Search Results: "Iain Learmonth"

24 April 2016

Daniel Pocock: LinuxWochen, MiniDebConf Vienna and Linux Presentation Day

Over the coming week, there are a vast number of free software events taking place around the world. I'll be at the LinuxWochen Vienna and MiniDebConf Vienna, the events run over four days from Thursday, 28 April to Sunday, 1 May. At MiniDebConf Vienna, I'll be giving a talk on Saturday (schedule not finalized yet) about our progress with free Real-Time Communications (RTC) and welcoming 13 new GSoC students (and their mentors) working on this topic under the Debian umbrella. On Sunday, Iain Learmonth and I will be collaborating on a workshop/demonstration on Software Defined Radio from the perspective of ham radio and the Debian Ham Radio Pure Blend. If you want to be an active participant, an easy way to get involved is to bring an RTL-SDR dongle. It is highly recommended that instead of buying any cheap generic dongle, you buy one with a high quality temperature compensated crystal oscillator (TXCO), such as those promoted by Saturday, 30 April is also Linux Presentation Day in many places. There is an event in Switzerland organized by the local local FSFE group in Basel. DebConf16 is only a couple of months away now, Registration is still open and the team are keenly looking for additional sponsors. Sponsors are a vital part of such a large event, if your employer or any other organization you know benefits from Debian, please encourage them to contribute.

6 February 2016

Neil Williams:

With thanks to Iain Learmonth for the hardware, there is now a Debian instance of LAVA available for use and the Debian wiki page has been updated. LAVA is a continuous integration system for deploying operating systems onto physical and virtual hardware for running tests. Tests can be simple boot testing, bootloader testing and system level testing. Extra hardware may be required for some system tests. Results are tracked over time and data can be exported for further analysis. LAVA has a long history of supporting continuous integration of the Linux kernel on ARM devices (ARMv7 & ARMv8). So if you are testing a Linux kernel image on armhf or arm64 devices, you will find a lot of similar tests already running on the other LAVA instances. The Debian LAVA instance seeks to widen that testing in a couple of ways: This instance relies on the latest changes in lava-server and lava-dispatcher. The 2016.2 release has now deprecated the old, complex dispatcher and a whole new pipeline design is available. The Debian LAVA instance is running 2015.12 at the moment, I ll upgrade to 2016.2 once the packages migrate into testing in a few days and I can do a backport to jessie. What can LAVA do for Debian? ARMMP kernel testing Unreleased builds, experimental initramfs testing this is the core of what LAVA is already doing behind the scenes of sites like U-Boot ARM testing This is what fully automated LAVA labs have not been able to deliver in the past, at least without a usable SD Mux What s next LOTS. This post actually got published early (distracted by the rugby) I ll update things more in a later post. Contact me if you want to get involved, I ll provide more information on how to use the instance and how to contribute to the testing in due course.

10 November 2015

Daniel Pocock: Aggregating tasks from multiple issue trackers

After my experiments with the iCalendar format at the beginning of 2015, including Bugzilla feeds from Fedora and reSIProcate, aggregating tasks from the Debian Maintainer Dashboard, Github issue lists and even unresolved Nagios alerts, I decided this was fertile ground for a GSoC student. In my initial experiments, I tried using the Mozilla Lightning plugin (Iceowl-extension on Debian/Ubuntu) and GNOME Evolution's task manager. Setting up the different feeds in these clients is not hard, but they have some rough edges. For example, Mozilla Lightning doesn't tell you if a feed is not responding, this can be troublesome if the Nagios server goes down, no alerts are visible, so you assume all is fine. To take things further, Iain Learmonth and I proposed a GSoC project for a student to experiment with the concept. Harsh Daftary from Mumbai, India was selected to work on it. Over the summer, he developed a web application to pull together issue, task and calendar feeds from different sources and render them as a single web page. Harsh presented his work at DebConf15 in Heidelberg, Germany, the video is available here. The source code is in a Github repository. The code is currently running as a service at although it is not specific to Debian and is probably helpful for any developer who works with more than one issue tracker.

9 November 2015

Daniel Pocock: RTC: announcing XMPP, SIP presence and more

Announced 7 November 2015 on the debian-devel-announce mailing list. The Debian Project now has an XMPP service available to all Debian Developers. Your email identity can be used as your XMPP address. The SIP service has also been upgraded and now supports presence. SIP and XMPP presence, rosters and messaging are not currently integrated. The Lumicall app has been improved to enable rapid setup for SIP users. This announcement concludes the maintenance window on the RTC services. All services are now running on jessie (using packages from jessie-backports). XMPP and SIP enable a whole new world of real-time multimedia communications possibilities: video/webcam, VoIP, chat messaging, desktop sharing and distributed, federated communication are the most common use cases. Details about how to get started and get support are explained in the User Guide in the Debian wiki. As it is a wiki, you are completely welcome to help it evolve. Several of the people involved in the RTC team were also at the Cambridge mini-DebConf (7-8 November). The password for all these real time communication services can be set via the LDAP control panel. Please note that this password needs to be different to any of your other existing passwords. Please use a strong password and please keep it secure. Some of the infrastructure, like the TURN server, is shared by clients of both SIP and XMPP. Please configure your XMPP and SIP clients to use the TURN server for audio or video streaming to work most reliably through NAT. A key feature of both our XMPP and SIP services is that they support federated inter-connectivity with other domains. Please try it. The FedRTC service for Fedora developers is one example of another SIP service that supports federation. For details of how it works and how we establish trust between domains, please see the RTC Quick Start Guide. Please reach out to other communities you are involved with and help them consider enabling SIP and XMPP federation of their own communities/domains: as Metcalfe's law suggests, each extra person or community who embraces open standards like SIP and XMPP has far more than just an incremental impact on the value of these standards and makes them more pervasive. If you are keen to support and collaborate on the wider use of Free RTC technology, please consider joining the Free RTC mailing list sponsored by FSF Europe. There will also be a dedicated debian-rtc list for discussion of these technologies within Debian and derivatives. This service has been made possible by the efforts of the DSA team in the original SIP+WebRTC project and the more recent jessie upgrades and XMPP project. Real-time communications systems have specific expectations for network latency, connectivity, authentication schemes and various other things. Therefore, it is a great endorsement of the caliber of the team and the quality of the systems they have in place that they have been able to host this largely within their existing framework for Debian services. Feedback from the DSA team has also been helpful in improving the upstream software and packaging to make them convenient for system administrators everywhere. Special thanks to Peter Palfrader and Luca Filipozzi from the DSA team, Matthew Wild from the Prosody XMPP server project, Scott Godin from the reSIProcate project, Juliana Louback for her contributions to JSCommunicator during GSoC 2014, Iain Learmonth for helping get the RTC team up and running, Enrico Tassi, Sergei Golovan and Victor Seva for the Prosody and prosody-modules packaging and also the Debian backports team, especially Alexander Wirt, helping us ensure that rapidly evolving packages like those used in RTC are available on a stable Debian system.

8 November 2015

Andrew Cater: MiniDebconf Cambridge - ARM, Cambridge, 1340

Lightning talks -

David McBride Scalable infrastructure package distribution - even more mad idea than last year for his scalable package distribution round University of Cambridge - npn

Iain Learmonth - Vmdebootstrap sprint report detailing the work from the Sprint on Thursday/Friday. Live-build-ng needs more unit testing, boot testing, documentation. Working now and some images have been built but still in progress

Helen (elgriff) talking about her weird keyboard
Repetittive strain injuries, carpal tunnel injuries.
Extensive computer use / brass instrument playing AND ignoring pain doing the above. Dont do this.
Vertical keyboards - SafeType and Yogitype.
You should care. If it hurts stop.You don't come with a five year warranty

Stefano Rovera (stefanor) - SVN-Git migration. Debian Python migration team did this for hundreds of packages. "Subversion is really, really evil - it's more evil than you thought"

Sledge - Update on ARM ports. Three ports - armel - older hardware. Armhf - ARMv7 hard float ABI. ARM64 / aarch64 - in Jessie - mostly working. Bits and pieces to be done. Over time, requirements have gone up and there are bits and pieces to work on. For the oldest machines in armel there's an amount of work to do - port may not survive beyond stretch: manpower / people who care is critical.

Daniel Pocock: Problems observed during Cambridge mini-DebConf RTC demo

A few problems were observed during the demo of RTC services at the Cambridge mini-DebConf yesterday. As it turns out, many of them are already documented and solutions are available for some of them. Multiple concurrent SIP registrations I had made some test calls on Friday using and I still had the site open in another tab in another browser window. When people tried to call me during the demo, both tabs were actually ringing but only one was visible. When a SIP client registers, the SIP registration server sends it a list of all other concurrent registrations in the response message. We simply need to extend JSCommunicator to inspect the response message and give some visual feedback about other concurrent registrations. Issue #69. SIP also provides a mechanism to clear concurrent registrations and that could be made available with a button or configuration option too (Issue #9). Callee hears ringing before connectivity checks completed The second issue during the WebRTC demo was that the callee (myself) was alerted about the call before the ICE checks had been performed. The optimal procedure to provide a slick user experience is to run the connectivity checks before alerting the callee. If the connectivity checks fail, the callee should never be alerted with a ringing sound and would never know somebody had tried to call. The caller would be told that the call was unable to be attempted and encouraged to consider trying again on another wifi network. RFC 5245 recommends that connectivity checks should be done first but it is not mandatory. One reason this is problematic with WebRTC is the need to display the pop-up asking the user for permission to share their microphone and webcam: the popup must appear before connectivity checks can commence. This has been discussed in the JsSIP issue tracker. Non-WebRTC softphones, such as Lumicall, do the connectivity checks before alerting the callee. Dealing with UDP blocking It appears the corporate wifi network in the venue was blocking the UDP packets so the connectivity checks could never complete, not even using a TURN server to relay the packets. People trying to use the service on home wifi networks, in small offices and mobile tethering should not have this problem as these services generally permit UDP by default. Some corporate networks, student accommodation and wifi networks in some larger hotels have blocked UDP and in these cases, additional effort must be made to get through the firewall. The TURN server we are running for also supports a TLS transport but it simply isn't configured yet. At the time we originally launched the WebRTC service in 2013, the browsers didn't support TURN over TLS at all but now they do. This is probably the biggest problem encountered during the demo but it does not require any code change to resolve this, just configuration, so a solution is well within reach. During the demo, we worked around the issue by turning off the wifi on my laptop and using tethering with a 4G mobile network. All the calls made successfully during the demo used the tethering solution. Add a connectivity check timeout The ICE connectivity checks appeared to keep running for a long time. Usually, if UDP is not blocked, the ICE checks would complete in less than two seconds. Therefore, the JavaScript needs to set a timeout between two and five seconds when it starts the checks and give the user a helpful warning about their network problems if the timeout is exceeded. Issue #73 in JSCommunicator. While these lengthy connectivity checks appear disappointing, it is worth remembering that this is an improvement over the first generation of softphones: none of them made these checks at all, they would simply tell the user the call had been answered but audio and video would only be working in one direction or not at all. Microphone issues One of the users calling into the demo, Juliana, was visible on the screen but we couldn't hear her. This was a local audio hardware issue with her laptop or headset. It would be useful if the JavaScript could provide visual feedback when it detects a voice (issue #74) and even better, integrating with the sound settings so that the user can see if the microphone is muted or the gain is very low (issue #75). Thanks to participants in the demo I'd like to thank all the participants in the demo, including Juliana Louback who called us from New York, Laura Arjona who called us from Madrid, Daniel Silverstone who called from about three meters away in the front row and Iain Learmonth who helped co-ordinate the test calls over IRC. Thanks are also due to Steve McIntyre, the local Debian community, ARM and the other sponsors for making another mini-DebConf in the UK this year.

7 November 2015

Neil Williams: Vmdebootstrap sprint

At the miniDebConfUK in Cambridge, November 2015, there was a vmdebootstrap sprint. vmdebootstrap is written in python and the sprint built on the changes I made during DebConf15. The primary aim was to split out the code from a single python script and create modules which would be useful to other tools and make the source code itself easier to follow. Whilst doing this, I worked with Steve McIntyre to implement UEFI support into vmdebootstrap. This version reached experimental shortly after DebConf15. At the sprint, the squashfs support in vmdebootstrap was improved to be more useful in the preparation of live images rather than simply using mksquashfs as a compression algorithm for the entire image. I also improved and extended the documentation for vmdebootstrap. vmdebootstrap is now extensible and modular. Iain Learmonth used this new modular support in the development of live-build-ng which uses vmdebootstrap, live-boot and live-config to replace the role of live-build in the generation of official Debian live images by the debian-cd team. Iain Learmonth demonstrated that the new support in vmdebootstrap can be used to create working live images, including adding support for live images on any architecture supporting the Linux kernel in Debian and adding support for not only Grub but UEFI as well. A UEFI grub live image built by live-build-ng was demonstrated after only two days work on the vmdebootstrap base, wrapping support from live-boot and live-config with customisation for UEFI and grub config. vmdebootstrap and live-build-ng have been explicitly designed within the debian-cd team to remove the need to run live-build to create official Debian live images, replacing live-build with live-build-ng and the vmdebootstrap support. This brings working support for multiple architectures and UEFI to live images. To support the new functionality, the vmdebootstrap and debian-cd team have long sought a test suite for vmdebootstrap and Lars Wirzenius implemented one during the vmdebootstrap sprint. We now have fast tests with a pre-commit hook and build tests which are best with a local mirror. The test suite uses cmdtest & yarn. This test suite will be used for all future changes patches will not be accepted if the test suite fails and any substantially new code must provide working test cases. The fast tests can run without sudo, I expect to be able to sort out testing for the fast tests too. There is also an outline for testing vmdebootstrap builds in (localhost) LAVA using a example. All this work will arrive in unstable as vmdebootstrap 1.2 soon and is now in the master branch. The old codehelp/modules branch has been merged and removed.