Search Results: "Iain R. Learmonth"

27 September 2020

Iain R. Learmonth: Multicast IPTV

For almost a decade, I ve been very slowly making progress on a multicast IPTV system. Recently I ve made a significant leap forward in this project, and I wanted to write a little on the topic so I ll have something to look at when I pick this up next. I was aspiring to have a useable system by the end of today, but for a couple of reasons, it wasn t possible. When I started thinking about this project, it was still common to watch broadcast television. Over time the design of this system has been changing as new technologies have become available. Multicast IP is probably the only constant, although I m now looking at IPv6 rather than IPv4. Initially, I d been looking at DVB-T PCI cards. USB devices have become common and are available cheaply. There are also DVB-T hats available for the Raspberry Pi. I m now looking at a combination of Raspberry Pi hats and USB devices with one of each on a couple of Pis.
Two Raspberry Pis with DVB hats installed, TV antenna sockets showing Two Raspberry Pis with DVB hats installed, TV antenna sockets showing
The Raspberry Pi devices will run DVBlast, an open-source DVB demultiplexer and streaming server. Each of the tuners will be tuned to a different transponder giving me the ability to stream any combination of available channels simultaneously. This is everything that would be needed to watch TV on PCs on the home network with VLC. I ve not yet worked out if Kodi will accept multicast streams as a TV source, but I do know that Tvheadend will. Tvheadend can also act as a PVR to record programmes for later playback so is useful even if the multicast streams can be viewed directly. So how far did I get? I have built two Raspberry Pis in cases with the DVB-T hats on. They need to sit in the lounge as that s where the antenna comes down from the roof. There s no wired network connection in the lounge. I planned to use an OpenBSD box as a gateway, bridging the wireless network to a wired network. Two problems quickly emerged. The first being that the wireless card I had purchased only supported 2.4GHz, no 5GHz, and I have enough noise from neighbours that the throughput rate and packet loss are unacceptable. The second problem is that I had forgotten the problems with bridging wireless networks. To create a bridge, you need to be able to spoof the MAC addresses of wired devices on the wireless interface, but this can only be done when the wireless interface is in access point mode. So when I come back to this, I will have to look at routing rather than bridging to work around the MAC address issue, and I ll also be on the lookout for a cheap OpenBSD supported mini-PCIe wireless card that can do 5GHz.

10 July 2020

Iain R. Learmonth: Light OpenStreetMapping with GPS

Now that lockdown is lifting a bit in Scotland, I ve been going a bit further for exercise. One location I ve been to a few times is Tyrebagger Woods. In theory, I can walk here from my house via Brimmond Hill although I m not yet fit enough to do that in one go. Instead of following the main path, I took a detour along some route that looked like it wanted to be a path but it hadn t been maintained for a while. When I decided I d had enough of this, I looked for a way back to the main path but OpenStreetMap didn t seem to have the footpaths mapped out here yet. I ve done some OpenStreetMap surveying before so I thought I d take a look at improving this, and moving some of the tracks on the map closer to where they are in reality. In the past I ve used OSMTracker which was great, but now I m on iOS there doesn t seem to be anything that matches up. My new handheld radio, a Kenwood TH-D74 has the ability to record GPS logs so I thought I d give this a go. It records the logs to the SD card with one file per session. It s a very simple logger that records the NMEA strings as they are received. The only sentences I see in the file are GPGGA (Global Positioning System Fix Data) and GPRMC (Recommended Minimum Specific GPS/Transit Data). I tried to import this directly with JOSM but it seemed to throw an error and crash. I ve not investigated this, but I thought a way around could be to convert this to GPX format. This was easier than expected:
apt install gpsbabel
gpsbabel -i nmea -f "/sdcard/KENWOOD/TH-D74/GPS_LOG/25062020_165017.nme" \
                 -o gpx,gpxver=1.1 -F "/tmp/tyrebagger.gpx"
This imported into JOSM just fine and I was able to adjust some of the tracks to better fit where they actually are. I ll take the radio with me when I go in future and explore some of the other paths, to see if I can get the whole woods mapped out nicely. It is fun to just dive into the trees sometimes, along the paths that looks a little forgotten and overgrown, but also it s nice to be able to find your way out again when you get lost.

3 May 2020

Iain R. Learmonth: Hetzner Dedicated Server Reverse DNS + Ansible

Continuing on the path towards all my stuff being managed by Ansible, I ve figured out a method of managing the reverse DNS entries for subnets on the Hetzner Dedicated Server. There s a bunch of Ansible modules for handling Hetzner Cloud, but these servers are managed in Robot which the Cloud API doesn t cover. Instead, you need to use the Robot Webservice. Ansible does have a module for doing pretty arbitrary things with web APIs though, so using that I ve got the following playbook figured out to keep the reverse DNS entries in sync:
- hosts:
  - vmhost_vm1
  gather_facts: False
  - name: import hetzner webservice credentials
      file: "hetzner_ws.yml"
  - name: set rdns for hetzner hosts
    - name: get current rdns entry
        user: "  hetzner_ws_user  "
        password: "  hetzner_ws_password  "
        url: "  vmip4  "
        status_code: [200, 404]
      register: rdns_result
    - name: update incorrect rdns entry
        user: "  hetzner_ws_user  "
        password: "  hetzner_ws_password  "
        url: "  vmip4  "
        method: "POST"
        body_format: form-urlencoded
          ptr: "  inventory_hostname  "
        status_code: [200, 201]
      when: '"rdns" not in rdns_result.json or inventory_hostname != rdns_result.json.rdns.ptr'
      changed_when: True
    delegate_to: localhost
The host groups this runs on are currently hardcoded as the VMs that live in the Hetzner Dedicated Server. A future iteration of this might use some inventory plugin to look up the subnets that are managed on Hetzner and create a group for all of those. Right now it won t be setting the reverse DNS for the router interface on that subnet, and won t automatically include new server s subnets. Gathering facts is disabled because all of these run locally. There is at least one VM running on this server that I can t log in to because I host it for someone else, so running locally is a necessity. The webservice credentials are stored in an Ansible Vault encrypted YAML file and loaded explicitly. An important note: the webservice username and password is not the same as your regular Robot username and password. You need to create a webservice user in Robot under Settings; Webservice and app settings . If you attempt to authenticate with an incorrect username and password 3 times in a row, your IP address will be blocked for 10 minutes. There are 6 hosts in this group, so I did this a few times before I realised there was a different user account I needed to create. I d suggest limiting to a single host while you re testing to get the authentication figured out. The actual calls to the webservice take place in a block just to avoid having to specify the delegate_to: localhost twice. The first step looks up the current PTR record, and accepts success if it gives either a 200 or 404 status code (it will be 404 if there is no existing pointer record). The result of this is used to conditionally create/update the PTR record in the next task. If nothing needs to be done, nothing will be changed and the second task will be skipped. If a change is needed, the second step is successful if either the PTR record is updated (status 200) or created (status 201). This was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be, and the uri module looks to be really flexible, so I bet there are other things that I could easily integrate into my Ansible playbooks.

24 October 2017

Iain R. Learmonth: Security by Obscurity

Today this blog post turned up on Hacker News, titled Obscurity is a Valid Security Layer . It makes some excellent points on the distinction between good and bad obscurity and it gives an example of good obscurity with SSH. From the post:
I configured my SSH daemon to listen on port 24 in addition to its regular port of 22 so I could see the difference in attempts to connect to each (the connections are usually password guessing attempts). My expected result is far fewer attempts to access SSH on port 24 than port 22, which I equate to less risk to my, or any, SSH daemon. I ran with this alternate port configuration for a single weekend, and received over eighteen thousand (18,000) connections to port 22, and five (5) to port 24.
Those of you that know me in the outside world will have probably heard me talk about how it s insane we have all these services running on the public Internet that don t need to be there, just waiting to be attacked. I have previously given a talk at TechMeetup Aberdeen where I talk about my use of Tor s Onion services to have services that only I should ever connect to be hidden from the general Internet. Onion services, especially the client authentication features, can also be useful for IoT dashboards and devices, allowing access from the Internet but via a secure and authenticated channel that is updated even when the IoT devices behind it have long been abandoned. If you re interested to learn more about Onion services, you could watch Roger Dingledine s talk from Def Con 25.

22 October 2017

Iain R. Learmonth: Free Software Efforts (2017W42)

Here s my weekly report for week 42 of 2017. In this week I have replaced my spacebar, failed to replace a HDD and begun the process to replace my YubiKey.

Debian Eariler in the week I blogged about powerline-taskwarrior . There is a new upstream version available that includes the patches I had produced for Python 2 support and I have filed #879225 to remind me to package this. The state of emscripten is still not great, and as I don t have the time to chase this up and I certainly don t have the time to fix it myself, I ve converted the ITP for csdr to an RFP. As I no longer have the time to maintain, I have released this domain name and published the sources behind the service.

Tor Project There was a request to remove the $ from family fingerprint on Atlas. These actually come from Onionoo and we have decided to fix this in Onionoo, but I did push a small fix for Atlas this week that makes sure that Atlas doesn t care if there are $ prefixes or not. I requested that a Trac component be created for metrics-bot. I wrote a seperate post about metrics-bot. I also attended the weekly metrics team meeting.

Sustainability I believe it is important to be clear not only about the work I have already completed but also about the sustainability of this work into the future. I plan to include a short report on the current sustainability of my work in each weekly report. I have not had any free software related expenses this week. The current funds I have available for equipment, travel and other free software expenses remains 60.52. I do not believe that any hardware I rely on is looking at imminent failure. I do not find it likely that I ll be travelling to Cambridge for the miniDebConf as the train alone would be around 350 and hotel accomodation a further 600 (to include both me and Ana).

19 October 2017

Daniel Pocock: FOSDEM 2018 Real-Time Communications Call for Participation

FOSDEM is one of the world's premier meetings of free software developers, with over five thousand people attending each year. FOSDEM 2018 takes place 3-4 February 2018 in Brussels, Belgium. This email contains information about:
  • Real-Time communications dev-room and lounge,
  • speaking opportunities,
  • volunteering in the dev-room and lounge,
  • related events around FOSDEM, including the XMPP summit,
  • social events (the legendary FOSDEM Beer Night and Saturday night dinners provide endless networking opportunities),
  • the Planet aggregation sites for RTC blogs
Call for participation - Real Time Communications (RTC) The Real-Time dev-room and Real-Time lounge is about all things involving real-time communication, including: XMPP, SIP, WebRTC, telephony, mobile VoIP, codecs, peer-to-peer, privacy and encryption. The dev-room is a successor to the previous XMPP and telephony dev-rooms. We are looking for speakers for the dev-room and volunteers and participants for the tables in the Real-Time lounge. The dev-room is only on Sunday, 4 February 2018. The lounge will be present for both days. To discuss the dev-room and lounge, please join the FSFE-sponsored Free RTC mailing list. To be kept aware of major developments in Free RTC, without being on the discussion list, please join the Free-RTC Announce list. Speaking opportunities Note: if you used FOSDEM Pentabarf before, please use the same account/username Real-Time Communications dev-room: deadline 23:59 UTC on 30 November. Please use the Pentabarf system to submit a talk proposal for the dev-room. On the "General" tab, please look for the "Track" option and choose "Real Time Communications devroom". Link to talk submission. Other dev-rooms and lightning talks: some speakers may find their topic is in the scope of more than one dev-room. It is encouraged to apply to more than one dev-room and also consider proposing a lightning talk, but please be kind enough to tell us if you do this by filling out the notes in the form. You can find the full list of dev-rooms on this page and apply for a lightning talk at Main track: the deadline for main track presentations is 23:59 UTC 3 November. Leading developers in the Real-Time Communications field are encouraged to consider submitting a presentation to the main track. First-time speaking? FOSDEM dev-rooms are a welcoming environment for people who have never given a talk before. Please feel free to contact the dev-room administrators personally if you would like to ask any questions about it. Submission guidelines The Pentabarf system will ask for many of the essential details. Please remember to re-use your account from previous years if you have one. In the "Submission notes", please tell us about:
  • the purpose of your talk
  • any other talk applications (dev-rooms, lightning talks, main track)
  • availability constraints and special needs
You can use HTML and links in your bio, abstract and description. If you maintain a blog, please consider providing us with the URL of a feed with posts tagged for your RTC-related work. We will be looking for relevance to the conference and dev-room themes, presentations aimed at developers of free and open source software about RTC-related topics. Please feel free to suggest a duration between 20 minutes and 55 minutes but note that the final decision on talk durations will be made by the dev-room administrators based on the received proposals. As the two previous dev-rooms have been combined into one, we may decide to give shorter slots than in previous years so that more speakers can participate. Please note FOSDEM aims to record and live-stream all talks. The CC-BY license is used. Volunteers needed To make the dev-room and lounge run successfully, we are looking for volunteers:
  • FOSDEM provides video recording equipment and live streaming, volunteers are needed to assist in this
  • organizing one or more restaurant bookings (dependending upon number of participants) for the evening of Saturday, 4 February
  • participation in the Real-Time lounge
  • helping attract sponsorship funds for the dev-room to pay for the Saturday night dinner and any other expenses
  • circulating this Call for Participation (text version) to other mailing lists
Related events - XMPP and RTC summits The XMPP Standards Foundation (XSF) has traditionally held a summit in the days before FOSDEM. There is discussion about a similar summit taking place on 2 February 2018. XMPP Summit web site - please join the mailing list for details. Social events and dinners The traditional FOSDEM beer night occurs on Friday, 2 February. On Saturday night, there are usually dinners associated with each of the dev-rooms. Most restaurants in Brussels are not so large so these dinners have space constraints and reservations are essential. Please subscribe to the Free-RTC mailing list for further details about the Saturday night dinner options and how you can register for a seat. Spread the word and discuss If you know of any mailing lists where this CfP would be relevant, please forward this email (text version). If this dev-room excites you, please blog or microblog about it, especially if you are submitting a talk. If you regularly blog about RTC topics, please send details about your blog to the planet site administrators:
Planet site Admin contact
All projects Free-RTC Planet ( contact
XMPP Planet Jabber ( contact
SIP Planet SIP ( contact
SIP (Espa ol) Planet SIP-es ( contact
Please also link to the Planet sites from your own blog or web site as this helps everybody in the free real-time communications community. Contact For any private queries, contact us directly using the address and for any other queries please ask on the Free-RTC mailing list. The dev-room administration team:

16 October 2017

Iain R. Learmonth: No more no surprises

Debian has generally always had, as a rule, sane defaults and no surprises . This was completely shattered for me when Vim decided to hijack the mouse from my terminal and break all copy/paste functionality. This has occured since the release of Debian 9. I expect for my terminal to behave consistently, and this is broken every time I log in to a Debian 9 system where I have not configured Vim to disable this functionality. I also see I m not alone in this frustration. To fix this, in your .vimrc:
if !has("gui_running")
  set mouse=
(This will check to see if your using GVim or similar, where it would be reasonable to expect the mouse to work.) This is perhaps not aggresive enough though. I never want to have console applications trying to use the mouse. I ve configured rxvt to do things like open URLs in Firefox, etc. that I always want to work, and I always want my local clipboard to be used so I can copy/paste between remote machines. I ve found a small patch that would appear to disable mouse reporting for rxvt, but unfortunately I cannot do this through an Xresources option. If someone is looking for something to do for Hacktoberfest, I d love to see this be an option for rxvt without re-compiling:
diff --git a/src/rxvt.h b/src/rxvt.h
index 5c7cf66..2751ba3 100644
--- a/src/rxvt.h
+++ b/src/rxvt.h
@@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ enum  
 #define PrivMode_ExtMouseRight  (1UL<<24) // xterm pseudo-utf-8, but works in non-utf-8-locales
 #define PrivMode_BlinkingCursor (1UL<<25)
-#define PrivMode_mouse_report   (PrivMode_MouseX10 PrivMode_MouseX11 PrivMode_MouseBtnEvent PrivMode_MouseAnyEvent)
+#define PrivMode_mouse_report   0 /* (PrivMode_MouseX10 PrivMode_MouseX11 PrivMode_MouseBtnEvent PrivMode_MouseAnyEvent) */
 #ifdef ALLOW_132_MODE
 # define PrivMode_Default (PrivMode_Autowrap PrivMode_ShiftKeys PrivMode_VisibleCursor PrivMode_132OK)

15 October 2017

Iain R. Learmonth: Free Software Efforts (2017W41)

Here s my weekly report for week 41 of 2017. In this week I have explored some Java 8 features, looked at automatic updates in a few Linux distributions and decided that actually I don t need swap anymore.

Debian The issue that was preventing the migration of the Tasktools Packaging Team s mailing list from Alioth to Savannah has now been resolved. Ana s chkservice package that I sponsored last week has been ACCEPTED into unstable and since MIGRATED to testing.

Tor Project I have produced a patch for the Tor Project website to update links to the Onionoo documentation now this has moved (#23802 ). I ve updated the Debian and Ubuntu relay configuration instructions to use systemctl instead of service where appropriate (#23048 ). When a Tor relay is less than 2 years old, an alert will now appear on Atlas to link to the new relay lifecycle blog post (#23767 ). This should hopefully help new relay operators understand why their relay is not immediately fully loaded but instead it takes some time to ramp up. I have gone through the tickets for Tor Cloud and did not find any tickets that contain any important information that would be useful to someone reviving the project. I have closed out these tickets and the Tor Cloud component no longer has any non-closed tickets (#7763, #8544, #8768, #9064, #9751, #10282, #10637, #11153, #11502, #13391, #14035, #14036, #14073, #15821 ). I ve continued to work on turning the Atlas application into an integrated part of Tor Metrics (#23518 ) and you can see some progress here. Finally, I ve continued hacking on a Twitter bot to tweet factoids about the public Tor network and you can now enjoy some JavaDoc documentation if you d like to learn a little about its internals. I am still waiting for a git repository to be created (#23799 ) but will be publishing the sources shortly after that ticket is actioned.

Sustainability I believe it is important to be clear not only about the work I have already completed but also about the sustainability of this work into the future. I plan to include a short report on the current sustainability of my work in each weekly report. I have not had any free software related expenses this week. The current funds I have available for equipment, travel and other free software expenses remains 60.52. I do not believe that any hardware I rely on is looking at imminent failure. I d like to thank Digital Ocean for providing me with futher credit for their platform to support my open source work. I do not find it likely that I ll be travelling to Cambridge for the miniDebConf as the train alone would be around 350 and hotel accomodation a further 600 (to include both me and Ana).

10 October 2017

Iain R. Learmonth: Automatic Updates

We have instructions for setting up new Tor relays on Debian. The only time the word upgrade is mentioned here is:
Be sure to set your ContactInfo line so we can contact you if you need to upgrade or something goes wrong.
This isn t great. We should have some decent instructions for keeping your relay up to date too. I ve been compiling a set of documentation for enabling automatic updates on various Linux distributions, here s a taste of what I have so far:

Debian Make sure that unattended-upgrades is installed and then enable the installation of updates (as root):
apt install unattended-upgrades
dpkg-reconfigure -plow unattended-upgrades

Fedora 22 or later Beginning with Fedora 22, you can enable automatic updates via:
dnf install dnf-automatic
In /etc/dnf/automatic.conf set:
apply_updates = yes
Now enable and start automatic updates via:
systemctl enable dnf-automatic.timer
systemctl start dnf-automatic.timer
(Thanks to Enrico Zini I know all about these timer units in systemd now.)

RHEL or CentOS For CentOS, RHEL, and older versions of Fedora, the yum-cron package is the preferred approach:
yum install yum-cron
In /etc/yum/yum-cron.conf set:
apply_updates = yes
Enable and start automatic updates via:
systemctl start yum-cron.service

I d like to collect together instructions also for other distributions (and *BSD and Mac OS). Atlas knows which platform a relay is running on, so there could be a link in the future to some platform specific instructions on how to keep your relay up to date.

8 October 2017

Iain R. Learmonth: Free Software Efforts (2017W40)

Here s my weekly report for week 40 of 2017. In this week I have looked at censorship in Catalonia and had my deleted Facebook account hacked (which made HN front page). I ve also been thinking about DRM on the web.

Debian I have prepared and uploaded fixes for the measurement-kit and hamradio-maintguide packages. I have also sponsored uploads for gnustep-base (to experimental) and chkservice. I have given DM upload privileges to Eric Heintzmann for the gnustep-base package as he has shown to care for the GNUstep packages well. In the near future, I think we re looking at a transition for gnustep- base,back,gui as these packages all have updates. Bugs filed: #877680 Bugs closed (fixed/wontfix): #872202, #877466, #877468

Tor Project This week I have participated in a discussion around renaming the Operations section of the Metrics website. I have also filed a new ticket on Atlas, which I am planning to implement, to link to the new relay lifecycle post on the Tor Project blog if a relay is less than a week old to help new relay operators understand the bandwidth usage they ll be seeing. Finally, I ve been hacking on a Twitter bot to tweet factoids about the public Tor network. I ve detailed this in a separate blog post. Bugs closed (fixed/wontfix): #23683

Sustainability I believe it is important to be clear not only about the work I have already completed but also about the sustainability of this work into the future. I plan to include a short report on the current sustainability of my work in each weekly report. I have not had any free software related expenses this week. The current funds I have available for equipment, travel and other free software expenses remains 60.52. I do not believe that any hardware I rely on is looking at imminent failure.

Iain R. Learmonth: Tor Relays on Twitter

A while ago I played with a Twitter bot that would track radio amateurs using a packet radio position reporting system, tweet their location and a picture from Flickr that was taken near to their location and a link to their packet radio activity on It s really not that hard to put these things together and they can be a lot of fun. The tweets looked like this: This isn t about building a system that serves any critical purpose, it s about fun. As the radio stations were chosen essentially at random, there could be some cool things showing up that you wouldn t otherwise have seen. Maybe you d spot a callsign of a station you ve spoken to before on HF or perhaps you d see stations in areas near you or in cool places. On Friday evening I took a go at hacking together a bot for Tor relays. The idea being to have regular snippets of information from the Tor network and perhaps you ll spot something insightful or interesting. Not every tweet is going to be amazing, but it wasn t running for very long before I spotted a relay very close to its 10th birthday: The relays are chosen at random, and tweet templates are chosen at random too. So far, tweets about individual relays can be about age or current bandwidth contribution to the Tor network. There are also tweets about how many relays run in a particular autonomous system (again, chosen at random) and tweets about the total number of relays currently running. The total relays tweets come with a map: The maps are produced using xplanet. The Earth will rotate to show the current side in daylight at the time the tweet is posted. Unfortunately, the bot currently cannot tweet as the account has been suspended. You should still be able to though and tweets will begin appearing again once I ve resolved the suspension. I plan to rewrite the mess of cron-activated Python scripts into a coherent Python (maybe Java) application and publish the sources soon. There are also a number of new templates for tweets I d like to explore, including number of relays and bandwidth contributed per family and statistics on operating system diversity. Update (2017-10-08): The @TorAtlas account should now be unsuspended.

4 October 2017

Iain R. Learmonth: MAC Catching

As we walk around with mobile phones in our pockets, there are multiple radios each with identifiers that can be captured and recorded just through their normal operation. Bluetooth and Wifi devices have MAC addresses and can advertise their presence to other devices merely by sending traffic, or by probing for devices to connect to if they re not connected. I found a simple tool, probemon that allows for anyone with a wifi card to track who is at which location at any given time. You could deploy a few of these with Raspberry Pis or even go even cheaper with a number of ESP8266. In the news recently was a report from TfL about their WiFi data collection. Sky News reported that TfL plans to make 322m by collecting data from passengers mobiles . TfL have later denied this but the fact remains that collecting this data is trivial. I ve been thinking about ideas for spoofing mass amounts of wireless devices making the collected data useless. I ve found that people have had success in using Scapy to forge WiFi frames. When I have some free time I plan to look into some kind of proof-of-concept for this. On the underground, this is the way to do this, but above ground I ve also heard of systems that use the TMSI from 3G/4G, not WiFi data, to identify mobile phones. You ll have to be a bit more brave if you want to forge these (please do not, unless using alternative licensed frequencies, you may interfere with mobile service and prevent 999 calls). If you wanted to spy on mobile phones near to you, you can do this with the gr-gsm package now available in Debian.

3 October 2017

Iain R. Learmonth: Facebook Lies

In the past, I had a Facebook account. Long ago I deleted this account through the procedure outlined on their help pages. In theory, 14 days after I used this process my account would be irrevocably gone. This was all lies. My account was not deleted and yesterday I received an email:
Screenshot of the email I received from Facebook Screenshot of the email I received from Facebook
It took me a moment to figure it out, but what had happened here is someone had logged into my Facebook account using my email address and password. Facebook simply reactivated the account, which had not had its data deleted, as if I had logged in. This was possible because:
  1. Facebook was clinging to the hope that I would like to return
  2. The last time I used Facebook I didn t know what a password manager was and was using the same password for basically everything
When I logged back in, all I needed to provide to prove I was me was my date of birth. Given that old Facebook passwords are readily available from dumps (people think their accounts are gone, so why should they be changing their passwords?) and my date of birth is not secret either, this is not great. I followed the deletion procedure again and in 2 weeks (you can t immediately request deletion apparently) I ll check to see if the account is really gone. I ve updated the password so at least the deletion process can t be interrupted by whoever has that password (probably lots of people - it ll be in a ton of dumps where databases have been hacked). If it s still not gone, I hear you can just post obscene and offensive material until Facebook deletes you. I d rather not have to take that route though. If you re interested to see if you ve turned up in a hacked database dump yourself, I would recommend hibp. Update (2017-10-04): Thanks for all the comments. Sorry I haven t been able to reply to all of them. Discussion around this post occured at Hacker News if you would like to read more there. You can also read about a similar, and more frustrating, case that came up in the HN discussion.

1 October 2017

Iain R. Learmonth: Free Software Efforts (2017W39)

Here s my weekly report for week 39 of 2017. In this week I have travelled to Berlin and caught up on some podcasts in doing so. I ve also had some trouble with the RSS feeds on my blog but hopefully this is all fixed now. Thanks to Martin Milbret I now have a replacement for my dead workstation, an HP Z600, and there will be a blog post about this new set up to come next week. Thanks also to S lvan and a number of others that made donations towards getting me up and running again. A breakdown of the donations and expenses can be found at the end of this post.

Debian Two of my packages measurement-kit from OONI and python-azure-devtools used to build the Azure Python SDK (packaged as python-azure) have been accepted by ftp-master into Debian s unstable suite. I have also sponsored uploads for comptext, comptty, fllog, flnet and gnustep-make. I had previously encouraged Eric Heintzmann to become a DM and I have given him DM upload privileges for the gnustep-make package as he has shown to care for the GNUstep packages well. Bugs closed (fixed/wontfix): #8751251, #8751261, #861753, #873083

Tor Project My Tor Project contributions this week were primarily attending the Tor Metrics meeting which I have reported on in a separate blog post.

Sustainability I believe it is important to be clear not only about the work I have already completed but also about the sustainability of this work into the future. I plan to include a short report on the current sustainability of my work in each weekly report. The replacement workstation arrived on Friday and is now up and running. In total I received 308.73 in donations and spent 36.89 on video adapters and 141.94 on replacement hard drives for my NAS (which includes my local Debian mirror and backups). For the Tor Metrics meeting in Berlin, Tor Project paid my flights and accommodation and I paid only for ground transport and food myself. The total cost for ground transport during the trip was 45.92 (taxi to airport, 1 Tageskarte) and total cost for food was 23.46. The current funds I have available for equipment, travel and other free software expenses is now 60.52. I do not believe that any hardware I rely on is looking at imminent failure.

  1. Fixed by a sponsored upload, not by my changes [return]

30 September 2017

Iain R. Learmonth: Breaking RSS Change in Hugo

My website and blog are managed by the static site generator Hugo. I ve found this to be a stable and flexible system, but at the last upgrade a breaking change has occurred that broken the syndication of my blog on various planets. At first I thought perhaps with my increased posting rate the planets were truncating my posts but this was not the case. The problem was in Hugo pull request #3129 where for some reason they have changed the RSS feed to contain only a lead instead of the full article. I ve seen other content management systems offer a similar option but at least they point out that it s truncated and offer a read more link. Here it just looks like I m publishing truncated unfinished really short posts. If you take a look at the post above, you ll see that the change is in an embedded template and it took a little reading the docs to work out how to revert the change. The steps are actually not that difficult, but it s still annoying that the change occurred. In a Hugo site, you will have a layouts directory that will contain your overrides from your theme. Create a new file in the path layouts/_default/rss.xml (you may need to create the _default directory) with the following content:
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="">
    <title>  if eq  .Title  .Site.Title   .Site.Title   else   with .Title  .  on   end   .Site.Title   end  </title>
    <link>  .Permalink  </link>
    <description>Recent content   if ne  .Title  .Site.Title   with .Title  in  .    end   end  on   .Site.Title  </description>
    <generator>Hugo --</generator>  with .Site.LanguageCode  
    <language> . </language> end  with  
    <managingEditor> .  with $   ( . ) end </managingEditor> end  with  
    <webMaster> .  with $   ( . ) end </webMaster> end  with .Site.Copyright  
    <copyright> . </copyright> end  if not .Date.IsZero  
    <lastBuildDate>  .Date.Format "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700"   safeHTML  </lastBuildDate>  end  
      with .OutputFormats.Get "RSS"  
          printf "<atom:link href=%q rel=\"self\" type=%q />" .Permalink .MediaType   safeHTML  
      range .Data.Pages  
      <title>  .Title  </title>
      <link>  .Permalink  </link>
      <pubDate>  .Date.Format "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700"   safeHTML  </pubDate>
        with  <author> .  with $   ( . ) end </author> end 
      <guid>  .Permalink  </guid>
      <description>  .Content   html  </description>
If you like my new Hugo theme, please let me know and I ll bump tidying it up and publishing it further up my todo list.

29 September 2017

Iain R. Learmonth: Tor Metrics Team Meeting in Berlin

We had a meeting of the Metrics Team in Berlin yesterday to organise a roadmap for the next 12 months. This roadmap isn t yet finalised as it will now be taken to the main Tor developers meeting in Montreal where perhaps there are things we thought were needed but aren t, or things that we had forgotten. Still we have a pretty good draft and we were all quite happy with it. We have updated tickets in the Metrics component on the Tor trac to include either metrics-2017 or metrics-2018 in the keywords field to identify tickets that we expect to be able to resolve either by the end of this year or by the end of next year (again, not yet finalised but should give a good idea). In some cases this may mean closing the ticket without fixing it, but only if we believe that either the ticket is out of scope for the metrics team or that it s an old ticket and no one else has had the same issue since. Having an in-person meeting has allowed us to have easy discussion around some of the more complex tickets that have been sitting around. In many cases these are tickets where we need input from other teams, or perhaps even just reassigning the ticket to another team, but without a clear plan we couldn t do this. My work for the remainder of the year will be primarily on Atlas where we have a clear plan for integrating with the Tor Metrics website, and may include some other small things relating to the website. I will also be triaging the current Compass tickets as we look to shut down compass and integrate the functionality into Atlas. Compass specific tickets will be closed but some tickets relating to desirable functionality may be moved to Atlas with the fix implemented there instead.

26 September 2017

Iain R. Learmonth: SMS Verification

I ve received an email today from Barclaycard with the following:
From time to time, to make sure it s you who s using your Barclaycard online, we ll send you a text with a verification code for you to use on the Verified by Visa screen that ll pop up on your payment page.
The proprietary nature of mobile phones with the hardware specifications and the software being closed off from inspection or audit and considered to be trade secrets make my phone and my tablet the least trusted devices I own and use. Due to this lack of trust, I ve often held back from using my phone or tablet for certain tasks where I can still get away with not doing so. I have experimented with having read-only access to my calendars and contacts to ensure that if my phone is compromised they can t just be wiped out, though in the end I had to give in as my calendar was becoming too difficult to manage using a paper system as part of entry for new events. I wanted to try to reduce the attractiveness of compromising my phone. Anyone that really wants to have a go at my phone could probably get in. It s an older Samsung Android phone on a UK network and software updates rarely come through in a timely manner. Anything that I give my phone access to is at risk and that risk needs to be balanced by some real world benefits. These are just the problems with the phone itself. When you re using SMS authentication, even with the most secure phone ever, you re still going to be using the phone network. SMS authentication is about equivalent, in terms of the security it really offers, to your mobile phone number being your password when it comes to an even mildly motivated attacker. You probably don t treat your mobile phone number as a password, nor does the provider or anyone you ve given it to, so you can assume that it s compromised. Why are mobile phones so popular for two factor (on in increasing numbers of cases, single factor) authentication? Not because they improve security but because they re convenient and everyone has one. This seems like a bad plan.

Iain R. Learmonth: SMS Verification

I ve received an email today from Barclaycard with the following: From time to time, to make sure it s you who s using your Barclaycard online, we ll send you a text with a verification code for you to use on the Verified by Visa screen that ll pop up on your payment page. The proprietary nature of mobile phones with the hardware specifications and the software being closed off from inspection or audit and considered to be trade secrets make my phone and my tablet the least trusted devices I own and use.

24 September 2017

Iain R. Learmonth: Free Software Efforts (2017W38)

Here s my weekly report for week 38 of 2017. This week has not been a great week as I saw my primary development machine die in a spectacular reboot loop. Thanks to the wonderful community around Debian and free software (that if you re reading this, you re probably part of), I should be back up to speed soon. A replacement workstation is currently moving towards me and I ve received a number of smaller donations that will go towards video converters and upgrades to get me back to full productivity.

Debian I ve prepared and tested backports for 3 packages in the tasktools packaging team: tasksh, bugwarrior and powerline-taskwarrior. Unfortunately I am not currently in the backports ACLs and so I can t upload these but I m hoping this to be resolved soon. Once these are uploaded, the latest upstream release for all packages in the tasktools team will be available either in the stable suite or in the stable backports suite. In preparation for the shutdown of Alioth mailing lists, I ve set up a new mailing list for the tasktools team and have already updated the maintainer fields for all the team s packages in git. I ve subscribed the old mailing list s user to the new mailing list in DDPO so there will still be a comprehensive view there during the migration. I am currently in the process of reaching out to the admins of with a view to moving our git repositories there. I ve also continued to review the scapy package and have closed a couple more bugs that were already fixed in the latest upstream release but had been missed in the changelog. Bugs closed (fixed/wontfix): #774962, #850570

Tor Project I ve deployed a small fix to an update from last week where the platform field on Atlas had been pulled across to the left column. It has now been returned to the right hand column and is not pushed down the page by long family lists. I ve been thinking about the merge of Compass functionality into a future Atlas and this is being tracked in #23517. Tor Project has approved expenses (flights and hotel) for me to attend an in-person meeting of the Metrics Team. This meeting will occur in Berlin on the 28th September and I will write up a report detailing outcomes relevant to my work after the meeting. I have spent some time this week preparing for this meeting. Bugs closed (fixed/wontfix): #22146, #22297, #23511

Sustainability I believe it is important to be clear not only about the work I have already completed but also about the sustainability of this work into the future. I plan to include a short report on the current sustainability of my work in each weekly report. The loss of my primary development machine was a setback, however, I have been donated a new workstation which should hopefully arrive soon. The hard drives in my NAS can now also be replaced as I have budget available for this now. I do not see any hardware failures being imminent at this time, however should they occur I would not have budget to replace hardware, I only have funds to replace the hardware that has already failed.

Iain R. Learmonth: Free Software Efforts (2017W38)

Here s my weekly report for week 38 of 2017. This week has not been a great week as I saw my primary development machine die in a spectacular reboot loop. Thanks to the wonderful community around Debian and free software (that if you re reading this, you re probably part of), I should be back up to speed soon. A replacement workstation is currently moving towards me and I ve received a number of smaller donations that will go towards video converters and upgrades to get me back to full productivity.
