like that, I was the DPL. I spoke to some people about this dream and to my complete surprise many said that I should actually do it. After giving that possibility a year and a half of thoughts, during the 2010 campaign I was talked into participating myself as a candidate, and it was a very interesting experience. However, I m very glad that Zack got elected and not me, I think he makes a much better DPL that I would have made. Raphael: What s the biggest problem of Debian? Margarita: I think the main problem that we have is our communication, both inside the project and outside the project. Most of us are very technical people, our skills lay in the technical part of Debian (preparing packages, fixing bugs, writing software, administering systems) not in the social part. And thus, we lack a general empathy that is quite needed when interacting with people from all over the world. Raphael: Do you have wishes for Debian Wheezy? Margarita: Not particularly. I do want it to be a great release with good quality, stable software. I would also like to keep making Debian more and more universal with each release, making it more user friendly, more accessible, and more robust than any other previous release. Raphael: Is there someone in Debian that you admire for their contributions? Margarita: I admire a lot of people in Debian. There s a lot of people that contribute a lot of time to Debian, amounts of time that I can t begin to understand how they can afford. I admire Stefano Zacchiroli, our current project leader. And Steve McIntyre, the project leader before him. Also Bdale Garbee, who s also been a DPL in the past. Making this list I realize that Debian has been blessed by quite a number of great leaders in the past. I admire Holger Levsen, for his contributions to the DebConf video team, that have made it possible year after year for the whole project to participate in DebConf remotely. I admire Steve Langasek and Andreas Barth (etch is still my favourite release). I admire Christian Perrier for his work on internationalization. I admire Joerg Jaspert for the incredible amounts of time that he puts into Debian. And actually, I could go on admiring people all night long. I admire so many people that this interview could become a very boring list of names. I guess it s better to leave it at saying that Debian is lucky to have quite a lot of excellent hackers around.
Thank you to Marga for the time spent answering my questions. I hope you enjoyed reading her answers as I did. Subscribe to my newsletter to get my monthly summary of the Debian/Ubuntu news and to not miss further interviews. You can also follow along on, Twitter and Facebook.

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19 July 2011

Steve Langasek: Fallacy of coincidence

On the bus heading to the airport to go to DebConf 11, I chanced to sit down beside an older Croatian gentleman. If I've ever met another Croatian living in Portland before now, they did not have occasion to make themselves known to me. He spoke highly of Tito at some length, and of Tito's success at holding the Russians at bay in the 1960s when the rest of the Communist block was being held there by the thumb of the Russian military. If I've ever met another person living anywhere who approved of Tito, they've not had occasion to make that opinion known to me either. Wacky experiences like that are why I love Portland's mass transit network.

14 June 2011

Cyril Brulebois: mesa: a disturbance in the Force?

Just a quick heads-up: I ve just uploaded mesa 7.10.2-4, which is multiarch-enabled, thanks to Steve Langasek. As explained in its changelog, this breaks the X server currently in testing and in unstable, but a rebuild is already pending, which will make everyone upgradable. For curious people, those commands took care of scheduling the binNMU, with a proper dep-wait:
wb nmu xorg-server . ALL . -m 'Rebuild against new (multiarch-enabled) mesa.'
wb dw xorg-server . ALL . -m 'libgl1-mesa-dev (>= 7.10.2-4)'
In the meanwhile, if your mirror gets a new mesa without the rebuilt server, your package manager should bail out and refuse to upgrade mesa (or propose to remove the server). So wait a bit, upgrade everything, and enjoy! mesa 7.10.3 (released a few hours ago) should reach unstable tomorrow, so that we can ask our users to track (possible) regressions between 7.10.2-3 and 7.10.3-1 to either 7.10.2-4 (multiarchification), or to 7.10.3-1 (the stable upgrade), thanks to the excellent service.

8 June 2011

Matt Zimmerman: DEX finishes first batch of derivative patches for Debian

It s been a few months since Zack and I announced the DEX project, which aims to improve the Debian ecosystem by working jointly with derivative distributions. Our first milestone The goal of our first project, nicknamed ancient-patches, was to clear out an old batch of a few hundred Ubuntu patches whose status was unclear. We couldn t tell which ones had been merged into Debian, which were waiting in the BTS, and which had yet to be submitted to Debian. All of them were several years old. I m pleased to announce that this project is now complete. Thanks to help from David Paleino, Colin Watson, Nathan Handler and Steve Langasek, we were able to clear over 95% of the patches in a matter of days. These were the easy ones: patches which were obsolete, or had already been applied. We discussed the remainder, and resolved all of the patches whose status was still unclear. This left the harder ones: patches stalled in the BTS, and patches where there was no consensus about what to do with them. One of the stalled patches was merged into Debian via an NMU, eliminating the delta between Debian and Ubuntu. Another had been submitted to Debian by a third party, but was no longer shipping in Ubuntu, so we considered it obsolete for purposes of this project. This has left only two patches out of the original list of 277. Both of them are filed in the BTS and have been discussed with the relevant maintainer team. One of them is expected to be obsoleted when a new upstream version is packaged, which implements similar functionality. The other is being discussed with the upstream developers, but there is no conclusion yet about whether it can be merged upstream or in Debian. Conclusions Although we weren t quite able to clear the whole list, we still consider the project to be a success because: What s next In the most recent DEX update on debian-derivatives, I highlighted a few important events for DEX: We re looking forward to seeing DEX develop further. If you d like to get involved, come and join us on the debian-derivatives mailing list or IRC (#debian-derivatives on freenodeOFTC). Matt Zimmerman and Stefano Zacchiroli

3 June 2011

Raphaël Hertzog: My Debian activities in May 2011

This is my monthly summary of my Debian related activities. If you re among the people who made a donation to support my work, then you can learn how I spent your money. Otherwise it s just an interesting status update on my various projects. I have been Doing some work towards Debian Rolling At the start of the month, the discussions about Debian rolling were still very active on debian-devel. Declaring that testing would be rolling did not make it (as I hoped), the argument that some RC bugs last for far too long in that distribution carried the discussion and thus the most consensual proposition ended up being the one of Josselin Mouette were rolling would be testing plus a few selected cherry-picked packages from unstable. I believe it s a workable solution if we only care about a subset of architectures. Otherwise the same reasons that keep the fixed packages out of testing would probably also apply for rolling. Given this, I did setup britney (the software that controls testing) on my laptop to investigate how we can create rolling. It turns out britney is a very specialized software with very few configuration knobs. At the same time Joachim Breitner made a proposition that immediately grabbed my attention. He suggests to use SAT solvers to find out the set of packages that should migrate from unstable to testing. I thought that rolling would be a good testbed for this new implementation of britney (which he calls SAT-britney) so I jumped right in this project. I was not at all familiar with this science field, so I looked up quite some documentation: I learned that all SAT solvers expect the problem to be presented in CNF form, and that DIMACS was the file format of choice to represent those boolean constraints. Several SAT solvers are available in Debian and picosat appears to be one of the best. Then I started some early coding/prototyping to play with the concept. You can find the result in this git repository, you can grab a copy with git clone git:// There s not much yet, except some Python code to generate a SAT problem that can be fed to a SAT solver. But I really look forward to this project. Representing Debian during Solutions Linux During the second week, I spent 3 days in Paris to help manage the Debian booth at Solutions Linux. We have responded to lots of queries but most visitors already knew Debian, and many of them use it at work and/or at home. We tried to recruit those people as new members for Debian France, the local association. We also sold all our remaining goodies. The Ubuntu people were interviewed by France 3 (an important TV channel) and we took this opportunity (with the consent of the Ubuntu guys) to show our Debian t-shirts in the background: you can watch the video here (in French), you can see me with Carl Chenet at 1:21. We have also been interviewed by Intelli n TV: here and here (both in French). I m not very good at this exercise. :-) Improving dpkg triggers The third week was a vacation week, in theory I should have stayed away from my computer but I really wanted to take this opportunity to improve the state of dpkg triggers in Debian. I already covered my work in another article: Trying to make dpkg triggers more useful and less painful. The result is not merged yet, I just asked a question to all package maintainers who are using triggers to be able to decide whether I ll merge it as is, or if I can make the new behavior the default one. Supporting users after Alioth s migration When I came back from my vacation, many services provided by were non-functional after a migration to a new setup that involves two machines instead of one. Given that I used to be an Alioth admin, I know that in those periods you tend to be get bogged down on many user support requests. So I re-joined #alioth on IRC and tried to help a bit. I did investigate some of the reported problems and prepared fixes (updated scripts, configuration files, etc.) for some of the issues. I also created a list of remaining issues that should have lasted only a few days but that s still active because there are still regressions left. The most important things still missing are: Improving the 3.0 (quilt) source format I have made some proposals to change the way the new source format would work. The goals are to be less painful for packagers who are using a VCS, and to avoid unexpected changes slipping through a new patch generated by dpkg-source. It seems that the proposals are relatively consensual so I ll implement them at some point. Missing in action on my blog I did a lots of stuff for Debian between travel and vacation, and in the remaining time, I did not manage to write many articles for my blog. In fact, besides the article on my triggers work mentioned above I only published one interview: People behind Debian: Steve Langasek, release wizard. I ll try to do better this month! Thanks Many thanks to the people who gave me 151.61 in May. See you next month for a new summary of my activities.

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6 May 2011

Raphaël Hertzog: People behind Debian: Steve Langasek, release wizard

Steve Langasek has been contributing to Debian for more than a decade. He was a release manager for sarge and etch, and like many former release managers, he s still involved in the Debian release team although as a release wizard (i.e. more of an advisory role than a day-to-day contributor). Oh, and he did the same with Ubuntu: on the picture on the left, he just announced the release of Ubuntu 10.04 from his Debian-branded laptop. ;-) He has also been maintaining PAM in Debian for as long as can I remember and does a great job at that. He s very knowledgeable and fully deserves his place within the Debian Technical Committee. I m glad he still has the time to participate on several important Debian mailing lists because his contributions are always very useful. I m sure you ll notice this just by reading his answers below. My questions are in bold, the rest is by Steve. Who are you? I m 32 years old, have been running Linux since my first year in college back in 96, and have been a Debian developer now for ten years. Along the way I ve been involved in maintaining a variety of server packages, worked on the Alpha port for a while, did a stint as a release manager for a couple of years, and serve on the technical committee. This year I m also celebrating my ten year anniversary with my lovely wife Patty, who many know as an erstwhile front-desk volunteer at DebConf. God only knows why she puts up with my late-night hacking! These days in my day job I m a manager on the Ubuntu Platform team at Canonical, working to help make Ubuntu a daughter distribution that the Debian community can be proud of. What s your biggest achievement within Debian or Ubuntu? There s no doubt that my biggest achievement in Debian has been overseeing the release of two Debian releases as release manager. On the other hand, the scope of a release is so huge, and it represents the output of so many developers working together, that it would be arrogant to claim the release itself as an achievement of my own. Also, sarge and etch have long since been rotated off of the mirrors so no one cares about them anymore. ;) For a more personal and lasting contribution in the distro itself, I m very proud of writing pam-auth-update. It s a small piece of code, but one that Debian was missing for a long time it s made a big difference to PAM module integration in packages! What are your plans for Debian Wheezy? My top priority for this cycle is to see multiarch through. We re still not far enough along in Debian for most developers to see any difference and once we are, the first thing people are going to see is a fair bit of breakage when we start breaking a lot of assumptions about paths that have been hard-coded upstream. But I m still excited by the progress that is being made here. We should be able to ship wheezy without any ia32-libs package. We might even be able to get rid of all the biarch library packages, including those used by the toolchain itself. 54 packages in testing build-depend on gcc-multilib right now, in order to build 32-bit code to ship in the amd64 package; a bunch of those should go away with absolutely no reduction in functionality, saving us a bit of space in the archive and saving the maintainers a lot of complexity in their packages, while at the same time giving us much better support for cross-compilation than we ve ever had before. It s a tall order, certainly, but the pieces are falling into place one by one. My second priority is to get a policy in Debian around packages integrating upstart jobs. It would of course benefit Ubuntu to have many packages back in sync with Debian, but if all we wanted was to sync with Debian, we could mostly just make debhelper ignore upstart jobs in Debian, prefer them in Ubuntu, and call it good. I m interested in making sure Debian also gets the benefits of being able to use upstart, because as Linux has become increasingly asynchronous (doing more in parallel at start up), the traditional sysvinit has not been able to keep up. There are all kinds of bugs now related to network startup, for instance, that we don t have a good answer for in a sysvinit model but that we can fix with an event-based system. Upstart has been around for a while now, but we ve been slow to integrate it into Debian because it only works on Linux. It would be a shame if right after the first Debian GNU/kFreeBSD technology preview, packages all stopped working on kFreeBSD because they started to assume the availability of upstart! Unfortunately, having been so cautious we now have systemd on the scene, which not only doesn t support non-Linux but seems to be in the process of trying to gobble up other, non-Linux-specific components of the desktop stack. So I have to wonder what the future holds for the free desktop on non-Linux kernels. If you could spend all your time on Debian, what would you work on? Well, based on my previous experiences when I did spend all my time on Debian, I think the answer here is QA / release work. :) Otherwise, I don t know. My hands are full enough now with multiarch that it s hard for me to see what the Next Thing would be. You re a member of the technical committee. In the interview of Bdale Garbee, I have argued that it s not working well. What s your point of view on this topic? Well, I feel a constant low level guilt about my own poor level of activity in the TC; but that doesn t translate into a belief that the system is broken. This is, after all, the decision making body of last resort for technical disputes in Debian, and as such it should really be used sparingly. And if a reputation for glacial deliberation means more developers work out their disputes on their own rather than asking the TC to step in, I think that s actually a healthy thing! I do still wish we were more effective at resolving those issues that do come our way, but there s no silver bullet for this. Though the funny thing is, I ve noticed that the majority of issues that get referred to the TC nowadays never even need us to make a decision; a short conversation with the disputants is often enough to get them to come to an agreement. What s the biggest problem of Debian? By and large, I think Debian is still doing a great job at what it s best at delivering a rock-solid distribution that users can rely on. If I would highlight one problem in Debian, though, it would be that I think we re becoming less innovative as time goes on. Part of that comes from being such a large project that we re bound to be more conservative as an institution; but even though the three pet Debian projects of mine that I mentioned above are fairly innovative (multiarch, pam-auth-update, upstart), each of these has landed first in Ubuntu rather than in Debian. Always with a clear intent of pushing back up into Debian, of course, but it just wasn t possible to do this work within Debian for the first cut without much longer delays. I worry that if Debian is no longer the place to try new things, that we re going to miss out on attracting contributions from the folks who are inspired to make Free Software better and not simply to make it stable. I m not sure how to address this, though. Maybe improved conversations with derivatives such as (but not limited to) Ubuntu, about what crack of the day is being tried where and how that can be integrated into Debian once it s proven to work? I don t think that team-based maintenance or low-threshold NMUs do anything to address this, though, as the kinds of innovation that matter most are ones that require discussion and consensus-finding not just routing around inactive maintainers. Do you have wishes for Debian Wheezy? Well, I d like to see the armhf port get on its feet and become an official port. Over the lifetime of the arm and armel ports, the state of the art on ARM has changed quite a bit; it would be great to see Debian taking advantage of this richer platform, to let people make better use of their hardware via Debian. As a former release manager, you re now a release wizard . I guess you have seen it on debian-devel, there are proposals to not freeze testing and to use another distribution starting as a snapshot of testing to finalize the new stable release. According to your experience, what needs to happen to make this possible? Frankly, I ve stayed out of that discussion because I don t think what s being asked for is possible. I think proponents of a freezeless release have seriously underestimated the amount of work required on the part of the release team to wrangle testing into a releasable product, and that anything that makes propagation of fixes into the pending release more time consuming will make Debian worse on the whole, not better. If people really want to avoid long freezes for the Debian release, the best way they can help this happen is by making Debian more releasable on an ongoing basis, by helping to hold our packages to our shared standards for quality (i.e., by fixing RC bugs!). The biggest factor in long freezes for Debian is the slow rate at which we bring the RC bug count down during the freeze. Back in the sarge, etch days we used to have really great bug squashing parties that would get people together on weekends to hack through RC bugs by the dozens. I don t see that happening as much anymore. I d really like us to get back to that, but my few attempts at this so far since retiring as release manager have led me to think I m really terrible at organizing parties of any kind. :) On the other side, as seen at, the RC bug count for testing at the beginning of the release cycle keeps getting higher and higher. I d love to know why that is so we can address it. I know we ve gotten better at detecting some classes of RC bugs; that s part of it, but I don t think it explains the whole trend. Is there someone in Debian that you admire for their contributions? Wow, what kind of arrogant jerk would I be if I didn t admire anyone in Debian for their contributions? Debian is and always has been an amazing community of top-notch developers; there are certainly too many I admire to list them all here. Joey Hess certainly makes the list, for his longstanding example of code speaking louder than words and for his ability to get to the heart of common problems and come up with elegant solutions. So does Russ Allbery, who by all accounts had his ability to feel anger in response to email burned out of him at a young age in a flame-related accident on Usenet. ;-) The list goes on, but here I think I have to follow Joey s example and cut the words short.
Thank you to Steve for the time spent answering my questions. I hope you enjoyed reading his answers as I did. Subscribe to my newsletter to get my monthly summary of the Debian/Ubuntu news and to not miss further interviews. You can also follow along on, Twitter and Facebook.

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2 May 2011

Christian Perrier: 2011 week 17 Debian work

Will I succeed maintaining a weekly log of what I'm doing in Debian? We'll see. At least, let's try. D-I work: After spending most of the end of week 16 uploading D-I components, I completed this during this week. I hunted down the remaining arch:all, arch:i386 and arch:amd64 packages that need an upload because of l10n changes. The main point was bringing published D-I work inline with the work of translators. That was mostly meant to publicly have an image with Uyghur activated (which I blogged about separately). Finally, I ended up doing some changes to the fonts-ukij-uyghur package in order to use the right font to display the language in D-I, as well as improving the readability by increasing the font size just as we're already doing for Arabic and Persian. Samba packaging: I got release managers approval to upload a new release to stable-proposed-updates. It fixes several important bugs in samba 3.5.6, often affecting Win7 clients. I'm always happy to see that we can do that even when issues are ot security or "release critical" issues. I also integrated the newly-published samba 3.6.0-pre3 in the package maintenance SVN. However, we're still having problems with symbols disappearing from libwbclient, that prevent me to upload 3.6.0pre3 in experimental. Steve Langasek's help here will be welcome. Pytrainer and "gant" packaging: I setup a mailing list for the pkg-running maintenance team so that we can move the few packages some of us maintain (pytrainer and garmin-forerunner-tools as of now, and soon "garmin-ant-downloader", the helper tool for 405 watches). I also began looking at pytrainer bugs and forwarding some of them upstream. I also began packaging "gant" (had to rename it as we already have a gant package, totally unrelated). I just got a notice from Klaus Ethgen about improvements he did to the software. We'll try to figure out what to do as this software doesn't really have a clear upstream and published versions. l10n work: a few packages introduced debconf templates and I launched reviews of English for them (while mumbling about uncoordinated work, of course..;-)). I also reviewed about one hundred package description translations in French DDTP (something I recently began to commit to do even though it means onlinen work for me, which I'm not used to). No l10n NMUs this week but a few maintainer uploads after I (gently) kicked their ass..:-)

29 April 2011

Steve Langasek: format

Steve Langasek: entries

25 April 2011

Obey Arthur Liu: Welcome to our 2011 Debian Google Summer of Code students!

I d like to extend a warm welcome to our new batch of students selected for the 2011 Debian Google Summer of Code! They should soon be posting on Debian Planet and you re welcome to come talk to them on #debian-soc on Further details will be posted in the coming days to our wiki: Automated Multi-Arch Cross-Building and Bootstrapping aka autocrossbuild , by Gustavo Prado Alkmim, mentored by Wookey
Enable easy and automated setup of cross-platform automated build systems and bootstrapping for QA in the Multi-Arch era. This involves the creation of multi-stage bootstrap build sequencing tools and a reliable automated multi-arch cross-builder. APT/Dpkg Transaction Ordering for Safety and Performance aka aptordering , by Chris Baines, mentored by Michael Vogt
The ordering code in libapt is responsible for ordering the unpacking/configuration of debs so as to ensure dependencies are satisfied etc. Currently it organizes the ordering into big batches. This project further implements an ordering satisfying more constrains such as minimal amounts of dpkg invocations , minimal amount of broken packages at any point . DebDelta APT Native Integration aka debdelta , by Ishan Jayawardena, mentored by Michael Vogt
Improve user experience of APT and its front-ends by speeding up the upgrade process. This provides a better framework for unified handling of debdelta and future APT improvements such as parallelism. Support for stable and security ugprades as well as multiple APT related libraries is expected. Dpkg Declarative Diversions aka declarativediversions , by Sam Dunne, mentored by Steve Langasek
The dpkg-divert command should be replaced with a new control file with a declarative syntax which Dpkg will parse and process directly as part of the package unpack and removal phases, eliminating the problems resulting from non-atomic handling of diversions. Backend Tools and Infrastructure for DEX aka dextools , by Nathan Handler, mentored by Matt Zimmerman
EX is a new program designed to help improve Debian and its derivatives by merging in changes made downstream and encouraging discussions between the various projects. As this is a new project, most of the infrastructure does not exist (or is rather hackish and incomplete). This project will create the necessary backend tools and infrastructure so that all Debian derivatives can easily make use of the DEX project. Jigsaw Modularized Java in Debian aka jigsaw , by Guillaume Mazoyer, mentored by Tom Marble
The Java Development Kit (JDK) is a big monolithic software tool: many of its features are only useful in limited areas (GUI toolkits are useless for a web server). This project will bring the Jigsaw modular JDK to Debian, helping performance (start-up, size, etc) but also the dependency resolution (to match Debian packaging). Some work exists upstream does not fit with Debian. This project will package the current development version of Jigsaw, update Debian Java Policy, and create the necessary packaging tools for software depending on it. Python Multi-Build for Python Extensions Packaging aka pythonmultibuild , by Mesutcan Kurt, mentored by Piotr O arowski
This project creates a tool to build Python extensions for all Python versions supported by Debian at the time. The project should detect the upstream build system and testing frameworks and use them. It will be interfaced with CDBS and the dh sequencer, replacing their Python snippets. Debian Teams Activity Metrics aka teammetrics , by Sukhbir Singh, mentored by Andreas Tille
This project will gauge the performance of teams in Debian by measuring metrics such as: postings on relevant mailing lists, package upload records from the Ultimate Debian Database and commit statistics from project repositories The information gathered will help in evaluating team performance by measuring how people in a team are working together. An interface to access this information easily will also be developed. Compute Clusters Integration for Debian Development and Building aka computeclusters , by Rudy Godoy, mentored by Steffen M ller
The project s main goal is to enable developers to easily use compute clusters (Eucalyptus, OpenStack ) as environments for arch-specific development by providing a set of tools they can use to setup and run an extended platform for their development, testing and building tasks. Good luck to everyone!

3 April 2011

Raphaël Hertzog: March 2011 wrap up

Since I m soliciting donations to support my Debian work, the least I can do is explain what I do. You can thus expect to see an article like this one every month. Multi-Arch work I updated the code to use another layout for the control files stored in /var/lib/dpkg/info/. Instead of using a sub-directory per architecture (arch/package.type), we decided to use package:arch.type but only for packages which are Multi-Arch: same. dpkg is taking care to rename the files the first time it is executed with write rights and then updates /var/lib/dpkg/info/format to remember that the upgrade has been done and that we can rely on the new structure. I filed a few bugs on packages that are improperly accessing those internal files instead of using the appropriate dpkg-query interface. I sent a heads-up mail on -devel to make other people aware of those problems in the hope to discover most of them as early as possible. After that, the work stalled because Guillem went away for 2 weeks and thus stopped his review of my work. I hope he will quickly resume the review and that we will get something final this month. With the arrival of dpkg 1.16.0, it s now possible to start converting libraries to multi-arch even if full multi-arch support has not yet landed in dpkg proper. See for the detailed plan. If you re curious about Multi-Arch, you might want to read this article of Steve Langasek as well. Bug triage for dpkg in launchpad At the start of the month, there was close to 500 bugs reported against the dpkg package in Launchpad. Unfortunately most of it is noise many of the reported bugs are misfiled, they show an upgrade problem of a random package and that upgrade problem confuses update-manager which tries to configure an already configured package. This generates a second error that apport attributes to dpkg and the resulting bug report is thus filed on dpkg. There are literally hundreds of those that have to be reclassified. Michael Vogt and Brian Murray did some triaging, and I also spend quite some hours on this task. It s a bit frustrating as I tend to mark many reports Incomplete because there s no way they can be acted upon and many of them are so old that the reporter is unlikely to be able to provide supplementary information. But in the middle of this noise, there are some useful bug reports, like LP#739179 which enabled me to fix a regression even before it reached Debian Unstable (because Ubuntu runs a snapshot of dpkg with multiarch support). I subscribed to the Launchpad bugs for dpkg via the Debian Package Tracking System (thanks to the derivatives-bugs keyword) and will try to keep up with the incoming reports. Misc dpkg work The ftpmasters came up with a request for a new field (see 619131) in source packages. After a quick discussion and a round of review on debian-policy@l.d.o, I implemented the new Package-List field. This should allow the ftpmasters to save some time in NEW processing, but we deferred the change for the next dpkg version (1.16.1) to ponder a bit more on the design of the field. I also fixed a bunch of bugs (#619541, #605719, #598922, #616096) and merged a patch of Mark Hymers to recognize the new Built-Using field. Developers-reference work The review process for changes to the developers-reference is not working as it should. And I suffered from it while trying to integrate the patch I wrote for the Developer duties chapter (see #548867). We purposely changed the maintainer field from debian-doc to debian-policy in the hope to have more reviews of suggested changes and to seek some sort of consensus before committing anything. But we don t get more reviews and deciding to commit a patch is now even harder than it was (except for trivial stuff where personal opinions can t interfere). In my case, I only got the feedback of Charles Plessy which was very mixed to say the least. I tried to improve my patch based on what he expressed but I also clearly disagreed with some of his assertions and was convinced that my wording was in line with the dominant point of view within Debian. We tried to involve the release team in the discussion because most of what I documented was about helping making stable release happen, but nobody of the team answered. Instead of letting the situation (and my patch) rot, I solicited feedback from the DPL and from another developers-reference editor to see whether my patch was an improvement or not. After some more time, I went ahead and committed it. It was not pleasant for anyone. I don t know how we can improve this. Contrary to the policy, the developers-reference is a document that is not normative, I believe the result is better when we put some soul into it. But it s a real challenge when you seek a consensus and that the interest in reviewing changes is so low. DVD shop listed on In February, I launched a DVD shop whose benefits are used to fund my Debian work. Shortly after the launch I used the official form to be added to the official listing of Debian CD vendors and offered a few suggestions to deal with vendors who are selling unofficial images (with firmware in my case). A few weeks later, I got no answers: neither for my request nor for my suggestions, I mailed the team directly asking for a status update and quickly got an answer suggesting that Simon Paillard usually does the work and can t process the backlog due to some injury. At this point no concerns had been raised about adding me to the list. To save some time and some work for the team, I added myself to the list since I had commit rights and I informed them that I did it, so that they can review it. Shortly after I did that, Martin Zobel Helas objected to my addition. I cleared some misunderstandings but the discussion also lead to some changes to please everybody: the listing now indicates that some images are unofficial and I have prepared a special landing page for people coming from the Debian website through this listing. Debian column on OMG! Ubuntu I have always been a firm believer that it s important for Debian to reach out to the widest public with its message of freedom. Thus when Benjamin Humphrey contacted the debian-publicity team to find volunteers to write a Debian column on OMG! Ubuntu, I immediately jumped in. I wrote 4 articles over there. The tone is very different from my articles on my blog and I like that duality. Check out Debian is dying! Oh my word!, Debian or Ubuntu, which is the best place to contribute?, Are you contributing your share? and Ubuntu s CTO reveals DEX: an effort to close the gap with Debian. It s a great win-win situation, OMG! Ubuntu benefits from my articles, Debian s values are relayed further, and OMG! Ubuntu s large audience also helps me develop my own blog. Work on my book I had lots of paperwork to do this month (annual accounting stuff for my company) and I did not have as much time as I hoped for my book. Still I have a updated a few more chapters of my French book and I certainly hope to complete the update during April. This means that the work on the English translation could start in may. Work on my blog Just like for my book, it has been relatively difficult for me to cope with my policy of two articles every week. But I still managed to get quite some good stuff out. I interviewed Christian Perrier (Debian s translation coordinator) and also Bdale Garbee (chair of Debian s technical committee). I finished my series of Debian Cleanup Tips with 2 supplementary articles: The removal of firmware is causing troubles to quite some users so I wrote an article explaining how to deal with the problem. A regular reader also asked me to write an article about Jigdo, I executed myself because it was a good idea and that he has been very nice with me: Download ISO images of Debian CD/DVD at light speed with Jigdo. Last but not least, I shared my package maintainer pledge which inspired my developers-reference patch (see discussion above). Thanks Many thanks to all the people who showed their appreciation of my work. The 324.37 EUR that you gave me in February represented 2 days and a half of my time that I have spent working on the above projects. See you next month for a new summary of my activities.

2 comments Liked this article? Click here. My blog is Flattr-enabled.

29 March 2011

Steve Langasek: Multiarch Monomania

So the other day, I was able to do this in an Ubuntu natty amd64 chroot for the first time.
# cat > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/multiarch-me
APT::Architectures   "amd64"; "i386";  ;
# cat >> /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg
foreign-architecture i386
# apt-get update
# apt-get install flashplugin-installer:i386
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  flashplugin-installer:i386 flashplugin-nonfree:i386 gcc-4.5-base:i386
  libatk1.0-0:i386 libavahi-client3:i386 libavahi-common-data:i386
  libavahi-common3:i386 libc6:i386 libcairo2:i386 libcomerr2:i386
  libcups2:i386 libdatrie1:i386 libdbus-1-3:i386 libdrm2:i386
  libegl1-mesa:i386 libexpat1:i386 libfontconfig1:i386 libfreetype6:i386
  libgcc1:i386 libgcrypt11:i386 libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0:i386 libgl1-mesa-glx:i386
  libglib2.0-0:i386 libgnutls26:i386 libgpg-error0:i386 libgssapi-krb5-2:i386
  libgtk2.0-0:i386 libgtk2.0-common libice6:i386 libjasper1:i386
  libjpeg62:i386 libk5crypto3:i386 libkeyutils1:i386 libkrb5-3:i386
  libkrb5support0:i386 libnspr4:i386 libnspr4-0d:i386 libnss3:i386
  libnss3-1d:i386 libpango1.0-0:i386 libpcre3:i386 libpixman-1-0:i386
  libpng12-0:i386 libselinux1:i386 libsm6:i386 libsqlite3-0:i386
  libstdc++6:i386 libtasn1-3:i386 libthai-data libthai0:i386 libtiff4:i386
  libudev0:i386 libuuid1:i386 libx11-6:i386 libx11-data libx11-xcb1:i386
  libxau6:i386 libxcb-dri2-0:i386 libxcb-render0:i386 libxcb-shape0:i386
  libxcb-shm0:i386 libxcb-xfixes0:i386 libxcb1:i386 libxcomposite1:i386
  libxcursor1:i386 libxdamage1:i386 libxdmcp6:i386 libxext6:i386
  libxfixes3:i386 libxft2:i386 libxi6:i386 libxinerama1:i386 libxrandr2:i386
  libxrender1:i386 libxt6:i386 libxxf86vm1:i386 x11-common zlib1g:i386
0 upgraded, 78 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.
Need to get 15.1 MB/15.6 MB of archives.
After this operation, 48.9 MB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue [Y/n]?
It is a truly heady experience, after so many years of talking about the need to properly support multiarch in Debian and Ubuntu, to see support for cross-installation of packages come to fruition. If you've talked to me any time in the past couple of weeks and noticed it's a little hard to get me to change the subject, well, that's why. Many who have grown accustomed to Debian and Ubuntu's lack of support for installing i386 packages on amd64 (or vice versa) may wonder what the fuss is about. (Whereas others who are well versed in distributions such as Red Hat and SuSE may laugh and wonder what took us so long...) So maybe a few words of explanation are in order. If you've ever installed ia32-libs on an amd64 machine anywhere; if you've ever noticed a bug where ia32-libs didn't work right because of wrong system paths, or had to file a request for another library to be added to ia32-libs because it wasn't included in the set of libraries Debian decided to package up in this grotesque, all-in-one 32-bit compatibility bundle; if you've ever decided not to install a 64-bit OS on your perfectly 64-bit-capable hardware because of concern that you wouldn't be able to run $random32-bitonly_application; multiarch is for you. If you've gotten stuck maintaining a lib32foo "biarch" package in Debian due to popular demand, multiarch is definitely for you. :) If you've ever cross-compiled software for a different Debian architecture than the one you were running, multiarch is for you. If you've ever wanted to run binaries for a different architecture under emulation, and found it awkward to set up the library dependencies, multiarch is for you, too. Because although the .deb world may be a little late to the party, we're also naturally taking things much further than anyone's done with rpm. Multiarch won't just give you the ability to install 32-bit libs on 64-bit systems; it'll give you the ability to install libs for any known architecture on any system. And a whole lot of pain just falls out of the equation in the process. A cross-compiling environment looks the same as a native-compiling environment. An emulated system looks the same as a native system. We can start to seriously consider cross-grading systems from one architecture to another. And all this is happening now. The groundwork is there in Ubuntu natty. Wheezy will be the release that brings multiarch to Debian. When dpkg 1.16.0 is uploaded to unstable real soon now, the bootstrapping will begin. I am immensely grateful to everyone who's helped make multiarch a reality - to Tollef, Matt and others for seeding the vision; Aurelien, Matthias and Arthur for their work to ready the toolchain; David and Michael for the apt implementation; Guillem and Raphael for the dpkg implementation, and Linaro's support to help make this possible; and the many other developers who've helped to refine this design over the years in numerous other BoFs, sessions and mailing list threads. I'm excited to find out what the Debian community will do with multiarch now that it's upon us. Christian, maybe you should start a pool for how long it will take before all the libraries shipped in ia32-libs have been converted to multiarch and we can drop ia32-libs from the archive?

4 March 2011

Cyril Brulebois: Debian XSF News #7

Time for a seventh Debian XSF News issue!

