Search Results: "Ryan Kavanagh"

20 December 2023

Ryan Kavanagh: Battery charge start and stop threshold on OpenBSD

I often use my laptops as portable desktops: they are plugged into AC power and an external monitor/keyboard 95% of time. Unfortunately, continuous charging is hard on the battery. To mitigate this, ThinkPads have customizable start and stop charging thresholds, such that the battery will only start charging if its level falls below the start threshold, and it will stop charging as soon as it reaches the stop threshold. Suggested thresholds from Lenovo s battery team can be found in this comment. You can set these thresholds on Linux using tlp-stat(8), and you can make the values persist across reboots by setting START_CHARGE_THRESH_BAT0 and STOP_CHARGE_THERSH_BAT0 in /etc/tlp.conf. I recently installed OpenBSD on my work ThinkPad, but struggled to find any information on how to set the thresholds under OpenBSD. After only finding a dead-end thread from 2021 on misc@, I started digging around on how to implement it myself. The acpithinkpad and acpibat drivers looked promising, and a bit of Google-fu lead me to the following small announcement in the OpenBSD 7.4 release notes:
New sysctl(2) nodes for battery management, hw.battery.charge*. Support them with acpithinkpad(4) and aplsmc(4).
Lo and behold, setting the start and stop threshold in OpenBSD is simply a matter of setting hw.battery.chargestart and hw.battery.chargestop with sysctl. The documentation was not committed in time for the 7.4 release, but you can read it in -CURRENT s sysctl(2). I personally set the following values in /etc/sysctl.conf:

25 June 2022

Ryan Kavanagh: Routable network addresses with OpenIKED and systemd-networkd

I ve been using OpenIKED for some time now to configure my VPN. One of its features is that it can dynamically assign addresses on the internal network to clients, and clients can assign these addresses and routes to interfaces. However, these interfaces must exist before iked can start. Some months ago I switched my Debian laptop s configuration from the traditional ifupdown to systemd-networkd. It took me some time to figure out how to have systemd-networkd create dummy interfaces on which iked can install addresses, but also not interfere with iked by trying to manage these interfaces. Here is my working configuration. First, I have systemd create the interface dummy1 by creating a systemd.netdev(5) configuration file at /etc/systemd/network/20-dummy1.netdev:
Then I tell systemd not to manage this interface by creating a configuration file at /etc/systemd/network/
Restarting systemd-networkd causes these interfaces to get created, and we can then check their status using networkctl(8):
$ systemctl restart systemd-networkd.service
$ networkctl
  1 lo       loopback carrier     unmanaged
  2 enp2s0f0 ether    off         unmanaged
  3 enp5s0   ether    off         unmanaged
  4 dummy1   ether    degraded    configuring
  5 dummy3   ether    degraded    configuring
  6 sit0     sit      off         unmanaged
  8 wlp3s0   wlan     routable    configured
  9 he-ipv6  sit      routable    configured

8 links listed.
Finally, I configure my flows in /etc/iked.conf, making sure to assign the received address to the interface dummy1.
ikev2 'hades' active esp \
        from dynamic to \
        peer \
        srcid '/' \
        dstid '/' \
        request address \
        iface dummy1
Restarting openiked and checking the status of the interface reveals that it has been assigned an address on the internal network and that it is routable:
$ systemctl restart openiked.service
$ networkctl status dummy1
  4: dummy1
                     Link File: /usr/lib/systemd/network/
                  Network File: /etc/systemd/network/
                          Type: ether
                          Kind: dummy
                         State: routable (configured)
                  Online state: online
                        Driver: dummy
              Hardware Address: 22:50:5f:98:a1:a9
                           MTU: 1500
                         QDisc: noqueue
  IPv6 Address Generation Mode: eui64
          Queue Length (Tx/Rx): 1/1
                 Route Domains: .
             Activation Policy: up
           Required For Online: yes
             DHCP6 Client DUID: DUID-EN/Vendor:0000ab11aafa4f02d6ac68d40000
I d be happy to hear if there are simpler or more idiomatic ways to configure this under systemd.

8 April 2021

Ryan Kavanagh: Writing BASIC-8 on the TSS/8

I recently discovered SDF s PiDP-8. You can access it over SSH and watch the blinkenlights over its twitch stream. It runs TSS/8, a time-sharing operating system written in 1967 by Adrian van de Goor while a grad student here at CMU. I ve been having fun tinkering with it, and I just wrote my first BASIC program1 since high school. It plots the graph of some user-specified univariate function. I don t claim that it s elegant or well-engineered, but it works!
10  DEF FNC(X) = 19 * COS(X/2)
20  FOR Y = 20 TO -20 STEP -1
30     FOR X = -25 TO 24
40     LET V = FNC(X)
50     GOSUB 90
60  NEXT X
70  PRINT ""
80  NEXT Y
85  STOP
100 IF X = 0 THEN 150
110 IF Y = 0 THEN 150
120 REM X != 0 AND Y != 0 SO IN QUADRANT
130 GOSUB 290
150 GOSUB 170
180 IF X + Y = 0 THEN 230
190 IF X = 0 THEN 250
200 IF Y = 0 THEN 270
220 STOP
230 PRINT "+";
240 GOTO 280
250 PRINT "I";
260 GOTO 280
270 PRINT "-";
300 IF 0 <= Y THEN 350
310 REM Y < 0
320 IF V <= Y THEN 410
340 GOTO 390
350 REM 0 <= Y
360 IF Y <= V THEN 410
380 GOTO 390
390 PRINT " ";
410 PRINT "*";
440 END
It produces the following output:
*           **           I           **
*           **           I           **
**          **          *I*          **          *
**          **          *I*          **          *
**         ***          *I*          ***         *
**         ****         *I*         ****         *
**         ****         *I*         ****         *
**         ****         *I*         ****         *
**         ****        **I**        ****         *
***        ****        **I**        ****        **
***        ****        **I**        ****        **
***        ****        **I**        ****        **
***       *****        **I**        *****       **
***       ******       **I**       ******       **
***       ******       **I**       ******       **
***       ******       **I**       ******       **
***       ******       **I**       ******       **
***       ******      ***I***      ******       **
    ******      ******   I   ******      ******
    ******      ******   I   ******      ******
    *****       ******   I   ******       *****
    *****       ******   I   ******       *****
    *****        *****   I   *****        *****
    *****        *****   I   *****        *****
    *****        *****   I   *****        *****
    *****        ****    I    ****        *****
    *****        ****    I    ****        *****
     ****        ****    I    ****        ****
     ****        ****    I    ****        ****
     ***         ****    I    ****         ***
     ***          ***    I    ***          ***
     ***          ***    I    ***          ***
     ***          ***    I    ***          ***
      **          **     I     **          **
      **          **     I     **          **
      *            *     I     *            *
Next up, I am going to try my hand at writing some FORTRAN or some FOCAL69. If you like tinkering with old systems, then you should give the TSS/8 a try.

  1. It s written in the BASIC-8 dialect.

12 March 2021

Ryan Kavanagh: Static Comments in Hugo

I switched from Jekyll to Hugo last week for a variety of reasons. One thing that was missing was a port of the jekyll-static-comments plugin that I used to use. I liked it because it saved readers from being tracked by Disqus or other comments solutions, and it required no javascript. To comment, users would email me their comment following a template attached to the bottom of each post. I then piped their email through a script to add it to the right post. As an added benefit, I could delegate comment spam detection to my mail server. I ve managed to reimplement this setup using Hugo. For those who are interested in a similar setup, here is what you need to do.

Pages with comments Instead of being single files, pages need to be leaf bundles. For example, this means that your blog post must be located at /content/blog/2021-03-12-static-comments-in-hugo/ instead of /content/blog/ This lets you store the comments as page resources in the subdirectory /content/blog/2021-03-12-static-comments-in-hugo/comments/.

Partials You should create a comments.html partial and include it in the layout for the pages which should get comments:
<div class="post-comments">
  <p class="comment-notice"><b>Comments</b>: To comment on this post,
	send me an email following the template below. Your email address
	will not be posted, unless you choose to include it in
	the <span style="font-family: monospace;">link:</span> field.</p>
  <pre class="comment-notice">
To: Your Name &lt;<span>@</span>;
Subject: [blog-comment]   .Page.RelPermalink  
post_id:   .Page.RelPermalink  
author: [How should you be identified? Usually your name or "Anonymous"]
link: [optional link to your website]
Your comments here. Markdown syntax accepted.</pre>
    $scratch := newScratch  
    $scratch.Set "comments" (.Resources.Match "comments/*yml")  
    if eq 1 (len ($scratch.Get "comments"))  
  <h2>1 Comment</h2>
  <h2>  len ($scratch.Get "comments")   Comments</h2>
    range ($scratch.Get "comments")  
  <div class="post-comment  % cycle 'odd', 'even' % ">
	  $comment := (.Content   transform.Unmarshal)  
	<span class="post-meta">
		 - $   dateFormat "Jan 2, 2006 at 15:04" - 
	<h3 class="comment-header">
	    if $  
	  <a href="  $  ">  $  </a>
	  <br />
	  $comment.comment   markdownify  

Comments To associate comments received by email to posts, I pipe them from mutt (using the keybinding) to the following (admittedly janky) shell script. It takes the comment, reformats it appropriately, and puts it in the post s comments subdirectory. Note that it determines which filename to use based on the email s contents, so make sure to check that the email doesn t contain anything nefarious before you pipe it into the script!
# Copyright (C) 2016-2021 Ryan Kavanagh <>
# Distributed under the ISC license
EMAIL=$(echo "$ MESSAGE "   grep "From:"   sed -e 's/From[^<]*<\?\([^>]*\)>\?.*/\1/g;s/@/-at-/g')
DATE=$(echo "$ MESSAGE "   grep "Date:"   sed -e 's/Date:\s*//g'   xargs -0 date -Iseconds -u -d)
POST_ID=$(echo "$ MESSAGE "   grep "post_id:"   sed -e 's/post_id: //g')
COMMENTS_DIR="$ BLOG_BASE /content/$ POST_ID /comments/"
# Strip out the email headers and whitespace until the start of the comment
COMMENT_WHOLE=$(echo "$ MESSAGE "   sed -e '/^\s*$/,$!d;/^[^\s]/,$!d')
# Indent everything after the comment header
COMMENT_INDENTED=$(echo "$ COMMENT_WHOLE "   sed -e '/^\s*$/,$ s/.*/  &/g ')
# And add the comment header
COMMENT_PREFIXED=$(echo "$ COMMENT_INDENTED "   sed -e '0,/^\s*$/ s/^\s*$/comment:  / ')
[ -d "$ COMMENTS_DIR " ]   mkdir -p "$ COMMENTS_DIR "
echo "Saving the comment to $ COMMENT_FILE "
echo "date: $ DATE "   tee "$ COMMENT_FILE "
echo "$ COMMENT_PREFIXED "   tee -a "$ COMMENT_FILE "
For example, the following comment in an email body:
post_id: /blog/2021-03-12-static-comments-in-hugo/
author: Ryan Kavanagh
Dear self,
Here is a test comment for your blog post.
It supports *markdown* **syntax** and  stuff .
results in a file content/blog/2021-03-12-static-comments-in-hugo/comments/ containing:
date: 2021-03-12T18:47:25+00:00
post_id: /blog/2021-03-12-static-comments-in-hugo/
author: Ryan Kavanagh
  Dear self,

  Here is a test comment for your blog post.
  It supports *markdown* **syntax** and  stuff .

You can see the rendered output at the bottom of this page.

12 September 2020

Ryan Kavanagh: Configuring OpenIKED VPNs for Road Warriors

A few weeks ago I configured a road warrior VPN setup. The remote end is on a VPS running OpenBSD and OpenIKED, the VPN is an IKEv2 VPN using x509 authentication, and the local end is StrongSwan. I also configured an IKEv2 VPN between my VPSs. Here are the notes for how to do so. In all cases, to use x509 authentication, you will need to generate a bunch of certificates and keys: Fortunately, OpenIKED provides the ikectl utility to help you do so. Before going any further, you might find it useful to edit /etc/ssl/ikeca.cnf to set some reasonable defaults for your certificates. Begin by creating and installing a CA certificate:
# ikectl ca vpn create
# ikectl ca vpn install
For simplicity, I am going to assume that the you are managing your CA on the same host as one of the hosts that you want to configure for the VPN. If not, see the bit about exporting certificates at the beginning of the section on persistent host-host VPNs. Create and install a key/certificate pair for your server. Suppose for example your first server is called
# ikectl ca vpn certificate create
# ikectl ca vpn certificate install

Persistent host-host VPNs For each other server that you want to use, you need to also create a key/certificate pair on the same host as the CA certificate, and then copy them over to the other server. Assuming the other server is called
# ikectl ca vpn certificate create
# ikectl ca vpn certificate export
This last command will produce a tarball Copy it over to and install it:
# tar -C /etc/iked -xzpvf
Next, it is time to configure iked. To do so, you will need to find some information about the certificates you just generated. On the host with the CA, run
$ cat /etc/ssl/vpn/index.txt
V       210825142056Z           01      unknown /C=US/ST=Pennsylvania/L=Pittsburgh/
V       210825142208Z           02      unknown /C=US/ST=Pennsylvania/L=Pittsburgh/
Pick one of the two hosts to play the active role (in this case, Using the information you gleaned from index.txt, add the following to /etc/iked.conf, filling in the srcid and dstid fields appropriately.
ikev2 'server1_server2_active' active esp from to \
	local peer \
	srcid '/C=US/ST=Pennsylvania/L=Pittsburgh/' \
	dstid '/C=US/ST=Pennsylvania/L=Pittsburgh/'
On the other host, add the following to /etc/iked.conf
ikev2 'server2_server1_passive' passive esp from to \
	local peer \
	srcid '/C=US/ST=Pennsylvania/L=Pittsburgh/' \
	dstid '/C=US/ST=Pennsylvania/L=Pittsburgh/'
Note that the names 'server1_server2_active' and 'server2_server1_passive' in the two stanzas do not matter and can be omitted. Reload iked on both hosts:
# ikectl reload
If everything worked out, you should see the negotiated security associations (SAs) in the output of
# ikectl show sa
On OpenBSD, you should also see some output on success or errors in the file /var/log/daemon.

For a road warrior Add the following to /etc/iked.conf on the remote end:
ikev2 'responder_x509' passive esp \
	from to \
	local peer any \
	srcid \
	config address \
	config name-server \
	tag "ROADW"
Configure or omit the address range and the name-server configurations to suit your needs. See iked.conf(5) for details. Reload iked:
# ikectl reload
If you are on OpenBSD and want the remote end to have an IP address, add the following to /etc/hostname.vether0, again configuring the address to suit your needs:
Put the interface up:
# ifconfig vether0 up
Now create a client certificate for authentication. In my case, my road-warrior client was
# ikectl ca vpn certificate create
# ikectl ca vpn certificate export
Copy to client and run
# tar -C /etc/ipsec.d/ -xzf -- \
	./private/ \
	./certs/ ./ca/ca.crt
Install StrongSwan and add the following to /etc/ipsec.conf, configuring appropriately:
conn server1
Add the following to /etc/ipsec.secrets:
# space is important : RSA
Restart StrongSwan, put the connection up, and check its status:
# ipsec restart
# ipsec up server1
# ipsec status
That should be it. Sources:

Ryan Kavanagh: Configuring OpenIKED VPNs for StrongSwan Clients

A few weeks ago I configured a road warrior VPN setup. The remote end is on a VPS running OpenBSD and OpenIKED, the VPN is an IKEv2 VPN using x509 authentication, and the local end is StrongSwan. I also configured an IKEv2 VPN between my VPSs. Here are the notes for how to do so. In all cases, to use x509 authentication, you will need to generate a bunch of certificates and keys: Fortunately, OpenIKED provides the ikectl utility to help you do so. Before going any further, you might find it useful to edit /etc/ssl/ikeca.cnf to set some reasonable defaults for your certificates. Begin by creating and installing a CA certificate:
# ikectl ca vpn create
# ikectl ca vpn install
For simplicity, I am going to assume that the you are managing your CA on the same host as one of the hosts that you want to configure for the VPN. If not, see the bit about exporting certificates at the beginning of the section on persistent host-host VPNs. Create and install a key/certificate pair for your server. Suppose for example your first server is called
# ikectl ca vpn certificate create
# ikectl ca vpn certificate install

Persistent host-host VPNs For each other server that you want to use, you need to also create a key/certificate pair on the same host as the CA certificate, and then copy them over to the other server. Assuming the other server is called
# ikectl ca vpn certificate create
# ikectl ca vpn certificate export
This last command will produce a tarball Copy it over to and install it:
# tar -C /etc/iked -xzpvf
Next, it is time to configure iked. To do so, you will need to find some information about the certificates you just generated. On the host with the CA, run
$ cat /etc/ssl/vpn/index.txt
V       210825142056Z           01      unknown /C=US/ST=Pennsylvania/L=Pittsburgh/
V       210825142208Z           02      unknown /C=US/ST=Pennsylvania/L=Pittsburgh/
Pick one of the two hosts to play the active role (in this case, Using the information you gleaned from index.txt, add the following to /etc/iked.conf, filling in the srcid and dstid fields appropriately.
ikev2 'server1_server2_active' active esp from to \
	local peer \
	srcid '/C=US/ST=Pennsylvania/L=Pittsburgh/' \
	dstid '/C=US/ST=Pennsylvania/L=Pittsburgh/'
On the other host, add the following to /etc/iked.conf
ikev2 'server2_server1_passive' passive esp from to \
	local peer \
	srcid '/C=US/ST=Pennsylvania/L=Pittsburgh/' \
	dstid '/C=US/ST=Pennsylvania/L=Pittsburgh/'
Note that the names 'server1_server2_active' and 'server2_server1_passive' in the two stanzas do not matter and can be omitted. Reload iked on both hosts:
# ikectl reload
If everything worked out, you should see the negotiated security associations (SAs) in the output of
# ikectl show sa
On OpenBSD, you should also see some output on success or errors in the file /var/log/daemon.

For a road warrior Add the following to /etc/iked.conf on the remote end:
ikev2 'responder_x509' passive esp \
	from to \
	local peer any \
	srcid \
	config address \
	config name-server \
	tag "ROADW"
Configure or omit the address range and the name-server configurations to suit your needs. See iked.conf(5) for details. Reload iked:
# ikectl reload
If you are on OpenBSD and want the remote end to have an IP address, add the following to /etc/hostname.vether0, again configuring the address to suit your needs:
Put the interface up:
# ifconfig vether0 up
Now create a client certificate for authentication. In my case, my road-warrior client was
# ikectl ca vpn certificate create
# ikectl ca vpn certificate export
Copy to client and run
# tar -C /etc/ipsec.d/ -xzf -- \
	./private/ \
	./certs/ ./ca/ca.crt
Install StrongSwan and add the following to /etc/ipsec.conf, configuring appropriately:
conn server1
Add the following to /etc/ipsec.secrets:
# space is important : RSA
Restart StrongSwan, put the connection up, and check its status:
# ipsec restart
# ipsec up server1
# ipsec status
That should be it. Sources:

16 April 2016

Ryan Kavanagh: Specifying a custom MTA path in caff

I recently had to sign someone s GPG key. I ve long used the caff tool from the signing-party package to help me with this. Unfortunately, I m using a new laptop and hadn t yet configured caff on it. Moreover, caff uses the system MTA by default, normally found at /usr/sbin/sendmail, and I hadn t yet properly configured it to send mail to the outside world. Since I have multiple email accounts and use mutt as my mail client, I use msmtp as my SMTP client / sendmail drop-in. This post describes how to configure caff to use msmtp. Reading the caff man page, one sees the following tantalising hint, which leads you to believe it s completely trivial to specify your own MTA:
$CONFIG 'mailer-send'  = [ 'sendmail', '-f', $CONFIG 'email' , '-it' ];
Unfortunately, substituting in a custom path, e.g., /home/rak/bin/msmtp/msmtp-default, for sendmail in the above line results in a long sequence of errors when caff tries to mail the signed keys:
Bareword "home" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at (eval 218) line 1.
Bareword "rak" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at (eval 218) line 1.
Bareword "bin" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at (eval 218) line 1.
Bareword "msmtp" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at (eval 218) line 1.
Bareword "msmtp" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at (eval 218) line 1.
Bareword "default" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at (eval 218) line 1.
Fortunately, it s still straightforward to accomplish after reading the perldoc for Mail::Mailer. In my case, it was sufficient to add the following to my ~/.caffrc:
$ENV 'PERL_MAILERS'  = 'sendmail:'.$ENV 'HOME' .'/bin/msmtp/msmtp-default';
$CONFIG 'mailer-send'  = [ 'sendmail' ];
To specify alternate paths to your sendmail-style MTA, simply modify the value of $ENV 'PERL_MAILERS' after the initial sendmail: bit. If you re using stock msmtp, I believe the following pair of lines will work, though I haven t tested it:
$ENV 'PERL_MAILERS'  = 'sendmail:/usr/bin/msmtp';
$CONFIG 'mailer-send'  = [ 'sendmail' ];
If there s a more elegant way to accomplish this, I d be happy to hear about it!

26 March 2013

Ryan Kavanagh: Setting up full-disk encryption in OpenBSD 5.3

I recently decided to try out a snapshot of OpenBSD 5.3, intrigued by the notice that
softraid(4) RAID1 and crypto volumes are now bootable on i386 and amd64 (full disk encryption).
I ve always used an encrypted LVM (as setup by the alternate CD) with a fully encrypted root on my netbook and laptop when running Debian/Kubuntu and never noticed much a performance hit. Unfortunately, I m not the only one who has noticed a significant drop in performance with full-disk encryption on OpenBSD. Although the steps required to setup full-disk encryption (as opposed to requiring manual intervention at boot or the equivalent of loop-mounted encrypted images via vnconfig(8)) on OpenBSD are not explicitly documented anywhere, searching through the mailing lists, man pages, and trial and error provided the following steps:
  1. Boot from your install media. Select the (S)hell option.
  2. Assuming the disk you re installing to is wd0 , run fdisk -i wd0 if you re on an i386. If I m not mistaken, you can skip to the following step otherwise.
  3. Run disklabel -E wd0. Create a label (typically b) of the appropriate size of type swap for swap, and then add a label a using the remainder of the space of type RAID. We aren t going to put swap on our crypto device since OpenBSD has encrypted the swap partition by default since 2005.
  4. Setup the crypto volume as described in bioctl(8). You will be prompted for a passphrase and presented with a message along the lines of softraid0: SR CRYPTO volume attached as sd0 on successful setup. I used bioctl -c C -l /dev/wd0a softraid0 where - -c C specifies a device with raidlevel CRYPTO , - -l /dev/wd0a specifies the label of type RAID created in step 3 to use for the CRYPTO device, and - softraid0 is the softraid device to configure (this value should work unless you already have a softraid0 device).
  5. exit from the shell and (I)nstall as normal, installing to the disk sd0 (or whichever disk the crypto volume got attached as). In the partitioning dialog, you may need to manually adjust things since the auto-partitioning creates an additional swap label on sd0, which we don t need given we already have wd0b.
  6. Using ed(1), add the line 1a8bab44e9cc178d.b none swap sw to /mnt/etc/fstab, assuming that 1a8bab44e9cc178d is the DUID associated with wd0 (you can find this out by running sysctl hw.disknames, which will output something like hw.disknames=wd0:1a8bab44e9cc178d,cd0:,rd0:6ce80c78714fa32f,sd0:fce7bfa23c8ec20d; just search for the DUID associated with wd0). Alternatively, wait until you boot into your system, and add it to your /etc/fstab using vi(1) or mg(1).
  7. Reboot, and you ll be prompted for your passhprase. You re done!
Here s a screenshot of steps 1 through 4. Steps 1 through 4 Here s a screenshot of the passphrase prompt, after successfully entering the passphrase: Passphrase prompt If I ve made any errors in the steps above, please point them out in the comments below or by sending me an email.

20 February 2013

Ryan Kavanagh: Search RCS and CVS ",v" files with rcsgrep

A few years ago I was doing research comparing how large software distributions handled shared object libraries, and studied Debian, FreeBSD, and Ubuntu. Extracting data about Debian packages was easy thanks to Peter Palfrader s service, which provides a machine-usable interface to Debian s package history. FreeBSD s data is equally accessible, albeit in a less pleasant format: their ports tree was stored in CVS until July 2012. One could easily rsync a copy of the ports tree s CVS repository to a local machine to analyze the data. This left you with a local tree full of ,v files, each corresponding to the history of a given file with at that location. I needed to extract all kinds of data from a tree full of these files, such as what revisions contained lines matching a regex, when these revisions were checked in, any tags associated with it, etc. To make things easier, it also helped to know the line numbers of the matching lines. Hence the birth of rcsgrep. rcsgrep is a Python script that makes use of Paul McGuire s fabulous pyparsing library. It allows you to search a RCS file (the ,v file format used by RCS and CVS to store revision history) using a Python regex, and the output format is customizable to allow printing only certain kinds of information, such as the revision number, the line number, the matching line, the line s author, the date it appeared, any tags associated with the line, and (useful when running over a large number of files) the file name. To make machine parsing (using AWK of course) easier, you can also specify the column separator. For example, I entered the lines The quick brown , fox jumped over , the lazy dog. Woof! into the file abc, checking in the changes after each line. The invocation ./rcsgrep -s ' ' -f rlLda '.*' abc,v, with spaces for column separation, and format options r is for revision, l for line number, L for line contents, d for date, and a for author, outputs:
1.3    1    The quick brown    2013.    ryan
1.3    2    jumped over the    2013.    ryan
1.3    3    lazy dog. Woof!    2013.    ryan
1.2    1    The quick brown    2013.    ryan
1.2    2    jumped over the    2013.    ryan
1.1    1    The quick brown    2013.    ryan
I m particularly proud about my grep() function in, which goes through each revision, tracking additions and deletions, but only keeping the lines matching the regex in memory. In any case, rcsgrep is licensed under the ISC license and can be found on github. Addendum: I learned after the fact that O Reilly s UNIX Power Tools offers something similar by the same name, except that it is runs several processes, such as co, grep and sed, as opposed to a single Python script.

3 July 2012

Ryan Kavanagh: Fixing mutt header cache

Every now and then I have to kill mutt, which if done at the wrong time, can leave the header cache in an open state. Then attempting to restart mutt will cause it to hang at the "Selecting INBOX" stage. If mutt is compiled with support for the Tokyo Cabinet header cache backend (as it appears to be in Debian), a quick fix for this issue is to repair the header cache database using the Tokyo Cabinet utility tcbmgr from the tokyocabinet-bin package. Simply running tcbmgr optimize -nl ~/.mutt/cache/headers does the trick, and is much nicer of a fix than deleting the header cache.

11 February 2012

Stefano Zacchiroli: mutt-notmuch 0.2

My mutt-notmuch hack seems to be a quite popular way to integrate Mutt with notmuch. As a nice consequence, my (indexed!) inbox attracts patches from mutt-notmuch users eager to improve it. Collecting some of them, I've just tagged mutt-notmuch 0.2 with the following changes: Many thanks to Scott Barker, Christine Spang, David Newgas, and Ryan Kavanagh for the above patches. While I was at it, I've also moved mutt-notmuch repository to Gitorious. Git self-hosting is nice, but either you move to something like gitolite (which I didn't have time to setup and tune ATM) or you're stuck without merge requests which are quite nice. (Why not Github? Because.) If you're using mutt-notmuch you might also be interested in the discussion of libnotmuch support in mutt. I'd love to see that landing in mutt and be able to throw away mutt-notmuch entirely, but that seems a bit premature as of yet.

5 January 2012

Ryan Kavanagh: mutt-fetchbug: fetch BTS bug reports from mutt

I've been a longtime mutt user, but have gotten somewhat annoyed of having to open a new terminal when I want to read or reply to a Debian bug with mutt (using 'bts show 123456'). How nice it would be to be able to fetch a bug report from within mutt! And so, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you mutt-fetchbug. It's extensively based on Zack's mutt-notmuch script (a nice interface between mutt and notmuch for searching mail, I highly recommend it). By adding a line like the following to your ~/.muttrc, you can simply press "F7" and enter a bug number from your mutt index in order to fetch and display a bug report's mbox file:
    macro index <f7> \
        "<enter-command>unset wait_key<enter><shell-escape>~/bin/mutt-fetchbug --prompt search<enter><change-folder-readonly>~/.cache/mutt_btsresults<enter><enter-command>set wait_key<enter>" \
        "fetch bug(s) (using bts show)"
The above presupposes you've downloaded mutt-fetchbug and placed it with executable permissions in ~/bin. Those interested in making improvements or extending mutt-fetchbug are more than welcome to do so, it's licensed under the GPLv3+. It can be fetched from my git branch. Update: Fixed the broken link to mutt-fetchbug, thanks Christian for the heads up.