Search Results: "Ryan Finnie"

5 April 2007

Evan Prodromou: 15 Germinal CCXV

Just got some cheerful news from Ryan Finnie. Apparently the new version of Finnix has an amd64 kernel on the x86 disk. Per his blog post about Finnix 89: using an AMD64 kernel on a supported platform yields several advantages: ... You can chroot into native 64-bit AMD64 filesystems. Considering that's just what I needed to do yesterday (see Journal/14 Germinal CCXV), it's pretty sad that I only had a Finnix 88 CD. It was pretty dumb of me to not check the latest version, and it was wrong to say that Finnix doesn't support amd64. But it's good to know that it will work in the future. tags:

RoCoCoCamp We had another organisational meeting for RoCoCoCamp at the Bande-Passante this evening. It was really good -- we had quite a few people, and made some of the down-to-the-wire plans for the event. RoCoCoCamp is the RecentChangesCamp in Montreal the 18-20th of April, 2007. It's an "unconference" -- a community-organized conference that, we hope, will let a lot of people connect in a new way. The great thing about RoCoCoCamp -- and RecentChangesCamp in general -- is that it's hosted by the wiki community -- people who love and use wikis. But we try to reach beyond wikis, to other associated communities, organizations and individual activists. Wiki concept map I like to think of it like this: "wiki" is a concept associated loosely with other concepts -- tied to them in some concept-space. If we just bring together people who know and understand wiki, and have them talk together, we'll achieve very little. But if we bring together people who work, think and live in those closely-associated concept circles, we've got the opportunity for fascinating cross-cultural mixing -- passionate, creative accidents. I'm really looking forward to see what kind of creative accidents we engender at RoCoCoCamp 2007. I think it's going to be really fun. tags:

Hellas Spectrum I did an interview tonight on Hellas Spectrum, the local Greek-language television show here in Montreal. The host, Toula Drimonis, had seen the article about me in the Gazette, had recognized my name as Greek, and wrote to ask if I'd like to be on the show. The interview was really fun, and it was great to be around Greek-speaking people for a while. Montreal has a very strong Greek community, with which I've entirely failed to connect in the 5 years (!!!!) that I've lived here. But Maj and I have talked about sending Amita June to one of the very good tri-lingual Greek-English-French private schools here in Montreal, and we'd all like to make more connections in the Greek community. Hopefully this helps! I've always felt a little cut off from the more intense Greeks here and elsewhere because... welllll... I just don't speak Greek that well. So it was great doing Hellas Spectrum -- Toula's job at the show is to include those Greek-Canadians and Greek-Americans who maybe don't speak the language and live in the neighborhood, but need to be included in the greater Greek culture. I had a great time at the interview, and on the way from the green room to the studio, we ran into the show's producer. He asked me something incomprehensible (in Greek), and when I looked confused, he said, "You don't speak Greek? That's OK. Are you Greek, though? Are you Greek here?" He touched his chest. "Are you Greek in your heart?" Yes, I am. And it was cool to feel Greek in my heart tonight. Thanks to Toula for the invitation and the HS crew for making such a great show. tags:

5 December 2006

Evan Prodromou: 14 Frimaire CCXV

Christmas is coming soon, and we'll be off to California again at the end of the month to be with family and friends for the holidays. My immediate family sends out gift suggestion emails at the beginning of December, and I'm always the last one to send mine out. So I'm getting it done today. Probably the most consumer-y thing that I want for X-mas is a portable digital media player that can run RockBox. I really want to get more into podcasts and videocasts and that sort of thing, but I'd like to have a portable player for the stuff. Chaining myself to an iPod is just too unpleasant. Any suggestions? tags:

Hampr My friend Ryan Finnie, created the excellent one-disk recovery distro Finnix. He also just started a new bookmarking service called Hampr, complete with its own Hampr FireFox extension. One thing I like about the service is that it uses OpenID, and only OpenID, for login and user profile services. It's the latest on the directory of OpenID-enabled sites. A cool idea, and it works well for me. tags:

The new look OK, it's the old new look, but this article on current style in Web design is interesting and informative. Good job. tags: