Search Results: "Hamid"

20 May 2008

Y Giridhar Appaji Nag: In the Valley of Elah

A brilliant commentary on how the mindless war in Iraq has been effecting the lives of people in the USA, In the Valley of Elah says a lot without speaking much. By the end of the movie, a father -- the same who tells his disturbed soldier-son over the phone: "it is your nerves speaking" -- hangs the US flag upside down.

A full week of high fever kept me down and even the "low hanging fruit" of life went undone. Then, another few days of blood-red eyes, thanks to some stiff antibiotics that I was on. The cause for this recurring fever seems to be an infection of the throat and tonsils, so it looks like I might have to consider getting my tonsils removed. To some extent, In the Valley of Elah shook me out of my moroseness. H says that Charlize Theron is a very cerebral actress and I must agree.

On a related note, I was pointed to this neat article titled Why Do They Hate Us? in which Mohsin Hamid says that the question that US-o-American's should be asking is Why do they love us?.