I got a HP 2133. I have installed Debian in it, successfully

Here, I'll show all the steps I followed in order to install Debian.
First of all, you'll need an USB stick (formatted to FAT16). We need to convert such a device, in a bootable one. For making it, we have to download two files. One of them is boot.img.gz that you can get from
http://debian.org/devel/debian-installer/ in the section "other images (netboot, usb stick, floppy, etc)". The other one, is a business card or a netinst image.
When you have downloaded them, we can proceed to make the next:
$ zcat /root/boot.img.gz > /dev/sdbX
(where sdbX should be changed for the correct device for you, maybe dmesg tail when you insert the USB stick will help you).
When you have executed what I have stated above, then you have to copy either the business card or the netinst ISO image (just one of them

). Doing this, our USB stick has become in a bootable device. You cannot copy a complete CD ISO, just netinst or business ones.
[Update] Note: If your system refuses to boot, try this:
# install-mbr /dev/sdb
(where sdb should be changed for the correct device for you, maybe dmesg tail when you insert the USB stick will help you).
Now, you can proceed to boot your HP mini using the USB stick and proceed with the installation process. After installing Debian, I'd suggest you to boot again, in Rescue Mode, to change the file acpi-support which is in /etc/default directory. Look for the line number 92 and set SAVE_VBE_STATE to false. Doing this you will avoid the annoying white screen you get when the system tries to save such a state.
Now, the problem you will face is the ******* resolution. After trying some xorg.conf files, I found one that worked for Debian. You can find it
For the wireless card I found this post
http://jomcode.com/fadhil/?p=59 which worked pretty nice.
I still have to make the 3d acceleration work, but I haven't had the time to do it. Furthermore, I'll paste this info in
http://wiki.debian.org/InstallingDebianOn/HP/HP2133 so that if someone has a HP2133, will be able to contribute or add some more information.