Search Results: "Stefano Zacchiroli"

27 April 2012

Pietro Abate: Learning from the Future of Component Repositories - CBSE 2012

Learning from the Future of Component Repositories ( Pietro Abate, Roberto Di Cosmo, Ralf Treinen and Stefano Zacchiroli ) has been accepted to be presented at CBSE 2012 (26-28 June, Bertinoro, Italy)

  An important aspect of the quality assurance of large component repositories
  is the logical coherence of component metadata. We argue that it is possible
  to identify certain classes of such problems by checking relevant properties
  of the possible future repositories into which the current
  repository may evolve. In order to make a complete analysis of all possible
  futures effective however, one needs a way to construct a finite set of
  representatives of this infinite set of potential futures. We define a class
  of properties for which this can be done.
  We illustrate the practical usefulness of the approach with two quality
  assurance applications: (i) establishing the amount of  forced upgrades''
  induced by introducing new versions of existing components in a repository,
  and (ii) identifying outdated components that need to be upgraded in order to
  ever be installable in the future. For both applications we provide
  experience reports obtained on the Debian distribution.
The tools presented in this paper (outdated and challenges) are already in Debian as part of the 'dose-extra' package.

22 April 2012

Stefano Zacchiroli: deferred bits from the DPL for March 2012

Posted a week ago, already deferred back then, this report is even more deferred now! But as there are people interest in knowing what the "DPL job" is about even among non debian-devel-announce subscribers, here is a blog-conveyed reproduction, for the records.
Dear project members,
here is my monthly DPL activity report, this time for last March. It is delayed by a couple of weeks because, myself being both incumbent and candidate DPL, I preferred not to use d-d-a during the voting period unless really needed. Apologies for the delay (or the unneeded paranoia, you name it). As a side effect of the delay, the results of the DPL election are now known. I'd like to thank all the people who took part in the elections: voters, people who asked questions on -vote, the secretary, and obviously Gergely and Wouter, without whom the campaign wouldn't have allowed to discuss relevant aspects of Debian "politics". Thanks for your trust. I'll do my best to match your expectations. ... and just to remind you what you've just asked for, here goes the BigMonthlyBlurb! Highlight: long-term hardware replacement planning The highlight for this month is long term planning of hardware replacement. It's something I've been discussing with DSA for quite a while and on which DSA has worked hard during the recent sprint. As a result, we now have a quite ambitious 5-year hardware replacement plan that will guarantee that all machines in production are under warranty at any given time (with the nice side effect of generally better performances, as they go hand in hand with newer hardware). The current estimated cost per year is 29'000 USD. That does not yet include buildds and porter-boxes, so it is expected to increase a bit to cover all our hardware needs. But we expect it not increase too much, as we tend to get explicit hardware donations to cover arch-specific needs. Given the current state of Debian finances and donation trends, the plan looks sustainable for at least 2-3 years. But this assessment still needs to be refined as soon as, together with the auditors, we'll manage to obtain the history of past Debian transactions, in particular from SPI. We've been waiting for this for about 5 months now, but I'm positive it could become a reality in the next weeks. In the meantime, it is surely safe to start with the plan for the next 1-1.5 years, so I'll give green light to DSA for the first acquisitions as soon as they're ready for it. When implemented, this plan will increase our ability to rely on hardware. But it also means we will need to become a bit more organized about fund-raising. The discussion started with the sprint report has some insights about how to do that. As part of this, we'll also need to share resources (e.g. contact databases, people, etc.) among the yearly DebConf fund-raising initiatives and the initiatives mentioned in the aforementioned discussion. Ongoing discussions Summer of Code Debian has been accepted as an organization for the Google Summer of Code. At the time these bits go out, the student application deadline has also elapsed. In March I've contributed a few project ideas and chased potential mentors for them, when I thought the project could be important for Debian and the prospective student. I'm happy that one (a dak building block needed for the implementation of PPAs and more) has found both mentors and students. We'll see if any of the corresponding student proposal is retained and how it goes. Communication I've given an interview, about Debian and Free Software in general, to La Repubblica, one of the major newspapers in Italy. The interview is available online, but only in Italian. If some kind (and Italian-speaking) soul would like to translate it into English, I'll be happy to publish the translation as well. (update 22/04/2012: Matteo Cortese has contributed an English translation of the interview, which I'll make available shortly) Legal stuff In order to transfer ownership of the Debian trademark in Japan to SPI, I've contacted the current owners (all Japanese Debian Developers or contributors) to do the needed paperwork. I've been blessed by the help of Kenshi Muto that has taken the matter in his hands. He is now navigating through Japanese trademark procedures, a subject neither myself nor SPI lawyers were familiar with. Thanks also to Jonathan McDowell who has done the needed paperwork, SPI-side. Sprints Plenty of sprints and sprint reports in March!: Debian Med, DSA, DAM/FrontDesk. Everything should also be available from the wiki sprint page where you can find info to organize your team sprint. Assets miscellanea Cheers.
PS the boring day-to-day activity log for March is available at master:/srv/leader/news/bits-from-the-DPL.txt.201203

5 April 2012

MJ Ray: Debian Project Leader Election 2012

Voting is open in the Debian Project Leader Elections 2012 So now I need to figure out who to vote for. This year I didn t take part in the discussions (all my spare time was bought, basically). The platforms are linked from the Debian Project Leader Elections 2012 page above and the key discussions were: Thanks to everyone who asked these great questions. So, what do you think?

31 March 2012

Stefano Zacchiroli: mutt-notmuch is dead

long life to notmuch-mutt As a consequence, no further separate releases of mutt-notmuch will be made. Future releases (of notmuch-mutt) will happen as part of notmuch. In other news, several changes have been implemented in notmuch-mutt wrt mutt-notmuch 0.2:
Many thanks to David Bremner (for shepherding my changes in) and to Ben Boeckel (whose desire to package mutt-notmuch in Fedora made me kick Debian bug #628018, this time for real).

14 March 2012

Stefano Zacchiroli: not a catchy headline

As we're doing trends today, I got curious about Debian. I don't particularly care about popularity contests other than popcon, and Debian choices surely aren't driven by them. But hey, curiosity is curiosity, right? So, here are today's w3techs trends for websites using GNU/Linux, with all lines shown:
Debian: 30%; CentOS: 28,9%; Ubuntu: 18,4%; Red Hat: 12,2%; Fedora: 5%; SuSE: 3%; Gentoo: 1,2%
(As thou shall always read methodologies before stats, here is the technologies overview page.) Debian is the top entrant with 30% of the websites using GNU/Linux. What I find interesting is that Debian has jumped at first place in January 2012, significantly after the release of our current stable release, Squeeze, that dates back to February 2011. It is also interesting to see community distros (Debian and CentOS) starkly ahead of commercially backed distros. That is what I find most fascinating about our projects. Whether that will remain the case or not is, for me, one of the big questions of the decade for the self-determination of Free Software communities.

12 March 2012

Stefano Zacchiroli: debian contributions to the linux kernel

The statistics of the "who wrote Linux x.y.z" series date back to at least 2.6.20. According to my experience talking with users and Free Software enthusiasts, those statistics really make a dent in the public perception of who is giving back upstream. Obviously, one should not take a single upstream, even if it is as important as the Linux kernel, as a measure of how much a given Free Software entity is giving back upstream overall. But users still seem to be fascinated by them. As a result, I have often had to answer the question: why Debian doesn't show up on those statistics?. My answer has always been something along the lines that Debian Developers who maintain Linux kernel packages, the almighty Debian Kernel Team, do that mostly as part of their volunteer engagement in Debian. As a consequence, they do not earmark their contributions as if they worked for a company and they add up to the hobbyist count instead (although you can you can routinely spot individual Debian Kernel Team members among the most active contributors for specific Linux releases). The above is the true and honest answer. But every time I've given it, I couldn't help feeling that the user who asked went home with a "yeah, well" afterthought. If you don't want to take my word of it, fine. Here is what Greg K-H had to say about Debian contributions in a recent blog post about the stable Linux kernel:
I would personally like to thank the Debian kernel developers, specifically Ben Hutchings, Maximilian Attems, Dann Frazier, Bastian Blank, and Moritz Muehlenhoff. They went above and beyond what any "normal" developer would have done, ferreting patches out of the releases and the different vendor kernels and bug tracking systems, backporting them to the 2.6.32 kernel, testing, and then forwarding them on to me. Their dedication to their user community is amazing for such a "volunteer" group of developers. I firmly believe that without their help, the 2.6.32 kernel would not have been the success that it was. The users of Red Hat and SuSE products owe them a great debt. Buy them a beer the next time you see them, they more than deserve it.
I'll take good care of following his wise advice. Please do the same.
(Thanks to Sylvestre for pointing me to Greg's blog post.)

4 March 2012

Stefano Zacchiroli: bits from the DPL for February 2012

Released a few hours ago, here is the monthly report of DPL activities for February 2012.
Howdy, dear Project Members,
here's another round of updates about what has happened in DPL land, this time during February 2012. Highlights Quit a bit of highlights for this month: Talks, interviews, and the like Sprints Plenty of sprints related news! It would be amazing to have an average of one sprint per month for 2012, and we're on good track for it. If you want to help, organize one for your team as documented on the wiki. Legal stuff Appointments In addition to the GSoC admins delegation (see above), I've agreed with former secretary Kurt Roeckx to reappoint him as a secretary for another year. Many thanks, Kurt! Miscellaneous Happy Debian hacking.
PS as usual, the boring day-to-day activity log is available at master:/srv/leader/news/bits-from-the-DPL.*

18 February 2012

Stefano Zacchiroli: GPL-d Debian software skew (?)

At FOSDEM, John Sullivan delivered an interesting talk titled Is copyleft being framed? to verify alleged claims on the decline of GPL-d software. (Slides are available.) The crux of the talk is the analysis he performed on the Debian archive to discover the amount of software we distribute that is covered by GPL, LGPL, or AGPL ("GPL-d" for short in the remainder). John's talk steps in an interesting and long running debate (a recent summary of which is available in this ITWire article). The most interesting part is the discrepancy among John's results and Blackduck's, which are often used to argue how the popularity of the GPL license is declining. That might be the case. Or not. The more analyses we do to find it out, the better. The underlying assumption on John's work is that Debian is a representative sample of the Free Software out there, which I think is a reasonable assumption. I find the analysis presented in the talk completely satisfactorily from a purely scientific point of view. The same cannot be said about Blackduck's result: both their methods and data are secret, making it impossible to reproduce their experiments. Highly unscientific. Still, John's results are surprising: as much as 87 percent of Lenny's packages and 93 percent of Squeeze's are GPL-d. That seems a lot. Puzzled about that, John discussed with me the issue before his talk, in search for pitfalls in his methods or data. Finding none, I pointed him to the almighty DktrKranz for some extra review; who found nothing either. To stay on the safe side, even during his talk John called for independent reviews of his results. What could be wrong? The tool used to gather the data is license-count from the debian-policy package. Input data are the debian/copyright files of all Debian source packages. If license-count is not bugged, our debian/copyright files might be. One thing that occurred to me only a few days ago is the habit of declaring a different license for Debian packaging (the files under debian/) than the software being packaged itself. That's a bad habit because it might cause unwanted license mixtures via patches that live under debian/ but I've seen several occurrences of it in the Debian archive. For name and (self-)shame: I've also been guilty of it in the past, when I was young . Is that reason enough to skew results and overestimate GPL-d software? I don't think so, I hope not, but ultimately I don't know. It'd be nice to rule out the possibility entirely. So if anyone is willing to do some sampling of affected debian/copyright files and propose patches for license-count to exclude those "false positives", please shout. (As a bonus point: that would also help to take more sound decision for the typical use case of license-count, i.e. deciding when a license should be added to /usr/share/common-licenses.) Other independent reviews of the results are equally welcome. Note: the above, as well as John's analysis, would be a trivial exercise if DEP-5 were already widely deployed in the Debian archive.
Update: add link to John's slides
Update 19/02/2012: Russ Allbery, author of license-count, posted a way more likely cause of data skew in John's analysis: double counting among the different types of copyleft licenses

11 February 2012

Stefano Zacchiroli: mutt-notmuch 0.2

My mutt-notmuch hack seems to be a quite popular way to integrate Mutt with notmuch. As a nice consequence, my (indexed!) inbox attracts patches from mutt-notmuch users eager to improve it. Collecting some of them, I've just tagged mutt-notmuch 0.2 with the following changes: Many thanks to Scott Barker, Christine Spang, David Newgas, and Ryan Kavanagh for the above patches. While I was at it, I've also moved mutt-notmuch repository to Gitorious. Git self-hosting is nice, but either you move to something like gitolite (which I didn't have time to setup and tune ATM) or you're stuck without merge requests which are quite nice. (Why not Github? Because.) If you're using mutt-notmuch you might also be interested in the discussion of libnotmuch support in mutt. I'd love to see that landing in mutt and be able to throw away mutt-notmuch entirely, but that seems a bit premature as of yet.

4 February 2012

Stefano Zacchiroli: bits from the DPL for January 2012

Fresh from the oven, monthly report of what I've been working on as DPL during January 2012.
Dear Developers,
here is another monthly report of what happened in DPL-land, this time for January 2012. There's quite a bit to report about --- including an insane amount of legal-ish stuff --- so please bear with me. Or not. Legal stuff Most of the above wouldn't have been possible without the precious help of folks at SFLC working for SPI and Debian. Be sure to thank SFLC for what they're doing for us and many other Free Software projects. Coordination Nobody stepped up to coordinate the artwork collection for Wheezy I've mentioned last month, so I've tried to do a little bit of that myself. The -publicity team is now preparing the call for artwork and hopefully we'll send it out RSN. In case you want to help, there is still a lot of room for that; just show up on the debian-desktop mailing list. Sprints A Debian Med sprint has happened in January, and Andreas Tille has provided a nice and detailed report about it. Some more sprints are forthcoming this spring, how about yours? Money Important stuff going on Other important stuff has been going on in various area of the project in January. I'd like to point your attention to a couple of things: Miscellanea In the unlikely case you've read thus far, thanks for your attention! Happy Debian hacking.
PS as usual, the boring day-to-day activity log is available at master:/srv/leader/news/bits-from-the-DPL.*

3 February 2012

Stefano Zacchiroli: fosdem 2012

In less then 2 hours I'll leave for the Paris Nord station to catch a train headed to Bruxelles Midi. Plan of the week-end: attend and enjoy FOSDEM 2012!. I haven't submitted any talk for this year FOSDEM edition, but I've been invited (and gladly accepted) to join the round table on working with contributor communities on Sunday. I'm positive it will be a nice occasion to share ideas on how to structure local user groups around the world. Beside that, I plan to attend several talks of the cross-distribution, legal issues devrooms, hang around the Debian booth, as well as discuss many topics with people and friends from all over the Free Software multiverse. Too bad I'm still recovering from a recent minor health issue; I won't be able to get the most out of today's beer event. But I'll attend nonetheless, see you there?

24 January 2012

Stefano Zacchiroli: hardware sponsorship for Debian Developers

A few days ago Yves-Alexis Perez asked me how many hardware sponsorship request I usually get from Debian Developers, that is how many people ask me to use Debian money to buy material that can improve their work on Debian and indirectly Debian itself. The answer is "too few".
Making it easier for our developers to improve Debian is a worthwhile investment of money donated to Debian. Of course such a use of money should be motivated (i.e. you should be able to justify how the material you're asking for would improve Debian and why it should be Debian paying for it) and transparent (i.e. you should periodically report about what you're doing with material that Debian has bought for you to use). The above two principles are what I've tried to convey in a new section of the sponsoring guidelines wiki page I've been maintaining for a while. Comments and improvements highly welcome! Equally welcome are advocacy messages for hardware sponsoring to other fellow Developers, as suggested by Corsac.

16 January 2012

Yves-Alexis Perez: Advocating people for hardware sponsoring

Our Dear Project Leader, Stefano Zacchiroli, regularly mentions the fact that there's an amount of Debian money available for hardware sponsoring of Debian developers, but it seems that not much people benefit from it. Each time I saw one of this reminder, I wonder if I should apply, and the anser is usually no. The fact is that I don't think any new laptop or desktop to do my Debian stuff, and the last time I bought a box (my x201s last summer) it was not really specifically for Debian tasks so I didn't dare to ask (not to mention the fact I bought it because I did have the money to do so). And I think this is mostly the problem. I might be wrong, but I think that most people which could benefit from this just don't dare asking or don't estimate themselves eligible for it. When I saw Ben Hutchings post, where the first thing he says is about how hardware is expensive, I thought hey, he should get some Debian money for buying new hardware: building kernel is really time consuming and having multiple powerful cores, more ram and fast disks/SSDs really helps . Turns out that Ben just didn't really want to spend too much money there, but the case still stands. We also see from time to time people saying they'll be offline for a while because of broken laptop or something like that. Once again, maybe those people wouldn't mind some help from the Debian project, and maybe they just don't think about asking, or they don't dare. So thinking about it a bit more, I think I wouldn't dare asking money for myself, but maybe I could dare asking money for other people (this is a bit like the flattr posts by Rapha l Hertzog, where he incited people to give money to projects he liked). If I'm not alone in this case, maybe those Debian developers who think some of their peers would benefit some hardware could drop them a mail with leader@ on copy, to propose just that. No need for huge publicity on that (in order to not embarass people), though the transparency rules still apply when it comes to Debian money.
What do you think? It's not really a formal proposal (thus the post on my blog and not a mail to -project), but if that fits you, then nobody prevents you to start yourself. And if you consider it a bad idea, well, nothing forces you to do anything.

13 January 2012

Raphaël Hertzog: People Behind Debian: Steve McIntyre, debian-cd maintainer, former Debian Project Leader

Steve McIntyre has been contributing to Debian since 1996, 2 years before I joined! But I quickly stumbled upon Steve: in 1999, he was struggling with getting his debian-cd script to produce 2 ISO images (it was the first time that Debian did no longer fit on a single CD), I helped him by rewriting debian-cd with a robust system to split packages on as many ISO images as required. I remember those times very well because Steve was very supportive of my efforts and it was a real pleasure to get this done. His friendly nature probably also explains why he got elected Debian Project Leader twice! Anyway, enough history, check out his interview to learn more about the great work he s doing nowadays. My questions are in bold, the rest is by Steve. Raphael: Who are you? Steve: I m a professional software engineer, 37, living in Cambridge (England) with my new wife Jo. I studied for the EIST degree at the University of Cambridge, then (like many people here, it seems) I just forgot to go home again afterwards and settled here. I spent more of my study time playing with Linux than working on my degree, so I guess I m lucky that it worked and I found a career in that area! Raphael: How did you start contributing to Debian? Steve: During my time in college, I started hacking on software in my free time, using Slackware as my first Linux distribution from the middle of 1994. After encountering more and more problems with Slackware, I was encouraged by a number of friends to make the jump over to Debian and in October 1996 I did. The installation process back then was much harder than anything people see today, but after a long weekend I finally had my Debian system up and running. I was already one of the main upstream developers for the Mikmod music player at that time, so that very same weekend I applied to be a DD so I could maintain it in Debian too. Back then, the NM process was much simpler: I just mailed a key to Bruce and he set me up with an account almost immediately! I then found that Joey Hess had beaten me to it and already packaged Mikmod. Grrr! :-) Raphael: What s your biggest achievement within Debian? Steve: Without a doubt, my proudest achievement within Debian is being elected Project Leader for 2 years by the other developers. It s a great feeling to have earned the trust of your friends and peers, and also a great responsibility to go and help Debian where needed: talking to the press about Debian, assisting wherever problems crop up, etc. The DPL job is certainly a lot of hard work, and I have nothing but respect for anybody who volunteers for it.
It s a great feeling to have earned the trust of your friends and peers.
Elsewhere, I ve been leading the Debian CD team for years too, both doing most of the maintenance of the debian-cd package and producing and testing the regular installation CDs and DVDs that we ship to the world. Again, this is a time-consuming job but it needs doing and it s worthwhile. Raphael: You re currently employed by ARM. What are you working on and are they supportive of your Debian involvement? Steve: The situation within ARM is very interesting; I m employed in PDSW (Processor Division, SoftWare), a new group founded just a couple of years back to help improve the state of software on ARM. Most of the people in the group are working on Free Software at this stage (e.g. toolchains, browsers, Linux kernel), which is lovely. Some of the engineers have also been seconded into a new non-profit company Linaro, which is a collaboration between ARM and a number of other companies investing in core Linux software and tools for ARM-based CPUs. I m one of the ARM engineers in Linaro, and I m a Technical Architect in the Office of the CTO. My role includes looking at future projects for Linaro to help with (e.g. ARM servers), but for the last few months I ve been concentrating on the new armhf architecture in Debian, Ubuntu and elsewhere. armhf is a new architecture in Debian and Ubuntu terms, but it s not strictly a new type of hardware. Instead, it s a new ABI. We have two reasons for doing this work:
  1. It targets the latest version of 32-bit ARM CPUs (v7) and makes better use of the hardware, for better performance. Compare targetting i686 instead of i386, for example. We ll still support the older armel port for the foreseeable future for users with older hardware that can t run armhf.
  2. More importantly: we are standardising on the ABI / compiler options / hardware support for future users.
In the past, there has been a huge amount of specialisation (aka fragmentation) in the ARM Linux environment, and that worked OK for specialised devices that only ever ran the software shipped with them. ARM CPUs are now becoming more and more mainstream, so people will expect to be able to install generic software on their machines. That gives a requirement for a standard base platform, and armhf (arm-linux-gnueabihf in GNU triplet terms) is that standard that we are pushing in the community. Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Suse and others are all going to use this, making compatibility possible. I ve been working with a small team of people to make armhf happen, helping where needed: putting together build machines; patching Debian packages directly; discussing and fixing toolchain issues with Ubuntu folks; agreeing ABI specifications with people from Fedora; advising people from other distros bootstrapping their new ARM ports. ARM and Linaro are very supportive of this work, and it s been lovely being sponsored to work directly on Free Software like this. It s work that will directly benefit ARM and its partners (of course!), but it s also helping out more generally too: Debian QA work, cross-build support, bootstrapping efforts, multi-arch. More and more of the ARM market is driven by Free Software, and companies are acknowledging that. I should probably also mention that we re hiring ! :-) Raphael: What are your plans for Debian Wheezy? Steve: There are three main tracks here. Obviously, I m interested in seeing armhf release with Wheezy. We ve just been added to Testing last weekend, so that s going well. We ve got over 90% of the archive built now, and we re mopping up the remaining issues. I m the primary maintainer of cdrkit at this point, but I d prefer to have it go away. Xorriso and the associated software in libisoburn is almost capable of replacing all the aging cdrtools-derived software that we have in Debian, The only missing feature that I m aware of is creating the HFS hybrid filesystems that we use for installations on Mac systems. I ve been talking with the upstream folks about this for some time already, and I m hoping we can finish this soon enough that we can get it into Wheezy. Finally, I ve got the ever-growing wishlist of things for debian-cd. We ve got the beginnings of an automated test suite that Mart n Ferrari has written, but it needs integrating and improving. I want to help get regular weekly/daily/release debian-live builds running on the main CD build machine. There s work needed if we want to make good installation media for the new multi-arch world, too. The Emdebian people are asking for help making CD images The list goes on :-) Raphael: The ARM community seems to be very interested in multi-arch. Can you explain why? Steve: There are a number of reasons for ARM people to be interested in multi-arch; two really stand out for me:
This is potentially the killer app for multi-arch: simply install the libraries for the target architecture [ ], install a simple cross-gcc package [ ] and you re all set.
Raphael: What s the biggest problem of Debian? Steve: For me, Debian s biggest problem has been the same for a long time: we are forever short of enough people to do the work that we re trying to do. That might sound like a weird thing to claim when Debian is one of the largest Free Software projects on the planet, but it s more a statement of just how huge our goals are. Many of the largest things in Debian are developed or controlled by very small teams working very hard, and there s always a risk of losing people due to burnout in those situations.
We are forever short of enough people to do the work that we re trying to do.
Some of the tasks that should be easy given our large membership (e.g. large-scale packaging transitions) can often instead take a very long time. We are fortunate to have more people wanting to join in Debian s work all the time, but we also need to be careful to keep on promoting what we re doing and recruiting new contributors, encouraging them to get more and more involved in core work. Debian gets ever bigger in terms of the size and the number of packages we distribute; we re not currently matching that growth rate elsewhere. Raphael: What motivates you to continue to contribute year after year? Steve: This one is much easier to answer! The thing that first attracted me to Debian was the fact that I could help to develop it, help to decide how things could and should be done within it. Instead of being forced to accept what some corporation decided I could do with my computer, I could change the software to suit my needs and preferences. Alongside that, I could get involved with a strong community of similar people all over the world, all with their own strong opinions about how software should work. I joined in and found it was great fun and very rewarding. That hasn t changed for me in the intervening years, and that s why I m still around. I work on Debian because it helps me to get the OS that I want to use. It seems that lots of people around the world find it useful too, and that s awesome. :-) Raphael: Do you believe that Stefano Zacchiroli will be the first DPL who managed to stay 3 consecutive years on the seat? Would you like him to candidate again? Steve: To be honest, I would be very surprised if Zack stood again for DPL this year. He told me himself that he wasn t planning on it, and I can understand that decision. He s been an awesome DPL in my opinion, and I m glad that he took the job. But: it is also a very difficult and time-consuming task that would be enough to wear down anybody. If Zack does decide to stand again, I would support him 100%. But I know that we also have lots of other good people in Debian who would be ready to take up the challenge next. Raphael: Is there someone in Debian that you admire for their contributions? Steve: There are lots of people I admire in Debian, so many so that I almost don t want to list individuals here for fear of missing people out. But :-) Bdale Garbee has been an inspiration to many of us, for many years. He s technically excellent, a great friend to many of us, an endless source of sage advice and (last but not least) he has some wonderful stories to tell about his experiences over the years. On top of that, he s just cool. :-) Christian Perrier is another exceptional developer, in my eyes he s great at co-ordinating people in translations, working tirelessly to make this very important part of Debian work better and better with every release. He s also a really nice guy and we all love him. I also have to mention Joey Hess here, whether he likes it or not. *grin* He s been responsible for so many good things in Debian over the years, even if he did steal my first package Finally, the teams of people who make sure that Debian is always working: the security team and DSA. The rest of us can choose to take time off from Debian to go and do other things, but these people need to cover things every day. That s a major responsibility, and I salute them for taking on that challenge.
Thank you to Steve for the time spent answering my questions. I hope you enjoyed reading his answers as I did. Note that you can find older interviews on

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7 January 2012

Stefano Zacchiroli: debian donations-fu

The end of the year is a period of time during which many people sit down and decide to donate some money to initiatives that pursue the public good. I have that habit myself. At the end of 2011 I've decided to donate to Wikipedia, as I consider Wikipedia to be one of the greatest achievements of humanity and I see a lot of value in keeping it running on a purely non-profit basis. (Not to mention that it's already quite annoying to see Jimbo's banners one month per year, go figure what would happen if those banners would suddenly turn into permanent advertisement banners!) You may wonder why I haven't donated to Debian, given my involvement in the project. In fact, that involvement is precisely why I didn't donate to Debian: there is some sort of sanity in keeping a distinction between causes to which I donate my spare time (the case of Debian) and those to which I donate money (the case of Wikipedia), and I like to keep that distinction. As DPL, I've the luxury of being cc:-ed on Debian donation notifications that flow through SPI, and I can also check the flow of donations to other Debian trusted organizations. This year, I've been particularly impressed by the high flow of Debian donations during the end of the year. Thank you, donors, it is thanks to your generosity that we keep many Debian activities going. Using the money people like you regularly donate to Debian we: On a more political note, I'm happy to observe that Debian incomes come almost entirely from private citizens. We do have big corporate sponsors, but their contributions tend to be concentrated as specifically earmarked donations for our annual conference. This is good for them, because they get the fancy banners on the DebConf website and at the conference. But it is also good for Debian, because a donation-based economy (as Debian's, with DebConf exception) is less likely to be influenced by the whims of a few big donors. But with (great) donations comes (great) responsibility. In particular, it comes the need of budget transparency. You can't go out soliciting donations and simply say "thanks, your contribution is appreciated". You need to show donors how their money are used, so that they can judge whether they made the right choice in donating to you or not. Whether they will donate again in the future or not granting long term sustainability to your project usually depends on that. So, if you have donated to Debian or are considering doing so in the future, here are a few of places where you can check what we have been doing with donated money: Albeit quite detailed, the above is not enough: we should do better on the transparency of Debian budget. For one thing, the above is too scattered: budget transparency should not depend on (potential) donors mixing and matching too many sources of information. Further more, the above is not even complete: SPI is not the only Debian trusted organization, and the accessibility of information about Debian budgets hosted at other organizations varies quite a bit. We've been working on improving this for the past year or so: we're not there yet, but I'm positive we can have detailed and comprehensive budgets encompassing all Debian trusted organizations published in the coming months . Why has it taken so long and what could possibly be so difficult about it? I think the cause of the delay is twofold:
  1. The disperse nature of Debian adds some difficulties to regular accounting challenges. Contrary to other FOSS projects I'm aware of, we've many different trusted organizations, each one with its own different way of reporting things. The advantage of such a setup is that we can often avoid the costs of money transfers around the world, costs in which we'd incur had we a single organization holding our assets, say, in the US. Still, having too many organizations is counterproductive. This is why for the past 1.5 years I've been working on consolidating our money assets into as few budgets as possible (avoiding, for instance, to use more than one organization per currency).
  2. We tend to be good at recruiting packaging geeks, but not so good at recruiting other kinds of geeks: budget geeks, artwork geeks, journalist geeks, management geeks, etc. But it is upon those other kinds of "geekness" that many activities of "standard" Debian geeks depend. For example: if you want to have a steady flow of new project members, you need to communicate effectively Debian values and make some buzz around them, so that you could hope they get to the right ears. If you want to organize sprints for maintainers to work together you need money donations, and to solicit donations you need a transparent budget. Etc. In the specific case of accounting, we're now lucky enough to have found "standard" Debian geeks who also have a passion for accounting and auditing; but that appaears to be, essentially, a coincidence. If we don't fix the more general problem, I believe our difficulties in recruiting "non-standard" Debian geeks might hurt us quite a bit in the long run.

15 December 2011

Stefano Zacchiroli: debian call for tender by the french government

The French government has published a call for tender for a 2 million euro contract to support Debian and CentOS systems throughout the French public administration. The news is a month old, but the call for bids is open until 9 January 2012. There is more coverage on a EC blog post as well as on Le Monde Informatique (in French). "Customers" of the bid winner will be almost all ministries of the French administration --- from prime minister to justice, from defense to sports, from education to culture --- for a 3-year period. The call requires ability to support most of the "usual suspects" among popular FOSS applications, but explicitly focuses on Debian and CentOS as distributions. It is by far not the first time it has happened, but it is always great for me to see major public administrations choosing community based distros (and Debian in particular :-P ).

13 December 2011

Raphaël Hertzog: People behind Debian: Ben Hutchings, member of the kernel team

Ben Hutchings, photo by Andrew Mc Millan, license CC-BY-2.0

Ben Hutchings is a rather unassuming guy but hiding behind his hat, there s a real kernel hacker who backports new drivers for the kernel in Debian stable so that our flagship release supports very recent hardware. Read on to learn more about Ben and the kernel team s projects for Debian Wheezy! Raphael: Who are you? Ben: I m a professional programmer, living in Cambridge, England with my long-suffering wife Nattie. In Debian, I mostly work on the Linux kernel and related packages. Raphael: How did you start contributing to Debian? Ben: I started using Debian in 1998 and at some point I subscribed to Debian Weekly News. So in 2003 I heard about the planned Debian 10th birthday party in Cambridge, and thought I would like to go to that. Somehow I persuaded Nattie that we should go, even though it was on the day of our wedding anniversary! We both enjoyed it; we made new friends and met some old ones (small world). From then on we have
both been socially involved in Debian UK. In 2004 there was a bug-squashing party in Cambridge, and we attended that as well. That s where I really started contributing fixing bugs and learning about Debian packaging. Then in 2005 I made my first package (sgt-puzzles), attended DebConf, and was persuaded to enter the New Maintainer process. NM involved a lot of waiting, but by the time I was given questions and tasks to do I had learned enough to get through quite quickly. In April 2006 I was approved as a Debian Developer. Meanwhile, I looked at the videos from DebConf 5 and thought that it would be useful to distribute them on a DVD. That led me to start writing video software and to get involved in the video team for the next year s DebConf. Raphael: You have been one the main driver behind the removal of non-free firmwares from the kernel. Explain us what you did and what s the status nowadays? Ben: That s giving me a bit more credit than I deserve. For a long time the easy way for drivers to load firmware programs was to include them as a blob in their static data, but more recently the kernel has included a simple method for drivers to request a named blob at run-time. These requests are normally handled by udev by reading from files on disk, although there is a build-time option to include blobs in the kernel. Several upstream and distribution developers worked to convert the older drivers to use this method. I converted the last few of these drivers that Debian included in its binary packages. In the upstream Linux source, those blobs have not actually been removed; they have been moved to a firmware subdirectory. The long-term plan is to remove this while still allowing the inclusion of blobs at build-time from the separate linux-firmware repository. For now, the Debian source package excludes this subdirectory from the upstream tarball, so it is all free software. There are still a few drivers that have not been converted, and in Debian we just exclude the firmware from them (so they cannot be built). And from time to time a driver will be added to the staging section of Linux that includes firmware in the old way. But it s understood in the kernel community that it s one of the bugs that will have to be fixed before the driver can move out of staging . Raphael: Do you believe that Debian has done enough to make it easy for users to install the non-free firmwares that they need? Ben: The installer, the Linux binary packages and initramfs-tools will warn about specific files that may be needed but are missing. Users who have enabled the non-free section should then be able to find the necessary package with apt-cache search, because each of the
binaries built from the firmware-nonfree source package includes driver and file names within its description. For the installer, there is a single tarball that provides everything. We could make this easier, but I think we have gone about as far as we can while following the Debian Social Contract and Debian policy. Raphael: At some point in the past, the Debian kernel team was not working very well. Did the situation improve? Ben: Back in 2008 when I started working on the Linux kernel package to sort out the firmware issues, I think there were some problems of communication and coordination, and quite possibly some members were burned-out. Since then, many of the most active kernel team members have been able to meet face-to-face to discuss future plans at LPC 2009 in Portland and the 2010 mini-DebConf in Paris. We generally seem to have productive discussions on the debian-kernel mailing list and elsewhere, and I think the team is working quite well. Several new contributors have joined after me. I would say our biggest problem today is that we just don t have enough time to do all we want to. Certainly, almost all my Debian time is now taken up with integrating upstream kernel releases and handling some fraction of the incoming bug reports. Occasionally I can take the time to work on actual features or the other packages I m neglecting!
Our biggest problem today is that we just don t have enough time to do all we want to.
Raphael: It is widely known that Linux is maintained in a git repository. But the Debian kernel team is using Subversion. I believe a switch is planned. Why was not git used from the start? Ben: The linux-2.6 source package dates from the time when Linus made his first release using git. I wasn t part of the team back then so I don t know for sure why it was imported to Subversion. However, at that time hardly anyone knew how to use git, no-one had experience hosting public git repositories, and Alioth certainly didn t offer that option. Today there are no real blockers: everyone on the kernel team is familiar with using git; Alioth is ready to host it; we don t have per-architecture patches that would require large numbers of branches. But it still takes time to plan such a conversion for what is a relatively complex source package (actually a small set of related source packages). Raphael: What are your plans for Debian Wheezy? Ben: Something I ve already done, in conjunction with the installer team, is to start generating udebs from the linux-2.6 source package. The kernel and modules have to be repacked into lots of little udebs to avoid using too much memory during installation. The configuration for this used to be in a bunch of separate source packages; these could get out of step with the kernel build configuration and this would only be noticed some time later. Now we can update them both at the same time, they are effectively cross-checked on every upload, and the installer can always be built from the latest kernel version in testing or unstable. I think that we should be encouraging PC users to install the 64-bit build (amd64), but many users will still use 32-bit (i386) for backward compatibility or out of habit. On i386, we ve slightly reduced the variety of kernel flavours by getting rid of 686 and making 686-pae the default (previously this was called 686-bigmem ). This means that the NX security feature will be used on all systems that support it. It should also mean that the first i386 CD can have suitable kernel packages for all systems. I have been trying to work on providing a full choice of Linux Security Modules (LSMs). Despite their name, they cannot be built as kernel modules, so every enabled LSM is a waste of memory on the systems that don t use it. This is a significant concern for smaller Debian systems. My intent is to allow all unused LSMs to be freed at boot time so that we can happily enable all of them. I recently proposed to drop support for older x86 systems, starting with 486-class processors in wheezy. In general, this would allow the use of more compiler optimisations throughout userland and the kernel. However it seems that there isn t that much to be gained unless we also drop 586-class processors, and there are still quite a few of those in use. So I think this will have to wait. Uwe Kleine-K nig has been working to include real-time support (also known as PREEMPT_RT). This can provide low and very predictable I/O latency, which is useful for live audio synthesis, for example. It still requires a number of patches and a build configuration change, resulting in a separate binary package. We re currently only building that for 64-bit PCs. (You may notice this is missing for Linux 3.1, because the real-time developers skipped this release.) Raphael: What s the biggest problem of Debian? Ben: I think we try too hard to accommodate every possible option, without regard for the cost to developers and users in general. As an example, we now have sysvinit, file-rc, upstart and systemd all in testing. Daemon maintainers can t rely on any advanced features of upstart or systemd because we refuse to choose between them. And the decision to support the FreeBSD kernel means that we cannot choose upstart or systemd as the only option. So all daemon maintainers will have to maintain those baroque init scripts for the indefinite future. We really should be able to decide as a distribution that when one option is technically good and popular then it can be made the only option. But no-one really has the authority to do that, so we muddle along with the pretence that all the options are equally valid and functional, while none of them is supported as well as they should be.
We try too hard to accommodate every possible option, without regard for the cost to developers and users in general.
We also try to build every package on every architecture, in general. I m quite sure there are many (package, architecture) combinations that have no users, ever. But if at some point that combination FTBFS, developers will waste time investigating and fixing that time that could have been spent working on bugs and features that users actually care about. Yes, sure, portability is good but you can t prove portability just by making a package compile on every architecture. This also applies to the selection of drivers for the kernel, by the way. Raphael: Is there someone in Debian that you admire for their contributions? Well, there are many people, but I will pick out just a few: Steve McIntyre, for his work as DPL to improve communication with the various Debian derivatives and to bring fresh blood into various core teams. Also for being a generous host for countless Debian social and bug-squashing events. Stefano Zacchiroli, for improving further on communications with both downstream and upstream projects, and for regularly exercising his power to lead discussions to the benefit of the project. Julien Cristau, for maintaining good humour while not only fighting against the tide of graphics driver regressions in X and the Linux kernel but also working on release management. Jonathan Nieder, for taking on the unglamorous and frustrating task of kernel bug triage as a non-maintainer and developing it to a fine art.
Thank you to Ben for the time spent answering my questions. I hope you enjoyed reading his answers as I did.

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11 December 2011

Stefano Zacchiroli: bits from the DPL for November 2011

Mako's IronBlogger is a great idea. I often find myself postponing blog posts for a very long time, simply out of laziness. IronBlogger provides a nice community incentive to counter (my) laziness and blogging more often. As a related challenge, we have to face the fact that different subsets of our communities use different media to stay informed: mailing lists, blog (aggregators), social media, IRC, etc. Disparities in how they stay informed are a pity and can be countered using multiple medias at a time. Although I haven't blogged very often as of lately, I managed to keep the Debian (Developer) community informed of what happens in "DPL land" on a monthly basis, by the means of bits from the DPL mails sent to d-d-a. While the target of bits mails perfectly fits d-d-a, there is no reason to exclude a broader public from them. After all, who knows, maybe we'll find the next DPL victim^W candidate among Planet readers! Bonus point: blogging this also helped me realize that my mails are not as markdown-clean as I thought they were. I still have no IronBlogger squad, though. (And sharing beers with folks in the Boston area is not terribly handy for me ). Anyone interested in setting up a BloggeurDeFer in the Paris area? (SCNR)
Dear Project Members,
another month has passed, it's time to bother you again about what has happened in DPL land in November (this time, with even less delay than the last one, ah!). Call for Help: press/publicity team I'd like to highlight the call for help by the press / publicity teams. They are "hiring" and have sent out a call for new members a couple of weeks ago. The work they do is amazing and is very important for Debian, as important as maintaining packages or fixing RC bugs during a freeze. It is only by letting the world know what Debian is and what we do, that we can keep the Project thriving. And letting the world know is exactly what the publicity and press teams do. If you're into writing, blogging, or simply have a crush for social media, please read the call and "apply"! Interviews November has apparently been the "let's interview the DPL" month. I've spent quite some time giving interviews to interested journalists about various topics. For both my embarrassment and transparency on what I've said on behalf of Debian, here are the relevant links: Assets Legal advice (work in progress) Relationships with others Miscellanea Thanks for reading thus far,
and happy hacking.
PS as usual, the boring day-to-day activity log is available at master:/srv/leader/news/bits-from-the-DPL.*

22 November 2011

Raphaël Hertzog: People behind Debian: Stefano Zacchiroli, Debian Project Leader

picture by Tiago Bortoletto Vaz, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

It s been one year since the first People behind Debian interview. For this special occasion, I wanted a special guest and I m happy that our Debian Project Leader (DPL) Stefano Zacchiroli accepted my invitation. He has a difficult role in the community, but he s doing a really great job of it. He s a great mediator in difficult situations, but he s also opinionated and can push a discussion towards a conclusion. Read on to learn how he became a Debian developer and later DPL, what he s excited about in the next Debian release, and much more. Raphael: Who are you? Stefano: I m Stefano Zacchiroli, but I prefer to be called Zack, both on the Internet and in real life. I m 32, Italian, emigrated to France about 4 years ago. I live in Paris, and I find it to be one of the most gorgeous and exciting cities in the world. As my day job I m a Computer Science researcher and teacher at University Paris Diderot and IRILL. In my copious free time I contribute to Debian, and I m firmly convinced that doing so is an effective way to help the cause of Free Software. Besides, I find it to be a lot of fun! Raphael: How did you start contributing to Debian? Stefano: Flash back to 1999, when I was a 2nd year student in Computer Science at the University of Bologna. Back then in Italy it was uncommon for young geeks to get exposed to Free Software: Internet was way less pervasive than today and most computer magazines didn t pay much attention to GNU/Linux. Luckily for me, the professor in charge of the student lab was a Free Software enthusiast and all students machines there were running Debian. Not only that, but there was also a student program that allowed volunteers to become sysadmins after having shown their skills and convinced the director they were trustworthy. Becoming one of those volunteer Debian admins quickly became one of my top objectives for the year, and that is were I ve learned using Debian. The year after that, I got in touch with a research group that was to become the happy bunch of hackers with whom I would have done both my master and PhD theses. They were designing a new proof assistant. Most of the development was in OCaml and happened on Debian. OCaml was available in Debian, but many of the libraries we needed were not. So I approached the Debian OCaml Team offering to help. Before I realize what was going on I was (co-)maintainer of tens of OCaml-related packages. At some point I got told I think you should apply as a Debian Developer . So I did and in a couple of months I went through the New Member (NM) process, that was back then in its infancy. I still remember my happiness while reading the account created mail, the day after my 22nd birthday. I know the NM process went through some bad publicity in the past, but I m happy to see that nowadays the process can be as swift as it has been for me 10 years ago. Raphael: It s your second year as Debian Project Leader (DPL). Are you feeling more productive in the role? Do you fear to burn out? Stefano: I m feeling way more productive, no doubts. The task of the Debian Project Leader is not necessarily difficult, but it is a complex and scarcely documented one. It is also profoundly different from any other task that Debian people usually work on, so that experience doesn t help much in getting started. Before becoming effective as DPL one needs to get to know many people and mechanisms he is not familiar with. More importantly, one needs to set up a personal work-flow that allows to keep up with day-to-day DPL tasks (which are aplenty) as well as with urgencies (that tend to pop-up in the INBOX at the least convenient time). Finally, one also needs to do proper traffic shaping and always retain enough motivation bandwidth to keep the Project informed about what is going on in DPL-land. Finding the right balance among all these ingredients can take some time. Once one is past it, everything goes way more smoothly. The above is why I m constantly encouraging people interested in running for DPL in the future to reach out to me and work on some tasks of the current DPL s TODO list. I swear it is not just a cheap attempt at slavery!. It is rather an attempt at DPL mentoring that could be beneficial: both to give future candidates more awareness of the task, and to reduce the potential downtime when handing over from one DPL to the next. Regarding burn out, I don t feel prone to its risk these days. If I look back, I can say that my contributions as DPL have been pretty constant in volume over time; my enthusiasm for the task, if anything, is on the rise. The effectiveness of my contributions as DPL are, on the other hand, not mine to judge. Raphael: If you had to single out two achievements where you were involved as DPL, what would they be? Stefano: I d go for the following two, in no particular order: OK, let me cheat and add a third one I m also proud of having been able to report to the Project my whereabouts as DPL, thoroughly and periodically, since the very beginning is first term. People annoyed by my reporting logorrhea now have all my sympathies. Raphael: Among the possible new features of Debian Wheezy, which one gets you excited most? Stefano: It s multi-arch, no doubt. Even though it is not a directly user visible change, it s a very far reaching one. It is also one of those changes that make me feel that moment of truth of coders, when you realize you are finally doing the right thing and ditching piles of ugly hacks.
It s multi-arch [ ] you realize you are finally doing the right thing and ditching piles of ugly hacks.
Raphael: If you were not DPL and could spend all your time on Debian, what project would you do? Stefano: I would sit down and do software development for Debian. It s impressive how many important and beneficial changes for Debian could be delivered by specific software improvements in various parts of our infrastructure. We tend to attract many packagers, but not so many people willing to maintain Debian infrastructure softwares like dak, britney, debbugs, the PTS, etc. Their maintenance burden then falls on the shoulders of the respective teams which are generally very busy with other important tasks. As a project, we seem to be more appealing to packagers than to software developers. That is a pity given the amount of exciting coding tasks that are everywhere in Debian. Part of the reason we are not appealing to developers is that we are not particularly good at collecting coding tasks in a place where interested developers could easily pick them up. It also takes quite a bit of inside knowledge to spot infrastructure bugs and understand how to fix them. I long for some spare hacking time to check if I m still good enough of a coder to hunt down longstanding bugs in our infrastructure, which have ended up being my pet peeves. I d also love to dive again into RCBW. It s less committing than package maintenance, more diverse and challenging, and also an immensely useful activity to get Debian releases done. Raphael: Martin Michlmayr is worried that there is so few paid opportunities around Debian. Do you agree with his sentiment, and if yes do you have ideas on how to improve this situation? Stefano: The idealistic me wishes Debian to be a community made only of volunteers that devote their free time to the Project. Oh, and that me also wishes Debian to be competitive with similar projects, no matter how many full-time employees others have! That is coherent with a view of society where everyone has a day job, but also engages in volunteering activities ensuring that public interest is pursued by people motivated by interests other than profit. But I do realize that for Free Software to succeed companies, employees, and salaries should all have a role. I admire projects that strike a good balance between volunteer and paid work. The Linux kernel is emblematic in that respect: many developers are paid by companies that have a commercial or strategic interest in Linux. Nevertheless volunteers contributions are aplenty and the Linux community gives a convincing impression that choices are driven by the community itself (or by its benevolent dictator) without money-driven impositions.
I do realize that for Free Software to succeed companies, employees, and salaries should all have a role.
Such an ecosystem does not exist around Debian. We do have a partner program that allows for it to happen, but we have very few partners with an interest in doing distribution development work. Like Martin, I m worried by this state of affairs, because it de facto means we lag behind in terms of available people power. In a community of volunteers, that might frustrate people and that is not good. To improve over the status quo the first step is to federate together small and medium companies that have a strategic interest in Debian and listen to their needs. I m already in touch with representatives of such companies that, in many cases, already employ Debian Developers to do some distribution work in Debian. We will be soon sending out a call to reach out to more such companies, but since we are discussing this, why waiting? If some of our readers here are representative of such companies, I encourage them to get in touch with me about this. Raphael: You know that the fundraising campaign for the Debian Administrator s Handbook is on good track but the liberation of the book is not yet assured. What do you think of this project? Stefano: I m happy about the project, to the point that I ve accepted writing a testimonial for it :-) . I m sad about the scarce availability of up to date and high quality (DFSG-)Free books about Debian and I welcome any initiative that might help closing that gap.
I m sad about the scarce availability of up to date and high quality (DFSG-)Free books about Debian.
Free Culture is a great offspring of Free Software and I m convinced we need to stand up against double standards in the two camps. Letting aside software-specific licensing details, the basic freedoms to be defended are the same. They are those freedoms that ensure that a reader is in full control of his book, pretty much as they ensure that a computer user is in full control of the software that runs on it. I m therefore proud that Debian has long resolved that the Debian Free Software Guidelines (DFSG) apply not only to software but also to books and other pieces of documentation. But the status quo implies that not only we have very few up to date, high quality books about Debian. It also implies that, at present, we have no such book that we can distribute in the Debian archive, showing off the Free Software (and Free Culture!) values we stand for.
Crowdfunding is considered to be a good mate for Free Culture, where the services model that applies to Free Software is more difficult to exploit. I so wish any luck to yours and Roland s initiative. A different matter is whether Debian, as a project, should endorse the initiative and actively campaign for it. As you know, I think it should not. While we do advertise general project donations, we don t do mission-specific fundraising campaign for Debian itself. Coherently with that, I don t think we should relay crowdfunding campaigns for 3rd parties, even when the result would be beneficial to Debian. Raphael: Is there someone in Debian that you admire for their contributions? Stefano: There are two classes of people that I particularly admire in Debian:
Thank you to Zack for the time spent answering my questions. I hope you enjoyed reading his answers as I did.

Subscribe to my newsletter to get my monthly summary of the Debian/Ubuntu news and to not miss further interviews. You can also follow along on, Google+, Twitter and Facebook .

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12 November 2011

Stefano Zacchiroli: at last

I'm not exactly green, and yet the first time a given mister became prime minister of my country I didn't even have the right to vote. Now, I just feel relieved.

