Search Results: "Jonathan Wiltshire"

21 April 2015

Jonathan Wiltshire: Jessie Countdown: 4

Four architectures types of computing device that you can use to run Debian didn t make it through architecture qualification for Jessie and won t be part of the official stable release this weekend. It s always difficult to see architectures go, particularly when there is still a community interested in maintaining support for them. Nevertheless, sometimes a port just doesn t have enough momentum behind it or sufficient upstream interest from the toolchain to be economical. Whether a port is of sufficient quality for stable is a complex decision involving several different teams Debian System Administration, the security team, those who maintain the auto-builder network, the release team, and so on and will continue to affect them for several years. It s not all gloom though: new architectures in Jessie include arm64, ppc64el (a 64-bit version of powerpc) and s390x (replacing Wheezy s s390). Architecture rotation can be healthy. (source: ia64 and s390 were planned retirements following Wheezy, leaving hurd-i386, kfreebsd-i386, kfreebsd-amd64 and sparc which didn t satisfy all qualification criteria by the time decisions had to be taken.)
Jessie Countdown: 4 is a post from: Flattr

20 April 2015

Jonathan Wiltshire: Jessie Countdown: 5

Five contributors became uploading Debian Developers so far in 2015 (source:
Jessie Countdown: 5 is a post from: Flattr

8 February 2015

Jonathan Wiltshire: Contributors

I like how reminds me of things I used to have time for, and motivates me to find some for them.
Contributors is a post from: Flattr

20 January 2015

Jonathan Wiltshire: Never too late for bug-squashing

With over a hundred RC bugs still outstanding for Jessie, there s never been a better time to host a bug-squashing party in your local area. Here s how I do it.
  1. At home is fine, if you don t mind guests. You don t need to seek out a sponsor and borrow or hire office space. If there isn t room for couch-surfers, the project can help towards travel and accommodation expenses. My address isn t secret, but I still don t announce it it s fine to share it only with the attendees once you know who they are.
  2. You need a good work area. There should be room for people to sit and work comfortably a dining room table and chairs is ideal. It should be quiet and free from distractions. A local mirror is handy, but a good internet connection is essential.
  3. Hungry hackers eat lots of snacks. This past weekend saw five of us get through 15 litres of soft drinks, two loaves of bread, half a kilo of cheese, two litres of soup, 22 bags of crisps, 12 jam tarts, two pints of milk, two packs of chocolate cake bars, and a large bag of biscuits (and we went out for breakfast and supper). Make sure there is plenty available before your attendees arrive, along with a good supply of tea and coffee.
  4. Have a work plan. Pick a shortlist of RC bugs to suit attendees strengths, or work on a particular packaging group s bugs, or have a theme, or something. Make sure there s a common purpose and you don t just end up being a bunch of people round a table.
  5. Be an exemplary host. As the host you re allowed to squash fewer bugs and instead make sure your guests are comfortable, know where the bathroom is, aren t going hungry, etc. It s an acceptable trade-off. (The reverse is true: if you re attending, be an exemplary guest and don t spend the party reading news sites.)
Now, go host a BSP of your own, and let s release!
Never too late for bug-squashing is a post from: Flattr

18 January 2015

Jonathan Wiltshire: Alcester BSP, day three

We have had a rather more successful weekend then I feared, as you can see from our log on the wiki page. Steve reproduced and wrote patches for several installer/bootloader bugs, and Neil and I spent significant time in a maze of twist zope packages (we have managed to provide more diagnostics on the bug, even if we couldn t resolve it). Ben and Adam have ploughed through a mixture of bugs and maintenance work. I wrongly assumed we would only be able to touch a handful of bugs, since they are now mostly quite difficult, so it was rather pleasant to recap our progress this evening and see that it s not all bad after all.
Alcester BSP, day three is a post from: Flattr

17 January 2015

Jonathan Wiltshire: Alcester BSP, day two

Neil has abandoned his reputation as an RM machine, and instead concentrated on making the delayed queue as long as he can. I m reliably informed that it s now at a 3-year high. Steve is delighted that his reigning-in work is finally having an effect.
Alcester BSP, day two is a post from: Flattr

Jonathan Wiltshire: Alcester BSP, day one

Perhaps I should say evening one, since we didn t get going until nine or so. I have mostly been processing unblocks 13 in all. We have a delayed upload and a downgrade in the pipeline, plus a tested diff for Django. Predictably, Neil had the one and only removal request so far.
Alcester BSP, day one is a post from: Flattr

22 November 2014

Jonathan Wiltshire: Getting things into Jessie (#7)

Keep in touch We don t really have a lot of spare capacity to check up on things, so if we ask for more information or send you away to do an upload, please stay in touch about it. Do remove a moreinfo tag if you reply to a question and are now waiting for us again. Do ping the bug if you get a green light about an upload, and have done it. (And remove moreinfo if it was set.) Don t be afraid of making sure we re aware of progress.
Getting things into Jessie (#7) is a post from: Flattr

21 November 2014

Jonathan Wiltshire: On kFreeBSD and FOSDEM

Boy I love rumours. Recently I ve heard two, which I ought to put to rest now everybody s calmed down from recent events. kFreeBSD isn t an official Jessie architecture because <insert systemd-related scare story> Not true. Our sprint at ARM (who kindly hosted and caffeinated us for four days) was timed to coincide with the Cambridge Mini-DebConf 2014. The intention was that this would save on travel costs for those members of the Release Team who wanted to attend the conference, and give us a jolly good excuse to actually meet up. Winners all round. It also had an interesting side-effect. The room we used was across the hall from the lecture theatre being used as hack space and, later, the conference venue, which meant everybody attending during those two days could see us locked away there (and yes, we were in there all day for two days solid, except for lunch times and coffee missions). More than one conference attendee remarked to me in person that it was interesting for them to see us working (although of course they couldn t hear what we were discussing), and hadn t appreciated before that how much time and effort goes into our meetings. Most of our first morning was taken up with the last pieces of architecture qualification, and that was largely the yes/no decision we had to make about kFreeBSD. And you know what? I don t recall us talking about systemd in that context at all. Don t forget kFreeBSD already had a waiver for a reduced scope in Jessie because of the difficulty in porting systemd to it. It s sadly impossible to capture the long and detailed discussion we had into a couple of lines of status information in a bits mail. If bits mails were much longer, people would be put off reading them, and we really really want you to take note of what s in there. The little space we do have needs to be factual and to the point, and not include all the background that led us to a decision. So no, the lack of an official Jessie release of kFreeBSD has very little, if anything, to do with systemd. Jessie will be released during (or even before) FOSDEM Not necessarily true. Debian releases are made when they re ready. That sets us apart from lots of other distributions, and is a large factor in our reputation for stability. We may have a target date in mind for a freeze, because that helps both us and the rest of the project plan accordingly. But we do not have a release date in mind, and will not do so until we get much closer to being ready. (Have you squashed an RC bug today?) I think this rumour originated from the office of the DPL, but it s certainly become more concrete than I think Lucas intended. However, it is true that we ve gone into this freeze with a seriously low bug count, because of lots of other factors. So it may indeed be that we end up in good enough shape to think about releasing near (or even at) FOSDEM. But rest assured, Debian 8 Jessie will be released when it s ready, and even we don t know when that will be yet. (Of course, if we do release before then, you could consider throwing us a party. Plenty of the Release Team, FTP masters and CD team will be at FOSDEM, release or none.)
On kFreeBSD and FOSDEM is a post from: Flattr

Jonathan Wiltshire: Getting things into Jessie (#6)

If it s not in an unblock bug, we probably aren t reading it We really, really prefer unblock bugs to anything else right now (at least, for things relating to Jessie). Mails on the list get lost, and IRC is dubious. This includes for pre-approvals. It s perfectly fine to open an unblock bug and then find it s not needed, or the question is really about something else. We d rather that than your mail get lost between the floorboards. Bugs are easy to track, have metadata so we can keep the status up to date in a standard way, and are publicised in all the right places. They make a great to-do list. By all means twiddle with the subject line, for example appending (pre-approval) so it s clearer though watch out for twiddling too much, or you ll confuse udd. (to continue my theme: asking you to file a bug instead costs you one round-trip; don t forget we re doing it at scale)
Getting things into Jessie (#6) is a post from: Flattr

20 November 2014

Jonathan Wiltshire: Getting things into Jessie (#5)

Don t assume another package s unblock is a precedent for yours Sometime we ll use our judgement when granting an unblock to a less-than-straightforward package. Lots of factors go into that, including the regression risk, desirability, impact on other packages (of both acceptance and refusal) and trust. However, a judgement call on one package doesn t automatically mean that the same decision will be made for another. Every single unblock request we get is called on its own merits. Do by all means ask about your package in light of another. There may be cross-over that makes your change desirable as well. Don t take it personally if the judgement call ends up being not what you expected.
Getting things into Jessie (#5) is a post from: Flattr

19 November 2014

Jonathan Wiltshire: Getting things into Jessie (#4)

Make sure bug metadata is accurate We use the metadata on the bugs you claim to have closed, as well as reading the bug report itself. You can help us out with severities, tags (e.g. blocks), and version information. Don t fall into the trap of believing that an unblock is a green light into Jessie. Britney still follows her validity rules, so if an RC bug appears to affect the unblocked version, it won t migrate. Versions matter, not only the bug state (closed or open).
Getting things into Jessie (#4) is a post from: Flattr

18 November 2014

Jonathan Wiltshire: Getting things into Jessie (#3)

Make sure everything you ve changed is in the changelog We do read the diffs in detail, and if there s no explanation for something that s changed we ll ask. We also expect it to be in the changelog. Do save some round-trips by making sure your changelog is in order. One round-trip about your package is an inconvenience; when it s scaled up to the number of requests we receive, it s a serious time-sink for us.
Getting things into Jessie (#3) is a post from: Flattr

17 November 2014

Jonathan Wiltshire: Getting things into Jessie (#2)

If your request doesn t appear on the list, probably the diff was too big There s a size limit for mails to, and in general that s how we read unblock requests. If your mail doesn t appear on the list, but you do get a bug number back, your mail is likely too large.. In this case, that s probably a sign that we won t accept your request without exceptional circumstances. Making so many changes in a package is almost certainly not appropriate for this phase of the cycle. Do use filterdiff to remove automatically-generated files from your diff before sending it, which increases the chances of acceptance. Do follow up to the bug if it doesn t appear on the list; send a short message explaining that happened and why your giant diff should be considered. Don t be surprised if thousands and thousands of lines changed are rejected.
Getting things into Jessie (#2) is a post from: Flattr

16 November 2014

Jonathan Wiltshire: Getting things into Jessie (#1)

Make it easy for us to review your request The release team gets a lot of mail at this time in the cycle. Make it easy for us by:
Getting things into Jessie (#1) is a post from: Flattr

12 November 2014

Jonathan Wiltshire: A chilly week

It s finally become properly autumnal, in the real world and in Debian. One week ago, I announced (on behalf of the whole release team) that Debian 8 Jessie had successfully frozen on time. At 18:00 that evening we had 310 release critical bugs that is, the number that we must reduce to 0 before the release is ready. How does that number look now? Well, there are now 315 bugs affecting Jessie, at various stages of progression. That sounds like it s going in the wrong direction, but considering that over a hundred new bugs were filed just 8 hours after the freeze announcement, things are actually looking pretty good. Out of those 315 bugs, 91 have been fixed and the packages affected have already been unblocked by the release team. The fixed packages will migrate to Jessie in the next few days, if they continue to be bug-free. Thirty-four bugs are apparently fixed in unstable but are not cleared for migration yet. That means that the release team has not spotted the fix, or nobody has told us, or the fixed package is unsuitable for some other reason (like unrelated changes in the same upload). You can help by trying to find out which reason applies, and talking to us about it. Most likely nobody has asked us to unblock it yet. Speaking of unblocks, we currently have twenty-four requests that need to be looked at, and a further 20 which are awaiting more information from the maintainer. We already investigated and resolved 260 requests. Our response rate is currently pretty good, but it s unclear whether we can sustain it indefinitely. We all have day jobs, for example. One way you could help is to review the list of unchecked unblocks and gather up missing information, or look at the ones tagged moreinfo and see whether that s still the case (maybe the maintainer replied, but forgot to remove the tag). If you re confident, you might even try triaging some of the obvious requests and give some feedback to the maintainer, though the final decision will be made by a release team member. After all, the quicker this goes the sooner we can release and thaw up unstable again.
Footnote: the method used to determine RC bug counts last week and this week differ, and therefore so could the margin for error. Surprisingly enough, counting bugs is not an exact science. I m confident these numbers are close enough for broad comparison, even if they re out by one or two.
A chilly week is a post from: Flattr

7 November 2014

Niels Thykier: Release sprint Preparing for Jessie

The release team are doing a sprint right now up the mini-DebConf in Cambridge, kindly hosted by ARM. We have a fairly large agenda of around 10 items, ranging from simple things like determine the name for the next release to reviewing the list of RC bugs affecting Jessie. Personally, I am very pleased with our progress. We managed to finish 8 of items on the first day. Furthermore, we spent several hours on the RC bug list and keeping up with the unblock requests. There is also live status of the release team, courtesy of Jonathan Wiltshire. Mind you it is manually updated. We will announce the results of our sprint Sunday morning in our Release update talk. The announcement will also be posted to debian-devel-announce like our freeze announcement. Update: fix link to the live status

12 October 2014

Jonathan Wiltshire: Clean builds for the win

I ve just spent a little time squashing several bugs on the trot, all the same: insufficient build-dependencies when built in a clean environment. Typically this means that the package was uploaded after being built on a developer s normal machine, which already has everything required installed. It s long been the case that we have several ways to build packages in a clean chroot before upload, which reveals these sorts of errors and more. There s not really any excuse for uploading packages that fail to build in this way. Please, for the sanity of everyone working with the archive, don t upload packages that haven t been built in a clean environment. It s such a waste of everybody s time if you don t do this most basic of checks.
Clean builds for the win is a post from: Flattr

15 September 2014

Vincent Sanders: NetSurf 3.2

We recently released a new version of NetSurf this was largely to address numerous small bugs but did also include the persistent caching implementation I have written about previously. A release used to require the release manager (usually me) to perform a lot of manual processes and while we had a checklist it was far too easy to miss things.

The Continuous Integration (CI) system combined with signed release tags in git has resulted in a greatly simplified process indeed it has become almost completely automated. The majority of the manual work is now confined to doing the tasks that require actual decision making and checking we are releasing what was intended.

By having the CI system build release binaries the project now has a much clearer and importantly traceable process, I can recommend such a system to any project that produces releases especially if they release binaries for any of their targets.

I have also managed to package and upload this version of NetSurf ready for the Debian Jessie release. I would like to thank Jonathan Wiltshire for his assistance in ensuring this was a good quality package.

The release incorporates the successfully merged work of Rupinder Singh who was our our GSoc 2014 student. Rupinder mainly made improvements to our core DOM implementation and was very responsive and enthusiastic throughout his time despite the mentor team sometimes not being available.

This work goes towards improving NetSurf in the future by ensuring the underlying features are present in our core libraries. The GSoc mentors and all project developers are all pleased with the results of this years GSoc participation and would like to thank everyone involved in making our participation possible.

Along with the good news comes a little bad:
PowerPC Mac OS X
Despite repeated calls for assistance with new hardware and Java builds none has been forthcoming meaning that from this release we ware no longer able to ship PowerPC builds for MAC OS X.

The main issue is the last version of MAC OS X that runs on PPC is Leopard and there is no viable Java 1.6 port necessary for our CI system to run. Additionally the fully loaded PPC Mac mini (kindly donated to us by Mythic Beasts) had become far too slow to keep up with our builds and was causing long delays.
NetSurf 3.2 Bug graph
We have a lot of bugs, in fact just during this release cycle we have 30 more bugs reported than we closed.So while the new bug reporting system has been a success and our users are reporting issues when they find them the development team is not keeping up..

The failure to keep up stems from the underlying issue of lack of manpower. We have relatively few active developers which is especially problematic when there are many users for a platform, such as RISCOS, but the maintainer is unable to commit enough time to fixing issues.

If you would like to help making NetSurf a better browser we are always happy to work with new contributors.

4 May 2014

Jonathan Wiltshire: iptables-persistent overhaul

A couple of weeks ago I finally got round to doing some major surgery on iptables-persistent. First of all it is principally now called netfilter-persistent (although the source package hasn t been renamed) and has a plugin architecture so that it can be extended by other packages. One of those packages is iptables-persistent; others may follow. This opens the way to fixing #662743 and #697088 (patches always welcome). There s also a new binary to handle loading/unloading of rules, instead of having all the logic in an init script. I was therefore able to add systemd support as a first-class unit, and I d appreciate patches for an Upstart service (as I m largely unfamiliar with it). Plugins are simply dropped into /usr/share/netfilter-persistent/plugins.d and must follow certain minimum conventions, detailed in netfilter-persistent(1). They can be any executable, so compiled or interpreted binaries are acceptable. This release finally gets the magic 1.0 identifier. It reaches Jessie today, and is already in Ubuntu Utopic. Flattr
iptables-persistent overhaul is a post from: Flattr

