Search Results: "Mike Gabriel"

3 October 2024

Mike Gabriel: Creating (a) new frontend(s) for Polis

After (quite) a summer break, here comes the 4th article of the 5-episode blog post series on Polis, written by Guido Berh rster, member of staff at my company Fre(i)e Software GmbH. Have fun with the read on Guido's work on Polis,
Table of Contents of the Blog Post Series
  1. Introduction
  2. Initial evaluation and adaptation
  3. Issues extending Polis and adjusting our goals
  4. Creating (a) new frontend(s) for Polis (this article)
  5. Current status and roadmap
4. Creating (a) new frontend(s) for Polis Why a new frontend was needed... Our initial experiences of working with Polis, the effort required to implement more invasive changes and the desire of iterating changes more rapidly ultimately lead to the decision to create a new foundation for frontend development that would be independent of but compatible with the upstream project. Our primary objective was thus not to develop another frontend but rather to make frontend development more flexible and to facilitate experimentation and rapid prototyping of different frontends by providing abstraction layers and building blocks. This also implied developing a corresponding backend since the Polis backend is tightly coupled to the frontend and is neither intended to be used by third-party projects nor supporting cross-domain requests due to the expectation of being embedded as an iframe on third-party websites. The long-term plan for achieving our objectives is to provide three abstraction layers for building frontends: The Particiapp Project Under the umbrella of the Particiapp project we have so far developed two new components: Both the participation frontend and backend are fully compatible and require an existing Polis installation and can be run alongside the upstream frontend. More specifically, the administration frontend and common backend are required to administrate conversations and send out notifications and the statistics processing server is required for processing the voting results. Particiapi server For the backend the Python language and the Flask framework were chosen as a technological basis mainly due to developer mindshare, a large community and ecosystem and the smaller dependency chain and maintenance overhead compared to Node.js/npm. Instead of integrating specific identity providers we adopted the OpenID Connect standard as an abstraction layer for authentication which allows delegating authentication either to a self-hosted identity provider or a large number of existing external identity providers. Particiapp Example Frontend The experimental example frontend serves both as a test bed for the client library and as a tool for better understanding the needs of frontend designers. It also features a completely redesigned user interface and results visualization in line with our goals. Branded variants are currently used for evaluation and testing by the stakeholders. In order to simplify evaluation, development, testing and deployment a Docker Compose configuration is made available which contains all necessary components for running Polis with our experimental example frontend. In addition, a development environment is provided which includes a preconfigured OpenID Connect identity provider (KeyCloak), SMTP-Server with web interface (MailDev), and a database frontend (PgAdmin). The new frontend can also be tested using our public demo server.

21 July 2024

Mike Gabriel: Polis - a FLOSS Tool for Civic Participation -- Issues extending Polis and adjusting our Goals

Here comes the 3rd article of the 5-episode blog post series on Polis, written by Guido Berh rster, member of staff at my company Fre(i)e Software GmbH. Enjoy also this read on Guido's work on Polis,
Table of Contents of the Blog Post Series
  1. Introduction
  2. Initial evaluation and adaptation
  3. Issues extending Polis and adjusting our goals (this article)
  4. Creating (a) new frontend(s) for Polis
  5. Current status and roadmap
Polis - Issues extending Polis and adjusting our Goals After the initial implementation of limited branding support, user feedback and the involvement of an UX designer lead to the conclusion that we needed more far-reaching changes to the user interface in order to reduce visual clutter, rearrange and improve UI elements, and provide better integration with the websites in which conversations are embedded. Challenges when visualizing Data in Polis Polis visualizes groups using a spatial projection of users based on similarities in voting behavior and places them in two to five groups using a clustering algorithm. During our testing and evaluation users were rarely able to interpret the visualization and often intuitively made incorrect assumptions e.g. by associating the filled area of a group with its significance or size. After consultation with a member of the Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) Group at the University of Groningen we chose to temporarily replace the visualization offered by Polis with simple bar charts representing agreement or disagreement with statements of a group or the majority. We intend to revisit this and explore different forms of visualization at a later point in time. The different factors playing into the weight attached to statements which determine the pseuodo-random order in which they are presented for voting ( comment routing ) proved difficult to explain to stakeholders and users and the admission of the ad-hoc and heuristic nature of the used algorithm1 by Polis authors lead to the decision to temporarily remove this feature. Instead, statements should be placed into three groups, namely
  1. metadata questions,
  2. seed statements,
  3. and participant statements
Statements should then be sorted by group but in a fully randomized order within the group so that metadata questions would be presented before seed statements which would be presented before participant s statements. This simpler method was deemed sufficient for the scale of our pilot projects, however we intend to revisit this decision and explore different methods of comment routing in cooperation with our scientific partners at a later point in time. An evaluation of the requirements for implementing mandatory authentication and adding support for additional authentication methods to Polis showed that significant changes to both the administration and participation frontend were needed due to a lack of an abstraction layer or extension mechanism and the current authentication providers being hardcoded in many parts of the code base. A New Frontend is born: Particiapp Based on the implementation details of the participation frontend, the invasive nature of the changes required, and the overhead of keeping up with active upstream development it became clear that a different, more flexible approach to development was needed. This ultimately lead to the creation of Particiapp, a new Open Source project providing the building blocks and necessary abstraction layers for rapid protoyping and experimentation with different fontends which are compatible with but independent from Polis.
  1. Small, Christopher T., Bjorkegren, Michael, Erkkil , Timo, Shaw, Lynette and Megill, Colin (2021). Polis: Scaling deliberation by mapping high dimensional opinion spaces. Recerca. Revista de Pensament i An lisi, 26(2), pp. 1-26.

17 July 2024

Mike Gabriel: Weather Experts with Translation Skills Needed!

Lomiri Weather App goes Open Meteo In Ubuntu Touch / Lomiri, Maciej Sopy o has updated Lomiri's Weather App to operate against a different weather forecast provider (Open Meteo). Additionally, the new implementation is generic and pluggable, so other weather data providers can be added-in later. Big thanks to Maciej for working on this just in time (the previous implementation's API has recently been EOL'ed and is not available anymore to Ubuntu Touch / Lomiri users). Lomiri Weather App - new Meteorological Terms part of the App now While the old weather data provider implementation obtained all the meteorological information as already localized strings from the provider, the new implementation requires all sorts of weather conditions being translated within the Lomiri Weather App itself. The meteorological terms are probably not easy to translate for the usual software translator, so special help might be required here. Call for Translations: Lomiri Weather App So, if you feel entitled to help here, please join the Hosted Weblate service [1] and start working on Lomiri Weather App. Thanks a lot! light+love
Mike Gabriel (aka sunweaver) [1]

3 July 2024

Mike Gabriel: Polis - a FLOSS Tool for Civic Participation -- Initial Evaluation and Adaptation (episode 2/5)

Here comes the 2nd article of the 5-episode blog post series written by Guido Berh rster, member of staff at my company Fre(i)e Software GmbH. Enjoy also this read on Guido's work on Polis,
Table of Contents of the Blog Post Series
  1. Introduction
  2. Initial evaluation and adaptation (this article)
  3. Issues extending Polis and adjusting our goals
  4. Creating (a) new frontend(s) for Polis
  5. Current status and roadmap
Polis - Initial evaluation and adaptation The Polis code base consists of a number of components, the administration and participation interfaces, a common web backend, and a statistics processing server. Both frontends and the backend are written in a mixture of JavaScript and TypeScript, only the statistics processing server is written in Clojure. In case of self hosting the preferred method of deployment is via Docker containers using Docker Compose or any other orchestrator. The participation frontend for conversations can either be used as a standalone web page or be embedded via an iframe. For our planned use case we initially defined the following goals: After a preliminary evaluation of our own and consulting with Policy Lab UK who were also evaluating and testing Polis and had already made a range of improvements related to self-hosting as well as bug fixes and modernization changes we decided to take their work as a base for our adaptations with the intent of submitting generally useful changes back to the Polis project. Subsequently, a number of changes were implemented, including the removal of hardcoded domain names, the elimination of unnecessary cookies and third-party requests, support for an alternative email sending service, and the option of disabling Facebook and X integration. For the branding our approach was to add an option allowing websites which are embedding conversations in an iframe to load an alternative stylesheet for overriding the native Polis branding. For this to be practical we intended to use CSS custom properties for defining branding-related styles such as colors and fonts. That approach turned out to be problematic because although the Polis participation frontend stylesheet is generated via SCSS and some of the colors are parameterized, however, they are not used consistently throughout the SCSS stylesheets, unfortunately. In addition the frontend templates contain a large amount of hardcoded style attributes. While we succeeded in implementing user-defined stylesheets, it took a disproportionate amount of development resources to parameterize all used colors and fonts via CSS custom properties aggravated by the fact that the SCSS and template files are huge and contain many unused rules and code.

2 July 2024

Mike Gabriel: Polis - a FLOSS Tool for Civic Participation -- Introduction (episode 1/5)

This is the first article of a 5-episode blog post series written by Guido Berh rster, member of staff at my company Fre(i)e Software GmbH. Thanks, Guido for being on the Polis project. Enjoy the read on the work Guido has been doing over the past months,
A team lead by Raoul Kramer/BetaBreak is currently adapting Polis for evaluation and testing by several Dutch provincial governments and central government ministries. Guido Berh rster (author of this article) who is an employee at Fre(i)e Software GmbH has been involved in this project as the main software developer. This series of blog posts describes how and why Polis was initially modified and adapted, what issues the team ran into and how this ultimately lead them to start a new Open Source project called Particiapp for accelerating the development of alternative Polis frontends compatible to but independent from the upstream project. Table of Contents of the Blog Post Series
  1. Introduction (this article)
  2. Initial evaluation and adaptation
  3. Issues extending Polis and adjusting our goals
  4. Creating (a) new frontend(s) for Polis
  5. Current status and roadmap
Polis - The Introduction What is Polis? Polis is a platform for participation which helps to gather, analyze and understand viewpoints of large groups of participants on complex issues. In practical terms participants take part in conversations on a predefined topic by voting on statements or submitting their own statements (referred to as comments in Polis) for others to vote on1. Through statistical analysis including machine learning participants are sorted into groups based on similarities in voting behavior. In addition, group-informed and overall consensus statements are identified and presented to participants in real-time. This allows for participants to react to and refine statements and either individually or through a predefined process to come to an overall consensus. Furthermore, the order in which statements are presented to participants is influenced by a complex weighting system based on a number of factors such as variance, recency, and frequency of skipping. This so called comment routing is intended to facilitate a meaningful contribution of participants without requiring them to vote on each of a potentially huge number of statements 2. Polis open-ended nature sets it apart from online surveys using pre-defined questions and allows its users to gather a more accurate picture of the public opinion. In contrast to a discussion forum or comment section where participants directly reply to each other, it discourages unproductive behavior such as provocations or personal attacks by not presenting statements in chronological order in combination with voting. Finally, its comment routing is intended to provide scalability towards a large number of participants which generate a potentially large number of statements. The project was developed and is maintained by The Computational Democracy Project, a USA-based non-profit organization which provides a hosted version and offers related services. It is also released as Open Source software under the AGPL 3.0 license. Polis has been used in a variety of different contexts as part of broader political processes facilitating broader political participation and opinion-forming, and gathering feedback and creative input. Use of Polis in Taiwan One prominent use case of Polis is its adoption as part of the vTaiwan participatory governance project. Established by the g0v civic tech community in the wake of the 2014 mass protests by the Sunflower movement, the vTaiwan project enables consultations on proposed legislation among a broad range of stakeholders including government ministries, lawmakers, experts, interest groups, civil society as well as the broader public. Although the resulting recommendations are non-binding, they exert pressure on the government to take action and recommendations have been adopted into legislation.345 vTaiwan uses Polis for large-scale online deliberations as part of a structured participation process. These deliberations take place after identifying and involving stakeholders and experts and providing through information about the topic at hand to the public. Citizens are then given the opportunity to vote on statements or provide alternative proposals which allows for the refinement of ideas and ideally leads to a consensus at the end. The results of these online deliberations are then curated, discussed in publicly broadcast face-to-face meetings which ultimately produce concrete policy recommendations. vTaiwan has in numerous cases given impulses resulting in government action and provided significant input e.g. on legislation regulating Uber or technological experiments by Fintech startups.35 See also

16 February 2024

Mike Gabriel: Debian Edu 12 - Call for Testing

This is a call for testing of Debian Edu based on Debian bookworm. With the Debian 12.5 point release all required packages have landed in the Debian Edu ISO images that allow you to install a Debian Edu system based on Debian 12. ISO Image Downloads You can find the Blueray Disc ISO image (use for main server installation) at: For standalone workstation installations or installations on an already up-and-running Debian Edu site, please use the netinst ISO image: Quick Start HowTo For testing Debian Edu 12, set up e.g. LXD or libVirt and install (at least) three virtual machines. In your virtualization software prepare an internal network where the VMs can reach one another without needing access to your local network. The three VMs: Happy testing! Further Readings Overall installation profile concept of Debian Edu: Debian Edu 12 manual: Debian Edu 12 status page:

28 March 2023

Mike Gabriel: UbuntuTouch Focal OTA-1 has been released

Yesterday, the UBports core developer team released Ubuntu Touch Focal OTA-1 (In fact, Raoul, Marius and I were in a conference call when Marius froze and said: the PR team already posted the release blog post; the post is out, but we haven't released yet... ahhhh... panic... Shall I?, Marius said, and we said: GO!!! This is why the release occurred in public five hours ahead of schedule. OMG.) For all the details, please study: Credits Thanks to all the developers, other contributors and funding providers that helped to reach this massive milestone. I dare to drop some names here at the risk of forgetting others (I put them in alphanumerical order): Alan, Alfred, Brian, Christoffer, Daniel, Eline, Florian, Guido, Jami, Jonathan, Kugi, Lionel, Maciek, Mardy, Marius, Mike, Nigel, Nikita, Raoul, Ratchanan, Robert, Sergey. I have been involved in the development and release process over the past four years and I feel honoured to work with so many fine and genuine people on such a unique project. It is a pleasure to work with you guys!!! Also a big thanks to the UBports Foundation and its BoD for being the umbrella organisation of all Ubuntu Touch related initiatives. Consumer-Ready Ubuntu Touch is one of the very few Open Source projects that brings fourth a 100% FLOSS phone operating system. After using Ubuntu Touch myself for several months now, I can confirm that it is a consumer grade OS that can be used by non-tech people as a daily driver for mobile communications and connectivity. Go for it and try it out.

5 February 2023

Mike Gabriel: Call for translations: Lomiri / Ubuntu Touch 20.04

Prologue For over a year now, Fre(i)e Software GmbH (my company) is involved in Ubuntu Touch development. The development effort currently is handled by a mix of paid and voluntary developers/contributors under the umbrella of the UBports Foundation. We are approaching the official first release of Ubuntu Touch 20.04 with rapid pace. And, if you are a non-Englisch native speaker, we'd like to ask you for help... Read below. light+love
Mike (aka sunweaver at, Mastodon, IRC, etc.) Internationalization (i18n) of Ubuntu Touch 20.04 The UBports team has moved most of the translation workflows for localizing Ubuntu Touch over to Hosted Weblate: To contribute to the UBports projects you need to register here: The localization platform of all UBports / Lomiri components is sponsored by Hosted Weblate via their free hosting plan for Libre and Open Source Projects. Many thanks for providing this service. Translating Lomiri The translation components in the Lomiri project have already been set up and are ready for being updated by translators. Please expect some translation template changes for all those components to occur in the near future, but this should not hinder you from starting translation work right away. Translating Lomiri will bring the best i18n experience to Ubuntu Touch 20.04 end users for the core libraries and the pre-installed (so called) Core Apps. Translating Ubuntu Touch Apps For App Developers (apps that are not among the Core Apps) we will now offer a translation slot under the UBports project on If you are actively maintaining an Ubuntu Touch app, please ask for a translation component slot on and we will set up your app's translation workflow for and with you. Using the translation service at Hosted Weblate is not a must for app developers, it's rather a service we offer to ease i18n work on Ubuntu Touch apps. Who to contact? To get translations for your app set up on Hosted Weblate, please get in touch with us on, please highlight @sunweaver (Mike Gabriel), @BetaBreak (Raoul Kramer), @cibersheep and @Danfro with your request.

20 October 2022

Mike Gabriel: Ubuntu Touch development - Wanna sponsor ARM64 CPU power for CI build infrastructure?

What is Ubuntu Touch? (And what does sunweaver have to do with it?) With Ubuntu Touch, the UBports Foundation offers a truly unique mobile experience - a viable alternative to Android and iOS. The UBports community provides a free and open-source GNU/Linux-based mobile operating system. One that can be installed and used today. Currently, there is an intensive effort going on lifting Ubuntu Touch from its current Ubuntu 16.04 base up to an Ubuntu 20.04 base. (And very soon after that to an Ubuntu 22.04 base...). With the Ubuntu Touch 20.04 base the progress bar is already at (I'd say) 89%, but we recently got hit by a drawback. I am currently involved in the Ubuntu Touch core development team at UBports and on medium short notice our current ARM64 server sponsor has announced to decommission our ARM64 build server that currently powers all the ARM64 and armhf CI builds. Call for Hardware Sponsoring So, the UBports core development team is currently desperately looking for a sponsor (or a few sponsors) who can provide us with (datacenter-hosted) ARM-based CPU power. It is important, that also 32-bit ARM builds are possible with the hardware provided. For testing, I recently ordered a HoneyComb LX2 (by SolidRun) as a possible solution (multi-node in the end), but the board arrived in a non-usable state, it seems. So this also didn't work out as easy as expected. As the former provider/sponsor is about to pull the plug, this call for help is kind of urgent. Please get in touch if you can help us out or know people who can. Thanks!!!
Mike (sunweaver at,, OFTC, Telegram,, etc.)

23 December 2021

Mike Gabriel: MATE 1.26 has finally landed in Debian testing

For those, who haven't realized, yet: MATE 1.26 has now been uploaded to Debian and should be available in Debian testing to all happy testers. During December, me and the whole family, we had been infected with Covid-19. All of us have recovered well, by now. In fact, I was very happy about a proper fever which I haven't had in years. (Fever is a well-known form of cancer prevention / prophylaxis). Drinking a lot (of warm water!), not eating for five days, and additionally following some health practices from the natural healing context supported the recovery process really well. The MATE 1.26 DEB package preparations had been done while sitting in bed with my hot water bottle in the back and a pot of honeyed thyme tea next to me on the window sill. Things were getting too boring while being sick, so the monotonous wrapping up of +/- 40 desktop environment DEB packages was a welcome change then (and not too complex for the reduced brain activity of mine, either). Hope, that MATE 1.26 in Debian works well for many Debian users. I also plan to bring MATE 1.26 to bullseye-backports soon (second half of January, probably). light+love
Mike (aka sunweaver at

25 November 2021

Mike Gabriel: Touching Firefox on Linux

More as a reminder to myself, but possibly also helpful to other people who want to use Firefox on a tablet running Debian... Without the below adjustment, finger gestures in Firefox running on a tablet result in image moving, text highlighting, etc. (operations related to copy+paste). Not the intuitively expected behaviour... If you use e.g. GNOME on Wayland for your tablet and want to enable touch functionalities in Firefox, then switch the whole browser to native Wayland rendering. This line in ~/.profile seems to help:
If you use a desktop environment running on top of X.Org, then make sure you have added the following line to ~/.profile:
export MOZ_USE_XINPUT2=1
Logout/login again and Firefox should be scrollable with 2-finger movements up and down, zooming in and out also works then. light+love
Mike (aka sunweaver at

19 November 2021

Mike Gabriel: Improbability of a million, lintian thinks...

An interesting mindset overcome by reality... Also, lintian does not differentiate between between 100.000 and 1.000.000.
W: ayatana-indicator-display: improbable-bug-number-in-closes 1000143
N:   The most recent changelog closes a low-numbered bug number. While this is distantly possible, it's more likely a typo or
N:   a placeholder value that mistakenly wasn't filled in.
N:   Visibility: warning
N:   Show-Always: no
N:   Check: debian/changelog
\_( )_/ light+love

4 November 2021

Mike Gabriel: Call for Translations: Ayatana Indicators 0.9.x Release Series

We (Robert Tari, the UBports developers team, myself) are very close to releasing Ayatana Indicators 0.9.x. The work on Ayatana Indicators is currently nearly completed funded by the UBports Foundation and over the past half year, many many changes, improvements and clean-ups have been added to the code. Ayatana Indicators 0.9.x will be the first release series to be in the development tree of Ubuntu Touch 20.04 (which is currently under very heavy development). Ayatana Indicators 0.9.x will also be used in various other desktop environments available in upcoming Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, such as Ubuntu MATE, Xubuntu, (optionally in) Ubuntu Budgie (please correct my wording, if you know better), (send me a note, if I forgot your desktop env), etc. So, to all Ubuntu Touch, Ubuntu MATE, Xubuntu, etc. users. If you not already are a translator of Ayatana Indicators and you are good in English and fluent in at least one other language, please consider helping out with translating or improving translations of Ayatana Indicators. The translation work needs to be done on Hosted Weblate [1], please sign up for an account (if you haven't done so, yet) and chime in. Thanks so much for your contributions! light+love

18 September 2021

Mike Gabriel: X2Go, Remmina and X2GoKdrive

In this blog post, I will cover a few related but also different topics around X2Go - the GNU/Linux based remote computing framework. Introduction and Catch Up For those, who haven't come across X2Go, so far... With X2Go [0] you can log into remote GNU/Linux machines graphically and launch headless desktop environments, seamless/published applications or access an already running desktop session (on a local Xserver or running as a headless X2Go desktop session) via X2Go's session shadowing / mirroring feature. Graphical backend: NXv3 For several years, there was only one graphical backend available in X2Go, the NXv3 software. In NXv3, you have a headless or nested (it can do both) Xserver that has some remote magic built-in and is able to transfer the Xserver's graphical data to a remote client (NX proxy). Over the wire, the NX protocol allows for data compression (JPEG, PNG, etc.) and combines it with bitmap caching, so that the overall result is a fast and responsive desktop experience even on low latency and low bandwidth connections. This especially applies to X desktop environments that use many native X protocol operations for drawing windows and widget onto the screen. The more bitmaps involved (e.g. in applications with client-side rendering of window controls and such), the worse the quality of a session experience. The current main maintainer of NVv3 (aka nx-libs [1]) is Ulrich Sibiller. Uli has my and the X2Go community's full appreciation, admiration and gratitude for all the work he does on nx-libs, constantly improving NXv3 without breaking compatibility with legacy use cases (yes, FreeNX is still alive, by the way). NEW: Alternative Graphical Backend: X2Go Kdrive Over the past 1.5 years, Oleksandr Shneyder (Alex), co-founder of X2Go, has been working on a re-implementation of an alternative, less X11-dependent graphical backend. The underlying Xserver technology is the kdrive part of the server project. People on GNU/Linux might have used kdrive technology already: The Xephyr nested Xserver uses the kdrive implementation. The idea of the X2Go Kdrive [2] implementation in X2Go is providing a headless Xserver on the X2Go Server side for running X11 based desktop sessions inside while using an X11-agnostic data protocol for sending the graphical desktop data to the client-side for rendering. Whereas, with NXv3 technology, you need a local Xserver on the client side, with X2Go Kdrive you only need a client app(lication) that can draw bitmaps into some sort of framebuffer, such as a client-side X11 Xserver, a client-side Wayland compositor or (hold your breath) an HTMLv5 canvas in a web browser. X2Go Kdrive Client Implementations During first half of this year, I tested and DEB-packaged Alex's X2Go HTMLv5 client code [3] and it has been available for testing in the X2Go nightly builds archive for a while now. Of course, the native X2Go Client application has X2Go Kdrive support for a while, too, but it requires a Qt5 application in the background, the x2gokdriveclient (which is still only available in X2Go nightly builds or from X2Go Git [4]). X2Go and Remmina As currently posted by the Remmina community [5], one of my employees has been working on finalizing an already existing draft of mine for the last couple of months: Remmina Plugin X2Go. This project has been contracted by BAUR-ITCS UG (haftungsbeschr nkt) already a while back and has been financed via X2Go funding from one of their customers. Unfortunately, I never got around really to finalizing the project. Apologies for this. Daniel Teichmann, who has been in the company for a while now, but just recently switched to an employment model with considerably more work hours per week, now picked up this project two months ago and achieved awesome things on the way. Daniel Teichmann and Antenore Gatta (Remmina core developer, aka tmow) have been cooperating intensely on this, recently, with the objective of getting the X2Go plugin code merged into Remmina asap. We are pretty close to the first touchdown (i.e. code merge) of this endeavour. Thanks to Antenore for his support on this. This is much appreciated. Remmina Plugin X2Go - Current Challenges The X2Go Plugin for Remmina implementation uses Python X2Go (PyHoca-CLI) under the bonnet and basically does a system call to pyhoca-cli according to the session settings configured in the Remmina session profile UI. When using NXv3 based sessions, the session window appears on the client-side Xserver and immediately gets caught by Remmina and embedded into the Remmina frame (via Xembed protocol) where its remote sessions are supposed to appear. (Thanks that GtkSocket is still around in GTK-3). The knowing GTK-3 experts among you may have noticed: GtkSocket is obsolete and has been removed from GTK-4. Also, GtkSocket support is only available in GTK-3 when using its X11 rendering backend. For the X2Go Kdrive implementation, we tested a similar approach (embedding the x2gokdriveclient Qt5 window via Xembed/GtkSocket), but it seems that GtkSocket and Qt5 applications don't work well together and we did not succeed in embedding the Qt5 window of the x2gokdriveclient application into Remmina, so far. Also, this would be a work-around for the bigger problem: We want, long-term, provide X2Go Kdrive support in Remmina, not only for Remmina running with GTK-3/X11, but also when Remmina is used natively on top of Wayland. So, the more sustainable approach for showing an X2Go Kdrive based X2Go session in Remmina would be a GTK-3/4 or a Glib-2.0 + Cairo based rendering client provided as a shared library. This then could be used by Remmina for drawing the session bitmaps into the Remmina session frame. This would require a port of the x2gokdriveclient Qt code into a non-Qt implementation. However, we are running out of funding to make this happen at the moment. More Funding Needed for this Journey As you might guess, such a project as proposed is a project that some people do in their spare time, others do it for a living. I'd love to continue this project and have Daniel Teichmann continue his work on this, so that Remmina might soon be able to provide native X2Go Kdrive Client support. If people read this and are interested in supporting such a project, please get in touch [6]. Thanks so much! light+love
Mike (aka sunweaver) [0]

15 August 2021

Mike Gabriel: Chromium Policies Managed under Linux

For a customer project, I recently needed to take a closer look at best strategies of deploying Chromium settings to thrillions of client machines in a corporate network. Unfortunately, the information on how to deploy site-wide Chromium browser policies are a little scattered over the internet and the intertwining of Chromium preferences and Chromium policies required deeper introspection. Here, I'd like to provide the result of that research, namely a list of references that has been studied before setting up Chromium policies for the customer's proof-of-concept. Difference between Preferences and Policies Chromium can be controlled via preferences (mainly user preferences) and administratively rolled-out policy files. The difference between preferences and policies are explained here: The site-admin (or distro package maintainer) can pre-configure the user's Chromium experience via a master preferences file (/etc/chromium/master_preferences). This master preferences file is the template for the user's preferences file and gets copied over into the Chromium user profile folder on first browser start. Note: By studying the recent Chromium code it was found out that /etc/chromium/master_preferences is the legacy filename of the initial preferences file. The new filename is /etc/chromium/initial_preferences. We will continue with master_preferences here as most Linux distributions still provide the initial preferences via this file. Whereas the new filename is already supported by Chromium in openSUSE/SLES, it is not yet support by Chromium in Debian/Ubuntu. (See Debian bug #992178). Difference of 'managed' and 'recommended' Policies The difference between 'managed' and 'recommended' Chromium policies is explained here: Quoting from above URL (last visited 2021/08): Policies that should be editable by the user are called "recommended policies" and offer a better alternative than the master_preferences file. Their contents can be changed and are respected as long as the user has not modified the value of that preference themselves. So, policies of type 'managed' override user preferences (and also lock them in the Chromium settings UI). Those 'managed' policies are good for enforcing browser settings. They can be blended in also for existing browser user profiles. Policies ('managed' and 'recommended') even get blended it at browser run-time when modified. Use case: e.g. for rolling out browser security settings that are required for enforcing a site-policy-compliant browser user configuration. Policies of type 'recommended' have an impact on setting defaults of the Chromium browser. They apply to already existing browser profiles, if the user hasn't tweaked with the to-be-recommended settings, yet. Also, they get applied at browser run-time. However, if the user has already fiddled with such a to-be-recommended setting via the Chromium settings UI, the user choice takes precedence over the recommended policy. Use case: Policies of type 'recommended' are good for long-term adjustments to browser configuration options. Esp. if users don't touch their browser settings much, 'recommended' policies are a good approach for fine-tuning site-wide browser settings on user machines. CAVEAT: While researching on this topic, two problematic observations were made:
  1. All setting parameters put into the master preferences file (/etc/chromium/master_preferences) can't be superceded by 'recommended' Chromium policies. Pre-configured preferences are handled as if the user has already tinkered with those preferences in Chromium's settings UI. It also was discovered, that distributors tend to overload /etc/chromium/master_preferences with their best practice browser settings. Everything that is not required on first browser start should be provided as 'recommended' policies, already in the distribution packages for Chromium .
  2. There does not seem to be an elegant way to override the package maintainer's choice of options in /etc/chromium/master_preferences file via some file drop-in replacement. (See Debian bug #992179). So, deploying Chromium involves post-install config file tinkering by hand, by script or by config management tools. There is space for improvement here.
Managing Chromium Policy with Files Chromium supports 'managed' policies and 'recommended' policies. Policies get deployed as JSON files. For Linux, this is explained here: Note, that for Chromium, the policy files have to be placed into /etc/chromium. The example on the above web page shows where to place them for Google Chrome. Good 'How to Get Started' Documentation for Chromium Policy Setups This overview page provides a good get-started-documentation on how to provision Chromium via policies: First-Run Preferences It seems, not every setting can be tweaked via a Chromium policy. Esp. the first-run preferences are affected by this: So, for tweaking the first-run settings, one needs to adjust /etc/chromium/master_prefences (which is suboptimal, again see Debian bug #992179 for a detailed explanation on why this is suboptimal). The required adjustments to master_preferences can be achieved with the jq command line tool, here is one example:
# Tweak chromium's /etc/chromium/master_preferences file.
# First change: drop everything that can be provisioned via Chromium Policies.
# Rest of the changes: Adjust preferences for new users to our needs for all
# parameters that cannot be provisioned via Chromium Policies.
cat /etc/chromium/master_preferences   \
    jq 'del(.browser.show_home_button, .browser.check_default_browser, .homepage)'  
    jq '.first_run_tabs=[ "", "" ]'  
    jq '.default_apps="noinstall"'  
    jq '.credentials_enable_service=false   .credentials_enable_autosignin=false'  
    jq '.search.suggest_enabled=false'  
    jq '.distribution.import_bookmarks=false   .distribution.verbose_logging=false   .distribution.skip_first_run_ui=true'  
    jq '.distribution.create_all_shortcuts=true   .distribution.suppress_first_run_default_browser_prompt=true'  
    cat > /etc/chromium/master_preferences.adapted
if [ -n "/etc/chromium/master_preferences.adapted" ]; then
        mv /etc/chromium/master_preferences.adapted /etc/chromium/master_preferences
        echo "WARNING (chromium tweaks): The file /etc/chromium/master_preferences.adapted was empty after tweaking."
        echo "                           Leaving /etc/chromium/master_preferences untouched."
The list of available (first-run and other) initial preferences can be found in Chromium's code file: List of Available Chromium Policies The list of available Chromium policies used to be maintained in the Chromium wiki: However, that page these days redirects to the Google Chrome Enterprise documentation: Each policy variable has its own documentation page there. Please note the "Supported Features" section for each policy item. There, you can see, if the policy supports being placed into "recommended" and/or "managed". This is an example /etc/chromium/policies/managed/50_browser-security.json file (note that all kinds of filenames are allowed, even files without .json suffix):
  "HideWebStoreIcon": true,
  "DefaultBrowserSettingEnabled": false,
  "AlternateErrorPagesEnabled": false,
  "AutofillAddressEnabled": false,
  "AutofillCreditCardEnabled": false,
  "NetworkPredictionOptions": 2,
  "SafeBrowsingProtectionLevel": 0,
  "PaymentMethodQueryEnabled": false,
  "BrowserSignin": false,
And this is an example /etc/chromium/policies/recommended/50_homepage.json file:
  "ShowHomeButton": true,
  "WelcomePageOnOSUpgradeEnabled": false,
  "HomepageLocation": ""
And for defining a custom search provider, I use /etc/chromium/policies/recommended/60_searchprovider.json (here, I recommend not using DuckDuckGo as DefaultSearchProviderName, but some custom name; unfortunately, I did not find a policy parameter that simply selects an already existing search provider name as the default :-( ):
  "DefaultSearchProviderEnabled": true,
  "DefaultSearchProviderName": "DuckDuckGo used by",
  "DefaultSearchProviderIconURL": "",
  "DefaultSearchProviderEncodings": ["UTF-8"],
  "DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL": " searchTerms ",
  "DefaultSearchProviderSuggestURL": " searchTerms &type=list",
  "DefaultSearchProviderNewTabURL": ""
The Essence and Recommendations On first startup, Chromium copies /etc/chromium/master_preferences to $HOME/.config/chromium/Default/Preferences. It does this only if the Chromium user profile has'nt been created, yet. So, settings put into master_preferences by the distro and the site or device admin are one-time-shot preferences (new user logs into a device, preferences get applied on first start of Chromium). Chromium policy files, however, get continuously applied at browser runtime. Chromium watches its policy files and you can observe Chromium settings change when policy files get modified. So, for continuously provisioning site-wide settings that mostly always trickle into the user's browser configuration, Chromium policies should definitely be preferred over master_preferences and this should be the approach to take. When using Chromium policies, one needs to take into account that settings in /etc/chromium/master_preferences seem to have precedence over 'recommended' policies. So, settings that you want to deploy as recommended policies must be removed from /etc/chromium/master_preferences. Essentially, these are the recommendations extracted from all the above research and information for deploying Chromium on enterprise scale:
  1. Everything that's required at first-run should go into /etc/chromium/master_preferences.
  2. Everything that's not required at first-run should be removed from /etc/chromium/master_preferences.
  3. Everything that's deployable as a Chromium policy should be deployed as a policy (as you can influence existing browser sessions with that, also long-term)
  4. Chromium policy files should be split up into several files. Chromium parses those files in alpha-numerical order. If policies occur more than once, the last policy being parsed takes precedence.
Feedback If you have any feedback or input on this post, I'd be happy to hear it. Please get in touch via the various channels where I am known as sunweaver (OFTC and IRC, [matrix], Mastodon, E-Mail at, etc.). Looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks! light+love
Mike Gabriel (aka sunweaver)

20 June 2021

Mike Gabriel: BBB Packaging for Debian, a short Heads-Up

Over the past days, I have received tons of positive feedback on my previous blog post about forming the Debian BBB Packaging Team [1]. Feedback arrived via mail, IRC, [matrix] and Mastodon. Awesome. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, folks... Therefore, here comes a short ... Heads-Up on the current Ongoings ... around packaging BigBlueButton for Debian: Credits light+love
Mike Gabriel


11 June 2021

Mike Gabriel: New: The Debian BBB Packaging Team (and: Kurento Media Server goes Debian)

Today, Fre(i)e Software GmbH has been contracted for packaging Kurento Media Server for Debian. This packaging project will be funded by GUUG e.V. (the German Unix User Group e.V.). A big thanks to the people from GUUG e.V. for making this packaging project possible. About Kurento Media Server Kurento is an open source software project providing a platform suitable for creating modular applications with advanced real-time communication capabilities. For knowing more about Kurento, please visit the Kurento project website: Kurento is part of FIWARE. For further information on the relationship of FIWARE and Kurento check the Kurento FIWARE Catalog Entry. Kurento is also part of the NUBOMEDIA research initiative. Kurento Media Server is a WebRTC-compatible server that processes audio and video streams, doing composable pipeline-based processing of media. About BigBlueButton As some of you may know, Kurento Media Server is one of the core components of the BigBlueButton software, an ,,Open Source Virtual Classroom Software''. The context of the KMS funding is - after several other steps - getting the complete software component stack of BigBlueButton (aka BBB) into Debian some day, so that we can provide BBB as native Debian packages. On Debian. (Currently, one needs to use an always already a bit outdated version of Ubuntu). Due to this greater context, I just created the Debian BBB Packaging Team on Outlook and Appreciation The current project (uploading Kurento Media Server to Debian) will very likely be extended to one year of package maintenance for all Kurento Media Server components in Debian. Extending this maintenance funding to a second year, has also been discussed, and seems a possible option. Probably most Debian Developer colleagues will agree with me when I say that Debian packaging is not a one-time shot until the first uploads of software packages have landed and settled. Debian package maintenance is a long term responsibility and requires long term commitment. I am very glad, that the people at GUUG e.V are on the same page with me (with us) regarding this. This is much and dearly appreciated. Thank you!!! What else? Well, we have also talked about another BigBlueButton component that is not yet in Debian: FreeSwitch. But more of that, when time has come. How to Join the Debian BBB Packaging Team? Please ping me via IRC (sunweaver on OFTC IRC) or [matrix] ( How to Support the Debian BBB Packaging Team? If you, your organization, your company, your municipality, your university, etc. feels like supporting the effort of packaging BigBlueButton for Debian, please get in touch with: And yes, the company homepage is not online, yet, but it is in the makings... light+love
Mike (aka sunweaver)

Mike Gabriel: Linux on Acer Spin 3

Recently, I bought an Acer Spin 3 Convertible Notebook for the company and provided it to Robert Tari for his daily work on Ayatana Indicators (which currently is funded by the UBports Foundation via my company Fre(i)e Software GmbH). Some days ago Robert reported back about a sleepless night he spent with that machine... He got stuck with a tricky issue regarding the installation of Manjaro GNU/Linux on that machine, that could be -- at the end -- resolved by a not so well documented trick. Before anyone else spends another sleepless night on this, we thought we'd better share Robert's solution. So, the below applies to the Acer Spin 3 series (and probably to other Spin models, perhaps even some other Acer laptops): Acer Spin 3 Pre-Inst Cheat Codes Before you even plug in the USB install media:
  1. Go to UEFI settings (i.e. BIOS for us elderly people) [F2]
  2. Security -> Set Supervisor Password [Enabled]
  3. Enter the password you'll use
  4. Boot -> Secure Boot -> [Disabled] (you can't disable it without a set supervisor password)
  5. Exit -> Exit Saving Changes
  6. Restart and go to UEFI settings again [F2]
  7. Main -> [Now press CTRL + S] -> VMD Controller -> [Disabled]
  8. Exit -> Exit Saving Changes
  9. Now plug in the install USB and restart
Esp. the disabling of the VMD Controller is essential. Otherwise, GRUB won't find any partition nor EFI registered boot items after the installation and drops into the EFI recovery shell. Robert hasn't tested the Wacom pen that comes with the device, nor the fingerprint reader, yet. Everything else works out-of-the-box. light+love
Mike Gabriel (aka sunweaver)

7 June 2021

Mike Gabriel: UBports: Packaging of Lomiri Operating Environment for Debian (part 05)

Before and during FOSDEM 2020, I agreed with the people (developers, supporters, managers) of the UBports Foundation to package the Unity8 Operating Environment for Debian. Since 27th Feb 2020, Unity8 has now become Lomiri. Recent Uploads to Debian related to Lomiri (Feb - May 2021) Over the past 4 months I attended 14 of the weekly scheduled UBports development sync sessions and worked on the following bits and pieces regarding Lomiri in Debian: The largest amount of work (and time) went into getting lomiri-ui-toolkit ready for upload. That code component is a absolutely massive beast and dearly intertwined with Qt5 (and unit tests fail with every new warning a new Qt5.x introduces). This bit of work I couldn't do alone (see below in "Credits" section). The next projects / packages ahead are some smaller packages (content-hub, gmenuharness, etc.) before we will finally come to lomiri (i.e. main bit of the Lomiri Operating Environment) itself. Credits Many big thanks go to everyone on the UBports project, but especially to Ratchanan Srirattanamet who lived inside of lomiri-ui-toolkit for more than two weeks, it seemed. Also, thanks to Florian Leeber for being my point of contact for topics regarding my cooperation with the UBports Foundation. Packaging Status The current packaging status of Lomiri related packages in Debian can be viewed at: light+love
Mike Gabriel (aka sunweaver)

25 May 2021

Mike Gabriel: Bye bye, Freenode!

This is a very short notice that I am not available via Freenode anymore. You can now reach me and the projects I am involved in (#x2go, #arctica, #ayatana-indicators) via the IRC network. Of course, I am also available and hanging out on OFTC IRC for all Debian related topics. For details on the reasoning, I noticed that I am fully aligned with Antoine Beaupr 's statements in his recent blog post on the same matter [1]. A recommended read. light+love
Mike [1]
